New Vacuum Furnace technology Microwave
New Vacuum Furnace technology Microwave
Ceramic Bulletin AMERICAN society THE WORLD RESOURCE FOR CERAMIC MANUFACTURING AND TECHNOLOGY New Vacuum Furnace Technology Microwave-Assisted Drying Flexible Drying Meets Quality Demands CRADA Develops Pressing Model, Part 2 FEBRUARY 2001 For component metallizations, Heraeus stands behind you... and ahead of the curve. For as long as you’ve been building passive components, Heraeus has supplied metallization products and technology to advance your products and processes. We provide support at every step: new concepts, technical expertise, on-site service, and worldwide leadership. And we continue to stand behind the passive component industry because, frankly, we value your business. At the same time, we’re out in front of the market, with a focused effort to support the shift from precious metals to base metals technology (BME). After a century of experience in precious metals, we’re applying our wealth of knowledge to create new products and processes that will propel your company into the forefront of your marketplace. Looking further ahead, Heraeus is working on the connectivity between end termination and solder paste technology, with an emphasis on lead-free assembly. As the only supplier of products to both the component and assembly industries — and as a leader in the development of the most promising lead-free alloy —Heraeus offers expertise and synergy. So whatever your metallization needs may be —from immediate support to future developments —only one source supplies it all: Heraeus. Expect more from Heraeus. 24 Union Hill Road West Conshohocken PA 19428 Tel.: 610-825-6050 • Fax: 610-825-7061 Visit us on the Web at: Consistently better SMT CIRCUIT MATERIALS DIVISION The American Ceramic Society Volume 80 Number 2 February 2001 Upcoming Events Meetings & Exposition Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 u u u u National Engineers Week. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2001 Annual Meeting & Exposition Preliminary Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Registration Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Hotel Reservation Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Society/Industry News. . . . . . . . . . 17 News & Views Product Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Corporate Members Sustaining •Aluminum Co. of America •Ferro Corp. •Saint-Gobain Ceramics & Plastics Inc. President’s Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Brick Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Environmental Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Refractory Hot Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Technology Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Society/Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Business Stats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ACerS Section Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Legislative & Public Affairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 NICE News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Ceramics Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Society Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Members Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Names in the News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Products & Processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 W Ceramics Websites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 NE Business Opportunities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Career Opportunities & Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . 117 The Last Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Advertisers Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 • February 2001 TRI Celebrates 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 3 Manufacturing/ Engineering Features Special Section: TRI Celebrates 50 Years of Service Kathy Woodard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Revolutionary Vacuum Furnace Technology R.D. Webb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Microwave-Assisted Drying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Microwave-Assisted Drying . . . . . . 38 Manufacturing Briefs: Flexible Drying Meets Quality Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Products & Processes. . . . . . . . . 76 CRADA Develops Model for Powder Pressing and Die Design: Part Two K.G. Ewsuk, J.G. Arguello, D.H. Zeuch, B. Farber, L. Carinci, J. Kaniuk, J. Keller, C. Cloutier, B. Gold, R.B. Cass, J.D. French, B. Dinger and W. Blumenthal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Deflocculation of Al2O3-SiC Suspensions I.R. Oliveira, P. Sepulveda and V.C. Pandolfelli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Precollege Education Program K. Martin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Preparation of KTN Films on Single Crystal Quartz Substrates D. Zhang, X. Wang, P. Hen, M. Huang, Z. Li, M. Zhang, D. Xu and Y. Wang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Product Focus: Thermal Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Society Business As steelmakers seek improved life for their ladles and BOF linings, refractory manufacturers meet the challenge through the development of longer-life products. Cover photo courtesy of RHI Refractories America, Pittsburgh. 4 Publications/Editorial Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACerS Values–Section Membership. . . . . . . . . Advertising Sales Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Book Releases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACerS Membership Recruitment. . . . . . . . . . . . Membership Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moving/Changing Position?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ceramics Correspondence Institute. . . . . . . . . ceramicSOURCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ceramic Bulletin Subscription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The American Ceramic Society Bulletin covers news and activities of the Society and its members, includes items of interest to the ceramic community, and provides the most current information concerning all aspects of ceramic technology, including research and development, manufacturing, engineering and marketing. American Ceramic Society Bulletin (ISSN 0002-7812). ©2001 Published monthly, 12 times a year. Printed in the United States of America. 6 6 8 14 28 31 32 56 64 64 Editorial and Subscription Offices: P.O. Box 6136, Wester ville, OH 43086-6136. Subscription included with American Ceramic Society membership. Nonmember subscriber rates: North America, 1 year $50, 2 years $95; international (air mail only), 1 year $100, 2 years $195. Back issues: North America, $6 per issue plus $3 shipping and handling for the first issue, $2 each additional; international, $6 per issue plus $6 shipping and handling for the first issue, $4 each additional. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to American Ceramic Society Bulletin, P.O. Box 6136, Westerville, OH 43086-6136. Periodical postage paid at Westerville, Ohio, and additional mailing offices. Allow six weeks for address changes. ACSBA7, Vol. 80, No. 2, pp 1–120 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 ACerS VALUES T AMERICAN THE MAGAZINE FOR TECHNOLOGY • ENGINEERING • MANUFACTURING EXECUTIVE STAFF W. Paul Holbrook Executive Director and Publisher ACerS Books Program he American Ceramic Society’s books program is dedicated to serving the informational needs of the ceramics community by publishing the highest quality books about ceramics. With more than 200 titles available, ACerS continues to seek new authors, ideas and innovative ways to expand its books program and to introduce these titles into classrooms and libraries widely. For a complete list of ACerS titles, visit our web site at www.ceramics. org. Members receive a reduced rate on all books published by ACerS. Ann Baldwin, Director Student Services, NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University “ The American Ceramic Society’s books program has helped us in our efforts for recruiting and spreading the word about ceramic engineering. We have distributed The Magic of Ceramics to high school chemistry and physics teachers where we’ve made a presentation to the classes as well as to those who have invited us to speak at targeted group meetings. The book has been well received. Teachers particularly like the flow of the text and the combination of pictures and text instead of a text heavy book. In addition, we have asked teachers to attempt to develop labs based on some of the material in the book.” To find out more about books published by ACerS, contact our customer service at 614/794-5890, e-mail at or visit ACerS web site at The American Ceramic Society P.O. Box 6136 Westerville, OH 43086-6136 614/890-4700 (phone) 614/899-6109 (fax) 01AV02 6 Ceramic Bulletin SOCIETY Mark J. Mecklenborg Senior Director, Publications The American Ceramic Society (735 Ceramic Place) P.O. Box 6136 Westerville, OH 43086-6136 Tel. 614-890-4700 Fax 614-899-6109 Internet EDITORIAL AND PRODUCTION Patricia A. Janeway Editor Jon W. Hines Senior Editor, Departments Karla B. Vierthaler Associate Editor Cleopatra G. Eddie Circulation Supervisor John Wilson Publication Production Manager Carl M. Turner Graphics Production Coordinator Clark Watson Prepress Production Specialist Greg Geiger, B.S. Cer. Eng. Technical Editor CERAMIC BULLETIN ADVISORY BOARD Rutgers University Denis A. Brosnan The National Brick Research Center Charles G. Marvin Clemson University Consultant Rosario Gerhardt Victor C. Pandolfelli Georgia Institute of Technology Universidade Federal de São Carlos Richard Haber PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE John E. Blendell, chair, NIST; James C. Marra, Westinghouse Savannah River Co.; John J. Petrovic, Los Alamos National Lab; Richard E. Riman, Rutgers University; J. Richard Schorr, Orton Ceramic Foundation (ex officio); John R. Hellmann Jr., The Pennsylvania State University (ex officio); W. Paul Holbrook, The American Ceramic Society (ex officio); and Mark J. Mecklenborg, The American Ceramic Society (ex officio). NICE PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Thomas D. McGee, chair, Iowa State University; Gary S. Fischman, University of Chicago; and Diane C. Folz, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University © Copyright 2001 by The American Ceramic Society. American Ceramic Society Bulletin is covered in Current Contents. The American Ceramic Society assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to its publications or by the speakers at its programs. Registered names and trademarks, etc., used in this publication, even without specific indication thereof, are not to be considered unprotected by the law. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher. Permission is not, however, required to copy abstracts of papers or articles on the condition that a full reference to the source is given. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use beyond the limits of Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law is granted by The American Ceramic Society, ISSN No. 0002-7812, provided that the appropriate fee is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; tel. 978-750-8400; Internet This consent does not extend to copying items for general distribution or for advertising or promotional purposes or to republishing items in whole or in part in any work in any format. Prior to photocopying items for educational classroom use, please contact Copyright Clearance Center Inc. Please direct republication or special copying permission requests to Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; tel. 978-750-8400; Internet Orders for copies of articles published in this or other ceramic-related publications may be placed through The American Ceramic Society’s Ceramic Information Center, tel. 614-794-5810, fax 614-794-5812. Custom reprints, in quantities of 100 or more, may be purchased through Ceramic Bulletin’s editorial department. Requests for reprint quotes should be directed to Cleo Eddie, tel. 614-794-5827 or fax 614-794-5842. Instructions for the preparation of articles to be submitted for possible publication in this periodical are available from the Editor; tel. 614-794-5826, fax 614-794-5822, E-mail, Internet The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 President’s Letter Officers PRESIDENT Robert T. Oxnard, Maryland Refractories Co. February 2001 The Prez Sez ... PRESIDENT-ELECT James E. Houseman, Harrop Industries Inc. Who’s on First? Abbott & Costello’s comedy skit about who played which position on a baseball team sometimes reminds me of the leaders of your Society. It can be hard to keep everybody straight. You recently elected division and class officers, as well as three new directors with terms expiring in 2004. They join an outstanding and talented group of volunteers who work with your headquarters staff to provide the myriad services and benefits you expect from your professional Society. My association with your Board of Directors is truly the highlight of my professional career. TREASURER J. Richard Schorr, Orton Ceramic Foundation DIRECTORS Stephen J. Bennison (2003), E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Inc. Amar S. Bhalla (2002), The Pennsylvania State University Margaret L. Carney (2001), Alfred University David E. Clark (2001), Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Don E. Denison (2002), Denison Engineering Co. Roger H. French (2002), E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Inc. Dale A. Fronk (2001), Orton Ceramic Foundation Richard L. Lehman (2001), Rutgers University Kathryn V. Logan (2003), U.S. Army Research Office Carlo G. Pantano (2001), The Pennsylvania State University David W. Richerson (2003), Richerson & Associates David R. Rossington (2001), Alfred University Leslie J. Struble (2002), University of Illinois, Urbana Louis J. Trostel (2002), Princeton, Mass. SECRETARY W. Paul Holbrook, The American Ceramic Society ART DIVISION Chair—Derek R. Gordon, Columbus Clay Co. BASIC SCIENCE DIVISION Chair—James H. Adair, The Pennsylvania State University CEMENTS DIVISION Chair—Chiara F. Ferraris, NIST ELECTRONICS DIVISION Chair—Rosario A. Gerhardt, Georgia Institute of Technology ENGINEERING CERAMICS DIVISION Chair—Ersan Ustundag, California Institute of Technology GLASS & OPTICAL MATERIALS DIVISION Chair—Denise M. Krol, University of California, Davis-Livermore NUCLEAR & ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY DIVISION Chair—James C. Marra, Westinghouse Savannah River Co. REFRACTORY CERAMICS DIVISION Chair—Nancy E. Bunt, Lafarge Aluminates Inc. STRUCTURAL CLAY PRODUCTS DIVISION Chair—Edward C. Milliken, Bowerston Shale Co. WHITEWARES & Materials DIVISION Chair—William M. Carty, Alfred University CERAMIC EDUCATIONAL COUNCIL President—Jennifer A. Lewis, University of Illinois, Urbana CERAMIC MANUFACTURING COUNCIL President—Richard Haber, Rutgers University NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CERAMIC ENGINEERS President—Harrie J. Stevens, Corning Inc. The American Ceramic Society serves its members and the worldwide ceramics community by promoting the development and use of ceramics through forums for knowledge exchange. The chief means by which the Society fulfills this mission are the publication of periodical journals and books and the sponsorship of meetings. The Society also provides a number of other technical and support services for members and the worldwide ceramics community. • February 2001 Fan Them and Feed Them Grapes… Please join me in thanking the board members who complete their terms at this year’s Annual Meeting. Their genuine concern and desire to provide a bright future for your Society deserve more than mere words of thanks. If you could envision me fanning them and feeding them grapes, you would know the appreciation I feel. Knowing them, however, I’m sure it will be hard enough to get them to stand still long enough for a handshake and “thanks, job well done.” Margaret Carney, Alfred University, is the personification of the Art Division. She champions the museum and promotional activities of the Society with a je ne sais quoi that commands respect from all who know her. David E. Clark, Virginia Tech via the University of Florida, brought his NICE experience to the board. His background and dedication belay an “E.F. Huttonlike” respect—when David talks, people listen. Dale Fronk, Orton Foundation, represents the manufacturing community with a fervor and frankness that will be impossible to replace. I didn’t know Mother Theresa personally, but I’m going to remind St. Peter that I was a friend of Dale’s. Rick Lehman, Rutgers University, representing the Whitewares & Materials Division, brings class to any group. He has a wonderful ability to think “big picture,” often helping us reach consensus. Carlo Pantano, Penn State, will be remembered as the Glass & Optical Materials Division’s most ardent supporter. His leadership on the board has been so subtle and unassuming that I often thought it was my own ideas we were supporting. David Rossington, Alfred University, offers a studious, thoughtful approach to problem solving that pays homage to his Ceramic Educational Council perspective. I hope to have Dave’s sage diplomacy someday. Paul Becher, past president, goes off the board this year as well. The “sheriff” from Oak Ridge continues to serve admirably in every capacity after filling nearly every office in the Society. He’s a darned good “doer” and a tough act to follow. See You in Indianapolis? Why not join us at the Annual Meeting? Mark April 22–25 on your calendar now. This is a great benefit of your membership and one of the best ways to stay informed. You’ll visit old friends and colleagues, keep abreast of ceramic trends, and join your fellow movers and shakers. Our meetings committee has done an exceptional job on the program and symposia. I hope to see you there. Bob Oxnard, President The American Ceramic Society Tel. 330-532-9845 (Ohio) or 941-482-8017 (Florida) Fax 330-532-3224 (Ohio) or 941-482-8274 (Florida) 7 AMERICAN Ceramic Bulletin SOCIETY THE MAGAZINE FOR TECHNOLOGY • ENGINEERING • MANUFACTURING Internet ADVERTISING SALES Advertising Sales Manager Peter Scott Tel. 614-794-5844 Fax 614-794-5842 E-mail Advertising Production Coordinator Wendy Whitescarver Tel. 614-794-5841 Fax 614-794-5842 E-mail Western & Southern U.S., Canada Annette Delagrange 3830 Lakeview Drive Galena, OH 43021 Tel. 740-965-1753 Fax 740-965-6712 E-mail New England, Mid-Atlantic & Midwestern U.S. Bonnie D. Hunt 2953 Columbia Drive Bensalem, PA 19020 Tel. 215-750-7692, 800-598-7947Fax 215-750-9557 E-mail Europe Celine Beilvert/Crispin Fordham Alain Charles House, 27 Wilfred Street London SW1E 6PR England Tel. 44-(0)-20-7834-7676 Fax 44-(0)-20-7973-0076 E-mail Italy Federica Zucchini Publizeta Via Corticella 216/6 40128 Bologna, Italy Tel. 39-051-325452 Fax 39-051-320309 CUSTOMER SERVICES Customer Service Representatives Tel. 614-794-5890 Fax 614-899-6109 E-mail Diane Ritchey Ceramic Information Center Tel. 614-794-5810 Fax 614-794-5812 E-mail Greg Geiger, Ceramic Engineer 8 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Meetings & Expositions Calendar The American Ceramic Society 103rd Annual Meeting & Exposition, Indianapolis, April 22–25 (tel. 614794-5880, fax 614-794-5882, E-mail, Internet 104th Annual Meeting & Exposition, St. Louis, April 28–May 1, 2002 (614794-5890, fax 614-899-6109, E-mail, Internet Divisions PAC RIM IV, Int’l Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Glasses in conjunction with the Basic Science, Electronics and Glass & Optical Materials Divisions fall meetings, and the 53rd Pacific Coast Regional Meeting, Outrigger Wailea Resort, Maui, Hawaii, Nov. 4–8 (contact Christine Schnitzer, tel. 614-794-5819, E-mail Structural Clay Products, Sheraton Four Points, Canton, Ohio, May 19–22 (contac t Howard Sachs, tel. 513-424-3573, E-mail JHS Sections Southeastern, spring meeting, Manor Inn, Pinehurst, N.C., Feb. 27–March 1 (contact Mitch Treadaway at Atofina Chemicals Inc., tel. 336-7666685, fax 336-766-7455) Southwest, spring meeting, Ramada Plaza Hotel, Fort Worth, Texas, June 6–8; fall meeting, Harrah’s Shreveport Hotel, Shreveport, La., Nov. 7–9 (contact Richard Tucker, tel. 903-843-2509, E-mail St. Louis, 37th Annual Refractories Symposium, St. Louis Airport Marriott, St. Louis, March 23 (tel. 573-341-6265, E-mail psmith @umr. edu) Other Organizations 4th Industrial Energy Efficiency Symposium and Exposition, Washigton, Feb. 19–22 (tel. 877-648-7967, Internet www.oitexpo4 .com) South-Tec Greenville 2001, Advanced Productivity Exposition, Greenville, S.C., Feb. 20–22 (tel. 800-733-4763, Internet www.sme .org/ greenville) GlassLat 2001, Int’l Exhibition of the Glass Industry, Monterrey, Mexico, Feb. 21–23 (tel. 52-8-348-48-48, fax 52-8-348-60-00, E-mail giplaura@ GMIC Workshop on Glass Melting Technologies of the Future, Washington, Feb. 22 (contact Michael Greenman, tel. 614-818-9423, E-mail Cevisama 2001, 19th Int’l Trade Show for Ceramics, Valencia, Spain, Feb. 27–March 3 (tel. 34-96-386-1100, fax 34-96-363-61-11, E-mail North American Manufacturing Co. Annual Ceramic Seminar, Nashville, Te n n . , Fe b. 2 8 – M a r c h 2 ( t e l . 6 1 5 - 3 7 1 - 8 4 9 6 , E - m a i l S PittCon 2001, New Orleans, March 4–9 (tel. 412-825-3220, fax 412-8253224, E-mail, Internet ICSHM7, 7th Int’l Conference on the Science of Hard Materials, Ixtapa, Mexico, March 5–9 (tel. 58-2-908-6843, fax 58-2-908-6916, E-mail, Internet Inter-Society Color Council Educational Council, Cleveland, March 19–20 (tel. 703-318-0263, fax 703-318-0514, E-mail iscc, Internet S CerMA Spring Educational Conference on Drying, Tour of Metropolitan Ceramics by Ironrock Capital Inc., Holiday Inn-North Canton, Ohio, March 22–23 (tel. 740-452-4541, fax 740-452-2552, E-mail S Denotes new entry in this issue. • February 2001 S 2001 Ceramic Industry Combustion Seminar, Cleoria, Pa., March 26–27 (contact Paul Palkovic, tel. 717-272-3051) Workshop on Microwave Ceramics, Adams Mark Hotel, Denver, March 26–27 (E-mail, Internet / abstracts.htm) Hyalos-Vitrum-Glass: History, Technology and Conservation of Glass and Vitreous Materials of the Hellenic World, Rhodes, Greece, April 1–4 (tel. 301-650-3301, fax 301-654-7690, E-mail Annual Ceramics Convention, Cirencester, U.K., April 4–5 (E-mail Glassman Europe 2001, 15th Int’l Glass Manufacturing Exhibition, Palais des Congres, Lyon, France, April 4–5 (tel. 44-0-1737-855301, E-mail S Seramiktek 2001, 3rd Int’l Trade Fair for Ceramic and Glass Technologies, Beylikdüzü, Istanbul, April 19–22 (tel. 0212-251-23-28, fax 0212-252-98-86, E-mail, Internet www.asdf .com. tr) S ASTM Advanced Ceramics Committee Meeting, Indianapolis, April 20–22 (contact Gloria Collins, tel. 610-832-9715, E-mail gcollins@astm. org) Process Industries Exposition, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, April 24–26 (tel. 203-221-9232, Internet www PEI Technical Forum, Nashville Airport Marriott, Nashville, Tenn., May 19–22 (tel. 615-385-5357, fax 615-385-5463, E-mail penamel @aol. com) Powder and Bulk Solids Conference/Exhibition, Chicago, May 7–10 (tel. 800-354-4003, Internet Fractography of Advanced Ceramics Int’l Conference, Stará Lesná, The High Tatras, Poprad, The Slovak Republic, May 13–16 (tel. 421-95-6338115, fax 421-95-633-7108, E-mail, Internet /fac2001.htm) Ceramics China 2001, 15th China Int’l Ceramics Industry Exhibition, China Foreign Trade Center, Guangzhou, May 14–17 (tel. 86-1068041566-7, fax 86-10-6834698-0, E-mail ccpitbms@public3 cn) Sikkim Int’l Nanotribology Symposium, Sikkim, India, May 16–25 (tel. 91-80-360-0586, fax 91-80-360-0648, E-mail, Internet www.mecheng.iisc nanosikkim.html) Coverings 2001, The Int’l Tile and Stone Exhibition, New Orleans, May 21–23 (tel. 561-776-0600, fax 561-776-7466, E-mail info@coverings . com, Internet SOFC-VII, 7th Int’l Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Ts u k u b a I n t ’ l Co n g re s s Ce n t e r, I b a r a k i , J a p a n , J u n e 3–8 (tel. 81-298-61-4542, fax 81-298-61-4540, E-mail sofc7 @nimc.go. jp, Internet Structure and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Materials, Barga, Italy, June 3–8 (tel. 212-591-7441, fax 212-591-7441, E-mail engfnd@, Internet S CIP’ 2001, 13th Int’l Colloquium on Plasma Processes, Antibes-Juanles-Pins, French Riviera, June 10–14 (fax 33-01-42-78-63-20, E-mail, Internet Glass Processing Days, 7th Int’l Conference on Architectural and Automotive Glass, Tampere, Finland, June 18–21 (tel. 358-3-372-3111, fax 358-3-372-3190, Internet 2nd European Cells & Materials Meeting, Congress Center, Davos, Switzerland, June 25–28 (tel. 41-81-4142-397, fax 41-81-4142-288, E-mail, Internet / research/interface/index.shtml) 9 Meetings & Expositions Calendar S 59th Annual Device Research Conference, Notre Dame, Ind., June 25–27 (contact Beate Helsel, tel. 724-776-9000 ext. 259, fax 724-7763770, E-mail S 2001 Society of Women Enginners National Conference, Denver, June 26–30 (tel. 212-509-9577, Internet EMC, 43rd Electronic Materials Conference, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind., June 27–29 (tel. 724-776-9000 ext. 243, E-mail, Internet / EMC01/ EMC01.html) Advances in Environmental Materials, Int’l Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore, July 1–6 (tel. 65-794-1509, fax 65-792-1291, E-mail, Internet ICGXIX, 19th Int’l Conference on Glass, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2–6 (contact: Karen Boston, tel. 44-114-263-44555, fax 44-114-263-4411, E-mail CSC’4, 4th Int’l Conference on Electric Charges in Nonconductive Materials, Tours, France, July 2–6 (tel. 33-1-53-01-90-30, fax 33-1-4278-63-20, E-mail, Internet Fuel Cell 2001, Int’l Conference and Exhibition, Lucerne, Switzerland, July 2–6 (tel. 41-56-496-7292, fax 41-56-496-4412, E-mail info @efcf. com, Internet E-MRS 2001, European Materials Research Society, Strasbourg, France, June 5–8 (tel. 33-3-88-10-65-43, fax 33-3-88-10-63-43, E-mail emrs@, Internet 23rd Mexican Ceramic Convention, Manzanillo Colima, Mexico, July 8–15 (tel. 528-369-6441, fax 528-369-6443, E-mail soceram@prodigy . Int’l Conference on Calcium Aluminate Cements, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 16–19 (E-mail S CerMA Annual Golf Classic, Eaglesticks Golf Club, Zanesville, Ohio, Aug. 7 (tel. 740-452-4541, fax 740-452-2552, E-mail @offinger. com) World Ceramic Exhibition 2001 Korea, Ichon, Yoju and Kwangju, Korea, Aug. 10–Oct. 28 (tel. 82-331-237-8011, fax 82-331-237-4295, E-mail, Internet www . EUROCVD13, 13th European Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition, Glyfada, Athens, Greece, Aug. 26–31 (tel. 33-562885670, fax 33-562885600, E-mail eurocvd13@imel.demokritos .gr, Internet html) 10th Int’l Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Madrid, Spain, Sept. 3–7 (tel. 34-91-871-1800, fax 34-91-870-0550, E-mail, Internet S CerMA Fall Educational Conference on Firing and Refractories, Batavia, N.Y., Sept. 12–13 (tel. 740-452-4541, fax 740-452-2552, E-mail cerma. 29th Annual Conference of the North American Thermal Analysis Society, Adams Mark Hotel, St. Louis, Sept. 24–26 (phone 916-9227032, fax 916-922-7379, Internet S 44th Int’l Colloquium on Refractories 2001, Aachen, Germany, Sept. 26–27 (tel. 49-228-91508-45, fax 49-228-91508-55, E-mail Turning Ideas Into Reality for 50 Years National Engineers Week® celebrates golden anniversary For the last 50 years, National Engineers Week has inspired students to explore the fields of math and science and discover how engineering improves their lives. And we’re not stopping now! Help discover the ceramic engineers of the next 50 years by ordering a free planning kit from ACerS headquarters. Contact Mark Glasper, ACerS director of communications, by phone at 614/794-5898 or e-mail at National Engineers Week® is supported by The American Ceramic Society and the National Institute of Ceramic Engineers. 10 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Meetings & Expositions Calendar SGCD DECO 2001 Show and Technical Seminar, Arlington, Va., Sept. 30– Oct. 3 (tel. 202-728-4132, fax 202-728-4133, Internet www.sgcd .org) High Temperature Ceramic Composite Conference, Munich, Germany, Oct. 1–3 (tel. 49-69-7917-747, fax 49-69-7917-733, E-mail 47th Int’l Brick Plant Operators Forum, Clemson, S.C., Oct. 1–3 (tel. 864-656-1094 fax 864-656-1095, E-mail, Internet S Int’l Workshop on Flow and Fracture of Advanced Glasses, Rennes, France, Oct. 21–25 (tel. 33-2-9928-2685, fax 33-2-9928-1600, E-mail, Internet www.larmaur.univ 6th Int’l Symposium on Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, Haifa, Israel, Oct. 14–18 (Internet /shs2001/ shs2001.html) S Int’l Workshop on Flow and Fracture of Advanced Glasses, Rennes, France, Oct. 21–25 (tel. 33-2-9928-2685, fax 33-2-9928-1600, E-mail, Internet www.larmaur.univ CICC-2, 2nd China Int’l Conference on High-Performance Ceramics, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, Nov. 3–6 (Internet www.chimeb. UNITECR 2001 Congress, 7th Biennial Worldwide Conference on Refractories, Fiesta Americana Coral Beach Hotel, Cancun, Mexico, November 4–8 (contact Gerardo Cortina, tel. 52-5-872-1005, fax 525-872-2541, E-mail, Internet www . 12 59th Electric Furnace Conference, Phoenix, Nov. 11–14 (tel. 724-7761535 ext. 1, fax 724-776-0430, E-mail, Internet 2002 2nd Int’l Colloquium on Modeling of Glass, Forming and Temping, Valenciennes, France, Jan. 23–25, 2002 (Internet www.univ IREFCON, 5th India Int’l Refractory Congress, Bhubaneswar, India, Feb. 7–8, 2002 (tel. 91-33-240-8357, fax 91-33-240-8357, E-mail irmandia @, Internet S Qualicer 2002, 7th World Congress on Ceramic Tile Quality, Castellón, Spain, March 3–6, 2002 (tel. 34-964-35-65-00, fax 34-964-35-65-10, E-mail, Internet Fuel Cell 2002, Int’l Conference and Exhibition, Lucerne, Switzerland, July 1–5, 2002 (tel. 41-56-496-7292, fax 41-56-496-4412, E-mail info@, Internet ICOM 2002 The Int’l Congress on Membranes and Memb rane Processes, Toulouse, France, July 7–12, 2002 (Internet www .ems. 2nd Trade Show and Symposium for the Ceramic Industry, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico, July 11–12, 2002 (tel. 528-369-6441, fax 528-369-6443, E-mail S Tecnargilla 2002, Int’l Exhibition of Technology and Supplies for the Ceramic and Brick Industries, Rimini Expo Center, Rimini, Italy, Oct 1–5, 2002 (tel. 039-0541-711-711, fax 039-0541-786-686, Internet The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Brick Business General Shale’s Kingsport Laboratory Denis Brosnan, Contributing Editor Overview of General Shale’s Research Laboratory General Shale Products LLC (aka General Shale Brick) maintains one of the most widely respected laboratories in the North American brick industry at Kingsport, Tenn. The impact of the laboratory is seen in standards for brick products, research affecting reduction of production costs and research related to new products. General Shale takes a unique corporate approach to its research and product development. A corporate research committee, consisting of the president and the vice presidents of sales, finance, and engineering and research, meets regularly with the director of research and the ceramic engineer to make key decisions. According to Bob O’Quinn, director of research, the laboratory can cite several important contributions to the company. One of the foremost is the development of user-friendly coal firing, which involved the selection of coal preparation systems, the development of distribution methods and the engineering of burners to handle solid fuel. The work resulted in a patent on the coal feeder and injector system. General Shale practices coal firing at 12 plants in a total of 15 tunnel kilns. Other notable successes have been the development of coatings, precise control of colorants and accelerated quality-control procedures. One unusual capability in the Kingsport laboratory is a large-capacity Year started Key activities Key technical personnel Key capabilities Building size Plants served 1954 Continuing durability testing Plant support Product (color and texture) development Analysis of “in-wall” problems Training Joe Edwards, vice president of engineering and research Bob O’Quinn, director of research John Brown, manager of process research Farrell Long, manager of material and product testing Ron Bacon, manager of electronic technicians Kevin Ham, ceramic engineer (13 employees total) All ASTM properties for block and brick Raw material evaluations/test firing (shuttle kiln) Freeze-thaw capability for 108 sample sets Coal testing Electrical laboratory 5750 ft2 (534 m2) 16 brick plants, four block plants and one lightweight aggregate plant freezer used in durability testing. One hundred and eight 5-brick specimen sets can be tested simultaneously in the freezer. According to O’Quinn, the Kingsport facility conducts an annual laboratory school for newly hired production supervisors. College students frequently serve as interns during the summer months. O’Quinn urges college students to pay particular attention to raw material and processing fundamentals. As he sees increasing a u t o m a t i o n c o m i n g into the industry, a good fundamental background and long hours may be required to make the automatic systems work in a clay plant. The expansion of the laboratory since its beginnings is due, in part, to Joe Edwards, vice president of engineering and research, and Farrell Long, manager of material and product testing. Both joined the company in 1961, and both have recently been honored for their contributions to the brick industry. Joe Edwards received a doctor of laws degree from Clemson University in December 2000, for his contributions to the industry and his work in establishing the Bishop Ceramic Lab at Clemson University. (See also p 12 in the August 2000 issue and p 33 in this issue of Ceramic Bulletin.) Edwards also is a long-time leader of ASTM’s task group on durability. His article, “Relation Between Physical Properties and Durability of Commer cially Marketed Brick” (see pp 1071–75 in the December 1977 issue), remains the basis for classifying brick durability, according to the standards. Farrell Long is the initial recipient of ASTM’s Gilbert C. Robinson Memorial Award. Presented in December 2000, the award recognizes his long-time contributions in standards development. (See p 34 in this issue.) It is fair to say that General Shale is a leader in the brick industry, in part, because of the Kingsport laboratory. n Garvey Bright, a 28-year employee, runs a sulfur test in General Shale’s laboratory. • February 2001 13 Technology Briefs Greg Geiger, Technical Editor high temperatures and was strongly New Process for resistant to hydrolysis. High-Tc Tape When lanthanum, cerium, erbium, Researchers at the Superconductivity praseodymium and neodymium Technology Center at Los Alamos atoms were added to sions and National Lab (N.M.) have developed a sialons, investigators reported that new process for producing high-persome combinations resulted in formance superconducting tape. The exceptionally hard materials. Others process involves replacing cubic zirformed regular arrays of microtubules conia with magnesium oxide as the or clathrate-type (cage) structures. template material for the high-Tc film. (Contact: W. Schnick, E-mail wsc@cup. This change increases the template deposition process by 100 times. Imaging of Long lengths of tape were manufactured at a rate of kilometers per day. Mesoporous Materials To accelerate commercial developA technique for the direct determiment of these tapes, Los Alamos is nation of 3-D mesoporous structures colaborating with American Super has been developed in a collaboraconductor Corp., 3M Co. and Inter tive effort by researchers at the m a gn e t i c s G e n e ra l Co r p. Th e Tohoku University (Sedai, Japan), the developm ent could mean an estiUniversity of California (Santa mated $50-billion commercial marBarbara) and others. The method ket to produce more efficient us es hig h- res ol uti on ele c tron electrical power transmission equipmicroscopy to obtain images that ment, saving energy and money, labcan be mathematically treated to oratory officials reported. (Contact: give a full 3-D structure. D. Peterson, E-mail dpeterson@lanl. The images provide information gov) about the size and shape of the pores at the nanoscale level as well as their Heat-Resistant connectivity. The technique also can Piezoceramics be used to characterize the detailed structure of a wide range of composWhen conventional piezoceramics are ite materials. (Contact: O. Terasaki, heated to temperatures of ≈250°C E-mail (i.e., during the solder reflow process jp) in filter production) and then cooled to room temperature, properties, such Eco-friendly Process for as the resonance frequency, often Silicon-Based Chemicals become degraded. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (Japan) reports it has An inexpensive and relatively nonsolved this problem by developing a toxic method for producing a variety PZT piezoelectric ceramic composiof silicon-based chemicals from sand tion with improved thermal stability. or rice hull ash and ethylene glycol Possible applications of the new (antifreeze) has been developed at ceramic include filters, oscillators, The University of Michigan (Ann transducers and sensors. (Contact: Arbor). According to investigators, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., 1006 the new technology could enable Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma City, Osaka manufacturers to create silicon571-8501, Japan, tel. 81-6-6908-1121) based compounds without expensive, high-temperature processing Atom Substitution for and toxic by-products. Products that could be made using this process Better Ceramics include common silicon-containing At t h e U n i ve r s i t y o f M u n i c h chemicals, polymers, plastics and (Germany), scientists have added varpure silica. The silica could be used, ious atoms into the crystal structure among other things, as filler for polyof nitridosilicates, sions (silicon oxynimers, in papermaking and in the protrides), and sialons (silicon aluminum duction of optical glass. (Contact: R. oxynitrides) to create materials with Laine, E-mail unusual properties. When atoms of strontium, barium or europium were For further information, contact Greg added to nitridosilicates, the material Geiger at the Ceramic Information Center, was found to have excellent nonlintel. 614-794-5817, 3E-mail ggeiger @acers. org. ear optical properties, was stable at 16 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Society/ Industry NEWS Ferro Buys EMCA-Remex Ferro Corp., Cleveland, has acquired EMCA-Remex from National Starch & Chemical Co., Bridgewater, N.J. Terms of the agreement were not disclosed. EMCA-Remex specializes in the production of thick-film pastes for hybrid microelectronics. These materials are used in applications in the automotive, telecommunications and consumer electronics markets. The business has a technology and distribution agreement for resistor formulations that provides exclusive selling rights in the United States and Europe. “We continue to invest in our electronic materials business to build greater scale,” said Hector R. Ortino, chair and CEO of Ferro. “Through a combination of internal strategic changes, acquisitions and strong demand, in a short period of time, we have built an electronic materials business that is a much more significant driver of Ferro’s overall performance.” Ferro’s existing thick-film paste product line, produced in a new state-of-the-art facility at Vista, Calif., serves market segments that complement EMCA-Remex’s product line. EMCA-Remex’s only U.S. manufacturing site is at Montgomeryville, Pa. It also operates a technical service laboratory and production facility at Linton, U.K. charge of the bankruptcy chose Ceric from among a few other candidates to take over Keller, primarily because the Ceric plan saves 340 jobs out of the ≈500 that existed prior to the bankruptcy. The previous management team has been replaced by a group of German and French business leaders who will make sure the Ceric philosophy centered around customer service is understood and followed. Former Keller customers can be assured of continuity of after-sales service, especially where spare parts are concerned. Following the acquisition earlier this year of Rieter, also a German company, the addition of Keller to the Ceric Group creates the largest worldwide consortium for the supply of manufacturing systems for the clay products industry. The Keller and Rieter names will be kept for the foreseeable future. However, all companies will operate in a coordinated manner, and for ease of business, Ceric Inc. (Golden, Colo.) will be the focus and sole representative for the Ceric Group of companies in North America. MCS Officers Meet at ACerS Headquarters Keller Acquisition Ceric S.A., Paris, officially took over the remaining operations of Keller GmbH, Laggenbeck, Germany, Dec. 1, 2000. More than 100 years old, Keller had fallen into bankruptcy in early Sep tember last year. The administrator in • February 2001 Three Mexican Ceramic Society (MCS) officers met with staff at ACerS headquarters Dec. 11–12, 2000, to wrap up discussions regarding the First Trade Show & Conference for the Ceramics Industry 2000, held jointly in November by MCS and ACerS. They also discussed future joint efforts between the two organizations. Officers attending the meeting included (l–r) Angél Hernández R., MCS past president; Paul Holbrook, ACerS executive director; Constantino Gianacópulos R., MCS president; and Aniceto Arroyo Gómez, MCS vice president. 17 SOCIE T Y/INDUSTRY Business Stats HOUSING STARTS* 2000 Nov Oct Sep† Aug† Privately Owned Units Change (000) (±6%) 1,562 1% 1,528 -2% 1,537 1% 1,519 -1% *Seasonally adjusted annual rate † Revised manufactured HOME SHIPMENTS* 2000 Nov Oct Sep Aug Units (000) 196 213 231 249 Change (±) -8% -1% -7% -1% *Seasonally adjusted annual rate 2000 Oct Sep Aug Steel Mill Shapes Short Tons (000) Shipments* Imports† 9,006 (NA) 8,632 2,321 9,302 2,857 Jul 8,556 2,865 *Source: American Iron & Steel Institute † Source: Bureau of Census Report IM 145 261 270 239 Vitreous china 884 876 860 892 1,358 1,288 1,267 1,145 996 932 427 416 372 362 337 * Data is now published on the new North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) basis and, therefore, is not always comparable to the old Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code Seasonally Adjusted Monthly (US$M) Nov* Oct† Stone, clay, glass products 8,521 8,677 8,741 Blast furnaces, steel mills 5,466 5,678 5,715 Iron, steel foundries 1,415 1,405 1,408 Electrical transmission/ distribution equipment, 4,162 industrial apparatus 4,086 4,159 2000 Sep Household appliances 2,320 2,320 2,396 Household A/V equipment 1,117 1,125 1,074 Communications equipment 10,286 10,570 10,733 Electronic components 17,968 18,027 18,594 Motor vehicles, parts 30,041 31,444 32,821 Aircraft, missiles, space vehicles, parts 11,821 10,529 11,992 Instruments, related products 15,371 15,459 15,574 GLASS CONTAINER SHIPMENTS (000 gross) 2000 Dec Nov Oct 20,409 Sep 20,141 Aug 22,910 Jul 21,087 Jun 23,154 May 23,037 Apr 20,179 Mar 21,924 Feb 19,614 Jan 19,367 Total 211,822 1999 18,085 20,508 20,265 21,121 22,656 22,244 24,128 22,476 21,806 23,617 19,453 19,260 255,619 Source of Statistics: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census For additional information, please contact the Ceramic Information Center 614-794-5810 18 “Mist” by Sergei Isupov, porcelain, 1998. Social commentaries by ceramic artists are the topic of the current exhibit at the American Craft Museum in New York. “Confrontational Clay: The Artist as Social Critic” runs through March 16, 2001. For more information, call 212-956-3535. (Photo courtesy of The Ferrin Gallery) Value of Shipments (US$M) 274 Plastics 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 Cast iron 289 (enameled) Fiber- glass VALUE OF MANUFACTURERS SHIPMENTS *Preliminary † Revised PLUMBING FIXTURES* Confrontational Clay Tosoh Realigns Silica Glass Material Sales Nippon Silica Glass USA Inc., Bound Brook, N.J., has been renamed Tosoh SGM USA Inc. Tosoh SGM continues as the sales and distribution channel of silica glass materials, zirconia powders and advanced ceramic products and materials for Tosoh Corp. (Tokyo) in the United States. This renaming strategically follows the recent name change of quartz material producer NSG Yamaguchi Co. Ltd. to Tosoh SGM Corp., as well as the transfer of silica glass sales assignments from Nippon Silica Glass Co. Ltd. to the Tosoh Quartz Div. All Tosoh-affiliated quartz fabrication companies throughout the world have been unified under the name Tosoh Quartz. As part of the quartz group unifica- The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 SOCIE T Y/ tion process, Tosoh aims to enhance further its worldwide silica glass material line of business by bringing about a more efficient utilization of resources through the sharing of information and technology as well as R&D and marketing efforts. CoorsTek Expands Capability in Korea CoorsTek Inc., Golden, Colo., is expanding the capacity of its subsidiary, CoorsTek Korea, Kyungbook, South Korea, to include lasered substrates. These ceramic substrates are used in the production of electronic circuits for the telecommunications and automotive markets. State-of-the-art laser equipment using technology developed and refined by CoorsTek in the United States and S cotland is being installed. This expansion enhances CoorsTek’s position as a leading producer of thick- and thin-film substrates, and extends its offering of • February 2001 lasered substrates to all key global markets. CoorsTek Korea is expected to begin production of the lasered substrates during the first quarter of 2001. Expansion Complete at Horizon Photonics Horizon Photonics Inc., a wholly owned subsidiar y of LightPath Technologies Inc., has completed the expansion of its automated manufacturing facility at Walnut, Calif. The 930-m2 (10,000-ft2) facility is currently dedicated to large volume isolator production and the development of next-generation optical subassemblies. Horizon’s component packaging capabilities are based on its recently issued U.S. patent covering its automated fabrication platform for micro-optics. Bob Cullen, president of Horizon Photonics, commented, “We are truly pleased with our expansion efforts since merging with LightPath. We now have the capacity and automated packaging experience in place to execute our ramping orders from both existing and new OEM customers.” In addition, LightPath has hired Joseph E. Sauvageau as Horizon’s chief technology officer. Sauvageau has a significant background in optoelectronic engineering, packaging and manufacturing, with a number of related patents and publications to his credit. He spent a number of years at NIST and, most recently, was with Motorola. Royal Porcelain Seeks New Asian Markets Royal Porcelain Plc, Thailand’s largest exporter of tableware, plans to increase sales to $40 million in 2001 by pursuing new markets in Asia. Sales to Russia and the Middle East have been growing steadily, but Asia remains an attractive market yet to be captured. 