Document 6483286


Document 6483286
David Spade visits Bender
Richard Jeni opens Sunday show
Eagle Staff Writer
David Wright/The Eagle
Comedian Richard Jeni opened for David Spade
as the final act of SUB'S Spring Fling.
Comedians Richard Jeni and David
Spade performed for AU students last
night in the Bender Sports Arena at 8
p.m. as part of the first annual Student
Union Board Spring Fling.
Jeni is best known for his many
HBO comedy specials. He has also costarred with Jim Carrey in the hitmovie
"The Mask." Hehas another HBO special in the works and an album coming
"And I'm working on a little needlepoint as well,"Jeni joked in a post-show
Seriously, though, he said he enjoys
doing college shows like this one.
"I like to get out and do colleges,"
Jeni said. "Being a comedian is like
being a college student. There are lots
of late nights, bad food and your par-
entsarealwayshopingit salmostover.
Spade, the headliner, agreed.
"I think that college is related to
what I do," he said.
Spade has actually performed at AU
before, opening for Dennis Miller a few
years ago.
"We drove onto the campus, and 1
said, 'Haven't I been here before?'"
Spade laughed. "Then I found out I had
been here before. You do so many colleges, you forget which one is which."
Spade is working on a new movie,
"Lost and Found,"which he wrote with
another comedian.
"Maybe I'll do a little stand-up,"
Spade said. "I have the summer off of
SNL (Saturday Night Live), so I'm not
Spade said that he although officially he will not be going back to SNL
next season, he does plan on doing
some special guest appearances.
David Wright/The Eagle
Comedian David Spade amused students during
the Spring Fling show with his wry humor.
Spring Fling events entertai n campus
Eagle Staff Writer
The first Student Union Board-run
Spring Fling took place this past week
with events across campus.Theweek's
activities included many events in the
Tavern, starting with the "Blizzard ol
Bucks" on Monday, a gameshow in
which contestants did unusual deeds
in order to try to win money.
"We go all over the country,"said Al
Mandalo, the emcee for "Bucks" and
producer of standup comedy shows in
San Francisco."We've been on the road
since August"
Mandalo said his organization does
70 shows per semester at college campuses, malls and corporate parties all
around the nation.
"I thought it was funny, very entertaining,"Schoolof PublicAffairssophomore Courtni Burleson said.
Ana Polanco, a School of International Service sophomore, agreed.
"We only camehere to eat" Polanco
said. "We didn 't know it was here, and
we stayed."
Tuesday saw the Hunger Banquet
sponsored by the Office of Community
Action and Social Justice (CASJ).Three
different speakers from different organizations were invited to speak about
hunger and poverty.
One of the speakers was Trina
Bishop, president of the AU Overseas
Development Network, and speaking
on behalf of the Zimbabwe Friends of
the Unemployed.
Other speakers included Phyllis
Robinson from the McAuley Institute,
a national organization which works
with housing justice and community
building, and Stephanie Seidel from
Bread for the World , an international
organization that uses letter writing in
order to help combat hunger.
"It was pretty educational for most
of the people who were there," College
of Arts and Sciences senior Nona
Waibsnaider of the Office of Community and Social Justice said.
Tuesday was also supposed to be
the Second AnnualTrash Day, in which
trash would be littered on the Main
Quad to show students the effects of
trash on the environment However,
due to somedifficulties with equipment
and Physical Plant, Trash Day did nottake place.
TheTavern also had ImprovNight
with Gary Valentine on Tuesday, and a
Coffeehouse on Wednesday with musical group 40 Watt Sun.
One of the more popular events
during the week was the "Drive-in"
movie "at the amphitheater.
Students sat on blankets in and
around the amphitheater to watch
"Dazed and Confused" on a large
screen erected on the stage. Hot
dogs, popcorn and Taco Bell were
all available.
Fridaybrought another show to the
Tavern. This time it was "Lounge Lizard Night," featuring a 1970s-style
dan ce party.
Saturday brought the most events
for Spring Fling. Several different
One of the only problems some ascarnival-like activities were available sociated with Spring Flingwas a lack of
on the quad, including Lazer Tag, Vir- advertising. In many places, posters
tual Reality and the ever-popular Velcro advertising the events were not put up
Wall. Popcorn, cotton candy and other until Thursday morning.
yummies were also available free ol
"What's Spring Fling?" School of
Communication freshman -Benjamin
The free Spring Concert with Lisa Ramos said when asked about which
Loeband Nine Stories took placeat the events he had attended.
Capital Ballroom later that evening.
Moynihan said SUB, the main sponSUB Director Steve Moynihan said sor of Spring Fling, was aware of these
he thinks the events' successes had a problems, and that he will work on
lot to do with the fact that there was no correcting them for next year. He said,
though , that he is very happy with how
"At most schools, people charge for the week went
the events," Moynihan said. "We've
"For the first year doing it I conmade all the events free to the stu- sider it a 100 percent success,"
Moynihan said. "It's just going to get
Moynihan said about a thousand better."
Lisa Loebticketswere given away,while
Moynihan also said that the timing
tickets to see comedian David Spade in of Spring Ring for this year was perfect
Bender Arena yesterday were in the for students because it gives them a
break in the period between the end of
"I think a lot of people were really classes and the beginning of finals.
excited aboutDavidSpade," Moynihan
"It's agood release for the students,"
he said.
CSIS students
upgrade outdated
com puters
Time, money saved by allowing a class
to refurbish antiquated equipment
Eagle Contributing Writer
The Anderson Computer Lab and
the Mary Graydon Center Computer
Clusters have both been updated recently. New equipment has been installed in both within the pastyear, and
still the demand for computers persists.
AU's faculty members have not received new computers in a few years,
and the University. Computer Center
(CJCC)has been tryingto find ah inexpensive way of supplying professors
with the computers that they need.
largestgraduatestudenteventinWashington history, it attracted more than assistant .CSIS professor Maureen
Foley and her two teachingassistants;
500 AU students.
= ¦VicePresidentfor Student Services CSIS undergraduatesRushi Shah and
icAshman.theidea emergedtohold
Tom Goodale also inducted the new Er
a class that would update older comGSA officers at the ceremony.
Robert McDermott is the new puters from the Anderson Lab and dopresident; Carolyn Popp is the vice nate the new computers to faculty.
Seven van loads of computerswere
president; Rachel Palmer is the set
retary; and Juan Otero is the.trea- transported from the Anderson Lab to
the former,taw Libraryas.part of the'
•: . •.
'•" .
. Members of the AU community at Computer Hardware and System
_. ; • , ¦
the event included Vice Presidentfor ware classes.. <¦ '
-Each 'student of the roughly. 50Finance Don Myers, SPA Dean "Neil
Kerwin,. Dean of Students John member,class got a'machineto work
Martone, Public Policy and. Adminis- oii.They cleaned out'the hard-drives
witHwipesarid vacuumcleaners:Then
tration, chair Bernie
¦ Ross,
¦ among oth" : ' , ' • . . .. ;.'- " : theycheckedto'makesureeyerything
ers. l
Graduate awards given out
Eagle Staff Writer
. The Graduate Student Association
held its annual ceremony to honor faculty and inauguratethe new officerson
Receivingthe FacultyHonor Award
during theeveningwasDr.GregLewis
of the School of .Public Affairs. Lewis
wasrecognized for helping students to
understand a difficult topic by. being
' , .;, '• ,. '
ible. '. - , ' ¦"
. .The Fred Nothman Graduate ResearchAwardwas presented to.Kogod
CollegeofBusinessAdministrationstudent Florian Esterer;and College, of.
Arts, and Sciences , student Rekha
Lervth. . Esterer was awarded for his re?
search on implied binomial trees and
the volatility smile, Lervth was recognized for her research on language
choice in a multilingualsetting. ,
Natasha Gray of the biology department received the Maurice J.
O'Conriell University Service
Award.;She was honored for her
work in preparing a report on comparative financial aid rates at other
Universities. This report helped to
convince AU tpjmake an increase
in graduate stipends.
;Gray was' also recognized for her
planningof the Winter Gala,held in the
."Washington HUton/and Towers; The
wasin placeand in workingcondition.
Finally,the class reformatted and up
dated each computer's hardware.
The class' work saved the UCC
money and a good deal of time. The
computers are now in the UCC's po&
session, and will be distributed to the
faculty shortly.
Shah said the chance to work with
the computers was a great opportunity
for the students.
- The students learned a lot (from
this experience)," he said.
The students also said working
hands-onwasthebestlesson they could
', have had.
"Itwasvaluablebecauseit benefited
the universityandwasajobthatneeded
tobedone,"CSISjunior Natalie Bruner
Thisproject was also an example of
theuniversiryharnessing theresources
that it has to better the entire AU com'
"(The) collaborative efforts like this
can be done throughoutthe university
with onedepartment helpinganother,"
Shah said. "It's a win-win situation." *
As for next year's classes getting a
chance to refurbish computers, Shah
said therejust might not becomputers
that will need work. Usually, he said,
computers need upgrading in threeyearcyctes. >v
Professor details election 'keys' University plans
structural changes
fagle Staff Writer
• President Bill Clinton will be reelected in November, at least according
to AUhistory professor Allan Ij chtman.
¦ During the last event of the year's
Faculty Lecture Series, Lichtman, a political forecaster, based his predictions
on 13 "keys" which he said can account
for every presidential election since 1860.
! The keys are simple yes/no questions based on pattern recognition of
every winningcampaign sinceAbraham
; The validity of the keys will be debated on May 6 by a panel of political
experts, includingCNN'sBillSchneider
and School of Public Affairs professor
James Thurber. The discussion will be
held at 7:30 p.m. in the Butler Boardroom.
five of the keys turned against him —
six or more are needed for the challeng¬
ing party to win, he said.
Putting Clinton in a "precarious"
position, he said, are the following issues: failure of party mandate, the presence of a significant third party, lack of
major policy change, the absence of a
foreign or military success and deficient incumbent charisma.
In his 45-minute lecture to an audience of three, Lichtman highlighted the
keys that are detailed in his book , The
Keys to the White House," published
earlier this year by Madison Books.
The keys, he said, go against the
conventional wisdom of political pundits in at least four ways.
First, Lichtman believes that "the
challenger makes little to no difference"
in a campaign. "Essentially, the voters
have already made up their decision
(before a challenger is elected in the
Second, he said that campaign finances are irrelevant to the result of the
Eagle Staff Writer
Amanda Hammerman/Trie Eagle
Allan Lichtman explains how he uses his "k eys " to predict the winners of presidential
"The record is in before campaigning begins," he said.
Third , he argues against the notion
thatClinton'scampaignwouId be helped
ifTexas billionaire H.Ross Perot joined
the race. However, Lichtman said, "history tells us that a major third party
hurts all incumbents."
Finally, he said his keys point out
that it might not be best for a candidate
to move towards the center during an
election year. Instead, Lichtman has
found that "history would tell incumbents to enact change. Moderates lose."
Iichtman's theories have raised the
eyebrows of many political scholars —
including Thurber, the director of the
Centerfor Congressional and Presiden¬
The company from which WVAU purchased its leaky cable
transmission system was incorrectly identified as LPV and as a
telecommunications company in the April 15 issue of The Eagle.
The company, LPB,Inc. deals in radio equipment. •A\so , Gregg Micktos was incorrectly quoted as saying the
District government is preventing WVAU' s broadcast. The problem,according to General Manager Scott Shoreman,is a result of
the lack of available frequencies for nonprofit and educational
institutions in D.C.
There were also several mistakes in the article about Intercultural Week in the April 22 issue. The name of the club is the Latino
and American Students Organization, not the Latin American
Student Association. The story also incorrectly stated that the
week's events were sponsored by the Office of Multicultural
Affairs; they were actually sponsored by the International Student
Association with International and Intercultural Student Services;
the Kennedy Political Union event was also sponsored by Intercultural Services with OMA. Finally, Fanta Aw is the associate
director of intercultural services in the Office of International
Student Services.
In the article pertaining to Freshman Day in the April 22 issue,
The Eagle inaccurately stated that there were 1,100 perspective
students in attendance. In actuality, there were 400 admitted
students and their families in attendance. There were no overnights, as was the case in the past,and Elizabeth Tobbe was not,
as reported, involved in the planning of Freshman Day. Student
coordinators for Freshman Day this year were Chris Gaida,
Brandon Hadley and Julie Simon. Finally, there were only 50
student tour guides, not 200,as reported.
The Eaqle regrets the errors
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Improvements to McKinley and
Ward Circle buildings and the abolition of the Cassell Center are among
the items being discussed in the
physical plant subcommittee of the
University Senate.
With the recent improvements to
Anderson Hall completed and the
Mary Graydon Center project nearing an end, AU administrators are
looking to future improvements and
are discussing possible options.
Erik Khoobyarian, the Student
Confederation representative on the
subcommittee, said he is optimistic
about the changes despite communication problems between himself
and chair Valerie"Morris.
Morris said that the changes
being made to the classrooms
were planned with faculty input.
"We distributed questionnaires to the faculty to see which
classrooms needed renovations
and (to see) what changes would
be best," Morris said.
Khoobyarian said Ward will
be a primary focus.
We had money apprpved to
upgrade the (individual) desks
in Ward to the seminar style
tables and chairs," Khoobyarian
said. "I pushed that a lot because
of my experience (in the building) and with the experiences of
many students 1 spoke with . The
ultimate goal and a high priority
is the up-keep of Ward."
Khoobyarian said raising
money for major initiatives on
campus has been made more difficult because the money allocated for such jobs is also part of
AU normal maintenance and upkeep budget. He said the maintenance of many buildings has resulted in frequent use of these
The extent of the drawing on
the funds has put AU at the point
where a major project is more
difficult financially.
Former President and current
physics professor Richard
Berendzen said the process for
major capital remodeling of
buildings is quite different in
many respects than the usual
f u n d i n g of other university
projects. In order to raise sufficient funds, Berendzen said , the
university must sell bonds. AU's
financial reserves would be used
as collateral on the bonds in the
unlikely case AU defaults.
tial Studies.
"It's clever and entertaining, "
Thurber said. However, he is skeptical
of the subjective nature of some of the
variables used in Iichtman's theory.
"How do you measure charisma or
the impact of ascandal?"Thurber asked.
Overall, he said, "there is rich literature that explains the outcome of elections with fewer variables. ...This is a
Lichtman used the keys to successfully predict George Bush's victory in
the spring of 1988, when the vice president was trailing Dukakis by 17 points
in the polls. In September 1992, the
system correctly predicted Clinton'svictory, despite the unknowns of the three-
way race.
By using the same technique, he
predicts Clinton will win in November.
"Barring an economic reversal, a
humiliation abroad or dramatic
Whitewater developments," Lichtman
wrote in his book, "he most certainly
will be reelected president, no matter
what third-party contenders decide to
do in 1996."
The Faculty LectureSeries has previously attracted SIS Professors Joshua
Goldsteinand Serif Mardin, PresidentBenjamin Ladner's lecture on "Madness, Bureaucracy and Community," and formerpresident/physics professor Richard
Berendzenon "nature's biggest questions
and astronomy's recent answers."
Eagle Staff Writer
senior in School of Public Affairs, organized the event by sending letters out to
people who live on campus, and by having TV Free America present at last
week's Earth FesL- *
Sheehan said they were not flooded
with pledges, but that people definitely
of television they watch.
However, many of the students who
pledged not to watch television said
they are so busy that they did not watch
much before Turn Off week anyway.
"I gave up television for lent, and I
found it really interesting how much of
a person's ... time is affected by it,"
Sheehan said.
"By not watching TV for a week,
people realize how much time it really
does take up,'SPA freshman Kendee
Yamaguchi said.
The averageAmerican watches four
hours of television a day, and the aver¬
age child watches five hours a day.This
means that in one year a person will
spend two months in front of the TV;by
the time a person is 65, they will have
spent nine years just watching television.
"Every time I watched TV, I feel like
there's a hole in my head after I turn it
off," Brian Burke, an SPA senior who
pledged not to watch, said.
Burke said TV Free America is trying to get people to do more productive
activities, like reading or exercising, in
the time that they would otherwise be
watching television.
"WhentheTVis turned off,the extra
four hours gives people time to write all
those letters they always promised to
send," Burke said.
CASJ also promoted other alternatives to television: Through the letter
sent out on campus they suggested that
people could become more involved in
the many community service organizations at AU.
In her pledge not to watch TV,
Yamaguchi said she also pledged to
herself to do more community-service with her free time.
Another concern about television , Burke said , is that the content
is getting too explicit. Turning off
the TV, he said, solves this problem.
"There is so much debate about
the conten t of what is on television
that the simplest solution is not the
v-chip, but to simply turn the TV
off," Burke said.
TV Free America began this event
last year to try to unite the many turn-off
weeks that occur throughout the nation. "TVTurn OffWeek" now has the
support of 15 governors and of hundreds of organizations across the country.
Sutton is moving with his wife Sara
to Pinehurst, N.C.with many projects in
plan. Foremost is his autobiography,
presentlytitled TalesFrom Granddad,"
which he hopes to releaseas a CD-ROM
"just for my own amusement," Sutton
He will also volunteer for Habitat for
Humanity,pursuehisfascination in constructing water gardens and golf with
his wife, he said.
Although Sutton said he is burned
out on academics, he would like to do
some film workshops with high school
* .
"I can still communicate with that
age," Sutton said.
Film and video students voted on
and presented the FVA "Award of Excellence" to the following eight people
in the SOC community:
• Described as always voicing the
opinions of students, Professor Robert
Goald is leaving AU after sevenyears of
teaching video and location production
to pursue his own work. "It's a great
concept to have a student-basedorganization as we try to becomebetter visual
communicators,"Goald said of the FVA.
• As she was in Denver, Colo, and
unable to attend the awards ceremony.
Professor Frances Gateward made an
acceptance speech via VCR "Iivefeed."
Although students initially joked that
she won an Oscar for best actress,
Gateward said, "I like that a lot better",
when informed she actually was being
recognized for being a great teacher.
Gateward, who taught film theory and
location production, is also leaving AU.
• "Amidsttheworkingsof an institution are the silent voices of the people
who run the machinery," was student
Rakhi Varma's poetic introduction of
SOC senioradministrative assistant Sarah Finlay's award. "You made me care
and that"s what makes it a pleasure to
come to work every day," said Finlay.
Finlay, the graduate coordinatorfor the
SOC, is leaving AU as well.
• Professor John Wilson was descr
ibed as"enjoying challenginghisstudents" as well as having "a real desire
for his students to learn as much as
possible."After one year as an assistant
professor of film and video, Wilson is
leaving AU to make a documentary on
Sen. Jesse Helms. Wilson expressed
his regret at having to leave in the midst
of "all the wonderful things that are
starting to happen here."
• Alumnus Jonathan Eige was recognized for his achievement in the Austin Film Festival International Screen
writing competition.
• SOC Senior Staff Assistant Mike
Fishman was described as "the magician who brings the films to the screen
of the (Mark) Weschler theater" and
"the mysterious force that causesTVs
andVCR'sto appear in ourclassrooms."
Admitting that he could not say anything "witty," Fishman did say, "I deal
with a lot of people in the day.'Those
personal events in the course of the day
are the most enjoyable and meaningful." Mike Fishman is also a graduate
student in the film program. . ' , •
• Student Ned MacFadden was described as "Mr. Fix-it"when film equipment "occasionally" does not work.
MacFadden was recognizedfor giving
advice, checking out equipment,' and
non-grudgingly showing even, experienced students how to yet again do
Students tune out TV for a week
Since April 24, millions of Ameri-
cans, including many students at AU,
have participated in TVTurn OffWeek."
The participants have pledged not to
watch any television for an entire week,
ending on April 30.
This is the second annual "TVTurn
Off Week" that TV Free America has
planned. Organizers expected at least
three million Americans to participate
this year.
"By reducing the amount of TV you
watch, your lives can be richer and
healthier and you can form more connections between family and friends,"
MonteBurke, spokesperson for TVFree
ica, said.
The Community Action and Social
Justice (CASJ) club organized the TV
Turn Off on campus. Sean Sheehan, a
SOC professor , others win film awards
Eagle Contributing Writer
Retiring School of Communications
professor Ronald E. Sutton received the
Soaring Eagle Award at the First Annual Film and VideoAssociationAwards
ceremony Friday at 8p.m. in the Butler
Boardroom. The recently-formed Film
and Video Association (FVA) also recognized three other faculty members,
an administrator, three students and
one alumnus at the presentation.
"I really enjoyed the years here,"
Sutton remarked upon receiving the
FVA's highest honor. Speaking before
beaming students and colleagues,
Sutton shared many anecdotes from his
23 years of teaching film at AU.
Pointing to the FVA as one of the
most important things to happen with
the film program, Sutton advised his
audience of proteges to unfold and inspirenextyear'sincoming students and
help them understand what the FVA is
about Sutton expressed how he hopes
the FVA does not dissolve, as did the
now defunct AU film Society, to which
he was an advisor.
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Genera l Assembl y holds last session
Student Confederation president charges body to improve
Eagle Staff Writer
The General Assembly was in rare form Friday during
theirfinalmeetingofthe 1995-1996 academicyear. Bickering
debates lasted for more than six-and-a-half hours causing
many, including Spefkpr Brian Chapin . to characterize the
events as "out of hand."
The epitome of the petty squabbles marring the evening
was a closed door executive session that provoked two
members to storm out in frustration — one threatened to
By the meeting's end, six pieces of legislation were passed,
eight students were approved to fill positions in the SC
cabinet, five were ratified to the Constitutional Procedural
Review Board (CPRB, the judicial "branch" of the Student
Confederation), one GA member resigned to fill another
position, and a new member wasaccepted.
However, graduating class of 1996 representative Andrew Grauer called the body's behavior juvenile.
"Disagreement, even heated disagreement, is abyproduct
of the democratic process, but when it gets as out of hand as
itdid today, we are no longer serving our constituents, we are
acting like children ." Grauer said.
Many were alarmed by the meeting's tone. In a emotional
appeal, StudentConfederation PresidentTom Palermo sternly
lectures the body.
