Reactive Attachment Disorder A Guide to the Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatment
Reactive Attachment Disorder A Guide to the Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatment
Reactive Attachment Disorder A Guide to the Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatment of RAD What is Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)? Reactive attachment disorder is a rare but serious mental health condition in which infants and young children don’t establish healthy bonds to parents or caregivers. Children with reactive attachment disorder typically were neglected or abused in infancy, passed through many foster homes, or lived in orphanages where their emotional needs weren’t well met. Reactive Attachment Disorder 2 What is Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)? Because their basic needs for comfort, affection, nurturing and stimulation weren’t met, these infants and children didn’t learn how to create loving and caring attachments with other people. They can’t give or receive affection. Attachment disorders can limit a child’s ability to be emotionally present, flexible and able to communicate in ways that build satisfying and meaningful relationships. Reactive Attachment Disorder 3 What is Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)? Reactive attachment disorder is often enmeshed in controversy. • Both its diagnosis and treatment are difficult, and parents and caregivers are commonly distressed as they try to cope with the disorder and a seemingly uncaring child. • Some nonconventional treatment methods have been associated with the deaths of several children, escalating the controversy. • Despite the challenges, a commitment to proven psychiatric treatment may help these children enjoy a better quality of life and develop more stable relationships. Reactive Attachment Disorder 4 Recognizing RAD: Symptoms Reactive attachment disorder is broken into two types: • Inhibited, and • Disinhibited. While some children have signs and symptoms of just one type, many children have both. Reactive Attachment Disorder 5 Recognizing RAD: Symptoms Inhibited type In inhibited reactive attachment disorder, children shun relationships and attachments to virtually everyone. This may happen when a baby never has the chance to develop an attachment to any caregiver. Signs and symptoms of the inhibited type may include: • Avoiding eye contact • Appearing to seek contact but then turning away • Avoiding physical contact • Difficulty being comforted • Preferring to play alone Reactive Attachment Disorder • Resisting affection from parents or caregivers • Failing to initiate contact with others • Appearing to be on guard or wary • Engaging in self-soothing behavior 6 Recognizing RAD: Symptoms Disinhibited type In disinhibited reactive attachment disorder, children form inappropriate and shallow attachments to virtually everyone, including strangers. This may happen when a baby has multiple caregivers or frequent changes in caregivers. Signs and symptoms of the disinhibited type may include: • Readily going to strangers, rather than showing stranger anxiety • Seeking comfort from strangers • Exaggerating needs for help doing tasks • Inappropriately childish behavior • Appearing anxious Reactive Attachment Disorder 7 Recognizing RAD: Symptoms Other symptoms of an attachment disorder may include: Emotional Problems low self-esteem; needy, clingy or pseudo-independent behavior; inability to deal with stress and adversity; depression; apathy; whining; demanding Physical Problems susceptibility to chronic illness; obsession with food - hordes, gorges, refuses to eat, eats strange things, hides food; bed-wetting Social Problems lack of self-control or impulse control; inability to develop and maintain friendships; alienation from caregivers or authority figures; aggression or violence; self-destructive behaviors; inappropriate sexual conduct; manipulating; difficulty with genuine trust & affection; lack of empathy or remorse; hopeless, pessimistic view of self, family and society Learning Problems behavioral problems at school; speech and language problems; incessant chatter and questions; difficulty learning Because attachment affects all aspects of development, symptoms of RAD may mirror – and be partly responsible for – developmental problems including ADHD and autism. Reactive Attachment Disorder 8 Recognizing RAD: Diagnosis RAD usually presents by age 5, but a parent, caregiver or physician may notice that a child has problems with emotional attachment by their first birthday. Often, a parent brings an infant or very young child to the doctor with one or more of the following concerns: • • • • • • • severe colic and/or feeding difficulties failure to gain weight detached and unresponsive behavior difficulty being comforted preoccupied and/or defiant behavior inhibition or hesitancy in social interactions disinhibition or inappropriate familiarity or closeness with strangers Reactive Attachment Disorder 9 Recognizing RAD: Diagnosis A thorough medical and psychological evaluation is necessary when it’s thought that a baby or child may have reactive attachment disorder. The disorder can be similar to other disorders, including autism, developmental disorders, social phobia, conduct disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. In fact, a child with reactive attachment disorder may also have other disorders as well. Reactive Attachment Disorder 10 Recognizing RAD: Diagnosis A complete and thorough evaluation should include: • The baby’s or child’s pattern of behavior over time • Examples of behavior in a variety of situations • The baby’s or child’s