19 ACerS Section Notes SOCIE T Y/INDUSTRY • Central Ohio. Da Vinci Ristorante in Columbus was the venue for President’s Night, Nov. 30, 2000. ACerS President Bob Oxnard presented “A Pop Quiz about ACerS.” The Section also organized a group to attend a hockey game at Nationwide Arena, Dec. 2. The Columbus Blue Jackets played the Atlanta Thrashers. • Rocky Mountain. Together with the Materials Dept. at the Colorado School of Mines, the Section sponsors the Materials Science Lecture Series at the university. Sheldon M. Wiederhorn of NIST, Gaithersburg, Md., was the guest lecturer, Oct. 12, 2000. In his talk, “Hightemperature Creep Behavior of Particulate Ceramic Composites,” he discussed the causes of degradation in mechanical behavior at elevated temperatures and the mechanisms of deformation in the bonding phase. Zemir Gavra, a professor at Ben-Gurion University, Israel, delivered the Dec. 7 lecture. He spoke about “New Trends in Hydrogen Storage Materials.” • Northwest Indiana. Quentin Robinson (manager of research, Vesuvius USA) was the dinner speaker when the Section met Nov. 30, 2000, at the Patio Restaurant in Merrillville. Approximately 30 members attended. The topic of his discussion was “Casting Channel Design (i.e., Tundish Slide Gates) and Its Effect on Steel Flow and Clogging.” Robinson included slides of the slide gate water model, showing the flow in a tundish system. Various designs and configurations were used to determine the best flow pattern for a tundish slide gate. The water model was computer modeled to check for consistency and reproducibility. Calculations from the data provided comparable Quentin Robinson discusses casting channel design at a meeting of the Northwest Indiana Section. 20 results between the water and computer models. From this information, the computer model can be used to determine the effects of variations on the slide gate system. • Southwest. The fall meeting went as planned at the Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, Ark., Nov. 15–17, 2000. More brickmakers attended this meeting than in the recent past. Perhaps the tour of Acme Brick Co.’s Ouachita plant had something to do with it. Some of the highlights are reported below: Barry T. Hughes, president of Halbert Mill Co., Jacksonville, Texas, was honored with the Harry E. Ebright Service Award. He was cited for his outstanding service to the Section through contributions to the ceramic arts and sciences and for the promotion of the Southwest Section and, thus, The American Ceramic Society. The Carl and Barbara Hogue First Lady Award was presented to Beckie Schlager who has taken charge of the ladies program several times and served on the companions program committee even more frequently. Robert H. Bruns, Gilmer Potteries Inc., reports that 11 golfers braved the cold at the Hot Springs Country Club Arlington Course. Bruns, together with Carl Hogue and Dave Kirkendall, finished first with a score of 71 (one under par). The fact that they were the only team with three players may have had something to do with it. The team of Richard C. Tucker (Gilmer Potteries Inc.) and Bryan Byrd (American Restoration Tile) came in second with a score of 81. Steve Bohannon (Acme Brick Co.) had the longest drive on hole No. 9; Bruns was closest to the hole on No. 8; and Dusty McGregor (Acme Brick Co.) was closest to the hole on No. 17 New officers for 2001 were installed during the business meeting. They are: chair, Richard C. Tucker, Gilmer Potteries Inc.; chair-elect, Michael E. Shipley, U.S. Brick Co.; vice chair, Randall Wheeler, Jonesboro, Ark.; treasurer, Robert H. Bruns, Gilmer Potteries Inc.; and secretary, Gary Schlager, Process Engineering Services. Fred C. McMann of North American Mfg. Co. continues to serve as counselor. The spring meeting will be held at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Fort Worth, Texas, June 6–8, 2001. The fall 2001 meeting is scheduled at Harrah’s Shreveport Hotel, Shreveport, La., Nov. 7–9. In spring 2002, the meeting will be at the Holiday Inn Sun Spree Resort, South Padre Island, Texas, June 26–28. Contact Richard Tucker, tel. 903-843-2509, E-mail richardtucker The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 SOCIE T Y/INDUSTRY Last year, exports earned the company $30 million, primarily from the United States and Europe. Both company brands, Royal Porcelain and Bone China, were particularly wellknown in Italy and the United Kingdom. The company’s two factories in Saraburi have a combined production capacity of 3.5 million pieces per month, 80% of which is exported. them continue their studies in their selected fields of crystallographic research. Alumina Ceramic Tile ICDD Scholarships The International Centre for Dif fraction Data (ICDD), Newtown Square, Pa., has selected recipients of its Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarships for 2001. James Lettieri, The Pennsylvania State University, is working on research involving “Ferroelectric Anisotropy and Integration of SrBi 2Ta 2O 9.” Jennifer Stone, Oregon State University, is investigating “Structural Studies of High-Power Optical Materials.” Each student receives a check for $2250 to help • February 2001 Al u m i n a ce ra m i c o f fe r s s u p e r i o r protection with minimum weight, features needed when developing vehicle armor. It meets the demand for modern vehicles to have high mobility and maneuverability, without compromising survivability. (Photo courtesy of Morgan Advanced Ceramics Inc., Latrobe, Pa.) Navitar Coating Labs Expands Product Line Navitar Coating Labs Inc. (formerly GM Vacuum Coating), Rochester, N.Y., has expanded its line of solderable coatings for glass and ceramic substrates to include coatings as thin as 0.30 µm. These micro-thin coatings find applications in missiles, fiber optics, aerospace and passive IR detectors. They also are suited for the hermetic sealing of optical systems. The coating is applied using a special low-stress sputtering process so that it is extremely durable. In fact, its strength exceeds that of the glass substrate. PPG Joint Ventures PPG Industries Inc., Pittsburgh, is the technical and training advisor for a $10-million expansion at the Cristal Laminado o Templado S.A. de C.V. (CITSA) automotive glass fabricating plant at Tepeji del Rio, Mexico, 30 miles north of Mexico City. The oper- 21 Legislative & Public Affairs SOCIE T Y/INDUSTRY John Kaniuk, president of Zircoa Inc., is a member of the LPAC Executive Committee 22 Update on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORMs) Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) and technology enhanced radioactive materials (TENORMs) continue to be important topics for the ceramics industry. Small amounts of uranium (U) and thorium (Th) are present in most raw materials mined from the earth, and various governmental agencies are deciding how to regulate these materials to ensure public safety. The Nuclear Regulatory Com mission (NRC) is responsible for regulating radioactive materials. NRC currently grants an unrestricted license to those who handle radioactive materials below 500 ppm of U and Th. The states and EPA, however, want these materials regulated more closely. Therefore, NRC is contemplating a rule that would require persons who hold NRC specific source material licenses to notify NRC before any unimportant quantities of source material (<0.05% U, Th) are transferred to persons who are exempt from licensing. The contemplated rule is written so that pre -approval would be required before a transfer takes place. The contemplated rulemaking would have a substantial economic impact on companies that are materials licensees and manufacture zirconia products <0.05%, including: • An overwhelming amount of reporting if each transfer of unimportant quantities of source material requires pre-approval; • Delays in processing customer orders, leading to lost business; • An uneven playing field where imported materials would have an economic advantage over domestically manufactured materials. LPAC is communicating to the various governmental agencies and public officials that the proposed regulations will have a significant impact on the ceramics community, and is asking that our concerns be addressed before any rule be finalized. In addition, LPAC is continuing its cooperative efforts with the Zirconium Environmental Com mittee (ZEC). ZEC is a group of ceramic companies that is tracking all pending regulations and developing technical information on the safety of zircon and zirconia. To date, the combined efforts of ZEC and LPAC have been successful in effecting modifications to the regulations that are acceptable to the ceramics community. However, due to the current proposed NRC regulations, additional technical information must be generated and then communicated to the appropriate parties in supporting the interests of the ceramics community. If you would like to join LPAC or ZEC in these efforts, please contact me by E-mail at john.kaniuk or contact John Flatley of LPAC by E-mail at ACerS Legislative & Public Affairs Committee, One Thomas Circle NW, 10th Floor, Washington, DC 20005; tel. 202-289-1361, fax 202- The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 SOCIE T Y/INDUSTRY ation is a partnership of PPG and the Villaseñor family. The expansion includes addition of tempering equipment that will allow CITSA to produce side and back automotive windows, as well as windshield production equipment using advanced PPG technology to supply more complicated original-equipment parts. This will allow CITSA to supply full-car sets of windows to the growing Mexican automotive industry. PPG also plans to join Nan Ya Plastics Corp. of Taiwan in building a plant at Kunshan, China, to make fiber-glass yarns, primarily for electronics customers. The project is subject to Taiwan government approval. PFG Fiber Glass (Kunshan) Co. Ltd. will produce electronic yarns in a Kunshan industrial economic development zone west of Shanghai. Nan Ya is building an adjacent complex that will include weaving, laminating and circuit board production facilities. It will be PFG’s principal customer. Startup is scheduled in early 2003. Illustrated Ceramics These teapots are included in a onewoman exhibition showcasing the illustrated ceramic works of Sayoko Becker. Gallery Alexander, La Jolla, Calif., hosts the exhibit March 10–April 15, 2001. For details, call 858-459-9433. Glass Industry Funded for Energy Efficiency The age-old trade of glassmaking will get a helping hand from 21st century technology under an $11.8-million government-industry partnership to reduce energy use and environmen- tal impacts in the U.S. glass industry. The private sector cost share will be a minimum of 50% of each project. Facing pressure from foreign competition and alternative materials, the U.S. glass industry must find ways to reduce manufacturing costs while maintaining quality and protecting the environment. The industry spends more than $1.3 billion each year just on energy for manufacturing processes. It is an important segment of the U.S. economy. The glass industry employs more than 150,000 people and generates more than 21 million tons of consumer products annually with an estimated value of $22 billion. DOE has selected four companies to participate with Argonne National Lab in a three-year program of cooperative technology R&D that will enhance the economic competitiveness of the nation’s glass industry. The projects and lead organizations are: • Measurement and control of glass Lindberg/BlueM Distributor — Furnaces, Ovens & Replacement Parts • Discount Pricing • Quick Delivery • Many Models In Stock • Custom Furnaces Call Toll-Free: 1-888-264-7856 Furnace Concepts, Inc. P.O. Box 863 Southbury, CT 06488 Tel. 203-264-7856 Fax 203-262-8714 E-mail Visit Our Website • February 2001 23 NICE News SOCIE T Y/INDUSTRY Recognition Ethics, integrity, honor—as an organization, we strongly stress these concepts each year. We introduce them in our academic engineering programs and discuss them as topics at professional meetings. They have become major issues in our national elections and buzzwords in the corporate boardroom. How do these words affect you, the engineer? When you practice engineering, you take on more than a job. You accept a professional obligation to guide technology. Fundamentally, you become a servant of society and of human progress. You play an active role in shaping the future of our society and our world. You cannot consider simply the answer to a technological problem—you must consider the impact of the solution on our quality of life, on the environment and on future generations. You must take the responsibility seriously and give your full attention to the effects your decisions will have on those around you. Order of the Engineer NICE proudly announces its professional affiliation with the Order of the Engineer, an organization that exists “to foster a spirit of pride and responsibility in the engineering profession, to bridge the gap between training and experience, and to present to the public a visible symbol identifying the engineer.” The Order of the Engineer conducted its first induction ceremony at Cleveland State University in 1970, and now has inductees in all 50 states. The “Obligation” of the Order of the Engineer is a creed similar to the oath attributed to Hippocrates (generally taken by medical gradu- 24 ates) and sets forth an ethical code. The Obligation, likewise, contains parts of the canons of ethics of major engineering societies. Initiates, as they accept it voluntarily, pledge to uphold the standards feedback on the scheduling is welcome. We will accommodate as many as possible of those who wish to participate. The one-time cost to join the Order of the Engineer is $20. This includes the ring and certificate; there is no annual fee. Contact the director of NICE for a copy of the form. Be sure to provide your ring size (pinky finger of your working hand). We hope that many of you will recognize the impor tance of acknowledging our obligation to society as engineers. We are excited about this new affiliation and know that many of you will be, too. AAES Representation and dignity of the engineering profession and to serve humanity by making the best use of Earth’s precious wealth. The Obligation ceremony is similar to the Canadian “Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer,” which began in 1926. Initiates recite an oath acknowledging their obligation as engineers and accept a stainless steel ring to be worn on the fifth finger of the working hand. The entire ceremony lasts approximately one hour, depending on the number of initiates. NICE Inductions NICE will hold its first inductions into the Order of the Engineer during the upcoming Annual Meeting in Indianapolis. We will attempt to schedule a time that does not conflict with any technical sessions so all who wish to participate can attend. Sunday evening looks promising, however, it is possible that the ceremony will be held during the NICE business meeting on Monday. Your Kathryn V. Logan has been elected to a vice chair position on the AAES Executive Committee for 2001. This gives the ceramic engineering profession four members on the AAES board. The others are Harrie J. Stevens and Diane C. Folz as voting governors, and Gary S. Fischman as voting member on the Engineering Public Policy Committee. While Logan is not a voting member, she will have input into AAES policies and issues prior to board votes. We are pleased about our increase in activity on the AAES committees over the past several years. This organization allows us to have input into critical issues of policy since AAES is the engineering organization with a direct line into Congress and the White House. Contact Address Please note that I am now at Virginia Tech! Please direct all communications to me there. Diane C. Folz, NICE Director c/o Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 SOCIE T Y/INDUSTRY feeds tocks. Energy Research Co., Staten I s l a n d, N . Y. To t a l co s t $3,031,568. • Monitoring and control technologies in glass melting furnaces. Gallo Glass Co., Modesto, Calif. Total cost $2,100,000. • Development of process optimization strategies, models and chemical databases for online coatings of float glass. PPG Industries, Pittsburgh. Total cost $3,000,000. • Development and validation of an Advanced Multiphase Glass Furnace Model that can completely characterize the interaction between glass melt and combustion space. The model also provides the opportunity to mimic furnace conditions with software to predict process changes. Techneglas Inc., Columbus, Ohio. Total cost $2,728,435. • In-house recovery and recycling of glass from glass manufacturing waste. Argonne National Lab, Argonne, Ill. Total cost $1,000,000. In addition to the lead organization for each project, other industrial firms, universities and DOE national laboratories will participate as partners in the R&D effor t. These include CertainTeed Corp., Fenton Art Glass Co., Libbey Inc., Oak Ridge National Lab, Mississippi State University, Osram Sylvania Inc, Owens Corning Inc., Purdue University, Sandia National Labs and Vetrotex America. American Colloid Opens New Blending Facility American Colloid Co. recently opened a new blending facility at Butler, Ga., to manufacture Additrol® preblended molding sand additives used in the metalcasting process. The 1265-m2 (13,600-ft2) facility features a high-volume, state-of-the-art continuous blending system with outbound rail and bagging capabilities. Mike Diermeier has been named plant manager in Butler. Previously headquartered at Arlington Heights, Ill., he served as corporate quality coordinator. Including this new facility, American Colloid operates 13 plants across North America. The Butler location, 110 miles south of Atlanta, will effectively serve customers in the southeastern United States. Raymond Operations Under Alstom Power The ABB Air Preheater Co., Raymond Operations, Lisle, Ill., has become part of Alstom Power Inc. Headquartered in Belgium, Alstom Power is part of the French conglomerate Alstom. The Raymond Operations includes the Raymond®, Ehrsam® and BartlettSnow™ product lines. The engineering and sales offices for Raymond and Bartlett-Snow will continue in Lisle; Ehrsam parts, sales and service are located at Concordia, Kans. Consistency and longer mold life have made G-P Gypsum the leader in whitewares. Not to mention prompt tech support and one-stop shopping for our complete line of industrial plasters. So find out why G-P is #1 in whitewares, call 1-888-PLASTER, visit, or fax 404-588-3833. © 2001 Georgia-Pacific Corporation. All rights reserved.Denscal®, Densite®, and K Series® are registered trademarks of Georgia-Pacific Corporation. FITZGERALD + CO • 404-504-6900 • JOB #M0GP0057 • trim: 7” X 4.875” • Ceramic Bulletin; Ceramic Industry • February 2001 25 SOCIE T Y/INDUSTRY Ceramics Online Many companies and organizations are establishing a presence on the Internet. Some of the websites are profiled below. Anter Corp. Dilatometers, conduc tivity meters, diffusivity systems and drop calorimeters for determining thermophysical properties. AO Research Institute /interface Studies of interface reactions between living cells and implant surfaces. Centorr/Vacuum Industries Inc. Innovative solutions to challenging high-temperature materials processing problems. Eisenmann Corp. Surface finishing systems, material flow automation, environmental technology and ceramics firing technology. Hammill & Gillespie Inc. Clays, feldspars, silicas, carbonates and specialty mineral products. Powder & Bulk Solids Adds a Day The Powder & Bulk Solids Conference (May 7–11) and Exhibition (May 8–10, 2001) will be held at the Donald E. S te p h e n s Co nve n t i o n Ce n te r, Rosemont (Chicago), Ill. New features of the expanded five-day conference include an in-depth “Focus On” educational program, and new conference tracks on E-business, environmental issues (including such issues as hazards, loss protection, dust control and dust generation) and professional development. For more information, call 800-3544003 or 203-840-5650, or visit the website at powdershow.reedexpo. com. 10th Year for Linn Elektro Therm Linn Elektro Therm GmbH, Bad Frankenhausen, Germany, recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. It was just 10 years ago when Horst Linn of Linn High Therm GmbH (Eschen felden) took over the firm, previously known as VEB Electro. The company hosted 160 guests in its new production hall, providing a buffet and wine tasting. Günther Köhler (Jena) presented a lecture about research in the Thuringia region; and Gerd Walter (Bergakademie Freiberg) discussed furnace production. The entertainment was rounded out with a folk music band and a female dance troupe. Glass and the Speed of Light The Corning Museum of Glass has opened a major new permanent exhibit on optical-fiber technology. “Glass and the Speed of Light” demonstrates how much information a single optical fiber can carry. A single optical fiber runs the length of the exhibit, encased in a transparent handrail. This fiber transmits a signal originating from a camera pointing at visitors. This same fiber occupies different parts of the exhibit—in one section winding around a spool for nearly 100 miles before having its signal amplified and refreshed. In another section, the optical fiber has a camera signal combined with dozens of other information streams. The fiber snakes its way through the amount of copper wire needed to carry the same information—hundreds of cables, weighing thousands of pounds. The slender fiber swoops in and around the massive copper coils, nimbly by-passing their bulk. The centerpiece of the exhibit is an interactive video wall illustrating the New Castle Refractories Co. Kiln furniture and special refractory shapes fabricated from silicon carbide, mullite, alumina and high-temperature fireclays. Sonic-Mill Contract machining services for technical ceramic and glass materials; supplier of ultrasonic machining equipment. ceramicSOURCE Online Suppliers of materials, equipment and services used to manufacture ceramics. Register free as a nonmember subscriber through May 31, 2001. 26 The Linn Elektro Therm complex in Bad Frankenhausen. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 SOCIE T Y/INDUSTRY far-reaching and world-changing possibilities that fiber-optic technology offers. Each time visitors push a button, they see how greater bandwidth takes media a giant step forward—from the telegraph, through radio and television, into the age of the Internet. Each step forward represents a more information-intensive transmission. The museum celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. For additional information, tel. 607-937-5371, fax 607-974-2077, Internet www.cmog . org. ATC Offers New Line American Technical Ceramics Corp. (ATC), Huntington Station, N.Y., a manufacturer of RF and microwave ceramic capacitors, has launched a new line of high-power resistive products designed for microwave and RF applications. The new products, which include resistors, terminations and attenuators, target the same markets as ATC’s traditional line of capacitors, complementing the technologies already offered. (Source: Xinhua news agency, China) • United Arab Emirates. Al Khaleej Ceramics, a Dubai-based floor tile producer, will double production at its Jebel Ali plant to 3 million m2 of tile per month. The factory will be expanded to a total of 100,000 m2 of production space and two new presses will be installed to meet the company's growing global trade with Europe, the United States and the Far East. • Italy. The new porcelain tile plant in San Clemente di Rimini, built by Ceramica del Conca, has a production capacity of 9 million m2 per year. • Tajikistan. Sirandud, an enamelware producer, reported a 17.2% drop in production for the first nine months of 2000, compared with the same period in 1999. The drop is due to a raw materials shortage at the plant. (Source: Asia-Plus Information Agency, Tajikistan) • Vietnam. Viglacera, a ceramics and glass producer, opened a new fire brick factory with an annual production capacity of 16,500 tons in the northern province of Vinh Phuc. The company also is planning to build a ceramics factory in the Ukraine. (Source: Vietnamese News Agency) • Tibet. Authorities in Tibet are seeking Chinese and foreign investment for the construction of ceramic production plants. (Source: Xinhua News Agency, China) • Turkmenistan. Reconstruction of kilns at the Balkanabat porcelain plant was completed by the Turkish company Asist. The new kilns will help the plant expand its product range. (Source: Turkmen Dowlet Habarlar Gullugy News Agency, Turkmenistan) • Bulgaria. Han Omourtag, a tile producer in Shoumen, signed a contract to export 15,000 m2 of floor and wall tile to a Dutch customer. (Source: Bulgarian Telegrapic Agency) • Tajikistan. The State Statistics Committee reports a 10.7% drop in News Briefs • Premier Mill Corp., Reading, Pa., selects Metco Process Solutions, Troy, Mich., as a representative of its milling, mixing and dispersing line of equipment for specialty processing applications. • Superior Graphite Co., Chicago, was named No. 1 among small U.S. companies in workforce excellence by the National Association of Manufac turers. The award was given for workforce excellence in developing and producing graphite that makes alkaline batteries last longer. • Premier Mill Corp., Reading Pa., has received ISO 9001 registration. International Briefs • China. The Council for the Promotion of International Trade reports that China will increasingly use foreign investment in its ceramics industry. New ceramics industry projects using foreign investment must meet international environmental protection standards. For sanitaryware, the focus will be on improving product quality. • February 2001 27 “It’s not just what you T he American Ceramic Society can help you succeed in both areas. With more than 10,000 members in 65 countries around the world The American Ceramic Society represents a wide variety of interest groups: Engineers, Scientists, Researchers, Manufacturers, Plant Personnel, Educators, Students, Marketing and Sales professionals, and others in related materials fields. The American Ceramic Society is the gateway through which these groups interact, exchange information, influence legislation, and develop tomor row ’s technologies. We provide our members the tools to do business. Plus, we have made it easy to join. s Submit your membership application via our website s Complete your application via telephone by calling Customer Service 614/794-5890; s Send an E-mail to and ask a representative to contact you. s Fax back (614/899-6109) a completed application form. A form is included in this issue of the Bulletin (see p 31). Invest in your career. Join The American Ceramic Society Today! 01CRAD 28 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin SOCIE T Y/INDUSTRY Obituaries Ronald W. Douglas Ronald W. Douglas, 90, died Nov. 14, 2000, at Devon, U.K. The emeritus professor headed the Dept. of Glass Technology at the University of Sheffield from 1955 until he retired in 1975. His work was in rheology of glasses, relaxation processes, liquid-liquid phase separation and surface reactivity of glass. Douglas also worked at General Electric Co., Wembley, in solid state physics. He served as president (1963–65) and was an honorary fellow of the Society of Glass Technology. Douglas served as president of the International Commission on Glass during 1972–75. An ACerS Fellow, he was affiliated with the Glass & Optical Materials Division. • February 2001 Open Nominations for ACerS Awards Society Business porcelain production for the first nine months of 2000, compared with the same period in 1999. (Source: Asia Plus Information Agency) • China. The General Administration of Customs reports that the country exported 114,912 tons of household ceramics worth $81.9 million in August 2000. China also exported 61,065 tons of decorative ceramics worth $63.6 million in August. (Source: Xinhua News Agency, China) • Vietnam. Amstan Sanitaryware Inc., a joint venture between American Standard Inc., Piscataway, N.J., and My Phu Sanitary Co., Binh Dong, Vietnam, recorded a 30% increase in sales for the first nine months of 2000, compared with the same period in 1999. The venture is preparing to raise production in expectation of a rise in demand during the winter season. (Source: Vietnamese News Agency) • Tajikistan. China delivered ≈$700,000 of production equipment to a ceramic tile plant in Kulyab. The plant was constructed with Chinese assistance. (S ource: Asia-Plus I nformation Agency, Tajikistan) • Czech Republic. The Czech Embassy told companies that if they want to export their products to Bosnia, they must be prepared to conduct barter trade, because Bosnian companies are unable to pay for goods with cash. (Source: CTK news agency, Czech Republic) Award committees are accepting nominations for awards that will be presented at the 104th Annual Meeting in St. Louis and beyond. Information on these and other ACerS Awards can be obtained at the ACerS website ( or by contacting Susan Davis, administrative assistant, tel. 614-794-5891, E-mail Robert L. Coble Award for Young Scholars (2002) /awards/coble.asp Deadline for nominations: Oct. 15, 2001. Corporate Environmental Achievement Award (2002) /awards/corporateenviromental. asp Deadline for nominations: Sept. 15, 2001. Corporate Technical Achievement Award (2002) /awards/corporatetechnical.asp Deadline for nominations: Sept. 15, 2001. Distinguished Life Member (2002) /awards/distlife.asp Deadline for nominations: Aug. 31, 2001. Fellow Nominations (2002) /awards/fellows.asp Deadline for nominations: March 9, 2001. Richard M. Fulrath Award (2002) /awards/fulrath.asp Deadline for nominations: Oct. 1, 2001. Honorary Membership (2002) /awards/honorarymembership.asp Deadline for nominations: Nov. 1, 2001. John Jeppson Medal and Award (2002) /awards/johnjeppson.asp Deadline for nominations: June 1, 2001. W. David Kingery Award (2002) /awards/davidkingery.asp Deadline for nominations: June 15, 2001. Edward Orton Jr. Memorial Lecture (2002) /awards/edwardorton.asp Deadline for nominations: Nov. 1, 2001. Karl SchwartzwalderPACE (2002) /awards/pace.asp Deadline for nominations: Sept. 30, 2001. Frontiers of Science and Society— Rustum Roy Lecture (2002) /awards/rustumroy.asp 29 Members Network SOCIE T Y/INDUSTRY Corporate Members Sustaining Aluminum Co. of America Ferro Corp. Saint-Gobain Ceramics & Plastics Inc. TYK America Inc. Unimin Corp. Contributing Accuratus Ceramic Corp. Alpha Ceramics Inc. American Piezo Ceramics Inc. AVX Ceramics Corp. Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies E.J. Bognar Inc. CCPI Inc. Ceramic Color & Chemical Mfg. Co. CeramTec North America Chand Associates Inc. CoorsTek Inc. Custom Technical Ceramics Inc. DMC2 Degussa Metals Eisenmann Corp. Electro-Science Labs Inc. Exolon-ESK Co. Federal Mogul Hammill & Gillespie Inc. Hammond Lead Products Inc. Harrop Industries Inc. Kane Magnetics International Keystone Thermometrics Kyocera International Inc. Lenox Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH Manufacturing Technology Inc. MicroCoating Technologies Micropyretics Heaters International Inc. Minteq International Inc. Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Nabaltec GmbH Nanophase Technologies Corp. Quallion LLC Resco Products Inc. RHI Refractories America Sandia National Labs H.C. Spinks Clay Co. Inc. Superior Graphite Co. Superior Technical Ceramics Corp. U.S. Gypsum Co. R.T. Vanderbilt Co. Inc. Wacker Engineered Ceramics Inc. Washington Mills Electro Minerals Corp. Zircoa Inc. Zirconia Sales (America) Inc. Internet links to Corporate Members can be found on the Society’s website at ACerS Employment Center ACerS has sponsored a successful Employment Center during the Annual Meeting for many years. More than 350 jobs were posted last year. Once again, the Employment Center will post job openings, collect resumes, offer on-site interview space and schedule inter views at the potential employer’s request. This no-fee service is a great way to gain immediate face-to-face contact with potential employers/ employees. Submitted resumes also will be entered into ACerS’ Online Ceramic Futures Resume Database. Employers need not be present to post job openings. Send us your job openings, and we’ll collect resumes for you. We also offer an Annual Meeting special on our online JobMatch bulletin board. Postings may be internships or anything from entry level up to executive management. Prior to April 16, submit job descriptions by E-mail to Thereafter, please submit on site. Career Fair We’re expanding! This year we’re offering a Career Fair at the Annual Meeting. Companies and universities alike are invited to promote themselves to job candidates and prospective graduate students. Tabletop displays are available for this event. Have your recruiter contact the ACerS membership manager for further details. You need not be a meeting registrant to display at the Career Fair. Whether you’re looking for a job or considering graduate school, come check out the possibilities. Networking Reception Employment Center & Career Fair Hours Sunday, April 22 Monday, April 23 Tuesday, April 24 Wednesday, April 25 *Networking Reception. 30 12:30–5:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m.* 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.–12:00 noon A Networking Reception will be held on Monday from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the site of the Employment Center and Career Fair. Attendees are invited to come have a bite to eat, do some networking and explore career opportunities. Experienced professionals from throughout the ceramics industries will be in attendance to field career questions. Online JobMatch The JobMatch bulletin board is offering employers an Annual Meeting special through April 30. Post two job openings for one month for $50 or post unlimited job openings for three months for $100. Contact Chris Shewring at Brass Ring to take advantage of this special offer (tel. 614-9230600 ext. 353, E-mail cshewring @ Visit JobMatch on the Internet at www.ceramics .org/membership/jobpostings. asp. Garry Moon, Membership Manager Tel. 614-794-5859 Fax 614-794-5882 E-mail The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Membership Application Complete both sides and return to: 2001 Membership Rates (allow 4–6 weeks for delivery of first publication) The American Ceramic Society Dept. 866 Columbus, OH 43265-0866 USA or fax to 614-794-5892 Select the membership type you qualify for from the definitions below. Place an “x” beside the items that apply, and then add the total amount due. Regular Member Associate Member Student Member Person age 26 or older. Includes Ceramic Bulletin, ceramicSOURCE (print and online) and Membership Directory (print and online). Person age 25 or younger. Includes Ceramic Bulletin, ceramicSOURCE (print and online) and Membership Directory (print and online). Person enrolled for at least 10 hours/week in a recognized college or university. Includes Ceramic Bulletin, ceramicSOURCE (online only) and Membership Directory (online only). Please send mailings to my : M Dr. M Mr. M Ms. M Mrs. M home address First Name M.I. M work address (Please print legibly or type) Last Name Job Title Company/Affiliation Regular Membership Dues Associate Membership Dues Student Membership Dues M North America . . . . . $90 M North America . . . . . $40 M North America . . . . . $18 M International . . . . . .$146 M International . . . . . . . $96 M International . . . . . . . $68 Division Affiliations (see below for list) Reg./Assoc. M 1st Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INCL. M Additional Divisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 each Other Society Affiliates M Ceramic Educational Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Ceramic Manufacturing Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M National Institute of Ceramic Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Keramos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Student INCL. N/A $5 $5 $40 $10 $5 $5 FREE FREE Other Publications Ceramic Engineering & Science Proceedings—CESP (5 Issue Set) M North America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $143 M International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $183 $143 $183 Journal of The American Ceramic Society (online access included) (1 Year–12 Issues) M North America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125 M International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $205 $63 $143 ceramicSOURCE (published in winter) M North America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Additional Copies (North America) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Additional Copies (International) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 $16 $10 $16 Department Company Address (include suite no., mail stop, etc.) P.O. Box City State ( ) Zip Code (+4) ( Work Telephone (area/country + city code) Country ) Fax E-Mail Home Address (include apt. no., room no., etc) P.O Box City ( INCL. INCL. $25 $31 State ) Zip Code (+4) ( Home Telephone (area/country + city code) Country ) Fax Educational Background NOTE: Your 12-month membership begins upon receipt of payment. Journal and CESP are sold on a calendar-year basis. All rates include shipping charges. University/College Division Affiliation Degree Please number your division affiliations in order of preference. The first division is included with your membership dues. For each additional division, $5.00 is charged. (Note: Students may belong to only one division.) _ Art _ _ Basic Science _ Cements _ Nuclear & Environmental Technology _ _ Glass & Optical Materials _ Refractory Ceramics Electronics _ Structural Clay Products Engineering Ceramics _ Whitewares & Materials Major Year Granted Major Year Granted Major Year Granted University/College Degree University/College Degree Please indicate the PRIMARY ceramic business of your operation (one only) Payment Information TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (Payment must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank)_____________ $ n 1. Advanced Ceramics M Check No.________________ for $ _ ____________________enclosed. nA. Electronic/Electrical Ceramics M Charge $_ _______________ to my: nB. Structural/Composite M VISA M MasterCard M AMEX Ceramics Card No. Expires Questions? Contact Customer Service: Phone: 614-794-5890 Fax: 614-794-5892 E-mail: web site: nC. Biomedical Ceramics nD. Optical Fibers please nE. Other n 2. GLASS n F.Glass Made from Raw Materials n1.Glass Containers n2.Flat Glass n3.Pressed and Blown Glass n4.Electronic Glass n5.Fibrous Glass n G. Products Made from Purchased Glass Continued on back 0130CB What is your title? (check only one) PRIMARY ceramic business cont’d (check one only) n n 10. NUCLEAR CERAMICS 3. WHITEWARE nH. Floor and Wall Tile n J. Dinnerware nK. Vitreous Sanitaryware n L. Artware nM. Other Whiteware please describe n 11. DECORATING AND/OR DESIGNING OF WHITEWARE AND/OR GLASS PRODUCTS nV. Whiteware nW. Glassware n 12. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT nX. Academic n Y. Government nZ. Independent Contract Organization n 4. REFRACTORIES nN. Refractory Brick nO. Specialties/Shapes n P. Ceramic Fiber nQ. Mixes and Cements n R. Other please describe n n 13. Libraries, Schools and Universities n 14. Ceramic Students 5. PORCELAIN ENAMELED PRODUCTS n 6. STRUCTURAL CLAY PRODUCTS nS. Brick n T. Clay Pipe nU. Other Products please describe n 7. STONEWARE/POTTERY PRODUCTS n 8. ABRASIVE PRODUCTS n 9. CEMENTS n 15. Producers and Distributors of Materials, Equipment, and Supplies Used in the Manufacturing of Ceramic Products M B. OPERATING MANAGEMENT: Divisional Manager, Department Manager, Group Manager, Planning Manager, Operations Manager, Plant Manager, or Other Operating Manager M C. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: Director, Manager, or Supervisor of Research, Scientist, or Other Research and Development Manager M D. ENGINEERING AND PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT: Director of Engineering, Engineering Manager, Chief Engineer, Manufacturing Manager, Production Manager, Program Manager, Materials Manager, Materials Engineer, Design Engineer, Ceramic Engineer, or Other Engineering or Production Manager M E. PURCHASING MANAGEMENT: Purchasing Manager, Purchasing Agent, or Other Purchasing Manager n 16. Others Allied to the Field M F. MARKETING AND SALES MANAGEMENT: Marketing Director, Marketing Manager, Vice President of Sales, or Sales Manager please describe M G. Other Statistical Data I am involved in purchasing the following: The Society gathers statistical and demographic data so that we can serve our members better. Providing this data is optional and is not a condition of membership. Date of Birth is required for Associate Membership. F/M Date of Birth 0130CB M A. CORPORATE MANAGEMENT: Chairman, President, General Manager, Vice President, Director, Owner, Controller, or Other Corporate Executive Month Day Year Sex M Raw materials/minerals M Material handling & batching equipment M Refractories M Kilns/furnaces M Polishing/cutting/machining M M M M M M Ceramic components & devices Coatings & finishing Testing/evaluation/instrumentation equipment Forming & finishing equipment Decorating equipment/supplies Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Allocation for subscriptions to the Bulletin ($37 for regular members, $12 for all other categories) and ceramicSOURCE, print and online ($10), are included in membership fees. Student Members have free access to ceramicSOURCE Online, but must pay additional for the print version ($10, U.S.; $18, international). Changing Moving? Positions? Please allow six weeks for address changes Member Number: Name: Date (Last) Mailing address is to: New Position: Organization: (First) Home Business Address: City h Check here if the above information on your new position is only for Society records, and NOT for publication in Ceramic Bulletin. State Business Phone Number: Fax Number: Location of Organization: Zip (Area code) (Area Code) Home Phone Number: (Area code) Country If Student Member, please give last degree obtained: University/College Degree Major Year Granted Copy this form and fax or mail in an envelope to: The American Ceramic Society, P.O. Box 6136, Westerville, OH 43086-6136. Enclose any additional information that might be of interest to your fellow members. Phone: 614-794-5890 Fax: 614-899-6109 Names in the News Edwards Clark …General Shale Edwards Honored Joe Edwards, vice president of engineering and research, General Shale Products LLC, Kingsport, Tenn., received an honorary doctorate of laws from Clemson University, S.C. A 1956 graduate of Clemson, he was instrumental in establishing the National Brick Research Center and the Bishop Ceramic Lab at the university. His 1997 article, published in the Ceramic Bulletin, has been the basis for the durability criteria in the ASTM standards for facing brick (see p 13 in this issue and p 12 in the August 2000 issue). Edwards is an ACerS Fellow and member of Structural Clay Products Division. He is a recipient of the 1982 Hewitt Wilson Award of ACerS’ Southeast Section. Clark, Folz Join VPI David E. Clark is the new department head of materials science and engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VPI), Blacksburg. He came from the materials science and engineering department at the University of Florida, Gainesville, where he was a professor. Clark holds seven patents, and has authored and coauthored a number of books and articles on microwave processing of materials, glass corrosion, and sol-gel processing. He is an Acers Fellow and member of the Engineering Ceramics Division, for which he served as chair during 1988–89. He was a founding member of the Florida Section of ACerS, the 1993 James I. Mueller Lecturer and the 1992–93 president of NICE. Clark currently serves on the ACerS Board • February 2001 …VPI Folz …VPI Sardas of Directors. He is a member of the NICE Executive Committee and a reviewer for the Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Diane Folz had accepted a research faculty position at VPI’s material science and engineering department. Previously, Folz was an engineer for the materials science and engineering department at the University of Florida, Gainesville. She holds two patents, and has coauthored two books and a variety of articles on the microwave processing of materials and other subjects in the field. Folz is an ACerS Fellow and member of the Engineering Ceramics Division. An NICE Fellow, Folz has held a variety of leadership positions in the organization and currently serves as its director. Dal-Tile Extends Sardas Term Jacques Sardas’ term as chair and CEO of Dal-Tile International Inc. was extended to 2004. He joined the company in 1997 as president and CEO, and was elected chair of the board in the same year. In 1998, the company extended Sardas’ term until 2001. Hill Advances at MAC Barry Hill is promoted to global marketing director at Morgan Advanced Ceramics (MAC), New Bedford, Mass. He will develop and implement sales and marketing strategies worldwide for the company, as well as maintain responsibility for North American sales. Hill previously served as North American sales director, where he …Dal-Tile Hill …Morgan reorganized the company’s sales efforts. Previously, he was vice president of sales and marketing for Wesgo Ceramics and Wesgo Metals. Quest Promotes Three Jim Banach was elected vice president of operations for Quest Technologies Inc., Oconomowoc, Wis. In his 15 years with the company, he has held the positions of regional sales manager, general manager and director of training. Mark Mazzo will serve as vice president and general manager of the Quest Technologies Technical Center. He previously worked as director of engineering for Metrosonics Inc., Rochester, Wis., which was acquired by Quest in 1999. Cliff Wolcott was selected as vice president of marketing. He also is a former Metrosonics employee, where he was employed as director of sales and marketing. Wolcott has more than 20 years experience in instrumentation VP Changes at PPG PPG Industries Inc, Pittsburgh, announces the retirement of L. Blaine Boswell as vice president of public affairs, effective March 31, 2001. A 32-year veteran of the company, he started in human resources, moving up to vice president of flat glass, then to vice president and president of PPG Industries International, Paris. To fill Boswell’s position, PPG promotes Benjamin Fisher Jr., director of corporate marketing, to vice president in charge of corporate marketing and communications. 