Summer 2014 Catalogue of Activities


Summer 2014 Catalogue of Activities
Summer 2014
Catalogue of Activities
July 7 ­­– August 1
AL 3 x ZOO
Explorations 2014 Table of Contents
6 Junior Music Program
22 Programming Sights & Sounds
13 Computer Animation
6 Junior Physical Education
22 Robotic Design & Programming
— Bluetooth Control
13 Digital Photography Magic
4 Junior Program
23 School of Rock
7 All Things Paper
13 Digital Sounds, Words and
6 Junior Science Program
23 Science in Action!
8 And The Band Played On
3 English Immersion
18 Kids Can-Bike
23 Scrapbooking Madness
8 Animation: Moving Image
14 Environmental Detectives
18 Kids Cook
5 Selina’s Group
18 Kitchen Kapers
27 Senior Program
4 Kristeen’s Group
23 Silkscreen Printing and t-shirt
7 Advanced Math for
Elementary School Students
12 Comedy Variety and Sketch
7 Advanced Math for High
School Students
7 All For One
8 Animation: The Magic of the
Moving Image
8 Art in 3d — Illustration with a
14 Everything Japanese
14 Fabric Fantastic (the Fabulous!)
15 Fabric Fantastic Advanced
15 Fimo Sculpture
9 Art in a Time Machine
15 Glee
9 Art-vestigation!
15 Good Things Come In Small
Packages Ukulele for beginners
9 Be Persuasive: Learning How
to Debate
10 Black Light Theatre
10 Borne to be Wild
10 Braingames! Have you exercised
your brain today?
10 Build a Computer From Scratch
11 Capturing Explorations
11 Cartoonamania
11 China Desk
12 Chords/Songs/Melody — Six
Strings Attached
12 Circus Arts Intro
15 Grow Your own Dazzling
16 HaND MAde Art Books!
16 How Does Language Work?
17 Intermediate Game
18 Lights, Camera, Action!
Children as Producers!
19 Looking Inside and
Underneath Montreal
24 Soapstone Sculpture and Clay
19 Luminous Lanterns
24 South Asian Dance: Bhangra
and Bollywood
19 Magician’s Apprentice
19 Make Your Own language!
20 Martial Arts: Shotokan Karate
5 Maureen’s Group
20 Mosaic Memories for Girls
by Girls
7 Intermediate Program
20 Musical Alchemy — Spinning
Ideas into Songs
17 Intro to Game
21 Orienteering & Outdoor
17 Intro to Photoshop
21 Out and About in Montreal
17 Intro to Robotics
Autonomous Vehicles
27 Panorama of the Sciences
12 Circus Arts Plus
17 iPadography — 9 Day Photo
12 Circus Arts Teen
4 Jessica’s Group
24 Slimy Science
21 POP Art Painting
25 Sports from Around the World
25 Stained Glass and Mosaics
25 Stand-up Comedy 101
25 Stomp
4 Tara’s Group
26 Theater Sports +
26 Touch Of Broadway (A)
5 Tracey’s Group
26 Urban Explorers
26 W-a-t-e-r-c-o-l-o-u-r The Magic
of Water and Colour
27 Whodunnit? — Forensic Science!
22 Portraits of Zombies, Iron Man,
5 Zenia’s Group
and More!
English Immersion
For campers of all grade levels,
Junior through Intermediate
Note to Parents:
Parents are reminded that at the end of each twoweek period, Explorations will be holding an open
house. Parents are invited to come and see what
their children have accomplished.
English Immersion campers are integrated into our
regular program. We have found that this is the
best way for young people to learn English. They
are with their peers doing projects and activities
that interest them. Our professional teachers are
there to help them join in the fun.
If you can, please come on July 18 and August 1 to
appreciate the work of the campers. A newsletter
and a schedule of events will be emailed to parents
shortly before the end of each two-week period.
Explorations 2014 Explorations 2014
Junior Program
for campers entering Pre-Kindergarten – Grade 3
Junior campers are in self-contained groups which
stay together supervised for the whole day.
Jessica’s Group is composed of pre-kindergarten campers
for a half-day program of 2 or 4 weeks.
Things that Move!
In this session, campers will learn about all the things
that move! Everything from the wind and wind
chimes to animals, planes and cars! We will be doing
fun experiments to see how things move, drop, roll,
shimmy and shake! Crafts, art projects, stories, songs
and games will also be a very exciting part of learning
about all the things that move in our world!
Tara and Kristeen’s Group is composed of kindergarten
and grade 1 campers
participating for 4 weeks.
Rainforest Rapture!!!
Dark and damp,
On forest floor,
Fungi grows,
Wait, there’s more!
Bugs and bugs,
Of every kind,
We’ll go on,
If you don’t mind…
Jaguars, and amphibians,
The forest floor,
Where it begins...
Next level up?
The understory,
Explorations 2014 — Junior Program
There’s a huge inventory,
Birds, and bats, and butterflies,
Bananas, tarsiers, meet our eyes,
Capuchin monkeys, boas, skinks,
The chocolate used in chocolate drinks!
Next level up?
You will see,
Is the great green canopy,
Not a place for cans of peas,
Just the tops of tall, green trees!
Two-toed sloths, and maybe three,
Move so slow, you’ll agree,
The colored beaks,
Of cool toucans,
And all those wise old, graceful trees,
Produce the oxygen,
Which we breathe...
Emergent layer?
Tops it all!
Sit up there,
You’ll see it all,
The amazing forest,
Stuns and awes!
Come and explore all that the rainforest has to
offer and more!!!
Explorations 2014 — Junior Program
Tracey’s Group is composed of kindergarten and grade 1
participating for 2 weeks.
Oh, the things we will do! There is fun to be done!
There are points to be scored. There are games to be
And the magical things you can do with us all
will make you the winning-est winner of all.
We have brains in our heads. We have feet in our
We can steer ourselves any direction we choose.
Oh, the places we’ll go!
Come join the adventure as we learn all about
Dr. Seuss and his creative creatures. Through
books, crafts, fun, games and more we will explore
the wacky world of Dr. Seuss.
Selina’s Group is composed of grade 2 campers
participating for 4 weeks.
Children’s Rights are Rocking!
Grab your backpack, wave goodbye and get ready
for the adventure of your life. This summer we
will discover Children’s Rights through fun games,
storytelling, fantastic food, awesome celebrations,
colorful art and music. We will be using “Play it
Fair!” (developed by Equitas) a toolkit that stems
from the human rights that are defined in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. By promoting these values the campers will discover issues
that face children on different continents. We will
learn how lucky we are to live in Canada. Campers
will develop practical skills to deal with discrimination and be able to share what they have learned
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
with their family and friends. Adventures await us;
hope you are ready for a fantastic summer!
Maureen’s Group is composed of grades 2 and 3 campers
participating for 2 weeks.
Toys And Games From Around The World
Come and learn about toys and games that are
played around the world. Explore the art and
science involved in building toys. Look at the inner
workings of toys and then move on to create a
functioning toy of your own. We will learn about
toys of the past and compare them to toys of the
present. We will also discover how toys were constructed and what simple materials were used to
make them. This program will provide the students
with the opportunity to take a creative, artistic, and
scientific approach to toys. It’s also going to be a lot
of fun!
Zenia’s Group is composed of grade 3 campers
participating for 4 weeks.
Around the World in 20 Days
Get ready to go on a trip around the world! See
the colours, taste the flavours, hear the music, and
meet the people. Live the art. Listen to the stories.
