LEG ULCER PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Tissue Viability Service Tissue Viability Service Clinical Practice Guideline: Leg Ulcer Prevention & Management July 2011 CONTENTS TABLE Section heading Section Number 1.0 Policy Summary 2.0 Overriding Duty of Care Statement 1 3.0 To whom this guideline applies 1 4.0 Background & Scope 1 5.0 Aims & Objectives 1 6.0 Quality Assurance & Audit 2 7.0 Dissemination 2 8.0 Definition of a leg ulcer 3 9.0 Assessment 3 9.1 Demographic Details 3 9.2 Current leg ulcer treatment 4 9.3 Medical History 4 9.4 Pain 4 9.5 Nutritional assessment 4 9.6 Ulcer History 4 9.7 Condition of ulcer and surrounding skin 4 9.8 Condition of the legs 5 9.9 Investigations ABPI 5 10.0 Reassessment 5 10.1 Repeat ABPI measurement 6 11.0 Wound & Skin Care 6 11.1 Wound Cleansing 6 11.2 Care Of Surrounding Skin 6 11.3 Contact sensitivities 7 11.4 Debridement 7 11.5 Dressings 7 12.0 Differential Diagnosis and Management 8 12.1 Venous Ulcer Aetiology 8 12.2 Venous Ulcer Management 8 12.3 Arterial Ulcer Aetiology 9 12.4 Arterial Ulcer Management 9 12.5 Mixed Aetiology Ulceration 10 12.6 Mixed Aetiology Ulcer Management 10 12.7 Ulceration In Patients With Diabetes Mellitus 10 12.7.1 Neuropathic Ulcers 10 12.7.2 Ischaemic Ulcers 10 12.8 Management of Ulcers In Patients With Diabetes Mellitus 11 Tissue Viability Service Clinical Practice Guideline: Leg Ulcer Prevention & Management July 2011 Page Number 1 12.9 Foot Assessment 11 12.10 Malignant Ulceration 12 12.11 Management of Malignant Ulceration 12 12.12 Ulceration in people with Rheumatoid Arthritis 12 12.13 Vasculitic Ulcers 12 12.14 Management of Rheumatoid & Vasculitic Ulcers 12 13.0 Prevention of Venous Ulcer Recurrence 13 13.1 Compression Hosiery 14 13.2 Classification of compression hosiery 14 13.3 Advice on prescribing hosiery 14 13.4 Advice on fitting compression hosiery 15 13.5 Potential hazards of compression hosiery 15 14.0 Exercises 16 15.0 Education and training 16 16.0 References APPENDICES 1 Leg Ulcer Assessment Form 2 Pathway for the management of leg ulcers 3 Wound assessment and evaluation form 4 Equality impact assessment Tissue Viability Service Clinical Practice Guideline: Leg Ulcer Prevention & Management July 2011 Title Policy Number Summary: Responsibility for Updating Date Review Date Equality Impact Assessment completed Approved Via Policy sign off Group Distribution Related Documents Further Information This document replaces POLICY TRACKING TABLE Leg Ulcer Prevention & Management Contains guidance for clinical staff on the assessment and management of patients with or ‘at risk’ of, leg ulceration. Tissue Viability Nurse Consultant July 2011 July 2013 Yes Nursing Development Steering Group August 2011 All Clinical Directorates. All Clinical staff via intranet. Available to the public via Freedom of Information. Wound Management Guidelines Infection Control Policy Tissue Viability Service: Dr Caroline Dowsett, Nurse Consultant 0208 475 2120 caroline.dowsett@newhampct.nhs.uk Wound Management Guidelines: Leg Ulcer Section 2001, Revised 2008 Tissue Viability Service Clinical Practice Guideline: Leg Ulcer Prevention & Management July 2011 1.0 Policy Summary This document has been written by the Tissue Viability Service (TVS) and contains guidance for clinical staff on the assessment and management of patients with lower leg ulceration. It replaces previous local guidance published in 2001, and takes into account national and international recommendations (2, 3). The following document should be read in conjunction with National Guidance and the other Clinical Practice Guidelines in the Tissue Viability Portfolio. 2.0 Overriding Duty of Care Statement Should the content or operation of this policy be challenged on any grounds whatsoever then the impact on the past, present or future duty of care to patients will be taken to be a primary factor in deciding the outcome of that challenge. 3.0 To whom this Guideline applies This document is aimed at practitioners who are responsible for the prevention, assessment and management of patients with lower leg ulceration. 4.0 Background & Scope Caring for patients with chronic ulceration of the lower leg accounts for a significant proportion of nursing time (2, 3) and costs the National Health Service (NHS) over £400 million each year (4). The effects on patients' quality of life and their ability to cope with aspects of daily living are not so easily quantified (5, 6, 7, 8, 9). There are many causes of leg ulceration (2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) and unless the correct diagnosis is made early, patients' may experience long delays in healing or increased tissue damage. This document is intended to provide a practical guide for the assessment and management of patients with the most common causes of lower leg ulceration. It is not intended to replace national guidance and therefore, should be read in conjunction with full national guidance, best practice statements and subsequent research publications. Patients with the less frequent causes of lower leg ulceration or unknown diagnosis require referral to the tissue viability service for assessment. 5.0 Aims & Objectives 1. To provide a reference guide to the basic assessment and management criteria for common causes of lower leg ulceration for staff within East London NHS Foundation Trust, Community Health Newham. 2. To ensure evidence-based, standardised approach to the management of patients with the more common causes of leg ulceration. 3. To ensure standardised, evidence based approach is taken to the prevention of recurrence of venous leg ulcers. 4. To provide a framework to ensure that the quality of care for patients in this area can be monitored and improved in line with the quality agenda. 1 6.0 Quality Assurance & Audit The principles upon which this document is based are: An individualised holistic assessment should be undertaken and evidence-based treatment plans commenced, which take into account the underlying aetiology, patient’s circumstances, patient’s wishes, the overall goals of therapy, the practitioners clinical judgement, available resources and knowledge of more recent research findings. Those who undertake assessment, planning, implementation and evaluations of care should be trained/educated/competent in leg ulcer assessment, management and prevention of recurrence. They should have attended the two day leg ulcer in-house training programme and spent supervised time in one of the nurse led leg ulcer clinics. The patient and their carers should be fully informed and share in the decision making process. The process should be clearly documented in the patient’s records and made accessible to all those caring for the patient to ensure continuity of care. A collaborative, multi-disciplinary, inter agency approach is taken to meet all the needs of patients with or 'At risk' of leg ulcer development. Patients, staff and carers should have access to the equipment and resources necessary to deliver quality care. Monitoring of ulcer healing rates and recurrence rates as an indicator of quality care will be undertaken regularly through a clinical audit process. 7.0 Dissemination This document is available to all staff on the Trust Intranet site and paper copies will be available in all community nurse led leg ulcer clinics and community nurses bases. Hyperlinks to relevant national guidance and best practice statements will be included on the reference list. A two day leg ulcer courses focussing on an introduction to leg ulcer assessment, management and prevention of recurrence will be held at least twice a year by the tissue viability department, to introduce the standards of care within these guidelines. It is recommended that all health professionals involved in leg ulcer management attend this course. Further training specific to service need can be arranged by contacting the tissue viability service. The tissue viability team will work in collaboration with other specialists, practitioners with specialist interests and services to ensure consistency in information and application. 