"If you're here to play games, you're here for the wrong
reasons," Palermo said, growing louder as he spoke. "No
more crap... .There will not be a continuation of the games."
The in-fighting began with a bill aiming to pay Chapin for
his work this coming summer to help recruit new members.
Pending fall residence hall and freshmen elections, there
could be as few as eight members when the body reconvenes
next year. The GA is designed for 40 members.
Chapin testified in committee that he would like to serve
the GA during the four-month summer break, but that his
personal finances would prevent him from doing so. A bill
was therefore drafted to allocate $1,500 to the speaker to
cover housing and other costs.
Immediately,debate focused around a representative's
request to have Chapin step down from his post during
debate on the bill about him. Chapin refused, stating that his
role as speaker is to be objective regardless of subjectmatter.
Moreover, it was argued that Speaker Pro-TemporeJennifer Denton could not replace Chapin because she was a
sponsor of the bill — a potential conflict of interest. That
would leave the parliamentarian to fill in the speaker's chair,
but then the body would not have an impartial rule maker.
Chapin remained and debate on the bill went on.Oneside
argued that the GA is in need of recruitment, and that the
summer would allow Chapin to meet with incoming freshmen during orientation programs. The other side argued
that the current freshman class has had all of its seats filled,
and that it is the upperclassmen who are underrepresented.
In the end, the bill passed by an eight-to-four vote.
In other summer programming, the GA passed a bill
allocating $600 to pay for summer housing for the chair of the
Student Confederation Club Council (SCCC), and an additional $200 for SOAR activities.
However, the bill failed on the first vote because oi
disagreements over an alleged typographical error. Finance
Committee chair Michael Drone said the bill that passed his
committee allocated $800 for housing. However, Drone said,
between the committee meeting and the GA session, the
amount was typed in wrong and the line-item was charged to
$600. Due to insufficient meeting notes, there was no way to
confirm what dollar figure the committee agreed to.
Because of the discrepancies, the GA initially failed to
pass the bill; eventually it was amended to the $600 figureand
was passed.
The GA also passed a bill restructuring the way the SCCC
works. Due to previous problems of reaching quorum among
themembershipofthe council,the SCCC will nowbegrouped
by club activities. Each new grouping will now be headed by
someone approved by a GA leader, but elected by the clubs
Jared Rodrigues/The Eagle
Eight new members were sworn in during the last
sess ion of the General Assembly this year.
in that group.
The proponents of the bill had expressed concern about
potential conflict between competing clubs. For example,
members of the College Republicans were concerned that a
Eagle Staff Writer
Dav id Wright /The Eagle
Scott Fried, a motivational speaker , tells students what it is like to live with the HIV virus.
mg from "10 gallons of saliva" to "2 quarts" and "a pool full.'
"Nobodyhaseverdiedfrom saliva-relatedinfectedcases,'
Fried said, chuckling.
Another audience member asked what had happened to
the term "ARC" or "AIDS-related complex." Fried explained
that the term was done away with by the Center for Disease
Control four years ago:
One thing that Fried said he wanted to stress was that he
is not a "victim of AIDS."
"I'm not a victim. I'm not battling with AIDS, I'm not dying
of AIDS, I'm not a victim," Fried said. "We're ALL living with
AIDS, whether it's in your bloodstream or not, we're all
affected by it"
University files
Council charges
Eagle Staff Writer
AI DS awareness speaker dispels myths
Scott Fried gave a firsthand account of what it is like to live
with HIVThursday night at8 p.m. in Hughes Formal Lounge.
Fried is a motivational speaker who travels around the
country speaking to all age groups about HIV and AIDS, but
is perhapsbetter known for his recurring character with HIV
on the soap opera, "Guiding Light"
After setting ground rules for the discussion — including
the confidentiality of all involved — Fried cleared up some
basic misconceptions about the virus and the disease.
"You don't 'get AIDS,' you don't 'give AIDS,'you become
infected with the virus that causesAIDS—HIV," Fried said.
"It's not 'safe sex,' it's 'safer sex.'You don't 'get an AIDS test'
you are getting an HIV antibody test You don't have 'fullblown AIDS,'you eitherhaveHIV oryou haveclinicalAIDS."
After that the first topic of conversation was the difference between HfV and AIDS,and how the HIV virus can and
cannot be.contracted. The 1 four modes of transition are
through unprotected sex, mother to child (through breast
milk or in utero), through blood to blood contact and by
sharing needles.
"When having unprotected sex, there are four fluids that
you should stay away from ," Fried said. "But it's not enough
to stay away from these four fluids. Do not allow these four
fluids into your bloodstream. Do not allow these four fluids
into your mucus membranes." Those four fluids are blood,
semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk.
"The mucus membrane is all the fleshy parts of (the)
mouth, (the) tear ducts in (the) eyes, (the) nostrils, vagina,
anus and the tip of the penis," Friedexplained.
A member of the audience asked, "Isn't it harder for men
to get HIV during sex than it is for women?"
Fried explained that of the four ways that people can
contract the virus, a man would most likely get it through
unprotected sex and there must be a tear on the tip of the
penis and in the orifice it is being placed.
"It is less likely that men will get it from a woman during
sex," Fried said. "But what about saliva?" Fried'asked. "Tell
me all the rumors you have heard about getting HIV through
Audience membersresponded with various answersrane-
The university has filed conduct council charges
against the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and three of
its members relating to the incident in the LettsAnderson quad on April 14 in which a member of the
fraternity was taped to a tree. No action has been taken
yet against the officer(s) alleged to have acted inappropriately during the incident
Two members of the fraternity, junior Bill Gay nor
and senior Adam Haigh, were arrested for disord erly
conduct/failure to obey an officer. According to incident reports from Public Safety, Gaynor and Haigh
interfered with officers performing their duty.
Associate Dean of Campus Life Anne Steen said all
three are being charged with failure to obey a directive
of a university official and intentional obstruction of
student life under the university code of conduct.
"The charges against the three individuals are being filed by Public Safety," Steen said. "There are also
charges being filed against the fraternity as a result of
an administrative investigation of ATO."
Steen did not know the exact charges against the
The fraternity was informed this weekend of the
charges. However, Jeff Miles, president-elect of ATO,
said he was not appraised of the specific nature of the
charges filed against the fraternity or the individual
members of his fraternity.
Despite the charges against ATO, Miles maintains
that the incident was not supported by the fraternity.
"I honestly can't say anything about the charges
against the fraternity because I just don 't know," Miles
said. "All I can say is that it was a non-sanctioned
fraternity event."
In reference to the specific charges against his
fraternity brothers, Miles said he is still unsure.
"If in fact those are the charges, I find it odd that
they had them arrested (by the Metropolitan Police)
on similar charges," he said. "It would almost be like
being arrested for murder and then having a civil suit
filed against you for violating someone 's civil rights."
Gaynorsaidhe wasnoteven informed of thecharges
against him.
"I have not been contacted by anyone (with the
university) yet," he said. "I find it in extremely poor
taste that I found out after being contacted by (The
Steen had anticipated someone from the university
contacting the fraternity and its members about the
pending charges before any other individual and/ or
Gaynor said he cannot comment any further about
the charges, but he did say that he places all responsibility for the situation on the Public Safety officers.
There have been no charges fried against. Public
Safety because, Steen said, the investigation is still
being conducted.
"Depositions have been taken by (Director of Judicial Affairs) Herbertia Williams, but they must be
typed and then reviewed for mistakes and signed by
students,"she said. Then these reports will be turned
over to (Director of Public Safety) Colleen Carson."
Miles said he is looking forward to the truth coming
"ljusthopeafull investigation is conducted and the
appropriate corrections (to the system) are mad e,"
Miles said.
Fried is a graduate of New York University with a degree
in Literature.On November30, 1987, Fried had sex with
another man for the first time, unprotected .This is when he
thinks he got the virus.
The best piece of advice that Fried had for the audience
was "NNN " — "Never Negotiate Naked."
"Sometimes I feel like I'm going to die before I say all I
wanted to say," he said quietly. "Actually I know I will,
because I have so much to say."
This open forum was sponsored by Women and Gender
Studies, SAV.E., Students for Healthy Decisions, the AU
Student Health Center, the Center for Psychological and By DELIA MORDOSKY
Learning Services and AU Hillel.
Eagle Staff Writer
ATOs hel p out
with auct ion
Five brothers of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity participated in the annualChild HelpUSAAuction on Friday, Apr
26 at the Ritz-Carlton at Tyson's Corner.
ATO President-electjeff Miles, asophomore in the School
of Public Affairs, spent the evening organizing and maintaining a silent auction, along with School of International Service senior Stan Stalnaker, College of Arts and Sciences
sophomore Mike Spira, SPAjunior Kevin Nolan, and Randy
Loving, an SIS junior and ATO treasurer.
The night began at about 5:30 p.m. by setting up the tables
and arranging items for those in attendance — from flower
bouquets to a weekend trip to Vale, Colorado, including
airfare and hotel.
The auction began at 6:30 p.m. The brothers had to
ensure that the bidding went smoothly and ended at the
proper time, and afterward they had to figure out who won
and takecare of payments.
"It was a lot of work, but it was a lot of fun for us," Spira
This is the third year that ATO has helped out with the
auction as part of its philanthropy project
Child Help USA, an organization dedicated to helping
abused children, was founded by two nurses who upon
returning to the United States after the Korean War and
realized there was a need to aid children in the states.
The organization has been ATO's main charity for the
past five years. The fraternity is already planning to work for
next year's auction.
Miles said the purpose of the night was not just to earn
moneyfor Child Help USA, but also to show that fraternities
areinvolvedin sociallyresponsibleactivities.He alsosaidthe
auction helps ATOreach itsgoal of 100percent placement of
graduating seniors, by establishing contacts with fellow
volunteers. In recent years. Child Help USA has attracted
CEOs of a number of major companies and corporations,
some of whom have provided internships.
Earlier this semester, ATO also earned more than $600
for Child HelpUSAthrough wristband donations for the first
annual March to Maggie's.
II&oddmj ck withj S
RHA holds final events
Eagle Contributing Writer
With the semesterdrawingtoa close,
the Residence Hall Associationhas a
number of end-of-year activities planned.
President Jenna Camhi is excited about
the remaining RHA events this year.
Each hall is also holding special events
to help end the year memorably, one of
which wasthe 30th anniversaryofAnderson Hall.
Several events celebrated were held
last week to mark the hall's birthday:
Last Sunday and Monday, Cafe Quarters served coffee and snacks in Centennial formal lounge, and on Wednesday, Dr.Richard Berendzen, formerAU
provostand presidentand currentphysics professor.gaveaspeechintheAnderson formal lounge.
The speech took listeners back 30
years, highlighting The Eagleheadlines
of the year Anderson was founded. He
noted the similarities, by pointing out
that the news of 1966 was snow, bookstore prices and the threat of triples.
Berendzen then spoke about the history of the hall, from its dedication
through themajorrenovationslastyear.
He also spoke of important events at AU
over the years, including the famous
speeches of PresidentsjohnF.Kennedy
and Bill Clinton.
Berendzen said his dream for AU is
for it to be a student-centered university
which attracts students from around
the world to the "new Athens" of Washington, D.C. He praised this year's students as the most active in leadership
and scholarshipever, and he challenged
the audience to try and picture where
they would be 30 years from now.
Berendzen also told listeners to save
something valuable from their years as
college memories.
Memories are more precious than
any investment," he said. "Keep your
dreams real."
Anderson ended its week-long cel¬
ebration with a Birthday Bash on Sunday with cake, food and door prizes.
Before the end of the year,the hall RHA
board has planned study breaks for its
Anderson Hall PresidentDrewMyler
expressed his excitement at the success of the week's activities. He said he
wants to carry that excitement over to
next year, and that he and his staff are
already busy planning events for next
•• JVlemoriesare
more precious
than any investment. Keep your
dreams real.
Dr. Richard Berendzen
CAS professor
year to be even more "service and participation oriented."
Myler also said he has made plans to
get the floors involved in a floor of the
year contest, in which competingfloors
would participate in community service
projects that might include trips to soup
kitchens, and involvement in groups
such as Habitat for Humanity.
The Letts Hall Council is also busy
planning end of the year activities.The
newly-appointed hall council has many
ideas for the upcoming year. Plans are
underway to acquire two VCRs, one to
be borrowed by the residents of Letts
hall, the other to remain in the formal
lounge with the new big screen television.
Letts Hall president Shannon Saks
also spoke of aprogram of new commitment to community service, with next
year's theme being "Letts' Lead." She is
trying to get some key figures such as
President Ladner or a Senator to come
in and speak. Saks" plans include making Letts better known and changing
the perceptionthat thehall is not very
active in the AU community.
McDowell Hall held its third annual
clam bake on Sunday, featuring clams,
hamburgers, hot-dogsand veggies.
"The clam bake is a time when we
can all get together and reminisce
onelasttime before the year is over,"
McDowell Hall Vice President Justin
Perillo said.
Before the end of the semester,study
breaks are planned for McDowell residents.
Perillo also spoke of increasing hall
spiritthrougheventssuchasan "Assassin"game,planned for early nextsemester.
Leonard Hall held its traditional A
Taste of Leonard festival last Sunday
night Each floor prepared a different
ethnic dish; the result was a highly
diverse, high quality meal.
"The festival was the most well organized event on campus," said School of
International Service freshman Shruti
Mehrotxa, who performed an Indian
dance for the event
Hughes Hall is holding a barbecue
Picnic fere will be served, and President
JoeDaileysaidhe anticipatesagoodtime
for all. Hughes Hall will also hold study
breaks for its residents before the end of
the semester.
RHA co-sponsored the Marriott dining services picnic on the quad on Saturday.
RHA is currently hard at work on the
"Who's Newat AU?"freshmen guide, as
well as delivering the campus snack
pack fund-raisers.
Next year's RHA theme will be
"Rockin1in the Halls." Plans are being
madeforthefallT-shirtfavor.VicePresident Damian Janes is also hard at work
planning next year's Winter Ball.
SUTTON: Retiring SOC professor win s prestigious award
contin ued from A2
menial things such as load film or
adjust light mirrors.
• Lastly, the reception party welcomed and recognized student
Justine Schmidt as one of five finalists in the 1996 Rosebud FilmFestival. Her winning film "Dr. Lekki:
The World Bank % President,"
aid organization who is now a homelessartist,waspresentedat the Washington InternationalFilm Festivallast
Also mentionedwerethe achievements of the following students:
Meredith Cole was an Eastman
Kodak scholarship finalist; Andrea
Curran was an EastmanKodak grant
recipient; alumnus PeterKent was a
recent Rosebud nominee for his
masters thesis; and alumnus known
as "Ivan" was also recognized as a
Rosebud finalist
Last January, the FVAformed to
unite students, faculty, and alumni,
and "anyone interested in making
film," Karen Kraft, coordinator for
FVA's newsletter "In Sync," said.Although the program is designed for
graduate students working toward a
masters in film, anyone is welcome
to join the FVA, Kraft said.
The FVAhas plans of starting its
own film , video and screenplay library of students'master theses and
non-theses and seniorprojects, Kraft
said. Those interested in film "can
understand what students are doing" and know "what level of creativity is out there," she said.
The association is also planning a
mentorship program, pairing up
groups of students with alumni.The
alumni have past experience and students have the new technology and
are eager to learn, Kraft said.
FVA plans to conduct an "informal network night"in thefall and the
annual awards ceremony in the
spring.Abi-weeklynewsletter is also
If you:
arc 12 years or older
arc a nonsmokcr the past 6 mon ths
arc a diagnosed asthmatic with year-round symptoms
use a bronchodila tor only for your asthma symptoms
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YOU may qualify to partici pa te in a one-year asthma research study to test the safety
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call (202) 686-5058.
Allergy & Asthma Associa tes of Washington
Allan M. Wcinstein , M.D., P.C.
Richard J. Summers , M.D.
David Wright/The Eagle
Retiring SOC professor Ron Sutt on accepts his award from the
Film and Video Assoc iation.
in the works, Kraft said.
The awardsceremonywasfilled with
many artistic student efforts.
A Public Service Announcement by
Karen Kraft, Rakhi Varma and Eric
Naughton depicted film students hassling with a long line to the editing
room. The PSA was an inspiration to
form the FVA, Kraft said.
Alexandria Katrs and Varma produced a respectful video collage of
Sutton with interviews by the guest of
honor and close colleagues.
Entering AU in 1973, Sutton created the Visual Media Program with
Professors John Douglass and Glenn
Harnden, now associate dean for
academic affairs in SOC. Sutton created the Film and Video Program in
1977 with Dr. Jack Jorgens and the
dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Frank Turaj.
Sutton was the director of the
CAS Media Center for five years.
If you or anyone you
know Slipp ed on the
ice & inj ured themself
this winter , p uease
contact Susa n at
(3O1 ) 229- 735O.
Metro & Nation al News
GW celebrates Earth Day
Eagle Staff Writer
While people across the nation celebrated the 26th anniversary of Earth
Day last week, George Washington
University used the occasion to trumpet
the successes of its Green University
GW assigned a task force to arrange
the day-long agenda which focused on
the university's year-long environmental efforts. The task force, consisting of
nearly 100 volunteers, including students and faculty, presented its future
plans for the Green University Initiative
Theinitiative was started in December of 1994 by President Stephen J.
Trachtenbergandbegan asagrassroots
movement to implement sustainable
practices into all aspects of life at GW.
Today, the Institute for the Environment embodies six departments ranging from environmental academia, outreach, health and safety programs and
research. The Institute's objectives are
being advanced by its partnership with
the Environmental Protection Agency,
an unusual link between academia and
government. Those goals include protecting the ecosystem, incorporating
environmental justice into daily activities and decisions and creating partnerships with groupsthat have similar concerns about the environment
The Institute's outreach efforts
helped recruit businesses for its-third
annual Economic Expo, in which companies that share GW*s environmental
interestswere asked to participate. Each
company was given a booth inside the
Marvin Center. During the Expo the
companies distributed T-shirts, pamphlets and information about jobs and
Among the 20 corporations present
were Metro and Xerox. Both have implemented policies or strategies recognizing their commitmentto environmental
safety, according to Polly Berman, assistant director of the Institute for the
Environment Berman said Metro reduces the number of cars adding to the
pollution in the metropolitan area, and
recently, theFDAapprovedXerox'snew
brand of environmentally-"friendly "
photo copiers. Berman said Xerox has
also implemented a paper reduction
Later, the Green University Task
Force hosted a panel discussion on environmental policy and politics for the
1996 election. The panel consisted of
Celenda Lake, who collects data for
environment surveys, Greg Wetstone
of the National Resource DefenseCouncil,Laurie Krib of 20/20 Vision and John
Shanahan of the Heritage Foundation.
They talked aboutcurrentenvironmental issues and electorate and how those
issues will be addressed during the '96
The Institute also examined how
environmental and preventive medicines are taking shape in the medical
field.Thelastforum , hosted by Institute
fortheEnvironmentDirector Rosemary
K. Sokas, dealt with environmental
medicine. Two professors from local
universities, along with a spokesperson
from the National Institute of Health,
discussed the inclusion of new courses
related to treatment on preventive care
concerning subjects such as quality of
water, occupational environmental exposure and lead contaminated.The purpose is to get students to consider the
environmental impact on illnesses while
diagnosing patients, Sokas said.
GWs preview of its Green University Initiative was more overt than its
normal networking practices. The Institute for the Environment generally promotes the Initiative from an inward focus. The director of procurements
probes companies thatdobusiness with
the university about whether their company enforces environmental safety
practices. One result — GW replaced
its paper supply company with one that
sold recycled paper.
Other activities on Monday included an award presentation to five
GW professors for outstanding research proposals. Each was given
money to further develop their proposals in order to possibl y qualify
to receive a grant. Also scheduled
was GW's Student Environmental
Research Poster Competition and a
free for all picnic on the university
Berman said she was pleased
with the turnout. She said hundreds
of students participated in Monday 's
events. Nearly 60 attended the luncheon and 30 people were present
for the panel discussion.
School in Washington.
Denize's speech was entitled "Creating Communities Through the Arts,"
and dealt not only with the materialist
approach to the arts, but also the spiritual.
Many times throughout her speech,
she quoted Abdu'1-Baha, the appointed
head of the Baha'i World Community,
who visited Howard University in 1912.
Denize called for "environmental
change, not racial superiority,"echoing
'Abdui-Baha, and stressed the importance of the arts and ethnic harmony.
"We cannotwitnessthe strife in the
Middle East or Europe, or Cuba, Africa, China,you nametheplace, without
recognizing the need for unity," Denize
Denize said the use of art in particular is used by the Baha'i faith.
"Art is worship because we see a
material manifestation of the spiritual
impulse," she said.
However, she also acknowledged
that art can mean different things for
different people.
"While it is true that not all art is
spiritual, it is also true to state that
spiritual art is the transforming force for
man and society," Denize said.
Tributes were also given to Dr. Elise
Austin, a retired Baha'i representative
for campus ministries at Howard University,and to Dr. Evans Crawford, Dean
Emeritus at Howard. Dr. Austin had
been a representative for 14 years.
After prayers for unity were spoken
in Spanish, Amharic and Chinese, Dr.
FultonCaldwell.thepresentBaha'i Representative, gave the closing remarks,
also praising Dr.Austin for all the work
she had done on campus.
Later, Caldwell said the reason
'Abdui-Baha chose to come to Howard
University, one of only three schools he
visited in the United States, was be
cause he wanted to stress racial unity.
"Racial unity is so important to the
Baha'i belief," Caldwell said. "(AbduiBaha) wanted to come to a university
which represented diversity."
The program drew people from all
around the city. One 12th grader from
Eleanor Roosevelt high School was
pleasantly surprised.
"(I expected) a long boring talk,"
Farina Firouzi said.
Firouzi also said that the Baha'i faith
has helped her to define her own beliefs.
" It's more like spirituality for me,"
Firouzisaid." Each memberof the human race finds their own faith."