relationship with parents or caregivers as well as others, including other family members, peers, teachers and child care providers • The home and living situation • Parenting and caregiver styles and abilities Reactive Attachment Disorder 11 Recognizing RAD: Diagnosis To be diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder, a baby or child must meet criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). This manual is published by the American Psychiatric Association and is used by mental health providers to diagnose mental conditions. Only a trained physician or psychologist can accurately diagnose RAD. If you have concerns for your child, you should consult a physician immediately. Reactive Attachment Disorder 12 Recognizing RAD: Diagnosis • The main criteria for the diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder include: ¾ Disturbed and developmentally inappropriate social relationships beginning before age 5 ¾ Failure to respond to or initiate social interactions, or being inappropriately friendly and familiar with strangers ¾ Failure of early care to meet the baby’s or child’s emotional needs for comfort and affection, failure of early care to attend to the child’s physical needs, or repeated changes in the primary caregiver • Consider getting a second opinion if you have questions or concerns about the diagnosis or treatment plan. Reactive Attachment Disorder 13 Possible Causes of RAD Among the basic needs of a human being are safety, security, and trust. An attachment disorder is formed when these needs are not only not met, but also ignored. If healthy attachments aren’t formed in infancy and early childhood, a child won’t have the experiences they need to grow up feeling confident in themselves or trusting of others. Reactive Attachment Disorder 14 Possible Causes of RAD Children who lack proper care and attention in the first few years of life have a high level of stress hormones. This affects the way important elements of the nervous system and the brain system react. This may lead to attachment disorders. These disorders may be reflected in learning problems, social problems, mental problems and failed personal and interpersonal relationships. Reactive Attachment Disorder 15 Possible Causes of RAD It’s not known what causes some babies and children to develop reactive attachment disorder, and what causes others to be resilient. But a variety of theories about attachment may help explain some of the emotional processes that give rise to the disorder. Reactive Attachment Disorder 16 Possible Causes of RAD Traditional attachment theory says that to feel safe and develop trust, infants and young children need a stable, nurturing environment. Their basic emotional and physical needs must be consistently met. In addition, interactions with babies must be caring and positive, not harsh or negative. Reactive Attachment Disorder 17 Possible Causes of RAD Traditional attachment theory (cont’d) • For example, when a child seeks out assistance from a parent, it should be met promptly with a shared emotional exchange that includes eye contact, smiling and comfort. • In contrast, a child who is left to self-care or handled roughly without kind words and warm facial expressions may feel rejected and insecure. • When those negative interactions happen repeatedly, the child learns that he/she can’t rely on adults for nurture and love. The child becomes distrustful and unattached. • Children who seek comfort from a caregiver but are met with hostility or abuse become confused and conflicted — wanting closeness but turning away from it for fear of rejection or harm. Reactive Attachment Disorder 18 Possible Causes of RAD The cycle of attachment: Reactive Attachment Disorder 19 Possible Causes of RAD Other attachment theories suggest that emotional interactions between babies and caregivers actually shape neurological development in the brain. • They say that interactions cause the formation of neural networks within the brain, which ultimately influence a baby’s personality and relationships throughout life. • In babies whose needs aren’t met with caring and love, these neural networks don’t form properly, creating attachment problems. Reactive Attachment Disorder 20 Risk Factors for RAD Reactive attachment disorder is considered rare. However, there are no accurate statistics on how many babies and children have the condition. It can affect children of any race or either sex. By definition, reactive attachment disorder begins before age 5, although its roots start in infancy. Reactive Attachment Disorder 21 Risk Factors for RAD Factors that may increase the chance of developing reactive attachment disorder include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect Separation from a primary caregiver Living in an orphanage or group home Frequent changes in foster care or caregivers Inexperienced parents Institutional care Prolonged hospitalization Extreme poverty Forced removal from a neglectful or abusive home Significant family trauma, such as death or divorce Other traumatic experiences, such as natural disaster Postpartum depression in the baby’s mother Parents who have a mental illness, anger management problems, or drug or alcohol abuse Reactive Attachment Disorder 22 I suspect my child may have RAD … what now? If you think your baby or child may have reactive attachment disorder or you feel that a strong bond isn’t developing, consider seeking a medical or psychological evaluation. Professionals to seek out: 1) See your physician or pediatrician. 2) Talk with an educational consultant to help you find the right program for your child and help with the child’s school situation. 