Love the adventure. We will be creating, cooking,
and exploring various cultural communities in
our city. From Chinese dragons and Panamanian
molas to Indian shadow puppets and Inuit soapstone sculptures ­— we will be making ethnic art,
cooking ethnic foods, experiencing ethnic folklore
(through drama and storytelling) and exploring
ethnic neighbourhoods. This is an opportunity to
experience the richness and wonder of the people
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
who are your neighbours. What are you waiting
for? Start packing!
The 4 to 8-year-old groups will have music,
science and physical education on a daily basis:
Junior Music Program
is led by Kathleen Walshe-Turcotte
and Brenda Fahey-DeJean
During our time together, the children enjoy
drama, movement and singing activities. The children will be working towards a performance which
takes place at the end of each two-week session. It
is sure to delight an audience composed of family
and friends.
Our choice of material tries to expose the children,
using song and story, to important ideas in our
camp’s philosophy: friendship and exploration!
The Bear Went Over The Mountain:
Musical Presentation — July 18
There once was a bear who had many friends, but
he was restless. He wanted to expand his horizons.
Join us and see what the bear and his friends learn
as they set out to discover new things, as they
journey to “explore” friendship and adventure.
The Mice From Outer Space:
Musical Presentation — August 1
A group of space mice crash (safely and comically)
on earth. Unhappily, they are rejected by the
local mice because they look and sound different. However, both groups join together to face a
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
common threat (the Bad Cat), and the Earth Mice
realize they were wrong to judge their strange new
friends and learn a valuable lesson about friendship
and acceptance.
Junior Science Program
is led by Amanda Marshall
Do you think you might like to be a scientist?
Junior Science is the perfect way to try it out! This
summer, as we explore the world we live in, we’ll
focus on simple machines and water. Have you ever
used a simple machine? Even without knowing it,
you probably use many every day. As you learn
more about them, you’ll be amazed to find them
everywhere. Water is also found everywhere...well,
almost. With almost three-quarters of the earth’s
surface covered in water, there will be lots for us to
investigate using experiments and activities. See
you soon!
Junior Physical Education Program
is led by Jane Crutchfield
Running, jumping, hopping and skipping our way
through exciting activities; the Junior Physical
Education program works with kids to teach
various motor skills as well as social skills, while
playing many fun games. The children learn to
communicate effectively by working together in a
cooperative fashion to reach their goal. Having a
class like this allows all of the children to play, exercise and have fun together, while they learn that
being active is essential for a healthy lifestyle.
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
AL 3 x ZOO
Intermediate Program
Activities for Grades 4 – 9
Advanced Math for Elementary School Students 1
is led by Tim Merrett — For grades 4 – 6
We’ll learn about triangular numbers, square
numbers, hexagonal numbers and some of the
patterns they make such as Pascal’s Triangle. We’ll
go to higher dimensions with tetrahedra, simplexes, cubes and hypercubes. We expect you not
to know anything about these before you start, but
even if you know a little already you’ll learn more.
Prerequisite: You are really enthusiastic about
math. Caveat: This is math you won’t be learning
in school. We’re doing it for fun, not for makeup.
I’ll try to keep everybody engaged, including the
most advanced participants. You’ll need a notebook
and pencils.
Needs Good English
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Advanced Math for Elementary School Students 2
Advanced Math for High School Students 1
is led by Tim Merrett — For grades 7 – 9
We’ll learn about matrices, rotations, shears, symmetry groups and two-dimensional numbers. And
maybe the golden ratio and slopes. We expect you
not to know anything about these before you start,
but even if you know a little already, you’ll learn
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
more. Prerequisites: 1. You are really enthusiastic
about math. 2. You are good at math, as shown by
high math marks in school. Caveat: This is math
you won’t be learning in school. We’re doing it
for fun, not for makeup. I’ll try to keep everybody
engaged, including the most advanced participants.
You’ll need a notebook and pencils.
Needs Good English
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Advanced Math for High School Students 2
All for One 1
is led by Emannuel Alberola — For grades 4 – 9
We’ve all seen movies like The Musketeers or
Pirates of the Carribean and witness epic sword
battles. In the All For One class, we actually look at
what is modern fencing, the olympic sport? In two
weeks, we will cover all of the basics; the different
types of weapons, the footsteps, the hand positions
as well as learning how to judge a match and how
a real tournament works.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
All for One 2
All Things Paper 1
is led by Amberley Buray — For grades 4 – 9
Discover all the fun and fabulous ways we can use
paper, and learn about how paper has helped us
to express ourselves both artistically and intellectually for more than 100 years. Practice the art of
paper quilling and book making. Simply get crafty
with paper!!
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
All Things Paper 2
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
And the Band Played On 1
is led by John Dodge — For grades 4 – 9
Wouldn’t you just love to play in a band? Everyone
is welcome: beginners as well as those with
some experience. We will fill the air with music.
Trumpets, clarinets and flutes will be providded.
At the end of two weeks, you will be playing an
instrument and will perform in a band concert
for your family and friends. This activity will be
offered again in the second session for those who
would like to progress further. Come and join us
and discover the talent you have. Instruments will
be provided but campers will be responsible for loss or
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
And the Band Played On 2
Animation — The Magic of the Moving Image
is led by Sherron Anglin — For grades 4 – 9
During this workshop we make collaborative
stop-motion animation productions called
Animathons, whereby each student picks up the
story where the last person left off. Each exercise
exploits a different animation medium; modeling
clay, toys, objects, salt, sand, lines on a chalk board
etc... The animation is done by taking a series of
photographs in succession, creating the illusion
of continuous movement. In the second week, we
produce animated narratives, exploring the art
of storytelling, pacing and timing. The students
learn how to use a video camera to make stop-motion animation productions with easily available
software that they can download on their home
computers. At the end of the session the students
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
will receive a dvd with a quicktime movie of their
productions. Come create zany animated stories
by the Magic of the Moving Image!
This activity is offered only in weeks 3 and 4
Animation: Moving Image Magic
is led by Erik Goulet — For grades 4 – 9
Make you own animated movies! This course is
designed to introduce students to the techniques
and methods used by the professionals in the
animation industry. From drawing directly on 35
mm film to Pixilation, Cut-out, Clay animation and
Stop-Motion, students will learn the difference in
each of those techniques by developing their own
unique stories, creating the characters and animating them.
During the second week, students will learn how
to create storyboards to better organize their ideas
before diving into the production of their Stop
Motion project where they will apply the knowledge learned during the first week. At the end of
the workshop, all the productions will be made
available on a dvd to take home. A unique opportunity to learn more about the field of traditional
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Art in 3d — Illustration with a Twist
is led by Susan Mitchell — For grades 4 – 9
Make woolly, fuzzy figures and their own little
room, with miniature furniture and tiny objects.
We can illustrate a story using these figures and
Would you like to make a model of a room in
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
a box illustrating a scene from a story in three
dimensions? Using a variety of materials and techniques, we will create our characters, build individual sets and make props to help tell the story.
We will then photograph the results.
Have fun creating art in a unique way and bringing illustration to life.
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Art in a Time Machine 1
is led by Lou Standjofski — For grades 4 – 9
Enter this workshop not knowing what kind of
art you will be exploring, discovering and reproducing. See all the mediums and techniques to
experiment with the art from any period. Learn
techniques that will transport you to the land
before WiFi like: Rock Painting in ancient times or
reproduce work inspired by Street Artists in nyc
yesterday! This workshop includes a trip by bus to
a Fine Art Museum (permanent collection) weeks
1 and 3.