The occasion commemorated an
event which took place at the Chapel in
April 1912, when an audience of 1,000
blacks and whites gathered as equals to
see 'Abdu'l Baha, the appointed head of
the Baha'i world community from 1892
until his passing in 1921.
Acclaimed speech recognized at GW
Eagle Staff Writer
The Baha'i Club of Howard University sponsored the Commemoration of
the 84th Anniversary of 'Abdu'l-Baha's
visit with a program entitled "Celebrating Race Unity Through the Performing Arts," at Howard University last
The event took place in the Andrew
Rankin Memorial Chapel at Howard. It
drew, a large crowd, both filling the
chapel and leaving more people standing.
The program dealt mostly with promoting harmony and unity through the
It consisted of speakers and of many
musical selections, provided in part by
the Baha'i Chorale and other individuals. The highlight of the program was a
talk by distinguished poetess Donna
Denize, a member of the Baha'i faith
and-a teacher at St Alban's Episcopal
Yale students
th reate n to
withhol d tu ition
A coalition of Yale University students are refusing to pay their fall tuition in order to pressure the university
to resolve contract negotiations with
strikingfood service and custodial workers.
On the same day that the Student
Labor Action Coalition's announced the
plan to withhold nearly $1.6 million in
tuition payments, 31 students were arrested after staging a sit-in at the
president's office to protest Yale's failure to settle the strike.
More than 1,000workers walked off
the job March 28, shutting down Yale's
12 residential college dining halls and
leavingtrash uncollected.
Talksbetween the union and administrators broke down when Yale said it
would subcontract some services.
Members of the_ Student Labor Action Coalition said they hope more than
lOOstudentswillwithhold their$14,000
fall paymentin a specialescrowaccount
The funds would not be released to the
university until a strike settlement is
"The university is already not providingtheserviceswepaidforthisyear,"
Gabriel Snyder, a member of the coalition, said. "Why should we pay in advance for services we have no reason to
believe will be provided next year?"
About llaYalestudentstooksimilar
action in a 10-week labor strike in 1984.
The university applied late fees and pursued disciplinary action against the students, who all told had withheld about
Yale spokesman Tom Conroy said
the university expects a new labor contract to be reached before tuition payments are due in the fall, which would
leave students with no reason to withhold payments.
He disagreed with the coalition's
claim that thestrike wasdisrupting campus life.
"In the case of the dining halls, the
students are being reimbursed their
board money," he said. "Every other
importantly, education."
The students arrested at YalePresidentRichardLevin'soffice werecharged
with criminal trespassing and blocking
free passage. They were scheduled to
appear in court late this month.
Francis Engler, a junior and coalition member,said the arrests "show the
Yaleadministration'srefusal to dealwith
the issue of the strike in any constructive manner."
He added that students had wanted
Levin to extend "a gestureof good faith"
about settlingthe strike but instead "we
saw him hurrying from the back entrance" of the building.
Vi ew point
a I
Editor Chief
Steve Lott
Brad Dicken
Managing Editor, News
HC? Efl rfW BWS
71, No.6
The Student Newspaper o/ The American University ^rf P Vol.
Nicole Wilson
jj m^m^
Public Safety accountabilit y
ccountability has become another buzzword in
the business world of today, and it is no differA ent at the American University.
The Department of Public Safety, through its lack of
personal responsibility, has exhibited to us a desperate
need for just this type of accountability.
Public Safety has exhibited a pattern of behavior
which demands that such action be taken. Just as the
District of Columbia through its mismanagement has
proven the necessity for a Financial Control Board , so
has Public Safety the necessity for, at the very least, an
Independent Review Board to hear student (and staff
and faculty) complaints against the department
The events of the past two weeks—and the past few
years—have demonstrated Public Safety's inability to
regulate its own employeesand sufficiently provide the
university communitywith aforum to voice complaints.
The incident on Sunday, April 14 serves as just
another example of how Public Safety has continued to
grow disrespectful in its handling of students. There
are several problems that have been broughtto lightas
a result of this incident.
It has become clear that certain officers have overstepped their bounds in the performance of their duties. The fact that this has allegedly occurred on more
than one occasion is even more disturbing.
The accusations of inappropriate behavior have
ranged from harassment to excessive force. The fact
that there are a number of complaints regarding the
actions of Public Safety have deemed it necessary to
address the problem with a process of dealing with
complaints against individual Public Safety officers.
As things stand right now, all complaints concerning officers'conduct are brought before Colleen Carson,
director of Public Safety. Any further investigation
and/or action is decided by Carson.
There are some inherent problems with this system. Carson does not have anyone examining her
decisions in these manners, because all the records are
sealed. Students cannot even get their own records, let
alone see those of the officers charged with regulating
our conduct This allows the officers to place any
number of inaccuracies in a report whether accidental
or intentional. Again, there is no check.
Because AU is a private institution, Public Safety is
only required to publicize very general crime statistics.
For example, the April 14 incident would be reported
as "2" under the column of disorderly conduct in the
Anderson- Letts Quad row. This could include any
number of incidents, including a drunken student's
failure to obey an officer.
Of course, students can ask Public Safety to release
information, but the department can always refuse.
This not only puts students at a great disadvantage, but
also calls into question the ethic behind the workings
of the department
Carson can only go by what she sees in a report
written by the officer. Unless a student forces the issue,
she can only make a decision in accordance with the
report Obviously, an officer does not have it in his or
her best interests to admit to any inappropriate behavior, so it would seem logical that any such allegations
fall to the wayside, getting lost in the paperwork or
whatever else the case maybe.
Carson is also responsible for the recording of all
complaints against officers, but she is not required to
make any of these complaints known to students. She
accepts testimony from students regarding the misconduct of her staff members, and students have the option
of going to Herbertia Williams, director of judicial affairs
and mediation services, if they feel uncomfortable with
dealing with Carson. Inevitably, though, all complaints
find their way back to Carson for investigation.
Unfortunately for her, Carson is placed in a difficult
position. Her loyalty is first to the officers whom she
has hired and in whom she has put her trust This
leaves students once again at a disadvantage, as we
should be the primary concern. We are dependent
upon Carson to fully investigate these matters, but it
does not seem she has fulfilled her duties. (Logically,
after all, who would indict themselves and their work
when in a position where they do not have to?)
It has been clearly demonstrated, at least to The
Eagle staff, that these problems have been ignored. A
pattern of inappropriate behavior has been exhibited,
and Carson has not demonstrated to us her ability to
squash it
Granted, it is possible that steps have been taken
which we as students do not know about, but this only
lends credence to opening the process up to public
scrutiny. We have seen President Ladner and his
administration eliminate staff people who have devoted their lives to betteringAU (case in point Maurice
J. O'Connell). Maybe it is time to look at staff members
who may not be handling their departments and/or
jobs in an efficient , appropriate manner.
The university should voluntarily take two steps to
open up the process to students. An Independent
Review Board must be established so students can
have a third, unbiased, disinterested party to intervene
and determine when and if any inappropriate actions
were taken against them by the Department of Public
Safety. This board would allow Carson to maintain her
loyalty to her officers, while at the same time giving
students a vehicle to pursue complaints against officers and problems with the department
This board would be a win-win project Students
would feel that their concerns are being addressed in
a constructive, objective manner, while Public Safety
would also be treated with the respect they deserve as
employees of the university.
completely open up all the arrest reports, we understand that this is not a realistic demand; confidentiality
is always a foremost concern in law enforcement
Students, however, should have access to their own
records to check for any inaccuracies. Even the Federal Bureau of Investigation is required to turn over an
individual's files upon request"
As an act of good faith toward the students it exists
for, the university should, at very least institute these
two reforms to the process of complaints against Public Safety, in addition to continuing the specific investigation into the incident of April 14.
SUB's Spring Fling. A sucessful week-long event topped off by music and
comedy. Let's hope this becomes an annual event.
Madonna for reproducing. "Like a Virgin?" I don't think so.
AU Shuttle Service to WCL. Contract problems and inconsistent service.
Weren 't t hese pro blems worked out in January?
The Eagle
Managing Editor , Living
Campus News Editor
Assistant Campus News Editor
Acting Metro News Editors
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.Tricia Andrew ,
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.Tim Sermak
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Eagle 's Web Editor.
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Editorials represent the consensus view point of the editori al board.Thumbs up & thumbs down are the
majorit y views of the board. eagle's nest , bird 's eye, columns and editorial cartoons are the opinions of
The on-une edition of The Eagle can be accessed wth a world wide web browser at:
htt p://www.ea
If '
Do not forget AU traditions
the past four years I have
I noften been critical of things at
AU. Since this is my last column, I've decided to ... stick to my
principles and truly say what I believe. Sorry Ben, you're gonna have
to hear it!
As I was flipping through this
year's Talon — which incidentally
was put together by a tiny staff who
did a great job — I ran across the
two pages dedicated to the
university's visual identity project
This brought back bad memories,
so lef s reminisce.
Last fall , President Benjamin
Ladner, after having been at AU for
just one year, decided it would be a
niftyideato changethe university's
name. In retrospect, this probably
wasn't such a difficult decision for
him; after all, he was told to whip AU
back into shape and was pretty much
given a blank check by the Board of
Trustees to do whatever he wanted
(never mind any of his valued AU
community members who must be
locked up in his basement somewhere).Someone probably gave him
the erroneous idea that the reason
our university is called The American University' is because back in
the '80s former president Richard
Berendzen renamed it to that The
problem is, that' s not true.
Berendzen just liked to use the article 'the' a lot because it made the
university sound important Incidentally, he also called AU the Harvard
on the Potomac, but you don't see
Ladner calling us the Emory on the
You see,last semester I did some
research in the University Archives
and read about AU's founder .
Bishop Hurst — you know the one
Hurst Hall is named after. I discovered that he founded our university
as The American University.' He
Since Ladner had only been at
AU for a year, I can see how he
could have made that mistake, so
we'll forgive him for that However,
Bishop Hurst spend two decades
trying to raise money to get our
university off the ground, and Ithink
we need to respect his wishes. So I
urge everyone to start using the
article 'the' again when appropriate;
remember, that is the name of our
First off, you're not going to get
fired for doing it, so if you think a
sentence you write using the university name sounds better if you
use the correct name, then do so.
When if s inappropriate to use the
article'the,'thengoahead andleave
it out. Bishop Hurst is not going to
turn over in his grave.
Secondly, I urge everyone who
agrees with me to cut this column
out and post it on their doors. Heck
post it on other people's doors, fax
copies to Ladner, do.,whatever, it
takes to mak~e him understand the
Finally, since I'll be going through
graduation ceremonies on May 12
I'll get to meet and shake hands
with Ladner for the very first time.
He's probably a nice guy, so I'm just
going to tell him one thing when I
shake his hand: "Ben, if s TheAmerican University." If you're graduating now or in the future and you
think if s important to uphold tradition and honor the wishes of the
man who spent his life creating this
great institution, tell Ladner the
same words as you graduate. After
all, we're not graduating from just
any American university.
had Congress charter us with that
name. If you look at the copy of the
charter that hangs in the Tavern,
you'll see that in the body it says
of the charter has the article 'the' in
lowercase, but if you were to ask
Congress which version is the correct one they would look at the
body of the charter. Nevertheless,
when people gave money to start
up our university they sent checks
to either 'the' or The' American
University. So people used it interchangeably, but they always included the article 'the' somewhere.
Throughout AU's history, the university'has always been known as
The American University.'
So Ladner, not knowing the
facts, told everyone to stop using
the article 'the'and just refer to the
university as 'American University.' Now there's nothing inherently wrong with that I sometimes
don't use the article 'the' when if s
inappropriate, and I often write'the'
in lowercase because it just looks
However, the name of our university is The American University,' period. That's unquestionably
what it's been for 100 years and
that's what Bishop Hurst wanted.
Ladner's commandment has led to
people dropping the article 'the'
from every reference made to AU,
sometimes when it's appropriate,
but often when, in order to write a
grammaticallycorrect sentence, it's
inappropriate. Basically, itlooks reHans Cathcart is a senior in the
ally goofy without at least a lower- School of Intern ational Service and
case 'the' in the sentence.
is the Eagle's Web Editor.
Do you really want me to own
a gun: A final dose of funk
you really want me to have
a gun?
What I find so amazing
about America's obsession with
guns is that there are millions of
people out there protecting my right
to have one. I've always wondered if
these people would change their
minds if they knewme better. Heck,
most of my friends would pay big
money to keep a gun out of my
Onebigreasonwhylshouldprobably never own a gun is that I'm
really messy and disorganized. I'm
sure I'd be really careful with a gun
right after I bought it, but after a
while I'd start leaving it all over the
place. One day itwould end up in the
wash because I'd forgetto take it out
of my pants. The next day I'd wake
up with a hangover and find it at the
bottom of a jar of peanut butter.
With me, it would just be a question
of time before my dog buried it in
the backyard for afuture generation
of delinquents.
Secondly, I have an awfultemper. Now Vm not saying I'd just up
and shoot someonebut... wellactually, maybe that is what I'm saying.
Just the other day, in fact, I was
sitting in the computer lab with'this
graduate student who got on the
targets I'd look for an excuse to fire
the thing all day long. I'd probably
start by shooting up in the air and
dancing around when songs like
"Come on Eileen" came on the radio. NextI'd probably tryto do tricks,
like shootingthe car keys out of my
friends hands, or shooting tne ball
out of the air at Little League baseball games. Itwould justbeamatter
of time before I'd be tempted to try
to catch bullets in my teeth, and
Lordknowsthe kind of trouble that
can get you into.
The fact that I don't trust myself
with a gun is the whole reason why
I think they should be regulated
much more than they are now. I
know I'd get into some, kind of
are bigger goobers" than me oiit
there who have the right to have
concealed senu-automaticweapons
only clarifies the issue in;my mind.
I mean, I'm no rodcet scientist, but
the thought,of people who .watch
90210 for their .weekly dose/of culture owninggunsisjustplainfiiglit:
ening.Atleast Im brightenough to
know-I shouldn't Havebna '- • ¦
phone and was basically yelling to
whomever shewas talking to about
her personal life. She started by
saying how much she hated "white
people," (she was Asian, I think).
Next she badmouthed the undergraduates for being "stupid,"which
I found particularly amazing because the dozen or so times I've
heard thiswoman yell her opinions,
she never impressed me as any
more intelligentthanyour common
garden hose. To top it all off, at the
end of her conversation she told
whoever was on the other end that
she couldn't stand how people listened to her conversations on the
phone. As if any of us had a choice!
I would have needed a foot-thick
her booming self-important whine.
Had I a gun, I would have shot her.
Sure, five minutes later I would've
felt bad, but if itwasreallythat easy,
I don't thinklcould've resisted. • '
Another reason why I shouldn't
Greg Lukianoff is senior : in ~the
have-agun is because I reallylove School of Internat ional Service"and
toys. Once I got used to shooting the School of Communication. -^ .?
Elevato r letter
is inaccura te
Kate cbrien
Registration process is inefficient and frustratin g
On behalf of the Hughes Hall staff, I
am writing on behalf of the many signed, which is what I did last semester momentand l wanted to hightail it over mate time thing again, I replied that I
would like to take, this opportunity to
there ASAP.I knew that I need a stamp wasn't going anywhere until my form
students here at AU who have been with no problems.
respond to a letter in last week's Eagle
Because of what happened to me the from SOC to take my Communications was signed because I was just turned
wronged in some way by the regisI
dealing with the performance of Univer- tration process. My personal saga be- semester before, I decided I should get class (even though communications is awayfrom SOCbecauseitwasn'tsigned.
sity officials in a elevator crisis. Mr. gan not this semester, but while regis- to the Registrar early this time. Seeing part of my major: CLEG), so I asked What did I get for my trouble? A rather
Forte told a story full of inaccurate de- tering as a freshman last semester. I as I had an 8:30 and a 9:55. 1 decided I politely if I should run over and do that insincere "Sorry."
tails that occurred on the most recent should have seen the warning signs
in stead o f
After about a half-hour, someone acnight that several residents were stuck
waiting. tually signed my form and I went to SOC
We are duly cognizant as to the con- in the elevator. I would like to make then.
I was one of the unlucky who, bethen to the registrar. So why am I
straints under which the administra- known that Mr. Forte is a desk recepI was treated not like a student, paying ¦and
^j ^ complaining? Because not only was regtion of this, institution operates, how- tionist in Hughes Hall. Therefore, he cause of the random division of the
would be istering ahuge pain in the butt and a big
$26,000per year to attend this university ¦
ever, in our humble opinion they are should be familiar with University poli- freshman class through the last four
disappointment, but it was an unnecesmaking a serious blunder. It has come cies and procedures. Unlike Mr. Forte, digits of our social security numbers,
fdef °^ . sary one. I was treated not like a stuto our attention that one of the best a Desk Receptionist in Hughes Hall, the was forced to register on the last poswhodeserves to be swatted away as quickly H o t h e r dent, paying S26.000 per year to attend
Professors in this school may be lost to rest of the Hughes Hall staff and Cam- sible day. As a result,I had to alter my
s n o t t y this university and take the classes I
the bureaucracyof tenure. Do they lis- pus Police are well versed in the proper schedule accordingly and suffer
as possible.
iOOk) . i want, butlike apest who deserves to be
ten to thestudents or areweso insignifi- procedures in handling emergencysitu- through a semester of 8:30 classes.
BB ran to swatted away as quickly as possible. Is
cant that our voices are heard and hypo- ations. If students are unclear of these But I still had hope. I saw the light at
it really necessary to have an advisor
the end of the tunnel: sophomore year.
critically negated.
procedures, they should inquire with I figured all of my registration troubles
Graydon sign our forms? Obviously if I needed
Dr. Luck is second to none in this any residential staff member or Univerwere over. I figured wrong.
would miss the lesser of importance and Center and approached the Communi- help choosing my classes, I would make
institution, he exemplifies what a pro- sity official .
April 22, 1996, the day before I regis- skip the 9:55in order to register.I walked cations reception area. The woman an appointment with my advisor. But
fessor is supposed to be, a friend. He
On thenightof theeventstherestofteredfor fallclasses.I wasnot register- in theSPAoffice at9:50 orso.I askedthe stamped the form, realizedit wasn't whatisthepointofhavingthemsign my
imparts hisknowledgewith feeling and your staff responded in a mature and
care because of exactly that; he cares. professional matter, in order that we ing on the last day this time. This time I woman at the desk if anyone was avail- signed, and crossed it out,yelling at me form?Theydon 'tlookat my classes and
This man goes way beyond the call of help all the people that were involved. registered on the second to last day. But able to sign my form and she told me that that I could not get a stamp from the tell me whether I'm making a huge
duty to HELP, unlike other professors According to the people that were in- at least it was by credits this time and "I would have to leave the form there and School of Communications unless my mistake or not Many schools offer a
form was signed by an advisor. I turned service which allows students to regiswho merely go through the motions. volved, and in the letter published in last not the middle two digits of my social pick it up later."
my back to her and headed back once ter by phone. We have EaglePhone "I can't wait here?" 1 asked.
This man plays sports with his students week's Eagle, you went as far as accus- security number.
The night of the 22nd I called
"No. Leave it here and come back." again to Ward. As I walked I wondered how much harder would it be to add a
and takes an active role in their extra- ing your fellow colleagues of lying. In
feature where the student enters their
why I should be surprised.
curricular activities, it hurts the inner the future, rather then making false ac- Eaglephone and made sure all of my the woman said.
I enter the office for the second time Social Security number? I for one would
"Do you know approximately how
core of our emotions when we think cusations in a public matter, be mature classes were open.They weren't Alittle
and plop down in a chair. The recep- be all for the idea.
about losing him. Why? We want to and address the individuals involved. disappointed , not really surprised, I long it will be?"
picked some new classes and set up a
"No." (picture an annoyed, snotty tionist looks at me and says "You still
know why?
The American University has a strict
need to get this signed?" Duh. "Well,
We cannot understand the rationale policy regarding emergency proce¬ good schedule. I called the SPA Dept oi look).
I thought it was a perfectly reason- our advisors are busy now. You're goused to determine who is good or not dures. All colleges and universities are Government to see if I needed an ap" Not
Kate O'Brien is a f r eshman in the
but Dr. Luck has surpassed that stan- guided by certain procedures in order pointment to get my form signed. They able question. I was picturing the spots ing to have to come back later.
dard,he is excellent Any student in his to run efficiently. These procedures are told me I just had to walk in and get it left in my classes dwindling away at that wanting to get into the whole approxi- School Public Affiars.
General Chemistry class will attest to set forth to ensure the safety and conthis, listen to us we are his students. cerns of its community. The students Angela Schwartz
How can the powersthat be, become so staff members are not the only ones
blind to this fact! Dr. Luck, if we lose who are not allowed to call 911. Resiyou, we are not only losing a teacher dent Directors and other University ofand a friend, we are losing a major ficials also have to notify Campus police
magine being in a class where the I described in the first paragraph accu- able to teach at American University outstanding in this capacity.
source of inspiration because that is before making the call. By training
I do not understand the logic behind
majority of the students show up rately describes my experience in her afternextyear.Itisnot because they do
whatyou are tous.
people like our Resident Assistants in I for every class period, with their class. I learned more from her then I have not want to, they do. And it is not be- a policy that goes against the wishes of
None is so blind as he who refusesto theproperproceduresforall emergency
understand, we are appealing to the situations, we will be able to best meet reading done, and ready to participate. in any other class, and I can still recite to cause they are not doing a terrific job , the professor involved and their students.
