Paper Heart


Paper Heart
Paper Heart
Sue Lennon
A heart made out of paper
Means the world to me.
It’s pasted on cardboard
As crooked as can be.
But when it comes from someone
As dear to me as you,
It doesn’t even matter
If it’s sticky from the glue.
Just to know you made it
Especially for me,
I’m proud to put it on my desk
For all the world to see,
I may get other valentines
But none that will compare
With a heart made out of paper
And glued with loving care.
February 2014
Our Lady of Peace Catholic School News
Parents are encouraged to sign up for an electronic copy of the
at for an electronic copy.
70 Mattice Avenue
Etobicoke Ontario M9B 1T6
Telephone 416-393-5253
Fax 416-397-6061
Principal: Ana Carreiro-Neto
Vice Principal: Gerrard Bonello
Secretary: Denise Felice
Clerk Typist: Cremilde Major
CSAC Chair : Catherine Lindsay
Superintendent: Doug Yack
(416-222-8282 Ext. 2732)
Trustee : Ann Andrachuk
Parish: Our Lady of Peace Parish
Father Galea 416-239-1259
Hours of Operation
8:15 a.m. -4:15 p.m.
Being in the midst of winter has several advantages, half is behind us and we
hope for an early spring. Please ensure that you send your children to school
properly dressed to enjoy these winter days. We will try to get the students
outside even if only for 10 minutes on very cold days. It has been a harsh
winter and we appreciate your patience and understanding.
Saint Michael's Choir School is accepting applications for the Academic
Year 2014/2015. Choir School testers contact school principals from
January to early March, to arrange for visits to TCDSB elementary
schools. The testers generally ask to test boys in grades two and three, but
they do make exceptions for musically talented boys at all levels. If you
would like your son tested please contact your child’s teacher.
Our students are encouraged to walk to and from school. Just because it is
winter, it does not mean we should not walk to school. Walking to and from
school is an excellent way to be active.
February is African Heritage month. On March 3rd, our Grade 7 and 8 students
will be going to St. Elizabeth to watch a play – “Harriet Tubman”. On February
14th, the Grade 7 and 8 students will have a Valentine’s Day Dance. Our Grade
1 students are celebrating 100th day of school on Friday, Feb. 7th.
Parents, please let us know as soon as possible if you are leaving our school or
if your child is moving from the French Track to the English Track. We have
many families wanting to register at OLP. Merci
February is also Psychology month. Please refer to the newsletter from our
psychology department. We live in the 21st century and technology is part of
our everyday life, however a healthy balance is important. We encourage all
our parents to read with their children, especially if they are in the younger
grades – Kindergarten to Grade 3. You can read in any language. Spend some
quality time curled up with your child and a book. Card games are an excellent
way to promote mathematical concepts. During the winter months, play a board
game, read a book, go tobogganing and drink some hot chocolate! Enjoy.
Ana Carreiro-Neto
Gerrard Bonello
Vice Principal
REGISTRATION is underway.
For more information, call 416-393- 5253 or the TCDSB Admissions
Department at 416-222-8282, ext. 5320.
For general information about the Toronto Catholic District School
Board, please visit the website at
Reporting of cancellations or closures due to
inclement weather
Cancellation of school bus transportation or school
closures due to inclement weather will be reported
through the following vehicles: News releases to all
media outlets in Toronto (although the news release
is provided to the media outlets, there is no
guarantee that all television and radio stations will
broadcast the information in a timely fashion).
Communications will endeavour to send out the
information electronically to ENews subscribers.
Updates will also be posted on the Board’s 24-hour
information line, 416-222-8282, extension
2873.The information will also be posted on the
Board’s website at or Transportation
Department will post this information on its website
Snowballs and Inappropriate Schoolyard
When the snow does arrive, students are
reminded that throwing snowballs is
inappropriate and unsafe play in the
schoolyard. We remind the students on a daily
basis, but sometimes students forget when they
are playing at recess. The students are allowed
to play with the snow, but they are not allowed
to kick the snow or throw it at someone.
Parents, we ask for your support in this matter
and please remind your child that inappropriate
schoolyard play will have consequences from
detentions, community service, or suspension.
Once again, the school and the home are
partners in ensuring safety for all.
We are studying the seven habits this year.
Seven Habits of Happy Kids/Effective Teens:
Be Proactive
Begin with the End in Mind
Put First Things First
Think Win-Win
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Sharpen the Saw
By Sean and Stephen R. Covey
Habit 4: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be
(p. 21 of The Leader in Me).
I listen to other people’s ideas and feelings. I try to
see things from their viewpoints. I listen to others
without interrupting. I am confident in voicing my
ideas. I look people in the eyes when talking.
From the Parish….
First Communion Dates:
Saturday, May 10th - Mme. Correia and Ms. Silla
Saturday, May 24th – Mme. Ventura and Mme. Keldi
Sacrament of Confirmation: Wednesday, June 11th
Basketball Teams
Our intermediate boys and girls are practising
for their upcoming tournaments this month.
We wish them the best of luck. Thank you to
Mrs. Ludlow and Mr. Covelli for coaching.