2 8.0 DEFINITION OF A LEG ULCER For the purpose of this document the following definition of leg ulceration will be used: "A leg ulcer is a loss of skin below the knee, on the leg or foot, which takes more than 6 weeks to heal." (11). It should be noted that "leg ulcer" is not a diagnosis but a manifestation of the underlying disease process, which requires diagnosis if the correct treatment pathway is to be selected. For example, 70 per cent of ulcers are caused by venous disease (12), 10 per cent are caused by peripheral arterial disease (PAD) (12,13), the remaining are of ‘other causes’ such as, mixed aetiology, neoplasm, metabolic disease, physical trauma, lymphoedema, oedema, infection, vasculitis, haematological, connective tissue or immunological disorders. 9.0 ASSESSMENT All leg ulcers have an underlying cause and an accurate diagnosis is essential to determine the appropriate treatment pathway. A full clinical history and physical examination should be conducted for a patient presenting with either their first or recurrent leg ulcer and assessment should be ongoing thereafter (2). The assessment of the patient and diagnosis of the cause of ulceration should be based on a thorough clinical history and physical examination, as well as appropriate laboratory tests. Measurement of blood pressure, weight, urinalysis and Doppler measurement of ankle/brachial pressure reading (ABPI) should be undertaken (2). The assessment and clinical investigations should be undertaken by a health care professional trained in leg ulcer management (2). The assessment should be documented on the Trust's Leg Ulcer Assessment Form (Appendix 1). All ulcers should fit into one of the following categories. Venous ulcer Arterial ulcer Mixed aetiology ulcer Diabetic Foot ulcer – (Neuropathic, ischaemic,) Traumatic Rheumatoid Vasculitic. Unknown If the diagnosis is unknown or uncertain then the patient should be referred to the tissue viability team for further assessment The following should be documented on the Leg Ulcer Assessment Form (Appendix 1). 9.1 Demographic Details Date and time of initial assessment Name, address, contact telephone number, date of birth District/Community/ nurse name, contact details GP's name, address, telephone number 3 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 Current Leg ulcer treatments and investigation Allergies and medication Include any patch test results Results of investigations; Vital signs, BMI, recent blood results Medical History Past & Current medical history: e.g. Diabetes mellitus. Tick box as appropriate Anaemia Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the affected leg Phlebitis of the affected leg Number of pregnancies Obesity Past surgery: including past venous & arterial operations Past fractures of the legs and lower limb orthopaedic operations Any prolonged periods of bed rest i.e. more than 4 days (14). Smoking & alcohol history Nutritional and hydration level Family history including leg ulceration, varicose veins, heart disease, stroke, diabetes etc. Medications Pain Constant or intermittent Day or night At dressing change What helps the patients Impact of the ulcer on the patients quality of life Nutritional Assessment All patients should be screened for 'risk of' or actual malnutrition, and be advised on a well balanced diet in accordance with their wishes. Patients considered as 'malnourished', or 'at risk' of malnutrition should be managed according to local and national guidance (15, 16). Nutritionally compromised patients who have wounds may have an increased dietary need and a referral to a Dietician should be considered for further assessment, advice and supplementation. Weight, height and body mass index (BMI) should be recorded at initial assessment and then regularly throughout the treatment phase. Ulcer History How the ulcer(s) started Duration of ulcer(s) past and present Number of episodes of ulceration Time to healing in previous episodes Ankle movement Measurement of ankle circumference Condition of ulcer and surrounding skin Site of ulcer(s) - position on the leg. For example: medial, lateral, anterior, posterior, within the gaiter area, on the foot, over the malleolus etc. Size of ulcer(s) - a tracing of the ulcer should be taken with length and width measurements in centimetres. This should be repeated and compared with previous 4 9.8 9.9 tracings every 4 weeks. Photographs may be taken with the patient's consent. Presence or absence of odour and exudate including colour and volume. Appearance of wound bed including colour i.e. black/grey/green/yellow/red/pink. Type of tissue i.e. necrotic, sloughy, purulent, granulating, epithelialising, infected. Clinical observations and changes to the ulcer bed and edges should be documented at each dressing change. The Trust Wound Assessment and evaluation form should be used for continuous monitoring (Appendix 2). Condition of the Legs Shape of leg. For example: inverted champagne bottle, thin or normal shaped Presence of oedema. If yes is it pitting? How far up the leg does the oedema extend? Is this caused by heart failure, prolonged limb dependency or lymphoedema? Varicose veins, superficial veins, ankle flare, atrophie blanche Temperature of skin along leg length including foot Skin condition. For example: dry skin, eczema, broken areas, brown staining, red and inflamed areas, lack of hair, shiny skin, scars on the leg. Foot condition. For example: discolouration of toes or feet (white, bluish, red), number of toes, thickening of toenails. Foot pulses - present or absent, can they be felt or heard using a hand held Doppler ultrasound? How many pulse sounds can be heard? Ankle movement - full/restricted movement or fixed ankle joint? Walking ability - full/restricted/with aids - is the movement heel to toe to move calf muscle pump? Ankle and calf measurements (cm) Investigations (ABPI) Measurement of Ankle/Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) using a hand held Doppler ultrasound should be taken during the initial assessment. The patient should have rested, as flat as possible, for at least 20 minutes. Inaccurate readings will occur if the patient sits up or the legs are dependent or very oedematous. Ankle systolic pressure: locate, obtain and document pressure readings from all pulse points if possible and use the highest reading to calculate ABPI. Pulses to identify: Dorsalis Pedis and Posterior Tibial. Brachial systolic pressure - using the Doppler ultrasound to take readings from both arms and use the highest reading when calculating ABPI. NB: ABPI readings indicate strength of arterial blood flow to the foot. A common misunderstanding among inexperienced staff is that ABPI readings between 0.8 and 1 indicate the ulcer is venous in origin. This is incorrect. The range represents the arterial strength required to apply compression therapy if clinically indicated 10.0 Reassessment All patients should be re-assessed if their condition changes or the ulcer fails to heal in 12 weeks. Please refer to the tissue viability service for further advice 5 10.1 Repeat ABPI measurements Doppler ultrasound to measure ABPI should be conducted thereafter if An ulcer is deteriorating Patient presents with ulcer recurrence Before commencing compression therapy Patient is to commence wearing compression hosiery as a preventive measure There is a sudden increase in ulcer size There is s sudden increase in ulcer pain Foot colour and/or temperature of foot changes Ongoing assessment (three monthly) 11.0 WOUND & SKIN CARE 11.1 Wound Cleansing Clean the ulcer, where necessary, with warmed (body temperature) tap water or sterile 0.9% sodium chloride (2). In most cases tap water will be suitable, but should be assessed on an individual basis. Consider: patient comfort, quality of tap water, environment, equipment available, the need to cleanse surrounding skin, volume needed, moving and handling of loads (buckets, bowls etc). Hypochlorite and other antiseptic cleansing solutions should not be used routinely. Use the No Touch Wound Dressing Technique to prevent cross infection. Universal precautions should be maintained. Hands should be washed before and after using gloves and between patients. NB: Povidone iodine, acetic acid, hypochlorites and salt added to water should not be used routinely. Cotton wool should not be used due to the potential of leaving loose fibres on the wound surface. 