Invitation to Tender for FCW Biomass Haulage Contract


Invitation to Tender for FCW Biomass Haulage Contract
Haulage Contract
Invitation to Tender
FCW Biomass Haulage Contract
Tender No: 430/HAUL/11-12/2
OJEU Ref: 376229-2011
FCW Haulage Contract
The Forestry Commission’s (FC) mission is to protect and expand Britain's forests and
woodlands and increase their value to society and the environment.
We, the FC, will always consider equality when conducting our procurement activities.
We require you to meet your duties under the Equality Act 2010 and may ask for
evidence that you are aware of and operate in accordance with those requirements
We, the FC, take the lead, on behalf of all three country administrations, in the
development and promotion of sustainable forest management. We deliver the
distinct forestry policies of England, Scotland and Wales through specific objectives
drawn from the country forestry strategies.
More information is available on our website at
1 Type and term of contract
We will be awarding a contract for the supply of Haulage of Biomass products from
FCW land to the Western Bio Energy Plant in Port Talbot.
Our intention is to award this contract for a period of 3 years on a 2 + 1 basis.
A Break point after the second year is available within the contract at which time we
will decide on whether the contract will continue.
The decision on whether to use the break point or any or all of the extension options
available will be at our discretion and we will base it on the following factors:
Performance of Contractor
An Option change for alterations of delivery to the Biofuel Plant
This contract is divided into 3 zones. Bidders may bid for one or more zones, however
bidders must state their preference in the event of being successful in all 3 zones but
only having the capacity to deliver in one zone only.
The total value of this contract over the entire period will between £1.5 million and
£2.2 million.
The anticipated contract start date will be March 2012
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2 Timetable, enquiries and return
Set out below is the proposed procurement timetable. This is intended as a guide,
and, while we do not intend to depart from the timetable, we reserve the right to do
Issue ITT Document
Monday 28th November 2011
Bidder Briefing day
12th December in Coed y Cymoedd FD.
Please book a space by contacting Claire
Evans by no later than 5thth December.
Closing date and time for enquiries
Tuesday 17th January 2012 at 13:00.
Tender return date and time
Monday 23rd January 2012 at 13:00
Expected Notification of Intent to Award
Monday 30th January 2012
End of Standstill Period
Wednesday 15th February 2012
Expected Contract Start Date
01st March 2012.
Please note that the office will be closed over the Christmas and New Year Period on
the following dates: 26th to 28th December 2011 and 2nd January 2012.
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Once we have evaluated submissions, we may need further clarification and may ask
for this additional information or a clarification meeting. The purpose is to explore
further the information you have provided in your submission.
Bidder briefing day
Bidders are invited to attend a Bidder Briefing Day to help them understand more
about the requirements of this contract. The Briefing will take place on the date
specified in the timetable at Section 2.1 above and bidders should contact the person
named at 2.3 to confirm their attendance and receive further details. Attendance is
not compulsory but is strongly recommended.
Please send all enquiries in writing or by email, by the deadline stated at Section 2.1
quoting the contract number printed at the front of this document to:
Claire Evans
Welsh Government Building
Forestry Commission Wales
Rhodfa Padarn
Llanbadarn Fawr
SY23 3UR
If we consider any question or request for clarification is relevant to all interested
parties, we will circulate both the query and the response to all potential tenderers,
although your identity will remain confidential.
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If you want to tender, and have not yet registered interest in the contract,
you must do so before the closing date for enquiries to make sure you are
told about any questions and answers.
Return arrangements
Please return your completed tender as:
two paper copies by post or hand delivered, and
one copy on disk or USB type storage device in a read only format
Please note that we do not accept fax or email copies.
We must receive your completed tender before the closing time shown in the
Timetable at Section 2.1. We will keep tenders received before this deadline unopened
until after this time. We will not consider any tenders we receive after the
deadline. Please be aware that tenders may be copied for our use.
Mark your envelopes with the words ‘Tender for FCW Haulage Contract:
430/HAUL/11-12/2. Not to be opened until Monday 23rd January 2012 at
Submissions may be excluded if you do not mark the envelope in this way.
Send completed tender documents to the following address:
Forestry Commission Wales
Finance Systems
Welsh Assembly Government Building
Rhodfa Padarn
Llanbadarn Fawr
SY23 3UR
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3 Statement of Requirements
Note: Tenderers must include details of any areas where they will not be able
to comply with these requirements. If your Tender does not meet these
requirements we reserve the right to reject it completely.
We intend to award a contract for the Haulage of Biomass products from FCW land to the
Western Bio Energy Plant in Port Talbot.
Forestry Commission Wales (FCW) holds a Long term contract with Western Bio Energy (WBE),
which requires FCW to deliver a total of 66,000 tonnes (+/- 10%) of Biomass per year in order
to deliver the contract commitment. This biomass volume will primarily come through Direct
Production on FCW land and current Long Term Contracts’, with any remaining volume being
retained through open sale parcels.
Forestry Commission Wales (FCW) intends to offer 3 haulage zones in South and South West
Wales under medium term supply contracts (maximum of 3 years on a 2+1 basis) to
commence in March 2012. We intend to use a single tender process and evaluate bids for
these zones according to criteria we have established.
Forestry Commission Wales wishes to appoint one or more hauliers to move biomass material
from it’s forests located in South and South West Wales to the biomass Power Station at
Longlands Lane, Margam, Port Talbot SA13 2NR or to another potential storage yard within an
8 mile proximity to the Power Plant. The material to be hauled is wood in the form of 2.8
metre length timber billets or as stemwood, tree branches and tops packed as brash bales, 2.8
metre length.
The total quantity, per annum, to be contracted is up to a maximum of 72,600 tonnes, with an
anticipated minimum of 60,000 tonnes. However, the material to be hauled is variable in
moisture content, so the actual weight may vary accordingly. We estimate that moisture
contents will range between 30% and 60% moisture, calculated on a wet basis.
Time will be of the essence in any contract(s). The contractor will be responsible for timely
uplift of timber from designated sites within the forest. A significant element of in-forest travel
will be included which will involve travel on water-bound un-surfaced roads. These roads are
constructed to take Lorries of up to 44 tonne gross weight.
The contractor will be responsible for delivering during the working hours of the power station,
of 07:00 to 19:00 each week day and 07:00 to 14:00 on Saturdays. No deliveries will be
allowed on a Sunday. In-forest Access is in essence 24 hour access, 7 days a week; however
there may be occasions or local agreements that will restrict access times. The contract holder
will be made aware of these restrictions in writing as they occur. The quantity will be delivered
in average weekly amounts for the duration of the contract, depending on the requirements of
WBE . FCW will notify the contractor of the locations and quantities of stock for uplift from the
harvesting sites in the forest blocks.
Forestry Commission Wales intends to introduce and incorporate a system for which
tenderer(s) will have to reduce road damage through a transportation conversion over to a
Low impact system, such as CTI or Maxi Tyres.
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Areas for tender are detailed further in the documentation for this contract.
Tenderer(s) are expected to base their costs on a price per tonne basis, with a further
breakout of the fuel cost as a percentage for the appropriate zone tendered for.
Programme of works
Forestry Commission Wales will provide a weekly schedule of deliveries to be made each day.
The Commission will also provide weekly notification of sites where brash bales are available
for collection within each relevant zone. The Contractor will be responsible for adhering to the
assigned delivery schedule; failure to do this will result in a contract breach.
This is a call-off contract. The Commission does not give any guarantee as to total quantity to
be hauled in a given period. The quantities to be hauled may vary according to FC production
schedule changes. Every effort will be made to give due notice of planned changes to
scheduled working. Total quantities are a guideline only.
FCW will try to even out the yearly input to a 1270 tonnes per week average across all 3
zones. This may vary and peak during periods of dry weather and drop during periods of
severe bad weather.
Hauliers will be expected to pick up from harvesting sites across South and West Wales and
also despatch material which is retained through Standing Sale parcels. Hauliers will be
expected to respond quickly to urgent changes of the delivery profile, and be expected to
change and alter plans through notification given by FCW staff to relieve bio-fuel from
Standing Sale sites.
Load checking/monitoring will take place to ensure that hauliers are maximising loads
delivered to the Biofuel Plant. Each load weight is reported back to FCW from Western BioEnergy and will be checked on a day to day basis.
FCW will look to pay on the terms of a price per tonne. Due to moisture content and dryness of
material, FCW has evidence to support that Biofuel transport is slightly lighter than that of
fresh cut produce. Therefore FCW will expect hauliers to average 22.5 tonnes per load.
Attached in the appendices are the following:
 Useful Websites for haulage transportation (NB Forestry Commission Wales is not
responsible for the content of any external websites).
