Treatment of Hydatid Disease of the Liver Original Paper


Treatment of Hydatid Disease of the Liver Original Paper
Original Paper
Received: September 8, 2003
Accepted: February 27, 2004
Published online: June 30, 2004
Dig Surg 2004;21:227–234
DOI: 10.1159/000079492
Treatment of Hydatid Disease of
the Liver
Evaluation of a UK Experience
M.A. Silva D.F. Mirza S.R. Bramhall A.D. Mayer P. McMaster
J.A.C. Buckels
The Liver Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK
Key Words
Hydatid cysts W Cyst biliary communications W Bile leak
Background: Hydatid disease of the liver though endemic in many countries, is rare in the UK. We evaluated
a 16-year experience of treating hydatidosis using a
management protocol combining surgery with anti-scolicidals. Patients and Methods: There were 30 patients.
14 (47%) males, median age 41 (range 25–72) years, of
whom 21 (70%) were symptomatic. Diagnosis was by
serological tests and imaging. All had disease confined
to the liver and received peri-operative anti-scolicidal
drug therapy. Results: The initial 4 (13%) patients received praziquantel combined with albendazole for 2
weeks and the following 26 (87%) patients received two
cycles of albendazole 400 mg twice daily for 28 days,
with a 14-day break in between. However, 2 (7%) patients
could not tolerate albendazole, one due to GI side effects
and the other developed deranged liver functions. These
2 patients subsequently received praziquantel for 2
weeks. All patients underwent surgery. Subtotal cystectomy was carried out on 29 (96%) patients and 1 patient
required a segmentectomy. Cystobiliary communica-
© 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel
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tions were identified in 15 (50%) of patients which were
oversewn using fine absorbable sutures. Of these, 7 had
the bile ducts decompressed using a T tube, with only 1
developing a post-operative bile leak. In comparison, 8
were not drained of which 6 leaked (p = 0.03). The
median post-operative hospital stay was 8 days (range
5–24). Patients who developed post-operative bile leaks,
however, needed prolonged abdominal drainage for a
median of 21 days (range 18–24). Two (7%) patients
developed histologically proven recurrent disease. The
median follow-up was 56 months (range 3–87). Conclusion: Surgery combined with anti-scolicidal therapy
proved effective. Cystobiliary communications are common and, when identified, should result in the biliary system being drained, to avoid post-operative bile leaks.
Copyright © 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel
Hydatid disease is one of the commonest zoonoses. It
is caused by the larval cysts of Echinococcus granulosus
and results in the most severe form of cestodiases in man
[1]. The disease is endemic to areas bordering the Mediterranean and Baltic seas, South America, Australia, New
Mr. J.A.C. Buckels
The Liver Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TH (UK)
Tel. +44 121 627 2418, Fax +44 121 414 1833, E-Mail
Zealand, and the Middle East [2, 3]. Though uncommon
in the UK, the disease still occurs in England and Wales,
especially in those who have been in close contact with
dogs, in individuals who have traveled and worked in
endemic areas, and in immigrants from high incidence
areas [4].
There is no clear consensus on the most ideal form of
treatment of the often complicated presentations of hydatid disease. In 1986, a multi-centre study conducted by
the World Health Organization concluded that surgery
should be the mainstay of treatment for hydatid disease
and that medical treatment should be restricted to patients not fit for surgery, or be used to prevent post-operative complications [5]. Liver hydatidosis cannot be considered a ‘benign disease’, as it is progressive and often
recurrent (10–15% of cases) [6, 7]. Mortality rates approach 10% in patients with recurrence [8]. For these reasons, surgery has remained the treatment of choice.
