Vehicle Certification Agency Business Plan 2014-15


Vehicle Certification Agency Business Plan 2014-15
Vehicle Certification Agency
Business Plan 2014-15
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Foreword ..................................................................................................................... 4
Executive summary ..................................................................................................... 5
1. Who we are and what we do ................................................................................... 6
Our vision and key purpose ..................................................................................... 6
The purpose of this Business Plan .......................................................................... 7
2. How the agency is changing ................................................................................... 9
New Commercial Models project ............................................................................. 9
3. Plans for 2014-15 .................................................................................................. 10
VCA Key Performance Measures .......................................................................... 10
4. Civil Service Reform.............................................................................................. 12
5. Digital .................................................................................................................... 12
Digital service delivery ........................................................................................... 13
Digital communications.......................................................................................... 13
Digital Inside - tools for a civil servant ................................................................... 13
6. Sustainability ......................................................................................................... 15
General.................................................................................................................. 15
Waste minimisation and disposal .......................................................................... 15
Water consumption................................................................................................ 16
Life Cycle Assessment .......................................................................................... 16
Transparency commitments .................................................................................. 17
7. Supporting delivery of the plan .............................................................................. 18
Information Services .............................................................................................. 18
Financial management .......................................................................................... 18
Human Resources ................................................................................................. 19
Estates management............................................................................................. 20
Annexes .................................................................................................................... 22
A. Financial Summary ........................................................................................... 22
B. Volumetrics ....................................................................................................... 24
C. Glossary of Terms............................................................................................. 25
Welcome to the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) Business Plan for 2014-2015. This
sets out our goals and objectives for the year and builds on the successes of the Agency
over the recent past. VCA is part of the DfT Motoring Services Group of Agencies,
including DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency) and DVLA (Driver and Vehicle
Licensing Agency). All DfT Agencies are undergoing substantial reform, responding to
the Government policy, committing to deliver improved services to citizens and industry,
and reducing costs through efficiency improvements.
This new Financial Year will see a major change in the governance of the VCA, as the
DfT Ministers seek a private sector partner for a Joint Venture with the
Department in a New Commercial Model. A JV partner will be selected through open
competition, and will become the majority shareholder in the new company by the end of
this financial year.
VCA revenues have grown over the past few years, and we are forecasting further
growth in this next Financial Year, mainly driven by changes to the Whole Vehicle
Recast Framework, with new entrants from sectors such as commercial vehicle builders
and body converters, and growth in Southern Europe and South America. VCA recently
launched its latest overseas operation in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and has been very warmly
received by the local industry, and UK exporters. Growth in Southern Europe and
Turkey looks highly encouraging, and we anticipate another good year in the far east,
particularly China, Japan, and South East Asia.
VCA operations are underpinned by a strong commitment to Quality and Continuous
Improvement. Further progress is planned in the new Financial Year with investments in
our operating systems, and ICT infrastructure, delivering efficiency and resilience
improvements. We will continue to work with colleagues, clients and stakeholders to
ensure that changes to the VCA operating model are communicated in a timely
way.Once again, VCA does not plan to increase fees, holding them to 2006 levels, and
delivering further efficiency improvements.
We can look forward to a very exciting year ahead, committing to delivering a high value,
quality service to clients, and an engaged and motivated workforce
PVW Markwick, Chief Executive
14 March 2014
Executive summary
This Business Plan sets out the aims and ambitions for the forthcoming year for the
Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA).
VCA is one of 3 DfT Motoring Services Agencies, with DVSA and DVLA, all sponsored
by the Motoring Services Group. The Motoring Services Group has an ambitious reform
agenda, and DfT Ministers have agreed that VCA should seek a joint venture partner
and operate in future under a new commercial model. This will required a major
transition programme and utilising a significant proportion of senior management
leadership focus.
Additional reforms will be delivered with the Modernised Employment Contract unifying
terms and conditions for staff across the DfT, and by further development of the
Department’s group operating models for HR and Procurement, which will deliver
significant efficiency and delivery improvements.