 Useful links on Low Impact Vehicles or Tyre Pressure Control Systems
 Example Contract Schedules
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Pre-Commencement and Training events
A Pre-commencement meeting and a basic training event with FCW will be compulsory for all
drivers. Content will cover:
Round wood - Safe practices
WBE site visit – preferred routes
Timber security
Mobile Despatch including PINS
Brash Bale transportation
For more information it is recommended that the tenderer(s) familiarise themselves with the
current Road Haulage of round timber – code of practice. This can be found at the following
Contract Deliverables
Haulage business Rules
Delivered contracts is where FCW is responsible for the haulage from the siteOn these sites:
FCW will hold a pre commencement meeting with the Haulier annually
At this meeting FCW and Haulier will agree Generic Haulage Risk Assessment and site
safety Rules
Haulier is expected to keep a copy of the Road Atlas (Given at Pre commencement
meeting) together with Risk Assessment and Site safety rules at all times in the cab.
Any Hauliers asked to despatch from new sites must be accompanied by a
representative from FCW - this is to ensure that the haulier understands the approved
access route and also to cover any additional site based risks not covered in the annual
risk assessment.
General conditions
FCW will impose the nationally agreed sanctions for both pin number irregularities and over
loading, as outlined in the policy documents that have been drawn up by FC and
representatives of CONFOR and UKFPA. These documents can be found on the FCW internet
The Haulier has a ‘duty of care’ to make a visual assessment of the authorised route conditions
for any changes to the road surface. This could include snow and ice or damage caused by
excessive rainfall. The Haulier must not proceed if the risk is thought to be too high.
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All authorised route users have a duty to report all road defects. This must be done through
the Wales Harvesting and Marketing office at Aberystwyth, the point of contact is the despatch
The haulier must not deviate from the Authorised Route shown on the Forest Road Atlas or
indicated to them by FCW staff. FCW will not accept any liability for Lorries travelling on any
unapproved routes. FCW also reserves the right to suspend any haulier not complying with the
above Business Rules.
A revised Forest Road Atlas will be issued every March by Wales Harvesting & Marketing and
will be time bound for 12 months.
Haulage of products
All products (Round wood and Brash Bales) will be loaded and transported Longitudinal.
Transverse loading and transporting is not acceptable and will not be used during this contract.
Each outer timber billet/bale must be restrained by at least two upright supports. Logs/bales
shorter than the distance between two uprights should be placed in the interior of the load.
The upright supports should be of sufficient strength to prevent the load spreading them apart.
Where timber billet/bales are supported by only two uprights the ends of the outer logs should
extend at least 300mm (12 inches) beyond the uprights.
Timber billets/bales should preferably be laid top to tail alternately so as to ensure an even
balance of the load.
For debarked round wood and for any timber judged to be slippery, at least two load straps per
bay are required.
Load straps must be secured to the vehicle frame and tensioned by a suitable device.
The centre of either top outside log/bale must be no higher than the outside logs/bales to
crown the load and enable it to be properly tensioned by the load straps.
Round wood
It is important that vehicles are loaded safely to avoid injury to the operator, a member of the
public or other third party.
Drivers must comply with the site safety rules
Personal Protective Equipment must be provided by the contractor and used as defined
in the site safety rules
Training / instruction and monitoring of the driver must be carried out to ensure safe
practice during loading operations
Adequate Bilingual signage should be in place during the loading operation to warn
others of the hazards
Compliance with the site safety rules should be monitored
The loader and associated equipment must comply with and be maintained to minimise
the possibility of failure (see Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
(LOLER) & Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) Legislation)
Remove branches and other detritus from the load prior to moving
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The haulier must ensure all operators are aware of the maximum loads of each piece of
Where trailers are left in the forest for subsequent loading the landing legs on the
trailer should be positioned on a suitable bearer.
Stacks must be left safe after loading
Brash Bales
It is important that vehicles are loaded safely to avoid injury to the operator, a member of the
public or other third party.
Brash-bales have the potential to degrade when stored for long periods and in poor conditions.
Degrade can lead to a loss of structural integrity making bales unsuitable for haulage by open
timber lorry.
Roadside brash-bale stocks will be monitored and inspected for suitability for haulage by FCW.
Hauliers will only be instructed to dispatch from inspected bale stocks.
Responsibility will rest with the driver to:
Load bales in line with training
Visually risk assess the load for loose or damaged bales
Stack loose or damaged bales in a separate pile at roadside and report to WHaM
Contract Manager/Contract Supervisor.
Where a bale stack is found to be in poorer condition than expected and unsuitable for
haulage, drivers will be redirected to a different roadside stack.
Wind Farm Clause;
FCW reserve the right to call on the contract holders of all zones to move Biofuel from the
windfarm zone (known as zone F) in Coed y Cymoedd to 3 storage areas located outside of the
windfarm zone (but within a 10 mile distance of the windfarm zone).
Time will be of the essence with this clause and hauliers will be expected to move all woodfuel
products out of this zone as and when called upon by FCW.
FCW will give the contract holders 2 weeks notice of this change of programme.
Rates are to be agreed between FCW and Contract Holder(s). Rates will be no more than the
current contracted rates.
Termination of the contract
WBE can terminate the contract with FCW for several reasons including in the event of the
destruction of the power plant. FCW reserve the right to terminate the contract in the event
that FCW’s contract with WBE is terminated.
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If the contract holder fails to deliver or is unable to continue with the delivery of this service,
FCW will reserve the right to contract to another contractor at short notice to fulfil the
requirements of the WBE contract.
Failure to deliver the weekly amounts
If contract holders fail to meet the weekly delivery targets to WBE, contract holders will be
expected to make up any shortfall by delivering more in the following week. Failure to do this
will result in the FCW contracting in another haulage service to provide the extra material.
FCW reserve the right to procure another contract in the event of this happening.
Contract Volumes
FCW reserve the right to procuring extra haulage services in south Wales and that this contract
will not be an all inclusive contract to the contract holder(s). FCW can call upon other haulage
services to deliver additional volumes from inside any of the 3 Zones or outside of the 3 Zones.
Western Bio Energy Information
Moisture Content checks:
The Moisture Content of the Wood Fuel delivered is required to be tested and ascertained on
every load entering onto WBE premises.
The Weighbridge / Samplers will safely take these samples from each delivered load, using a
Cordless Drill whilst standing on the Hardcore existing ground at the side of the Weighbridge.
Delivery Times:
Weekday Monday to Friday: 07:00 to 19:00
Saturday: 07:00 to 14:00
Hauliers will be expected to deliver on Saturdays, monthly profiles and number of loads to be
delivered through each zone will be given to hauliers on the delivery profile for that coming
week/month – this will include Saturday deliveries.
Quality Control:
Weighbridge/Sampler will inspect each and every wagon load of wood fuel delivered to ensure
that the quality is to the required Licensed Standard and Specification for the Plant. If the
required standard is not delivered, The load is REJECTED and the driver is instructed to
immediately take the wagon and the load off site. If this occurs during the contract period FCW
will re-issue haulier with another location to deliver the Biofuel. The haulier will be expected to
deliver to this location and unload the produce in a safe location and in a suitable manner,
stacking of material will be left in a safe condition and stacks will be no higher than the
product length.
If products are REJECTED, FCW will pay half the price (per lorry load) for the rejected load to
be transported from WBE to the FCW disposal site.
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If WBE reject any loads at the WBE plant, FCW will reserve the right to call upon the contract
holder who delivered the product, in order to pick up the product and return the load to a
location of FCW preference. This load will be compensated to the Contract holder at the
contracted rate per tonne.
Any material rejected by WBE needs to be removed from site within 5 working days of the load
being rejected. Contract holders will be expected to uplift and remove within this time.
Unloading Flatbeds:
For the purpose of delivering flatbed Lorries into the Biofuel Plant, WBE have the capacity to
unload Flatbeds on site, this process does take slightly longer as the offloading machinery may
be busy elsewhere on the yard, Drivers will have to take note of this issue and will have to be
patient when off loading.
If hauliers wish to deliver in on Flatbed Lorries, this must be noted in the application along with
number of trailers to be used on deliveries.
Unplanned shutdowns
During the contract delivery period there will be times that the WBE plant will be on downtime.
Contract holders will be made aware of these shutdowns with as much notice given by FCW as
viably possible. In period of shutdowns, Contract holders may be expected to deliver produce
to a second storage yard – detailed at the pre-commencement meeting. Contract holders will
be expected to deliver the agreed weekly amounts to the storage yard in this instance.
Refusal of entry into the WBE site
WBE can refuse entry to site if a delivery vehicle is in a hazardous condition, or if the load is
unsafe, or if the Contractor behaves in an unsatisfactory manner, therefore all vehicles must
be in a safe, roadworthy condition, loads must by safely secured and hauliers must behave in
an appropriate manner at all times. If the contract holder(s) is/are found not to comply with
any of these requirements, FCW will treat this issue as a breach in contract and FCW will hold
a formal review with the contract holder/haulier before considering further action.
Preferred routes into the WBE plant
FCW will state and explain the preferred routes into the power plant during the WBE site visit
at pre-commencement. In the event of WBE altering the preferred routes, FCW will notify the
contractor/s at the earliest opportunity
Contract Conditions
Contract Reviews
Contract reviews will take place on a quarterly basis, with an end of year review each January.
