PayPal User Guide Version 2 – April 2011


PayPal User Guide Version 2 – April 2011
PayPal User Guide
Version 2 – April 2011
PayPal User Guide
Table of Contents
Before you Start ..................................................................... 4
Why Accept PayPal via WorldPay?........................................... 4
Why Activate PayPal? ......................................................... 4
How does it work? ................................................................ 5
Payment Process ............................................................... 5
Handling PayPal payments..................................................... 7
Costs.................................................................................. 7
Exclusions ........................................................................... 7
Application and Set up ............................................................. 8
Applying and Set Up ............................................................. 8
PayPal Logos ....................................................................... 8
Managing Payments ................................................................ 9
Using the Merchant Interface ................................................. 9
Fraud checks ....................................................................... 9
AVS / CVC ........................................................................ 9
Fraud Screening Checks ................................................... 10
Seller Protection .............................................................. 10
Disputes ........................................................................... 10
Reporting .......................................................................... 11
Receiving PayPal Funds (Settlement) .................................... 11
Capture ............................................................................ 11
Statement Narrative ........................................................... 11
Shopper Contact Details ...................................................... 11
Billing and Delivery Address .............................................. 11
Email Address ................................................................. 12
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Refunds and Cancellations ................................................... 12
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PayPal User Guide
Before you Start
Why Accept PayPal via WorldPay?
WorldPay has integrated with PayPal giving merchants the ability to
accept PayPal payments through the WorldPay payment pages.
PayPal is now available for merchants receiving their funds
("settlement") in the following currencies:
British Pound (GBP)
United States Dollar (USD)
Euro (EUR)
A single administration and reporting system for WorldPay and
PayPal payments means you'll save time and effort by accessing
statements and reports including PayPal payments through the
WorldPay Merchant Interface.
Why Activate PayPal?
• Incremental sales lift - 14% average
Over 20 million registered users in the UK alone (over 175
million globally)
One in three UK online shoppers prefer to use PayPal
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How does it work?
Payment Process
The PayPal and WorldPay systems work together as follows:
1. The PayPal payment option will be available for your shoppers
to select on the WorldPay payment page alongside the other
card types you accept.
Screenshot: Payment Page with PayPal
2. When a shopper selects PayPal, they are diverted to the
PayPal login page to complete the transaction. Shoppers who
do not yet have an account are required to open one before
being able to complete the payment. This lengthens the
payment process time but is a one off process.
Screenshot: PayPal Shopper Login Screen
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3. After the payment has been made the shopper is returned to
the WorldPay payment page where the payment confirmation
screen is displayed. During the authorisation process the
shopper will see the merchant’s PayPal account name (having
the form of an email address) and his customer service email
address- and may use either of these to contact you.
Screenshot: WorldPay Payment Confirmation Screen
4. Your shopper receives a payment confirmation email from
both WorldPay and PayPal and the payment is assigned both
an WorldPay and a PayPal Transaction ID. In the PayPal
confirmation email your PayPal account name (an email
address) is displayed- please be aware that the shopper could
use this address to contact you so your PayPal account name
should be a valid email address (refer to Setting Up for more
information on specifying your PayPal account name).
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Handling PayPal payments
PayPal will settle to WorldPay, who will settle to your bank account.
PayPal settles ’r;net’, after having deducted the PayPal fee from the
transaction amount. Settlement to your WorldPay account will take
between 3 and 6 days after capture.
Settlement currencies- PayPal payments can be settled in USD,
GBP and EUR via WorldPay. Each currency requires a specific PayPal
account and a bank account in the country where the currency is
PayPal can be added to your Business Gateway package at no
additional cost.
WorldPay doesn't charge for processing PayPal transactions but
standard PayPal transaction fees apply. These vary depending on
the type of business- please refer to the charges information on
PayPal’s website for more information.
PayPal can’t be used to process Recurring Payment or MOTO
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Application and Set up
Applying and Set Up
PayPal is added automatically as a payment method when you
apply for the WorldPay service unless you opt-out using the checkbox provided. You can also apply at any time afterwards by
When you sign-up you will be asked to provide us with permission
to contact and share your details with PayPal so they do their part
of the setup. PayPal will contact you about setting up a new PayPal
account or configuring your existing account with them. Once their
part is complete, PayPal send us the necessary details and we
compete the setup on our system.
If you sign up at a later date we will send you an email to confirm
your application, to seek your authorisation for us to share your
data with PayPal and collect any information we need to set up your
PayPal account.
