Whittier IS Enriched! is a fee-based, after-school enrichment


Whittier IS Enriched! is a fee-based, after-school enrichment
Have you gotten WISE yet? Whittier IS Enriched! is a fee-based, after-school enrichment program available
to all Whittier students. This program provides experiences in the arts, academics and athletics. The Spring
2014 WISE after-school enrichment program has a great line up of classes, a few new offerings along with
some familiar favorites.
• Kid’s Clay
(K – 5th)
• Actor’s Garden
(K - 5th)
• Rookie Chess
• Ukes!
(1st – 3rd)
• Junior Engineers: Design & Discover (K- 3rd)
• Junior BRAVO!
(3 – 5 )
• Chess Scholars
• Lego® Robotics
(3rd – 5th)
• Chicago Edge Soccer
• Shake it Up Dance
(1st -5th)
• Kitchen Wizards
(K – 5 )
• Floor Hockey/Dodgeball
(3rd – 5th)
• YogaKids
(K –5th)
• Little Bits Workshop
(1st – 5th)
• Multi-Sport Madness
(K- 2 )
• Girls Power Chess
(2nd – 5th)
• Ball Like Me Sports
(1st - 5th)
• Wildcat Runners
(4 - 5 )
Spring classes begin Monday, March 10th and run through Thursday, May 22nd. There will be NO CLASSES
during Spring Break March 24-28th. The session is 10 weeks long. Individual sessions are generally one
hour, 20 minutes: ending at 4:15 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; and ending at 3:15 p.m.
Wednesdays. (Note: Wednesday classes - Junior BRAVO! and Floor Hockey/Dodgeball last two hours, 20
minutes, ending at 4:15 pm)
To ensure that this program is available to all Whittier students, there are need-based scholarships
available (maximum one course per child). Check the box on the sign-up form to request a scholarship.
Material fees are not included in the scholarship and must be paid where applicable.
Registration begins February 20th and ends February 28th. In the past, many classes have filled up the
first day, so timely registration is recommended. There are two ways to register:
• Place the completed registration form and your check (payable to Whittier PTO) in an envelope and
deliver it to the Whittier office. Forms should NOT be given to your child’s teacher, as this will delay
the registration process.
• Go to whittierpto.org to register and pay online via PayPal (total will include a convenience fee).
You will receive registration confirmation by email before the first class. No registrations will be accepted
after the session has begun, and no refunds will be issued after the first class. Registrations without
payment will not be accepted unless you are requesting a scholarship.
• All children report to the auditorium after the dismissal bell, and they receive a healthy, peanutfree snack.
• For onsite classes, children will be escorted by their instructors from the auditorium following attendance
& snack approx. 20 minutes after dismissal. Parents/guardians should pick up their children PROMPTLY
at 4:15 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
• Two Wednesday classes take place offsite: Kid’s Clay is held at Terra Incognito, 246 Chicago
Ave. (3:15 pm pickup); and Wednesday Floor Hockey/Dodgeball is at Legacy Sports, 18 West Chicago
Avenue (4:15 pm pickup). Children walk to the off-site facilities for these classes with their instructors,
and they DO NOT return to Whittier after class. Parents pick up at the off-site location.
• If your child will be absent, please mention WISE when you call the school office, so that we are
alerted. We take your children's safety very seriously, and we must account for every child.
If you have any questions about WISE, please email WISEwhittier@gmail.com or call the Whittier office at
MONDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Actor’s Garden - K - 5th Grade
Instructor: Gigi Hudson
This program will focus on telling and acting out
stories through song, creative movement and
improvisation. We encourage students to engage
their imaginations as they build skills in listening,
story-telling, body awareness and creative
expression. We will play fun and exciting theatre
games, and students will learn the basics of
creative dramatics. An informal Open House for
parents and guardians will be held during the last
Cost: $125 (Min. 6, Max. 15 students)
MONDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. CANCELLED
Rookie Chess – No prior chess experience
Instructor: Wyatt Patterson
This class is a 101 level class for any K-1 student
that is interested in learning the basics of playing
chess. We will learn: How to position a chess
board, set-up a chess board, the name of pieces
and point value of each piece, and how each piece
moves and captures. Very basic strategy will be
explored. This is a class for students that are totally
new to chess ONLY. No previous knowledge of
chess is necessary. Students with prior chess
knowledge should sign-up for Chess Scholars
regardless of their grade.
Cost: $110 (Max. 12 students)
Plus $10 Materials Fee
MONDAYS - 3:15-4:15 p.m. RETURNING
Wildcat Runners - 4th-5th Grade
Instructor: Mr. Lukehart
Are you interested in running faster and farther than
you ever have before? In Wildcat Runners, you'll
learn about how to improve your top speed, run
greater distances, stretch properly to reduce
injuries, and more. Every week we’ll watch
interesting videos, then get stretched and hit the
pavement! Wildcat Runners is for runners of all
speeds and experience levels. Whether you've
never given running much thought and are looking
for a new hobby, or you're trying to beat your
personal best time at next year's Frank Lloyd Wright
Run, this class will help you reach your goals. Plus,
you'll have the chance to beat Mr. Lukehart,
something EVERY Wildcat would love to do! Please
wear the appropriate clothing/shoes for running
each week.
Cost: $125 includes a t-shirt (Min. 6, Max 20)
WISE Spring 2014
MONDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Chicago Edge Soccer - K – 3rd Grade
Instructor: Chicago Edge Academy. The class
offers an ideal introduction to the game of soccer
brought to you by Chicago Edge, Oak Park's travel
soccer club. Players will be introduced to the
fundamentals of the game using games and
activities in a dynamic and FUN environment.
Cost: $125 (Min. 6, Max. 14 students)
MONDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Ukes! - 1st – 3rd Grade
Instructors: Victoria Storm / Katie Bender of Oak
Park Music Therapy
Looking for a little rocker/diva to explore a fun and
easy-to-play instrument? The four-string soprano
ukulele with it's easy to press strings and thin neck
is a great starter (and keeper) instrument. Students
begin learning the basics to get a good sound and
enjoy the ukulele. For beginners we start with
strumming one-chord songs while singing along,
and build dexterity needed for switching chords.
Folk songs and music games include singing,
moving, listening, and playing to develop early
musicianship. Sharing and appreciation for each
other's contributions is always reinforced.
Adaptations are made as needed so no one is left
behind as the group learns together. Students who
are comfortable with the basics of the instrument
(knowing 4 or 5 chords and a few strumming
patterns) are welcome as well to join in the fun and
keeping growing in their skill development.
Soprano ukuleles are available for rent or
purchase from the instructor if needed. Additional
class materials are included. No previous musical
training necessary, only a great desire to play!
COST: $125 + $25 instrument rental fee if needed.
(Min. 6, Max 12 students)
TUESDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Chess Scholars - Prior Chess Experience
Instructors: Chess Scholars and assisted by Wyatt
Learn how to win at chess! Kids will love the
interactive learning and guided practice time.
There will be a chess competition with prizes and
pizza at the end of the session. Each 1st-time
participant will receive a free chess set. Students
with no chess experience should sign up for
Rookie Chess.
Cost: $120 (Min 6, Max 20 students)
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TUESDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
YogaKids - K - 5th Grade RETURNING
Instructor: Kim Vulinovic
We’ll stretch like dogs and fly like eagles!
YogaKids’ classes use yoga as a springboard for
education. We explore different themes through
movement, storytelling and meditation. Yoga
unites the body and mind to improve self-esteem,
focus and fitness. To participate fully in the class,
children should wear comfortable clothes (e.g.,
leggings/sweats, not jeans)
Cost: $130 (Min 6, Max.15 students)
TUESDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Ball Like Me Basketball Clinics- 1st – 5th Grade
Instructor: Chauncey Jones, Ball Like Me Sports
This Spring, why not challenge your athlete and
register him/her for a WISE class that is designed
to help enhance their basketball knowledge and
skill level in a competitive setting. Our techniques
stress the importance of working on your craft, all
while promoting confidence and sportsmanship.
Our Focus: Game Situational Drills, Dribbling,
passing & Shooting Techniques, Defensive and
Quickness Drills, Agility, Core and Endurance
Building, Defensive and Offensive Transition Drills,
Action Pack Individual and Group Competition,
Team Concepts 1 on 1 action, 5 on 5 action.
Cost: $130 (Min. 10; Max 35)
TUESDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. SOLD OUT
Kitchen Wizards - K- 5th Grade
Instructors: Kerri Druckmiller & Sondra Nelson
Calling all chefs! Explore cooking in fun and
interesting ways as we create recipes that you can
make again at home. Each participant will receive a
collection of recipes that we make during the class!
Cost: $110 (Max. 15 students)
Plus $15 Materials Fee
TUESDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Little Bits Workshop – 1st - 5th Grade
Instructors: Lynn Zurowski & Susan Charrette,
Little Bits Workshop
Designed to be age appropriate for 1st – 5th grade,
through the use of upcycled materials, our projects
inspire an inventive, problem-solving spirit in each
child as they create projects that they are proud to
bring home. Projects incorporate sewing, building,
painting, braiding, sculpting skills while upcycling
materials which can be found in the average
household recycle bin.
Cost: $155 + $10 material fee (Min. 6, Max. 20
WISE Spring 2014
WEDNESDAYS - 2:15 - 3:15 p.m. SOLD OUT
Kid’s Clay - K – 5th Grade
Instructor: Terra Incognito
Students will create clay Mosaic Totem Poles as a
group which will be installed in the school courtyard.
There will be several practices pieces for take
home keepsakes. Students will use a variety of clay
forming techniques including pinch, slab and coil to
create an assortment of fun projects. Their pieces
will be painted in colorful under glazes and glazed
in a clear glaze. NOTE: This class will take place at
Terra Incognito - 246 Chicago Ave. Students walk
to class with the instructor at the end of the school
day. Parents or guardians must pick up students at
the studio PROMPTLY at 3:15 pm.
Cost: $170 (Min. 8; Max. 16 students)
WEDNESDAYS - 2:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Floor Hockey/Dodgeball - 3rd – 5th Grade
Instructor: Legacy Sports
Floor Hockey/Dodgeball feature Floor Hockey
and several variations of dodge ball and
bombardment. Games will all be played in
an intramural format. NOTE: This class will take
Chicago Avenue. Students will walk to class with
the instructor at the end of the school day.
Please ensure your children are dressed
appropriately for the weather and that they have
dry (extra) sneakers for use in the Legacy Sports
facility. Parents should pick up their students
PROMPTLY at 4:15 pm
Cost: $170 (Min.10; Max. 20 students)
WEDNESDAYS - 2:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Junior BRAVO! – 3rd - 5th Grade
Instructor: Mara Dale & Meg Hickey
Calling all Drama Kings and Queens! That’s right
Boys AND Girls are encouraged to join the all-new
Junior BRAVO! Junior BRAVO! Will focus on the
fundamentals of musical theater through vocal
production, and how words, movement and music
work together to develop a musical theater
performer. Beginning actors embark on a journey
through the imagination, bringing classic stories to
life using the magic of theater! Students will learn
to use their full body, voice, and imaginations.
Students will create a performance piece to be
presented on the final day of class, showcasing
their brilliant talent! TWO HOUR CLASS
Cost: $140 includes Junior BRAVO! T-shirt.
(Max. 30 students)
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THURSDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Multi-Sport Madness - K – 2nd Grade
Instructor: Legacy Sports
One of Legacy Sports’ most popular programs
includes variations of traditional games like relay
races, tag, Dodgeball, soccer and our popular
Legacy games like Hand Hockey, Illinois Jones
and Battleship. You don’t want to miss out!
Cost: $125 (Min. 10; Max. 20 students)
THURSDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 pm
Junior Engineers: Design and Discover
K – 3rd Grade
Instructors: Caroline Baker & Natalie Campbell
Plan and carry out your own investigations to solve
a challenge! Students will be presented with an
engineering challenge and work through the
engineering process to plan, design, construct,
test, and evaluate a solution. We’ll use a variety of
building materials, many that you would have in
your own home. Students will often work together
in teams to ask questions, define problems, and
explain solutions. Our focus will be as much on the
process as the result. This exciting class is based
on the brand new Next Generation Science
Standards, which have an emphasis on the
integration of technology and engineering in
science education.
Cost: $110 (Min 6, Max. 15 students)
Plus $10 Materials Fee
THURSDAYS – 3:15 – 4:15 p.m.
Lego® Education: We Do Robotics
3rd – 5th Grade
Instructor: Sheel Trikha, TechnoSaurus
In this class, students will build LEGO models
unlike any they have seen before— robots with
sensors and motors linked to a laptop. Students
write small programs to make the robots perform,
developing skills in science, technology and
Cost: $140 (Min 8, Max 18 students)
THURSDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 pm
Shake it Up Dance -1st-5th Grade
Instructor: Taylor Dombrowski, TranscenDance
TranscenDance Studios in Oak Park presents this
beginning-level jazz/hip hop program that
will Shake It Up at Whittier! This class will be a
fun mix of jazz warm-up and technique, hip hop
moves and freestyle, all to today's most popular
music hits. By the end of the session, students will
learn a hip hop dance to Shake It Up! Dancers
should wear comfortable clothing they can move
in and gym shoes. Family and friends are invited
for the last 15 minutes of class the final day of the
session for an informal performance.
Cost: $130 (Min. 6, Max 16)
THURSDAYS - 3:15 - 4:15 pm
Girls Power Chess - 2nd – 5th Grade
Instructors: Wyatt Patterson CANCELLED
Calling all girls in grades 2nd through 5th grade. Do
you play chess? Would like to learn? Come
participate in the challenging and rewarding game
of strategy Moms, grandmothers, sisters and aunts
who play chess are welcome to come and mentor
new players.
Cost: $110 (Min 6, Max. 15 students)
Plus $10 Materials Fee
WISE Spring 2014
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CAROLINE BAKER (Junior Engineers: Design and
Mrs. Baker has taught kindergarten and first grade at
Whittier for six years. She also taught first grade at
Irving school before joining Whittier. Mrs. Baker has
lived in Oak Park for 17 years and has three children.
She is looking forward to offering more hands on
learning at Whittier with this new class offering.
Katie Bender is a violinist, pianist, and singer who is
also a Board Certified Music Therapist working with
Oak Park Music Therapy. She comes with a
Bachelor of Arts degree from Eastern Michigan
University, and extensive experience working with
children in the hospital setting and in private music
instruction. Ms. Bender is excited to join our Ukes!
class to share her love of music with our kids.
Engineers: Design and Discover)
Mrs. Campbell is a K-1 teacher and former Whittier
student. Her time at Whittier as a student was
wonderful and she is very grateful for the opportunity to
teach in such a fantastic school! Mrs. Campbell has
two young boys of her own that love to explore and
build. She is very excited to help inspire Whittier
students to investigate and solve engineering
challenges that could change the world some day!
CHESS SCHOLARS (Chess Scholars)
The Chess Scholars organization specializes in
providing professional chess instruction to children.
Using the very best instructors, the Chess Scholars
team has instilled the love of chess into thousands of
children over the past 11 years.
CHAUNCEY JONES (Ball Like Me Basketball
Chauncey Jones is the father of Whittier student,
Kennedy Jones and is the owner of Ball Like Me
Sports Management. Their mission is to teach the
proper fundamentals and concepts to children and
young adults throughout the Illinois area. They
prepare them to compete at a particular sport at a
young age to include Basketball, Football and Track.
They welcome all skill levels from beginners to Elite
athletes. Mr. Jones has been playing organized
basketball since he was 8 years old. The first team
he played for was the blue team in the Oak Park
YMCA Youth League. He went onto becoming the
starting point guard for his elementary; high school
and college teams. Mr. Jones went on to play
basketball overseas and throughout the United
States competing in semi-pro leagues!
Junior BRAVO is the precursor to the BRAVO!
Theater and arts program at Brooks Middle School.
Junior BRAVO! offers the same exciting musical
theater opportunities at a slower pace to encourage
and promote music, dance, acting, theater and arts
in our students lives!
(Floor Hockey/Dodgeball and Multi-Sport Madness)
Dan is the owner of Legacy Sports Camp. Dan
coached boys and girls Jr. High basketball for 4
years at St. Giles, and has run basketball camps
and programs for over 10 years.
Whittier's own Kerri Druckmiller, M.S., is currently a
K-2 multi-age teacher and former Whittier parent.