All contract reviews will be documented and filed in the appropriate contract holder’s contract
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Contract Services
All services provided must comply with UKWAS standards, the 3 rd Edition of the Roundwood
Haulage Code of Practice, FC despatch procedures and all other relevant Environmental /
Health and Safety Legislation.
The contractor will be required to comply with the ‘Road Transport (Working Time) Regulations
It is expected that successful participants will provide details regarding operators and current
haulage equipment available to them (including associated sub-contractors) as well as
providing details of equipment maintenance and replacement policy.
Contract Breaches
Contract breaches will be filed into the contract holder’s contract file. In this file FCW will keep
a record of the performance of individual hauliers to build a working history profile. This will
help to inform and provide evidence on any judgements that need to be made on performance
and breaches.
Acceptable load weights
FCW expect the contract holders to keep to the legal load weight of 44 tonnes (Gross
Vehicle Weight). If contract holder(s) exceed this weight, FCW will classify this as a
contract breach and a haulage ban will be enforced on the contract holder. These Bans
will range from 1 day to 2 weeks, depending on the severity of the breach. If the contract
holder obtains 3 Bans, FCW will be forced to address the haulage contract with the
contract holder at fault and will reserve the right to terminate the contract if remedial
action is not achieved.
Haulage Bans
If the contract holder(s) obtains a contract ban or is found to be over the legal weight limit,
FCW reserve the right to contract the outstanding tonnage to another haulage contractor to
fulfill the daily/weekly or monthly targets, this will be to ensure that FCW fulfills the WBE
agreed delivery schedule.
Payment terms
Payment will be made on a self-billing basis by FC Wales based on despatches over the WBE
weighbridge or other agreed alternative weighbridge. Pro-forma invoices accompanying
payment by direct transfer will be sent on a monthly basis.
Haulier Requirements/Duty of care
Forestry Commission Wales site safety rules
Health and safety in the haulage industry, as with any industry is paramount. It is important
that Tenderer(s) are fully aware of their responsibilities and those of other users. FCW hauliers
will be expected to comply with the following:
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On the forest road - access and egress routes
 Use the specified access and exit routes.
 Recommended speed limit 25Km per hour.
 Be prepared to meet other road users –vehicles, bikes and people on foot.
 Report any road defects as soon as possible to the Contracts Manager/ Contracts
the Harvesting Site
No children (< 16 years) in vehicles or on site.
Be aware of any movement within the wood as well as the roadside.
Be prepared to stop.
Do not approach within the risk zone (70 metres) of any lorry, machine, moving or
Do not approach within the risk zone (70 metres) of any tree felling.
Use horn, and lights to attract attention. Use mobile phone or radio if you have one.
Only proceed when clearly shown to do so such as a clear hand signal. Do not assume that
a stopped machine is switched off and safe.
Do not leave the forest road unless there is specific and agreed need.
Wear safety helmet when outside the vehicle.
Wear high visible clothing when outside vehicle.
Maintain integrity of stack.
Accident Reporting
All accidents and dangerous occurrences to be reported to the Contract Manager.
 Prohibition & Warning signs (Must be Bilingual) to be erected when working out-with active
harvesting site.
 Gross vehicle weight as per Road (Vehicles Construction and Use) Regulations (44 tonnes
Max, Overloading will result in a haulage Ban for a set period).
 Load Security as per Road Haulage of Round Timber Code of Practice.
Western Bio Energy Plant Site Safety Rules
Haulier Management when on the WBE premises:
1. Each and every wood fuel supply wagon will approach up to the closed entry gates to
the site.
2. The existing gates are Sensor Controlled and will open as they approach.
3. When the route is clear, the driver will drive onto the existing Weighbridge.
4. If not clear, the driver will wait until the Weighbridge is clear and then approach.
5. The driver will position the wagon over the Weighbridge and stop to park.
6. The wagon will remain stationary until the Weighbridge Operator has recorded the
TARRE weight & Haulier/Wagon details onto the Lap Top recording system. The weight
of the wagon on the weighbridge will automatically be recorded on a Display Console in
the Weighbridge Office.
7. Following clear instructions from the Weighbridge Operator, the driver will be given
permission to enter onto the site at 5MPH.
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8. The Weighbridge Operator will show the driver where to load the Round wood Log from
onto the wagon in compliance with the Log Storage Discharge Plan.
9. Following completion of the loading, the driver will drive back onto the Weighbridge (if
clear) and the Weighbridge Operator will then record the GROSS weight of the wagon
10. The Weighbridge Operator will print off a COLLECTION of load TICKET with all load
details recorded on.
11. This Ticket will be signed by the Weighbridge Operator and the Haulier.
12. One copy will be given to the Haulier and another retained in the Weighbridge office for
record purpose.
13. Following instruction from the Operator, the driver will safely drive out of the site at
14. The Weighbridge Operator has total control of the movements of the wagons onto and
off the weighbridge at all times.
15. If a number of wagons are waiting to enter or exit the plant at any one time; The
Weighbridge Operator MUST prioritise the in and out procedure in such a way to clear
any backlog.
Other Delivery yard Site Safety Rules
Haulier Management when on other WBE Premises:
Enter approach road and approach closed Entry Gates.
Drive slowly onto the existing Weighbridge if clear and stop. If not clear then wait until
wagon has driven off weighbridge.
3. Weighbridge Operator will record the TARRE weight of the wagon on the Lap Top Record
System within the weighbridge.
4. The driver will be given a copy of the Site Rules and Site Induction Form to be completed
and signed.
5. On completion of Section 4, The Weighbridge Operator will instruct the driver to drive at
5MPH into the Log Storage Area Compound.
6. The Weighbridge Operator will follow the wagon into the storage area and instruct the
driver as to where to deposit the load from in compliance with the Log Storage Plan.
7. Following un-strapping and deposit of the load, the driver will drive at 5MPH back to the
8. If clear, the driver will drive onto the Weighbridge and stop.
9. The Weighbridge Operator will record the GROSS weight of the wagon on the Lap Top
System. A Collection ticket document will be printed off for the load details. The Operator
and Driver will both sign the Collection ticket.
10. One copy of the ticket will be given to the driver and another will be retained in the
Weighbridge File record system.
11. On completion of Sections 9 & 10, the Weighbridge Operator will instruct the driver to
drive off the weighbridge at 5MPH and safely exit the site through the sensor controlled
Driver Care
FCW will investigate complaints about lack of driver care on FC roads and, if needed, report it
to the contract holder and note it in the contract file.
FCW will follow up complaints about lack of driver care on public roads with the contract holder
if there is enough evidence to support any claim. We recommend that you drive on FC roads
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‘according to the conditions’. This is the universally expected behaviour. Such breaches may
Excessive speed and public perception of excessive speed;
Unsafe loads and the public’s perception of these loads;
Incorrect tyre pressures;
Excessive use of bolster pin extensions resulting in high loads which are unstable;
Avoidable damage to walls and verges;
Poor timing;
Use of unsuitable ‘short-cuts’ in preference to agreed routes;
Damage to goal-posts when crossing under electricity lines;
Delays in reporting FC road damage; and
Inappropriate livery and ‘names’ on lorries.
FC roads are ‘designed’ for a recommended speed of 25kph (15 mph). At times 25kph is too
fast, hauliers will be expected to judge on the road conditions/circumstances and take a
sensible approach to movements on FC roads.
Road Atlas Maps
The Forest Roads Approved Routes Atlas details the haulage routes that Forestry
Commission Wales has authorised for the haulage of wood from their felling and thinning
The Atlas is designed for use by Customers and Hauliers as well as Forestry Commission Staff
and is only relevant for the period 1st April to 31st March of each year.
Hauliers will be given the road atlas at the Pre-commencement meeting.
Environment and Pollution
There are a number of ways that haulage operations can impact on the environment. Contract
holders are committed to follow best practice and they must pass all relevant information on
protecting the environment to their employees and contractors.
Serious damage to wet un-surfaced roads can create silting problems. Hauliers must report
any damage through the Roads Defect Reporting System and make sure remedial action is
taken as quickly as possible. The Roads Defects Reporting System is explained in more detail
further on in the document.
Any accidental spillage of fuel or oil is likely to get into roadside drains and can therefore flow
quickly into watercourses. It is essential that hauliers, particularly drivers, are aware of what
to do if a problem arises and have set procedures for dealing with pollution.
Hauliers must report all pollution incidents to the contract manager immediately.
Hauliers must be aware that FCW expect each haulier to carry with them at all times their own
personal Pollution control equipment. Hauliers must be able to show when asked where their
pollution control equipment is kept and also provide a pollution control plan. Hauliers will need
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to demonstrate what action they need to take if there is an incident. They must carry enough
pollution control equipment to cover the risk of the work they are doing.
Accident and incident reporting under RIDDOR
All accidents and incidents should be reported to the contracts manager immediately, and also
be reported under RIDDOR.