In this class the professor has the stu- you what Tushnet believes about a they are. It is because university policy When 1 started college, I believed that
peoplewho are charged with the task of the needs of the students.
the purpose behind going to college was
dents sit in a circle to facilitate a discus- progressives
understanding, to keep Dr. Luck with
Any institution that sees to the needs sion where the students learn from each ability to I
to get the best education that 1 could
of many individuals must be governed
from professors who were experts in
Dr. Luck if we lose you, that would by "proper"protocols. We can not allow other and from the professor. Each read*
I d o not understand the logic behind a
their field. Instead, I havefound a unibea seriousblowto our hearts, maybe for over35O0 students who reside in the ing is thoroughly examined and stu- clia^ges
versity that allows its decisions to be
policy that goes against the wishes of
AU does not deserve someone of your residence halls to call an ambulance or dents discuss the readings and papers Furthermade according to a set of inapplicable
impeccable character and substance. the fire department anytime they wish. outside of class. This is a class where more. Prothe professor involved and their
rules that ignore thestudents. UniversiWe have spoken our consciences That's why we have trained profession- students enjoy being. They feel they are fessor Fain
ties are supposed to be for us. We are
whether we are heard is immaterial but als on campus who handle these par- the essentialpart of the class, and they has been
the ones choosing to attend classes
want to read and understand the mate- available to
we can still keep hope alive.
ticular situations.After exhausting their rial so that they can actively participate. me for acahere and paying our money to be here.
believed that thepurpose behind going
resources, Campus Police will decide
Shouldn't we get a say in which teachMost classes are not like this. In fact,
General Chemistry Classes whether or not to call for outside assisto c°H ege w<k to get the best education
ers should be allow to stay? Of Profesin many of my classes, I seefaces on the viceand at
Sections 1 and 2
sor Fain or Professor Weekes wanted
day of the exams of people I have never sistancefor
that I could front professors
who were
Unlike Mr. Forte, I have researched seen before. For those that go to class, the last
to leave, that would be another story,
. ? . _ /
the facts of this matter thoroughly with it seems to be a place to nap as much as year , deexperts in their field.
but they do not. Instead, they are being
campus police and the Resident Assis- a place to learn. It is not that these spite the
forced to leave while other professors
that are tenured will be able to stay
classes are not as good, or that the fact that I
believe that if you are going to make professors are not as knowledgeable. It am
indefinitely regardless of the evaluation
accusations about people's actions or is that they do not know how to actively longer in her
of their students. It seems to me that
refer to them in a public forum, you involve the students the way the profes- class. She truly cares about her students claims that a professor cannot stay for this logicisreversed.I want to takeclasses
should also have the courtesy to ad- sor in my first example does.
and wants to help them succeed.
more than five years unless they are on from professors that I know are going to
dress them directly or mention them by
Professor Susan Fain is one of the
I would recommend Professor Fain's the tenure track. The reasoningbehind teach me the most, who will be available
I am writing this letter as a dissatis- name.
most popular and respected professors class to every new student, but after next this policy is that it keeps professors to me outside of class, and who will create
fied customer at this school who is fed
Finally,if anyonewould like to know
up with notgetting what I am paying for. how University Officials perform their in the Department of Law and Society. I year I am no longer going to be able to from being exploited. However, Pro- an environmentwhere all of the students
Today I had an 11:20 a.m.-2:00 p.m. duties, please feel free to approach one can make that claim based on my own make this recommendation. Why? Be fessor Fain and Professor Weekes do enjoy being. Don't you?
class. However,my professor let us out and ask. As a member of the University experience in her American Legal Cul- cause Professor Fain, along with other not feel exploited. They do not wish to
Angela Schwartz is a sophomore in
at 12:30 p.m. Now, although today is a community, we all should lend a hand in tureclassandfrom discussionswithother popular and amazing professors like Pro- be tenured or to be on the tenure track.
beautiful day and having an extra hour order to help others in need. But we students thathavehad her.The classthat fessor Weekes,are no longer going to be They want to teach, and they are both the School of Public Aff airs.
and a half certainly helps with all the must all remember that there is always Kim vitelli
work that I have to do, I am paying to be a proper way of handling an emergency
sitting in that classroom until 2:00 p.m. situation.
I do notunderstand howprofessors can
Vien C. Loi
them out early. Yes, it's nice to have
SPA '96
some extra free time, especially in the
spring, but THINK ABOUT IT! Every
ormally, Mr. Schneider's col- also has inspired me to take an ACTIVE guests on Montel Williams tend to be. thing. National TV Turn Off Week is
time a professor does this, we are getThe Eagle welcomes
umn in The Eagle is witty and role in my environment My resulting Let's draw a line between criticizing cosponsored by a wide range of Repubting ripped off.
Next semester's tuition is $8757.00 letters to the editor from N amusing and gives me some- work with the wonderful people in the ideas ("incredibly wrong-headed and licans , Democrats, Marxists and
d i m w i t t e d Smithian neo-classicists—you betcha—
which means that if you are taking five the AU community.
thing to read on the shuttle. However,
c o n - thesamefolksthatencourageconsumpclasses that meet twice a week, each
Preferen ce for Letters his April 22 column "Don't Turn off
cept... ") tion. No one's demanding thatyou work
; :
class meeting is costing you $62.55. If an d Forum pieces wilt Your Television" and accompanying
in a soup kitchen instead of drooling in
misrepresentationof the Office of Comyou are only taking four classes (12
f f erencebetweenni
listic,drug( "^^n front of the boob tube, although, if you
credits), you still have to pay $8757.00 be given to material re- munity ACTION and Social Justice, I
things like want to, Karyn Cassella in the Office of
consuming hippies and the Office of
and each class meeting is costing you ceived by Fr iday at 5 thought merited a reply. Certainly,
Community Service (x3395) cangetyou
$78.20! For those of us who were here p.m. Let ters may also Mr. Schneider, you didn't expect to
af CAsj ")? plugged in. CASJ and all those cosponduring the '92-'94 school year when be sent via e-mail to: criticize social ACTIVISTSand not get
About sorsofTVTurnOffWeekaregivingyou
classes were canceled fpr seven days, l etters
is larger than the tallest nuclear waste
@eagle. a vehement
a chance to think, ponder, and discuss
Let me first pop your "capitalist"
we paid roughly $813.00 for which we
f a c i lati tThree
y MileIsland. your life patterns. Surely, for all your
received nothing. That is not play Letters bubble, if you like drawing lines of
provingthe insults of those who "never grew up",
• '
. -.'
. - - , 'money. It is real money that our parents mu st be less than 700 political and economicpersuasion.The
productive you can't disagree with a provocation to
had to earn and/or that we are going to words , typed, do uble- differencebetween nihilistic,drug-concapacity of THINK and LEARN.
have to pay back in loans. This makes spaced an d addressed suming hippies and the Office of Comthe United
"Ifyou havecometo serve me, I do not
me really angry and it should make you to the editorial page edi- munity ACTION and Social Justice is
and making socially conscious want your help. If you have come beS
larger than the tallest nuclear waste D.C. community and beyond has been, States
angry too. Professors should not be
can actually go hand in hand. causeyour fate is bound up in mine, then
facility at Three Mile Island. However by far,the most challenging and reward- choices
allowed to cancel classes without mak- tor.
They mu st in clude a much I disagreewith your blanket gen- ing experience of my life. So let's talk However,
that topic alone would take letusworktogether."—Author Unknown
ing themup, nor should theybe allowed
u another twelve column inches and
to let classes out early. If we don't want phone number , class eralizations of all neo-Marxistsas"child- about social activists. Assuming that all up
you can learn all about your
to sit in class, that is our choice, since and school. Material ish" and full of "bad ideas", I do agree those who enjoy the music of the Grate- besides,
and air your views at
wearetheonespayingforitThat choice m ust be sign ed by n o that criticism of today's, or yesterday's ful Dead and Phish (and some socially misconceptions
Kim Vitelli is J unior in the School of
tl ACnvrnES CASJ has planned.
should not be made for us. So, is there more than three names. culture is not effective or constructive conscious people don't like the Dead! i the
misconceptions, Mr. International Service and the College of
withoutasolidplanofpositiveACnON. swear!) eat brown rice and have a supe- Regarding
anyone in our oh-so-customer-service
Schneider.CASJ didn 't "declare" any¬ Arts and Science.
oriented administration who could The editor reserves the At least, Ithinkthat'swhatyou meant in riority complex is about as absurd as the S
please tell me, where do I go for my r ightto edit mater ialdue your article, but frankly, it was very
to space considera- deconstructionist and I don't knowwhat
tions , libel and stan- YOUR plan of ACTION is to solve the
Jenn ifer Lourie
apparent blight on society that CASJ
SIS '96 dards of good taste.
And ACTION, my friend, is what
CASJisallabputNot"whining"or"hissing" as your very misguided piece presents. Have you looked at the bulletin
boards recently?Wandered into some
student programming that CASJ has
coordinated?-1 know for a fact those
folks spend countless hours trying to
inspire and prod the AU community
into ACTION.They,don't dictate what
you should think;they offer forums for
discussion .and churn out an amazing
amount of information on current issues in our community.And they do it
~SC president Tom Palen no to the General
aD withoutwearingtie-dyes.I know because I. live with'one of the program
Assembly after a six and a hiaif hour meeting
facilitatorsand honestly,she drivesme
loony with her crazy schedule and remindersto recyclemy Pepsi cans. She
A professor , his
students and
Tenure policy forces qual ity p rofessors out
Are students
gettin g what
they paid for?
Columnist wro ngly insults and misrepresents
Office of Communit y Action and Social J ustice
'^Iljyou're here to play games,
Vou're Here for the wron g5
reasons »
Federa l work study program redesi gned for next year
Eagle Staff Writer
Work study students can look forward to changes in the process of the
university's administration of the program next year.
The Office of Financial Aid is shifting its responsibilities to the Human
Resources Department, in an effort to
create a system like the "real world,"
where students and positions are better
continued from A3
By allowing the stu dents to choose
and , in effect, be chosen for their positions, Charles Meng, a special coordinator in the Finance and Treasurer 's
Office, said the program aims to develop the students' skills and provide
their employers with an experienced ,
competent and enthusiastic staff.
"From the students' point of view,
they are given jobs that they have no
interest in, and from the departments'
point of view, the students don't necessarily have the skills needed for the
positions," Meng said. "This way everyone gets what they want and need."
Many students said they are happy
with their new freedom of choice.
"IloveiCShirleyAlliofh .afreshman
in College of Arts and Sciences, said,
"It's a lot easier then being assigned
The Financial Aid Office will still
determine students'work study awards
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according to the grade of payment and
the department The site is scheduled
to be on-line by July 1.
Under another change in the program, funds will be distributed to the
individual departments instead of being
held centrally, as in previous years. '
There will also be a crackdown on
studentsusing theirworkstudy award.
"We're going to more strictly apply
Great Summer Job!
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Last session held
member of College Democrats mighl The Speaker's appointments were
beelectedtoheadtheirgroupandmight David Chung and David Vieira, two
not be fair during budgetary times.
former members.The Chair's appointIn two internal matters, the GA ment is Steve An twine, the new mem
passed the School of International Ser- ber appointed. Finally, Howard
vice constitution , updating rules and Glodberg, a longtime member, was
regulations that had gone unamended also approved as thepresident'sCPRB
since the mid-1980s.
In a separate bill , the assembly
Among the cabinet appointments,
passed new governing rules for the Mark Wilson was approved as direcBoard of Elections. In light of recent tor of university spirit; Ginetta
criticisms, rules concerning Scantron Giovinco is the new academic affairs
electric ballot countingwas spelled out , director; Alicia Groh and Todd Von
and specific guidelinesfor candidates Deak are the new athletic affairs diwas set. From now on, student govern- rector and associate director respecment candidates will have to have a tively; Amanda Bearman is the direcminimum 2.0 grade point average, be in tor of Artemas Ward Weekend; Erin
good academic standing and not be on Hamilton will chair the SCCC; Greg
social probation. Also, no clause was Sottolano is the new AUTO Commisadded for absentee ballots due to the sioner; and Megan McClay will be
logistical nightmare that would accom- the new director of alumni affairs. In
modate such a move, if study abroad order to accept her new position ,
McClay had to resign her seat as a GA
students were to be registered.
In other business, Rushi Shah re- member.
Finally, the GA passed abill symbolisigned his post as chair of the Programmatic Review Committee, ashe isgradu- cally changing thenameof the Division
ating. Shah will be replaced by class of of Student Services Board Room to the
"Boo-Boo Board Room" in honor of
1998 representative Eric Eikenberg.
Four CPRB members were also former SC President Mark "Boo-Boo"
approved during Friday 's meeting. Sylvia.
based upon need, but now the assignments will be handled by HR.
"Therewas a lack of training by the
Financial Aid Office, and itwas hard for
their office to evaluate the 1,100 work
study positions that exist at AU," Meng
A World Wide Web site is also in the
works. The work study web pagewill
have a listing of all available positions,
Brett Rosenbloom 1-800-543-9830.
&/f i/4&JC&/Q//(&/ (&/®/J (&/ (&K&f i//(&
Do you have a mind to travel to
Costa Rica
South Afri ca
Something you already know
can change a life . Volunteer, with
•worldteach 2)
the 'use it or lose it' policy," Meng said.
"Ifstudentsdonotusetheirentire award,
it willbe reducedor canceled.If the
university does not use ' all the (work
study moneys allocated by the federal
government), then it loses them."
With the new "free market"system,
web site and decentralizing of funds,
HR expectsall to benefit from the new
work study program.
MCE L RO Y: The new big man in town
AU ends season the
way they started it
Eagle Staff Writer
The AU women's lacrosse team (014) had two last cracks at breakinginto
the win column this week with two
home games against ML St. Mary's (58) on Wednesday and Monmouth (410) on Saturday.
"Our success was not tailored to our
record ," AU head coach Anne
Wilkinson said, "but to our individual
accomplishments and our coming together."
Unfortunately, the Eagles fell 13^
to Monmouth and8-6toMt-St Mary's.
Theselasttwo games really showed
howwe came together asateam,"freshman attacker Eleni Vagelatos said.
Despite the to Monmouth there was
one important highlight
Vagelatos scored four goals in the
contest, allowing here to break AU's
all-time single season goal scoring
She ended the season with 35goals,
which was good enough for sixth in the
Colonial Athletic Association in scoring.
Freshman goalkeeper Tina Jermyn
also had a career game, tying her own
record with a game-high 15 saves.
The key player for Monmouth was
freshman attacker Kristy Olivo who
talliedfive goalson the afternoon. FreshmanTinaWorath alsoadded threegoals
for the Hawks.
Senior goalkeeper Mary Kay
Kiernan held the Eagles' offense to a
minimum with 11saves.
AU took an early 2-0 lead, but Olvio
led the Hawks charge with two of four
unanswered goals. After AU brought it
to within one, she then scored again to
give the Hawks a 5-3 edge.
Monmouth led 7-4 going into halfime, and increased their lead to 10-4
—¦ *
A j4 A
from A12
early in the second half before AU could
score again.
AU could muster only two goals in
the second half, to Monmoufh's six,
ending the scoring with a 13-6 Hawks
Other Eagles goalscorers were
freshman Liz Goodrich with her tenth
of the season and Colleen Obrist with
her fourth. Goodrich also added the
only Eagle assist on the day, her team
leading seventh of the year.
The game earlier in the week against
Mt St Mary's ended turned up the
same result for AU, but the 8-6 score
The Mounties jumped on the
Scoreboard first at the 27:29 mark with
freshman attacker Molly McGrath's
first of two on the day .
Sixminuteslater.though .theEagles
came back.
Goodnch started a play with a cross
field pass to Vagelatos, who gave it to
tfreshman midfielder Shannon Mahon,
who was setbehind thegoal, looking to
unload to one of her teammates.Mahon
waited there and passed to a streaking
Obrist, who finished the-playwith alow
right side shot past goalkeeper Randi
Goodrich then put the Eagles up 21 at the 18:26 mark.
The lead would not hold, however,
as the Mounties scored three unanswered goals, all by sophomore Jen
The Eagles again rallied back at the
12:12 mark with Vagelatos' first of four
on the day.
The team traded scoring opportunities for the rest of the half, and the
score at halftime was 6-4, in favor of Mt
St Mary's.
The second half was a defensive
battle, as the Mounties kept the Eagles
Todd Lieberman/The Eagle
Freshman Eleni Vagelatos fights for the ball in the Eagles game
against William & Mary in the last weekend's CAA Tournament.
from scoring with an unusual style of
"They played a zone, triple teaming
them us the whole time"Vagelatos said.
"Most of the team'swe played this year
played 'man-to-man' so it took us alittle
bit to adjust to their style."
Freshman defender Bonnie Loudon
led the AU's' defense for the game with
many key steals.
After an early goal to put them up 74, Mt. St. Mary's kept AU to the perimeter for most of the early part of the
half. Vagelatos finally broke through,
however, as she blasted a right side
"slapshot" over Paige's shoulder.
Paige helped was key to the
Mounties victory, as she made ten saves
on the day.
The Eagles then scored at 4:59, with
Vagelatos' fourth goal on the afternoon
to cut the Mounties' lead to one.
The Eagles just could not put one
more into the goal, despite constant
offensivepressure in the latter part of
the half.
The Mounties' scored an insurance
goal with 55 seconds left, to end the
Eagles' chances for victory.
"Overall this first season was frustrating," Vagelatos said, "but we have
improved so much. We are very proud
of the progress that we made in our first
season. Since we are so young and so
enthusiastic, the only way to go is up
from here."
Field Hockey was in the Top 15two years ago and should be in the Top 10 this
year with Stacey Ann Siu-Butt arguably being the best collegiate player in the
county next season. Joining her will be third team All-American defender Julia
Behr and an outstanding supporting cast of players.
The team may have lost 1-0 in overtime in the Colonial Athletic Association
semifinals to nationally ranked rival Old Dominion last November, but they sent
a message to the rest of the country that day that will carry over to next season.
Hey, when Northwestern football had its dream season, ESPN ran a feature on
them which showcased other athletes from the school and field hockey was
prominent in that story, so you never know.
Women's soccer is a very underrated bunch and they may not be on the same
level as nationally ranked squads like the University of North Carolina, but they
have done well against teams in the CAA, a very good soccer conference.
Many AU soccer fans may not forget last Sept. 27 when junior goalkeeper Lisa
Gervase saved off all but one shot against the mighty William & Mary Tribe who
were ranked 14th at the time. Gervase had 18 saves.
AU finished the season 10-7-4, 3-2-2 in-conference.
This fall , Lisa Herndon (fourth in the CAA last season in scoring) will return
for her third full season, Gervase will return as well; both All-Firstteam CAA picks
last season.Danielle Pini and Carrie Schroeder return from their second team AllCAA seasons last year.
The women's volleyball team may be overlooked because of its failure to
appear in the NCAA Tournament. However, Barry Goldberg has won at least 20
games for the past seven seasons.
Two years ago in front of an home crowd, AU lost in the finals of the CAA
Tournament Victory would have sent them to the NCAA's; instead they went to
the National Invitational Volleyball Championships (volleyball's version of the
An interesting story will be the return of sophomore Vendela Kurcova, who
was off to an outstanding season until she tore her anterior cruciate ligament late
in the season.
All-CAArookieoftheyearShirleySmiekeland veteran Jen Conner will anchor
nextyear's squad , but the big question will be the status of Kurcova, two-time AllCAA member Sherita Hall (who was also hurt last season) and freshman
Gretchen Bellamy who was a medical redshirt last season.
This group is capable of making it back to the CAA finals and a probable date
with George Mason. If all goes well, their record may even be good enough for
an at-Iarge bid into the NCAA Tournament. Next season they will face seven
teams who made the postseason last year.
These teams will certainly create some excitement for McEJroy (besides
seeing Leeland break some tackles against the Washington Redskins next fall) .
Any way you look at it, basketball is the moneymaker for this school.
Dr. McEIroy does not think getting football at AU is a possibility (neither do
most people). However, McEIroy will find himself with some great athletic
programs in which revenue will make their programs even better then they
already are.
Knoche 's a funny guy
continued from A12
Both Ladner and McEIroy spoke on the evening, as McEIroy spoke for just
about a minute, saying, "We are eager to hit the ground running. The dedication
and commitment of the AU family is second to none."
Ladner spent time reliving his former playing days. He also thanked outgoing
interim AD Barbara Reimann and Ron Sutton , the Faculty Athletics Representative and a School of Communication professor who is retiring.
The main portion of the evening was spent giving out the individual MVP
awards. Each head coach gave some remarks on the team 's accomplishments.
theTrinidad and Tobago under-23team, alma mater and the team that ended Also each sport was introduced by a brief video montage, in a very awards showwhich will be attempting to qualify for Virginia's four year reign as NCAA type manner.
The highlight of the evening was provided by men 's basketball coach Chris
champions, at the Duke Met Life Tourthe Olympics.
"Avery is a guy 1 expect to make an nament the second week of the season. Knoche who ribbed the seniors of his team, specifically the Wallington twins, Ken
And it doesn't get any easier from and Keith.
immediate impact next fall," Jenkins
Knoche began with a story of how the Wallingtons were afraid of a dog.
said. "He's avery accomplished player." there. With such a tough schedule,
"I thought that maybe it was a pitbull or something," Knoche said. "No, it was
With all this in mind , this could be a these young Eagles will need to be in
breakthrough year for the Eagles, and tune for 90 minutes each game in order a poodle; a poodle with a bow in its hair.
He then remarked that everyone in the room should know Ken, "since he is the
if the Eagles can put it all together they to succeed.
"We just need to step it up men- social director of the campus," Knoche said.
will be soaring over the rest of the
Knoche took his final shot when he announced his MVP.
competition in the CAA come next fall. tally," Pearson said. "There aren't any
"The men 's basketball MVP is Keith ... (he proceeds to cough) Darryl
And if this spring has been any indi- timeouts in soccer, and we always have
cation, they are ready to take off. They to be on top of our game. The good Franklin."
The evening also featured a speech by senior Jeri Dorezas. She encouraged
finished the spring 5-3-2, tying both teams like Virginia, Wisconsin, and
Georgetown and Akron, two teams that Duke - that's what they do, and that's the seniors to remember that they are living an athletic program "that has a bright
defeated them last year, and posting an what makes the difference between future."
She also went on to say, "Being an American University athlete, symbolizes
impressive 3-0 victory over national good teams and great teams."
And with a few wins this season, AU what I like to call the three D's: desire, determination and dedication."
powerhouse and perennial Final Four
Dorezas' speech was followed by a video featuring the seniors reliving their
could become one of those great teams.
participant Virginia.
But the Eagles will have to prove greatest moments and stories.
