WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Crystal Reyes, and employee of Ref)lty Title Solutions, L~LP 2314 Pel Prado Blvd S, Ste 2-3 Cape Coral, FL 33990 INSTR# 2016000139476, Pages 2 Doc Type AFF, Recorded 06/2912016 at 03·45 PM Linda Doggett, Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court ' Rec. Fee $18.50 Deputy Clerk BDURR #1 File. No.15-3047 SCRIVENER'S AFFIDAVIT The undersigned, Crystal Reyes , hereby state asfollows: 1. On November 16, 2015 I a Special warranty Peed ("Special warranty Deed") was executed wherein Fifth Third Bank, wa$ the Grantor(s), and LMSR Estate fund, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, were the Grantee(s). 2. The Special Warranty Deed was recorc:led .as Instrument No. 2015000251451, on 11/20/2015 in the office of the Lee County Recorder. 3. Tne Special Warranty Peed affects real property located in Lee County, Florida, and is more particularly described as follows: Lots 1 and 2, Block 879, CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, according to the map or p lat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 14. Page(s) 117 through 148, inclusive, of the Public Records of Lee County, Florida; LESS AND EXCEPT that portion as described in Stipulated Order of Taking and Final Judgment recorded January 10, 2008, in Clerk s File No. 2008 009200, of the Public Records of Lee County, Florida; Parcel 2: Lots 3 and 4, Block 879, CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page(s) 117 through 148, inclusive, of the Public Records of Lee County, Florida; Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 879, CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page(s) 117 through 148, inclusive, of the Public Records of Lee County, Florida; Lots 90 and 91, Block 910, CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page(s) 117 through 148 inclusive of the Public Records of Lee County, Florida; Lots 92, 93 and 94, Block 910, CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page(s) 117 through 148, inclusive, of the Public Records of Lee County, Florida; LESS AND EXCEPT that portion as described in Stipulated Order of Taking and Final Judgment recorded January 10, 2008, in Clerk s File No. 2008 009200, of the Public Records of Lee County, Florida; Lot 95, Block 910, CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page(s) 117 through 148, inclusive, of the Public Records of Lee County, Florida; LESS AND EXCEPT that portion as described in Stipulated Order of Taking and Final Judgment recorded January 10, 2008, in Clerk s File No. 2008 009200, of the Public Records of Lee County, Florida. Lee County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Post Office Box 3455 North Fort Myers, FL 33918-3455 (239) 995-2121 • Fax (239) 995-7904 April 6, 2016 Ms. Lynda Miller, AICP Avalon Engineering, Inc. Suite 200 2503 Del Prado Blvd South Cape Coral, Florida 33904 Re: Partial Vacation of Original Platted Easement; 2807 Santa Barbara Blvd., Cape Coral, FL Strap# 364423C1009100950; Cape Coral Unit 26, Plat Book 14, Page 117 through 148, inclusive. Dear Ms. Miller: You have opened up discussions with LCEC concerning a vacation of platted utility easements as created upon the face of the plat of Cape Coral Unit 26 as recorded in Plat Book 14, Pages 117 through 148, inclusive, as recorded amongst the Public records of Lee County, Florida. A review of your current legal description, deed, and various related documents external and internal to the LCEC has been performed. As such LCEC acknowledges it does not have any facilities in the subject area to be vacated, and therefore, LCEC does not object to the partial vacation to the rear of the subject parcels PU Es that abut Mast Canal. LCEC is also in agreement with the petitioner, that an utility easement will be replaced at the rear of the new property line once the filling of the canal is complete in order for there to be a continuous perimeter easement. Should there be any questions please call me, or if you prefer, my email is Best regards, Russel Goodman I SR/WA Digitally signed by Russel Goodman, SR/WA DN:cn=RusseJGoodman,sRJWA.o=Lee County Electric Co-operative, ou=Design and Engineering, c=US Date: 2016.04.06 10:41 :03 -04'00' Russ Goodman, SR/VVA Senior Right of Way Agent ~,,~ ~,~~ C L. k entury 1n • Your link to what's next"' March 22, 2016 AVALON ENGINEERING, INC. Linda Miller, AICP Senior Planner 2503 Del Prado Boulevard South, Suite 200 Cape Coral, FL 33904 Phone: (239) 573-2077 Fax: ( 239)573-2076 SUBJECT: VACATION OF PLAT APPLICATION RE: 2807 SANTA BARBARA BOULEVARD STRAP NUMBER 36-44-23-Cl-00910.0950 UNIT 26, BLOCKS 879 AND 910 CAPE CORAL, FL 33904 Dear Linda Miller, A Centurylink Engineer has reviewed documents for the above referenced information. Based on review and a field visit per the information noted above, Centurylink has no known facilities in the existing 6' wide rear PUE along the property referenced adjacent to the area of the canal that will be filled. Centurylink has No Objection to the requested vacation. For any questions or additional information, please contact Centurylink Engineer Willis Gilson @ OFFICE PH: 239.984.7001 or Email: or FAX: 1-239-959-3111 Sincerely, 9EG-~/Willis Gilson Centurylink ENG II Cape Coral, FL @omcast 12600 Westlinks Drive Suite 4 Fort Myers Fl. 33913 Phone: 239--432-1805 March 7, 2016 Avalon Engineering, Inc. Linda Miller 2503 Del Prado Blvd. South Suite 200 Cape Coral, Florida 33904 Re: 2807 Santa Barbara Blvd. (Strap Number 36-44-23-Cl-00910.0950) Cape Coral, Fl. (Unit 26, Blocks 879 and 910) Dear Linda Miller, This letter will serve to inform you that Comcast has no objection to your proposed vacation of the address referenced above. Should you require additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact me here at 432-1805. Cordially, Mark Cook Project Coordinator Exhibit C.2.2 15-121 CANAL FILL PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEY (Santa Barbara Boulevard and Kamal Parkway) STRAP# 36-44-23-C1-00910.0950 Cape Coral, Florida FEBRUARY 2016 Prepared by: W. Dexter Bender & Associates, Inc. 4470 Camino Real Way, Suite 101 Fort Myers, FL 33966 (239) 334-3680 INTRODUCTION This 1.64 acre property is located south of Kamal Parkway and east of Santa Barbara Boulevard within a portion of Section 36, Township 44 South, Range 23 East, in Cape Coral, Florida. The subject property is bordered to the north, south, and east by residential properties and the east end of the Mast canal abuts the east side of the property. SITE CONDITIONS The site consists of vacant filled