Preparing Students for Careers and College Through Noncredit
Preparing Students for Careers and College Through Noncredit
California Community Colleges Preparing Students for Careers and College Through Noncredit Enhanced Funding Fiscal Year 2008/09 March 2009 Chancellor’s Office Academic Affairs Division Members of the Board Manuel Baca Geoffrey L. Baum Barbara Davis-Lyman Benita D. Haley Scott Himelstein Lance T. Izumi Officers of the Board Lance T. Izumi, President Deborah Malumed, Vice President Carolyn Russell, CPEC Representative Pauline Larwood, CPEC Alternate Chancellor’s Office Dr. Jack Scott Chancellor Steven Bruckman Kristin Jackson Franklin Executive Vice Chancellor for Operations/General Counsel Pauline Larwood Executive Vice Chancellor for Programs Deborah Malumed Morgan Lynn Carole Bogue-Feinour Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Robert McDonald Terri M. Carbaugh Alice Perez Gary Reed Vice Chancellor for Communications Marlene Garcia Vice Chancellor for Government Relations J. Alfred Smith, Sr. Tanna Thomas Linda Michalowski Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Special Programs José Millan Vice Chancellor for Economic and Workforce Development Patrick Perry Vice Chancellor for Technology, Research, and Information Services Erik Skinner Vice Chancellor for Fiscal Policy California Community Colleges Preparing Students for Careers and College Through Noncredit Enhanced Funding Fiscal Year 2008-2009 March 2009 Prepared by the Instructional Programs and Services Unit Academic Affairs Division California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 1102 Q Street Sacramento, California 95811-6549 LeBaron Woodyard, Dean Jo Anne Vorhies, Specialist Preparing Students for Careers and College Through Noncredit Enhanced Funding Executive Summary The California Community Colleges serve almost 2.9 million students and is the largest system of higher education in the nation. The state’s 112 colleges offer certificates and degrees to job seekers in the 21st century, provide basic skills education, and prepare students for transfer to four-year universities. This 2008/09 annual report highlights the role of the colleges in enhancing students’ basic education and employment skills. Preparing Students for Careers and College Through Noncredit Enhanced Funding provides details on the approved noncredit Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) courses that result in certificates of completion and certificates of competency. Students who attain this training are better equipped to succeed in the world. TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Page 1 Methodology Page 2 Background Page 3 Approved Funding Summary Page 5 Composition of CDCP Certificates Page 10 Key Findings Page 12 The California Education Code requires two reports for CDCP courses and programs. This report is from the Academic Affairs Division and focuses on the approved courses and programs and their full-time equivalent students (FTES). The second report, on student performance in CDCP courses and programs, is prepared by the Research and Planning Unit of the Technology, Research, and Information Systems Division and is an annual supplement to Accountability Reporting for Community Colleges (ARCC). Conclusion Page 1ϱ Exhibit 1: Title 5 Regulations Page E1-1 Exhibit 2: Certificates by Type Page E2-1 Exhibit 3: Certificates by College, Certificate Title, Instructional Domain and Type Page E3-1 Preparing Students for Careers and College Through Noncredit Enhanced Funding compares data from the academic years 2006/07 to the reporting period of 2008/09. In addition, it provides data on the FTES generated by the courses in the certificate programs, and related apportionment. Exhibit 4: Certificates of Completion by District, College Page E4-1 Exhibit 5: Certificates of Competency by District, College Page E5-1 Following the summary of the current year’s activities is a comprehensive exhibit section. Each college and district has submitted data on the approved courses for their certificates of completion and certificates of competency. 1|P a g e Exhibit 6: Approved Courses by District Page E6-1 Methodology As required by SB 361, this report contains a frequency count of the Career Development and College Preparation noncredit courses, certificates, and students for fiscal year 2008/09. The various resources used for information include: California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Management Information System, which collects data from all the colleges. Academic Affairs Division databases. Fiscal Affairs Division apportionment data. The research staff analyzes and calculates data regarding the number and types of certificates, related curriculum, FTES, and the apportionment generated by student attendance. These results are presented in a variety of tables, charts, and graphs by college and district throughout the report. 2|P a g e Background The Community College Funding Legislation, Senate Bill (SB) 361 (Scott/chapter 631, statutes 2006) was signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger and filed with the secretary of state on September 29, 2006. The statewide minimum requirements that community colleges must meet to qualify for enhanced funding for CDCP courses are set forth in Education Code section 84760.5, subdivisions (a) and (b). These sections provide the fundamental framework for defining CDCP noncredit courses and classes that are eligible for the higher rate of funding. Education Code section 84760.5 (a) defined CDCP courses eligible for enhanced funding as: those for which no credit is given, and that are offered in a sequence of courses leading to a certificate of completion; and those that lead to improved employability or job placement opportunities, or to a certificate of competency in a recognized career field by articulating with collegelevel course work, completion of an associate degree, or transfer to a four-year degree program. In addition, only those courses subject to subdivision (b) of 84760.5 are eligible for enhanced funding, which limits eligibility to the following: classes and courses in elementary and secondary basic skills; classes and courses for students eligible for educational services in workforce preparation classes in the basic skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing, mathematics, decision-making, and problem-solving skills that are necessary to participate in job-specific technical training; short-term vocational programs with high employment potential, as determined by the Chancellor in consultation with the Employment Development Department utilizing job demand data provided by that department; and classes and courses in English as a second language (ESL) and vocational English as a second language (VESL). Starting in FY 2006/07, Education Code sections 84750.5(d)(3) and (d)(4), established a uniform rate of $2,763.62 per FTES for noncredit courses as well as an enhanced rate of $3,254.04 for 3|P a g e noncredit courses in CDCP. Since 2006, the rates have been amended for cost-of-living adjustments as provided in the annual Budget Act. Permanent Regulations Adopted for Career Development and College Preparation The CCR, title 5 governs CDCP courses and certificate programs that were developed into two phases over a two-year period. Initial discussions regarding Part 1 revisions were conducted in fall 2006 by the Chancellor’s Office staff from the divisions of Legal Affairs, College Finance and Facilities Planning, and Academic Affairs, and for those CCR, title 5 sections requiring curriculum revisions, by the System Advisory Committee on Curriculum. At its meeting of July 9-10, 2007, the board of governors, acting pursuant to Education Code section 70901(d), delegated to the Chancellor the authority to receive public comments and to adopt permanent regulations for SB 361 and make revisions to specific sections in CCR, title 5 related to curriculum. These proposed regulations were well vetted within the community college system and the public and were adopted by the Chancellor on July 16, 2007, and filed with the secretary of state on July 17, 2007, becoming effective on August 16, 2007. Part 2 revisions in CCR, title 5 were reviewed by the community college stakeholders on January 21, 2008, and submitted to the board of governors in March and May 2008 for first and second readings. The proposed regulations for course and curriculum approval for enhanced noncredit funding for CDCP were part of a larger package of the Part 2 proposed regulations. In May 2008, the board of governors adopted Section 55151, article 2, subchapter 2, chapter 6, CCR, title 5, and they became effective in June 2008 (See Exhibit 1). The 2008/09 Budget Act includes ongoing funding for career development and college preparation eligible courses as part of the base general apportionment, and future funding for CDCP will be provided through the base general apportionment. Reporting Requirements Subdivision (e) of Education Code section 84760.5 requires the Chancellor’s Office to prepare and submit to the Department of Finance and the Legislature, on or before March 1, 2007, and for each year after, a report detailing the following: (1) the amount of FTES claimed by each community college district for CDCP courses and classes; and (2) the specific certificate programs and course titles of career CDCP courses and classes receiving additional funding pursuant to this section, as well as the number of those courses and classes receiving additional funding. 4|P a g e Summary of Approval and Funding Detail Since its initial year 2006/07 and through 2008/09, the Chancellor’s Office staff has reviewed 3,634 course proposals. This resulted in approval of 399 certificates, for which 2,087 courses and 16,068 course sections were offered in 2008/09. In 2008/09, thirty-four community college districts reported 43,876.02 FTES for a total of $21,517,677.73 in enhanced funding. (The amount of enhanced funding is calculated by subtracting the difference between the base noncredit rate of $2,763.62 and the enhanced rate of $3,254.04, which is $490.42.This difference multiplied by the total FTES of 43,876.02 yields the enhanced funding amount of $21,517,677.73.) Chart 1, below, shows the continued significant imbalance to the distribution of noncredit in the California Community Colleges. It depicts the proportion of FTES generated by seven districts through CDCP courses compared to those generated by the remaining 27 districts. These seven districts offered 1,599 approved courses through 13,292 course sections involving 305 certificates. CHART 1 FTES Generated by Seven Districts Compared to the Remaining 27 Districts 2008/09 The FTES generated totaled 36,780.67. (The final FTES will be calculated in October 2009 when the districts/colleges submit their data.) 5|P a g e Chart 2, below, shows that in 2007/08, the top seven districts generated approximately 85 percent of the FTES compared to 15 percent generated by the remaining 23 districts in approved CDCP courses. This is an indication that the trend is shifting and that other colleges are beginning to offer more CDCP courses. CHART 2 FTES Generated by Seven Districts Compared to the Remaining 23 Districts 2007/08 15% 85% 7 Districts 23 Districts Chart 3, below, indicates that seven districts generated approximately 86 percent of the FTES compared to 14 percent by the remaining 21 districts. CHART 3 FTES Generated by Seven Districts Compared to the Remaining 21 Districts 2006/07 14% 86% 7 Districts 21 Districts 6|P a g e On the following page, Table 1, Summary of Enhanced Noncredit FTES for FY 2008/09 by District and Statewide Aggregate, data is arranged by community college district in descending order (highest to lowest FTES). For each district, noncredit enhanced FTES, course sections, and approved courses and related certificates were eligible for enhanced funding. Table 1 is based on the P-1 projections received in January 2009 for FY 2008/09, which indicate that a shift in FTES is occurring among the seven districts that generated the most FTES in 2007/08. In 2008/09, Rancho Santiago generated the highest number of FTES, 8,644.73; followed by San Francisco, 7,780.13; and then San Diego, 7,289.53. The average number of courses offered by the 34 districts is now slightly over 61 and the average number of approved certificates is now about 12 certificates per district. The average FTES generated per district is projected to be 1,290.47. This number of FTES represents $632,872.29 in the difference between the noncredit enhanced funding and the base noncredit rate. 7|P a g e TABLE 1 Summary of Enhanced Noncredit FTES for FY 2008-09 by District and Statewide Aggregate Community College Districts Statewide (34 districts) Rancho Santiago San Francisco San Diego Mt. San Antonio North Orange County Los Angeles Glendale Desert Palomar Santa Barbara Pasadena Area Merced Sonoma County Long Beach Allan Hancock Joint Santa Clarita Yosemite South Orange County Gavilan San Luis Obispo County Santa Monica Mt. San Jacinto Lake Tahoe Rio Hondo Southwestern Butte-Glenn Mendocino-Lake Citrus Imperial Kern Antelope Valley Cerritos Sequoias State Center 9|P a g e FY 2008/09 Enhanced Noncredit FTES 43,876.02 8,644.73 7,870.13 7,289.53 5,130.98 3,316.10 2,333.76 2,195.44 961.58 873.02 869.54 813.18 811.42 610.70 563.81 474.13 233.27 168.44 144.39 109.64 94.39 93.65 66.71 62.50 45.1 36.22 28.52 28.19 24.14 22.07 1.33 0 0 0 0 Number of Certificates Number of Approved Courses 399 28 83 40 62 36 40 16 9 2 8 6 5 2 3 5 2 2 5 4 3 5 4 1 3 8 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 3 1 2087 367 365 161 284 212 111 99 50 9 75 32 22 12 15 31 8 6 27 12 25 39 16 5 13 31 2 2 4 13 4 3 4 17 11 Number of Course Sections Offered 16,068 2,623 2,126 4,530 1,856 513 977 667 342 236 328 188 124 346 169 368 117 36 105 6 112 75 54 24 23 49 28 11 18 12 5 0 0 0 0 Composition of Career Development and College Preparation Certificates Of the 399 Career Development and College Preparation certificates for which courses have been approved, 359 (90 percent) were certificates of completion and 40 (10 percent) were certificates of competency. Courses leading to all certificates were offered in 2008/09. Table 2, below, classifies the certificates by type and instructional domain. TABLE 2 Number of Certificates by Type and Instructional Domain for Fiscal Year 2008/09 Instructional Domain ESL/VESL Basic Skills Workforce Preparation Short-term Vocational Program Total Certificates of Completion 120 48 10 181 359 Certificates of Competency 8 7 2 23 40 Total 128 55 12 204 399 The largest single category was the short term vocational program category with 181 certificates of the total 359, representing 50.4 percent of the total. This category was followed by the ESL/VESL category with 120 certificates or 33.4 percent of the total. The basic skills category followed with 48 certificates or 13.4 percent of the total. In the workforce preparation category, there are ten certificates or 2.8 percent of the total. When the ESL/VESL, basic skills, and workforce preparation categories are combined to represent academic skills development, there are 195 certificates or 48.9 percent of the total number of certificates, as compared to short-term vocational programs with 204 certificates or 51.1 percent of the total. An analysis of the largest single category of certificates, short-term vocational programs with high employment potential, indicates that these certificates cover a wide range of areas including the occupational areas noted below: 1. Business and Management — 58 certificates in such areas as Accounting Assistants, Administrative Assistance, General Office Clerks, Small Business Management, Financial Office Applications, Business Accounting, Customer Service Representative, and Retail Sales. 2. Nursing and Allied Health Fields — 19 certificates in Medical and Dental Assisting (front and back office), Certified Nursing and Acute Care Nursing Assistant, Health Care 10 | P a g e Interpreting, Pharmacy Technicians, Personal Care Attendant, and Restorative Nurse Assistant Training. 3. Media Communication and Information Technology — 14 certificates in Desktop Publishing, Computer and Networking Technology, Computer Graphic and Design, and Computer System Technology. 4. Engineering and Industrial Technologies — 23 certificates in areas such as Welding Technologies, Manufacturing Technology, Parametric Solid Modeling, Electronic Cabling and Wiring Technology, Construction Laborer, Electronic Technology, Marine Service and Repair. 5. Agriculture and Natural Resources — 18 certificates in areas including Horse Ranch Management, Interior Landscaping, Landscape and Park Maintenance, Livestock Management, Landscape Design and Construction, Sports Turf Management and Floral Design. For noncredit courses to be eligible for enhanced funding, they must be part of a sequence of courses that lead to either a certificate of completion or a certificate of competency with the intended result of improving student progress towards college or a career path (title 5, section 55151). Specific details regarding certificates and FTES are included in the exhibit section of this report, specifically in Exhibits 2 through 6. Exhibit 2 provides the list by college of certificates/certificate titles. Certificates of completion are listed first in this exhibit followed by certificates of competency. Exhibit 3 provides the list by college of elementary and secondary basic skills certificates of completion, followed by English as a Second Language/Vocational English as a Second Language Certificates of Completion. In Exhibit 3C is the list by college of Workforce Preparation Certificates of Competency, followed by certificates of completion for approved short-term vocational programs with high employment potential. Exhibit 4 provides the list by district of certificates of completion, including certificate titles and course titles. Exhibit 5 provides the list by district of certificates of competency, including certificate titles and course titles. Exhibit 6 provides a list by district of approved courses and FTES generated. 11 | P a g e Key Findings The key findings offer information in the areas of growth of CDCP courses, how the students who take them are distributed, a comparison of the growth of FTES compared to overall noncredit courses, and the certificates the colleges offer. The reporting period of 2008/09 is compared to the two previous fiscal years. Growth of CDCP Course Offerings: As shown below, Chart 4, Comparison of the Growth of CDCP Course Sections by Fiscal Year, and Chart 5 (page 13) Comparison of the Growth of Full-time Equivalent Students in CDCP Course Sections by Fiscal Year, demonstrate that the California Community Colleges have planned and developed 44,305 CDCP courses since the enactment of EC section 84760.5. CHART 4 Comparison of the Growth of CDCP Course Sections by Fiscal Year 16,500 16,000 15,500 15,000 14,500 Approved Course Sections 14,000 13,500 13,000 12,500 2006/07 12 | P a g e 2007/08 2008/09 Overall, in 2008/09 California’s community colleges have served more students than in the past two years by realizing the value of marketing and advertising to the community. The colleges developed brochures about the certificate programs and made presentations to community based organizations. They counseled students about the existence of the various programs and the benefit of having a college sanctioned certificate on their transcript. This resulted in a sharp increase of students. With the increased number of sections in CDCP, it was expected that FTES would increase. Chart 5, below, shows the actual increase of students. CHART 5 Comparison of the Growth of FTES in CDCP Noncredit Courses by Fiscal Year 45,000.00 44,000.00 43,000.00 Fulltime Equivalent Students (FTES) 42,000.00 41,000.00 40,000.00 39,000.00 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Distribution of Full-time Equivalent Students: A trend of unequal FTES distribution seems to be fairly consistent in the program; the top seven districts generate most of the students. The colleges are all unique: not all offer noncredit; there are 21 colleges that offer only one course in noncredit, supervised tutoring. There are five colleges that offer no courses. The distribution of FTES from CDCP noncredit courses has shifted downward in the first three years, while the remaining districts have increased their percentage share. Chart 6, below, demonstrates the slight changes in this trend. Percentage CHART 6 Distribution of FTES for CDCP Noncredit Courses over the First Three (3) years in the Top Seven Districts 100 80 60 86 85 79 40 20 0 14 15 21 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 13 | P a g e Percent of FTES Generated by the Top 7 Districts Percent of FTES Generated by Remaining Districts Growth of FTES from CDCP Compared to FTES in Overall Noncredit Courses: As Table 3 below shows, growth between the first and second year for CDCP noncredit courses far outpaced that of overall noncredit courses. From 2006/07 to 2007/08, CDCP course numbers grew by 17.1 percent compared to overall noncredit courses of 5.2 percent. This represents a rate for CDCP courses that is three times greater than overall noncredit courses. However, in 2007/08 to 2008/09, the growth was virtually the same, 4.6 percent and 4.5 percent respectively. TABLE 3 FTES Growth from CDCP Noncredit Courses Compared to Overall Noncredit Courses Fiscal year 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 FTES from CDCP Noncredit Courses 35,854 41,968 43,876 Percent Growth N/A 17.1% 4.6% FTES from Overall Noncredit Courses 90,215 94,.968 99,262 Percent Growth N/A 5.2% 4.5% Growth of CDCP Certificates: As shown in Table 4, below, while number of certificates increased each year, the growth decreased from the second year (34.3% in 2007/08) to the third year (17% in 2008/09). TABLE 4 Percentage of Growth of CDCP Certificates over the first Three Years of the Program Fiscal year 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 14 | P a g e New CDCP Certificates 254 87 58 Total CDCP Certificates 254 341 399 Percent Difference N/A 34.3% 17% Conclusion Many factors influence student enrollment and have a direct impact on the number of courses offered and the amount of FTES generated. The research and analysis of three years of data identifies certain trends, which in future years may yield conclusions. For now, this section addresses three trends that emerged from this report: The first trend is the growth of CDCP generated FTES. The CDCP certificates and FTES have increased each year over the first three years of the program, corresponding with the overall increase in noncredit FTES within the system. The rate for students generated in CDCP courses was three times greater than in overall noncredit courses. Two factors probably contributed to this growth: As the colleges became aware of the program, they developed additional CDCP noncredit courses to meet students’ needs. Secondly, the corresponding spurt of FTES can be attributed to the development of and success in marketing and advertisement campaigns by the colleges and districts, who informed residents of the details and availability of the CDCP program. The second trend is the uneven distribution of CDCP noncredit instruction. Currently, 80 percent of noncredit instruction has been generated by 10 districts. This is based on historical, cultural, and regional patterns dating back to 1960 when community colleges and K-12 were one system. At the time of separation in 1960, some newly-formed community college districts took responsibility for adult education (noncredit in the community colleges) while others allowed K-12 adult high schools to perform that function. This resulted in some community college districts offering no noncredit instruction while some established centers do nothing but noncredit instruction. The third trend is the rate of growth of CDCP certificates. Although the number of CDCP certificates has increased each year, its growth rate decreased. This decrease could be attributed to colleges nearing the saturation point for CDCP eligible courses. There are a finite number of noncredit courses to be included in a noncredit certificate. When there were no certificates in the first year of the existence of the program, 80% of the eligible courses were used in the creation of 254 certificates. The available pool of noncredit courses that are not in noncredit certificates is smaller and therefore the rate of growth has naturally slowed. Another factor is need. Many of the areas of need in basic skills and ESL have been met through the development of the previous certificates in those areas. If you have one beginning ESL certificate do you need another? Consequently the need to create new at colleges that have them have diminished. Of the four areas short term vocational programs with the potential for high employment shows the greatest promise for growth due to new emerging employment areas. 15 | P a g e It also remains to be seen how other factors, such as the state budget, will have on colleges offering noncredit courses. Overall, the college system is embracing the use of CDCP courses to meet the needs of their noncredit students. They are developing the curriculum to better prepare students of all ages for new jobs and careers, as well as to offer continued education. 16 | P a g e Exhibit 1 Title 5 Regulations as Adopted by the Board of Governors on July 2007 and May 2008 Exhibit 1 Title 5 Regulations Related to Enhanced Funding for Noncredit Programs 1. Section 55002 of article 1 of subchapter 1 of chapter 6 of division 6 of title 5 of the California Code of Regulations is amended to read: § 55002. Standards and Criteria for Courses and Classes. (a) Associate Degree Credit Course. An associate degree credit course is a course which has been designated as appropriate to the associate degree in accordance with the requirements of section 55805.5, and which has been recommended by the college and/or district curriculum committee and approved by the district governing board as a collegiate course meeting the needs of the students eligible for admission. (1) Curriculum Committee. The college and/or district curriculum committee recommending the course shall be established by the mutual agreement of the college and/or district administration and the academic senate. The committee shall be either a committee of the academic senate or a committee that includes faculty and is otherwise comprised in a way that is mutually agreeable to the college and/or district administration and the academic senate. (2) Standards for Approval. The college and/or district curriculum committee shall recommend approval of the course for associate degree credit if it meets the following standards: (A) Grading Policy. The course provides for measurement of student performance in terms of the stated course objectives and culminates in a formal, permanently recorded grade based upon uniform standards in accordance with section 55758. The grade is based on demonstrated proficiency in Subject matter and the ability to demonstrate that proficiency, at least in part, by means of essays, or, in courses where the curriculum committee deems them to be appropriate, by problem solving exercises or skills demonstrations by students. (B) Units. The course grants units of credit based upon a relationship specified by the governing board between the number of units assigned to the course and the number of lecture and/or laboratory hours or performance criteria specified in the course outline. The course also requires a minimum of three hours of work per week, including class time for each unit of credit, prorated for short-term, laboratory and activity courses. (C) Intensity. The course treats Subject matter with a scope and intensity that requires students to study independently outside of class time. (D) Prerequisites and Corequisites. When the college and/or district curriculum committee determines, based on a review of the course outline of record, that a student would be highly unlikely to receive a satisfactory grade unless the student has knowledge or skills not taught in the course, then the course shall require prerequisites or corequisites that are established, reviewed, ~ E1-1 ~ Exhibit 1 approved (as courses not part of programs) by the Chancellor’s Office as provided by section 55100. (A) Grading Policy. The course provides for measurement of student performance in terms of the stated course objectives and culminates in a formal, permanently recorded grade based upon uniform standards in accordance with section 55758. The grade is based on demonstrated proficiency in the Subject matter and the ability to demonstrate that proficiency, at least in part, by means of written expression that may include essays, or, in courses where the curriculum committee deems them to be appropriate, by problem solving exercises or skills demonstrations by students. (B) Units. The course grants units of credit based upon a relationship specified by the governing board between the number of units assigned to the course and the number of lecture and/or laboratory hours or performance criteria specified in the course outline. The course requires a minimum of three hours of student work per week, per unit, including class time and/or demonstrated competency, for each unit of credit, prorated for short-term, laboratory, and activity courses. (C) Intensity. The course provides instruction in critical thinking and generally treats Subject matter with a scope and intensity that prepares students to study independently outside of class time and includes reading and writing assignments and homework. In particular, the assignments will be sufficiently rigorous that students completing each such course successfully will have acquired the skills necessary to successfully complete college-level work upon completion of the required sequence of such courses. (D) Prerequisites and corequisites. When the college and/or district curriculum committee deems appropriate, the course may require prerequisites or corequisites for the course that are established, reviewed, and applied in accordance with article 2.5 (commencing with section 55200) of this subchapter. (3) Course Outline of Record. The course is described in a course outline of record that shall be maintained in the official college files and made available to each instructor. The course outline of record shall specify the unit value, scope, objectives, and content in terms of a specific body of knowledge. The course outline shall also specify types or provide examples of required reading and writing assignments, other outside-of-class assignments, instructional methodology, and methods of evaluation for determining whether the stated objectives have been met by students. Taken together, these course specifications shall be such as to typically enable any student who successfully completes all of the assigned work prescribed in the outline of record to successfully meet the course objectives. (4) Conduct of Course. All sections of the course are to be taught by a qualified instructor in accordance with a set of objectives and with other specifications defined in the course outline of record. (5) Repetition. Repeated enrollment is allowed only in accordance with provisions of sections 51002, 55761-55763 and 58161. (c) Noncredit Course. A noncredit course is a course which, at a minimum, is recommended by the college and/or district curriculum committee (the committee E1-3 Exhibit 1 described and established under subdivision (a) (1) of this section) and approved by the district governing board as a course meeting the needs of enrolled students. (1) Standards for Approval. The college and/or district curriculum committee shall recommend approval of the course if the course treats Subject matter and uses resource materials, teaching methods, and standards of attendance and achievement that the committee deems appropriate for the enrolled students. In order to be eligible for state apportionment, such courses must be approved by the Chancellor’s Office pursuant to article 2.2 (commencing with section 55150) and satisfy the requirements of section 58160 and other applicable provisions of chapter 9 (commencing with section 58000) of this division. (2) Course Outline of Record. The course is described in a course outline of record that shall be maintained in the official college files and made available to each instructor. The course outline of record shall specify the scope, objectives, contents, instructional methodology, and methods of evaluation for determining whether the stated objectives have been met. (3) Conduct of Course. All sections of the course are to be taught by a qualified instructor in accordance with the set of objectives and other specifications defined in the course outline of record. (d) Community Services Class. A community services class is a class that meets the following minimum requirements: (1) is approved by the local district governing board; (2) is