Recalcitrant Papulopustular Rosacea in an Immunocompetent Patient Responding


Recalcitrant Papulopustular Rosacea in an Immunocompetent Patient Responding
Recalcitrant Papulopustular Rosacea in an
Immunocompetent Patient Responding
to Combination Therapy With Oral
Ivermectin and Topical Permethrin
Kattie J. Allen, MD; Carrie L. Davis, MD; Steven D. Billings, MD; Nico Mousdicas, MB ChB, MMed
A 68-year-old healthy man presented with papulopustular rosacea (PPR) recalcitrant to multiple
therapies, including permethrin cream 5%. Histologic examination detected the presence of
chronic folliculitis and numerous Demodex organisms. A diagnosis of rosacealike demodicidosis
was rendered, and the patient was treated with
oral ivermectin and permethrin cream 5%, resulting in resolution of the folliculitis. Demodex infestation should be considered in any patient with
rosacealike dermatitis resistant to conventional
rosacea therapies. If infestation is demonstrated
in these patients, oral ivermectin in combination
with topical permethrin is a safe and effective
therapeutic option.
Cutis. 2007;80:149-151.
emodex folliculorum is a common ectoparasite
of pilosebaceous follicles with a prevalence
of nearly 100% in the adult population.1 The
mite may be pathogenic as its density increases above
normal levels (≥5 mites/cm²), and demodicidosis has
been implicated in several diseases, such as pityriasis
folliculorum, papulopustular rosacea (PPR), and
pustular folliculitis. Elevated mite densities have
been detected in patients with PPR compared with
healthy controls.1 Although Demodex has been
implicated in rosacea and rosacealike demodicidosis,
the use of ivermectin in such patients rarely has been
Accepted for publication April 26, 2007.
From Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis.
The authors report no conflict of interest.
Reprints: Nico Mousdicas, MB ChD, MMed, Indiana University
Department of Dermatology, 550 N University Blvd, Suite 3240,
Indianapolis, IN 46202 (e-mail:
documented in the literature.2-4 We echo the finding
of Forstinger et al2 with the second reported case of
clinical resolution of a rosacealike dermatitis in an
immunocompetent patient following treatment with
oral ivermectin and topical permethrin.
Case Report
A 68-year-old healthy man presented with a 6-year
history of PPR recalcitrant to multiple therapies,
including topical and oral metronidazole, doxycycline, and erythromycin. The patient reported occasional pruritus but no flushing. He had been treated
unsuccessfully with permethrin cream 5%, and
skin scrapings from prior examinations revealed
Demodex infestation. Physical examination demonstrated numerous erythematous papules and pustules
with associated scale on his face, ears, and upper
neck (Figure 1A). Skin biopsy showed acute and
chronic folliculitis with numerous Demodex organisms
(Figure 2). A diagnosis of rosacealike demodicidosis was rendered. Because of the previously failed
response to permethrin monotherapy, a combination
of oral ivermectin 12 mg once weekly for 2 weeks
and permethrin cream 5% applied 3 times weekly
was prescribed. The permethrin cream was continued
for 3 months for maintenance. The patient misunderstood the dosage instructions and actually took
3 mg daily of oral ivermectin for a total dose of 24 mg.
At 3-month follow-up, he showed marked improvement and sustained this response for at least 9 months
(Figure 1B).
Rosacealike demodicidosis presents with erythema,
scaling, and papulopustules, which can clinically
resemble PPR, but pruritus, perifollicular scaling,
or an asymmetrical distribution also have been
VOLUME 80, AUGUST 2007 149
Recalcitrant PPR
Figure not
available online
Figure not
available online
Figure 1. Extensive erythematous papules and pustules (A). Three months after treatment with oral ivermectin and
permethrin cream 5% (B).
described.1,5 Definitive diagnosis of Demodex infestation can be made by confirming the presence of
mites in skin scrapings, standardized skin surface
biopsy, or punch biopsy. The pathogenic role of
Figure 2. Chronic folliculitis characterized by a perifollicular lymphocytic infiltrate and numerous Demodex
organisms within the follicular orifice (H&E, original
magnification 3200).
150 CUTIS®
D folliculorum in rosacea is controversial and a clear
separation between rosacealike demodicidosis and
rosacea exacerbated by Demodex infestation often
is difficult to establish.1,5 In our patient, however,
the diagnosis of demodicidosis mimicking rosacea is
more appropriate. The presence of pruritus and perifollicular scaling, lack of flushing, demonstration of
Demodex organisms with associated folliculitis on
histopathology, and the patient’s dramatic response
to antimite therapy after several conventional rosacea therapies were unsuccessful all support the
diagnosis of rosacealike demodicidosis.
Demodex infestation has been treated with
multiple different agents, including permethrin cream 5%, lindane, topical metronidazole,
crotamiton, benzyl benzoate, and sulfur compounds.3,4 For refractory cases of demodicidosis,
as seen in our patient, oral ivermectin may be a
successful treatment option.2,4 Ivermectin is an
acaricidal agent that has been successful in the treatment of scabies, lice, and helminthic infections,
but is not US Food and Drug Administration
approved for use in human mite infections. Similarly, permethrin cream 5% has been shown to be
Recalcitrant PPR
effective in the treatment of PPR and more effective
than metronidazole gel in decreasing Demodex density, though it is not approved for this indication.6
Our patient was recalcitrant to multiple therapies,
including permethrin cream 5%; however, the combination of oral ivermectin and topical permethrin resulted in substantial clinical improvement
of his rosacealike demodicidosis. When Demodex
infestation is demonstrated in a patient with PPR
and the patient is recalcitrant to standard rosacea
therapy or permethrin monotherapy, oral ivermectin in combination with permethrin cream 5%
should be considered as a safe and effective therapeutic option.
  1.Forton F, Germaux M, Brasseur T, et al. Demodicosis and rosacea: epidemiology and significance in daily
dermatologic practice. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005;52:
  2.Forstinger C, Kittler H, Binder M. Treatment of
rosacea-like demodicidosis with oral ivermectin and
topical permethrin cream. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1999;41:
  3.Aquilina C, Viraben R, Sire S. Ivermectin-responsive
Demodex infestation during human immunodeficiency
virus infection: a case report and literature review.
Dermatology. 2002;205:394-397.
  4.Damian D, Rogers M. Demodex infestation in a child with
leukaemia: treatment with ivermectin and permethrin. Int
J Dermatol. 2003;42:724-726.
  5.Baima B, Sticherling M. Demodicidosis revisited.
Acta Derm Venereol. 2002;82:3-6.
  6.Koçak M, Yag˘li S, Yahapog˘lu G, et al. Permethrin 5%
cream versus metronidazole 0.75% gel for the treatment
of papulopustular rosacea: a randomized double-blind
placebo-controlled study. Dermatology. 2002;205:
VOLUME 80, AUGUST 2007 151