PayPal Logos
When you’re ready to start processing PayPal payments you’ll need
to display the PayPal logo on the body of your website. You can
download the PayPal logos from
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Managing Payments
Using the Merchant Interface
PayPal payments are reported along with your credit and debit card
payments on the Payments screen of the Merchant Admin Interface
and in relevant reports. For more information on managing all your
payments please refer to our Payments and Orders guide.
PayPal payments can also be managed logging in on PayPal’s site to
manage PayPal payments but it will usually be preferable to
manage all your payments (cards and other types) in one interface.
PayPal’s Transaction ID will be displayed with the payment in the
Merchant Interface along with the WorldPay Transaction ID.
Fraud checks
AVS and CVC checks are carried out differently from credit and
debit card payments, as follows:
1. CVC
When a PayPal payment is processed, PayPal return a result
indicating whether the PayPal account holder’s status is
’confirmed’ or ’unconfirmed. ‘Confirmed’ status means that
PayPal have carried out additional identity checks on the
shopper and ‘unconfirmed’ that they haven’t. The status
check is mapped to the CVC check with a 'confirmed' status
providing a CVC ‘match’ response and 'unconfirmed'
providing a ‘mismatch’ response.
2. AVS
PayPal provide an address check on the address used for
payment. If the address is a confirmed address at PayPal, (in
most cases this means the address matches the billing
address for their card) then PayPal return a confirmed
response and this is mapped to an AVS response of
’matched’. If PayPal return an unconfirmed response, this is
mapped to an AVS response of ’not matched’.
Both AVS and CVC results are displayed in the Merchant
Admin Interface.
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Fraud Screening Checks
Fraud Screening results are not available on PayPal transactions
because many of the details used to make a payment through
PayPal are not released to WorldPay, which means we don't have
enough data to make a valid risk score. However, PayPal carry out
their own risk checks on transactions- for more information refer to
PayPal’s website.
Seller Protection
PayPal transactions are covered by PayPal’s Seller Protection
provided you comply with the full Terms and Conditions listed on
the PayPal's website. This protect eligible merchants from claims,
Chargebacks and reversals. For more information refer to PayPal's
Filename: pp8000.htm
© WorldPay
As with credit and debit card payments, PayPal payments can be
disputed by customers.
PayPal have a dispute resolution process which differs slightly to
tahts used for credit and debit cards. Shoppers must file a dispute
within 45 days after the original payment date. PayPal's dispute
management process then aims to resolve shopper complaints
directly with the merchant before a Chargeback is raised. In this
situation you will be contacted directly by PayPal.
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PayPal payments are displayed alongside debit and credit card
transactions in reports such as the Get Statement report.
Receiving PayPal Funds (Settlement)
For all Business Gateway merchants PayPal transactions are paid to
you directly by PayPal (not WorldPay).
Successful PayPal payment results in an “AUTHORISED” WorldPay
payment status.
Once the payment has been “AUTHORISED” the payment can be
“captured” and “cancelled.”
As with credit and debit card transactions, once the payment
reaches the status “SETTLED” standard functions are applicable to
these transactions, such as refund.
PayPal guarantees settlement if they receive the Capture within 3
calendar days after authorisation- the Capture Delay Period in the
merchant profile must be set to a value between 0 (automatic) and
3 days.
Authorised transactions that have not been captured within this
time window will automatically be booked to ‘Expired’.
Statement Narrative
To change the statement narrative displayed to shoppers on their
card statements, please email paypal@
Shopper Contact Details
Billing and Delivery Address
If you supply the shopper's address by passing it to the WorldPay
payment page from your website, this address is submitted to
PayPal. The address can’t be changed by the shopper once they log
in to their PayPal account, and PayPal verifies this address to see if
it has been confirmed or not- refer to AVS checks for more
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If the shopper doesn’t supply an address, they can select or enter
an address once they have logged in to PayPal. Again, PayPal
checks whether the address is confirmed and the result of this
check is mapped across to the AVS result.
Email Address
If the shopper provides an email address on your website before
making the PayPal payment, this is used as the contact address for
the shopper. If they don’t provide an email address, their PayPal
account email address or another email address, should they enter
one once logged in to PayPal, will be used.
Refunds and Cancellations
Full or partial refunds can be carried out on PayPal payments for
up-to 60 days after the original payment date. Refunds attempted
after the 60 day period will not be successful- if you wish to refund
such a payment you should use an alternative method.
As with credit and debit card payments, refunds can only be carried
out if there are sufficient funds in your WorldPay account to cover
the refund amount. When a refund is carried out the funds are sent
back to PayPal who credit them to the shopper’s card/account.
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