Responsibilities of the haulier
Hauliers are responsible for complying with the contract including the following:
1. Carry out a risk assessment for the work covered by the
contract. Pass a copy to the
contract manager.
2. Have a lone worker policy.
3. Make sure that the vehicles they will use are suitable for the conditions at the time.
4. Retain integrity of stacks after loading.
5. Compliance with despatch procedures.
6. Inform designated contact of:
• deterioration and defects in road or other problems;
• environmental incidents (oil spill);
• instances where lorries go off the road and, or, overturn; and
• accidents and incidents reportable under RIDDOR.
7. Obey all work-site safety rules, forest, mill, depot, railhead, pier or port.
8. Comply with any time limits.
9. Comply with the ‘Road Haulage Code of Practice’.
10. Comply with all relevant health and safety legislation.
11. Comply with all relevant environmental legislation.
12. Comply with road traffic laws, specifically about overloading and safe loading.
First Aid
The Forestry Commission has updated its First Aid at Work policy, as set out in the ‘First aid to
work’ document on the FC internet page (Follow link below). It states that Contractors,
hauliers and others wishing to work on FC land will need to show that they comply with the
new policy. The target date for that is 1 January 2012. To comply you will need to:
Assess your first aid provision and requirements, with the help of the ‘First aid to work’
Put in place the appropriate trained individuals, equipment and emergency procedures.
Record what you have provided.
In essence hauliers are required to have up to date first aid training. To comply hauliers will
have the option to take the HSE approved courses (EFAW) in addition to, or instead of a day’s
first aid training as part of their Driver CPC (Continuing Professional Competence).
A first aid kit should be available to all individuals at all times. A personal kit, if required,
should be carried by the person while at work. Other kits should always be at a readily
locatable and in an accessible place to the operators.
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Successful tenderer(s) must also have in place an effective lone working system including
emergency procedures. This will be checked on the applications submitted for tender under the
health and safety marking criteria.
More information on this can be found at the following web address:$FILE/firsrtaidweb.pdf
Road Haulage
The Road Traffic Act 1988 defines a road amongst other things as ‘any other road to which the
public has access,’ FC roads fall within this definition. This does not make our roads Rights of
Way, but it does mean that we expect users to comply with Road Traffic Acts for items such
as, road tax, insurance, Vehicle Testing certificates and using red diesel.
Below we have summarised the documents that a road haulage contractor must have, or be
able to prove they have.
Each year for this Haulage contract, hauliers will be expected to provide copies of:
Operators licence;
Vehicle plating certificates;
Vehicle test certificates;
Relevant insurance certificates.
Crane test certificates.
Preferred routes, access and exit points will be highlighted on relevant maps and the contract
holder informed of any known restrictions or limitations on access routes prior to uplift.
Throughout the contract the contract holder will be told of any new restrictions or limitations
that affect timber haulage operations.
Overloading is against the law and can give rise to bad public relations. Legislation on lorry
weight is complex. A particular aspect of overloading is the damage caused to forest roads.
The FC will monitor weights and address overloading with customers where the overloading
occurs. Persistent overloading, despite management intervention, could result in FCW
terminating a contract.
Vehicles must not be over 44 tonnes (gross vehicle weight).
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) apply to cranes used in timber
Hauliers must ensure that the lifting equipment is strong and stable enough for the particular
use and marked to indicate safe working loads, positioned and installed to minimise any risks,
used safely, i.e. the work is planned, organised and performed by competent people; and
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subject to ongoing thorough examination and, where appropriate, inspection by competent
Local communities and agreed haulage routes
FCW has carried out extensive community consultations around south Wales in order to
minimise the impact of local communities. Timber haulage can have both a positive and
negative impact on local communities.
Preferred routes, access and exit points will be highlighted on the relevant maps and the
contract holder informed of any known restrictions or limitations before any agreement is
reached. Throughout the contract the contract holder will be told of any new restrictions or
limitations that affect timber haulage operations.
Road Defect Reporting
Hauliers will be expected to comply with the road defect reporting system. Hauliers must
report immediately where road deterioration is occurring and must avoid further damage to
identified routes. The road defect reporting system will be explained during precommencement of contract.
Power lines
These are a particular hazard for vehicles when moving, but especially during loading due to
the associated elevation of the loader arm potentially presenting a point for electricity to
Hauliers must not load under power lines or at any point between the goalposts. Hauliers must
not move off unless the lorry loader is properly parked.
Barrier Keys
Barrier keys will be supplied to gain access to Forestry Commission Wales managed land for
the purpose of carrying out the contract works only. If more then one key is issued,
contractors will be required to maintain a record of key holders. This record must be available
for inspection and checking by FCW staff or their agents on demand. Any lost or unreturned
keys will be charged at £200 per key. Vehicle passes will be issued and must be clearly
displayed in windscreen of all vehicles while on FCW managed land.
Phytophthora Ramorum
In May 2010, a major outbreak was confirmed in Welsh Government woodlands managed by
Forestry Commission Wales in south Wales (the Afan Valley, near Port Talbot; the Garw Valley,
near Bridgend; and the Vale of Glamorgan). FCW is committed to tackling the spread of
Phytophthora Ramorum in Wales and has already felled a large volume of infected larch stands
and will continue where new infection is confirmed. The successful tenderer(s) on this contract
will be expected to transport Infected material from forest roads to the WBE plant and also the
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storage yard at Western Logs premises. Hauliers will be expected to follow best practice and
biosecurity measures already in place.
Vehicles, Lorries and machines
Special care should be taken to ensure that vehicle tyres and lorry beds are free of loose soil
and debris before leaving any Phytophthora control site.
When on site, road vehicles should stay on stone roads wherever possible and be parked in
areas that are as free of larch needle and debris as possible.
Road Vehicles
Haulage vehicles and other road vehicles that stay on stone surfaced roads may require a
sweep down to remove loose debris before leaving the site. This is especially important in wet
The drier and cleaner the road surface is the less the risk of transferring the disease on wheels
will be. If surfaced forest roads and loading bays become muddy or covered with bark and
debris, they should be scraped off and preferably allowed to dry before continuing use. As a
general rule, if mud or debris is adhering in clumps to the sidewalls of road vehicle tyres then
the forest road surface requires attention, or must be allowed to dry, before loading continues.
Otherwise the wash down procedures applicable to off-road vehicles will need to apply.
Stacking and Loading considerations
Picking up needles, leaves and other debris when handling and bringing wood from control
sites to roadside is a major issue in these control procedures.
When working with timber on a Phytophthora controlled site:
• Minimise the accidental pick up of brash, leaves or other debris when moving timber in the
wood and at roadside. Move the material as necessary to knock off needles and debris and to
allow a clean pick up.
• Avoid placing timber back on the ground if possible especially in muddy conditions. Logs and
Brash Bales should be stacked on bearers where it is safe and possible to do so.
• Stacked logs/Brash Bales from control sites must not be placed in contact with live plants
and foliage of other potentially susceptible trees and plants such as rhododendron, bilberry,
larch, sweet chestnut and beech.
• If the lack of stacking space means that stack heights have exceed the recommended 2m,
pay special attention to stability and shoulder slopes, and use warning signs if members of the
public could access the stacks.
The requirements are to keep logs or other Phytophthora affected wood separate from other
material as required, and to ensure that all bark or co-product with bark attached or mixed in,
is properly disposed of as soon as practicable by burning.
When bringing in round wood from a Phytophthora control site:
• Round wood must be stacked separately from other material, preferably on hard standing
and away from any growing trees and plants such as rhododendron, bilberry, larch, sweet
chestnut and beech.
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• After unloading material from the forest, lorries must be swept clean of needles and other
debris on the hard standing. The debris must be segregated and properly disposed of as soon
as practicable.
Timber Security
Timber Security is of paramount importance to FC and its Customers. It is recognised there is
a need to work together to ensure compliance with uplift procedures. There is therefore a
requirement to identify breaches to Uplift Policy and where applicable to impose sanctions
against offending parties. It is believed the proposals provide reasonable and fair measures
and impose sanctions at a level commensurate with the nature and frequency of breach.
Stock monitoring is critical to ensure that all timber is accounted for on each contract; Hauliers
must only uplift material that has been accounted for and highlighted by the contract
manager/Biofuel supervisor.
Timber security will take place in the form of:
Formal lorry checks
Lorry reg. checks
PIN numbers/Access Codes
Stock monitoring
Mobile Despatch
Forestry Commission Wales would expect the successful tenderer(s) to embrace the use of our
mobile despatch system and/or use of the internet portal to obtain PIN numbers for the
despatch of timber from forest roadside.
Background to Mobile Despatch, and how it works:
Forestry Commission GB has launched an automated timber dispatching service. In Wales it
means that instead of calling the central dispatch line in Aberystwyth, hauliers will contact an
automated service either via a voice call or via text message.
Hauliers must be registered by the Forestry Commission to be able to use the service. Each
registered haulier will be recognised by the system and granted access via their mobile
When calling or texting the automated service the haulier is required to use the registered
mobile number, have a valid DRN/conveyance note/ticket and the correct access code for the
site they are collecting from.