Past recipient of the Illinois Golden Apple award for
excellence in teaching, she looks forward to cooking
up a storm!
JASON LUKEHART (Wildcat Runners)
Mr. Lukehart is a 4/5th grade teacher at Whittier. He
has been an athlete his entire life; during college he
fell into running as an outlet for his energies. He has
run many 5Ks, 10Ks, and half-marathons. Mr.
Lukehart would love to share his passion for running
and help motivate enthusiastic Wildcats of all
abilities. You don't have to break any records to
enjoy running (but maybe you will!).
GIGI HUDSON (Actor’s Garden)
Gigi Hudson has been teaching theatre for 20 years
and running summer theatre camps for more than 10
years. Gigi’s theatre school and summer camp are
well regarded and well known in the community.
Camps and programs running under Gigi’s leadership
have been consistently successful and at capacity for
nearly a decade.
Lynn Zurowski & Susan Charrette, Little Bits
Workshop (Little Bits Workshop)
Lynn has a Fine Arts Bachelors Degree in Graphic
Design from University of Illinois. She enjoys helping
the students grow in their art, craft and design skills.
Susan found a beautiful balance to her former
career in economics by becoming a master knitter
and by dabbling in all things crafty from sewing to
collage and everything in between.
WISE Spring 2014
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WYATT PATTERSON (Rookie Chess & Girls
Power Chess)
Wyatt Patterson is a 32-year veteran teacher. Mr.
Patterson has taught at Whittier since 1986. In 1999,
Mr. Patterson founded the Whittier Chess Club.
Victoria Storm is a Whittier parent to two musical kids
and is a Board Certified Music Therapist in private
practice. She comes with a Masters Degree in Music
and is excited to bring this love of music to the
younger children in our community. She also teaches
beginning guitar, voice, and piano at her studio
nearby, leads music therapy sessions, teaches
preschool music classes, and performs regularly in
at www.OakParkMusicTherapy.com to learn more
about harnessing the power of music.
Kim Vulinovic is the director and teacher of the
YogaKids classes at Oak Park Yoga. She has
studied a variety of yoga styles for over 20 years.
She is a Certified YogaKids Teacher (CYKT) and a
200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT). Kim has
found that children are very open to the
transformative power of yoga.
Terra Incognito Studios and Gallery is a nationally
recognized educational center focusing on the
Ceramic Arts. They host classes and workshops for
adults and children in a variety of ceramic methods.
Over the past twelve years, Terra Incognito has
conducted successful after-school clay programs for
many area schools. They also run a very well
respected and extensive Summer Camp program for
kids 5-16 years of age.
STUDIOS (Shake it Up Dance)
TranscenDance Studios offers dance classes for
ages three and up in tap, hip hop, jazz, lyrical,
ballet, pointe, contemporary jazz, break dance,
Irish dance, leaps and turns, tumbling, and
flexibility. Class levels range from beginning to
professional. TDS also houses five youth
TransFuzion, Jazz TransAxion, Acro Team, and
the TDS Minis for dancers ages 6-18. Each
ensemble operates with multiple tiers to
accommodate driven dancers from intermediate
through advanced/professional levels. Cait Jones
is the founding director of TranscenDance Studios
and its resident youth ensembles. For more
information, visit www.TranscenDanceStudios.com
SHEEL TRIKHA, TechnoSaurus
(Lego® Education: We Do Robotics)
Sheel has been doing technology driven
recreation programs for children since 2006. His
conviction is that technology is one of the key
ingredients to success in education, a significant
tool of building innovation and creativity in the
children and means to momentum in life.
Children adept in the use of computer and
associated technology would have a great
advantage in progressing with their education–
irrespective of the stream they choose to pursue.
The best way to provide technical orientation to
children and enhance their comfort level is
technology. Thus he embarked upon working with
the children doing Lego and other tech based
programs and has never looked back since. After
post graduate studies, Sheel went on to do MBA,
and prior to setting out to work with children was
teaching Business Grad students. He is currently
the Director of TechnoSaurus.
SONDRA NELSON (Kitchen Wizards)
Sondra Nelson, M.A., is a Whittier parent, a Whittier
multi-age teacher AND a veteran WISE instructor. She
is excited, once again, to share her enthusiasm for
cooking with a great group of kids.
