Maidstone Road, Felixstowe, IP11 9ED Executive Headteacher: Lizzie Girling


Maidstone Road, Felixstowe, IP11 9ED Executive Headteacher: Lizzie Girling
Maidstone Road, Felixstowe, IP11 9ED
Executive Headteacher: Lizzie Girling
Head of School: Julia Shaw
25 February 2014
Dear Parent/Carer
In literacy this half term we will be looking at writing information texts. We will be basing the
writing on dragons and the children will be writing about ‘The Felixstowe Dragon’ and creating
their own dragons. To help them get started on the topic and give them ideas we would like to show
them the film ‘How to train your dragon’. The film is a PG but is all very harmless fun. It is the
story of how a Viking boy trains and makes friends with a dragon. There are lots of different kinds
of dragons in the film which is why we thought it might help give the children some ideas. We also
hope to get some PSHE out of it as there are lots of issues around how we treat other people and
how we make judgements about people (or in this case dragons!) without really knowing them.
As the film is a PG please let us know if you DO NOT wish your child to watch the film by
returning the slip below by Monday 3rd March. Arrangements can then be made for your child to go
to another class while the film is being shown in your child’s class. If we do not hear from you we
will assume you are happy for your child to watch the film.
Many thanks.
Miss Felgate
Mrs Guest
Mrs Hall
I do not wish my child to watch ‘How to train your dragon’.
Childs name…………………………………………………….. Class …………………….
Signed by Parent/Carer ………………………………………… Date………………………..
Telephone: 01394 283374; Fax: 01394 286867; Email:
This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
Yours sincerely
Executive Headteacher
Telephone: 01394 283374; Fax: 01394 286867; Email:
This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.