3) Consult with a therapist or counselor. Your child’s physician or pediatrician will be able to refer you for help, if needed. Reactive Attachment Disorder 23 I suspect my child may have RAD … what now? Treatment of reactive attachment disorder often involves a mix of psychotherapy, medications and education about the disorder. It may involve a team of medical and mental health providers with expertise in attachment disorders. Treatment usually includes behavior modification for both the baby/child and the parents or caregivers. Goals of treatment are to help ensure that the baby or child has a safe and stable living situation and that he or she develops positive interactions with parents and caregivers. Treatment can also boost self-esteem and improve peer relationships. Reactive Attachment Disorder 24 I suspect my child may have RAD … what now? Treatment of this complex disorder involves BOTH the child and the family. Therapists focus on understanding and strengthening the relationship between a child and his or her primary caregivers. Reactive Attachment Disorder 25 I suspect my child may have RAD … what now? There’s no standard treatment for reactive attachment disorder. However, it often includes: • Individual psychotherapy • Recreation/Play therapy • Family therapy • Education of parents and caregivers about the condition • Parenting skills classes • Medication for other conditions that may be present, such as depression, anxiety or hyperactivity • Residential or inpatient treatment for children with more serious problems or who put themselves or others at risk of harm • Special education services Reactive Attachment Disorder 26 I suspect my child may have RAD … what now? Without treatment for reactive attachment disorder, a child’s social and emotional development may be permanently affected. Complications and related conditions may include: 9 Developmental delays 9 Malnutrition 9 Eating problems 9 Growth delays 9 Relationship problems in adulthood 9 Drug and alcohol addiction 9 Depression 9 Anxiety Reactive Attachment Disorder 9 Academic problems 9 Aggression 9 Inappropriate sexual behavior 9 Lack of empathy 9 Temper or anger problems 9 Bullying or being bullied 9 Trouble relating to classmates or peers 27 Prevention: Reducing the Risk of RAD While it’s not known if reactive attachment disorder can be prevented with certainty, there may be ways to reduce the risk of its development. If your baby or child has a background that includes orphanages or foster care, educate yourself about attachment and develop specific skills to help your child bond. If you lack experience or skill with babies or children, take classes or volunteer with children so that you can learn how to interact in a nurturing manner. Be actively engaged with babies and children in your care by playing with them – for example, talking to them, making eye contact or smiling at them. Reactive Attachment Disorder 28 Prevention: Reducing the Risk of RAD Learn to interpret your baby’s cues, such as different types of cries, so that you can meet his or her needs quickly and effectively. Don’t miss opportunities to provide warm, nurturing interaction with your baby or child, such as during feeding, bathing or diapering. Teach children how to express feelings and emotions with words. Lead by example, and offer both verbal and nonverbal responses to the child’s feelings through touch, facial expressions and tone of voice. Reactive Attachment Disorder 29 Repairing Attachments in Youth with RAD Recent studies show that it’s never too late to create positive change in a child’s life, or in an adult’s, for that matter. The learning that accompanies new experiences can alter neural connections in the brain. Relationships with relatives, teachers and childcare providers can supply an important source of connection and strength for the child’s developing mind. [Taken from (2007): Gina Kemp, M.A., Jaelline Jaffe, Ph.D., Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., & Sheila Hutman] Reactive Attachment Disorder 30 Repairing Attachments in Youth with RAD Taken from (2007): Gina Kemp, M.A., Jaelline Jaffe, Ph.D., Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., & Sheila Hutman In attempts to repair attachments with children, here are some things to consider: Attachment is an interactive process. It is an evolutionary fact that our brains are structured to connect to one another. The attachment process alters the brains of both parent and child. But what makes attachment so unique is that the stronger, older, more experienced parent attunes and follows the lead of the younger, less experienced, more vulnerable child. However, following a child’s lead does not mean that that the child makes all the decisions. It does mean that the caretaker follows and responds to the child’s emotional needs when appropriate. Reactive Attachment Disorder 31 Repairing Attachments in Youth with RAD Taken from (2007): Gina Kemp, M.A., Jaelline Jaffe, Ph.D., Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., & Sheila Hutman Attachment is a nonverbal process. Attachment takes place many months and even years before speech and thought develop. Communication is accomplished through wordless means that rely on several things to convey interest, understanding and caring: Visual – eye contact; facial expression; posture ; gesture & body movement. Auditory – tone of voice; speech rhythm and rate; timing, intensity and voice modulation. Reactive Attachment Disorder 32 Repairing Attachments in Youth with RAD Taken from (2007): Gina Kemp, M.A., Jaelline Jaffe, Ph.D., Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., & Sheila Hutman Children vary