Needs Opus Card
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Art Machine 2
is led by Laurel Hart — For grades 4 – 9
In this group you will learn how to study the world
with real art-based research methods used by professors at universities, adapted for kids! Learn to
do an interview, find key themes, and create a true
story or poem about a subject of your choice. We
will also use collage for research, photovoice, and
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
other research methods that include art. This class
will show how by studying a question using art,
students can develop greater understanding about
a subject, that can then be shared through art to
the world! Several great examples of digital projects will also be shared. By attending this activity,
campers (and parents) may have the opportunity
to choose if they want to be part of a mini-research
project using arts-based research methods with
children, and they may have the opportunity to
have their work, research and stories published in
a journal or book.
This activity is offered only in weeks 3 and 4
Be Persuasive: Learning How to Debate
is led by Donna Gold — For grades 4 – 9
Should students be allowed to watch tv on a
school night? What about parents secretly installing spyware on their kids’ electronics? Pizza is the
best snack food, you say? All of these issues can be
argued or debated. Have you ever tried to convince
someone of something? Do you like to win? If you
said yes, then this is for you. You will learn skills
that will help you discover new ways to communicate, show leadership, and address your friends. In
this program, you will learn debating, improvising
and public speaking.
Needs Good English
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Black Light Theatre
led by François Lukawecki — For grades 4 – 9
Using special uv theatre lights, fluorescent objects
seem to magically float as they are moved in
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
front of a black set, with puppeteers dressed all in
black. In two short weeks, we will write our own
play, build our sets and props, create wild or crazy
puppets, and perform in a darkened room using
professional uv lights. Last year, students recreated the magic of Star Wars in 8 minutes, while
another group wrote a hilarious spoof on The
Titanic, set in space, complete with alien invaders!
This activity is great for those who are creative,
those who love drama, and the quiet types who
like to work backstage.
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Borne to be Wild 1
is led by Amberley Buray — For grades 4 – 9
If you were an animal what would you be? Have
you ever wondered why fireflies glow, or how
tiny Monarch Butterflies manage to travel over a
thousand kilometers during migration? Discover
neat animal facts, learn about magical and mythical animals, and explore the unimaginable relationship between animals and humans. Let’s learn
together how truly magnificent animals are. Dive
into their universe and be an animal for a day as
we take field trips, interview guest speakers, and
participate in fun activities.
Needs Opus Card
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Borne to be Wild 2
Braingames! Have you exercised your brain today?
is led by Mike Shetzer — For grades 4 – 9
Don’t you love it when you’re learning and it’s fun?
Ever played Reversi, Settlers of Catan, Rush Hour,
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
or Blokus? All of these games will be part of your
repertoire once you finish this activity! Build logic,
strategizing skills, and cooperative play as you
challenge yourself and each other using various
puzzle and board games! Risk, Perplexus, Othello,
Pictionnary, Mastermind, Risk, and Make ‘n’ Break
are only some of the games available which will
improve the skills that you already have. Count
on a good time!
This activity is offered in weeks 3 and 4 with
Tami Brewster.
Build a Computer from Scratch 1
is led by Steven Lowry — For grades 4 – 9
The campers will spend the first week learning
about the elements of a computer and will work
in teams to build their own systems. In the second
week, campers will learn about networking,
installing an operating system, adding software
and linking the computers together to play co-operative games.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Build a Computer from Scratch 2
Capturing Explorations 1
is led by Allan Romano — For grades 6 – 9
In Capturing Explorations, you are the producers,
directors, videographers and interviewers, capturing the amazing stuff that goes on at Explorations.
As we visit the various classes, you’ll videotape
and photograph the creative work going on all
around Explorations. You’ll learn valuable photography and video tips. You’ll interview students
and teachers to discover how soapstone sculptures
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
are made, why kids are learning to fence, how
to make the perfect springroll, and on and on. It
will all be put together and edited in iMovie, and
the fabulous documentary will be posted on the
Explorations website. You can take the activity
for weeks one and two, or weeks three and four,
or both. We’ll concentrate on capturing video,
interviews and photographs right up to the end
of weeks one and two since many of the campers
complete their projects towards the end. During
weeks three and four, we’ll continue to photograph
and videotape, but work on editing the documentary will begin then as well. Both sessions will be
fun, enriching, and enable everyone to find out
about all the magic that happens at Explorations.
Needs good English
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Capturing Explorations 2
is led by François Lukawecki — For grades 4 – 9
This cartooning course is a laid back start of the
day for those who love to draw, draw and draw!
We will study various elements of cartooning:
sketching bodies and animals, facial expressions,
manga style, heroes and villains, etc. We will work
with pencil and paper, glow in the dark and fluorescent paints, and more. We will use games and
specific exercises to make cartooning fun, and to
improve everyone’s drawing abilities.
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
China Desk 1
is led by Maggie Wang — For grades 4 – 9
Have you ever been to China? What is China best
known for? The Great Wall, The Forbidden City,
its massive population, its ancient history, Chinese
cuisine, Silk Road, The Panda Bear and more. Are
you interested in Chinese culture and the Chinese
language? Have you ever watched a Chinese
Animation? Do you know how we can use the
keyboard to input Chinese words? We will have
fun learning many things about China, including
Chinese characters and traditional holidays. We
will also create a travel itinerary and plan a luxury
China Tour!
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
China Desk 2
Chords / Songs / Melody — Six Strings Attached 1
is led by Ian Hanchet — For grades 4 – 9
This is an activity, for beginners, in “popular”
guitar. Instruction will be performance-based and
emphasize hands-on learning about all elements of
music making. Campers will learn basic chords and
accompaniment techniques, tuning and maintenance.
The knowledge is additive, and campers will be
expected to play and review at home what they have
learned at Explorations.
Guitars will be provided, but campers will be
responsible for damage or loss.
Campers who have taken this activity in weeks 1
and 2 may take it again in weeks 3 and 4 and continue their progress.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Chords / Songs / Melody — Six Strings Attached 2
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
Circus Arts Intro 1
is led by Amanda Dunbar — For grades 4 – 9
This workshop promises to challenge participants’
physicality and creativity while being a ton of fun.
Campers will learn juggling, balancing, acrobatics,
performance techniques and more. They’ll also
have the chance to show off their new skills for
friends and family in a show on the last day. Be
warned: the activities in this workshop may cause
uncontrollable smiling! Circus Arts Intro is the best
choice for elementary-aged campers with little or
no previous experience in circus, gymnastics, or
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Circus Arts Intro 2
Circus Arts Plus
is led by Amanda Dunbar — For grades 4 – 9
Circus Arts Plus will challenge participants’ physicality and creativity while being a ton of fun.
Campers will review basics and try out more
advanced skills in juggling, balancing, acrobatics,
performance techniques and more. They’ll also
have the chance to show what they’ve learned
in a performance for friends and family. Circus
Arts Plus is the best choice for campers of all ages
with previous experience in circus, gymnastics, or
This activity is offered only in weeks 3 and 4
performance techniques and more — in a more
grown-up but equally fun style (clown noses
available but not required). Be warned — this
workshop may lead to silly behaviour and uncontrollable smiling! But don’t worry — what happens
in Circus Arts Teen stays in Circus Arts Teen (unless
we decide to show it to parents and friends at the
open house). Circus Arts Teen is the best choice for
secondary-aged campers.