"All their guys weren't there, some
Overall, the evening was a success, despite a few minor glitches that occurred.
were training with the Olympic team," themselves in their own conference
Early on into the evening, the microphone broke on the main podium forcing
Pearson said, "but that win and the win first. AU's success this spring has
over William & Mary were real wake shown they are readytodo that, and it's the rest of the evening awards were given and speeches made from the backup
something that William & Mary, James podium.
up calls for some guys on our team."
The Eagles will have another tough Madison, and the rest of the conferseason ahead of them,however, as they ence should start getting accustomed
will play N.C. State and Duke, Jenkins to.
Hey fellas , see you in Raleigh at the Duke tournament...
ing to Jenkins. Last season Weber was
second on the team with 10 points on
three goals and four assists.
Other key players for the Eagle offensive attack are forwards junior Rich
Sliferand sophomore GregStanza, and
midfielders, junior Bob Schwartz and
freshman Antonio Otero.
"Scott Weber made great strides
this spring establishing himself as an
important part of the team," Jenkins
said. "We have a lot of guys who have
fine tuned their gamesthis spring. Bob
Schwartz, Rich Slifer, and GregStanza
are all guyswho can give us somebody
dangerous on the flanks."
The Eagles also return the services
of starters junior midfielder Jeff
Americo (three goals, two assists),
sophomore defenseman Todd Miller
(one goal, one assist), and junior
midfielder Jon Pascale, who started 12
games last fall.
But it is not only the starters who
will make contributions to the Eagles
success next season. Forwards junior
Deryck Roberts (two goals,two assists)
continued from A12
and freshman Trevor Ellis (one goal,
two assists) as well as freshman
midfielder Henry Garcia will also be
called upo.i to take their game up a
notch to help the Eagles soarto ahigher
level of play.
"I think we have good depth on our
bench," Pearson said. "A lot of guys
saw a lot of good minutes against quality teams, so when they're called upon
they'll be ready.
AU will also count heavily on the
improved play of freshman goalkeeper
JeffAngelucci,who started every game
for the Eagles last season and allowed
1.91 goals per game."Jeff did a good job this spring,"
Jenkins said. "He matured a lot as a
player in thesecond half of the spring."
The Eagles will also be adding the
talents of junior college All-American
transfer Avery John. John, originally
from Trinidad, attended Yuvadai Junior College, where he led his team to
the national finals this past season before falling to Mercer Junior College.
Next month he will be playing for
Wrestling signs recruit; Wilkinson selected for
Olymp ic Coachin g Course; Men 's Lax wins agai n
AU wrestling signs top recruit
AU Head Wrestling Coach Jim Akerly
has announcedthat Josh Schroeder of
Aurora, OH, has signed a national letter of intent to compete for the Eagles
next year.
Schreder recentlycompleted a historic career at urora, settingeight individual records over hs four years of
He placed in te state tournament all
four years, including the 160-lbs. state
championship,his junior year.
In addition, Schroeder is a threetime district champion, four-time secionalchampion,four-time,MAC-8cont
ferencechampion, and haswon twelve
other tournament titles.During his senior season embarked on a 39-0 record
before injuring his knee in the state
Wilkinsonselected for Olympic
Coaching Course: AU head Field
Hockey Coach Anne Wilkinson has
beenselectedby theUnitedStatesKeld
Hockey Association coaching committee as one of the four Elite U.S. Women
to attend the OlympicSolidarityCoaching Courseto be held at Moorpark May
The course, which is run by the
USFHA, allows for 25 participants.
Wilkinson will join three other U.S.
women four U.S. men and an assortment of coaches from Mexico, Canada,
Barbados, and Trinidad & Tobago.
season with theAU Field Hockey team.
Shewas named CAA Coach of the Year
for the second time in 1994, as well as
Mid Atlantic Coach of the Year.
Men's Lacrosse wins second
game: FreshmanTom Lehrfield led a
balanced offensive attack for the AU
men'sdub lacrosseteam,as the Eagles
(2-8)trounced Catholic University 14-2
in their final game of the season at
Reeves FieldSaturday afternoon.
The Eaglesheldontoaslim4-21ead
at the end of the first quarter, but ex¬
ploded for 10goals over the next three
periods to put the Cardinals away.
Lehrfield scored four goals and dished
outthree assists and team captainMike
Kronthal scored two goals.
Paul Scotti added two goals, Jim
Barnett assisted on three.
Men's Rugby Splits Two at the
Capital Cup: The AU men's rugby
completed their season by finished
third at the Capital Cup on Saturday,
losing their first game to Catholic University, 38-17, and winning their second game againstGeroge Washington
In the first game against eventual
champions CUA, AU went down 22-0
in the first half.
They then scored the next three
tries, two by fullback Justin Drinkwater,
and one by second row Doug Mullen.
Drinkwater's second try was a spectacular interception of a pass which he
ranback85metersforthescore.Catholic struck back however killing the AU
rally and pulling away for the victory.
AU dominated the entire second
game and rolled over the Colonials.
Ted Schmidt drove in a penalty to
open the scoring for the Eagles.and
from there AU never looked back.
Drinkwater continued his scoring onslaught by scoring with a run off of a
Wing Thibeault deKighert then
scored the first try of his AU career.
Drinkwater the scored his fourth try of
the day off of a penalty. deKighert
finsished the game with a try off of a
pass from Center Zach Tellier. AU was
espically dominate in the scrums, often driving the GW pack back several
meters. In his final game in an American jersey,flyhalf Dave Ratcliff scored
the first two points of hisAUcareeron
a conversion kick.
AU Women's Rugby ends first
season with win: The AU Women's
Rugbyteamended theirinauguralseason with a 19:12victory overSt Mary's
Freshman Katrina Haugen scored
two trys in the first half and freshman
LynnmarieBruger scored a try in the
second half to lead the Eagles.
In the second half of the game,
sophomore Merri Snow sprained her
right knee, leaving St Mary's down a
player, but the Eagles were able to
keep St Mary's away from their try
zone to securethe win.
Next season,AU will missthe servicesof senior Khnberly Craddock, a
graduating senior. Craddock scored
herfirsttryagainstGeorgetownin the
Eagles win over the Hoyas, and was'
named-player,of the .'game against
Uniformed Services .University, of
' .• " .'¦- ."" ¦ '..' : . ".' £?¦'f ' .. '¦', ,: ¦
. Amy McNulty/The Eagle
Health and Scienceslastweek." ;
The victorygivesthe Eagelsa 3-1 The AU men's rugby team spl its its two games this weekend at the
Capital Cup Tournament. The Eagles lost to Catholic before
recordin theirfirst season. - '.defeating George Washington.
Eagl e Photo Stvle
Photo Courtesy of the CAA
Most everyone involved in the
CAA,especially everyone involved in AU athletics, became
very acquainted with the face
above - the face of CAA commissioner Tom Yeaqer.
Todd LiebermanAThe Eagle
The women basketball team 's
(above) trapping defense and
run and gun offense gave
most opponents more than
they could handle,as the
Eagles won a school record
11 home games at Bender
Todd Lieberma
The United States National
Team stopped by Reeves
Field to prepare for its Oct. 8
game against Saudi Arabia.
The practice must have paid
off , as the defeated the
Saudi Arabians,4-3, in a
game held at RFK stadium.
Amanda Hammerman/The Eagle
AU school spirit was on an upswing this year,with the reinstatement of Midnight
Maddness,Todd Von Deak's pie in the face,promotional giveaways during halftime,
and the exciting show put on by the cheerleaders and Clawed (above).
At a field hocke
(right) does his
impression and
a favorite amon
e, Clawed
im Fudd
> why he's
e kids.
Todd Lieberman/ rhe Eag!
Senior Darryl Franklin (below) soars to the hoop
for an easy two points against James Madison.
Franklin won innumerable awards during his
career at AU, including the 1995-96 Senior
Athlete of the Year Award.
Amanda HammermanAThe Eaqle
,The Eagles show that they
lean really get up: Above,
the Eagles set a school
record for largest margin
of victory at 61 on Dec. 9
at Bender Arena ,defeating Division 111 Marymount
123-62. At right,sophomore Nate Smith and
freshman Dave Small fly
through the air for a
Senior Craig Dober (left)
and Zach Sears exchange
a high five (below). The AU
men's tennis team surprised some opponents at
the CAA tournament in
April. The Eagles,who
were seeded eighth,ended
the tournament in fifth
Amanda Hannnerman i he Eagl
Senior John Speck (above) was all wrapped up in
his work during his final year. With 18 wins and
only 10 losses , Speck compiled the second best
winning percentage (.642) on the team, second
only to NCAA qualifier Bret Ruth.
Amanda Hammerman/The Eagle
Todd Lieberman/The Eagle
Sophomore Scott Pearson and freshman Scott
Weber embrace after Pearson's score against
national powerhouse Maryland.
Amanda Kammerman/The Eagl
The AU pep band (left) gets their weekly dose of the least we know somebody reads the paper.
Todc LJeberman/The Eagle
Todd Lieberman/The Eagle
Two teams , one common goal : CAA Champs
I Tough team faces tough schedule
Eagle Staff Writer
Eagle File Photo
Freshman midfielder Trevor Ellis and junior midfielde r Bob Schwartz fight for possession of a loose
ball in their 2-0 Colonial Athlet ic Association semifina l loss last season. This year the Eagles are
looking to avenge that loss and take the CAA title from the Tribe.
AU 2, William & Mary 0.
That is not a score the Tribe has
grown accustomedto seeingover the
past ten years.
But they had better get used to it,
because next fall AU is going to be a
good team. A very good team.
The Eagles'2-0victory over lastyear's
Colonial Athletic Association champions this spring marks the beginning of
a new era for the AU men's soccer team.
"It's taken a while to get there," AU
head coach Bob Jenkins, who is entering his fifth season this fall , "but we're
really starting to turn the corner."
The Eagles are coming off their best
season in recent memory. Last year
they finished one game under .500 (1011, 64 CAA) with one of the toughest
schedules in their region. They won six
conference games, more than they had
in Jenkins previous three years combined.
"We want to build on the progress of
the '95 season,"Jenkins said. "We had a
very good spring and we ended it a
much better team than we finished last
With this in mind , AU has its sights
set on a CAA championship. But in order to wear the conference crown the
both William & Mary and James Madison, who have won the last four CAA
Eagles return virtually same squad from last year
Despite the many accolades ,
though, some bitter memories remain.
-A 6-2 loss to George Mason in the
There is always two ways to look at Quarterfinalsof the first ever women 's
everything. With that in mind , the AU soccer CAA Tournament
-A2-3-3 record in the closing weeks
women 's soccer team is preparing for
its 1996 soccer season with high ex- of the season,
pectations and questions that remain
- A 1-0 loss to UNC-Wilmington on
to be answered.
Oct. 8. It was the Seahawks first CAA
The Eagles' (10-7-4, 3-3-2 Colonial win in the team's history.
Athletic Association) had a shopping
A young squad last year that conlist of team and individual accomplish- sisted of one senior and five juniors , is
ments to be proud of from last season, suddenly a group of seasoned veter- Ten wins tied the school record ans sprinkled with some young blood,
for most Division I wins in a season. The Eagles will only loss one player to
- Their 5-1-1 start was the best in graduation.
school history.
However that one player was cap- Collected their first ever win over tain Eileen MacNeil , who contributed
conference rival George Mason, (a 1-0 four goals and six assists for a total of
overtime win on Sept. 20) .
14 career points.
- AU played to a 1-1 tie with James
But more importantly, she provided
Madison , who was ranked 22nd in the seniorleadership and anchored a solid
nationatthetimeandwastheeventualdefensive team.
CAAchampions.TheyalsolosttonumIt is a question of perspective on
whether the upcoming season should
ber 14 William & Mary, 1-0.
This fulfilled head coach Colleen be ppproached optimistically or pessiCorwell's goal of "being competitive mistically but there are some cold,
against the ranked teams in our con- hard facts that cannot be ignored,
Herndon will once again be the foference."
- Had two players on the FirstTeam cal point of the offense. After only scorAll-CAA (Junior Lisa Gervase and ing three goals in her freshman year,
sophomore Lisa Herndon) and two she exploded for 17 goals and two
players on the Second Team All-CAA assists.
(Sophomores Carrie Schroeder and
Her 36pointswasgoodforfourthin
Danielle Pini).
the CAA in scoring.
- Corwell was named as the CAA
Herndon also tallied seven game
Coach of the Year.
winning goals, including one against
Eagle Staff Writer
Speed Merel iteiii
Jort Berket -
Welcome Dr. McElroy
UNC-Ashville. Her goal came in the
final second of overtime to give AU a 10 win.
She took second place on AU's alltime scoring list (46 points) behind Liz
Pike (149points), andherl7goals was
also good for second on its single season goals list.
Besides being a First Team AllCAA member,she was the CAA Player
of the Week for the week of Sept 25
and also named to the All Mid-Atlantic
Pini and Schroeder will also be
counted on again to provide big seasons.
Pini was the Eagles second leading
scorer with 12 points (five goals, two
assists). Pini also provided game-winners on two occasions.
Schroeder contributed two goals
and two assists and , like Pini, was a big
key in setting up the AU offense.
But perhaps the biggest spotlight
will be on soon-to-be seniors Gervase
and Jennifer Hershberger.
Both were the only Eagles to start
in all 21 games last season and both
are the most likely to fill the void created by MacNeil's absence.
Gervase set the AU single season
recordforgoalsagainst average with a
1.23 average. That was also good
enough to lead the CAA for the entire
She made 134 saves during the season and had seven shutouts. She was
named the team 's Most Valuable
Player at Saturd ay's All-Sports Banquet
Hershberger provided much
needed versatility as she was able to
play both midfield and defense.
She provided the team with six
points (one goal, four assists).
The Eagles have signed eight players for next year. The incoming crop
of freshman will provided a stern test
for those players who wish to keep
their playing time up.
AU must be ready to go from the
openinggameas its scheduleis tough
from the get-go.
They open the season with three
road games, including two CAA
The most important of those games
will be the first one on Aug. 31 as the
pay a visit to the Tribe of William &
Last year, W&M escaped Reeves
Field with its 1-0 win after a goal by
Ann Cook in the 63rd minute of the
The Eagles' first home game will
be on Saturday, Sept. 14 when UNCW
The CAA will be held on the second week in November. The site has
yet to be determined.
AU is qualified to take the CAAtitle
this season. A second or third place
finish might also be acceptable. It just
depends on how you look at things.
Department s All-Sports Banquet.
The Eagles have a 2-20-1 combined
"Stephen is an important leader on
record against both the Tribe and the the field , not necessarily in scoring
Dukes since 1986, the year after they goals,"Jenkins, "but without him we are
won the CAA championship en route to a much more vulnerable team on dea 19-3-2 recordand a Cinderella-esque fense."
journey to the NCAA championship
Pearson, a FirstTeam All-CAAselecgame.
tion last season, is coming off an incredThat's why the preseason victory ible year in which he scored 17 goals
over the Tribe is so important
and four assists for a total of 38 points.
"I think you can look at all the exHeading into hisjunioryear Pearson
cuses - it was preseason or whatever," is already third on the career goals
Jenkins said, "but the wins we've gotten scored list with 27, and third on the
this spring are wins we wouldn't have career points list with 67. His 17 goals
gotten in the past."
last season were the most since AilThe Eagles are still a young team, American and NCAA Player of the Year
however. They graduated only one se- Michael Bradley scored 24 in AU's minior, backup goalkeeper Greg Lyons, raculous 1985 run at the NCAA champifrom lastyear's squad and returned most onship.
of last year's starting squad and 15 let"Scott is coming off what you would
ter-winnersoverall, seven of whom were call a career year last year and he will
freshman. But the experience these play- continue to getbetterthisyear,"Jenkins
ers gained last season and this spring is said.
what makes the Eagles such a dangerPearson knowswhat will be expected
ous team.
of him if this team is to succeed, and he
"We're not backingdown anymore," is willing to do what it takes to win.
said sophomore forward Scott Pearson.
"I'd like to help lead this team to a
"We're gaining a lot of confidence in our championship," hesaid. "Butgoing into
abilities and it's really starting to show the season I'm going to be a marked
on the field."
man and I'm going to have to get other
Much of AU's success will lie with people involved, who will have to step
Pearson and sophomore defender up into scoring roles for our team."
Stephen Franzke, two of the leaders on
Freshman forward Scott Weber is
this young Eagle team.
one of those other people who has
Franzke, a Second Team All-CAA stepped up his playthis spring, accordselection, was named the team 's Most
Valuable Player at Sunday's Athletic
Todd Lieberman/The Eagle
Carrie Schroeder and the rest of the AU women's soccer will again
look to defender its home field. Last year, the squad went 7-2-2 at
Reeves Field.
Student ath letes
honored at banquet
Eagle Staff Writer
The American University Athletics
Department held its annual All-Sports
Last Saturday, explosive Texas tion which did not have much of an
banquet Saturday night in Bender
A&M running back Leeland athletic history. Unfortunately, since
McElroy waited histurn at theNFL I will be a senior, I will not be witness
The evening was designed to honor
Draft for a team to make him a to much of McElroy's magnificent
the student-athletes at the school. Fiffundraising abilities.
teen Most ValuablePlayerawardswere
In his first press conference, Dr.
Several teams passed him over,
handed out, one for each sport, in the
opting instead for the stability of McElroy said point blank what he
three hour ceremony. AU also awarded
investing their money in offensive must do to get AU sports to the
the Outstanding Senior Athlete award
linemen and cornerbacks. Finally, "prime level" - raise the basketball
to senior men's basketball point guard
IheArizonaCardinalsfeltfitto draft program to the next level.
and tri-captain Darryl Franklin and seRight now,AU hasone basketball
him with the 32nd draft pick, the
nior women's basketball forward and
second pick of the second round. team on the rise and one with a lot of
tri-captain Becky Greenfield.
After going from a prospective question marks going into next sea"I am really, really surprised,"
millionaire to earning six figures, son. Both teams could be on the
Greenfield said of winning the award.
McElroy will havea chance to show verge of national stardom. It is pos"Mytfour years at AU; have been the
his skills, as he will probably be sible — remember what happened
best yearsof my life."
starting in the Cardinalbackfield withGeorgeWashingtonUniversity?
Franklin thanked amongst others,McElroy will take the handoff
this fall. ¦
God, his parents, and his teammates;
This fall will also be AU's first from the outgoing AD, Barbara
who he described as."his best friends
full sports season under the direc- Reimann, and he will find himself
tion of Dr. Lee A. McElroy, with a fantastic sports program to
Franklin, a justice major , has been
Leeland's brother. McElroy will watch next fall (Leeland, however,
selected for 13awards during his fourtake over as athletic director offi- mighthavetroubletakingthehandoff
year career/and,this season alone garfrom Cardinals quarterback Boomer
cially on Wednesday.
nered seven awards^ After averaging
like his brother, several high Esiason, but I wish him luck). In
15.2f points ', 4.6 assists per
profile institutions did not seek to McElroy's first fall season, no less
' and , two steals' per- game" this
¦ ¦ " . -/ : . '
hire him despite his impressive then three squads have the potential
.,;/ • • •=:•'• Photo courtesy UPPO season, he was named to the Second
credentials. In this case, McElroy to make the NCAA Tournament in
Dr. Lee McElroy accepts a sweatshirt and hat with .the new AU logo Team
honed his skills as AD at 'Sacra- the fall.
from President Benjamin Ladner. McElroy Is set to start his new job team and the CAAAll-Defensive
mento State, where he raised large
. The6-footpoihtguardisathree-time
as AU Athletic Director this week.
.:,-. ;t % >"
amounts of money for an institu¬
award winner of two other national
awards including the GTE Academic
All-America District 2 team and also
received the CAA's Dean Ehlers Leadership Award.
Franklin wrote himself into the AU
history books this season garnering
Top-10 placements in AU's career assists, steals and three-point field goal
lists. Most impressively he broke AU's
record forconsecutivegamesstarted at
106.Hefinishedhis career with a streak
of 110 games.
Greenfield ,an accounting major,led
AU to a 16-12record,itsbest since 199293. The Eagles also posted their most
conference wins ever with nine and
their best home record (11-3).
She was named to the All-CAASecond Team after finishing among the
CAA's Top-10 in field goal percentage
(.459, ninth), rebounds (sevenrpg,
third), and scoring (12.4 ppg, ninth).
." She was named the CAA Player of
the Weekfor the week of Feb. 25.
The evening started with a dinner
that allowed athletes, "cheerleaders,
members of the pep band, and the
schoprsmediatomingleamdngstthemselvesand withthe¦¦
coachesandadministrationlVV * - ^^•v.^--~|-' "AU PresidentBenjaminLadnerand
his wife Nancy,were in attendance;as
was ' new' athletic*'director"Dr^Lee
¦' •'¦ • '
"¦¦• " " : See BANQUETA9
sf c m e d t CI&V rI ^IN! U The Eagle
Professo r knows tra gedy and trium ph
Liberian newsman fights for press rights
nearby country asked him to print a story about the country's
leader. Best held the story for three months because he
feared that it would put his friend's life in danger. Still, three
Kenneth Best probably knows more aboutfreedom of the months later in November, the friend still wanted the story
press than anyone else on AU's campus. He probably knows written.
more about free speech than most people in the world today.
"He said to me, 'Mr. Best, there comes a time in a man's
What's more, Kenneth Best knows first-hand what it's like to life when he should be ready to die for his country,'" Best
live in a country wherecitizens are viciously deprived of both. recalled. "'If this is my time, then I am ready.'"
Now an adjunct professor and Scholar in Residence in
At 8:20 a.m. the morning the story ran, Best received a
AU's School of Communication, Best, a native of Liberia, has phone call from the Minister of Justice. Later that morning,
fought for press rights for many years. His business — The Observer's office was raided by police.
"I called my wife into the room, closed the door, and we
running independent daily newspapers in strife-torn African
nations—was sabotaged repeatedly by government forces. recited Psalm 23," Best said. He was then thrown in jail once
He has been threatened, kidnapped, beaten, separated from again, and the newspaper was closed down.