land which is regularly mowed. The eastern side of the parcel, in the areas adjacent to the canal are covered by a dense canopy of exotic vegetation with a mangrove fringe around the inside perimeter of the canal on the slope of the canal banks. VEGETATION CLASSIFICATIONS The predominant vegetation associations were determined during a February 5, 2016 site inspection. Three vegetation associations were identified using the Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCCS). A brief description of each vegetation association is provided below: FLUCCS Code 450. Mixed Exotic Upland Forest (0.24 acre) Vegetation within this area consists of a dense canopy of exotic vegetation including Brazilian pepper (Schinus terbinthifolius), Java plum (Syzygium cumim), and ear leaf acacia (Acacia auriculiformis). FLUCCS Code 612. Mangrove Swamps C0.02 acre) A fringe of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) exists along the slopes of the canal banks on the property. FLUCCS Code 740. Disturbed Land (1.38 acres) Most of the site consists of open disturbed land covered in various upland sedges and grasses. SURVEY METHOD A series of north/south and east/west transects were completed across the entire parcel per Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission {FWC) guidelines. Transects were spaced approximately 25 feet apart. Evidence of protected species was gathered through both direct observation and observation of signs such as tracks, nests, and scat. If sign was found or sighting occurred, an aerial photograph was marked depicting the approximate location (Figure 1). The results of the survey are provided in Table 1 and are based on the site inspection conducted by Parke Lewis between 9:00 and 11 :00 a.m., February 4, 2016. 1 SECTION 38 roltl'Bf: 44 RANCE- 23E s ~ 0 20 40 --== SCALE FEET FLUCCS ~ 511 612 740 Notes: 1. Properly boundary providtld by Avo/Oll F:ngint>erlng. Inc. 2. Mopping bo>1d on photointerpr6totion of :ii015 a"'*>I photography and ground trulhing in Fdxuory 2016. J. Delif'leati(JI) of jJrisdidiMol wit/ands is prfHiminary ond subjttc t to fi«d NWi•w/approvol by opplicoble '"9Jlatory ogMci6s. Figlre l Protected Species Assessment Map Description Mixed Exotic Upland Forest Canal Mangrove Swamps Disturbed Land Total PERMIT USE ONLY. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 15-121 Canal Fill Project W & Acreage 0.24 ac. 0.02 ac. 1.38 ac. 1.64 ac. 02. 20115 9: 21: 48 o.m. l>romiftO; AVAL2if\.AH.0WC lllOn:h DEXTER BENDER ASSOCIATES, INC. li.'NWRONJfCHTAI. J: JIAR/NC COHSUl.T/HC !'ORT JfYCRS 23!1-3.!U-3680 Table 1. Listed Species That Could Potentially Occur On-site F~CS ·. . ee.-nt , ... ··or •-'· . S~f;Vey CODE . ~J!aa/: 1(11 450 80 None 612 80 Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea) Roseate Spoonbill (Ajaia ajaja) Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) Florida Black Bear ( Ursus americanus floridanus) None 740 * ············.··''"""· \ ,, , ',, >I) /, :, :,'.»:'~~'.~,t~','.:> 80 '~"'. , "' ~t".~ 1:, ".,':-: ',"':\,>-:;~:::~}?::,::,, 1~ . . .I ·' v "" "" " Lee County Protected Species Ordinance No. 89-34 does not list this species for this FLUCCS Code but it was observed on-site. SURVEY RESULTS No species listed by either the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or FWC were observed on site during the protected species survey. There were no unique features found on-site. Y:IAVAL-29\PSA.Docx 3 ----------···-···-···--·······----~·--·--··--········ 0 ~~·~ 8 ~E ~NTYMAP LI W/AERAL I . - h W. { -.. P.E. Fl, L.ICDIS(I JIJ615 Planning Division Case Report Review Date: July 22, 2016 Applicant/ Property Owner: LMSR Estate Trust, LLC Owner Address: VP 16-0003 2298 SE 28th Street Cape Coral, FL 33904 Authorized Representative Avalon Engineering, Inc. Request: The applicant is requesting to vacate the following: (1) About 7,914 sq. ft. of public right-of-way (ROW) associated with the Mast Canal, along with all underlying easements as depicted and described in Exhibit "A." (2) About 1,550 sq. ft. of six-foot wide platted easements associated with Block 879, Lots 1, 2, 5, and 6, and Block 910, Lots 90, 91, 94, and 95 as depicted and described in Exhibit "B." (3) About 1,368 sq. ft. six-foot wide platted easements associated with Block 879, Lot 1, and Block 910, Lot 95 as depicted and described in Exhibit "C." Location of Applicant's Property 2807 Santa Barbara Boulevard Cape Coral, FL 33914 Cape Coral Subdivision, Unit 26, Block 879, Lots 1-7 less ROW described in Instrument# 2008000009200, and Block 910, Lots 90-95 Strap number: 36-44-23-Cl-00910.0950 Prepared By: Mike Struve, AICP, LEED Green Associate, Planning Team Coordinator Approved By: Amy Yearsley, AICP, Acting Planning Manager Recommendation: Approval with conditions Urban Service Infill Site Visit: May 13, 2016 Property Description: The applicant, LMSR Estate Trust, LLC, owns a 1.65-acre parcel that is undeveloped and is located at 2807 Santa Barbara Boulevard. This property has frontage on three streets: Santa Barbara Boulevard (a major July 22, 2016 VP 16-0003 Page 2 arterial), Kamal Parkway (a collector), and SE 281h Terrace (a local street). The depth of this property as measured from the Santa Barbara Boulevard ROW ranges from about 110 feet to 255 feet. This property is located at the western end of Blocks 879 and 910, and is "C" shaped with the Mast Canal "penetrating" in mid-section of this parcel. The Mast Canal is a saltwater canal with a platted width of 100 feet. The subject property has a Commercial/Professional Future Land Use Classification and has Pedestrian Commercial (C-1) Zoning. Other properties in Blocks 870 and 910 located to the east of the subject property have a Single Family Future Land Use Classification and Single Family Residential (R-lB) Zoning, with the majority of these properties developed with single-family homes. Elsewhere, adjacent properties have either a Commercial/Professional Future Land Use Classification with C-1 Zoning (parcels located to the north and west) or a Commercial Activity Center Future Land Use Classification and MarketplaceResidential Zoning (parcels located to the south). An environmental survey prepared by W. Dexter Bender and Associates, Inc. reported three exotic tree species located on the upland areas of the subject property: Brazilian pepper (Schirus terebinthifolius), earleaf acacia (Acacia auriculiformis), and Java plum (Syzgium cumini). Brazilian pepper and earleaf acacia trees are required by the City's LUDRs to be removed from development sites. Several red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) were