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Comedy Variety and Sketch Writing 1
is led by Kevin Gasior — For grades 4 – 9
Want to produce, write and perform your
own sketch comedy show like This Hour Has
22-minutes, The Rick Mercer Report or Saturday
Night Live? This class will give you the opportunity to try just that. With some basic instruction
and examples, writen exercises, and group feedback you’ll learn how to write a monologue joke,
create desk bits and write hilarious sketches. We
will focus on commercial parodies and Saturday
Night Live (snl) type sketches. This is an intro level
sketch class geared towards those who have never
written sketch before. The final production will be
our very own 20-minute morning show, written,
produced and performed by you. Anyone can write
sketch comedy. Come on out and see for yourself!
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Comedy Variety and Sketch Writing 2
Circus Arts Teen
is led by Amanda Dunbar — For grades 7 – 9
Circus Arts Teen offers all the same experiences as
Circus Arts Intro — juggling, balancing, acrobatics,
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
Computer Animation 1
is led by Eric Goulet — For grades 4 – 9
Dive head first into the wonderful world of
computer animation. Campers will learn how to
use Autodesk’s Softimage professional program for
creating digital models which they will color and
animate. Each group will also revisit the landmark achievement of this new art form to better
understand where the concepts originated. The
first week of the class will focus on basic manipulation within the 3d environment, creation of
objects, coloring, animating and finally generating a video file of the animation. During the
second week, campers will apply the principles
they have learned and create a short animated
film. This workshop is a unique opportunity to
get acquainted with fundamentals of 3d computer
animation and discover why it is so popular in the
movie and game industry.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Computer Animation 2
Digital Photography Magic 1
is led by Allan Romano — For grades 4 – 9
This is a course for those of you who want to learn
to become better photographers. You’ll learn how
to get the most out of your camera (if necessary,
you can use one of ours) and how to locate great
photographic subjects. The magic continues when
you transfer your shots to the computer and, using
the amazing tools in Photoshop, your favorite
photos come to life. You’ll learn to crop correctly,
adjust the colors and tones, use layers, add filters...
you’ll make your best shots even greater. Your
photos will be assembled into slideshows and,
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
using Garageband, you’ll put together musical
scores to accompany your presentations (no
musical knowledge necessary!). When it’s all
done, you’ll take home your masterpieces on a
dvd which will amaze your family and friends.
Discover the magic of photography!
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Digital Photography Magic 2
Digital Sounds, Words and Music 1
is led by Allan Romano — For grades 4 – 9
If you love music, computers, wierd sounds,
writing, making your voice do strange things ­­­— any
or all of these things — you will love this activity!
Using Garageband on Mac computers, you will
learn how to create original music (you don’t have
to know how to play a note), soundscapes, original
radio stories, ... anything your imagination and
creative inclinations can come up with. You’ll learn
audio production, sound editing, using loops, and
so much more. You may even have the chance to
create a musical score for one of the animations
created in another Explorations class (again, you
don’t have to be a musician in order to do that).
Again this year we may record sketches from the
comedy class which you’ll be able to edit and then
add sound effects. You’ll take home your creations
on a cd or memory stick, and some of the group’s
productions will end up on Anything Goes, a ckut
show broadcast on Saturday mornings. There’s
something for everybody in Digital Sounds, Words
and Music.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Digital Sounds, Words and Music 2
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
Environmental Detectives
is led by Amberley Buray — For grades 4 – 9
In this activity, campers are invited to act as
Environmental Detectives to uncover the mystery
of who or what is polluting the fish in the Grey
Area watershed. To find the culprit we will dig up
evidence, ponder over clues, and conduct experiments. Astonishing local to global connections
will be made of the waste in our world. We won’t
stop there though, campers will discuss new ways
of considering the 4rs (Rethinking, Reducing,
Reusing, and Recycling). To reduce our ecological footprint on the world we will participate in
engaging activities in and out of the classroom.
Join us and put your detective skills in action.
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Everything Japanese
is led by Amberley Buray — For grades 4 – 9
Have you ever wanted to build a lamp from
scratch? Everything Japanese is a celebration of
Japanese culture, wherein you will design and
build your own Japanese-influenced lamp. We will
begin by constructing a solid lamp frame made out
of bamboo which can be designed as a hanging
lamp, or a floor model. The choice is yours. Our
creative art skills will then be put to the task as we
create our own unique lamp shade using handmade paper decorated with a selection of mixed
media such as fabric, paint, ink, or collage. The
decoration aspect is based on your preferences.
Once that is all done, we’ll add the necessary
electrical components and make finishing touches.
Voila! You will have your very own functional
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
lamp to take home by the end of the two week
session. We will also make potato stamps, write
haiku, fold origami, read Japanese folklore and
learn the time-honored art of patience. Come join
us in discovering Everything Japanese.
This activity is offered only in weeks 3 and 4
Fabric Fantastic (the Fabulous!)
is led by Laurel Hart — For grades 4 – 9
Fabric Fantastic is back again this year, and better
than ever! There will be more of the projects you
love ­— like creating stuffed animal creatures using
simple sewing techniques you will learn — and
new projects, like felting, making beautiful colorful accessories, a purse, and more! We will work
with natural and synthetic dies and learn about
fiber arts in different parts of the world. We will
also learn about fiber arts materials that you can
find in your own kitchen, like kool-aid! At the end
of the two weeks you will get to take home all of
your beautiful creations, and probably a few new
friends, as we always have lots of fun (and a little
music) while we work. No two Fabric Fantastic sessions will be identitcal, so don’t miss out! Campers
who are returning may ask about the possibility of
working on a larger focused project of their own
choosing during the session. Possible new projects include: silly sock creatures, colorful pattern
quilting, screen printing your own t-shirt design,
and more.
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
Fabric Fantastic Advanced
is led by Laurel Hart — For grades 4 – 9
A new twist on a classic! This class will explore
some new fabric arts techniques including screen
printing your own design onto fabric (or maybe
t-shirts) and working with special natural dyes.
You will have the opportunity to create a more
advanced “softie” or stuffed animal with instruction on 3d pattern making, and more! Newcomers
are welcome, as returning campers can help the
newbies learn the basics, and beginner level
projects will be available. Many projects similar
to Fabric Fantastic will be explored, but in more
depth and with some changes.
This activity is offered only in weeks 3 and 4
Fimo Sculpture 1
is led by Lou Standjofski — For grades 4 – 9
Campers should come and enjoy the wonders of
sculpture in the miniature and create their very
own tiny world with Fimo! Campers will explore
the theme of “places” while they learn various
pottery techniques: hand-building, coil and pinch,
applying them to any project. Explore the wonderful world of miniature three-dimensional art!
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Fimo Sculpture 2
Glee 1
is led by John Dodge — For grades 4 – 9
Have you ever dreamed of singing on stage? Well
here’s your chance to shine! Glee is all about the
joy of singing together. Melody, harmony, we
will try it all. We will show off our talents in a
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
performance at the end of each two week session.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Glee 2
Good Things Come In Small Packages 1
Ukulele for beginners
is led by Ian Hanchet — For grades 4 – 9
Learn the basics of Ukulele technique. Similar
to Chords/Songs/Melody but using the ukulele.
Camper provides the ukulele.