VCA will continue to place customers and staff at the heart of its service, building on the
high levels of customer satisfaction, and staff engagement recorded over recent years.
A further year of increased operational activity and revenue is forecast, especially in
Southern Europe, South America, and in the UK, where the European Type Approval
regulations are being extended to include additional categories of vehicle. VCA is
working closely with Trade Bodies and the DfT to publicise these changes, to prepare
the industry for their introduction.
In addition to Europe, VCA operations are segmented into 3 groups internationally, the
Americas, Asia/Pacific, China/India. These 3 international operations are planned to
deliver a significant surplus.
The detailed plans and targets are laid out in this document.
1. Who we are and what we do
Our vision and key purpose
The Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) is an Executive Agency of the Department for
Transport (DfT), part of the Motoring Services Directorate, through which VCA receives
its corporate sponsorship.
We have successfully grown our Type Approval and Technical activities, nearly tripling
our revenues in this area over the past 10 years. While our growth rate in established
markets has slowed down recently, we are forecasting significant growth in both
Southern Europe, and South America, following investment in both regions. Sales in the
South American market is a target for growth for the UK Automotive Industry, and VCA
is positioning itself to support this, initially in Sao Paulo, Brazil, then spreading into the
neighbouring areas as business demands. This new Financial Year will still require
investment, as the fledgling business takes off, however we forecast a substantial return
within the next 3 years.
VCA takes its policy lead from DfT, through the International Vehicle Standards Division
(IVS), part of the Environment and International Directorate. Some environmental policy
lead comes from the Office for Low Emissions Vehicles (OLEV). The policy lead for the
Dangerous Goods activities is the Dangerous Goods Division (DGD) of the Roads and
Local Traffic section. VCA Chairs the DfT Vehicle Technology Forum, working with
policy leads, other DfT Agencies and the Chief Scientific Advisors’ Unit. This forum
shares knowledge, understanding and experience of emerging Vehicle Technologies, to
foster a common understanding and to improve efficiencies.
As the UK Type Approval Authority for new on and off-road vehicles, systems and
components, VCA is responsible for approving that these have been designed and
constructed to meet internationally agreed standards of safety, security and
environmental protection. VCA provides data to the public as well as other DfT
VCA is also the administrator and operator of the scheme for the approval of packaging
for the carriage of dangerous goods in the UK. Each mode of transport has its own set of
International Regulations, but all use packaging as defined in the United Nations (UN)
recommendations for the transport of dangerous goods. The requirements for approved
packaging are put into effect by separate Statutory Instruments.
VCA operates as the nominated enforcement body for a number of regulations on behalf
of the DfT, Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), . These include gaseous emissions of non-road mobile
machinery, end-of-life vehicles, the noise emissions from equipment designed for
outdoor use, the environmentally friendly disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE), and waste batteries and accumulators.
VCA provides a certification service to local authorities who wish to implement bus lane
and parking enforcement camera systems. This is being extended to include local
authorities in Wales, and the Highways Agency’s Thames Crossing at Dartford.
VCA’s undertaking of Management Systems Certification (MSC) is a synergistic and
complementary extension of its statutory Type Approval obligation. As a niche
Certification Body (CB) with unique credentials as an automotive specialist, expert in the
fields of vehicle engineering, manufacturing and the numerous support processes, VCA
certifies more complete vehicle manufacturers to the automotive specific quality
standard, ISO/TS 16949, than any other CB world-wide. In summary, VCA is the
foremost CB in terms of automotive expertise and relevant products including ISO/TS
16949, Automotive Environmental, Conformity of Production, Life Cycle Assessment,
and Health and Safety. This service makes VCA unique, as the only Type Approval
Authority, Technical Service, and MSC Certification Body. We plan to grow this
operation by at least 10% in the coming year, having successfully grown our operations
in the USA last year, and building on lessons learnt there.
VCA is developing tools and techniques in the area of Electronic Functional Safety,
utilising the emerging standard of ISO 26262. This is designed to improve the reliability
and resilience of electronic systems on board vehicles.
