RIBA Part 3 course


RIBA Part 3 course
RIBA Part 3 course
RIBA Advanced Diploma in Professional Practice in Architecture
RIBA Part 3 course offers:
The benefits of Associate
Membership include:
Monthly study packs
Two intensive seminars, each of four days duration
Six days residential accommodation with full board
Office briefing (for UK candidates only)
Group working
Online resources via dedicated website
Associate Membership¹ (running from 1st January 2015
until 31st December 2015)
Free RIBAJournal
Free use of the RIBA Information Centre
Brand new software application designed to
streamline your job search
Access to members only area of www.architecture.com
Informative RIBA bulletins and newsletters
Exclusive member discounts from RIBA
business partners
¹ subject to eligibility and approval by Membership Admissions Committee
RIBA Associate Membership normally continues until you complete Part 3 and will be subject to additional fees from 2016 onwards. You will be contacted by the
RIBA membership department prior to 31/12/2015 to confirm whether or not you wish to opt out of Associate Membership in 2016
Who can join
The RIBA Part 3 course is open to those candidates who
normally meet following qualifications and experience:
Candidates who hold UK RIBA validated qualifications
at part 1 and at part 2, or hold international RIBA validated
qualifications equivalent to part 1 and part 2, or who have
completed the ARB Prescribed Examination at part 1 and
part 2, or any combination of the above
Candidates who have completed the appropriate
qualification/s listed under Annex V or Annex VI of the
Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications Directive
(2005/36/EC) may also be admitted to a part 3 course
And those candidates accepted onto the course without the
qualifications outlined above will have to complete the ARB
Prescribed Examinations if they wish to register as an
architect in the UK.
Candidates should be working towards completion of a
minimum of 24 months practical experience under
the direct supervision of a professional working in the
construction industry, which should include at least
12 months working in the EEA, Channel Islands or the
Isle of Man, under the direct supervision of an architect.
This should be complete by the RIBA Part 3 oral
examination stage.
Candidates who do not meet the normal practical training
outlined above should contact the Director RIBA Part 3 to
discuss their situation and options available.
The fee for the Course and Examination is as follows:
Registration Fee £ 200.00 + VAT (£ 240.00)
(Payable immediately by cheque)
Course Fee
£1575.00 + VAT (£1890.00)
Examination Fee £ 365.00 + VAT (£ 438.00)
How to apply
Please complete the attached application form in
block capitals and ink and return it to the RIBA with
the appropriate documentation. This includes a £240
cheque for the registration fee and two passport sized
Your application will be reviewed by the Director RIBA within
2 weeks of being received.
about the course and contact details for your Professional
Studies Advisors.
Your name will be put forward for election to Associate
Membership by the membership admissions committee within
4 weeks of your application being received.
If you have any questions regarding your application, please
contact +44 (0)151 707 4381 or email part3@riba.org
New candidates will then receive a confirmation letter of
admission onto the course. This letter will include information
Please return the completed application to:
Part 3 Department RIBA North West, Unit 101, The Tea Factory, 82 Wood Street, Liverpool, L1 4DQ. (or part3@riba.org)
RIBA Part 3 course - application form - page 2 of 4
Your personal details
Riba no.
Employment details
Title: Mr / Mrs / etc.
Practice name:
Date of birth (dd / mm / yy)
Office use only
Ethnic origin (please tick one box)
White British
White Other
Job title:
Home/private details
Please contact me at my:
Home address Postcode
Tel / mobile
Work address
Is this job permanent or a short term placement?
Placement Have you been a Student member of the RIBA?
If yes, please give your Student membership no:
Architectural Qualifications
RIBA Part 1 School and course details
RIBA Part 2 School and course details
School name
School name
Date of passing Part 1
Date of passing Part 2
Practical Training and Experience
Pre Part 2 Training and Experience
Place and Dates:
Post Part 2 Training and Experience:
Place and Dates:
RIBA Part 3 course - application form - page 3 of 4
Your personal details
Where did you hear about RIBA Part 3?
Word of mouth
Through my practice
I, the undersigned, wish to register as a candidate on RIBA Part 3 course. I
also desire to be admitted as an Associate Member of the Royal Institute of
British Architects and declare that the information supplied herewith is true
in every respect. I undertake to adhere to the RIBA Code of Professional
Conduct, Regulations, and Charter & Bylaws throughout my membership of
the RIBA*. I understand that Associate Membership does not entitle me
to use the letters RIBA after my name.
Data Protection Act In compliance with the Data Protection Act,
we must point out that the information on this form will be kept
on a database. The data will be used for automatic processing
with regards to annual membership and architectural information
I am happy for my details to be shared with other Part 3
candidates for the purpose of study groups I am happy to receive information about RIBA services
*The RIBA Code of Professional Conduct, Regulations and Charter & Bylaws are subject to change
and are available for members to view online or a hard copy is available on request.
I am happy to receive information from relevant partners
I am happy for my details to be shared with other
associate members for council election purposes
Application checklist
RIBA Part 3 route of entry
Documentation required
Please select your route of entry
(for your selected route of entry)
from the list below
RIBA recognised Parts 1 and 2
Certified copy of RIBA recognised qualification, Parts 1 and 2
(Only required if obtained outside the UK)
EU Directive 2005/36/EC
Certified copy of qualification in architecture
Certification that the course is recognised by the Directive
Certification from competent authority that the course
was of five years duration
RIBA Parts 1 and 2 via ARB
Prescribed Examination
Copy of the ARB results letter
Other qualification
Certified copy of qualification
£240 registration fee cheque
Two passport photos All candidates must complete and sign the Declaration
Have you
included it?
RIBA Part 3 course - application form - page 4 of 4
Payment method - Course Fee
Please select either Direct Debit, Cheque or Credit/Debit Card for
payment of your course fee²
We prefer payment by Direct Debit If you pay by Direct Debit you will
help us save costs and more of your money goes directly to support
the RIBA.
Member no:
Ref: Office use only
Please debit my Credit/Debit Card for the amount indicated above ²
Unfortunately we can only accept UK Direct Debits.
² Payment to be charged by 10th January 2015
I enclose a cheque payable to Royal Institute of British Architects,
for the amount indicated above.
Cheques must be drawn in Sterling. Do not send cash.
Card number
ForMaestro, use the long number from the middle of your card and put the issue number below
Expiry date
Valid from
Issue no. (Maestro only)
Signature (s) of card holders
Signature (s)
Instruction to your Bank / Building Society to pay by Direct Debit
I would like to pay by Direct Debit | Name(s) of account holder(s)
Originators identification No. 983555
Instruction to your Bank or Building Society.
Please pay RIBA Direct Debit from the account detailed in this
instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit
Guarantee. I understand that this instruction may remain with RIBA and,
if so, details will be passed automatically to my Bank/Building Society.
Bank/Building Society account number
Branch Sort Code
Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society
To The Manager:
Bank/Building Society
Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit
instructions for some kinds of account
I would like to pay in
instalments (betwen 1 and 5)
Direct debits are collected on or around the 21st of each month
Direct Debit forms must be received before the 7th of each month
The Direct Debit Guarantee
This guarantee is offered by all Banks and Building Societies that take part in the Direct Debit Scheme.
The efficiency and security of the Scheme is monitored and protected by your own Bank or Building Society.
If the amount to be paid or the payment dates change, RIBA will notify you 14 working days in advance of your account
being debited or as otherwise agreed.
If an error is made by RIBA or your Bank or Building Society, you are guaranteed a full and immediate refund from your
branch of the amount paid.
You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by writing to your Bank or Building Society.
Please also send a copy of your letter to us.