33 Names in the News Heidenreich …Eclipse Edmondson Jeffrey Gilbert, vice president of government affairs, will represent the company in dealings with elected officials and regulators. He also becomes executive director of the PPG Industries Foundation. David Sharick was elected vice president of corporate development. With the company since 1985, he has served as manager, controller and director for various departments. Reporting to Sharick, Aziz Giga is the new vice president of strategic planning. He joined PPG in 1977 as a strategic planning analyst, and has served as a manager, controller and director in several planning positions. Long Receives Award Farrell Long, manager of material and product testing at General Shale Products LLC, Kingsport, Tenn., was given the Gilbert C. Robinson Memo rial Award by ASTM for his service to the society. He has been active in round-robin testing used in standards development, where his work is the basis of the “Field IRA” test. Heidenreich at Eclipse Thomas Heidenreich of SMA Systems Inc. Fishers, Ind., has partnered with Eclipse Inc., Rockford, Ill., to serve as a sales representative for Indiana. He has more than 20 years of combustion application experience at SMA. Edmondson Heads Alfred Charles Edmondson was installed as president of Alfred University, N.Y., by the board of trustees. He comes to the university from Rollins College, 34 …Alfred Jiang … Netzsch Boccaccini … Governers’ Lecturer Winter Park, Fla., where he has served as vice president for academic affairs and then provost for the past seven years. Edmondson began as a professor of history. He is a member of ACerS. Jiang Joins Netzsch Nan Jiang joins Netzsch Inc.’s Analyzing and Testing Div. as north central regional sales manager. His territory includes Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin. Jiang will be based in Netzsch’s Chicago office. He has five years experience as a regional technical sales manager in industrial chemical applications. Boccaccini Becomes Governors’ Lecturer Aldo Boccaccini has been appointed governors’ lecturer at Imperial College, London. He was formerly at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany. Boccaccini has authored more than 100 scientific publications in the field of glass, ceramics and composite materials, and holds one patent. He is a member of the ACerS Basic Science Division. Two Join W.S. Tyler W.S. Tyler, Mentor, Ohio, appointed Maria Giurbino to the new position of marketing coordinator. She has worked in the field for two years, and will handle marketing duties for the company at headquarters, Salisbury, N.C., and St. Catharines, Canada. Wendy Keatley joins the customer service and sales team. She has four Green …Saint-Gobain years experience in industrial sales and service. TCA Selects PR Manager Shannon Woodmansee joins Tile Council of America (TCA), Anderson, S.C., as its new public relations manager. She is responsible for promoting TCA members, and creating awareness and use of ceramic tile. Experienced in publicity campaigns, marketing, strategic planning and member/consumer relations, Woodmansee has worked in her field for 18 years. Changes at Saint-Gobain Saint-Gobain Ceramics & Plastics Inc., Worchester, Mass., announces the retirement of Kenneth Green, applications engineer, after 17 years of service. As a result of the retirement, changes are being made in the Energy Systems’ organization. Joseph Ouellet is promoted to refractory applications specialist, where his responsibilities will include sales and installation support to the waste-to-energy market. He was a construction manager of refractory installations. Robert Jones, refractory sales specialist, Baltimore, and Kevin Paskale, applications engineer, Glastonbury, Conn., will both assume partial account responsibility for the wasteto-energy market. Brenda Jenket, customer service specialist will provide service for the waste-to-energy market as well as the power and petrochemical markets. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Revolutionary Vacuum Furnace Technology V Elimination of water cooling reduces overall furnace heat losses. Richard D. Webb R.D. Webb Co. Natick, Mass. acuum furnaces are commonly used in sintering, debindering, reaction bonding, brazing, metallizing and many other ceramic fabrication processes. These furnaces are typically capable of operating both under vacuum and with inert or reactive gas protective atmospheres. For high-temperature vacuum furnaces operating at temperatures on the order of 2500 K, an inert gas atmosphere is desirable to reduce sublimation of the heating elements and insulation materials, thereby prolonging the useful life of these critical components. Protective atmospheres also are desired in many cases to reduce sublimation of the materials being thermally treated in the furnace. Reactive gases, such as hydrogen or nitrogen, also are introduced on occasion to vacuum furnaces to initiate desirable gas-solid interactions, e.g., reduction of metal oxides or nitridation of silicon, aluminum or other metals. In most of these processes, vacuum is used at the beginning of the process to remove ambient air, ensuring purity of the processing atmospheres. Vacuum is often used during the initial stages of heating to remove outgassed contaminants. The term vacuum furnaces, therefore, refers to both those furnaces whose principal mode of operation is under vacuum and those furnaces for which vacuum operation is an auxiliary mode. The vacuum chamber for these furnaces normally has at least one door or port large enough for insertion and removal of the material requiring thermal treatment. This door and other ports on the vacuum • February 2001 vessel are commonly sealed with elastomers that provide a convenient, reusable seal. The seal isolates the interior of the chamber from the chamber exterior, allowing removal of >99.9% of the air from the vacuum vessel during evacuation. Readily available, low-cost elastomers are limited in use to temperatures <700 K. Long, useful lifetimes are limited to temperatures <600 K. In the typical vacuum furnace design, sealing surfaces of the vacuum vessel are maintained at temperatures <400 K through the use of water cooling. Water cooling also is used to reduce the temperature of other portions of the vacuum vessel and the sealing surfaces. When evacuated, the vacuum vessel is subjected to high forces created by the pressure differential between the inside and outside of the vessel. This pressure differential, 14.7 psi at normal atmospheric pressure, results in tons of force acting to crush the vessel. When a common double-wall, water-jacketed design is employed, this pressure differential can be two or three times higher because of the added pressure needed to force water through the cooling jacket. Vacuum vessels that can withstand these forces for a relatively cool vessel can be readily designed. Steel, stainless steel, aluminum, glass and plastic vacuum vessels are in common use. However, all of these common engineering materials rapidly decrease in strength as their temperature increases. Water cooling is used to maintain the vessel wall material at a safe operating temperature. 35 revolutionary vacuum furnace technology New Furnace Technology A high-temperature vacuum furnace has been built that had an internal thermal insulation system to reduce heat losses and an external vacuum vessel designed to safely dissipate all heat generated within the furnace to the surrounding air. The vacuum vessel wall remains at a sufficiently low-temperature to ensure structural integrity and to protect elastomer seals without the use of water cooling. (U.S. Pat. No. 5,987,053) A high-temperature vacuum furnace that does not require water cooling has many advantages. These include: • Operation with low electrical power inputs; • Simple construction; • Quick and easy installation by unskilled users; • Reduced operating expenses; • Long-life vacuum chamber; • Improved temperature uniformity in the work zone. In the case of small laboratory furnaces, other advantages were obtained. These include: • Elimination of cooling water; • Simplification of vacuum vessel construction; • Elimination of water manifolds, water hoses, water flow switches and water valves. The result was a high-temperature vacuum furnace weighing <70 kg and consuming only 1.5 kW electrical power at 2500 K. The power control cabinet for this laboratory furnace also was simplified, weighing <30 kg, including the transformer and silicon- controlled rectifier power controller. Simplified high-temperature vacuum furnaces can be placed on a bench top or desktop, plugged into a standard 120- or 240-V wall outlet and quickly put into operation. This avoids the extensive and expensive facility modifications needed for traditional high power, water-cooled vacuum furnaces. Water-Free Operation A water-free, high-temperature vacuum furnace was built using efficient design and manufacturing techniques. The insulation pack thickness and composition were selected to minimize thermal flow through the insulation. Insulation penetrations for thermal sensors, work supports and power feedthroughs also were designed to reduce heat losses from these sources. The vacuum chamber was designed with adequate surface area so that it can safely transfer all heat losses from the furnace to the ambient air surrounding the chamber. The chamber, itself, remains at a sufficiently low-temperature to ensure adequate retention of mechanical strength and long life for elastomeric seals. The furnace can be operated without temperature sensors by monitoring power input to the power feed-throughs. The more common Top Door Vacuum Port Door Seal Chamber Sidewall Sensor Penetration Graphite Retort Window Elastomer Work Zone Low-Temp Insulation Sight Window Assembly Heating Element Hermetic Side Weld High -Temp Insulation Hermetic Base Weld Power Buss Rods Bottom Plate Left Feedthrough Port Insulators Elastomers Right Feedthrough Port Power Feedthrough Feedthrough Elastomers Feedthrough Insulators Cross-sectional view of air-cooled vacuum furnace design. 36 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 approach is to provide an additional sensor penetration that can be used for inserting a thermocouple temperature sensor, or for observing the work zone with an optical or infrared pyrometer. In that case, a sight window assembly is sealed with a hermetic side weld to the chamber sidewall. The sight window assembly includes a viton window elastomer so that the window can easily be removed for cleaning or replacement. A vacuum port provides a means for removing air, introducing process gases and sampling the internal chamber atmosphere. Fibrous graphite high-temperature insulation surrounds the heating element and defines a useable work zone. A dense graphite retort is used to support the material being thermally treated and to separate the work zone from the heating element. The graphite retort also distributes heat created by the heating element and improves work zone temperature uniformity. High-temperature graphite insulation is suitable for use to 3000 K and can be used to insulate the furnace fully if desired. It can be surrounded by lower-temperature insulation to reduce fabrication costs. The lower-temperature insulation can be either a readily available ceramic fiber insulator rated to 1500 K or low-temperature carbon insulation with similar temperature capabilities. The combined thickness of the hightemperature and the low-temperature insulation should be approximately the same on the top, bottom and sides in order to maintain temperature uniformity within the work zone. Temperature gradients within the work zone are created by unequal heat flows through the different sides of the zone. In the ideal case, there would be no heat flows through the insulation, and the work zone would be isothermal. In actual furnaces, however, reducing the magnitude of the heat flows through the insulation, either by increasing the efficiency of the insulation or by eliminating water cooling, will result in a decrease in the magnitude of the temperature gradients within the work zone. Eliminating chamber water cooling results in a profound reduction in heat flow through the insulation because of the vast difference in heat transfer coefficient for heat transfer from the chamber to flowing water compared to the heat transfer coefficient for heat transfer from the chamber to ambient air. In operation, air is evacuated from the vessel through the vacuum port and electrical currents are passed through power feedthroughs to the power buss rods and from there to the heating element. The heating element is designed to have a higher total resistance than the power buss rods so that most of the heat is generated within the work zone. Af te r t h e r m a l e q u i l i b r i u m i s reached, all the heat generated by the heating element passes through the thermal insulation or through insulation penetrations for accessories, e.g., the sight window assembly and power buss rods. Most of this heat is eventually transferred to the vacuum vessel components comprised of the chamber sidewall, bottom plate and top door. These components will rise in temperature until the heat output of the heating element is matched by the heat losses of the vacuum vessel components to the outside air. At this point, the temperature of the vacuum chamber will stabilize and rise no more. The chamber sidewall, bottom plate and top door transfer heat to the ambient air in the room by a combination of radiation and convection losses. The vacuum furnace will not require water cooling if the chamber and, hence, the chamber surface area is made large enough so that total heat losses match element heat generation before the vessel temperature reaches 500–600 K as previously described. A chamber can be designed for any size work zone that has enough surface area to dissipate all heat generated before this 500–600 K limit is reached. Summary This high-temperature, air-cooled vacuum furnace is a significant improvement over prior designs that required water cooling of the vacuum vessel. Water cooling used in the standard furnaces was effective in removing large amounts of heat from the furnace. This, in turn, required greater heat generation from the heating element to compensate. The elimination of water cooling reduces overall furnace heat losses dramatically, thereby allowing the furnace to reach the desired temperature with far less power consumption. This yields significant simplification of virtually all furnace subsystems. n Heating & Cooling Rates Hold Power 1500 Heating (argon) 2000 argon Temp (C) Power (watts) vacuum 750 1000 Cooling (helium) 0 0 1000 2000 Temp (C) Power consumption of highly efficient laboratory size air-cooled vacuum furnace. • February 2001 0 0 1 2 3 Time (h) Heating and cooling rates for laboratory-size, air-cooled vacuum furnace equipped with 2-kW power supply. 37 Microwave-Assisted Drying Ceramic manufacturers can assess the advantages of the latest microwave-assisted drying techniques using a new pilotscale kiln. 38 Test Results U.K.-based EA, reports that recently completed tests on brick , molds, refractories, sanitaryware, etc., have proved that the addition of either radio f re q u e n c y ( R F ) o r m i c rowave s to conventional drying equipment can reduce cycle times by as much as a factor of three with no energy cost penalties. The test results repor tedly show improved quality in the dried product and commensurate reduction in scrap, brought about by the minimization of thermal gradients in the body of materials. The kiln can be used for conventional heating, together with the addition of either RF or microwave heating, to provide direct comparisons of the techniques available. It can operate up to 180ºC and uses standard thermocouples to monitor external and internal temperatures throughout the cycle. A mass balance is fitted to measure and Load Temparatures Gas Only vs MAGF Temparature (°C) E A Technology launched a new range of laboratory-scale versions of its microwave-assisted furnaces at Ce ra m i te c 2 0 0 0 , M u n i c h , Germany. Ceramics manufacturers can now evaluate the benefits of the patented technolo g y, w h i c h c o m b i n e s vo l u m e t r i c microwave heating with conventional radiant sources, before choosing to adopt it for full-scale production. “We are offering small-scale furnaces because they will enable producers to assess the ability of the technology to meet their specific requirements, without high investment of risk,” said Mike Bond, EA Technology’s business manager for rapid ceramic processing. “Using lab-scale furnaces, manufacturers can prove to themselves that microwaveassisted firing will deliver higher product quality through uniform heating, processing cycle time up to three times faster and lower processing temperatures.” The offer is aimed at all industries that use kilns for firing or drying, with applications including advanced ceramics, electroceramics, heavy clay, sanitaryware, refractories, pigments, brick, tile, magnets and metal powder components. The lab-scale, microwave-assisted furnaces are based on radiant electric elements, but can accurately replicate conditions in full-sized furnaces, which conventionally use gas. Thermocouples, dilatometers and mass balances can be added to the equipment to provide highly accurate measurement of performance during production cycles. 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (Hours) Gas Only 35 40 45 50 MAGF Mircowave-assisted firing is achieved much more quickly and with higher quality results than conventional firing. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 record real time weight loss. Energy inputs from each source also are plotted in the same dryer so that product i o n c o s t s c a n b e c o m p a re d accurately. Trials completed by EA in a consortium supported by several UK electricity companies suggest that maximum benefits are achieved by combining conventional heating— typically gas—with relatively low inputs of RF or microwave energy. The addition of volumetric heating is highly effective in providing the control necessary to maintain and improve quality in rapidly dried components by reducing thermal gradients, which conventionally induce stresses and cracking. Conventional drying techniques use external heat to evaporate moisture and rely on thermal conduction to heat the center of the ceramic body. This is inherently slow because the center only reaches the dryer's temperature when the product is effectively dry. By contrast, volumetric-assistance rapidly heats the entire body to slightly higher than the dryer's ambient temperature. This drives moisture to the surface where it is evaporated conventionally. n Editors Note: Based at Capenhurst, near Chester, EA Technology is noted for the successful development, exploitation and application of energy-related te c h n o l o gi e s a n d s e r v i ce s. Formerly the research arm of the electricity industry, it was the subject of a management and employee buy-out in October 1 9 9 7 a n d i s n o w e n t i re l y independent. More details from EA Technology’s new laboratory-scale microwave-assisted kilns, launched at Ceramitec 2000, are ideal for testing the technique on a small scale and with electroceramic components. Microwave input Microwave generator Batch gas kiln with microwave unit added In large-scale furnaces, microwaves can be retrofitted or built into the original equipment. • February 2001 39 M an u fact u r i n g Flexible Drying Meets Quality Standards Modern drying methods are expected to reduce breakage rates, repeat the drying process with perfect precision every time, and document each drying process to permit the immediate tracing of all potential disturbances throughout the entire procedure. In response to these demands, Julius Lippert GmbH & Co KG, Pressath, Germany, has developed a new drying system to meet what it calls the most stringent requirements. In addition to the precise control of temperature and humidity during the dr ying process, Lipper t engineers have added aerodynamics as a third drying parameter. According to Lippert, whether a two-stage, multistage or infinitely variable process is required, an aerodynamic drying program permits significant reductions in drying time, minimizes breakage rates and decreases energy costs. In principle, this method involves the adaptation of not only the air temperature and relative humidity, but also of the air velocity, to the specific drying requirements of the various ware. A gentle, almost laminar air flow during the leatherhard drying phase, combined with a high level of humidity, allows the ware to be heated through and relaxed gently and evenly while avoiding the premature drying of edge surfaces and thin walls. This positive effect is particularly evident in delicate china, insulators and high-quality sanitaryware products. Once the shrinkage phase of the ware to be dried is completed, it is imperative to dry out the products swiftly and evenly, and to remove any expelled moisture. By using turbulent air current, the new system ensures that the circulating air is passed over each single surface of the ware to be dried. With the circulation of air over all hidden areas and crevices, tensile stress within the products can be avoided. Upon specific adaptation of the drying programs to the different types of products to be dried, a realistic output rate, which can, for instance, be achieved for sanitaryware, is three drying cycles per day. Julius Lippert GmbH & Co. KG Tel. 49-09-6644-67-0 Fax 49-09-644-81-19 E-mail Internet 40 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 CRADA Develops Model for Powder Pressing and Die Design Part Two K. G. Ewsuk, J. G. Arguello and D. H. Zeuch Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, N.M. B. Farber, L. Carinci and J Kaniuk Zircoa Inc., Solon, Ohio J. Keller Delphi Energy & Engine Management Systems, Flint, Mich. C. Cloutier and B. Gold Superior Technical Ceramics, St. Albans, Vt. R. B. Cass and J. D. French Advanced Cerametrics Inc., Lambertville, N.J. B. Dinger CeramTec North America, Laurens, S.C. W. Blumenthal Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, N.M. The general objective of the CRADA was to create a new paradigm for ceramic powder pressing that integrates engineering expertise with fundamental scientific understanding in a predictive model for powder compaction. The five member companies of AACCMCI supplied powders and powder compacts to support materials characterization; made ceramic parts using different powders, compaction methods and forming dies to help test and validate the compaction model; beta tested the compaction modeling software package to identify bugs and potential improvements; and completed pressing simulations to apply the compaction modeling technology to in-house parts/problems. Part One of this article focused on the national laboratories’ work on identifying an appropriate compaction model and developing the compaction modeling software package to simulate the powder pressing process. Balloon Eyelet Compaction To characterize density and density gradients in a more complex geometry component, balloon eyelets were formed and modeled. Powder compacts were formed from the 94-wt% alumina powder as well as from two proprietary alumina powders and two proprietary zirconia powders. The 94-wt% alumina powder was uniaxially pressed by dual-action pressing in a D-2 tool steel die using a Dorst press. During pressing, only the pressure of the top punch was specifically monitored/controlled. Essentially, the bottom flange was pressed to a fixed density, while larger displacements of the upper punch were used • February 2001 to achieve higher forming pressures in the head of the part. Parts were pressed with top punch pressures ranging from 10.3 to 68.9 MPa and examined for obvious defects. Many parts stress-relieved themselves upon ejection from the forming die by popping off the outer layer of the larger diameter head to produce a cone-shaped head atop the bottom flange. The intact powder compacts were fired to 1566°C and checked with dye penetrant for density variations, defects and/or cracks. Parts pressed on the Dorst press with top punch pressures below 27.6 MPa had insufficient strength to survive ejection from the forming die. Parts pressed at pressures of 27.6 and 34.5 MPa were porous throughout, and there were density gradients in the head of the part. Density was seen to decrease radially from the inner to the outer diameter and axially from the top of the head to the transition of diameters at the shank. Die penetration tests on sintered compacts formed at 48.3 and 68.9 MPa revealed higher density parts with some regions of porosity. Parts pressed at 68.9 MPa showed evidence of cracks around the transition radius between the head and bottom flange. Additional balloon eyelets were formed from all five powders by dual-action pressing in a carbide die with top punch pressures ranging from 12.4 to 117 MPa using a Gasbarre 178 kN uniaxial press. Again, only the pressure of the top punch was specifically monitored/controlled. This resulted in an unbalanced pressing condition, particularly at high forming pressures. A larger pressing pressure was applied to 41 Model for Powder Pressing and Die Design, Part 2 A two-dimensional illustration of a defective balloon eyelet produced by stress-relief upon ejection from the forming die. the head of the part relative to the bottom flange. To be able to eject the part intact from the forming die, it was determined that a critical minimum pressure was required to compact the powder in the bottom flange to a density that would provide sufficient green strength for ejection. The head and bottom flange would otherwise separate upon ejection from the forming die. A qualitative assessment of balloon e ye l e t c o m p a c t i o n b a s e d o n observed defects, die penetration tests and sintering shrinkage showed similar results for all powders examined. To complete a more quantitative analysis of the density gradients in a balloon eyelet after pressing, a 94-wt% alumina part formed by dualaction pressing at 12.9 MPa was bisque-fired and subsequently characterized using XRCT. A second 94-wt% alumina part formed at 56.9 MPa was fired and characterized using microscopy and image analysis. The lower forming pressure produced a region of high-density in the bottom flange and in a cone-shaped region of the head of the part. This dense region is strikingly similar to the shape of the defective balloon eyelet formed by stress-relief upon ejection from the forming die in the Dorst press. The density gradients suggest that the forming pressure 42 Density gradients measured using XRCT in a 94-wt% alumina balloon eyelet formed by dual-action uniaxial pressing with a top punch pressure of 12.9 MPa. Density increases with color from blue to green, yellow, orange and red. Note the high density in the bottom flange and the higher density cone that forms in the top, similar to the defect described in the text. The blue-green color outlining the part is an artifact. was higher in the bottom flange than in the head of the part. Results were different for the 94-wt% alumina compact formed at 56.9 MPa. The higher forming pressure produced the highest density (i.e., lowest measured porosity) in the head of the part, particularly near the through-hole. Density decreased axially from the top of the part, and the bottom flange had the lowest density. The higher forming pressure produced a higher, more uniform pressed and sintered density in the head of the part, indicating that the forming pressure was higher in the head than in the bottom flange. The higher forming pressure also produced a crack at the transition radius between the head and bottom flange, similar to that observed in the parts formed at high pressure on the Dorst press. Generally speaking, forming with increasingly higher applied pressures from the top punch moved the highdensity region from the bottom flange into the head of the part and produced a more uniform density powder compact. In virtually all cases, the density in the head of the part decreased axially from the top and radially from the inner diameter. The lowest density region in the head was always found in the outer diameter, lower corner. A sintered and polished quarter section of a 94-wt% alumina balloon eyelet formed by dual-action uniaxial pressing with a top punch pressure of 56.9 MPa. The figure also shows red dye penetration in regions of open porosity and notes the measured levels of porosity in different regions as determined by image analysis. Density and stress gradients at the transition radius between the head and the bottom flange contributed to cracking, particularly at high forming pressures. Cracking was more prevalent in dies designed with a sharper transition radius between the head and the bottom flange and/or when compacting more difficult to press powders. Model simulations of balloon eyelet pressing were completed using the properties of diatomaceous earth or those of the 94-wt% alumina powder. In this exercise, however, specific compaction ratios were not used. Systematic changes in the displacements of the top and bottom punches were used to assess pressing balance and its effect on density gradients in a balloon eyelet. Unbalanced pressing from the top alone produced severe density gradients in the powder compact. Powder was compacted in the head of the part, but virtually no compaction occurred in the bottom flange. This result was consistent with the general experimental observation: if The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 a b c FE model simulation of powder compaction in balloon eyelet pressed uniaxially from the top down, showing a two-dimensional crosssection of the predicted: a) density gradients; b) material displacement; and c) shear stresses. Density increases with color from blue to green, yellow, orange and red. Note the poor densification and material flow into the bottom flange and the high shear stress gradient at the transition radius from the head to the bottom flange. the powder in the bottom flange is not intentionally compacted, increasing the pressure applied from the top will not result in sufficient compaction to produce a useable part. The predicted density in the head of the part was not uniform and generally decreased axially from the top of the part and radially from the inner diameter. Additionally, the model predicted that the lowest density region in the head was in the outer diameter lower corner. Overall, these predictions were generally in good agreement with experimental observations. In addition to predicting density gradients, the compaction model also was used to predict material displacement in a powder compact after pressing. Material displacement vectors clearly showed limited material flow into the outer diameter bottom corners of the head and into the bottom flange. This explains the lower density in those regions. Using the compaction model, it was determined that the sharpness of the radius, both in the outer diameter bottom corner and at the head to flange transition, is critical to material flow and density uniformity. The model predicted that significant improvements could be realized with minor changes to make a smoother radius. This also was veri- fied experimentally. The compaction model also was used to predict shear stresses in a powder compact during pressing. There are indications that shear stress gradients contribute to the stressrelief defect observed experimentally. Furthermore, high shear stress gradients may contribute to cracking in a pressed powder compact after sinter- Density gradients predicted by the FE compaction model in a quarter section of a 94-wt% alumina balloon eyelet pressed uniaxially by dual-action pressing. Controlling the compaction ratios in the head and bottom flange at 2 and 1.69, r e s p e c t i v e l y, o p t i m i z e d d e n s i t y • February 2001 ing. In FE model simulations of compaction in a balloon eyelet, high-shear stress gradients were predicted in the region of the transition radius where hairline cracks were observed experimentally in pressed and sintered parts. As was the case for material displacement, a smoother transition radius was predicted to produce lower shear stress gradients. One member of AACCMCI was unable to press a similar geometry produc tion par t to net-shape because of cracking and separation at the transition radius. Based on model predictions, a more appropriate, smoother radius was identified that met the design/ customer requirements. It also afforded net-shape forming by dry pressing. To contrast the unbalanced pressing simulations, the compaction model was used to determine how to balance the pressing conditions to produce a more uniform, high-density balloon eyelet. Of the parameters examined, the best density uniformity was achieved by controlling compaction ratios in the head and bottom flange at 2 and 1.69, respectively. This result was consistent with experimental observations that indi- 43 Model for Powder Pressing and Die Design, Part 2 cate that the best density uniformity is achieved with a slightly higher pressing pressure in the head relative to the bottom flange. Compaction of a Cylinder a b Density gradients through the cross section of a cylindrical powder compact of 94-wt% alumina after uniaxial pressing at 69 MPa: a) measured by ultrasound, velocity measurements completed on a bisque-fired part, and b) predicted using the FE compaction model assuming a die wall friction coefficient of 0.25. a b A cylindrical compact geometry was selected to complete a quantitative assessment of density gradients in comparison to compaction model predictions. A cylindrical sample of 94-wt% alumina was formed by single-action pressing at 68.9 MPa using a Carver uniaxial hand press. The part was pressed from the top down, and the bottom plunger remained stationary. The compact was bisque-fired by heating at 10°C/min to 1300°C. A short hold time of 10 min was used to ensure little or no change in the compact density during firing. Longitudinal slices were cut from the compacts and milled flat and parallel to the desired thickness. Density standards in the range of 50–56% also were fabricated by pressing low aspect ratio alumina compacts at pressures ranging from c An illustration of: a) a complex geometry, ceramic nozzle insert in two-dimensions; b) the five sections of the nozzle insert in which the green density was characterized; and c) density gradients in a quarter section of a 94-wt% alumina nozzle insert formed by dual-action pressing as predicted using the FE compaction model. A die wall friction coefficient of 0.20 was assumed in the calculations. 44 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 34.5 to 137.8 MPa. Ultrasound velocity measurements were made on the samples using the pulse-echo mode at 5 MHz with a 5-mm transducer.17 The compaction of the 94-wt% alumina cylinder was simulated using a compaction ratio of 1.9 to approximate the 68.9 MPa forming pressure. Single-action pressing from the top down was modeled using the properties of the 94-wt% alumina powder and a die wall friction coefficient of 0.25. In both experiment and model, the outer diameter adjacent to the pressing punch showed the highest density. The outer diameter adjacent the stationary punch showed the lowest density. In both cases, density decreased axially with distance from Summary of Spatial Density Variations* Measured density (g/cm3) Predicted density (g/cm3) Piece No. 1 1.77 1.86 Piece No. 2 1.71 1.76 Piece No. 4 Piece No. 5 1.97 2.06 1.95 2.16 *In a 94-wt% alumina nozzle insert measured using Archimedes’ method in comparison to those predicted using the FE compaction model. the pressing punch. The compaction model predicted a relative density of 0.56–0.57 at the outer top of the compact and a relative density of 0.50–0.51 at the outer bottom. These predictions compare quite well with the respective measured values of 0.56 and 0.50. While the model does a good job of predicting spatial density variations The CRADA History The CRADA initiated under the Department of Commerce grant for vertically Integrated technology maturation was signed in January 1996. This CRADA featured a joint effort between Sandia National Labs, AACCMCI and Los Alamos National Lab. The five-year CRADA was established to combine the applied engineering, manufacturing and market expertise of commercial ceramic component manufacturers with the characterization, materials and modeling expertise of the U.S. national laboratories to research and develop science and technology to manufacture ceramic components more economically. The R&D effort focused on experiments and numerical simulations to develop a predictive computer model for ceramic powder compaction. This collaboration represented the first time that competing ceramic companies and national laboratories had joined forces for R&D. The member companies of AACCMCI have since signed a letter of intent to form a new technical company in Sandia’s Science and Technology Park at Albuquerque, N.M., to design dies with the compaction modeling software following the completion of the CRADA. The CRADA Partners Sandia National Labs is a multi-program laboratory that has major R&D responsibilities in national defense, energy, environmental technologies and economic competitiveness. Los Alamos National Lab is a multidisciplinary research organization that applies science and technology to vital national security and civilian missions. AACCMCI is a subset of the approximately 40-member Association of American Ceramics Component Manufacturers (AACCM). AACCM was formed in 1992 to expand markets for manufactured ceramic components by increasing public and industry awareness of ceramic materials and their applications. AACCMCI is a consortium formed in 1995 to collaborate with Sandia and Los Alamos on the "Computer-Aided Advanced Ceramic Component Manufacturing" CRADA. AACCMCI is made up of five member companies including: Advanced Cerametrics Inc., Lambertville, N.J.; Superior Technical Ceramics Corp., St. Albans, Vt.; CeramTec North America, Laurens, S.C.; Delphi Energy & Engine Management Systems, Flint, Mich.; and Zircoa Inc., Solon, Ohio. Membership in AACCMCI remains open to all U.S.-based ceramic component manufacturers. • February 2001 Piece No. 3 1.85 1.82 in the compact, it is not perfect. The predicted spatial distribution of relative density is somewhat different in the radial direction near the top and bottom of the cylinder. These differences may be as a result of some of the assumptions in the model. In the simulation, for example, material was free to move radially but not axially relative to the punch faces. Realistically, die wall friction at the punch faces can be expected to affect powder compaction and the resultant density gradients after compaction. A second assumption in the model is that powder packing in the die was completely uniform at the start of compaction. Previous work in this CRADA suggests that this is highly unlikely in a real part.5, 6 Finally, the coefficient of friction between the die-wall and the powder may be different from the assumed value, or the frictional interaction may not be simple Coulomb friction. Improvements in the ability of the FE compaction model to quantitatively predict spatial density variations may be realized by addressing these issues. Nozzle Insert Compaction As a final test to extend our efforts to validate the FE compaction model, an actual production part was pressed and charac ter ized. A complex-geometry ceramic nozzle insert was uniaxially pressed by dualaction pressing a 94-wt% alumina powder. After pressing, the average density of the entire powder compact was measured using Archimedes’ method with mineral oil. To determine the density gradients axially from top to bottom, the pressed powder compact was cut into five pieces. The average density of each piece was m e a s u r e d u s i n g A r c h i m e d e s’ method. 45 Model for Powder Pressing and Die Design, Part 2 Summary of Green Density, Fired Density and Firing Shrinkage* Pressing Parameters Pressure (MPa) Length (mm) 41.4 103.4 41.4 103.4 25.4 25.4 12.7 12.7 Measured Density (%) Green Fired 49.9 55.0 50.2 54.1 92.4 93.3 92.3 94.5 Linear shrinkage (%) Length Diameter 19.00 17.18 20.53 17.9 20.83 18.60 20.26 17.96 *In single-action, uniaxially pressed 94-wt% alumina powder tubes. The FE compaction model was used to simulate the exact same pressing process used to form the nozzle insert. The measured properties of the 94-wt% alumina powder were used along with a die wall friction coefficient of 0.2 to complete the simulation. To complete a quantitative comparison of the predicted and measured density gradients in the uniaxially pressed nozzle insert, spatial densities were normalized to the density of the entire powder compact. The agreement between simulated and measured densities is quite reasonable. Some minor differences are evident in pieces No. 1 and No. 5 at the top and bottom of the part. The slight over-estimation of the spatial density may be related to heterogeneities introduced during powder filling. It also is possible that the coefficient of friction between the die-wall and the powder may be different from the assumed value. Overall, results clearly confirm that the FE model for simulating ceramic powder compaction can be successfully used to predict green density distribution in a complex geometry production part. Applications in Ceramics A model for ceramic powder compaction has been developed, tested and experimentally validated. This model represents a powerful and promising new tool that can be applied for a better understanding and control of the powder pressing process. The compaction modeling technology developed can be used to troub l e s h o o t e x i s t i n g p ro c e s s i n g problems, improve yields, reduce waste and develop more efficient 46 manufacturing processes for problem parts. Some improvements can be realized with minor modifications in die design and/or the pressing process. The compaction model also can be used to improve tool and die design by identifying and addressing design problems in the initial stages of a project. Instead of building a tool that does not work, manufacturers can use the compaction software to identify potential problems and refine die designs before any steel is cut. Tooling can then be designed with customer input, significantly reducing design and prototyping costs. It is reasonable to anticipate that the compaction software can help ceramic component manufacturers to expand current design limits, which could lead to new products for new markets. A significant economic impact could be realized by designing parts that fire to net-shape without the need for green machining and/or hard grinding (i.e., diamond grinding) after sintering. In addition to simulating powder pressing, the compaction model also provides a means of relating powder properties and characteristics to pressing behavior. Creating a good pressing powder is the first step toward a robust manufacturing process and the production of reliable components. The compaction model can provide a systematic means of assessing and understanding cause and effect between powder characteristics and powder compaction to optimize press powder manufacturing. Similarly, the compaction model also may provide valuable information about ceramic powders and their limitations in press- ing. Different powders have different compaction responses, and not all powders can be pressed to all geometries. Pressable powders can be formed into more complex geometry powder compacts, but there are limitations for harder-to-press powders. Compaction simulations can be used to assess and rank-order powders in terms of pressability and to establish use limits for certain powders. Eventually, in combination with readily measurable powder characteristics, it may be possible to employ FE compaction modeling with basic powder data to guide the design and development of more pressable powders. Overall, compaction modeling can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the compaction process, identify critical process parameters and define the process control necessary for net-shape pressing. The application of compaction modeling to develop more robust pressing operations, design better press tooling and to develop better pressing powders will be a major step toward developing more reliable, efficient and cost-effective processes for manufacturing ceramic powder compacts. n Acknowledgements This work was supported by the U.S. DOE under contract No. DE-AC04-94AL8500 to Sandia National Labs, contract W-7405ENG-36 to Los Alamos National Lab and by AMMPEC Inc. through a Southwest Region Depar tment of Commerce Economic Development Agency Grant. Sandia National Labs is a multi-program laboratory operated by Sandia Corp., a Lockheed Martin Co. for the U.S. DOE. Los Alamos National Lab is an affirmative ac tion/equal oppor tunit y employer operated by the University of California for the U. S. DOE. The authors thank Julie Bremser and Martin Jones of Los Alamos National Lab, and Mark Grazier and Arlo Fossum of Sandia National Labs for their technical contributions to this work. The authors also thank Donald Ellerby of Sandia National Labs for providing a critical review of this article. The administrative support of Ronald E. Barks to AACCMCI in support of the CRADA is gratefully acknowledged. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Deflocculation of Al2O3-SiC Suspensions A Conditions for simultaneous dispersion in the Al2O3-SiC system—an important system in the fabrication of ceramic filters for metal filtration and refractory castables— were determined and evaluated. I. R. Oliveira, P. Sepulveda and V. C. Pandolfelli Federal University of São Carlos, Dept. of Materials Engineering, São Carlos, Brazil ssociation of two or more raw materials has brought significant improvements to the properties of ceramic composites. However, because of the inherent characteristics of each compound, processing composite ceramics may require special considerations. This is particularly true in fluid consolidation, where differences in density, particle size distribution, particle morphology and surface chemistry make simultaneous dispersion of distinct raw materials a complex task. Some authors have suggested that heterodeflocculation of binary systems can be obtained simply by associating dispersion conditions that are adequate to both raw materials.6 This work presents studies on the deflocculation of unary and binary systems containing Al 2 O 3 and/or SiC. Both are important raw materials used in the refractories industry. Besides the attractive properties of each of these materials, the disadvantages—low thermal shock resistance of alumina and the tendency to oxidation of SiC—can have a diminished effect when they are combined into the same compound. The aim of this work is to determine conditions for simultaneous dispersion in the Al2O3-SiC system. This system is important in the fabrication of ceramic filters for metal filtration and refractory castables, where such properties as mechanical resistance at high temperature, good thermal shock resistance and high refractoriness are required. Aqueous suspensions of alumina and SiC • February 2001 were prepared with distilled deionized water. The alumina powder had an equivalent spherical particle size of 2.8 mm (A-3000FL, Alcoa-USA), and the micronized SiC powder had an average particle size of 5.0 mm (grain 1000, AlcoaBrazil). These raw-materials are commonly used in ceramic filters and refractory castables fabrication. A range of commercial dispersants was tested, including Dolapix PC21, Dolapix PC67, Darvan 7S and Polymin SK. The anionic polyelectrolyte Darvan 7S (R.T. Vanderbilt, USA) and the cationic Polymin SK (BASF, Germany), consisting of sodium polyacrylate and polyethyleneimine with molecular weights of 2500 g/mol and 2.0 3 106 g/mol, respectively, were selected for further studies. Initially, unary slips were prepared at 40, 45 and 50 vol% of solid content. Binary suspensions were obtained by mixing the previously dispersed 40 vol% unary slips in the same volume ratio and at the same pH. This was adjusted at different values with HNO3 and KOH aqueous solutions. Rheology Measurements A viscometer (Brookfield LVDV-III) coupled with a small sample adapter, was used to evaluate the rheology of slips. Deflocculation curves were obtained at shear rates of 25.2 s-1. The yield stress (to ) was calculated from the square of linear intercept of fittings applied to plots of square root of shear stress (t1/2) vs. square root of shear rate (g• 1/2), according to 47 Deflocculation of Al 2 O 3 -SiC Suspensions previously diluted for the measurements. Aqueous suspensions (1.28 3 10-2 vol% of Al2O3 or 1.59 3 10-2 vol% of SiC) were prepared by the addition 0.25 g of the powder in 500 ml of KNO 3 aqueous solution (10-2 N), followed by ultrasonication. This salt was chosen based on the fact that neither K+1 nor NO3-1 influences the surface potential of these raw materials. Adjustments of pH and zeta potential measurements were carried out ≈15 h after suspension preparation. Solutions prepared with the powders and selected dispersing agents at an optimum concentration also were tested for zeta potential. Reactions of Polyelectrolytes Ionization Basic pH Darvan 7S: RCOOH RCOO– + H3O+ + H2O Acid pH Polymin SK: + [-CH2-CH2-NH-]n 40vol% [-CH2-CH2-NH2 -]n + H2O 45vol% 50vol% pH 11.0 180 AI2O3 – Darvan 7S 150 10.5 120 10.0 60 9.5 30 9.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 4000 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 8.5 0.08 9.6 AI2O3 – Polymin SK 3000 8.8 2000 Sedimentation Tests pH (40 vol % Suspension) Viscosity (mPa.s) 90 Binary suspensions were prepared at various pH levels and then left to rest in glass tubes to sediment. Sediment height (h) was measured after four weeks. An index known as relative sediment height (RSH) was used to indicate the ratio between the sediment height and overall height of the slip. The inverse of this index, 1/RSH, can be related to the degree of compaction of solids as a result of the gravity force. 8.0 1000 7.2 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Dispersant concentration (wt%) 1.0 1.2 Effect of dispersant concentration and type (Darvan 7S and Polymin SK) on the viscosity and pH of Al2O3 suspensions, at various solids content. Casson’s equation.9 Shear thinning and shear thickening behaviors at the minimum viscosity also were evaluated. Linear fittings applied to data of log (t-to) vs. • provided an angular coeffilog (g) cient, n, that describes whether the slips are Newtonian (n = 1), dilatant (n >1) or pseudoplastic (n <1). The time-dependent behavior of AI2O3-Darvan7S AI2O3-Polymin SK SiC-Darvan 7S SiC-Polymin SK Slip Casting Binary suspensions with sufficiently low viscosity for processing were cast in cylindrical plaster molds. These were connected to a PVC tube to obtain uniaxial casting. The green density of compacts was evaluated through immersion in kerosene by the Archimedes method. The slip-cast compacts were presintered at 1550°C for 12 h, fixed in resin and polished for microstructural observation. Optical microscopy and SEM were used to verify the relative distribution of alumina and SiC phases throughout the specimens’ height. Image analysis was carried out to measure the frequency of both phases across the areas. various slip compositions was compared from data of the area within the hysteresis of shear stress curves at increasing and then decreasing shear rate sweeps. Zeta Potential Measurements. A Zetamaster analyzer (Malvern Instruments) was used to measure the zeta potential of slips that were hmin. ( mPa.s) τ0 (Pa) n A (mPa) vol% solids vol% solids vol% solids vol% solids 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 12 103 123 36 14 25 540 1350 588 - 65 350 0.02 0.23 0.59 0.10 0.02 0.03 0.77 0.79 0.79 53 119 233 1.28 5.95 0.57 0.75 0.61 1738 3322 7326 2.34 - 0.41 0.64 - 2166 5746 0.18 1.49 0.51 0.56 0.59 322 1063 7795 Deflocculation Curves Rheological properties of unary Al2O3 and SiC supensions containing various percentages of solids, dispersed with Darvan 7S or Polymin SK. Parameters of minimum viscosity (h min), yield stress (τ0), rheological index (n) and hysteresis area (A). 48 Polyelectrolytes have been used extensively to disperse powders in t h e c e r a m i c i n d u s t r y. T h e s e compounds are composed of long The American Ceramic Society polymeric chains with ionic groups that can be dissociated in polar solutions. When adsorbed onto the surface of ceramic particles, the polyelectrolytes provide a physical barrier to particle agglomeration as 40vol% well as a repulsive potential originated from the charged group.7 The dispersing effect of Darvan 7S and Polymin SK in alumina and SiC slips can be obser ved by the decrease in the slip viscosity as the 45vol% 50vol% pH 7.0 2000 6.5 SiC - Darvan 7S 1600 6.0 5.5 1200 5.0 800 Viscosity (mPa.s) 4.0 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 3.5 0.30 6.5 1500 SiC - Polymin SK 6.0 1200 5.5 900 pH (40 vol% Suspension) 4.5 400 5.0 600 4.5 300 4.0 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Dispersant concentration (wt%) 0.8 1.0 3.5 Effect of dispersant concentration and type (Darvan 7S and Polymin SK) on the viscosity and pH of SiC suspensions at various solids content. Zeta potential (mV) pH Al2O3 SiC Rz h h RSH 1/RSH PT Drel Darvan 7S Darvan 7S (mPa.s) (cm) (%) (%) 2.2 4.2 6.0 8.0 9.9 63 47 0.35 -29 -54 0.35 -30 -38 -51 -60 Al2O3 Polymin SK SiC Polymin SK Al2O3 Darvan 7S SiC Polymin SK 4.2 6.3 8.1 9.5 10.6 4.1 6.0 8.9 10.8 57 56 47 42 11 50 0.35 -32 -63 54 48 37 31 4.6 55 50 33 -1.7 180 -1.57 -108 1.76 1.11 170 1102 549 29 17 13.3 15.0 14.6 10.3 - 0.87 0.98 0.95 0.67 - 1.15 1.02 1.05 1.49 - 44.8 - 45.7 41.1 38.5 55.2 54.3 58.9 61.5 1.05 1.17 1.27 1.35 2.39 42 91 264 454 834 11.3 13.3 14.2 14.6 - 0.74 0.87 0.93 0.95 - 1.35 1.15 1.07 1.05 - 38.1 61.9 41.2 58.8 - - - - 1.10 143 1.03 37 136 968 1006 284 14.2 14.8 15.2 - 0.93 0.97 0.99 - 1.07 1.03 1.01 - 45.2 54.8 - - 45.6 54.4 Zeta potential, potential ratio (Rz), viscosity at 25.2 s-1 (h) of binary Al2O3 and SiC suspensions containing 40 vol% solids, dispersed with Darvan 7S and/or Polymin SK, and the corresponding data obtained from sedimentation tests and slips casting: sediment height (h), relative sediment height (RSH), total porosity (PT) and relative green density (Drel) of compacts. • February 2001 additive concentration is increased. A minimum viscosit y plateau is achieved at ≈0.04 and 0.15 wt% of Darvan 7S to disperse the alumina and SiC 40 vol% slips prepared in this work, respectively, while Polymin SK requires significant higher quantities of 0.43 and 0.33 wt%. The viscosity increases significantly with the solids content, as would be expected, since smaller interparticle distances and higher interaction energy are involved. At higher solids concentration, high-dispersant efficiency is necessary to guarantee a strong repulsive barrier against agglomeration. Suspensions containing 50 vol% SiC, for example, can be prepared with Polymin SK; whereas, slips dispersed with Darvan 7S show viscosities that are too high to be measured with the equipment used. In contrast, Darvan 7S is more efficient in producing lower viscosity slips than Polymin SK when alumina is the dispersed powder. The higher efficiency of Darvan 7S to disperse alumina results from the fact that these suspensions intrinsically display pH in the range of 9.5, inferring adsorption of polyelectrolyte in a highly dissociated state. Molecules in stretched conformations provide a high repulsive barrier that favors low viscosity. This occurs regardless of the predominantly negative surface of alumina particles at high pH, since the surface can still provide some positive sites for adsorption. The mechanism of stabilization of alumina suspensions by polyacrylates has been well documented by Cesarano, et al., and others.2,3,7 Polymin SK, on the other hand, is a cationic dispersant based on polyethyleneimine chains that are preferentially charged at low pH. For alumina slips that exhibit high pH, this type of dispersant is not significantly ionized. Therefore, the repulsive barrier is low, and the chains are mostly coiled, providing less effective dispersion than Darvan 7S. Additionally, the high molecular weight of Polymin SK explains why it is necessary to add a higher amount of this dispersant to achieve minimum viscosity. The number of chains 49 Deflocculation of Al 2 O 3 -SiC Suspensions no dispersant 0.06wt% Darvan 7S 0.43wt% Polymin SK 120 Zeta potential (m V) 90 60 30 6.0 0 8.8 10.9 -30 -60 4000 Viscosity (mPa.s) 3200 2400 1600 800 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 pH and the slip viscosity is low. tric point was verified at pH 8.8. Effect of pH on the zeta potential and viscosity of 40 vol% Al2O3 suspensions prepared with and without dispersant. no dispersant 0.15wt% Darvan 7S 0.33wt% Polymin SK 80 Zeta potential (m V) 60 40 20 2.2 0 3.7 10.7 -20 -40 -60 700 600 Viscosity (mPa.s) introduced in the system by weight is significantly smaller than for the other dispersant. In a same manner, it can be verified that SiC slips of low viscosity were obtained preferentially with Polymin SK. The low pH of ≈3.9 that characterizes these slips favors high dissociation of the cationic dispersant and subsequent adsorption onto the SiC particles. These particles have a predominantly negative charge density. Since the ionization of polyethyleneimine is based on the reaction with H+, an increase in pH is observed throughout dispersant addition into SiC slips. Despite the high molecular weight of polyethyleneimine chains, dispersion can be efficient with this type of polyelectrolyte. This may be attributed to a high ramification degree of this type of polymer that involves more compact molecular configurations.1 If the molecules were linear, they would most likely cause interparticle bridging and increase the viscosity for higher dispersant concentration. The initial addition of Polymin SK to alumina and SiC slips causes a viscosity increase that has been explained by the neutralization between polymer positive charges and negative charges on the particles surface, reducing the repulsive potential between particles. Further dispersant addition compensates such an effect to a point beyond which repulsion by charged polymer adsorbed onto surface predominates. Adversely, when Darvan 7S is added into acid medium, the pH increases because of a decrease in the concentration of H+ ions in solution, since they react and neutralize some of the dissociated sites in the polymer. 500 400 300 200 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 pH Effect of pH on the zeta potential and viscosity of 40 vol% SiC suspensions prepared with and without dispersant. Influence of pH The dependence of viscosity on pH can be closely related to the behavior of the measurements of zeta potential for powders either in the presence or not of dispersant. The zeta potential plots show that, in the absence of dispersing agent, alumina exhibits positive charge density in a large pH range. The isoelec- 50 The literature has provided an isoelectric point of alumina varying from 7.7 to 9.2, depending on the type and amount of impurities that alter the surface characteristic.8 The high positive potential that characterizes the alumina surfaces at low pH, therefore, provides a high repulsive barrier between particles, At the isoelectric point, the almost neutral surface cannot oppose the van der Waals attractive forces, and the viscosity reaches a maximum due to coagulation. As the pH is increased above this level, a small repulsive potential is again established, explaining the decrease in viscosity. The same observations can be The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 A A) Sedimentation tests of binary Al2O3 and SiC suspensions containing 40 vol% solids. Both powders were previously dispersed with Darvan 7S, at various pH. Phase separation occurs for lowest viscosity (h) systems at high pH. drawn for SiC suspensions. The zeta potential exhibits originally positive values at pH levels lower than the isoelectric point, 3.7, and negative ones at higher pH. The isoelectric point value and other surface properties of SiC have commonly been attributed to the formation silica (SiO2) on the surface of SiC particles due to oxidation. The viscosity maximum at the isoeletric point is not as marked as noted for alumina, intrinsically, because of powder characteristics including particle size distribution, particle morphology and density, among other factors that determine the minimum viscosity. The zeta potential measured on the surface of powders depends on the type and concentration of dispersing agents. The overall surface potential in the presence of dispersants differs from the original values because the charges of polyelectrolytes can neutralize charges of contrary sign on the particle surface and add up to charges of similar sign.2 The isoelectric point of alumina, for instance, changes from 8.8 to 6.0 when Darvan 7S is present in a concentration of 0.06 wt%. At pH 6.0, the potential of alumina without • February 2001 B B) Sedimentation tests of binary Al2O3 and SiC suspensions containing 40 vol% solids. Both powders were previously dispersed with Polymin SK, at various pH. Phase separation occurs for lowest viscosity (h) systems at low pH. At higher pH, reactions produce gas that disrupts the packing structure. sant is positive. When combined with the neutralizing effect of polyacrylate molecules negative charges in the used dispersant concentration, the overall surface charge becomes neutral. Similarly, a decrease in the isoelectric point of SiC occurs from 3.7 to 2.2 when Darvan 7S is added in the concentration of 0.15 wt%. Darvan 7S leads toward more highly negative potentials. This is verified with pH increase, as an increasingly higher dissociated fraction of acid groups in the polyelectrolyte up to a point where no further adsorption on the negatively charged particle surface is possible.3 Polymin SK, in concentrations of 0.43% and 0.33 wt%, leads to isoelectric points of 10.9 and 10.7 for alumina and SiC, respectively. The number of positive charges introduced by a polymer of high molecular weight, such as is the case of polyethyleneimine, promotes high positive zeta potential for both powders within almost all the pH range. Only at high pH levels, as previously indicated, is the negative potential of powders able to neutralize the polymer charges. Similarly to Darvan 7S, the potential of powders with C C) Sedimentation tests of binary Al2O3 and SiC suspensions containing 40 vol% solids. Previous dispersion of Al2O3 with Darvan 7S and of SiC with Polymin SK at various pH was carried out. Polymin SK reveals higher values at lower pH, at which polyethyleneimine molecules are more highly ionized.7 Rheological Parameters The yield stress is an important parameter that defines whether a system is well-dispersed or not. This parameter is defined as the minimum tension necessary to cause flow, which in a ceramic suspension indicates the tension to break 3-D structures of weak ly attracted particles.5,9 Yield stress close to zero, as observed for alumina slips dispersed with Darvan 7S, demonstrates that dispersion has been optimized for this material. Low yield stress also is noted for SiC deflocculated with Polymin SK at 40 vol%. Although the viscosities are equally low for these conditions, they cannot be quantitatively compared because the minimum viscosity depends basically on the powder’s intrinsic properties, as previously noted. Slips, containing lower percentage of solids also displayed lower yield stress, revealing better dispersed systems. 51 Deflocculation of Al 2 O 3 -SiC Suspensions • The analysis of log (t-to) vs. log (g) curves provided values of n <1 for all compositions, characterizing pseudoplastic or shear thinning behavior, i.e. the viscosity decreases with the increase in shear rate. The hysteresis area between increasing and decreasing shear rate sweeps showed that most slips are thixotropic. Viscosity decreases with increasing shearing time. In general, lower viscosity slips with lower yield stress also display the lowest levels of thixotropy, confirming the characteristics of well-dispersed systems. Both pseudoplasticity and thixotropy represent a state in which the powder particles are weakly agglomerated. Under the effect of shear rate or shearing time, the agglomerates are broken. When moderate, these effects may be desired in some stages of ceramic processing, e.g., to obtain lower viscosity during casting and other transport operations. H igher viscosit y af ter stress removal, on the other hand, can improve the stability of foamed slips, or help adherence and retainment of slip films onto sponges used in filter fabrication. Binary Suspensions At a fixed pH, the mixture of previously dispersed slips prepared with alumina and SiC combines different characteristics of surface potential. The ratio between these values has been used as an indicative of the deflocculation degree in binary systems. In Al2O3-ZrO2 systems, Bleier demonstrated that a surface potential ratio (Rz) close to +1 implies precursors having surfaces charged with the same sign. Repulsion, therefore, prevails, leading to low viscosity binary slips. Potential ratio close to ]1, on the other hand, represents high viscosity binary systems, once the unary slips present contrary sign of surface charge, thus, mutual particle attraction takes place when mixing is applied.4 The same assumptions can be made for the Al2O3-SiC systems studied here. Positive potential ratio varyi n g f ro m 1 . 0 5 – 2 . 3 9 re l ate to 52 proportional increments in slip viscosity. Markedly higher values of potential ratio are obtained at pH levels close to the isoelectric point of one of the components. Generally, such high potential ratios lead to high viscosity systems, although the viscosity cannot be directly related to the ratio value. The lowest viscosity (17 mPa.s) is verified when both powders are dispersed with Darvan 7S at a pH of 9.9. At this pH, the surface potential of both powders appears to be highly negative, and the potential ratio is 1.11. Using Polymin SK as the dispersing agent, the optimum pH for minimum viscosity is 4.2, and the surface potential ratio is 1.05. A higher viscosity (42 mPa.s) results for the binary system dispersed with Polymin SK, probably because of the greater specific surface area of polye t hy l e n e i m i n e m o l e c u l e s a n d their ramifications. These increase the interaction energy between coated particles. Sedimentation, Green Density supernatant attributed to the presence of alumina. The state of dispersion and the larger size of SiC particles probably constitute the reasons for their faster sedimentation and phase separation in this system. This phenomenon demonstrates that better-dispersed systems most likely allow the powders of different densities and particle size to reveal more clearly their independent sedimentation behaviors. Minimum viscosity does not necessarily imply higher homogeneity. This agrees with results reported by Bleier for Al2O3-ZrO2 systems.4 An unexpected behavior is noted for the binary system dispersed with Darvan 7S at pH equal to 8.0 for which a brownish supernatant is noted. Chemical analysis of SiC reveals a slightly higher concentration of iron oxide in this compound than in alumina. This may have originated from the grinding process with metallic media. The high pH and dispersion state allows conditions for the impurities contained in the SiC powder to be released from the surface, explaining the color in supernatant. An interesting observation also can be made for systems dispersed at the highest pH. In these tubes, the sediment height is not clearly seen because of voids that disturbed the systems. This effect might be attributed to the excess of KOH used to adjust the pH. KOH can react with SiC, forming hydrogen gas H2(g) as one of the reaction products, which explains the expansion effect. The reaction with SiC can be represented by the following expression: SiC + 4KOH + 2H2O ⇒ K2SiO3 + K2CO3 + 4H2↑ This reaction could be confirmed by the addition of AgNO 3 to the supernatant of this system. AgNO 3, reacting with K2SiO3, is a probable product of the referred reaction and produces Ag 2SiO 3. The latter produces a yellow precipitate that was observed in this procedure. The following reaction describes the above behavior: K2SiO3 + 2AgNO3 ⇒ Ag2SiO3↓ + 2 KNO3 Sedimentation tests constitute a fairly simple approach to verifying the degree of dispersion of slips. Well-dispersed systems usually display low viscosity, low yield stress, take longer to sediment and the final sediment height is lower than in agglomerated systems since dispersed systems tend to pack more efficiently. In the present work, in spite of a few exceptions, higher compact densities and lower sediment heights were verified for lower viscosity systems after resting for a couple of weeks. The systems dispersed with Darvan 7S in the acid range and at pH 8.0, for which the sediment height could be measured, showed a good correlation between the ratio 1/RSH and the viscosity. The same was verified for slips dispersed with Polymin SK and for systems dispersed with different types of dispersants. Differential sedimentation is observed for systems exhibiting the lowest viscosity values. The binary sysMicrostructural Observation tem dispersed with Darvan 7S at pH 9.9, for instance, revealed a white The images observed on optical and The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 SEM revealed great homogeneity in the phase distribution for all the specimens. Differences between various dispersion states were negligible. Although in sedimentation tests, heterogeneity is common at some pH levels, in faster processes, e.g., slip casting, differential behaviors between powders were not verified. (1992). 5Y. K. Leong, et al., “Interparticle Forces Arising from Absorbed Polyelectrolytes in Colloidal Suspensions—Colloids and Surfaces,” Colloids and Surfaces A. Physico-chemical Eng. and Aspects, 95 43–52 (1995). 6 Z. Zhang, L. Hu and M. Fang, “Slip Casting Nanometer-Sized Powders,” Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., 75 [12] 71–74 (1996). 7 S. Baklouti, et al., “Processing of Aqueous a-Al 2O 3, a-SiO 2 and a-SiC Suspensions with Polyelectrolytes,” J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 17 1–6 (1997). 8R. Wasche and G. Steinborn, “Characterization of the Secondary Properties of Alumina,” CFI/ Ber. DKG, 74 [5] 235–39 (1997). 9Lu-Cun Guo, et al., “Adsorption Effects on the Rheological Properties of Aqueous Alumina Suspensions with Polyelectrolyte,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 81 [3] 549–56 (1998). Conclusions Simultaneous dispersion of binary systems must take several parameters into account in order to achieve well-dispersed and homogeneous systems. When mixed to form a binary system, unary systems of alumina and SiC dispersed preferably with the same dispersant, provide a high surface charge of the same sign at pH 8.0–9.9 with sodium polyacrylate, or at pH 4.2–6.3 with poly-ethyleneimine. Both dispersants are used in concentrations that were previously obtained from deflocculation curves. For these systems, the potential ratio between two powders is positive and close to one. This work verified that differential sedimentation is more prone to take place in highly dispersed systems. Extreme pH leads to low viscosity but less stable slips. This may induce differential behaviors of long-term sedimentation that are not noted in microstructures generated through processes such as slip casting. n Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank CAPES, FAPESP and CNPq for financial support of this research. 1J. References W. Van Den Berg, C. J. Bloys Van Treslong and A. Polderman, “Polyethyleneimine I Fractionation—Mark-Houwink Relation,” Recueil Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 92 3–10 (1973). 2J. Cesarano III and I. A. Aksay, “Processing of Highly Concentrated Aqueous a-alumina Suspensions Stabilized with Polyelectrolytes,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71 [12] 1062–67 (1988). 3 J. Cesarano III, I. A. Aksay and A Bleier, “Stability of Aqueous a-Al2O3 Suspensions with Poly(methacrylic acid) Polyelectrolyte,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71 [4] 250–55 (1988). 4A. Bleier, “Secondary Minimum Interactions and Heterocoagulation Encountered in the Aqueous Processing of Alumina-Zirconia Ceramic Composites,” Colloids and Surfaces A. Physicochemical Eng. and Aspects, 66 157–79 • February 2001 53 Innovative Booklet Teaches Teachers and Students the World of Ceramics Precollege Education Kathy Martin ACerS Promotions Coordinator I n 1989, The National Institute of Ceramic Engineers (NICE) formed the ACerS/NICE Student Congress to enhance ceramic education and to further the professional development of student ceramic engineers. With the help and guidance of ACerS and NICE, this student-run organization has advanced its professional development by participating in various activities promoting ceramic engineering. Among these activities include the development of an innovative booklet authored by Robyn Johnson. Student Congress Delegate Johnson has been a member of the ACerS/ NICE Student Congress since her sophomore year at Clemson University. She said she first heard about Student Congress when Tiffany James, chair at the time, and other Clemson delegates spoke about the organization at one of their ACerS student branch meetings. From what she heard at the meeting, Johnson said she knew she wanted to get involved and applied for a delegate position. After her first year as a delegate, Johnson wanted to take on more leadership positions within the organization. She was elected as the travel and logistics coordinator from 1998-1999 and then elected as the Student Congress board representative from 19992000. “My experience as the Student Congress board representative was very positive,” she said. “It gave me the opportunity to help plan the Congress for the year, learn about the operations of The American Ceramic Society and NICE at the board of directors level, and voice the opinions and goals of the Student Congress.” Ceramics in the Classroom It was during her reign as travel and logistics coordinator when Johnson decided to author a booklet about ceramics that could be used during National Engineers Week in 54 February. The result was Ceramics in the Classroom. “My idea behind the booklet was to teach teachers,” she said. “Instead of sending college students or engineers into the community to teach about our profession, Ceramics in the Classroom was designed to incorporate the ideas of ceramic engineering into the curriculum.” Designed to educate fourth grade students, the booklet was divided into three sections, “I take more pride in the booklet than anything else because of the time and thought I put into creating it. It is something tangible, worthwhile and productive for both the ceramic and science community.” each dealing with a portion of ceramics— basic ceramics, glass and whitewares and structural clay. Background information for each of the sections had been provided so educators can teach their students the information. Each section also contained a method of evaluation for educators to use to monitor their students’ progress. “I hope teachers find the booklet useful, informative and feel the need to incorporate it into their regular curriculum,” she said. “I also hope students find the content fun and interesting and begin to enjoy science more because of it.” Johnson said it took her approximately 50 hours to complete Ceramics in the Classroom. The majority of the information she said stemmed from what she learned in her introductory ceramic engineering classes and from discussions with local teachers. “I just tried to take my understanding of ceramics and relate it to real life,” she said. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Robyn Johnson (second from right) is the author of Ceramics in the Classroom and served as the 1999-2000 Student Congress Board Representative. Here, she takes a moment to join the other 1999-2000 officers of the ACerS/NICE Student Congress. (l-r) Ashley Predith, A.J. Mercer and Robert Flint. With Ceramics in the Classroom completed, Johnson said she felt relieved and excited. “It excites me to know that I have somehow improved the overall community knowledge of ceramics, even if it is only in a very small way.” During a past Student Congress meeting, Johnson distributed copies of Ceramics in the Classroom to those delegates present. She told them to take the booklet back to their ACerS student branches and to use it as they saw fit during the annual National Engineers Week program in Februar y. “ The overall response from the delegates was quite encouraging,” she said. “They seemed excited about using the booklet and thought it would be very useful.” Johnson said she hopes Ceramics in the Classroom will be used across the country. She knows of one school that was grateful to receive the booklet. “I took a copy of Ceramics in the Classroom to a local elementary school principal who said she would distribute it to her fourth and fifth grade teachers. She later told me that one of the teachers stopped her in the hall one day and said the booklet was per fect and just what she needed.” The Future Since her authorship, Johnson has graduated with a B.S. in ceramic engineering. A couple months later she got married, changed her name to Robyn • February 2001 Overby and moved to Alabama where she attends the University of AlabamaBirmingham studying biomedical engineering with a focus on biomaterials. Looking back, Johnson said her greatest accomplishment as a member of the Student Congress was authoring Ceramics in the Classroom. “I take more pride in the booklet than anything else because of the time and thought I put into creating it,” she said. “It is something tangible, worthwhile and productive for both the ceramic and science community.” If you are interested in obtaining a copy of Ceramics in the Classroom to help you start an outreach program, go to the ACerS’s Precollege Education web page at outreach/precollege. asp?ID=outreach. You also can obtain a copy by visiting the ACerS/NICE Student Congress web site at www. htm or contacting the Student Congress chair at studentcongress@ First Booklet Is Developed to Promote Science and Engineering Promoting science and engineering has always been part of the Student Congress due to the fact that many of its delegates have been involved with outreach programs on their own campuses. Delegates share their activities during the Congress’ meetings as a way to generate ideas and to encourage others to get involved. With the amount of students participating in various outreach programs, Student Congress saw the need to create a committee to address this issue. In 1993, the Student Congress’ Education Committee took on the task of developing the first booklet that ACerS student branches could use to promote science and engineering. The result was Science on Wheels. This 61-page booklet contained a collection of science exper- iments that could be performed for K-12 students. Each experiment gave the grade level, concept, materials, time and instructions to proceed with the demonstration. In 1998, the Student Congress revisited Science on Wheels and decided it needed to be updated to make it more uniform, concise, relevant to ceramic engineering and less repetitive. Science on Wheels is available to help you start an outreach program. To obtain a copy, go to the ACerS’s Precollege Education web page at or the ACerS/NICE Student Congress web site at You also can request a copy by contacting the Student Congress chair at student- 55 Now at a computer near you! Ceramic Correspondence Institute Educating the Ceramic Community of Tomorrow Correspondence courses offered through the Ceramic Correspondence Institute (CCI) are proven tools for gaining practical education in ceramic technology. Now students have the option to receive the print versions or access CCI courses online via the ACerS web site ( With CCI online, students have the ability to access all new and revised courses right from the convenience of their computer. Designed to provide students with the technical training necessary for their job performance and advancement, CCI courses are geared for those in the industry with little or no formal training in ceramic technology. CCI offers 12 courses and six diploma programs, each fully self-contained and specifically designed for home-study completion. CCI Courses: • Fundamentals of Ceramic Technology • Ceramic Processing Process Control for Ceramics and Glass ! New •• Statistical Glaze Technology and Art New! • Refractory Technology • Physical Properties of Ceramic Materials New! • Electronic Ceramics • Materials Science for Industry (Coming Soon) • Ceramic Laboratory Procedures New! • Glass Technology • Effective Business Writing • Synthesis & Processing of Advanced Ceramics New! and Composites (Coming Soon) ! New Occupational Certificate Programs: • Ceramic Laboratory Technician • Ceramic Manufacturing Technologist • Glass Manufacturing Technologist • Electronics Manufacturing Technologist • Refractories Manufacturing Technologist • Advanced Ceramics Manufacturing Technologist New! For More Information: Contact The American Ceramic Society at: Phone: 614/794-5817 Fax: 614/794-5812 E-mail: CCIOLA Preparation of KTN Films on Single Crystal Quartz Substrates A The key to preparing high-orientation KTN films on transparent quartz is proper control of the density of laser energy and the annealing temperature. D. M. Zhang, Z. H. Li, M. J. Zhang, X. D. Wang, M. T. Huang and B. M. Yu Physics Dept., Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, China D. S. Xu and Y. M. Wang National Key Lab of Laser Technology, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, China t present, the study of KTN is still in experimental stages. It is difficult to prepare simple KTN bulk crystals or good transparent KTN ceramics, which restricts use for its optical characteristics. Its desirable optical properties, however, have prompted rapid development in the study of preparing KTN films. KTN, or K(Ta1-xNbx)O3, has many good properties, including electro-optic characteristics, nonlinear optic characteristics and pyroelectricity. It also has a high K. When x = 0.35, it can be applied in a wide variety of fields with the highest electrooptic coefficient. Methods of preparing KTN films by solgel, LPE, MOD, RF-PMS, etc., with transparent quartz as the substrate caused interaction between interfaces and the generation of interphase pyrochlore at high temperature. KTN films with pure perovskite phase structure, therefore, could not be achieved by previous methods. The pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique is a recently developed film preparation method. It has many advantages, e.g., high density of pulse laser energy, a lower substrate temperature for preparing films on substrates of a variety of materials. It has become one of the main methods of preparing oxidized films. S. Yilmaz was the first to use this technique to prepare KTN films. In order to solve the offset of the volatile potassium, he used the KTN crystal, KNO3, as the target. Unfortunately, the quality of the film was affected because of the nonpropor- • February 2001 tional ingredients of the crystal target and the intervention of elemental nitrogen. The sol-gel method has many good characteristics, e.g., high uniformity, simplicity for molecular mingling and for controlling the ingredients. When KTN ceramics with high uniformity are used for the target, along with the added advantages of PLD, high-quality KTN films can be expected, The authors prepared KTN ceramics with different potassium-rich ingredients by the sol-gel and atmosphere sintering method. First, we prepared films with a pure perovskite phase on the simple quartz crystal (100) substrate through the PLD technique. We also analyzed and measured prepared films by XRD and SEM. Results suggest that the films grow along the orientation (100). The main phase is the perovskite with a small proportion of pyrochlore phase (as little as 3%). In addition, the surface without crazing is intense. Heating Light Thermalcouple Substrate Window Target Laser Beam Focus Lens Oxygen Nozzle To Vacuum Pump Schematic of the equipment for the pulse quasi-molecular laser deposition. 57 We used Lamda EMG201MSC quasimolecular laser equipment in the experiment. The output wavelength was 308 nm. The repeat frequency rate was 20 Hz. The single pulsed laser energy density was 1.6 J/cm2, 2.0 J/cm2 and 2.4 J/cm2, respectively. The system's automatic scanning of the beam focuses the laser beam into a 3 mm2 flare, after it passes through a lens. The scanning speed is 20 rpm, which generates the best proportional films. KTN, or K(Ta 1-xNbx)O 3, has many good properties, including electrooptic characteristics, nonlinear optic characteristics and pyroelectricity. It also has a high K. When x = 0.35, it can be applied in a wide variety of fields with the highest electro-optic coefficient. During deposition and the addition of oxygen atmosphere, the pressure was kept between 10 and 15 pa. The substrate was the simple quartz crystal (100). The target was the potassium-rich ceramics. The distance from the substrate to the target was about 5 cm. From the experiment, we found that when the temperature of the substrate exceeds 350°C, the simple quartz crystal breaks. The reason was that the thermal-dilatation coefficient of quartz differs greatly from that of the substrate. The substrate’s temperature must be controlled at ≈300°C, and the depositing time at 30 min. At the end of the experiments, the temperature of the films must be cooled slowly to room temperature under a certain pressure of oxygen. After analyzing the prepared films by XRD, we found that the films were 58 (3.993) 80 (1.067) (1.152) (1.107) (1.282) (1.411) 20 (1.330) (1.629) (2.304) 40 (1.785) (1.995) 60 (1.203) Preparing the Films 100 I/I° With K(OC 2H 5) 5 (95%), Nb(OC 2H 5) 5 (99.8%) and Ta(OC2H5)5 (99.8%) as the starting materials, we prepared KTa0.65NB0.35O3 powder that included the excessive K(OC2H5)5, ≈1%, by the sol-gel method. We then pressed the powder into a 30-mm diameter disk. When the temperature reached 1100°C, we sintered it for 45 h in the Kali atmosphere. Details are given in the literature.8 (2.821) Preparing the Target 0 20 40 60 80 100 2u(°) The X-ray diffraction diagram of the polycrystal KTa1-xNbxO3 powder. in an amorphous state. According to the theory of the growth of films, amorphous films belong to the structure of the metastable state, which has high internal energy. Under the action of neighbor energy, e.g., illumination, heating, etc., the amorphous state can conquer the potential energy hill and transform into a homeostatic state, namely crystal. The literature has reported that the best substrate temperature (TS) for preparing the LiTaO3 electrical waveguide by PLD is 650°C.10 Amorphous films prepared at <500°C also can choose the proper orientation to grow after being annealed at high temperature. Their characteristics are approximate to those prepared when TS is 650°C. Based on these conclusions, we tried to anneal the amorphous KTN films at different temperatures; i.e., 300, 500, 600 and 800°C, respectively. Mean- while, we added oxygen, and the heat treatment time was 3 h. XRD Analysis For convenience, we have shared normalized outcomes of the XRD peak and XRD diagram of the p o l yc r ys t a l l i n e K Ta 0 . 