11.2 Care of the Skin surrounding the ulcer Use an emollient such as Aqueous cream, Hydromol or Epaderm as a soap substitute to clean the skin surrounding the ulcer(s). Dry skin should be moisturised with bland emollients. For example: 50:50 liquid paraffin and white soft paraffin, Epaderm, Hydromol cream or Diprobase. The dryer the skin the more 'greasier' a preparation and more frequent application is required. Varicose eczema may benefit from the topical application of steroid ointment or creams as recommended by the tissue viability or dermatology specialist, which may reduce inflammation and limit the spread of skin breakdown. It should be noted that topical steroid therapy should only be applied to eczematous skin and not the ulcer. Use a cream for wet eczema and an ointment for dry eczema. Apply amount according to size of surface area affected. For example: 1 fingertip unit to cover the surface area equivalent to that of two adult hands and use the appropriate potency for the severity of the eczema (17). The surrounding skin should be protected from wound exudate, which may cause excoriation and/or maceration. For example, Cavilon barrier-cream or liquid-film dressing. If skin problems persist refer to the dermatology nurse specialist for further advice. 6 11.3 Contact Sensitivity Patients can become sensitised to elements of their treatment at any time (2). Common sensitizers include lanolin, perfumes, preservatives, natural rubber latex and topical antibiotics and should be avoided (2). Patients with suspected sensitivity reactions should be referred to a dermatology specialist to identify the allergen. After patch testing, identified allergens must be documented, avoided and medical advice on treatment should be sought (2). 11.4 Debridement Wounds may be covered by a combination of sloughy or necrotic tissue, fibrin, exudate and dressing residue, which can harbour bacteria, increase the risk of infection and can delay healing by prolonging the inflammatory response (18). Therefore, it is important to remove devitalised tissue and excess exudate to promote healing. This may be achieved through autolysis, chemical or enzymatic or mechanical debridement (2). Debridement methods include: Autolysis debridement using dressings such as: hydrogels, hydrocolloids, hydrofibres and foams. Enzymatic debridement. Bio-surgery otherwise known as sterile larvae (maggots). Sharp debridement: using a blade or scalpel, but this must only be undertaken by a healthcare professional with specific training. Surgical excision: performed by a surgeon in sterile conditions NB: Decisions about debridement method should be made by a registered health professional that has undergone appropriate training and demonstrated competence. 11.5 Dressings There is little evidence to support that any individual dressing is more effective in healing leg ulcers. The underlying cause must be addressed. For example: venous hypertension, arterial insufficiency. However, the following principles should be considered when choosing a dressing: easy to apply and remove without causing trauma or pain able to cope with various amounts of exudate able to mask or minimise odour hypo-allergenic Low or non adherent. Avoid adhesive dressings or tape on the skin. Tubular bandages (e.g. Actifast) or cotton bandages may be used to retain non-adhesive dressings in place without the need for adhesive tape. Be cost effective Acceptable to the patient NB: Antimicrobial dressings e.g. silver dressings should only be used when the wound shows signs of clinical infection and should be used for no longer than 14 days. If the problem has not resolved please refer to the tissue viability service. Wound care for all leg ulcer types should be recorded on the wound assessment and evaluation form (Appendix 3) 7 11.0 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS, AETIOLOGY & MANAGEMENT A quick reference pathway for the management of leg ulcers has been include (Appendix 2) 12.1 Venous Ulcer Aetiology The major cause of leg ulcers in the UK is chronic venous hypertension (2, 3, 19, 20). Predisposing factors for venous incompetence include: DVT, lower leg fractures, previous vein or joint surgery, thrombophlebitis. Venous hypertension can also be caused by multiple pregnancies, obesity or intravenous drug use. Venous ulcers are usually situated within the gaiter area of the leg and are more prevalent over the malleoli (ankle bones). Varicose veins may be apparent and the skin may feel hard and indurated in texture. There may be red/brown staining of the skin due to leakage from red blood cells (hyper-pigmentation), ankle flare (distension of veins around the malleolus and foot), atrophie blanche (loss of pigment in the skin due to capillary infarction) and venous eczema (2, 20). Venous ulcer prevalence increases with age (19, 20), as does the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD), therefore, older patients with predominantly venous ulcers may also have arterial insufficiency. These ulcers are termed "Mixed aetiology" (2, 13) (See section 12.5). As the conservative treatment for venous leg ulceration is compression therapy, an assessment of the arterial supply, of the lower leg is essential. 12.2 Venous Ulcer Management The first line treatment for uncomplicated venous ulcers is graduated compression therapy (2, 3, 21). Decisions to use compression therapy should be made by a registered health professional that has undergone appropriate training and demonstrated competence. The following compression bandages are recommended for use in Newham 4 layer compression bandage Short stretch bandage 2 layer compression system Compression hosiery kits Compression Bandage Systems and Hosiery Kits Ankle pressures Application (18-25cm) 4-Layer 1. Sub-compression Spiral wadding To protect bony prominences 2. Crepe Spiral No stretch 3. Light compression 50% overlap & 50% stretch 17 mmHg Figure 8 application 4. Cohesive bandage Elasticised bandage. 23 mmHg 50% stretch & 50% overlap Spiral Use with sub-compression wadding Pressure when Inelastic bandage Short stretch bandages moving calf muscle Use with sub-compression wadding 40mmHg 2 layer bandage system Compression hosiery kits 40mmHg 25mmHg – 40mmHg Comfort layer Compression layer Spiral 50% overlap Liners or understocking Overstocking 8 Examples Porfore1 Profore 2 Hospicrepe Profore3 Elset Profore4 Coban Actico Coban 2 layer system Mediven Activa Hosiery kits Chose multi-component compression bandage systems or hosiery capable of sustaining compression for at least a week. For example, four-layer, 2 layer and short stretch systems. More frequent application may be required if the ulcer is exuding heavily. Graduated, multi-component, high compression systems aim to provide 40 mmHg of pressure at the ankle decreasing gradually to 20 mmHg at the knee if applied according to manufacturers’ instructions on a leg with a normal shape and normal sized ankle (1825cm). For more unusual leg shapes use Profore 1 to re-shape the leg. If the ankle circumference is < 18cms or > 25cms please use the recommended kits or number of layers of bandage e.g. Profore plus or two layers of short stretch