Document 6473929


Document 6473929
Nickelback It is One Sweet World after all
The Long Road
How do you follow an album that went platinum nine
times and boosts you to the
top of the rock industry? You
make another record of the
same caliber and keep writing with a formula that
works, all the while still trying to stay fresh and appealing. This is exactly what
Nickelback has done for
their third major-label studio
album, which debuted at six
on the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart and two on the
Billboard Rock chart upon
it's release on September
23. Following 2000's The
State and 200l's Silver Side
Up, The Long Road is the
newest installment of
Nickelback's "road" to the
Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame.
The album, which was partly
recorded and singer/guitarist Chad Kroeger's home studio, was produced entirely
by the band itself. This
proved to be an excellent
task for Kroeger who coproduced the debut album
for Theor) of a Deadman,
another Vancouver-based
band that is signed to 604
Records, Kroeger's label.
The Canadian quartet,
which also features Ryan
Peake on guitar and backing
vocals, Mike Kroeger on
bass, and drummer Ryan
Vikedal, has built a tremendous fan base through relentless touring and an exceptional work ethic. This album
may be classified by some as
"mainstream," but there is
nothing wrong with a nice
polished sound. The guitar
riffs take on the classic
heavy crunch when Chad's
Paul Reed Smith and Ryan's
Gibson transmit through Vox
Valvetronix amps and MesaBoogie Triple Rectifier
Heads. This metal-esque
sound is more prominent on
songs "Throw Yourself
Away" and "Because of
You," among others. However, like most decent bands
can do, Nickelback breaks
out the wood for a more
acoustic based sound on
"Should've Listened."
Perhaps, the best songs
on the album would be the
first release "Someday" and
"Believe It Or Not." "Someday," like any Nickelback
song has a deep meaning
that if not related directly to
songwriter Kroeger's life, it
has an inherent feeling that
most people can relate to.
The song is about broken
promises and questioning the
love for the promise-(heart)
breaker. The acoustic
verses give the listener a
feeling of sedation or that
nothing's wrong. Then the
heavier chorus kicks in with
power chords and louder
vocals that give the feeling
of release of that aggression. That "bigger guitar"
sound is used throughout the
next song, "Believe It Or
Not." The unmistakable
crunching really drives the
song and is complemented
perfectly by the gravelthroated vocals. The acoustic bridge and small, but
tasteful, solo add texture in
the middle of the pain that
can be felt through the
words of secrets and lies.
Kroeger explains in the November issue of Guitar
World how he goes about
writing a song and his
method is obviously a hit,
just as each of the songs are
on this future-classic album.
Friday night the IRC Fitness Center became a hot spot for
live music, dancing, food and fun starting at 9:00 PM. This
event was a continuation of the Clarkson's festivities celebrating the dedication of its School of Engineering, in the name of
the late scientist and humanitarian Wallace H. Coulter. Aramark
provided food, including sub sandwiches, soda, chips and a
vegetarian platter. One Sweet World, a Dave Matthew's tribute band, performed for a large turnout of the campus com-
When a band is trying to
come up with a name, at
what point does "The String
Cheese Incident" become
an option? Formerly "The
Keller Williams Incident,"
the band has gained international recognition. Known as
a jam-band, the Coloradobased String Cheese Incident (SCI) is more melodic
than most. Touring the country several times since their
last visit to the "north country," SCI made a stop at the
University of Vermont's
Patrick Gymnasium on
Wednesday, October 8.
Their first show in the area
in almost three years has
shown the band to grow
more musically and physically, as both drummer
Michael Travis and guitarist
munity. The bands renditions of the DMB's hits like, "Crash"
and "Everyday" aroused the crowd and maintained a high
level of energy throughout the night. The music inspired students, professors and even Deans to get out on the dance
floor and boogie. The event atmosphere encouraged the mixed
crowd, from freshmen to faculty, to interact smoothly as if
there were no class divisions at all. Cheering and Laughter
resonated from the packed IRC indicating that this was one
campus party that was far from lame. With the formality of
the other dedication ceremonies, it was nice to see an outlet
for people to loosen up and enjoy themselves.
Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699
Monday, October 20,2003
Volume LXXXV, Number 8
Scientists gather for international conference
Some of the top scientists
in the world gathered at the
Lake Placid Resort Holiday
Inn for the 4th Annual International Conference on Mechanics of Time Dependant
Materials held October 7-10.
The conference discussed the
time dependent behavior of
materials under cyclic pressure, gravity, and other forces.
A major topic this year was
the movement of glaciers and
other materials that continually occurs yet is so microscopic it is only observable
over a long period of time.
