2.1 Lines and Slopes The of the line through the


2.1 Lines and Slopes The of the line through the
2.1 Lines and Slopes
The slope of the line through the
distinct points ( x1 , y1 ) and ( x2 , y2 )
Change in y Rise y2 − y1
Change in x Run x2 − x1
where x2 − x1 ≠ 0.
Example 1: Find the Slope
Find the slope of the line passing through
the pair of points (2,1) and (3, 4).
Let ( x1 , y1 ) = (2,1) and ( x2 , y2 ) = (3, 4).
y2 − y1 4 − 1 3
Slope = m =
= = 3.
x2 − x1 3 − 2 1
Possibilities for a Line’s Slope
Positive Slope Negative Slope
Line rises from left to right.
Line falls from left to right.
Possibilities for a Line’s Slope
Zero Slope
Line is horizontal.
Undefined Slope
m is
Line is vertical.
Example 2: Find the Slope
Find the slope of the line passing through
the pair of points (−1,3) and (2, 4) or state
that the slope is undefined. Then indicate
whether the line through the points rises,
falls, is horizontal, or is vertical.
Let ( x1 , y1 ) = (−1,3) and ( x2 , y2 ) = (2, 4).
y2 − y1
Slope = m =
x2 − x1 2 − (−1) 3
The slope is positive, and
the line rises from left to right.
Practice Exercise
Find the slope of the line passing through
the points (4, −1) and (3, −1) or state
that the slope is undefined. Then indicate
whether the line through the points rises,
falls, is horizontal, or is vertical.
The slope m is zero.
Thus, the line is a horizontal line.
Point-slope Form of the
Equation of a Line
The point-slope equation of a nonvertical
line of slope m that passes through the
point ( x1 , y1 ) is
y − y1 = m( x − x1 ).
Example 3: Writing the PointSlope Equation of a Line
Write the point-slope form of the equation
of the line passing through (1,3) with a slope
of 4. Then slove the equation for y.
We use the point-slope equation of a line
with m = 4, x1 = 1, and y1 = 3.
m = 4, x1 = 1, and y1 = 3
y − y1 = m( x − x1 )
y − 3 = 4( x − 1)
y − 3 = 4x − 4
y = 4x −1
Practice Exercise
Write the point-slope of the equation
of the line passing throuhg the points
(3,5) and (8,15). Then solve the
equation for y.
Point-slope form of the equation:
y − 5 = 2( x − 3).
Then solve for y gives:
y = 2x −1
Example 4: Writing the PointSlope Equation of a Line
Write the point-slope form of the equation
of the line passing through the points (3,5)
and (8,15). Then slove the equation for y.
First find the slope to use the
point-slope form.
Given (3,5) and (8,15).
15 − 5 10
We can take either point on the line to
be ( x1 , y1 ). Let's use ( x1 , y1 ) = (3,5).
y − 15 = 2( x − 3)
y − 15 = 2 x − 6
y = 2x + 9
Practice Exercises
1. Write the point-slope form of the equation
of the line passing through (4, −1) with a slope
of 8. Then slove the equation for y.
2. Write the point-slope form of the equation
of the line passing through the points ( −2, 0)
and (0, 2). Then slove the equation for y.
Answers to Practice Exercises
1. y = 8 x − 33
2. y = x + 2
The Slope-Intercept Form of
the Equation of a Line
The slope-intercept
equation of a
nonvertical line
with slope m and
y -intercept b is
y = mx + b
Y-intercept is b
(0, b)
Slope is m
A line with slope m
and y -intercept b.
Graphing y=mx+b Using the
Slope and y-Intercept.
Plot the y-intercept on the y-axis.
This is the point (0,b).
„ Obtain a second point using the
slope, m. Write m as a fraction,
and use rise over run starting at
the y-intercept to plot this point
Graphing y=mx+b Using the
Slope and y-Intercept.
Use a straightedge to draw a line
through the two points. Draw
arrowheads at the ends of line to
show that the line to show that the
line continues indefinitely in both
Example 5: Graphing by Using
the Slope and y-Intercept
Give the slope and the y -intercept of the
line y = 3 x + 2. Then graph the line.
y = 3x + 2
The slope
is 3
The y -intercept
is 2.
2 Rise
Slope = m = 2 = =
1 Run
First use the y -intercept 2, to
plot the point (0, 2). Starting
at (0, 2), move 2 units up and
1 unit to the right. This gives
us the second point of the line.
Use a straightedge to draw a
line through the two points.
The graph of y = 3 x + 2.
Practice Exercises
Give the slope and y -intercept
of each line whose equation is
given. Then graph the line.
1. y = −3 x + 2
2. y = x − 3
Answers to Practice Exercises
1. m = −3, b = 2
2. m = , b = −3
Equation of a Horizontal Line
A horizontal line
is given by an
is 4
equation of the
where b is the
y -intercept.
The graph of y = 4
Equation of a Vertical Line
A vertical line is
given by an
is -5
equation of the
form x = a
where a is the
Slope is
The graph of x = -5
Example 6: Graphing a
Horizontal Line
Graph y = 5 in the
rectangular coordinate system.
is 5.
All points on the graph
of y = 5 have a value of
y that is always 5. Thus
it is a horizontal line
with y -intercept 5.
Example 7: Graphing a
Vertical Line
Graph x = −5 in the
rectangular coordinate system.
No matter what the
y -coordinate is, the
x-coordinate for every
point on the line is 5.
is –5.
Practice Exercises
Graph each equation in the rectangular
coordinate system.
1. y = 4
2. x = 0
Answers to Practice Exercises
General Form of the Equation
of a Line
Every line has an equation that can
be written in the general form
Ax + By + C = 0
where, A, B, and C are three
real numbers, and A and B
are not both zero.
Equations of Lines
1. Point-slope form:
2. Slope-intercept form:
y − y1 = m( x − x1 )
y = mx + b
3. Horizontal line:
4. Vertical line:
5. General form: Ax + By + C = 0
Example 8: Finding the Slope
and the y-Intercept
Find the slope and the y -intercept of the
line whose equation is 4 x + 6 y + 12 = 0.
First rewrite the equation in slope-intercept
form y = mx + b. We need to solve for y.
4x + 6 y +12 = 0
6 y = −4 x − 12
The coefficient of x,
y = − x−
the constant term, 2,
y = − x−2
− 23 , is the slope and
is the y -intercept.
m = − , b = −2.
Practice Exercises
a. Rewrite the given equation in
slope-intercept form.
b. Give the slope and y-intercept.
c. Graph the equation.
1. 6 x − 5 y − 20 = 0
2. 4 y + 28 = 0
Answers to Practice Exercises
1. y = x − 4
slope = m =
y -intercept = b = −4.
Answers to Practice Exercises
2. y = −7
slope = m = 0
y -intercept = b = −7.