
FAQ's and Support
What is TigerText for Business (formally TigerTextPRO)?
TigerText is a secure mobile-messaging platform for hospitals to improve workflow and reduce risk. IT/Compliance
officers, administrators and clinicians get the convenience and familiarity of traditional texting while accessing
the controls and security an enterprise demands.
TigerText for Business is a Smarter Mobile Communication Platform
Business controls the maximum message lifespan, ability to force logout, enable delete on read and other features!
• Businesses can choose to open communication with other TigerText users or maintain a walled garden
• Broadcast tool reaches all employees simultaneously
• Not subject to traditional usage based text messaging plans
• TigerText supports Android, Apple and BlackBerry devices as well as Android and Apple Tablets
• TigerText works on WiFi for difficult coverage areas
• Pictures and International texting at no additional cost
How does TigerText for Business work?
When sending a regular text message or picture over mobile phones, the message sent will live on the receiver's
device until the recipient decides to delete it. The text message will also reside on the cell phone carrier's server for
an unlimited amount of time. TigerText is different because, even though it looks and feels identical to a normal text
message, the company controls when the message is deleted from the recipient's device and the TigerText server.
TigerText for Business is available through our pilot program ( The consumer version, TigerText,
is currently available on Android, Apple, BlackBerry and WindowsPhone7 devices as well as Android and Apple
What is TigerText's refund policy?
TigerText will refund any non-contractual service not used. Requests can be made via email to:
How do I reach someone at TigerText about TigerText for Business?
Feel free to call us at 310.363.0565 x222 or email us at
How do I know my messages are deleted?
Messages are displayed on both users (sender and receiver) devices until they are deleted from our server.
All expired messages are cleared from our servers every minute of the day. Once you see the TigerText for
Business icon in place of the message body, the message has been deleted permanently.
How do I know that pictures I send are deleted?
TigerText allows users to send a receive pictures. Once a picture's lifespan expires, it is deleted from the recipient's
device and the server. If you send a picture from the gallery on your device, the picture will stay in the gallery
until you delete is manually. TigerText is for your trusted network, anyone can take a picture of a phone.
© 2011 TigerText, Inc. | ph.310.363.0565 | fx.310.622.5426 |
How does TigerText for Business pricing work?
TigerText pricing is based on seats in the organization. Contact for more information.
When I send a TigerText message or picture, will I be charged standard text messaging fees from my cell
phone carrier?
No. TigerText does not use your standard text messaging service therefore you will not incur standard text
messaging fees for sending TigerText messages or pictures. NOTE: You will still be charged for any standard
text messages or pictures you send outside of TigerText. Data rates may apply depending upon your cellular
What does Text Lifespan mean?
"Lifespan" is the length of time a message will live before it is deleted on both devices. For example if you send
a message at 2:00 PM and your lifespan is set to 4 hours, at 6:00 PM the message will be deleted from your
device, the receiver's device and our server. It is important to note that if the receiver did not open the message
during this time frame the message will not be accessible to them after the 4 hours has passed.
What does "Delete on Read" mean?
"Delete on Read" indicates a message will be deleted 1 minute after the receiver opens the message. When a
message is sent with "Delete on Read" as soon as the recipient opens the message a countdown clock begins
at 59 seconds. When the clock reaches 0 the message is deleted from the TigerText server and the TigerText
application on the user's device. Please note that if a message is sent with "Delete on Read" but is not opened
prior to the expiration of the Text Lifespan, the message will no longer exist and therefore cannot be read.
What does "Delete History" mean?
Some companies need more mobile privacy. Delete History destroys the record of the expired conversations on
your device once you exit the application. Thus, the next time you login there will be no record of the expired
How do I check that push notifications are turned on for BlackBerry?
When logged into TigerText for Business on a BlackBerry, press the BlackBerry (menu) key and scroll down
to settings. Once in settings, scroll down to "My Account" and the first field will be push notifications. From
there, highlight the button and make your selection. Push notifications need to be on for you to be notified of
new TigerText messages.
I cannot send any TigerText messages from my BlackBerry. How do I fix this?
The first step is to make sure your data connection is turned on. If you are unable to browse the web on your
BlackBerry device, you may need to check your APN settings. This problem affects unlocked BlackBerry's
when their user switches carriers. To check your APN, simply go to Settings - Advanced Options - TCP/IP.
From the TCP/IP menu, verify the APN settings match your current carrier. For example, if you have recently
moved your BlackBerry Bold from AT&T to T-Mobile would not affect TigerText as long as the device has service.
What happens if I send a message and it expires before the recipient reads it?
The message is gone forever!
© 2011 TigerText, Inc.
Why do you need my email address?
TigerText users are identified by their email address within the organization. By verifying your email in the
company, recipients of messages can be sure who their message is coming from. This will prevent users from
impersonating you.
Can I add contacts from my address book to my TigerText contacts?
TigerText offers businesses two options for mobile security – closed network or open network. If your organization
is on an open network, you can communicate with any TigerText user.
Which devices does TigerText for Business work on?
TigerText supports Android, Apple and BlackBerry devices as well as Android and Apple Tablets.
What if I send a TigerText for Business message to someone who does not have TigerText for Business installed?
The user will receive a message from TigerText that encourages them to install the application. Once the
free TigerText application is installed, you can text message with your friend at no charge. The TigerText for
Business user must be on an open network to communicate with TigerText user.
Are TigerText messages forwardable?
Are TigerText messages copyable?
TigerText was designed for businesses who do not want a record of all their sent messages or pictures kept.
But if someone really wanted, they could find a way to video capture your TigerText, take a screen shot, or
take a photo of their phone. While TigerText does not allow a user to save a message or picture sent within
the application, TigerText cannot promise that your messages will not be copied by some alternative means.
Anyone can take a picture of a phone, TigerText is for your trusted network.
Can I use TigerText if I have an iPod Touch or iPad?
Yes! This is a great option for non-smart phone users as well.
Can I use be logged into TigerText on both my mobile device and the web-client?
No. When logged into both the application and web-client at the same time, sent and received messages
transmitted from one location cannot be retrieved from the other location once you've logged out. Please
remember to log out of your account when you want to switch to ensure access to important sent/received
Can I keep my own history of TigerText messages sent?
The actual content of the messages sent are destroyed when the messages expire. A record of the "blank"
conversation history may be kept for a longer period of time. As soon as a message lifespan has run out the
message is deleted and will not show up on the sender or receiver's phone. Pictures that are sent from your
local phone library will stay in the library until you manually delete them. Contact if you
have additional questions.
© 2011 TigerText, Inc.
FAQs How do I send a mass broadcast message to everyone in the Company Directory?
Mass broadcast messages can only be sent to groups in which the Company Administrator creates and adds
end-users. To do this, a company administrator needs to log into their account on the web-client, select Users,
select + Group and then name the group. To add users to the group you just created, select each users name,
locate the group you want to add them to at the bottom portion of the screen and select save. You must do this
for each individual you want added to a specific group.
Will you sell my information?
No. Never.
Additional Questions? | Visit the FAQs portion on our website at or contact
your company administrator.
Still in Need of Assistance | The TigerText Support Team is here to help with any questions or concerns you have.
We’ll schedule conference calls and online meetings to review features, functions and benefits. Please email and be sure to include your company name in the subject line.
Check out the TigerText YouTube channel at to view all videos or follow the
links below to our informational videos.
• Apple How To |
• BlackBerry How To |
• Web-Client How To |
© 2011 TigerText, Inc.