6 5 N b 0 . 3 5 O 3 powder. The XRD pattern of the annealed films with an Er of 1.6 J/cm shows that, when the annealing temperature is 300°C, the films have no diffraction peak. This can indicate that the films are still in the amorphous state. When the temperature is 500°C, diffraction peaks appear. Some are the thin KTN perovskite phase peaks, while others are the KTN pyrochlore phase diffraction peaks. When the annealing temperature is 6 0 0 ° C , t h e f i l m' s q u a nt i t y o f perovskite phase is almost equal to that of the pyrochlore phase. Furthermore, the crystal grains of the perovskite phase are without the selective orientation. When the temperature is 800°C, the quantity of the pyrochlore phase increases conversely, and the main peak of the perovskite phase is (100) and (200). These results illustrate that the perovskite phase has the tendency to choose the proper orientation to grow. If the film’s Er is 2.0 J/cm2 after annealing at 300°C, the film is single pyrochlore phase. When the temperature is 500°C, some perovskite phase has appeared but without selective orientation. After annealing at 600°C, the pyrochlore phase will vanish. The perovskite phase is then the main phase and has only (100) and (200) diffraction peaks corresponding to the parameter of the crystal plane category in the powder diffraction diagram. From this, we can arrive at the conclusion that the films grow along the high (100) orientation when the temperature is 800°C, and that the proportion of the pyrochlore phase increases. Based on the analysis of the afore- The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 (200) (100) (100) (200) 800°C (210) (110) (200) 600°C (100) mentioned results of the experiments, these conclusions can be reached. • Annealing can entirely crystallize the emorphous. At present, studies in emorphous structure aspects are not per fect, and the transformation process from the emorphous state to the crystal state has no unitary theory. It is only thought that the particles can conquer the potential hill and redistribute by action of neighboring energy. When this energy is sufficient, the particles can arrive at more stable lattices. Thus, the films take the shape of the crystal. • With the increase of the annealing temperature, amorphous KTN films turn into the pyrochlore phase and then, at much higher temperature, into the perovskite phase. • The effect of the pulse laser energy density, on the transformation of films becomes greater with the increase of energy density. The decrease of the annealing temperature is necessary for the process of crystallization of KTN films. The transformation from the pyrochlore phase to the perovsk ite phase reflec ts that enhancing the laser density is equivalent to increasing the substrate’s temperature. Although all films prepared by all levels of laser energy density are amorphous with TS fixed at 300°C, we think that KTN films prepared by laser with higher energy density are closer to crystal state. We can realize the transformation from the amorphous to the crystal state under the lesser effect of neighbor energy. We can use the concept of the equilibrium of the metastable state to describe this phenomenon. the amorphous state of KTN films prepared under laser with high energy density and those prepared under l owe r e n e rg y d e n s i t y w i l l b e unchanged with little disturbance to the KTN films. Amorphous KTN films will, however, transform into crystal state with lower energy when the disturbance is excessive. KTN films prepared under the high energy density need the disturbing energy. These films will transform to the crystal state from amorphous state at the lowest annealing temperature. • When the annealing temperature 500°C 300°C 20 30 40 50 60 70 2u(°) The X-ray diffraction diagram of the KTN films when the Er =1.6 J / cm2 >600˚C, the propor tion of the pyrochlore phase in the films will increase because the chemical molecular formula of quartz is SiO2. Although annealing at high temperature is advantageous to the transformation from pyrochlore phase to perovskite phase, SiO2 will seriously react with K and K2O in films under high temperature. This will cause the generation of the pyrochlore phase and affect the quality of the films. • The crystal grains generated in perovskite phase nucleate spontaneously and randomly under lower annealing temperature. These grains are without selective orientation. With the enhancing of the annealing temperature, however, they can gain higher energy. This makes them select an orientation under the effect of the substrate’s surface. The orientation of the grains is suited to the substrate’s surface, allowing them to stay in a lower energy state and generate the stable crystal phase. This is why the films grow along selective orientation. • A laser with excessive energy will generate those pyrochlore phases in KTN films annealed at high temperature that cannot transform to perovskite phase. The increase of energy density from the laser adds to the intensity of plasma along the normal direction of the target. The target can absorb higher laser energy and, consequently, develop great momentum. We believe that plasma with excessive momentum has the potential to • February 2001 harm the KTN films deposited on the substrate. As a result, the pyrochlore phase that cannot transform into the perovskite phase will be generated. SEM Analysis The surface of the prepared KTN/SiO2 (100) films was studied by SEM. The condition for deposition was that E r be equal to 2.0 J/cm2 and 2.4 J/cm2, respectively, with the annealing temperature, Tt, being 600˚C/3 h. The surface is proportional without crazing compactly. It also has a higher degree of finish and compactness, except for some pinholes. These may result from the incitation of the high energy from the laser and by diffuse transportation enhanced on the surface of the grains by the higher annealing temperature. All these will make the films more smooth and compact. The plasma, however, will do more harm to the films deposited with the enhancement of energy density. Er and Substrate Temperature With regard to the relationship between energy density and the substrates, the following hypothesis and approximations with will be used. • One part of the laser energy, E, ejected on the target will be reflected into space. One part of E will make the target’s particles turn to gaseous state directly from solid state; i.e. it will make the target’s particles sublimate (sublimate heat). 59 (200) (100) 600°C (211) (200) (111) (100) (110) (200) (100) 800°C 500°C 300°C 20 30 40 50 60 70 2u(°) The X-ray diffraction diagram of the KTN films when the Er = 2.0 J /cm2 One part will make the target’s grains ionized (escaping work), and the other parts will turn into the internal energy and the macroscopic kinetic energy of the target’s grains. We, therefore, introduce the parameter l and assume that the energy l E of the laser energy has turned into internal energy and macroscopic kinetic energy of the target’s particles. • The speed of the plasma along the normal direction of the surface of the target (X orientation) is much larger than that along the Y and the Z orientations. Macroscopic kinetic energy of the plasma along the Y and Z orientations can, therefore, be neglected. For the purpose of discussion, it is assumed that the first velocity of all plasma, whose order of magnitude is 100 m/sec, is equal to 500 m/sec. • The transportation of plasma in the space results for its pressure gradient, so that the density of the plasma is the function of the space coordinate. The difference may be disregarded if the average numeral density in unit volume is chosen to be n. • It is assumed that the plasma is ideal single-atom gas, having only three-translation freedom so that internal energy in unit volume is 1.5 nKT. • It is assumed that the internal energy and the macroscopic kinetic energy of the plasma are used to heat the substrate completely. 60 According to these assumptions, numeral density of the plasma grains in the space can be estimated. The reason why the substrate’s temperature may be lowered by PLD also can be explained. The energy density of the laser used was 2 J/cm2 in every pulse during the deposition of KTN/SiO2 films. The repeated frequency rate of the pulse laser was 20Hz. The deposition time was 30 min. The laser energy ejected onto the target was 40 J/cm2. For the first assumption, there were l 3 40 J/cm 2 of the laser energy turned into internal energy and macroscopic kinetic energy of the plasma. The first velocity of the plasma was 500 m/sec, and the numeral density of the particles was n. In unit time (sec), the number of particles ejected from the target’s unit dimension of the surface was nv. This supports the equation: (3KT + mv2)nv/2 = lE = 400000l where K is the Boltzmann constant, whose order of magnitude is 10-23; T is the plasma’s temperature, whose order of magnitude is 104; m is the average atom mass, whose order of magnitude is 10-27. The plasma’s macroscopic kinetic energy of the plasma (whose order of magnitude is 10-22) was a minimum. Compared with the internal energy (whose order of magnitude is 10-19), it can be disregarded. In this case: 3nvKT/2 = 400000l i.e., n = 400000l/(1.5V KT) After the numbers were introduced, n resulted in 3.865 3 1021 l particles/ m 3 where l was between zero and one. The order of magnitude of the numeral density of the plasma particles, then, can be known as 1020~1021. According to the fifth assumption, the whole microscopic kinetic energy and the internal energy of the plasma were used to heat the substrate. This means: lE = 400000l = MCpDT where M is the simple crystal quartz’s matter in unit dimension, Cp is the quartz’s thermal mass capacity, DT is the increase of the temperature on the substrate resulting from kinetic and internal energy. Then: DT = 400000l/(r dCp) where l is the density and d is the thickness of the simple quartz crystal. It can be gained from the calculation that DT is equal to 327°C when l is 0.5. While depositing the KTN films, the temperature of the simple quartz crystal substrate was 300°C. The high-pulsed laser energy density made the substrate’s temperature equal to ≈600°C. Compared with other film-preparation techniques, the PLD technique has high pulse laser energy density. The plasma ejecting from the target, therefore, has such a high forward speed and such a high temperature (10,000 K) that, after its arrival at the substrate, it can nucleate and grow into stable and successive films at lower substrate temperature. For example, when compared with the KTN films on the quartz substrate (amorphous state), when the substrate’s temperature increases to 750°C, only a little pyrochlore phase can transform into the perovskite phase. Continuous enhancing of the substrate’s temperature will cause surface interaction, and, thus, KTN films cannot be prepared with the single perovskite phase on the quartz substrate. The low temperature of the substrate in the PLD method can, therefore, guarantees the success of the preparation of KTN films with the pure perovskite phase on the simple quartz crystal (100). The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 (200) (110) (220) (211) (200) (111) (110) (100) 800°C (220) (211) (200) (111) (110) 600°C (100) High quality and potassium-rich KTN ceramics were prepared by sol-gel and atmosphere sintering techniques. High-orientation KTN films were deposited on a transparent quartz substrate by PLD and the late annealing technique. Results illustrate that the main crystal phase is the perovskite phase. The proportion of pyrochlore phase is small (≈2%). XRD diagrams of the films only include the (100) and (200) diffraction peaks, which correspond to the square parameter of this crystal family in the diffraction diagram of powder. It can, therefore, be determined that the films grow along (100) orientation. These results differ from those of KTN films prepared on a simple quartz crystal using other methods. They cannot be separated from the special film-preparation mechanism of the PLD technique. We believe the reasons for achieving KTN films with more pure perovskite phase are as follows: • During the growth of the KTN films, ceramics with different potassiumrich proportional ingredients as the target material were used to prevent the loss of the volatile elemental potassium. The KTN ceramic target was prepared by sol- gel, and excessive potassium was added to the ingredients. During the sintering process, oxygen and Kali were introduced as the atmosphere so that the ceramic was rich in potassium. The high uniformity and molecular mingling by sol-gel method helped to guarantee good proportions of Ta and Nb. • The PLD technique tends to introduce all kinds of active gas. Because KTN belongs to the multiingredient oxides, during the deposition of this type of film, it is easy for oxygen to escape from the surface, which will cause films to be short of oxygen. The key factor that describes the quantity of oxygen in the film is, therefore, whether the oxygen atmosphere is introduced during the deposition. If the oxygen atmosphere is introduced to deposit the KTN film, not only can the segregation of oxygen be prevented, but the oxygen (100) Conclusions 500°C 300°C 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2u(°) The X-ray diffraction diagram of the KTN films when the Er =2.4 J / cm2 • February 2001 also will interact with the potassium in the plasma and generate the K2O. This prevents K2O from evaporating. All of these help maintain the proper level of potassium. • By the action of high-intensity laser beams, the plasma ejected from the surface had high forward velocity and high temperature, so the particles had high kinetic energy after their arrival at the substrate. In addition, the pulse in the low repeated frequency rate gives the particles enough time to move to the equilibrium position during the twotime pulse ejection. This is advantageous for growth along selective orientation or the extensional growth of the films. • During the deposition process, enhancing the temperature of the substrate helped the transformation from the pyrochlore to the perovskite phase. The temperature, TS, of the simple quartz crystal cannot exceed 300°C. The experiments indicate that the films are in the amorphous state, but the late annealing can crystallize. When the practical temperature is lower than that for the surface interaction, the pryochlore phase in the films gradually turns into the perovskite phase with the increase of the annealing temperature. These conclusions, then, can be reached. The effect of the upper annealing is equivalent to that of enhancing the substrate’s temperature during deposition. If KTN films are prepared on amorphous quartz substrate by sol-gel method, only a little pyrochlore phase, however, turns into the perovskite phase when the annealing temperature increases. In addition, the continuous enhancing of the annealing temperature will cause surface interaction, so preparation of the KTN films with the single perovskite phase on the amorphous quartz substrate cannot be achieved. The low temperature of the substrate, therefore, guarantees success in attaining K TN films with the perovskite phase on the simple crystal quartz (100) substrate. The lattice constant and the thermal expansion coefficient of the KTN do not match the simple quartz crystal. KTN films can, however, still grow along selective orientation on the simple quartz crystal. This is difficult to explain by the conventional film-growing theories. The cause may be relevant to the special mechanism of PLD. Further studies are needed in this area. n The list of references to this article is available on the Internet,, or by contacting the Associate Editor by mail addressed to Society headquarters or by fax at 614-794-5822. Request Data Depository File No. 345. 61 ProductFOCUS STA 409 PC Luxx® simultaneous thermal analyzer can determine t h e r m o g r a v i m e t r y a n d differential scanning calorimetry in a single measurement. The system works between room temperature and 1550ºC. Exchangeable TG/DSC, TG/DTA and TG sensors as well as a range of crucibles are available. DIL 402 PC dilatometer provides measurement of thermal expansion and shrinkage between room temperature and 1400ºC. An exchangeable furnace and sample carrier systems reportedly can accommodate most applications. The MS® Windows™ software evaluates the coefficients of thermal expansion, glass-transition temperatures and calculation of shrinkage steps. Netzsch Inc. Thermal Analysis couple to cover this temperature range. Benefits include seamless measurement, reliability, easy calibration and reduced cost, according to the manufacturer. FlashLine™ 25000 Thermal Diffusivity System allows automatic high-throughput testing of materials up to 2800ºC. When using a reference material in one station of the carousel, the specific heat capacity of other samples can be determined. The thermal conductivity of the materials also can be determined with the Windows™-based analysis software. Anter Corp. Tel. 412-795-6410 Fax 412-795-8225 E-mail sales@anter,com Internet Tel. 0-92-87-881-0 Fax 0-92-87-8-81-44 E-mail Internet FlashLine™ 23000 Thermal Diffusivity System’s larger samplesize capacity allows the testing of inhomogeneous materials to temperatures of 500, 1000 or 1400ºC. Containment capsules can be used for radioactive materials. With dual-sample capacity, specific heat capacity also can be determined. A full-range optical pyrometer for temperature thermal expansion and thermal diffusivity instruments has a continuous temperature range from room temperature to 2500ºC. Previous available technology required two pyrometers or a retractable thermo- 62 The Setsys line of thermal analyzers includes the DSC141, which operates between 2150 and 550ºC. Due to use of the power compensation principle, the instrument repor tedly has exceptional resolution. Setsys TGA operates at temperatures ranging from 2150 to 2400ºC. The system suspends the sample from a high-capacity balance (20–100 g) to obtain measurement sensitivity. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 The analyzer can collect measurements in corrosive or humid atmospheres, and offers simultaneous connection from a gas analyzer. It also features controlled-rate thermal analysis. Setaram Inc. Tel. 856-778-7600 Fax 856-778-7377 E-mail Internet dilatometer measures either two samples or the difference between a sample and a reference material. The basic dilatometer unit consists of a frame holding the expansion sensor, the sample holder and the moving slide for the furnace. Horizontal and vertical furnaces are available, covering temperature ranges between 2150 and 2300°C. Thermobalance L81 balance hardware is based on a taut-bond balance mechanism. The transducers regulate the current to magnetic coils, which compensate for the weight change and keep the balance arm at a constant zero position. The balance can measure data horizontally from 2150 to 1000°C and vertically from 20 to 2400°C. Linseis International Tel. 800-732-6733 E-mail Internet TS1104 ThermoScan thermal line scanner features a 90º scanning angle, a 0–800ºC temperature range and ±1% full-scale accuracy. The instrument offers a resolution of 700 pixels per line and scans at a speed of 90 Hz. Eight independent analog current outputs can be assigned to different segments of the scan for control purposes. The software provides a presentation of processtemperature profiles. Mikron Instrument Co. Inc. Tel. 800-631-0176 Fax 201-405-0900 Internet SDT 2960 Simultaneous DSC-TGA combines two thermal analysis instruments in a single instrument. A unique feature, says the manufacturer, is its ability to calculate normalized DSC data, based on the actual weight of the sample. The furnace assembly operates via a motor-driven screw. The balance is low volume and based on a horizontal design. Temperatures can reach 1500ºC. TA Instruments Tel. 302-427-4000 Fax 302-427-4001 E-mail Internet Dilatometer L75 unit measures the delta L value of a sample during programmed heating or cooling cycles. A dual pushrod • February 2001 KEM QTM-500 Quick Thermal Conductivity Meter gives the m e a s u r e m e n t o f a variety of sample types within 60 sec. The probe consists of a single heater wire and thermo couple. The meter can be used with a standard probe or damp-proof crude concrete. CSC Scientific Company Inc. Tel. 800-458-2558 Fax 703-280-5142 E-mail Internet The Orton Thermal Dilatometric Analysis line is available in horizontal or ver tical configurations, and testing temperatures range from –170 to 1700°C. The dilatometers are equipped with Windows® software that can be used with a personal computer. Features include analysis of material failure and evaluation of the compatibility of materials, transition temperatures, property changes and volume changes associated with phase changes. Dual sample or dual furnace testing can occur, and the atmosphere for testing can be inert, reactive or vacuum. Orton Ceramic Foundation Tel. 800-999-5442 E-mail Internet 63 3 o YES! SEND ME 12 ISSUES OF THE BULLETIN FOR $50 The following questions must be completed. Thank you. Please indicate the PRIMARY ceramic business of your operation (one only) l l l l l l 1. Advanced Ceramics l l l l l A. Electronic/Electrical Ceramics B. Structural/Composite C. Biomedical Ceramics D. Optical Fibers E. Other _______________________________ please describe 2. Glass l F. Glass Made from Raw Materials l 1. Glass Containers l 2. Flat Glass l 3. Pressed and Blown Glass l 4. Electronic Glass l 5. Fibrous Glass l G. Products Made from Purchased Glass l 13. libraries, schools and Universities l 14. ceramic students please describe N. Refractory Brick O. Specialties/Shapes P. Ceramic Fiber Q. Mixes and Cements R. Other _______________________________ please describe 5. porcelain enameled products 6. Structural clay products l S. Brick l T. Clay Pipe l U. Other Products _______________________ please describe l 7. stoneware/pottery products l 8. abrasive products l 9. cements l 10. nuclear ceramics l 11. Decorating and/or designing of whiteware and/or glass products l V. Whiteware l W. Glassware M Polishing/cutting/machining M Ceramic components & devices M Coatings & finishings M Testing/evaluation/instrumentation equipment M Forming & finishing equipment M Decorating equipment M Other l 15. Producers and Distributors of Materials, Equipment, and Supplies Used in the Manufacturing of Ceramic Products l 1 year North America $50 l 16. Others Allied to the Field ______________ l Check/Money Order for $ __________ enclosed please describe FIRST H. Floor and Wall Tile J. Dinnerware K. Vitreous Sanitaryware L. Artware M. Other Whiteware ______________________ 4. Refractories l l l l l I am involved in recommending, approving, authorizing or specifying materials and/or equipment. (Check all that apply.) M Raw materials/minerals M Material handling & batching equipment M Refractories M Kilns/furnaces l X. Academic l Y. Government l Z. Independent Contract Organization 3. 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Annual subscription price for ACerS Student Members is $10 (North America) and $18 (Outside North America): Non-member subscribers pay $25 (North America) and $33 (Outside North America). 3 o YES! SEND ME 12 ISSUES OF THE BULLETIN FOR $50 The following questions must be completed. Thank you. Please indicate the PRIMARY ceramic business of your operation (one only) l l l l l l 1. Advanced Ceramics l l l l l A. Electronic/Electrical Ceramics B. Structural/Composite C. Biomedical Ceramics D. Optical Fibers E. Other _______________________________ please describe 2. Glass l F. Glass Made from Raw Materials l 1. Glass Containers l 2. Flat Glass l 3. Pressed and Blown Glass l 4. Electronic Glass l 5. Fibrous Glass l G. Products Made from Purchased Glass l 13. libraries, schools and Universities l 14. ceramic students please describe N. Refractory Brick O. Specialties/Shapes P. Ceramic Fiber Q. Mixes and Cements R. Other _______________________________ please describe 5. porcelain enameled products 6. Structural clay products l S. Brick l T. Clay Pipe l U. Other Products _______________________ please describe l 7. stoneware/pottery products l 8. abrasive products l 9. cements l 10. nuclear ceramics l 11. Decorating and/or designing of whiteware and/or glass products l V. Whiteware l W. Glassware M Polishing/cutting/machining M Ceramic components & devices M Coatings & finishings M Testing/evaluation/instrumentation equipment M Forming & finishing equipment M Decorating equipment M Other l 15. Producers and Distributors of Materials, Equipment, and Supplies Used in the Manufacturing of Ceramic Products l 1 year North America $50 l 16. Others Allied to the Field ______________ l Check/Money Order for $ __________ enclosed please describe FIRST H. Floor and Wall Tile J. Dinnerware K. Vitreous Sanitaryware L. Artware M. Other Whiteware ______________________ 4. Refractories l l l l l I am involved in recommending, approving, authorizing or specifying materials and/or equipment. (Check all that apply.) M Raw materials/minerals M Material handling & batching equipment M Refractories M Kilns/furnaces l X. Academic l Y. Government l Z. Independent Contract Organization 3. Whiteware l l l l l Purchasing decisions l 12. research and development What is your title? (check only one) l A. Corporate Management: Chairman, President, General Manager, Vice President, Director, Owner, Controller, or Other Corporate Executive l 1 year International $100 M.I. TITLE COMPANY/AFFILIATION l B. operating management: Divisional Manager, Department Manager, Group Manager, Planning Manager, Operations Manager, Plant Manager, or Other Operating Manager COMPANY ADDRESS (include suite no., mail stop, etc.) l C. Research and development: Director, Manager, or Supervisor of Research, Scientist, or Other Research and Development Manger CITY l D. engineering and production management: Director of Engineering, Engineering Manager, Chief Engineer, Manufacturing Manager, Production Manager, Program Manager, Materials Manager, Materials Engineer, Design Engineer, Ceramic Engineer, or Other Engineering or Production Manager ( l E. Purchasing management: Purchasing Manager, Purchasing Agent, or Other Purchasing Manager l F. Marketing and Sales Management: Marketing Director, Marketing Manager, Vice President of Sales, or Sales Manager l G. Other: __________________________________ LAST NAME P.O. BOX STATE ZIP CODE (+4) COUNTRY ) WORK TELEPHONE (area/country + city code) ( ) FAX E-MAIL To subscribe: The American Ceramic Society Dept. 866 Columbus, OH 43265-0866 Phone: 614/794-5890 Fax: 614/794-5892 E-mail: Ceramic ! ! OnlineandinPrint... ...put the power of ceramicSOURCE to work for you. Log on at and ceramicSOURCE a Publication of The American Ceramic Society • P.O. Box 6136 • Westerville • Ohio • 614.794.5890 • Fax 614.899.6109 *Regular Individual Membership in The American Ceramic Society includes one copy of ceramicSOURCE each year and Online access: ACerS student membership includes Online access only. Annual subscription price for ACerS Student Members is $10 (North America) and $18 (Outside North America): Non-member subscribers pay $25 (North America) and $33 (Outside North America). . . INSTITUTE . . . THE REFRACTORIES . . . AND THE BEAT GOES ON TRI Celebrates 50 Years of Service February 2001 TRI Celebrates 50 Years of Service THE REFRACTORIES INSTITUTE . . . . . . AND THE BEAT GOES ON by Kathy L. Woodard ... r Contributing Editor efractories is a mature, international industry facing the challenges of new technologies, new products and new processes, as well as ever increasing regulatory and government mandates. Supporting the industry's efforts is its trade association, The Refractories Institute (TRI), which was established in 1951. TRI's mission: to support and promote the U.S. refractories industry. In the 50 years since its founding, TRI has seen more changes in the U.S. industry than the industry itself has experienced in the past 200 years. Robert W. Crolius, president of the Pittsburgh-based trade association, says TRI was formed to support the refractories industry through joint research and education. In addition, he says, TRI's mission was “to represent the interests of the industry before the government. In recent years, that role has grown while support for joint R&D has decreased.” For the most part, according to Crolius, today’s refractory producers prefer to do their own research. Refractories education has changed, as well. Where once there were more than 20 universities offering ceramic engineering degrees, Crolius says there are fewer than 10 today—and they no longer have required course work in refractories. Over the past 10–15 years, the trend has been for member companies to support education on their own, not jointly through an association such as TRI. Early Leadership Brad Tucker, who served as secretary (a president was not appointed at that time) of the Institute from 1971 to 1980, said TRI has historically maintained a low-key profile. Tucker recalled that the hot topic around the country at that time was the energy shortage. It was important that 66 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No.2 Dave Kurtz (l), president of the Iron & Steel Div. of Vesuvius USA, accepts a 1999 Chairman’s Award from TRI Chair George H. Taylor. manufacturing and industrial companies comply with federal requests to conserve energy, so his primary project for many years involved examining the amount of energy consumed to produce refractory products. “The companies began to conserve, and reduced their energy consumption considerably. We were able to report that back to the U.S. Department of Energy.” While his own role was more administrative than anything else, Tucker said he considers it an important piece of refractories history and success. Mark Gleeson was president of TRI USX Chair and CEO Tom User addresses TRI's 50th Anniversary Membership Meeting at Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., May 4, 2000. TRI Chair George H. Taylor (Chicago Fire Brick Div., National Refractories & Minerals) celebrates the 50th anniversary with three former TRI chairs: (l – r): Taylor; Paul F. Hummer, formerly of A.P. Green Refractories; Jon K. Tabor, Allied Mineral Products Inc.; and Robert C. Ayotte, recently retired from Corhart Refractories (Saint-Gobain Ceramics & Plastics). from 1981 to 1993. Gleeson recalls that the country was still suffering the effects of an economic depression that had started in the late 1970s. “We saw accelerated inflation, and the major markets that refractories served, steel and glass, were suffering not only from a downturn in production from domestic demand, but also a continuing increase in steel imports.” Charles (Con) Smith, chair and CEO of National Refractories and Minerals Corp., was TRI chair from 1990 to 1992 and served on the Institute’s board for nearly 10 years. During that time, safe use of silica, a suspected carcinogen for humans, was a major issue, and it is still of concern today. “Crystalline silica has implications not just for the refractories industry, but for a number of other industries that process clay materials like we do, including the sand and gravel industries. It impacts the entire construction industry of this country.” It is not TRI’s place—or philosophy—Smith said, to lobby against the EPA and OSHA regulations governing respirable silica. They are valid. TRI’s role, he explained, is to work with the government to educate its membership in terms of government regulations that are passed or that need enforcement. From a technical standpoint, TRI can tap into and use the specific expertise of its members to gain further understanding of what a given regulation will mean to the industry. With this philosophy in mind, Smith said that when silica became a concern, TRI engaged experts in silica materials and in government regulations to inform the membership about both sides of the issue. 67 Daniel H. Lease’s 44 years of participation in TRI set the record. Here he reminisces about his first TRI membership meeting in 1956. February 2001 Billy J. Hibler (center), plant manager, Laclede-Christy Clay Products, accepts a 1999 Chairman's Award on behalf of Emhart Industries Inc. from TRI Chair George H. Taylor (r). Assisting in the presentation is Robert W. Crolius, TRI president. “This was well received by our membership. They were educated about what they should be doing in terms of informing employees and customers, and what changes were necessary in their production facilities. This was not viewed as another government intervention.” Gleeson indicated that membership numbers had already begun to decline as a result of company consolidations before he left TRI. Consolidation of the steel industry was one of the primary issues during Robert Ayotte's term as TRI chair. The recently retired president and CEO of Saint-Gobain Ceramics & Plastics Inc., was chair from 1992 to 1994. He said that the consolidation in the steel industry had a definite impact on the consolidation of the refractories industry. In 1993, the year Crolius was named president of the Institute, there were nine major refractory companies in the United States. Today, those nine have become three through a series of mergers and acquisitions. The industry is not shutting down nor losing momentum, Crolius said, but because of the mergers and acquisitions, particularly from international companies, consolidation is occurring. “Every member we have lost for economic or other reasons, we have probably replaced. Most of the reduction is from consolidation. The consolidation started with a vengeance in the early 1990s, and it has continued to the present.” As an example, he noted that since his tenure at the Institute began, A.P. Green Industries bought General Refractories; Harbison-Walker then acquired A.P. Green, and in 1999, RHI Refractories, which owned North American Refractories, bought Harbison-Walker. Today, he said, RHI Refractories America is the largest refractories producer in the United States. Industry Consolidation Internationalization Based on manufacturing company members, membership numbers are similar to what they were in the early days. In April 1951, TRI had approximately 37 manufacturing members. In the late 1950s and 1960s, manufacturing membership grew to between 80 and 100 member companies. Today, there are 40. RHI also is a prime example of the internationalization of the U.S. refractories industry. Ten or 15 years ago, approximately 10% of the industry was foreign-owned. Today, international ownership is projected to hit 80% in the not too distant future. The three top refractories companies in the United States, based on sales—RHI Refractories America, Vesuvius USA and Thermal Ceramics— are owned by Austrian and British companies, respectively, and a merg- 68 February 2001 And a good time was had by all. A co-ed scramble began a new tradition for TRI golfers. The winning foursome included Fred Silver, Don McLeod, Sharon Fitzpatrick and John Miller. er of Baker Refractories with Lhoist, a Belgian company, is pending. Refractories, once considered a local product, are now more dependent upon raw materials and even finished products from overseas. Manufacturing is essentially a global phenomenon, says Crolius. For example, aluminum and steel industries in the United States are impacted when Eastern Bloc and Asian nations experience a glut in these areas. “As long as our customers have problems with imports and over-capacity around the world, we are going to have problems. When they suffer, we suffer,” Crolius commented. Volunteer Leaders TRI is governed by a board of directors and an executive committee, which is headed by a chair—all are volunteer positions. George Taylor of National Refractories and Minerals is the current chair. Taylor maintains that TRI and the refractories industry itself are in no different shape than other industries and associations: consolidation and the changing face of doing business has made an impact. “Like most other industries, we are faced with worldwide competition and mergers, and the downside of it is you have fewer people in the industry.” Nonetheless, refractories is a thriving industry—viable, definitely necessary and, he stressed, “one that is going to be around for a long time.” As chair, Taylor believes one of his most important responsibilities is to encourage and achieve cohesiveness among the members, in spite of the fact that they The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No.2 President's Award of Merit Not all TRI member companies compile overall safety records, which is an eligibility requirement for a Chairman's Award. However, many of those companies have manufacturing facilities that did not have a lost-time accident, injury or illness in the prior calendar year. The TRI Board of Directors established the President's Award of Merit as a means for recognizing plants with no lost-time accidents. The first awards were presented in 1990 for the 1989 calendar year. The 1999 awards were presented at TRI’s 2000 Annual Spring Meeting. 1999 President's Award Christy Refractories Co. St. Louis Emhart Glass Mfg. Inc. Owensville, Mo. Inland Refractories Avon, Ohio Louisville Fire Brick Works Grahn, Ky. Louisville, Ky. Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties Baton Rouge, La. Minteq International Inc. Dover, Ohio, Highland, N.J. Old Bridge, N.J. Slippery Rock, Pa. The Nock & Son Co. Oak Hill, Ohio Resco Products Inc. Cedar Heights Clay Div. Oak Hill, Ohio Crescent Brick Div. Clearfield, Pa. Norristown, Pa. North State Pyrophyllite Greensboro, N.C. Piedmont Minerals Div. Hillsborough, N.C. RHI Refractories America Acton Plant, Ontario Fulton, Mo. Gary, Ind. Hile, Md. Middletown, Pa. Minerva, Ohio Oak Hill, Ohio Smithville Plant, Ontario Sproul, Pa. Thomasville, Ga. Riverside Refractories Inc. Nanticoke, Ontario Thermal Ceramics Inc. Min-K Div., Elkhart, Ind. Thermal Ceramics Caribbean Ponce, P.R. Thermic Refractories Girard, Ill. Unifrax Corp. New Carlisle, Ind. Sanborn, N.Y. United Refractories Inc. Uni-Ref Inc. Sharonville, Ohio United Refractories Inc. Moulton, Ala. Vesuvius USA Altoona, Pa. Champaign, Ill. Chicago Heights, Ill. Crown Point, Ind. Dillon, S.C. Hillsboro, Texas Smithville, Ontario Tilsonburg, Ontario Welland, Ontario Wahl Refractories Inc. Fremont, Ohio Norton provides expert service ® No matter where you are on the globe, we have a team of specialists to design, engineer and deliver the high performance kiln furniture you require. Our application engineers and plants are strategically located around the world to provide the service you deserve. Saint-Gobain Industrial Ceramics • 1 New Bond Street • P.O. Box 15136 Worcester, MA 01615-0136 • Tel: 508.795.5577 • Fax: 508.795.5011 • www.sgicref. com ISO-9002 Certified 71 February 2001 are each other’s competition. “Realizing that we are somewhat of an unknown industry, I believe we need to work together to promote our image to our employees, especially that we are viable and valuable industry, and to our consumers as much as we can, particularly where regulatory matters are concerned.” And, according to Taylor, there is power even in small numbers—because TRI has an active membership and many positives occurring in the industry. “I believe TRI is right now trying to pick up on that end and help move us in a positive direction.” Pablo Valenzuela Yunge, general director of Yunge Refractarios, Santiago, Chile, and president of the 29th ALAFAR Congress, addresses TRI's 50th Anniversary Membership Meeting. Positioning for the Future The U.S. refractories industry is far different than when TRI was established. Customers—steel, cement and aluminum industries—have modernized, adopted new technologies to save energy, streamlined production and become more cost-effective. Refractory producers responded to these new realities by developing better, longer-lasting products. The downside to that, according to Crolius, is that Safety Awards Program Established in 1984, the TRI Safety Awards Program recognizes the continuing and significant achievement of its members in reducing accidents, injuries and illnesses in their plants. The first awards were presented at the 1986 annual spring meeting and recognized safety efforts for the 1985 calendar year. Chairman’s Award The Chairman’s Award recognizes member companies that have demonstrated the lowest lost time incidence rate for the entire company. Until 1997, awards were granted in three categories of manhours: 1 million or more, 100,000–1,000,000 and less than 100,000. In 1998, a fourth category was added to cover companies reporting more than 2 million manhours. Chairman's Awards 1985–99 Year 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 72 <100,000 KEK Refractories Emhart/Laclede-Christy Emhart/Laclede-Christy The Nock & Son Co. Emhart/Laclede-Christy Emhart/Laclede-Christy Emhart/Laclede-Christy Emhart/Laclede-Christy Refractory Technology Inc. Refractory Technology Inc. Refractory Technology Inc. The Nock & Son Co. The Nock & Son Co. The Nock & Son Co. The Nock & Son Co. Manhours 100,000–1 million Nalco Chemical Riverside Refractories Inc. Corhart Refractories Corp. BNZ Materials Inc. Foseco Inc. J.E. Baker Co. Riverside Refractories Inc. Pyror-Giggey Co. Emhart/Laclede-Christy Emhart/Laclede- Christy Emhart/Laclede-Christy Emhart/Laclede-Christy Emhart/Laclede-Christy Emhart Industries Inc. Emhart Industries Inc. 1–2 million A.P. Green Industries Inc A.P. Green Industries Inc. A.P. Green Industries Inc. A.P. Green Industries Inc. A.P. Green Industries Inc. A.P. Green Industries Inc. Foseco Inc. Thermal Ceramics A.P. Green Industries Inc. Carborundum Co. Baker Refractories Baker Refractories Baker Refractories Baker Refractories Baker Refractories >2 million Premier Refractories Inc. Vesuvius USA MAGNECO METREL QUALITY HIGH ALUMINA CERAMICS 223 INTERSTATE ROAD ADDISON, ILLINOIS 60101 U.S.A. 630-543-6660 FAX: 630-543-1479 e-mail: 1951 Fall Meeting of The Refractories Institute, Grand Hotel, Point Clear, Ala. refractory markets are not growing like other high-tech segments of the economy. “That puts tremendous pressure on producers, requiring tough choices, tighter budges and innovative thinking,” says Crolius. “The industry is going through tremendous change, and TRI must evolve with it if we are to continue to provide the service and benefits a TRImembership has provided in the past.” TRI cannot get involved in refractory markets or in the commercial operations of its members, but there are important areas where it can help, according to Crolius. Government relations continues to be an important area. “By working closely with regulatory agencies like EPA and OSHA,” Crolius says, “we can help achieve the goal of a safe and healthful environment for our workers and our communities in a way that is reasonable and most cost-effective for our members.” The Institute is currently conducting a survey of the refractories community to determine future challenges and opportunities. To date, the analysis has highlighted two areas where TRI hopes to be more involved. First, the Institute wants to work more closely with other refractory-related groups. Many, like TRI, face the new realities of tighter budgets and a decrease in levels of participation. “Our common goal,” says Crolius, “must be the success of the refractories industry. TRI seeks to take a leadership role with other important groups to work together to ensure that happens.” Attracting and retaining good people to work in the industry is another important area of focus. “With downsizing and consolidation, important experience and technical expertise is being lost. We have to find a way to pass it along, to tap these resources before they are lost Chief Executives of The Refractories Institute 1951–53 1953–55 1955–57 1957–59 1959–61 1961–63 1963–65 1965–67 1967–69 1969–71 1971–73 1973–75 1975–77 1977–79 1979–81 1981–83 1983–85 1985–88 1988–90 1990–92 1992–94 1994–96 1996–98 1998–99 1999–2002 James L. Crawford Fred H. Atwood William S. Lowe James E. Brinckeroff John B. Arthur Robert W. Knauft William H. Porter Robert A. Barr Max Muller William R. Ramsay William T. Tredennick Raymond Hegeman Ralph V. Lawrence Anthony M. Caito Robert W. Schaefer Donald R. DeVeaux Robert E. McIntosh Richard C. South Edmund S. Wright Charles C. Smith Robert C. Ayotte Jon K. Tabor Paul F. Hummer Chester L. Connors George H. Taylor Walsh Refractories Harbison-Walker Refractories Co. A.P. Green Industries Inc. Babcock & Wilcox (Thermal Ceramics) Mexico Refractories Div. (Kaiser) The Charles Taylor Co. Globe Refractories Babcock & Wilcox (Thermal Ceramics) Basic Inc. North American Refractories Co. Resco Products Inc. C-E Refractories (Premier Refractories) General Refractories Co. Basic Inc. Plibrico Co Harbison-Walker Refractories Co. A.P. Green Industries Inc. Lava Refractories Co. North American Refractories Co. National Refractories & Minerals Corp. Corhart Refractories Corp. Allied Mineral Products Inc. A.P. Green Refractories Inc. Magneco/Metrel Inc. Chicago Fire Brick Co. . *Prior to 1977-79, the chief executive was the president. In 1977, the chief executive was changed to chair of the board. 