bandage If no improvement is seen within four weeks of treatment refer to the Tissue Viability Service for re-assessment and advice. Further referral to the vascular team may be required. Ankle, Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) readings must be taken on all patients prior to the application of compression therapy. The ABPI should be between 0.8 and 1.2 and the limb should be adequately padded to prevent pressure damage. If the ABPI is less than (<) 0.8 but greater than (>) 0.7 reduced compression may be indicated, but only under the recommendation of the Vascular team/Tissue Viability and should be used with caution by experienced practitioners. Patients/carers/practitioners are advised to observe for loss of colour, movement, sensation or increasing pain levels in compressed limbs. If observed the patient should be advised to remove the compression layer(s) and call for assistance from the nursing team. 12.3 Arterial Ulcer Aetiology About 10 per cent of leg ulcers are caused by arterial occlusion, which causes deprivation of oxygen and essential nutrients to the skin (12, 13). The prevalence of PAD increases with age and smoking exacerbates the condition; therefore, patients should be advised to stop smoking. Arterial ulcers can be found on the foot or the lower leg and are usually small (but may be larger) and are described as having a 'punched out' appearance and may contain sloughy or necrotic tissue. The leg may be cold and pale or deep red, blanching when elevated to approximately 45 degrees from level and slowly recovering its colour when lowered. Capillary refill time is more than three seconds when a toe is squeezed lightly. The patient may complain of pain when walking, which subsides with rest (intermittent claudication (13)). Also, the patient may complain of pain when the limb is elevated, which resolves when lowered. Arterial ulcers are often more painful on elevation, and as a result these patients often sleep in a chair or get up frequently in the night to walk about. The skin on the leg may be shiny and hairless and the toenails may have become thickened, owing to lack of nutrient diffusion from poor blood supply. 12.4 Arterial Ulceration Management Patients who have critical limb ischaemia or ischaemia pain must not have compression therapy. Refer to a vascular services to establish the location and extent of the occlusion or the presence of small vessel disease and to advise on surgical intervention (2, 7). If ABPI is less than 0.7 and the patient shows signs and symptoms of claudication ask for an “URGENT” referral. If the patient presents with gangrene of the feet then a dry dressing should be applied and urgent referral to vascular services. 9 12.5 Mixed Aetiology Ulceration A percentage of leg ulcers show signs and symptoms of both arterial and venous disease and are termed "mixed aetiology" (2, 12, 13, 20). For example: signs of venous hypertension may be present but the arterial blood supply may be lower than normal. 12.6 Mixed Aetiology Ulcer Management If ABPI is below (<) 0.8 but greater than (>) 0.7 and the patient does not show signs or symptoms of claudication then reduced compression may be used cautiously under the supervision of the vascular team. This should only be applied by registered clinicians experienced in compression application and leg ulcer management, and with close observation for compromised circulation. If ABPI is less than (<) 0.7 and the ulcer is not healing, this indicates significant arterial disease and a referral to a vascular surgeon for assessment is indicated. If ABPI less than (<) 0.6 and the patient show signs and symptoms of arterial disease the referral should be marked as “URGENT”. 12.7 Ulceration in patients with Diabetes Mellitus Patients with diabetes mellitus may have leg ulcers due to any cause. However, there may be difficulty in establishing the underlying aetiology due to the diabetic disease process. In addition, at some time in their life 15 per cent of people with diabetes develop foot ulceration associated with peripheral neuropathy and/or ischaemia (22, 23, 24) and there is a high incidence of limb amputation in this group. Patients should have their blood glucose level and blood pressure and lipid levels monitored and controlled, be advised to stop smoking, and receive dietary, exercise and foot care advice. There are 2 main types of diabetic foot ulceration: Neuropathic ulcers Ischaemic ulcers 12.7.1 Neuropathic Ulcers. Damage to the nerves in lower limbs can lead to physiological changes and loss of sensation in the feet, which increases the risk of developing foot ulcers. Neuropathic ulceration is associated with callus formation and occurs on the plantar surface of the foot, on bony pressure points. The skin is usually warm and dry, pulses are palpable but sensation is impaired. The ulcer may be painless but can penetrate to bone (22). The presence of neuropathy should be tested using a 10g monofilament and patients should be referred to a Podiatrist for ongoing sharp debridement of the callus, toe nail cutting, for foot wear assessment and education (24). Non healing diabetic foot ulcers should be referred to the multi-disciplinary diabetic foot clinic. 12.7.2 Ischaemic Ulcers These may be painful, but depends on the degree of neuropathy present. The skin may be cold, pulses may be absent and ulcers may be seen on the tips of toes. Sensation is often impaired and there may be evidence of claudication. The patient should be referred to the vascular team for assessment. These ulcers are highly susceptible to infection (12) and result in 5-15 per cent of people needing lower extremity amputation (23). Therefore, medical advice should be sought immediately if infection is suspected. In addition, the normal signs of infection (redness, warmth, inflammation and pain), may be absent or diminished therefore wound swabs, for MC&S, may be taken without other clinical signs of infection being present, especially if the ulcer is on the foot. All diabetic patients and their carers should be taught how to inspect their feet daily for trauma and signs of infection. If the patient's sight is also affected by diabetic 10 retinopathy, a suitable supervision plan should be worked out with the patient. 12.8 Management of Ulcers in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Management depends on the underlying aetiology. For example, if venous hypertension is the cause then treat as Section 12.2, if arterial occlusion is suspected treat as Section 12.4. If the wound is on the foot it is important to inspect the wound daily to detect early any signs of infection (21). Patients at risk of foot ulceration should be identified early and referred to foot clinics, which offer education, podiatry and footwear advice. Patients with non healing diabetic foot ulcers should be referred to the monthly multidisciplinary foot clinic. A referral for a vascular assessment is indicated if: the patient has rest pain in the legs, the ulcers show no signs of healing after four - six weeks, the ulcers are on the foot, or dry or wet gangrene is apparent. Specialist assessment is essential, as the reliability of ABPI readings may be limited due to the presence of calcification of the media artery wall. 12.9 Foot Assessment Should be carried out by healthcare professionals who have undergone the appropriate training and competency assessment. Monitor blood glucose, pressure and lipid control. Foot sensation should be tested using a 10g monofilament. Foot pulses should be palpated. A hand held Doppler ultrasound should be used to detect faint pulses or to assess the quality of the pulse sounds i.e. mono, bi or tri-phasic. Inspect both feet for foot deformities and pressure marks from foot wear. Identify the patient’s level of risk of developing foot complications using the NICE guidance (Table 1) (10): Table 1. Levels of risk