1982 proved to be "smooth sailing" for Best and The
his family and friends and even exiled, yet he still maintains
the importance of a free press.
Observer,but in 1983the paperwasclosed down yet again for
Best's native Liberia isAfrica's oldest independentrepub- a month because of a caption the government believed to be
lic, founded by freed slaves. The first settlers landed in 1822 "counter-revolutionary."
In late June of 1984, The Observer took the government
at a harbor later named Monrovia after U.S. President James
Monroe, now the nation's capital. The country was declared to court They won the case before one judge, which was
appealed by the state. The case was heard, but when judga self-governing republic in 1847.
, The country, however, has been in the throws of a brutal ment day came the case was not on the docket. Best said his
civil war since December of 1989,when rebel leader Charles lawyer went to speak with the judge, who refused to make a
Taylor invaded Liberia to overthrow then-President Samuel judgment on the case.
"He was a coward," Best said. "He refused to make a
Doe. Since the rebellion began, one in 17 Liberianshave lost
their lives, hundreds of thousands have been wounded, more judgment on the case because he was afraid to lose his job."
Doe's National Democratic Party of Liberia (NDPL) won
than 150,000 people were displaced within the country, and
the general election in
more than 160,000peoplewere
1985 — which opposition
forced to live as refugees in
partiesand outside observneighboring African nations.
ers maintain was blatantly
Doe came to power in April
rigged — and he was
of 1980, after he led a coup in
sworn in for a six-year
which former President Willpresidential term in Januiam Tolbert and many of his
ary of 1986. In March, the
officials were assassinated;
president and a new conBest's wife's uncle was among
stitution guaranteed "free
those killed.
speech," but two-and-aThe coup was initially welhalf months after taking
comedby the Liberian majoroffice .The Observer was
ity, which had been excluded
closed down again.
-from the country's power and
"CThis time) we de.'wealth.Doe's critics, however,
cided to reopen the news•iiaidhis regimewas characterpaper on our own," Best
:"4zed by repression of Liberia's
said. "We took the bar
^outspoken press, student undown ourselves and re„ rest,human rights abuses,cor¦
ruption and continued ecoAll appeared quiet, so
« nomic decline.
at 5:30 p.m. they locked
Best, who graduated from
the doors and went home
r Cuttington College in Liberia
¦in 1963 with a degree in Literafor the night The next
morning, as Best was
\ ture , attended Columbia
bringing his children to
^University's Graduate School
school, someone told him
> of Journalism in New York. He
The Observer had been
! returned to Liberia in 1968. In
burned down. When he
; 1980,the same year as the Doe
arrived at the office, the
;;.coup, Best was living in
police were there and they
Amanda Hammerman/The Eagle
told them the office had
AUAfrican Panelfor Churches
¦\ (AAPC).He said he decided to
been on fire.
Kenneth Best describes how he tried to bring a
"We cleaned it up and
^return again Liberia see
free press to a war-torn African nation.
we wrote formal letters to
I how people would reactto havthe Director of Justice, but nothing was ever followed up,"
ing a daily paper.
"Most peoplegave me positive feedback,"Best said. "I felt Best said.
In 1988, The Observer ran a story on the front page was
that I owed it to my country to start a daily paper.The AAPC
asked me to stay six to eight months longer ...They said, about a man who killed his wife and four children and then
'Stay until things calm down,' but I knew that I had a respon- tried unsuccessfully to kill himself, including pictures of the
dead bodies. The story under it was about the president
sibility to my country."
"You would think that this would be a front page story in
In 1981, Best opened Liberia's first independent daily
newspaper, The Observer. His problems with the govern- any country, but someone called PresidentDoe and told him
ment began immediately: Later that year. Best was sum- thathe was on thefrontpage with amurderer,and hebecame
moned by government officials, who in front of the press outraged," Best said.
The president took new action this time, and instead of
threatened to shoot him because of an article printed in The
shutting down the newspaper himself, he had the lighting
Then in June of 1981, Best, his wife, a secretary, a female and electric company turn off the power and water.The only
reporter, an advertising agent and some other reporters thing left was the phones, putting the newspaper out of
were put in jail—thewomen for four days, the men for 10— commission for three weeks.
Bestsaidhe almostdid not reopenthepaperatthispoint,
becausetheyhad publishedlettersfrom studentsprotesting
but an elderly man came to his home one evening.
the banishment of a leader.
"He said to me, 'Mr. Best, you should go see about
Two months later. Best said a friend of his exiled from a
Eagle Staff Writer
So long, friend Nanther
Solong,rmouttahere!Well,wait this or that spice on your favorite meal
one more thing before I say my last in his famous Eaglecolumns, or maybe
youleamedtosurviveoffRamen noodles
words ever in this fine paper.
Most of us here who attend or forweeksbywatchinghiscookingshow
work for theAmerican University do on ATV. Maybe he solved a puzzling
things that help other people.There computer problem when you called the
are, however, a few remarkable people.who
through their devoted
commitmentand selfless
acts of kindness make a
difference which quite
possibly affects the entire AU community.
These people are not
usually the leaders of
governments or organizations. More often than
not, they receive little
official credit for their
deeds,yet what they did
is one of these warm and
fuzzy-feeling people.
Whenlfirstmethimlwonderedwhat faceless computer Hotline. He may have
planet he was from; now, I know it's helpedyou expand your understanding
probablysomeStarTrek-relatedone. of internationalissueswhen he proHowever, when I think of the AU duced the International Voice.'Perhaps
community,I cannot think of anyone he gave you a massage, convincedyou
more qualified to symbolize it than to seeJunglebookor advisedyou to visit
the Zoo. No matter what, in someway,
Perhapshe warned you not to put shape or form, Nanther made your life
at AU better.
Before I stop embarrassing him
here, let me just tell you that he has
an intimate relationshipwith food —
he loves it There is no other person
I would ask about the delicacies of
the world, if I couldn't
by his devotion to Apple
computers. It is only fitting, as one of his other
friends pointed out, that
even his favorite computer is named after a
food item.
Nanther will be leaving AU soon; heading
north for (surprise!) the
him, don't forget to say
g o o d - b y e,
although he will probably visit often and con¬
tinue to live withinAU'svirtual
-There are a few others like
whotruly made a difference atAU,to
them: Thank You! I don't have any
awards or plaques to give you, but
then again,that isn't reallythe point
Amanda Hammerman/The Eagle
Liberian native Kenneth Best brings a unique perspective to the classroom and the community at AU.
your business because no one else has the initiative," lar unrest. In 1994, people began to call for a timetable for
Best said.
the Gambian government to institute major changes.
By the time the civil war started, Doe had launched a Best, as the newspaper's helmsman , was arrested and
process of elimination of thepeopleinvolved in thecoup. One taken to an undisclosed location where he spent 36 hours
Friday morning, the paper printed a picture of a woman in jail. Although he was released due to political and
whose husband had been arrested and killed confronting the international pressure, a week later he exiled back to
presidentThe next day, the officehad been burned once Liberia, which was still at war.
At this time, Duke University invited Best to come and
"I said to my staff, 'Despite the tragedy of the fire, we're speak at a forum , ironically, called "Journalistsunder Siege."
coming out on Monday,'" Best said. "My boys were very They sent him a ticket to come to the United States, and he
diligent I didn t want to be in the office
Best received a fellowship once in
on Sunday night and they had the
America, enablinghim to writeabook.
dummy ready by 4 p.m. on Sunday."
In November of 1994,Bestwas able to
John Bishop, U.S. Ambassador to
bring his wife and four of his children
Liberia, came to visit Best at this point « I felt that I still
to the United States.Two of his daughand he said that Best should try to have
ters are in Zimbabwe with a family
the Monday edition out and Best told
had work to do for
member right now; he has not seen
him confidently that he planned on it
them in ten years. Happily, Best said
Doe's term was cut shortwhenTayone is coming to here this June and
lor launched his 1989 invasion. The
someone said ,
other will be here after her exams
government's army was untrained in
'Save Africa in an- » the
in November.
anti-guerrillawarfare, and could nothold
In November of last year, Best said
off the rebels. Popular support for Doe
other way -from a
The Observer was reopened in Liberia
crumbled, whileTaylor's ranks swelled
by a family member, and was subsewith support Hundreds ofthousandsof
quently destroyed again. This is the
citizens fled to other parts of Liberia
Kenneth Best
first timesince the civilwar began that
and to neighboring countries.
SOC professor
there is no daily newspaper.The govAs the rebels moved in on the capiernment in Liberia has also turned off
tal, Doe offered to form a broad-based
all radio stations with the exception of
interim government with elections to
be held in January of 1991. Taylor told Doe to resign, but he one, which is operated by one of the warring parties,
refused and holed up in the heavily-fortified presidential
At first BestsaidhewasnotsureheshouldleaveLiberia,
mansion with his best troops by his side.
but he said he realized that given the prolonged internal
In the meantime, Doe's men were going around Liberia instability, he might be able to help his country more from a
saying, "No Doe, no Liberia."The Observer was bombed by distance than from within.
"I felt that I still had work to do for my country, but
the president's men because they felt that it was one of the
sources of their problems. In September of 1990, however, someone said, 'Save Africa in another way — from a disDoe's fortress was overtaken; his death was announced on tance,'" he said.
SOC professor Laird Anderson, Best's colleague and
Sept 10, 1990.
Shortly before Doe was killed, Best and his wife and office-mate , said the man's commitment to the ideals of
family left Liberia for nearby Gambia. Once there. Best journalism are exemplary and should serve as a lesson to
realized that it also had no daily newspaper, so he started one everyone.
"The most overworked word in our vocabulary today is
there as well. No one in Gambia thought that it was feasible
for the paper to survive,but from 1992 to 1994, the newspaper the word 'hero,"Anderson said. "I rarely use it but Kenneth
Best is a genuine hero as a journalist who puts his life on the
was very successful.
"Illiteratemarket-womenwould buyit and bring it home line. Hehasproducedcountlessactsofjournalisticintegrity
thatwe should not forget He is an outstandingindividual and
for their children to read to them," Best recalled.
Once again, though, the paper started to reflect popu- a superior journalist"
Student pedal s for planet
Eagle Contributing Writer
Jeff Oliver is biking across borders
this summer—state borders that is. On
June 13, Oliver, a junior in AU's Washington semester program,will sit on the
bike seat that will become an extension
of his body for more than two months.
Along with 15 other devoted activists and environmentalists, Oliver is embarkingon a consciousnessraising ecocycling adventure from San Francisco
to Washington, D.C. He is joining the
ranks of Bike-Aid, an Overseas Development Network (ODN)program with
a simpleyet practical message—weall
can and must do something to make the
world a healthierplace. The OD.N is a
student-based, non-profit organization
dedicated to grassroots, environmentally sustainable development and social justice. Bike-Aid is one tool the
ODN uses to raise funding to support
programsalreadyin existence.
Sean Skelton, founder of Bike-Aid,
recognizedthe efficacy of students in
raising environmental consciousness,
but saw avoid in the programsavailable
to achieve this end.
. "Ifelttherewasa needfora national
eventin the summerto unite students,"
Skelton said.They,learn about themselves,the communityand how to work
as a team: Bike-Aidis.a travelingcom•
munity on wheels.". • ' • "
. Bike-Aid'
focus on sustainable agriculture, alternative transportation, responsible con¬
sumption and environmental justice volvedwiththeenvironmentalmovement
Five groups go out each summer anc in his or her country. This aspect of the
cover practically the entire country and program recognizesthat environmental
parts of Canada. The comprehensive degradation isaglobalissueand requires
and expansive nature of the program culturesto work together.
Oliverhas been chosenasthePartner
allowsitsbenefits to be felt nation-wide.
Bike-Aid is a multi-faceted program Rider Buddy because of his strong interwithinvaluableadvantagesforitscyclists: est in inter-cultural exchanges. As a
the people it comes into contact with buddy, Jeff will take the lead in assisting
throughout the trip, their communities, thePartnerRider in adaptingtoAmerica's
and the implicated benefits for the global cultureand Bike-Aid's group dynamic
A Canadian from McGill University,
community. Ridersgain an understanding of current environmental problems Oliver has earned the respect of his
and raise consciousness about these is- professors at AU. Dr. Ellen Dorsey, a
suesthroughexchangeswith communi- professorin the Peaceand Conflict Resotiesalongtheir routes. Once a week, the lution Seminar, said he is a sincere,
ismatic, and commitcyclistsget off their bikesand spend the enthusiastic, char
day participating in community service ted individual.
"(He) will do moreto spark theimagiactivitiessuch astreeplantingand assisting with urban gardens.
nations and hearts (of peoplehemeets)
The money earned by the cyclists than one hundred people could do in a
priorto the trip,through sponsorship,is different type of setting," Dorseysaid.
Oliver is also a member of "Mission
distributed to projects like the Environmental Loss Protection in North Caro- Improvable," where he is amicably
lina, which addresses environmental known as Bowser. He said he is most
degradation in a predominantly Afri- excited about the trip because he
ican community,the resultof strongly believes in Bike-Aid.
"It is a case-in-point," he said. "We
discriminatory environmental programs.ThemoneydonatedbyBike-Aid practicewhat we teach."
He also said he cannot wait to dishas been instrumental in getting local
ordinancespassedto controlregional mounthisbikein D.C.witha "butt that
corporate livestock operations whose could
¦ shatter Teflon."
wasteswere.contaminatingthe entire
foratotal of $3,600.Hesaidhecoulduse
community's groundwater.,
' Lookingat the long-term benefits of and would greatly appreciateany supBike-Aid,itfostersanenvironmentwhich port,whichhe win reimbursewith-augeneratesgiobally-mindedleaders.Eachthenticnewslettersthroughoutthesumroute invites one "Partner Rider" from mer.He alsosaid it'snot too late to sign
Africa,' Asia of Latin Americawho is in¬ up for Bike-Aid.
Buchan an lives - he just keeps going and going and...
Il is the beginning of May and
the party nominations are all but
sewed up. Despite manufactured
oppo sition , the geriatric Bob Dole
will be representing the Grand Old
Party in the big dance this November. So from now until the
convention , professional poli-geek
writers will have to content themselves with wussy weak-willed
stuff like running mates and platform fights. The only interesting
thing left is the continuing presence to walk out if they nominate Alan
of the bombastic blowhard . Pal K eyes , J.C. Watts or Charles
Barkley). Buchanan has also threatBuchanan.
Despite the fact that every other ened to form a third party.
By running against Bush in 1992
serious candidate has bowed out and
endorsed Dole , Buchanan continues and giving a speech cribbed from
to go around the country spewing Mein Kampf at the Republican Conwaste like a broken sewer pipe. He vention , Buchanan did more for Bill
has threatened to lead his followers Clinton then Gennifer Flowers. Now
goose-stepping out of the Republi- he seems to be doing everything
can convention if Dole nominates possible to destroy the Republicans
Colin Powell (he has also threatened again. Why would someone who has
worked for Republicans his enti re
life do so much to destroy the party?
I have a couple of theories. The first
is that Pat Buchanan is secretly a
Democrat. This would explain his
ideas about trade and labor, but he
worked for Nixon ,and I'm sure Dick
would have found that out.
I believe that the havoc Buchanan
is causing is a part of a secret plot by
Michael Kinsley (for the politically
obtuse , Kinsley is Buchanan 's old
"Crossfire "co-host and a liberal pundit) in order to undermine the Republicans. I can see it now — Kinsley
and Buchanan knocking back a few
beers , and Kinsley saying, "You can 't
let them nominate Powell , they're
disrespecting you. You should walk
out. "
"Yeah , yeah , you 're right , Mike ,"
Pat says. "I should walk out. You 're
my only friend."
"You should form your own party
and run ," Mike says. "You could
"Yeah , yeah , I could win!" Pat
says , getting excited. "Wha t
would I do without you , M ike?"
So this is to all of Buchanan 's
political disciples on campus —
Kinsley ispl ayingyou all forfools.
Don 't let him get away with it.
The more the American public
sees of Pat , the more reasonable
and sane Billy Clinton seems.
Arts &Entertainment
Kitsch for the '90s:busty blondes in leather
'Barb Wire' is a cheesy B-type movie ".. ET~^
Eagle Staff Writer
So unintentionally funny it makes you think, "Barb Wire,"
the new futuristic sci-fi thriller starring "Babewatch" star
Pamela Anderson Lee, qualifies as the strangest release of
the year.
The story, such as it is, updates the tale of "Casablanca,"
with Pamela playing the Bogart character. You have to love
that Our parents get Bogie, we get Pamela Lee. To whit , an
amoralistic mercenary/night club owner with a heart of gold
comes into the possession of a valuable item and has to
Wren Maloney/Gramercy Pictures
Pamela Lee vamps her way through many scenes
sans clothing in her new flick. "Bar b Wire. "
choose between self-interest and the .tQMHMHH
greater good. The greater good wins, tZj vI/' Spil
but everybody except the bad guy winds I'fi ^^^ Rj
up happy. The bad guy winds up dead. TOlHf9m[
I'm not sure if the screenwriters had ^ISf gl HI I
"Casablanca" in mind when they wrote ' '1tfl!flI2li
'% w^ "Hl
this, or if in thehurry to produce a movie
for Ms. Lee they sort of unwittingly
pirated it. Actually, I'll bet the former.
The real star of the film , to be blunt, is Anderson 's chest.
Herpresence in a futuristic thriller is hugely ironic , seeing as
she is about as plastic as they come. Seriously, watching her
on the big screen is like looking at one of those big blow-u p
love dolls. The resemblance is positively uncanny, and her
acting does nothing to erase this impression. Then again,
neither does the director or the script. When the camera isn't
mercilessly feeling her up, the script is forcing her to change
clothes on screen for no reason at all.
She does represent the Platonic ideal of the metal-head
biker babe, and the domantrix leather fetish outfits sported
in this film are the stuff of adolescent male fantasv.
I guess the proper term for the movie would be "outrageously campy." As for her flamboyantly artificial cleavage,
I can only speculate as to what she implanted under there.
My guess is cantaloupes.
"Barb Wire" is bizarre in an "only in Hollywood" sort of
way, as if some producer said , "OK- it's 'Casablanca' meets
'Blade Runner ' crossed with 'Mad Max ' and '12 Monkeys,'
except Humphrey Bogart is a woman and everybody wears
leather." Hell , I'd probably buy it if I were an executive.
In all likelihood , "Barb Wire" will take its place next to
"Showgirls" in the pantheon of campy '90s movies, and
Wren Maloney/Gramercy Picture
deservedly so. After all, Pamela really does have an amazing
feature film , " Barb Wire. "
set of knockers.
Comin g out of the closet
all me sometime,..
Film delivers insights on discrimination in Hollywood
'Denise Calls Up ' is a tasty tangle
of torrid telecommunications
Eagle Staff Writer
Photo Courtesy of Sony Entertainment
1he dialogue is a
hodgepodge of answering
machine messages ,
phone conversations and
call-waiting blips, as the
group of friends and
acquaintances actively
avoids any personal
The Celluloid Closet" chronicles the history of gays and lesbians in the movies and the discrimina
tion they faced , both behind the scenes and on-screen
Eagle Staff Writer
The Celluloid Closet" begins with
an 1895 clip of two men dancing together in Thomas Edison 's laboratory,
and proceed s to document the history
and development of gay and lesbians in
film. The presentation of homosexuality on-screen and gay involvement behind the scenes has been an important
aspect of film from the start of its creation; "The Celluloid Closet" is a study
of changing roles, attitudes , and stereotypes about homosexuals.
The film , which opens in D.C. at the
Key Theatre this week, is based on film
historian Vito Russo's book of the same
title. Russo rightly assertsthat the movies play an integral role in reflecting and
shaping attitudes about homosexuality,
and illustrates this idea through clips
from hundreds of films depictinghomo-
' '^3IP"i Th I
amination of these
clips, as well as
through interviews with actors, directors and screenwriters in gay film, including Tom Hanks, Whoopi Goldberg,
Tony Curtis, Shirley MacLaine , Gore
Vidal and Susan Sarandon.
Narrator Lily Tomlin leads "The Celluloid Closet" through an examination
of the roles of homosexuals on-screen ,
the problems and triumphs of defining
and breaking stereotypes and the development of public perception of these
roles and stereotypes.
One of the strongest points in the
documentary is in looking at films made
under censorship restrictions and the
Production Code, which barred sexual
perversion," including homosexuality,
from America.Thesegmentshows clips
of diverse films from "The Maltese Falcon " to "Ben Hur," showing how Hollywood writers, actors and directors had
to put homosexual subtexts "between
the lines" in their films to avoid censorship and persecution.
"The Celluloid Closet" embraces all
homosexual visibility in film , but with a
critical eye.The documentary ends with
recent triumphs, including "Philadelphia," but is mindful of lingering stereotypes. This is a documentary for movie
fans as much as for those interested in
sex and gender roles, and its attention
to detail is almost unwavering. "The
Celluloid Closet" highlights and pays
tribute to gay and lesbian advances in
film — it is both a celebration of this
history and a critical perspective on it.
Definitely worth seeing.
Glorified police brutal ity
Mobsters are beate n by cops in 'Mullholland Falls '
in the audience seemed really happy about). The best
performance in this film , though , is by the ubiquitous
Chazz Palmentary, who has been in every film this sum"MuIIholland Falls" is stylish,well-directed thrillerwhich mer, (I swear I saw him play the Conseliori caterpillar in
came closeto being ruined by a maudlin , out-of-place ending. "James and The Giant Peach") but is at his best in this
The film deals with The Hat Squad , a group of Los Angeles film as a cop trying to deal with his violent temper.
"MuIIholland Falls" is seriously hampered , however,
cops who use questionable means to keep gangsters out of
the city.They get involved with the death of a girl (Jennifer by the plot line, which deals with Nolte's marriage to
Connely) who had an affair with the group's leader Hoover Melanie Griffith (the worst actress working in films to(Nick Nolte). The film also features good performances in day) .Griffith is getting past the point were she can get by
smaller roles by John Malkovich, Treat Williams, Andrew on her rear end , and she sure can't get by on her acting.