The VCA published database of CO2 emissions from passenger cars underpins the
graduated Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) and Company Car taxation schemes. The VCA
online car fuel data, CO2 and vehicle tax tools continue to be popular with consumers,
supporting the Government’s strategic drive towards the reduction in CO2 emissions.
The tools are available through Gov.UK and received in excess of 1.5 million visits over
the last year.
The purpose of this Business Plan
This Business Plan details our key performance measures, business activities, planned
programme of change, financial income, expenditure and investment for 2014-15.
Our Business Plan has been agreed by the Minister for Transport.
The VCA Annual Report and Accounts 2013-14, outlining our performance during that
period will be published in due course.
For more information about VCA, visit
2. How the agency is changing
New Commercial Models project
The Civil Service Reform Plan, published in June 2012, and the Open Public
Services White Paper, published in December 2011, set out the Government’s vision for
the future role of the civil service in the delivery of public services. The
Department for Transport (DfT) Business Plan 2012- 2015 includes a commitment to
‘transform delivery of the Motoring Services we provide by reducing costs, increasing the
customer focus, and increasing the diversity of delivery whilst maintaining quality and
customer satisfaction’.
As part of this process the DfT is reviewing the business model for the Vehicle
Certification Agency (VCA) and considers that an alternate model may deliver the
services we offer more effectively, and encourage growth for both VCA and the UK
Automotive Industry. DfT is now seeking a private sector partner to develop and take
forward a new commercial model.
The overall aim is to ensure the creation of a strong joint venture that provides
sustainable and high quality services to customers which meet the statutory standards.
A New Commercial Models Project has been assessing the options for the business
model for VCA, including public sector and commercial options. Ministers have agreed
that we seek t a Joint Venture with a private sector partner and during 2014 a
procurement process will select the best partner, aiming for the new business to be
operational early in 2015.
3. Plans for 2014-15
VCA Key Performance Measures
Take forward the Government Digital Strategy:
80% converted by 31st
March 2015
Digitisation of customer invoices and statements
and supplier and staff remittances
Take forward the Motoring Services Strategy:
By contract award
Successful development and delivery of a VCA
Transition Plan.
Deliver the agreed testing and enforcement
System and component approval certificates issued
within 9 working days of completion of technical
The full year revenue of MSC work increases from
previous year.
By 31 March 2015
10% increase
Audited test reports deemed to have no critical
defects, a critical defect being one that would
cause the approval to be likely to be rejected,
legitimately, by a receiving Approval Authority or
one that renders the approval invalid such that it
should be withdrawn.
New Type Approval clients that do not hold
ISO9001 or ISO/TS16949 management systems
certification to be subject to a Conformity of
Production assessment, in accordance with the
agreed risk-based approach, before approval issue.
Maintain or improve the satisfaction of our
Overseas operations contribute positively to VCA Positive margin after
allocation of overheads
financial margin.
Finance and Agency Finance: Deliver financial performance in
line with 2014/15 Business Plan.
Workforce: FTE Staff numbers as at 31 March
2015 will be no more than
£100k surplus
204 FTE
Workforce: Ensure average number of working
7.0 days per FTE
days lost to sickness absence does not exceed.
Protecting the environment: Cut carbon
emissions from agency buildings by 31 March 2015
compared to a 2009/10 baseline.
25% reduction
4. Civil Service Reform
The DfT is committed to putting citizens at the heart of service delivery, and all 3 of the
Motoring Services Agencies are delivering substantial change programmes to suit.
Details of the DVLA and DVSA programmes will be found in their Business Plans.
The Government policy is to seek efficiency and service delivery improvements and
there are a number of Civil Service reforms underway. In addition to the New
Commercial Models project addressed earlier, the Department is moving increasingly to
Group operating Models, bringing improved efficiency and reduced costs. These include
the Departmental Resourcing Group (DRG), supplying a DfT wide HR service, the
Government wide Procurement Framework, delivering cost savings from group wide
procurements and a Digital Strategy which seeks to develop the use of digital platforms,
and improving information and knowledge management across Government.
The Department has agreed and is implementing a Modernised Employment Contract,
which further harmonises terms, conditions, and pay across the DfT group, enabling
better opportunities for staff transferring between DfT organisations, and delivering cost
savings to the taxpayer.
5. Digital
VCA continues to support the Department’s Digital Strategy. VCA is employing digital
tools to support efficiency and delivery process improvement.
During 2014-15 we will deliver a number of projects under the following headings:
Digital service delivery
Migrate VCA corporate website content to GOV.UK – we will continue to work
with the Government Digital Service to migrate content. The full extent of this
activity will be dependent on the outcome of the New Commercial Models project
referred to earlier in this plan.
Digitisation of customer invoices and statements and supplier and staff
remittances, as outlined in the ‘Key Performance Measures’ section of this plan.
VCA’s Information System for Type Approval (VISTA) – deliver a scoping project
to understand how the system, which provides type approval legislation
information users, can be further developed to provide improved functionality and
deliver a broader range of information services to the automotive industry..
Dangerous Goods ‘Tanks’ Database – further develop the online certification tool
delivered in 2013-14 to provide additional functionality.
Digital communications
Tablets and Smart Phones - continue to trial the use of new products/technology
to further complement existing arrangements, leading to efficiencies for staff
working with customers wherever they may be.
Intranet – develop the existing Intranet to deliver greatly enhanced functionality,
leading to significant improvements in communications.
Digital Inside - tools for a civil servant
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) – building on the ‘Pilot’ phase to roll out
this product across the organisation. This will enhance the way the agency deals
with digital content and will lead to operational efficiencies, and significantly
reduce the amount of paper transactions and storage.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – continue to develop the system
implemented in 2013-14 to provide additional functionality providing efficiencies
around customer interactions, and the integration of information and services.
6. Sustainability
VCA is an Environmental Regulator, and therefore keenly aware of the need for
sustainability. There are increasing environmental, economic and social pressures and
the Agency is developing its business in a way that will enable it to succeed.
The Greening Government Commitments (GGC’s)targets are to be achieved over a
five-year period (starting from a 2009-2010 baseline) by 201415. In addition, we have
set our own internal targets to improve our performance. These targets are monitored
closely to help us identify where improvements are possible.
As well as ongoing improvements in energy efficiency, space utilisation and the
incorporation of new renewable energy technologies in our estate, we plan to further
consolidate and reduce the number of physical ICT servers by virtualising and increasing
the utilisation levels.
VCA will continue to contribute to the government’s sustainability strategy by:
collating and publishing information (colour coded environment labels) on the fuel
consumption and emissions of new cars;
testing new vehicles to ensure they meet the appropriate noise and emissions
enforcing requirements concerning the gaseous emissions of non road mobile
enforcing limits on the use of heavy metals in new vehicles;
enforcing the Waste Batteries and WEEE directives to reduce the environmental
impact of batteries, electrical and electronic equipment when they reach the end
of life;
developing knowledge of sustainable vehicle emission technology developments
and sharing this knowledge across the Department for Transport.
Waste minimisation and disposal
VCA will continue to review its consumption and consequent waste. The Agency
separates and monitors waste through several distinct streams. These include waste
items such as paper, toner cartridges, aluminium cans and other metals, glass, plastics,
food etc.
We currently recycle over 80% of our generated waste, around a quarter of this is paper
and we have made good use of the Government’s Surplus Furniture Scheme to source
good quality used office furniture rather than replacing with new. Whilst the Agency
recycles all paper through the Crown Commercial Service closed loop initiative, we will
be pursuing further reductions on the use of paper in our processes. This includes
reducing our printer asset holdings by 66% in the coming months and actively monitoring
and controlling print activity.
