Mill Cove, Nova Scotia


Mill Cove, Nova Scotia
Mill Cove, Nova Scotia
School Goals – 2013/14
Goal #1
– To improve student achievement in math.
Goal #2
- To reduce student anxiety
THE ACES NEWSLETTER, September, 2013
Paula Baker – Principal
Contact Us: 105 Parkwood Drive (PO Box 247) - Hubbards, Nova Scotia B0J 1T0
Tel: 902-857-2600 (Fax: 2601) - Email:
Dear Families:
Welcome to the 2013 – 2014 school year! I hope that our students are ready to get back into the
routine that the fall brings. The staff has been working for the past two weeks to get their
classrooms and curriculums ready for your children and we are excited to invite them into their
new classrooms! On behalf of the staff of Aspotogan Consolidated Elementary School, I would
like to extend a hearty welcome to all ACES students and parents. Hopefully, you have enjoyed a
restful and memorable summer vacation. I would also like to extend an especially warm welcome
to those families that are new to the school and the community.
We look forward to the experience of working with your children. I am excited to meet you and
work energetically together with you, the students, and our committed staff, making learning
priority #1 at the school. I feel privileged to be able to work together with such a dedicated staff
team and together we will work hard to help your child become the most successful and
compassionate learner he or she can be this year!
Together with you we want to see your child make strong progress this year, especially in our
school goal areas of literacy and social responsibility. If we are to do this we need to work actively
together with you. It is my belief that optimal educational growth for students is promoted by an
active partnership between the school and the home. I’d encourage parents to make the effort to get
to know their child’s teacher(s) and to get involved in activities around the school. Feel free to
come by the office to introduce yourself.
I look forward to plenty of memorable learning experiences for students and staff alike. We are
also excited to get to know our new primaries and their families. We hope you will feel welcome
and supported! Please read all about our upcoming events and join us anytime you can, you are
always welcome at our assemblies and events.
Let’s have a great year!
Mrs. Baker
9:40 – 9:55
First bus arrives
First Bell
Classes Begin
Lunch (primary to 2 students start at 11:10)
Bus Dismissal
Walkers Dismissal
The Public School Program requires 1500 minutes of instructional time per week. This includes
morning recess in elementary schools. This translates into 300 minutes per day. Our school is
operating on a five-day schedule this year – Mon. to Fri. If school is closed for a day, the next day
does not change.
Safe Arrival:
If your child is absent from school, please call the school before 8:00 a.m. and leave a message on
the machine. The phone number is 857 -2600.
There is NO Supervision of students before 7:40. Students should not arrive before this time.
Remember: When picking up your child during the school day, please come to the office. When
picking up your child after school, we ask that you wait in the main foyer. . This is an important
SAFETY ISSUE. All outside doors are locked after the first bell and all visitors are expected to
use the front door and check in at the office.
Each bus student is designated to a particular bus for travelling to and from school. This is usually
the bus that picks them up at or near their home location. If your child needs to take another bus
than their regular one, the office requires a signed note from the parent/guardian requesting the
change with the stop where the child is to get on or off. This change of stop MUST be an already
approved stop by the School Board. Please do not assume the office knows where “nanny’s” stop
is. Also, please do not assume that this can easily be arranged, as there must be room on the bus
you are wanting to change to. There is limited seating and bussing to things such as birthday
parties may not be able to be accommodated.
What’s New at ACES:
I am very excited to be principal at ACES for the 2013 – 2014 school year. For the past six years I
was Vice Principal at Bluenose Academy, Centre Consolidated. I was principal of Lunenburg
Academy and Vice Principal at Lunenburg Junior Senior High. I taught for a number of years with
Miles Page when we worked together at Bridgewater Elementary. It was there that we both began
school administration by filling in for the principal and vice principal. I have Masters degrees in
Special Education and School Administration. My husband, Peter and I live in Sunnybrook, which
is between Lunenburg and Mahone Bay. We have four children (ages 19 – 24).
Please take time to get to know our skilled and caring staff members at ACES. We are happy to
welcome some new staff members to Aspotogan Elementary Consolidated School! Mr. Patrick
Wardell, is not new to ACES as he taught here in 2010-11. Mr. David Kokocki is coming to us
from Bridgewater Elementary. Mr. Ryan Fraser is our new French teacher, and Ms. Joanne
LeFrank will be teaching Music. They will be travelling between Chester District and our school.