Needs Good English
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Good Things Come in Small Packages 2
Grow Your Own Dazzling Crystals! 1
is led by Lindsay Donegani — For grades 4 – 6
Have you ever wondered how crystals form and
what they would look like if you were to view
them under a microscope? Have you ever wondered what a diamond mine looks like or what
types of crystals grow in caves? Do you love
hands-on science experiments? In this activity you
will have an opportunity to grow your own diamonds, giant crystals, colorful crystals, beautiful
geodes, lacy crystals, cave crystals, edible sugar
crystals, suspended crystals, blue moon rocks,
and more! Get ready to observe super fast crystal
growth as you grow your own crystal tree. After
growing your crystals you will have the opportunity to make your own diamond rings, necklaces,
bracelets and more! If you love making jewelry
then this workshop is for you! At the end of the
session you will be invited to bring your crystal
solutions home to watch them continue to grow
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
over the summer!
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Grow Your Own Dazzling Crystals! 2
HaND MAde Art Books 1
is led by Laurel Hart — For grades 4 – 9
Experimental, artful, and recycled! Have you ever
wanted to be able to share your ideas or imagination quickly with friends and family? Would you
like to be able to create your own journal books,
storybooks or any book you can imagine? In this
activity you can try your hand at making your own
paper using recycled materials, and embedded
flowers, and use ancient and new book binding
techniques to create your own masterpiece ­— a real
hard cover book! Learn techniques for metallic
embossing and “gold and silver” leafing, as well as
other easy and effective art techniques that you can
do with materials you have at home. In this activity you will also learn how to make your own minibook using one sheet of paper — and you will leave
with your own collection of mini books created
by all the group members. And it’s easy! You don’t
need to have drawing skills to create an art masterpiece using these easy-to-learn techniques, but
you will learn quick ways to make drawings look
better and learn to use collage, too! If there’s time,
we’ll try making our own stickers from aroundthe-house materials and make 1” diameter buttons
to celebrate our book release! By the end of this
course you will have created a few awesome works
of art!
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
HaND MAde Art Books 2
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
How Does Language Work?
is led by Gretchen McCulloch — For grades 4 – 9
Hows do babies learn language when no one
teaches it to them? Why is understanding the
difference between “time flies like an arrow”
and “fruit flies like a banana” easy for a human
but hard for a computer? How do you know the
meaning of words and sentences you’ve never
heard before? Do animals have language the way
humans do? Can we make a machine that could
have a conversation with us? What happens when
you injure a part of the brain involved in language?
In this workshop, we’ll explore the answers to
these and other questions about how language
works. Needs Good English
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Intermediate Game Programming 1
is led by Brent Callahan — For grades 4 – 9
This course is designed for campers that want to
challenge themselves by programing games using
an intermediate or advanced software. Create
games straight from your imagination or re-create a classic video game. This software, named
Gamemaker, was recommended by video game
giant Ubisoft as an excellent step towards learning
how to become a professional game programmer.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Intermediate Game Programming 2
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
Intro to Game Programming 1
is led by Brent Callahan — For grades 4 – 9
Enjoy playing video games? Want to learn how
to program your own? Here is your big opportunity!! Let your creativity shine as you get a chance
to program your own video game. This course is
perfect for campers who have never programmed a
game before.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Intro to Game Programming 2
Intro to Photoshop 1
is led by Brent Callahan — For grades 4 – 9
Learn to use one of the most powerful and popular
image-editing softwares through easy step-by-step
New this year; for those campers who have previously taken this activity, I will offer new, fun
challenges to explore your creativity.
Needs Good English
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Intro to Photoshop 2
Intro to Robotics Autonomous Vehicles 1
is led by John Brohan — For grades 4 – 9
We have more Lego blocks, motors and wheels
and every possible part that you can imagine!
You can build mobile vehicles, active structures
and anything in between. Campers are encouraged to program their rcx based robots in the
Robolab Computer Language. They will make an
Autonomous Wheeled Vehicle to carry out a mission
and avoid obstacles in its path. You’ll be working
in pairs. We have parts to make wind-generators
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
and photo voltaic cells. (Water power is interesting but forbidden.) Every camper will get the
hands-on experience of building a solar powered
Lego car.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Intro to Robotics Autonomous Vehicles 2
iPadography - 9 Day photo challenge 1
is led by Tami Brewster — For grades 4 – 9
Take the challenge of creating your very own mini
photo gallery with a challenge a day using an iPad
as your camera. Learn about the rule of thirds,
how to compose a picture, angle, focus, depth, and
editing skills as you accept the challenge of taking
pictures using only an iPad. Capture: emotion,
movement, colours, signage, texture, alphabet
photography, objects, theme (ex. gratitude, happiness), silhouettes, shadows, nature, food, etc.…
The possibilities are endless! Campers will select
their favourites, edit, and mount them in preparation for their first photography portfolio. Come
out and snap up something great!
This activity is offered only in weeks 3 and 4
Kids Can-Bike 1
is led by Valerie Free — For grades 4 – 7
You already know riding a bike is fun! So why not
make it more fun by learning to ride like a professional? If you take this activity, you can practice
your slalom, rock dodge, braking and more. Don’t
worry, this is in a safe space that we pick out just
for you and your bike. Can-Bike instructors are
always there if you need help and will even teach
you how to get on and off your bike in a cool way!
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
But that’s not all! You will discover how your bike
works and explore the traffic world, doing your
signals and turns for real on quiet streets. Your
bike will even get checked over by a mechanic. So
bring your bicycle plus bike helmet and let’s get
pedal ready!
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Kids Can-Bike 2
Kids Cook 1
is led by Kathleen Walshe — For grades 4 – 9
Are you a curious, growing, healthy gourmet?
Then join in the fun in the Explorations Kitchen
where your curiosity will be piqued and fed!
You will build your culinary skills in a safe environment that encourages discovery, creativity
and healthy eating. Cooks will be introduced to
cooking vocabulary and techniques, tools and
utensils, basics of etiquette, nutrition and safety in
the kitchen. You will be creating such tasty recipes
as Best Ever Muffins, Apple Oatmeal Cookies,
Insanely Easy Vegetarian Chili, Awesome Broccoli
Marinara and more.
Our kitchen is meat, fish and nut free.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Kids Cook 2
Kitchen Kapers 1
is led by Kathleen Walshe — For grades 4 – 9
Bring your appetite and sense of adventure to
the Explorations Kitchen where you will enjoy
a hands-on experience of creating and tasting
scrumptious recipes. You will be equipped with
the basic skills and techniques to embark on a
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
lifetime of enjoyable cooking. Culinary skills will
be developed in a safe environment that encourages discovery and creativity. We will be creating
and tasting tasty appetizers, dessert, salads, stir fry
dishes. California Rolls, Green Vermicelli Noodle
Bowl with Tofu, Chocolate and Strawberry Wontons,
Fruit Salsa and Cinnamon Chips and Morning
Glory Muffins are samples of some of the delicious
creations we will produce.
Our kitchen is meat, fish and nut free.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Kitchen Kapers 2
Lights, Camera Action! Children as Producers!
is led by Tami Brewester — For grades 4 – 9
In these two weeks you will learn how to use an
iPad to create digital messages that are important
to you, or just to share a message that will make
someone think, or bring a smile to someone’s day.
Message, audience, music, audio, shots and angles
will all be taught and explored as campers use the
iMovie app to build commercials and trailers. Stop
Motion movies will also be explored. You will be
working with Apple mobile technology, using iPad
devices. You will learn to storyboard and organize
yourself to leave with commercials to share with
friends and family for years to come! Will we have
the next budding Oscar winner in our group?