VCA sustainable development action plan
Carbon Emissions
Internal reporting
Reducing greenhouse gas Reduce office emissions by
emissions by 25% from the 25% relative to 2009/10
whole estate by March
baseline (tonnes CO2e)
Internal reporting
Reducing waste generated Reduce waste arising by 25% 9
by 25% by March 2015.
relative to 2009-10
levels (tonnes)
Internal reporting
Reducing water
consumption in line with
best practice benchmarks
by March 2015
Maintain water
< 6m3 per FTE
consumption to an average of
less than 6m3 per person per
year in our administrative
Water consumption
During 2014-15 we will maintain water consumption at an average of less than 6m3 per
person per year in our administrative estate (m3/FTE).
Life Cycle Assessment
The latest addition to the VCA environmental product portfolio, Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA) is a process that evaluates the environmental burdens associated with a product,
process or activity. This is done by identifying energy and materials used as well as
wastes and emissions released into the environment. LCA verification means that a
product or service has been produced following the ISO 14040, ISO 14044 and ISO
14062 norms.
Put simply, working closely with the vehicle manufacturer, VCA analyses the entire life
cycle of a vehicle (e.g. from raw materials, development, manufacture, use, to end of life
disposal) with regard to their environmental impacts.
Transparency commitments
As well as the Greening Government Commitments (GGCs), we will be continuing work
on our transparency commitments.
7. Supporting delivery of the plan
Information Services
VCA ICT services provide day to day ICT infrastructure support, Help Desk services,
and IT Security.
During 2014-15 we will:
continue to support the Government’s Digital by Default agenda.
ensure that we continue to comply with the requirements of HMG Security Policy
Framework V11.
provide Information Assurance to VCA and DfT Senior Information Risk Officers.
look for opportunities to reduce the cost of ICT services through use of centrally
let framework contracts.
further enhance our disaster recovery capability for business continuity.
Financial management
During 2014-15 we will:
continue to seek cost and efficiency savings to maintain fees at current levels by:
o managing and reviewing current contracts to generate sustainable savings
against operating expenditure.
o reviewing all areas of expenditure for more efficient and cost effective
ways of delivering the service.
o reviewing operational ways of working and implementing more efficient
processes where practical
monitor report and offer a robust challenge to the Agency financial plans ensuring
that all spending is done in an efficient manner and offers value for money.
continue to support the Government’s Digital by Default agenda by remitting all
customer invoices and statements and supplier and staff remittances by
electronic (i.e. paperless) means.
Human Resources
VCA Human Resources (HR) will continue to provide people processes aligned to wider
government HR strategy. Where appropriate, processes will be tailored and developed
to ensure they enable VCA to operate effectively and efficiently.
During 2014-15 we will:
support the new Civil Service wide competency framework in VCA
implement a programme of training to VCA staff to develop capability in four
priority areas: commercial, digital, technical, programme and project
management, and leadership.
review how staff performance is measured to ensure that performance issues are
identified and managed effectively and that high performance is recognised.
continue our successful Graduate Development programme, recruiting high
calibre Engineering graduates, and training them through the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers accredited Monitored Professional Development
Scheme (MPDS), supporting a fast track route to becoming Chartered Engineers
review the benefits of a structured apprenticeship programme, taking the learning
from our successful Graduate training and development programme.
develop appropriate structures to support significant changes associated with the
main change programmes.
Support our staff through the transition to the New Commercial Models, helping
them to maintain focus and engagement on current activities, while preparing for
a new and exciting future.
A new Senior Staff structure has been announced, with a VCA Group Board, consisting
of the Chief Executive, four new Executive posts of Chief Operations Office, Chief
Technical and Standards Office, Chief Commercial Officer and Chief
Finance and Resources Officer, supported by two recently recruited Non-Executive
Directors. This will coincide with the commencement of the new Financial Year.
The UK Automotive Engineering industry is currently extremely buoyant, benefitting from
increased sales of high margin and innovative vehicles to the emerging economies.
Therefore experienced automotive engineers are in high demand, with replacements
requiring significant training programmes to deliver VCA Product Certification services.
VCA values and utilises the potential and strengths of all staff in the Agency by treating
people as individuals, embracing variety, rejecting prejudice and accommodating
changes in working patterns. VCA believes that using a flexible people management
approach motivates staff and creates an environment that enables all members of the
Agency to be productive.