74 February 2001 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No.2 Telephone: 212-286-0076, 0077 Lincoln Building Fax: 212-286-0072 60 East 42nd St., Suite 1456 e-mail: New York, NY 10165 Internet: BORON CHEMICALS Pred Materials is pleased to announce the availability of Boron Chemicals such as granular and powder BORIC ACID (H3BO3) 99.9% and BORIC OXIDE (B2O3) 99.0%. Boron Chemicals are used in glass fiber insulation, enamels, frits and glazes, high performance ceramics and cellulose insulation. ACerS President Bob Oxnard, Maryland Refractories Co., Ironton, Ohio, was the 2000 TRI golf tournament champion. George Mitchell, Fibercon International, and chair of the event, presented the award. and ensure that the refractories industry retains its knowledge base and its vitality,” Crolius says. The goal is simple, but the road to achieving it is more difficult, says the TRI president. “Refractories are essential to growth and productivity. We must ensure that we continue to have good people and good technical information exchange, and that the refractories industry provides opportunities for growth and personal satisfaction,” Crolius says. “It is where many of us spend most of our days. It should be rewarding, fun, and we should take pride in the contribution we are making.” n Current TRI Executive Committee George Taylor, Chair Thomas Fitzpatrick, Vice Chair John Ekedahl, Treasurer Jess Hutchinson William Kelly John Morris Jr Norman Taylor National Refractories and Minerals Thermal Ceramics Christy Refractories RHI Refractories America Unifrax Corp. Riverside Refractories Vesuvius USA We have the products available ex-warehouse and we are proud of our push-button supply system, whereby we can deliver in any quantity and packing as the customer requires. Contact Dan Beldiman for further information. Products & Processes which is available in custom sizes. Bickley, tel. 215-6384500, fax 215-638-4334, E-mail sales @bickleykilns. com, Internet The Model 20G benchmounted, single-sided, finegrinding machine uses a fixed abrasive diamond or CBN suspended in resin, metal and vitrified bonds to grind a wide range of materials. A 60-Hz variable speed motor and gear reducer powers the machine. Independent controls allow the operator to use each of the three workstations separately. The recycling system and grinding plate are temperature-controlled. Lapmaster International, tel. 800-527-2631 ext. 2975, fax 847-967-2975, I nter net www American M inerals, I nc. At American Minerals, we concentrate on converting industrial minerals into products for applications in a wide range of industries: Ceramics Fo u n d r y Refractor y Metal Casting Chemical Brick Environmental Glass Steel Agricultural ... 901 E. Eighth Avenue, Suite #200 King of Prussia, PA 19406 Ph: (610) 337-8030 Fax: (610) 337-8033 ISO 9002 Certified New Castle, DE • Camden, NJ • Rosiclare, IL • El Paso, TX 76 Model 5500 downdraft elevator kilns operate at temperatures up to 1700°C with uniformity, according to the manufacturer. Closed- loop pressure control, two zones of temperature control and data acquisition capacity come standard on the kiln, The PAL 9 fully automatic MLC pr inter stacker is designed to integrate into an automated production line. The machine can be fitted with a variety of options to meet a company’s needs. Haiku Tech Inc., tel. 305-5350099, fax 305-534-3486, E-mail The P360 blackbody calibra- tion source combines portability with a wide temperature range, high emissivity and good resolution. The source and the controller are in different modules, and each module has a carrying handle. The P360 has a 1-in. aperture opening and can display temperatures between 50 and 1100°C. Pyrometer Instrument Co. Inc., tel. 201768-2000, fax 201-768-2570, E-mail pyroinfo @pyrometer. com, Internet The baghouse dust collection system can meet the needs of almost any air pollution control situation, according to the manufacturer. Standard features include large pulse-jet valving and headers, inverted header pipe with drain petcock valve, NEMA IV electri- The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No.2 Where science turns to turn up the heat cal, a solid-state sequential timer and a Magnehelic gauge mounted in common enclosure. Clean Air Management Co. Inc., tel. 913-831-0740, fax 913-8319271, E-mail info, Internet www. camcorpinc .com The Big Round reverse air dust filter features a design that minimizes the number of moving parts. A self-contained cleaning system, it suits high-volume collection of dry dusts. The filter has a three-year warranty. Canfil Farr Co., tel. 800-4796801, fax 800-222-6891, E-mail filtermen @canfilfarr. com, Internet www.farrco. com Full-color literature on the DFP 2000 advanced disappearing filament pyrometer is available. The pyro- meter reportedly gives accurate and convenient temperature measurement. Designed for applications where stringent temperature mea- surements are required, the DFP 2000 has 1°C resolution and a 0.65 µm wavelength for accuracy. Spectrodyne Inc., tel. 215997-7780, fax 215-9978980, E-mail spectrodyne @ The 2001-2002 Pfeiffer vacuum catalog offers 300 pages of product overviews for semiconductor, analytical, R&D and industrial applications. The catalog contains application information, features, technical data and part numbers for vacuum generation, measurement and control products. Pfeiffer Vacuum Inc., tel. 603-578-6500, fax 603-578-6550, E-mail contact, I n t e r n e t w w w. p fe i f fe r -vacuum .com When your scientific and research needs call for high temperature performance, trust THERMCRAFT Horzontal Solid Tube Furnaces featuring bored ends to accept process tubes are available in single and three zone. Hinged Split Tube furnaces are available with refractory elements for temperatures up to 1200o C or silicon carbide elements for temperatures up to 1538o C. Three Zone Micro processor control panels feature panel mounted SCR power control, LED digital display and programmable temperature controls. Furnace systems designed to meet your custom needs P.O. Box 12037 Winston-Salem, NC 27117 Phone: (336) 784-4800 Fax: (336) 784-0634 Website: Email: American M inerals, I nc. We specialize in: Two current-sensing techniques, tunneling and conductive atomic force microscopy (AFM), have been developed for electrical characterization of small conductivity variations. Applications include identification of leakage paths, mapping of contaminants and components in composite materials, and differentiating regions of high and low conductivity. Conductive AFM measures currents from 1 pA to 1 µA, • February 2001 C h r o m i t e , Sand and Flour I r o n O x i d e , Black Iron Pyrites Calcined Magnesia Dead Burned Magnesia Manganese Dioxide Manganous Oxide O l i v i n e Fl o u r Spodumene Z i r c o n , Sand and Flour E N V I R O - B L E N D ® Products 901 E. Eighth Avenue, Suite #200 King of Prussia, PA 19406 Ph: (610) 337-8030 Fax: (610) 337-8033 ISO 9002 Certified New Castle, DE • Camden, NJ • Rosiclare, IL • El Paso, TX 77 Products & Processes while tunneling AFM can gauge ultra-low currents from 60 fA to 120 pA. Digital Instruments, Veeco Metrology Group, tel. 805967-1400, fax 805-967-7717, Internet www.veeco .com, Energy Materials Testing Laboratory EVALUATION FROM -300 oF to + 5000 oF Ceramabond 503 high-temperature ceramic adhesive can be used to repair cracked sagger plates used in the firing of ceramic parts to 1760°C. Ceramabond is an inorganic, water-soluble, alumina-filled adhesive that cures in 1–2 h and has a lap shear strength of 800–900 psi. Aremco Products Inc., tel. 914-268-0039, fax 914268-0041, E-mail aremco @, Internet www. Comprehensive measurements and technical services for: composites, carbons, graphites, ceramics, metals, alloys, plastics, insulators, textiles, and fluids. • • • • Mechanical and Structural Thermophysical Properties Nondestructive Evaluation Morphological, Metallographic Studies • Analytical Chemistry • Oxidation Resistance, (Heat Rate> 500° C /sec.) EMTL 5 Morin Street; Biddeford, Maine 04005 Tel: (207) 282-5911 • Fax: (207) 282-7529 e-mail: 78 A six-page bore finishing system brochure discusses an alternative to grinding or honing. The system combines diamond or CBN single -pass tooling with autom ation, digital CNC servo-control and multi- spindle machine technology. Belden Machine Corp., tel. 708-34-4600 ext. 118, fax 708-344-9321, E-mail info @, Inter- net www.beldenmachine . com The new product-development test furnace has load simulation and automatic pressure-controlled capacity. The test burner can be fired using natural gas, light or heavy fuel oil, or liquid propane. The inside chamber is 9 3 17 3 6 ft, and can operate to 1316°C. Hauck Manufacturing Co., tel. 717272-3051, fax 717-273-9882) Macrolite ceramic spheres’ p o te n t i a l a p p l i c a t i o n s include controlled-size aggregates for castable and/ or gunning refractories. The spheres have low unit weight and water absorption. Mixes reportedly are easy to design and specify. Kinetico Inc., tel. 800-4321166, fax 440-564-7696, Internet www The Herculine 10260S smart actuator comes with an alphanumeric LED display and keypad. The line provides a microprocessorbased enhanced electronics unit, allowing the operator to monitor the actuator for proac tive maintenance planning. Honeywell Inc., tel. 800-784-3011, fax 215641-3580, E-mail @, Internet /sensing The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No.2 websites ceramics Maximize your marketing opportunities and build traffic to your company’s website by taking advantage of the Bulletin’s new Ceramics Websites. This special section will be included in every issue. Price: US $125 per unit, per month. For details, contact Peter Scott, tel. 614-794-5844, Composite Testing & Analysis Deltech Inc. Fluid Energy Processing & Equipment Co. Malakoff Industries Inc. • February 2001 79 websites ceramics MHI Micropyretics Heaters Int’l. Pred Materials Micromeritics R.T. Vanderbilt Co., Inc. 80 Saint-Gobain Ceramics and Plastics, Inc. Zirconia Sales (America), Inc The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 The American Ceramic Society Annual Meeting & Exposition PRELIMINARY PROGRAM April 22 - 25, 2001 Indiana Convention Center & RCA Dome Indianapolis, Indiana Table of Contents Letter of Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 83 Frontiers of Materials Research & Product Innovation: A Panel Discussion............................................................................................................................................................ 83 Schedule of Events........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 84 Plenary Lectures............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 84 Symposia A. Ceramic Materials Enabling Device and Information Technology A1. Advances in Dielectric Materials and Multilayer Electronic Devices........................................................................................................................................................... 85 A2. Optoelectronic Materials and Technology in the Information Age............................................................................................................................................................. 85 A3. Ceramics for Wireless Technologies......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 86 A4. Structure and Properties of Advanced Nitrides and Electronic Nitrides................................................................................................................................................... 86 B. The Impact of Ceramics in Energy Manipulation and the Environment B1. Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage.................................................................................................................................................................... 88 B2. Science and Technology in Addressing Environmental Issues in the Ceramic Industry...................................................................................................................... 88 Special Presentation from Corporate Environmental Achievement Award Winners............................................................................................................................ 89 B4. Ceramic Science and Technology for the Nuclear Industry............................................................................................................................................................................ 89 C. Ceramics in Biomedical, Chemical and Mechanical Applications C1. Ceramic Coatings for Thermal, Environmental and Mechanical Applications........................................................................................................................................ 90 C2. Ceramic Matrix Composites....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90 C3. Chemical Sensors for Hostile Environments........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 90 C4. Materials for Medicine and Biotechnology........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 91 D. Cross Cutting Issues D1. Merging Length Scales in Theory, Modeling and Simulations of Materials............................................................................................................................................. 92 D2. Synthesis and Processing of Nanostructured Materials.................................................................................................................................................................................. 92 Panel Discussion: The National Nanotechnology Initiative: Opportunities for Education, Collaboration and Research............................................................... 93 D3. Defects, Transport and Related Phenomena....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 93 E. Ceramic Processing E1. Interfacial Chemistry and Segregation Phenomena in Ceramics................................................................................................................................................................. 94 E2. Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites........................................................................................................................................... 94 Division & Class Programming Art........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 95 Basic Science................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 95 Special Session Honoring Prof. Arthur H. Heuer........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 96 Cements............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 97 Electronics........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 97 Special Session Honoring Prof. Robert E. Newnham................................................................................................................................................................................................ 97 Engineering Ceramics.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 98 Special Presentation by Corporate Technical Achievement Award Winner..................................................................................................................................................... 98 Glass & Optical Materials............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 98 Refractory Ceramics...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 99 Whitewares & Materials.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................100 National Institute of Ceramic Engineers and Ceramic Education Council.............................................................................................................................................................100 Employment Center & Career Fair........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 87 Student Activities.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 89 Hotel Information.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 91 Registration Information............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 93 Travel Information......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 94 Exposition.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................101 Companion Program..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................102 Registration Form........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................103 Map of Indianapolis....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................104 Hotel Reservation Form............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................105 82 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Dear Ceramics Professional, Joining forces with ceramic industry professionals can take you to the top of your game. You may have heard the statement “It’s not just what you know, but who you know.” Attending The American Ceramic Society’s 103rd Annual Meeting & Exposition can help you with both. Expand your knowledge and establish important professional relationships in Indianapolis, April 22-25, 2001. Meeting and exposition attendees comprise a wide variety of individuals and interest groups including engineers, scientists, researchers, manufacturers, plant personnel, educators, students, marketing and sales professionals, and others in related materials disciplines. The Annual Meeting program is the premiere forum through which these diverse groups interact, exchange information, and develop tomorrow’s technologies. What can attending do for you? • Develop your professional and leadership skills • Receive recognition for both you and your organization • Advance your career • Network with industry colleagues How to attend: To attend the Annual Meeting, fill out the registration form on page 103. You can register by phone, fax, mail, or via the ACerS web site ( Refer to the top of the form for specific details. And don’t forget to reserve your hotel room. See page 91 for details. I encourage you to attend the 103rd Annual Meeting & Exposition. If you’re serious about your work in ceramics, then join forces with your colleagues who feel the same way. Stay on the cutting edge of ceramic technology and abreast of recent market developments. Take this opportunity to arm yourself for success! Dawn Bonnell 103rd Annual Meeting Program Coordinator University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. This year’s symposia and division programming will cover the basic science and processing of ceramics and glasses, whitewares and materials, engineering and electronic ceramics, refractories and cements, glass and optical materials, and art ceramics. In addition, 12 of the 16 symposia will focus on the impact of ceramics on: • Device manufacturing and information technology • Energy manipulation and environmental issues • Chemical, mechanical and biomedical applications Frontiers of Materials Research & Product Innovation: A Panel Discussion Monday, April 23 • 4-6 p.m. Industry-University-Government Joint Research for Future Global Industrial Growth This yearly panel at the Annual Meeting is headed by representatives of industries, universities, government and national laboratories who have knowledge and experience relevant to the topic selected for that year. This year’s discussion provides opportunity for interactive idea exchange between manufacturers, users and scientific experts on issues related to materials research and product development for this millennium. It gives an opportunity to learn and understand the role of industry, government and university in selecting potential research areas, funding and role of decision making. Specifically, the importance of joint efforts in identifying and collaborating (a) the areas of research topics, (b) product development, (c) consumer survey to determine the needs, and (d) global marketing techniques will be discussed. A cash bar will be available. Panelists Marc Black, CTS Corporation Robert J. Eagan, Sandia National Laboratories Edwin H. Kraft, Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corporation Robert Pohanka, U.S. Department of Navy Bruce E. Smart, E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co. Inc. P. Somasundaran, Columbia University Richard E. Tressler, Pennsylvania State University K.M. Nair, E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co. Inc (Organizer) • February 2001 83 Schedule of Events Saturday April 21 Sunday April 22 Monday April 23 Tuesday April 24 Wednesday April 25 Orton Lecture Friedberg Lecture Sosman Lecture Technical Sessions Technical Sessions Technical Sessions Exposition Career Fair Employment Center Career Fair Employment Center 8–9 a.m. 9 a.m.–Noon Morning 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Career Fair Employment Center Noon Division and Class Meeting with ACerS Board of Directors Noon–5 p.m. Indianapolis Marriott Downtown 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Employment Center Opens NICE/Keramos Luncheon ACerS Annual Business Meeting CEC Student Speaking Contest Semifinals 1–3 p.m. Poster Session Technical Sessions Registration Opens Noon–2 p.m. Location TBA 1–5 p.m. 9 a.m.–Noon 9 a.m.–Noon Exposition 10 a.m.–3 p.m. 12:30–5 p.m. 8–9 a.m. 9 a.m.–Noon 10:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. Finals 4–5 p.m. Afternoon 8–9 a.m. Noon–1 p.m. 2–6 p.m. Technical Sessions 1–6 p.m. Networking Reception 5–6:30 p.m. 1–7 p.m. Student Page Meeting 3–4 p.m. Frontiers of Science & Society Lecture 5–6 p.m. Exposition Opens Evening 6–8 p.m. Opening Reception 6–8 p.m. Alumni Night Various locations around Indianapolis Annual Meeting Awards Banquet 7–10 p.m. Indianapolis Marriott Downtown (All events take place at the Indiana Convention Center & RCA Dome unless noted otherwise.) Plenary Lectures 500 Ballroom, Indiana Convention Center & RCA Dome Frontiers of Science & Society–Rustum Roy Lecture Sunday, April 22 • 5–6 p.m. Henry J. Heimlich, President The Heimlich Institute The Orton Memorial Lecture Monday, April 23 • 8–9 a.m. Subhash Singhal Pacific Northwest National Lab 84 The Friedberg Memorial Lecture Tuesday, April 24 • 8–9 a.m. Richard Tressler Pennsylvania State University The Sosman Award and Lecture Wednesday, April 25 • 8–9 a.m. George Onoda National Institute of Standards and Technology The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Symposia A Invited speakers and the titles of their presentations are included. Only the presenting speaker names are given. For a complete list of sessions, abstracts and authors, see the ACerS web site and the Online Conference Management System at Watch future issues of the Bulletin for the Advance Program (March) and the Final Program (April). Ceramic Materials Enabling Device and Information Technology A1. A dvances in Dielectric Materials and Multilayer Electronic Devices Special lectures on historical developments and fundamental concepts of ferroelectrics, ferromagnetics, ferrites, optoelectronics and other electronic-related materials will be highlighted. Invited Speakers Arthur Ballato, U.S. Army CECOM Poisson’s Ratios in High Coupling Ferroelectric Ceramics I-Wei Chen, University of Pennsylvania PbZrO3 Thin Films--AFE and FE Behavior Peter Davies, University of Pennsylvania Design of New Ordered Perovskites for Microwave Applications Alvin Feingold, Electro Science Labs Lead Free Multilayer Dielectric System for Telecommunications J. Guha, Jozef Stefan Institute (Slovenia) Effect of PbO Volatilization Loss on the Compositional Changes During Processing of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 Ruyan Guo, Pennsylvania State University Morphotropic Phase Boundary Regions in Ferroelectric Materials of Oxygen-Octahedron Building Blocks Detlev Hennings, Philips Research Laboratory Solid State Preparation of BaTiO3 Based Dielectrics, Using Ultra-Fine Raw Materials Shinichi Hirano, Nagoya University (Japan) Aqueous Slurry Processing for Tape Casting of BaTiO3 Tip Capacitor Himanshu Jain, Lehigh University Jellyfish Mechanism of Conduction at Microwave Frequencies in Alkali Oxide Glasses Jau-Ho Jean, National Tsing-Hua University (China) Additives Interactions in Aqueous BaTiO3 Suspension Mohammed Megherhi, Ferro Electronic Materials Y5V Dielectric Composition Applicable for Thin Layer MLCC Masaru Miyayama, University of Tokyo (Japan) Defect Control for Large Remanent Polarization in Bismuth Titanate Ferroelectrics: Doping Effect of Higher Valent Cations Atsuyuki Nakamo, TDK Corp. (Japan) Recent Topics of Ferrite Materials for Multilayer Chip Components Robert Newnham, Pennsylvania State University Mode Control in Spherical Electroceramics Takeshi Nomura, TDK Corp. (Japan) Current Topics in the Field of Materials Technology of BME-MLCCs Ahmed Safari, Rutgers University The State of the Art of Nickel Compatible BaTio3-Based Multilayer Capacitor Materials; A Review • February 2001 Elliott Slamovich, Purdue University Hydrothermal Processing of Ceramic Powders and Thin Films for Dielectric Applications Danilo Suvorov, Jozef Stephan Institute (Slovenia) Oxygen Stoichiometry of Sillenite Compounds Bruce Tuttle, Sandia National Laboratory Computer Controlled Deposition Techniques for Multilayer Integrated Ceramics Kenji Uchino, Pennsylvania State University Compact Ultrasonic Rotary Motors David Wilcox, Motorola Laboratories Multilayer Ceramic Technology as a Core Platform for Wireless, Energy and Life Science Microsystems Ming-Tzung Wu, Chang Gung University (China) Effects of Precursor Preparation Conditions on the Characteristics of Sol-Gel Derived PZT Thin Films Sponsored by Electronic Division Basic Science Division Ceramic Society of Japan Symposium Organizers K.M. Nair, E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co. Inc. A.S. Bhalla, Pennsylvania State University S-I. Hirano, Nagoya University, Japan A2. Optoelectronic Materials and Technology in the Information Age The explosive growth of the information industries has been enabled by the availability and performance of key optoelectronic components including optical fibers, lasers, amplifiers, filters, modulators, detectors, display and storage devices. These are based on transparent, electro-optic, nonlinear-optical, luminescent and emissive glass and ceramic materials. The continuing growth and evolution in this area presents exciting opportunities for the investigation and development of new optoelectronic materials and devices. Publication of the symposium proceedings by The American Ceramic Society in the Ceramic Transactions series is planned. See the registration form to take advantage of the pre-publication special rate. Invited Speakers Martin Fejer, Stanford University 85 Paul Holloway, University of Florida Inorganic Luminescent Thin Films and Powders for Display and Lighting Won Ho Kang, Dankook University (Korea) Effect of Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser Energy on Crystallization in Li2OAl2O3-SiO2 Glass Kenji Kitamura, National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials (Japan) Promising Properties of Stoichiometric LiTaO3 for Ferroelectric Domain Engineering Hsin-Chun Lu, Chang Gung University (China) Low Resistivity ITO Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Modified RF-Sputtering Sergei Pyshkyn, Academy of Sciences (Republic of Moldova) Luminescence of Long-Time Ordered GaP:N Norman Sanford, National Institute of Standards & Technology Nonlinear Optical Analysis and X-Ray Diffraction Imaging as Complementary Metrologies for the Evaluation of Bulk GaN Shinji Tadaki, Fujitsu Laboratories (Japan) Surface Deterioration of BaMgAl10O17:Eu2 Phosphor for Plasma Display Panels Jean Toulouse, Lehigh University Local Structure and Vibrational Spectra of Doped Tellurite Glasses Kenji Uchino, Pennsylvania State University Photostrictive Actuators—New Perspective Bruce Wessels, Northwestern University Ferroelectric Oxide Thin Films for Optical Applications Sponsored by Electronics Division Basic Science Division Glass & Optical Materials Division Symposium Organizers Ruyan Guo, Pennsylvania State University Allan J. Bruce, Lucent Technologies Venkat Gopalan, Pennsylvania State University Basavaraj Hiremath, Tyco Submarine Systems Ltd. Burtrand Lee, Clemson University Man F. Yan, Lucent Technologies A3. Ceramics for Wireless Technologies The rapid growth in radio frequency (RF) wireless products is creating a revolution in information and communication technologies. Advances in wireless applications are highly dependent upon improvements in microwave materials and new developments in processing methods for microwave devices. In particular, sophisticated electronic ceramics are the basis for high-frequency capacitors and magnetic components. Multilayer ceramic devices and packages, primarily those based on low-temperature co-fired ceramic technologies, also are playing an important role in integration of functions, miniaturization of products and in improving system performance. In addition, integration of microwave dielectrics in thin-film form is being investigated for applications ranging from decoupling capacitors to frequency-tunable elements for superconducting filters. 86 Invited Speakers Neil Alford, South Bank University (United Kingdom) Microwave Dielectric Loss Orlando Auciello, Argonne National Laboratory Science and Technology of (BaxSr1-x)Ti1+yO3+z Thin Films for Voltage Tunable Devices Peter Barnwell, Heraeus (United Kingdom) Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic Systems — A View of the Critical Materials Properties and Applications David Cruickshank, Alpha-Trans Tech Current Trends in Microwave Ceramics Technology Masayuki Fujimoto, Taiyo Yuden Corp. (Japan) Structural Control of Electronic Ceramic Thin Films Ed Graddy, Kyocera America Inc. Multilayer Ceramic Packaging for Wireless Applications Jeanne Pavio, Motorola Characteristics of the Multilayer Ceramic Technology and its Significance to the Wireless Markets Clive Randall, Pennsylvania State University Bismuth Pyrochlore: A Material for High Frequency NPO Integration Nava Setter, Ecole Polytechnic Federale Lausanne (Switzerland) Tuning of Polar and High-K Dielectrics for Microwave Applications Vern Stygar, Ferro Corp. New Developments in A6 Microwave LTCC Materials System Veena Tikare, Sandia National Laboratory Mesoscale Sintering Modeling for Process Control of Multilayered Ceramics for Wireless Technologies Stu Wolf, DARPA Frequency Agile Materials for Electronics Sponsored by Motorola Ceramic Technologies Research Lab Electronics Division Basic Science Division Symposium Organizers Pradeep Phule, University of Pittsburgh Duane Dimos, Sandia National Laboratories Amar S. Bhalla, Pennsylvania State University Steve Dai, Motorola Inc. Dean Anderson, Pennsylvania State University A4. Structure and Properties of Advanced Nitrides and Electronic Nitrides Nitrides are important ceramic materials with vast applications in many industrial sectors. Their applications range from structural materials to microelectronics, from opto-electronics to photonics, from coating to sensors, from light emitting diodes to solid state lasers, and microwave power switches, just to mention a few. In recent years, new methods of synthesizing and characterizing different types of nitrides have been actively pursued. On the other hand, fundamental scientific issues on the novel properties and phenomena that will control the device performance have not been adequately addressed. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Special focus will be on the newly discovered cubic nitrides with spinel structure and electronic nitrides. Materials of interest include Si3N4, TiNx, ZrNx, GaN and other wide band-gap nitrides, SiAlON, Li3N, CaNiN, conductive nitrides, carbon nitrides, mixture of Si-B-C-N, oxynitride glasses and intergranular thin films. Special attention will be on the potential new applications, novel experimental techniques, and predictive theoretical/computational studies. Invited Speakers Andrzej Badzian, Pennsylvania State University Stability of Silicon Carbonitride Phases Rowland Cannon, University of California Wetting and Adsorption Mechanisms at Grain Boundaries in Nitride Ceramics Wai-Yim Ching, University of Missouri-Kansas City Theoretical Prediction of the Structure and Properties of Cubic Spinel Nitrides David Clarke, University of California-Santa Barbara Two-Stage Growth of High-Quality GaN by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy Michael Hoffmann, University of Karlsruhe (Germany) Impact of Intergranular Films on the Microstructure and Properties of Silicon Nitride Ceramics Hongxing Jiang, Kansas State University III-Nitride Quantum Well Microstructures and Microdevices Hans-Joachim Kleebe, Colorado School of Mines Grain Boundary Structures in Si3N4 and SiC Ceramics; A Comparative Study John Lowther, University of Witwatersrand (South Africa) Symmetric Structures in New Ultra Hard Materials Giuseppe Pezzotti, Kyoto Institute of Technology (Japan) Mechanism of Dopant-Induced Changes in Viscosity of SiO2-Based Intergranular Films in Polycrystalline Si3N4 Ceramics Ralf Reidel, Darmstadt University of Technology (Germany) Synthesis and Properties of Novel Group IV Element Nitrides Toshimori Sekine, NIRIM (Japan) Shock Synthesis of Cubic Silicon Nitride Yoshiyuki Sugahara, Waseda University (Japan) Preparation of AlN-Based Ceramics Using Cage-type Compounds Possessing Al-N Backbone as Precursors Isao Tanaka, Kyoto University (Japan) First Principles Calculations of Defect and Other Imperfections in Nitrides Enge Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Nitride-Related Nanomaterials by Chemical Vapor Deposition: Structures and Properties ACers Employment Center & NEW Career Fair For years, ACerS has sponsored a very successful Employment Center at Annual Meeting. Last year more than 350 jobs were posted! So how do we top that? We’re expanding! As in the past, the Employment Center will post job openings, collect resumes, offer on-site interview space, and schedule interviews at the potential employer’s request. Postings may be internships or anywhere from entry level up to executive management. To submit job postings prior to April 16, e-mail job descriptions to; after this date please submit on site. New this year… We’re offering a Career Fair, whereby companies and universities alike are invited to promote themselves to job candidates and to prospective graduate students. Tabletop displays are being offered for the duration of this 4-day event. Have your recruiter contact the ACerS Membership Manager ( for more details on the tabletop displays. You need not be a meeting registrant to display or submit job postings. So whether you’re looking for a job or thinking about going to graduate school, grab your resume and come check out the possibilities! Employment Center & Career Fair Hours Sunday, April 22 Monday, April 23 Tuesday, April 24 Wednesday, April 25 12:30–5 p.m. 10:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m.* 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 9 a.m.–Noon *Networking Reception to be held 5–6:30 p.m. Sponsored by Basic Science Division Electronics Division Symposium Organizers Wai-Yim Ching, University of Missouri-Kansas City Isao Tanaka, Kyoto University, Japan • February 2001 87 Symposia B Invited speakers and the titles of their presentations are included. Only the presenting speaker names are given. For a complete list of sessions, abstracts and authors, see the ACerS web site and the Online Conference Management System at Watch future issues of the Bulletin for the Advance Program (March) and the Final Program (April). The Impact of Ceramics in Energy Manipulation and the Environment B1. Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage The exponential growth in portable electronic devices and the interest to develop electric vehicles have created intense worldwide activity on electrochemical power sources. This symposium will focus on materials for batteries, fuel cells, and electrochemical capacitors. In addition, oxygen separation membranes, electrochemical sensors, electrochemical processes, transport properties, defect chemistry and thermodynamic aspects will be covered. Other topics to be discussed include all types of electrochemical materials and devices as well as fundamental and applied aspects of solid state electrochemistry. Publication of the symposium proceedings by The American Ceramic Society in the Ceramic Transactions series is planned. See the registration form to take advantage of the pre-publication special rate. Invited Speakers Roy Benedek, Argonne National Laboratory Intermetallic Electrodes for Lithium Batteries Henny Bouwmeester, University of Twente (The Netherlands) Oxygen Permeation through Mixed-Conducting Perovskite Oxide Membranes Clare Grey, State University of New York at Stony Brook Lithium NMR Studies of Local Atomic and Electronic Structure of Cathode Materials James McBreen, Brookhaven National Laboratory Structure-Property Relationships in Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries Nguyen Minh, Honeywell Development Trends In Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology Pinakin Patel, Fuel Cell Energy, Inc. Carbonate Fuel Cells: World-Wide Technology Status and Opportunities for Ceramic Materials Prabhakar Singh, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Development of Advanced Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Power Generation Systems for Automotive and Land-Based Applications Harry Tuller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Role of Mixed Conductors in Energy Conversion and Storage Atsuo Yamada, SONY Corp. (Japan) Olivine-Type Cathodes for Lithium Batteries Sponsored by Electronics Division Nuclear & Environmental Technology Division Basic Science Division The Electrochemical Society 88 Symposium Organizers Arumugam Manthiram, University of Texas at Austin Prashant Kumta, Carnegie Mellon University S.K. Sundaram, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Gerbrand Ceder, Massachusetts Institute of Technology B2.Science and Technology in Addressing Environmental Issues in the Ceramic Industry In today’s world of increasingly stringent environmental regulations, it is critical to identify and adequately address environmental issues in the ceramic industry to ensure success. In the ceramic manufacturing industries, companies are dealing with more stringent air emission standards, hazardous materials laws, and clean water regulations. In most cases, these same standards apply in research and development, manufacturing and university environments. In ceramic manufacturing, companies are beginning to focus on “green ceramics,” performing “life cycle analyses,” and adopting “environmental stewardship” to manufacture environmentally friendly products. These areas also have led to development of innovative processing approaches and novel environmental treatment technologies, which are being developed to address these more stringent regulations. In developing these technologies, an improved scientific understanding of the industrial processes and treatment technologies is often obtained. Sponsored by Nuclear & Environmental Technology Division Refractory Ceramics Division Glass & Optical Materials Division Basic Science Division Legislative & Public Affairs Committee Environmental Stewardship Committee Ceramic Manufacturing Council Environmental Protection Agency Symposium Organizers Dane R. Spearing, Los Alamos National Laboratory Gary L. Smith, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Carol Jantzen, Savannah River Company Richard A. Haber, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Camilla Warren, Environmental Protection Agency Kyei-Sing (Jasper) Kwong, Albany Research Center Vijay Jain, Southwest Research Institute The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Corporate Environmental Achievement Award Presentations Student Activities Unifrax Corp. Networking Reception Isofrax—A Lung-Soluble Insulation Fiber Murata Electronics North America B4.Ceramic Science and Technology for the Nuclear Industry Ceramics and glasses play a critical role in the nuclear industry. Nuclear fuels and waste forms for low-level and high-level radioactive, mixed, and hazardous wastes are primarily either ceramic or glass. New materials, processes, and applications are being developed and deployed throughout the world today. Invited Speakers Prof. Grambow, (France) Pavel Hrma, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Carol Jantzen, Savannah River Technology Center B.P. McGrail, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Eric R. Vance, ANSTO (Australia) Paul Woskov, Massachusetts Insititue of Technology Sponsored by Nuclear & Environmental Technology Division Glass & Optical Materials Division Cements Division Refractory Ceramics Division Basic Science Division Symposium Organizers S.K. Sundaram, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Vijay Jain, Southwest Research Institute John D. Vienna, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Robert L. Putnam, Los Alamos National Laboratory For more information on student activities, contact the Membership Department at or 614/7945859. This reception will be held on Monday, April 23, from 5– 6:30 p.m. at the site of the Employment Center and Career Fair. Attendees are invited to come have a bite to eat, do some networking and explore career opportunities. Experienced professionals from throughout the ceramics industries will be in attendance to field your career questions — look for individuals wearing a “Mentor” ribbon. CEC National Student Speaking Contest The Ceramic Educational Council (CEC) will sponsor a student speaking contest to encourage undergraduate students to present technical papers and to improve their skills in the techniques of presentation. Undergraduate ceramic students from universities across the country will receive travel stipends for participation and compete for cash and other prizes. The speaking contest semifinals will take place from 1–3 p.m. on Sunday, April 22, and the finals from 4–5 p.m. Come see if your school wins! CEC & Keramos Student Poster Competitions The Ceramic Educational Council (CEC) will sponsor a graduate student poster competition and Keramos will sponsor an undergraduate poster competition, both of which will take place during the Society poster session on Monday, April 23, between 1–5 p.m. Participants compete for cash prizes. National Institute of Ceramic Engineers and Ceramic Education Council Sessions Materials Science Versus Ceramic Engineering: Parasitic or Symbiotic? There has been much discussion regarding the future of ceramic engineering and even materials science educational programs. Faced with dwindling student numbers departments are forced to analyze the reasons for this: what is the rationale for students choosing materials over ceramics? or other engineering disciplines over materials? Whom does industry want to hire? Presentations will include: • A review of enrollment statistics-CE vs. MSE • Salary data for the engineering disciplines • What is the industry profile Student Congress Sessions The ACerS/NICE Student Congress will be holding special sessions open to all student attendees. Watch the Bulletin for more details. (Continued on page 100) • February 2001 89 Symposia C Invited speakers and the titles of their presentations are included. Only the presenting speaker names are given. For a complete list of sessions, abstracts and authors, see the ACerS web site and the Online Conference Management System at Watch future issues of the Bulletin for the Advance Program (March) and the Final Program (April). Ceramics in Biomedical, Chemical and Mechanical Applications C1.Ceramic Coatings for Thermal, Environmental and Mechanical Applications This symposium will focus on recent advancements in ceramic coatings for thermal, environmental and mechanical applications. The symposium will address the design, processing, characterization and degradation of ceramic coatings. Talks will include presentations on the systems approach to coating design, novel coating materials, testing and characterization methodologies, chemical and microstructural evolution, failure mechanisms and life prediction for coating systems. Invited Speakers Bill Clyne, Cambridge University The Effect of Top Coat Sintering on Ceramic Spallation in Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings Anthony Evans, Princeton University Challenges and Opportunities for Prime-Reliant High Temperature Coating Systems and Open Discussion: Failure Mechanisms and Life Modeling For High Temperature Coatings Edwin Fuller, National Institute of Standards and Technology Physical Properties of Thermal Barrier Coatings via Simulations and Experiments Michael Maloney, Pratt & Whitney Open Discussion: Complex Oxides for Thermal Barrier Applications Sanjay Sampath, University of New York at Stony Brook On the Processing-Microstructure-Property Relationships in Thermal Sprayed Ceramic Coatings Irene Spitsberg, GE Aircraft Engines On Failure Mechanisms of TBCs with PtNiAl Diffusion Bond Coatings Haydn Wadley, University of Virginia Pore Morphology Control in Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coatings David Wortman, GE Central Research & Development Open Discussion: Thermal Conductivity (Practical Measurement and Coating Engineering) Sponsored by Basic Science Division Engineering Ceramics Division Symposium Organizers Daniel R. Mumm, Princeton University Leon L. Shaw, University of Connecticut J.P. Singh, Argonne National Laboratory 90 C2.Ceramic Matrix Composites This symposium will provide an international forum for scientists, engineers and technologists to discuss and exchange ideas on the state-of-the-art ceramic composites. Publication of the symposium proceedings by The American Ceramic Society in the Ceramic Transactions series is planned. See the registration form to take advantage of the pre-publication special rate. Invited Speakers Maher Amer, Wright State University Micro-Raman Spectroscopy in Composite Micromechanics James A. DiCarlo, NASA Glenn Research Center Factors Limiting the Upper Use-Temperature of Structural CMC Rainer Gadow, University of Stuttgart (Germany) Manufacturing of Ceramic Matrix Composites for Automotive Applications Yutaka Kagawa, University of Tokyo (Japan) Quantitative Evaluation of Damages and Residual Properties of CFCCs by Using Non-Contact Method Ronald J. Kerans, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Oxidation Resistant Interface Control in Fiber Reinforced Ceramics Waltraud T. Kriven, University of Illinois-Urbana Champagne Design of Oxide Laminates and Fibrous Monolithic Composites Jacques Lamon, Laboratoire des Composites Fatigue Behavior at High Temperatures of SiC/SiC Composites with a Multilayered Interphase or Matrix Frank W. Zok, University of California-Santa Barbara Fracture Resistance of Porous Matrix Ceramic Composites Sponsored by Engineering Ceramics Division National Institute of Ceramic Engineers Basic Science Division Symposium Organizers Narottam P. Bansal, NASA John H. Glenn Research Center J.P. Singh, Argonne National Laboratory H.T. Lin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory C3.Chemical Sensors for Hostile Environments Because of the recent emergence of concern over environmental pollution and efficiency in a variety of industrial processes, considerable activity exists in the development of new sensor technology. Unfortunately, much of this is fragmented and not always directly applicable to making reliable measurements in the harsh industrial environments found in the aerospace, steel, heat treating, metal The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 casting, polymer, glass, ceramic, pulp and paper, automotive, utility and power industries. Also, since most of the sensor development efforts are based on empirical and/or trial-and-error methods, a fundamental understanding of the sensing and degradation mechanisms is lacking. There will be sessions on synthesis and fabrication of devices, simulation and modeling, MEMS devices, SAW devices, electronic nose, etc. Publication of the symposium proceedings by The American Ceramic Society in the Ceramic Transactions series is planned. See the registration form to take advantage of the pre-publication special rate. Invited Speakers Prabir Dutta, Ohio State University Harsh Environment Ceramic Oxide Sensors Jeffrey Fergus, Auburn University Preparation and Characterization of In-Doped Calcium Zirconate at the Electrolyte in Hydrogen Sensors for Use in Molten Aluminum Gary Hunter, NASA Glenn Research Center Microfabricated Chemical Sensors for Harsh Environment Aerospace Applications Rangachary Mukundan, Los Alamos National Laboratory Solid-State Electrochemical Sensors for Automotive Applications Harry Tuller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MEMS and Resonant-Based Sensors for Harsh Environments: New Developments Werner Weppner, Christian-Albrechts-University (Germany) Ceramic Solid Electrolyte Sensors for Environmental and Process Control Noboru Yamazoe, Kyushu University (Japan) Importance of Gas Diffusion in Semiconductor Gas Sensors Sponsored by Engineering Ceramics Division Basic Science Division National Institute of Ceramic Engineers Symposium Organizers Girish M. Kale, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Sheikh Akbar, Ohio State University Meilin Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology C4.Materials for Medicine and Biotechnology Inorganic materials are among the most easily tailored to specific applications and they are ubiquitous in both medicine and technology. Yet in many ways applications of these materials in these areas are not always well-known. This symposium will seek to integrate presentations about both polymers and metals with ceramics and glasses. Included will be composite biomedical and biotechnological materials, encompassing one or more of the above material groups. Many of the issues identified in using materials in the biomedical arena are the same as those in the biotechnology community. • February 2001 Potential applications such as orthopedics, drug delivery, drug therapeutics, tissue engineering, diagnostics, molecular biology and genetics, will be covered. Invited Speakers Alan Goldstein, NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University Bioinformatics: A Revolution Driven by an Engine made of Glass D. St. Julian, Corning Inc. Delivery and Management of Biofluids with Glass Geometry and Surface Coatings Sponsored by Glass & Optical Materials Division Engineering Ceramics Division Basic Science Division National Institute of Ceramic Engineers Symposium Organizers Alexis Clare, NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University Gary S. Fischman, University of Illinois at Chicago Melissa Crimp, Michigan State University Richard P. Rusin, 3M Co. Irene M. Peterson, National Institute of Standards and Technology Hotel Information A block of rooms has been reserved at special convention rates until March 22, 2001, at the following hotels: Indianapolis Marriott Downtown (headquarters) Single: $134 Double: $144 Triple: $154 Quad: $164 Hyatt Regency Indianapolis Single: $134 Double: $144 Triple: $157 Quad: $170 Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Single: $114 Double: $114 Raddison Hotel City Centre Single: $116 Double: $126 The Housing Bureau will handle all hotel reservations. For best availability and immediate confirmation, make your reservation online at or You also can mail or fax the form on page 105 to the Housing Bureau. Acknowledgements will be sent after each reservation booking, modification and/or cancellation. Review acknowledgements carefully for accuracy. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 14 days after any transaction, please call the Housing Bureau at 317/684-2573. A one-night (plus 11% tax) advance deposit is required for each room requested. Checks will be deposited 30 days prior to arrival date. Credit card processing will be held until checkout. A $25 cancellation fee will be charged for reservations cancelled on or after March 2. Reservations cancelled on or after April 6 or no shows will be charged by the hotel. Make your reservations early. After March 22, reservations will be accepted on a space available basis only and the special rates may not apply. 91 Symposia D Invited speakers and the titles of their presentations are included. Only the presenting speaker names are given. For a complete list of sessions, abstracts and authors, see the ACerS web site and the Online Conference Management System at Watch future issues of the Bulletin for the Advance Program (March) and the Final Program (April). Cross Cutting Issues D1.Merging Length Scales in Theory, Modeling and Simulations of Materials Design and processing of advanced new materials is typically labor intensive and costly, and the time to apply is usually lengthy. Materials theory, modeling, and computational simulations provide a powerful new paradigm for rationally designing, processing and prototyping advanced materials and their properties. Use of these tools continues to develop at a rapid pace. However, often the efforts at various length scales – from atomistic to mesoscopic to continuum – do not communicate with each other, and more seriously, do not communicate with the experimental community. Invited Speakers James Chelikowski, University of Minnesota Pressure Induced Amorphization in Quartz Andrey Kalinichev, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign Molecular Dynamics of Ionic Sorption and Diffusion on the Surfaces of Cement Phases Pawel Keblinski, Rensselaer Polytechnique University Structure and High-Temperature Behavior of Grain Boundaries in Covalent Ceramics Michael Marder, University of Texas Atomic Effects in Brittle Fracture David Vanderbilt, Rutgers University Ferroelectric Domain Walls in PbTiO3 Sponsored by Basic Science Division Cements Division Electronics Division Engineering Ceramics Division Glass & Optical Materials Division Refractory Ceramics Division Symposium Organizers Edwin R. Fuller Jr., National Institute of Standards and Technology John Kieffer, University of Illinois Rosario A. Gerhardt, Georgia Institute of Technology D2.Synthesis and Processing of Nanostructured Materials Nanomaterials, the materials confined in length in nanoscale (< 100 nm) at least in one dimension, have been identified as the foundation for a variety of future nanotechnologies. Synthesis and processing of inorganic nanomaterials and nanocomposites as well as the correlation between properties and nanostructures remain exciting and challenging areas to be explored. A full 92 understanding in the chemistry and physics occurring during the synthesis processes is required for a better control over the microstructure of the materials. Invited Speakers Siu-Wai Chan, Columbia University Characteristics of Cerium Oxide Nano Particles Lian Gao, Shanghai Institute (China) Preparation and Microstructure of YAG-Al2O3 Nanocomposites Michael Harris, University of Maryland Micropatterning of Nanoparticles During Evaporation of Organosol Drops and Bridges Yuhong Huang, Chemat Technologies Inc. Application of Functional Ceramic and Hybrid Nanostructure Coating Chen-Feng Kao, National Cheng Kung University Synthesis of Strontium Silicate Film from Hydrothermal Process Burtrand Lee, Clemson University Nanoparticle Synthesis via Surface Modification S. Lee, City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Oxide-Assisted Synthesis and Characterization of Semiconductor Nanowires Meilin Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology Mesoporous and Nanostructured Mixed-Conducting Electrodes for Solid-State Ionic Devices Kelly Malone, Auburn University Formation and Oxidation Kinetics of Small Gold Crystallites in Photoresponsive Polymer Gels Alon Mccormick, University of Minnesota How Do Multicomponent Sol/Gel Matrices Grow? Thomas Niesen, Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung (Germany) Deposition of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Thin Films on Organic SelfAssembled Monolayers by a Continuous Flow Technique Stephen O’Brien, Columbia University Time Resolved In Situ X-ray Powder Diffraction Studies of the Synthesis of Mesoporous Materials Wolfgang Pompe, Dresden University (Germany) Formation of Metallic Nanostructures on Biomolecular Templates Massimo Viviani, ICFAM/CNR Low-Temperature Aqueous Synthesis of Nanosized BaTiO3 Particles by Batch and Continuous Processes Zhong Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology Self-Assembly of Shape Controlled Magnetic Nanocrystals William Warren, DARPA Prospects for Nanoscience J. Ying, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nanostructure Processing of Advanced Materials Masahiro Yoshimura, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) Direct Patterning of Ceramics with Controlled Nano/Microstructures in Solutions without Post-Firing The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Sponsored by Basic Science Division Electronics Division Symposium Organizers Michael Z. Hu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Akihisa Inoue, Tohoku University, Japan Zhonglin Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology S.W. Chan, Columbia University Panel Discussion The National Nanotechnology Initiative: Opportunities for Education, Collaboration and Research Hailed as the most ambitious national research investment since the Sputnik days, nanotechnology has spurred considerable nation-wide interest across many walks of life — from ordinary citizens to politicians and from scientists to engineers. An invited panel of experts in academia, industry, national laboratories and several funding agencies will be assembled to have an open discussion and dialogue about opportunities for research and education within the national nanotechnology initiative. Panel Organizers Vinayak Dravid, Northwestern University Ruyan Guo, Pennsylvania State University Nitin P. Padture, University of Connecticut D3.Defects, Transport and Related Phenomena This symposium focuses on defects, transport and related phenomena in crystalline and noncrystalline ceramics. The sessions will contain a brief review of the history of this area in combination with reports on very recent research results and a discussion of recognized, but still unsolved problems. Invited Speakers Harlan Anderson, University of Missouri-Rolla Influence of Microstructure on the Nonstoichometry in Ceria and Zirconia Thin Films Donald Ellis, Northwestern University Atomistic and Density Functional Methodology for Defect Structures of Oxide Ceramics Klaus Funke, University of Münster (Germany) Dynamics of Mobile Ions in Crystals, Glasses and Melts, Described by the Concept of Mismatch and Relaxation Robin Grimes, Los Alamos National Laboratory (on leave from Imperial College, London, U.K.) Simple Approaches to Predicting Property Trends in Defective Oxides Hajime Haneda, National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials (Japan) Oxygen Diffusion and Oxygen Defect Structure in Zinc Oxide • February 2001 Himanshu Jain, Lehigh University Electrical Conductivity due to Nondiffusive Ion Movement in Glasses and Complex Crystals John Kieffer, University of Illinois Lyapunov Spectra and Atomic Transport Coefficients Philippe Knauth, Universite de Provence (France) Defects and Transport in Nanostructured Ceramics Joachim Maier, Max-Planck-Institut für Festkorperforschung (Germany) Mesoscopic Ion Transport in Nanosized Ceramics Manfred Martin, University of Aachen (Germany) Cation Diffusion in Doped Lanthanum Gallates Hj. Matzke, Institute for Transuranium Elements (Germany) Diffusion and Damage Effects in Nuclear Fuels Cornelius Moynihan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Electrical Relaxation in Ionically Conducting Glasses Truls Norby, University of Oslo (Norway) Solubility and Location of Protons in Oxides — Correlations and Modeling R. Ramesh, University of Maryland Defects in Perovskite Ferroelectric Thin Films Bernhard Roling, University of Münster (Germany) Conductivity Spectroscopy on Ion Conducting Glasses Yoed Tsur, Technion--Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) The Change in Charge-Compensation Mechanism in Donor Doped Barium Titanate Rainer Waser, University of Aachen (Germany) Defects and Transport in Donor-Doped SrTiO3 — A New Model Sponsors Basic Science Division Electronics Division Glass & Optical Materials Division Symposium Organizers Rüdiger Dieckmann, Cornell University David Sidebottom, University of New Mexico Harry L. Tuller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Registration Information Complete the meeting registration form on page 103 and send it with payment to The American Ceramic Society. You can register by phone, fax, mail or via the ACerS web site ( Refer to the top of the registration form on page 103 for specific details. Register before March 23, 2001, and save $100 on the full conference registration fees. If you can’t stay all week, take advantage of the Monday-only registration fee of $99. This will allow you to travel on Saturday to take advantage of lower airfares, attend the Sunday night reception and still have all day Monday for technical sessions and the Exposition. Refunds will be assessed a $25 processing fee. Cancellations must be received in writing by April 4, 2001. No refunds will be granted after April 4, 2001. 93 Symposia E Invited speakers and the titles of their presentations are included. Only the presenting speaker names are given. For a complete list of sessions, abstracts and authors, see the ACerS web site and the Online Conference Management System at Watch future issues of the Bulletin for the Advance Program (March) and the Final Program (April). Ceramic Processing E1. Interfacial Chemistry and Segregation Phenomena in Ceramics Internal interfaces are pervasive in most conventional and modern ceramics, and in many cases, the grain boundaries or heterophase interfaces can influence or even control macroscopic material properties. This symposium will focus on ceramic materials, including structural, electronic and electrochemical ceramics, whose properties can be controlled through interface engineering. Sponsored by Engineering Ceramics Division Basic Science Division Glass & Optical Materials Division Symposium Organizers J.P. Singh, Argonne National Laboratory Narottam P. Bansal, NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field Amit Bandyopadhyay, Washington State University Lisa C. Klein, Rutgers University Invited Speakers Ranier Hagenbeck, Infineon Technologies AG (Germany) Electrical Properties of Grain Boundaries in Mixed-Conducting Titanate Ceramics Eduardo Saiz, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Wetting, Adhesion and Diffusion at Oxide/Metal Interfaces Sponsors Basic Science Division Electronics Division Organizing Committee Elizabeth Dickey, University of Kentucky Mehmet Gülgün, Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Germany Kathleen Alexander, Los Alamos National Laboratory E2. Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites Innovative techniques are needed for synthesis and processing of novel ceramic and composite materials and their fabrication in various forms, shapes and complex structures. Publication of the symposium proceedings by The American Ceramic Society in the Ceramic Transactions series is planned. See the registration form to take advantage of the pre-publication special rate. Invited Speakers David Green, Pennsylvania State University Mechanical Behavior of Dry-Pressed Powder Compacts Chen-Feng Kao, National Cheng Kung University (China) Electrical Properties of Strontium Silicate by Hydrothermal Processing Rustum Roy, Pennsylvania State University Unprecedented “Anisothermal” Solid State Reactions: Manifestation and Proof of Microwave Effects Masahiro Yoshimura, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) Direct Fabrication of Patterned Ceramics Film by Soft Solution Processing 94 Travel Information ACerS has selected Stellar Access as the official travel agency for this meeting. Call 1-800/929-4242 and ask for Group #645 to receive the following discounts or the lowest available fares on any other carrier: American Airlines and US Airways – Save five percent to 10 percent on lowest applicable fares. Take an additional five percent off with minimum 60 day advance purchase. Northwest Airlines – Save between $35 to $120 on the lowest applicable fares. You must travel between April 17–30, 2001, to receive the special fares. Avis Rent-A-Car – Special rates with unlimited free mileage. When calling Stellar Access at 1-800/929-4242, ask for Group #645. Outside U.S. and Canada, call 619/232-4298 or fax to 619/232-6497. NOTE: First time users must register and refer to your Group #645. Reservation hours: Monday–Friday, 6:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. PST Web site: The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Division & Class Programming Invited speakers and the titles of their presentations are included. For a complete list of sessions, abstracts and authors, see the ACerS web site and the Online Conference Management System at Watch future issues of the Bulletin for the Advance Program (March) and the Final Program (April). Art Division The Art Division will provide a wide broad base of topics for this meeting. In addition, the Art Division will sponsor an ACerS Artists Workshop on Sunday, April 22, featuring Richard Bresnahan. Keynote Speaker James Klein, KleinReid Betwixt: Creating a Space between Art and Design Session Organizers Derek Gordon, Columbus Clay Karen Terpstra, University of Wisconsin Basic Science Division BSD1.Combinatorial Studies of Ceramic Materials Combinatorial methods, which involve parallel synthesis of arrays of materials and high throughput characterization of properties, have been extended beyond the initial pharmaceutical applications to a host of inorganic materials. Recently, this methodology has been used for the discovery of new materials for a variety of functional ceramic components, such as dielectrics for dynamic random access memory and voltage tunable wireless devices and phosphors for optical devices. Advances in this area depend upon the development of novel methods for fabricating sample arrays, tools for small area, rapid measurements of properties and structure, and informatics techniques for analyzing and managing large amounts of data. Invited Speakers Hauyee Chang Measurements of Microwave Dielectric Properties in the Combinatorial Approach Hans Christen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Epitaxial Films and Superlattices of PLD-CCS Daniel Giaquinta, Symyx Technologies Synthesis of Inorganic Materials by Combinatorial Solution Deposition Techniques David Ginley, NREL Combinatorial Approaches to Novel TCOs Paul McGinn, University of Notre Dame Considerations in Combinatorial Processing of Oxides Peter Schenck, National Institute of Standards & Technology Combinatorial PLD Fabrication and High-Throughput Characterization of Thin Film Libraries Robert van Dover, Bell Labs of Lucent Technologies Composition-Spread Exploration of Electronic and Photonic Materials • February 2001 Session Organizers Debra L. Kaiser, National Institute of Standards and Technology Lynn F. Schneemeyer, Bell Laboratories Lucent Technologies BSD2.Ceramics for Microtechnology Microtechnology, whether in microelectronics, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), microfluidics, or photonics, presents copious opportunities for materials scientists and engineers to contribute to a rapidly growing field expected to have a tremendous impact on our world. Many ceramic materials systems and processing technologies are well suited to these applications. Session Organizers Harold D. Ackler, AnSyn Microsystems, Inc. Kurt R. Mikeska, E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Inc. BSD3.Mechanical Behavior of Ceramics Emphasis will be placed on mechanical behavior associated with ceramic composite materials (where ceramics represent all components, or only one component). In addition, reliability of ceramic materials, as well as thin films and mechanics of interfaces will be discussed. All aspects of mechanical behavior including theory, computational modeling and experimental studies on elasticity, plasticity, creep, fatigue, environmental effects, wear and fracture will be covered in these sessions. Invited Speakers Rowland Cannon, University of California Interfacial Fracture at Nb/Al2O3 Bicrystal Interfaces: Interfacial Chemistry Effects on Mechanisms Jürgen Rödel, Darmstadt University of Technology (Germany) Ferroelectric Toughening in PZT Luc Vandeperre, Cambridge University Limited Thermal Shock Damage Through Crack Deflecting Interfaces Session Organizers David C. Pender, General Electric Company Rajendra K. Bordia, University of Washington BSD4.The “Versatile” Perovskites: Crystal Chemical Architecture and Unusual Properties Perovskite oxides both delight and challenge the ceramist with their wide range of properties, despite their nominally similar structures. These properties range from well-known ferroelectric behavior to unusual magneto-transport phenomena and catalytic activity. Invited Speakers Nigel Browning, University of Illinois Atomic Scale Structure Property Relationships at Perovskite Grain Boundaries 95 John B. Goodenough, University of Texas Vibronic States in Perovskites M. Saiful Islam, University of Surrey (United Kingdom) Ionic Transport and Defects in Perovskite Oxides: A Computer Modeling Tour Paul McIntyre, Stanford University Point Defect Chemistry and Reliability of Thin Film Perovskite Dielectrics Alexandra Navrotsky, University of California Thermochemistry of Charge Balanced Ionic Substitution in Perovskites and Perovskite Related Materials Session Organizer Sossina M. Haile, California Institute of Technology BSD5.Crystallographic Texture in Ceramic Applications Preferred orientation and anisotropy is increasingly recognized as an important aspect of microstructural characterization for ceramic materials. Processing routes to control preferred orientation continue to be developed and refined. The effects of preferred orientation on properties and property anisotropy have been documented in a number of ceramic materials. However, predictive models for orientation effects are still in their early stages. Session Organizers Mark D. Vaudin, National Institute of Standards and Technology Keith Bowman, Purdue University BSD6.Special Session in Honor of Prof. Arthur H. Heuer on his 65th Birthday In a distinguished career spanning more than four decades, Professor Arthur H. Heuer has made major contributions throughout the field of technical ceramics. As a researcher, teacher and mentor, Heuer helped to develop topics such as electron microscopy and transformation toughening of ceramics from their earliest stages into cornerstones of modern ceramic science and technology. More recently, the scope of his work has expanded to include new fields, such as bioceramics and materials for microelectromechanical systems, whose impact will be felt well into the 21st century. The goal of the session, in addition to honoring the work of a Distinguished Life Member of The American Ceramic Society, will be to present both a retrospective and prospective view of technical ceramics and ceramics research -- how they have developed, their current status, and where they are headed. Invited Speakers Rowland M. Cannon, University of California Creep of Polycrystalline Alumina Revisited: A Search for Mechanisms Jacques Castaing, Centre National de la Recherche (France) Transmission Electron Microscopy as a Tool for Understanding Materials Processing in Ancient Times David R. Clarke, University of California What Can High-Temperature Oxidation Tell Us about Grain 96 Boundary Diffusion in Alumina? Nils Claussen, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (Germany) Liquid-Reaction Processing of Ceramic Composites Mark De Guire, Case Western Reserve University Ceramic Thin Films Deposited at Low Temperatures from Aqueous Solutions: Review and Recent Results Arturo Dominguez-Rodriguez, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) Creep of Zirconia: From Single Crystals to Nanoceramics Anthony G. Evans, Princeton University The Resilient Mechanical Behavior of Nacre Richard H.J. Hannink, CSIRO Manufacturing Science & Technology (Australia) Transformation Toughening in Zirconia Martin P. Harmer, Lehigh University Sintering: More Maps, Myths and Marvels K. Peter D. Lagerlöf, Case Western Reserve University Deformation Twinning of Sapphire (α-Al2O3) Fred F. Lange, University of California Nano-Textured, Super-Hydrophobic Surfaces Brian Lawn, National Institute of Standards & Technology Failure of Ceramic Coatings on Soft Substrates Victor L. Lou, General Electric Corp., Volatility Diagrams and Gas-Solid Reactions in Ceramics Mehran Mehregany, Case Western Reserve University and Nine Sigma Silicon Carbide MEMS Terence E. Mitchell, Los Alamos National Laboratory Dislocations and Plastic Deformation in Ceramic Oxide Crystals Pirouz Pirouz, Case Western Reserve University On Partial/Perfect Dislocations and Transitions in Yield and Fracture Properties of SiC Manfred Rühle, Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung (Germany) Transmission Electron Microscopy of SrTiO3 Rolf W. Steinbrech, Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany) Crack Resistance Curves of Ceramics Sheldon Wiederhorn, National Institute of Standards & Technology Wetted Grain Boundaries in Aluminum Oxide Session Organizers Mark R. De Guire, Case Western Reserve University Vinayak Dravid, Northwestern University Nitin P. Padture, University of Connecticut BSD7.Electrochemically Active Ceramic Materials Fundamental research on electrochemically active ceramics is driven by demanding needs for reliable solid state chemical sensors, novel catalysts and efficient fuel cells. The research involves the study of materials processing, surface chemistry and physics, interface characteristics, microstructures, defect chemistry, electrical and electrochemical properties, and theoretical modeling. Interdisciplinary studies involving other aspects of modern science and technology, including the fabrication of new materials, interfacial bonding, atomic and electronic structures, crystal defects, interfacial diffusion and segregation also will be highlighted. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Invited Speakers Gerd Duscher, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Non-Stoichiometric Tilt Grain Boundaries in SrTiO3 Raymond J. Gorte, University of Pennsylvania The Development of SOFC Anodes for the Direct Oxidation of Hydrocarbon Fuels Andrei Kolmakov, Texas A&M STM Imaging of Oxide Supported Metal Particles: From UHV to “Real World” Studies Christina Scheu, Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung (Germany) Transmission Electron Microscopic Studies of Metal/SrTiO3 Interfaces Steve Semancik, National Institute of Standards & Technology Microarray Studies of Processing and Gas Sensing Performance for Oxide Films Richard E. Soltis, Ford Motor Co. Electrochemical Gas Sensors for Automotive Applications Harry Tuller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nanocrystalline Solid State Electrochemical Devices—What’s New Here? Session Organizers Xiaoqing Pan, University of Michigan George Graham, Ford Motor Company Gregory Rohrer, Carnegie Mellon University BSD8.General Session Discussions that do not fit in the topical symposia co-sponsored by the Basic Science Division or the focused sessions will be addressed at the General Sessions. Program Chairs Vinayak P. Dravid, Northwestern University Nitin P. Padture, University of Connecticut Cements Division Technical sessions will be organized to cover the science, technology and manufacture of cement and concrete systems as well as industry trends and challenges. Program Chair Weiping Ma, Holnam Inc. Electronics Division The Electronics Division is sponsoring Society-wide symposia and divisional focused sessions. Topics traditionally addressed in divisional general sessions will be highlighted in relevant symposia and focused sessions. Program Chair Ruyan Guo, Pennsylvania State University ELEC1. Advances in Electroactive Composite Materials and Devices Over the course of the past 25 years, remarkable advances have been made in the development and performance capabilities of electroactive composite materials and devices. This focused session is designed to honor the career accomplishments of one of the pioneers in this field, Professor Robert E. Newnham. Invited Speakers Ahmed H. Amin, Naval Undersea Warfare Center 1-3 BST Composite Arrays for Pyroelectric Imaging Garnett C. Horner, NASA Langley Research Center Flex-Patch, a New Highly Flexible Piezoceramic Composite Robert E. Newnham, Pennsylvania State University Functional Composites Ahmed Safari, Rutgers University Development of Novel Piezoelectric Composites and Actuators by Rapid Prototyping Kenji Uchino, Pennsylvania State University 2-2 Piezoelectric Composite Transducers Session Organizers James F. Tressler, Naval Research Laboratory William B. Carlson, NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University ELEC2. High Strain Piezoelectrics Conventional piezoelectric ceramics for transducer and actuator applications have electromechanical strains rarely exceeding 10-3. However, development of high strain (> 10-2) piezoelectric crystals has stimulated research in the search for novel materials (generally ferroelectric perovskites) and in the exploration of crystal growth and/or textured ceramics for commercial and military applications. Crystal growth with uniform composition is vital for future practical utilization of this class of materials. This focused session will provide a forum to report significant progress on these challenging issues. Invited Speakers L. Eric Cross, Pennsylvania State University High Strain Piezoelectrics Lynn Ewart, NUWC Mechanical and Electromechanical Properties of Piezoelectric Single Crystal PMN Richard Gentilman, Materials Systems Inc. High Strain Solid-State Converted Piezoelectric Materials Wesley Hackenberger, TRS Ceramics Applications for Single Crystal Relaxor Ferroelectrics Pendhi Han, H.C. Materials Corp. Progress in Crystal Growth of High Strain Piezocrystals Martin Harmer, Lehigh University Single Crystal Growth of PMN-PT by Seeded Polycrystal Conversion Armen Khachaturyan, Rutgers University Adaptive Ferroelectric Phases Focused Sessions • February 2001 97 Chris Lynch, Georgia Institute of Technology Characterization of High Strain Material Properties Gary Messing, Pennsylvania State University Solid State Growth of Textured High Strain Piezoelectric Materials Beatriz Noheda, Brookhaven National Laboratory Monoclinic Phase in PZN-8%PT Thomas Shrout, Pennsylvania State University Recent Developments in High Strain Piezoelectrics David Vanderbilt, Rutgers University First-Principles Based Calculations of Electromechanical Properties of PZT and Related Materials. Session Organizers Dwight Viehland, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Carl Wu, Office of Naval Research Ruyan Guo, Pennsylvania State University ELEC3. Reliability of Dielectric Materials and Devices Session Organizers Wayne Huebner, University of Missouri-Rolla Matthew J. Creedon, Ferro Electronic Materials Walter Schulze, NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University Steve Pilgrim, NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University Wayne Tuohig, Allied Signal FM&T Engineering Ceramics Division The Engineering Ceramics Division will include contributions on mechanical behavior and molding, new ceramics and applications. Program Chair M. Singh, NASA John H. Glenn Research Center Corporate Technical Achievement Award Presentation Ceramic Protection Corp. Development, Implementation and Commercialization of Glass & Optical Materials Division This year the division will participate in seven interdivisional symposia. We also have organized four focused sessions described below. In addition, papers will include all other areas of glass science and technology. General Sessions • • • • • • • • • Compositions, structure and properties of oxide glasses Commercial glasses Applications of glass and optical materials Nucleation and crystallization Optical fibers and optical fiber systems Relaxation and the glass transition Properties of glass-containing composites Glass surfaces and thin films Art and history of glass Program Chair Eliezer M. Rabinovich, Bell Labs of Lucent Technologies Focused Sessions GOMD1. Science and Technology of Vitreous Silica Vitreous silica (or amorphous silica, or silica glass) is one of the most important materials. The unique properties of silica allow its use in a variety of applications with stringent performance requirements. Advances in the processing and characterization of vitreous silica have helped to fuel the technological revolutions both in communications and electronics. Invited Speakers H. Hosono, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) Defects Formation in SiO2 Glasses by F2 Laser Irradiation A. Ikushima, Toyota (Japan) Structural Disorder and Structural Relaxation in Silica Glass J. Wong, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Morphology, Microstructure and Defects in Vitreous Silica Induced by High Power 3 w UV (355 nm) Laser Pulses Session Organizer Minoru Tomozawa, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute GOMD2. New Glazing, Enameling and Firing Technologies The traditional ceramic areas of dinnerware, tile, porcelain enamels, glass enamels and whitewares have undergone significant technological change and development over the past several years. Such changes include the changeover to unleaded glazes in dinnerware and glass deco, the development of floor tile with better abrasion, wear and slip resistance, and advances in the production of unglazed porcelainized stoneware. New frits have been developed both as glaze and enamel components and as body additives. 98 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Some of these new frits are classified as crystallizing frits, and incorporate glass-ceramic technology. There also are new developments in application and decorating technology. This session is being organized in cooperation with the Whitewares & Materials Division. Invited Speakers Bruno Burzacchini, Ferro Italy Ink Jet Decoration of Ceramic Tile S.N. Crichton, Ferro Corp. New Tile Glazes from Crystallizing Frits. Session Organizers Steven Crichton, Ferro Corp. James A. Jaskowiak, Ferro Corp. GOMD3. Science and Technology of Nonoxide Glasses Nonoxide glasses have an enormous future potential for enabling the next-generation photonic technologies. These nontraditional glasses, which include chalcogenides, fluorides, mixed-halides and tellurites, exhibit a broad range of properties that can be tailored to suit a particular application. Among the most useful properties are the low phonon energies which lead to efficient radiative transitions for the excited states; good rare-earth cation solubilities which allow for short device lengths; large refractive indices which lead to enhanced nonlinear properties with potential applications in all-optical switching. Invited Speakers Harold Hwang, Lucent Technologies/Bell-Labs Optical Properties of Chalcogenide Glasses Marcel Poulain, University of Rennes (France) Fluoride and Polyanion Glasses for Active Optical Devices Kathleen Richardson, University of Central Florida Engineering Chalcogenide Glasses for Integrated Optics Applications Jas Sanghera, Naval Research Laboratory IR Applications of Chalcogenide Glass Fibers Jean Toulouse, Lehigh University Local Structure and Vibrational Raman Spectra of Doped Tellurite Glasses Hiroaki Yanagita, Hoya (Japan) Non-Silica Glasses for Light Amplification GOMD4. Modeling of Glass Melting and Forming Processes With rapid evolution of numerical methods and computer technology, mathematical modeling has become increasingly popular in the glass industry. In order to improve process and product quality, modeling has been extensively applied to simulate glass flow and heat transfer characteristics in furnaces, channels, forehearths and forming devices. It has been used as a cheap and easy insight tool in glass manufacturing processes where experiments are often costly and difficult to make. Invited Speaker Charles K. Edge, Consultant Modeling the Float Glass Process: An Overview of Status and Needs William W. Johnson, Corning Inc. Beyond Thermally-Driven Molten Glass Convection Session Organizer Bruno A. Purnode, Owens Corning Science & Technology Center Refractory Ceramics Division Modern refractory materials are a highly engineered product that has evolved based on material improvements, the push for more on-line productivity, and the desire for longer service life under a variety of conditions. Much of this evolution has occurred through close cooperation between the user and producer of refractories. Consolidation in industry has altered this relationship and the exchange of technology. Many common problems exist among industrial refractory users. Some are being researched by consortiums that can involve refractory users, producers and academia. Technical discussion of barriers or other issues in refractory materials faced by raw material suppliers, producer of refractories, and users of refractory materials also will help bring about solutions. Al Allen Award Lecture Andrew Wereszczak, Warren Curtus and T.P. Kirkland Creep of CaO/SiO2 Containing MgO The Refrectory Ceramics Division will sponsor a plant tour of Lone Star Cement Co. in Greencastle, Ind., on Tuesday afternoon, April 24. Space is limited. To reserve your seat on the bus, call the ACerS Meetings Department at 614/794-5881. Session Organizer A. Refik Kortan, Bell Labs of Lucent Technologies Program Co-chairs Jeffery D. Smith, University of Missouri-Rolla James P. Bennett, Albany Research Center – USDOE • February 2001 99 Whitewares & Materials Division General Sessions The Whitewares & Materials Division program will consist of focused sessions of invited and contributed papers on topics pertaining to grinding and mixing in conjunction with general sessions focused on the production and use of whitewares and the materials and equipment used in the production process. Organizers James Jaskowiak, Ferro Corp. Brett Wilson, The Pfaltzgraff Company NICE2. Continuing Education via the World Wide Web This will be a focused session organized by NICE addressing the ways in which the web may be used in distance learning to offer continuing education to those in the industry. Schools that have participated in distance learning will present their experiences and there will be time at the end for a discussion regarding what type of continuing education opportunities should be offered through this medium. Invited Speaker Paul Johnson, NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University Web Based Teaching in the New Millennium National Institute of Ceramic Engineers and Ceramic Education Council NICE1. Materials Science Versus Ceramic Engineering: Parasitic or Symbiotic There has been much discussion regarding the future of ceramic engineering and even materials science educational programs. Faced with dwindling student numbers departments are forced to analyze the reasons for this: what is the rationale for students choosing materials over ceramics? or other engineering disciplines over materials? Whom does industry want to hire? Presentations will include: • A review of enrollment statistics – CE vs. MSE • Salary data for the engineering disciplines • What is the industry profile There will follow a panel discussion that will include: • • • • Chairs of ceramic programs Chairs of materials programs born from ceramics Industries who hire in and out of the discipline Students Panelists Alexis Clare, NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University Lisa Friedman, Pennsylvania State University Matthew Hall, NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University John Helmann, Pennsylvania State University Tara Milligan, University of Missouri Rolla Harrie Stevens, Corning Inc. Session Organizers Alexis Clare, NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University John Hellman, Pennsylvania State University Advisory: A.J. Mercer, Past Chair of Student Congress 100 Student Activities (cont’d) Student Pages Needed Earn and learn at the same time. Yes, ACerS will pay you to attend the technical sessions on Monday through Wednesday. Your duties as a session page will include assisting session chairs and ACerS staff, taking attendance during your sessions and running the audio/visual equipment for presenters. Work at least four sessions and ACerS will refund your registration fee as well. Interested students can contact Bob Thompson, page coordinator, at 614/794-5834 or Watch the Bulletin and the ACerS web site for further details. Student Putting Contest & Mug Drop ACerS Student Branches create their own ceramic putters and golf balls to compete in the contest. This fun event will take place at 7 p.m. on Sunday, April 22, during the Society Opening Reception. The Keramos Mug Drop Competition will immediately follow. ACerS Student Night Out at Jillian’s Invade Jillian’s en-mass with hundreds of your fellow students on Tuesday night, April 24. Two blocks from the convention center, Jillian’s is an incredible entertainment complex and dining facility where you’re bound to have a good time. ACerS will jump-start your fun by offering you $10 EAT! DRINK! PLAY! gift certificates at half price ($5) — limit 3 per student. See the meeting registration form to order your gift certificates. Bring along your professor for kicks! The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Exposition Admittance to the Exposition is FREE to all attendees. Companies and organizations will display and demonstrate a wide array of raw materials, chemicals, manufacturing equipment and services needed to produce and market traditional and advanced ceramics, composites, glass and refractory products. For information on exposition booth space or to advertise in the April “Official Program” issue of the American Ceramic Society Bulletin, contact Peter Scott, ACerS advertising & exposition sales manager, at 614/794-5844 or e-mail: Exposition Hours Sunday, April 22 Monday, April 23 Tuesday, April 24 6–8 p.m. (Society Reception) 10 a.m.–5 p.m. (Poster Session, 1–5 p.m.) 10 a.m.–3 p.m. List of 2000 Exhibitors AACCM ACerS Book Sales ADE Phase Shift AJ Jena Analytical AKZO Nobel/Permascand Aluminium Pechiney American Isostatic Presses, Inc. Anter Corp. Applied Ceramics, Inc. Applied Research Laboratories ATLASpress, Inc. Baikowski International Corp. Basstech International Beckman Coulter Bede Scientific, Inc. Birmingham Metal Bolt Technical Ceramics, Inc. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Carbolite, Inc. Centorr Vacuum Industries, Inc. Ceram Research Ceramic Industry Ceramics Corridor Innovation Centers CERAMITEC/Munich Trade Fairs N.A. CeramTec NA Cetac Technologies Chand Kare Technical Ceramics Chemat Technology, Inc. Christy Minerals Co. Cilas U.S. Inc. CM Furnaces, Inc. Cometals, Inc. Corning Lab Services – CELS Deltech, Inc. Diacut, Inc. Digital Instruments Dorst America, Inc. Eagle Zinc Co. Eirich Machines, Inc. Eisenmann Corp. Elatec Technology Corp. Engineered Pressure Systems, Inc. Exakt Technologies, Inc. Ferro Corp. Flow Autoclave Systems, Inc. Fluent, Inc. Gasbarre Products, Inc. Grinding Machines Nuerenberg • February 2001 H.C. Starck, Inc. H.T.I.E., Inc. Haake, Inc. Harrop Industries, Inc. HK Technologies, Inc. Horiba Instruments, Inc. I Squared R Element Co., Inc. Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Assoc. Ingredient Masters INTEGREX Testing Systems J.W. Lemmens, Inc. JY Kanthal Kluwer Academic Publishers Kyanite Mining Corp. KZK Powder Tech Corp. Lafarge Calcium Aluminates, Inc. Lancaster Products/Kercher Industries, Inc. Laser Technology West Ltd. Linseis, Inc. Littleford Day, Inc. Lunzer, Inc. M.E.G. Systems Corp. Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Malakoff Industries, Inc. Matec Applied Sciences MBNA America Bank, N.A. MEI (Magnesium Elektron, Inc.) Mexican Ceramic Society Micromeritics Instrument Corp. Micropyretics Heaters Int’l, Inc. N.I.C.E. Nabaltec GmbH Nabertherm GmbH Netzsch Instruments, Inc. New Castle Refractories New England Section of ACerS Northeast Tenn Valley Reg. Ind. Norton Company Abrasives Nutro NYS College of Ceramics Oak Ridge National Laboratory Orton Ceramic Foundation Oxy-Gon Industries, Inc. Ozark Technical Ceramics Pegasus Glassworks, Inc. Philips Analytical Poco Graphite, Inc. Porous Materials, Inc. Porvair Advanced Materials, Inc. Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc. PTX-Pentronix, Inc. Quantachrome Corp. R.D. Webb Co. Radiant Technologies, Inc. Rauschert Technical Ceramics Saint-Gobain Industrial Ceramics Sapko SciVision SecondWave Systems Corp. Setaram, Inc. Sonic-Mill Specialty Glass, Inc. St. Louis Metallizing Superior Graphite TA Instruments Technology Partners, Inc. Thermal Source, Inc. Thermal Technology, Inc. Thermcraft, Inc. Theta Industries, Inc. Tosoh Ceramics Division TSI/Amherst Process Instruments Unimin Corp. Union Process, Inc. University of Missouri–Rolla Verlag Schmid GmbH Vesuvius-McDanel Co. Viox Corp. World Cyber University Xin Xing Zirconia, LLC Zirconia Sales (America), Inc. 101 Companion Program Schedule of Events Event Descriptions Sunday, April 22 Scottish Rite Cathedral Tour Companion Suite Hours 11 a.m.–5 p.m. • • • • • Refreshments will be provided Badges will be passed out Final agendas/schedule will be available Brochures will be available for ideas and interests Various board/card games will be available for those interested Society Reception 6–8 p.m. Exposition Hall Indiana Convention Center & RCA Dome Monday, April 23 Companion Suite Hours 7–10 a.m. (Continental breakfast will be offered.) 3–5 p.m. (Suite reopens for games, relaxing conversation and refreshments.) Erected in 1929, the Scottish Rite Cathedral is an impressive Gothic structure containing beautiful stained glass windows, magnificent carved woodwork, a 7,000 pipe organ and a large 54-bell carillon. The International Association of Architects describes the cathedral as one of the 10 most beautiful buildings in the world. Magic Moments Restaurant Experience fine dining in a penthouse suite overlooking Indianapolis. Enjoy steaks, seafood, poultry, pasta and specialty desserts as well as an interactive comedy-magic show. Circle Center Mall The Circle Center Mall has more than 100 specialty stores, including Nordstrom, for you to shop in. Transportation to and from the mall will be provided. First Annual Companion Mimosa Afternoon Enjoy a relaxing afternoon by receiving a makeover from Nordstroms while sipping delicious Mimosas. Watch future issues of the Bulletin for program updates. Scottish Rite Cathedral Tour 10–11 a.m. (Transportation provided) Lunch at Magic Moments Restaurant 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. (Transportation provided) Tuesday, April 24 Companion Suite Hours 7–10 a.m. (Continental breakfast will be offered.) 1–5 p.m. (Companion suite reopens.) Shopping at Circle Center Mall 10–11:30 a.m. (Transportation provided) First Annual Companion Mimosa Afternoon 1–5 p.m. (In the Companion Suite) Visit with old friends and make some new! 102 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 Meeting Registration Form 4 Ways FAX MAIL 614/794-5892 to WWW The American Ceramic Society Dept. 315 Columbus, OH 43265 USA (Credit Cards Only) PLEASE PRINT ON 2001 Annual Meeting & Exposition April 22-April 25, 2001 • Indiana Convention Center & RCA Dome • Indianapolis, Ind. (Credit Cards Only) Name (as to appear on badge) First Name M.I. Job Title Dept. Last Name Street Address P.O. Box Work Telephone (Area Code/ Country + City Code) State ( Zip (+ 4) ) Fax (Area Code/ Country + City Code) ( o Art o Basic Science o Cements o Electronics o Engineering Ceramics o Glass & Optical Materials o Nuclear & Environmental Technology o Refractory Ceramics o Structural Clay Products o Whitewares & Materials Country ) E-mail Companion First Name M.I. Companion City State Registration Advanced Last Name (on/before March 23) Member* NonMember North American* NonMember International* Monday Only One Day Tuesday Wednesday Distinguished Life Emeritus/Senior Student Expo Only Companion Program On-site Abstract Book Banquet NICE/Keramos Luncheon ACerS Student Night (limit 3 per student) o $360 o $450 o $510 o $99 On-site (after March 23) o $460 o $550 o $610 o $99 o $200 o $300 o $200 o $300 o $0 o $0 o $75 o $90 o $70 o $85 o FREE o FREE o $180 o $200 No. of books______ x$35=________ No. of tickets______ x$55=________ No. of tickets______ x$30=________ No. of certificates_____x$5=_______ TOTAL $ ____________ Pre-publication discount rates are available now on the proceedings to be published from the 2001 Annual Meeting. Please check the appropriate box for book(s) desired. List Price Pre-Publication Price 1. Symposium A2 - CT126 o $96 o $69 2. Symposium B1 - CT127 o $98 o $71 3. Symposium C2 - CT128 o $98 o $71 4. Symposium C3 - CT130 o $95 o $68 5. Symposium E2 - CT129 o $98 o $71 Subtotal $ _____________ N. American Shipping & Handling ($3 for first book, $2 each additional book) $ _____________ Int’l Shipping & Handling ($6 for first book, $4 each additional book) $ _____________ Ohio Residents: Add 5.75% sales tax $ _____________ Canadian Residents: Add 7% GST $ _____________ TOTAL $ _____________ • February 2001 (Credit Cards Only) Current Member Dues Renewal Please mark box then choose one division affiliation below. ACerS 2001 Dues North American o $90 International o $146 NonMember registration includes a one-year membership in ACerS effective when meeting registration is processed. Please choose one division affiliation below. Company/Affiliation City 614/794-5890 *ACerS Dues Advanced Registration Deadline - March 23, 2001 Member No. PHONE o Please check here if you need someone to contact you, Please indicate any special needs below. Refunds will be assessed a $25 processing fee. Cancellations must be received in writing by April 4, 2001. No refunds will be granted after April 4, 2001. PAYMENT 0141B3 Registration Total $_________________ Books Total $_________________ ACerS Dues $ _______________ GRAND TOTAL $_________________ Check for $_________________ enclosed. (Payable to: The American Ceramic Society. Must be in U.S dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank.) Charge $______________ to my credit card: o VISA o American Express o Master Card o Diners Club Signature Acct. Number Exp. Date 103 Downtown Indianapolis 104 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 INDY WELCOMES THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY APRIL 22-25, 2001 HOTEL RESERVATION FORM GENERAL INFORMATION Reservations can be made by choosing one of the following methods: INTERNET: Book your reservation on-line at or www. This is the quickest and most effective method. FAX: Send completed form to 317/684-2492. MAIL: Send completed form to ICVA Housing Bureau, One RCA Dome, Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46225-1060. All reservation requests will be made through the Housing Bureau. DEADLINE: Thursday, March 22, 2001. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Acknowledgements will be sent after each reservation booking, modification and/or cancellation. Review acknowledgements carefully for accuracy. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 14 days after any transaction, please call the Housing Bureau at 317/684-2573. MODIFICATIONS/CANCELLATIONS: Please review carefully. A one-night (plus 11% tax) advance deposit is required for each room requested. Checks will be deposited 30 days prior to arrival date. Credit card processing will be held until checkout. A $25 cancellation fee will be charged for reservations cancelled on or after Friday, March 2, 2001. Reservations cancelled on or after Monday, April 16, 2001, or no shows will be charged by the hotel. HOTEL INFORMATION Type of room: 1 bed/1 person (1B/1P)_____________ 1 bed/2 people (1B/2P)_______________ 2 beds/2 people (2B/2P)_ __________ 2 beds/3 people (2B/3P)____________ 2 beds/4 people (2B/4P)_ _____________ Rollaway________________________ Number of Rooms:_ ________ Arrival:_________________ Hotel requested: 1B/1P Indianapolis Marriott Downtown (Headquarters)_ ___ Departure:_ _______________ Number of Nights:________ 1B/2P 2B/2P 2B/3P 2B/4P $ 134 $ 144 $ 144 $ 154 $ 164 Hyatt Regency Indianapolis _ ____ $ 134 $ 144 $ 144 $ 157 $ 170 Courtyard by Marriott Downtown _ ____ $ 114 $ 114 $ 114 $ 114 $ 114 Radisson Hotel City Centre _ ____ $ 116 $ 126 $ 126 $ 136 $ 146 Requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. If all your choices are unavailable, you will be placed in the next available choice that meets your requirements. Special requests: q Smoking q Non-Smoking _q Handicapped q Other_____________________________ Requests are not guaranteed. DELEGATE INFORMATION First Name:_ ___________________________________Initial:_ _______________ Last Name:_________________________________________ E-Mail Address :_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:______________________________________________________ State:___________ Zip:___________________ Country:________________ Home Phone:__________________________Daytime Phone:_ ______________________________________ Fax:_________________________ International prefix and area code, if necessary:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name for Groups:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Guests in Room: 1. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION Credit Cards: q Visa q Mastercard _q American Express q Discover q Other____________________________________ Card Number:_ _______________________________________________________________ Expiration Date:_ _____________ Name of Cardholder:___________________________________________ Signature:_____________________________________ • February 2001 105 Business Opportunities Rates & Specifications Business Opportunities Consulting Consultants and others offering services to the ceramic field are located quickly and easily by industry segment and receive consistent exposure in this section. ALLIED KILN SERVICE inc. Categories include: Consulting • Engineering • Glass • Instrumentation • Insulation • Kilns • Laboratory Services • Machinery • Machining • Materials • Patent Attorneys • Refractories • Services • Software Advertisements are accepted on an annual basis only and are not commissionable. Per year rates: ACerS Members $750 per unit Non-Members $900 per unit Cards may be purchased in one or two units. Consulting Card ads may not be used for fulfilling frequency. Prepayment is required before first insertion. All payments should be made by check, money order, or credit card nly and are acceptable only in U.S. dollars or the equivalent UNESCO Coupons. BUS.: (608) 783-4455 FAX: (608) 783-4420 TIMOTHY J. TOBIN Installations Combustion Refractory/Fiber Electrical Instrumentation Profile/Balancing P.O. Box 415 • N5550 Cheyenne Dr. • Onalaska, WI 54650 Technology/Marketing/Assessment/Licensing/Training for Industry, Federal Agencies, Universities Ronald E. Barks Associates Dr. Ronald E. Barks Principal P.O. Box 48 • 153 Thompson Rd. • Thompson, CT 06277 (860) 935-9210 • FAX (860) 935-9213 email: DELKIĆ & ASSOCIATES 3 5/16” INTERNATIONAL CERAMIC CONSULTANTS • Worldwide Services • • Energy Saving Ceramic Coatings & Fiber Modules • 1 11/16” 1 UNIT Feriz Delkić Ceramic Engineer P.O. Box 1726, Ponte Vedra, FL 32004 Phone: (904) 285-0200 Fax: (904) 273-1616 3 5/16” 2 UNITS 3” RICHARD A. EPPLER, Ph.D. Consultant Ceramic, Glaze, Porcelain Enamel, Pigments, Electronic Ceramics, Whiteware, Glass EPPLER ASSOCIATES 400 Cedar Lane, Cheshire, CT 06410 106 (203) 271-2211 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No.2 FIRE INCORPORATED KILNS Bert Scali, QMS-LA, CQA, CQMgr Michael V. Scali, Consultant 2804 Benjamin Drive Brunswick, OH 44212 Tel/Fax: 330-220-0002 Providing superior professional design for over 30 years Phone: (412) 221-3555 Fax: (412) 221-3556 P.O. Box 11698 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15228 ISO/QS/AS 9000 Consulting, Auditing, Training, SPC, VA/VE Supplier Development, Business Process Optimization e-mail: Engineering maxwell kilns, Inc. • Kiln Replacement Parts • Engineering/Design For New Kilns • Kiln Modifications & Relocation • Combustion Systems/Kiln Repairs • Instrumentation & Controls • Sheet Metal & Piping Installation We specialize in solving your kiln problems P.O. Box 13459 Pittsburgh, PA 15243-1227 Phone – (412) 278-1310 Fax – (412) 278-1311 Consulting / Engineering Scali Consulting & Training Custom Kiln Design Contract Spray Drying Services • • • 24-ft. diam. dryer Rotary or nozzle atomization Water evaporation up to 2000 lbs/hr • 700°F max. inlet temperature • Large ball mills, Sweco mills, Q-25 circulation attritor CeramTec North America Innovative Ceramic Engineering Corporation 220148 One Technology Place • P.O. Box 89 • Laurens, SC 29360-0089 Tel.: 864-682-1125 • Fax: 864-682-1151 Email: • Web: solutions to kiln / dryer problems • Upgrade Combustion & Control Systems • Kiln Engineering / Repairs / Modernization • Kiln Service To Optimize Performance • Kiln Evaluations/Recommendations • Automated Car Moving Systems • In Plant Kiln Operator Training • Kiln Replacement Parts 200 Bursca Dr., Suite 210 Bridgeville, PA 15017 Tel: 412-257-1606 Fax: 412-257-1615 SBL KILN SERVICES, Inc. Celebrating 10 Years of Service Your Ad Should Be Here! • February 2001 107 Glass SEM•COM COMPANY, INC. SPECIALTY & ELECTRONIC GLASS MANUFACTURING We provide the following services: n GLASS MELTING n GLASS FABRICATION n COMPOSITION DEVELOPMENT n CONSULTING Call or write for further information P.O. BOX 8428 TOLEDO, OHIO 43623 Ph: 419/537-8813 Fax: 419/537-7054 e-mail: web site: To Get Results, Advertise in Ceramic Bulletin. Call Wendy 614-794-5841 Fax: 614-794-5842 Instrumentation SPECIALTY GLASS, INC. Your Single Source Solution for the Finest Glass Products. RODS • POWDERS • FRITS SPUTTERING TARGETS GLASS-CERAMICS MOLDED PARTS CUSTOM COMPOSITIONS BOROSILICATES LEADED GLASS 305 Marlborough Street • Oldsmar, Florida 34677 (813) 855-5779 • FAX: (813) 855-1584 E-mail: 108 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No.2 Laboratory Services Engineering / Glass / Instrumentation / Insulation / Kilns / Laboratory Services Insulation Thermal Properties Instruments & Testing Services • Expansion/Sintering • Ceramics/Refractories/Glass • Conductivity/Resistivity • Powders/Pastes/Films • Flash Diffusivity/Specific Heat • -180°C to 2800°C Range ISO 9001 Certified Kilns anter corporation 1700 Universal Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235-3998 Tel: (412) 795-6410 Fax: (412) 795-8225 E-mail: Composite Testing & Analysis Mechanical Testing Services: creep, fatigue, flexure, tension testing (ceramics/CMC’s) Equipment sales: precision creep frames, furnaces, edgeloaded tensile grips, inert atmosphere test chambers State College, PA 16803 Tel. (814) 238-1401 Visit us at PRECISION KILNS, OVENS & FURNACES FOR TECHNICAL & FUNC TIONAL CERAMICS, GLASS, DECORATING, SINTERING, POWDER PROCESSING & TOOL ROOMS Complete Catalog on the Web! POB 2129 u ASTON PA 19014 610.459.9216 u FAX: 6 1 0 . 4 5 9 . 3 6 8 9 u Toll Free:877.513.7870 L&L SPECIAL FURNACE CO INC ® oxynon Continuous Processing at 2400° C Continuous High Temperature Production Furnace Typical Applications • High temperature sintering of engineering ceramics parts • Delube and sintering of powdered metal and MIM parts • Oxide dissociation of metal and ceramic powders • Brazing metals and metals to ceramics • Continuous processing in an oxygen-free inert atmosphere Brief Specifications Max operating temperature: 2400° C Atmosphere: nitrogen, argon Belt width: 250–600 mm Capacity: to 450 kg / hr Drive: C-C composite belt with tractor drive Seymour & Associates 73 Bostick Circle, Buford, SC 29902 Phone (843) 521-0778 Fax (843) 521-0765 E-mail: • February 2001 109 thermal testing Engineering Materials up to 2000°C Conductivity n Expansion Diffusivity n Specific Heat 25 Years of Service to the Ceramic Industry EMTL Instruments & Testing Services 25 Wiggins Ave., Bedford, MA 01730 (800) 688-6738 FAX: (781) 275-3705 X-Ray / SEM / Mechanical / Dimensional MATERIALS TESTING & EVALUATION 80-3000°K Comprehensive measurements and consulting ser vices for: composites, carbons and graphites, ceramics, metals and alloys, plastics, insulations, textiles, fluids. • Mechanical & Structural Behavior • Thermophysical Performance • Non-destructive Evaluation • Morphological Studies • Analytical Chemistry EMTL, a div. of Fiber Materials, Inc. 5 Morin Street, Biddeford, ME 04005 Tel: 207-282-5911 • Fax: 207-282-7529 E-mail: Get Results! Advertise in Ceramic Bulletin Kic D90 HRC HV Ra • Radiography, Fluorescent Penetrant • SEM / EDS, O2, N2, C Analysis • Hardness, Density • Fracture Toughness • Flexural MOR, Stress Rupture • Particle Size • Dimensional, Roughness • Flatness (laser interfer.) • Cold Spin Testing Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corp. Vancouver, WA Contact Todd McMillan (360) 750–6167 x-ray diffraction materials testing • Qualtitative and Quantitative Phase Analysis • Crystallite Size and Strain • Lattice Parameter Determination • Preferred Orientation & ODF Analysis of Films • Residual Stress Analysis The leading accredited independent laboratory, specializing in XRD te s t i n g s e r v i ce s s i n ce 1 9 7 7 . Ap p rove d by a l l m a j o r automotive, aerospace and nuclear firms. ISO 9002 5521 Fair Lane Cincinnati, OH 45227 TEL: FAX: (513) 561-0883 (513) 561-0886 110 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No.2 Laboratory Services micron inc. ANALYTICAL SERVICES MORPHOLOGY - CHEMISTRY - STRUCTURE 3815 LANCASTER PIKE, WILMINGTON DE 19805 302-998-1184 FAX 302-998-1836 E-MAIL MICRONANALYTICAL@COMPUSERVE.COM WEB SITE To Get Results, Advertise in Ceramic Bulletin. Call Wendy 614-794-5841 Fax: 614-794-5842 Get Results! Advertise in Ceramic Bulletin Spectrochemical Laboratories Inc. OVER 50 YEARS ANALYTICAL EXPERIENCE •�CERAMICS & GLASS •�REFRACTORIES •�RAW MATERIALS •�METALS & ALLOYS cert. no. 1513.01 COMPLETE ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS •�XRF •�ICP & DCP •�AA •�OES and more WWW.SPECTROPGH.COM EMAIL: FAX: 412-371-0463 TEL: 412-371-2345 • February 2001 111 Machinery NEW & REBUILT MACHINERY POWDER COMPACTING PRESSES ROTARY PRESSES ISOSTATIC PRESSES PISTON EXTRUDERS PUG MILLS BLENDERS MIXERS HQuality (810) 790-1717 CRUSHERS-PULVERIZERS PAINT MILLS-ATTRITORS JAR, BALL, PEBBLE MILLS FURNACES, KILNS & OVENS SIEVES & SCREENS SPRAY DRYERS stokes press parts & Service First H FAX (810) 790-1871 35044 AUTOMATION DR. l CLINTON TWP. l MI 48035 e-mail: Custom Diamond Wheels and Assemblies •Custom designed diamond wheels for your slicing, dicing, grinding and grooving applications •Thickness Control to ±0.000025" •Multi-blade gang arbor assemblies with as many as 80 blades available •Thickness range availability from .003" •CBN blades and assemblies (805) 644-9681 • Fax (805) 644-3541 2226 Goodyear Avenue • Ventura, California • 93003 • e-mail 112 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No.2 Machinery / Machining vacuum furnaces completely rebuilt • call us with your needs in stock • available immediately Sintering • Hydrogen Co-Firing • Metalizing • Brazing Belt • Pusher • Glow Bar • Kanthal Super Furnaces the heat source phone: 860-582-2212 • FAX: 860-584-8854 e-mail: Pacific Ceramic Machinery & Equipment P.O. Box 7842 • Stockton, CA 95207 PH: (209) 462-3405 FAX: (209) 462-5142 Specialists in New and Rebuilt Machinery • Appraise • Buy • Sell • Trade • Liquidate e-mail: MOBILE AND CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS • 100 to 11,000 CFM • 2 to 500 HP Leading world designer and manufacturer of powerful industrial vacuums. Vector Technologies Ltd. Vacuum Engineering Division Milwaukee, WI USA Toll Free: 800 832-4010 e-mail: Tel: 414 247-7100 Fax: 414 247-7110 Machining PRECISION FABRICATION & MACHINING OF CERAMICS CNC Machining Specializing in Precision CNC I.D./O.D. Grinding Materials Include: Al2O3, SiC, ZiO, Si3N4 . . . • Jig Grinding • Centerless Grinding • Surface Griding • Slicing & More Per Mil-I-45208-A Pressing & Firing Capabilities Prototype & Production Qty’s ADVANCED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY Call For Our Brochure & To Discuss Your Particular Ceramic Needs . . . . . . . . . . (714) 538-2524 Fax (714) 538-2589 803 W. Angus Ave. Orange, CA 92868 • February 2001 113 LAPPING AND POLISHING of magnetic & non-magnetic ceramics FLATNESS: 20 MICROINCH OR LESS SURFACE FINISH: 10Å OR BETTER QC with ZYGO STATE OF THE ART EQUIPMENT and SOFTWARE from TINY PARTS to 6.5" WAFERS CMI Technology, Inc. 1210 Win Drive • Bethlehem, PA 18017 Tel. (610) 867-7600 • Fax (610) 867-0200 Developmental Engineering/Precision Machining • Advanced Machining & Engineering • Prototypes & Production • 1 Day Service Available • Attentive Customer Service Staff MACHINED CERAMICS, INC. North Industrial Park 629 North Graham St. Bowling Green, KY 42101 • Complete Machining Capabilities • Quick Turnaround • Quality Assured • Tolerances Within .0001 270-781-0512 FAX: 270-781-9361 e-mail: web: Ferro-Ceramic Grinding, Inc. Ceramic Component Supplier • ISO9002 registered • Extensive material inventory • Prototype to Production Quantities • CAD/CAM CNC machining • Material/Technical Support • 33 Years of service Specializing in BN, SiC, Macor, Si3N4, Al2O3, ZrO2, Quartz, Ferrites and other related materials 247 Water St. • Wakefield, MA 01880 800-282-1833 • Fax: 781-246-1429 • machining of advanced ceramics 235 Brooks Street • Worcester, MA 01606 Phone (508) 853-4700 • Fax (508) 852-4101 “quality is our commitment to the customer” ♦ Engineering Support ♦ Quality Commitment ♦ Precision Grinding ♦ Ceramic Molding ♦ Exacting Tolerancing ♦ Dependable Fast Deliveries Please Call Now: 800-779-3321 Visit our website: Precision Ceramic Machining Services • Double sided lapping to ±0.00002" thickness control • Slicing and dicing to ±0.0002" tolerances • Surface Grinding • Angle Grinding (805) 644-9681 • Fax (805) 644-3541 2226 Goodyear Avenue • Ventura, California • 93003 • e-mail 114 To Get Results, Advertise in Ceramic Bulletin. Call Wendy 614-794-5841 Fax: 614-794-5842 • Glass • Quartz • Silicon • Alumina • Glass • Composites s • Zirconia • Garnet • Ruby • Zirconia • Ferrite • Sapp Graphite • Piezoceramics • Silicon Carbide • Boron Ni e • Glass • Composites • Ferrite • Quartz • Silicon • Alumina net • Boron Nitride • Silicon • Ferrite • Piezoceramics • Ruby • Sapphire • Composites • Ruby • Zirconia • Sapphire e • Sapphire • Graphite • Piezoceramics • Quartz • Boron on Nitride • Glass • Quartz • Garnet • Silicon • Ferrite • conia • Carbide • Composites • Piezoceramics • Ruby • Silicon • Boron Carbide • Sapphire • Graphite • Piez C o n• Glass t r a• Quartz c t • Silicon • Alumina • Ferr ics • Garnet e • Garnet •rRuby • Composites • Quartz • Silicon • Ga S e v i c e s net • Ruby • Silicon Carbide • Silicon • Alumina • Glas 7500 Bluewater Road NW Composites • Zirconia • Garnet • Ruby • Zirconia • Fe NM 87121 USA GraphiteAlbuquerque, • Piezoceramics • Silicon Carbide • Boron Ni Tel: (505)839-3535 (505)839-3525 e • Glass • Composites• Fax: • Ferrite • Quartz • Silicon • Al e-mail: • Glass • Quartz • Silicon • Alumina • Glass • Composi Source code A9131 s • Zirconia • Garnet • Zirconia • Ferrite • Piezocerami Manufacturing of Technical Alumina Ceramics • Produce spray dried 98.0, 99.5, 99.9% Alumina compositions • Highest purity levels • Superior metallization properties • Iso-Pressing, green machining, grinding and CNC capabilities • Quick turnaround, prototypes and production quantities • Technical support and service 800-847-8093 US Technical Ceramics, Inc. 15500 Concord Circle, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Visit our website: The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No.2 Refractories CRUSHING • GRINDING • SIZING QUALITY RECYCLING G O GR —since The One 1957 — WE CAN PROCESS YOUR REJECTS 800-228-4672 MARYLAND REFRACTORIES CO. Tape Casting Warehouse IRONDALE, OHIO 43932 stop shopping for all your tape casting needs! ————— ————— (215) 295-1624 website: email: Telephone: 202-522-8638 E-mail: CBLS*BOOKS*CBLS*BOOKS*CBLS*BOOKS*CBLS*BOOKS*CBLS*BOOKS *CBLS*BOOKS*CBLS*BOOKS Patent Attorneys Services (CBLS) CERAMIC BOOK AND LITERATURE SERVICE 119 Brentwood Street, Marietta, OH 45750, USA Tel: (740) 374-9458, FAX: (740) 374-8029 e -mail: website: We specialize in ceramic, glass, materials science & related books. We stock over 1500 titles. Students may order textbooks, Kingery, Berard, Cullity, Reed, Callister, Vashneya, Shackelford, Hench, Tooley, etc.; libraries may order at 10-15% disc.; professionals may join “CBLS Club” and save with discounts. ACerS volumes also available. We publish new books as well as reprint OOP titles on special request. Also available classical reprints by Scholes, Parmelee, Doyle, Grimshaw, Thomas, Evans, Azaroff, Ryan, Worrall, Jaffe, Norton, Edington, Davidge, Dehoff, Guy, Kelley, *CBLS*BOOKS*CBLS*BOOKS Make the Tape Tape Casting Machines: 4' x 12" thru 150' x 52" Doctor Blade Assemblies (Single/Double) Casting Machines for 4µm tapes Handle the Tape Jar Mills & Jars & Milling Media Cardboard Cores Slip Conditioning Systems Punching Tools & Dies Slip Filters & Disposable Filter Cloth Air Tight Storage Bags Carrier Films: Mylar®-A, Light Boxes (Inspection) Si coated Mylar® (S1P-75), Fire the Tape Si coated Paper, Polypropylene Porous Setter Plates Dispersants, Binders (100w%) Porous Cover Plates Plasticizers (Type I & II) Camber Gauge CBLS*BOOKS*CBLS*BOOKS*CBLS*BOOKS*CBLS*BOOKS*CBLS*BOOKS FAX: 202-522-8669 DONALD N. HUFF PATENT/TRADEMARK ATTORNEY B.S. and M.S. Ceramic Engineering—Alfred University Law Offices DYKEMA GOSSETT, p.l.l.c. Suite 300, West 1300 I Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005 • February 2001 To Get Results, Advertise in Ceramic Bulletin. Call Wendy 614-794-5841 Fax: 614-794-5842 115 Machining / Materials / Patent Attorneys / Refractories / Services Materials Toll Tape Casting • • • • • State of the art process control for improved consistency Excellent thickness uniformity and control Clean environment Casting widths up to 33 inches to handle large volumes Roll finishing or sheet finishing available Use of our casting facility may open access to DuPont’s patented acrylic binder technology. Clean burn out High green strength High solids loading for improved shirinkage control Faster coating rates DuPont iTechnologies Patterson Boulevard, RR1, Box 15 Towanda, PA 18848-9784 Phone: 570-268-3471 Fax: 570-268-3975 Email: GS DS General Spray Drying Service, Inc. To Get Results, Advertise in Ceramic Bulletin. Call Wendy 614-794-5841 Fax: 614-794-5842 TOLL FIRING Test and Production Firings Electric and Gas Firing Temperatures to 3,100°F Powder and Shapes Firing Pounds to Tons QC Testing Cycle Development Industrial Dehydration Specialists Spray Drying for granulation n Spin Flash Drying for cake & paste 1001 Newark Avenue n Elizabeth, New Jersey 07208 Tel: 908-353-2477 Fax: 908-353-0060 Clifford S. Brucker President 3470 East Fifth Ave. • Columbus, Ohio 43219-1797 Tel: (614) 231-3621 • Fax: (614) 235-3699 Visit our Web site: E-mail: toll HIP • Pressure 196 MPa • Temperature: 2000°C • Load Capacity: • 350mm OD x 600mm high • Atmospheres: Ar, N2 • Quick Turnaround • Profile design available • ISO9002, 14000; QS9000 Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corporation Attn: Ed Kraft @ (360) 750-6147 Get Results! Advertise in Ceramic Bulletin 116 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No.2 Rates & Specifications Career Opportunities and Classifieds Black and white only. Column inch format. $125/column inch, 5% discount for 6-time advertisers ($118.75) 10% discount for 12-time advertisers ($112.50). Single column width: 21⁄8 in. (5.4 cm); column length: 6 in. (15.24 cm) maximum. Double column width: 41⁄2 in. (10.2 cm); column length: 2 in. (5.1 cm) maximum. Run of publication display rates apply to this section. Ads measuring more than 41⁄2 in. x 2 in., whether horizontal or vertical, are calculated at display ad rates. Display size ads are commissionable. Add $30 when using blind box numbers for replies. Career Opportunities advertisements also will be placed on the American Ceramic Society Bulletin’s website,, at no extra charge. 21⁄8 in. (5.4 cm) 1 in. (2.54 cm) 1 column x 1 in. The Department of Ceramic and Materials Engineering at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, invites applications and nominations for the Corning/Saint Gobain Malcolm G. McLaren Distinguished Chair in Ceramic Engineering, available Fall, 2001. The Department anticipates hiring at the Professor level but applications at other levels may be considered. Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree in Ceramic Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering or a Materials-related field. Candidates should be an internationally recognized expert in the field of Ceramic Science and Engineering; have a demonstrated record of outstanding scholarly achievement in the area of ceramic processing, with a strong commitment to the key role of characterization in understanding, controlling and advancing Ceramic Science and Engineering for the benefit of society; have demonstrated a deep commitment to teaching and education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels; and have a commitment to, and a demonstrated record of leadership and impact on the Ceramic Science and Engineering Community, through strong linkages and productive collaborations between academia and industry. The Department is interested in applicants with research interests in all areas of Ceramic Science and Engineering, including bioceramics, electroceramics, nanomaterials, and photonics. We seek an outstanding individual with a strong commitment to excellence in teaching, research and service. Candidates must be committed to developing a vigorous program of high quality, grant-funded research which includes new research directions as well as collaborations with Department faculty in our current research thrusts and participation in interdisciplinary research teams. The Department has 24 faculty, approximately 60 graduate and 100 undergraduate students. The Department and associated research Centers have $8 million in annual grant-funded research and over $30 million worth of research equipment. Applicants should send (1) a curriculum vitae, (2) a summary of their research plans, (3) a statement of their views on teaching Ceramic and Materials Engineering at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and (4) three references to Corning/Saint Gobain Malcolm G. McLaren Distinguished Chair Search Committee, Department of Ceramic and Materials Engineering, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 607 Taylor Road, Piscataway, New Jersey 088548065. Review of applications will begin in February 2001 and will continue until the position is filled. Further information about the Department can be found at our web site ( Corning/Saint Gobain Malcolm G. McLaren Distinguished Chain Search Committee Department of Ceramic and Materials Engineering Rutgers, The State University 607 Taylor Road Piscataway, NJ 08854-8065 Ceramic Process Engineer Great Idea Assistant/Associate Professor Materials Science & Engineering The University of Arizona The Department of Materials Science & Engineering at the University of Arizona has an opening for a tenure track position at the assistant or associate professor level. Teaching & research experience in optical engineering, optical materials or associated fields is desired. For full position description & qualifications, see posting at To apply, please send cover letter, CV & the names & contact information for three references to: Chair, Optical Materials Search Committee Department of Materials Science & Engineering The University of Arizona P.O. Box 210012 Tucson, Arizona 85721-0012 Review of materials will begin March 1, 2001, & will continue until position is filled. The University of Arizona is an EEO/AA employer- M/W/D/V • February 2001 # 1 Got a position to fill? Advertise in the Ceramic Bulletin 614-794-5841 Position available for advance degreed materials scientist to lead efforts in silicon carbide reaction bonding, ceramic-to-metal brazing and plasma spraying. Visit our Website Send resume to: Busek Co. Inc. 11 Tech Circle Natick, MA 01760-1023 Fax: 508-655-2827 Johanson Technology is a leader in HF Ceramic Capacitors for the wireless communications industry. Currently a entry-level position has opened at our facility in Camarillo, CA. We are seeking a candidate with degree in Ceramic Engineering or a similar discipline. The ideal candidate should have 1 to 3 years of experience in the Electronic Ceramics Industry. Experience with Tape Casting, Screen-Printing and Dielectric Ceramics is a plus. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills are essential. The position offers competitive salary and benefits. Please send a resume in confidence to: Johanson Technology, Inc. attn. Charisse Spear 931 Via Alondra Camarillo, CA 93012 or FAX: 805-389-1316 E-Mail: 117 Services / Career Opportunities Career Opportunities GENERAL MANAGER The Edward Orton, Jr. Ceramic Foundation is a non-profit organization which manufactures and markets for commercial sale pyrometric cones, bars, and related ceramic products in thermal instrumentation. The Orton Ceramic Foundation also conducts applied research in the area of thermal instrumentation. We currently have a career opportunity for a General Manager located in Westerville, a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. The General Manager’s primary responsibilities include strategic planning, business and financial management of operations, and direction of research activity. The General Manager reports directly to the Orton Foundation’s Board of Trustees. The successful candidate will have a ceramic engineering background with an advanced business degree desirable. Applicants should have 10+ years management experience of a ceramic business with broad-based responsibility to include financial, manufacturing, technical development, and business planning. A working knowledge of business, governmental and contract laws would be an asset. The Orton Foundation offers an excellent career opportunity, competitive compensation, and benefit programs. For consideration, please send your resume and salary history, in confidence, to: Paul Holbrook P.O. Box 6136 Westerville, OH 43086-6136. An Equal Opportunity employer EDWARD ORTON JR. CERAMIC FOUNDATION Don’t miss an opportunity to attract new customers and generate new business. Advertise in Ceramic Bulletin Job Placement CERAMIC RECRUITERS, INC. Is Seeking Glass Industry Professionals For Key Management Positions! FORMING MANAGER - Consumerware SALES MANAGER - Specialty Glass PLANT ENGINEER - (2) TEMPERING DEPARTMENT MANAGER COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER MECHANICAL PROJECT ENGINEER PLANT MANAGER Open To $90K To $85K To $75K To $85K To $80K Open SEEK A BRIGHTER FUTURE IN 2001! CALL US AND/OR SEND US YOUR RESUME! Call Wendy Whitescarver 614-794-5841 or fax 614-794-5842 Classified wanted immediate cash for: • Platinum thermocouple and furnace wire, scrap or new • Platinum crucibles, screen, electrodes, filters, labware, thimble and tubing • Rhodium, Palladium, Gold and Silver in most forms • Immediate payment, no refine or assay fees, no minimum quantity required. northeast metal reclaiming 2864 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, New York 14217 U.S.A. & canada Call 1-800-237-0416 Robert/Christine Goodell 206 Heritage Park – Lake Wylie, SC 29710 (803) 831-7784; FAX (803) 831-8886 e-mail: Visit enterprise personnel On-line at http:// for current job listings for CerEs, MatEs, MEs, EEs, ChemEs, Chemists, Metallurgists. Call Sue Strange at 864-246-1200 and send resume to: enterprise personnel Post Office Box 4889 Greenville, SC 29608 Fax: 864-246-3492 E-mail: HoLampCo International Professional Recruiters since 1982 Fear of change is the #1 obstacle in career enhancement. If you’re a contributor and feel undervalued, give us a call to confidentially discuss your career goals. Gary Holupka, P.E., Gen. Mgr. Bruce B. Wertz, Sr. Account Mgr. 5825 Ellsworth Avenue (412) 954-0030 Pittsburgh, PA 15232 FAX (412) 954-0030 E-Mail: QR uality Executive SCearch, Inc. S ecruiting and earch onsultants Specializing in Ceramics Joe Drapcho 24549 Detroit Rd. • Westlake, Ohio 44145 (440) 899-5070 • Fax (440) 899-5077 E-mail: Nationwide Opportunities for a broad range of Engineers & Operations Managers. Twenty yrs exp. serving candidates and companies. Contact: Michelle Nelms, CPC Specialist in Technical/Electronic Ceramics & other Ceramic Fields Southern Recruiters & Consultants, Inc. P. O. Box 2745 Phone: (803) 648-7834 Aiken, SC 29802 Fax: (803) 642-2770 Email: • North American Job Hotline • Listing for Ceramics, Advanced Materials, Glass & Refractory opportunities at 118 The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No.2 Fe b r u a r y 2 0 0 1 Ceramic Ad+Links American Minerals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 77 610-337-8030 Fax: 610-337-8033 CM Furnaces Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 973-338-6500 Fax: 973-338-1625 Deletech Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 303-433-5939 Fax: 303-433-2809 DMC2 Electronic Materials B.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 +31 (0) 413 283 245 Fax: +31 (0) 413 265 219 Fiber Materials Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 207-282-5911 Fax: 207-282-7529 Furnace Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 203-264-7856 Fax: 203-262-8714 G-P Gypsum Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1-888-PLASTER Fax: 404-588-3833 Harrop Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover 2 614-231-3621 Fax: 614-235-3699 Hed Int’l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 609-466-1900 Fax: 609-466-3608 Heraeus Circuit Materials Div. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 610-825-6050 Fax: 610-825-7061 International Technical Ceramics . . . . . . . . . 27 904-285-0200 Fax: 904-273-1616 Jayne Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 905-561-2500 Fax: 905-662-1478 Kanthal Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 1-800-KANTHAL Fax: 203-743-2547 For Globar: 1-877-GLOBAR9 Lafarge Calcium Aluminates . . . . . . . . . Cover 4 757-543-8832 Fax: 757-545-8933 Lancaster Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 717-273-2111 Linseis Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1-800-732-6733 Fax: 609-799-7739 Magneco/Metrel Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 630-543-6660 Fax: 630543-1479 Materials Research Furnaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 603-485-2394 Fax: 603-485-2395 MHI (Micropyretics Heaters Int’l) . . . . . . . . . . 78 513-772-0404 Fax: 513-672-3333 • February 2001 Ceramic Bulletin provides a great new way to get information from its advertisers. Link up with advertisers in this issue at, send an E-mail or a fax, or pick up the phone and give them a call. Don’t forget— Netzsch Instruments Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 610-722-0520 Fax: 610-722-0522 Pred Materials Int’l Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 212-286-0068 Fax: 212-286-0072 Saint-Gobain Industrial Ceramics . . . . . . . . . 71 508-795-5046 Fax: 508-795-5011 H.C. Spinks Clay Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 901-642-5414 Fax: 901-642-5493 Thermcraft Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 336-784-4800 Fax: 336-784-0634 Unifrax Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 716-278-3800 Fax: 1-800-329-3427 R.T. Vanderbilt Co. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover 3 203-853-1400 Fax: 203-853-1452 Zircar Ceramics Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 845-651-6600 Fax: 845-651-0441 Zirconia Sales (America) Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 770-590-7970 Fax: 770-590-0239 119 The Last Page Heads Up, Refractories Manufacturers . . . Patricia A. Janeway, Editor E-mail: The 4th Industrial Energy Efficiency Symposium & Exposition opens Feb. 19 at the Washington (D.C.) Hilton and Towers. The event focuses on common challenges and opportunities facing our energyintensive basic industries. The conference is expected to produce new insight on the future of the nine basic U.S. industries: agriculture, aluminum, chemicals, forest products, glass, metalcasting, mining, petroleum and steel. Seems to me this is a meeting that refractories manufacturers need to attend. Your customers are planning their future directions. Be a part of it. Here are the hot topics being addressed: • Manufacturing Megatrends—lean manufacturing, supply chain management, internet trading and contract manufacturing; • Technology and Environment—emerging applications of basic materials, revolutionary technologies, and climate change and industry; • G l o b a l M a r k e t s a n d I nve s t m e n t Potential—outlook for the basic materials industries, competing on a global scale, and capital valuation and investment; • Human Resources—workforce development and engineers. If you’re not already signed up for this meeting, use this toll-free number to find out what you need to do to participate: 877-648-7957. And now that I have your attention, don’t miss this month’s special section on The Refractories Institute’s 50 years of service to the industry—it starts on p 65. Congratulations—it’s only the beginning. A Test Kitchen of Sorts The Office of Public Affairs at Ames Lab, Iowa, says its Materials Preparation Center (MPC) is being turned into a new kind of test kitchen. Researchers in the MPC “kitchen” have undertaken what they’re calling a one-ofa-kind effort to delve into the methods by 120 which metals, alloys, polymers and ceramics are synthesized to given them specific properties. The program, known as the Process Science Initiative, is funded by DOE. MPC and Ames Lab are providing the research facilities. Four projects were selected to share $145,000 of the $250,000 FY2000 budget. One of the projects will study a possible method of producing zirconium-tungstate that could be blended with a metal to form a composite. The FY2001 budget also is $250,000. And from Berkeley. . . The Technology Transfer Dept. at Berkeley Lab, Calif., seeks partners to move new technology from the laboratory to the marketplace. Case in point is the new precision ceramic capillary printing tips that can be used to create smaller and more uniform size DNA spots on the glass slide of a DNA chip. According to Berkeley, using precisionmanufactured ceramic capillaries overcomes some of the limitations of the metal tips used in existing technology. The innovation is applicable to any process where small amounts (<1 mL) of liquid are aspirated without the need for pumps or syringes and deposited in small volume (pL or nL) onto a substrate. Just off the Fax The Ceramic Manufacturers Association (CerMA), Zanesville, Ohio, announces its Spring 2001 Conference on Drying, which is scheduled for March 22–23 at Canton, Ohio. Dan O’Brien (Harrop Industries Inc.) is conference coordinator. The program includes a special two-hour back-to-basics session. Also on the agenda is a tour of Metropolitan Ceramics. Contact information is listed in our Meetings & Exposition Calendar, p 9 in this issue. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 80, No. 2 D.Com. Lafarge Aluminates 2000 Pure cement concept Secar ® 71, a pure cement with controlled mineralogy, is the tical choice for optimum application performance. cri- The mineralogical definition of Secar 71 drives the hydration cess hence dictating castable performance. pro- Using Secar 71 in your formulations allows exceptional flexibility and formulation optimisation in conventional formulations and deflocculated high technology castables (self flow or shotcrete products). Lafarge Aluminates France 28, rue Emile Ménier 75782 Paris Cedex 16 Tel.: +33 1 53 70 37 26 - Fax: +33 1 53 70 38 79 e-mail: Lafarge Calcium Aluminates 100, Ohio Street PO Box 5806 Chesapeake Virginia 23324 Tel.: +1 757 543 88 32 - Fax: +1 757 545 89 33 e-mail: