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PDF - HoustonLGBTHistory.org
""e,~e ~E 11-1/11\1 1\1I O••• ~ A1 tlOlIIlIsl\II1' Iii"~' G~ -ltC pE pies -' __J"""~ ., .""" ~"-~ . ;-., ' -;:: .' .'1 DE soUPS HOMEMADE ••• WE'RE ALSII HOMEft1A E DINNeR AOU5. HoMEMADE BuTTEAMII.K BISC'Ii1S. HOM!"E~ADE BUlEB£AA1 MuffiNS. scQTTISH SCONES. 14011' II' HOMEMADE stEAK BURG-' HOMEMADE cHICKEN FAlED1S::E AND MUCH MUCH MORE. 3112 t<1~S1 PLUS HOMEMADE FAlENDL t40lJS101\l,1e>U'S I 528-3816 B o~\u\~~\. A D L Co. ~~S ..... \ ~~~ ~ ~\ ':). C~~ it•• A N D SNUffY'S ~~ ~~. .. SALOON 820 SAN PEDRO • SAN ANTONIO 1 I • 224-7739 Sunday 25 ¢ Michelob Draft Beer .5pm to 2am ~I --T-O--E-S-D-A-y--~I -,------------., $1 ¢ Michelob austin " 1301 LAVACA (512) 474-64&1 ~ ",,; 25 Draft Beer All day-All night OPENING Back to School Sale $1 WELL DRINKS NOON TO 10PM SUN. . Happy Hour Prices $1 beer bust Free Beer & hot dogs M-F MON. TUES . WED. THURS. FRI.-SAT. Free Beer lOpm No Cover Happy Hour Prices all night 25' Drinks only $2 Cover Happy Hour Prices 50' Schnapps 55 hquor bust Noon-7pm OJ specials aU night Shots All the time • In SEPTEMBER IN • austlft 113 SAN JACINTO (512) 479-8965 TWT SEPTEMBEA 13- SEPTEMBEA 19 1985 PAGE 3 z:e THIS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 HUNTER & HEADLINERS C' R o 5 5 PLUS SPECIAL GUEST .,. KEITH MITCHELL MR. GAY ALL AMERICAN · 1985 .3 RED HOT SHOWS· 9PM, J 0:30PM AND MIDNIGHT iltJ. ~t/~-WE'RE GETTING READY FOR OUR 5TH ANNIVERSARY ALL WEEK LONG, SEPTEMBER23-29 i I N G NO COVER PAGE 4 TWT SEPTEMBEA 13- SEPTEMBEA 19 1985 PAGE 5 ~ : CONTENTS Volume 11,Number 26 September 13-19,1985 11 TWT NEWS Tarrant County Gay Alliance Anniversary, LGRA Meets in EI Paso. 21 COMMENT Letters to the Editor 25 HEALTH Person with AIDS Enters "Superman" Contest 29 HIGHLIGHT Rita Mae Brown to Speak at Dallas' Black-Tie Dinner 34 KALEIDOSCOPE The Picture of Dorian Gay, by David V. Meunier 39 BOOKS Gomorrah 6i the Rise of Homophobia Reviewed bv David Fields 43 VINYL FLASH The Latest in Music bv Mardi Coleman 47 THEATAE Texas Theatre bv Billie Duncan 49 MOVIES Kiss of the Spider Woman with William Hurt Reviewed by Harry Deutsch 50 SHOWBIZ Lou Reed, Lee Remick, Tab Hunter ... by JacH V~ Lee Remick!?? 54 BACKSTAGE Sons & Doughters Auditions, Men Etc. for AIDS . 58 SPECIALAEPOAT Impact of AIDS on American Theatre bv BlIReDuncan 60 COVEA/FEATUAE Artist Lance Rayburn Photographed bv Carl Davis 68 AAT Bits & Pieces by Mitchell M. Bartlow 71 HOT TEA Claudja Borry at Hall's in Austin, Grand Opening in Bryan/College Station. 81 SPOATS New Fall/Winter Bowling Leagues Start . 83 STAASCOPE Fruitful Outcome with New Projects by Milton von Stern 88 CLASSIFIEDWant Ads and Notices 97 CALENDAASpecial One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events 99 THE GUIDE Texas Business/Club Directory TWT (This Week in Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Publishing Co., at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006, phone: (713) 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $66 per year, $44 per half year. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1985 by Texas Weekly Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. TWT SEPTEMBEA 13- SEPTEMBEA 19 1985 PAGE 7 THE BIG EVENT ..•• * * * * * * * * * PRIDE ' ••• • • * Saturday, FREE ADMISSION Sunday, September 14. September 15. A CARNIVAL Benefit RAFFLE/TRIP FOR 2 TO HAWAII FUN, FOOD & GAMES SPONSORED BY THE DALLAS TAVERN GUILD Monday, September '. ~. . .............•.• ........•.•.• ••• of. of. ••••••.• .•. .• September 17. "BEFORE STONEWALL" Film lB. MIMOSD VARIETY SHOW - Tex's Thursday, September 19. DENA KAYE SHOW - The Round-Up Friday, September .• Saturday, September '. PARK~CLOT <--~,-~"'-~~,,~- ~ : i ~, .....~""'-""" * ."'" ,••,.,,t;'" *• ***• ** * ft~ ••••" .,....•. " • ***.•• ***• ***** * * fI,,If •••, " theOallas - Beer 15pm. pm. Tavern Guild. and Mexican Coalition Library, - 1:00-6:00 food. of Dallas. Downtown - 7:30 pm. Gay Alliance. Ranch - 10:30 pm. Center Saloon for the Oak Lawn Counseling - Sponsored by Mimosa Studios . - 10:30 pm. Center - Sponsored by The Round-Up. 4001 - 10:30 pm. Motorcycle FROM HOLLYWOOD" Film Club . - Gay Community Center - 7:30 pm. by the Di sc i P1es of de Sece . 2nd ANNUAL DOG PAGEANT - Gay Community by Crossroads Sunday, September Center Parking Lot - 3:00 pm. Market and Union Jack . 22 • WORSHI P SERVICES - Met ropo 1itan Community • TEXAS FREEDOM PARADE - Oak Lawn Library 5 Marching Bands with Grand Marshals, Sponsored by the Pride IlI:85 Steering • CELEBRATION IN LEE PARK - Arlington Church to - Lee Park 10: 30pm112: 3Dpml7: 15pm. - 4:00 pm. Rita Mae Brown and Howie Daire. Corrmittee and Dallas Tavern Guild. Hall in Lee Park - 5:30-7:00pm. Trophy Present at i on, Band Concert, Entertai nment and Speeches by Don Baker and Bill Nelson on the 21.06 case and from Grand MarShals, Rita Mae Brown and Howie Dei re . Special Pride III closing ceremony. Sponsored by the Pride III: 85 Steeri ng COlmlittee and Da11as Tavern Gui 1d. ~~Dm~ .:: Public Lot Tie Dinner - Fairmount Hotel - 7:30 pm. Benefit dinner for Human Rights Campaign Fund and 5 Dallas Foundations: Foundat i on For Human Understandi nq, Metropolitan Community Church, Oak Lawn Counsel ing Center, Texas Human Rights Foundation. and the Turtle Creek Chorale. Guest speaker and Humanitarian Award rece tpf ent , Ri ta Mae Brown - Sponsored by the Da11as Dinner COITlll; ttee of the Human Ri ghts Campaign Fund. ....,...