in what they find soothing. There is no “one size fits all” for every child. In determining what constitutes “just right” communication for a particular child, it will be up to the adult to follow the nonverbal cues of that child. What soothes a parent may not soothe a child. Thus, parents may have to explore the best techniques for soothing their child and themselves in order to make a connection. Reactive Attachment Disorder 33 Repairing Attachments in Youth with RAD Taken from (2007): Gina Kemp, M.A., Jaelline Jaffe, Ph.D., Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., & Sheila Hutman Attachment can’t begin until both parties feel safe with one another. Attachment is akin to falling in love, but unless both adult and child feel completely safe, it will not be successful. When adults are anxious, mad, tuned out or overwhelmed, they will not be able to make a connection with a child. If a child is overwhelmed or inconsolable, he may not be available for an emotional connection. Sensory activities such as rocking, singing, moving, touching, and feeding can sooth children, but remember that youngsters vary in their sensory preferences. Reactive Attachment Disorder 34 Repairing Attachments in Youth with RAD Taken from (2007): Gina Kemp, M.A., Jaelline Jaffe, Ph.D., Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., & Sheila Hutman Positive emotional experiences are as important to share as negative. The shared positive emotional experiences of joy are as important to the attachment bond as the shared negative emotional experiences of fear, sadness, anger and shame. Some parents are very good at detecting a child’s distress and responding appropriately to it. Other parents share joyous moments but leave or space out in times of trouble and unhappiness. A strong attachment bond includes the full range of shared emotional experience – including joy. Reactive Attachment Disorder 35 Repairing Attachments in Youth with RAD Taken from (2007): Gina Kemp, M.A., Jaelline Jaffe, Ph.D., Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., & Sheila Hutman No matter how much we love our children, there comes a point where we are not in agreement with them – a point when we have to set limits, and say “no.” This conflict temporarily disrupts the relationship while the child protests or lashes out. Such protest is to be expected. The key to strengthening the attachment bond of trust is to be available the minute the child is ready to reconnect. Parents aren’t perfect. From time to time, parents are the cause of the detachment, but your willingness to initiate repair can strengthen the attachment bond. Reactive Attachment Disorder 36 Coping Strategies for Caregivers Reactive attachment disorder can be especially challenging for parents, because children with RAD may have no interest in pleasing their parents – they do not reward parents with the cues of pleasure, appreciation and affection that motivate parental investment in children. In fact, a complete stranger may elicit the exact same response from a child with RAD as does a loving and protecting parent. If you’re a parent or caregiver whose baby or child has reactive attachment disorder, it’s easy to become angry, frustrated and distressed. You may feel like your child doesn’t love you — or that it’s hard to like your child sometimes. Reactive Attachment Disorder 37 Coping Strategies for Caregivers You may find it helpful to: 9 Join a support group to connect with others facing the same issues. 9 Find respite care so that you can periodically have downtime if caring for your child is particularly troublesome. 9 Be willing to call for emergency help if your child becomes violent. 9 Continue friendships and social engagements. 9 Practice stress management skills. 9 Acknowledge that the strong or ambivalent feelings you may have about your child are natural. 9 Take time for yourself through hobbies or exercise. 9 If your child is adopted or in foster care, reach out to your agency for attachment resources. Reactive Attachment Disorder 38 Coping Strategies for Caregivers Parents and caregivers also may want to consider seeking professional treatment or counseling for themselves or other family members to help cope with the stress of having a child with reactive attachment disorder. Reactive Attachment Disorder 39 Coping Strategies for Caregivers Reactive Attachment Disorder Because symptoms of reactive attachment disorder can last for years, treatment may be long term. But, in time and with patience, even severe attachment disorders can be repaired. 40 Name: __________________________ Date: ________ 1. Children with RAD typically have not had their emotional needs well met in infancy or early childhood. True False 2. Attachment disorders can limit a child’s ability to communicate and build relationships. True False 3. If a child has RAD, he/she will always appear fearful of and withdrawn from others. True False 4. Children with RAD often have other social disorders, such as autism or ADHD. True False 5. RAD is a fairly common disorder, and effects children of all ages. True False 6. Common risk factors for RAD include childhood abuse or frequent changes in caregivers. True False 7. Treatment for RAD is something the child goes through by him or herself. True False 8. You can prevent RAD by expressing your care for your child through non-verbal cues such as eye contact, touch, facial expression, and tone of voice. True False 9. Creating new attachments with your child cannot begin until both of you feel safe with one another. True False Because symptoms of RAD can last for years, treatment may be long term. True False • Reactive Attachment Disorder 41