Document 6481481


Document 6481481
Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine
A case of methanol poisoning
, YC Chan
CK Chan
, FL Lau
A 29-year-old male took about 300 ml industrial alcohol in a suicidal attempt. The industrial alcohol was
later confirmed to be methanol. He presented to the emergency department 10 hours post-ingestion with an
anion gap metabolic acidosis and an osmol gap of 76.7 mOsm/kg. Ethanol infusion was started in the
emergency department at 11 hours post-ingestion before the availability of serum methanol level. The clinical
diagnosis of toxic alcohol ingestion was based on the history, arterial blood gases results and the presence of
a significant osmol gap. The patient was then admitted to the intensive care unit for ethanol therapy and
haemodialysis. Prompt initiation of ethanol therapy and the subsequent intensive care prevented the
development of life-threatening complications of methanol poisoning in this case. (Hong Kong
Keywords: Acidosis, alcohols, ethanol
Case report
A 29-year-old male took about 300 ml industrial
alcohol and a small amount of red wine in a suicidal
attempt in August 2005. He was brought to the
emergency department 10 hours later. On arrival, he
Correspondence to:
Chan Chi Keung, MRCSEd, FHKAM(Emergency Medicine)
United Christian Hospital, Accident & Emergency Department,
130 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Lau Fei Lung, FRCP, FHKAM(Emergency Medicine)
United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong Poison Information
Centre, 130 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Chan Yiu Cheung, FRCSEd, FHKAM(Emergency Medicine)
was asymptomatic. The initial vital signs were: GCS
15/15, BP 126/82 mmHg, pulse rate 67/min,
temperature 36.6°C, respiratory rate 16/min, and
oxygen saturation of 100% on room air. The physical
examination was normal and there was no visual
Blood was drawn at 10 hours post-ingestion for arterial
blood gases on room air. The initial results were:
pH 7.28, pCO2 27 mmHg (3.6 kPa), pO2 114 mmHg
(15.2 kPa), HCO 3 12.4 mmol/L, base excess
-12.6 mmol/L, Na + 146.6 mmol/L, K + 4.3 mmol/L,
Cl − 102 mmol/L, anion gap 36.5 mmol/L. Further
laboratory tests for the anion gap metabolic acidosis
were performed: urea 4.5 mmol/L, spot glucose
6.6 mmol/L, lactate 1.26 mmol/L, ethanol
Chan et al./A case of methanol poisoning
undetectable, measured serum osmolarity 381 mOsm/kg.
The calculated serum osmolarity was 304.3 mmol/L, with
an osmol gap of 76.7 mOsm/kg. Based on the history
and laboratory findings, toxic alcohol ingestion was
diagnosed and treated accordingly. The methanol level
at 10 hours post-ingestion was 61.2 mmol/L (Table 1)
although the result was only available at about 12 hours
after admission (22 hours post-exposure).
and the metabolic acidosis was nearly completely
corrected. Haemodialysis was therefore stopped, with
ethanol infusion continued at a slower rate of 100 ml/hr
(1.8 ml/kg/hr). Ethanol infusion was eventually
stopped at 49 hours post-ingestion after confirming a
low methanol level. Figure 1 shows the changes of the
anion and osmol gaps, methanol and ethanol levels
during the clinical course.
The patient was treated by a loading dose of 400 ml
10% ethanol (7.2 ml/kg) infusion over 30 minutes in
the emergency department. It was prepared by 40 ml
100% ethanol made up to 400 ml with 5% dextrose
solution. He was admitted to the intensive care unit
The total ICU stay for this patient was 55 hours. The
patient was all along asymptomatic. There was a slightly
elevated amylase level of 102 IU/L (normal <100) at
19 hours post-ingestion. Ophthalmologist examination
showed no abnormal findings. Psychiatrist consultation
was arranged and a diagnosis of parasuicide episode
was made. The patient was discharged home after a
hospital stay of four days.