Surgical procedures performed for hydatid disease
have varied from radical resections and total cystectomies
to de-roofing of the cyst. Subtotal cystectomy has also
proved effective and has been shown to have comparative
operative morbidity and mortality [9]. Minimal access
drainage procedures produce comparable ‘cure’ rates for
liver hydatidoses [10–12]. This involves percutaneous
aspiration of the cyst contents and infusion of scolicidal
solutions into the cavity of the cyst. Selection of simple
cysts for percutaneous drainage and the use of endoscopic
retrograde cholangiography and drainage for cysts that
rupture into the biliary system are gaining popularity in
regions where the disease is endemic [13, 14]. The availability of scolicidal chemotherapeutic agents has resulted
in combined medical and surgical treatment being carried
out [15]. However, there still remains uncertainty with
respect to what constitutes the ideal treatment for this disease, especially in a country where its incidence is low. We
set out to retrospectively evaluate the management of
hepatic hydatidoses at a tertiary referral centre in the
United Kingdom.
Patients and Methods
All patients admitted to our unit with hydatid disease from 1986
to 2002 were studied. Inpatient and outpatient notes were reviewed
along with clinical, laboratory, radiological, operative, and post-operative records.
The diagnosis of hydatid disease was made on the basis of positive serology, radiological appearance and histology. All patients had
serological tests with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) and complement fixation (CF) test for Echinococcus. ELISA
was positive in 29 (96%) of cases and CF was positive in 24 (80%).
Dig Surg 2004;21:227–234
Table 1. Clinical presentation
Presenting symptom/sign
Abdominal pain
Abdominal mass
Recurrent pancreatitis
Breathlessness due to raised
Number (%)
of patients1
9 (30)
21 (70)
18 (60)
4 (13)
5 (17)
2 (7)
1 (4)
Some patients had more than one symptom.
Eosinophilia, defined as more than 500 eosinophils per cubic millimeter, was noted in 10 (33%) patients. All patients had ultrasonography followed up by CT scan of the abdomen. One patient who presented with recurrent pancreatitis due to migration of daughter cysts
into the bile duct had dilated intrahepatic bile ducts. A magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) was performed which
showed a complex hydatid cyst with multiple opacities in the intra
hepatic bile duct. This patient, however, did not have a dilated common bile duct and hence did not require preoperative endoscopic
retrograde cholangiopancreatography and decompression [14]. None
of the other patients had pre-operative evaluation of the biliary tree.
Statistical Analysis
The Fisher’s exact and ¯2 tests were used for analysis of data
where appropriate on SPSS version 10 for Windows (SPSS, Chicago,
Ill., USA). p ^0.05 was considered statistically significant.
There were 30 patients admitted with hydatid disease
during this period. Of these patients, 14 (47%) were male
and 16 (53%) were female. The median age at presentation was 41 (range 25–74) years. Twenty-one (70%) patients presented with symptoms. Nine (30%) patients
were asymptomatic at the time of presentation with the
diagnosis being made incidentally during treatment for
unrelated complaints (table 1). Seventeen patients (57%)
were life-long UK residents, of which 4 (13%) gave a history of a relative having had the disease. The remaining
12 (43%) patients had either emigrated to the UK from
countries where the disease was endemic or had visited
endemic areas for long-term stays.
All patients had lesions confined to the liver. Twentyone (70%) patients had lesions only in the right lobe of the
liver, 5 (17%) patients had lesions in the left lobe only,
while 4 (13%) had lesions in both lobes of the liver. Of the
cysts in the liver, 21 (70%) patients had solitary lesions
while 9 (30%) had multiple cysts. One (4%) patient with
multiple cysts had a liver abscess complicating a lesion
while another presented with cholangitis. Migration of
daughter cysts into the common bile duct resulting in
recurrent pancreatitis was the presentation of 1 (4%)
patient and has been reported previously [16].
Eleven (37%) of patients had had chemotherapy for
Echinococcus initiated elsewhere with only 4 (13%) having had a previous surgical procedure carried out prior to
admission to our unit (table 2).