reported along the slopes of the canal banks. Because mangroves provide important ecosystem benefits including reducing erosion and providing habitat for a wide variety of brackish water species, these trees are afforded special protection in Florida . The applicant's Letter of Intent states these vacations are sought to support the construction of a commercial center on this site that will contain retail and office space. However, the approval of a vacation request does not in itself bind a Developer to a particular development plan discussed or otherwise communicated previously with City staff. Analysis: Staff has analyzed these requests consistent with the provisions contained within the City's Land Use and Development Regulations (LUDR), Section 8.11, entitled " Vacation of plats, rights-of-way and other property." The applicant seeks to vacate about 7,914 sq. ft. of the Mast Canal along with all underlying easements. The vacation of the canal would enlarge the subject property by about 0.2 acres. In addition, this vacation would increase the depth of the property at its midpoint by about 80 feet, and would provide a parcel configuration that is less irregular than currently exists. The vacation of the western terminus of the subject canal would have the effect of "shifting" the end of the canal eastward by about 80 feet. Residential-zoned parcels that abut the subject parcel to the north and south of the Mast Canal are improved with single-family homes, both of which feature docks with the house located at 113 SE 281h Terrace also having a boat lift. Should the vacation be approved, the western end of these existing marine improvements would be between 20 and 55 feet from the western property lines of these two residential parcels. Based on recent aerials of the subject canal, it appears that over 50% of the surface area of the canal segment proposed to be vacated is occupied by canopy cover. The presence of these trees likely restrict boating activities at the w estern end of the canal. It appears unlikely that the vacation request would adversely affect either property owner's ability to access or utilize their July 22, 2016 VP 16-0003 Page 3 respective docks. The request to vacate the end of the Mast Canal has been discussed with City Utility personnel and Utility staff has no objection to this request. The applicant seeks to vacate about 1,550 sq . ft. of six-foot wide platted easements associated with Block 879, Lots 1, 2, 5, and 6, and Block 910, Lots 90, 91, 94, and 95 as depicted and described in Exhibit "B ." These easements are directly adjacent to the canal ROW that the applicant seeks to vacate. Lastly, the applicant seeks to vacate about 1,368 sq. ft. of six-foot wide platted drainage easements associated with Block 879, Lot 1, and Block 910, Lot 95 as depicted and described in Exhibit "C." These easements contain a 42-inch steel reinforced concrete pipe that conveys runoff collected along Santa Barbara Boulevard to the Mast Canal. Staff has no objection to these vacations provided the Developer relocates this drainage pipe at his expense . Letters from three utility providers (Centurylink, Comcast, and LCEC) have been received by the City indicating that these providers do not object to any of the vacation requests. In summary, this vacation would result in loss of 0.2 acres of the western end of the subject block with the owner adding this ROW area to his parcel. The vacation would also provide a more regular, or rectangular building site, and would increase the depth of this parcel at its midpoint. By increasing the area and depth of this parcel along with improving the configuration of this site, flexibility regarding the design of a future commercial project on this site is enhanced. The requested easement vacations will provide additional flexibility in developing this site by increasing the area of the site that can support the footprint of a new building. Approval of an Environmental Resource Permit from the South Florida Water Management District will likely be required before the western end of the Mast Canal can be filled. The developer will deed easements to the City sufficient for providing a continuous six-foot wide easement around the resultant parcel perimeter. This request is consistent with the following policies contained within the Conservation and Coast Management and Future Land Use Elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Conservation and Coastal Management Element Policy 1.2.2: The City will assure that activities that require state and/or federal wetland permits obtain such permits prior to the issuance of City permits. The City will notify state and/or federal agencies if activities in violation of state and/or federal regulations are known to have been conducted. Staff comment: City staff has verified with the South Florida Water Management District that the owner filed an application for an Environmental Resource Permit with the District for a project involving the subject property on March 31, 2016 (Application #160331-20). Policy 1.2.9: The City will adopt and maintain, consistent with the provisions of Section 163.3202 Florida Statutes, land development regulations to require that development and redevelopment of properties include the removal and ongoing control of invasive exotic pest plants. July 22, 2016 VP 16-0003 Page 4 Staff comment: The City's landscaping regulations (LUDR, Section 5.2.9) requires specific invasive exotic plants to be removed from development sites. This list of prohibited vegetation includes Brazilian pepper and earleaf acacia. Future Land Use Element Policy 5.5 : The City may consider the vacation of rights-of-way to facilitate land assembly and the development of a unified, contiguous commercial project . Staff comment: This vacation will add 0.2 acres to the subject property, will provide for a more regular shaped site, and will provide the property with greater depth . Recommendation: Based on the above analysis, staff recommends approval of the requested vacations with the following cond itions outlined below. Conditions of Approval 1. The vacation of the platted canal ROW and underlying easements associated with the western end of the Mast Canal shall be consistent with that shown in the sketch and accompanying legal description prepared by Stouten Cramer Professional Surveyors that is entitled "Vacation of a Portion of Mast Canal and the underlying easements", dated March 2, 2016 as depicted in Exhibit "A." 2. The vacation of six-foot wide public utility and