WISE Spring 2014
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Use this form to register your child for WISE after-school OR register online with PayPal. Registration begins
February 20th and ends February 28th. There are two ways to register:
Place this registration form and your check (payable to Whittier PTO) in an envelope and deliver it to the
Whittier office.
Go to whittierpto.org to register and pay via PayPal. Online registration is a TWO-STEP process. Please
scroll all the way to the bottom of the online registration form to click SUBMIT before completing the
PayPal payment. You should receive the message “Your response is recorded” if step one of the
registration is completed successfully. Total cost will include a convenience fee.
A few reminders:
The Spring WISE classes begin Monday, March 10th and runs through Thursday, May 22nd.
Registration will not be accepted without payment, unless you are requesting a need-based scholarship.
Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. No registrations will be accepted after the session has
You will receive registration confirmation by email the week prior to the start date.
If you have any questions about WISE, please contact the WISE Team at wisewhittier@gmail.com.
Student Name
Parent or Guardian Name
Home Phone
Cell/Work Phone
Other phone
Emergency Contact (during the hours right after school)
Emergency Contact Number
Medical or other information the instructor should know about your child_
My child may walk home after WISE
Please read this form carefully and be aware that in signing up and participating in this program(s), you will be waiving
and releasing all claims for injuries you might sustain arising out of this program. As a participant in the program(s), I
recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and I agree to assume the full risk of injuries,
damages or loss which I may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities with or associated with such
program(s). I agree to waive and relinquish all claims I may have as a result of participating in the program(s) against
District 97 and its officers, agents, servants, and employees. I do hereby release and discharge the District 97 and its
officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims from injuries, damage or loss which I may have or
which may accrue to me on account of my participation in the program(s). I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless
and defend District 97 and its officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries,
damages and losses sustained by me and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of
the program(s). I have read and fully understand the above Program Details and Waiver Release of all Claims. Waivers
MUST be signed by participant(s)’ legal guardian.
Parent or Guardian Signature
Signature required
WISE Spring 2014
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Student Name:
Actor’s Garden (K – 5th)
MONDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks)
Rookie Chess (Novice Chess Player)
MONDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks) $110 + $10 Materials
Chicago Edge Soccer (K-3rd)
MONDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks)
Ukes! (1 – 3 )
MONDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks)
Wildcat Runners* (4th – 5th)
MONDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks)
Chess Scholars (Prior Chess Exper)
TUESDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks)
Ball Like Me Basketball Clinic (1st-5th) TUESDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks)
Kitchen Wizards (K - 5th)
TUESDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks) $110 + $15 Materials
YogaKids (K – 5th)
TUESDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks)
Little Bits Workshop (1st – 5th)
TUESDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks) $155 + $10 Materials
Junior BRAVO!* (3rd- 5th)
WEDNESDAYS 2:15-4:15 (10 weeks)
Kid’s Clay ** (K– 5th)
WEDNESDAYS 2:15-3:15 (10 weeks)
Floor Hockey/Dodgeball ** (3rd -5th)
WEDNESDAYS 2:15-4:15 (10 weeks)
Multi-Sport Madness (K -2nd)
THURSDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks)
Girls Power Chess (2nd – 5th)
THURSDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks) $110 + $10 Materials $CANCELLED
Junior Engineers: Design & Discover (K–3rd) THURSDAYS 3:15-4:15 $110 + $10 Materials
Shake it Up Dance (1st –5th)
Lego® Robotics (3rd–5th)
THURSDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks)
THURSDAYS 3:15-4:15 (10 weeks)
Total Amount Due (please make checks payable to Whittier PTO)
Donation (to support W ISE scholarships and program development)
Total Enclosed
Need-based Scholarship requested: Yes
Scholarships are determined confidentially by W hittier administration. Maximum one course/child/session.
Material fees are still due for scholarship receipts for applicable classes. Mark 1 , 2 & 3 Choice of classes.
** Meets offsite. See class description for details. Pick up is offsite.
*T-shirt included in tuition for Junior BRAVO and Wildcat Runners. Please indicate student’s size:
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