There are plenty of other 40-something actresses who
McCarthy, Chris Penn and Michael Madsen.
could have taken this part and not embarrassed themMy favorite part of this filmwas its
blatant support of police brutality. ra
HMNH I selves.
Every time Nolte and Griffith were on the screen
Nolte and the rest of the squad beat fi#M/|j°l3J5
together, the film disintegrated into a cheap melodrama.
suspects, chuck a mobster down a cliff ^mfj aff lZMi
(the MuIIholland Falls of the title) and *13fwj fff This was aggravated by the long, absolutely worthless
even kill a mobster — and they 're the J lllMH fl ending scene. The film looked great with newcomer Lee
heroes. It 's like the film was
¦scripted ''-ff ¦
l Tamahori creating a full invoked world, with stunning
'"» »*Wl colors and beautiful sets and costumes. "MuIIholland
by Stacy Koon. Nick Nolte dishes out
Falls" is a good movie that had the potential to be great;
some espec ially cool beatin gs.
Connely does most of her actin g naked (something men next time — more beatings, less sobbing.
Eagle Staff Writer
Communications technolo gy, for
better or for worse , is transformin g how
humans deal with each other. As phones ,
be epe rs, answering machines , e-mail
and fax machines enter our personal
relationships , th o se r elatio n ships te n d
to become less and less personal Since
the advent of these technologies, v.e
have wit nessed the death of the written
letter , the art of phone tag and other
missed connections. If "Denise Calls
Up" is any sign (and it probably is) , we
are also losing the ability even to face
each other.
"Denise Calls
revolves (/ $&$ *$P
Up "
around a group of «4/Ky /j
singles whose lives B^^ k &
consist almost en- ^Siftta ! I H
ti r el y of missed con-
" ^glfij j I
nections. Theycon^Jf ' « j
duct their businesses and their lives without ever facing real human beings.
i nere are very few. scenes in "Denise
Calls I p" where more than one person
occupies the camera shot — the dialogue is a hodgepodge of answering
m achi n e message s, phone conversatio ns andcall-waitingblips .asthegroup
of friends and acquaintances actively
avoids any personal contact. The main
crux of the plot is that some of the
friends are trying to set up a blind date
for two of thei r pals. The blind date
never actually occurs, per se. but they
do hook up for somegraphic phone sex.
"Denise Calls Up " is cleverly construed and does a fine job of juggling its
detached characters , scenes and situations. The whole thing culminates in a
frenzied conference-call between all of
the characters , a n d a party sce n e i n
which at least one of them goes through
some transformation in reclaiming his
personal life , albeit with a stranger.
The film does have some missed
connection ^ , of its own . but it stands as a
funny and thoughi-pnnoking comment
nn the state of things in a worl d of
'Friend' featured in funny film
Eagle Staff Writer
"The Pallbearer" is the first effort by 29-year-old director
Matt Reeves, and features young stars David Schwimmer,
Gwyneth Paltrow, Michael Vartan and Michael Rappaport.
The new film is a dark comedy about Tom Thompson
(Schwimmer), a man who finds himself in a compromising
turn of events after being asked to be a pallbearer for an
alleged old high school friend (whom he can't remember). It
is also about a group of friends suffering various degrees of
post-college syndrome, trying to figure out what to do with
their lives and where to take their relationships with each
other. Thompson ends up torn between his long-standing
crush onjulie DeMarco (Paltrow) and an awkward fling with
an older woman — the mother of the deceased.
While "The Pallbearer" makes no
„_ _*«„
claim to represent Generation X or its
pitfalls, it is a story about members of
t\ !feps(ta£\\
this age group and is told and presented
§ A JJtfe^A
by them. Not coincidentally, the college ft gj i ^^^,
press is a key stop as the young en- fji ^m «
semble sets out for a New York press /jf f' flfct
tour. As Reeves, Schwimmer, Paltrow *"*>-*"tp*"""™""" and Vartan (and also veteran actress
Carol Kane, who plays Thompson's mother in the film) make
the rounds to discuss the film with the press, they are each
led, in turn, to the college press room, where an upstart
young director and his youthful cast are fittingly under
scrutiny by upstart,young membersof the press and of "The
Pallbearer's" critical audience.
It'sa bit overwhelming for all involved. It also happens to
be a little too early in the morning. As each successive
intervieweeentersthe room,they preface theencounterwith
something akin to: "I've just been warned that this is the
college press." But the college press isn't as abrasive as the
warnings may have indicated. In fact, the young journalists
andyoungfilm stars end uppretrymuch shooting the breeze,
which asyou know, us GenerationXersare wont to do. Indepth interviews are eluded by time constraints and by the
nature of the conversation, but "The Pallbearer" ensemble
manage to reveal some wisdom about their generation, from
their impressions of working in the movie industry as young
people, and some revelations about the film itself.
• on the script of "The Pallbearer":
"What really struck me about (the script) was that there
Barry Wetcher/Miramax Pictures
"The Pallbearer 's " David Schwimmer appeals to a
Gen-X audience full of "Friends " fans.
didn 't seem to be one extraneous word in the entire thing. It
wasjust very tight writing—I couldn 't imagine anything, any
image, any scene being cut from the story.
• on his charac- i
"Tom is at a
point in his life
where he hasn't really been able to
find his niche. He's
looking for a foothold , he's interviewing, he's an architect struggling
to get somewhere.
He's living at home
with his mother, he
doesn't havea girlfriend, he doesn't
have a life, and he's
trying to get it all
together as everybody around him is 'Pallbearer 's' David Schwimmer.
taking off."
on his character's relationship with an older woman:
Imperial Teen
¦ Up until about the beginning of the 1990s, alternative
music was a quirky little industry that was thought of as
something only college students in America would listen to.
Record companies would sign these bands, probably on a
kind of "pro bono"basis, not ever really thinking they would
turn a huge profit on them. During the '80s, the alternative
bands thrived in their little subculture; occasionally one
would make it big, but no one band ever made too much
Suddenly, the seclusion alternative music once knew
came to a crashing halt as these bands were put into the
limelight as the voice of a generation. Nirvana was the band
responsible for alternative's jump into the big league; they
exposed the world to grunge, and then Green Day followed
with pop/punk. Nowadays, alternative music is no different
than the mainstream.
Recently, the record companies have come to the conclusion that they can make a huge amount of money with the
alternative bands by bombarding the listening audience with
bands like the Toddies, the Gin Blossoms and other such
bland and indistinguishable noise.
During this time, fans who had been engrossed on the
subculture of alternative music headed even further down,
depending on the independent labels to supply them with
their fix of different and unpopular music.
Those looking for this subculture will now be able to pop
their heads back up into the world of the mainstream. The
major record companies are now distributing bands that are
"post alternative."
Imperial Teen is one such band fit 's all in the name).
ImperialTeenplayspop musicwith amelancholy,strippeddown feel, edgy guitars, quivering vocals and lyrics that are
at a different pace than those we havebeen bombarded with
for the past five years.There is no commentary on the social
decay of America, no primal rage of the battered suburban
soul in Imperial Teen's music. They tell stories about individuals, sing about negative introspection and display drug
references galore: "I pulled the trigger/ ignored the strain/
tying knot tightens the stain."
Most of the group's songs move at a relatively slow pace,
staying away from the outright screaming and thrashing
choruses. The lead vocals are done by a man, while the
harmonies are done by afemalesinger. The music played on
this album is seminally complicated but simple enough to be
able to hum along to.
Universa l Records
In terms of writinga unique or interesting review of HoHum's album, the band's name is self-explanatory. These
guys lack any unusually bad traits to harp on, but they also
lack any specific shining points of interest
Various Artists
This CD is the embodiment of the exploitation of Gen-X
:ulture. And I love it! Please, kill me.
Behind every avant-garde rocker lies a kitsch-loving
doofiis teen who never left suburbia. If you actually choose
on a regular'basis, to listen to the harsh and grating sounds
of the underground, a finely-tuned sense of self-ridicule is
necessary. Dissing on lame bands is for the proles — the
subculture equivalent of high school students trying to
Cast and crew reveal personal experiences
continued from B4
"I think of The Graduate,' which a
lot of people have been comparing
'(The) Pallbearer' to and understandably so. Any time you think about a
relationship between an older woman
and younger man,you can't help but go
back to the archetype, which for film
was The Graduate.'"
• on stepping back momentarily
from his role as Ross on the hit television series, "Friends":
"I've been very afraid of typecasting ever since a year ago when I
sensed that the show was becoming
too much . I knew going into it that
there was a danger of being perceived
as just one character for my whole
career, because I'd had the pleasure
of working with Henry Winkler on
"Monty,"a television series that didn't
do well. I think predominantly because people can not remove the image of 'the Fonz' from seeing Henry
Winkler, to the point that somewhere
along the way that character fused
it's way into him.
"I'm trying to fight that as much as
possible, personally, by doing theater,
by directing, by playing other characters that will constantly stretch me or
of my personality.
"The strangest thing for me is being
widely know as a funny, vulnerable kind
of whiner, because I'd never played a
character like that before. Right before
I was cast as Ross for "Friends," I was
playingPonchas Pilatein a very serious
adaptation of a Russian novel!
"Friends is definitely a communal,
collaborative kind of effort. It's as close
as you can get on television to ensemble
• on college vs. acting:
Pallbearer 's" Gwyneth Paltrow
define their individualistic nature by purchasing a pair of
Doc Martens from the local mall.
To transcend, you need a fine appreciation for kitsch. Hi.
Welcome to.the world of "School House Rock! Rocks."This
compilation is not limited to already has-been comp fave 's
like STP and Bush. Oh no. We've got some Ween, some
Pavement, the Deluxx Folk Implosion, Moby, Man or AstroMan? and Daniel Johnston. I like all of these groups. A lot
In my heart I know that I am required,as a discriminating
music critic, to rail against this disc. Ayear ago I would have.
Now... I'm just so tired.
So there. I turn in my hip badge and hereby officially join
the ranks of the post-hip. "School House Rock! Rocks"is the
complement of Nirvana's "Nevermind." The first disc inspired an explosion of new and original music. This disc is
the proverbial nail in the coffin. Oh yeah, stick a fork in
alternative music. It's way, way done.
The outstanding track is Pavement's rendition of "No
More Kings." Pavement is, of course,perfectly suited to this
sort of endeavor. In Pavement's hands, the childhood ditty
about ditching England for Independence is imbued with
deep spiritual meaning. Man, I can't believe I just wrote that
Deluxx Folk Implosion also scores a bullseye with "I'm
Just a Bill," which, in their hands, sounds like an out-take
from the "Kids" soundtrack. Other tracks worth mentioning
include "Verb: That's What's Happening" by Moby and
"Interplanet Janet" by Man or Astro-Man?
The biggest misses are slapped together in the middle.
Ween, the Lemonheads and Chavez are out of their depth.
It's understandable for the likes of Chavez and Evan Dando,
By THOMAS LYNCH less so in the case of Ween.
Next stop ... the grunge revival.
"School House Rock! Rocks"
Themusic sounds like an amalgam of countless popular acts
in the mainstream now, but not like any one in particular.
Maybe a comparable band would be American Standard,
another bunch of musicians who recently reached moderate
success somehow by sounding like everybody and nobody
at the same time.
Ho-Hum's four members look like computer programmers or gas station attendants — just your generic, neighborly type of human beings that you might have over on
Sunday afternoon for a beer or two. Basically, the music
sounds like the band looks.
The album manages to be rather diverse in its sound. HoHum offersa mix of tempos,tones and sounds.Whatever the
type of song, Ho-Hum's music is driven by a lot of genuine
energy and excitement for what they are doing. In addition
to the traditional four-piece rock band, a smattering of other
instruments are heard throughout the album, including
pianos, organs, harmonicas, mandolins and a horn section.
Lenny Bryan's vocals aren't stunning, but he has a decent
range for rock n'roll and he uses his voice well. Each of the
other band members contribute backing vocals for support
and occasional harmonization.
Ho-Hum might achieve some popularity, possibly riding
on the success of a song like "Don't Go Out With Your
Friends Tonite."The upbeat tune is very catchy in the way
thatmany pop-rock songs of the '80swere. Ho-Hum just isn't
as cheesy (even if their name is).
This band isn't one that screams to be listened to, but it's
one ofthose groups that grows on you more each time you
listen to them.
a bass pick-up in his guitar, hooked up to both a bass and
guitar amplifier. The result is a very hard yet rhythmic
sound, with bass and guitar tunes playing in unison. Along
with drummer Daniels, LOCALH has emerged as a pioneer
among Chicago's growing indie music scene.
LOCAL H writes 41of their own lyrics, leading to a very
truthful set of songs. The most notable is "High-Fivin MF,"
which is the first song where we can hear evidence of Lucas'
bass pick, containing a somewhat industrial sound combined with a large amount of loud lead vocals.The song "No
Problem" is a take-off on the Smashing Pumpkins' background music to the hit "1979," changing it a bit with more
mellow sounding electro-acoustic guitar tunes, and then a
heavy jam session at the end. Saving the best for last,
"Manifest Destiny PL 2" concludes the album as the strongest and most pressing tune. Also check out "Bound For the
Floor" and "Fritz's Corner,"which both have a very sophisticated beat and rhythm.
LOCAL H has a very distinct sound about them, pressing
many fast-paced bass and guitar melodies with heavy drumming. The effect is a loud version of today's alternative
bands. "As Good As Dead" is a very full album, with all 13
tracks worth a listen.
"As Good as Dead"
Islan d Records
The Chicago-based band LOCAL H has finally made it,
signing with Island Records affiliate Polygram Records. On
their 13-track album entitled "As Good As Dead," LOCAL H
band members Scott Lucas and Joe Daniels have managed
to produce a loud , fierce sound. Vocalist/guitarist Lucas has
Please join us in celebrating the
accomplishments of our finest
students at the
"fl eite#s donoocati en
Barry Wetcher/Miramax Pictures
David Schwimmer and Barbara Hershey star in "The Pallbearer. "
"I was at UC-Santa Barbara , and
¦wasn't going to class much, as you
can imagine. I kept leaving to drive
down to L.A. for auditions and stuff,
and my father said 'this is just silly,
either go to college and go, or don't
go and pursue acting if that's what
you want to do, but you have to make
a decision.' So summer came, and I
did a play, "Picnic," with my mother
at Williamstown. My father cameand
saw the dress rehearsal, and after
that he said, 'I don't think you should
go back to school.' That was a very
validating moment for me."
• on her character in "The Pallbearer":
"She has her own set of problems
and dilemmas, and I like the fact that
she is not allowing herself to be
shepherded into the roles that people
have expected of her, whether if s her
parents or ex-boyfriend. She says, 'I
don't care if anybody understands or
not I'mleaving.I'vegotto go figure this
• on the influence of her mother,
actress Blythe Danner
"When you're starting acting and
youhavea veryfamousmother,who
is a very well-respectedactress,I definitely think it helps initially,because
it gets you in the door; people want to
see the progeny, see what you can
do. But after that it becomes harder,
because once you've proven thatyou
can do it, people constantly scrutinize you, and they wonder if you're
working because of nepotism. Now
it's working the other way for me —
my mom's working and she's being
billed as the mother of Gwyneth
• on success:
"I really find it comforting that
people take my work very seriously
and take me very seriously in terms
of what I do. I think it's really nice,
and it shows me that I've made the
right decisions, that I can trust my
instincts. It's very validating to become successful and to work and to
have people appreciate what you do,
especially because I'm a young girl.
I'm only 23, and I have my whole life
to do whatever I want,so it's nice that
I've already had some success."
• on currentloveinterest, Brad Pitt
"I love my boyfriend and he'sa very
wonderful man, a very good actor, and
I go out with him,you know.What can
I do?"
• on the eulogy scenein "The PaUbearer": ,
"The hardest thing was the eulogy
scene, when MichaelRappaportwas
laughing. He would maskthesechuckles with sob noises, and I'm supposed
to thinkit's not funny at all. I waskilling
myself not to laugh, and it felt really
inappropriate to begin with because
there we were, in an actual funeral.
Saturday, May
1996 at 2:00
pm in th e Metrop olitan Memorial
United Methodist Church. All
students , faculty, staff , alumni ,
and parents are encouraged to
Award Recip ients are as f ollows
President 's Award - To be announced at this ceremony
Outstanding Scholarship at the Undergradua te Level - Jennifer Sherker (CAS)
OutstandingScholarship at the Undergraduate Level - James McGrath Morris (CAS)
Outstanding Scholarship at the Graduate Level - Denise S. Wolf(WCL)
Outstanding Scholarship at the Graduate Level - Linda Kaljee (CAS),
.- . Outstanding Service to the University Community - ToddBeaupre (CAS)
Outstanding Service to the University Community - Farra Trompeter (CAS)
Stafford H. Cassell Award - Ethan Rosezsyveig(SPA) \ •' _
Fletcher Scholar Award - Kelly Cooley(SOQ
Charles C. Glover Award-DavidFein (KOGOD)
Evelyn SwartKout HayesAward-KarlaCoghill (CAS)
Bruce Hughes Award-Farra Trompeter (CAS)
^ : . -. ' =¦ -. ,.
Harold Johnson Award - Tanisha Bailey (CAS)
,. -- \
Kinsman-Hurst Award - Neale Lunderville (SPA) _' '' . ¦ " " •-• ¦" ' , , '
Carlton SavageAward - SayokoTanaka (SIS) ' "- ;. -' / " , / , ' •' ' . "' ' ': „,.- ' '
Cathryn Seckler-HudsonAward - Mark Sylvia (SPA) '
,,. '. /
Charles W.Van WayAward-MichaelPalermo (SPA)
The Office of $tudent ^ctivities
200 Mary Graydoh tenter ¦;
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Knowledge is your
You must eat in order to be happy. Eat a lot and eat often , but friend. Embrace and cherish this companion, for it will lead
don 't eat brussels sprouts. They are the spawn of your you to the promised land. Look for a yard sale,
potential doom.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21) Keep your door
GEMINI (May21 —J une20) Rememberlo apologizefor open this week. Unexpected visitors will arrive at your door
past wrongs this week. Better late than never is better than step. Treat them with kindness and the reward will purify
never. Do something you have never done before ... then your soul,
don 't ever do it again.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 —Jan. 19) Let the spring rain
CANCER (J une21 —J uly22) Thekeyto your enlighten- purify your dusty thoughts. You control your own destiny,
ment is keys: Do not lose them, or all the doors you attempt Follow your nose and the rest will follow. Beware of leaky
to open will be locked. Be spontaneous — take a nap on the roofs,
AQUARIUS (J an. 20 — Feb. 19) Exercise is necessary
LEO (J uly 23—Aug.22) Sunshine will wake you up. You for you now, but watch out for things that appear too good to
are powerful, but do not abuse your strength. Use it to help be true. Go with your gut, but don 't feed it too much. Enter
the weak; when they are strong, they will remember. Walk a the real world,
PISCES (Feb. 19 — March 20) Stay away from water.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Wealth, fame and riches Don't shower or wash your hands until the end of the week,
beyond your wildest dreams are just around the corner. Dirtiness is the key to your success. Look out for bugs and
Don 't forget to use your blinker when making that turn. Go make initial adjustments,
to late-night TDR and all of your dreams will come true.
ARIES (March 21 — April 19) You are entering the
LIBRA (Sept. 23— Oct. 22) Do not step on too many toes doldrums. Stop worrying. Stop complaining. Stop whining,
this week. When your feet hurt, it ishard to walk. Listen to the Stop working. Just stop, and the rest will go — fast Buy new
wind — members ofyour past are whispering. Checkyoure- dancing shoes.
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degree also qualifies. No derogatory credit. Proof of insurance required.tt90-day deferred payment programavailable at participating dealersthrough NMAC for retail contracts up to 60 months. NMAC Preferred or Standard credit rating required.APR and down payment may vary ''•
depending on credit rating. 90-day deferred interest is added to contract balance and is payable over the remaining contract term. Not available in NJifthe cash price ofthe vehide isSIO .OOO or less. Not available on leases.DEALER SETSACTUALPRICES. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS.
Comics & Classifieds
Full -Time and Part-Time Office help is
f»iPs£MRENrK| wanted.
Please fax response with name,
College Rings- Newest Styles! Any
College Any Year! 3 week delivery. Now
available direct by accessing our site on
the internet. Fully guaranteed,great
prices. Come visit our site and order
your College Class Ring: http:// ,or phone us
at 1718 443 4260.
Free Basement Apartment Fall 1996:
Furnished,bathroom,kitchen, use of
utilities,separate entrance. In exchange
for babysitting. Fetch from Washington
International School Georgetown at 3.00
p.m., take home and babysit until about
6.30 p.m., includes one night per week
babysitting. French speaker an advantage. Transport reimbursed. Call Lesley
(202) 686-1343 evenings.
Almost new,All White Bedroom
Furniture. Small shelves, small dresser ,
desk + full-size bed. Best offer. Call
Abigail (202) 237-0464.
Cathedral View,bright upperfloor
comer unit,one block from AU. 2 bedr. 2
full-size baths, new windows ,1200+ sq.
ft. Bus at front,full-service building.
$1500 per month. All utilities and
outdoor parking included in rent. Call
John Nemeyer 202-364-5200 x224.
Georgetown University's Endowment
Properties has several townhomes
available for Summer rentals. All
townhomes are within two blocks of the
main campus entrance. Monthly rent
includes all utilities. Contact John or
Laura at (202) 338-6400 for more
APT. FOR RENT: Available June 1. Mt.
Pleasant. Northbrook condo. Premier
bldg. Lrge 1 bdrm with balcony, new
kitchen. $6g0/month plus utilities. Pets
OK. (202) 232-1823.