designed for the physical, mental, moral, economic, or civic development of persons enrolled therein; (3) provides Subject matter content, resource materials, and teaching methods which the district governing board deems appropriate for the enrolled students; (4) is conducted in accordance with a predetermined strategy or plan; (5) is open to all members of the community; and (6) may not be claimed for apportionment purposes. Note: Authority cited: Sections 66700 and 70901, Education Code. Reference: Section 70901, Education Code. 2. The heading for a new article 2.2 (commencing with existing section 55150) is added to subchapter 1 of chapter 6 division 6 of title 5 of the California Code of Regulations to read: Article 2.2 Approval of Noncredit Courses and Programs E1-4 Exhibit 1 3. Section 55150 of article 2.2 of subchapter 1 of chapter 6 of division 6 of title 5 of the California Code of Regulations is amended to read: § 55150. Approval of Noncredit Courses and Programs. (a) Courses or programs offered for noncredit shall be approved by the Chancellor in accordance with this article and section 55100 on forms provided by the Chancellor’s Office. (b) Course outlines for all noncredit courses shall be on file in the community college offering the course. (c) Authorities of each community college maintaining noncredit courses shall keep such current records and reports as may be required by the Chancellor. (d) In order to be eligible for enhanced funding pursuant to Education Code sections 84750.5 and 84760.5, a career development or college preparation noncredit course must be part of a program or sequence of courses approved by the Chancellor pursuant to section 55151. Note: Authority cited: Sections 66700, and 70901, 78401 and 84760.5, Education Code. Reference: Sections 70901, 70902, and 78401, 84750.5 and 84760.5, Education Code. 4. Section 55151 is added to article 2.2 of subchapter 1 of chapter 6 of division 6 of title 5 of the California Code of Regulations to read: § 55151. Career Development and College Preparation. A noncredit course involving career development or college preparation will be eligible for enhanced funding pursuant to Education Code sections 84750.5 and 84760.5 if it satisfies the requirements set forth in subdivisions (a), (b) and (c) below. (a) The course is approved by the college curriculum committee and the district governing board pursuant to subdivision (c) of section 55002 and by the Chancellor's Office pursuant to section 55150 and is part of either: (1) A short-term vocational program providing less than 288 hours of instruction which the Chancellor, in consultation with the Employment Development Department, has determined to have high employment potential. In making this determination, the Chancellor shall utilize job demand data provided by the Employment Development Department. If current job demand data in the relevant field is not available from the Employment Development Department, the Chancellor and the Employment Development Department may rely upon other data submitted by the college. (2) A sequence of courses involving: (A) Courses in elementary and secondary basic skills; (B) Workforce preparation courses in the basic skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing, mathematics, decision-making, and problem solving skills that are necessary to participate in job-specific technical training; or (C) Courses in English as a second language and vocational English as a second language. (b) The program or sequence of courses is designed to result in either: E1-5 Exhibit 1 (1) A noncredit certificate of completion leading to improved employability or job opportunities; or (2) A noncredit certificate of competency in a recognized career field articulated with degree-applicable coursework, completion of an associate degree or transfer to a baccalaureate institution. A certificate of competency in a recognized career field may be articulated with degree-applicable coursework, an associate degree, or transfer to a baccalaureate institution by means of nondegree-applicable coursework which may be completed prior to or taken concurrently with degree-applicable or transferable coursework. (c) Each program or sequence of courses must be submitted to and approved by the Chancellor. Each application for approval shall include a list of required courses to be included in the program or sequence of courses, course outlines for each course, and an explanation of how the program or sequence of courses is designed to lead students to one of the outcomes described in subdivision (b). For short-term vocational programs, the application shall also include an analysis of labor market need or job availability. (d) The Chancellor shall develop forms and procedures for electronic submission of applications for approval. (e) If the Chancellor approves a sequence of courses or a short-term vocational program pursuant to this section, the sequence of courses or program may not be subsequently modified by the inclusion of additional courses unless the course or courses to be added are of one of the types listed in subdivision (a) and have themselves been individually approved by the Chancellor pursuant to section 55150. (f) Under no circumstances may a district separate an existing noncredit course which provides less than one hundred and ten (110) hours of instruction into two or more courses for the purpose of forming a sequence of courses to satisfy the requirements of this section. (g) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent a particular student from taking additional degree-applicable coursework, pursuing an associate degree, or pursuing transfer to a baccalaureate institution in addition to or instead of seeking immediate employment. (h) For purposes of this article, the term “certificate of completion” means a document confirming that a student has completed a program or sequence of noncredit courses that prepares him or her to progress in a career path or to undertake degree-applicable or nondegree-applicable credit courses. The document must include the name of the certificate and the date awarded, be identified by a Taxonomy of Programs (T.O.P.) Code number and program discipline, identify the goal of the program, and list the courses completed by the student. (i) For purposes of this article, the term “certificate of competency” means a document confirming that a student enrolled in a program or sequence of noncredit courses has demonstrated achievement of a set of competencies that prepares him or her to progress in a career path or to undertake degreeapplicable or nondegree-applicable credit courses. The document must include the name of the certificate and the date awarded, be identified by a T.O.P. Code E1-6 Exhibit 1 number and program discipline, and list the relevant competencies achieved by the student. (j) Content and assessment standards for certificates shall be defined by the local curriculum committee. The review of noncredit certificate programs by the curriculum committee shall be conducted using the same standards as applied to credit programs with respect to academic integrity, consistency with college mission, meeting a demonstrated need and program feasibility. (k) Each noncredit certificate program shall be approved by the governing board of the district. (l) Noncredit certificates may be awarded to students who have earned them on behalf of the governing board of the district by any appropriate district official or by a particular department or division pursuant to a delegation of authority from the governing board. Note: Authority cited: Sections 66700, 70901, 78401 and 84760.5, Education Code. Reference: Sections 70901, 70902, 78401, 84750.5 and 84760.5, Education Code. 5. Section 58160 of article 5 of subchapter 2 of chapter 9 of division 6 of title 5 of the California Code of Regulations is amended to read: § 58160. Noncredit Course Funding. (a) Only those noncredit courses which have been approved pursuant to sections 55002 and 55150 and are eligible for funding pursuant to section 84757 of the Education Code may be claimed for purposes of state apportionments. (b) The provisions of sections 58050, 58051, 58051.5, 58130 and related provisions of this chapter also apply in determining whether a noncredit course is eligible for funding. (c) In order to be eligible for enhanced funding pursuant to Education Code section 84750.5 and 84760.5, a career development or college preparation noncredit course must be part of a program or sequence of courses approved by the Chancellor pursuant to section 55151. Any such program or sequence of courses offered prior to approval may be claimed for apportionment at the enhanced rate during the 2006-07 fiscal year if it is submitted for approval by February 28, 2007, and subsequently approved without the need for significant modification. (d) Courses of the type described in section 55151 may not be claimed for enhanced funding if they are not part of a program or sequence of courses which is approved by the Chancellor pursuant to that section, but such courses may continue to be offered, provided that each individual course has been approved by the Chancellor pursuant to section 55150 and is eligible for basic noncredit funding pursuant to Education Code section 84757. Note: Authority cited: Sections 66700, 70901, 78401, and 84760.5, Education Code. Reference: Sections 70901, 84500, 84750.5, 84757, and 84760.5, Education Code. E1-7 Exhibit 2 Certificates by College, Certificate Title, and Type of Certificate: A) Certificates of Completion B) Certificates of Competency Exhibit 2A CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION College Allan Hancock College Certificate Title Computer Applications English as a Second Language Program Certificate of Completion Gardening and Landscaping Interior/Exterior Maintenance Repair Technology Certificate Antelope Valley College Workforce Readiness Butte College Noncredit Certificate of Completion in VESL Canyons, College of the Basic Secondary Math Skills Certificate of Completion in English as a Second Language Cerritos College Noncredit Certificate of Completion of Courses in GED Test Preparation in English Noncredit Certificate of Completion of Courses in GED Test Preparation in Spanish Noncredit Certificate of Completion in Pre-Apprenticeship Citrus College Academic English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Cuesta College Noncredit English as a Second Language Noncredit Vocational English as a Second Language Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Desert, College of the Academic English Certificate Certificate in Advanced English Completion Certificate in Advanced Math Completion Certificate in Basic English Completion Certificate in Basic Math Completion Certificate in Reading Completion Certificate of Secondary Education Completion Certificate of Secondary Education Completion (GED) English Proficiency Certificate: Life and Work Skills East LA College Basic Math Success Basic Reading Success Basic Writing Success English as a Second Language-Level 1 English as a Second Language-Level 2 English as a Second Language-Level 3 English as a Second Language-Level 4 Foundations for Academic Success Fresno City College Manufacturing Mechanic ~ E2-1 ~ Exhibit 2 Certificates of Completion (cont.) College Gavilan College Certificate Title California HSEE Certificate of Completion ESL Life Skills Certificate GED Certificate of Completion VESL for the Workplace A & B Glendale Community College Account Clerk I Account Clerk II Adult Basic Education Advanced English as a Second Language Beginning English as a Second Language Certificate of Secondary Education Completion Dental Front Office Clerk GED Preparation General Office Clerk I General Office Clerk I General Office Clerk II General Office Clerk II General Office Clerk III General Office Clerk III Intermediate English as a Second Language Medical Front Office Clerk Imperial Valley College English as a Second Language- Advanced Fluency ESL Civics Retail Supervision Lake Tahoe Community College ESL-Proficiency Long Beach City College Adult Basic Education Los Angeles City College Career Discovery Customer Service English as a Second Language Skills Certificate of Completion English as a Second Language Civics Certificate of Completion Intermediate English as a Second Language Job Readiness Skills Certificate of Completion Transitional English as a Second Language Vocational English as a Second Language Skills Certificate of Completion Workforce Literacy Skills Certificate of Completion Los Angeles Mission College English Literacy and Civics Certificate of Completion E2-2 Exhibit 2 Certificates of Completion (cont.) College Certificate Title Los Angeles Southwest College English Literacy and Civics Job Training Preparation Vocational ESL Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Bank Teller English Literacy and Civics ESL: Beginning Workplace Readiness Certificate of Completion Los Angeles Valley College Certified Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide English as a Second Language-Speech English as a Second Language I English as a Second Language II English as a Second Language III English as a Second Language IV ESL Civics 1 ESL Civics 2 Mendocino College ESL Preparation Merced College Basic Skills English as a Second Language/Civics Certificate Modesto College Elementary ESL Workplace ESL Mt. San Antonio College Accounting - Bookkeeping Accounting - Computerized Accounting - Payroll Administrative Assistant - Level 1 Administrative Assistant - Level 2 Business Management - Level 1 Business Management - Level 2 Business Management - Level 3 Certified Nursing and Acute Care Nursing Assistant Computer and Networking Technology - Level 1 Computer Graphics Design/Photography Computer Systems Technology Data Entry Desktop Publishing Electronic Assembly and Fabrication Electronic Cabling and Wiring Technology Level 1 Electronic Cabling and Wiring Technology Level 2 Electronic Systems Technology - Level 1 Electronic Systems Technology - Level 2 E2-3 Exhibit 2 Certificates of Completion (cont.) College Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Mt. San Jacinto College Certificate Title Electronic Technology Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology Electronics Communications Floral Design Health Care Interpreting Horse Ranch Management Human Resource Management Level 1 Industrial Electronics Interior Landscaping International Business - Level 1 International Business - Level 2 Job Readiness Skills Landscape and Park Maintenance Landscape Design and Construction Landscape Equipment Technology Landscape Irrigation Licensed Welder Livestock Management Manufacturing Technology Master CaliforniaM Medical Office Specialist Nursery Management Office Computer Applications Park Management Pet Science Photography Retail Management - Level 1 Retail Management - Level 2 Retail Management - Level 3 Small Business Management - Level 1 Small Business Management - Level 2 Sports Turf Management SurfCaliforniaM Tree Care and Maintenance Welder with Concentration in Automotive Welding, Cutting and Modification Welder with Concentration in Gas Tungsten ARC Welding Welder with Concentration in Semiautomatic ARC Welding Welding Technologies ABE-GED Preparation ESL-Certificate of Completion-General ESL-Certificate of Completion-Multi-level Light Duty Automotive Service E2-4 Exhibit 2 Certificates of Completion (cont.) College Certificate Title North Orange Adult Administrative Assistant Certification Program Advanced Office Applications Program Apartment Management Program Basic Skills Education Certificate of Completion - Literacy Program Business Accounting - Basic Program Cisco Basics Program Commercial Refrigeration Program Construction Technology - Electrical Program Construction Technology - General Contracting Program Early Childhood Education Program Electronics - Consumer and Computer Program Employability Certificate for Students with Disabilities ESL Beginning ESL Intermediate/Advanced ESL Oral Communication Skills ESL Work Readiness ESL Written Communication Skills Floral Design Program Fundamental Computer Concepts & Skills Program Fundamentals for Financial Office Applications Program Graphic, Design and Web Skills Program Management Program Marine Service & Repair Program Medical Assistant: Front Office Program Network Technician Preparation Program Office Applications Essentials Program Operating Systems Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program Quality Assurance Management Certificate for Medical Devices Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Secondary Education Certificate of Completion - GED Test Preparation Workplace VESL Administrative Assistant Workplace VESL Early Childhood Education Workplace VESL Electricity and Construction Workplace VESL Pharmacy Technician Palomar College Adult Basic Education Noncredit Certificate of Completion English as a Second Language Noncredit Certificate of Completion E2-5 Exhibit 2 Certificates of Completion (cont.) College Certificate Title Pasadena College Apparel Skills and Drapery Construction Program Business Office Systems Program Career Preparation Program English as a Second Language Program Fashion Retail Academy Printing Technology Program Rio Hondo College California Conditional Real Estate License Certificate of Completion English as a Second Language Certificate of Competency Welding Technology Saddleback College ESL-Beginning Level-Certificate of Achievement ESL-Certificate of Completion ESL-Intermediate Level-Certificate of Completion ESL-Advanced Level-Certificate of Completion ESL-Intermediate Level-Pre College-Certificate of Completion San Diego CED Account Clerk Program Administrative Assistant Program Appliance/Refrigeration/Air Conditioning Repair Program Auto Body and Paint Technician Program Automotive Technician Program Child Development 1 Program Child Development 2 Program Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Program Clothing Construction Program Combined Upholstery Trades Program Computer Repair and Service Technician Program Culinary Arts Program Data Entry Specialist Program Electronic and Soldering Technology Program Elementary Basic Skills Program English as a Second Language Program Food Preparation for Health Care Professionals Program Front Desk/Office Assistant Program General Educational Development Program Graphic Reproduction Program Inspection and Vehicle Preparation Technician Program Interactive Media Certificate Program Introduction to Diesel Technology Program Machine Shop Program Medical Office Assistant Program Multimedia Specialist Program E2-6 Exhibit 2 Certificates of Completion (cont.) College Certificate Title San Diego CED (Cont.) Network Systems Specialist Program Nursing Assistant Training Program Pipe Welding/Pipe Fitting Program Pre-Vocational English as a Second Language (VESL) Program Professional Bakeshop Skills Program Secondary Education Completion Program Sewn Product Business Program Steel Fabrication Program Structural Welding Program Web Server Maintenance and Security Program Web Server Program Web Specialist Program San Francisco Centers Academic Skills Elementary Level 1 Academic Skills Intermediate Level 2 Adult Basic Education (ABE) Level 1 Adult Basic Education (ABE) Level 2 Adult Secondary Education (ASE) Level 3 Advanced Word Processing Baking and Pastry Basic Business Office Skills for Customer Service Basic Computerized Accounting Basic Office Support Skills Basic Word Processing Beginning Low VESL Communication Beginning Low VESL for Housekeeping Workers Beginning VESL for Construction Workers Beginning VESL for Janitorial Workers Beginning VESL for the Hospitality Industry Business Office Publishing Basics Business Office Publishing Specialist Business Web Pages - Basics Business Web Pages - Intermediate Certificate of Completion in ESL Beginning High Focus Skills Certificate of Completion in ESL Beginning Low Conversation Certificate of Completion in ESL Beginning Low Focus Skills Certificate of Completion in ESL Intermediate High Conversation Certificate of Completion in ESL Intermediate High Reading Certificate of Completion in ESL Intermediate Low Focus Skills Certificate of Completion in Intermediate VESL for Construction Workers Certificate of Completion in Vocational ESL Office Training Culinary and Service Skills E2-7 Exhibit 2 Certificates of Completion (cont.) College San Francisco Centers (Cont.) Certificate Title ESL Advanced Low 9 ESL Beginning 1-4 Multi-Level ESL Beginning Certificate of Completion ESL Beginning High 3 ESL Beginning High 3-4 Intensive ESL Beginning High 4 ESL Beginning Low 1 ESL Beginning Low 1-2 Intensive ESL Beginning Low 2 ESL Beginning Multi-Level Certificate of Completion ESL Beginning Workplace Skills ESL Computer-Assisted Beginning ESL Computer-Assisted Beginning ESL Computer-Assisted Intermediate ESL Intermediate 5-8 Multi-Level ESL Intermediate High 7 ESL Intermediate High 7-8 Intensive ESL Intermediate High 8 ESL Intermediate Low 5 ESL Intermediate Low 5-6 Intensive ESL Intermediate Low 6 ESL Literacy ESL Literacy Certificate of Completion ESL/ABE for Automotive Technology Excel Basics Excel Specialist Graphics Support Specialist Intermediate VESL for Biotech Workers Intermediate VESL for Child Development Workers Intermediate VESL for Clerical Workers Intermediate VESL for Health Workers Intermediate VESL for Hospitality Workers Intermediate VESL for Job Searching Intermediate VESL for Printing Workers Intermediate VESL for Transit Operators MS Office Specialist Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Specialized Accounting Skills Vocational Foundation Level 1 Vocational Foundation Level 2 Vocational Foundation Level 3 (Graphic Arts) Vocational Preparation for Persons with Disabilities E2-8 Exhibit 2 Certificates of Completion (cont.) College Certificate Title Santa Ana College Completion of Childcare Workers Certificate Completion of Customer Service Representative Certificate Completion of Executive Secretary/Administrative Assistant Certificate Completion of General Office Clerk Certificate Completion of Maintenance & Repair Workers Certificate Completion of Nursing Aides, Orderlies, Attendants English as a Second Language Certificate of Completion ESL Beginning Enhanced Certificate ESL Beginning Job Skills Certificate ESL Intermediate Communication Skills Certificate ESL Job Skills Certificate of Completion Santa Barbara CED Basic Computer Applications Certificate of Completion Santa Barbara City College ESL Certificate of Completion Health Care interpreter Training Program Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Secondary Education/Bi-lingual/Bi-literate GED Preparation Certificate of Completion Secondary Education/GED Preparation Certificate of Completion Personal Care Attendant Training Program Restorative Nurse Assistant Training Program Santa Monica College Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Santa Rosa College Certificate of Completion in Basic Academic Skills Certificate of Completion in Noncredit ESL Santiago Canyon College Carpenter Commercial and Institutional Food Preparation Construction Laborer Customer Service Representative English as a Second Language Program Executive Secretary/Administrative Assistant First-Line Supervisor/Manager, Office & Administrative Support Workers General Office Clerk Landscape & Groundskeeping Worker Medical Billing Certificate of Completion Sales Representative, Wholesale & Manufacturing (e.g. Web Associates) Sales Representative, Wholesale and Manufacturing (e.g. Commercial Textile Worker) Vocational English as a Second Language Sequoias, College of the ESL Advanced Level Certificate of Completion ESL Beginning/Elementary Level Certificate of Completion ESL Intermediate Level Certificate of Completion E2-9 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2B CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION College Certificate Title Southwestern College Entry Level ESL Noncredit Certificate of Completion Marine Safety Service Advanced Certificate Marine Safety Service Basic Certificate Quality Home Care Provider Recreation Assistant in a Marine Environment---Advanced Recreation Assistant in a Marine Environment---Basic Recreational Assistant Tax Preparation Allan Hancock College Bakersfield College Cuesta College Long Beach City College Income Tax Preparation Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Merced College Mt. San Antonio College San Francisco Centers Santa Ana College ESL Certificate of Completion - Intermediate Income Tax Preparation Certificate English for Every Day Reading Skills for ESL Students Entrepreneurship Skills Certificate of Competency Hospitality Skills Certificate of Competency In-Home Supportive Services Skills Certificate of Competency Retail Sales and Customer Service Retail Supervisory and Management Retailing Smarts Skills Certificate College Readiness Court Interpreter Medical Assistant Technical Office Occupations Basic Skills Certificate of Competency Career Development Certificate of Competency English as a Second Language Parametric Solid Modeling Secondary Education Certificate of Competency Accounting Assistant Administrative Assistant Basic Business Skills for the Medical Office Clerical Assistant Computerized Accounting Construction Construction Administrative Assistant International Business Microcomputer Business Applications Small Business Textile and Fabric Design Secondary Education Secondary Education Certificate of Competency-Part A Secondary Education Certificate of Competency-Part B E2-10 Exhibit 2 Certificates of Completion (cont.) College Santa Monica College Santiago Canyon College Certificate Title Idioms, Parts of Speech and Vocabulary Integrated Skills (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) ESL Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation in English Reading and Writing in English Secondary Education Certificate of Competency Secondary Education/GED Certificate of Competency E2-11 Exhibit 3 Certificates by College, Certificate Title, Instructional Domain and Type of Certificate: A) Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills B) English as a Second Language/Vocatio nal English as a Second Language C) Workforce Preparation D) Short-term Vocational with High Employment Potential Exhibit 3A ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY BASIC SKILLS CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION College Canyons, College of the Cerritos College Cuesta College Desert, College of the East Los Angeles College Gavilan College Glendale Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Southwest College Merced College Mt. San Jacinto College North Orange Continuing Education Palomar College Pasadena College San Diego CED Certificate Title Basic Secondary Math Skills Noncredit Certificate of Completion of Courses in GED Test Preparation in English Noncredit Certificate of Completion of Courses in GED Test Preparation in Spanish Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Certificate in Advanced English Completion Certificate in Advanced Math Completion Certificate in Basic English Completion Certificate in Basic Math Completion Certificate in Reading Completion Certificate of Secondary Education Completion Certificate of Secondary Education Completion (GED) Basic Math Success Basic Reading Success Basic Writing Success Foundations for Academic Success CaliforniaHSEE Certificate of Completion GED Certificate of Completion Certificate of Secondary Education Completion GED Preparation Adult Basic Education Adult Basic Education Workforce Literacy Skills Certificate of Completion Job Training Preparation Vocational ESL Basic Skills ABE-GED Preparation Basic Skills Education Certificate of Completion - Literacy Program Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Secondary Education Certificate of Completion - GED Test Preparation Adult Basic Education Noncredit Certificate of Completion Career Preparation Program Elementary Basic Skills Program General Educational Development Program Secondary Education Completion Program ~ E3-1 ~ Exhibit 3 ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY BASIC SKILLS CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION (CONT.) College San Francisco Centers Santa Barbara City College Santa Monica College Santa Rosa Jr. College Certificate Title Academic Skills Intermediate Level 2 Adult Basic Education (ABE) Level 1 Adult Basic Education (ABE) Level 2 Adult Secondary Education (ASE) Level 3 Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Vocational Foundation Level 1 Vocational Foundation Level 2 Vocational Foundation Level 3 (Graphic Arts) Academic Skills Intermediate Level 2 Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Secondary Education/Bi-lingual/Bi-literate GED Preparation Certificate of Completion Secondary Education/GED Preparation Certificate of Completion Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Certificate of Completion in Basic Academic Skills College Certificate Title Los Angeles Trade-Tech College College Readiness Mt. San Antonio College Secondary Education Certificate of Competency Santa Ana College Secondary Education Secondary Education Certificate of Completion-Part A Secondary Education Certificate of Completion-Part B Santiago Canyon College Secondary Education Certificate of Competency Secondary Education/GED Certificate of Competency E3-2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 3B ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE/ VOCATIONAL ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION College Allan Hancock College Certificate Title Butte College English as a Second Language Program Certificate of Completion Noncredit Certificate of Completion in VESL Canyons, College of the Certificate of Completion in English as a Second Language Citrus College Academic English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Cuesta College Noncredit English as a Second Language Noncredit Vocational English as a Second Language Desert, College of the Academic English Certificate English Proficiency Certificate: Life and Work Skills East Los Angeles College English as a Second Language-Level 1 English as a Second Language-Level 2 English as a Second Language-Level 3 English as a Second Language-Level 4 Gavilan College ESL Life Skills Certificate VESL for the Workplace A & B Glendale Community College Advanced English as a Second Language Beginning English as a Second Language Intermediate English as a Second Language Imperial Valley College English as a Second Language- Advanced Fluency ESL Civics Lake Tahoe Community College ESL-Proficiency Los Angeles City College English as a Second Language Skills Certificate of Completion English as a Second Language-Civics Certificate of Completion Intermediate English as a Second Language Transitional English as a Second Language Vocational English as a Second Language Skills Certificate of Completion Los Angeles Mission College English Literacy and Civics Certificate of Completion Los Angeles Southwest College English Literacy and Civics Los Angeles Trade-Tech College English Literacy and Civics ESL-Beginning E3-3 Exhibit 3 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE/VOCATIONAL ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION (CONT.) College Certificate Title Los Angeles Valley College English as a Second Language - Speech English as a Second Language I English as a Second Language II English as a Second Language III English as a Second Language IV ESL Civics 1 ESL Civics 2 Mendocino College ESL-Preparation Merced College English as a Second Language/Civics Certificate Modesto College Elementary ESL Workplace ESL Mt. San Jacinto College ESL Certificate of Completion - General ESL Certificate of Completion - Multi-level North Orange Continuing Education ESL Beginning ESL Intermediate/Advanced ESL Oral Communication Skills ESL Work Readiness ESL Written Communication Skills Workplace VESL Administrative Assistant Workplace VESL Early Childhood Education Workplace VESL Electricity and Construction Workplace VESL Pharmacy Technician Palomar College ESL Noncredit Certificate of Completion Pasadena College English as a Second Language Program Rio Hondo College English as a Second Language Certificate of Completion Saddleback College ESL-Advanced Level-Certificate of Completion English as a Second Language Certificate of Completion ESL-Beginning Level-Certificate of Achievement ESL-Intermediate Level-Certificate of Completion ESL-Intermediate Level-Pre College-Certificate of Completion San Diego CED English as a Second Language Program Pre-Vocational English as a Second Language (VESL) Program E3-4 Exhibit 3 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE/VOCATIONAL ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION (CONT.) College San Francisco Centers Certificate Title Beginning Low VESL Communication Beginning Low VESL for Housekeeping Workers Beginning VESL for Construction Workers Beginning VESL for Janitorial Workers Beginning VESL for the Hospitality Industry