drainage easements associated with Lots 1, 2, 5, and 6, Block 879, and Lots 90, 91, 94, and 95, Block 910 shall be consistent with that shown in the sketch and accompanying legal description prepared by Stouten Cramer Professional Surveyors that is entitled "Vacation of a 6' D.E./P.U.E.", dated March 2, 2016 as depicted in Exhibit " B." 3. The vacation of six-foot wide drainage easements associated w ith the northern property line of Lot 1, Block 879, and the southern property line of Lot 95, Block 910, shall be consistent with that shown in the sketch and accompanying legal description prepared by Stouten Cramer Professional Surveyors that is entitled "Vacation of a 12' Drainage Easement", dated March 21, 2016 as depicted in Exhibit "C." 4. Within 60 days from the date of adoption of this vacation, the owner shall provide to the City an easement deed for a six-foot wide easement totaling about 600 sq . ft . that is consistent with that shown in the sketch and accompanying legal description prepared by Stouten Cramer Professional Surveyors that is entitled 116' Drainage Easement/Public Utility Easement", dated March 2, 2016 as depicted and described in " Exhibit D." This deed shall be approved by the City's Property Broker prior to execution . 5. Prior to the City record ing the resolution approving this vacation with the Lee County Clerk of Court, the Developer shall provide a surety bond or certified check in an amount equal to 110 percent of the estimated cost to relocate existing dra inage facilities occupying easements Exhibit A Sketch 0 Highland Dr1Ye (P) Kamal Parkway (M) (100' Wide R/W) / ( ( µ_ I ut92 - ~10 u~Lit~ ~~~ :E c: ~ ~ [ Ri' OC -..; a g-iil - Blodc 910 I ~ ut 91 Blodcm POINT OF a:>MMENCEMENT Northeast amer d Lit 90, I ut90 Blodcm 111 ut89 Blodcm pI I utas Blodcm I -f I ut87 Blodcm A. Tract ofLand Lying in Sections 36, Township 44 South, /l.ange 23 East -r Blodc 910, CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 ut86 Blodcm UNETABLE I -i ~I ~1 1 1 ~ I ~ I~ I ~I CAPE CAPE I I Lit~ I I I: u~ tT- - - - - II ~ 1 and the underlying easements I Blcdc 910 CAPE I Vacation of a Portion of Mast Canal --=r --=i -~I I - 1 - f rl- __:,.____ Ii ~:0 rl- __;;_ 11 Sketch to Accompany Description I I Lit l Blcdc879 CAPE u~ CAPE CAPE CAPE CAPE ~ Mast canal (100' Wide canal) ~ 1~ SW'OIJ'IXJ"t 12S.OO' UI0.01 IQ)'59'UJ"\# LS N90'00'00'1 ~ l'1l.2ll' 100.01' 80JlO' CEll'llFIC!ATE OF AUffiOlllZATION: LB7922 .......-...,.,oam i l'lll'AKED~Avaloa~ Xlll#l'-4120 Sl!CTIC1N 36, TO'NNSlllP 44S, aANGl! 23B I DATE I UVJSJOl'I -lDt2-T -:-+------lDt5o:.....l_ l.Dt6.. ___,~L.oc _. 1~11.Dttt-l.Dt~lDt~O Blodc 879 Blodc 879 Blodc 879 Blodc 879 CAPE CORAL __ UNIT 26__ CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 CAPE CORAL UHIT 26 CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 ' - I I I Blodc 879 Blodc 879 Blodc 879 CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 CAPE CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 CXlRAl. UNIT 26 I bonby ~ diot, ID !1io best almy knoO"iodp ond be6o( Ibo Kdr:h ml dcoa:iplian ..,._,...i i.e.-. u.lo .,adcr my dnctioa"" - l , •H» ia-wi!ltwmimum ToclmQl Slllldlolo aeetbltlby1!ioFloDdo8-l~s.r...,...•"'-> inebopW5J-I7, Florida~Cado, ~IOSeodoll SUJlVllY NOTES: 1. BEARJNGS ARB BASED ON THI! EAST LIN!! OF LOT 90, BLOCI: 910, CAPll COit.AL UNIT 26 BEING SOO'OO"OO"I!. l. MEASUREMENTS SHOWN AIU! IN FEET AND DECIMALS TllElEOI'. 3. THlS 15 NOT A SUJlvn' 4. ADOITIONS TO Oil DELETIONS 01llEil 1llAN THI! SIONING SllaVllYOll AND MAP1'1!R ARB PROHIBITllD BY LAW WTillOUT 1HE EXPRESS WRm'l!N CONSENT OF THI! SIONING SURVl!YOll AND MAl'l'l!IL COPYXlGHT 2016,Il!l'Hl!Y D. STOUTEN. PSM.All.RIGHTS RESl!llVED. 5. l2 lJ l4 324 Nicbola ~Wat, Suire f , Capo Carll, FL 33991 ""'-: (239) 67l-9S4I PG! (239) 42U l81 t I I LfNG1}f SOO"OO'OO"t ST'*ER POINTOFBEGINNING Contains 7,914 Sq. R +/- BEARING u TIIIS IS NOT A SURVEY - l =-1_-A_-± Southeast amer d Lit 90, Blodc 910, CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 LINE NOT VAUD WITHOUT SHEET 2 OP l. m.m~ Sluet 1 o/2 IEl'AEV a; 11TQ(rn:l((l'Olt. TU l1lUC) FLOlllDA l'llDl'ElWoNAL SIJJ.VEYi. /I<. MAl'!'D. N0.6514 NOT VAL1D wmlOUT TSE SiGN>.llJltE AND TBB allGl!IAL llAlSl!D SEAL OF A PLCSlllA L1CENSEP SUllVEYOa AND MAPl'l!I. Exhibit A Description Subject Parcel Description: Parcel of land lying in Section 36, Township 44 South, Range 23 East, Lee County, Florida being more particularly descnl>ed as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Comer of Lot 90, Block 910 of CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, as platt.c:d in Plat Book 14 Pages 117 through 148, inclusive, thence run S 00°0000• E along the East line of said Lot 90 a distance ofl25.00 feet to the Southeast Comer of said Lot 90 and an intersection with the Northerly right~f-way line ofMast Canal (100' RJW) and the Point of Beginning: thence continue S 00°00'00" Ea distance of 100.00 feet to an intersection with the Southerly right~f-way line of said Mast Canal; thence run N 90°00'00" W along said Northerly line a distance of 78.28 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 879 of CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, as platted in Plat Book 14 Pages 117 through 148, inclusive, and the Westerly line of said Mast Canal; thence run N 00°59'10" W along said Westerly line a distance ofl00.01 feet to the Southeast comer of Lot 94, Block 910 of CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, as platted in Plat Book 14 Pages 117 through 148, inclusive, and the Northerly line of said Mast Canal; thence run N 90°00'00" E along said Northerly line a distance of 80.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said Parcel Contains 7,914 sq ft. (more or less) Bearings are based on the East line of Lot 90, Block 910, CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 being S00°00"00"E. Descnption to Accompany Sketch THIS IS NOT A SURVEY Vacation of a Portion of Mast Canal and the underlying easements A Tract ofLand Lying in Section 36, Township 44 South, Ranfi!e 23 East STOUT~MER Sheet2o/2 ~cvOPS Cl!llTIFICATB OP AUTHORIZATION: 1B7922 324 Nicbolu PaB:way Weot, Suile F, Olpe Conll. FL 33991 Pbooo: (239) 67}-9541 Fa: (239) 424-3181 Not Valid withOMt Sheet 1 of1 ExhibitB Sketch Sketch to Accompany Description Vacation ofa 6' D.EJP.U.E. Highland Drive (P) A Tract o/Land Lying in Sectios 36, Town.ship 44 South, Range 23 East Kamali>ari(way(M) (100' Wide R/W) 'r- Lat92 - ~10 ( ( ~- H- --=r --=i--=i-1 ,-=-t--=f - t-=- f II Lat 93 Blodc 910 I rL ~~L-Ii ~ __:L_ II Lat91 Blodc 910 I Lat90 Blodc 910 CAPE I ~g'~ :E c 6l' < m gi !!! ~ er ii a iiicu -.J ~ I II u~ -- 1 I -- Lat 1 I Lat88 Blodc 910 POINT OF ~HING i CAPE ~ - -UNIT 26- - Lat87 Blodc 910 CAPE I Lat86 Block 910 I CAPE ~-_±__-±-POINT OF CDMMENCEMENT Southeast mner cl Lat 90, Blodc 910, CAPE CDRAL UNIT 26 Mast canal .