associated with foot ulceration and the appropriate action Category of Risk of Foot Ulceration Low Current Risk: normal sensation, palpable pulses Increased Risk: neuropathic or absent pulses or other factors High Risk: neuropathy, absent pulses, foot deformity, skin changes, previous ulceration Foot Ulceration: new ulceration, pain, swelling, discolouration Action Agree individual management plan including foot care education Arrange 3-6 monthly reviews by identified clinician Inspect both feet Consider need for vascular assessment Check foot wear Enhance foot care advice Arrange 1-3 monthly reviews Inspect both feet Consider need for vascular assessment Specialist footwear and insoles Enhance foot, skin and nail care and advice Refer to foot care team within 24 hours Investigate and treat vascular insufficiency Initiate and supervise wound management using debridement and dressings as indicated by wound condition. Use systemic antibiotics for cellulitis or bone infection Ensure the weight of the foot is evenly distributed using specialist footwear, orthotics or casts if necessary Promote and monitor optimal blood glucose control and other cardio-vascular risk factors 11 12.10 Malignant Ulceration Malignancy is a rare cause of ulceration and more rarely a consequence of chronic ulceration but the possibility should not be overlooked (2). Malignancies may include:- squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, Marjolins ulcer (12, 26). Some characteristics of some malignant ulcers are displayed in Table 2. Table 2. Characteristics of malignant ulcers Type Characteristics Presentation Basal Cell common, slow red/brown Carcinoma growing dome shaped nodule locally invasive central ulceration raised rolled border Translucent pearly appearance Squamous Cell aggressive, opaque, skin coloured Carcinoma malignant fleshy papules, nodules or tumour plaques rapid scaly deterioration may have friable surface Malignant malignant change in appearance of existing Melanoma growth of mole pigmented cells fragile inflamed border may bleed or discharge fluid Referral Pathway refer to dermatologist for biopsy and diagnosis refer urgently to dermatologist for biopsy and diagnosis refer urgently to dermatologist for biopsy and diagnosis 12.11 Management of Malignant Ulceration All ulcers suspected to be in this group require urgent referral to the appropriate specialist for biopsy, diagnosis and treatment. Please refer to tissue viability or dermatology specialist nurse for Skin Suspected Cancer referral (2 week wait). 12.12 Ulceration in People with Rheumatoid Arthritis Leg ulceration is common among people with rheumatoid arthritis and this group is at very high risk of developing coronary arterial disease and peripheral vascular disease (12, 27), even if they have never smoked. Therefore, they should be referred to a vascular consultant for assessment. The underlying aetiology in this group is thought to be a combination of: local vasculitis poor venous return due to immobility of the ankle joint Debilitating effect of prolonged steroid therapy on the skin (19). The ulcers appear: deep and well demarcated punched out very slow to heal Often situated on the calf or dorsum of the foot. NB: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may also develop ulcers associated with other diseases (7), so a full holistic assessment is required prior to diagnosis. 12.13.1 Vasculitic Ulcers Ulcers caused by vasculitis tend to appear suddenly and deteriorate rapidly and are slow to heal. They may present as multiple, small, 'punched out', painful ulcers. Vasculitic ulcers are also associated with other, less common, inflammatory connective tissue disorders (12), or rarely may be caused by reactions to medications. 12.14 Management of Rheumatoid / Vasculitic Ulcers The treatment is usually systemic steroid therapy, bandaging and bed rest. If vasculitic ulcers are suspected, the patient should have a medical and vascular assessment as soon as possible, vasculitic blood screen with potential wound biopsy. Refer to the pathway for the management of leg ulcers for quick reference (Appendix 2) 12 13.0 PREVENTION OF VENOUS ULCER RECURRENCE Venous ulceration is associated with a high rate of recurrence, unless the underlying venous disease can be improved surgically (29, 30). Therefore, all patients whose venous ulcer has healed should have an individualised prevention of recurrence programme (7, 28). Programmes should include: Compression Hosiery - usually for the patient's lifetime (31, 32, 33). Regular ABPI readings to exclude arterial insufficiency: Three monthly for patients with: diabetes, immobility, previous ABPI of less than 0.9 and for those who develop symptoms of claudication. 6-12 monthly for mobile patients with no signs or symptoms of arterial disease. As a general rule the ABPI should be repeated when the patient is measured for new hosiery. Limb measurements - use a disposable tape measure for each patient to prevent cross infection, these are available from NHS Logistics Authority catalogue. Record limb measurements in centimetres and document in the patient's notes. Ankle circumference - taken just above the malleolus at the narrowest point while the patient is standing or has their foot flat on the floor. Calf circumference - taken at the widest point while the patient is standing or has their foot flat on the floor. Foot length - taken from tip of great toe to heel, for closed toe hosiery and from the base of the toes to the heel for open toe hosiery. Measure while the patient is standing or has their foot flat on the floor. Open toed hosiery is recommended when the patient: requests them, wants to wear a sock on top, has arthritic or misshapen toes, needs to use certain application aids, (for example, a Chinese slipper), requires podiatrist care or has a fungal infection. Below knee length - taken from just below the back of the knee to the base of the heel, while the patient is standing or has their foot flat on the floor. Thigh circumference (for thigh length hosiery) - taken at the widest point while the patient is standing. Length of the leg (for thigh length hosiery) - taken while the patient is standing. Thigh length hosiery is usually advised where varicose veins extend above the knee, or when oedema accumulates above the knee joint or arthritic changes to the knee increase discomfort from below knee hosiery. All leg measurements should be taken after a period of elevation, directly on removal of compression bandaging and preferably just as the patient gets out of bed, before oedema can develop. Measure legs separately if compression hosiery is required for both legs. Patients should be advised to apply the hosiery before they put their feet to the floor in the mornings, before oedema can develop. If not already in use, patients with oedema may require treatment with compression bandages prior to measurement and fitting of compression hosiery. Condition of skin - the skin on the lower leg should be checked regularly by the patient or carer, for; dry skin, varicose eczema, ulcer recurrence, pressure damage from compression, oedema. Patients/carer should be shown how to maintain basic skin care such as washing with a soap substitute and using an emollient regularly to prevent dryness, itching and skin cracking. Patients/carers should be advised to apply creams or ointments in downward strokes to prevent the product accumulating at the base of the hair shaft, reducing the risk of folliculitis. Products containing perfumes, lanolin or preservatives should be avoided as these can cause sensitivities, irritation or allergy. Oilbased emollients should be avoided as these can accumulate and damage the material. Condition of feet - a podiatrist or orthotist may be required if specialist footwear or nail care is indicated. 13 Allergies or contact sensitivities - ask the patient about allergies to products such as natural rubber latex, nylon, Lycra, perfumes, emollients etc. As compression hosiery must be worn every day to be effective it is important to involve the patient in the decision making process, this includes which stocking, style and colour they prefer. This may increase concordance. Depending on the patient/carers abilities the hosiery may be removed at night and reapplied in the morning or worn for a period of up to 7 days. Patient education - including skin care, how to apply and when to remove hosiery, how to launder hosiery, leg and foot exercises, mobility, leg elevation when not mobilising, when and who to contact at the first sign of ulcer recurrence and when the hosiery is damaged or due for replacement. Vascular referral - for investigations such as colour venous duplex studies and surgery if appropriate. Developments in venous surgery have reduced the need for general anaesthesia and hospital admission. However, if the patient is adamant they do not want surgical intervention referral can be omitted. However, it should be documented in their records that this has been discussed as an option. If the patient changes their mind at any time then a referral should be made. 13.1 Compression Hosiery Ready made hosiery is available on FP10, however, for patients with limb sizes outside the ranges, hosiery can be made to measure and is also available on FP10. 13.2 Classification of Compression Hosiery There are a number of classification systems for compression hosiery. RAL hosiery offers higher pressures and is the recommended first choice. However some patients may not be able to tolerate higher pressures and therefore British class hosiery offers an alternative. TITLE AVAILABLE STRENGTHS FEATURES Support Hosiery Retail Shops Less than 10mmHg. Non-Medical Anti-Embolism Stockings Hospitals, for DVT Prophylaxis Thrombexin 18® 16 – 18 mmHg. For patients pre, peri & post surgery. Travel Socks Over the Counter or mediven® travel Direct from medi UK 20 mmHg. (medi is clinically proven) British Standard Hosiery FP10 Prescription cl 1 14 – 17 mmHg cl 2 18 – 24 mmHg cl 3 25 – 35 mmHg For travel on planes, trains, cars, coaches and long journeys. Clinically effective for up to 3 months. 4 sizes. Lower Limb only. RAL Standard Hosiery Hospital Prescription mediven® Appliances/Orthotics cl 1 18 – 21 mmHg Vascular Specialist cl 2 23 – 32 mmHg Available on FP10 cl 3 34 – 46 mmHg cl 4 over 49 mmHg Clinically effective for up to 6 months. 7 off the shelf sizes/ custom made. Comprehensive range of styles and colours. 13.3 Advice on Prescribing Hosiery Article and brand name, for example: Medi compression hosiery Compression level: Class 1, 2 or 3. Length - below knee or thigh length Quantity - single or number of pairs, it is usual to have two stockings per leg, one to wash and one to wear. 14 Size required - measure ankle, calf and foot to select appropriate size from manufacturers measuring guide. Open or closed toe. Colour - ask the patient as this may improve compliance. See manufacturer’s guide. For made to measure hosiery: measure limb according to manufacturers instructions, fill in made to measure form, attach form to prescription sheet requesting made to measure hosiery from the named company. 13.4 Advice on Fitting Compression Hosiery Compression hosiery is not put on like ordinary socks, stockings or tights. If the compression stocking is gathered together in the typical 'doughnut' fashion, the effect of the elastic material is multiplied and it becomes hard to apply. To apply correctly: Insert a hand down the shaft of the stocking to the heel pocket only and turn stocking inside out. Position stocking over foot up to heel pocket position, pulling the garment as far along the foot as possible. Gradually unfold/peel the stocking up the leg from the top opening. The last piece of material to be fitted should be just below the knee or thigh. Hosiery should be applied with care to prevent skin trauma and damage to the hosiery. Using a tubular bandage as a liner may aid application e.g. Tubifast. The patient's ability to apply and remove the stockings should be assessed and application aids considered. For example, Chinese slipper, Actiglide or Medi 2 in 1 which are available on FP10. Patients unable to apply stockings will need assistance from a relative, friend or other carer who should be trained to apply the hosiery correctly. The patient/carer should be advised about how to care for the stockings and the information should be given verbally from the manufacturers instructions as well as leaving the instructions for them to read. For example, wash in warm soapy water, let the stockings dry naturally away from direct heat and not over a radiator or near a fire, ensure nails and hands are free from snags to prevent ladders. Once the patient has been fitted with hosiery they should be followed up to check comfort, fit, skin condition and their ability to manage and level of compliance. It is also important to check that the hosiery is having the desired therapeutic effect. Patients should be advised to contact a named healthcare professional immediately if they have problems or concerns about the skin on their leg. Early intervention might prevent ulcer recurrence or deterioration. As a general guide, patients should be re-measured, re-Doppler and stockings replaced every 6-12 months (see manufacturer’s instructions for details). Patients/carers should be supplied with an educational leaflet to reinforce any advice given verbally. 13.5 Potential Hazards of Compression Hosiery Pressure damage due to undiagnosed arterial disease or badly fitting hosiery. Friction or pressure damage due to ill fitting hosiery. Usually seen over the tips and joints of toes, mid foot, medial and lateral malleoli, tibial crest or the anterior bend in the ankle Tourniquet effect caused by badly applied hosiery. Skin irritation or allergies. Compression hosiery should be used with caution when treating patients with diabetes mellitus or rheumatoid arthritis because these patients are susceptible to small vessel disease and compression could cause further occlusion and pressure necrosis. 15 14.0 EXERCISES Poor mobility and fear of falling are common problems for older patients with leg ulceration. An assessment of the patient's ability to walk should be performed and documented. The problems may be due to oedema, pain, joint stiffness and obesity etc. It is important that a patient’s mobility is maintained and improved, as this will aid venous return, by moving the calf muscle pump, in addition to reducing the risk of developing other problems associated with immobility (12). Patients should be advised to walk, where possible and, if able, perform ankle and foot exercises while sitting and standing. A referral to the physiotherapist may be indicated. When resting, those patients with venous disease and/or oedema should be advised to elevate their legs, with ankles slightly above hip level, rather than sitting with their legs hanging down. This may be more easily achieved by resting on a bed or sofa with pillows/cushions underneath the lower section of the leg. Foot stools are not recommended as they are generally not high enough to reverse venous hypertension and reduce oedema and they can increase pressure at the heel, which may increase the risk of pressure ulceration in this area for 'At Risk' patients. 15.0 EDUCATION & TRAINING Health care professionals involved in the care of patients with leg ulcers should have attended the two day leg ulcer workshop and be knowledgeable and skilled in the following areas; Pathophysiology of leg ulceration Leg ulcer assessment & differential diagnosis skills Use of Doppler ultrasound to measure ABPI Normal and abnormal wound healing Compression therapy - theory, management and application Dressing selection Skin care and management Health education Prevention of recurrence Criteria for referral for specialised assessment, including vascular services 16 REFERENCES 1. Local Guideline for the assessment and management of leg ulcers. (2003) Tissue Viability Service. Enfield Community Services. 