“We have a social media strategy.” 6 WHEN CAN YOU SAY,
“We have a social media strategy.” 6 WHEN CAN YOU SAY,
WHEN CAN YOU SAY, “ We have a social media strategy.” to determine whether your 6 questions social media strategy will make a difference. 2011 According to a 2011 survey by PwC, 43% of CEOs say they will “significantly change” their strategies in the next three years to respond to customers’ increased use of social media and mobile devices1. As you consider your company’s social media strategy, here are six quick tests to determine whether you really have a plan worth calling a Social Media Strategy. Your strategy should: Achieve measurable business outcomes Rest upon unique insights Specify where to engage Use your organization’s unique strengths Define internal changes required to achieve the strategy Belong to a team with conviction to act on the strategy 2 “14th Annual Global CEO Survey,” PwC, 2010 – 2011 1 Will your strategy achieve measurable business outcomes? If your social media goals include things like, “Get 100,000 fans on Facebook,” or “Establish our brand as a thought leader in our category,” then you do not have a social media strategy because those goals are not business outcomes. Instead, your strategy must quantify the business outcomes that you expect to achieve through investing in your strategy. Specifically, if your strategy is successful, how much more revenue will you earn, or how will your cost structure improve? Ultimately, how will the strategy impact your cash flows? If you are focused on increasing your followers, and you do not quantify the business outcomes that you expect from attracting more followers, then you risk overinvesting in activities to attract those followers. Further, you risk attracting followers that have very low probability of creating value for your business. Any effort to grow your fan base should be founded upon clear understanding of the value of a fan to your brand – not an average value across different brands. In fact, brands must use at least a basic estimate for the value of their fans when planning and designing social media investments – just like brands use Customer Lifetime Value when planning traditional marketing investments. Does your strategy rest on insights that only you own? Web APIs and open source software make it very easy for a small team of developers to quickly build an application that aggregates social media data from different sources then present it in beautiful, automated charts that make people feel like they have real knowledge. But much of this is noise, and all of it is widely available to rivals. True advantage derives from custom analyses and proprietary insights that simply do not arrive atop the tsunami of data flowing out of off-the-shelf monitoring software or quickly-coded applications. While social media monitoring has a very important role in modern business, no amount of staring at a monitoring dashboard will give you the information required to make the critical, strategic decisions that will set your company apart from the competition. This is one area where Conversation Mining can make a big difference. By mining online conversations for answers to your unique business questions, with metrics and data organized according to your internal customer segmentation and your products, you can quickly determine unique insights that inform true competitive advantage. While it is true that everyone can buy access to public online conversation data, companies can determine truly unique insights through better analytical methodologies, experienced human analysts, customized data filters, and, most important, inside knowledge of your business, your goals, your strengths and your weaknesses. 3 Does your strategy specify where to engage, and where not to engage? 80 percent of the variance in revenue growth across companies is explained by choices about where to compete, leaving only 20 percent explained by choices about how to compete 2. Unfortunately, most companies do the opposite. They assume the where is given, and they spend most of their time thinking about how to compete. In order to avoid that mistake, it can help to spend some time thinking about where to NOT compete. Where are there too many competitors already? Where would your investments only make you look more like everyone around you, rather than remarkable and more valuable? Where are your teammates investing without a clear plan for how that spending will produce ROI? Does the strategy utilize strengths that are unique to your organization? Too often, companies observe the social media tactics of competitors, attend a few conferences to hear about ‘best practices,’ then pursue a set of social media activities that essentially copy the investments of other companies. Such an approach is a one-way path to mediocrity and low ROI. Your social media strategy must clearly articulate the audiences you intend to reach, the actions you intend for them to take, and some explanation regarding why the strategy uniquely suits your audiences and your brand. Specifically, what unique assets will you use to support the strategy – assets that your competitors do not possess? Finally, consider how changes in your assets may affect your strategy over time, and consider actions that competitors might take which could make your advantage less valuable. KNOW YOUR STRENGTHS: Integrated Holiday Campaigns at Michaels When Michaels Stores wanted to increase their Facebook impressions and drive store traffic from Facebook through its strengths in print advertising, they created a holiday Facebook contest using the best of print, social and traditional online activation techniques to achieve their goals. All of Michaels’ sales occur in their retail stores, so any social media strategy needed to drive traffic and purchases in their stores. Historically, Michaels used newspaper inserts to communicate offers to customers, and customers looked forward to the inserts each week. > 4 The Granularity of Growth: How to Identify the Sources of Growth and Drive Enduring Company Performance, Patrick Viguerie, Sven Smit and Mehrdad Baghai (Wiley) 2008. 