- c:; (100' Wide canal) Slll'59'Ul"E S!IO'OO'OO'E SllO'OO'OO"'E _..... r Blodc 879 ltOO'WlO'W IWl2' S90"0Q'Ol1"E 111.llT l9 SllO'OO'OO"'E 6.00' CAPE CDRAL UNIT 26 CAPE CDRAL OOT 26 ~ CER.TIFICATB OI' Aun!ORlZATION: LB7922 324 N'd>ola Pldwly Wat, Saiic F, Cape Cool. FL 33991 P1ioot. ('239) 673-9541 Fa:: ('239) 4U.181 ~ 1 PREPAil!D FOR: A - P.oPiocrilll SllC'llON )6, TOWNSHIP 44S. RANGE Il£ DATE L a t f- f L a t I T L a t f l O 879 Blodc 879 Blodc 879 CAPE CAPE CAPE CAPE CDRAL CDRAL CXlRAL CDRAL UNIT 26 I . 1 UNIT 26 . OOT 26 UNIT 26 SUJlVEY NOTI!S: I. BEAlllNGS AIU! BASED ON nm sourn LJNB OF LOT 90, BLOCll:. 910, CAPll CORAL UNIT 26 Bl!ING N90"00"00"W. 2- MEASUltEMENTS SHOWN AIU! IN Fi!ET AND Dfl.CIMALS TIIEREOF. 3. THIS IS NOT A SUJlVE\' 4. ADD£T!ONS TO OR. Ol!UITIONS OTHER 1lfAN 1llB SIGNING SUR.VEYOR AND MAPPER. AIU! PllOHIBITl!D BY LAW WITllOUT 1llB l!Xl'RESS WllfITl!N CONSl!NT OF 1llB SIGNING SUitVBYOll AND MAl'l'l!R.. COPYRJGHT 2016, .ll!FFl.l!Y D. STOUTEN, PSM, AIL lUGHI'S RESERVED. 5. NOT VALID WITHOUT SHEET 2 OP 2- 71.11' ST*ER ± Lat-7.-~ -i Block Blodc 879 1U!t 6.00' THIS IS NOT A SURVEY I 1~ I Lat5 6.00' 14JJ/1 100.01' lJ JOB I 16-0lllJ Blodc 879 LEHGT1i Ui L7 'I ~- Lat2 BkxX 879 I CAPE ~879 --,- - 1 LB Lat 95 BkxX 910 CAPE I Lat89 Blodc 910 llEARING _..... _..... u ll lJ l4 l5 -i u~ I ~ 1 1 1 ~ I ~ I u~ I u~ I CAPE BkxX910 Ii i Ii II LINE TABl.E LINE I i llEVISION -.;,..;....,._ ___ .., ___ -o1..,-lodp...ibdid. ... _,,Jll, _ 1......,.00!til'y ......... ii ii:~_,. MiUa:mm Tcdlaal S.....•ld*"*11f~ --af-s.r..,o..&w_.;.°""""!1-17, -~Cock,-los.c.ioa412.lll7FloDda- \~ .n:nuY D. ll'i'OVnN (10I[ TIR rtaM) Slieetlo/2 FLOlllDA PtilFESSIONAL SU..VEYOI. & MArl'El N0.6584 NOT VAUD WITIIOUT THE SIGNAruaE AND Tlll! oaJOINAL llAISED SEAL OP A PLORlllA LICl!NSl!D SIJl.VEYOIL AND MAl'9'l!I. Exhibit B Description Subject Parcel Description: Parcel of land lying in Section 36, Township 44 South, Range 23 F.ast, Lee County, Florida being more particularly descnDed as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Comer of Lot 90, Block 910 of CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, as platted in Plat Book 14 Pages 117 through 148, inclusive, thence run N 90°00'00" W along the South line of said Lot 90 a distance of 6.00 feet to the Point of Beginning: thence continue N 90°00'00" W a distance of74.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 94, Block 910 of CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, as platted in Plat Book 14 Pages 117 through 148, inclusive; thence run S 00°59'10" Ea distance of 100.01 feet to the Northeast comer ofLot 2, Block 879 of CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, as platted in Plat Book 14 Pages 117 through 148, inclusive; thence run S 90°00'00" Ea distance of7228 feet; thence run S 00°00'00" Ea distance of 6.00 feet; thence run N 90°00'00" W a distance of78.18 feet; thence run N 00°59'10" W a distance of 112.02 feet; thence run S 90°00'00" Ea distance of80.10 feet; thence run S 00°00'00" Ea distance of 6.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said Parcel Contains l ,SSO sq ft. (more or less) Bearings are based on the South line of Lot 90, Block 910, CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 being N00°00"00"W. Description to Accompany Sketch Vacation ofa 6' D.EJP.U.E. Sheet 1 o/1 PROFESSI-VORS CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 1..87922 324 Nichola Pvkwoy Weot, Suit!: F, cape Coral, FL 33991 Phooe: (239)673-9S41 Fa : (239) 424-81 81 l....,...,,. .......ot.,. ...........w: ............ nm. ...... . , . . . . . _ . , . . T ~ . . _ _ . . . . ~.. i. -. .~ .. ........-~---- ., .... __-..,..,. . STOUTtNc~MER Nor Valid wirltout Sheet I o/2 . A Tract ofland Lying in Section 36, Township 44 South, Range 23 East . THIS IS NOT A SURVEY ,......,~aM...,.. il O..,. JJ.11. Awt111.~ c;....,,'7 ,.........._ 1 Exhibit C Sketch Sketch to Accompany Description Vacation of a 12' Drainage Easement Highland Cl™! (P) Kamal ParlaNay (M) (100' Wide P./W) I ~r; il l1 I :I I r- let92 - ~10 --=r --=i----=i-1 ,--=-r--=- f CORAL UNIT26 - -- ~ let 93 ~10 ~ ~"-- ~ ~, ~iii !i ~1 1 A Tract ofLand Lying in Sectios 36, Township 44 South, Range 23 East I let 91 Blodc 910 ~ I let 90 Blodc 910 I UNE TABLE II I I let 89 Blodc 910 ~I I ~ I let 88 Blodc 910 """"I -"111-" I ~ OOT2' I I Blodc 910 -f I let r;7 Blodc 910 ~ I =~ NORTHWEST ::El:-fI UNIT 26 500"59'10'!: l3 N00"59'05"W 6JJO' Wiii' 6JJO' ST~·ER CERTIFICATl!OP AU'IHOIUZATION: LB7922 32-4 Nicholm Portw.y Wait. Suilo P, Cope Con!, n 33991 Phone: (239) 673-9S41 Fa: (239)42'4-1181 1VWW.11Citw:wy..cml I S90°00'00"W I u THIS IS NOT A SURVEY Mast C.anal c100' Wide canaQ 11 LENGTH CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 \ c.; rv=\_ BEARING J«l0"59'05"W I '""" I ~ I -~2fL_ d - d -_J I L -±~-_±_ I UNE u ~~ CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 ~ CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 - - -~- I DATE 9 llis-=rr~~letTl~Iletff -let I 2-le t 879 Blodc - - I I JOB' 164120 PllEPAl.ED POt; A-~ Sl!C"110N :16, TOWNSHIP 448, I.ANGE 23E -, Blodc 879 Blodc 879 CN'E CORAL UNIT 26 CN'E CORAL UNIT 26 I Blodc 879 CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 I SURVEY NOTES: 1. Bl!AJUNGS ARB BASED ON llll! l!ASTl!R.LY RJGHT-OF-WAY UNI! OF SANTA BARBARA BOULl!VARD BEING NOO"S9"0S"W. 2. Ml!ASUllEMENTS SHOWN ARB IN Fl!BT AND DECIMAl.S 1111!llEOF. 3. THIS IS NOT A SVJlvn' 4. ADDmoNS TO OR DELl:ITIONS OTIIER 11IAN nm SIGNING SUR.VEYOR AND MAPPER ARB PROHIBITED BY LAW wrmour llll! EXPRESS~ CONSENT OF TIIB SIGNING SUil.Vl!YOR AND MAPPER. COP'YRIGHT 2016, 1EFFllBY D. STOllll!N, PSM, AlL IUGlITS RF.Sl!llVED. S. NOT VALID WITHOUT SHEllT 2 OF 2. Blodc 879 CAPE I i i ll£\-1SIOS Blodc 879 CN'E CORAL UNIT 26 CORAL UNIT 26 lbcni>yeo<1ifylhll,1Dk"'"'almybowlodp:..ibcliof; . . - - clcoa;pDoa~ ....... - - . . . , - ...' ;,;,,...,.-.qMiJOmomT--uoct-by'1oo --or-s....,....t~mQopWSJ..17, I --..Codo,-1o5cr:tioom.027Floriok- j~ Slteetl of2 Jan:fiY D. Sl'OUn!f (POil TU 7lllM) Ft.