Drug Treatment
The initial 4 (13%) patients had albendozole used in
combination with praziquantel for pre- and peri-operative chemotherapy over a 2-week duration. In accordance
with emerging evidence on the efficacy of monotherapy,
400 mg of albendazole alone as a twice daily dose (10 mg/
kg per day), was subsequently used in the following 26
(87%) patients. The duration of treatment was limited to
cycles of 28 days with a 14-days treatment-free period
between cycles [15]. Liver biochemistry was assessed following the first cycle. The operative procedure was carried out mid-way during the second cycle. Two patients
had three cycles. This was when the surgery was not carried out during the second cycle. In one this was due to an
operative procedure for another indication during the second cycle, and the other had already received two cycles
from elsewhere. One (4%) patient developed features of
hepatotoxicity to albendazole in the form of deranged liver functions 2 weeks into treatment, which settled once
the drug was stopped. Another patient had the drug
stopped due to severe gastrointestinal side effects. These
patients received praziquantel at a dose of 50 mg per kilogram per day for 2 weeks, to cover the surgical procedure.
Table 2. Treatment prior to admission to the Liver Unit, Queen
Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, UK
Number (%)
of patients
Drug therapy
Albendazole + praziquantel
No drug therapy
No previous operative procedure
Previous operative procedure
Percutaneous drainage
Laparotomy and biopsy
Laparotomy and drainage of cyst
11 (37)
8 (27)
1 (4)
2 (7)
19 (63)
26 (87)
4 (13)
2 (7)
1 (4)
1 (4)
All 30 patients underwent surgery via a bilateral subcostal approach. Following mobilization of the liver,
gauze towels soaked in 5% aqueous solution of povidone
iodine were used to isolate the lesion and safeguard
against the risk of spillage of cyst contents into the peritoneal cavity in 28 (93%) patients (silver nitrate soaks were
used in the first two cases). The cysts were first partially
decompressed using a wide-bore cannula followed by
injection of scolicidal agents. 10% povidone iodine was
used in 13 (43%) and hypertonic saline was used in
17 (57%) patients. Since 1995, a transparent disposable
10-mm laparoscopy port has been routinely inserted into
the cyst, to enable drainage of the thick particulate matter
and daughter cysts from within the cavity. There were no
cases of anaphylaxis or allergic reactions during this procedure. The cysts were then opened and any remaining
debris was scooped out along with the fibrotic pericyst
wall lining the base of the cavity, followed by subtotal
excision of the cyst wall. One patient (4%) required a segmentectomy due to the size and proximity of the lesion to
major segmental blood vessels. None of the cysts were
closely related to the vena cava. All patients also underwent a cholecystectomy.
A careful scrutiny of the remaining cyst cavity was then
carried out for cystobiliary communications. It is uncertain if these communications when present were spontaneous or iatrogenic. Since 1996, methylene blue was
injected into the biliary tree to identify communications
with the cyst cavity. Intra-operative cholangiography was
performed if clinical factors or operative findings suggested cystobiliary communications (table 3). These were
oversewn with fine absorbable sutures (3/0 PDS). A transcystic biliary drain tube (10 Fr) was used to decompress
the system in order to aid healing of the repaired cystobiliary communications. Obliteration if the remaining cavity with omentum was required in three cases. All patients
had a 32-Fr passive drain inserted into the peritoneal cavity at the end of the operation.
Cystobiliary communications were identified in 15
(50%) patients. Of these, 8 of the initial patients studied
had no biliary drainage. Six (75%) of the patients with no
biliary drainage developed post-operative bile leaks. Due
to this, the subsequent 7 patients with cystobiliary com-
Hydatid Disease of the Liver
Dig Surg 2004;21:227–234
Table 3. Operative procedure and outcome
Operative procedure
Subtotal cystectomy (de-roofing)
Finding of cystobiliay communication
Major duct communication
Minor duct communication
Operative cholangiography
Not done
Post-operative complications
Persistent bile leak
Pulmonary complications
Wound infection
29 (96%)
1 (4%)
15 (50%)
9 (30%)
6 (20%)
13 (46%)
17 (57%)
7 (25%)
3 (11%)
1 (4%)
17 (60%)
munications were drained via a T tube drain, and in comparison one (14%) developed a post-operative persistent
bile leak (p = 0.03). Nine (60%) of the cystobiliary communications occurred from major ducts. Five of these
patients subsequently developed bile leaks. In six patients, cystobiliary communications were related to minor
segmental ducts, and only 2 patients went on to develop
post-operative bile leaks (p = 0.4, NS).