$1750 weekly possible mailing our
circulars. For info call (202) 393-7723
CAMP COUNSELORS- Boys (ages 1016) overnight summer baseball camp on
localareacampus- Baseball knowledge
welcome but not necessary- Benefits
include salary, tips, meals, room,
uniform, and a lot of fun. FIELD EQUIPMENT PERSONNEL- Responsible
positions dealing with field preparation
and maintenance,equipment handling,
storage,inventory, etc. - Good payPrivate room- All meals- No off field
duties required. BABBITT BASEBALL 1800-253-3014
EARN AND LEARN: Interested in
advancing progres sive issues? Articulate
telefundraisers needed to raise $ for: The
Democratic Party, Women's and Civil
Rights, International environmental orgs.,
Public Broadcasting, and much much
more! Great Summer Job! PT,or FT,day
and eve hours avail. Earn great pay and
leam about the issues. Call (703) 847
age,work experience,and day and
evening hours of availability to 202-3472680.
Summer nanny wanted 10-20 hrs/wk
for girls 18 mo. and 6 yrs. Will work
aroundyour summer class schedule.
Own transportation preferred; nonsmoker a must. Close to Chevy Chase
Circle. Salary negotiable. Call Beth at
(202) 363-7039.
are required. Expenses plus stipend/
apartment. Interested candidates send
tetter with pertinent thought and
qualifications to: PO Box 1627, Laurel,
MD 20725.
Wanted: responsible caregiver during
summer for boy, 10,and girl,7. Live-in
preferred,separate apt.,References.
Apt.available through year-end. Call
202-363-6893 evgs.
ELECTION '96: Exciting opportunities
available for committed Republicans.
Work for a major Republican committee
phoning potential donors to this year's
Mortgage Loan Officers- needed for
campaign. All candidates should have
an exciting career in busy Beltsville
customer service experience and a clear
office. We are seeking aggressive
speaking voice. Part-time evening/
persons with strong sales ability and
weekend positions available. Metro
desire to earn excellent income. We
accessible. $6+/hr. If you are interested,
supply extensive leads through radio
advertising, newspaper ads., etc. and will call 202-293-0232.
train and supervise the candidates to
Summer Internship: Hi-Tech Trade
assure their success. Please call Rob at
Association seeks full time paid summer
301-937-1919. Premier Financial
intern for Litigation Department. Please
contact Erin at (202) 452-1600,ext. 315
for more information or fax resume to
Valet Parking S9-S13 per hr. - Federal
Valet needs full and part-time car-parkers (202) 223-8756,attention: Erin Isselmann
in the Washington area for our expanding
valet service. Call Mon-Fri. 2-4 PM at
Archival Assistant- Library inventory
project- pays $8 hr,reference requested,
flexible schedule,3 blks off MassachuWANTED:Responsible student,good
setts, north of Westmoreland Circle.
driver ,with safe car,and child care
Ostroff at 301-229-1767.
experience,to pick professor 's childre n
up after school (May and .'une) and camp The Sky Is The Limit: Start you own
(July and August),and supervise play/
business for as little as $69.00. Set your
homework ,until her return from work.
own schedule. Set your own pace. For
Will pay between $8-$9.50/hours,
details call:202-399-0944 or 202-269depending on experience,references.
Driving locations are in upper Northwest
D. C. and close-in Chevy Chase MD. If
Babysitter needed part time,especially
you are interested and available two or
mornings. Flexible hours. Friendly
Tenleytown family. Please call Jo
more days a week ,for all of part of this
time, please call at work and leave
Cooper at 244-9479.
Weekend Babysitter Needed: 6 Hours - JOB? Studio Theatre needs callers for
Saturday or Sunday (Flexible); $8/hour;
subscriptions sales. Eve/wknd shifts
neighborhood near AU; transportation,
through September. Metro accessible.
references required. Tracy, 686-9487.
$5-20/hr plus free theater tickets! Will
train. Great resume stuffer! Call 202/
Summer Opportunities: Musiker Tours 588-5259.
and Summer Discovery are looking for
counselors for our student travel
Conservative Republican Congressman
programs and/or our pre-college
seeking unpaid interns. Excellent
enrichment programs. Applicants must
opportunity for college student,! Partbe 21 years old by June 15,1996. We
time or full-time. Looks great on resume.
need mature,hardworking, energetic
Call Amanda,(202) 225-6565.
individuals who can dedicate 4-7 weeks
thissummer working withteenagers.
Booksellers neededat theMonuments!
One of our tour directors will be
Sales oriented history buffs needed for
interviewing in Washington, DC,on
Nat'l Park Bookshops. Full,part-time.
Tuesday, Apnl 30. For more information
Resume/letter to PHA, 126 Raleigh St.,
or an application,please call our office in DC 20032.
New York at:516-621-0718.
Summer babysitter wanted for two
Get your foot in the door... temporary
toddlers. One Morning and one
and permanent jobs in Montgomery
afternoon weekly. References required.
County. Available immediately. Whether 202-362-1454
you're a recent grad or on summer break
Fanfair/ Park Place ,2251 Wisconsin
Elite Personnel,has great opportunities
with many prestigious local firms. Call
Ave. NW ,Washington,DC 20007 is
seeking full-time or part-time sales help.
Contact Piers Harkley at (202) 342-6294
for appointment.
Education Majors- Earn 15.00 to 35.00
DO IT? Tutor wanted for 7-year old and
for 3 year commitment to project on early per hour working part time. Get the
training you need to become a General
learning. Materials and guidance
Education tutor. One day seminars will
provided,with emphasis on math.
be held. Enrollment strictly limited. Call
Enthusiasm and enjoyment in learning
now for details and registration. Major
credit cards accepted. 301-949-4422.
Support Person:15-20 hours per week,
office support for management consultant,$10/hour. Need excellent
WordPerfect 6.1,grammar and spelling
skills. Strong detail orientation and
calmness under time pressure a must.
Dress casual,work time flexible. High
work standards. Not Metro accessible,
but close to campus. Call 301-229-5229.
Babysitter wanted: For toddler over
summer ,10-15 hrs. per week. Reference
requested,call Susanne 202-966-9283.
Part-time child care. Spring/Summer.
Children ages 7 & 9. Flexible schedule.
Mainly late afternoons. Northwest DC.
Car required to drive to pool, etc. Call
202 362-9565 or FAX 202 244-8440.
OPEN HOUSE: Friday May 3,1996,9:00
AM to 4:30 PM. Need Summer Employment? Try working for a staffing co. that
allows you to work in professional
environments and gain "resume-building"
experience. We need Admin. Assts ($11/
Up), word processors ($10.50/Up),
receptionists (S8/hr), secretaries ($10/
Up), and clerk/typist ($8/hr). To find out
more info ,stop in and meet with our
staff. Temp-Placements, Inc., 1120
Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 450,
Washington,DC 20036. (202)223-8844.
Well established downtown AV company
is seeking career oriented individual for
sales opportunity. Qualified candidates
must have an excellent working knowledge of Audio Visual/Video and be a
natural salesperson. Must be goal
oriented, a self starter and a team player.
Ideal opportunity for right person with
consumer electronics retail experience.
Good benefits. FAX RESUME TO (202)
Very busy downtown sales office seeks
hard w orking , enthusiastic, energetic
individual to help with various administrative tasks. Duties will include shipping
and receiving, inventory control,
installations and various light office
duties. In-depth knowledge of AV/Vldeo
and excellent organizational ability
required. Good pay plus benefits.
Committed hard workers only
please. FAX RESUME TO (202) 347-4451
Childcare: Like Sports? Occasional
babysitting needed mornings,evenings
For our active eight year old daughter this
summer. Own transportation preferred
but not necessary. Competitive rates;
references required. Please call 202/966
0454 evenings.
After school/after camp childcare
needed starting Mid-May for two childrer
ages 12 and 8. Must have driver's
license; own transportation preferred.
Non-smoking, please. Contact Carol at
202-775-6182 daytime or 301-229-0537
Child Care needed! Afternoons only
through mid June; All day through
summer. Transportation preferred,not
required. Call evenings / 202-363-9320
Ji -rv v iv-cj
DESTINATIONS CHEAP!! If you can beat
these prices start your own damn airline.
Air-Tech Ltd. 212/219-7000 hftp.//
Attention AH Students!!'. Grants &
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Europe S169, Caribbean/Mexico $189
R/T. Be a little flexible and save SSS.
We 'll help you beat the airline prices.
Destinations worldwide. AirhitchfTM) 80D
Attention Students!! Grants &
Scholarships available. You may qualify
regardless of your grades or income. 1800-400-0209.
INTERNET RESUMES- Get the jump on
your competition. Will publish your
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We solve computer problems. Visa &
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Good Luck on Finals Everyone!!
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Mental illness
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Unlicensed riders account for 80%
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that you are a better rider. Vj r/
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United Methodist Covenant
Discipleship III 8:30 p.m. Kay
Catholic Mass 5 p.m. Thomas
More Chapel Kay Spiritual Life
Chapel Lounge
Rocky Horror Picture Show
11:59 p.m. Ward 1
Attention United Methodist Student are invited to
Students! Those who have ' appear on CUN Talkback - >.
Live' via live video teleconbeen a member of the •
ference. American UniverChurch for one year .or ,
sity students join the talk
more are elligible for a
show every Friday from'3-4
student loan. Applications
are due June 1. Please call p.m. for a live discussion " ;
' Marc Infeld at x3321 for
about current events in the ,
SOC 3rd floor Taishoff • .,
more info.
Reading Room: For further
information or to volunteer,
contact Maureen Jefferys in "
AU's Media Relations
Office at x5935.
Test preparation classes
are available for the GMAT,
LSAT,TOEFL and others at
the USDA Graduate
School. They are economiThrough the World's Eyes ':
cal, most cost less than
is a community service
$280 for four weeks of
project designed to eninstruction. Classes meet
hance cross-cultural underon Saturdays too,so they
standing. University volunfit around work or other
class schedules. Call (202) teers work in D.C. public
720-5885 for more informa- and private schools at all
levels. Volunteers plan
activities and facilitate
cross-cultural exchanges. .
Call Amy Blumenthal at
x2474 for more information.
Student Poetry Reading 8 p.m.
Bentley Lounge
¦Hn^nft Q^HHi
University Christian Fellowship
Mostly Graduate Bibl e Study
8:15 p.m. Hughes Hall Conference Room
Latter Day Saints Student
Association Institute Class
6:30 p.m. 151 Sports Center
United Methodist Covenant
Discipleship I 8:30 p.m. Hughes
Hall Conference Room
Vegetarian Banquet 5 p.m.
Commencement Ushers
are needed. You can get
paid $25 for helping out on
May 19 at the Law School
._ Commencement. Contact ,
Nichelle Henry at (202)274- The Sexual.Minority Re4030 to sign up.
source Center would like to
remind all faculty and staff
that members of A.U's gay,
lesbian and bisexual comSUMMER IN ISRAEL
munity are available to
Want to travel to Israel this conduct LGAPs in classsummer for almost nothing. rooms,dorms,clubs and
Volunteer and get you flight administrative offices.
paid for. Taking applica- , These diversity workshops ¦
can be tailored to address .
tions now. Contact Adam
Eidinger at (202) 337-4033 the particular issues or
topics of concern important
for more information.
to your class or organization. Call the SMRC at
x3347 for more information.",
'designates American
Calendar events also listed
in FYI.
A need based scholarship
competition for secondcareer women who are 25
or older and have completed half the credits
required for a degree.
Applications are available
at the Office of Financial
Aid. Deadline is May 1,
Students with concerns
about food,body image,
self esteem,can attend a
group offered by CPLS on
Wednesday at 3 p.m. For
more information call • " ;
Adrian Kraft at X3360. . ¦"¦'
MASS .^ . ' • ' -•
On May 1.1,the Catholic'.
Community will be having a;
special Graduation Mass in :r
honor of our- graduating " .;<:J'
seniors.' The mass will,be .;-:¦
The 15th annual Rim and
held at 5 p.m. in.Kay>V~y? - ; :
Video Institute,offered by
Chapel. A "reception will be ' "
the School of Communication,is announced to begin. - held following the mass
on May 13 and run through .
August 17,1996. For more ¦
information,contact Randall "
Blair at (202)885-2044. ' . ;.
Join Students for Healthy
Decisions April 29 for anRECYCLE
other exciting showing of
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Calling all professors who , - in Ward Iatl 159 pm. For
encourage their students to.' nnqre'infontiation call x6429
reduce the wasteful con- v';• '".
sumption of paper through ' - "_ ' "BEST?OF THE .
' FEST" doubte-siding assignments,¦ ¦ " '
the use of recycled paper ,'-^iv
. , , ~ . ."
or the reuse,of paper..If you f
ask your students to partici-^iThe/199|
the i
pate in these or other more \ „,J
''environmentally'souncj ';5S>^ ?Best££the Fest"-A < »
practfces;'or areihterestecl '£;. "6wcase£6f the year's
' in the idea,please cqntact^ iBedf-work from students in? ,
iflie^chopfbf Commumca- ,
-Heathei ;atx3333 i1:^^'Sf;^
;tfoh?lEvk !uatedby outside t
' '.. r. /• ' '!¦"¦ j HY'^ X
'</'>"*<C>' «»>
^ ->\
'includes5 entries in photog-«s§
raphy?scnpt wnting, film,iyit
(.S^QQp ^i^k-Sila^J a^^^ayMn^h^Mark^
. a. hoping h^and?.Tutoririg^lt;WechsIer/rheatreMhird
^ervicW^caffipti^wiafelloojfMGGrbeginriing at
ti&Mnp &%r^lgfet7
BBWMM I ¦tattttF T
Dave Forman Founder of Earth
First 7 p.m. Ward 1
The Deadline for American
Calendar, F.Y.I,and the
Outside World is Wednesday at 5 p.m. Please
include the time,date,
location and description of
the event to be listed.
Please keep submissions
brief. The name and
phone number of a contact
person,not for publication ,
is also required. Bring
entries to the Eagle office
located in 227 Mary
Graydon Center.
University Christian Fellowship
Mostly Undergraduate Students Bible Study 8:10 p.m.
Anderson Hall Conference Room
Latter Day Saints Student
Association Institute Class 10
a.m. in front of Kay Chapel
Catholic Mass 11:30 a.m.
Thomas More Chapel Kay
Spiritual Life Center
Latter-Day Saints Students
Association Institute Class
5:30 p.m. Ward 6
AU Gospel Choir 8:15 p.m. -
10:30 p.m. Kreeger Room 6
Chapel Lounge
AU Table Tennis Society 10
p.m. Anderson Hall Game Room
""Bes t of the Fest" 7 p.m.
Mark Wechsler Theatre
Shabbat Dinner 7 p.m. Kay
Chapel Lounge
Latter-Day Saints Students
Association Institute Class
9 a.m. Ward 6
Buddhist Meditation 4:30 p.m.
Kay Spiritual Life Center Rooms
A and B
Baptist Bible Study 6-7 p.m.
Kay Lounge
SUB Cinema— 12 Monkeys
7:30 p.m. Ward 1
Community Service Network
Meeting 8:15 p.m. Kay Lounge
Lutheran Mass 9 p.m. Kay
Spiritual Life Center Chapel
SUB Cinema— 12 Monkeys 10
p.m. Ward 1
Catholic Communion Service
11:30 a.m. Thomas More Chapel
Kay Spiritual Life Center
Moslem Prayers 1 p.m. Kay
Spiritual Life Center Lounge
Shabbat Services 6 p.m. Kay
M ^M ^^^ — ¦:i=fqH
k t ^i.T3W»
Discover the Chinese
expression of beauty and
nature in this exhibit of
traditional Chinese floral
design. Then see how it 's
done—an expert floral designer will show you how to
create a Chinese flower
arrangement. The exhibit will
be in the Exhibit Pavilion at
the United States National
Arboretum on May 18 and 19.
Call (202) 245-2726 for more
Local families interested
in hosting an au pair exchange partici pant from a
European country, Australia or
New Zealand are being sought
by the non-profit EurAupair
Intercultural Child Care Program. For more information on
hosting an au pair call Megan
Meagle at (703) 968-2691 or
toll-free, 1 (800) 618-2002.
Sclerosis Society is interested in
recruiting volunteers for help on
a weekly basis and assistance
with upcoming events. Call the
MS Society at (202) 296-5363.
Experience the miraculous
texture, vibrant color, and
brilliant images of the plant
kingdom in this photograp hic
exhibition. Plant photographer
Jessie M. Harris will feature a
wide variety of her work on May
1 through May 31. For information call (202) 245-2726.
General poetry is being
accepted for a 1996 fall book
project entitled, "Words from the
Heart" Poets are invited to send
one or two original poems of 24
lines or less on any subject. Poems
must be postmarked no later than
June 1. Submissions will not be
retrmed.Mail poetry to: EPS
Publishing Company, 17400 South
Blvd., Gulfport, MS 39503.
United Methodist Covenant
Discipleship III 8:30 p.m. Kay
Chapel Lounge
No Events Listed
Students for Healthy Decisions 7 p.m. McDowell
Formal Lounge
Protestant/Christian Work shop 7 p.m. Kay Chapel
Eco Sense 7 p.m. Ward 221B
Catholic Mass 5 p.m. Thomas More Chapel Kay Spiritual Life Center
| The Eagle
^^^ ii«—
Items needed include: 25 folding
chairs, wall clocks, timers, paper
towel, dishes, cups, dish washing
soap, dish rack , cleaning supplies, sponges, mop, broom,
bucket, and rubber gloves. New
items please. For more information, contact Maria Carraquillo at
Enjoy the beauty of the
gardens and leatn about the
plants in them. Explore the
history of the Arboretum. A
volunteer guide will take you on
walking tour of a portion of the
National Arboretum. Meet
infront of the Arbor House Gift
Shop on May 5 and May 19 at
1:30 p.m. Call (202) 245-2726
for more information.
The George Washington
University provides affordable
counseling to the community on
issues related to self esteem,
relationships, grief, sexuality,
recovery, disability and careers.
The cost is $27 per session. For
more information or appointments, call the Counseling
Laboratory at (202) 994-8645.
Wheeling WV 26003-9619.
The Georgetown
Symp hony Orchestra will
present a Jubileo Concert on
May 5 at 5 p.m., at Gaston
Hal l, located at 37th and O
Sts., NW, on the campus of
GW University. Tickets will
be available at the door. Cost
is $12 for general admission
and $6 for students.
Pleasant Dream Productions presents Genet 's classic
bitchfest , loosely based on a
shocking murder in the Paris
of the 1930s. It will be
performed at the District of
Columbia ARTS Center, 2438
18th St., NW, on through May
4. Call (202) 462-7833 for
performance times and tickets
Come and hear the
advice of Dr. Penelope
Leach , leading child care and
Volunteers needed for
development expert, at her
Susan Kidd and Bob Ryan
participation in the MS 150K
only appearance in the Baltiof NBC 4 are urging local
Bike Tour on May 18. Call
more/Washington area May
the National Multiple Sclero- residents to participate in the 8th
11, at 1 p.m., at the McManus
sis Society at (202) 296-5363 Annual FLOC (For Love Of
Theatre at Calvert Hall
Children) Walk , May 18. The
for more information.
The American Lung AssoCollege, 8102 LaSalle Road,
10K event begins at the Sylvan
ciation of the District of Colum- in Towson. Her lecture is
Theatre near the Washington
17th Annual Cap itol
entitled "Parenting for
bia (ALADC) in cooperation
HU1 Classic will be held
Monument with registration at
Today 's Families." It will
with the National Capital
11:30 a.m. The walk will begin
Sunday, May 5. The races
include how the nature of
promptly at 12 p.m. There will be (YMCA) will co-sponsor a
begin and end at Peabody
families has impacted the
Freedom From Smoking,
School and starts at 8:30 a.m. plenty of food, fun and excepSmoking 'Cessation Clinic at the unchanging needs of children.
Call (202) 546-5858 for more tional prizes for all ages.
For information on ticket
National Capital YMCA, 1711
prices call (410) 752-7588.
Discover the diversity of
Rhode Island Avenue, N.W., on
Support Groups are
rhododendrons. See the best of May 6, 13, 20, 22 and June 3, 10,
There will be bonsai
these popular blooming ever24, 1996 from 6:45 p.m. - 8:15
available at the DC Rape
demonstrations at the United
p.m. There are 7 sessions held
Crisis Center. For more
green shrubs on May 11 from 1
States National Arboretum
information call (202)232p.m. to 5 p.m. and May 12 from
over a 6 week period.^The
Yoshimura Center on May 4,
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call (202) 245- registration for the clinic is $50
2726 for more information.
for YMCA members and $60 for 12, 18, and 26 at 1:30 p.m.
Volunteers Needed :
non-members for all seven
each day. Call (202) 245-2726
Would you like to help people
The second "Children 's
sessions. Pre-registration refor more information.
in crisis? Do you want to help Voice for Peace" concert series
quired.All interested persons
Lynn Batdorf, Curator of
prevent child abuse? If so,' the featuring the world-renowned
should contact (202) 682-5864
Perennial Collections, will
DC Hotline needs your help.
Copenhagen Boys' Choir will take for further information.
take interested persons ona
The Hotline is looking for
place on May 1 at 7:30 p.m. at the
volunteers to provide confiWashingtonHebrewCongrega-.
- Miss Teen All American is guided tour of the extensive
dential crisis counseling and to tion, located at 3925 Macomb St, seeking DC representatives for its herbaceous peony collection.
give information and referrals N.W.The concert benefits two
18th Annual Pageant To qualify Learn about the best peony
over the phone. You'll, learn
local youth programs. For more
a women must be 13-19 years,old varieties for the Washington
how to improve your , commu- information,please call the Fund
as of August 1, never married and area and how to care for them.
nication skills and how to help for the Futureof Children at (202) a U.S. citizen. To apply send a
The tour will start at the
people find the resources to
. .
. .,
recent photo along with your ; > • boxwood parking area of die
deal with their problems.' If .
name , 'address , telephone number United States National .
you want to Help, call the DC
The Family Emergency . ,. and Date of Birth by Fax or Mail : Arboretum at 10 a.m. on May
Hotline at (202) 223,-0020. ,
Shelter (FES) is seekingitems
to Ifept C- National Headquar- "
21. Call (202) 245-2726 for ,
Training starts April 30.
for their community rooms. :
ters, 603 Schrader Avenue,
more information/ „ - • ¦-¦'. <'