Join us at our red carpet event as we showcase our
This activity is offered only in weeks 3 and 4
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
Looking Inside and Underneath Montreal 1
is led by Mike Shetzer — For grades 4 – 9
Montreal is an exciting, busy city, but what makes
it tick? How does the Bell Center put together concerts and hockey games? What goes on at city hall?
What archaeological digs are done in Montreal?
If you’ve ever wondered about these things, then
join us! In this activity campers will get a first hand
look at places that keep our city running smooth
and businesses that make our city great.
Needs Opus Card
Access Montreal card is a plus.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Looking Inside and Underneath Montreal 2
Luminous Lanterns
is led by Laurel Hart — For grades 4 – 9
Create a small collection of lanterns complete with
lights, that you can take home with you at the end
of the session! In this class you will learn how to
make lanterns from materials commonly available
in shapes like stars, orbs (spheres) and more! We
will look at different types of lanterns from all
over the world, and will find inspiration from the
many magical lantern festivals that take place in
Canada and beyond. We will create different types
of lanterns in class, and for the open house we will
set up a “Luminous Lantern Festival” for guests to
enjoy. With led lights and tons of exciting materials to experiment with, your imagnation’s the
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
Magician’s Apprentice 1
is led by Ellis Steinberg — For grades 4 – 9
We are back everyone, with our best and most
fun-filled exciting magic course ever!! Lots of new
awesome tricks this year, so come on down and
learn how to amaze, delight, entertain, and
mystify your friends and family! New-comers and
previous course-attendees all welcome, there’s a
great new secret format this year so sign up and see
where the magic is!!
This activity will be repeated twice a day in
weeks 1 & 2 and twice a day in weeks 3 and 4 as
Magician’s Apprentice 2
Make Your Own Language!
is led by Gretchen McCulloch — For grades 4 – 9
Have you ever wanted to have a secret language
that only you can understand? In this group, we’ll
talk about some of the most interesting characteristics of languages around the world. It’s more
than just words: there are lots of unique sounds
and ways of putting words together that are different from English. Pick and choose which ways you
like best or invent a different variation to come up
with your own conlang (constructed language) in
the tradition of Elvish, Dothraki, or Klingon. Then
it’s up to you whether you try to convince anyone
else to speak it with you or keep it a secret!
This activity is offered only in weeks 3 and 4
Martial Arts: Shotokan Karate 1
is led by Rohit Vijh — For grades 4 – 9
Karate is a traditional self-defence fighting style
that originates from Japan. Shotokan is a form of
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
karate that focuses on establishing strong stances
and techniques with very practical real-life applications. This class will involve learning the traditional basic techniques from punching, blocking
and key kicks to then applying them through kata
(a sequence of steps that simulate a fight with
multiple opponents), kumite (sparring with fellow
classmate, with appropriate padded gear) and
modern self-defence manoeuvers. In addition,
the philosophy and how to conduct a traditional
karate class will be taught. This class is geared
towards beginners who have had minimal to no
experience with karate, in hopes to spark curiosity
in this practical and established Japanese art-form.
Needs Good English
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Martial Arts: Shotokan Karate 2
Mosaic Memories for Girls by Girls 1
is led by Laura Turcotte — For grades 4 – 9
Mosaic Memories will be a fun and interactive environment for you to collectively learn and practice
your leadership skills, self-awareness and conflict-resolution — all of which promote a stronger
identity and positive self-image.
You will have the opportunity to grow and interact with others through team building activities,
discussion, interactive games, sports and art.
Within a safe space we will be able to discuss and
explore issues that concern girls as you enter into
adolescence. Together, we will focus on empowerment, informed decision making, self-esteem,
identity, and safe and healthy living.
Then … what better way to celebrate your
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
individual and group progress but through a
At the end of the two weeks together each member
of the group will complete a tile of their own
mosaic and a group mosaic. These tiles, creating
the mosaic, will express the sentiments of our time
Your creative and visual representations, that you
will bring home, will be a souvenir and reflection
of everything that you have discovered about yourself and your friends at Explorations.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Mosaic Memories for Girls by Girls 2
Musical Alchemy ­— Spinning Ideas into Songs
is led by Ian Hanchet— For grades 4 – 9
“Use what talents you possess: the woods would be
very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang
best.” Henry Van Dyke
During this seminar we are going to cover a
number of activities that (aside from being fun)
will get you thinking about words and sounds and
music and how to combine them to create your
own songs. I will provide pencils and notebooks
to each participant and a resources sheet (books to
check out) as well as a guideline for the day’s activity. There will be much discussion and questions
ands answers throughout. The workshop is aimed
at all levels and abilities. It will bring out the latent
ability of beginners, provide fresh ideas for veterans and help un-block writer’s block in pros.
Songwriting ideas —
• What do you want to express?
• Who do you want to hear it?
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
• Who has already done it?
• What are most songs about?
• Forms rhyme, repetition, hook
• Fitting new ideas into old forms (My My Hey
Hey, blues, etc.)
• Folk Songs (rewrite a folk song)
• Popular Songs (rewrite a popular song)
• Art Songs
• Rap (write a rap)
• Rhyming Games
• Word association circle
• Word tennis
• Genres
• Where do you fit in
• Talent
• Expectations vs. reality
• Musicianship
• Words and Music
• Just words
• Just music
• Write what you know
• Write what you imagine
• One Chord Song (Coconut)
• Two Chord Songs
• Three Chord Song
Needs Good English
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Orienteering & Outdoor Explorations
is led by Jessica Paternostro — For grades 4 – 9
Want to be able to navigate through the outdoors
like you see on tv shows? Well here is your chance!
You’ll get to learn how to use a compass and map
while hiking and traveling in the outdoors, and
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
you’ll get to learn some basic survival techniques
without leaving the city! It’s time to explore the
outdoors & mother nature.
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Out and About in Montreal
is led by Judi Freedman — For grades 4 – 9
Do you have a taste for exploring and doing something different each afternoon? Well then, this
activity is just for you! We will leave the building
to spend the afternoon exploring different areas in
the city, going on scavenger hunts, visiting a radio
or tv station, and spending time at the Old Port
or in Old Montreal. Once each week, we will also
go swimming. Since most days will take us beyond
the immediate area, we will travel by bus and
Metro to and from our destinations.
Needs Opus Card
Needs Good English
This activity is offered only in weeks 3 and 4
POP Art Painting 1
is led by Heather Hancheruk— For grades 4 – 9
Acrylic painting on canvas activity.
The world of Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe, Elvis
Presley, and Jacqueline Kennedy will come alive
using the famous faces of today: Justin Bieber, Lady
Gaga, Bruno Mars and Barak Obama, and any
others of your choosing. We will take very large
canvasses: 3 feet by 3 feet, and draw larger-thanlife style portraits of famous people in the Pop
style, using unusual but complementary acrylic
paint colours to create our paintings. For example,
Lady Gaga’s skin may be orange, and her hair
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
blue! The colours will represent the personality
projected by the celebrity. The second largerthan-life painting in this course, done in week 2,
will apply the skills and techniques learned in the
first celebrity Pop portrait, to make a self-portrait
painting on a huge canvas using the Pop style’s
crazy complimentary colours!
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
POP Art Painting 2
Portraits of Zombies, Iron Man, and More!
is led by Heather Hancheruk — For grades 4 – 9
Sculpt your favorite video game characters, superheroes, cartoon characters and monsters in this fun
class! Using clay we will create monsters, humans
and animal busts with amazing expressions!
Using Plaster of Paris strips and a lot of sculpting
technique, we will build cartoon characters and
superheroes of your dreams...we will also paint
our characters once they are dry, and do lots of
drawing. Come and join in the fun!