Eleven (37%) patients developed post-operative complications. Seven (23%) patients developed post-operative bile leaks which required prolonged drainage. Three
(10%) of these patients required ERCP and stenting in
order to control the leak. Three (10%) patients developed
chest infections and 1 (4%) developed a wound infection.
The median post-operative stay was 8 days (range 5–24).
There was no statistically significant difference between
the length of hospital stays of the patients who developed
a post-operative bile leak and those who did not. However, the 7 patients who developed bile leaks were discharged from the ward with an abdominal drain in situ,
which was removed at the out-patients’ clinic, once the
bile leak had dried up. These patients had their abdominal drains removed following a median duration of 21
days (range 18–24). All 30 patients were followed up for a
median period of 56 months (range 3–86) with clinical
assessment, liver tests and abdominal ultrasound scans.
Histology was used to assess viability of the germinal
membrane of the cysts and protoscolices. Viable protoscolices were found only in 4 (13%) patients. Two of these
were in patients treated with a prazequentel-albendazole
combination for 2 weeks. Viable protoscolices were also
found in the patient treated with praziquentel following
Dig Surg 2004;21:227–234
side effects of deranged liver functions for albendazole
therapy. One patient, however, had had two cycles of
Recurrent disease, identified as a cyst increasing in size
on successive ultrasound examinations, was found in 2
(7%) patients. One of these patients had had praziquantel
covering the first operative procedure following severe
gastrointestinal side effects to albendazole. This patient
developed recurrent disease on the opposite lobe 3 years
into follow-up. This recurrence was treated with ultrasound guided aspiration of the cyst under praziquantel
cover. The other patient had a recurrent cyst in the same
lobe as the previous lesion one year after the first episode.
This patient had two further 28-day cycles of albendazole
and operative treatment as described above. Both patients have been well since.
The management of hydatid disease is challenging in a
country like the UK where its incidence is low. Mortality
rates following surgical treatment of the disease is reportedly less than 2% [9, 17]. With repeated surgery for
hepatic hydatidoses, complication rates are higher with
mortality rates of 10% [2, 8, 18]. Though not supported by
controlled studies, it would be logical to manage these rare
cases in tertiary referral hepatobiliary centers with standardized management protocols (fig. 1).
The hydatid cyst is a fluid-filled cavity, having an
external dense host fibrous reaction (pericyst) and two
internal parasite-derived layers (endocyst), which has an
outer laminated and inner germinal layer. The germinal
membrane is a single layer of cells which gives rise to
brood capsules. These contain scoleces, and daughter
cysts which float freely in the clear cyst fluid [19, 20]. The
hydatid cyst enlarges slowly and remains asymptomatic
for many years [9]. In our series, 9 (30%) patients were
asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis. Symptoms arise
due to pressure effects on adjacent organs or when a complication occurs. Infection and intra-biliary rupture are
the most common reported complications [21]. Infection,
however, occurred in only 2 (7%) of our patients and
intra-biliary rupture in one (4%). This differs to most other series where up to 40% present with complications
Sensitive serological tests of ELISA and CF [22] routinely used to aid diagnosis. ELISA and CF tests, however, rarely become negative even after 10 years, demonstrating the problems of using these tests to establish cure
Fig. 1. Algorithm for the management of
hydatid disease of the liver.
[23], hence these tests were not used for follow-up surveillance in our patients. Eosinophilia was seen in 10 (33%)
patients which is less than the 58% seen in another series
[9]. This however highlights the fact that eosinophilia may
not be a reliable factor in the diagnostic work up of a
patient with hydatidoses.
Hydatid disease effects the right lobe more commonly
[9], which was the finding in 21 (70%) of our patients. The
cysts are more commonly solitary as was the case in 21
(70%) of our patients.
Mebendazole, a benzimidazole, was the first compound tried in the treatment of human hydatid disease
[24]. It was found to interfere with the mechanisms of glucose absorption that takes place in the wall of the hydatid
parasite, subsequently causing cell autolysis [11]. Mebendazole, however, has a very poor absorption rate and does
not reach high concentration levels in the cyst wall [25].
Albendazole, another benzimidazole has been found to
have much better absorption achieving higher blood, cyst
wall and cyst fluid concentrations [1]. Although albendazole sulphoxide, the active metabolite reaches predictable
levels in the serum after an oral dose, cyst fluid levels are
slow to reach therapeutic levels and are less predictable
[26], thus requiring prolonged duration of treatment. The
drug treatment protocol we used was based on previous
studies [15]. Albendazole has been found to be effective in
up to 80% of cases [15]. In our series we found that this
treatment regimen proved to be effective in 86% of cases,
with no evidence of viable parasites being found at histological analysis of cyst material post operation. Praziquantel is another agent used in the treatment of hydatid
disease. However, at doses that can be used in humans, it
does not produce levels adequate to kill the germinal
membrane nor does it enhance the effect of albendazole
on the germinal membrane [27]. For these reasons the use
of praziquantel has been limited to patients who devel-
Hydatid Disease of the Liver
Dig Surg 2004;21:227–234
oped adverse reactions to albendazole. Unfortunately,
albendazole is not available in the UK market at present.
Albendazole was prescribed to our patients following special order to the manufacturers by the Hospital Trust.
Operative treatment for hydatid disease of the liver has
been the treatment of choice [2, 5, 9, 18, 21, 28]. Drug
therapy alone does not address the cyst which contains
foreign parasitic material which will still remain after
drug treatment is complete, and will always be at risk of
infection, especially if a cystobiliary communication is
present [5]. A review of the available surgical literature
however, highlights the fact that there exists some disagreement over the preferred surgical technique for treatment of the disease. Recently, less-invasive techniques
have been explored. Studies of laparoscopic techniques
have shown good results [28], as has percutaneous drainage under ultrasound guidance [10–14]. However, there
have been no controlled clinical trials comparing the efficacy of the less invasive techniques with open surgery.
This issue could best be addressed in countries where the
incidence of hydatid disease is high. Percutaneous drainage should not be attempted with cysts that have hyperechoic solid patterns without back wall echoes; that are
infected or have cystobiliary communications which need
to be closed off. It should not be attempted in cysts that
have ruptured into the biliary tree, pleural or peritoneal
cavity [29]. If percutaneous drainage is attempted in cysts
having cystobiliary communications, re-accumulation of
fluid or a prolonged bile leak could occur [29]. There also
is a risk of infection and anaphylaxis due to spillage of cyst
fluid with this method. Scolicidal agents like hypertonic
saline [29] and alcohol [12] are used following percutaneous drainage of cysts and are left in the cyst cavity for
periods of up to 20 min. The use of such scolicidal agents
for such prolonged periods could also result in a caustic
sclerosing cholangitis [30]. For these reasons this method
of treatment is not favoured at our centre. Percutaneous
drainage however is indicated over open surgery in patients who are high surgical risks due to systemic illness
[29]. It also has a place in disease recurrence following
surgery [29], as was the case in one of our patients.