In the ICU, 10% ethanol infusion was continued at a
rate of 50 ml/hr (0.9 ml/kg/hr). The metabolic acidosis
was slightly improved at 14 hours post-ingestion, with
an anion gap of 33.8 mmol/L. Because of the presence
of significant metabolic acidosis and high osmol gap,
haemodialysis with an ultrafiltration rate of 50 ml/hr
was started. The ethanol infusion rate was gradually
increased to 150 ml/hr (2.7 ml/kg/hr) during
haemodialysis due to persistent suboptimal blood
ethanol level. During ethanol infusion, the patient
remained fully conscious (with arousable sleeps) and
there was no hypoglycaemic episode. Intubation was
not needed in this case. Folinic acid 50 mg
intravenously (IV), thiamine 50 mg IV, and pyridoxine
250 mg IV were also given in the early phase of
The metabolic acidosis and osmol gap were rapidly
corrected after the initiation of haemodialysis. At 28
hours post-ingestion, the osmol gap was normalized
Methanol poisonings have been reported in both
western and Chinese literatures. As methanol is cheaper
than ethanol, it is sometimes used to fortify illicit spirits
in developing countries. Mass poisoning outbreaks
with significant mortality and morbidity can occur. 1
In Hong Kong, sporadic cases of methanol poisoning
usually resulted from suicidal attempt after the
consumption of methanol containing products.
Classically, methanol is used as antifreeze in windshield
washing fluids and fuel deicing agents. 2 However,
antifreeze is not commonly used in Hong Kong.
Instead, methanol is used as an industrial or laboratory
solvent, and also as a fuel source for picnic stove or
alcohol lamp. Although industrial alcohol usually refers
to highly concentrated ethanol, there are reports in
Table 1. Blood test results
Time post-ingestion (hour)
Base excess (mmol/L)
Anion gap (mmol/L)
Osmol gap (mOsm/kg)
Serum methanol (mmol/L)
Serum ethanol (mmol/L)
Hong Kong j. emerg. med. „ Vol. 14(2) „ Apr 2007
Figure 1. Anion gap, osmol gap, methanol and ethanol levels during the clinical course.
the Chinese literature that methanol is also marketed
as industrial alcohol. Being in close geographic
proximity to China, we may encounter imported cases
of methanol poisoning, and possibly local outbreaks
secondary to imported illicit spirits.
The diagnosis of methanol poisoning is made by a
combination of a history of suspected toxic alcohol
intake, clinical features, and laborator y tests.
Diagnostic and treatment guidelines are available in
major literatures.3,4 A documented plasma methanol
level greater than 6.25 mmol/L (20 mg/dL) is
diagnostic of methanol poisoning.4 However plasma
methanol level may not be readily available. One should
not wait for a methanol level before initiating treatment
in cases of clinically suspected methanol poisoning as
illustrated by our case. In emergency situation, the
osmol gap and arterial blood gases are more useful in
making the diagnosis and assessing the severity of
methanol poisoning.
The osmol gap is a rapid approximation of the
unmeasured, osmotically active substances in the serum
based on the difference between the measured
osmolality and the calculated osmolarity. In methanol
poisoning, the osmol gap estimated the methanol
concentration in blood:
Osmol gap (O G) = Measured osmolality (O M) −
Calculated osmolarity (OC)
Calculated osmolarity (OC) = 2 (sodium) + glucose
+ urea + ethanol
Chan et al./A case of methanol poisoning
*All units expressed as serum concentration in
mmol/L. Note that American textbooks have a
different calculation method as they are not using
SI units.
The range of normal osmol gap is -2±6 mOsm/L. Toxic
alcohol ingestion should be suspected if an osmol gap
is greater than 10 mOsm/L. When the osmol gap is
greater than 50 mOsm/L, it should be considered
nearly diagnostic of toxic alcohol ingestion.5 However,
a normal or negative osmol gap does not rule out toxic
alcohol poisoning. For example, a person with a
baseline osmol gap of -8 mOsm/L will still have a
negative osmol gap (about -2 mOsm/L) when the
plasma methanol level reaches the potential toxic level
of 6.25 mmol/L (20 mg/dL). Moreover, late in the
course of methanol poisoning, the blood methanol level
falls as methanol is metabolized into formic acid.
Formic acid is charged and electrically balanced by
sodium, and therefore, does not contribute to the
osmol gap. 3 Consequently, the osmol gap can be
normal despite of clinical methanol poisoning with
delayed presentation.6
Arterial blood gas analysis is a rapid way of determining
serum pH, bicarbonate and anion gap. Clinical symptoms
and mortality in methanol poisoning correlate closely with
the degree of metabolic acidosis.1,3,7 The generation of
formic acid and, to a lesser extent, lactic acid contributes
to the anion gap metabolic acidosis during methanol
poisoning. However a significant anion gap may not be
present early in the course of methanol poisoning, as the
rate of formic acid production is limited by the alcohol
dehydrogenase (ADH) pathway. Moreover in patients
with methanol ingestion and concomitant ethanol
ingestion, methanol metabolism is inhibited and
metabolic acidosis may not be evident. So the absence of
anion gap metabolic acidosis cannot exclude the
possibility of methanol poisoning.6
The management of a patient with methanol poisoning
includes inhibition of the metabolism of methanol
into formic acid with either fomepizole or ethanol,
correction of metabolic acidosis with sodium
bicarbonate, increasing the metabolism of formic acid
to carbon dioxide by the administration of folinic acid
or folic acid, and arrangement of haemodialysis if
necessary. 3 Both fomepizole and ethanol are potent
inhibitors of ADH, and are considered as effective
antidotes in methanol poisoning. Fomepizole has been
available in Hospital Authority's hospitals since
July 2006. Because of the high acquisition cost,
fomepizole should be reserved for patients who have
contraindications to ethanol infusion. These include:
(1) children, which are prone to ethanol-induced
hypoglycaemia; (2) patients on disulfiram, or
developing disulfiram-like reactions upon ethanol
infusion; and (3) patients with history of alcoholinduced pancreatitis.
Ethanol is a competitive antagonist of ADH. Its affinity
for ADH is estimated to be 10 times greater than that
of methanol. 3 If administered soon after methanol
ingestion, ethanol prevents the formation of formic
acid. This inhibition of hepatic methanol metabolism
results in a significant increase in the elimination halflife of methanol. It was reported that the median
elimination half-life of methanol during ethanol
therapy was 43.1 hours (ranged 30.3-52 hours).8 The
recommended blood ethanol concentration during
ethanol therapy is 21.7 mmol/L (100 mg/dL).7
In order to attain this blood level rapidly, a loading
dose of ethanol of 0.8 g/kg (0.8 ml/kg 100% ethanol)
is recommended. Preferably the loading dose is to be
given intravenously although oral loading is also
acceptable with adjustment of the dosage to account
for the oral bioavailability of ethanol. It should be
diluted by intravenous fluid (e.g. 5% dextrose) to a
10% ethanol solution, and given intravenously over
20-60 minutes as tolerated by the patient.5
To m a i n t a i n a n e t h a n o l c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f
21.7 mmol/L (100 mg/dL), ethanol has to be
administered at rate of 66-130 mg/kg/hr. A higher
dose is required in chronic alcoholics (100-154 mg/
kg/hr), and in those undergoing haemodialysis
(250-350 mg/kg/hr). 5 The patient should be
monitored in an intensive care unit to observe for
signs of central nervous system and respiratory
Hong Kong j. emerg. med. „ Vol. 14(2) „ Apr 2007
depression, and to monitor the serum ethanol and
glucose concentration. Ethanol therapy should be
continued until the serum methanol concentration
is <6.25 mmol/L (20 mg/dL) and the patient is
asymptomatic with a normal arterial pH. 3
Once ADH is adequately blocked, the decision to use
haemodialysis to enhance the elimination of formic
acid and methanol depends on the actual clinical
scenario. Indications for haemodialysis in methanol
poisoning include significant metabolic acidosis (pH
<7.25-7.30), renal impairment, clinically significant
poisoning with visual impairment or deteriorating vital
signs, or a high methanol concentration >15.6 mmol/L
(50 mg/dL). 3 In our case, haemodialysis was started
early in ICU due to a significant metabolic acidosis.
This was later supported by the high methanol level
(61.2 mmol/L) before haemodialysis. Without
haemodialysis, it will take several days to eliminate such
a high methanol level.
During the early phase of ICU treatment, intravenous
folinic acid, thiamine and pyridoxine were given. In
animal models and in vitro human cell experiments,
folinic acid and folic acid enhance the metabolism of
formic acid, forming carbon dioxide and water.3 Since
the toxic effects associated with methanol poisoning
are attributed largely to formic acid accumulation, it
is thereby postulated that the administration of folinic
acid or folic acid can reduce methanol toxicity. Folinic
acid is the metabolically reduced form of folic acid and
is the primary bioactive form in enhancing formic acid
metabolism. It is therefore the drug of choice in
methanol poisoning. If folinic acid is not immediately
available, folic acid is a reasonable alternative. The
administration of thiamine and pyridoxine in our case
was an empirical treatment for possible ethylene glycol
poisoning. During the early phase of treatment, it is
difficult in distinguishing methanol poisoning from
ethylene glycol poisoning. With the confirmation of
an undetectable blood ethylene glycol level, thiamine
and pyridoxine were no longer needed in the treatment
of the methanol poisoning.
In conclusion, this case illustrates how methanol
poisoning can be diagnosed in the emergency setting
without the immediate availability of blood methanol
level. Early initiation of ethanol therapy, enhanced
elimination with haemodialysis and ICU supportive
care in this case prevented the development of lifethreatening complications, despite a relatively high
initial methanol level.
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