This activity is offered only in weeks 3 and 4
Programming Sights & Sounds 1
is led by Daniel Freder — For grades 4 – 9
Ever attend a show and see lights or video reacting to live sound? In Programming Sight & Sound,
campers will explore the role of the computer as
a tool to create audiovisual artwork. This course
is geared towards creative campers interested in
programming, computer flow and logic. Software
such as Max msp/Jitter and Pure Data will be introduced as tools for artistic expression.
Needs Good English
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Programming Sights & Sounds 2
Robotic Design & Programming — Bluetooth Control 1
is led by John Brohan — For grades 4 – 9
We have the Next Lego robotics kits. These allow
more advanced structures and some spectacular
mobile possibilities. Generally, the next is less
intuitive than the old rcx and we will go through
the Getting Started examples for the first few days
to get the ‘hang” of it. All sorts of design and
programming possibilities can then be explored.
There are resources in books and on the web. The
instructor is interested in exploring cellphone-robot communications. The sound and music
capabilities of these robots are exceptional! The
programming language is quite elegant. Can you
invent a robot to carry a cellphone and send text
messages to your friend to report where it is?
Can you use the Bluetooth in your phone to control
your battle-bot in a Robotic Fight on the other side
of a wall?
Requirements. Should have done the Intro to
Robotics, as this course builds on programming
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4
as Robotic Design & Programming — Bluetooth
Control 2
Science in Action! 1
is led by Lindsay Donegani — For grades 4 – 6
Have you ever wanted to turn your kitchen into
a science lab with bubbling beakers and foaming
test tubes? Do you wish you could make a rocket
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
fly into the air and make glow in the dark potions?
Get ready to explore the world of chemistry with
this action packed science session. Making slime,
quick sand, a geyser, a tornado in a tube, festering foam, bouncing bubbles, atomic worms, blue
ooze, cave crystals, soda powered cars and glow in
the dark liquids are just a few of the challenges.
(Please bring an extra set of clothes!) Campers will
be challenged as they learn about chemical reactions, choose from a variety of experiments, make
discoveries and use scientific tools while having
fun! At the end of the session you will be invited
to bring your experiments home for the summer.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Science in Action 2
School of Rock 1
is led by Ian Hanchet — For grades 4 – 9
This program will include all aspects of making
a show, as well as time spent on examining and
reproducing the roots and history of the music. It
will include details and examples of historic and
educational value. Open to kids grade 4 and up
who want to put on a rock show (like the movie).
They will learn about: pacing a show, working with
limitations, preparing details, understanding the
We need techies, players (drums, guitars, keyboards) singers, rappers, dancers, background
singers, costumes and lights, etc.
Campers will be involved in all aspects of putting
on a show — thinking and then creating something
cool and memorable.
9 days prep and then showtime!
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
School of Rock 2
Scrapbooking Madness 1
is led by Ilana Kuska — For grades 4 – 9
Scrapbooking is a creative and personal way of
organizing cherished images and text onto an everlasting page. Students will learn how to place their
ideas on page sketches, layouts and pattern combinations. Popular themes such as family, friends,
travel, school times, sports, pets and popular
culture will be bound in scrapbooks and cherished
forever. Students will embellish their projects with
gorgeous papers, die cuts, tools, photos, ribbons,
fonts and punches. Some of the popular projects
are friendship albums, cards, books and calendars.
All the materials used for scrapbooking will be provided throughout the session.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Scrapbooking Madness 2
Silkscreen Printing and T- shirt Design
is led by Heather Hancheruk — For grades 4 – 9
Learn to make prints of famous people like Andy
Warhol did with Marilyn Monroe and Elvis.
Imagine Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, and Justin Bieber
immortalized in your art! Also, using various silkscreen printing techniques and free hand painting
with fabric paint on t-shirts, learn to design your
own inspiring designs. T-shirts are provided by the
student. Fabric inks will be used, as well as screen
printing inks, in fabulous living colours!
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
Slimy Science 1
is led by Mike Shetzer — For grades 4 – 9
The world is a fascinating, wonderous place filled
with mystery. Let’s explore it! Children will design
and perform eye catching science experiments
with magnets, slimes, heat, colour, air, rockets and
others that will dazzle and delight the eyes, as well
as the brain. It will also be an opportunity to get
messy... science style!
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Slimy Science 2
Soapstone Sculpture and Clay Animals 1
is led by Heather Hancheruk — For grades 6 – 9
Chip, carve and file away at a stone called soapstone (no, it is not made from soap, it’s an actual
stone taken from the ground). The Inuit people
the North traditionally use this material to make
carvings of animals and people from their environment and culture. I will teach you how to take
a block of stone, and shape an animal from it,
using rasps, files and chisels. Once the sculpture is
shaped in detail, it is dry sanded, then wet sanded,
until smooth to the touch. The last step is to spread
mineral oil over the entire sculpture, until it is
shiny, and the natural colours of the stone show
through. We will take two full Explorations weeks
to make the sculptures, in an hour and a half
period every morning. Additionally we will sculpt
and shape detailed animals out of clay, if time
permits. You may want to have protective glasses,
such as the kind worn in science labs, to protect
your eyes, and gloves for your hands. If you are
severely allergic to dust, this activity would not be
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
for you. Normal levels of allergy can cope with this
activity just fine.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Soapstone Sculpture and Clay Animals 2
South Asian Dance: Bhangra and Bollywood 1
is led by Rohit Vijh — For grades 4 – 9
India is a land of many different cultures, each of
which have a very specific dance style. In Punjab,
this dance style is called Bhangra. Bhangra is a
very vibrant, upbeat and exhilarating dance form,
that takes its roots in the farming lifestyle of its
originating communities. This class will teach
the basic steps, with the goal of performing a full
routine produced by the class together. The other
dance style that will be taught is Bollywood, which
is a hodgepodge of several different South Asian
and Western dance styles all mixed together.
It is mainly danced to mainstream Bollywood
songs (Bollywood being the Indian Hollywood).
These songs tend to be very upbeat, glamorous
and playful all reflecting their cinematic origins.
Students don’t have to have any training or familiarity with these dance styles. They just need to
have a love for dance and are interested in exploring new dance forms from around the world.
Needs Good English
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
South Asian Dance: Bhangra and Bollywood 2
Sports from Around the World
is led by Jessica Paternostro — For grades 4 – 9
This is your chance to play some activities that you
might have not heard of or never got a chance to
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
try! Sports from around the world will teach you
how to play Pesapallo (Finland), Gaelic Football
(Ireland), Cricket, and Bocce. No skill needed
because everyone will be a beginner!
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Stained Glass and Mosaics
is led by François Lukawecki — For grades 4 – 9
This course is now a classic at Explorations.
Students learn to make a real stained glass window
artwork, using the Tiffany traditional method.
We will learn to safely score and break beautiful
coloured glass, grind our pieces and wrap them in
copper tape, and finally solder our pieces to make
a gorgeous artwork made of glass. Advanced students (repeating this course) will work with more
intricate designs and more challenging types of
glass. Students will also get to create mosaics using
scrap pieces of glass but also tile, beads, rocks,
etc. This is a fun yet relaxing afternoon activity,
learning a hobby that has mesmerized artists for
This activity is offered only in weeks 1 and 2
Stand-up Comedy 101 — 1
is led by Kevin Gasior — For grades 4 – 9
Get a behind the laughs look at stand up comedy.
