Smart energy – How to become smart consumers services


Smart energy – How to become smart consumers services
services smart energy
Smart energy – How
to become smart consumers
Consumers are key players in lowering carbon emissions from the electricity system. We are all
consumers, so we must ask ourselves how we can contribute to smart energy usage and how this
will affect our daily lives. Utilities are in for a radical change.
▶ GLOBAL WARMING and the need to decar-
Consumption distribution Germany
22% Private
25% Industrial
1% Pumpenergy
3% Transport
4% Losses (network)
6% Generators
7% Export
13% Raw materials industry
Source: Elektrische Energieversorgung 2020, VDE 2005
bonize operations top today’s business
agenda. This article presents a vision of
how this may affect the individual consumer, and also of the transformation facing the utility industry.
Salvatore is sitting at the airport waiting
for his flight when he receives an e-mail
alert on his smartphone from his energy
service provider. The alert informs him
that back home in Italy critical peak pricing for electricity will come into effect in
four hours.
It is summer . European utilitymarket liberalization has created fierce
competition among energy service providers. Regulators have increased the pressure
on energy companies to achieve substantial changes in the consumption behavior
for both residential and commercial customers. The target for electricity generation from renewable energy sources has
been raised to  percent by . The
opening of the European utility market has
resulted in further consolidation, with a
number of pan-European players in the
segments of electricity generation, distribution, and retail. Electricity distribution
networks are undergoing a fundamental
transformation into an integrated “European Smart Grid.”
What does all this mean for Salvatore?
Motivated to make a personal contribution
to global sustainability (and of course
driven by financial incentives), Salvatore
has recently signed a new contract providing a “best peak rate” for his house in the
greater Rome area.
Electricity consumption has risen substantially in Southern and Western Europe
during July and August, primarily due to
air-conditioning systems and plug-in
hybrid electric vehicles. Energy service
providers across Europe have introduced
tariffs with sharply higher prices during
peak-demand hours and incentives for
customers who are willing to reduce consumption during those times.
Salvatore is a businessman and a father
with two small children. He understands
and accepts that global warming must be
limited, and that everyone has to pitch in
to make it happen. But he is neither a technology freak nor interested in investing a
lot of time in managing his own and his
family’s energy consumption.
Therefore, he was happy when his
energy service provider offered him a best
peak rate for the electricity supply to his
house that includes a remote control
option for his air-conditioning system, in
return for a reduced price during critical
peak demand times. During peak demand,
his provider manages his air-conditioning
system remotely to reduce its energy consumption. This typically results in a temperature increase of –C in Salvatore’s
home, which his family finds acceptable.
Consumers have the option of overriding
the remote air-conditioning control, but
this is expensive, and everyone in the family understands and accepts the fact.
Back to the airport. While Salvatore is
reading e-mails on his smartphone, he
decides to take a look at the electricity
microgeneration unit at his summer house
in Sicily. By clicking an icon on his mobile’s
touch screen, he opens a web page showing that his solar panels are delivering kW
of electricity into the network. A quick
check of the current market price for
microgenerated electricity reveals that he
might come out of the critical peak price
with a bit of extra revenue.
The scenario with Salvatore might, of
course, not be typical in , but it is
becoming obvious that all of us as consumers will have to play an active role in the
reduction of greenhouse gases.
This means, first, that we need to understand how we consume energy today. Second, we need to learn how to use energy
more efficiently, and how to change our
consumption so that our interests balance
with the needs of a low-carbon energy system. Achieving this requires incentives for
good behavior and punishment for wrong
behavior. It will take some of our valuable
time; it will add complexity to our life; and
it might mean some loss of comfort. But it
has to happen.
Technology will help. Whatever future
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smart energy services
applications look like, they must be based
on precise measurements of consumption,
real-time communication, and smart tools
in order to help all of us – including the
non-technical – become responsible
energy citizens.
Smart consumers cannot save the planet if
they cannot interact with a smart electricity network. Therefore, a key element is
the transformation of today’s electricity
networks into smart grids. The large-scale
integration of electricity generation from
renewable energy sources (and other
developments such as the need to support
electric vehicles) will dramatically change
the operating conditions for electricity
A substantial amount of electricity will
be generated at remote locations all over
the network such as Salvatore’s photovoltaic-powered summer house, rather
than at central power plants. Also, the
energy Salvatore saves by participating in
his provider’s peak pricing program can be
seen as “virtual generation” in this context.
Distributed generation will, however,
affect the direction of electricity flow in
the network, allowing it to flow back and
forth. As well, the supply from many
renewable energy sources is unsteady; for
example, varying with weather conditions.
Because no large-scale storage systems
presently exist, electricity generated from
wind also needs to be sold when the wind
is blowing. Demand-side management not
only means reduced peak demand, but also
ensures that demand follows generation to
some extent. The consequence of these
mechanisms is an increasing volatility in
the electricity system, with a corresponding risk of blackouts.
In order to address these challenges, the
electricity networks will have to become
more internet-like. The internet has been
built as a robust network with distributed
resources and intelligence, and different
options for routing information from
source to destination. The Smart Grid idea
applies the same concepts to electricity
networks, such as virtual power plants or
microgrids. Virtual power plants consist of
geographically distributed generators
managed as one power plant. Microgrids
are parts of the electricity network that can
be isolated and supply enough energy for
the consumers connected to the microgrid.
Such setups will secure the robustness of
future electricity networks and avoid
The best internet-like concepts and distributed intelligence do not help if network
nodes cannot communicate with each
other and with control centers. Communication networks connecting all electricity
network nodes playing an active role in the
Smart Grid will be the nerve systems of
our future electricity networks.