2 > Integrated Holiday Campaigns at Michaels / continued In order to further grow their Facebook fan base, increase engagement among Facebook fans, and, ultimately, drive in-store purchases, Michaels created a series of holiday contests that integrated their print, online and Facebook capabilities to significantly increase store purchases beyond the historical ability of newspaper inserts alone. Specifically, seven weekly challenges prompted crafters to create original works of art using “mystery items” that were revealed each week. Michaels, voted on weekly winners by “Liking” each submission. Newspaper inserts (FSIs) and the corporate web site directed customers to the Facebook tab hosting the contest. As a result of combining their existing strengths in print advertising, and a compelling offer based on the unique passions of their fans, Michaels significantly increased impressions on Facebook, total fans, and traffic to their stores. Contestants uploaded photos of their crafts on the Michaels Fan Page. Other customers, with input from Do you fully understand the internal process, organizational and technology changes that will be required to achieve the business outcomes specified in your strategy? From 2008 to 2009, most large organizations engaged in social media through people using free tools in their spare time. By the second half of 2010, most large organizations saw business unit leaders and functional leaders in marketing, PR, customer support and recruiting all investing in social media on their own – buying different monitoring tools, competing for ownership of various social platforms, and, in general, working toward different and disconnected goals. In 2011, most business unit and functional leaders realize that significant internal transformation is required to achieve business outcomes through social media. As one global automotive executive recently observed, “The [social media] world has simply uncovered the truth that we are no longer able to get away with operating in silos the way companies have traditionally worked – the world is no longer forgiving of that.” For example, it is simply not acceptable for customer support content to bury product announcements in Google or Bing. Instead, everyone producing content across the company must coordinate content design, development, optimization and publication if every team is to meet their individual business goals. Your social media strategy will only work to the extent that internal teams collectively agree on the changes required to achieve the goals of the strategy. Your strategy is not complete until you identify how you will change the business processes, organizations, technology and data required to achieve the strategy. Achieving business outcomes through social media requires an organization’s social capabilities to evolve from a communications function into a business function – from focusing on target publics and reputation, to focusing on target audiences and ROI. Getting there requires leaders from across the organization 5 to scale social capabilities and social intelligence into business processes, such as lead generation or customer service. One sign that you are moving in the right direction is that you find yourself collaborating with new teams and new functional areas. For example, Corporate Communications may need to work with Customer Service to optimize their collective impacts on organic search performance in order to achieve brand awareness and lead generation goals. FIGURE 2 BELOW SHOWS THE TYPICAL EVOLUTION OF SOCIAL CAPABILITIES IN LARGE ORGANIZATIONS Maturity of Social Capabilities in Large Organizations Business Enablement BUSINESS VALUE CREATED Sponsored Exploration Ad Hoc Experimentation 4 Enterprise Engagement 3 2 1 TIME SOCIAL MEDIA DECISION MAKER > End User or Individual Process Owner Business Unit or Functional Leaders Communications, Marketing Shared by Process Owners, Senior Execs, Marketing Execs, End Users Is there conviction to act on your strategy? Social media touch nearly every area of a company. While business strategies often emanate from the top, social media strategies often emanate from every direction, with strong internal competition for ownership of social platforms, capabilities and resources. As we enter 2011, discord and dysfunction are the unfortunate norm in large organizations wrestling to understand and use social media. Therefore, a strategy will only succeed to the extent that all involved teams share the set of beliefs that support the strategy. As difficult as it may sound, you can achieve that kind of cross-functional consensus. We suggest the following three steps: 1 Get the facts: Push through opinions and hypotheses about the