2. RCN. (2006) Clinical Practice Guidelines: The management of patients with venous leg ulcers. London. Royal College of Nursing. http://www.rcn.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/107940/003020.pdf 3. World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) (2008). Principles of best practice: Compression in venous leg ulcers. A consensus document. London. MEP Ltd. http://www.wuwhs.org/datas/2_1/9/Compression_VLU_English_WEB.pdf 4. Callum MJ., Ruckley CV., Harper DR., and Dale JJ. (1985) Chronic ulceration of the leg: extent of the problems and provision of care. British Medical Journal. 290. 1855-1856. 5. Bosanquet N. (1992) Cost of venous ulcers: from maintenance therapy to investment. Phlebology. 7 supplement 1. 44-46. 6. Charles H. (1995) The impact of leg ulcers on patients' quality of life. Professional Nurse. 10. (9): 571-574. 7. Price P., and Harding K. (1996) Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Leg Ulcers. Wounds. 8. (3). 91-94. 8. Hayes M. (1997) Quality of life in patients with chronic leg ulceration. Journal of Wound Care. 67. 348-349. 9. Franks PJ. (1998) Who suffers most from leg ulceration? Journal of Wound Care. 7. (8): 383-385. 10. NICE (2004) Clinical Guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes: Prevention and management of foot problems. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/CG10fullguideline.pdf 11. Dale J. (1996) The Aetiology of Leg Ulceration. In Cullum N. and Roe B. (eds) Leg Ulcers- Nursing Management: A research based guide. London. Bailliere Tindall. 9-15. 12. Morison M., and Moffatt C. (1994) A Colour Guide to the Assessment and Management of Leg Ulcers. Mosby. Bucks. 13. Herbert LM. (1997) Caring for the Vascular Patient. London. Churchill-Livingstone 14. THRIFT Guidelines (1992) British Medical Journal. 305. 567-574. 15. NICE (2005) Nutritional Support in adults: Clinical guideline. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. London www.nice.org.uk/page.aspx?o=292900 16. DH (2003) Essence of Care Patient-focus benchmarks for clinical governance: Food & Nutrition. Department of Health. http://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/@dh/@en/documents/digitalasset/dh_4127 915.pdf 17 17. BNF (2009) September. British National Formulary. 18. Flanagan M. (1997) Wound Management. Churchill Livingstone. London. 19. Browse N., and Burnand KG. (1982)The cause of venous ulceration. Lancet 2. 243-245. 20. Cullum N. and Roe B. (1996) Leg Ulcers: Nursing Management - A Research-based Guide. Bailliere Tindall. London. 21. European Wound Managment Association (2003) Understanding Compression Therapy. EWMA Position Document. Medical Education Partnership Ltd. London. 22. Boulton A., Connor H., and Cavanagh P. (1995)The Foot in Diabetes. Wiley. Chichester. 23. Edwards L. and Foster A. (1999) The complexities of wound management in the diabetic foot. Journal of Community Nursing. 13. (2). 20 - 30. 24. Effective Health Care Bulletin (1999) Complications of diabetes: Screening for retinopathy & Management of foot Ulcers. NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. University of York. Churchill Livingstone. 25. Ackroyd J.S, and Young AE. (1983) Leg ulcers that do not heal. British Medical Journal. 286. 207-208. 26. Baldursson B., Sigureirsson B., Lindelof B. (1995) Venous leg ulcers and squamous cell carcinoma: a large scale epidemiological study. British Journal of Dermatology. 133. 571-574. 27. King B. (2005) Diagnosing and treating unusual aetologies of lower leg ulcers. Nursing Times. 100. (4). 44-46. 28. Lambert E., and McGuire J. (1989) Rheumatoid leg ulcers are notoriously difficult to manage. How can one distinguish them from gravitational and large vessel ischaemic ulceration? What is the most cost effective treatment? British Journal of Rheumatology. 28. (5). 421. 29. Coull A., and Clark M. (2005) Best Practice Statement for compression hosiery. Wounds UK. 1. (1). 70-78. 30. Callum M.J., Harper D.R., Dale J.J. and Ruckely C.V. (1987) Chronic ulceration of the leg: clinical history. British Medical Journal. 294: 1389-1391. 31. Moffat C.J., Franks P.J., Oldroyd M., Bosanquet N., Brown P., Greenhalgh R.M. and McCollum C.N. (1992) Community clinics for leg ulcers and impact on healing. British Medical Journal. 305. 1389-1392. 32. Armstrong S. (1997). Compression Hosiery. Professional Nurse Supplement. 12. (7). S10-S11. 33. Moffatt C. and O'Hare L. (1995) Graduated Compression Hosiery for Venous Ulceration. An update on compression hosiery for the management of venous leg ulcers. Journal of Wound Care. 4. (10). 459-462. 18 34. Blair S., Blackhouse C., and Wright D. (1988) Sustained compression and healing chronic venous ulcers. British Medical Journal. 297. 1159-1161. APPENDIX 1 Leg Ulcer Assessment Form 19 LEG ULCER ASSESSMENT NAME GP ADDRESS GP ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. DATE OF BIRTH GP TEL NO. INITIAL ASSESSMENT DATE: DATE OF LAST To be reassessed on: ABPI DATE OF LAST ASSESSMENT PREVIOUS ULCER TREATMENTS: DRUG ALLERGIES: ALLERGIES TO TOPICAL PRESENT PREPARATIONS/DRESSING/ MEDICATION: PATCH TEST RESULTS: MOBILITY NEGOTIATES STAIRS SLEEPS NO LIMITATIONS WALKS WITH AIDS CHAIR BOUND TOILET TO GO TO BED WHEN OUT IN BED IN CHAIR OTHER OTHER INFORMATION HEIGHT HB WEIGHT WBC BODY MASS INDEX IRON URINALYSIS ALBUMIN To be reassessed on: 20 DATE RESULT BM stick SUGAR BLOOD PRESSURE OTHER WATERLOW SCORE HB ULCER SWABBED? SMOKE S No. per day never Gave up how long ago? RELEVANT MEDICAL HISTORY: (PLEASE TICK) ANAEMIA DIABETES PULMONARY EMBOLISM ISCH. HEART DISEASE T.I.A / CVA ABDOMINAL SURGERY VASCULAR SURGERY MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION PAIN CONSTANT CLAUDICATION MALIGNANCIES ARTHRITIS PREGNANCY INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE CELLULITIS THROMBOPHLEITIS DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS LEG OEDEMA LOWER LEG FRACTURES OTHER VARIOSE VEINS V.V SURGERY INTERMITTENT DURING DAY AT NIGHT AT DRESSING CHANGE NONE MODERATE SEVERE HAS PAIN BECOME WORSE DURING THE LAST TWO WEEKS? YES NO WHAT HELPS? Refer to Pain Team as appropriate Date referred: Outcome: HOW DOES THE ULCER AFFECT THE PATIENT? (WRITE PATIENT’S OWN WORDS) NUTRITION: (IF ANY TICK BOX BELOW TICKED PLEASE COMPLETE FULL DIETARY ASSESSMENT SHEET) WEIGHT LOSS IN LAST THREE MONTHS (NON INTENTIONAL) BODY MASS INDEX BELOW 19 POOR APPETITE/INTAKE HIGH EXUDATE FROM LEG ULCER/CELLULITIS/INFECTION 21 ULCER HISTORY: (PLEASE TRACE ULCER AND ATTACH WITH WOUND ASSESSMENT FORM) RIGHT LEG DURATION OF PRESENT ULCER (MONTHS) TIME SINCE FIRST ULCER APPEARED (YEARS) NUMBER OF EPISODES SURROUN DING SKIN INTACT DRY ECZEMA WET ECZEMA CELLULITIS MACERATION LYMPHOEDEMA LEFT LEG RIGHT LEFT RESTRICTE D FIXED R L ULCER BASE R L FLAT ‘PUNCHED OUT’ EPITHELIALISING GRANULATING LOOSE SLOUGH SLOUGH WITH SOME GRANULATION HARD, YELLOW SLOUGH HARD, BLACK SLOUGH INFECTED TENDONS VISIBLE HIGH EXUDATE MODERATE EXUDATE ROLLED EDGE LEFT OEDEMA BLANCHED EXCORIATED SHINY HARD ANKLE CIRCUMFERENCE: ANKLE MOBILITY FULL RIGHT DATE: NOTE: NURSING DIAGNOSIS OF AETIOLOGY OF ULCER CLINICAL FINDINGS TOGETHER WITH ABPI AND DOPPLER SOUNDS MUST BE CONSIDERED BEFORE DIAGNOSIS IS MADE VENOUS/ ARTERIAL/ MIXED AETIOLOGY/ TRAUMATIC/ DIABETIC/ RHEUMATOID/ VASCULITIC/ OTHER__________________________ PLAN OF ACTION REMEMBER TO CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE BANDAGE SYSTEM BASED ON ANKLE CIRCUMFERENCE REFERRALS: INFORMATION GIVEN TO PATIENT: ASSESSMENT MADE BY DATE: VERBAL DATE WRITTEN PRINT NAME 22 DOPPLER REASSESSMENT SHEET DATE: RESTING PRESSURE INDEX: POSITION OF PATIENT DURING DOPPLER = DOPPLER (INSERT RIGHT LEFT TRI-PHASIC/BI-PHASIC/MONO-PHONIC SOUNDS? PRESSURE