With open surgery, the choice between a radical excision of the cyst or a partial excision of the cyst wall in the
form of subtotal cystectomy has been another topic of
debate. Proponents of the radical procedure argue that the
less radical approach may leave behind disease. An exogenous daughter cyst may develop from the germinal layer
and protrude beyond the deep surface of the cyst and be
overlooked during the de-roofing procedure, thus resulting in a local recurrence of the disease [9]. Advances in
Dig Surg 2004;21:227–234
imaging techniques and the use of operative ultrasonography largely reduce the risk of missing such an exogenous
daughter cyst. Results with subtotal cystectomy have been
shown to be similar to those of radical excision [9] and
hence cystectomy is the preferred technique at our
Post-operative bile leak occurred in 7 (23%) of our
patients. This compares to the reported 13–30% incidence of bile leaks in other series as a consequence of
small, undetected communications between the cyst and
bile ducts [9]. If clinical factors or operative findings suggested a cystobiliary communication, an on-table cholecystography was carried out to check for leakage. Although this study was not a controlled trial, we found that
there was a higher incidence of a post-operative bile leak if
the biliary system was not temporarily drained in these
patients. This higher incidence of persistent bile leak is
largely due to the thick fibrous pericystic layer preventing
closure of communications in the presence of normal
intrabiliary pressure and absence of a decompressing
stent [9]. Drainage and decompression of the biliary system permits faster healing of the communications after
suture, thus reducing the risk of a bile leak and is recommended.
In conclusion, our experience suggests that albendazole
given as described together with surgery is effective in
treating patients with hepatic hydatidosis. If open surgery
is undertaken, all attempts should be made to identify the
presence of cystobiliary communications at operation,
which, if present, should be oversewn and the biliary system drained to aid healing and prevent the complication
of a bile leak.
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Invited Commentary
Thomas W. Kraus
Surgical Department, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
The article describes the therapy of 30 patients who
underwent surgical treatment for hydatidosis in the UK
over a 16-year period in a single center. The approach is
presented in a very educative fashion, but scientific
innovations in the paper are rather scarce. The authors
concluded that the patients should undergo surgery and a
therapeutic algorithm is provided. All patients underwent
surgery in combination with praziquantel and albendazol
with good results. Taking into account the long time span
analyzed, it has to be stated that during this time period
diagnostic and imaging methods have markedly changed
significantly, thus not all data will probably be really comparable.
Furthermore, it has to be stressed in further intensity
that alternative techniques to surgery have evolved in
many parts of the world, particularly where hydatidosis is
highly endemic. An alternative to surgery meanwhile is
the PAIR method (i.e. puncture the cyst, aspirate fluid,
introduce a protoscolicidal agent, then reaspirate), which
requires ultrasonographic guidance. Extreme care is essential to prevent spilling hydatid fluid into a body cavity
because this may lead to anaphylactic shock. Albendazole
Hydatid Disease of the Liver
Dig Surg 2004;21:227–234
therapy may be combined with PAIR from 10 days before
to 30 days after the procedure.
PAIR is indeed a very promising and little invasive
and potentially very cost-effective technique, although
large-scale clinical trails have not yet been conducted.
Until then, most conservative surgeons in the West will
probably still accept that surgery is the treatment of
choice for most cases of cystic echinococcosis and usually
it also is successful. But it can be expected that the PAIR
method will rapidly gain growing importance in future
and it is also fostered by the WHO in many publications
and internet tutorials. This option should have been discussed in further detail.
The most interesting aspect of the current study is that
cystobiliary communications were identified in 50% of
patients. This is a very important issue to remember, even
if this is also a well- and long-known fact in the literature.
Dig Surg 2004;21:227–234
It is uncertain, according to the authors, if these communications when present were spontaneous or iatrogenic.
Since 1996, methylene blue was therefore injected into
the biliary tree, as communicated during the review process to identify communications with the cyst cavity.
Interestingly, there was a higher incidence of postoperative biliary complications in patients without biliary
drainage at the time of surgery and the authors give us
clear advice to take it seriously. The frequent existence of
these biliary communications is also a major argument
against the instillation of proctoscolicidal solutions,
which may cause severe chemical cholangitis. But even
this does not completely rule out interventional percutaneous therapy, as some centers perform endoscopic transpapillar drainage to manage potential cholangitis before
starting the percutaneous approach.