Staff views are sought through regular staff surveys, and it was pleasing that following
the recent Civil Service wide survey in Autumn 2013 the Agency recorded a Staff
Engagement score of 66%, maintaining our place in the Civil Service high performing
sector and with a 99% response rate.
During 2014-15 we will:
ensure all staff within the Agency receive equality and diversity and bullying and
harassment awareness training as part of their induction plus refresher courses
where appropriate.
ensure Agency policies and processes are subject to an equality analysis.
review our recruitment processes to see where we can be more proactive in
reaching more diverse sections of the population.
VCA Workforce Plan
End of year
Front line FTE
Back office FTE
March 2014
March 2015
March 2016
Estates management
VCA leases its headquarters building in Bristol, and land at the Motor Industry
Research Association site for the Midlands Centre and an office for the Dangerous
Goods activities in Leatherhead, adjacent to testing facilities. The overseas offices are
all leased. The lease on our Eastgate headquarters in Bristol expires in March 2015, and
in conjunction with expert colleagues in DfT, we are developing a plan for the Agency
A significant upgrade of our Midland Centre accommodation has been completed,
replacing an ageing prefabricated building and boiler system which was no longer fit for
purpose. Replacing the poorly insulated building with a modern and efficient office setup, plus training facility, will allow further expansion of the Midland Centre and will
reduce our carbon emissions and running costs (when compared to a building of similar
size), contributing positively to our Greening Government commitments. This is a major
statement about our future growth plans, developing the VCA Midlands Centre into a
Centre of Excellence for the industry.
During 2014-15 we will:
analyse the options for relocation from the Eastgate building, recognising that the
outcome of the review of VCA will have a bearing on any decisions.
maintain the effective use of our accommodation, where possible moving to best
practice standards.
Financial Summary
Forecast outturn
£ 000s
£ 000s
Total income
Payroll Staff Costs
Agents Fees/Direct Cost of Sales
Travel & Subsistence
ICT Charges
Consultancy & professional services
Postage & Printing
Other Costs
Income & Expenditure
S&C Test Fees, Whole Vehicle Test Fees, MSC
Activities for Government
Dangerous Goods and Other Income
Total expenditure
Net operating surplus
In addition to the above the Agency will incur incremental costs supporting the transition plan in respect of the
New Commercial Models project.
Forecast outturn
£ 000s
£ 000s
Statement of financial position
Forecast outturn
£ 000s
£ 000s
Property, plant and equipment
Intangible assets
Total non-current assets
Trade and other receivables
Cash and cash equivalents
Total current assets
Total assets
Current liabilities
Non-current liabilities
Assets less liabilities
Total assets less current liabilities
Taxpayers' equity
General fund
Revaluation reserve
Total taxpayers' equity
B. Volumetrics
Type Approval
Whole Vehicle Type Approval Certificates/Test
Reports issued
Systems & Components Type Approval
Certificates/Test Reports issued
Commission Notice Applications processed
Technical Support to the Automotive Industry
On average the VCA responds to 50 technical questions per month from internal and external
Through its VISTA information system the VCA supports industry in keeping up to date with
legislative requirements
Documents published in VISTA
Pages authored in VISTA
Under the WEEE and Batteries enforcement regulations, on behalf of BIS, the VCA carried out 500
'mystery shopper' inspections and 2700 enforcement inspections in 2013-14
Glossary of Terms
Department for Business Innovation and Skills
Certification Body
Customer Relationship Management
Department for the Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs
Department for Transport
Dangerous Goods Division
Departmental Resourcing Group
Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
Enterprise Content Management
Full Time Equivalent
Financial Year
Greening Government Commitment
Her Majesty's Government
Human Resources
Joint Venture
Life Cycle Assessment
Information and Communications Technology
International Standards Organisation
International Vehicle Standards
Modernising the Employment Contract
Management Systems Certification
Office for Low Emissions Vehicles
Systems and Components
United Kingdom
United Nations
Vehicle Certification Agency
Vehicle Excise Duty
VCA's Information System for Type Approval
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment