JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN TODAY F Je sus Christ is 1. 2. Hymns of praise then 3. But the pains which 4. Sing we to our C F C ris’n let he God to day, us sing, en dured, a bove, 1. Our tri um phant ho to Christ, our heav’n 2. Un 3. Our sal va tion have ter nal as 4. Praise e 1. 2. 3. 4. Who Who Now Praise C day, King, cured; love, Al C did en he him, once up dured the reigns a all ye C G7 1. Suf 2. Sin 3. Where 4. Fa ly ly pro his fer ners the ther, to re to re an gels Son, and on cross bove heav’n G the and as ly F deem deem ev Ho cross, grave, King, host, loss. save. sing. Ghost. le F C Al F le Note: When guitar and keyboard play together, keyboardists should improvise using the guitar chords above the melody. Text: 77 77 with alleluias; verse 1, Latin, 14th cent.; para. in Lyra Davidica, 1708, alt.; verses 2–3, The Compleat Psalmodist, ca. 1750, alt.; verse 4, Charles Wesley, 1707–1788, alt. Music: EASTER HYMN; later form of melody fr. Lyra Davidica, 1708. 22258-Z1 G lu C ia! D lu C C ia! lu G le G lu C le Al C our and er ly C Al G Dm7 G F SAMPLE C G ia! G7 C ia! JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN TODAY F C C C F 1. Our 2. Un 3. Our 4. Praise C Who Who Now Praise did once up en dured the he reigns a him, all ye G7 1. Suf fer 2. Sin ners 3. Where the 4. Fa ther, C re to re to an gels Son, and the and as ly F deem deem ev Ho cross, grave, King, host, loss. save. sing. Ghost. le C Al G lu C F Al C our and er ly le Al G on cross bove heav’n C Al C G tri um phant ho ly day, to Christ, our heav’n ly King, sal va tion have pro cured; e ter nal as his love, G 1. 2. 3. 4. Dm7 SAMPLE 1. Je sus Christ is ris’n to day, 2. Hymns of praise then let us sing, 3. But the pains which he en dured, our God a bove, 4. Sing we to F ia! G lu G F D G ia! C le C ia! lu le C lu G7 C ia! Note: When guitar and keyboard play together, keyboardists should improvise using the guitar chords above the melody. Text: 77 77 with alleluias; verse 1, Latin, 14th cent.; para. in Lyra Davidica, 1708, alt.; verses 2–3, The Compleat Psalmodist, ca. 1750, alt.; verse 4, Charles Wesley, 1707–1788, alt. Music: EASTER HYMN; later form of melody fr. Lyra Davidica, 1708; guitar acc. © 1995, 1997, OCP. All rights reserved. 22258-Z2 JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN TODAY F C C C F 1. Our 2. Un 3. Our 4. Praise C Who Who Now Praise did once up en dured the he reigns a him, all ye G7 1. Suf fer 2. Sin ners 3. Where the 4. Fa ther, C re to re to an gels Son, and the and as ly F deem deem ev Ho cross, grave, King, host, loss. save. sing. Ghost. le C Al G lu C F Al C our and er ly le Al G on cross bove heav’n C Al C G tri um phant ho ly day, to Christ, our heav’n ly King, sal va tion have pro cured; e ter nal as his love, G 1. 2. 3. 4. Dm7 SAMPLE 1. Je sus Christ is ris’n to day, 2. Hymns of praise then let us sing, 3. But the pains which he en dured, our God a bove, 4. Sing we to F ia! G lu G F D G ia! C le C ia! lu le C lu G7 C ia! Note: When guitar and keyboard play together, keyboardists should improvise using the guitar chords above the melody. Text: 77 77 with alleluias; verse 1, Latin, 14th cent.; para. in Lyra Davidica, 1708, alt.; verses 2–3, The Compleat Psalmodist, ca. 1750, alt.; verse 4, Charles Wesley, 1707–1788, alt. Music: EASTER HYMN; later form of melody fr. Lyra Davidica, 1708; guitar acc. © 1995, 1997, OCP. All rights reserved. 22258-Z2 JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN TODAY SAMPLE TRUMPET in B Music: EASTER HYMN; later form of melody fr. Lyra Davidica, 1708; arr. by Randall DeBruyn, b. 1947, © 1990, 1998, OCP. All rights reserved. 22258-Z3