The conference also dis-
cussed new applications for
nano technology (research
and development of materials
that are very strong yet light
in weight). Local attendees
included Dr. John Dempsey a
professor at Clarkson University and graduate students
Elaine Noto and Zong Lei Mu
also of Clarkson University.
Chad Brinck
One Sweet World performs for people of all ages on Friday, October 10. People got up and danced while
food was provided for them by Clarkson Universitys food service, Aramark.
Dance students attend SUNY Potsdam
SUNY Potsdam is being
visited this semester by six
dance students from York St.
John College of the University of Leeds in England who
are attending classes and living the lives traditional American students.
Stephanie Daniel, Lisa
Fulham, Sarah Gough,
Joanne Haggis and Danielle
Nicholson are'seniors who
will be studying at SUNY
Potsdam during the fall 2003
semester through a special
program set up between
SUNY Potsdam and York St.
John College that began
about six years ago. Last
year, there were four dance
students and two drama students from England that attended the College.
Dan Borsh, co-chair of the
Department of Dance and
Drama, said the program has
grown a great deal because
the students go back to England and spread the word
about how great their experiences were.
String Cheese Incident at
the University of Vermont
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Bill Nershi got on stage
sporting gray hair. If anything, this added to the performance for anyone who
had not seen the band before. After the release of
their newest studio album,
Untying The Not, the band
went back on the road
again. SCI is also well know
for their On The Road... series which is a live recording of every concert that
they perform, and with
nearly one-hundred concerts
under their belt since the inception of the series, fans of
the band have plenty to keep
busy with.
ling in. The powerhouse drum- ready to jam as was espeming of Michael Travis led the cially displayed during the
band through the first song song "Up Against The Wall
"Mouna Bowa," with a smooth Redneck Mother," a comitransition- into the next song, cal song about being a
"Nine Pound Hammer." Not redneck and "kicking hiplong after "Mouna Bowa" had pies asses." The smooth
started, Michael Kang gave up flow and intertwined melohis violin for his signature elec- dies made for a great soundtric mandolin. Atfirst,the man- ing "Outside Inside" as the
dolin seemed like it might throw jam progressed past the
a few people off, but there was "redneck" song and into "It
no mistaking it when the air filled Is What It Is." The night
with the fluid solos that were ended with an encore of
ripped from its strings. One of "Restless Wind," an incredthe bands classics, "MLT," was ible song from the band's
also played during thefirstset, 1998 release Round The
which was consequently Wheel. The improvisational
rounded out with an incredible musicianship combined with
The concert itself consisted of version of Led Zeppelin's a touring schedule that puts
two sets, approximately an hour "Ramble On." Between the pi- them in front of millions of
and a half each, with a fifteen- ano/synthesizer/electric organ people every year is what
minute break in the middle. The jam and the mandolin solos, makes The String Cheese
turnout at first seemed a little Jimmy Page and company Incident such a great live
band. The name is just a
small for a band that can easily would have been proud.
expectfiveto ten thousand fans
The second set found the little something that adds to
per concert, butpeople kept trick- band a little more loose and the overall experience.
The English students' alma
mater serves more than
5,000 students and is located
in the city of York. It is an
arts college that focuses
mainly on dance, music,
drama and art. The main eight
acre site is about a five
minute walk from city center
shops, restaurants, pubs, galleries and numerous historical and tourist attractions.
The British agreed that they
have enjoyed experiencing
the different dance techniques
and styles that are taught at
SUNY Potsdam. At York St.
John College, the focus is
more on dance theory than
practical experience.
"In England, everyone is encouraged to develop their own
dance style and work on their
strengths. Here dance is very
precise. You are trained to be a
dancer," saidDanielle Nicholson.
Aside from the normal
dance student regimen at
SUNY Potsdam, the English
ladies have to write an 8,000
word dissertation, keep a journal and videotape rehearsals of
the performances they are preparing so that York St. John College can track their progress.
Socially, SUNY Potsdam
was a bit of shock for the students. They used to shopping
everyday and going to bars
and clubs nightly. Since arriving in Potsdam, they regrettably have gone on only two
major shopping trips and because of the higher drinking
age, are no longer able to frequent bars.
"The student union at York
has a bar" that all the students
hang out because the drinking age is 18. Here we go to
parties or hang out in
someone's dorm room,"
Stephanie Daniel said.
Clothing styles were also a
big change for the dance students. They are used to dressing up more, rather than
sweatshirts like many American students.
"The style here is more laid
back," Nicholson said, "For a
while, we were known as 'the
English girls with pointy
shoes.' When we go out at
night, we wear dresses and
skirts, not jeans."
They were surprised that
most students and young
people have cars. In many
places in England, public
transportation is very
prevalent and parking is expensive so if students do
have cars, they tend not to
take them to college.