Certificate of Completion in ESL Beginning High Focus Skills Certificate of Completion in ESL Beginning Low Conversation Certificate of Completion in Vocational ESL Office Training ESL Advanced Low 9 ESL Beginning 1-4 Multi-Level ESL Beginning Certificate of Completion ESL Beginning High 3 ESL Beginning High 3-4 Intensive ESL Beginning High 4 ESL Beginning Low 1 ESL Beginning Low 1-2 Intensive ESL Beginning Low 2 ESL Beginning Multi-Level Certificate of Completion ESL Beginning Workplace Skills ESL Computer-Assisted Beginning ESL Computer-Assisted Beginning ESL Computer-Assisted Intermediate ESL Intermediate 5-8 Multi-Level ESL Intermediate High 7 ESL Intermediate High 7-8 Intensive ESL Intermediate High 8 ESL Intermediate Low 5 ESL Intermediate Low 5-6 Intensive ESL Intermediate Low 6 ESL Literacy ESL Literacy Certificate of Completion ESL/ABE for Automotive Technology Intermediate VESL for Biotech Workers Intermediate VESL for Child Development Workers Certificate of Completion in Intermediate VESL for Construction Workers Intermediate VESL for Clerical Workers Intermediate VESL for Health Workers Intermediate VESL for Hospitality Workers Intermediate VESL for Job Searching Intermediate VESL for Printing Workers Intermediate VESL for Transit Operators E3-5 Exhibit 3 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE/VOCATIONAL ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION (CONT.) College Certificate Title Santa Ana College English as a Second Language Certificate of Completion ESL Beginning Enhanced Certificate ESL Beginning Job Skills Certificate ESL Intermediate Communication Skills Certificate ESL Job Skills Certificate of Completion Santa Barbara City College ESL-Certificate of Completion Santa Rosa College Certificate of Completion in Noncredit ESL Santiago Canyon College English as a Second Language Vocational English as a Second Language Sequoias, College of the ESL Advanced Level Certificate of Completion ESL Beginning/Elementary Level Certificate of Completion ESL Intermediate Level Certificate of Completion Southwestern College Entry-level ESL Noncredit Certificate of Completion College Certificate Title Bakersfield College ESL Certificate of Completion-Intermediate Long Beach City College English for Every Day Reading Skills for ESL Students Mt. San Antonio College English as a Second Language Santa Monica College Idioms, Parts of Speech and Vocabulary Integrated Skills (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) ESL Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation in English Reading and Writing in English E3-6 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 3C WORKFORCE PREPARATION CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION College Certificate Title Allan Hancock College Career Preparation Antelope Valley College Workplace Readiness Certificate of Completion Imperial Valley College Supervision Los Angeles City College Career Discovery Customer Service Job Readiness Skills Certificate of Completion Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Workplace Readiness Certificate of Completion North Orange Continuing Education Employability Certificate for Students with Disabilities Workplace Preparation for Students with Disabilities San Francisco Centers Vocational Preparation for Persons with Disabilities College Mt. San Antonio College Certificate Title Basic Skills Certificate of Competency Career Development Certificate of Competency E3-7 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 3D SHORT-TERM VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS WITH HIGH EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION College Certificate Title Allan Hancock College Computer Applications Gardening and Landscaping Interior/Exterior Maintenance Repair Technology Certificate Cerritos College Noncredit Certificate of Completion in Pre-Apprenticeship Fresno College Manufacturing Mechanic Glendale Community College Account Clerk I Account Clerk II Dental Front Office Clerk General Office Clerk I General Office Clerk I General Office Clerk II General Office Clerk II General Office Clerk III General Office Clerk III Medical Front Office Clerk Imperial Valley College Retail Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Bank Teller Los Angeles Valley College Certified Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide Mt. San Antonio College Accounting - Bookkeeping Accounting - Computerized Accounting - Payroll Administrative Assistant - Level 1 Administrative Assistant - Level 2 Business Management - Level 1 Business Management - Level 2 Business Management - Level 3 Certified Nursing and Acute Care Nursing Assistant Computer and Networking Technology - Level 1 Computer Graphics Design/Photography Computer Systems Technology Data Entry Desktop Publishing Electronic Assembly and Fabrication Electronic Cabling and Wiring Technology Level 1 Electronic Cabling and Wiring Technology Level 2 Electronic Systems Technology - Level 1 Electronic Systems Technology - Level 2 E3-8 Exhibit 3 SHORT-TERM VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS WITH HIGH EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION (CONT.) College Certificate Title Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Electronic Technology Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology Electronics Communications Floral Design Health Care Interpreting Horse Ranch Management Human Resource Management Level 1 Industrial Electronics Interior Landscaping International Business - Level 1 International Business - Level 2 Job Readiness Skills Landscape and Park Maintenance Landscape Design and Construction Landscape Equipment Technology Landscape Irrigation Licensed Welder Livestock Management Manufacturing Technology Master CaliforniaM Medical Office Specialist Nursery Management Office Computer Applications Park Management Pet Science Photography Retail Management - Level 1 Retail Management - Level 2 Retail Management - Level 3 Small Business Management - Level 1 Small Business Management - Level 2 Sports Turf Management SurfCaliforniaM Tree Care and Maintenance Welder with Concentration in Automotive Welding, Cutting and Modification Welder with Concentration in Gas Tungsten ARC Welding Welder with Concentration in Semiautomatic ARC Welding Welding Technologies Mt. San Jacinto College Light Duty Automotive Service E3-9 Exhibit 3 SHORT-TERM VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS WITH HIGH EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION (CONT.) College North Orange Continuing Education Certificate Title Administrative Assistant Certification Program Advanced Office Applications Program Apartment Management Program Business Accounting - Basic Program Cisco Basics Program Commercial Refrigeration Program Construction Technology - Electrical Program Construction Technology - General Contracting Program Early Childhood Education Program Electronics - Consumer and Computer Program Floral Design Program Fundamental Computer Concepts & Skills Program Fundamentals for Financial Office Applications Program Graphic, Design and Web Skills Program Management Program Marine Service & Repair Program Medical Assistant: Front Office Program Network Technician Preparation Program Office Applications Essentials Program Operating Systems Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program Quality Assurance Management Certificate for Medical Devices Pasadena City College Apparel Skills and Drapery Construction Program Business Office Systems Program Fashion Retail Academy Printing Technology Program Rio Hondo College California Conditional Real Estate License Certificate of Completion Welding Technology San Diego Continuing Education Account Clerk Program Administrative Assistant Program Appliance/Refrigeration/Air Conditioning Repair Program Auto Body and Paint Technician Program Automotive Technician Program Child Development 1 Program Child Development 2 Program Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Program Clothing Construction Program Combined Upholstery Trades Program Computer Repair and Service Technician Program E3-10 Exhibit 3 SHORT-TERM VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS WITH HIGH EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION (CONT.) College San Diego Continuing Education Certificate Title Culinary Arts Program (Cont.) Data Entry Specialist Program Electronic and Soldering Technology Program Food Preparation for Health Care Professionals Program Front Desk/Office Assistant Program Graphic Reproduction Program Inspection and Vehicle Preparation Technician Program Interactive Media Certificate Program Introduction to Diesel Technology Program Machine Shop Program Medical Office Assistant Program Multimedia Specialist Program Network Systems Specialist Program Nursing Assistant Training Program Pipe Welding/Pipe Fitting Program Professional Bakeshop Skills Program Sewn Product Business Program Steel Fabrication Program Structural Welding Program Web Server Maintenance and Security Program Web Server Program Web Specialist Program San Francisco Centers Advanced Word Processing Baking and Pastry Basic Business Office Skills for Customer Service Basic Computerized Accounting Basic Office Support Skills Basic Word Processing Business Office Publishing Basics Business Office Publishing Specialist Business Web Pages - Basics Business Web Pages - Intermediate Culinary and Service Skills Excel Basics Excel Specialist Graphics Support Specialist MS Office Specialist Specialized Accounting Skills E3-11 Exhibit 3 SHORT-TERM VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS WITH HIGH EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION (CONT.) College Certificate Title Santa Ana College Completion of Childcare Workers Certificate Completion of Customer Service Representative Certificate Completion of Executive Secretary/Administrative Assistant Certificate Completion of General Office Clerk Certificate Completion of Maintenance & Repair Workers Certificate Completion of Nursing Aides, Orderlies, Attendants Santa Barbara Continuing Education Santa Barbara City College Basic Computer Applications Certificate of Completion Santiago Canyon College Carpenter Commercial and Institutional Food Preparation Construction Laborer Customer Service Representative Executive Secretary/Administrative Assistant First-Line Supervisor/Manager, Office & Administrative Support Workers General Office Clerk Landscape & Groundskeeping Worker Medical Billing Certificate of Completion Sales Representative, Wholesale & Manufacturing (e.g. Web Associates) Sales Representative, Wholesale and Manufacturing (e.g. Commercial Textile Worker) Marine Safety Service Advanced Certificate Marine Safety Service Basic Certificate Quality Home Care Provider Recreation Assistant in a Marine Environment---Advanced Recreation Assistant in a Marine Environment---Basic Recreational Assistant Tax Preparation Southwestern College Health Care interpreter Training Program Personal Care Attendant Training Program Restorative Nurse Assistant Training Program E3-12 Exhibit 3 SHORT-TERM VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS WITH HIGH EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION (CONT.) College Certificate Title Allan Hancock College Income Tax Preparation Cuesta College Income Tax Preparation Certificate Los Angeles City College Entrepreneurship Skills Certificate of Competency Hospitality Skills Certificate of Competency In-Home Supportive Services Skills Certificate of Competency Retail Sales and Customer Service Retail Supervisory and Management Retailing Smarts Skills Certificate Merced College Court Interpreter Medical Assistant Technical Office Occupations Mt. San Antonio College Parametric Solid Modeling San Francisco Centers Accounting Assistant Administrative Assistant Basic Business Skills for the Medical Office Clerical Assistant Computerized Accounting Construction Construction Administrative Assistant International Business Microcomputer Business Applications Small Business Textile and Fabric Design E3-13 Exhibit 4 Certificates of Completion by District, College, Certificate Title and Course Title Exhibit 4 CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION BY DISTRICT, COLLEGE, CERTIFICATE TITLE AND COURSE TITLE ALLAN HANCOCK JOINT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Allan Hancock College Certificate Title: Computer Applications Course Titles: Business Skills Lab Computer Applications (Database) Computer Applications (Seminar) Computer Applications (Spreadsheet) Computer Applications (Word Processing) Computers & You Level 1 Computers & You Level 2 Computers & You Level 3 Certificate Title: English as a Second Language Program Certificate of Completion Course Titles: ESL Instructional Lab Introduction to English A1 Introduction to English A2 Introduction to English B1 Introduction to English B2 Introduction to English C1 Introduction to English C2 Introduction to English D1 Introduction to English D2 Spanish Literacy Certificate Title: Gardening and Landscaping Course Titles: Basic Gardening Principles Gardening with Specialty Plants Landscape Construction Managing Insects and Diseases on Roses Orchid Growing Summer Pruning Techniques ~ E4-1 ~ Exhibit 4 Allan Hancock College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Interior/Exterior Maintenance Repair Technology Certificate Course Titles: Maintenance Technology 1 Maintenance Technology 2 Maintenance Technology 3 Maintenance Technology 4 ANTELOPE VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Antelope Valley College Certificate Title: Workforce Readiness Course Titles: Developing as a Professional: Promotability Job Search Readiness Surviving the Job Probationary Period BUTTE-GLENN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Butte College Certificate Title: Noncredit Certificate of Completion in VESL Course Titles: ESL Workforce Training Lab-Adult Education ESL Workforce Training-Adult Education CERRITOS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Cerritos College Certificate Title: Noncredit Certificate of Completion in Pre-Apprenticeship Course Titles: Basic Math Skills for the Building Trades and Construction Industry Basic Reading Skills for the Building Trades and Construction Industry ESL Workforce Training Lab-Adult Education ESL Workforce Training-Adult Education Introduction to Basic Welding for the Building Trades and Construction Introduction to the Building Trades and Construction Industry Certificate Title: Noncredit Certificate of Completion of Courses in GED Test Preparation in English Course Titles: GED Preparation - A GED Preparation - B Spanish GED Test Preparation - A Spanish GED Test Preparation – B E4-2 Exhibit 4 CITRUS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Citrus College Certificate Title: Academic English as a Second Language Course Titles: Academic ESL I Academic ESL II Certificate Title: English as a Second Language Course Titles: English as a Second Language A English as a Second Language B DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT College of the Desert Certificate Title: Academic English Certificate Course Titles: ESL-Comprehensive IV ESL-Comprehensive V ESL-Conversation IV ESL-Conversation V ESL-Language Lab Certificate Title: Certificate in Advanced English Completion Course Titles: Fundamentals of English Fundamentals of English-A Fundamentals of English-B Fundamentals of English-C Certificate Title: Certificate in Advanced Math Completion Course Titles: Algebra I Algebra II Math for Living I Math for Living II Practical Basic Math I Practical Basic Math II Certificate Title: Certificate in Basic English Completion Course Titles: Fundamentals of English-A Fundamentals of English-B E4-3 Exhibit 4 College of the Desert (Cont.) Certificate Title: Certificate in Basic Math Completion Course Titles: Math for Living I Math for Living II Practical Basic Math I Practical Basic Math II Certificate Title: Certificate in Reading Completion Course Titles: Reading Control Lab I Reading Control Lab II Certificate Title: Certificate of Secondary Education Completion Course Titles: GED Test Preparation Fundamentals of English Reading Control Lab II Practical Basic Math II Math for Living II Algebra II Certificate Title: Certificate of Secondary Education Completion (GED) Course Titles: Advanced Fundamentals of English - 3 Advanced Fundamentals of English - 4 Advanced Typing I Algebra I Algebra II American Literature Beginning Typing I Fine Arts: Art Fine Arts: Music Fine Arts: Theater Fundamentals of English Fundamentals of English-A Fundamentals of English-B Fundamentals of English-C General Science I General Science II Health Issues I Health Issues II Math for Living I Math for Living II Practical American Government I E4-4 Exhibit 4 College of the Desert - Certificate of Secondary Education Completion (GED) (Cont.) Practical American Government II Practical Basic Math I Practical Basic Math II Reading Control Lab I Reading Control Lab II Science: Land Animals Science: Water Life U.S. History I U.S. History II World Geography I World Geography II World History I World History II World Literature Certificate Title: English Proficiency Certificate: Life and Work Skills Course Titles: ESL-Comprehensive I ESL-Comprehensive II ESL-Comprehensive III ESL-Conversation I ESL-Conversation II ESL-Conversation III ESL-Language Lab ESL-Literacy GAVILAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Gavilan Community College Certificate Title: CaliforniaHSEE Certificate of Completion Course Titles: CaliforniaHSEE Prep A English-Language Arts CaliforniaHSEE Prep B Mathematics Certificate Title: ESL Life Skills Certificate Course Titles: ESL Life Skills 1 ESL Life Skills 2 ESL Life Skills 3 ESL Life Skills 4 ESL Life Skills 5 ESL Life Skills 6 E4-5 Exhibit 4 Gavilan Community College (Cont.) Certificate Title: GED Certificate of Completion Course Titles: GED Prep A GED Prep B Certificate Title: VESL for the Workplace A & B Course Titles: ESL for the Workplace A ESL for the Workplace B GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Glendale Community College Certificate Title: Account Clerk I Course Titles: 21st Century Employment Strategies Beginning Microsoft Word Business English (filing and memo only) Business Math (Math, Calculators and Accounting only) Introduction to Computers Keyboarding (beginning level only) Windows Certificate Title: Account Clerk II Course Titles: Advanced Microsoft Excel Beginning Microsoft Excel Business Math (computerized accounting) Customer Service Skills Introduction to Computers Keyboarding (Intermediate level) Microsoft Outlook Peachtree Automated Accounting Quickbooks Automated Accounting Certificate Title: Adult Basic Education Course Titles: Basic English Basic Math Basic Reading E4-6 Exhibit 4 Glendale Community College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Advanced English as a Second Language Course Titles: Computer Basics for English Language Learners English as a Second Language Advanced Conversation English as a Second Language Level 5 Certificate Title: Beginning English as a Second Language Course Titles: English as a Second Language Beginning Conversation English as a Second Language-Level 1 English as a Second Language-Level 2 English for Older Adults Literacy Certificate Title: Certificate of Secondary Education Completion Course Titles: Algebra IA Algebra IB American Government Applied Mathematics Arithmetic IA Arithmetic IB Art History IA/B Career Preparation Economics English 11 A/B English 12 A/B English 9 A/B Geometry IA Geometry IB Health and Guidance Life Science IA Life Science IB Literature and Composition Physical Science IA Physical Science IB Psychology United States History IA United States History IB Vocabulary Development World Geography IA/B World History IA World History IB E4-7 Exhibit 4 Glendale Community College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Dental Front Office Clerk Course Titles: 21st Century Employment Strategies Beginning Microsoft Word Business English (typing) Customer Service Skills Dental Front Office Introduction to Computers Keyboarding (beginning and intermediate levels) Microsoft Outlook Windows Certificate Title: GED Preparation Course Titles: Basic English Basic Math Basic Reading GED Lab GED Preparation Certificate Title: General Office Clerk I Course Titles: 21st Century Employment Strategies Beginning Keyboarding Beginning MS Word Filing Fundamentals Internet Introduction to Computers Office Equipment On the Job Communication Certificate Title: General Office Clerk II Course Titles: Beginning MS Excel Business Math and Calculators Business Writing: Email Business Writing: Memos Customer Service Skills Intermediate Keyboarding MS Outlook E4-8 Exhibit 4 Glendale Community College (Cont.) Certificate Title: General Office Clerk III Course Titles: Access Advanced Keyboarding Advanced MS Word Beginning Account Clerk Business Letter Writing Integrated Technology PowerPoint Certificate Title: Intermediate English as a Second Language Course Titles: Computer Basics for English Language Learners English as a Second Language-Level 3 English as a Second Language-Level 4 English as Second Language Intermediate Conversation Certificate Title: Medical Front Office Clerk Course Titles: 21st Century Employment Strategies Beginning Keyboarding Beginning Microsoft Word Customer Service Skills Filing Fundamentals Introduction to Computers Medical Front Office - 060 Medical Front Office - 061 On-the-Job Communication Windows E4-9 Exhibit 4 IMPERIAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Imperial Valley College Certificate Title: English as a Second Language-Advanced Fluency Course Titles: American Slang in Social Settings I American Slang in Social Settings II American Slang in Social Settings III Conversation for Advanced Fluency ESL for Beginning High Fluency ESL for Beginning Low Fluency ESL for Intermediate High Fluency ESL for Intermediate Low Fluency ESL Grammar for Advanced Fluency Certificate Title: ESL Civics Course Titles: Basic ESL/Civics Beginning Oral English for ESL Civics Certificate Title: Retail Course Titles: Customer Service for Retailing Personal Improvement Sales Calculations Sales Transactions Certificate Title: Supervision Course Titles: Business Communication Enhancing Employee Performance Fundamentals of Supervision Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Managing Employee Performance LAKE TAHOE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Lake Tahoe Community College Certificate Title: ESL Proficiency Course Titles: Advanced ESL High Beginning ESL High Intermediate ESL Low Beginning ESL Low Intermediate ESL E4-10 Exhibit 4 LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Long Beach Community College Certificate Title: Adult Basic Education Course Titles: Adult Education-Basic Skills/GED Prep Basic Adult Education-Literacy Development LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT East Los Angeles College Certificate Title: Basic Math Success Course Titles: Mathematics: Fractions Mathematics: Ratio, Proportion, and Percent Mathematics: Whole Numbers and Decimals Certificate Title: English as a Second Language-Level 1 Course Titles: Conversation Writing, Grammar, Reading, Vocabulary, Listening and Speaking I Certificate Title: English as a Second Language-Level 2 Course Titles: Conversation Writing, Grammar, Reading, Vocabulary, Listening and Speaking II Certificate Title: English as a Second Language-Level 3 Course Titles: Conversation Writing, Grammar, Reading, Vocabulary, Listening and Speaking III Certificate Title: English as a Second Language-Level 4 Course Titles: Conversation Writing, Grammar, Reading, Vocabulary, Listening and Speaking IV Certificate Title: Foundations for Academic Success Course Titles: Foundations: Critical Thinking Foundations: Study Skills Certificate Title: Basic Reading Success Course Titles: Language Arts: Reading Fiction Language Arts: Reading Nonfiction E4-11 Exhibit 4 East Los Angeles College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Basic Writing Success Course Titles: Language Arts: Writing Essays Language Arts: Writing Mechanics Language Arts: Writing Sentence Structure Los Angeles City College Certificate Title: Career Discovery Course Titles: Blueprint for Workplace Success Job Club Certificate Title: Customer Service Course Titles: Blueprint for Workplace Success Blueprint for Customer Service 30 Ways to Shine as a New Employee Certificate Title: English as a Second Language Skills Certificate of Completion Course Titles: English as a Second Language 0 English as a Second Language 1 English as a Second Language 2 English as a Second Language 3 Los Angeles City College (Cont.) Certificate Title: English as a Second Language-Civics Certificate of Completion Course Titles: English Literacy and Civics- 0 English Literacy and Civics- 1 English Literacy and Civics- 2 English Literacy and Civics- 3 Certificate Title: Intermediate English as a Second Language Course Titles: English as a Second Language I English as a Second Language II Certificate Title: Job Readiness Skills Certificate of Completion Course Titles: 30 Ways to Shine as a New Employee Blueprint for Customer Service Blueprint for Workplace Success Job Club E4-12 Exhibit 4 Los Angeles City College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Transitional English as a Second Language Course Titles: English as a Second Language 2 English as a Second Language 3 Certificate Title: Vocational English as a Second Language Skills Certificate of Completion Course Titles: VESL A VESL B VESL C Certificate Title: Workforce Literacy Skills Certificate of Completion Course Titles: 30 Ways to Shine as a New Employee Blueprint for Customer Service Blueprint for Workplace Success Review of English Fundamentals Review of Math Fundamentals Vocational English as a Second Language Workplace Computing for LEP Populations Los Angeles Mission College Certificate Title: English Literacy and Civics Certificate of Completion Course Titles: English Language as a Second Language 1 English Language as a Second Language 2 ESL Civics 1 ESL Civics 2 Los Angeles Southwest College Certificate Title: English Literacy and Civics Course Titles: ESL-Writing, Grammar, Reading, Listening and Speaking I ESL-Writing, Grammar, Reading, Listening and Speaking II ESL-Writing, Grammar, Reading, Listening and Speaking III ESL-Civics 1 ESL-Civics 3 ESL-Civics 6 E4-13 Exhibit 4 Los Angeles Southwest College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Job Training Preparation Course Titles: Basic Computer Skills Basic English Skills Basic Math Skills College and Scholastic Assessment Preparation Certificate Title: Vocational ESL Course Titles: Basic Computer Skills Basic Math Skills Vocational English as a Second Language - II Vocational ESL Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Certificate Title: Bank Teller Course Titles: Softskills Basic 1C - Pre-Employment Readiness Bank Teller Training Certificate Title: English Literacy and Civics Course Titles: English as a Second Language-Beginning I English as a Second Language-Intermediate ESL-Civics 1 Certificate Title: ESL: Beginning Course Titles: English as a Second Language-0 English as a Second Language-1 English as a Second Language-2 Certificate Title: Workplace Readiness Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Microsoft Office Application Basics Microsoft Windows Basics Pre-employment Skills/Consumer Training Softskills Basic 1A-Job Search Planning Softskills Basic 1B-The Successful Job Search Softskills Basic 3B-Image, Etiquette, and Interpersonal Communication E4-14 Exhibit 4 Los Angeles Valley College Certificate Title: Certified Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide Course Titles: Certified Nursing Assistant Home Health Aide Certificate Title: English as a Second Language-Speech Course Titles: English as a Second Language-Speech 1 English as a Second Language-Speech 2 Certificate Title: English as a Second Language I Course Titles: English as a Second Language–Beginning I English as a Second Language–Beginning II Certificate Title: English as a Second Language II Course Titles: English as a Second Language-0 English as a Second Language-1 Certificate Title: English as a Second Language III Course Titles: English as a Second Language-2 English as a Second Language-3 Certificate Title: English as a Second Language IV Course Titles: English as a Second Language-4 English as a Second Language-5 English as a Second Language-6 Certificate Title: ESL Civics 1 Course Titles: ESL-Civics 1 ESL-Civics 2 ESL-Civics 3 Certificate Title: ESL Civics 2 Course Titles: ESL-Civics 4 ESL-Civics 5 ESL-Civics 6 E4-15 Exhibit 4 MENDOCINO LAKE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Mendocino College Certificate Title: ESL Preparation Course Titles: English as a Second Language-Lab Preparatory Level English as a Second Language-Preparatory Level MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Merced College Certificate Title: Basic Skills Course Titles: Basic Skills and GED Preparation Career and Life Planning Introduction to College Probation Solutions Level 1 Reading and Computers Reading and Computers II Skills Acquisition for Student Success--General Skills Acquisition for Student Success--Math Vocational Life Planning Certificate Title: English as a Second Language/Civics Certificate Course Titles: ESL-Level 1 ESL-Level 2 ESL-Level 3 ESL-Level 4 ESL-Level 5 ESL-Level 6 E4-16 Exhibit 4 MT. SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Mt. San Antonio College Certificate Title: Accounting-Bookkeeping Course Titles: Bookkeeping-Accounting Business Communications Business English Ten-Key Calculations Certificate Title: Accounting-Computerized Course Titles: Internet Research for Business Microcomputer Applications Using Microcomputers in Financial Accounting Using Microcomputers in Managerial Accounting Word for Office/Business Professionals Certificate Title: Accounting-Payroll Course Titles: Payroll and Tax Accounting Using Microcomputer in Managerial Accounting Using Microcomputers in Financial Accounting Certificate Title: Administrative Assistant-Level 1 Course Titles: Business English Computer Keyboarding (CP01) Computer Keyboarding (CP01A) Computer Keyboarding (CP01B) Microcomputer Applications Office Computer Applications Office Management Skills Certificate Title: Administrative Assistant-Level 2 Course Titles: Business Communications Intermediate Computer Keyboarding Word for Office/Business Professionals Transcription Techniques E4-17 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Basic Skills Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Adult Basic Education Basic Skills Foundation Basic Writing Skills Development Developmental Mathematics Concepts and Applications Improving Reading Comprehension Improving Writing Math Skills Review Personal Computer Applications Reading Acceleration Short-Term Review Certificate Title: Business Management-Level 1 Course Titles: Business Organization and Management Principles of Business Principles of Marketing Certificate Title: Business Management-Level 2 Course Titles: Human Relations in Business Human Resources Management Microcomputer Applications Certificate Title: Business Management-Level 3 Course Titles: Principles of Continuous Quality Improvement Principles of International Business Certificate Title: Career Development Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Adult Basic Education Adult Basic Education-Leadership Development Basic Skills Foundation Certificate Title: Certified Nursing and Acute Care Nursing Assistant Course Titles: Acute Care Nursing Assistant Certified Nursing Assistant Health Careers Resource Center E4-18 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Computer and Networking Technology-Level 1 Course Titles: A+ Certification Preparation Digital Electronics Digital Electronics Laboratory Electronics Laboratory Electronics Theory, A Electronics Theory, B Microcomputer Applications PC Operating Systems PC Servicing PC Troubleshooting Technical Applications in Microcomputers Certificate Title: Computer Graphics Design/Photography Course Titles: Basic Digital and Film Photography Digital Image Design with Illustrator and Freehand Photo Editing with Photoshop Photo-communications Certificate Title: Computer Systems Technology Course Titles: Computer Simulation and Troubleshooting Digital Electronics-Lecture Digital Electronics Laboratory Electronics Assembly and Fabrication Electronics Devices Laboratory Electronics Devices Theory Electronics Laboratory Electronics Theory-A Electronics Theory-B Mathematics of Electronics-AC Mathematics of Electronics-DC Microprocessor Systems Microprocessor Systems Lab Technical Applications in Microcomputers Certificate Title: Data Entry Course Titles: Data Entry Intermediate Computer Keyboarding Office Computer Applications E4-19 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Desktop Publishing Course Titles: Adobe Illustrator for Desktop Computer Keyboarding 01 Computer Keyboarding 01A Computer Keyboarding 01B Desktop Publishing Seminar Desktop Publishing with In-Design or PageMaker Desktop Publishing with QuarkXpress Digital Image Design with Illustrator and Freehand Modifying Images for Desktop Publishing Photo Editing with Photoshop Certificate Title: Electronic Assembly and Fabrication Course Titles: Electronics Theory Electronics Laboratory Electronics Theory Electronics Laboratory Electronics Fundamentals for Cable Installers Electronic Assembly and Fabrication Advanced Surface mount Assembly and Rework Certificate Title: Electronic Cabling and Wiring Technology-Level 1 Course Titles: Electrical Fundamentals for Cable Installation Fabrication Techniques for Cable Installation Microcomputer Applications Technical Applications in Microcomputers Certificate Title: Electronic Cabling and Wiring Technology-Level 2 Course Titles: Advanced Surface Mount Assembly and Rework Cabling and Wiring Standards Customer Relations for the Technician Electronic Assembly and Fabrication Home Theater and Home Automation Systems E4-20 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Electronic Systems Technology-Level 1 Course Titles: Cabling and Wiring Standards Electrical Fundamentals for Cable Installations Fabrication Techniques for Cable Installations Microcomputer Applications Technical Applications in Microcomputers Certificate Title: Electronic Systems Technology-Level 2 Course Titles: Advanced Surface Mount Assembly and Rework C-7 Low Voltage Systems License Preparation Customer Relations for the Technician Electronic Assembly and Fabrication Electronic Troubleshooting - 1 Electronic Troubleshooting - 2 Home Theater and Home Automation Systems Certificate Title: Electronic Technology Course Titles: Digital Electronics - Lecture Digital Electronics Laboratory Electronic Assembly and Fabrication Electronic Devices Laboratory Electronic Devices Laboratory Electronic Theory 1 Electronic Theory 2 Electronics Laboratory 2 Mathematics of Electronics AC Mathematics of Electronics DC Technical Applications in Microcomputers Certificate Title: Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology Course Titles: Communications Circuit Laboratory Communications Circuit Theory Computer Keyboarding Computer Simulations and Troubleshooting LEC Digital Electronics - Lecture Digital Electronics Lab Electronic Assembly and Fabrication Electronic Devices Theory Electronics Devices Laboratory 2 E4-21 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Electronics Laboratory Electronics Theory 1 Electronics Theory 2 Industrial Circuits Lab Industrial Circuits Theory Industrial Electronic Systems - Lab Industrial Electronic Systems - Lecture Mathematics of Electronics AC Mathematics of Electronics DC Microprocessor/Microcomputer Systems & Interface Microprocessor/Microcomputer Systems & Interfacing Lab Microwave Communications Lab Microwave Communications Lecture Radio/Telephone Communications Technical Applications in Microcomputers Technical Engineering Drawing 1 Certificate Title: Electronics Communications Course Titles: Communications Circuit Laboratory Communications Circuit Theory Computer Simulation and Troubleshooting LEC Digital Electronics Lab Digital Electronics Lecture Electronic Assembly and Fabrication Electronics Laboratory Electronics Laboratory 2 Electronics Theory 1 Electronics Theory 2 Mathematics of Electronics AC Mathematics of Electronics DC Microwave Communications Lab Microwave Communications Lecture Technical Applications in Microcomputers Certificate Title: Floral Design Course Titles: Floral Design 1 Floral Design 2 Floral Design 3 E4-22 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Health Care Interpreting Course Titles: Basic Anatomy and Physiology ESL for Health Professionals Externship in Health Care Interpreting Health Care Interpreter Seminar Health Science Skills Lab Interpreting in Health Care 1 Interpreting in Health Care 2 Medical Terminology Certificate Title: Horse Ranch Management Course Titles: Animal Breeding Animal Nutrition Animal Sanitation and Disease Control Artificial Insemination of Livestock Horse Production Microcomputer Applications in Agriculture Certificate Title: Human Resource Management-Level 1 Course Titles: Business Organization and Management Human Resource Management Principles of Business Certificate Title: Industrial Electronics Course Titles: Computer Simulation and Troubleshooting Lecture Digital Electronics Laboratory Digital Electronics Lecture Electronic Assembly and Fabrication Electronic Devices Theory Electronics Devices Laboratory Electronics Laboratory Electronics Theory 1 Electronics Theory 2 Industrial Circuits Theory Industrial Electronic Systems-Lecture Industrial Electronic Systems Lab Industrial Circuits Lab Mathematics of Electronics AC Mathematics of Electronics DC Technical Applications in Microcomputers E4-23 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Interior Landscaping Course Titles: Horticultural Science Integrated Pest Management Interior Landscaping Landscape Design Landscape Irrigation-Design and Installation Landscape Irrigation-Drip and Low Volume Landscaping and Nursery Management Ornamental Plants-Herbaceous Certificate Title: International Business-Level 1 Course Titles: Principles of Business Principles of International Business Principles of Marketing Certificate Title: International Business-Level 2 Course Titles: Business Organization and Management International Marketing Concepts Small Business Management Certificate Title: Job Readiness Skills Course Titles: Assembly/Repair Skills Computer Operations Certificate Title: Landscape and Park Maintenance Course Titles: Horticultural Science Integrated Pest Management Landscape Construction Fundamentals Landscape Irrigation-Design and Installation Landscape Irrigation Systems Management Ornamental Plants-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants-Trees and Woody Shrubs Sports Turf Management Tractor and Landscape Equipment Operations Turf Grass Production and Management E4-24 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Landscape Design and Construction Course Titles: Horticultural Science Landscape Construction Fundamentals Landscape Design Landscape Hardscape Applications Landscape Irrigation - Design and Installation Ornamental Plants - Herbaceous Ornamental Plants - Trees and Woody Shrubs Soils Science and Management Tractor and Landscape Equipment Operations Certificate Title: Landscape Equipment Technology Course Titles: Diesel Engine Repair Engine Diagnostics Horticultural Science Hydraulics Landscape Construction Fundamentals Landscape Hardscape Applications Power Train Repair Small Engine Repair 1 Tractor and Landscape Equipment Operations Certificate Title: Landscape Irrigation Course Titles: Horticultural Science Landscape Construction Fundamentals Landscape Design Landscape Irrigation-Design and Installation Landscape Irrigation-Drip and Low Volume Landscape Irrigation-Systems Management Soils Science and Management Tractor and Landscape Equipment Operations Turf Grass Production and Management Certificate Title: Licensed Welder Course Titles: Basic Electric ARC Welding Beginning ARC Welding Certification for Welders Fabrication and Construction Welding Intermediate ARC Welding Introduction to Welding E4-25 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Oxyacetylene Welding Pipe and Tube Welding Print Reading and Computations for Welders Welding Metallurgy Certificate Title: Livestock Management Course Titles: Animal Breeding Animal Nutrition Animal Sanitation and Disease Control Animal Science Beef Production Food Production, Land Use and Politics Horse Production Landscape Construction Fundamentals Livestock Judging and Selection Principles of Business Principles of Marketing Sheep Production Small Business Management Swine Production Certificate Title: Manufacturing Technology Course Titles: 3-D CaliforniaD for Mechanical Modeling Advanced Mastercam Advanced Parametric Solid Modeling for Desktop AutoCaliforniaD 2D AutoDesk Inventor Blueprint Reading for Manufacturing Introduction to Welding Manual CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) Manufacturing Processes 1 Mastercam 1 Mastercam Solids Manufacturing Processes 2 Parametric Solid Modeling for Manufacturing SurfCaliforniaM 1 SurfCaliforniaM 2 Technical Mathematics – Manufacturing Applications E4-26 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Master CaliforniaM Course Titles: Advanced Mastercam Mastercam 1 Mastercam Solids Mfg Processes 1 Certificate Title: Medical Office Specialist Course Titles: Bookkeeping-Accounting Business Communications Business English Computer Keyboarding Data Entry Intermediate Computer Keyboarding Microcomputer Applications Office Computer Applications Office Management Skills Transcription Techniques Word for Office/Business Professionals Certificate Title: Nursery Management Course Titles: Horticultural Science Integrated Pest Management Landscape Irrigation-Design and Installation Landscape Irrigation-Drip and Low Volume Landscaping and Nursery Management Ornamental Plants-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants-Trees and Woody Shrubs Plant Propagation/Greenhouse Management Turf Grass Production and Management Certificate Title: Office Computer Applications Course Titles: Basic Computing-Level 1 Basic Computing-Level 2 Basic Computing-Level 3 Creating Computing Internet Research-An Introduction E4-27 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Park Management Course Titles: Horticultural Science Integrated Pest Management Landscape Irrigation-Design and Installation Landscape Irrigation Systems Management Ornamental Plants-Trees and Woody Shrubs Park Facilities Park Management Tractor and Landscape Equipment Operations Turf Grass Production and Management Urban Arboriculture Certificate Title: Pet Science Course Titles: Animal Breeding Animal Handling and Restraint Animal Nutrition Animal Sanitation and Disease Control Animal Science Aviculture - Cage and Aviary Birds Canine Management Feline Management Pet Shop Management Reptile Management Small Business Management Tropical and Coldwater Fish Management Certificate Title: Photography Course Titles: Advanced Professional Photography Basic Digital and Film Photography Color Photography Commercial and Illustrative Photography Fashion Photography Photo Editing with Photoshop Photo-communication Photographic Alternatives Photography Portfolio Development Portrait and Wedding Photography E4-28 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Retail Management – Level 1 Course Titles: Business Communications Microcomputer Applications Retail Store Management and Merchandising Retail Store Management and Merchandising Certificate Title: Retail Management – Level 2 Course Titles: Fundamentals of Accounting Business Organization and Management Human Resource Management Principles of Marketing Certificate Title: Retail Management – Level 3 Course Titles: Principles of Accounting - Financial Human Relations in Business Oral Communications for Business Certificate Title: Small Business Management-Level 1 Course Titles: Principles of Business Principles of Marketing Small Business Management Certificate Title: Small Business Management-Level 2 Course Titles: Business Organization and Management Human Relations in Business Human Resource Management Certificate Title: Sports Turf Management Course Titles: Horticultural Science Integrated Pest Management Landscape Irrigation-Design and Installation Landscape Irrigation Systems Management Ornamental Plants-Trees and Woody Shrubs Soils Science and Management Sports Turf Management Tractor and Landscape Equipment Operations Turf Grass Production and Management E4-29 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Certificate Title: SurfCaliforniaM Course Titles: Manual CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) Manufacturing Processes 1 SurfCaliforniaM 1 SurfCaliforniaM 2 Certificate Title: Tree Care and Maintenance Course Titles: Horticultural Science Integrated Pest Management Landscaping and Nursery Management Ornamental Plants-Trees and Woody Shrubs Small Engine Repair 1 Soils Science and Management Tractor and Landscape Equipment Operations Urban Arboriculture Certificate Title: Welder with Concentration in Automotive Welding, Cutting and Modification Course Titles: Automotive Welding, Cutting and Modification Basic Electric ARC Welding Beginning ARC Welding Certification for Welding Fabrication and Construction Welding Intermediate ARC Welding Introduction to Welding Oxyacetylene Welding Pipe and Tube Welding Print Reading and Computations for Welders Welding Metallurgy E4-30 Exhibit 4 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Welder with Concentration in Gas Tungsten ARC Welding Course Titles: Introduction to Welding Oxyacetylene Welding Basic Electric ARC Welding Welding Metallurgy Print Reading and Computations for Welders Beginning ARC Welding Intermediate ARC Welding Certification for Welding Fabrication and Construction Welding Pipe and Tube Welding Gas Tungsten ARC Welding Certificate Title: Welder with Concentration in Semiautomatic ARC Welding Course Titles: Introduction to Welding Oxyacetylene Welding Basic Electric ARC Welding Welding Metallurgy Print Reading and Computations for Welders Beginning ARC Welding Intermediate ARC Welding Certification for Welding Fabrication and Construction Welding Pipe and Tube Welding Semiautomatic ARC Welding Process Certificate Title: Welding Technologies Course Titles: Beginning ARC Welding Certification for Welders Intermediate A Welding Introduction to Welding Print Reading and Computations for Welders Technical Mathematics-Manufacturing Applications E4-31 Exhibit 4 MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Mt. San Jacinto College Certificate Title: ABE-GED Preparation Course Titles: Adult Basic Education General Education Development Certificate Title: ESL Certificate of Completion-General Course Titles: ESL Advanced High ESL Advanced Low ESL Beginning High ESL Beginning Literacy ESL Beginning Low ESL College Connection ESL Intermediate High ESL Intermediate Low Certificate Title: ESL Certificate of Completion-Multi-level Course Titles: ESL College Connection ESL Multi-Level/High/Multi-Discipline II ESL Multi-Level/Low/Multi-Discipline I Certificate Title: Light Duty Automotive Service Course Titles: Basic Computer Skills for Business Career Enhancement Program Customer Service Skills for Business Light Duty Automotive Service NORTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT North Orange Adult Certificate Title: Administrative Assistant Certification Program Course Titles: Business/Computer Skill Lab Computer Applications for the Administrative Assistant I Computer Applications for the Administrative Assistant II Office Skill I Office Skill II E4-32 Exhibit 4 North Orange Adult (Cont.) Certificate Title: Advanced Office Applications Program Course Titles: Business/Computer Skills Lab Integrated Computer Projects Intermediate Access Intermediate Word MS Excel-Power User Skills Certificate Title: Apartment Management Program Course Titles: Apartment Management I Apartment Management II Apartment Management III Certificate Title: Basic Skills Education Certificate of Completion - Literacy Program Course Titles: Literacy - Beginning Literacy - Intermediate Literacy - Advanced Certificate Title: Business Accounting-Basic Program Course Titles: Bookkeeping Principles and Practices Business Skills Development Data Communications Management Income Tax Procedures Intro to Business Computers Certificate Title: Cisco Basics Program Course Titles: Cisco Networking 2 Cisco Networking I Intro-Comp and Software Concepts Introduction to Keyboarding/MS Word Certificate Title: Commercial Refrigeration Program Course Titles: Basic Commercial Refrigeration Commercial Refrigeration Direct Digital Controls-A/C Pneumatic Controls Refrigeration-Electrical Control E4-33 Exhibit 4 North Orange Adult (Cont.) Certificate Title: Construction Technology-Electrical Program Course Titles: Basic Electricity Electrical Wiring and Safety I Electrical Wiring and Safety II Electrical Wiring and Safety III Certificate Title: Construction Technology-General Contracting Program Course Titles: General Contracting Room Addition Fundamentals Certificate Title: Early Childhood Education Program Course Titles: Child Safety & Disaster Preparedness Developmental Readiness for the Preschoolers Early Childhood Development Family-Community Relationship Infant Care I (Elective) Infant Care II Program Principles I Program Principles II Program-Creative Experience Program-Literature Program-Music & Movement Program-Science & Math Certificate Title: Electronics-Consumer and Computer Program Course Titles: Basic Electronics for Video, Audio and Computer Electronic Service Technology Personal Computer Repair (Beginning) E4-34 Exhibit 4 North Orange Adult (Cont.) Certificate Title: Employability Certificate for Students with Disabilities Course Titles: Beginning Banking for Students with Disabilities Bill Paying and Banking Communication on the Job Computer Assisted Instruction Critical Thinking Job Skills Mobility Skills Personal Safety Relationships and Sexuality Self-Advocacy Social Skills Certificate Title: ESL Beginning Course Titles: ESL Beginning High ESL Beginning Literacy ESL Beginning Low ESL Learning Center Family Literacy Certificate Title: ESL Intermediate/Advanced Course Titles: ESL Advanced Low ESL Intermediate High ESL Intermediate Low ESL Learning Center Certificate Title: ESL Oral Communication Skills Course Titles: American Idioms Drama for Communication ESL Pronunciation/Conversation Skills Intermediate Vocabulary Review Certificate Title: ESL Work Readiness Course Titles: Computer Skills for ESL-Advanced Computer Skills for ESL-Beginning ESL Intermediate/Advanced Work Skills E4-35 Exhibit 4 North Orange Adult (Cont.) Certificate Title: ESL Written Communication Skills Course Titles: ESL and the Arts Intermediate Grammar Review Writing and Reading Certificate Title: Floral Design Program Course Titles: Florist Techniques-Beginning Florist Techniques-Intermediate Certificate Title: Fundamental Computer Concepts and Skills Program Course Titles: Beginning Keyboarding Business/Computer Skills Lab Computer Bytes Discover the Internet E-mail Essentials Introduction to Computers Introduction to Microsoft Windows MS Office – Overview Certificate Title: Fundamentals for Financial Office Applications Program Course Titles: Create PDFs with Adobe Acrobat MS Excel Fundamentals for Financial Office Applications MS PowerPoint Fundamentals for Financial Office Applications MS Word Fundamentals for Financial Office Applications QuickBooks Fundamentals for Financial Office Applications Certificate Title: Graphic, Design and Web Skills Program Course Titles: Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Photoshop Elements Tools for Intermediate Users Basic Digital Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Elements Business/Computer Skills Lab Digital Photo Albums for Beginners Digital Photo Restoration and Portrait Makeovers Digital Scrapbooking Introduction to Front Page E4-36 Exhibit 4 North Orange Adult (Cont.) Certificate Title: Management Program Course Titles: Effective Business Presentations Elements of Supervision Finance for the Non-Financial Manager Introduction to Employment Law Management Skills I Management Skills II Marketing Principles Successful Negotiations Understanding Business Contracts Written Communication for Business Certificate Title: Marine Service and Repair Program Course Titles: Diesel Engines Marine Drive System for Recreational Boats Outboard Engine Repair/Service and Maintenance Outboard and Stern Drive Repair Certificate Title: Medical Assistant: Front Office Program Course Titles: Introduction to Computers (**Elective**) Introduction to Microsoft Windows (**Elective**) Medical Assisting: Front Office Procedures Medical Insurance Billing: A Practical Approach to Medicine Medical Terminology Certificate Title: Network Technician Preparation Program Course Titles: Business/Computer Skills Lab Introduction to Cisco Networking Introduction to Computer Networking Introduction to Microsoft Windows Network Administration I Securing Your PC for the Internet Window 2000 Server Windows Desktop Security & Internet Security E4-37 Exhibit 4 North Orange Adult (Cont.) Certificate Title: Office Applications Essentials Program Course Titles: Business/Computer Skills Lab Introduction to Access Introduction to Excel Introduction to PowerPoint Introduction to Publisher Introduction to Word MS Office-Overview Certificate Title: Operating Systems Course Titles: Business/Computer Skills Lab Introduction to Microsoft Windows Introduction to UNIX Securing Your PC for the Internet UNIX II - Linux Desktop Installation Window 2000 Server Window XP - Advance Windows Operating Systems for Technicians Certificate Title: Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program Course Titles: Human Relations for Health Care Workers In-Patient Lab for the Pharmacy Technician Introduction to Pharmacy Technician Medical Terminology Out-Patient Lab for the Pharmacy Technician Pharmaceutical Mathematics Pharmacology I Pharmacology II Pharmacy Operations Lab Certificate Title: Quality Assurance Management Certificate for Medical Devices Course Titles: Document and Database Management for Medical Devices Introduction to Medical Device Quality Assurance Quality Assurance for Medical Devices Quality Auditing for Medical Devices Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices Technical Writing for Bio Medical Industries E4-38 Exhibit 4 North Orange Adult (Cont.) Certificate Title: Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Course Titles: High School Algebra 1 High School Algebra 1BP High School Algebra 1P High School Algebra 2/Trigonometry HP High School Algebra 2P High School AP Calculus AB High School Biology High School Biology P High School Business Law High School Chemistry P High School Composition High School Computer Science 1 High School Drawing and Painting 1 High School Earth Science High School Economics High School English 1 High School English 2 High School English 3 High School English 4 High School English Basic Skills High School Film Appreciation High School General Math High School Geometry High School Geometry P High School Geometry Plane & Solid HP High School Grammar High School Health High School Life Science High School Literature High School Mass Media High School Physical Science High School Pre-AP English High School Pre-Calculus P High School Psychology High School Psychology P High School Reading High School Short Stories High School Spanish 1P High School Spanish 2 P High School Spanish I Accelerated High School Trig/Analytic Geometry High School U S Government E4-39 Exhibit 4 North Orange Adult (Cont.) High School U S History High School Vocabulary High School World Geography High School World History High School World History P High School Writing Skills Individualized Inst in High School Subject Certificate Title: Secondary Education Certificate of Completion - GED Test Preparation Course Titles: GED: Language Arts and Writing GED: Mathematics GED: Reading GED: Science GED: Social Studies Certificate Title: Workplace VESL Administrative Assistant Course Titles: Vocational English as a Second Language: Administrative Assistant ESL Intermediate / Advanced Work Skills Certificate Title: Workplace VESL Early Childhood Education Course Titles: ESL Intermediate/Advanced Work Skills Vocational ESL: Early Childhood Education Certificate Title: Workplace VESL Electricity and Construction Course Titles: ESL Intermediate/Advanced Work Skills Vocational ESL-Electricity and Construction Certificate Title: Workplace VESL Pharmacy Technician Course Titles: ESL Intermediate/Advanced Work Skills Vocational ESL: Pharmacy Technician E4-40 Exhibit 4 PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Palomar College Certificate Title: Adult Basic Education Noncredit Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Literacy/Adult Basic Education I Literacy/Adult Basic Education II Certificate Title: English as a Second Language Noncredit Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Basic ESL Beginning ESL I Beginning ESL II Beginning ESL III Intermediate ESL I Intermediate ESL II Intermediate ESL III PASADENA AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Pasadena City College Certificate Title: Apparel Skills and Drapery Construction Program Course Titles: Advanced Apparel Skills and Drapery Construction Drapery Construction (optional) Introduction to Apparel Skills and Drapery Construction Certificate Title: Business Office Systems Program Course Titles: Business Office Systems Microcomputer Keyboarding A Microcomputer Keyboarding B Word Processing Word Processing Applications Certificate Title: Career Preparation Program Course Titles: Career Planning and Student Development Job Placement Preparation E4-41 Exhibit 4 Pasadena City College (Cont.) Certificate Title: English as a Second Language Course Titles: English as a Second Language American Culture English as a Second Language Basic Writing Skills English as a Second Language Conversation English as a Second Language Grammar Review and Vocabulary Development English as a Second Language-Level 1 English as a Second Language-Level 1-Condensed English as a Second Language-Level 2 English as a Second Language-Level 2-Condensed English as a Second Language-Level 3 English as a Second Language-Level 3-Condensed English as a Second Language-Level 4 English as a Second Language-Level 4-Condensed English as a Second Language-Level 5 English as a Second Language-Level 5-Condensed Certificate Title: Fashion Retail Academy Course Titles: Apparel, Color Theory and Wardrobe Planning Entrepreneur Business Start-Up Basic for Success Etiquette and Image Management Introduction to Fashion, Cosmetics and Fashion Retail Media/Bridal Cosmetic Fundamentals Certificate Title: Printing Technology Program Course Titles: Basic Screen Printing Introductory Screen Printing On Demand printing and Publishing Systems Photocopy Technology RANCHO SANTIAGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Santa Ana College Certificate Title: Completion of Childcare Workers Certificate Course Titles: VOC Business Practices in Family Day Care VOC Employability Skills VOC Health Education for Family Day Care Providers VOC Infant, Toddler, Care/Childcare Providers E4-42 Exhibit 4 Santa Ana College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Completion of Customer Service Representative Certificate Course Titles: VOC Beginning Word Processing, MS Word VOC Employability Skills VOC Intro to Computer Software Applications VOC Intro to Keyboarding and Basic Windows VOC Navigating the Internet VOC Orientation to Computers VOC Topics in Business Skills, Office Employ Prep Training Certificate Title: Completion of Executive Secretary/Administrative Assistant Certificate Course Titles: VOC Employability Skills VOC Introduction to Computer Software Applications VOC Introduction to Electronic Presentation VOC Topics: Office Employment Preparation Training Certificate Title: Completion of General Office Clerk Certificate Course Titles: VOC Basic Computer Operations VOC Beginning Excel VOC Beginning Word Processing, MS Word VOC Business Skills VOC Computer Applications Lab VOC Employability Skills VOC Intro to Keyboarding and Basic Windows VOC Introduction to Windows VOC Navigating the Interne Certificate Title: Completion of Maintenance & Repair Workers Certificate Course Titles: VOC Computer Basics: A+ Preparation, Review, Practice VOC Computer Basics: Hardware and Software VOC Employability Skills VOC Systems and Networking Essentials Certificate Title: Completion of Nursing Aides, Orderlies, Attendants Course Titles: VOC Employability Skills VOC Nursing Boot Camp VOC Paraprofessional Mental Health Worker E4-43 Exhibit 4 Santa Ana College (Cont.) Certificate Title: English as a Second Language Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Academic ESL, Beginning 1 Academic ESL, Beginning 2 Academic ESL, Beginning 3 Academic ESL, Intermediate 1 Academic ESL, Intermediate 2 Academic ESL, Intermediate 3 American English Pronunciation ESL Advanced Grammar Review ESL Beginning ESL 1 ESL Beginning ESL 2 ESL Beginning ESL 3 ESL Community Learning Center ESL Composition A ESL Composition B ESL Conversation 1 ESL Conversation 2 ESL Family Literacy ESL Family Literacy, Beginning 1 ESL Family Literacy, Beginning 2 ESL Family Literacy, Beginning 3 ESL Family Literacy, Computer Emphasis ESL Family Literacy, Intermediate 1 ESL Family Literacy, Intermediate 2 ESL Intermediate ESL 1 ESL Intermediate ESL 2 ESL Intermediate ESL 3 ESL Literacy ESL Topics in ESL ESL Topics in ESL, ESL Family Literacy 2 ESL Writing and Computers Personal Discovery for Employability Transition ESL VESL: Business Skills VESL: Child Care Educators VESL: English for Work 2 VESL: English for Work 1 VESL: Health Services E4-44 Exhibit 4 Santa Ana College (Cont.) Certificate Title: ESL Beginning Enhanced Certificate Course Title: ABE Family Literacy ABE Spanish Literacy Academic ESL, Beginning 1 Academic ESL, Beginning 2 Academic ESL, Beginning 3 Beginning ESL 1 Beginning ESL 2 Beginning ESL 3 ESL American English Pronunciation ESL Civics ESL Community Learning Center ESL Composition A ESL Conversation 1 ESL Family Literacy ESL Family Literacy, Beginning 1 ESL Family Literacy, Beginning 2 ESL Family Literacy, Beginning 3 ESL Family Literacy, Computer Emphasis ESL Literacy ESL Personal Discovery for Employability ESL Writing and Computers Transition ESL Certificate Title: ESL Beginning Job Skills Certificate of Completion Course Title: ABE Family Literacy ABE Spanish Literacy Academic ESL Beginning 1 Academic ESL Beginning 2 Academic ESL Beginning 3 Beginning ESL 1 Beginning ESL 2 Beginning ESL 3 Educational and Career Assessment ESL Community Learning Center ESL Family Literacy, Computer Emphasis ESL Literacy ESL Personal Discovery for Employability ESL Writing and Computers ESL/Family Literacy Beginning 1 ESL/Family Literacy Beginning 2 ESL/Family Literacy Beginning 3 E4-45 Exhibit 4 Santa Ana College (Cont.) Transition ESL VESL: Auto Mechanics VESL: Business Skills VESL: Child Care Educators VESL: Electronic Assembly VESL: English for Work 1 VESL: Health Services VESL: Machine Shop VESL: Pharmacy Technology Certificate Title: ESL Intermediate Communication Skills Certificate Course Titles: ABE Family Literacy ESL Academic ESL, Intermediate 1 ESL Academic ESL, Intermediate 2 ESL Academic ESL, Intermediate 3 ESL Advanced Grammar Review ESL American English Pronunciation ESL Civics ESL Community Learning Center ESL Composition A ESL Composition B ESL Conversation 1 ESL Conversation 2 ESL Family Literacy ESL Family Literacy, Intermediate 1 ESL Family Literacy, Intermediate 2 ESL Intermediate 1 ESL Intermediate 2 ESL Intermediate 3 ESL Personal Discovery for Employability ESL Writing and Computers Certificate Title: ESL Job Skills Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Academic ESL Beginning 1 Academic ESL, Beginning 2 Academic ESL, Beginning 3 Academic ESL, Intermediate 1 Academic ESL, Intermediate 2 Academic ESL, Intermediate 3 American English Pronunciation American English Pronunciation C Educational and Career Assessment E4-46 Exhibit 4 Santa Ana College (Cont.) ESL Advanced Grammar Review ESL Beginning ESL 1 ESL Beginning ESL 2 ESL Beginning ESL 3 ESL Community Learning Center ESL Composition A ESL Composition B ESL Conversation 1 ESL Conversation 2 ESL Family Literacy ESL Family Literacy, Beginning 1 ESL Family Literacy, Beginning 2 ESL Family Literacy, Beginning 3 ESL Family Literacy, Computer Emphasis ESL Family Literacy, Intermediate 1 ESL Intermediate ESL 1 ESL Intermediate ESL 2 ESL Intermediate ESL 3 ESL Literacy ESL Writing and Computers ESL, ESL Family Literacy, Intermediate 2 ESL: Topics in ESL, ESL Fam. Literacy 1 Personal Discovery for Employability Spanish Literacy Topics in English as a Second Language Transition ESL VESL: Auto Mechanics VESL: Business Skills VESL: Child Care Educators VESL: Electronic Assembly VESL: English for Work 2 VESL: Health Services VESL: Machine Shoppe VESL: Pharmacy Technology VESL: English for Work 1 Santiago Canyon College Certificate Title: Carpenter Course Titles: VOC Fundamentals of Cabinetry/Furniture Refinishing VOC Introduction to Cabinetry/Furniture Refinishing E4-47 Exhibit 4 Santiago Canyon College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Commercial and Institutional Food Preparation Course Titles: Vocational Institutional Food Preparation Vocational Workforce Prep Certificate Title: Construction Laborer Course Titles: Vocational Construction Technology Vocational Fundamentals of Welding Vocational Introduction to Construction Technology and Safety Vocational Introduction to Painting Vocational Introduction to Welding Certificate Title: Customer Service Representative Course Titles: VOC Beginning Word Processing: MS Word VOC