smile/pilot 2.0


smile/pilot 2.0
ZOLLER Tool presetter and measuring machines
»smile/pilot 2.0«
The ZOLLER tool presetter and measuring machine
»smile/pilot 2.0« is the perfect professional introduction into the world of tool presetters and measuring
mashines with an unbeatable price-performance
ratio. Designed and developed in-house it is equipped with high-quality features and offers all default
measuring functions. Thanks to »smile/pilot 2.0«
your tools can be measured and set in a quick, simple
and ultra-precise way. Due to its solid construction
it is suitable for use on the shop-floor and can be
placed directly next to CNC machines and machining
centres or in the tool store area.
Basic equipment:
„„ High precision spindle SK 50 with
integrated calibration edge and spindle
„„ Membrane keyboard for power-operated
clamping, spindle brake and spindle
„„ Image processing with telecentric objective
and CCD camera with integrated multi
LED lights
„„ 4 USB 2.0 interfaces
„„ RJ45 mains connection
„„ 12,1“ TFT touch-screen monitor
„„ Screen resolution 800 x 600 pixels
„„ 256 MB working memory
„„ Storage for at least 3000 adapters and
tool steps
»smile 400« with ZOLLER image processing »pilot 2.0«
Technical data:
„„ Max. tool length Z: 400 mm/600 mm
„„ Max. tool diameter X: 420 mm
„„ Snap gauge diameter: 100 mm*
*Note: When selecting the „snap gauge“ option, the maximum
tool diameter in X is reduced to 320 mm
„„ Solid and easy operation suited for use on
the shop-floor
„„ Higher process reliability, less machine
down-times and less waste
„„ SK 50 vacuum spindle
„„ Power-operated tool spindle
„„ Centre height measuring device camera
„„ Autofocus
n Controls-specific data output
n Setup sheets measure/manage
Simple, individual and intuitive ZOLLER image processing »pilot 2.0«
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E. Zoller GmbH & Co. KG I Einstell- und Messgeräte
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 19 I D-74385 Pleidelsheim
Tel. +49 7144 8970-0 I Fax +49 7144 8060807 I
ZOLLER Tool presetter and measuring machines
»smile/pilot 2.0«
Default functions:
„„ Dynamic memory management for at least
3000 adapters and tool steps
„„ A
 xial run-out measurement cutting edges
„„ Projector function
„„ Measuring process »biggest cutting edge«
„„ Tool step management
„„ Graphical user interface
„„ Automatic recognition of cutting edge
shape and measuring range
„„ Dynamic crosshairs
„„ Dimmable cutting edge inspection
„„ Real-time measurement
„„ mm / inch conversion
„„ Independent selection between radius,
Automatic recognition of cutting edge shape and
measuring range incl. more than 90 different cutting
edge shapes
Graphical and user-friendly adapter management with
control field
diameter, absolute value, differential
measure, incremental dimension and
counter stop mode for both axes
„„ Automatic zero point monitoring
„„ Analogue, colour focus meter
„„ Navigation system »compass« for easy axis
adjustment for positioning the nominal
„„ »cris« function for measuring the maximum
„„ Label printing
„„ Help system and others
Navigation system »compass« for a quick and easy axis
adjustment for positioning the nominal value
Comprehensive selection of individual measuring
Projector function and cutting edge inspection for
checking of wear and measurement of cutting edge
Software function for detecting and measuring the maximum contour of a tool which reproduces the cutting tool in
the workpiece
Rev. 2013-10-15/01/tr (ci_smile_p2_en.indd) Subject to changes
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E. Zoller GmbH & Co. KG I Einstell- und Messgeräte
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 19 I D-74385 Pleidelsheim
Tel. +49 7144 8970-0 I Fax +49 7144 8060807 I
Measuring programs:
nStandard measuring method
nRadius over measuring points
nAngle over measuring points
nAxial run-out check
nTheoretical point
nDetection of maximum contour

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