The system is able to recognise both Forestry Commission and individual customer ticket
numbers as long as the books are registered on Forestry Commission's Sales Recording
Access codes define the Contract, the Coupe Number, the product and the product length
being collected. All these details are maintained by the forestry Commission and each week a
report of all access codes relevant to the customer is issued for distributing to Hauliers. In the
case of Western Bio Energy FC is the customer.
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When a haulier wishes to uplift they find the right access code in the report. Call or text the
Automated despatch line (01970 800970), quote their DRN and then the access code. They will
receive a text message back with a PIN if all details are correct.
This is a 24/7 everyday of the year service.
FCW can control road closures, overload bans etc by suspending contracts and access codes.
Hauliers will be asked to contact the office if this is the case and apply for a PIN as per the
previous despatching methods.
Mobile Communication
All successful tenderer(s) are expected to have an internet linked mobile phone/smart phone,
for purposes of communication and information transfer.
FCW expect Hauliers to have access on their phones to receive:
 Email
 Access to Attachments:
– PDF’s
– Word Documents
– Microsoft Excel
Fuel Escalation Clause
In respect of fuel, FCW is interested in participating in an open book pricing methodology for these
Base Contract Price
FCW recognises that fuel rates fluctuate and the provisions stated here provide for adjustments in the cost
of diesel fuels consumed in the delivery of the contract. For this purpose bidders are required to supply a
fixed delivery price per tonne which will apply for the term of the contract(s). This price will be known as
the base contract price.
It is a requirement of the tender that bidders supply a breakdown of how this base price figure has been
calculated for each Zone applied for and details of this percentage breakdown are required for each year of
the contract/s. When submitting the price per tonne, FCW requires bidders to submit a percentage
breakdown for the submitted rate, which will be split down into the following:
We may require you to provide evidence of these percentage breakdowns throughout the duration of the
contract. Any fuel price adjustment will be calculated using the percentage rate of the fuel element of the
price per tonne figure only.
Failure to submit these percentage breakdowns will result in bidders not passing the selection
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Prices will be fixed for the first year of the contract(s) with an annual review for years 2 and 3. At the precommencement meeting the contract start date and the annual review date will be set with the contract
holder(s). It will be on this annual review date that any fuel price adjustment calculation will take place.
Both parties must agree a specific date on which the review will take place.
Base Fuel Price
In order to calculate whether any fuel adjustment is required, it is necessary to establish a base fuel price at
the start of the contract(s). The base fuel price will be set at the pre-commencement meeting and will be
taken from the latest average monthly price of Diesel published on the Department of Energy and Climate
Change’s website, Energy Price Statistics, Oil and Petroleum Products Price Statistics, Monthly Tables.
Energy price statistics - Department of Energy and Climate Change
FCW will monitor the rise and fall of Diesel prices and will use this information to agree fluctuations on the
annual review.
It will be advised that the contract holder check and acclimatise themselves with the same information from
the start date of contract – for the same purpose.
Any price adjustment will be calculated using the percentage of fuel cost per tonne provided by the bidder
and the initial base fuel price established at the start of the contract. Any price adjustment made will apply
from the date of the annual review meeting forwards and will be ‘Locked’ until the next annual review. Price
adjustments will not be back dated nor will any retrospective adjustments be made for any reason on these
Amount of Variation
On the date of the annual review, no adjustment to the contract price will be made if the variation of the
fuel price is within +/- 5% of the initial base fuel price set at the start of the contract.
If the fuel price increases or decreases by over +/- 5% on the date of the annual review, FCW will reevaluate based on the fuel element of the price per tonne. Once a new price has been agreed, this price will
then become the new base price for the contract. Bidders should be aware that should the price of fuel
decrease by over 5%, contract holders will have a reduction of price in relation to fuel percentage.
During the contract period, should the price of fuel increase by over 15% of the base fuel price, in the
period between the contract start date and the annual review date, the contract holder may request an
extra-ordinary price adjustment review meeting with FCW. This price increase must be sustained as an
average price increase over a minimum period of 1 month before a request can be made.
During the contract period, should the price of fuel decrease by over 15% of the base fuel price, in the
period between the contract start date and the annual review dates, FCW may request an extra-ordinary
price adjustment review meeting with the contract holder. This price decrease must be sustained as an
average price decrease over a minimum period of 1 month before a request can be made.
Price Adjustment Calculation
On the date of the annual review the contract holder(s) must supply evidence of their percentage
breakdowns in order for a review of the base fuel price to take place. If the evidence is not provided, there
will be no annual price review.
If the fuel price has increased or decreased by over +/- 5% on the date of the annual review, FCW will reevaluate the base contract price as in the following example:
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 The base contract price per tonne is £10.00
 The Contract Holder provides evidence that 20% of the current base contract price per tonne is the cost
of fuel.
 The base fuel price is set as £1.35 pence per litre at the start of the contract.
 At the time of the first annual review the average monthly cost of fuel based on the Dept of Energy’s
website has increased by 6% to £1.43ppl.
 The fuel adjustment will be calculated on 20% of £10.00 which is £2.00.
 The fuel adjustment is therefore £2.00 x 6% = £0.12
 The base contract price is therefore increased by £0.12 to £10.12 per tonne.
 For the second year of the contract therefore the new contract base price is now £10.12 and the new
base fuel price in set at £1.43ppl.
FCW Annual reviews will take place during the last working month of each contract year (again the exact
date will be set during the pre-commencement meeting).
If on this date the current fuel price data is not available due to systems failure, the previous months figure
will be used to calculate any adjustment. If either of the parties are unable to attend the meeting on the
specific date set, and have a genuine reason for not doing so, the meeting will be re-scheduled for the next
available date and time, preferably within 1 week. Should the average monthly cost of fuel decrease by
more than -5% and the contract holder(s) fail to attend the review meeting without a reasonable
explanation FCW reserves the right to apply the fuel adjustment without the contract holder(s) being
Note: FCW is trying to reduce carbon emissions from operations associated with management
of the estate, therefore FCW will be looking for fuel saving and to promote fuel efficiency within
this contract.
Low Impact Vehicles or Tyre Pressure Control Systems
Please note that FCW is currently reviewing the application of vehicles fitted with tyre pressure
control systems / low ground pressure vehicles on the National Forest Estate.
It is a condition of any award that the successful tenderer(s) will be prepared to embrace said
technology. Tenderer(s) will have to state their preferred system when submitting their tender.
Successful tenderer(s) will install a system by the 24 th week of the contract. FCW will hold a
contract review at week 12 to confirm completed or scheduled fitting. FCW reserve the right to
terminate the contract with the contract holder if progression of the installation has not been
met by week 24 without reasonable explanation.
Tenderer(s) are expected to detail what their preferred system is and level of adoption they
are willing to embrace – this will form part of the marking criteria on this contract.
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For more information on Low impact vehicles or tyre pressure control systems; see appendix 1
Areas for Tender
The Biomass haulage areas have been split up into three areas, for the purpose of this contract
we will be calling these areas Zones:
Tenderer(s) can bid for 1 or more Zones, but must be able to prove they can facilitate the
delivery programme, If you are successful across all 3 zones, you must indicate in order of
priority which zones you would prefer to work.
Zone 1: (South Wales Valleys) Boundaries of the area have been identified as the closest to
the Power plant, from Swansea, up the A465 to where it joins the A470 and then down to
Zone 2: (South East Wales) From Cardiff – East of the A470 to Brecon, North of the A40 to
Llandovery, East of the A483 to Builth Wells, Then west of the A470 to Talgarth, West of the
A479 to Abergavenny and West of the A4042 towards Newport.
Zone 3: (South West Wales) From Swansea - North of the A465 to where it joins the A470,
West of the A470 up to Brecon, South of the A40 to Llandovery. Across to Lampeter covering
the Pumsaint area and then East of the A485 to Carmarthen
Also included on page 36 is a map of the Zones.
Rough Guide haulage Tonnes for the areas are as follows:
Zone 1: In the region of 40,000 tonnes of Round wood with 5,000 tonnes of Brash Bales
Zone 2: In the region of 4,000 tonnes of Round wood
Zone 3: In the region of 11,000 tonnes of Round wood with 6,000 tonnes of Brash Bales
It should be noted that these are Indicative volumes and are not guaranteed, Volumes WILL
fluctuate in each Zone. It is anticipated that subsequent years will have similar tonnages, and
it should be noted that these volumes WILL also vary across each Zone.
Forestry Commission Wales will aim to deliver the contract quantity on an even rate of supply,
seasonal and operational conditions may cause this to vary. Forestry Commission Wales will
give as much notice as possible on the weekly and monthly delivery targets.
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1 Useful websites for Haulage transportation including but not limited to:-
Department for Transport
Vehicle and Operator Services Agency
Health and Safety Executive
Timber Transport Forum
Freight Transport Association
Road Haulage Association
N.B. FCW is not responsible for the content of any external website.
2 Low Impact Vehicles or Tyre Pressure Control Systems including but not limited to
Timber Transport Forum (2010) The Timber Transport Toolkit. Draft for Consultation. Timber
Transport Forum.
JST Haulage (2011) website.
Christie, J. (2010) Inflating Profits; low impact vehicles and tyre pressure control. Forestry
Journal. 7/10.
Munro, R. and MacCulloch (2008) Tyre pressure control on timber haulage; some observations
on a trial in Highland Scotland. Roadex III report.
Dawson, A., Kolisoja, P. and Vuorimies, N. (2008) Understanding low-volume pavement
response to heavy traffic loading. Roadex III report.
Bradley, A.H. (2003) Using optimised truck and tire pressures to minimise damage to
rural roads: summary of two trials in Saskatchewan. Advantage. (4) 10.
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4 Guidance notes for completing the ITT
Completing the ITT
Please answer every question. If the question does not apply to you please write N/A.
If you do not know the answer please write N/K.
Warning: Please note that if you answer N/A or N/K to any question, we
may reject your submission in full and will not evaluate any further
Supporting documents
To make the process straightforward, you do not need to provide supporting
documents such as accounts, certificates, statements or policies with your tender
unless specifically asked to do so. However, we may ask you for these later. You
may also be asked to clarify your answers or provide more details.
Your organisation will only be evaluated based on the information in your tender.
Note that if you do not mention any previous experience of working with us in your
reply we cannot take this into account. Please do not send any information that is
general company or promotional literature, as this will not form part of our evaluation.
Any additional documents you provide must refer to a question within the ITT and be
easily identifiable as the answer.
All costs associated with taking part in this process remain your responsibility. We will
not return any part of your completed tender to you.
Right to cancel or vary the process
We reserve the right to cancel or withdraw from the selection and evaluation process
at any stage.
By issuing this ITT, we do not undertake to accept the lowest priced tender, or part,
or all of any tender, and our acknowledgement of receiving your tender will not
constitute any actual or implied agreement between the FC and you the bidder.
At any time before the deadline for the receipt of renders, we may modify the ITT with
an amendment. We will number, date and issue any such amendment in writing to all
prospective bidders.
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You must treat all information we supply to you in confidence and do not disclose it to
third parties, unless you need to obtain sureties or quotations for submitting your
The Government has set out the need for greater transparency across its operations
to enable the public to hold public bodies and politicians to account. This includes
commitments about public expenditure, intended to help achieve better value for
As part of the transparency agenda, the Government has made the following
commitments for procurement and contracting, note procurement is devolved to the
Welsh and Scottish Administrations, so some of these requirements are not UK-wide
at this time.
All new central government tender documents for contracts over £10,000 are to
be published on a single website from September 2010, and this information
will be made available to the public free (except for contracts concluded in
Scotland or Wales exclusively).
New items of central government spending over £25,000 to be published online
from November 2010.
All new central government contracts with a value greater than £10,000 are to
be published in full on a single website from January 2011, and this information
will be made available to the public free (except for contracts concluded in
Scotland or Wales exclusively).
Bidders and those organisations looking to bid for public sector contracts should be
aware that if they are awarded a new government contract, as a public sector
organisation, we will publish that contract. In some circumstances, some information
will be made unreadable before they are published so we comply with existing law and
for protecting national security.
As part of the tendering process, when submitting your bids, you should identify which
pieces of information you regard as being sensitive and would not want published.
We will then assess this information (along with the rest of the contract) against the
exemptions set out by the Freedom of Information Act when considering which
contractual information should or should not be published.
Consortia arrangements
If you are bidding as a consortium, you must provide the following information:
full details of the consortium; and
the information sought in this ITT for each of the consortium’s constituent
members as part of a single complete response.
You should provide details of the actual or proposed percentage shareholding of the
constituent members within the consortium in a separate Annex. If as a consortium
you are not proposing to form a corporate entity, please provide full details of
alternative proposed arrangements in the Annex. However, please note we reserve
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the right to require a successful consortium to form a single legal entity under
Regulation 28 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006.
We recognise that arrangements about consortia may (within limits) be subject to
future change. You should therefore respond in the light of current arrangements.
We remind you that you must tell us about any future proposed change to your
consortia so we can make a further assessment by applying the selection criteria to
the new information you provide.
Where you propose to use sub-contractors, please give all information we ask for
about the prime contractor. Where sub-contractors will play a significant role in the
delivery of the services or products under any ensuing contract, please indicate in a
separate annex (by inserting the relevant company or organisation name) the
composition of the supply chain, showing which member of the supply chain will be
responsible for the elements of the requirement.
We recognise that arrangements about sub-contracting may change. However, you
need to remember that where sub-contractors are to play a significant role, any
changes to those sub-contracting arrangements may constitute a material change and
therefore may affect your ability to proceed with the procurement process or to
provide the goods and, or, services.
Tender validity
All details of the tender, including prices and rates, must be valid for 90 days from
receipt of tender.
The completed tender and all accompanying documents must be in English.
Applicable Law
Any contract concluded as a result of this ITT will be governed by English law.
All prices will be in sterling and exclusive of VAT.
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Additional costs
Once we have awarded the contract, we will not pay any additional costs incurred
which are not reflected in your tender submission.
While the information in this ITT and supporting documents has been prepared in
good faith by us, it may not be comprehensive nor has it been independently verified.
Neither the FC, nor their advisors, nor their respective directors, officers, members,
partners, employees, other staff or agents:
makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy,
reasonableness or completeness of this ITT; or
accepts any responsibility for the information contained in the ITT or for the
fairness, accuracy or completeness of that information nor shall any of them be
liable for any loss or damage (other than in respect of fraudulent
misrepresentation) arising as a result of relying on such information or any
subsequent communication.
Offering an inducement of any kind in relation to obtaining this or any other contract
with us will disqualify you from being considered and may constitute a criminal
Contract management
If we award a contract, you will have to co-operate in managing the contract, and
comply with the contract management requirements, as detailed in the Statement of
Requirements at Section 3.
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5 Evaluation
We will evaluate responses to the tender objectively using the evaluation matrix at
Section 5.5.
Some questions in the tender are known as gateways and are fundamental
requirements of the contract.
If you do not answer these questions appropriately, we may reject your submission in
full and will not evaluate any further questions.
Specific questions
To make sure the relative importance of the questions is correctly reflected in the
overall scores, we have applied a weighting system to each section of the tender.
The marks allocated for each question will be multiplied by the relevant weighting as
shown for each section.
Once we have carried out the evaluation and identified the successful tenderer(s), we
will tell all tenderers in writing by post of our intention to award.
Standstill Period
We will apply a standstill period of 15 calendar days minimum between the notification
of intention to award, and the start of the contract.
We will give all bidders the opportunity of a debriefing. Please tell us in writing as
soon as possible if you want a debriefing. We provide a formal debrief within 15
calendar days of receiving a request.
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Evaluation matrix
Organisation and Contact Details
Completion of this Section is
mandatory and is for our information
purposes. We may confirm company
identity and basic details with
external bodies.
You must be able to provide at least
one of the items of financial evidence
set out in section B. The key
objective is for us to analyse your
financial position and determine the
level of risk that it would present to
us – having regard to the
requirement and value, criticality, and
the nature of the market.
Health & Safety
You must provide the information we
have requested in section C.
Insurance Details
You must have the required levels of
insurance as requested in section D.
If you do not have these, you must
confirm that you will get them if
successful, before the contract start
date. If you do cannot confirm this
you will fail this section.
Selection Questions
Please confirm that you have or
are able and willing to install low
impact vehicle systems or low tyre
pressure control systems for use
in this contract within the
timescale required.
Please confirm that you have
included a breakdown percentage
of costs per tonne as required.
Agreed Marking Criteria
Please confirm that you have
included details in the form
provided of your current fleet and
what low impact systems you
currently have in place.
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Capability/Technical Ability
The following evaluation system will
be applied:
Health & Safety
Working in difficult conditions
8-10 Provides an excellent (8) to
exemplary response (9 or 10) with all
areas covered to a very high
Provides an adequate
response (4 or 5) with some aspects
missing to good response (6 or 7)
covering all aspects. (Note it is
expected that most bidders will
achieve marks in this bracket (4-7).
Provides little or limited
An unacceptable or irrelevant
response provided.
You must provide references relevant
to the subject of this contract. The
number of references provided should
be as requested in section F. We will
consider accepting a lower number
depending on how long you have
been in business. When checking
references we will be looking to
confirm that the contract has been
carried out on time, to budget and to
Terms & Conditions
You must accept our terms and
conditions. We will discuss any issues
you highlight before any award.
Signed Declaration with no exceptions
identified will be a Pass. Where an
exception has been identified you
may fail this section if you have not
provided information that clearly
indicates that any past conduct or
problem has been resolved and that
steps have been taken to prevent its
recurrence. If we are satisfied that
this is the case you will pass this
Certificate of Bona Fide Tender
Signed certificate provided with no
exceptions identified.
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FCW Haulage Contract
If you do not pass the above sections, and score less than 60% in Section E your
response will not be evaluated any further.
Award Questions
Investment in low
impact systems
Ability to deliver
Best Practice
Pricing Schedule
The following evaluation system will be applied:
8-10 Provides an excellent (8) to exemplary
response (9 or 10) with all areas covered to a
very high standard.
Provides an adequate response (4 or 5) with
some aspects missing to good response (6 or 7)
covering all aspects. (Note it is expected that most
bidders will achieve marks in this bracket (4-7).
An unacceptable or irrelevant response
A weighted average based pricing model will be
used to allocate scores against price. This involves
calculating the weighted average price and then
allocating scores in proportion to this weighted
Provides little or limited evidence.
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FCW Haulage Contract
5.6 Your Response
In order to submit a bid for this requirement you must complete and return the
following sections to the address detailed at Section 2.4 by the time and date detailed
in the timetable at Section 2.1.
Map of Zones
Part A – Organisation and Contact Details
Part B – Financial
Part C – Health & Safety
Part D – Details of Insurance Policies
Part E – Specific Selection Questions
Part F – References
Part G – Terms & Conditions of Contract
Part H – Specific Award Questions
Part I – Pricing Schedule
Part J - Declaration
Part K – Certificate of Bona Fide Tender
V1 03/11
FCW Haulage Contract
Please indicate which lots you are interested in bidding for:
Zone No:
Bid: Yes/No
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FCW Haulage Contract
Part A – Organisation and Contact Details
Weighting: Completion of this Section is mandatory
Organisation Details
Your Answer
Full name of organisation
tendering (or of organisation
acting as lead contact where
a consortium bid is being
Registered office address
Company or charity
registration number
VAT Registration number
Name of immediate Parent
Name of ultimate Parent
Type of organisation
i) a public limited company
ii) a limited company
iii) a limited liability partnership
iv) other partnership
v) sole trader
vi) other (please specify)
How many staff does your
organisation (including
consortia members of named
sub-contractors where
appropriate) employ relevant
to the carrying out of
services and/or delivery of
goods similar to those
V1 03/11
FCW Haulage Contract
Weighting: Completion of this Section is mandatory
Organisation Details
Your Answer
required under this contract?
Total number of employees
employed by your
organisation. (Including
Directors, Partners,
Apprentices, Trainees etc)
Length of time your business
has been operating.
Please state whether there is
any potential conflict of
interest in relation to this
contract, for example if any
of those involved with the
contract share private
interests with anyone within
the FC. Examples include
freemasonry, membership of
societies, clubs and other
organisations, and family
Consortia and Sub
a) your company is bidding to
provide the services required
If you have answered “YES” please give
b) Your organisation is bidding
in the role of Prime Contractor
and intends to use third parties
to provide some services
c) The potential Provider is a
If you answer is (b) or (c) please indicate in a separate annex (by
inserting the relevant company/organisation name) the composition of
the supply chain, indicating which member of the supply chain (which
may include the Potential Provider solely or together with other
providers) will be responsible for the elements of the requirement.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Contact Details – Contact details for enquiries relating to this process
Address, including Country and
Questions below for completion by Non UK Business Only
Registration with professional
Is your business registered with
the appropriate trade or
professional register (s) in the
EU member state where it is
established (as set out in
Annexes IX A-C of Directive
2004/18/EC) under the
conditions laid down by that
member state
It is a legal requirement in the
State where you are established
for you to be licensed or a
member of a relevant
organisation in order to provide
the requirement in this
procurement? If yes, please
provide details of what is
required and confirm that you
have complied with this.
V1 03/11
FCW Haulage Contract
Part B – Financial
Economic and Financial Standing Regulation
Weighting: This is a Gateway Section (Pass/Fail)
What was your turnover in each of
the last two financial years (if you
are a consortium please state
aggregated turnover)?
£………… for year
ended --/--/--
Please provide one of the following set out below:
£……… for year
ended --/--/----
A copy of your audited accounts for
the most recent two years.
A statement of your turnover,
profit & loss account and cash flow
for the most recent year of trading.
A statement of your cash flow
forecast for the current year and a
bank letter outlining the current
cash and credit position.
Alternative means of
demonstrating financial status if
trading for less than a year.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Part C – Health and safety
Weighting: This is a Gateway Section (Pass/Fail)
The purpose of this section is to allow us to assess your competency in relation to
Health & Safety. We have provided some guidance to help you understand the
requirements against each area. You may also find it useful to refer to the Health &
Safety Executive (HSE)’s website for some guidance before completing this section.
This can be found at
General Health & Safety Questions
Does your organisation have a
written Health & Safety Policy
Note: if your organisation has less than 5 employees, the Forestry Commission
still requires you to have a written Health & Safety Policy
Please provide details of the Health & Safety training you provide to
employees, relevant to this contract. If you do not provide any training, please
provide details on why this is not necessary. From your answer we will decide
whether the training is appropriate or required for this contract.
Please provide details of how you manage Health & Safety at Work. Responses
should include:
Basic statement on safety awareness
Organisational structure
Nominated advisor/consultant for Health & Safety
Use of supervisory visits
Use of AFAG checklists
Processes in place to ensure staff are up to date on H&S requirements
Details of how you monitor this
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FCW Haulage Contract
Weighting: This is a Gateway Section (Pass/Fail)
Please provide details of any Improvement/Prohibition Notices or Prosecutions
served by the Health and Safety Executive and explain what improvements you
have made to make sure they do not reoccur. Your responses should include
evidence of lessons that have been learned and acted upon.
Please provide details if your organisation has been prosecuted or issued with
an Improvement notice or order by the Environment Agency, Scottish
Environmental Protection Agency, National Rivers Authority, a Local Authority,
or any other enforcement body responsible for protecting the environment
(including a Planning Authority in respect of a breach of Planning Control). Your
response should include evidence of lessons that you have learned and acted
Risk Assessment
Please provide examples of the risk assessment process you have applied in
previous contracts of a similar nature to this requirement. Please provide
copies of the following if relevant to the contract:
Emergency plans
Lone working procedures
Previously completed AFAG Guides and checklists
Records of inspection and testing of machinery and electrical equipment
The process should follow the HSE process or similar and you should provide all
the relevant documents we ask for.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Weighting: This is a Gateway Section (Pass/Fail)
Please provide examples of the method statements you have applied in
previous contracts of a similar nature to this requirement and explain how
these have been linked to the risk assessment. Please provide examples which
show that in previous contracts you have produced method statements
detailing how you will carry out the work and you have based these on your
risk assessments.
Health & Safety Advice
How does your organisation obtain competent health and safety advice? (Either
within the organisation or externally)? Please show us you have the following
or equivalent: internal safety officers, consultants, appointed person in the
organisation responsible for health and safety.
Please provide details of any safety organisations you belong to e.g RoSPA,
IOSH etc. This is for information purposes only.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Competence and Qualifications
Do the employees, contractors and/or sub-contractors who will deliver the
contract if successful hold the following qualifications/certification relating to
the following?:
First Aid
MOT certificates, crane certificates
Driving licences
Do the employees who will deliver
the contract if successful receive
relevant update training?
Please provide details of the relevant update training that is provided to the
employees who will deliver the contract. From your answer we will evaluate
whether the level and frequency of training is appropriate.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Accident Records and Reporting
How does your organisation make sure you learn from incidents /accidents and
change your working practises as necessary? Please provide examples. You
must provide evidence that you have a process to record accidents.
How does your organisation ensure it reports under RIDDOR, where this is
required? Your response should demonstrate recognition of RIDDOR reportable
categories and timescales.
Working with Sub-Contractors
Please provide details of your selection process for sub-contractors either with
the Forestry Commission or other organisations. This selection process should
include assessment and review of their approach to risk assessment,
competence and qualifications, and accident reporting and recording.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Part D – Details of insurance policies
Weighting: This is a Gateway Section (Pass/Fail)
You must either confirm that you have these levels of insurance in place for
each and every claim rather than on an aggregate basis or, alternatively,
undertake that should you be awarded a contract under this procurement
such levels of insurance will be available to you and that you undertake to
maintain these levels of insurance for the duration of the contract.
Insurance Policy
Indemnity Value (£)
Employers Liability
Min £5,000,000 per claim
Will secure
(This is a legal
requirement. There
are a small number of
exceptions. Please
refer to HSE Guidance
HSE 40 Employers
Liability Compulsory
Insurance Act 1969)
Public Liability
Min £5,750,000.00 per
If you do not undertake to secure the stated levels of insurance, we will not
consider your submission.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Part E – Selection Questions
Capability / Technical Ability
Provide details of your experience in delivering similar contracts of this
complexity and potential value. Where you refer to work carried out on behalf
of a particular organisation, include this organisation as one of your referees.
Provide details of the health & safety systems you have put in place with
particular reference to your experience when dealing with loading/unloading,
overhead power lines and driving on forest roads.
Provide examples of when you have worked in challenging
circumstances and how you overcame them, with particular reference
to winter working conditions and P ramorum.
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FCW Haulage Contract
As time is of the essence in this contract, provide examples of your
capacity to deal with tight deadlines and how you have achieved
delivery targets in contracts of a similar nature. Also provide details of
how you have had to respond to changes in delivery requirements at
short notice, what challenges you faced and how you successfully
achieved this.
Provide details of what quality control systems you have used in
previous contracts of a similar nature with particular reference to
equipment maintenance & replacement, staff training
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FCW Haulage Contract
Describe what systems you have in place to reduce the impact of
haulage on the environment.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Part F – References and evidence of
previous work of a similar nature
Weighting: This is a Gateway Section (Pass/Fail)
Please provide details of up to three contracts from either or both the public
or private sector, that are relevant to our requirement. Contracts for the
supply of goods or services should have been performed during the past
three years. Works contracts may be from the past five years. (The customer
contact should be prepared to speak to the purchasing organisation to
confirm the accuracy of the information provided below if we wish to contact
Note that where possible referees should not be linked to the FC and that we
may contact your referees without telling you again.
If you cannot provide at least one example, please briefly explain why (100
words max)
Reference 1
Organisation name:
Customer contact, name,
phone number and email
Contract Start date, contract
completion date and contract
Brief description of contract
(max 150 words) including
evidence as to your technical
capability in this market.
Reference 2
Organisation name:
Customer contact, name,
phone number and email
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FCW Haulage Contract
Contract Start date, contract
completion date and contract
Brief description of contract
(max 150 words) including
evidence as to your technical
capability in this market.
Reference 3
Organisation name:
Customer contact, name,
phone number and email
Contract Start date, contract
completion date and contract
Brief description of contract
(max 150 words) including
evidence as to your technical
capability in this market.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Part G - Terms and conditions of contract
This ITT, and any contract arising from it, will be subject to the FC’s terms and
conditions for haulage, a copy of which is enclosed.
The successful Tenderer’s usual terms and conditions are not, and shall not, become
terms and conditions of any contract that we may award as a result of this ITT.
Do you accept the FC’s Terms and
Conditions of Contract as detailed
If no, please provide details of any specific areas that you have an issue with.
Please note that failure to agree to the FC’s Terms and Conditions of Contract
may invalidate your Tender submission.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Part H – Award Questions
Describe what low impact pressure/tyre pressure control systems you have or
will put in place in order to minimise the damage to forest roads. Please
include your programme for introducing these systems within the required
timescale. Describe how you intend to deal with the transportation of the
different product types ensuring that the loads are safe.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Time is of the essence in this contract. Bearing in mind the number of zones
that you have bid for how will you ensure that the delivery targets are met.
Describe how you will react to change in delivery requirements. and give detail
of additional resources that you have available to you to ensure that you
continue to achieve delivery targets throughout the life of the contract.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Describe how you will ensure that you maximize loads while staying
within legal weight limits and how you will ensure that best practice is
followed in all aspects of this contract. Describe how you will ensure
that quality of service is maintained throughout the life of the contract.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Part I – Pricing schedule
Please provide details of your pricing in the schedule
Price per
tonne (ex
Brash Bales
Brash Bales
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FCW Haulage Contract
FCW require tenderer/s to provide details of their lorries/haulage equipment in the
table below and if they have CTI or a low ground pressure system in place. Tenderer/s
will be expected to enter in their total load weight capacity for each lorry/haulage
equipment. This needs to be completed as part of your submission, if you fail
to complete then your tender will not be considered further.
Vehicle Descriptions and Load Capacity
CTI/Low ground pressure
system (If none please state
Vehicle Description
Total Load Capacity
FCW expect the tenderer/s to submit a price per tonne for each haulage zone. Load
weights may vary between 17-25 tonnes depending on the moisture content of the
The average load weight is 23 tonnes based on proven FC records over the last 3
years of delivery.
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FCW Haulage Contract
Please provide a breakdown as a percentage for your Load. You will need to
complete this as part of your submission, if you fail to complete this section,
you will not pass the selection process.
Rate per tonne breakdown
Percentage for preferred zone
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Please note:
You must provide prices for each Lot individually. If you wish to also offer an
alternative bid (e.g. an offer is dependent on getting two or more Lots) you must
make this clear on your price schedule
V1 03/11
FCW Haulage Contract
Part J – Declaration
Weighting: This is a Gateway Section (Pass/Fail)
In this certificate, any reference to person or persons will mean and include businesses,
associations or corporations and any reference to arrangements or agreements will mean any
and all transactions, formal or informal, lawful or otherwise.
Regulation 23 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 sets out the grounds on which a bidder
may be deemed ineligible to be awarded a public contract. By signing this Declaration you, the
bidding organisation certify that:
1. The bidding organisation or its directors or other people with powers of representation,
decision or control have not been convicted of the following offences as defined by the relevant
UK law:
a) conspiracy,
b) corruption,
c) bribery,
d) fraud, the offence of cheating the Revenue,
defrauding the Customs, fraudulent trading, or theft
f) money laundering,
g) nor any offence within the meaning of Article 45(1) of the Public Sector Directive.
2. The bidder being an individual is not in a state of bankruptcy nor has a receiving order or
administration order or bankruptcy restriction order made against him nor has made any
arrangement for the benefit of creditors.
3. The bidder being a partnership constituted under Scots law has not granted a trust deed nor
become otherwise apparently insolvent, nor is subject of a petition presented for sequestration
of its estate.
4. The bidder being a company is not in the process of winding up, administration, or
5. The bidding organisation has not been convicted of a criminal offence relating to the conduct
of its business or profession.
6. The bidding organisation has not committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of its
business or profession.
7. The bidding organisation has fulfilled its obligations relating to payment of social security
8. The bidding organisation has fulfilled its obligations relating to payment of taxes.
9. The bidding organisation is not guilty of serious misrepresentations in supplying information
required by the Buyer under the Public Contracts Regulations.
10. The bidding organisation is in possession of a licence or is a member of the appropriate
organisation where the law requires it.
11. The bidding organisation has not had a contract cancelled, or not renewed, for failure to
perform nor been the subject of a claim (contractual or otherwise) based upon a failure of
quality in design, work, materials or services within the last three years.
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FCW Haulage Contract
12. None of the senior personnel of the bidding organisation have been involved (in a similar
position) in any company which has gone into insolvent liquidation, voluntary arrangement,
receivership or administration or been declared bankrupt.
13. The bidding organisation comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work
Act 1974, as amended (for organisations employing five or more people).
14. The bidding organisation register our interest and ask that you consider us for your
shortlist to receive invitation to tender documents.
15. The bidding organisation confirm and declare that any information in this PQQ is accurate
to the best of our knowledge and that we acknowledge and accept that any false information
could result in rejection or, in the event of any false declaration after the award of any
contract, may lead to said contract being terminated.
Please state within the box below if there are any specific areas of the declaration above with
which you cannot comply. Please note that this may invalidate your PQQ submission but you
should provide details that will enable the Forestry Commission to determine whether the
discretionary grounds for exclusion laid out in Regulation 23 of the Public Contracts
Regulations 2006 apply to you or not.
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the answers submitted in this ITT are correct. I
understand that the information will be used in the process to assess my organisation’s
suitability to be invited to tender for the Authority’s requirement and I am signing on behalf of
my organisation. I understand that the Contracting Authority may reject this ITT if there is a
failure to answer all relevant questions fully or if I provide false or misleading information.
Name (printed)
Capacity / Title
For and on behalf of
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FCW Haulage Contract
Part K – Certificate of bona fide tendering
Weighting: You must complete this section.
Tender No:
Due for Return by:
23rd January 2012 at 13:00 hours
FCW Biomass Haulage Contract
The essence of selective tendering is that the Forestry Commission will receive bona
fide competitive tenders from all those tendering. In recognition of this principle, we
certify that this is a bona fide tender, intended to be competitive, and that we have
not fixed or adjusted the amount of the tender by or under or in accordance with any
agreement or arrangement with any other person. We also certify that we have not
done and we undertake that we will not do so at any time before the hour and date
specified for the return of this tender any of the following acts:
communicate to a person other than the person calling for those tenders the
amount or approximate amount of the proposed tender, except where the
disclosure, in confidence, of the approximate amount of the tender was
necessary to obtain premium insurance quotations required for preparing the
enter any agreement with any other person whereby they will refrain from
tendering or as to the amount of any tender to be submitted;
offer or pay or give or agree to pay any sum of money or valuable consideration
directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or
having caused to be done in relation to any other tender or proposed tender for
this work any act or thing of the sort described above.
In this certificate, the word “person” includes any individual, partnership, association,
or body either corporate or unincorporated; and “any agreement or arrangement”
includes any such transaction, formal or informal, and whether legally binding or not.
Signed for and on Behalf of:
Contact Tel:
V1 03/11