Introduction to Keyboarding & Basic Windows VOC Navigating the Internet VOC Workforce Readiness Certificate Title: English as a Second Language Program Course Titles: ABE Native Language Basic Skills for Adults ESL Advanced Grammar Review 1A ESL American English Pronunciation ESL Beginning ESL 1 ESL Beginning ESL 2 ESL Beginning ESL 3 ESL Civics ESL Conversation 1 ESL Conversation 2 ESL Family Literacy ESL Family Literacy ESL Interactive Language Training ESL Intermediate ESL 1 ESL Intermediate ESL 2 ESL Intermediate ESL 3 ESL New Student Orientation ESL Transition ESL ESL Writing ESL Writing & Computers: Development a School Publication E4-48 Exhibit 4 Santiago Canyon College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Executive Secretary/Administrative Assistant Course Titles: VOC Beginning Excel VOC Beginning FileMaker Pro VOC Beginning Word Processing: MS Word VOC Introduction to Adobe Acrobat VOC Introduction to Adobe InDesign VOC Introduction to Electronic Presentation VOC Introduction to Keyboarding & Basic Windows VOC Introduction to Personal Commerce on the Internet VOC Introduction to the Use of Digital Cameras VOC Navigating the Internet VOC Workforce Readiness Certificate Title: First-Line Supervisor/Manager, Office and Administrative Support Workers Course Titles: Vocational Beginning Excel Vocational Beginning Word Processing: MS Word Vocational Introduction to Electronic Presentation Vocational Introduction to MS Project Vocational Introduction to Personal Commerce on the Internet Vocational Introduction to Windows Vocational Navigating the Internet Vocational Workforce Readiness Certificate Title: General Office Clerk Course Titles: VOC Beginning Excel VOC Beginning Word Processing: MS Word VOC Business Skills VOC Introduction to Computer Software Applications VOC Introduction to Keyboarding & Basic Windows VOC Introduction to Windows VOC Navigating the Internet VOC Workforce Readiness Certificate Title: Landscape and Grounds-keeping Worker Course Titles: Vocational Basic Horticulture and Plant Maintenance Vocational Fundamentals of Plant Propagation E4-49 Exhibit 4 Santiago Canyon College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Medical Billing Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Introduction to Computer Software Applications Introduction to Keyboarding & Basic Windows Introduction to Medical Billing Workforce Readiness Certificate Title: Sales Representative, Wholesale and Manufacturing (e.g. Web Associates) Course Titles: VOC Introduction to 3D Modeling Using Blender VOC Introduction to Desktop Video Editing (Adobe Premiere) VOC Introduction to Electronic Imaging with Adobe Photoshop VOC Introduction to Electronic Presentation VOC Introduction to Flash VOC Introduction to Personal Commerce on the Internet VOC Introduction to the Use of Digital Cameras VOC Introduction to Web Design using Adobe GoLive VOC Introduction to Web Graphics using Adobe ImageReady VOC Introduction to Web Page Development VOC Introductory Adobe Illustrator VOC Workforce Readiness Certificate Title: Sales Representative, Wholesale and Manufacturing (e.g. Commercial Textile Worker) Course Titles: Fundamentals of Commercial Sewing Introduction to Commercial Sewing Certificate Title: Vocational English as a Second Language Course Titles: ESL Business Skills ESL English for Work 1 ESL English for Work 2 ESL Personal Discovery for Employability E4-50 Exhibit 4 RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Rio Hondo College Certificate Title: California Conditional Real Estate License Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Real Estate Appraisal Real Estate Finance Real Estate Practice Real Estate Principles Certificate Title: English as a Second Language Course Titles: Family Literacy Introduction to Microsoft Office Multi-level ESL Certificate Title: Welding Technology Course Titles: Semi-Automatic Welding Processes Introduction to Fabrication Processes Intermediate Fabrication Processes Introduction to Welding Production Welding Techniques SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT San Diego Continuing Education Center Certificate Title: Account Clerk Program Course Titles: Accounting-Beginning Accounting-Intermediate Basic Business Math 1 Basic Business Math 2 Computerized Accounting Spreadsheets: Advanced E4-51 Exhibit 4 San Diego Continuing Education Center (Cont.) Certificate Title: Administrative Assistant Program Course Titles: Computer Presentations Database Systems: Beginning Database Systems: Intermediate Desktop Publishing Internet Basics Page Layout Spreadsheets: Advanced Telecommunications Word Processing: Advanced Word Processing: Projects Certificate Title: Appliance/Refrigeration/Air Conditioning Repair Program Course Titles: Appliance/Refrigeration Repair Refrigeration/Air Conditioning Certificate Title: Auto Body and Paint Technician Program Course Titles: Auto Body and Paint Technician Auto Body Refinishing Technician Certificate Title: Automotive Technician Program Course Titles: Automotive Technician Engine/Electrical/Performance Certificate Title: Child Development 1 Program Course Titles: 12/23 Months/Walking - Talking Adoptive Parenting Emerging Topics-Parent Ed Families Learning Together Family Communications Family Home Day Care Training Family Relations Foster Parenting Newborn to 12 Months Outdoor Classroom E4-52 Exhibit 4 San Diego Continuing Education Center (Cont.) Certificate Title: Child Development 2 Program Course Titles: 24 to 36 Months/Discovering Me 3-5 Years-Preschool Experience Adoptive Parenting Emerging Topics-Parent Ed Families Learning Together Family Communications Family Home Day Care Training Family Relations Foster Parenting Outdoor Classroom Certificate Title: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Program Course Titles: Introduction to Networking Intro to Router Configuration Local Area Networking Design Wide Area Network Design Certificate Title: Clothing Construction Program Course Titles: Contemporary Tailoring Sewing Fundamentals Sewing Like a Professional Certificate Title: Combined Upholstery Trades Program Course Titles: Automotive Upholstery Basic Upholstery Skills Upholstery Certificate Title: Computer Repair and Service Technician Program Course Titles: Disk Operating Systems Basic Network Configuration Computer Care-Software Tools Hardware Service Technician Data, Voice and Video Cabling E4-53 Exhibit 4 San Diego Continuing Education Center (Cont.) Certificate Title: Culinary Arts Program Course Titles: Culinary Arts I Culinary Arts II Culinary Arts III Culinary Arts IV Culinary Arts V Culinary Arts VI Certificate Title: Data Entry Specialist Program Course Titles: Data Entry Database Systems: Beginning Disk Operating Systems Keyboarding-Multilevel Microcomputer Basics Spreadsheets: Beginning Word Processing: Beginning Certificate Title: Electronic and Soldering Technology Program Course Titles: Basic Electronic Assembly Basic Electronics Electronic Test Technician Certificate Title: Elementary Basic Skills Program Course Titles: Basic Education Pre-Vocational ABE Certificate Title: English as a Second Language Program Course Titles: ESL Adv High 7 ESL Adv Low 6 ESL Beg High 3 ESL Beg Literacy 1 ESL Beg Low 2 ESL Int High 5 ESL Int Low 4 ESL Multi-level ESL Pronunciation E4-54 Exhibit 4 San Diego Continuing Education Center (Cont.) Certificate Title: Food Preparation for Health Care Professionals Program Course Titles: Eat for a Healthy Lifestyle Menu Planning Nutrition Basics Time-Saving Cooking Certificate Title: Front Desk/Office Assistant Program Course Titles: Business Communications 1 Business Communications 2 Disk Operating Systems Keyboarding-Multilevel Microcomputer Basics Microsoft Windows Office Skills Laboratory Spreadsheets: Beginning Survey of Business Software Word Processing: Beginning Certificate Title: General Educational Development Program Course Titles: G.E.D. Mathematics G.E.D. Preparation Reading Improvement Certificate Title: Graphic Reproduction Program Course Titles: Electronic Prepress Operations Commercial Printing Operations Certificate Title: Inspection and Vehicle Preparation Technician Program Course Titles: Automotive Introductory and Safety Quick Service Lube, Pre-delivery Inspection Technician Certificate Title: Interactive Media Certificate Program Course Titles: Interactive Media Interactive Media-Multimedia Interactive Media-Web E4-55 Exhibit 4 San Diego Continuing Education Center (Cont.) Certificate Title: Introduction to Diesel Technology Program Course Titles: Introduction to Diesel Technology Measuring Tools and Applied Mathematics Certificate Title: Machine Shop Program Course Titles: Basic Machine Shop Machine Shop Certificate Title: Medical Office Assistant Program Course Titles: Computerized Medical Office Keyboarding-Multilevel Medical Insurance Medical Terminology Medical Transcription Certificate Title: Multimedia Specialist Program Course Titles: 3D Modeling Digital Editing Emerging Topics-Office Systems Motion Graphics Page Layout Vector Graphics Certificate Title: Network Systems Specialist Program Course Titles: Basic Network Configuration Technical Support Specialist Microsoft Windows Certificate Title: Nursing Assistant Training Program Course Titles: Home Health Aide Nursing Assistant Training Certificate Title: Pipe Welding/Pipe Fitting Program Course Titles: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Pipefitting and Welding E4-56 Exhibit 4 San Diego Continuing Education Center (Cont.) Certificate Title: Pre-Vocational English as a Second Language (VESL) Program Course Titles: Advanced Pre-Vocational ESL Beginning Pre-Vocational ESL Intermediate Pre-Vocational ESL Certificate Title: Professional Bakeshop Skills Program Course Titles: Advanced Bakeshop Skills Professional Bakeshop Skills Certificate Title: Secondary Education Completion Program Course Titles: 20th Century U. S. History 2 Algebra 1-2, Semester 1 Algebra 1-2, Semester 2 Algebra 3-4 Algebra 3-4, Second Semester American Literature 1&2 American Literature 1&2 Sem 2 Career Development Economics English 3-4 English 3-4, Second Semester G.E.D. Mathematics G.E.D. Preparation Independent Study Pre-Algebra, Semester 1 Pre-Algebra, Semester 2 Reading Improvement United States Government 1 United States History 1 World Hist/Geography/Econ 1 World Hist/Geography/Econ 2 Certificate Title: Sewn Product Business Program Course Titles: Sewn Product Business II Sewn Product Business III Sewn Product Business I E4-57 Exhibit 4 San Diego Continuing Education Center (Cont.) Certificate Title: Steel Fabrication Program Course Titles: Metal Arc, Oxy & Flux Core Metal Trades/Steel Fabrication Certificate Title: Structural Welding Program Course Titles: Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Metal Arc, Oxy & Flux Core Certificate Title: Web Server Maintenance and Security Program Course Titles: Web Server Maintenance & Security 1 Web Server Maintenance & Security 2 Certificate Title: Web Server Program Course Titles: Basic Web Server Security Internet TCP/IP and DNS Introduction to UNIX Introduction to Web Servers Server Side Programming Web Server Configuration Certificate Title: Web Specialist Program Course Titles: Business on the Internet Emerging Topics-Computers Information Architecture Internet Basics Legal Issues on the Internet Virtual Reality Web Databases Web Marketing Web Site Creation Writing for the Internet E4-58 Exhibit 4 SAN FRANCISCO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT San Francisco Centers Certificate Title: Academic Skills Elementary-Level 1 Course Titles: Academic Reading 1 Academic Reading/Writing 1.5 Academic Writing 1 Gateway to Credit Math Math Skills Development 1 Orientation to Academic Success Pre-Vocational Foundation Skills Vocabulary and Spelling Certificate Title: Academic Skills Intermediate-Level 2 Course Titles: Academic Reading/Writing 2 Academic Reading/Writing 2.5 Career and Personal Income Management Math Skills Development 2 Orientation to Academic Success Vocational Foundation Skills Certificate Title: Adult Basic Education (ABE)-Level 1 Course Titles: Gateway to Credit Math Individualized Reading and Writing On the Job Communication Skills Orientation to Academic Success Pre-Vocational Foundation Skills Reading/Writing Lab Certificate Title: Adult Basic Education (ABE)-Level 2 Course Titles: ABE/Pre GED Preparation Orientation to Academic Success Vocational Foundation Skills Certificate Title: Adult Secondary Education (ASE) Level 3 Course Titles: GED Preparation Math Skills Lab Orientation to Academic Success E4-59 Exhibit 4 San Francisco Centers (Cont.) Certificate Title: Advanced Word Processing Course Titles: Keyboarding for Computers Keyboarding, Quick Course Word Processing - Advanced Word Processing - Special Topics Certificate Title: Baking and Pastry Course Titles: Advanced Baking and Pastry Introduction to Baking and Pastry Certificate Title: Basic Business Office Skills for Customer Service Course Titles: Business Communication Customer Service Skills Effective Communication E-mail Writing Keyboarding Quick Spreadsheets, Level 1 Word Processing, Level 1 Certificate Title: Basic Computerized Accounting Course Titles: Computer Keyboarding: The Numeric Keypad Computerized Accounting QuickBooks Level 1 QuickBooks Level 2 Certificate Title: Basic Office Support Skills Course Titles: Acrobat for Business/Office Acrobat for Business/Office Document Conversion Business Communications Business English, Level 1 Clerical Keyboarding Internet and Email Intro to Internet and World Wide Web Keyboarding for Computers Office Technology PowerPoint PowerPoint for Business Spreadsheets - Beginning Spreadsheets - Level 1 E4-60 Exhibit 4 San Francisco Centers (Cont.) Spreadsheets - Level 2 Using Outlook for Office Support, Level 1 Word Processing - Beginning Word Processing - Level 1 Word Processing - Level 2 Certificate Title: Basic Word Processing Course Titles: Word Processing, Beginning Word Processing, Intermediate Keyboarding for Computers Word Processing, Level 1 Word Processing, Level 2 Word Processing, Level 3 Certificate Title: Beginning-Low VESL Communication Course Titles: Beginning VESL Communication Beginning-Low VESL Communication A Beginning-Low VESL Communication B VESL for Customer Service Certificate Title: Beginning-Low VESL for Housekeeping Workers Course Titles: Beginning VESL Communication Beginning-Low VESL Communication B Housekeeping ESL VESL for Customer Service San Francisco Centers – Basic Word Processing (Cont.) Certificate Title: Beginning VESL for Construction Workers Course Titles: Basic Workplace Communication Communication Skills for Construction Workers Communication Skills for the Workplace-A Communication Skills for the Workplace-B Workplace Communication Strategies E4-61 Exhibit 4 San Francisco Centers (Cont.) Certificate Title: Beginning VESL for Janitorial Workers Course Titles: Basic Workplace Communication Communication Skills for Janitorial Workers I Communication Skills for Janitorial Workers II Communication Skills for the Workplace-A Communication Skills for the Workplace-B Workplace Communication Strategies Certificate Title: Beginning VESL for the Hospitality Industry Course Titles: Basic Workplace Communication Communication Skills for Chinese Cooks Communication Skills for Hotel/Service Workers Communication Skills for the Workplace-A Communication Skills for the Workplace-B Workplace Communication Strategies Certificate Title: Business Office Publishing Basics Course Titles: Desktop Publishing Intermediate Photoshop Elements Photoshop Elements I Publisher for Business Certificate Title: Business Office Publishing Specialist Course Titles: Desktop Publishing Advanced Photoshop Elements II Photoshop Elements Special Projects using Publisher Certificate Title: Business Web Pages - Basics Course Titles: Building Business Web Sites Building Individual Web Sites Dreamweaver I Introductory Flash for the Business/Office Photoshop Elements Photoshop Elements I Photoshop Elements II E4-62 Exhibit 4 San Francisco Centers (Cont.) Certificate Title: Business Web Pages - Intermediate Course Titles: Photoshop Elements Building Business Web Pages with Studio, Level 1 Building Business Web Pages with Studio, Level 2 Business Web Graphics using Studio Flash for Business/Office Presentation Using Dreamweaver for Web Pages Using Web Expression for Web Pages Certificate Title: Certificate of Completion in ESL Beginning High Focus Skills Course Titles: Conversation - Beginning High English Through Song Lyrics ESL Listening - Beginning High ESL Reading - Beginning High ESL Speaking - Beginning High ESL Writing - Beginning High Certificate Title: Certificate of Completion in ESL Beginning Low Conversation Course Titles: Beginning Low 2 Beginning Low 2 Beginning Low Conversation Pronunciation - Beginning Speaking - Beginning Low Certificate Title: Certificate of Completion in ESL Beginning Low Focus Skills Course Titles: Listening - Beginning Low Reading - Beginning Low Speaking - Beginning Low Writing - Beginning Low Certificate Title: Certificate of Completion in ESL Intermediate High Conversation Course Titles: Intermediate High Conversation Pronunciation - Intermediate Social Communication Speaking - Intermediate High E4-63 Exhibit 4 San Francisco Centers (Cont.) Certificate Title: Certificate of Completion in ESL Intermediate High Reading Course Titles: Current Events Intermediate High 8 Reading - Intermediate High Vocabulary Power Certificate Title: Certificate of Completion in ESL Intermediate Low Focus Skills Course Titles: ESL Listening - Intermediate Low Intermediate Low Conversation Reading - Intermediate Low Speaking - Intermediate Low Writing - Intermediate Low Certificate Title: Certificate of Completion in Intermediate VESL for Construction Workers Course Titles: Basic Workplace Communication Communication Skills for Construction Workers Communication Skills for the Workplace Intermediate Low Conversation Workplace Communication Strategies Certificate Title: Certificate of Completion in Vocational ESL Office Training Course Titles: Business Machines/10 Key Business Math with Spreadsheets Clerical Keyboarding Communication Skills for Job Searching Communication Skills for the Workplace Computer VESL - High Intermediate Databases - Beginning Intro to Computers for ESL - Intermediate Keyboarding - All Levels Keyboarding for ESL Students Micro Business Applications Social Communication VESL Clerical Procedures Word Processing - Beginning E4-64 Exhibit 4 San Francisco Centers (Cont.) Certificate Title: Culinary and Service Skills Course Titles: Food Tech & Dining Service Intro to the Hospitality Industry Certificate Title: Culinary and Service Skills Course Titles: Food Tech & Dining Service Intro to the Hospitality Industry Certificate Title: ESL/ABE for Automotive Technology Course Titles: Basic Workplace Communication Communication Skills for the Workplace ESL/ABE for Automotive Technology Workplace Communication Strategies Certificate Title: ESL Advanced Low 9 Course Titles: Advanced Low 9 ESL Through Story-Based Video and TV Telling Stories for ESL Students Certificate Title: ESL Beginning 1-4 Multi-Level Course Titles: Beginning 1-4 Multi-level Beginning 1-4 Multi-level-A Beginning 1-4 Multi-level-B Certificate Title: ESL Beginning Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Beginning High 3 Beginning High 3-A Beginning High 3-B Certificate Title: ESL Beginning High 3 Course Titles: Beginning High 3 Beginning High 3-A Beginning High 3-B E4-65 Exhibit 4 San Francisco Centers (Cont.) Certificate Title: ESL Beginning High 3-4 Intensive Course Titles: Beginning High 3-4 Intensive Beginning High 4 Beginning High 4-A Beginning High 4-B Certificate Title: ESL Beginning High 4 Course Titles: Beginning High 4 Beginning High 4-A Beginning High 4-B Certificate Title: ESL Beginning Low 1 Course Titles: Beginning Low 1 Beginning Low 1-A Beginning Low 1-B Certificate Title: ESL Beginning Low 1-2 Intensive Course Titles: Beginning Low 1-2 Intensive Beginning Low 1-2 Intensive-A Beginning Low 1-2 Intensive-B Certificate Title: ESL Beginning Low 2 Course Titles: Beginning Low 2 Beginning Low 2-A Beginning Low 2-B Certificate Title: ESL Beginning Multi-level Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Beginning High 4 Beginning High 4-A Beginning High 4-B Certificate Title: ESL Beginning Workplace Skills Course Titles: ESL Math ESL Skills Computer Lab Keyboarding for ESL Students Keyboarding for ESL Students San Francisco Centers (Cont.) E4-66 Exhibit 4 Certificate Title: ESL Computer-Assisted Beginning Course Titles: Beginning High 3 Beginning High 3 - A Beginning High 3 - B Beginning Low 1 Beginning Low 1 – A Beginning Low 1 - B Computer Assisted ESL - Beginning High Computer Assisted ESL - Beginning High Computer Assisted ESL - Beginning Low Certificate Title: ESL Computer-Assisted Intermediate Course Titles: Computer Assisted ESL–1a Computer Assisted ESL–1b Computer Assisted ESL-Intermediate Computer VESL-High Intermediate Intro to Computers for ESL-Intermediate Intro to Computers for ESL-Intermediate Writing with a Computer-Intermediate Certificate Title: ESL Intermediate 5-8 Multi-Level Course Titles: Accelerated Grammar Intermediate 5-8 Multi-Level Social Communication Vocabulary Power Certificate Title: ESL Intermediate High 7 Course Titles: Intermediate High 7 Intermediate High Conversation Pronunciation-Intermediate Social Communication Certificate Title: ESL Intermediate High 7-8 Intensive Course Titles: Intermediate High 7-8 Intensive Intermediate High 7-8 Intensive-A Intermediate High 7-8 Intensive-B E4-67 Exhibit 4 San Francisco Centers (Cont.) Certificate Title: ESL Intermediate High 8 Course Titles: Intermediate High 8 Listening-Intermediate High Pronunciation-Intermediate Reading-Intermediate High Writing-Intermediate High Certificate Title: ESL Intermediate Low 5 Course Titles: Intermediate Low 5 Intermediate Low 5-A Intermediate Low 6-B Certificate Title: ESL Intermediate Low 5-6 Intensive Course Titles: Intermediate Low 5-6 Intensive Intermediate Low 6 Intermediate Low 6-A Intermediate Low 6-B Certificate Title: ESL Intermediate Low 6 Course Titles: Intermediate Low 6 Intermediate Low 6-A Intermediate Low 6-B Intermediate Low Conversation Certificate Title: ESL Literacy Course Titles: ESL Literacy A-1 ESL Literacy A-2 ESL Literacy A-A ESL Literacy A-B ESL Literacy B Native Language Literacy Certificate Title: ESL Literacy Certificate of Completion Course Titles: ESL Literacy A ESL Literacy A ESL Literacy A-A ESL Literacy A-B ESL Literacy B San Francisco Centers (Cont.) E4-68 Exhibit 4 Certificate Title: Excel Basics Course Titles: Excel - Beginning Excel - Intermediate Spreadsheets, Level 1 Spreadsheets, Level 2 Spreadsheets, Level 3 Certificate Title: Excel Specialist Course Titles: Business Math with Spreadsheets Excel - Advanced Excel for Accounting Certificate Title: Graphics Support Specialist Course Titles: Design and Type Fundamentals Intro to Adobe Illustrator Intro to Adobe InDesign Intro to Adobe Photoshop Intro to Mac Graphics Certificate Title: Intermediate VESL for Biotech Workers Course Titles: Basic Workplace Communication Communication Skills for the Workplace VESL for the Biotech Industry Workplace Communication Strategies Certificate Title: Intermediate VESL for Child Development Workers Course Titles: VESL for Child Development A VESL for Child Development A VESL for Child Development B Certificate Title: Intermediate VESL for Clerical Workers Course Titles: Business Writing on Micros/ESL Social Communication VESL for Clerical Procedures E4-69 Exhibit 4 San Francisco Centers (Cont.) Certificate Title: Intermediate VESL for Health Workers Course Titles: Communication Skills for Health Workers Communication Skills for Health Workers-A Communication Skills for Health Workers-B Computer VESL-Health Workers VESL for Health Workers Certificate Title: Intermediate VESL for Hospitality Workers Course Titles: Basic Workplace Communication Communication Skills for Culinary Workers Communication Skills for Customer Service Employees Communication Skills for Food Service/Hospitality Communication Skills for the Workplace VESL for Banquet Servers Workplace Communication Strategies Certificate Title: Intermediate VESL for Job Searching Course Titles: Basic Workplace Communication Communication Skills for Job Searching Communication Skills for the Workplace Workplace Communication Strategies Certificate Title: Intermediate VESL for Printing Workers Course Titles: Basic Workplace Communication Communication Skills for the Workplace VESL for Printing Workplace Communication Strategies Certificate Title: Intermediate VESL for Transit Operators Course Titles: Communication Skills for New Transit Operators Communication Skills for New Transit Operators-2 Communication Skills for Transit Operators Communication Skills for Transit Operators-2 E4-70 Exhibit 4 San Francisco Centers (Cont.) Certificate Title: MS Office Specialist Course Titles: Databases - Advanced Databases - Beginning Databases - Intermediate Excel Special Topics - Beyond Advanced Keyboarding for Computers Outlook for Office Support I Outlook for Office Support II PowerPoint for Business Spreadsheets - Advanced Spreadsheets - Beginning Spreadsheets – Intermediate Word Processing - Advanced Word Processing - Beginning Word Processing - Intermediate Word Processing - Special Topics Certificate Title: Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Beginning Algebra Civics Economics Focus on the Future High School Learning Literature & Composition Orientation to Academic Success Physical Science 1 U.S. History 1 U.S. History 2 Certificate Title: Specialized Accounting Skills Course Titles: Computer Keyboarding: The Numeric Keypad Income Tax Prep Intro Keyboarding Quick QuickBooks A/P, A/R QuickBooks, Payroll E4-71 Exhibit 4 San Francisco Centers (Cont.) Certificate Title: Vocational Foundation Level 1 Course Titles: Gateway to Credit On the Job Communication Skills Orientation to Academic Success Pre-Vocational Foundation Skills Certificate Title: Vocational Foundation Level 2 Course Titles: Career and Personal Income Management Orientation to Academic Success Vocational Foundation Skills Certificate Title: Vocational Foundation Level 3 (Graphic Arts) Course Titles: Graphic Arts Academics Orientation to Academic Success Certificate Title: Vocational Preparation for Persons with Disabilities Course Titles: Acquired Brain Impairment - Academic Retraining Acquired Brain Impairment - Cognitive Retraining Active Job Search Computer Skills - Disabled Educational Assessment - Disabled Job Search Skills - Disabled Life Skills for the Disabled Prevocational Skills Program for the Learning Disabled Vocational Skills for the Disabled SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Cuesta College Certificate Title: Noncredit English as a Second Language Course Titles: ESL Advanced ESL Beginning High-Level 3 ESL Beginning Literacy-Level 1 ESL Beginning Literacy-Level 2 ESL Intermediate High-Level 5 ESL Intermediate Low-Level 4 E4-72 Exhibit 4 Cuesta College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Noncredit Vocational English as a Second Language Course Titles: Work-Related Conversational Skills-Level 1 Work-Related Conversational Skills-Level 2 Certificate Title: Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Course Titles: HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Algebra I HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Algebra II HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Biology HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Ceramics HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Chemistry HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Drawing HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Economics HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Geometry HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Painting HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Political Science HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Psychology HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Spanish I HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Spanish II HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Spanish III HSD Noncredit Basic Skills U.S. History HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Visual Design HSD Noncredit Basic Skills World History SANTA BARBARA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Santa Barbara CED Certificate Title: Basic Computer Applications Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Computer Keyboard & Mouse Basics Computer Skills (Bilingual) Computers for Beginners Email for Beginners Excel in XP: Building Spreadsheets Exploring Microsoft Office for Windows Happiness is a Clean Disk Introduction to MS Outlook Introduction to Personal Computers Introduction to the Macintosh Learn to Type Making Sense Out of Upgrading & Repairing Your PC MS Publisher in a Day Santa Barbara CED (Cont.) E4-73 Exhibit 4 On-Line to the Internet Operating System Mac OS X PowerPoint Searching the Web Setting-Up a Home Computer Network Spreadsheet Basics The Inside Word on Word Virus Protection Windows Basics Word Word Processing Basics Santa Barbara City College Certificate Title: ESL Certificate of Completion Course Titles: ESL Advanced Low - Level 6 ESL Beginning High - Level 3 ESL Beginning Literacy - Level 1 ESL Beginning Low - Level 2 ESL Bilingual Basic Reading and Writing ESL Computer Class ESL Conversation - Let's Talk ESL Conversation and Pronunciation ESL Intermediate High - Level 5 ESL Intermediate Low - Level 4 ESL Multilevel ESL-Writing for the ESL Student Certificate Title: Health Care interpreter Training Program Course Titles: Health Care Interpreter Training Spanish/English Medical Terminology Certificate Title: Personal Care Attendant Training Program Course Titles: ESL for Nurses Assistants: Part I ESL for Nurses Assistants: Part II Personal Care Attendant Course Strokes: Prevention, Rehabilitation and Possibilities Training for End-of Life Care E4-74 Exhibit 4 Santa Barbara City College– (Cont.) Certificate Title: Restorative Nurse Assistant Training Program Course Titles: Restorative Nurse Aide Training Program Restorative Nurse Aide 2 Certificate Title: Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Course Titles: American History Part 1 American History Part 2 Basic Skills Development, Reading, Writing and Math Biology Earth Science Economics Government Health Individualized Instruction: All Subjects Integrated Mathematics Integrated Mathematics 2: Algebra Integrated Mathematics 3: Geometry Mathematics A (Whole Number Arithmetic) Mathematics B (Fractions, Decimals and Percents) Oceanography Reading and Composition 1 Reading and Composition 2 Reading and Composition 3 The Learning Center: A Multi-media Learning Lab Certificate Title: Secondary Education/Bi-lingual/Bi-literate GED Preparation Certificate of Completion Course Titles: ASE/GED Test Subject Bi-lingual/Bi-literate Mathematics ASE/GED Test Subject Bi-lingual/Bi-literate Reading ASE/GED Test Subject Bi-lingual/Bi-literate Science ASE/GED Test Subject Bi-lingual/Bi-literate Social Studies ASE/GED Test Subject Bi-lingual/Bi-literate Writing Certificate Title: Secondary Education/GED Certificate of Completion Course Titles: ASE/GED Test Subject - Mathematics ASE/GED Test Subject - Reading ASE/GED Test Subject - Science ASE/GED Test Subject - Social Studies ASE/GED Test Subject - Writing E4-75 Exhibit 4 SANTA CLARITA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT College of the Canyons Certificate Title: Basic Secondary Math Skills Course Titles: HSD Algebra I A/B/C HSD Algebra II A/B HSD Geometry I A/B/C Certificate Title: Certificate of Completion in English as a Second Language Course Titles: ESL Pre-Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 SANTA MONICA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Santa Monica College Certificate Title: Secondary Education Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Algebra 1A Algebra 1B American Government American History 1A American History 1B Applied Mathematics Arithmetic 1A Arithmetic 1B CaliforniaHSEE English Language Arts Preparation CaliforniaHSEE Mathematics Preparation Economics English 10 A/B English 11 A/B English 12 A/B English 9 A/B Geography of the Non-Western World E4-76 Exhibit 4 Santa Monica College– (Cont.) Geography of the Western World Geometry 1A Geometry 1B Life Science 1A Life Science 1B World History 1A World History 1B SEQUOIAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT College of the Sequoias Certificate Title: ESL Advanced Level Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Advanced Pronunciation/Speaking Advanced Pronunciation/Speaking Advanced Reading/Vocabulary 5 Advanced Reading/Vocabulary 6 Advanced Writing/Grammar 5 Advanced Writing/Grammar 6 Certificate Title: ESL Beginning/Elementary Level Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Beginning Pronunciation/Speaking Beginning Reading/Vocabulary 1 Beginning Reading/Vocabulary 2 Beginning Writing/Grammar 1 Beginning Writing/Grammar 2 Certificate Title: ESL Intermediate Level Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Intermediate Pronunciation/Speaking Intermediate Reading/Vocabulary 3 Intermediate Reading/Vocabulary 4 Intermediate Writing/Grammar 3 Intermediate Writing/Grammar 4 E4-77 Exhibit 4 SONOMA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Santa Rosa Junior College Certificate Title: Certificate of Completion in Basic Academic Skills Course Titles: Academic Skills I Academic Skills II Academic Skills III Certificate Title: Certificate of Completion in Noncredit ESL Course Titles: Beginning High Noncredit ESL Beginning Low Noncredit ESL Beginning Noncredit ESL Literacy English Skills Workshop Intermediate High Noncredit ESL Intermediate Low Noncredit ESL Multilevel Noncredit ESL Native Language Literacy VESL Workshop SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Saddleback College Certificate Title: English as a Second Language- Advanced Level-Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Advanced Conversation Advanced Grammar Review Advanced Multiskills Advanced Pronunciation Advanced Reading and Writing Advanced Writing for Work American Language and Culture Through Film ESL Laboratory ESL Reading for College: American Literature ESL Skills Lab Essential Academic Skills Grammar Review for College Idioms and Expressions in American English Listening and Note-Taking Skills for College Vocabulary Skills for College E4-78 Exhibit 4 Saddleback College (Cont.) Certificate Title: English as a Second Language Course Titles: Advanced Conversation Advanced Grammar Review Advanced Multiskills Advanced Pronunciation Advanced Reading and Writing Advanced Writing for Work Beginning Conversation Beginning Multiskills I Beginning Multiskills II Beginning Pronunciation ESL Laboratory ESL Reading for College: American Literature ESL Skills Lab Essential Academic Skills Grammar Review for College Idioms and Expressions Intermediate Conversation Intermediate Multiskills I Intermediate Multiskills II Intermediate Pronunciation Intermediate Reading and Writing I Intermediate Reading and Writing II Listening and Note-Taking Skills for College Vocabulary Skills for College Certificate Title: English as a Second Language-Beginning Level-Certificate of Achievement Course Titles: Beginning Conversation Beginning Multiskills Beginning Multiskills I Beginning Pronunciation Beginning Reading and Writing ESL Laboratory E4-79 Exhibit 4 Saddleback College (Cont.) Certificate Title: English as a Second Language-Intermediate Level-Certificate of Completion Course Titles: ESL Laboratory ESL Skills Lab Intermediate Conversation Intermediate Multiskills I Intermediate Multiskills II Intermediate Pronunciation Intermediate Reading and Writing I Intermediate Reading and Writing II Certificate Title: English as a Second Language-Intermediate Level-Pre-College Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Intermediate Multiskills I Intermediate Multiskills II Intermediate Conversation Intermediate Pronunciation ESL Laboratory Intermediate Reading and Writing I Intermediate Reading and Writing II ESL Skills Lab SOUTHWESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Southwestern College Certificate Title: Entry Level ESL Noncredit Certificate of Completion Course Titles: Introduction to Academic ESL I Introduction to Academic ESL II Introduction to Academic ESL III Certificate Title: Marine Safety Service Advanced Certificate Course Titles: Careers in Marine Safety Service EMT Refresher for Marine Safety Personnel Fire-Marine Safety Service AED/ETAD First Responder Swift Water Rescue Training I Fundamentals of Instructor Training for Recreation Assts. E4-80 Exhibit 4 Southwestern College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Marine Safety Service Basic Certificate Course Titles: Automated External Defibrillation (AED) CPR for the Professional Rescuer First Aid for Public Safety Personnel - Title 22 Lifeguard Training Ocean Lifeguarding for Recreational Assistants Oxygen Administration for the Professional Rescuer Certificate Title: Quality Home Care Provider Course Titles: Basic First Aid and Adult CPR Budget of Home Energy Management Careers in Health Care Community Resources for Older Adults Home Care Client Excellence Nutrition and Health Issues--Older Adults The Circle of Life: Empowering Yourself Certificate Title: Recreation Assistant in a Marine Environment---Advanced Course Titles: Canoe Trip Leader Training Fundamentals of Instructor Training for Recreation Assistants Leadership Training in Marine Aquatic Activities Lifeguard Training Instructor Certificate Title: Recreation Assistant in a Marine Environment---Basic Course Titles: Basic Boating and Water Safety Basic Water Rescue Boating Safety Paddle Sports Leader Training CPR for the Professional Rescuer First Aid for Public Safety Personnel - Title 22 Lifeguard Training Oxygen Administration for the Professional Teambuilding Training through Sand Castle Construction for Group Lea Certificate Title: Recreational Assistant Course Titles: Basic Boating and Water Safety Basic First Aid and Adult CPR Boating Safety Paddle Sports Leader Training CPR for the Professional Rescuer Fundamentals of Instructional Evaluation and Training Leadership Training in Marine Aquatic Activities E4-81 Exhibit 4 Southwestern College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Tax Preparation Course Titles: Tax Preparation/Income Tax I Tax Preparation/Income Tax II STATE CENTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Fresno City College Certificate Title: Manufacturing Mechanic Course Titles: Electrical Fundamentals Fluid Power Fundamentals Hydraulic Fundamentals Introduction to Manufacturing Job Preparation Pneumatic Fundamentals Power Transmission Programmable Controllers Technical Report Writing Trade Mathematics Welding Fundamentals YOSEMITE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Modesto Junior College Certificate Title: Elementary ESL Course Titles: ESL Beginning ESL Higher Elementary ESL Intermediate ESL Lower Elementary Certificate Title: Workplace ESL Course Titles: English at Work English at Work 2 E4-82 Exhibit 5 Certificates of Competency by District, College, Certificate Title and Course Title Exhibit 5 CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY BY DISTRICT, COLLEGE, CERTIFICATE TITLE AND COURSE TITLE ALLAN HANCOCK COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Allan Hancock College Certificate Title: Income Tax Preparation Course Titles: Income Tax Preparation Internship Introduction to Income Tax Preparation Introduction to Income Tax Preparation Software BAKERSFIELD COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Bakersfield College Certificate Title: ESL Certificate of Completion-Intermediate Course Titles: Basic Listening and Speaking I Basic Listening and Speaking II Low-Intermediate Reading and Vocabulary Preparation for Academic Writing LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Long Beach City College Certificate Title: English for Every Day Course Titles: Basic Skills for ESL Students English for Every Day 0 English for Every Day 1 English for Every Day 2 English for Every Day 3 English for Every Day 4 English for Every Day 5 ~ E5-1 ~ Exhibit 5 Long Beach City College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Reading Skills for ESL Students Course Titles: Basic Skills for ESL Students Reading Skills for ESL Students 1 Reading Skills for ESL Students 2 Reading Skills for ESL Students 3 Reading Skills for ESL Students 4 Reading Skills for ESL Students 5 Reading Skills for ESL Students 6 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Los Angeles City College Certificate Title: Entrepreneurship Skills Certificate of Competency Course Titles: Blueprint for Customer Service Young Entrepreneur Certificate Title: Hospitality Skills Certificate of Competency Course Titles: Banquet Server Skills Training Front Desk Representative-Making a Good Impression Guestroom Attendant Skills Training Kitchen Steward Training Skills Laundry Attendant Skills Training Maintenance Employee Skills Training Public Space Cleaner Skills Training Reservationists Skills Training Restaurant Server Skills Training Certificate Title: In-Home Supportive Services Skills Certificate of Competency Course Titles: In-Home Supportive Services VESL for Home Health Aide Certificate Title: Retail Sales and Customer Service Course Titles: Get to Know Your Customer Going the Extra Mile Strategies in Building Continuous Relationship Strategies in Meeting Your Customers Needs E5-2 Exhibit 5 Long Beach City College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Retail Supervisory and Management Course Titles: Building Sales Closing the Sale Completing Sales Transactions Explaining Features and Benefits Certificate Title: Retailing Smarts Skills Certificate Course Titles: Retailing Smarts 1: Getting to Know Your Customer Retailing Smarts 1: Getting to Know Your Customer 2 Los Angeles Trade Technical College Certificate Title: College Readiness Course Titles: Basic Computer Literacy Basic English Skills Basic Math Skills College and Scholastic Assessment Prep MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Merced Community College Certificate Title: Court Interpreter Course Titles: Court Interpreter and Administrative Hearing Introduction to Microcomputers Certificate Title: Medical Assistant Course Titles: Introduction to Microcomputers Medical Assisting Skills Acquisition for Student Success--Allied Health Certificate Title: Technical Office Occupations Course Titles: Introduction to Microcomputers Microcomputers and Business E5-3 Exhibit 5 MT. SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Mt. San Antonio College Certificate Title: Basic Skills Certificate of Competency Course Titles: Adult Basic Education Basic Skills Foundation Basic Writing Skills Development Developmental Mathematics Concepts and Applications Improving Reading Comprehension Improving Writing Math Skills Review Personal Computer Applications Reading Acceleration Short-Term Review Certificate Title: Career Development Certificate of Competency Course Titles: Adult Basic Education Adult Basic Education - Leadership Development Basic Skills Foundation Career Development Career Information and Guidance Career/Life Planning Guidance and Orientation to Special Programs Re-Entry Work Skills Needed for Today's Workforce Certificate Title: English as a Second Language Course Titles: English for Special Uses ESL for Health Professionals ESL Level 2 ESL Level 3 ESL Level 4 ESL Level 5 ESL Level 6 ESL Level I ESL Pre-level 1 ESL Speaking A ESL Speaking B E5-4 Exhibit 5 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) ESL Speaking C ESL Writing A ESL Writing B ESL Writing C Language Skills Laboratory TOEFL Preparation Certificate Title: Parametric Solid Modeling Course Titles: 3-D CaliforniaD for Mechanical Modeling Advanced Mechanical Desktop AutoCaliforniaD 2D AutoDesk Inventor Parametric Solid Modeling for Manufacturing Certificate Title: Secondary Education Certificate of Competency Course Titles: High School CaliforniaHSEE Prep - Mathematics High School English 1 High School English 2 High School Advanced Graphics/Printing High School Algebra 1 High School Algebra 2 High School Art 2 High School Art and Creative Expression High School Biology High School CaliforniaHSEE Prep - English Language Arts High School Chemistry High School Chinese 1 High School Civics/American Government High School Computer Technology High School Diploma and Referral High School Economics High School English 4 High School General Math High School Geography High School Geometry High School High School English 3 High School High School Health High School Journalism High School Life Science High School Music Appreciation High School Philosophy High School Physical Science E5-5 Exhibit 5 Mt. San Antonio College (Cont.) High School Planning and Guidance High School Pre-Algebra High School Psychology High School Single Survival High School Sociology High School Spanish 1 High School Spanish 2 High School Stagecrafts High School Study Skills High School Typing/Keyboarding High School United States History High School Video and Media Production High School World History RANCHO SANTIAGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Santa Ana College Certificate Title: Secondary Education Course Titles: Adult Basic Education Skills GED Test Preparation Intermediate ESL 3 Certificate Title: Secondary Education Certificate of Competency, Part A Course Titles: ABE, ABE Family Literacy ABE, Directing & Facilitating a Conference ABE, Leadership Basics 1 ABE, Leadership Basics 2 ABE, Student Leadership Conference ABE, Topics in Adult Basic Education ABE, Vocational Academic Skills Training ABE, Writing and Computers Adult Basic Education Sec Subject California High School Exit Exam Lang Arts Prep Sec Subject California High School Exit Exam Math Prep Sec Subject Study Skills 1 Sec Subject Topics in High School Subject Sec Subject Topics in HSS Study Skills 1 Sec Subject Topics in HSS, California Exit Exam Lang Arts Prep Sec Subject, Algebra 1A Sec Subject, Algebra 1B Sec Subject, Algebra 2A E5-6 Exhibit 5 Santa Ana College (Cont.) Sec Subject, Algebra 2B Sec Subject, Basic Consumer Math 1A Sec Subject, Basic Consumer Math 1B Sec Subject, Building Reading Skills 1 Sec Subject, Building Reading Skills 2 Sec Subject, Building vocabulary 1 Sec Subject, Building Vocabulary 2 Sec Subject, Building Vocabulary 3 Sec Subject, Composition 1 Sec Subject, Composition 2 Sec Subject, Composition 3 Sec Subject, English 1 Sec Subject, English 2 Sec Subject, English 3 Sec Subject, English 4 Sec Subject, English 5 Sec Subject, English 6 Sec Subject, English 7 Sec Subject, English 8 Sec Subject, English A Sec Subject, English B Sec Subject, English C Sec Subject, English D Sec Subject, English Fundamentals 1 Sec Subject, English Fundamentals 2 Sec Subject, English Fundamentals 3 Sec Subject, English Fundamentals 4 Sec Subject, Geometry 1A Sec Subject, Geometry 1B Sec Subject, HSS Study Skills 2 Sec Subject, Individualized Instruction Sec Subject, Intro to Metric System Sec Subject, Math Fundamentals 1 Sec Subject, Math Fundamentals 2 Sec Subject, Poetry Sec Subject, Pre Algebra A Sec Subject, Pre Algebra B Sec Subject, Pronunciation C Sec Subject, Reading Proficiency Development Sec Subject, Short Story Sec Subject, Spelling Techniques Sec Subject, The Novel Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Study Skills 2 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Algebra 1 Support E5-7 Exhibit 5 Santa Ana College (Cont.) Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, California HS Exit Exam Math Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, English 1 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, English 2 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, English 3 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, English 4 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, English 5 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, English 6 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, English 7 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, English 8 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, English A Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, English B Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, English C Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, English D Certificate Title: Secondary Education Certificate of Competency, Part B Course Titles: DSPS Disabilities & Success in Workplace Sec Sub, HSS Directing Facilitating a Conference Sec Subject Health Science and First Aid Sec Subject Topics in HSS Chemistry 1 Sec Subject, American Government 1 Sec Subject, American Government 2 Sec Subject, Basic Science 1 Sec Subject, Basic Science 2 Sec Subject, Chemistry 1 Sec Subject, Consumer Education Proficiency Sec Subject, Dance theory 1 Sec Subject, Dance Theory 2 Sec Subject, Drawing and Painting 1 Sec Subject, Drawing and Painting 2 Sec Subject, Drawing and Painting 3 Sec Subject, Earth Science 1 Sec Subject, Earth Science 2 Sec Subject, Film as Art Sec Subject, First Aid Sec Subject, Health Issues and Concepts Sec Subject, HSS Leadership Skills 1 Sec Subject, HSS Leadership Skills 2 Sec Subject, HSS Student Leadership Conference Sec Subject, Human Anatomy and Physiology Sec Subject, intro to Economics Sec Subject, Introduction to Biology Sec Subject, Introduction to Theatre Arts Sec Subject, Learning Skills and Strategies E5-8 Exhibit 5 Santa Ana College (Cont.) Sec Subject, Life Science 1 Sec Subject, Life Science 1 Sec Subject, Modern American History 1 Sec Subject, Modern American History 2 Sec Subject, Music theory 1 Sec Subject, Music Theory 2 Sec Subject, Music Theory 3 Sec Subject, Music Theory 4 Sec Subject, Music Theory 5 Sec Subject, Music Theory 6 Sec Subject, Orientation to College Sec Subject, Physical Science 1 Sec Subject, Physical Science 2 Sec Subject, Positive Life Attitudes Sec Subject, SAT Test Preparation Sec Subject, Skills for Success Sec Subject, Spanish 2 Sec Subject, Spanish 3 Sec Subject, Spanish for Spanish Speakers Sec Subject, Topics in HSS Intro to Theatre Arts Sec Subject, Topics in HSS Music Theory 1 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Dance Theory 1 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Dance Theory 2 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Human Anat & Physiology Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Mod Amer History 1 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Mod Amer History 2 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Music Theory 2 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Music Theory 3 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Music Theory 4 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Music Theory 5 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Music Theory 6 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Spanish 2 Sec Subject, Topics in HSS, Spanish 4 Sec Subject, Understanding America Through Art Sec Subject, United States History 1 Sec Subject, United States History 2 Sec Subject, Workforce Preparation Sec Subject, World Geography 1A Sec Subject, World Geography 1B Sec Subject, World History E5-9 Exhibit 5 Santiago Canyon College Certificate Title: Secondary Education Certificate of Competency Course Titles: ABE Skills ABE Skills HSS Algebra 1A HSS Algebra 1B HSS Algebra 2A HSS Algebra 2B HSS Basic Consumer Mathematics 1A HSS Basic Consumer Mathematics 1B HSS Basic Science 1 HSS Basic Science 2 HSS Building Reading Skills 1 HSS Building Reading Skills 2 HSS Building Vocabulary 1 HSS Building Vocabulary 2 HSS Chemistry 1A HSS Chemistry 1B HSS Composition 1 HSS Composition 2 HSS Composition 3 HSS Drawing and Painting 1 HSS Drawing and Painting 2 HSS Earth Science HSS English 11B HSS English 12B HSS English Fundamentals 1 HSS English Fundamentals 2 HSS English Fundamentals 3 HSS English Fundamentals 4 HSS English Through Literature 11A HSS English Through Literature 12 HSS Essential Mathematics 1 HSS Essential Mathematics 2 HSS Geometry 1A HSS Geometry 1B HSS Government 1: US Federal Government HSS Government 2: California State & Local Government HSS Health Science HSS Individualized Instruction HSS Individualized Instruction in Reading HSS Intro to Economics HSS Life Science HSS Math Fundamentals 1 E5-10 Exhibit 5 Santiago Canyon College (Cont.) HSS Math Fundamentals 2 HSS Orientation to College HSS Physical Science HSS Physiology 1A HSS Physiology 1B HSS Poetry HSS Pre-Calculus w/Trigonometry 1A HSS Reading Improvement HSS Reading Proficiency Development HSS Short Story HSS Speech & Debate 1A HSS Spelling Techniques HSS The Film as Art HSS The Novel HSS Understanding America Through Art HSS United States History 1 HSS United States History 2 HSS Workforce Preparation HSS World Cultures 1A HSS World Cultures 1B HSS World Geography 1A HSS World Geography 1B HSS World History Certificate Title: Secondary Education/GED Certificate of Competency Course Titles: ABE Skills ASE GED Test Preparation SAN FRANCISCO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT San Francisco City College Certificate Title: Accounting Assistant Course Titles: Basic Accounting Concepts I Basic Accounting Concepts II Business Communications Business English I Business English II Customer Service Skills Databases - Level 1 Databases - Level 2 E-Mail Writing San Francisco City College (Cont.) E5-11 Exhibit 5 Excel for Accounting Principles Excel Special Topics - Beyond Advanced Income Tax Prep: Introduction Internet & Email for the Business Office Introduction to Computers/Operating Systems Keyboarding Quick Microcomputer Lab PowerPoint Quickbooks A/P & A/R Quickbooks, Level I Quickbooks, Level II Quickbooks, Payroll Simulated Projects for MS Office: Self Paced Spreadsheets - Level 1 Spreadsheets - Level 2 Spreadsheets - Level 3 Word Processing - Level 1 Word Processing - Level 2 Word Processing - Level 3 Certificate Title: Administrative Assistant Course Titles: Basic Accounting Concepts I Basic Accounting Concepts II Business English Computer Applications - Introduction Customer Service Skills Databases - Level 1 Databases - Level 2 Desktop Publishing - Beginning Effective Business Communication E-mail Writing Internet and E-mail Job Preparation Keyboarding - All Levels Mail Merge Office Technology PowerPoint for Business Quickbooks, Level I Quickbooks, Level II Simulated Projects for MS Office: Self-Paced Spreadsheets - Beginning Spreadsheets - Level 2 Spreadsheets - Level 3 San Francisco City College (Cont.) E5-12 Exhibit 5 Styles and Macros Tables Templates & Forms Using Dreamweaver for Web Pages Using Outlook for Office Support Using Outlook for Office Support - Level 2 Word Processing - Advanced Word Processing - Beginning Word Processing - Intermediate Certificate Title: Basic Business Skills for the Medical Office Course Titles: Business English Clerical Keyboarding Computer Applications-Introductions Microcomputer Business Applications Word Processing (Multi-level) Word Processing-Beginning Word Processing-Intermediate Certificate Title: Clerical Assistant Course Titles: Basic Accounting Concepts I Basic Accounting Concepts II Business English Computer Applications - Introduction Customer Service Skills Databases - Level 1 Databases - Level 2 Desktop Publishing - Beginning Desktop Publishing - Intermediate Dreamweaver I Effective Business Communication E-mail Writing Internet and E-mail Introduction to Internet and the World Wide Web Job Preparation Keyboarding - All Levels Office Technology PowerPoint Publisher for Desktop Publishing Quickbooks, Level I Simulated Projects for MS Office: Self-Paced Special Projects Using Publisher San Francisco City College (Cont.) E5-13 Exhibit 5 Spreadsheets - Beginning Spreadsheets - Level 2 Spreadsheets - Level 3 Using Dreamweaver for Web Pages Using Outlook for Office Support - Level 1 Using Outlook for Office Support - Level 2 Word Processing - Advanced Word Processing - Beginning Word Processing - Intermediate Certificate Title: Computerized Accounting Course Titles: Accounting (Corporate) Business English Computer Applications - Introduction Computerized Accounting Customer Service Skills Dreamweaver I Effective Business Communication Excel for Accounting Principles Excel Special Topics - Beyond Advanced Income Tax Preparation - Introduction Introduction to Internet and World Wide Web Job Preparation Keyboarding - All Levels PowerPoint for Business Quickbooks, A/P and A/R Quickbooks, Payroll Simulated Projects for MS Office: Self-Paced Spreadsheets - Advanced Spreadsheets - Beginning Spreadsheets – Intermediate Certificate Title: Construction Course Titles: Blueprint Reading for Construction California and san Francisco Plumbing Code Carpentry Framing (Rough) Contractor Licensing Electrical Applications in Construction Electrical Code Exterior and interior Finishes Furniture Making and Wood Working Introduction to the Construction Trades A San Francisco City College (Cont.) E5-14 Exhibit 5 Introduction to the Construction Trades B Introduction to the Construction Trades C Plumbing Applications in Construction Certificate Title: Construction Administrative Assistant Course Titles: Computer Overview/Application Databases-Beginning Office Technology Laboratory Spreadsheets-Beginning Word Processing (Multi-level) Certificate Title: International Business Course Titles: Developing the International Business Plan Export/Import Basics Export/Import Documents Export/Import Financing Export/Import Marketing Export/Import Shipping and Insurance International Bids, Proposals (RFPs) and Tenders International Business International Trade Agencies and Agreements U.S. Trade Competitiveness U.S. Trade with African Countries U.S. Trade with Asia Part I (Japan and South Korea) U.S. Trade with Asia Part II (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) U.S. Trade with Asia Part III (Southeast Asia) U.S. Trade with Eastern Europe U.S. Trade with the Americas U.S. Trade with the Middle East U.S. Trade with Western Europe Certificate Title: Microcomputer Business Applications Course Titles: Computer Applications Databases - Advanced Databases - Beginning Databases - Intermediate Desktop Publishing - Advanced Desktop Publishing - Beginning Desktop Publishing - Intermediate Effective Business Communication Graphics for Business San Francisco City College (Cont.) E5-15 Exhibit 5 Job Preparation Keyboarding Lab Micros - Individual Projects Spreadsheets - Advanced Spreadsheets - Beginning Spreadsheets - Intermediate Word Processing - Advanced Word Processing - Beginning Word Processing - Intermediate Certificate Title: Small Business Course Titles: Business Law for Small Business Business Licenses and Permits Business Plan Buying a Business Profitably Contract Administration Controlling Your Inventory Effective Advertising Effective Business Communications Employee Training Employer/Employee Rights Finance for Small Business finding the Right Loan Getting Government Business Getting Started Getting the Right Loan Hone-Based Business Keeping Score on Your Finances Legal Structures for Business Marketing Analysis Marketing Strategy Pricing Products and Services Record Keeping Retail Management Selling a Business Selling and Sales Management Small Business and Taxes Small Business Insurance Staffing Your Business Supervising Employees Telephone as a Sales Tool E5-16 Exhibit 5 San Francisco City College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Textile and Fabric Design Course Titles: Art Weaving Expanded Woven Design Quiltmaking Surface Design - 3 - Dimensional Weaving Tapestry SAN LUIS OBISPO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Cuesta College Certificate Title: Income Tax Preparation Certificate Course Titles: Introduction to Tax Preparation I Introduction to Tax Preparation II - Software Introduction to Tax Preparation III – Internship SANTA MONICA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Santa Monica College Certificate Title: Idioms, Parts of Speech and Vocabulary Course Titles: Advanced Idioms, Prepositions and Vocabulary Beginning Idioms, Prepositions and Vocabulary Intermediate Idioms, Prepositions and Vocabulary Certificate Title: Integrated Skills (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) English as a Second Language Course Titles: English as a Second Language, Level 0 English as a Second Language, Level 1 English as a Second Language, Level 2 English as a Second Language, Level 3 English as a Second Language, Level 4 English as a Second Language, Level 5 English as a Second Language, Level 6 E5-17 Exhibit 5 Santa Monica College (Cont.) Certificate Title: Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation in English Course Titles: Beginning Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation Intermediate Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation Advanced Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation Certificate Title: Reading and Writing in English Course Titles: Advanced Reading and Writing Beginning Reading and Writing Intermediate Reading and Writing E5-18 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title and FTES Exhibit 6 COURSES BY DISTRICT, COURSE TITLE AND FTES DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES Basic Gardening Principles 19.77 Introduction to English C1 41.41 Business Skills Lab 46.04 Introduction to English C2 0 Computer Applications (Database) 0 Introduction to English D1 24.95 Computer Applications (Seminar) 0 Introduction to English D2 0 0 Introduction to Income Tax Preparation 1.16 Introd. to Income Tax Preparation Software 0.35 Allan Hancock Joint CCD Computer Applications (Spreadsheet) Computer Applications (Word Processing) 2.06 Computers & You Level 1 79.92 Landscape Construction 0 Computers & You Level 2 0 Maintenance Technology 1 0 Computers & You Level 3 0 Maintenance Technology 2 0 ESL Instructional Lab 8.35 Maintenance Technology 3 0 Gardening with Specialty Plants 2.85 Maintenance Technology 4 0 Income Tax Preparation Internship 1.55 Managing Insects and Diseases on Roses 0 Introduction to English A1 9.35 Orchid Growing 0 Introduction to English A2 157.76 Introduction to English B1 75.34 Introduction to English B2 0 Spanish Literacy 3.27 Summer Pruning Techniques 0 Surviving the Job Probationary Period 0 Antelope Valley CCD Developing as a Professional: Promotability 0 Job Search Readiness 0 Butte-Glenn CCD ESL Workforce Training - Adult Education 22.46 ESL Workforce Training Lab - Adult Education 6.06 Cerritos CCD Basic Math Skills for the Building Trades and Construction Industry Basic Reading Skills for the Building Trades and Construction Industry 0 0 Introduction to Basic Welding for the Building Trades and Construction Introduction to the Building Trades and Construction Industry 0 0 Citrus CCD Academic ESL I 3.2 English as a Second Language A 10.1 Academic ESL II 0 English as a Second Language B 10.84 ~ E6-1 ~ Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES Desert CCD Advanced Fundamentals of English Advanced Fundamentals of English Advanced Typing I Advanced Typing II Algebra I Algebra II American Literature Beginning Typing I Beginning Typing II ESL - Comprehensive I ESL - Comprehensive II ESL - Comprehensive III ESL - Comprehensive IV ESL - Comprehensive V ESL - Conversation I ESL - Conversation II ESL - Conversation III ESL - Conversation IV ESL - Conversation V ESL - Language Lab ESL - Literacy Fine Arts: Art Fine Arts: Music Fine Arts: Theater Fundamentals of English 0.1 0.02 0.04 0 0.3 0.08 0 3.68 0 212.84 189.6 140.98 92.89 63.24 6.85 9.76 11.08 6.71 5.15 26.95 158.24 0.02 0.15 0.02 6.56 Fundamentals of English Fundamentals of English Fundamentals of English GED Test Preparation General Science I General Science II Health Issues I Health Issues II Math for Living I Math for Living II Practical American Government I Practical American Government II Practical Basic Math I Practical Basic Math II Reading Control Lab I Reading Control Lab II Science: Land Animals Science: Water Life U.S. History I U.S. History II World Geography I World Geography II World History I World History II World Literature 1.79 0.01 0 3.96 0.72 0.39 0.13 0.32 1.69 0.31 1.02 1.64 3.58 0.91 2.2 2.48 0.57 0.07 1.73 1.14 0.08 0.08 0.74 0.76 0 Gavilan CCD CaliforniaHSEE Prep A English-Language Arts CaliforniaHSEE Prep B Mathematics ESL for the Workplace B ESL for the Workplace A ESL Life Skills 1 ESL Life Skills 2 0.64 ESL Life Skills 3 24 0 0 0 30 9 ESL Life Skills 4 ESL Life Skills 5 ESL Life Skills 6 GED Prep A GED Prep B 24 22 0 0 0 Glendale CCD 21st Century Employment Strategies Access Advanced Account Clerk Advanced Keyboarding Advanced Microsoft Excel Advanced Microsoft Word Advanced MS Word 25.44 10.1 4.27 5.05 7.22 12.35 0 English 9 B ESL Advanced Conversation ESL Beginning Conversation ESL Level 1 ESL Level 2 English as a Second Language Level 3 English as a Second Language Level 4 2.4 6.28 9 345.82 337.88 282.09 202.59 E6-2 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES 57.94 Glendale CCD (Cont.) Algebra IA 1.21 English as a Second Language Level 5 Algebra IB 0.43 ESL Intermediate Conversation 9.32 English for Older Adults 34.8 Filing Fundamentals 8.32 1.64 American Government Applied Mathematics 1.4 0 Arithmetic IA 0.02 GED Lab Arithmetic IB 0.01 GED Preparation Art History 1A 0.37 Geometry IA 1.74 Art History 1B 0.05 Geometry IB 2.33 Health and Guidance 1.26 Art History IA/B 0 Basic English 10.07 Integrated Technology Basic Math 21.06 Intermediate Keyboarding Basic Reading 14.35 Internet 27.49 Introduction to Computers Beginning Account Clerk Beginning Keyboarding Beginning Microsoft Excel 109.03 2.57 51.35 9.74 10.54 0 Keyboarding for High School Credit 1.99 0 Life Science IA 0.49 Beginning MS Excel 21.43 Life Science IB Beginning MS Excel 0 Beginning MS Word 30.17 Beginning Miocrosoft Word Business English Business Letter Writing Business Math Business Math and Calculators Business Writing: Email Business Writing: Memos Career Preparation Computer Basics for English Language Learners Customer Service Skills 21.43 Keyboarding 33.25 Literacy Literature and Composition 0.86 248.4 0.02 0 Medical Front Office 0 2.38 Medical Front Office 35.06 0 Microsoft Access 0 27.6 Microsoft Outlook 6.99 3.6 3.07 56.06 Microsoft PowerPoint MS Outlook Office Equipment 0 0 4.13 5.86 On the Job Communication 6.1 3.22 Peachtree Automated Accounting 3.8 Dental Front Office 0 Physical Science IA 0 Dental Front Office 2.73 Physical Science IB 0.12 Economics 0.55 PowerPoint 9.7 English 10 A 0 Psychology 0.11 English 10 A/B 0 QuickBooks Automated Accounting 9 English 10 B 2.06 United States History IA 1.22 English 11 A 1.1 United States History IB 0.82 Vocabulary Development 1.49 English 11 A/B 0 English 11 B 2.31 English 12 A 0 World Geography 0 World Geography IA English 12 A/B Windows English 12 B 1.05 World Geography IA/B English 12A 1.19 World History IA 12.43 0 0.12 0 2.13 E6-3 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES 2.8 World History IB 1.07 ESL for Intermediate High Fluency ESL for Intermediate Low Fluency ESL Grammar for Advanced Fluency Personal Improvement Sales Calculations Sales Transactions 1.66 4.12 2.07 0.4 0.47 0.7 Glendale CCD (Cont.) English 9 A English 9 A/B 0 Imperial CCD American Slang in Social Settings I American Slang in Social Settings II American Slang in Social Settings III Conversation for Advanced Fluency Customer Service for Retailing ESL for Beginning High Fluency ESL for Beginning Low Fluency 1.86 0 0 0 0 5.05 5.74 Lake Tahoe CCD Advanced ESL High Beginning ESL High Intermediate ESL 1 15.34 6.47 Low Beginning ESL Low Intermediate ESL 24.02 15.67 English for Every Day 5 Reading Skills for ESL Students 1 Reading Skills for ESL Students 2 Reading Skills for ESL Students 3 Reading Skills for ESL Students 4 Reading Skills for ESL Students 5 Reading Skills for ESL Students 6 38.17 3.4 2.53 3.39 1.8 3.14 1.66 Long Beach CCD Adult Education: Basic Skills/GED Prep Basic Adult Ed.-Literacy Development Basic Skills for ESL Students English for Every Day 0 English for Every Day 1 English for Every Day 2 English for Every Day 3 English for Every Day 4 5.22 89.72 46.91 123.81 75.4 71.84 44.2 52.62 Los Angeles CCD 30 Ways to Shine as a New Employee 30 Ways to Shine as a New Employee 30 Ways to Shine as a New Employee Bank Teller Training Banquet Server Skills Training Basic Computer Literacy Basic Computer Skills Basic English Skills Basic English Skills 30.14 0 0 0 0.1 24.9 0 39.22 0 Basic Math Skills Basic Math Skills Blueprint for Customer Service Blueprint for Customer Service Blueprint for Customer Service Blueprint for Workplace Success 21.59 0 90.99 0 0 31.7 ESL/Civics 1 ESL/Civics 3 ESL/Civics 4 ESL/Civics 5 ESL/Civics 6 Explaining Features and Benefits Foundations: Critical Thinking Foundations: Study Skills Front Desk Representative-Making a Good Impression Get to Know Your Customer Going the Extra Mile Guestroom Attendant Skills Training Home Health Aide In-Home Supportive Services Job Club 40.2 20.85 42.44 25.75 196.03 0 0 0 0.1 1.46 0 0 0.99 22.99 15.95 E6-4 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES Los Angeles CCD (Cont.) Blueprint for Workplace Success Blueprint for Workplace Success Building Sales Certified Nursing Assistant Closing the Sale College and Scholastic Assessment Prep College and Scholastic Assessment Preparation Completing Sales Transactions Conversation English as a Second Language - 0 English as a Second Language - 4 English as a Second Language - 5 English as a Second Language - 6 English as a Second Language - Beginning 0 175.59 0 17.96 0 149.36 0 English as a Second Language - Beginning 0 0 56.27 64.52 3.11 0 0 16.69 Job Club Kitchen Steward Training Skills Language Arts: Reading Fiction Language Arts: Reading Non-Fiction Language Arts: Writing Essays Language Arts: Writing Mechanics Language Arts: Writing Sentence Structure 0 0.11 8.25 4.5 9.04 4.47 7.02 Laundry Attendant Skills Training Maintenance Employee Skills Training Mathematics: Fractions Mathematics: Ratio Proportion and Percent Mathematics: Whole Numbers and Decimals Microsoft Office Application Basics Microsoft Windows Basics 0 0.22 7.79 4.62 6.52 7.82 5.14 Pre-employment Skills/Consumer Training 4.06 I I English as a Second Language II English as a Second Language Intermediate English as a Second Language English as a Second Language - Beginning - Speech 1 - Speech 2 17.14 0 46.66 19.51 English as a Second Language 0 English as a Second Language 1 English as a Second Language 2 English as a Second Language 2 72.66 81.23 122.92 45.32 English as a Second Language 3 0 English as a Second Language 3 27.65 English as a Second Language I 143.96 English Language as a Second Language 1 0 English Language as a Second Language 2 English Literacy and Civics 0 English Literacy and Civics 1 English Literacy and Civics 2 English Literacy and Civics 3 ESL Civics 1 0 75.26 68.21 55.66 0 52.99 ESL Civics 1 ESL Civics 1 ESL Civics 2 0 0 0 Public Space Cleaner Skills Training Reservationist Skills Training Restaurant Server Skills Training Retailing Smarts 1: Getting to Know Your Customer Review of English Fundamentals Review of Math Fundamentals Softskills Basic 1A - Job Search Planning Softskills Basic 1B - The Successful Job Search Softskills Basic 1C - Pre-Employment Readiness Softskills Basic 3B - Image Etiquette and Interpersonal Communication Strategies in Building Continuous Relationship Strategies in Meeting Your Customers Needs VESL A VESL B VESL C VESL for Home Health Aide Vocational English as a Second Language Vocational English as a Second Language II Vocational ESL Workplace Computing for LEP Populations Writing Grammar Reading Vocabulary Listening and Speaking I 0 0.11 0 0 20.85 26.28 3.72 4.21 0 4.17 0 0 18.56 8.53 2.88 2.81 0 0 6.28 51.46 13.46 E6-5 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES ESL Civics 2 10.31 24.56 ESL Civics 3 0 Writing Grammar Reading Vocabulary Listening and Speaking II Writing Grammar Reading Vocabulary Listening and Speaking III Writing Grammar Reading Vocabulary Listening and Speaking IV Young Entrepreneur English as a Second Language: Preparatory Level 28.19 Los Angeles CCD (Cont.) ESL -Writing Grammar Reading Listening and Speaking I ESL -Writing Grammar Reading Listening and Speaking II ESL -Writing Grammar Reading Listening and Speaking III 58.45 34.99 16.61 37.89 0 0 Mendocino-Lake CCD English as a Second Language: Lab Preparatory Level 0 Merced CCD Basic Skills and GED Preparation Career and Life Planning Court Interpreter and Administrative Hearing ESL Level 1 ESL Level 2 ESL Level 3 ESL Level 4 41.68 260.1 2.88 Introduction to Microcomputers Medical Assisting Microcomputers and Business 48.4 10.22 27.08 13.4 ESL Level 5 37.34 Probation Solutions Level 1 Reading and Computers Reading and Computers II Skills Acquisition for Student Success--Allied Health Skills Acquisition for Student Success-General Skills Acquisition for Student Success--Math United States Citizenship Vocational Life Planning ESL Level 6 Introduction to College Introduction to Microcomputers 0 0 0 1.78 64.42 109.72 3 1.28 0 21.22 139.52 25.92 0.06 3.4 Mt. San Antonio CCD 3-D CaliforniaD for Mechanical Modeling A+ Certification Preparation Acute Care Nursing Assistant Adobe Illustrator for Desktop Publishing Adult Basic Education Adult Basic Education - Leadership Development Advanced Image Design - 3D Modeling Techniques 0.3 0.28 2.68 0 76.89 0 1.11 High School English 4 High School General Math High School Geometry High School High School English 3 High School High School Health High School Journalism High School Life Science 19.31 7.85 320.09 45.32 252.94 0 0 E6-6 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES Mt. San Antonio CCD (Cont,) Advanced Mastercam Advanced Parametric Solid Modeling for Desktop Advanced Photo Editing with Photoshop Advanced Photo Editing with Photoshop Advanced Professional Photography Advanced Surface mount Assembly and Rework Animal Breeding Animal Handling and Restraint Animal Nutrition Animal Sanitation and Disease Control Animal Science Applying Photos and Images in Multimedia Artificial Insemination of Livestock Assembly/Repair Skills AutoCaliforniaD 2D AutoDesk Inventor Automotive Welding Cutting and Modification Aviculture - Cage and Aviary Birds Basic Anatomy and Physiology Basic Computing - Level 1 Basic Computing - Level 2 Basic Computing - Level 3 Basic Digital and Film Photography Basic Electric ARC Welding Basic Skills Foundation Basic Writing Skills Development Beef Production Beginning ARC Welding Blueprint Reading for Manufacturing Bookkeeping - Accounting Business Communications Business English Business Organization and Management C-7 Low Voltage Systems License Preparation Cabling and Wiring Standards Cabling and Wiring Standards Canine Management Career Development Career Information and Guidance Career/Life Planning Certification for Welding 0.28 0.3 High School Music Appreciation High School Philosophy 0 2.43 0.03 0.69 High School Physical Science High School Planning and Guidance High School Pre-Algebra High School Psychology 0 0 0 0 0.25 0.74 0 98.31 1.08 0.6 1.55 0 High School Single Survival High School Sociology High School Spanish 1 High School Spanish 2 High School Stagecrafts High School Study Skills High School Typing/Keyboarding High School United States History High School Video and Media Production High School World History History of Photography 14.66 7.96 7.38 35.84 1.72 3.45 0 0 1.24 0 1.14 0 0 0.77 0 Home Theater and Home Automation Systems Home Theater and Home Automation Systems Horse Hoof Care Horse Production Horse Ranch Management Horticultural Science Human Relations in Business Human Resources Management Hydraulics Improving Reading Comprehension Improving Writing Industrial Circuits Lab Industrial Circuits Theory Industrial Circuits Theory Industrial Electronic Systems - Lab Industrial Electronic Systems - Lecture Industrial Electronic Systems Lab 0 0 0.02 6.62 14.41 0 1.4 Integrated Pest Management Interior Landscaping Intermediate ARC Welding Intermediate Computer Keyboarding International Marketing Concepts Internet Research - An Introduction Internet Research for Business 4.12 20.3 0 17.32 26.92 1.03 8.95 4.42 0.11 181.57 53.32 9.09 94.23 16.01 241.7 0 323.55 0.02 0 1.22 0 0 0 0.11 0.34 0.58 0 0.33 0.22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0.52 1.69 4.83 0 9.81 0 E6-7 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE Mt. San Antonio CCD (Cont.) Certified Nursing Assistant Color Photography Commercial & Illustrative Photography Communications Circuit Theory Computer Graphics Laboratory Computer Keyboarding Computer Keyboarding Computer Keyboarding (CP01A) Computer Keyboarding 01A Computer Keyboarding 01B Computer Operations Computer Simulation and Troubleshooting Creating Computing Customer Relations for the Technician Customer Relations for the Technician Data Entry Desktop Publishing Seminar Desktop Publishing with InDesign or PageMaker Desktop Publishing with QuarkXpress Developmental Mathematics Concepts and Applications Diesel Engine Repair Digital Cameras and Composition Digital Color Management Digital Electronics Digital Electronics - Lecture Digital Electronics Laboratory Digital Electronics Lecture Digital Image Design with Illustrator and Freehand Digital Portfolio Development Electrical Fundamentals for Cable Installation Electrical fundamentals for Cable Installations Electronic Assembly and Fabrication Electronic Devices Laboratory Electronic Devices Theory Electronic Theory 2 Electronic Troubleshooting - 1 Electronic Troubleshooting - 2 Electronics Devices Theory FTES COURSE TITLE 23.52 0.53 0 0.24 Interpreting in Health Care 1 Interpreting in Health Care 2 Introduction to Welding Laboratory Studies: Black and White Photography Laboratory Studies: Black and White Photography Laboratory Studies: Color Photography Laboratory Studies: Color Photography Landscape Construction Fundamentals Landscape Design Landscape Hardscape Applications Landscape Irrigation - Design and Installation Landscape Irrigation - Drip and Low Volume Landscape Irrigation Systems Management Landscaping and Nursery Management Language Skills Laboratory Livestock Judging and Selection Manual CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) Manufacturing Processes 1 0 9.47 0 0.88 0 0 82.46 0 2.41 0 0 0.33 0 0 0 106.26 0 0 0.64 0 0 0 0.05 2.1 0 0 FTES 0 0 2.93 0 1.35 0 0 1.46 0.45 0 0.58 0 0 0 93.59 0 0.22 0.38 Manufacturing Processes 2 Mastercam 1 0 0.39 Mastercam Solids Math Skills Review Mathematics of Electronics - AC Mathematics of Electronics - DC Mathematics of Electronics AC Medical Terminology Microcomputer Applications Microcomputer Applications in Agriculture 0 0.3 0 0 0 4.81 4.83 0 Microprocessor Systems Microprocessor Systems Lab 0 0 1.41 Microwave Communications Lab 0 0.22 0 0 0 0 0 0 Microwave Communications Lecture Modifying Images for Desktop Publishing Office Computer Applications Office Management Skills Operating the Macintosh Computer Oral Communications for Business Ornamental Plants - Herbaceous 0 0 4.77 0.19 1.21 0 0 E6-8 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE Mt. San Antonio CCD (Cont.) Electronics Laboratory Electronics Laboratory Electronics Theory Electronics Theory Electronics Theory Engine Diagnostics English for Special Uses ESL for Health Professionals ESL Level 2 ESL Level 3 ESL Level 4 ESL Level 5 ESL Level 6 ESL Level I ESL Pre-level 1 ESL Speaking A ESL Speaking B ESL Speaking C ESL Writing A ESL Writing B ESL Writing C FTES 0 0 0 1.02 1.77 0 0 0 168.15 142.72 138.9 78.15 52.52 173.95 74.87 115.77 65.15 35.38 49.98 34.38 22.34 Exploring Color Photography Externship in Health Care Interpreting Fabrication and Construction Welding Fabrication Techniques for Cable Installation Fabrication Techniques for Cable Installations Fashion Photography Feline Management 0.22 0 0 0 Floral Design 1 Floral Design 2 3.68 0 Floral Design 3 4.8 Food Production Land Use and Politics Fundamentals of Accounting Gas Tungsten ARC Welding Guidance and Orientation to Special Programs Health Care Interpreter Seminar COURSE TITLE Oxyacetylene Welding Parametric Solid Modeling for Manufacturing Park Facilities Park Management Payroll and Tax Accounting PC Operating Systems PC Servicing PC Troubleshooting Personal Computer Applications Pet Shop Management Photo Editing with Photoshop Photocommunications Photographic Alternatives Photography Portfolio Development Pipe and Tube Welding Plant Propagation/Greenhouse Management Portraiture and Wedding Photography Power Train Repair Principles of Accounting - Financial Principles of Business Principles of Continuous Quality Improvement Principles of International Business Principles of Marketing Print Reading and Computations for Welders Professional Selling 0 Radio/Telephone Communications 0 0 Reading Acceleration Re-Entry Work Skills Needed for Today's Workforce Reptile Management Retail Store Management and Merchandising Retail Store Management and Merchandising Semiautomatic ARC Welding Process Sheep Production Short-Term Review Small Business Management 0 0.2 1.16 8.39 0 Small Engine Repair 1 FTES 0 0.92 0 0 0.49 0.86 0.75 0 6.26 0.16 5.93 0.28 0.25 0 1.24 0.72 0 0 0 1.1 0.08 0 0.11 0.44 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 1.52 0 10.25 1.36 1.02 E6-9 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES 0 30.82 0 8.37 Small Engine Repair 1 Soils Science and Management Sports Turf Management SurfCaliforniaM 1 1.02 0.78 0 0 SurfCaliforniaM 2 Swine Production Technical Applications in Microcomputers Technical Engineering Drawing 1 Technical Mathematics - Manufacturing Applications Ten-Key Calculations TOEFL Preparation Tractor and Landscape Equipment Operations Transcription Techniques Tropical and Coldwater Fish Management 0 0 0.05 0.19 0 0.34 0 0 13.08 0 0 9.83 0 31.14 9.02 0 Mt. San Antonio CCD (Cont.) Health Care Interpreter Seminar Health Careers Resource Center Health Science Skills Lab High School CaliforniaHSEE Prep Mathematics High School English 1 High School English 2 High School Geography High School Advanced Graphics/Printing High School Algebra 1 104.11 60.89 18.25 18.42 145.09 High School Algebra 2 High School Art 2 High School Art and Creative Expression 172.52 0 236.59 High School Biology High School CaliforniaHSEE Prep - English Language Arts High School Chemistry High School Chinese 1 High School Civics/American Government 227.95 3.64 High School Computer Technology 178.51 High School Diploma and Referral High School Economics 1.58 169.98 Turf Gras Production and Management Urban Arboriculture Using Microcomputers in Financial Accounting Using Microcomputers in Managerial Accounting Welding Metallurgy Word for Office/Business Professionals 0.15 0.1 0.85 0.52 0 0 1.92 0.1 ESL Beginning Low ESL College Connection ESL Intermediate High ESL Intermediate Low ESL Multi-Level/High/Multi-Discipline II ESL Multi-Level/Low/Multi-Discipline I General Education Development Lt. Duty Automotive Service 12.8 0 High School Reading High School Short Stories 0 0 High School Spanish 1 Accelerated High School Spanish 1 P High School Spanish 2 P High School Spanish 2P 0 0 0 0 84.45 0 150.29 0.24 9.28 0.44 0.06 0 0 0 0.56 Mt. San Jacinto CCD Adult Basic Education Basic Computer Skills for Business Career Enhancement Program Customer Service Skills for Business ESL Advanced High ESL Advanced Low ESL Beginning High ESL Beginning Literacy North Orange County CCD Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Photoshop Elements Tools for Intermediate Users American Idioms Apartment Management I Apartment Management II Apartment Management III 4 0 0 0 E6-10 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES North Orange County CCD (Cont.) Basic Commercial Refrigeration Basic Digital Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Elements Basic Electricity Basic Electronics for Video Audio and Computer Beginning Banking for Students with Disabilities Beginning Keyboarding Bill Paying and Banking Bookkeeping Principles & Practices Business Skills Development Business/Computer Skills Lab Child Safety & Disaster Preparedness Cisco Networking 2 Cisco Networking I Commercial Refrigeration Communication on the Job Computer Applications for the Administrative Assistant Computer Applications for the Administrative Assistant Computer Assisted Instruction Computer Bytes Computer Skills for ESL Advanced Computer Skills for ESL Beginning Contracting License Create PDFs with Adobe Acrobat Critical Thinking Data Communications Management Developmental Readiness for the Preschoolers Diesel Engines Digital Photo Albums for Beginners Digital Photo Restoration and Portrait Makeovers Digital Scrapbooking Direct Digital Controls - A/C Discover the Internet Document and Database Management for Medical Devices Drama for Communication Early Childhood Development Effective Business Presentations Electrical Wiring and Safety I 0 0 High School Spanish I Accelerated High School Trig/Analytic Geometry P 0 0 13 5.9 High School U S Government High School U S History 0 0 2.4 High School Vocabulary 0 0 1.1 0 0 761.6 5.3 0 0 0 13.1 12.4 5 29.9 0.6 3.1 39.2 0 2.6 2.1 0 5.5 High School World Geography High School World History High School World History P High School Writing Skills Human Relations for Health Care Workers Income Tax Procedures Individualized Inst. In High School Subjectect Infant Care I (Elective) Infant Care II (Elective) In-Patient Lab for the Pharmacy Technician Integrated Computer Projects Intermediate Access 0 0 0 0 6.1 0 130 5.4 0 4.5 0 0 Intermediate Grammar Review Intermediate Vocabulary Review Intermediate Word Intro to Business Computers Intro-Comp & Software Concepts Introduction to Access Introduction to Cisco Networking Introduction to Computer Networking Introduction to Computers 14.7 7 0 0 0 5.4 0 0 45.2 0 7.5 0 Introduction to Computers (**Elective**) Introduction to Employment Law Introduction to Excel 0 2.3 18.3 3 0 9.2 Introduction to Front Page Introduction to Keyboarding/MS Word Introduction to Medical Device Quality Assurance Introduction to Microsoft Windows 0 0 11.2 0 5.7 Introduction to Microsoft Windows (**Elective**) Introduction to Pharmacy Technician Introduction to PowerPoint Introduction to Publisher 0 0 0 9.7 0 18.1 12.1 0 E6-11 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE Electrical Wiring and Safety II Electrical Wiring and Safety III Electronic Service Technology Elements of Supervision E-mail Essentials ESL & the Arts ESL Advanced Low ESL Beginning High ESL Beginning Literacy ESL Beginning Low ESL Intermediate High ESL Intermediate Low 0 0 0 0.7 0 0 37.3 256.7 133.1 220.9 226.6 293.7 ESL Intermediate/Advanced Work Skills ESL Learning Center ESL Pronunciation/Conversation Skills Family Literacy 0 96.9 54.1 400.7 Family-Community Relationship Finance for the Non-Financial Manager 10.7 2.5 Introduction to UNIX Introduction to Word Job Skills Literacy - Advanced Literacy - Beginning Literacy - Intermediate Management Skills I Management Skills II Marine Drive System for Recreational Boats Marketing Principles Medical Assisting: Front Office Procedures Medical Insurance Billing: A Practical Approach to Med. Medical Terminology Mobility Skills MS Excel - Power User Skills MS Excel Fundamentals for Financial Office Applications MS Office - Overview MS PowerPoint Fundamentals for Financial Office Applications MS Word Fundamentals for Financial Office Applications Network Administration I Office Skill I Office Skill II Outboard & Stern Drive Repair Outboard Engine Repair/Service and Maintenance Out-Patient Lab for the Pharmacy Technician Personal Computer Repair (Beginning) Personal Safety Pharmaceutical Mathematics Pharmacology I Pharmacology II Pharmacy Operations Lab Pneumatic Controls Program Principles I Program Principles II Program-Creative Experience Program-Literature Program-Music & Movement Program-Science & Math Quality Assurance for Medical Devices Quality Auditing for Medical Devices FTES North Orange County CCD (Cont.) Florist Techniques Beginning 0 Florist Techniques Intermediate GED: Language Arts and Writing GED: Mathematics GED: Reading GED: Science 0 0.7 1.2 2.6 0.7 GED: Social Studies 0.4 General Contracting High School Algebra High School Algebra 1 High School Algebra 18 P High School Algebra 1B P High School Algebra 2 P High School Algebra 2/Trigonometry HP High School AP Calculus AB High School Biology High School Biology P High School Business Law High School Chemistry P High School Composition High School Computer Science 1 High School Drawing and Painting 1 3.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17.3 12 7.9 42.5 24.9 2.7 2.4 0 0 4.1 7.2 26.3 2.6 6.4 0 22.2 0 0 0 5.7 2.4 0 0 6.6 6.8 2.6 12.6 9.8 6.4 4.7 0 9.2 1.5 1.4 3.9 4.5 0 0 0 E6-12 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES North Orange County CCD (Cont.) High School Earth Science 0 High School Economics High School English 1 High School English 2 High School English 3 High School English 4 High School English Basic Skills High School Film Appreciation High School General Math High School Geometry High School Geometry P High School Geometry Plane & Solid HP High School Geometry Plane and Solid HP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 High School Grammar High School Health High School Life Science High School Literature High School Mass Media High School Physical Science High School Pre-AP English 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 High School Pre-Calculus P High School Psychology High School Psychology P 0 0 0 QuickBooks Fundamentals for Financial Office Applications Refrigeration - Electrical Control Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices Relationships and Sexuality Room Addition Fundamentals Securing Your PC for the Internet Self Advocacy Social Skills Successful Negotiations Technical Writing for Bio Medical Industries Understanding Business Contacts UNIX II - Linux Desktop Installation Vocational English as a Second Language: Administrative Assistant Vocational ESL - Electricity and Construction Vocational ESL: Early Childhood Education Vocational ESL: Pharmacy Technician Window 2000 Server Window 2000 Server Window XP - Advance Windows Desktop Security & Internet Security Windows Operating Systems for Technicians Writing and Reading Written Communication for Business 12.1 Intermediate ESL II Intermediate ESL III Literacy/Adult Basic Education I Literacy/Adult Basic Education II 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 13.8 4.5 0 13 7.8 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.8 0 0 23.5 0 Palomar CCD Basic ESL Beginning ESL I Beginning ESL II Beginning ESL III Intermediate ESL I 71.89 158.35 198.26 248.38 10.78 Pasadena Area CCD Advanced Apparel Skills and Drapery Construction Apparel Color Theory and Wardrobe Planning Basic Screen Printing Business Office Systems 3.28 0.15 34.67 Career Planning and Student Development Drapery Construction (optional) 4.68 13.43 ESL Conversation 21.77 0.19 English as a Second Language-Level 5Condensed ESL American Culture ESL Basic Writing Skills ESL Grammar Review And Vocabulary Development Etiquette and Image Management Introduction to Apparel Skills and Drapery Construction Intro. to Fashion Cosmetics and Fashion Retail 26.37 5.41 5.29 3.26 0.68 11.17 0.65 E6-13 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES Pasadena Area CCD (Cont.) English as a Second Language-Level 1 ESL-Level 1-Condensed English as a Second Language-Level 2 ESL-Level 2- Condensed English as a Second Language-Level 3 ESL-Level 3- Condensed English as a Second Language-Level 4 ESL-Level 4- Condensed English as a Second Language-Level 5 105.03 45.81 132.7 51.7 118.57 35.66 93.23 28.52 70.28 Introductory Screen Printing Job Placement Preparation Media/Bridal Cosmetic Fundamentals Microcomputer Keyboarding A Microcomputer Keyboarding B On Demand Printing and Publishing Systems Photocopy Technology Word Processing Word Processing Applications 0.59 0.09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sec Subject Dance Theory 1 Sec Subject Dance Theory 2 40.2 0 Rancho Santiago CCD ABE Family Literacy ABE Directing & Facilitating a Conference ABE Family Literacy ABE Leadership Basics 1 ABE Leadership Basics 2 ABE Native Language Basic Skills for Adults ABE Skills ABE Spanish Literacy ABE Student Leadership Conference ABE Topics in Adult Basic Education ABE Vocational Academic Skills Training ABE Writing and Computers Academic ESL Beginning 1 Academic ESL Beginning 1 Academic ESL Beginning 2 Academic ESL Beginning 2 Academic ESL Beginning 3 Academic ESL Beginning 3 Academic ESL Intermediate 1 Academic ESL Intermediate 2 Academic ESL Intermediate 3 Adult Basic Education Adult Basic Education American English Pronunciation C Attitudes for Success Beginning ESL 1 Beginning ESL 2 Beginning ESL 3 DSPS Disabilities & Success in Workplace Educational and Career Assessment 0 0 0 1.25 0 9.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 199.41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sec Subject Drawing and Painting 1 Sec Subject Drawing and Painting 2 Sec Subject Drawing and Painting 3 Sec Subject Earth Science 1 0 0 0 0 Sec Subject Earth Science 2 Sec Subject English 1 Sec Subject English 2 Sec Subject English 3 Sec Subject English 4 Sec Subject English 5 Sec Subject English 6 Sec Subject English 7 Sec Subject English 8 Sec Subject English A Sec Subject English B Sec Subject English C Sec Subject English D Sec Subject English Fundamentals 1 Sec Subject English Fundamentals 2 Sec Subject English Fundamentals 3 Sec Subject English Fundamentals 4 Sec Subject Film as Art Sec Subject First Aid Sec Subject Geometry 1A Sec Subject Geometry 1B Sec Subject Health Issues and Concepts Sec Subject Health Science and First Aid 5.27 8.89 5.4 7.14 8.52 2.75 12.37 6.32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13.66 82.75 Sec Subject HSS Leadership Skills 1 18.54 E6-14 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES Rancho Santiago CCD (Cont.) Educational and Career Assessment ESL - Civics 118.89 176.3 ESL Academic ESL Intermediate 1 0 ESL Academic ESL Intermediate 2 0 ESL Academic ESL Intermediate 3 ESL Advanced Grammar Review ESL Advanced Grammar Review ESL Advanced Grammar Review 1A ESL American English Pronunciation ESL American English Pronunciation ESL Beginning ESL 1 ESL Beginning ESL 2 ESL Beginning ESL 3 ESL Business Skills ESL Civics ESL Civics ESL Community Learning Center ESL Community Learning Center ESL Composition A ESL Composition A ESL Composition B ESL Composition B ESL Conversation 1 ESL Conversation 1 ESL Conversation 2 ESL Conversation 2 ESL English for Work 1 ESL English for Work 2 ESL ESL Family Literacy Intermediate 2 ESL Family Literacy ESL Family Literacy 0 0 9.18 0 0 103.69 1083.41 755.67 589.27 0 0 0 0 121.06 0 0.02 0 0 0 58.11 0 39.12 21.06 15.57 0 0 0 ESL Family Literacy ESL Family Literacy Beginning 1 ESL Family Literacy Beginning 2 ESL Family Literacy Beginning 3 ESL Family Literacy Computer Emphasis ESL Family Literacy Computer Emphasis ESL Family Literacy Intermediate 1 ESL Family Literacy Intermediate 2 ESL Interactive Language Training ESL Intermediate 1 ESL Intermediate 2 136.53 313.58 195.45 61.51 0 0.32 0 0 46.45 0 0 Sec Subject HSS Leadership Skills 2 Sec Subject HSS Student Leadership Conference Sec Subject HSS Study Skills 2 Sec Subject Human Anatomy and Physiology Sec Subject Individualized Instruction Sec Subject intro to Economics Sec Subject Intro to Metric System Sec Subject Introduction to Biology Sec Subject Introduction to Theatre Arts Sec Subject Learning Skills and Strategies Sec Subject Life Science 1 Sec Subject Life Science 1 Sec Subject Math Fundamentals 1 Sec Subject Math Fundamentals 2 Sec Subject Modern American History 1 Sec Subject Modern American History 2 Sec Subject Music Theory 1 Sec Subject Music Theory 2 Sec Subject Music Theory 3 Sec Subject Music Theory 4 Sec Subject Music Theory 5 Sec Subject Music Theory 6 Sec Subject Orientation to College Sec Subject Physical Science 1 Sec Subject Physical Science 2 Sec Subject Poetry Sec Subject Positive Life Attitudes Sec Subject Pre Algebra A Sec Subject Pre Algebra B Sec Subject Pronunciation C Sec Subject Reading Proficiency Development Sec Subject SAT Test Preparation Sec Subject Short Story Sec Subject Skills for Success Sec Subject Spanish 2 Sec Subject Spanish 3 Sec Subject Spanish for Spanish Speakers Sec Subject Spelling Techniques Sec Subject Study Skills 1 Sec Subject The Novel Sec Subject Topics In HSS Study Skills 2 Sec Subject Topics in High School Subject 0 0 1.17 4.11 0 0 0 6.25 181.01 2.93 0 0 0 0 0 7.59 56.84 0 15.29 0 0.32 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.02 E6-15 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES Rancho Santiago CCD (Cont.) ESL Intermediate 3 0 ESL Intermediate ESL 1 484.04 ESL Intermediate ESL 2 ESL Intermediate ESL 3 ESL Literacy ESL Literacy ESL New Student Orientation ESL Personal Discovery for Employability ESL Personal Discovery for Employability ESL Topics in ESL Fam Literacy Int 2 ESL Transition ESL ESL Writing ESL Writing & Computers: Development a School Publication ESL Writing and Computers ESL Writing and Computers ESL/Family Literacy Beginning 1 ESL/Family Literacy Beginning 2 ESL/Family Literacy Beginning 3 503.09 0 0 0 0 0 4.24 0 0 4.89 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 ESL/Family Literacy Intermediate 1 19.88 ESL/Family Literacy Intermediate 2 0.03 ESL: Topics in ESL ESL Fam. Literacy Int 1 First Aid Fundamentals of Commercial Sewing GED Test Preparation HSS Algebra 1A HSS Algebra 1B HSS Algebra 2A HSS Algebra 2B HSS Basic Consumer Mathematics 1A HSS Basic Consumer Mathematics 1B HSS Basic Science 1 HSS Basic Science 2 HSS Building Reading Skills 1 HSS Building Reading Skills 2 HSS Building Vocabulary 1 HSS Building Vocabulary 2 HSS Chemistry 1A HSS Chemistry 1B HSS Composition 1 HSS Composition 2 0 0 14.88 190.21 11.63 9.59 3.07 3.32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60.27 10.03 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Algebra 1 Support Sec Subject Topics in HSS California Exit Exam Lang Arts Prep Sec Subject Topics in HSS Chemistry 1 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Dance Theory 1 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Dance Theory 2 Sec Subject Topics in HSS English 1 Sec Subject Topics in HSS English 2 Sec Subject Topics in HSS English 3 Sec Subject Topics In HSS English 4 Sec Subject Topics in HSS English 5 Sec Subject Topics in HSS English 6 Sec Subject Topics in HSS English 7 Sec Subject Topics in HSS English 8 Sec Subject Topics in HSS English A Sec Subject Topics in HSS English B Sec Subject Topics in HSS English C Sec Subject Topics in HSS English D Sec Subject Topics in HSS Human Anat & Physiology Sec Subject Topics in HSS Intro to Theatre Arts Sec Subject Topics in HSS Mod Amer History 1 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Mod Amer History 2 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Music Theory 1 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Music Theory 2 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Music Theory 3 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Music Theory 4 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Music Theory 5 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Music Theory 6 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Spanish 2 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Spanish 4 Sec Subject Topics in HSS Study Skills 1 Sec Subject Understanding America Through Art Sec Subject United States History 1 Sec Subject United States History 2 Sec Subject Workforce Preparation Sec Subject World Geography 1A Sec Subject World Geography 1B Sec Subject World History Secondary Subject High School Subject Secondary Subject High School Subject Secondary Subject High School Subject 4.61 21.27 13.21 8.88 3.64 1.00 0.00 0.00 440.19 7.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 E6-16 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE 0.93 18.14 4.75 4.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 16.55 7.53 0 0 25.48 9.27 0 Spanish 1 Spanish 4 Spanish Literacy Topics in English as a Second Language Transition ESL Transition ESL VESL: Auto Mechanics VESL: Business Skills VESL: Child Care Educators VESL: Electronic Assembly VESL: English for Work 2 VESL: Health Services VESL: Machine Shoppe VESL: Pharmacy Technology VESL: Auto Mechanics VESL: Business Skills VESL: Child Care Educators FTES Rancho Santiago CCD (Cont.) HSS Composition 3 HSS Drawing and Painting 1 HSS Drawing and Painting 2 HSS Earth Science HSS English 11B HSS English 12B HSS English Fundamentals 1 HSS English Fundamentals 2 HSS English Fundamentals 3 HSS English Fundamentals 4 HSS English Through Literature 11A HSS English Through Literature 12 HSS Essential Mathematics 1 HSS Essential Mathematics 2 HSS Geometry 1A HSS Geometry 1B HSS Government 1: US Federal Government HSS Government 2: California State & Local Government HSS Health Science HSS Individualized Instruction HSS Individualized Instruction in Reading HSS Intro to Economics HSS Life Science HSS Math Fundamentals 1 HSS Math Fundamentals 2 HSS Orientation to College HSS Physical Science HSS Physiology 1A HSS Physiology 1B HSS Poetry HSS Pre-Calculus w/Trigonometry 1A HSS Reading Improvement HSS Reading Proficiency Development HSS Short Story HSS Speech & Debate 1A HSS Spelling Techniques HSS The Film as Art HSS The Novel HSS Understanding America Through Art 0 0 644.59 29.5 25.37 0 0 0 0.6 0 0 0 0 4.04 0 1.83 0 0 0 17.87 0 0 VESL: Electronic Assembly VESL: English for Work 1 VESL: English for Work 1 VESL: Health Services VESL: Machine Shop VESL: Pharmacy Technology VOC Basic Computer Operations VOC Basic Horticulture & Plant Maintenance VOC Beginning Excel VOC Beginning FileMaker Pro VOC Beginning Word Processing: MS Word VOC Business Practices in Family Day Care VOC Business Skills VOC Computer Applications Lab VOC Computer Basics: A+ Preparation Review Practice VOC Computer Basics: Hardware and Software VOC Construction Technology VOC Employability Skills VOC Fundamentals of Cabinetry/Furniture Refinishing VOC Fundamentals of Plant Propagation VOC Fundamentals of Welding VOC Health Education for Family Day Care Providers 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.91 192.03 0.00 12.42 3.44 11.47 0.00 3.92 3.21 8.03 4.68 6.47 5.67 8.90 1.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.00 2.49 12.22 0.51 1.39 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.82 14.91 0.00 8.40 7.67 52.40 7.84 E6-17 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE HSS United States History 1 38.25 HSS United States History 2 HSS Workforce Preparation 11.45 35.64 HSS World Cultures 1A 13.91 HSS World Cultures 1B 0 VOC Infant Toddler Care/Childcare Providers VOC Institutional Food Preparation VOC Intro to Computer Software Applications VOC Intro to Keyboarding and Basic Windows VOC Introduction to 3D Modeling Using Blender VOC Introduction to Adobe Acrobat VOC Introduction to Adobe InDesign VOC Introduction to Cabinetry/Furniture Refinishing VOC Introduction to Computer Software Applications VOC Introduction to Construction Technology & Safety VOC Introduction to Desktop Video Editing (Adobe Premiere) VOC Introduction to Electronic Imaging with Adobe Photoshop VOC Introduction to Electronic Presentation FTES Rancho Santiago CCD (Cont.) HSS World Geography 1A HSS World Geography 1B HSS World History Intermediate ESL 3 Introduction to Commercial Sewing 49.54 0 10.65 233.82 20.63 Personal Discovery for Employability 0 Sec Sub HSS Directing Facilitating a Conference Sec Sub Topics In HSS California HS Exit Exam Math Sec Subject Algebra 1A Sec Subject Algebra 1B 0 Sec Subject Algebra 2A Sec Subject Algebra 2B Sec Subject American Government 1 0 0 0 Sec Subject American Government 2 0 Sec Subject Basic Consumer Math 1A 0 Sec Subject Basic Consumer Math 1B 0 Sec Subject Basic Science 1 Sec Subject Basic Science 2 Sec Subject Building Reading Skills 1 Sec Subject Building Reading Skills 2 Sec Subject Building vocabulary 1 Sec Subject Building Vocabulary 2 Sec Subject Building Vocabulary 3 Sec Subject California High School Exit Exam Lang Arts Prep Sec Subject California High School Exit Exam Math Prep Sec Subject Composition 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14.94 4.7 0 Sec Subject Composition 2 0 Sec Subject Composition 3 0 0.00 0.00 37.93 18.69 27.19 287.68 0.00 10.35 5.99 0.00 0 0.54 26.82 VOC Introduction to Flash VOC Introduction to Keyboarding & Basic Windows VOC Introduction to MS Project VOC Introduction to Painting VOC Introduction to Personal Commerce on the Internet VOC Introduction to the Use of Digital Cameras VOC Introduction to Web Design using Adobe GoLive VOC Introduction to Web Graphics using Adobe ImageReady VOC Introduction to Web Page Development VOC Introduction to Welding VOC Introduction to Windows VOC Introductory Adobe Illustrator VOC Navigating the Internet VOC Nursing Boot Camp VOC Orientation to Computers VOC Paraprofessional Mental Health Worker 2.75 0.00 17.50 2.44 VOC Systems and Networking Essentials 29.66 VOC Topics in Business Skills Office Employ Prep Training. VOC Topics: Office Employment Preparation Training VOC Workforce Prep 6.62 64.98 3.65 12.66 7.09 21.73 4.36 0.67 11.11 14.11 24.95 9.19 0.00 0.00 0 E6-18 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES VOC Workforce Readiness 13.31 Rancho Santiago CCD (Cont.) Sec Subject Consumer Education Proficiency A New Career in Real Estate Appraisal Family Literacy Intermediate Fabrication Processes Introduction to Fabrication Processes Introduction to Microsoft Office Introduction to Welding Multi-Level ESL 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 15 Production Welding Techniques Real Estate Appraisal Real Estate Finance Real Estate Practice Real Estate Principles Semi-Automatic Welding Processes Production Welding Techniques 0 5 3.6 12 4.5 0 0 San Diego CCD 12/23 Months/Walking - Talking 20th Century U. S. History 2 24 to 36 Months/Discovering Me 3-5 Years-Preschool Experience 3D Modeling Accounting-Beginning Accounting-Intermediate Adoptive Parenting Advanced Bakeshop Skills Advanced Pre-Vocational ESL Algebra 1-2 Semester 1 Algebra 1-2 Semester 2 Algebra 3-4 Algebra 3-4 Second Semester American Literature 1&2 American Literature 1&2 Sem 2 Appliance/Refrigeration Repair Auto Body and Paint Technician Auto Body Refinishing Technician Automotive Introductory and Safety Automotive Technician Automotive Upholstery Basic Business Math 1 Basic Business Math 2 Basic Education Basic Electronic Assembly Basic Electronics Basic Machine Shop Basic Network Configuration Basic Upholstery Skills Basic Web Server Security Beginning Pre-Vocational ESL 13.12 10.42 21.76 79.39 0.58 25.31 3.67 0 1.99 104.53 4.52 1.94 0 0 18.29 0.39 0 54.81 4.31 0 72.74 19.74 20.29 5.96 249.53 39.33 99.34 47.77 16.16 8.2 0 0 G.E.D. Mathematics G.E.D. Preparation Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Hardware Service Technician Home Health Aide Independent Study Information Architecture Interactive Media Interactive Media-Multimedia Interactive Media-Web Intermed. Pre-Vocational ESL Internet Basics Internet TCP/IP and DNS Intro to Router Configuration Introduction to Diesel Technology Introduction to Networking Introduction to UNIX Introduction to Web Servers Keyboarding-Multilevel Legal Issues on the Internet Local Area Networking Design Machine Shop Measuring Tools and Applied Mathematics Medical Insurance Medical Terminology Medical Transcription Menu Planning Metal Arc Oxy & Flux Core Metal Trades/Steel Fabrication Microcomputer Basics Microsoft Windows 8.82 242.43 35.83 14.91 39.27 7.15 94.38 0 64.69 32.76 21.32 59.77 23.27 5.75 11.78 0 32.99 0 0 205.14 0 10.37 3.96 0 3.73 7.77 1.52 17.88 142.94 1.13 163.09 17.03 E6-19 Exhibit 6 Courses by District, Course Title, and FTES (cont.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE Business Communications 1 Business Communications 2 Business on the Internet Career Development Commercial Printing Operations Computer Care-Software Tools Computer Presentations Computerized Accounting Computerized Medical Office Contemporary Tailoring Contemporary Voices 1 Contemporary Voices 2 Culinary Arts I Culinary Arts II 8.75 13.78 4.64 25.81 8.16 10.61 22.62 22.53 1.52 1.36 0 0 11.78 9.85 Culinary Arts III Culinary Arts IV Culinary Arts V Culinary Arts VI Data Entry Data Voice and Video Cabling Database Systems: Beginning Database Systems: Intermediate Desktop Publishing Digital Editing Disk Operating Systems Eat for a Healthy Lifestyle Economics Electronic Prepress Operations Electronic Test Technician Emerging Topics-Computers Emerging Topics-Office Systems Emerging Topics-Parent Ed Engine/Electrical/Performance English 3-4 English 3-4 Second Semester ESL Adv High 7 ESL Adv Low 6 ESL Beg High 3 ESL Beg Literacy 1 ESL Beg Low 2 ESL Int High 5 ESL Int Low 4 ESL Multi-level 4.55 5.21 11.52 10.29 0.9 4.7 19.59 9.06 8.51 68.24 0 0 18.84 30.08 68.91 17.35 0 1.5 12.09 3.54 0.26 224.47 291.09 539.59 72.8 961.42 452.68 450.25 633.94 Motion Graphics Newborn to 12 Months Nursing Assistant Training Nutrition Basics Office Skills Laboratory Outdoor Classroom Page Layout Physics 1 Pipefitting and Welding Pre-Algebra Semester 1 Pre-Algebra Semester 2 Pre-Vocational ABE Professional Bakeshop Skills Quick Service Lube Pre-delivery Inspection Technician Reading Improvement Refrigeration/Air Conditioning Server Side Programming Sewing Fundamentals Sewing Like a Professional Sewn Product Business I Sewn Product Business II Sewn Product Business III Spreadsheets: Advanced Spreadsheets: Beginning Survey of Business Software Technical Support Specialist Telecommunications Time-Saving Cooking Unifying Algebra/Geometry 1 Unifying Algebra/Geometry 2 United States Government 1 United States History 1 Upholstery Vector Graphics Virtual Reality Web Databases Web Marketing Web Server Configuration Web Server Maintenance & Security 1 Web Server Maintenance & Security 2 Web Site Creation Wide Area Network Design Word Processing: Advanced FTES San Diego CCD (Cont.) 3.63 13.3 100.87 0 69.01 21.36 0.01 0 9.48 7.8 1.69 14.33 49.97 0 0.06 0 14.26 40.75 63.79 0 0 0 26.96 70.02 117.9 11.99 0 19.08 0 0 26.78 6.72 11.73 41.78 0 2.09 7.88 0.26 0 0 51.59 9.3 21.76 E6-20 Exhibit 6 COURSES BY DISTRICT, COURSE TITLE, AND FTES (CONT.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE San Diego CCD (Cont.) ESL Pronunciation Families Learning Together Family Communications Family Home Day Care Training Family Relations Foster Parenting FTES COURSE TITLE FTES 48.97 25.71 7.49 1.31 3.15 14.1 Word Processing: Beginning Word Processing: Projects World Hist/Geography/Econ 1 World Hist/Geography/Econ 2 Writing for the Internet 83.89 0.97 5.93 5.3 0 80.24 16.02 0 7.26 7.44 9.81 0 3.45 0 Income Tax Preparation - Introduction Individualized Reading and Writing Intermediate 5-8 Multi-Level Intermediate High 7 Intermediate High 7-8 Intensive Intermediate High 7-8 Intensive - A Intermediate High 7-8 Intensive - B Intermediate High 8 Intermediate High Conversation San Francisco CCD ABE/Pre GED Preparation Academic Reading 1 Academic Reading/Writing 1.5 Academic Reading/Writing 2 Academic Reading/Writing 2.5 Academic Writing 1 Accelerated Grammar Accounting (Corporate) Acquired Brain Impairment - Academic Retraining Acquired Brain Impairment - Cognitive Retraining Acrobat for Business/Office Acrobat for Business/Office Document Conversion Active Job Search Advanced Baking and Pastry Advanced Low 9 Art Weaving Basic Accounting Concepts I Basic Accounting Concepts I Basic Accounting Concepts II Basic Workplace Communication Beginning 1-4 Multi-Level Beginning 1-4 Multi-Level - A Beginning 1-4 Multi-Level - B Beginning Algebra Beginning High 3 Beginning High 3 - A Beginning High 3 - B Beginning High 3-4 Intensive Beginning High 4 Beginning High 4 - A Beginning High 4 - B 0 35.27 539.54 101.56 0 0 4 45.42 0.91 4.55 Intermediate Low 5 162.3 1.31 0.29 Intermediate Low 5 - A Intermediate Low 5-6 Intensive 0 32.25 5.5 0 65.83 0 0 10.5 1.4 0 425.46 3.5 0 21.03 565.5 19.18 0 50.27 547.32 23.25 0 Intermediate Low 6 Intermediate Low 6 - A Intermediate Low 6 - B Intermediate Low 6 - B Intermediate Low Conversation International Bids Proposals (RFPs) and Tenders International Business International Trade Agencies and Agreements Internet & Email for the Business Office Internet and Email Internet and E-mail Intro to Adobe Illustrator Intro to Adobe InDesign Intro to Adobe Photoshop Intro to Computers for ESL - Intermediate Intro to Computers for ESL - Intermediate Intro to Internet and World Wide Web Intro to Mac Graphics Intro to the Hospitality Industry 126.95 0 0 0 19.77 0.01 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 85.84 9.32 12.67 5.74 0 E6-21 Exhibit 6 COURSES BY DISTRICT, COURSE TITLE, AND FTES (CONT.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES Introduction to Baking and Pastry Introduction to Computers/Operating Systems Introduction to Internet and World Wide Web Introduction to the Construction Trades A Introduction to the Construction Trades B Introduction to the Construction Trades C Introductory Flash for the Business/Office Job Preparation Job Search Skills - Disabled Keeping Score on Your Finances Keyboarding - All Levels Keyboarding for Computers Keyboarding for Computers Keyboarding for ESL Students Keyboarding for ESL Students Keyboarding Lab Keyboarding Quick Keyboarding Quick Course Legal Structures for Business 20.71 5 San Francisco CCD (Cont). Beginning Low 1 Beginning Low 1 - A 991.08 19.41 Beginning Low 1 - B Beginning Low 1 - B Beginning Low 1-2 Intensive Beginning Low 1-2 Intensive - A Beginning Low 1-2 Intensive - B Beginning Low 2 Beginning Low 2 Beginning Low 2 Beginning Low 2 - A Beginning Low 2 - B Beginning Low Conversation Beginning VESL Communication Beginning-Low VESL Communication A Beginning-Low VESL Communication A Beginning-Low VESL Communication B Blueprint Reading for Construction Building Business Web Pages with Studio Level 1 Building Business Web Pages with Studio Level 2 Building Business Web Sites Building Individual Web Sites Business Communications Business English Business English I Business English II Business English Level 1 Business Law for Small Business Business Licenses and Permits Business Machines/10 Key Business Math and Spreadsheets Business Math with Spreadsheets Business Plan Business Web Graphics using Studio Business Writing on Micros/ESL Buying a Business Profitably California and san Francisco Plumbing Code Career and Personal Income Management Carpentry Framing (Rough) Civics Clerical Keyboarding 0 0 9.12 0 0 787.16 12.32 0 0 0 49.62 30.83 1.1 2.48 0 20.98 1.42 0.79 Life Skills for the Disabled 0 40.53 10.52 18.92 1.42 8.85 1.85 0 85.58 0 70.55 18.22 17.76 76.94 0.27 0 0 0 0.82 0 1.53 17.19 3.88 0 0 0.05 0.6 0 0 8.7 0 3.86 0 0 0 Listening - Beginning Low Listening - Intermediate High Literacy Tutor Training Literature & Composition Mail Merge Marketing Analysis Marketing Strategy Math Skills Development 1 Math Skills Development 2 Math Skills Lab Micro Business Applications Microcomputer Business Applications Microcomputer Lab Micros - Individual Projects Native Language Literacy Office Technology Office Technology Laboratory 49.05 8.92 0 50.78 0.07 0 0.06 7.37 30.21 32.12 0 20 38.16 4 30.43 0 35.85 0 12.3 15.39 6.49 On the Job Communication Skills Orientation to Academic Success Outlook for Office Support I Outlook for Office Support II 0 15.57 0 0 E6-22 Exhibit 6 COURSES BY DISTRICT, COURSE TITLE, AND FTES (CONT.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES San Francisco CCD (Cont). Communication Skills for Chinese Cooks Communication Skills for Construction Workers Communication Skills for Construction Workers Communication Skills for Culinary Workers Communication Skills for Customer Service Employees Communication Skills for Food Service/Hospitality Communication Skills for Health Workers Communication Skills for Health Workers A Communication Skills for Hotel/Service Workers Communication Skills for Janitorial Workers Communication Skills for Janitorial Workers Communication Skills for Job Searching Communication Skills for New Transit Operators Communication Skills for New Transit Operators Communication Skills for the Workplace Communication Skills for the Workplace Communication Skills for Transit Operators Communication Skills for Transit Operators Computer Applications Computer Applications - Introduction Computer Assisted ESL Computer Assisted ESL Computer Assisted ESL - Beginning High Computer Assisted ESL - Beginning High Computer Assisted ESL - Beginning Low Computer Assisted ESL - Intermediate Computer Keyboarding - The Numeric Keypad Computer Overview/Appl Computer Skills - Disabled Computer VESL - Health Workers Computer VESL - High Intermediate Computerized Accounting Contract Administration Contractor Licensing Controlling Your Inventory Conversation - Beginning High Current Events Customer Service Skills 9.39 4.28 Photoshop Elements Photoshop Elements I 8 2.92 0 Photoshop Elements II 2.18 0 0 Physical Science 1 Plumbing Applications in Construction 3.38 14.89 1.1 0 10.5 0 0 0 0 PowerPoint PowerPoint for Business Pre-Vocational Foundation Skills Prevocational Skills Pricing Products and Services Program for the Learning Disabled Pronunciation - Beginning Pronunciation - Intermediate Publisher for Business 20.56 19.53 2.35 25.39 0 0 0.11 0.13 107.99 10.35 0 12.5 49.19 0 0 46 0 8.5 6.72 0 0 8.8 33 0.75 Publisher for Desktop Publishing QuickBooks A/P A/R QuickBooks A/P and A/R QuickBooks Level 1 QuickBooks Level 2 QuickBooks Level I QuickBooks Level II QuickBooks Payroll QuickBooks Payroll Quiltmaking Reading - Beginning Low Reading - Intermediate High Reading - Intermediate Low 11.19 3.5 0 21.4 8 0 0 1.75 0 4 6.05 6.66 0 24 16.53 0 16.43 21.5 0 2 0 32.01 0 2.11 Reading/Writing Lab Record Keeping Retail Management Selling a Business Selling and Sales Management Simulated Projects for MS Office: Self-Paced Small Business and Taxes Small Business Insurance Social Communication Social Communication Speaking - Beginning Low 8.36 0.13 0 0 0.08 5.34 0.4 0.06 42.5 0 41.89 E6-23 Exhibit 6 COURSES BY DISTRICT, COURSE TITLE, AND FTES (CONT.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES 0 30 11 1 0.8 5.42 0 0 1.2 6 0 0 0.01 1.65 17.02 1.8 0.2 13.86 0 0 32.41 12.26 0 0 Speaking - Intermediate High Speaking - Intermediate Low Special Projects Using Publisher Spreadsheets - Advanced Spreadsheets - Beginning Spreadsheets - Intermediate Spreadsheets - Level 1 Spreadsheets - Level 2 Spreadsheets - Level 2 Spreadsheets - Level 3 Spreadsheets - Level 3 Staffing Your Business Styles and Macros Supervising Employees Surface Design - 3 - Dimensional Tables Telephone as a Sales Tool Telling Stories for ESL Students Templates & Forms U.S. History 1 U.S. History 2 U.S. Trade Competitiveness U.S. Trade with African Countries U.S. Trade with Asia Part I (Japan and South Korea) U.S. Trade with Asia Part II (China Hong Kong Taiwan) U.S. Trade with Asia Part III (Southeast Asia) U.S. Trade with Eastern Europe U.S. Trade with the Americas U.S. Trade with the Middle East U.S. Trade with Western Europe Using Dreamweaver for Web Pages Using Outlook for Office Support Using Outlook for Office Support - Level 1 Using Outlook for Office Support - Level 2 Using Outlook for Office Support Level 1 Using Web Expression for Web Pages VESL Clerical Procedures VESL for Banquet Servers VESL for Child Development A VESL for Child Development A VESL for Child Development B 3.6 10.02 0 2 38 18.5 3.2 4.5 0 2 0 0 0.06 0.26 0 0.1 0 4.25 0.03 6.01 6.21 0 0.1 0.12 San Francisco CCD (Cont). Databases - Advanced Databases - Beginning Databases - Intermediate Databases - Level 1 Databases - Level 2 Design and Type Fundamentals Desktop Publishing - Advanced Desktop Publishing - Beginning Desktop Publishing - Beginning Desktop Publishing - Intermediate Desktop Publishing Advanced Desktop Publishing Intermediate Developing the International Business Plan Dreamweaver I Economics Educational Assessment - Disabled Effective Advertising Effective Business Communication Effective Business Communications Effective Communication Electrical Applications in Construction Electrical Code E-mail Writing Employee Training Employer/Employee Rights 0.05 English Through Song Lyrics 3.97 ESL Listening - Beginning High ESL Listening - Intermediate Low ESL Literacy A ESL Literacy A ESL Literacy A - A ESL Literacy A - B ESL Literacy B ESL Math ESL Reading - Beginning High ESL Skills Computer Lab ESL Speaking - Beginning High ESL Through Story-Based Video and TV ESL Women's Issues ESL Writing - Beginning High ESL/ABE for Automotive Technology 39.22 18.64 485.8 31.08 48.55 0 39.84 0 14.82 92.45 38.28 5.83 0 20.98 0 0.1 0.08 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.08 22.74 0 0 0 12.34 0.33 0 0 0 2.53 0 E6-24 Exhibit 6 COURSES BY DISTRICT, COURSE TITLE, AND FTES (CONT.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0.15 0.11 0.21 0.21 0.15 10.66 0.1 0.06 7.19 16.06 70.64 17.46 0 1.2 45.32 0 0 0.07 0 4 0 0.1 10.49 1 VESL for Clerical Procedures VESL for Customer Service VESL for Health Workers VESL for Printing VESL for the Biotech Industry Vocabulary and Spelling Vocabulary Power Vocational Foundation Skills Vocational Skills for the Disabled Weaving Tapestry Windows OS Basics Word Processing - Advanced Word Processing - Advanced Word Processing - Beginning Word Processing - Beginning Word Processing - Intermediate Word Processing - Intermediate Word Processing - Level 1 Word Processing - Level 1 Word Processing - Level 2 Word Processing - Level 2 Word Processing - Level 3 Word Processing - Level 3 Word Processing - Special Topics Word Processing - Specialist Topics Word Processing (Multi-level) Workplace Communication Strategies Writing - Beginning Low Writing - Intermediate High Writing - Intermediate Low Writing with a Computer - Intermediate 16.22 9.7 0 0 0 0 0 7.52 0 4 0 3.35 0 0 23.84 13.93 0 3.7 0 2.71 0 0 0 0 0 19.58 2 4.8 10.12 10.46 1.5 1.12 6.98 16.47 18.32 5.04 9.57 HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Geometry HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Painting HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Political Science HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Psychology HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Spanish I HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Spanish II San Francisco CCD (Cont). Excel - Advanced Excel - Beginning Excel - Intermediate Excel for Accounting Excel for Accounting Principles Excel Special Topics - Beyond Advanced Excel Special Topics - Beyond Advanced Expanded Woven Design Export/Import Basics Export/Import Documents Export/Import Financing Export/Import Marketing Export/Import Shipping and Insurance Exterior and interior Finishes Finance for Small Business Finding the Right Loan Flash for Business/Office Presentation Focus on the Future Food Tech & Dining Service Furniture Making and Wood Working Gateway to Credit Gateway to Credit Math GED Preparation Getting Government Business Getting Started Getting the Right Loan Graphic Arts Academics Graphics for Business High School Learning Hone-Based Business Housekeeping ESL Income Tax Prep Intro San Luis Obispo County CCD ESL Advanced ESL Beginning High - Level 3 ESL Beginning Literacy - Level 1 ESL Beginning Literacy - Level 2 ESL Intermediate High - Level 5 ESL Intermediate Low - Level 4 0 0 2.87 2.18 0 0 E6-25 Exhibit 6 COURSES BY DISTRICT, COURSE TITLE, AND FTES (CONT.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES San Luis Obispo County CCD (Cont.) HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Algebra II HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Biology HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Ceramics HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Chemistry HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Drawing HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Economics 0 7.95 0 0 0 2.92 HSD Noncredit Basic Skills U.S. History HSD Noncredit Basic Skills Visual Design HSD Noncredit Basic Skills World History Work-Related Conversational Skills Level 2 Work-Related Conversational Skills Level 2 5.76 0 8.47 3.73 0.09 Santa Barbara CCD American History Part 1 American History Part 2 ASE/GED Test Subject - Mathematics ASE/GED Test Subject - Reading ASE/GED Test Subject - Science ASE/GED Test Subject - Social Studies ASE/GED Test Subject - Writing ASE/GED Test Subject Bi-lingual/Bi-literalSocial Studies ASE/GED Test Subject Bi-lingual/Bi-literate Mathematics ASE/GED Test Subject Bi-lingual/Biliterate- Reading ASE/GED Test Subject Bi-lingual/Bi-literate Science ASE/GED Test Subject Bi-lingual-Writing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Happiness is a Clean Disk Health Health Care Interpreter Training Individualized Instruction: All Subject Integrated Mathematics Integrated Mathematics 2: Algebra Integrated Mathematics 3: Geometry Introduction to MS Outlook 0.14 0 0 122.14 0 0 0 0.3 0 Introduction to Personal Computers 16.56 0 Introduction to the Macintosh 0 Learn to Type 0 Basic Skills Development Reading Writing and Math Biology Computer Keyboard & Mouse Basics Computer Skills (Bilingual) Computers for Beginners Earth Science Economics Email for Beginners ESL Advanced Low - Level 6 ESL Beginning High - Level 3 ESL Computer Class ESL Conversation - Let's Talk ESL Conversation and Pronunciation ESL for Nurses Assistants: Part I 0 Making Sense Out of Upgrading & Repairing Your PC Mathematics B (Fractions Decimals and Percents) Mathematics A (Whole Number Arithmetic) MS Publisher in a Day Oceanography On-Line to the Internet Operating System Mac OS X Personal Care Attendant Course PowerPoint Reading and Composition 1 Reading and Composition 2 Setting-Up a Home Computer Network Spanish/English Medical Terminology Spreadsheet Basics Strokes: Prevention Rehabilitation and Possibilities Restorative Nurse Aide 2 Restorative Nurse Aide Training Program Searching the Web Teaching Nurse Assistants with Limited English Creative Strategies ESL Beginning Literacy - Level 1 ESL Beginning Low - Level 2 ESL Bilingual Basic Reading and Writing ESL for Nurses Assistants: Part II 0 0 100.86 1.44 0 0 0.34 0 38.4 5.42 3.56 6.82 0 93.92 59.66 12.6 0 2.5 0 3.76 0 0 0 0 0 2.4 3.06 0.48 0 0 0 0 0.74 0 0 0 0.46 0 E6-26 Exhibit 6 COURSES BY DISTRICT, COURSE TITLE, AND FTES (CONT.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES 7.16 30.64 The Inside Word on Word The Learning Center: A Multi-media Learning Lab Training for End-of Life Care Virus Protection Windows Basics Word Word Processing Basics 0 25.94 1.65 0 3 34 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 62.54 58.4 47.65 26.03 4.58 English 9 A/B 0 10.57 English as a Second Language Level 0 0 8.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.48 English as a Second Language Level 1 English as a Second Language Level 2 English as a Second Language Level 3 English as a Second Language Level 4 English as a Second Language Level 5 English as a Second Language Level 6 Geography of the Non-Western World Geography of the Western World Geometry 1A Geometry 1B 0 19.78 0 15.66 0 11.79 0 0 0 0 5.01 Intermediate Idioms Prepositions and Vocabulary Intermediate Listening Speaking and Pronunciation Intermediate Reading and Writing Santa Barbara CCD (Cont.) ESL Intermediate High - Level 5 ESL Intermediate Low - Level 4 ESL Multilevel ESL-Writing for the ESL Student Excel in XP: Building Spreadsheets Exploring Microsoft Office for Windows Government Reading and Composition 3 318.62 0 1.88 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.06 8.68 Santa Clarita CCD ESL Pre-Level 1 HSD Algebra I A/B/C HSD Algebra II A/B HSD Geometry I A/B/C Santa Monica CCD Advanced Idioms Prepositions and Vocabulary Advanced Listening Speaking and Pronunciation Advanced Reading and Writing Algebra 1A Algebra 1B American Government American History 1A American History 1B Applied Mathematics Arithmetic 1A Arithmetic 1B Beginning Idioms Prepositions and Vocabulary Beginning Listening Speaking and Pronunciation Beginning Reading and Writing CaliforniaHSEE English Language Arts Preparation CaliforniaHSEE Mathematics Preparation Economics English 10 A/B English 11 A/B English 12 A/B 1.57 0 0 0 0 0 0 Life Science 1A Life Science 1B World History 1A World History 1B 0 11.4 0.66 0 0 0 0 E6-27 Exhibit 6 COURSES BY DISTRICT, COURSE TITLE, AND FTES (CONT.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES Sequoias CCD Advanced Pronunciation/Speaking Advanced Pronunciation/Speaking Advanced Reading/Vocabulary 5 Advanced Reading/Vocabulary 6 Advanced Writing/Grammar 5 Advanced Writing/Grammar 6 Beginning Pronunciation/Speaking Beginning Reading/Vocabulary 1 Beginning Reading/Vocabulary 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beginning Reading/Vocabulary I Beginning Writing/Grammar 1 Beginning Writing/Grammar 2 Intermediate Pronunciation/Speaking Intermediate Reading/Vocabulary 3 Intermediate Reading/Vocabulary 4 Intermediate Writing/Grammar 3 Intermediate Writing/Grammar 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sonoma County Junior CCD Academic Skills I Academic Skills II Academic Skills III Beginning High Noncredit ESL Beginning Low Noncredit ESL Beginning NC ESL Literacy 87.97 2.7 0.36 138.33 165.77 38.55 English Skills Workshop Intermediate High Noncredit ESL Intermediate Low Noncredit ESL Multilevel Noncredit ESL Native Language Literacy VESL Workshop 22.77 48.18 88.68 0 2.27 15.12 4.67 5.93 17.17 2.68 0 2.07 1.3 0 ESL Skills Lab Essential Academic Skills Grammar Review for College Idioms and Expressions Idioms and Expressions in American English Intermediate Conversation Intermediate Multiskills I Intermediate Multiskills II 0.39 4.32 3.72 0 1.55 7.45 18.81 17.92 8.23 13.05 17.04 1.04 2.42 0.58 Intermediate Pronunciation Intermediate Reading and Writing I Intermediate Reading and Writing II Listening and Note-Taking Skills for College Vocabulary Skills for College ESL Skills Lab 2.96 3.07 1.35 1.97 4.7 0.39 South Orange County CCD Advanced Conversation Advanced Grammar Review Advanced Multiskills Advanced Pronunciation Advanced Pronunciation Advanced Reading and Writing Advanced Writing for Work American Language and Culture Through Film Beginning Conversation Beginning Multiskills I Beginning Multiskills II Beginning Pronunciation ESL Laboratory ESL Reading for College: American Literature Southwestern CCD Automated External Defibrillation (AED) Basic Boating and Water Safety Basic Water Rescue Boating Safety Paddle Sports Leader Training Budget of Home Energy Management 0 0.12 0 0 0.28 Fundamentals of Instructor Training for Recreation Assistants Home Care Client Excellence Introduction to Academic ESL II Introduction to Academic ESL III 0 Leadership Training in Marine Aquatic Activities 0 0 0 0 E6-28 Exhibit 6 COURSES BY DISTRICT, COURSE TITLE, AND FTES (CONT.) DISTRICT COURSE TITLE FTES COURSE TITLE FTES Southwestern CCD (Cont.) Canoe Trip Leader Training Careers in Health Care Careers in Marine Safety Service Community Resources for Older Adults CPR for the Professional Rescuer EMT Refresher for Marine Safety Personnel Fire-Marine Safety Service AED/ETAD First Aid for Public Safety Personnel - Title 22 First Responder Swift Water Rescue Training I Fundamentals of Instructional Evaluation and Training 0 0 0 0 4.98 0 0 1.58 2.74 Lifeguard Training Lifeguard Training Instructor Nutrition and Health Issues--Older Adults Ocean Lifeguarding for Recreational Assistants Oxygen Administration for the Professional Rescuer Tax Preparation/Income Tax I 0 0 4.38 0 Tax Preparation/Income Tax II Teambuilding Training through Sand Castle Construction for Group Lea The Circle of Life: Empowering Yourself 5.34 0 0 5.8 0 0 State Center CCD Electrical Fundamentals Fluid Power Fundamentals Hydraulic Fundamentals Introduction to Manufacturing Job Preparation Pneumatic Fundamentals 0 0 0 0 0 0 Power Transmission Programmable Controllers Technical Report Writing Trade Mathematics Welding Fundamentals 0 0 0 0 0 Yosemite CCD English at Work English at Work 2 ESL: Beginning 2.64 2.64 47.2 ESL: Higher Elementary ESL: Intermediate ESL: Lower Elementary 35.01 29.24 51.71 E6-29