TRUSTEES 2013 – 2014
1. Peter Jakovcic
5. Maria Rizzo
2. Ann Andrachuk
6. Frank D‘Amico
3. Sal Piccininni
7. John Del Grande
4. Patrizia Bottoni
8. Garry Tanuan
William Lawrence and Enrique Olivo, Student Trustees
Angela Gauthier, Director of Education
Jo-Ann Davis, Chair
Barbara Poplawski
Angela Kennedy
Nancy Crawford, Vice Chair
80 Sheppard Ave. E., Toronto, ON · Website:
February’s Virtue of the Month – Love
Chocolates, flowers, valentines, and red hearts,
what would the month of February be without the
celebration of Valentine’s Day? While the rest of
the world may choose to celebrate the ideal of
romantic love on February 14, TCDSB schools
will be focussing on the virtue of LOVE as
expressed in the gospels. “For God so loved the
world, He gave His only son.” John 3:16
As we focus on the virtue of love at OLP this
February let us remember that love not only
inspires the practice of all other virtues, it is the
form and completion of all the other virtues. We
will not limit our celebration of the virtue of love
to February 14th, but demonstrate this virtue
through the following month long activities at Our
Lady of Peace.
Many thanks to our volunteers for a successful Pizza
lunch during the Month of January:
Miriam Hennessy
Evon Juma
Janine Kuzma-Woychyshyn
Gustaves Solares
Rosanne Boccia
Barbara Cecchin
Mary Gagliardi
Samira Raouda
First Term Report Cards
The first term report cards will be sent home with
your child on Tuesday, February 11th. This term,
we do not have a PA Day designated for
parent/teacher interviews. If you have a concern,
kindly arrange a time to speak with your child’s
teacher either via telephone or face-to-face. Merci.
OLP CPF Committee is planning a French Café
with entertainment and refreshments on Friday,
February 21/14 with more details to follow.
EQAO Dates for 2013 -2014
Assessments of Reading, Writing and
Mathematics, Primary and Junior Divisions:
May 26 to June 5. Please do not schedule
holidays during EQAO. When students do not
write the assessment, it counts against us.
Winter Clothing and Boots
Please send your son/daughter to school
dressed appropriately for the upcoming winter
weather. Students are required to remove
their boots in the building during class.
Students should have indoor shoes and the
younger students are expected to put on their
own shoes/boots and coats. Parents, please
help us by asking your children to practice
putting on their own shoes/boots and coats at
home. Thank you for your support.
Food Allergies
Parents are asked to refrain from sending food
with known allergens in them to school
(Peanut/Nut/Seafood Products). Parents are
also asked to remind their children not to
exchange snacks and share lunches. By
working as cooperatively as possible as a
community, we will make every effort to
reduce the risks and the stress for
anaphylactic students. Staff has been inserviced on a new auto-injector device called
Allerject (recently released in Canada). All
students and staff with a life-threatening
allergy must have two epi-pens at school –
one in the main office and one on them at all
times. Parents have expressed concerns about
students carrying an epi-pen for various
reasons. Please check out the new Allerject,
it is small and easier to carry around.
Junior Soccer Teams
This was the first year that we had junior
soccer teams. Congratulations to our boys,
who came in third and our girls, who came in
FIRST! Thank you to Mr. Walters and Mr.
Prifti for coaching and to our parent
volunteers who helped out.
Congratulations to the following recipients for January’s Courage certificate and Peace award.
Mme. Alexandre – AM Class
Andrew B.
Jonathan M.
Mme. Alexandre – PM Class
Michael K.
Matthew G.
Mme. Altobelli
Katarina K.
Katherine M.
Ms. Buffet
Samantha D.
Noah A.
Ms. Carlino
Amber A.
Nicole T.
Mme. Correia
Rafael G.
Stephania M.
Mme. Côté
Connor L.
Maja D.
Mme. Del Giudice
Cassandra L.
Olivia C.
Ms. Della Mora – AM Class
Christian M.
Eloisa P.
Ms. Della Mora – PM Class
Therese R.
Thomas P.
Ms. Grossi
Leah D.
Angjela F.
Ms. Guido
Lilliana P.
Brett C.
M. Howley
Catherine A.
Agnes Z.
Mme. Iannarelli
Matthew S.
Joseph M.
Mme. Keldi
Esosasere O.
Alexander W.
Ms. Ludlow
Robert R.
Colin O.
Ms. McKeen
Lucas S.
Jenna J.
Mme. Micco
Robert R.
Nicole R.
Mme. Miklosy
Eva C.
Nicolai G.
Mme. Mirija
Esther C.
Hugh M.
M. Prifti
Gregory Z.
Angela K.
Ms. Rucurean
Kayleigh H.
Kimberly T.
Ms. Ryan
Christopher M.
Tristan B.
Ms. Silla
Tristan H.
Casia P.
Mme. Sliwa
Trent I.
Ben B.
Mme. Ventura
Maja B.
Valeria C.
Mr. Walters
Greyson F.
Michaela B.
Mme. Wysokinski
Adrian B.
Luca C.