<aIDA l"IOl'ESSIONAI SU..VEYOll .I: MAPP£ll N0.6>&1 NOT VAl.ID WITHOUT 1llE SIGNA'IUU ANJ) UIE OllJGINAL llAISIID SBAL OF A FLOllJDA UC1!NSED SUJ.VBYOll AND """"1!ll Exhibit C Description Subject Parcel Description: Parcel of land lying in Section 36, Township 44 South, Range 23 East, Lee County, Florida being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest Comer of Lot I, Block 879 of CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, as platted in Plat Book 14 Pages 117 through 148, inclusive, thence run N 00°59'05" W along the Easterly right-of-way line of Santa Barbara Boulevard and the West line of Lot 95, Block 910 of CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, as platted in Plat Book 14 Pages 117 through 148, inclusive, a distance of6.00 feet; thence run N 90°00'00" E, parallel to and 6.00 feet North of: as measured on a perpendicular, the common line between said lots 1 and 95, a distance of 114.02 feet to the East line of said Lot 95; thence run S 00°59'10" E along the east lines of said Lots a distance of 12.00 feet; thence run S 90°00'00" W, parallel to and 6.00 feet South of: as measured on a perpendicular, the common line between said lots 1 and 95, a distance of 114.02 feet to an intersection with the Easterly right-of-way line of Santa Barbara Boulevard and the West line of said Lot 1; thence run N 00°59'05" W, along said Easterly right-of-way line and said West line, a distance of 6.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said Parcel Contains 1,368 sq ft. (more or less) Bearings are based on the Easterly right-of-way line of Santa Barbara Boulevard being N00°59"05"W. Description to Accompany Sketch THIS IS NOT A SURVEY Vacation of a 12' Drainage Easement A Tract ofLand Lying in Section 36, Not Valid witlunit Sheet I of2 Township 44 South, Range 23 East STOU~MER Siren 2o/2 ~-vORS CERTIFICATE OF AlflllORIZATION: LB7922 324 W-1Gholu - y Well. Sui1e F, Copo Coral, FL 33991 Phom:: (239) 673-9S41 Fu: (239) 424-ll I 8 I l....,cmitJ' .... ., . . . "'.,a.......... a.He( . . . . . . md . . . . . . ....._. .................,.. ............ I. . ., . . . ~ .-ida Miaim-.T.-....i,....... • • llrG.,. ... s.-..,- a ...... a a.,wSJ.11. l'bickB-.lot~ FIDrfdl~Codil.,.-:•Sec:&:im.-n.CZ7Ptailll,__, Sa Slwd I of2 for Sip-.. utl Sal n.oma:».~anvnoa·~~ )IOTVAJ.I)'ndUONA'l\ld .l>.JIOTf.a~ ll4QllW -.U. CW A lll.OU'.M. UCl!IWMD aJlV'l'ttll. .tJilD """9. ExhibitD Sketch Sketch to Accompany Description 6' Drainage Easement I Public Utility Easement Highland OriYe (P) Kamal Parkway (M) (100' Wide R/W) r- --=r -1 Ltt92 - ~10 ( ( H- ~- ---=llr-=-p f - f - f I I I I I I lt 86 I j II I I r1- _ ;:,,_ ~ ~ ~ 1 I 1 ~ "~ ~ I 1 Lat91 Blodc 910 CAPE Lat 93 Blodc 910 a.:: I ....., iil fI 1 ~ -:~~ I I I ~ l 1 Lat89 Blodc 910 1' CAPE I a \ I: --~ . ~! &1 ~a g- Lat90 1 Blodc 910 CAPE 0 rL- ~gi~ ~ c QT ~ Lat88 Blodc 910 CAPE Lat87 Blodc 910 CAPE ~ -Lat2Blodc 879 CAPE CllRAl UNIT 26 I I I~ I l Mast Canal (100' Wide Canal) _, T-4 -- -- l.CJtS - . CDRAI.. UNIT 26 l.fNGTH L2 L3 SOO"Oll'OO"E N90'00'00"W l«IO'OO'IJO"W L4 S9ll'OO'llO"E 100.!XJ' 6.!XJ' 100.!XJ' 6.!XJ' CERTIFICATl!OF AUIHORIZATIIJN: LB7922 324 NicholM Pat.way Wcot. s.,;,. F, C1pj> Qlnl, FL 33991 l'boac: ('239) 6'73-9S41 Fax: (239) 424-8181 ...., b ( I BEARING u ST*ER ±--_h_---=:L--±-: ~"- llHE THIS IS NOT A SURVEY I TI rn Blodc 879 CAPE UNETABLE Blodc 910 CAPE Lat 1 ~879 A Tract ofLand Lying in Section 36, Township 44 South, Rance 23 East I PREPAKEDFOJl:A_ ......... JOBl !6-0120 r 1~ SllCIKN 36, TOWNSHll' +IS, llANGE lJE I DATE I ll.EVISlON 11 ~lttlo -ltt ~1..CJtfT-lttfll.CJtflO Blodc Blodc Blodt Blodc . 879 CAPE CDRAI.. UNIT 26 . 879 CAPE CDRAI. UNIT 26 SURVEY NOJFS: I. BEARINGS AllE BASED ON nm SOUl1l LINE OF LOT 90, BLOCK 910, CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 BEING S90"00"00"l!. 2. MllASU1U!MENTS SHOWN AIU! IN Fl!ET AND Df.CIMALS 1l!EKI!OF. 3. 11DS IS NOl A SUJlVEY 4. ADDITIONS TO OR DllUITIONS OTHElt THAN TIIE SIGNINO SUllVEYOll AND MAPPER.ARE PROHIBITED BY LAW WITHOUT TIIB EXPRESS WllflTl!N CONSENT OF nm SIONING SUllVl!YOll AND MAPPER. COPYlllOlIT 2016, 1EFFllY D. STOUTEN, PSM.AILR!OHTS RF.SI!llVl!D. S. NOT VAUD Wl11IOUT SHEET 2 Of 2. I I I I . I 879 CAPE CDRAI.. UNIT 26 879 CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 Blodc 879 CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 l11or""7coni!ydm,1Dtllobeot<Xmy~ulbc:lie(diorkacb ml~ .,.,.........iborooa,!IMldeaoda"tlY dircdimi an ....... l,Jll' ilm-wttl!Mlnimlmi ToclmiClll-.a• octbthby ll>i: FloDda-.S«Piobiiomls..<eycn.t.Mana>m ~SJ..17,Flocida~Codo,~ IDScctiaG 472.027FloDda- ~J{"'.cxC Shut I o/1 ll!n"UYll. S?'iN (10ll_ THE FDIM) FLORIDA PllOfESSIONAL SU1VEYOl..I: ~ N0."84 NOT V ALIIl WITHOUr Tiii! SIGMAtuiE AND l1IB OaJCllNAL lt.AISllD SEAL OF A PUlUlA LICENSED StJ1\IEYOI. AND MAl'Pl!ll ExhibitD Description Subject Parcel Description: Parcel of land lying in Section 36, Township 44 South, Range 23 East, Lee County, Florida being more particularly descnoed as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Comer of Lot 90, Block 910 of CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, as platted in Plat Book 14 Pages 117 through 148, inclusive, thence run S 00°00'00" Ea distance of 100.00 feet to an intersection with the North line of Lot 6, Block 879 of CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, as platted in Plat Book 14 Pages 117 through 148, inclusive; thence run N 90"00'00" W along said North line a distance of 6.00 feet; thence run N 00°00'00" W a distance of 100.00 to an intersection with the South line of Lot 90, Block 910 of CAPE CORAL UNIT 26, as platted in Plat Book 14 Pages 117 through 148, inclusive; thence run S 90°00'00" E along said South line a distance of 6.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said Parcel Contains 600 sq ft. (more or less) Bearings are based on the South line of Lot 90, Block 910, CAPE CORAL UNIT 26 being S90°00"00"E. Description to Accompany Skelch THIS IS NOT A SURVEY 6' Drainage Easement I Public Utility Easement Not Valid without Sheet I of2 A Tract ofLand Lying in Section 36, Township 44 South, Range 23 I_..,,. odty dmt, 101b9 "- olmy bow...... '-li<. tt- *-II. md t.-. Ullda-my dlru:dmoa MMdi 1, 1'1' ii in w;:mllaa will! Misiaan Tedmiml S..... • . . ~ "1 cba:ipl.iu.~ *' florid.&.dD£~~-.M.lrppniclCbllpW1J..11. F\•<:od9.J1111" Sheet 2 o/2 ""' ••~,,. I PREPAAEO FOR: A.- ~ sa:TIONS 36, TOWNSHIP 445, RANGe 23E CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORlZATION: LB7922 324 Nicholu Parkway WOil, Suite F, Cape Coral, FL 33991 Pboru:: (239) 673-9541 Fax: (239) 424-8181 SuSlt~et I ofZfor~IUU/Setll l .IU'•K.llO'IU. f1'Hl"Ji1.llHJ n.DUM.