Bay of Plenty Sun Club Newsletter June 2014


Bay of Plenty Sun Club Newsletter June 2014
Bay of Plenty Sun Club
June 2014
Bay of Plenty Sun Club Inc
Presidents Report
I hope you all have a good start of the
winter, for me and Irene it was a chilly start
as we were caught in the snow storm in the
lower south island the last Monday of May
(just after the AGM).
I want to thank everyone who attended the
AGM. Luckily the Targa rally was not too
much of a disturbance. The committee feels that it was a very
productive AGM and want to thank everyone for your
confidence in us and the direction we are moving with the club.
As I said during the AGM the Committee still have a way to go
and the ideas some of you had were very good.
Just a reminder for everyone who attended, but news for
everyone who has not attended the AGM. There are still some
security issues and this committee (supported by the AGM) will
report every issue to the police (no exeptions).
To step up the security we will go completely keyless, all key
locks will be changed to combination locks and all the
combinations of the other locks will be changed round the 1st of
July. All access codes will be sent to you after you have paid
your fees. Please don’t give the access code to anyone else
otherwise you may force us to change the code mid season.
PO Box 22, Matata 3194
430 Manawahe Road,
027 440 5157
Newsletter editor
Vice President
Mark P
Communications Officer
Maintenance Coordinator
Lastly, our club had a lot of publicity in the latest gonatural
magazine, Peter’s 4WD trip in Te Urewera National Park made a
mentioning on the front page and a full page article. The water
volleyball tournament against Rotota was around the clubs.
Let’s keep up the good work and I see you all during the mid
winter x-mas party.
Yours naturally,
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Bay of Plenty Sun Club
June 2014
Editors News
My apologies for the delay. But At long last I have some free time to sit
down and write a line or two about the Club and what’s been
happening. Well as most of the members will know by now we have had
the AGM on the 18th May, it was different this year, being that we had to
raise our voices an octave or two to hear and to compete with the
roaring engines of the Targa Rally cars as they whizzed past the front
gates during the meeting. I wonder if this will happen again next year,...
mm must make some enquiries.
We had to have our gates closed off and the chap who did it came very early and members
managed to get in after Hans had a word or two to him. The Targa Rally was over and done
with before we knew it and members were able to leave following Afternoon Tea after our
Annual General Meeting. The previous committee was re-elected to the same positions
apart from Pierre who has stood down.
So we have Hans as President, Mark as Vice President, Julie as Treasurer, Myself as Secretary,
Chris as Maintenance Co-Ordinator. Gale has offered her services to help out with Social
Convening again which is great, it’s always challenging find new ideas for social functions
and trying to cater to everyone’s different tastes and expectations, but please let me know if
you have any unique or not so unique ideas.
We are very grateful to our oldest and most humble
member Patrick who generously has donated
$1500.00 to the Club for the purposes of marketing
and promotion. We have ring fenced this money
as Patrick requested, we have new brochures to
print, and other advertising and promotion ideas to
be implemented. We are looking at getting
signage on the main highway too, similar to how
Katikati Naturist Park advertise their site.
Activity at the club has been quiet after the AGM, and we are mindful of the working bee to
plan for, other forms of accommodation to look into, and the big gum tree to fell at some
Our new members Roy and Sue have been giving the bbq area a make over and restaining
the wooden beams and seating and so far its looking great thank you both for your time,
energy and resources, it means a lot to all the members.
We are on the lookout for another form of accommodation for the club, anyone find a cabin
on skids, a portocom, a big caravan, something that would make a suitable removable
accommodation is what we want. To have this up and running for the new season would be
great, so when you are out and about please keep an eye open.
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Bay of Plenty Sun Club
June 2014
Thanks to Col and Glenne for the donation of their DVD player. The committee are looking at
different security options and upgrading the club’s security over time. Wayne will be on site
over winter and is keeping an eye on things, but have recently found out that the old
vacuum cleaner has bit the dust... too much dust huh.
Will be in touch shortly with the calendar of events. The mid winter function will be get
together and dinner at the Irish Pub Molly OÇonnors in Te Puke’s main street. There is a great
menu there with a wide variety of food and prices for every budget. I hope to have everyone
rsvp please before the 21st June so we can ensure everyone has a seat. Some ongoing things
are in the pipe line for the months ahead. Remember the club is everyone’s and everyone’s
ideas are always welcome.
Calendar for June
Saturday 21st June at 6pm at Irish Pub Molly O’Connors
in Te Puke
6pm drinks and catch up
7pm dinner
RSVP to Irene or Gale before 21 June
Birthday’s in June & July
18 June
22 June
30 June
7 July
16 July
19 July
20 July
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Peter F
Peter J
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