BRACHIAL DORSALIS PEDIS POST TIBIAL ABPI DATE: RESTING PRESSURE INDEX: POSITION OF PATIENT DURING DOPPLER = DOPPLER (INSERT RIGHT LEFT TRI-PHASIC/BI-PHASIC/MONO-PHONIC SOUNDS? PRESSURE BRACHIAL DORSALIS PEDIS POST TIBIAL ABPI DATE: RESTING PRESSURE INDEX: POSITION OF PATIENT DURING DOPPLER = DOPPLER (INSERT RIGHT LEFT TRI-PHASIC/BI-PHASIC/MONO-PHONIC SOUNDS? PRESSURE BRACHIAL DORSALIS PEDIS POST TIBIAL ABPI DATE: RESTING PRESSURE INDEX: POSITION OF PATIENT DURING DOPPLER = DOPPLER (INSERT RIGHT LEFT TRI-PHASIC/BI-PHASIC/MONO-PHONIC SOUNDS? PRESSURE BRACHIAL DORSALIS PEDIS POST TIBIAL ABPI DATE: RESTING PRESSURE INDEX: POSITION OF PATIENT DURING DOPPLER = DOPPLER (INSERT RIGHT LEFT TRI-PHASIC/BI-PHASIC/MONO-PHONIC SOUNDS? PRESSURE BRACHIAL DORSALIS PEDIS POST TIBIAL ABPI DATE: RESTING PRESSURE INDEX: POSITION OF PATIENT DURING DOPPLER = DOPPLER (INSERT RIGHT LEFT TRI-PHASIC/BI-PHASIC/MONO-PHONIC SOUNDS? PRESSURE BRACHIAL DORSALIS PEDIS POST TIBIAL ABPI 23 APPENDIX 2 Pathway for the Management of Leg Ulcers 24 Pathway for the Management of Leg ulceration Patient presents with a wound on the lower leg Complete a full leg ulcer assessment Wound assessment and measurement Make a differential diagnosis. If unsure of ulcer aetiology refer to tissue viability service Venous leg ulcer Commence compression therapy based on ankle circumference Arterial leg ulcer Vascular referral for further investigations Local wound care and non compression Mixed leg ulcer Refer to tissue viability service for possible reduced compression Diabetic foot ulcer Refer to foot health/vascular service Local wound care and non compression Ulcers of unusual Refer to tissue viability service. Malignant ulcers for biopsy. Vasculitic/rheumatoid for vascular review Outcome Ulcer fails to heal Reassess Education Refer to tissue viability for advice Ulcer heals Education Prevention of recurrence Hosiery 25 APPENDIX 3 Wound Assessment and Evaluation Form 26 WOUND ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION FORM Patient Name: _________________ Date of birth: ______________ Assessment date: ______________ Named nurse:____________ Location of wound: Type of wound: Pressure Ulcer Leg Ulcer o Venous o Arterial o Mixed Diabetic Ulcer Traumatic wound Skin tear / laceration Burn / scald Surgical wound Fungating lesion Other (please state) __________________ Cause of Wound (e.g. pressure, shear, trauma, Wound Duration (e.g. age of shoes, etc.) wound _______________ Cause of Wound (e.g. pressure, shear, trauma, shoes, etc.) Factors which could delay healing Wound Duration (e.g. age of wound _______________ Immobility Factors which could delay healing Anaemia Circulatory disorders Respiratory Anaemia disorders Allergies Circulatory disorders Other ________________ Respiratory disorders Allergies Other (please state) Diabetes Poor nutritional status Immobility Dehydration Diabetes Incontinence Poor nutritional status Infection Dehydration Incontinence Dressing regime (tick primary and secondary) Infection Hydrogel Alginate Hydrofibre Hydrocolloid Other _______________ Foam Antimicrobial : name____________ Semi-permeable film Dressing Frequency _____________ 27 WOUND EVALUATION Please enter amount or tick as appropriate Start Week Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wound Length in cm Width in cm Depth in cm Black ~ % necrotic Green ~ % infected Yellow ~ % sloughy Red ~ % granulating Pink ~ % epithelialising Wound margin oedema erythema macerated healthy / intact *Wound exudate high moderate low Wound odour (yes / no) Pain [at dressing change] (yes / no) Dressing Frequency Signature / initials *Exudate S - Serous H - Haemoserous 28 P - Purulent 7 8 APPENDIX 4 Equality Impact Assessment 29 Equality Impact Assessment for Clinical practice Guideline Leg ulcer prevention and management Directorate Tissue Viability Specialist Services Provider Name of Function or Policy or Major Service Change Leg ulcer prevention and management Clinical practice Guideline Manager responsible for assessment Date of assessment New or existing? Dr Caroline Dowsett Nurse Consultant 28.7.2011 New Defining what is being assessed 1. Briefly describe the purpose and objectives 2. Who is intended to benefit, and in what way? 3. What outcomes are wanted? 5. Who are the main stakeholders? 6. Who implements this and who is responsible? To raise awareness of leg ulcer prevention and management strategies To provide a basis for standardised, evidence based care To support the development of quality care for patients To support the implementation of NICE guidelines on leg ulcer assessment and management All Newham patients at risk of or with an existing leg ulcer Multi-disciplinary teams and agencies involved in the patients care pathway All patients with an ulcer on the lower limb to have a full leg ulcer assessment The patients management plan to address the underlying cause of the ulcer Improved outcomes for patients: Healing rates/recurrence rates Patients and carers General practitioners and community nurses Allied health professionals Specialists services Tissue Viability team and all users of the policy Assessing impact 7. Are there concerns that there could be a differential impact due to racial groups? YES Brief statement of main issue NO√ What evidence exists for this? Guideline covers all groups 30 8. Are there concerns that there could be a differential impact due to disability? YES Brief statement of main issue NO√ What evidence exists for this? 9. Are there concerns that there could be a differential impact due to gender? Guideline covers all service users YES Brief statement of main issue NO√ What evidence exists for this? 10. Are there concerns there could be a differential impact due to sexual orientation? Guidelines relevant to all genders YES Brief statement of main issue NO√ What evidence exists for this? 11. Are there concerns there could be a have a differential impact due to faith or belief? What evidence exists for this? 12. Are there concerns there could be a differential impact due to people’s age? What evidence exists for this? 13. Are there concerns that there could be a differential impact due to being transgendered or transsexual? What evidence exists for this? 14. Are there any other groups that would find it difficult to access/make use of the function (e.g. people with caring responsibilities or dependants, location or those with an offending past)? YES Brief statement of main issue NO√ Guidelines relevant to all groups regardless of faith or belief YES Brief statement of main issue NO√ Guideline are not age specific YES Brief statement of main issue NO√ Guideline does not specify gender If yes, which group(s)? YES NO√ What evidence exists for this? 15. Are there concerns there could be a have a differential impact due to multiple discriminations (e.g. disability and age)? What evidence exists for this? YES Brief statement of main issue NO√ 31 Conclusions & recommendation 16. Could the differential impacts identified in questions 7-15 amount to there being the potential for adverse impact? 17. Can the adverse impact be justified on the grounds of promoting equality of opportunity for one group? Or another reason? YES NO YES Brief statement of main issue N/A Please explain N/A NO Recommendation to proceed to a full impact assessment? NO This function/ policy/ service change complies with the requirements of the legislation and there is evidence to show this is the case. NO, BUT … What is required to ensure this complies with the requirements of the legislation? (see EIA Guidance Notes)? YES Minor modifications necessary (e.g. change of ‘he’ to ‘he or she’, re-analysis of way routine statistics are reported) Give details of key person responsible and target date for carrying out full impact assessment (see EIA Guidance Notes) 32 Tissue Viability Service Clinical Practice Guideline: Leg Ulcer Prevention & Management 2011