"Most things in the city are
within walking distance and
if you need a car, you just borrow one from your parents.
Most students don't own
cars," said Sarah Gough.
The ladies' other American
favorites include SUNY
Potsdam's great food selections, American television
shows, sorority and fraternity
life (there are no Greek organizations in England) and
learning new slang words.
They feel like they have
been elevated to "celebrity
status" because of their accents and their style.
"We stuck together a lot at
first, but now we are mingling
much more about the way we
talk," Joanne Haggis said.
"People here are very
friendly. We all want to come
back and wish we could stay
longer. It would be nice to be
here for a full year. It feels
like by the time we get into
the swing of things we will
have to leave."
Photo courtesy of the Lake Placid Holiday Inn
Some of the world's top scientists, including local a Clarkson professor, and graduate students, gathered at the Holiday Inn in Lake Placid under blue skies and
beautiful fall foliege. Topics discussed covered a wide range of issues from things as huge as glaciers down to the latest in nanotechnology.
Ten people died when Staten Island ferry slammed into pier
New York Daily News
An out-of-control Staten
Island ferry plowed full-speed
into a concrete pier at Saint
George terminal Wednesday,
tearing the craft stem to stern,
killing ten people and horribly
mangling many of the injured.
As the 1,500 passengers
aboard the savaged Andrew
J. Barberi screamed amid a
nightmarish tangle of twisted
metal and torn limbs, the pilot
crawled out of the wreckage
and ran home, where he tried
to kill himself, sources said.
"I'm in my bathroom* I slit
my wrists," pilot Richard
Smith told a 911 dispatcher,
sources said.
Smith also shot himself
twice in the chest with a pellet gun, the sources said.
Investigators believe Smith
passed out before the crash,
but they have not been able to
question him.
"There are conflicting accounts," one high-ranking city
official said. "Did he pass
out? Did he fall asleep? Is he
just not there? Wejust do not
know for sure.
"Something went very
wrong in there," the source
continued. "It appears this
man was not in control of
the vessel,"
At least 34 people were injured in the maritime disaster;
rattling a city that has endured
Robert Mecea /Newsday
The Andrew J. Barberi ferry, the largest ferry in the fleet, is shown at the Staten Island Ferry Terminal after it
crashed into the pier on Wednesday, October 15, 2003, killing ten and injuring many more.
blackouts, blizzards, plane
crashes and terrorist attacks
in recent years. Seven people
were in critical condition, including some who lost limbs.
Some of the dead were
found sitting in their seats, one
of them still holding a beer cup,
sources said.
As of 9:00 p.m., 65 people
had been reported missing by
loved ones.
Regulars aboard the 3:00
p.m. ferry out of Manhattan's
Whitehall terminal said they
began running to the back of
the vessel about 3:20 p.m.,
when they realized the 310foot, 3,335-ton boat was steaming full speed toward the pier.
Seconds later, passengers
said they heard the sickening,
grinding sound of concrete and
wood pilings ripping through the
side of the ferry. Then came the
screams of those who were
trapped between the splintered
wood and the blood-stained
metal, the screams of those
whose limbs had been shorn off.
"The end of the whole boat
was torn out," said Caprice
Carthans, 44, of Staten Island,
who watched the boat crash
from the dock. "We saw them
digging for bodies. We saw
people drenched in blood.
There were people crying.
Life jackets were floating in
the water."
Sources said that the
ferry's captain, positioned at
the rear of the craft, took lastsecond evasive action, possibly preventing an even greater
tragedy. After the crash, which
ripped a gash in the side around
250 feet long, he managed to
right the craft and guide it to
the correct berth.
Last night, police harbor
units fished one body out of the
firefighters and paramedics
combed through the wreckage.
"The damage is extensive,
Firefighter Don Ruland said.
"You can walk through the side
of the vessel and into the water. It appears the boat was
moving and something literally
grabbed its side and ripped it
out and sheared all the steel
columns like butter."
"It's a terrible tragedy.
People who were on the way
home, all of a sudden, taken
from us," Mayor Michael
Bloomberg said.
Bloomberg, who raced to
the scene from the Yankees
playoff game in the Bronx,
said all of the crew survived
and would be given drug and
alcohol tests.
Police sources said Smith
fled to his Staten Island home
after the crash.
A veteran captain respected by his peers, Smith
was being treated last night
at Saint Vincent's Medical
Center on Staten Island and
has not been charged with a
crime. The National Transportation Safety Board will
handle the investigation.
The Andrew J. Barberi is
the biggest ferryboat in the
fleet, and the crash reduced
Ferrv continued on 2A