Learn to inject your sense of humour into class
presentations, written assignments, speeches
and maybe even the stand-up stage? This is your
opportunity to poke fun at day-to-day life, summer
camp and student life. Learn how to express
your comedic thoughts in an organized fashion.
Find out what it is like to step out onto an actual
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
comedy club stage and perform your material.
You will learn the skills required to conceptualize,
outline, write, and perform your own stand-up
comedy routine. What is a chunk? What is a tag?
How to segue? Find out why keeping it real is so
important when you’re making it up. Campers will
be presented with the opportunity to focus on specific aspects of their act and further develop their
comedic material, should they choose to continue
in Comedy 101-2. Comedians from previous years
are always welcome to continue their quest for the
perfect set.
Needs good English
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Stand-up Comedy 101-2
Stomp 1
is led by John Dodge — For grades 4 – 9
Music can be made with anything. Garbage can
lids make a glorious noise , as do buckets and old
shoes. Come and learn about rhythm and even
help compose a unique piece of music with whatever objects you can think of. Got a great sounding broom? Bring it. Like the sound of coins on
a table-top? Let’s use that. The only limit is your
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Stomp 2
Theater Sports + ­— 1
is led by Lou Standjofski — For grades 4 – 9
Theater Sports is an excellent way to learn about
the exciting world of improvisation. The students
use their imagination to develop character and
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
story while using the improvisation games that
are played everywhere, The Most Annoying Person,
Party Game, First Line, Last Line and many, many
more. If you like to laugh and play different characters in crazy situations then this is for you!! We
have enough time to then create! The + in theatre
sports is then using our improvisation and theatre
skills to create a piece that is unique to our ensemble. Come and collaborate with others in creating
skits that will be presented at the end of the two
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Theatre Sports + 2
A Touch of Broadway 1
is led by Charles Griffith — For grades 4 – 9
A touch of Broadway gives students a glimpse into
what it is like to perform a show on Broadway.
Students learn different styles of dance and how
to perform them in front of an audience. This
course teaches students three styles of dancing:
tap, hip-hop and ballroom which include the Cha
Cha and the Mergune. Students will learn not only
the steps to the different dances, but also to dance
in rhythm to the music and how to cooperate with
the other students to perform the dances.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
A Touch of Broadway 2
Urban Explorers 1
is led by Laura Turcotte — For grades 4 – 9
Ever wonder why Montreal is situated where it
is? Or how it all came to be? This city is known
around the world and is populated with people
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
from many different countries; making it a very
lively and special place to be. This city is home
to a diverse population and is rich in many cultures which gives us the opportunity to explore
and learn about all that the city has to offer. Also,
within the concrete jungle lays much green space
and nature that act as the lungs of the city and
are ours to discover, learn about and enjoy! So
come one, come all and let’s be explorers together
of the urban spaces we are surrounded by in
Montreal ­— while learning new skills and trying
new things! Not only will we be explorers but we
will also be creative writers by keeping personal
journals of our adventures together. To top it all
off, we will be able to share with others and have
souvenirs of our discoveries through a collective
compilation of various media outlets such as
photos, short videos and poetry.
Bring a camera.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
Urban Explorers 2
W-a-t-e-r-c-o-l-o-u-r The Magic of Water and Colour 1
is led by Ilana Kuska — For grades 4 – 9
Watercolour painting is an old technique transformed in our modern times. One stroke of colour
can tell a story. It can show the thunder in a rolling
summer sky, the shadow under a resting butterfly
and the beauty of a rain drop on a young leaf. This
workshop will teach the basic, traditional and advanced techniques of watercolour painting. We
will explore and refine our techniques and use
colour, simple perspective drawing and composition. Familiar watercolour techniques such as dry
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
brush, spray textures, wet on wet, salt, wax resist
and splatter will be explored in the framework of
traditional and modern applications. We will look
at famous watercolour masters such as Turner, Van
Gogh and Cezanne and contemporary painters such
as O’Keefe and Onley.
Painting will take place indoors and outdoors.
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4
as W-a-t-e-r-c-o-l-o-u-r The Magic of Water and
Colour 2
“Whodunnit?”— Forensic Science!
is led by Lindsay Doneghani — For grades 4 – 9
Have you ever wondered how criminals are
caught? Have you ever wondered how Crime
Scene Investigators find evidence at the scene of
a crime? Have you ever wondered how this evidence is processed in the lab? In this workshop you
will learn how to examine fingerprints, sample
dna, check teeth impressions and so much more.
Forensic science is the study of objects that relate
to a crime. Analyzing the evidence is what forensic
scientists do. They observe, classify, compare, use
numbers, measure, predict, interpret data, and
draw inferences. Learn how to be a crime solver
by exploring the world of the forensic scientist.
Before studying the crime scene we will practice
the skills needed in analyzing evidence. After we
have completed the skill building assignments, we
will have a mystery crime to solve!
This activity will be repeated in weeks 3 and 4 as
“Whodunnit?”—Forensic Science! 2
Explorations 2014 — Intermediate Program
Senior Program
For Secondary 4, 5 and cegep students .
Senior-aged campers may select courses from the
Intermediate Program instead of Panorama of the
A Panorama of the Sciences
will be led by professors and graduate students in
the departments of Science, Engineering, Medicine
and Agriculture at McGill. Campers will spend
mornings in discussion of active concepts and
afternoons in practical activities related to current
Are you interested in science?
Someone who might want to make it a career or
dabble in it as a hobby?
Do you enjoy learning and trying new things?
Are field trip days ones you look forward to?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions,
you’d be perfect for our Senior program.
Explorations 2014 — Senior Program
This program will introduce you to the work of
scientists in more than 30 different departments at
McGill University and beyond.
Campers in previous years have enjoyed
learning about:
• Mining and Minerals
• Biomedical Sciences
• Parasitology
• Environmental Studies
• Optics
• Space Missions and
• Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.
They’ve had tours of various labs
• Archeology
• Stuart Biology
• Food
• Plant and Environment
• Centre for Intelligent Machines
robotics, electric fish
as well as the
• Novotaste Plant
• the Radar Observatory
• L’Electrum and the
• St. Leonard Cavern.
Other visits have included museums
• Pointe-à-Callière
• Armand Frappier
• Lyman Entomology and
• Musée des Hospitalieres de L’Hotel Dieu
de Montreal
• the ToHu environmental complex
• Concordia’s Institute of Aerospace
Design and Innovation
• the Cosmodome
Explorations 2014 — Senior Program
• Biosphere and
• Planetarium.
In case you think that the campers are always
indoors, they’ve also managed to do
• hiking at Mount Saint-Hilaire,
• go for a nature walk and do interactive activities
on Mount Royal
• visit a farm and the
• Arbre en Arbre Adventure Park and
• participate in the McGill Amazing Race.
Enrollment is limited to 20 senior campers. This is
an all-day program for either 2 weeks or 4 weeks.
Priority will be given to campers who register for
4 weeks.
Explorations 2014 — Senior Program
Summer program
takes place at:
St. George’s School of Montreal
High School Campus
3100 The Boulevard
Montreal, Quebec h3y 1r9
McGill University
(Senior Activities)
Mailing address:
Faculty of Education
McGill University
3700 McTavish
Montreal, Quebec
Canada h3a 1y2
Phone: 514 398-4252
Fax: 438 800-3729
Created as a project of the
McGill Giftedness Centre
and the psbgm.
Explorations 2014 ©2014 /
Explorations 2014