current state of your organization, your performance versus your peers, and what should be done to reach your goals. Determine the performance metrics that can be used to assess the current state, then measure or estimate them. If organic search is important to your business, measure your inbound links versus competitors over time. Are you beating the competition? If not, why not? 6 You may know average sentiment scores for your brand in social media, but what are the specific sources of that sentiment – positive and negative? Are you benchmarking your sentiment against competitors and leaders across industries? Then, how is your use of social media helping or hurting you relative to your competitors? Dig into the data and figure it out. If you don’t know how, then hire someone who does. The ability to align multiple teams on a common understanding is likely to be well worth the price. 2 Establish consensus: With facts in hand, take decision makers on a journey of discovery. Help them to viscerally appreciate the mismatches that exist between the needs of the new strategy and the behaviors that brought them success in the past. Mock- ups, video clips, and virtual experiences can help, but many leaders just need to see the cold hard facts. The result of such an effort should be a support base of internal influencers who feel connected to the strategy and evangelize internally on your behalf. 3 Execute in priority order: When implementing any social media strategy, you must clearly define where you are moving from and where you expect to arrive. The complexity of changing a large organization requires that you clearly define the changes you must make within your company’s use of social media, your organization, and the capabilities that will achieve your business goals through social media. While most companies would like to do more in social media, they simply do not have the resources to execute at the level they would like. Prioritization is critical. If you gathered the facts effectively, and you understand how your strategy will drive ROI, then you should have the data you need to take a compelling business case to your leadership team and obtain the resources that you need. Finally, develop a detailed view of the changes required and ensure that processes and mechanisms are in place to hold people accountable for the measurable goals you set. Define a specific action plan, where everyone knows what they need to do. Work with internal stakeholders across the organization to ensure that each and every change has appropriate support and resources, including internal communications and planning expertise to ensure smooth transitions as your organization wrestles with the inevitable stresses you will encounter in implementing a true social media strategy. TWEET THIS WHITE PAPER 7 Converseon is an international social consultancy that helps global brands to define and execute social media strategies that achieve measurable business results. Our services include advanced listening and intelligence technologies, social media research, business integration consulting, and activation services. In 2009, Converseon won the SAMMY Award for Best Social Media Agency, and, in 2010, Forrester Research named Converseon a “leader” in “The Forrester WaveTM: Listening Platforms, Q3 2010”. Converseon is also a Twitter Firehose partner and provides the industry’s most robust social data coverage. Our Conversation MinerTM social intelligence solution combines the best of automated and human analysis to help global brands map, monitor, understand and engage across multiple languages, regions and organizational use cases to help create “listening organizations.” Headquartered in New York, the Converseon team extends to Austin, Detroit, San Francisco, London, Switzerland, Copenhagen, Australia and China (via partnership). Rob Key, CEO/Founder, is the former head of the Innovations Group at a division of Young & Rubicam and member of the WPP.com board. Rob founded Converseon in 2001 to provide new, innovative communication solutions designed to help companies meet their business objectives in a digital environment. Rob’s twenty years of experience spans public relations, reputation management, search marketing, affiliate marketing and online media and advertising. @robkey Chris Boudreaux leads the Business Integration practice at Converseon, where he helps leading brands achieve business goals through social media by transforming business processes, data integration and governance. Prior to Converseon, Chris created and led the Social Media Management offering at Accenture, where he also advised clients in digital marketing and online product development. His work has been featured by industry researchers and journalists, including Forrester and Gartner, and he founded SocialMediaGovernance.com, the foremost resource on governance in social media. Chris is co-author of The Social Media Management Handbook, and he has helped leading global corporations, including Bank of America, Boeing, eBay, IBM, Kodak, Kohler, Novo Nordisk and Microsoft. @cboudreaux cboudreaux@converseon.com For additional information, please contact Converseon at info@converseon.com Learn more about Converseon at: • www.converseon.com • www.twitter.com/converseon • blog.converseon.com 8 Copyright © 2011 Converseon All rights reserved. Converseon, its logo, and Conversation Miner are trademarks of Converseon. 05122011 / v4