Radioiodine Treatment and Thyrotoxicosis Patient


Radioiodine Treatment and Thyrotoxicosis Patient
Radioiodine Treatment and
Patient Information
Endocrinology & Radiology Departments
Author ID:
Leaflet Number:
Name of Leaflet:
Date Produced:
Review Date:
Rad 011
Radioiodine Treatment & Thyrotoxicosis
October 2012
October 2014
Radioiodine Treatment & Thyrotoxicosis
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We hope that this leaflet will answer some of the questions you may have about
radioiodine treatment.
Before you have treatment with radioiodine, there are some preparations and precautions
which we would like to explain to you.
What is thyrotoxicosis?
Thyrotoxicosis arises when the body produces too much thyroxine (T4) and
triiodothyronine (T3), the thyroid hormones. These thyroid hormones are produced by the
thyroid gland, which is situated in front of the windpipe in the neck.
When healthy, the thyroid gland is small and cannot be easily felt. When overactive it is
often enlarged and is called a goitre. Sometimes the goitre is generally enlarged and this is
caused by auto antibodies (Graves Disease) and may get better over time. Another cause
of enlargement is the presence of one or more swellings called adenomas. This type of
goitre does not improve with time and so without treatment will always be overactive.
The normal action of the thyroid hormones is to keep all bodily functions occurring at the
correct rate. They affect the heart rate, bowel activity, skin, brain and other organs. If the
thyroid is overactive then the typical effect is for everything in the body to speed up. The
heart goes faster, the muscles may shake, the bowels often speed up and mental activity
may go faster – some times too fast, with the sensation of being ‘on the go’ all the time.
Often the person seems to have more energy and to be doing everything at a faster rate.
Of course tiredness can result from this too. The metabolism speeds up leading to
excessive heat and sweating and weight loss.
What is radioiodine?
Iodine is a natural element, which is found in food. Iodine from food concentrates in your
thyroid gland. Radioiodine is a special form of iodine (131I), which gives off radiation.
Radioiodine can be used in carefully controlled doses to treat the overactive thyroid gland.
Why use radioiodine?
After you have had the radioiodine, it will concentrate in the thyroid gland. The radiation
given off by the radioiodine will reduce the activity of the thyroid and should prevent it
becoming overactive in the future.
There are two other, alternative, treatments for an overactive thyroid gland. Each has
advantages and disadvantages. Treatment with tablets such as carbimazole or
propylthiouracil can be very effective but they have no permanent effect and the dose may
need to be changed to adjust to the activity of the thyroid. Also, the drugs have side
effects; in particular the rare but dangerous side effect of lowering the white cell count,
leading to infections, which can be serious. Surgical removal of the thyroid is another
option. This is very effective but has the disadvantage of requiring a general anaesthetic
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and surgery. Also there is a small risk of damage to the nerve to the voice box or damage
to the parathyroid glands next to the thyroid, which can lead to a problem with a low level
of calcium.
Your doctor will discuss with you the benefits and disadvantages of each form of
How will it be arranged?
If you decide to have treatment with radioiodine, we will arrange a suitable appointment by
phone while you are in the outpatient clinic. The treatment is usually booked a few weeks
in advance. It is given in the isotope department in Wigan Infirmary on either Tuesday or
Thursday mornings.
Is the treatment dangerous?
No. Over the years, this treatment has been given to thousands of patients, and has been
shown to be both safe and effective.
The rest of your body will receive a smaller radiation dose than your thyroid.
Other people may be exposed to an even smaller dose if they come into close contact with
you. We will help you to keep this as low as possible
Are there any after effects of the treatment?
Most patients notice no ill effects from the treatment and feel entirely well afterwards.
Rarely, the symptoms of an overactive thyroid can occur one to two weeks after the
treatment. For this reason patients are usually asked to restart carbimazole or
propylthiouracil one week after the treatment. Other tablets, especially beta-blockers, may
be continued.
Radioiodine often results in the thyroid gland becoming under active. This is the main side
effect. This could happen in a few months or even years so it is essential that you
have regular blood tests after the treatment. This will be arranged through the
outpatients initially. The most important visits are at six and twelve weeks. In the long term
you should plan to have a thyroid blood test at least once a year (perhaps in your birthday
month to help remember). Under activity of the thyroid is easily treated with the natural
thyroid hormone thyroxine.
Some people experience weight gain after the treatment. There is a small risk of thyroid
eye disease worsening after the treatment.
Therefore radioiodine is usually avoided if there are active eye problems. If it needs to be
given despite the eye problems steroid tablets can be given to protect the eyes at the time.
If your thyroid is still overactive six months after the radioactive iodine treatment a second
dose may be appropriate. Very rarely the treatment does not work even after a second
dose and then other treatments will be considered.
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Are there any risks in having children after treatment?
No. Many years of experience of using radioiodine has shown no effect on children of
patients who have had radioiodine. However, as an extra precaution for the first four
months after the radioiodine treatment we advise you:
• Not to become pregnant.
• Not to father a child.
Is there any preparation for the treatment?
Before you have treatment with radioiodine, you will need to stop taking carbimazole or
propylthiouracil for one week.
You should not be taking any iodine rich foods or supplements, such as kelp.
Plan for time off work and check your diary for any forthcoming family celebrations so that
the radioiodine can be booked to fit in.
What about my tablets?
Anti-thyroid drugs (carbimazole (Neomercazole) or propylthiouracil) or thyroid hormone
tablets (thyroxine) interfere with the radioiodine treatment and so need to be stopped one
week before the treatment. Usually the tablets are restarted one week after the treatment.
Please bring with you any other tablets and medicines you are taking, including any you
have bought from a chemist. You do not need to stop any of these treatments unless you
are advised to.
Can someone accompany me when I come to the hospital?
Yes, certainly. (Provided they are not under the age of 18 yr or pregnant)
Should I tell anyone if I am pregnant or breast feeding?
Yes, this is very important.
• If you are a woman you will be asked :
o Are you or could you be, pregnant?
o Are you breast feeding?
• You will be asked this before you have the treatment, and you may also be asked to
have a pregnancy test.
• If you are pregnant, or think you might be, the treatment must be delayed.
• If you are breast feeding, you must tell us before you have the treatment and you
must stop completely after the treatment.
These precautions are to protect your baby.
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Will the radioiodine affect other people?
Because the iodine is radioactive, you will give out radiation for a while after the treatment.
Anybody who comes into close contact with you will get a small radiation dose and this is
best avoided. So, you will need to observe some precautions for a while after the
What happens to the radioiodine after I swallow it?
Within a few hours, most of the radioiodine will be taken up by your thyroid gland. The
treatment effect will be concentrated there. Other tissues will take up smaller amounts.
The radioiodine will gradually disappear from your body, mainly in the urine. Very small
amounts will leave in saliva and faeces. Also, the amount of radioactivity naturally
decreases each day until it disappears.
What are the precautions when I go home?
After swallowing the radioiodine capsule you will be given a card to remind you of
the precautions you should take.
Although the dose to other people is small, it is sensible to try to make sure that it is
kept as low as possible.
You will reduce the radiation dose to other people if you follow the instructions on
the card.
It is important to understand the instructions and make plans so that you can take the
necessary precautions. You will be given the information in advance so that you can
discuss it with your family at home and at work, if necessary. Please ask if you need any
further advice or guidance.
If you look after children at home or at work please discuss this with us.
The list which follows is longer than the list on the instruction card, but it explains a few
more things. Please follow the instructions for the length of time stated after the treatment.
List of general precautions
For 4 days
Try to stay further than an arm’s length away from other people, especially children,
pregnant women or women who may be pregnant.
Avoid public places like shops, cinemas, public houses and public transport
Do not go to work.
Sleep alone (if possible).
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Avoid sexual contact.
Avoid kissing.
Rinse your own crockery and cutlery after use (it may then be washed with other
If there is a spillage of any body fluid, wash your clothes separately.
Flush the toilet twice after use. Wash your hands thoroughly and rinse the basin
Make sure that no one else uses your towels or face cloths.
When may I go back to work?
You may go back to work after four days.
However, please let us know
• If you care for children at home or if you work with children, for instance as a
teacher or a nurse,
If you think that a small amount of radiation might affect your job (for instance, if you
work in an area where sensitive film is used or where there is radiation sensitive
equipment). In these cases, the time before you may go back to work will be longer
but is usually between 12 and 25 days after treatment.
Advice about contact with children and pregnant women
From Day 1 to Day 12:
Avoid all close contact with children and pregnant women. Avoid cuddling and try
to stay more than arm’s length away from children and pregnant women.
Do not sleep in the same bed as a child or pregnant woman.
From Day 13 to Day 25:
Avoid long periods of close contact with children, especially children under ten,
unless this is essential. Do not cuddle a child for more than 15 minutes per day.
Limit your close contact with pregnant women to 15 minutes per day.
Do not sleep in the same bed as a child or pregnant woman.
Bathroom hygiene is the main way of avoiding the contamination of other people.
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You may:
• Continue to cook for other people.
• Continue to use the telephone.
• Continue to have usual contact with pets
How is the treatment given?
Having the treatment is very easy. First of all, the staff will make sure that you understand
what you can and cannot do afterwards. All the treatment is contained in a single capsule,
which you swallow in the isotope department of the hospital. If you have any difficulty
swallowing capsules, please tell your doctor beforehand.
How may I travel home?
You may travel home alone, driving or walking. You may travel by private car or taxi, as
the only back-seat passenger, provided you are not travelling with children or pregnant
If you travel to the hospital by public transport, we will tell you whether it is all right
to go home the same way or not.
If you are travelling overseas please note that airport radiation alarms may be triggered for
up to 12 weeks after receiving your therapy dose. You are advised to take your radiation
advice certificate with you.
When you are due to have the treatment go to: Isotope Department
Radiology Department
Level 1
Royal Albert Edward Infirmary
Wigan, WN1 2NN
If you have any questions, or if there is anything about the treatment you do not
understand, please ask either
When you are seen at the clinic
By telephoning The Isotope Department on 01942 822421
By telephoning Dr Tymms Secretary 01942 822341
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Research is undertaken to add to the existing scientific knowledge on a particular subject.
There are a number of staff within the Trust who conduct Research studies. It is possible that
during the course of your treatment you may be asked to take part in a research study,
however, you do have the right to refuse, and this will not affect the care that you receive.
Your NHS Number, Keep it Safe
Every person registered with the NHS in England and Wales has their own
unique NHS Number. It is made up of 10 digits for example 123 456 7890.
Everyone needs to use the NHS Number to identify you correctly. It is an important step
towards improving the safety of your healthcare.
Always bring your NHS number with you to all hospital appointments or quote it if you need to
telephone the hospital for any enquires. This will allow staff to check that they have the right
patient details by checking this against your NHS number.
To improve safety always check your NHS Number on correspondence the NHS sends to you.
Ways of finding out your NHS Number
If you do not know your NHS number, contact your GP or local Primary Care Trust. You may
be asked for proof of your identity, for example a passport or other form of identity this is to
protect your privacy.
Once you have obtained your NHS Number write it down and Keep it Safe.
My NHS Number
Information Rights and Access
The Trust will keep your information secure and confidential at all times. The Data Protection
Act 1998 states that personal and sensitive information must be processed fairly, lawfully and
securely. This applies to all information we hold whether on paper or electronically on
computer systems. All personal information is processed fairly, lawfully and as transparently
as possible so that you:
Understand the reasons for us processing your personal information
Give your consent for the disclosure and use of information where necessary
Gain trust in the way we handle your information
Know that you have the right to request access to personal information we hold about you
Information relating to the business of the Trust is available under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000. For example, what we spend and what we do. You can find out more by visiting the
Trust website or submitting a Freedom of Information request to the Trust for this information.
For further information regarding data protection, please read our leaflet called “How we use
your personal information”. For Freedom of Information, please read our leaflet called “The
Freedom of Information Act and You”. You can also visit the Information Governance pages
on the Trust website.
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Patient Relations
The Patient Relations/PALS Department provides confidential on the spot advice, information
and support to patients, relatives, friends and carers. We will do our best to help you to
resolve any concerns you may have about the care you received. We can also give you
information on the services provided by the Trust.
If you have a concern or there is a problem, the best way to get it resolved is usually to tell
someone there and then. If you are on a ward, talk to the sister or charge nurse on duty, in a
clinic, talk to the receptionist or one of the nursing staff. If you want to talk to a senior manager
or to someone who has not been directly involved in your care and treatment, we can usually
arrange this during office hours. You can also ask to speak to a member of the Patient
Relations/PALS Department.
Staff in any ward or department will be able to contact a member of the team for you, or you
can telephone 01942 822376. The Patient Relations/PALS Department is open Monday to
Friday, 9am to 4pm. Outside of these hours there is an answer-phone service.
In addition to Patient Relations/PALS Service you can contact CARE LINE. This is available
from 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays, and 9am to 5pm at
weekends. Please telephone CARE LINE on 01942 773377 and follow the instructions given.
If you wish to make a formal complaint you can telephone or write to:
The Patient Relations/PALS Manager
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Albert Edward Infirmary
Wigan Lane
Wigan WN1 2NN
Telephone: 01942 822376
Your views of the service that we provide are important. You can also let us know how you
feel by posting your comments on the Patient Opinion website. You can access this from the
Trust website on or via
Social Media
Along with keeping patients, visitors and staff up to date with news and events on our internet
site, the Trust also has Facebook and Twitter pages.
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Health Services Charity
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Health Services Charity (Registered Charity Number 1048659)
aims to further improve the quality of the patient experience and care. The Charity relies on
the generosity and support of the local community.
If you feel you can help or would like more information please visit our website at or contact our Fundraising Officer via
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As a Foundation Trust we are keen to build a successful and engaging membership group.
As a member of your local hospital you will be kept up to date with news, service
developments and future improvements.
Why become a Member?
Membership provides local people, patients and service users with an opportunity to have a
greater say in how we deliver our services. For further information please call freephone
0800 073 1477.
Who can become a Member?
Anyone can become a member – you just need to be 16 years of age or over and live in the
UK. As a member it will be up to you how much you want to get involved.
How to become a Member?
To apply to become a Member:
Telephone freephone 0800 073 1477
Stop Smoking Support
A visit to hospital is very often the trigger for many people to quit smoking, and we know that
70% of people that smoke would like to quit. The Trust is a smoke free area and smoking is
prohibited in all buildings, grounds and car parks.
For patients wishing to quit smoking following their admission to hospital, or if patients simply
require support during their hospital stay, there is a designated specialist Stop Smoking Team
Patients that aren’t staying in hospital or are planning to quit ahead of their hospital stay can
also access specialist support. The Wigan Stop Smoking Service community team provides
support across the borough. You can call us on 01942 482539 or free on 0500 7867 669 to
speak to a member of the team or visit for further information.
This leaflet is also available in audio, large print, Braille and other languages upon request.
For more information call 01942 773106.
© Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the copyright owner
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