~IUavn'Ql. lllO't V AUD wrrHOVT nil RlHATtlUA.tolt> ru&e.IOIMA.L IJUSllD 1£.U. Oii" ILOlJDA uaNUJ) ll.3'1¥YQI. AJolO MUrD. City of Cape Coral Utilities Department July 11 , 2016 Attention : Mr. Mike Struve City of Cape Coral Planning Division P.O. Box 150027 Cape Coral, Florida 33915-0027 Subject: Utility No Conflict Letter Project: VP-16-0003 - 2807 Santa Barbara Blvd . Dear Mr. Struve: This Letter is to confirm that the proposed Vacation of Plat will not affect and/or conflict with the Ci ty's existing underground utility facilities (i .e. water, sewer and irrigation) . However, it appears that this Vacation of Plat will impact the City's existing underground storm water facilities , which will need to be re-located at the Property Owner's expense . Please note that additional line extensions may be required at the developer's expense , to comply with local fire codes and/or to satisfy any additional water, sewer and irrigation demand(s) . This. Utility No Conflict Letter is val id for a period of 12 months from date of issuance. The project strap numbers that this letter references are listed below: Project STRAP Number(s): STRAP 36-44-23-C 1-00910.0950 . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Cc: Dave Hyyti , P.E., Site Development Review Coord inator Dave Vallandingham , Collections/Distribution Manager Utilities Department • City of Cape Coral • P.O. Box 150027 •Cape Coral , Florida 33915-0027 (239) 574-0710 • Fax (239) 574-0731 • Co-County Seat - Lee County, Florida Shawn Baker From: Sent: To: Subject: Huff, Dawn <> Thursday, July 21 , 2016 9:24 AM Mike Struve RE : Project Summaries Good morning Mike, In response to ZA16-0003 - Bimini Basin Rezoning, I will await further information based on our conversation. For PDP16-0008, VP16-0003 & VP16-0004, the District has no response as these requests do not generate students nor are they adjacent a school. Thanks, '.Dawn 3fujf I Long Range Plann er I Planning, Growth & School Capacity The School Dist rict of Lee County I 2855 Colonial Blvd . I Fort Myers, FL 33966 Phone {239)337-8142 I Fax (239)335 -1460 From: Mike Struve [mailto] Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 9 :52 AM To: Huff, Dawn <DawnMHu@LeeSchools .net> Subject: Proj ect Summaries Dawn, This email includes summaries of four projects that either will be scheduled for public hearing on the dates indicated or w ill appear later on the Hearing Examiner schedule for public hearing. Please feel free to call or email me if you have any questions about any of the four projects . Thanks. Mike Struve, AICP , LEED Green Associate Planning Team Coordinator City of Cape Coral Department of Community Development Planning Division PO Box 150027 Cape Coral , FL 33915-0027 Phone 239.242 .3255 Internal x3255 mstruve@capecoral .net Florida has a broad public records law and all correspondence, including email addresses, may be subject to disclosure. The Government in the Sunshine Law applies to "any board or commission of any state agency or authority or of any agency or authority of any county, municipal corporation, or political subdivision" in part, section 286 .011, Florida Statutes. This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein {including any re liance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED . If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City of · Cape Conl Hearing Examiner at 9:00 AM, on 'lllesday, August 2nd, 2016 In the Councll Clmmllen at City Hall · at 1015 Cultural Park Boulevard, Cape Coral, FL to consider: VP16-0003, a request to vacate the following: (1) About 7,914 sq. ft. of public right-of-way (ROW) associated with the Mast Canal, along with all underlying easements. (2) About 1,550 sq . ft. of six- ·1 foot wide platted easements associated with Block 879, Lots 1, 2, 5, and 6, and Block 910, Lots 90, 91, 94, and 95. (3) About 1,368 sq. ft. of six- · foot wide platted easements associated with Block 879, Lot 1, and Block 910, Lot 95. The property is located at 2807 Santa Barbara Boulevard, Cape Coral, FL 33914, Cape Coral Subdivision, Unit 26, Block 879, Lots 1-7 less ROW described in Instrument # 2008000009200, and Block 910, Lots 90-95, number: 36-44-23-C1 Strap 00910.0950. All interested parties are invited to appear and be heard. All materials 1 used in the presentation before the Hearing Examiner will become a permanent part of the record. Copies of the staff report will be available 5 days prior to the . hearing. The file can be reviewed at the Cape Coral Community Development Department, Planning Division, 1015 Cultural Park Blvd., Cape Coral, FL Direct inquiries may contst Mike struve at 239-242-3255 or emall at~ J l · After Hearing Examiner has made a written recommendation, 'the case will be scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council who will review the recommendation and make a final decision. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Human Resources Department whose office is located at Cape Coral City Hall, 1015 Cultural Park Boulevard, Cape Coral, FL; telephone 1-239574-0530 for assistance; if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service Numbers, 1-800955-8771 (TDD) or 1-800-9558770 (v) for assistance. by order of Rebecca van Deutekom, MMC City Clerk REF# VP16-0003 PUBLISH AD: Saturday, July 23rd NP-GCIOOI03GZ1 ·1· Department of Community Development Planning Division AFFIDAVIT IN RE: APPLICATION OF: LMSR ESTATE FUND LLC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ APPLICATION NO: VP16-0003 STATE OF FLORIDA ) )§ COUNTY OF LEE ) I, Vincent A. Cautero, AICP having first been duly sworn according to law, state on my oath the following: That I am the Director of the Department of Community Development and responsible in performing duties as required for the City of Cape Coral. That pursuant to City of Cape Coral code. Section 8.3.2A and Section 8.11.3.A all required written notice and publication has been provided. Also posting of a sign has been done when applicable per Section 8.3.2A. day of DATED this -:Ji,d'( ' 2016 C(~-~ Vincent A. Cautero, AICP STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEE 2:L2_ "Ji , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2016 , by Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, who is personally known to me anr;r did not take a oath. Exp. Datell ...--;,~;~::;;;;;~··. r-..:ilCHELLE A MILLER f: .· ~ ".'; \~~0,f\; ~>!,t.Y .... ..