Ms. Mai-ling Storm recently taught at New Germany Elementary. Teacher Assistant, Suzanne
Campbell will be supporting students in our school.
We welcome back the teachers Ms. Shelley Diepenveen, Mrs. Carla White, Mrs. Sharon Wentzell,
Mrs. Stephanie Mosher, Ms. Sandy Mitchell, Mrs. Carol Hilchey, and Teacher Assistants Mrs.
Kathy Jones and Mrs. Jane McClair. Mrs. Heather Norwood is back as our librarian.
We are very pleased to have Mrs. Donna Himmelman back in the office keeping things running
smoothly, Mr. Billy Brown, Mrs. Heather Harnish and Mrs. Cookie Young as our custodians
keeping the school looking great. Mrs. Rena Griffin will be once again in our cafeteria and Diane
Levy and Barbara Hamill will be keeping our school safe during the noon hour break. Mr. Ross
Shatford remains our Computer Technician. Also making their home at ACES is School
Psychologist Ms. Beth MacInnis and Speech Therapist, Mrs. Sarah Jenson.
While most of us were away on vacation, others were busy cleaning and preparing the school for
start-up. Our caretakers, Billy Brown, Cookie Young and Heather Harnish did a superb job of
cleaning and polishing our hallways and classrooms—the school looks great!
ACES is a Nut-safe school. Please do not bring any food containing peanuts or other nuts to
school. ACES is also a Scent Reduced school. We ask that people entering our building refrain
from wearing scented products.
If you could speak to your child/children about how very dangerous it can be for some of our
students to be exposed to these products, we would appreciate it.
ACES is no longer an egg-safe school, so egg products are now welcome in lunches and snacks.
We would also like to remind you of the importance of attendance at school and being on time
each and every day of the year. Our curriculum is managed and taught in a sequential manner, with
skills built one upon the other, so it is important that children participate in every lesson.
The Code of Conduct and PEBS Matrix will be sent home in your child’s student agenda or in the
ACES Handbook.
School Safety/Security Measures:
As in past years we would like to continue with the safety/security measures implemented at
ACES. Parents and visitors to the school are reminded to wait in the reception area when dropping
off or picking up children. For the first few days of school we will allow a grace period for our
new primaries and new students. Parent Volunteer and Visitor tags are available for those
individuals who need to go beyond the reception area after signing in at the office. This way staff
and students will then know that they are either a volunteer or visitor. Thank you for your
cooperation and understanding with this matter.
We will no longer allow students wearing flip flops or other shoes of the like use the outside
equipment as it is not safe. They will still be allowed to play outside, just not on the equipment.
Our school will participate in fire drill practices. We are required to carry out six drills a year. We
will also be practicing lockdowns. A purpose of a lockdown is to isolate students and staff in a
secure location in response to a threat of violence within the building. Students are taught to gather
quietly in the safest location in the area where they are present. They remain quiet and still until
the danger has passed.
Hold and Secure is initiated in response to a threat of violence or other dangerous situations
outside of the building. The objective of Hold-and-Secure is to maintain the safety of the
occupants by controlling who enters and leaves the building.
We will practice these drills in an effort to better prepare the students and staff.
Parent participation at school is a key to a successful experience for children. Volunteers are
those individuals helping with students and have completed both a child abuse and police check.
Visitors to the school are individuals such as guest speakers, maintenance people, visiting teachers,
Board personnel, and parents with a special circumstance (i.e.: their child has an injury or
they have a meeting with a teacher).
This important group is a more formal body with regulation; this group advises me on important
school issues. We value the support that SAC provides for decisions we make each day. It is a
great way to find out what is going on and how you can support your child’s school. Meetings run
for one hour and we try hard to stick to that time limit. We talk to you about what is happening in
the school and then we discuss what we can do to enhance the students’ experiences. If you are
interested in serving on our SAC or know of a community member who may be interested,
please let me know. If you have one night a month to offer your time and hear first-hand the
decisions that are being made at the school, please call the office and leave your name with
The ACES School Advisory Council consists of the following members:
Nadine Thomas –Chair, Parent Representative, Paula Baker –Principal,
Shelley Diepenveen–Teacher Representative, Kathy Jones –Support Staff Representative, Mary
Ellen Shatford -Community Member.
Home & School Group:
The Home & School group will operate again this year and information about meetings will be
posted in the newsletter. They really need your support and more volunteers, so if you have
some spare time you can offer, please let the school know.
Nova Scotia Assessments:
Assessments are administered in the fall for elementary schools and in the late spring for junior
high schools. For the 2013-2014 school year, the Elementary Assessment Weeks will take place
between September 23 and October 4, 2013.
“Toonie” for Terry:
This year our Terry Fox Walk/Run will take place on Thursday September 26th, weather
permitting, we will run, jog, and or walk around the soccer field. Cancer is something that affects
so many families in Nova Scotia that we believe it is important to carry on Terry’s legacy. We
will be accepting coin donations to support this cause.
Families wishing to make donations can send in a “Toonie” or “Toonies” starting the week prior to
the walk/run. All families are invited to join us for a quick assembly in the gym and then a walk
around the school.
School Pictures:
This year we will once again use the services of Harvey Studios for our school pictures.
Photographs will be taken on October 3rd starting in the morning.
The South Shore Regional School Board policy, states that all prescription medication (puffers
included) taken at school must be accompanied by a form filled out by parents. Many of these
forms have been updated and parents are required to update these each school year. All
medications taken at school must be sent in the original containers. If you have any further
questions, give the office a call.
A SSRSB policy lists the most common communicable childhood diseases, together with the
duration of the contagious periods and recommended isolation time. Further details can be
obtained from the Department of Health at 902-543-3735.
Web Page:
Our school web address is, and we are trying very hard to stay on top of updates
and changing this web site to better suit the needs of our families. A big thank you those who
work so hard to help us with this important form of communication. If you have any suggestions
for our web site, please let us know. Also, you can visit our daily bulletin tab for up to date
Contacting the School:
The Administrative Assistant is in office from 7:45am to 2:45pm each day. If you wish to speak
with any of our teachers, please call before 8:00am, at recess, noon, or after school.
Messages can be left on the school voice mail, but please do not leave messages of an urgent
nature or ones relating to bus changes. Please keep calling until someone answers.
On busy days messages may not be checked until after school.
You can also e-mail the school at Please do not send urgent messages via e-mail.
Embedded Time:
The greatest impact on student learning is the teacher. The second greatest impact is the principal.
Knowing this, our board is supporting teacher growth by providing us with embedded time.
Embedded time rearranges the students’ academic week by adding minutes on each day so that
fourteen afternoons during the school year, teachers can gather for professional development.
The dates for student early dismissals are as follows:
Wed. Oct. 9
Wed. Feb. 26
Wed. Oct. 23
Wed. March 19
Wed. Nov. 6
Wed. April 9
Wed. Nov. 20
Wed. April 30
Wed. Jan. 8
Wed. May 14
Wed. Jan. 22
Wed. May 28
Wed. Feb. 12
Wed. June 11
ACES students will be dismissed at 12:20pm on “embedded Wednesdays”. Thank you for your
support as we strive to improve student learning and teacher practice.
Code of Conduct:
The South Shore Regional School Board (SSRSB) believes: It is the right of all students and staff
to learn, teach, work, and interact in a safe, secure, and healthy environment, free from any form of
violence, intimidation, threat, abuse, or, mistreatment.
Student learning is maximized in positive,
inviting, safe, and caring school environments where all members of the school community
demonstrate standards of behavior consistent with the principles of respect, responsibility, and
A proactive approach to discipline is the most effective method of achieving a school climate that
is conducive to both teaching and learning.
Proactive approaches to discipline and consequences
will be appropriate for each individual student.
Behavior is learned; therefore, behavior can be influenced and acceptable behaviors can be
explicitly taught and learned.
Selection of appropriate consequences should promote long-term
benefits for the students.
Positive Behavior Support System:
At ACES all disciplinary actions are considered a teaching and learning experience for students.
PEBS is based upon the philosophy of recognizing positive contributions of students. Together the
home and school share the responsibility of developing good citizens. Parents, school staff, and
students work as a team to maintain a safe and respectful learning environment. Through this
program the students know exactly what is expected of them.
Be Safe
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
On Track for Learning:
This year at ACES we will be launching the “on Track for Learning” system. Children are given
visual reminders when they are off task or being noncompliant. Children are reminded and
redirected when they are not complying with school rules. This provides an opportunity for
discussing possible alternatives available for the student to correct the problem. A referral form is
written by a staff member describing the inappropriate behavior when the student is unable to be
redirected or is involved in a behavior that is unsafe. The referral can be written as a Red Zone or
Yellow Zone behavior. Red Zone behavior, (behavior that is unsafe and disrespectful) is handled
by the office. Yellow Zone, (minor infraction) is handled by the classroom teacher. Students
receiving a Red Zone referral will be sent to the office during recess to process. The principal will
go over the referral with the student and assist them in completing a “Think About It” sheet. The
student may be asked to contact their family to explain why they have received a referral. A
second Red Zone referral may result in a parent meeting with the principal and teacher. A third
might result in a behavior plan that will be put together by a team of staff and the parents.
Students who break rules or policies will face consequences which may include notifying
parents/grandparents, a meeting with parents/grandparents, loss of recess or other privileges,
writing an apology, or in cases of serious or repeated misbehavior, students may receive detention,
or be suspended from school. We strive to help students learn new behaviors as a result of these
Green tickets are positive behavior reinforcement indicators that are given to students by the staff
of ACES to recognize and encourage positive behavior. Tickets are given to students when a staff
“catches” the student using positive behavior and following the school rules. Tickets are collected
for a drawing of prizes!
Stand Up Against Bullying Day:
The annual Stand Up Against Bullying Day will be celebrated this year on September 12th.
Students will be asked to wear pink (t-shirts, caps, scarves, etc.) to show their commitment to not
being a bully or a bystander. This was the example set by two young high school gentlemen from
the Annapolis Valley last year. Please encourage your children to participate in this important day.
What is Bullying & Cyber bullying?
-Bullying is when someone repeatedly tries to hurt another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem,
reputation, or property. Helping or encouraging someone to bully another person is also bullying.
Bullying hurts. It can reduce engagement, reduce productivity, and reduce quality of life.
Victims can be left feeling vulnerable and alone. Bullying behavior has grown over the years from
teasing on the playground to targeting someone with an unrelenting stream of intimidating
messages and actions through cyber bullying.
-Cyber bullying is when someone uses technology (social networking sites, e-mails, text messages,
and the sharing of images) to bully someone else. Cyber bullying is unique because hurtful
messages or pictures can quickly and anonymously be shared. This sense of “no one knows it’s
me” can increase bullying actions. Putting a stop to cyber bullying requires help from everyone.
For more information, please visit www.
Registration Information Forms:
During the first few weeks of the school year, student registration sheets will be sent home
containing the information we have on file for our students. They are very important for our
records and we ask that you please fill them out, sign and return them as soon as possible.
PLEASE make sure you include plans for your child in the event of an unexpected early
If you move, change telephone numbers or back-up numbers during the school year, please notify
the office immediately. It is also important to notify the school with any changes in custody,
medical conditions or alternate after-school arrangements.
Reports and Parent-Teacher Conferences:
We encourage regular communication between parents and teachers. There are two-scheduled
parent/teacher meetings and three report card periods. These dates will be sent home in our
newsletter. Please do not hesitate to call your child’s teacher if you have concerns at other times
during the school year.
Meet the Teacher Night:
Please mark your calendars to attend our Meet the Teacher Night on September 25 from 6:00-8:00.
We will meet in the gym for staff introductions, a brief chat and then you will have the opportunity
to discuss with teachers your child’s upcoming year. This evening is scheduled to enable teachers
to explain programs for the year as well as:
•Discuss their communication plans and methods of assessment
•Review the classroom code of conduct
•Answer any of your questions
Since it is still early in the school year, this is not a time to discuss your child’s progress, but more
of a time to find out about what’s happening in the classroom.
The staggered meeting times (in case you have more than one classroom to visit) will
follow the schedule below:
Primary, 6:00 - 6:20
Grade 1/2 Wentzell, 6:20 –6:40
Grade 1/2 White, 6:40-7:00
Grade 3/4 Storm (& Wardell), 7:00 – 7:20
Grade 4/5 Kokocki, 7:20 – 7:40
Grade 4/5 Mosher, 7:40 – 8:00 (Please drop by to visit the specialist teachers as well)
Items brought from home:
Students should keep extra money, all toys, electronics and personal belongings at home.
Electronics such as IPods, DS games, cell phones and the like are not permitted at school at all
unless it is approved for academic use. Students are to be aware that the school is not responsible
for items that are lost or stolen while at school. Any item that distracts students from learning will
be held in the office until the end of the day.
Library News:
Our first and only Book Fair of the year will be from September 23 to 26. We are also looking for
volunteers to help out any morning in the library. Please just call the school if you can spare an
hour or two.
Agendas/School Supplies:
The cost for an agenda is $9. All classes except Grade Primary and 1/2 White will be using an
agenda this year. Please send in your money to the classroom teacher along with the cost for
your child/children’s’ school supplies (if applicable) as soon as possible.
For the safety of all involved, dogs and other pets are not permitted on the school grounds while
students are outside. All pets, no matter how lovable, are still unpredictable.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Lice Checks:
ACES no longer has a Head Lice Team and we request that parents check their children
regularly to help reduce the spread of head lice. When head lice are discovered we ask
that the child in question not return to school until the initial treatment has been completed.
Race Relations, Cross Cultural Understanding and Human Rights (RCH) aims to advance social
justice and equity in all sectors of our education community. RCH provides in-school support
through a regional coordinator and student support workers.
Student support worker program, developed from the BLAC Report on Education (1994), aims to
assist students of African and First Nations descent achieve success in their educational endeavors
by creating a positive and supportive learning environment. Under the direction of the RCH
Coordinator, student support works provide services in cooperation with school principals and
staff, assist in creating bridges to alleviate gaps in educational opportunities; they are part of a
team, which includes students, families, principals, teachers, support staff and at times community
agencies. Student support workers are assigned to schools on an annual basis, based on need.
Other RCH services and support include, but are not limited to:
Promoting inclusive education for students of all beliefs, races, religions, cultures and lifestyles.
Providing anti-racism, anti-discrimination and anti-homophobic education to students, staff and the
school community.
Providing counseling and intervention with regards to bullying and/or cyber-bullying.
Engaging in outreach and consultation processes with appropriate community partners.
Developing professional development opportunities for staff related to RCH.
Referral for RCH support is initiated by teachers and/or school principals who should be contacted
first regarding specific concerns or questions related to your child's experience(s).
Breakfast Program:
Eating breakfast helps children learn. Studies show that children who eat breakfast at the start of
their school day have higher math and reading scores. They have sharper memory and show faster
speed on cognitive tests. They focus better and behave better.
The approach is simple. Children need to have breakfast and those who come to school without
can get a snack here before classes begin. They enjoy cereal, juice, and/or breakfast bars, in about
ten minutes the meal is over and the school day continues. And so do the benefits of the breakfast!
Student placement is a thoughtful process that involves an immense amount of time from
classroom teachers and other school staff and administrators. Your child’s interest and well-being
are our greatest concerns.
Relocating Students:
Parents/guardians who are moving out of ACES to another school should notify ACES that this is
taking place. The child needs to be registered at the new school and that new school will request
that we send the educational records on to them. All library books, textbooks and other school
property assigned to the student must be returned to ACES before the student moves.
Student Support:
The South Shore Regional School Board (SSRSB) believes in the philosophy that every student,
regardless of individual differences, has the right to an appropriate public education that aims to
develop to the fullest extent possible, each individual’s abilities, talents, and skills. To this end, the
SSRSB shall attend to the cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development of each student,
believing that every person is a contributing member of the larger community.
The SSRSB believes and recognizes that students differ in their learning strengths and challenges,
and endorses that all students have the right to have their individual learning needs met in the
company of their peers, and in the most inclusive educational environment appropriate to the
individual strengths and challenges of the student.
At ACES we work with our parents to develop plans to help student’s reach their learning
potential. Some students have documented adaptations – things the teacher can do to help the child
be successful. This may include sitting in the front of the class, having notes provided. Some
students have Individual Program Plans. These plans include individual learning targets, which are
set by the school team. Some students will receive extra support during the school day. This might
include leveled literacy, enrichment or resource support. Parents are invited to attend our school’s
Program Planning Team Meetings if you have concerns about your child’s schooling.
Telephones are for school business: students may only use the telephone with the permission of
their teacher and staff. We do not allow the students to use the telephone to make “last minute”
plans with a friend.
At ACES we have team of volunteers who assist in our Fluoride Program. Once a week students
are given the opportunity to receive a fluoride treatment. Parent permission forms must be returned
before a student can participate. These forms will be sent home during the first week of school.
Meaningful homework helps students succeed in school and learn good study habits. Homework
gives students a chance to practice what they have learned in school and to deepen their
understanding of what is taught. Homework also provides an opportunity for students to share
what they are learning with their parent/guardian. Board policy dictates the amount of homework
that is given at each grade level.
Grade Primary: Homework should not be assigned to students in grade primary. Families are
encouraged to engage in early learning activities that support emerging skills, such as playing,
talking, listening, viewing and reading together. Teachers may make suggestions and/or provide
resources to support home-based learning activities.
Grades 1-3: Homework in grades 1-3 should be limited to continuing to foster family support for
developing skills, by reading, writing, talking, listening, viewing, and playing together. Teachers
may provide resources, such as books for reading practice or interactive math games, and suggest
other interactive activities.
Grades 4-6: Homework may take the form of home reading programs, preparation for class work,
research and project work, extension of the curriculum, review and practice activities and assigned
physical activity. Recommended maximum time, four nights per week at grade 4 is 20-30 minutes
per day; at grade 5, 30-40 minutes per day; and at grade 6, 40-50 minutes per day.
In the early years, the most important “homework” is having your child read to you and reading
every day to your child. We suggest 20 minutes of reading for primary children and 30 minutes for
older students.
Lost and Found:
Please put your child’s name on his/her clothing, boots, lunchbox, backpack and other belongings
so they can be returned if lost. Parents and children are encouraged to check the Lost and Found
periodically for lost items. Periodically during the year, unclaimed items will be donated to charity.
Birthday Cakes/Cupcakes:
As much as we love to party here at ACES, we are unable to accept requests from parents to send
in cakes and cupcakes for their child’s birthday. We have many allergies, special needs students
and a nutrition policy that we must abide by and usually only have treats once/twice a month. We
like to keep these treats to school events and even then keep the sugar to a minimum. This is to
protect all involved, especially those with allergies. We appreciate your understanding and
No Child Without:
Our school is involved in the Canadian MedicAlert Foundation’s No Child Without program again
this year. There is no cost for students who attend our school and are between the ages of 4 up to
their 14th birthday to join MedicAlert through this program. If your child has a medical condition,
allergy or is required to take medication on a regular basis, then you should consider this program.
For further information come to the office for a brochure or go to To
register your child you will need a No Child Without brochure from the office.
If your child is already part of the No Child Without program and there have been changes to their
medical condition, medications or emergency contact information, call MedicAlert at 1-800-6681507 to update your child’s file.
Student of the Month:
Our first student of the month will be chosen on September 26. These fall on the last Friday of
every month except for holidays or PD. Stay tuned to see who got the year off to an excellent start
and check out the bulletin board in the lobby for pictures of our latest recipients!
School Goals:
Each school in the SSRSB is involved in Continuous School Improvement. Our school created two
goals in response to student data. This year we will be working towards these goals.
Goal 1: By the fall of 2016, students in grade 4 meeting the expectations on the Nova Scotia
Assessment: Mathematics in Grade 4 (formally EEMLA) will match or exceed the provincial
Goal 2: By the school year 2015-2016, students at ACES will measure at or below the Canada
norm on the anxiety indicator as measured by the “Tell Them From Me” survey.
Technology Updates:
Each classroom is equipped with at least 4 computers, a teacher computer, LCD projector and
laser printer. Classrooms are connected to the internet; Technology is integrated with all subject
areas, and enhances student learning and presentation techniques across the curriculum.
This year we are adding two Minino boards to our school. We are excited to have some ipads for
student use!
New Superintendent:
The South Shore Regional School Board is pleased to announce the selection of Mr. Geoff Cainen
as Superintendent of Schools.
Mr. Cainen comes to the SSRSB after over 17 years with the Halifax Regional School Board in
various roles from classroom teacher to principal and eventually Director of Programs and Student
Services. He has been in this latest role for seven years providing leadership for his student
services team and school administrators. In his role as Director, Mr. Cainen worked closely with
the HRSB team to deliver quality programming and continuous improvement initiatives resulting
in significant improvement to student achievement.
"We are delighted to welcome Mr. Cainen as Superintendent of Schools," said Board Chair
Jennifer Naugler. "Mr. Cainen's experience will lend well to the position and we look forward to
working with him."
Dear Families of the South Shore,
As the new Superintendent of Schools for the South Shore Regional School Board, it
brings me great pleasure to welcome you back to school for the 2013-14 year.
I am excited to be on the South Shore, and look forward to building relationships with the
school communities, staff and students. During my initial meetings and visits since
joining the SSRSB I have seen great passion and strength. It is clear to me our greatest
strength is our staff. It is rewarding to work with people who are dedicated to student
success, both academically and personally.
Over the next few weeks I will be out visiting schools, meeting staff and students. I look
forward to attending school events and connecting with our families.
Strong communication, both within the organization and with our families and partners,
is important as we work together. I encourage you to establish open dialogue with your
child’s teachers and administration and be as involved in their education as you possibly
I feel strongly about working with various partners, including School Advisory Councils,
Home and School Associations, our families and the community at large. Together, with
the Governing Board and staff, we can create a strong team that works in support of our
Best wishes for a successful school year.
Mr. Geoff Cainen
There is ample parking at ACES. However, we ask that you keep clear of the bus loop at all times,
as this area is used by students during recess and lunch. And so as to ensure student safety we ask
that you do not park directly in front of the main doors. This area has been marked as a no parking
How you start the school year can determine how well the rest of the year will go.
Teachers, counselors and parents say doing these things helps ensure children get off to a
great start:
* Review safety lessons – how to walk to school safely or
ride the bus; classroom and school rules for behaviour.
* Provide the supplies. Let your child go with you to buy them. This will help him/her get excited
about school.
* Put your child’s name on things so they won’t get lost.
* Set the scene for homework. Match the environment to your child’s work style. Some children
need quiet. Others are helped by a little sound – like classical music.
* Start your morning at night. Help your child choose the days clothes. Pack lunch. Gather
homework and sign school papers. Line up breakfast.
* Establish bedtime and homework routines. Pick a time that your child will do homework and go
to bed. Then stick to it.
* Don’t overschedule your child. Give him/her time to unwind after school – especially during the
first few weeks of adjusting. Make sure he/she has free time to just play every day.
* Meet your child’s teacher. How can you help him/her? Ask about homework. How can you help
your child at home?
* Teach respect by showing respect. Say “please” and “thank you” to your child.
* Be genuinely interested in your child’s school work. Ask about school every day. Ask him/her to
teach you what he’s/she’s learning.
* Say at least one positive thing to your child each day.
* Insist that your child try hard to be a good student. If school is important to you, it will be
important to him/her.
Dates of Interest for 2013-14:
3 - Orientation day for teachers – no school for students
4 - School Based Professional Development Day for teachers – no school for students
5 - First day for students
12 - Stand up against Bullying day
16 - First day for all primaries
24 and 25 - Gr. 3 Provincial Assessment
25 – Meet the Teacher Night
26 - Terry Fox National School Run Day and Student of the Month
27 - School Based Professional Development Day for teachers – no school for students
1 - Gr. 4 Provincial Assessment
3 - Picture day
9 - Embedded Wednesday
14 -Thanksgiving – No school
23 - Embedded Wednesday
25 - NSTU Conference Day – No School
31 - Halloween , Student of the Month
6 - Embedded Wednesday
11 - Remembrance Day
20 - Embedded Wednesday
22 – Term 1 Ends
28 - Student of the Month
29 - School Based Professional Development Day for teachers – no school for students
Christmas Concerts (date to be determined)
20 - Last day of School before Holiday Break and Student of the Month
6 - First day back after holiday
8 - Embedded Wednesday
22 - Embedded Wednesday
31 - Student of the Month
12 - Embedded Wednesday
14 - Valentine’s Day
26 - Embedded Wednesday
28 – Term 2 Ends and Student of the Month
7 - Last day before March Break
17 - First day back after March Break
19 - Embedded Wednesday
28 - Student of the Month
9 - Embedded Wednesday
18 - Good Friday
21 - Easter Monday
25 - Professional Development Day (no school for students)
30 - Student of the Month
30 - Embedded Wednesday
14 - Embedded Wednesday
19 - Victoria Day
28 - Embedded Wednesday
30 - Student of the Month
11 - Embedded Wednesday
Closing Assembly (Date to be determined)
25 - Grading Day (no school for students)
26 - Grading Day (no school for students)
27 - Grading Day (no school for students)
30 - Last day of school and Third Term Report Cards go home and Student of the Month
In an effort to improve communication between home/school, we are asking students to bring back
this slip of paper to let the teacher know the newsletter has been seen by the family. The class who
returns the most slips each month between now and June will receive a class trip activity. Please
sign and return below.
Student name ____________________________ Teacher ________________________
Student name ____________________________ Teacher ________________________
Student name ____________________________ Teacher ________________________
Date: _______________
Parent/Guardian e-mail address:________________________
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A little something to think about…….
Things I Am Grateful for Today:
Things I am Grateful For In the Future: