O Holy Night
O Holy Night
O Holy Night An Exclusive Instant Play Song formatted for those who cannot read music. This is best used when accompanied by the audio clips provided on the membership page you downloaded this song from. If you do not have access to the audio clips, you can still learn this song if you are familiar with it’s rhythm. For Membership Info Visit: www.LearnPianoOnline.com Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. www.LearnPianoOnline.com O Holy Night: Right Hand Preparation You will be using three positions with your right hand. (Middle C is shown in relation to where you will place your right hand on the piano.) C POSITION: (Thumb placed on Middle C) Middle C 1 2 3 4 5 F POSITION: (Thumb placed on F) Middle C F 1 2 3 4 5 E POSITION: (Thumb placed on E) Middle C E 1 2 3 4 5 O Holy Night: Left Hand Preparation Your left hand will be playing 3 chords in this song, using a broken chord pattern. The broken chord pattern is to play each note in the chord one at a time, starting with the #5 finger. Example: To play the C chord, do not play all three att the same time, play the 5, then the 3 then the 1. C Chord: 5 3 1 Middle C C (Middle C is shown in relation to where you will play these chords on the piano.) G Chord: (Low G) 1 3 5 Middle C G F Chord: (Low F) 5 3 1 Middle C F O Holy Night The “Instant Play” Method 1. Place your right hand in the position shown and play the numbers without moving out of that position. The numbers are written above the lyrics. 2. Your left hand will play the chord (shown in a cirlce) under the right hand numbers. In this particular song, you will match the broken chord notes up with the correct right hand note. It will be shown clearly on the song. C X X 3. The broken chords will be show to you like this: The C is where you play your pinky and the two X’s are where your other two fingers will play. They will be matched up to the right hand numbers. Remember, each chord that is show like this will be played as broken chords so you will play each note of the chord 1 at a time. Instead of playing all three notes at the same time and get 1 sound, you will play three individual notes separately and get 3 sounds. Practice Tips: 1. Practice the entire song with your right hand before adding the left hand. (Give yourself a few days to feel and hear an improvement) 2. Practice the chords with the left hand until you feel comfortable with them. (This may take as little as a few days up to a couple weeks.) 3. It is very helpful to hum or sing the melody as you play the song. Caution: Take your time and enjoy the process. Do not rush it. It will take practice to be able to change positions without missing a beat in the song. O Holy Night The “Instant Play” Method Page One E POSITION: (Thumb placed on E) Middle C E 1 2 3 4 5 O Ho - 1 ly Night the 1 1 3 C X X C X X C X X C X X Middle C F 1 2 3 4 5 ly shin 1 3 5 F X X C X X - ing 2 C X X are 3 4 4 F POSITION: (Thumb placed on F) bright - stars C F X X O Holy Night - Part 1 Page 2 Middle C POSITION: (Thumb placed on MIddle C) Middle C 1 2 3 4 5 it is the night of 5 3 2 1 C X X C X X dear 5 G X X Sav - iors 3 4 C X X birth. 4 2 1 G X X the C X X C X X Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. www.LearnPianoOnline.com
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