-· ............... (Ml7) 395.01 f3 MY COMMISSION #FF060852 EXPIRES November 30, 2017 Flo 'd 8 n f';.1ommissio ~~ Print Name of Notary Public f OJQ85~ Department of Community Development Case# VP16-0003 c:::J Subject Parcel ~ W~E s Map Date: July 13, 2016 Aerial Date: May 2015 100 200 0 ----c:::::===Feet This map ls not a &Urvey ind 1t'louk:I not be used In pi.ce ofa survey. Wille every effon II made to accurate~ depict the mapped area , errors and omlulons may occur. Therefore, the City of Cape Cora l cannot be held llble forinek:lentcthat mayre1ultdue totheimproperus.e of the inform•lion pruented on this m1p. Th ill map Is not r.tended lor constrlJcilon, navigation or engineering ealeulltiOM. Pleue contaCI the Department of Community Development Wlh1ny que1tlonsreg1rd ingthilmap produci. CITY OF CAPE CORAL Department of Community Development Planning Division ZONING MAP 500 Proximity Bounda ry wr--+--_. ~ I- ~Cf)· ~ t----t Cf) I I SE 27TH TER Case No. VP16-0003 Lot: 1,2,5,6 & 90 ,91 ,94 & 95 r __,.___ Legend c:::J Subject parcel c:::J 500 ft boundary Zoning . . C1 MR MAST CANAL R1B ~'lK .M.. ~J You'll Like the Attitude in ParadL~e N ~ WWE s May 26, 2016 0 80 160 240 320 ---====---c::==iFeet This map is not a survey and shoiAd not be used in place of a survey. Wlile eV9ry effort is made to accurately depict the mapped area, errors and omissions may occur. Therefore, the City of Cape Cora l cannot be ANCHOR CANAL held liable for incidents that may result due to the improper use of the information presenlBd on this map. This map is not intended for con - struction, navigation or engineering calculations. Please contact the 500' Proximity Boundary Department o f Community Development with any questions rega rding this map prDduct. SRB Owner_Name Mailing_Ad FAIRHOMES ASHCROFT PROPERTIES LL139 MAIN ST UNIT 203 TELLO RAMON 116 BROOKMILL DR TIEBEL LUTZ + ALEXANDRA OTTO DIX STR 24 WORMWOOD MICHAEL + KOENIG-WOKROEPPELBECK 11 REHMAN SALMA + REHMAN ZARA T/C201 KIMBOLTON RD ADAMS SHAWN M + JEAN E 132 SE 27TH TER Mailing_Ci UNIONVILLE THORNHILL D 78532 TUTTLINGEN 38543 HILLERSE BEDFORDSHIRE MK41 8AA CAPE CORAL MaMailing_Zi ONL3R 2G6;CA ONL4J 6M2;CA GERMANY GERMANY UNITED KIN FL 33904 ALIN MARIA R 2831 SW SANTA BARBARA PL ALVAREZ FRANCISCO 121 SE 27TH TER ARROW RE SUB 1 LLC 6358 OLD MAHOGANY CT BATTAGLIA DIANE 2210 SE 8TH AVE BECHTEL DORIS F 5229 SARASOTA CT BECHTEL DORIS F 5229 SARASOTA CT BEIERLE STANLEY TR + BEIERLE BERNA PO BOX 256 BITZER SHANNON P + CONSTANCE J PO BOX 76733 BRUNCO JAMES ANTHONY 17241 MEADOW LAKE CIR BURCH STEVEN P + GRETA K 132 KAMAL PKWY BUSEY BANK FLORIDA 7980 SUMMERLIN LAKES DR CASA ALLEGRO CONDO 419 SE 28TH TER CASTELLANO NATALIA L/E 1/2 + JESUS 125 SE 28TH TER CHAVEZ MARCELO FERNANDO NOBOA20622 LARINO LOOP CONNER ANDREW G + JULIA A TR FOR 7500 CONNER LN CSMA FT LLC PO BOX 2249 CURRY WILLIAM 2905 SANTA BARBARA BLVD DAMORE CARMEN + ROSE 2720 SW SANTA BARBARA PL DELEON RAYMOND + SANCHEZ JOANN6731 N LAWNDALE AVE DIFIORE MARY ANN 2906 SE SANTA BARBARA PL DMDN LLC 2612 SANTA BARBARA BLVD STE 2 DUDICK JEFFREY S + GRACE R 1582 NW 28TH AVE ENGEL INGE TR FOR WILHELM ENGEL T126 SE 29TH ST FILIATO MARY 1215 SE 33RD ST GABLEHOUSE GARRETT J PO BOX 152081 GIBBARD JESSICA 128 SE 27TH TER GLIWA WILLIAM M 112 KAMAL PKWY GONZALEZ GLORIA 120 SE 27TH TER GUARNERI JOHN + GUARNERI DOMINI 126 SE 41ST TER HARTMAN BRUCE A + HARTMAN CARO1139 SW 32ND TER HERNANDEZ DANILO + HERNANDEZ LO125 KAMAL PKWY HINKS DONALD E + NANCY R 2612 SANTA BARBARA BLVD STE 1 HODGETTS JAMES 1184 GAIL DR HOLT DENNIS F + 1445 HIGHWAY 9 IBRAHIM NAHED R FOR FADY G MIKHA425 SW 43RD ST IZRAELSKI JOHN + BARBARA 134 SE 28TH TER JAC OF SW FLORIDA LLC 50% + BART V PO BOX 101526 KKS REAL INVESTMENTS LLC 1417 SE 34TH TER LITTLE ELAINE PAPPAS 1060 RALPH RD NE MARUCCO ANTHONY M + LLOYD-MAR 124 SE 28TH TER MCDONALD ROBERT J L/E + MCDONAL2904 SE SANTA BARBARA PL MEAN BUBBLES LLC 8140 COLLEGE PARK STE 105 MERELAN WILNER + MERELAN WILDER1326 NW 15TH PL MIHALICH PAUL 127 LAKESIDE DR MOFFATT JOHN 4924 VICEROY ST UNIT D5 MORALES MARCO + CARMEN C 127 SE 29TH ST CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL NAPLES CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL BISMARCK ATLANTA FORT MYERS CAPE CORAL FORT MYERS CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL ESTERO EDWARDSVILLE HOLLYWOOD CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL LINCOLNWOOD CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL SEAFORD MURDOCK CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL ATLANTA CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FORT MYERS CAPE CORAL GREENTOWN CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL 33914 FL 33904 FL 34109 FL 33990 FL 33904 FL 33904 ND 58502 GA 30358 FL 33967 FL 33904 FL 33907 FL 33904 FL 33904 FL 33928 IL 62025 FL 33028 FL 33914 FL 33914 IL 60712 FL 33904 FL 33914 FL 33993 FL 33904 FL 33904 FL 33914 FL 33904 FL 33904 FL 33904 FL 33904 FL 33914 FL 33904 FL 33914 NY 11783 MN56271 FL 33914 FL 33904 FL 33910 FL 33904 GA 30324 FL 33904 FL 33904 FL 33919 FL 33993 PA 18426 FL 33904 FL 33904 PARKS CAREY J + RUTH F 129 SE 28TH TER PEREZ OSCAR D 129 KAMAL PKWY PEV HOLDING LLC 25 JUPITER DR PINERA HUGO L + ELENA 415 SE 28TH TER POLIJCZUH TIMOTHY 323 GRANT AVE RANDAZZO MICHELE TR FOR MICHELE 800 E IRONWOOD DR RODRIGUEZ ERMISLEDY + RAMOS YUR 124 SE 27TH TER ROOPRAM SAKOENTEKADEVI TR FOR S1503 SE 10TH AV ROTHSTEIN LARRY L + GEORGIA J 10660 LAKE MEADOWS DR RUTH P POPLIN FAMILY LP 3310 POPLIN RD SHAPOL DAVID M PO BOX 151579 SIMON MOHAMED SR + SIMON ANNA 311 W BROADWAY ST SIMONS JOSHUA H JR PO BOX 61172 SPANTI VINCENT + LYUBOV 116 SE 28TH TER SPIZZIRRI JOSEPH 617 SE 17TH ST STANFIELD JOSEPH R PO BOX 150794 STANFIELD VICKY J PO BOX 150794 STEVE PAUL A + MARY A 3853 GRAINGER WILLOWS DR STEVENS MICHAEL E + JOAN M 4332 COUNTRY CLUB BLVD STOECKER GARY L + RHONDA R 5716 HYLAND COURTS DRIVE TEAGUE STANLEY S PER REP FOR STEV 1610 MONARCH DR TERRITO LAWRENCE C 121 SE 28TH TER THEODORE ROLAND + ANNE MARIE 117 SE 27TH TER THOM ROSE MARIE 124 KAMAL PKWY TOLEDO LUDWIG J 12634 SE 166TH ST TORBECK JOHN L II 116 KAMAL PKWY UHRMACHER RUSSELL + TINA 122 SE 29TH ST ZIMMERMAN WILLIAM + PATILEANN 2724 SW SANTA BARBARA PL ZUNIGA PABLO A + ALMA Y TR FOR ZU PO BOX 101034 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL MONROE CAPE CORAL MOUNT EPHRAIM MOUNT PROSPECT CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL STRONGSVILLE MONROE CAPE CORAL MISHAWAKA RALEIGH CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL MEDINA CAPE CORAL BLOOMINGTON VENICE CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL RENTON CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL 33904 FL 33904 NY 10950 FL 33904 NJ 08059 IL 60056 FL 33904 FL 33990 OH 44136 NC 28110 FL 33915 IN 46545 NC 27661 FL 33904 FL 33990 FL 33915 FL 33915 OH 44256 FL 33904 MN55437 FL 34293 FL 33904 FL 33904 FL 33904 WA98058 FL 33904 FL 33904 FL 33914 FL 33910
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