But demands on the communication
networks will be high. The networks will
have to handle diverse types of traffic,
from control signals that must travel long
distances in virtually no time (e.g., to isolate line faults) to broadband connectivity
providing video surveillance of mission&#3t39
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services smart energy
critical assets. The communication networks must not fail under any circumstance; otherwise the electricity network
will fail. Redundancy and security aspects
are crucial. Also, these networks must
partly operate under harsh conditions and
must not, for example, be affected by electromagnetic interferences. Utilities undertaking such substantial investments might
also consider offering Salvatore broadband
services to his summer house, to leverage
their investments.
Salvatore, his family, and his electrical
appliances are active participants in the
Smart Grid, implying that communication
with him, his family, and the devices they
use is an integral part of the grid’s nerve
Central to this integration is smart
metering. Digital meters will provide the
data needed for Salvatore and his family to
understand how they consume energy and
how they can change their behavior. Again,
real-time communication solutions will
give him feedback and relevant information through appropriate applications,
using the media and devices he and his
family prefer, or which are available in a
specific situation. Most suitable for Salvatore might be his smartphone, while his
children might prefer to use their gaming
console, and his parents would only look at
a stylish display in an oak housing that
matches their furniture. Whatever applications, media, and devices are best, they
need to communicate in real time with the
energy meter and other equipment such as
electrical appliances or microgenerators to
collect data for a meaningful feedback
Smart meters will be a key sensor for the
Smart Grid, collecting valuable measurement data about the “health status” of the
electricity network (e.g., short interruptions, and over or under voltages), thereby
enhancing network operations. Collecting
all this critical data is of no use if it cannot
be communicated in real time, reliably,
securely, and independently from the status of the electricity network.
What does all this mean for the utility
markets and their stakeholders?
Utility market models, with their established players and contractual relationships, will change. Experience from the telecommunication markets has shown that
market liberalization changes the game
board. While creating challenges for established market players, it also unlocks
impressive creativity to find new business
models, new ways of working, and new
approaches to consumers. New participants will enter the markets, consumers
among them.
The decarbonization of the electricity
system will have to be reflected in market
models. For example, the need to balance
consumer and energy-system interests will
require a mediator role to collect requests
from different players in the electricity system, and gather the contribution offers
from consumers to balance the system.
Dedicated communication and automation
services must be provided, and tightly integrated electricity and communication networks must be operated.
Which role will today’s energy service
providers take? They already have the relationship with consumers; they hold both
the carrot (in terms of financial and other
incentives) and the stick (e.g., peak pricing)
to influence our behavior. Will they also
offer us advanced communication, information, and automation services related to
energy consumption and generation (and
possibly even beyond) in order to help us
manage the complexity of our future
energy life? Will new players enter the
Which role will distribution system
operators take? They will, of course, continue to provide the electricity logistics,
connecting generators with consumers in
the new smart-energy world. But will they
also operate the tightly integrated electricity and communication networks of the
future? Many operators have already identified the operation of their telecommunication networks as mission-critical but not
as core business, and consequently have
outsourced these operations to reduce
Which role will telecommunication network operators play? Will they provide
communication services for smart grids?
Will they provide the communication services used by energy service providers to
influence our energy consumption?
New market models are on the verge of
evolving, and it is still early to predict how
the utility markets will develop in light of
liberalization and decarbonization. The
situation creates as many uncertainties and
threats as it hold opportunities – for existing and new players.
Investment in smart grids is expected to be
in the range of up to  percent of utility
company turnovers, which could add-up to
eur  billion by  in Europe alone.
However, it can only take place if regula-
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smart energy services
European monitoring and control market for power grids
Market value (Bn €)
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Growth perspectives
(2007–2020 annual rate)
Percent of hardware,
software and services, 2007
Hard 18,1%
Total M&C
Soft 15,9%
Power grids
Source: EC DGINFSO – SMART 2007/047
tion creates clarity on harmonized European business models and market rules,
which is not yet the case. Also, the business case for such investment is complicated and difficult to address, as it only
holds if benefits for both utilities and society are factored into the equation. The
benefits for utilities expand across the
value chain, but are not distributed in the
same way as the investment needed. These
challenges must be resolved to facilitate
the investment needed to decarbonize the
electricity system.
Back to Salvatore. His way of living with
electricity changed significantly between
 and . It is much more complicated, because the days when he just
plugged in his appliances and ignored the
energy they consumed are long gone. In
, he is an “energy citizen,” consuming
and generating electricity, balancing his
own interest with the interest of the system. Yes, it involves a loss of comfort, but
he finds it manageable with the help of
automation, enhanced applications, and
communications. And his carbon footprint
looks much better in  than it did in
, also thanks to sophisticated communication networks operating in the background, tightly integrated with electricity
Market liberalization and new market
models can represent a threat to existing
market players but represent opportunities
as well. It is now time for those existing
players, the players from related industry
segments (such as telecommunications),
and potential new players (perhaps in the
area of value-added services) to understand their desired positions, to develop
strategies, and to start pilot programs to
build experience.
From a consumer perspective, we all
have to contribute to decarbonizing the
way we consume energy. We can succeed if
provided with suitable support from the
utility markets and its technologies – and
have fun doing it, too! M
▶ JENS ERLER is responsible
for Global Business and Portfolio Development – Utility
Industry Specific Solutions at
Ericsson’s Business Unit Global Services. He joined Ericsson in 1993 after receiving his MSc in Telecommunication Engineering from
the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany.
While based in Düsseldorf, Germany, and Stockholm,
Sweden, Jens held positions in global field support,
sales support, product and portfolio management,
and sales and business development, focusing on
mobile enterprise solutions and industry-specific solutions for healthcare and utilities.
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