•... !,,: '. -3:30pm. Hispanic by the Dallas for the Oak Lawn Counseling by the Dallas - 10:30amI12:30pml7: Parking Sponsored by * "UNITED OURWAY"Black "'.l')," •..•.• '!tou_a-up sAteo_ 21 • Sponsored 4! - Dallas for and sponsored "IMAGES OF S/M Sponsored ":..; tw!••·t\··(t·"", 20. . .• Club DeVil',e by the Gay September &JIll' _lUl~D~ - Buddies Tuesday. Sponsored ................... ~ •••••• ":.•••.••.••• FIESTA Church Saloon for the Texas Freedom Parade for and sponsored • MACHO MAN CONTEST - Club '. Community - The Round-Up Wednesday, Benefit ...•..•...• • * .• * .• * .•'* * * * .•.•* .•.•.•.•.•.•.•* .• .• * .• '* * * * * * .• * * * * * • * * * * .• f *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.,* *•* * ** * *** * * * :f\~".t. * * *••r\"". * I TIIB Benefit 16 - Open. Benefit ...•..... \....• ••• • **** • HISPANIC Benefit .•. . WORSHIP SERVICES - Metropolitan • THE BIG EVENT Carnival FREE BEER ********* III EVENTS GREAT ANNUAL YARD SALE - Metropolitan Community Church - B:OO ami 5:00pm. Benefit for and sponsored by the Metropol i t an Conmurri ty Church . \Wi \\W $CASH$ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Weekly Circulation: '20..000. HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527-9111 Hours: 9 orri-S prn .. weekdays 2205 Houston, Montrose Texas 77006 DALlAS OFFICE (214) 521-0622 Hours: 11 am.-5 prn .. M-T-W-F-Sat. 3900 Lemmon Ave .. Suite 220 Dallas. Texas 75219 PUBUSHER/EDITORChuck Patrick FEATURESEDITOR/ART DIRECTOR Blase DiStefano ASSISTANTS TO THEART DIRECTOR Rob Clerk, Carlos Palma. Fred Hinton TEXASENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark NATIONAl SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jack Varsl NEWS/SPORTSEDITOR Chuck Patrick ART EDITOR Mitch Bartlow THEATREEDITOR Billie Duncan POETRYEDITOR 0. Flores Alvarez CONTRIBUTING EDITORS 0., Flores Alvarez. Mardi Coleman. Harry Deutsch. David Fields. Weldon Grahame, Christopher Hart. Hollie Hollister. Brian Keever, Donalevan Maines, Dean Malone. James Marvin. Milton von Stern ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow GRAPHIC ARTISTS Rob Clork, Fred Hinton. Carlos Palma, Hek Cavazos. Lucian Rinondo. Jay Verdon TYPOGRAPHERS Tobi Chapman. B. Steele STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Scot! Taylor, Jim Hamilton. Oscor Mendiola. Michael McKinney. Renoe Ingram. Scot Roberts, Hollie Hollister. Blase DiStefano STATEWIDEDISTRIBUTIONSteve Miles RECEPTIONISTS Dallas-Steve Miles Houston-Babby Miller DRAWINGS 7PM EVERY TUESDAY EVERY SUNDAY 3PM POOL TOURNAMENT $ CASH $ PRIZES C&W DANCE LESSONS MONDAYS,8PM U.S. Congressman Mickey Leland at town hall meeting at Houston's Dignity Center. TWT NEWS staff photo. LELAND HOSTS TOWN MEETING SALES EXECUTIVESALES MANAGER Jim Veteto Advertising rates are available on request by telephoning the salesperson in your nearest city .. DEADUNE FOR ALL ADS: Friday, one week prior to publication. AUSTIN Scott Taylor. Alan Gellman, . (512) 926-0253 DALlAS . (214) 521-0622 FORTWORTH Steve Miles. . (214) 521-0622 HOUSTON/GALVESTON Scot Roberts. . (713) 527-9111 SAN ANTONIO/CORPUSCHRISTI Tim Ramm, . (512) 822-9213 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Dallas Bureau-Steve Miles Houston Bureau-Scot Roberts TWT MAGAZINE Texas Weekly Publishing Co. PAGE 10 I HAPPY HOUR DRINK PRICES 10AM-BPM, MONDAY·FRIDAY SUNDAYS. 12 NOON·BPM $1 BEER BUST Tues., Wed., Thur., 9PM TILL Sun., 2PM TILL NEWS "This fiesta is part of our Pride 111:85 participation," said Jesse Chairez, GHC vice president. The event coincides with the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Week, celebrated each Septemberwith national and local events. Mexican food and beer will be served. There's a $2 donation. All money raised will benefit GHC, Chairez advised TWT NEwslDalias. AUSTIN HISPANIC CAUCUS FORMED AUSTIN - The capital city has joined Dallas and Houston in organizing its own caucus for Gay Hispanics in Texas. The new group is known as the Austin Lesbian and Gay Hispanic Organization. It was formed on August 25 at the home of Mike Alfaro. The purpose of ALGHO is to create an awareness of self, culture and community in gay and lesbian Hispanics, and to create a network among them to provide a clearinghouse of information and resources about Hispanics to other organ izations. The first general meeting of the new group will be this Sunday, September 15 at 201 East 4th, #232. A "Dia de La Raza" celebration on October 12 is also planned, ALGHO told TWTNEWS/Austin. HOUSTON - Congressman Mickey Leland will hold a town hall meeting this Saturday, September 14,at the Dignity Center, 3217 Fannin. The meeting is the third in a series of such meetings to take place this month. "I look forward to this opportunity to meet with the residents of the 18th Congressional District and to update them on the issues being faced by the Congress," said Leland. Topics such as public health, immigration reform, crime in our communities, and proposed tax reform are subjects Leland will address, an aide to the congressman advised TWTNEWS/ Houston. "I want my constituents to be well informed about the legiSlative and political process in Congress, and I am REVIVAL '85 committed to letting the residents of AT MCCSA the 18th Congressional District know SAN ANTONIO - Revival '85 is how my office can assist them in solvcoming to this city's Metropolitan Coming their federally related problems," explained Leland. munity Church on Saturday, September 14. It plans to be a "down-home good DALLAS FIESTA time," MCCSA promised. "There is going to be a blessing for FOR PRIDE 11I:85 everyone who attends," student clergyDALLAS - The Gay Hispanic Coaliman, Jerry Kaufmann told TWTNEWS/ tion of Dallas will hold a fiesta this SunSan Antonio. Those who don't attend day, September 15 at Buddy's Club Dechurch regularly are especially invited, Ville, 3415 Mahanna. The event begins he said, "so they can realize God loves at 3:30 p.m. them just the way they are." TWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 PAGE 11 , ST ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL -ALL SEPTEMBER LONG3 WAYS TO MAKE A DEAL • • FIRST MONTH FREE FIRST TWO WEEKS AND LAST TWO WEEKS FREE ONE MONTH FREE. • • PRO.RATED OVER 6 MONTHS • OPEN THE DOOR TO YOUR DEAL 1. GE12 JllC, PRIDE III KEEPS DALLAS GLYA BUSY DALLAS - A trip to White Water this Sunday, September 15, kicks off a week of Pride III activities for Gay and Lesbian Young Adults, a special interest group of the Dallas Gay Alliance, Wade Harper, public relations spokesperson, announced. During Pride III week, GLYA holds its general meeting on Thursday, September 19. DGA president, Bill Nelson, will be the guest speaker. Theme of the meeting is "Gay and Proud." GLYA will also hold a "lock-in" at the Gay Community Center from 9:30 p.m. Friday until6 a.m. Saturday, September 21, Harper advised TWT NEwslDalias. GLYA concludes a busy week of Pride III involvement on Sunday, September 22, by marching in the Texas Freedom Parade down Cedar Springs to Lee Park. 3. 2. HOUSTONTl. (1 I30 ••••••••• U __ S The guest evangelist will be the Reverend David Day, pastor of MCC in Austin. "Rev. Day is a young, dynamic preacher in our fellowship who is sure to bless the hearer," remarked Rev. Jim Lewey, pastor of MCC in San Antonio. Along with Rev. Day, High Praise, a group of truly annointed singers, will be ministering in song. "These four men from MCC Dallas are versatile in their style of music, ranging from the traditional quarter gospel to the new contemporary Christian music," stated Kaufmann. "We first heard High Praise at our district conference in Houston last May and I was truly blessed by their singing, sincerity and spirit." Revival '85 will be held at the Metropolitan Community Church's temporary home in the Sunrise Center at 6025 Rittiman Plaza, just two blocks inside IH-35 at Rittiman Road. There is no charge for admission. Interested persons may contact the church office (512)824-2561,fordirections. ' TWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 WEDNESDAYS !I THURSDAYS LEAT(-iER NIGHT' HAPPY HOUR ALL NIGHT TO THOSE IN BLACK LEATHER ATTIRE THIS MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16 J WET JOCK SHORTS SERIES FINALS GRAND PRIZE TO THE WINNER ROUND TRIP FOR TWO TO LAS VEGAS [includes airfare, hotel accommodations, and casino package) PLUS FREE BEER 9PM MONDAYS -NO COVERSUNDAYS 47PM LuaUOR BUST BEER BUST FREE HOT DOGS PRGE 14 MONDAYS WET JOCK SHORTS FREE BEER AT9PM TUESDAYS COUNTRY s WESTERN NITE HAPPY HOUR ALL NIGHT THURSDAY FRIDAYS SATURDAYS $1 WELL DRINKS ALL DAY HAPPY HOUR Tlll8PM 5PMFREE LIQUOR ALL NIGHT 9PM POOL TOURNAMENT ALL NIGHT WEDNESDAYS HAPPY HOUR HOAS O'OEURVES BUST 4·7Prv1 PARTY TWT SEPTEMBER13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 TICKETED ARCADES REMAIN OPEN HOUSTON - Although undercover vice officers began ticketing operators of x-rated peep show arcades last Friday, it was business as usual for customers as most bookstores remained open. Under the city's new arcade ordinance, which went into effect September 6, operators can be fined up to $200 per day if they fail to get a city permit, bringing their stores into compliance with the new law. Police cited 39 adult bookstores for failing to reconstruct their arcades so all peep show booths would be visible to the clerk. Police found 11 peep show arcades had voluntarily closed last Friday, the day the new ordinance became law. An eleventh hour legal move by Saxet Inc., owner of three bookstores, was turned down by U.S. District Judge Ross Sterling. Arcade News, Bellaire News and Doc Johnson's had requested a restraining order to keep officers from enforcing the law. R. David Legg, attorney for Saxet Inc., said he would proceed with the lawsuit, which claims the new ordinance is "an abusive use of police power" with no relationship to the health, safety or welfare of the general public. Legg said the lawsuit was "only the first step. The longer battle remains." Legg added he was to meet again with the bookstores he represents to discuss compliance with the law. One of the original clients, Diners News in Montrose, has dropped out of the lawsuit. Most clerks ticketed think little will come of the ordinance. "The owners of the store will pay my fine," one clerk told TWTNEWS/Houston. Ron Murphy, 21, clerk at the Ballpark, 1830 West Alabama, commented, "To tell you the truth, I don't think much of it." A clerk at Studz News, 1132 West Alabama, added, "They came in and ticketed us this morning and I expect they'll be back again tomorrow." TWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 TARRANT COUNTY GAY ALLIANCE IS FIVE FORT WORTH - The Tarrant County Gay Alliance will celebrate its fifth anniversary of service to the Fort Worth area on Friday the 13th. The event will turn the supersticious date into a lucky day, as "we will have an anniversary celebration at the Other Place Annex, 200 North Vacek," Frank Roper, TCGA board member said. "The Tarrant County gay community is invited for free beer and hors d'oeuvres," he said. "No cover till 10 p.m. will be charged for this event," Roper told TWTNEWS/FortWorth. The celebration will include brief comments by past and present leaders of the TCGA and the community. "But the main purpose is just to have fun and for us to express our thanks for the support we have received," Roper stressed. TCGA held a meeting last Thursday, September 5 to discuss the local response to' the reinstatement of 21.06, the Texas sodomy law. The TCGA-recorded calendar message has been temporarily suspended so that important business relating to the court decision can be handled on (817)336-8242. 24·HOUR AIDS PRAYER VIGIL HOUSTON - The Metropolitan Community Church of the Resurrection has scheduled a 24-hour AIDS Prayer Vigil, to be held this Saturday, September 14, from 9 a.m. through Sunday at 9 a.m., a church spokesman told TWT NEWS/Houston. Members of the community are encouraged to participate in this prayer vigil, along with their sisters and brothers of MCCR, to pray foracure for AIDS. Those interested in participating should call the church at (713)861-9149, to sign up for times they can pray. The vigil will be held in the church sanctuary at 1919 Decatur Street. Church staff will be on hand the entire time of the vigil. PAGE 15 ---...• ;1":-'$:' ,',*;*",:.-- *%ts· II STATEWIDE ANNUAL BOAT CONFERENCE AUSTIN - The annual statewide conference of the Bar Owners Association of Texas headquartered in the state Capitol at Austin will be held in Houston next month, BOAT announced. The two-day meeting will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, October 8 and 9 at the Allen Park Inn. The conference will begin with a board meeting Tuesday morning, 10 a.m. till noon, followed by the general membership meeting at 1 p.m. "at which time we'll elect five new board members," BOAT president, B.K. Brittain, said. New board members will be elected from Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Southeast Texas and Northeast Texas. "We will have three panel discussion workshops," executive director and senior lobbyist Bettie Naylor said. "Each will deal with items that are of primary interest to bar owners. There are a lot of things that need sharing between bar owners in order to improve business," Naylor told TWT NEWS. The panels will deal with risk management, tax management and community affairs management, Brittain stated. "Our risk management panel will discuss things like insurance and how to manage situations that occur in a bar so they don't become problems and risks," he explained. "Our community affairs panel will discuss Gay Pride Week involvement, AIDS projects and customer relations," he said. "We intend to have follow-up meetings in various cities with guest speakers throughout the year." Naylortold TWTNEWS that it's important to keep BOAT membership up in preparation for the next legislative session. "I intend to spend the coming year visiting each city and seeing each bar personally so I can get to know their problems," Naylor stressed. A registration packet listing the conference agenda will be mailed to all BOAT members this month. TUJT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 TUESDAYS THE HEADLINERS Male Strip Show Special Guest KEITH MITCHELL September 17 Jtl&§-'.U PAGE 17 BUDDY SYSTEM TRAINING SEMINAR DALLAS - An intensive training seminar for volunteers of the buddy system will be held this Saturday, September 14 in an all-day session. The buddy system is a volunteer project of the AIDS Project of the Oak Lawn Counseling Center. Volunteers in the buddy system work on a one-to-one basis with persons with AIDS, helping them meet emotional, physical and social challenges. Training topics range from education about symptoms and prevention to physical care of patients. To participate in this Saturday's training seminar, contact the center at (214)351-1502 to make a reservation. The seminar will be held at the Dallas Design Center, 1025 Stemmons, suite 200. The seminar begins at 9 a.m. and lasts till 5:15 p.m., the Oak Lawn Counseling Center advised. MCCR SELECTING NEW PASTOR HOUSTON - The Metropolitan Community Church of the Resurrection's board of directors, functioning as a Pastor Search Committee, announced its choice for senior pastor this past week. Rev. ElderJohn William Gill of MCC Ft. Lauderdale will be presented to the congregation this Sunday during the morning service at 10:45 a.m., a church spokesman told TWT NEWS/Houston. He will be preaching at both morning and evening services. Rev. Gill has been in Houston since Tuesday evening, meeting with the board of directors, church staff and committee chairpersons of MCCR. Presently senior pastor at MCC Ft. Lauderdale, a position he has held for the past 9V2 years, Rev. Gill has also served MCC Atlanta as pastor for four years, and was director of youth activities in the Westfield Presbyterian Church in Westfield, New Jersey. PAGE 18 Before being chosen as senior pastor of MCCR, Rev. Gill must be voted into that position by the congregation in a special-called congregational meeting, immediately following this Sunday's service. At that time, Rev. Gill must receive an 85 percent positive endorsement. FT. WORTH PRIDE VERY SOLVENT FORT WORTH - Again this year the gay community of Fort Worth can be very proud of its closely-knit Gay Pride community because for the second consecutive year, the committee's funds remain solvent after all expenses have been paid. In financial information made available exclusively to TWT NEws/Fort Worth it was revealed that FWGPW '85 has a balance of $2,334.63, to be used to start next year's Gay Pride Week. Not all cities have money left over. "It's great to see our city's gay pride grow the way it has in the past year," said Buddy Jones. "We have some great things planned for '86." As the committee heads into 1986, new officers were elected at the August 19 meeting: Sharon Huber-re-elected president; David Decker-vice president; George Humphries-treasurer; and Stan Phalp-secretary. CANDIDATE NIGHT AT HOLIDAY INN HOUSTON - This city's Gay Political Caucus set about the task of quizzing the Novembercity election candidates last week in three days of scheduled screening, September 5-7. At the September 4 meeting of HGPC, there was concerned discussion over whether the caucus should bend its rules to endorse candidates who didn't come to the screening but who had remained loyal to human rights in the past. There was quite a floor debate over the issue, Brian Keever of TWT NEWS/Houston reported. TLUT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 The issue arose after it was pointed out that some candidates may be gunshy of a gay endorsement since the gay issue lost 4-to-1 at the polls last January. The backlash may produce some political fallout resulting in fewer candidates openly seeking the HGPC endorsement. The next step in the political process is for the screening committee, now headed by Tom Tate, to make its recommendations on Wednesday, September 18at Candidates Night. That's when the candidates in the November city election will speak before the caucus seek· ing the HGPC endorsement. "Candidates Night will be at the HOliday Inn South starting at 7:30 p.m.," HGPC president, Sue Lovell, announced. In other caucus developments, Dale Beverly announced his resignation from the board of directors. It was also noted that Sue DeVaney, longtime caucus member, was moving to Washington D.C. to accept the position of national treasurer of National Organization of Women. LGRA BOARD MEETS IN EL PASO EL PASO - Lesbian/Gay Rights Advocates has scheduled a board meeting in EI Paso on Saturday, September 14. "The meeting is open to the public," LGRA co-chair John Sutton said from his office in EI Paso. There is no registration fee forthe allday session, said Sutton. The conference will start at 12:30 p.m. at MCC church, 2201 Mills Avenue. "Later that evening, EI Paso de Norte business alliance, the local memberof LGRA, will sponsor a reception to honor LGRA board members at the residence of 1836 East Cliff," Sutton said. The meeting will address the longterm goals and objectives of the gay rights lobby group in Texas. "It'll be a planning conference," he explained. LGRA lobbyist Shelia Cheaney said, in an exclusive interview with TWT NEWS/Austin, that one of the main POints will be the August 26 reversal on TLUT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 21.06. "Since all gay men and lesbians are now once again criminals, the fundamentalists in Texas are going to read this as a green light," she said. The other co-chair, Pat Cramer, agreed. "Whatever happens at the Supreme Court level will have a momentus effect on what we can expect in the next legislative session." BAPTIST PASTOR RESIGNS IN WACO WACO - Local residents were stunned last week by the resignation of the Rev. Don Crossland. 45, from the 2,200-member Highland Baptist Church after an emotional Sunday night worship service during which he confessed he had been having homosexual affairs for several years. Two of the affairs were with male members of the congregation, he announced to the congregation. But church members and neighbors of the pastor in this heavily Baptist city dominated by Baylor University ex· pressed only good will toward a man who led his congregation to rapid growth. He is to be commended for being brave coming out, said one member. Crossland had been pastor of Highland, Waco's third largest Southern Baptist Church, since 1974. The struqgle with his homosexual inclinations began more than seven years ago when church officials discovered he had had an affair with a man. Church leaders learned recently of a young man who came to them and said he had had an affair with Crossland. Talking to this man and another one, leaders learned Crossland had an affair that began 2V2 years ago and a second affaironly last month. Both young men decided to confess after getting counseling. Crossland was summoned to a meeting with leaders of the deacons, where he confirmed the men's stories and resigned. Crossland formally told the congregation of his decision and his homosexuality Sunday. \\II? PAGE 19 ~ SEPTEMBER SPECIAL (O~ENT L 1>'*' In this column readers exchange ideas with other readers and with our editor in a public forum. Address all letters to: Comment, TWT, 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006.All letters become the property of TWTand must be signed (if you don't wish your name printed, please specify). And PLEASE keep your letters short. The Norm? Dear TWT: Once again the gay citizens of Houston find themselves misrepresented by an extreme individual in the political scene. I am referring to the Aug. 30 edition of TWT [Vol. 11, No. 23] where I read Don Sanders' plans to run for mayor of Houston. We know as a community that when Mr. Sanders announces his plans for a platform of atheism and pornography, the media will cluster around him, spinning their "Inquirer-like" headlines, and the reputation of average gays and lesbians will suffer another setback. While I support Sanders' right to freedom of expression and religion, I also take the opportunity to express my outrage that this off-the-wall plan for a political career will surely do more harm than good. I think gays and lesbians, for the most part, are tired of extremists being considered the norm for us. David W. Lewis Houston, Texas Buy One Pair Slacks And Get 20% OFF On A Sweater Or Shirt OF Your Choice [Sale Items Excluded) Dear TWT: In regards to the proposed announcement of Don Sanders (gay atheist) for mayor of Houston, may I say: Don suggests that an atheist platform will show he is representative of "freedom of thought." This line of reasoning could be used by anyone with a particular point of view to push. Being an atheist certainly does not give one a corner on freedom of thought. Secondly, Don claims that his position as a "part of the multi-billion pornography industry" puts him in a wonderful position to do battle with religious fundamentalists and censors. Battle is not what we need, Don. We could use some constructive, thoughtful leaders (gay or straight) who have at heart the interest of all people that they represent, not just a narrow constituency. Don, what you are is the issue here and YOU have made it the issue. You are not BASIC BROTHERS 1220 WESTHEIMER HOUSTON [713J 522-1626 SPORTSWEAR/COSTUMES PAGE 20 TWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER saying that your election is important because you have answers to the necessary issues of life in Houston. You are saying, "Elect a gay, atheistic, pornographer so that I can tell off these jerks who are getting in the way of what I want to do and be." This may be your personal crusade, and I wish you great luck in achieving your personal goals in life; however, I just wish you wouldn't do it on a mayoral soapbox in front of glaring TV cameras and say that you represent any of us! You don't. Curtis Morrow Dallas, Texas "1 Told You So!" Dear TWT: ' I want to thank all of my gay brothers and sisters who voted for Reagan for giving me this opportunity to say-"I told you so." We all know by now that six of the nine judges who voted to uphold 21.06 were Reagan appointees. Sorry about that, gay Republicans. It's so hard to get any tears from this diehard, 100 percent Democrat. ... I remember trying to push Mondale bumper stickers in gay bars and gay establishments and many times getting hostile reactions from gay people. The same gay people who have the same belief as I do-Equal Rights. Why couldn't gay people listen to me? I am the same person who voted for McGovern in '72 against Nixon. And I am very proud of that, too. I still have five MondalelFerraro stickers on one car, and two on another car-and I display them proudly. Now, more than ever, we need Kathy Whitmire for mayor! Please don't give me another chance to say, "I told you so." Let's get the vote out for Kathy, so we don't go back 15 to 20 years with equal rights. I am a volunteer for Kathy Whitmire, whom I have backed and pushed for since her election of 1977. I am pushing Kathy Whitmire bumper 19 1985 TWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 PAGE 21 fn~\6grity~ $ clinic Discreet & Personal Care by appointment only f • General Medicine • Discreet, confidential individualized • Diagnoses and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. NOW AVAILABLE NEW TINTED EXTENDED WEAR CONTACT LENSES • Complete Line of Fashion EyeWear • Eye Examinations • Prompt, Friendly Service 961·9705 S,"JeCS 3906 Lemmon Ave. • Suite 210 Dallas, Texas (214) 528-3030 answered 2.c nOufS a 00'1) - - ----- - - ------------------ ------------------------------ ----------- --- = 21.06 DECISION FOR MORE INFORMATION OR APPOINTMENT Office Hours by Appointment (Telepnone stickers and buttons at gay bars and establishments, Also I am handing them out in the local Montrose area. Please display your Whitmire bumper sticker proudly and get out to vote, Tell your friends and neighbors to vote for her, too. I have met gay people who want Louie Welch-can you believe it-after all we've been through? We've come too far to turn back now! Mayor Kathy Whitmire-we need you now more than ever! Anthony "Tony" Orlando Houston, Texas _ 4709 RICHMOND HOUSTON ~ !':':"----.., (2 BLOCKS INSIDE lOOP --~====== .. ,at our" Acapulco Thanksgiving Fiesta." Trade your turkey for a margarita and a ~~ great tan with 75 new friends. November 27- December 1 610) t·::~ =-=~-=--== For details call Dr write: = tutceJ rr-~,.. TRAVEL 10700 Northwest Freeway, Suite 160 Houston, TX 77092 (713) 682-2002 Dear TWT: A few words on the 21.06 decision: An individual's sexual preference should not be a crime in Texas, or anywhere else in this nation. Those who make it so, display a perversion we should all unite against, or a new holocaust will consume us, The right to privacy and equal protection under the law are constitutional issues which demand our best efforts, We have a moral responsibility to commit our resources to the task ahead, and fight for freedom, justice and liberty for all. Thanks for the opportunity to speak out. Hap Veltman The Bonham Exchange San Antonio, Texas Dallas Diversity Editor- The following letter was written in response to Bill Nelson's (president, Dallas Gay Alliance) editorial in Dialog (DGA's monthly newsletter). The editorial related to the community meeting with city councilpersons Lori Palmer and Craig Holcomb, which took place on August 22 at Oak Lawn Library, DearTWT: I also attended the Thursday, August 22 meeting, I must have attended a different meeting than you, or perhaps you didn't listen to the people as they introduced themselves, I thought the 50 to 60 people who attended represented a cross section of the gay community. As officers in the different organizations, I assume they are elected by their membership, not selfappointed as you noted. Yes, unfortunately there were some organizations not represented; but as some organizations only meet once or twice a month, perhaps they had no time TWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER to receive or react to the invitation. And yes I think we all can honestly say no one group or person represents, as you have stated, our diverse community. If this group of people did not show the diversity of our community, you must be dealing with a different community than I am. Yes, I also hope the next meeting and any other future meetings include even more representatives from all groups . Yes, we should all put aside personal agendas, not just use the line as rhetoric, I also believe that those attending the gathering were very forthright and honest; otherwise, most would not have been around as long as they have been. As far as the issue of the city ordinance was concerned, I believe most if not all, expressed support for the idea of an ordinance, A concern was a division of resources, As far as concrete suggestions, I for one thought the approach of an ordinance against discrimination against people with AIDS as Los Angeles has done was a positive approach, Mr. Holcomb and Ms. Palmer are to be commended, and I for one look forward to future meetings as more & more positive input is made, Richard Rogers Dallas, Texas Protect Ourselves Dear TWT: As a newcomer to Dallas from Oklahoma City, I was shocked to read recently of numerous anti-gay attacks and muggings near our bars. I had thought a larger city such as Dallas would have established safeguards against such attacks. As a victim of such an attack in OKC, may I suggest that local bar and business owners follow the example of OKC's businessmen, Hire security officers to patrol the areas with a high concentration of gay clubs, Or, in lieu of that, form a gay patrol with volunteers experienced in martial arts or self-defense, Publicize these steps in the "straight" news media, and erect signs and posters advising potential assailants that we as a community will protect our persons and property with force, if necessary. If we do not protect ourselves and obtain the respect of our enemies, things will only get worse. Kim P. Olson Dallas, Texas '1V.t 19 1985 PAGE 23 \1tQ HEALTH "I WANT TO GIVE OTHERS HOPE" PERSON WITH AIDS ENTERS "SUPERMAN" FIFTH IN A SERIES OF ROAD-TO-RECOVERY Louie Nassaney, a person with AIDS (PWA), was sponsored by AIDS Project Los Angeles lor the "Superman '86" contest which was held September 7 at the Hollywood Palladium. Louie Nassaney, diagnosed as having AIDS over two years ago, is an atypical person with AIDS. He has been in remission for one year, and is the proverbial "picture of health." So good is his health and emotional condition that the AIDS Project Los Angeles decided to sponsor him in the "Superman '86" contest held last Saturday, September 7 in West Hollywood at the Hollywood Palladium. Nassaney has a well-developed physique and deep tan, and although he does not resemble Clark Kent, he was certainly a strong contender forthe contest. "Superman '86" was a local "beauty pageant" for males, involving a bathing suit, blue jeans and interview competition. TWT SEPTEMBEA 13- SEPTEMBEA 19 1985 CONTEST STORIES "I used to look awful," admits Nassaney, who professes to have been underweight and has a small scar on his leg where a lesion used to be. "After I was first diagnosed, I realized I had to make a drastic change in my Ijfe. I started eating better, getting more rest, and opened up to my parents ... I told them that I was gay and that I had AIDS the same day. That was traumatic forthem, but they came to my support. So did my friends. And two years later, I'm doing really well." "Louie's case is rare, but it certainly provides hope for other persons with AIDS," says Bill Misenhimer, executive director of the AIDS Project Los Angeles. "Positive thinking and sheer will power seemed to have played a major part in his remission." As there is neither a cure nor a vaccine, Nassaney has sought, as have many others, to find treatment outside the orthodox medical establishment. Nassaney attributes his near-miraculous recovery to metaphysical therapy, which relies on the premise that positive, supportive and healing thoughts boost the immune system. "My metaphysical therapy has given me such a sense of well-being that I am convinced this is what has saved me. I certainly would recommend therapy to anybody, although no one can promise that it will work for a specific person. All I know is that it has worked for me. "My purpose in entering the Superman contest was to show others what a person with AIDS can achieve, or for that matter, anybody with a serious health problem. I want to give others hope," he said. 'WI? PAGE 25 malnut u~~~trrrt EVE RY TH U RSDA Y 10¢ Jub FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 ALL NIGHT 'J,'b :o0~ Cb0~\0:0~\" :-'<'~ ~\~ 0~\ CP~ of-0<' co<,ti fo \<' :001. With [~ll.J 4th and Walnut ° P.O. Box 2595 Abilene, Texas 79604 ° (915) 677-2522 '0.#1 l) ~ z:..z:.. * " z:.. '" ALIVE .• rVlTH Pl(IDE LONG M.C. Brittany \1 Cae La ViI/ita Assembly Hall l'lAl\~~!:. "f?,'bfo ~o'iJ.~ AM~~S~ .. (l~fl"\\' co~ :-'<'~ ~\..,...,.<:;~"~ Cb'<'o 'U :)0 MALE DANCERS ~ oc,\O ~0'f.~ -I' • WELL DRINKS & DRAFT BEER FRED DOTY SHOW fVl~ J '1 .,. « ;S«an.·~!'to!,io:~.Ig September 29th 2·8 PoMo $4 Donation Cltthe door FT. WORTH-335-1901 Firttlils weekly In the WI? Guidr,. CLUB SAN ANTONIO .. A MAN'S "San Antonio's finest" 11."'!IJ~)~C:n ~~~ ~~ ~c~<;)OFFERS 10 DEFINITIONS YOU WILL LIKE fACILITY" ~~<;> 1. Renl-Apartment home starting at $180. 2. Waeteroscaped-Wandering mirror ponds throughout the property. 3. Fireoplaces-For cozy evenings. 4. Sloroage-Large closets PLUS outside storage. 5. Pools- Two very nice social waterholes. 5. Conovenolent-On cily bus route. Close by shopping. 7. The Pier-Words inadequate to describe the quiet ambiance you will enjoy. Come and experience it for yourself. 8. Malnoteneance-On call 24 hrs. for emergencies. 9. Caoble-Free. 10. Cluboroom-Available for parties. Bring this sheet with you and get a pleasant surprise. Hours: M·F 8:30am·5:30pm, Sat. toam-aprn. m "'""OO" - 5909 RANCHESTER between Harwln & Town Park Houston, Texas (713)776·0665 PAGE 26 " . _ : - :r - TO •••••••• ". IlU"""l . Membership Required 1 1802 NO. MAIN 735-2467 * "Very Popular" Bob Damron's Book '85 TWTSEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1981 TWWTT ~SE~P;;:TE~M:;:;B;:;E:;;R-;-13;--~S~E:;;P:;:TE;;:M;':B;;:ER;;-;;19~1;;:9:;:85;:-------------------------PAGE 27 ~ HIGHLIGHT ~1Q~~~~~~ The black-tie dinner has become Dallas's biggest fund raiser for the gay community, and this year's proceeds will be divided between the Human Rights Campaign Fund (the only political action committee solely concerned with the rights of lesbians and gay men) and five local non-profit organizations. These five tax-exempt, tax-deductible organizations are: the Foundation for Human Understanding, the Metropolitan Community Church, the Oak Lawn Counseling Center, the Texas Human Rights Foundation and the Turtle Creek Chorale. (Sl7) 332-OS()() 71/~ ~1fItY1f4 (~tk7dSt. 7~4t~) GRAND OPENING SEPTEMBER 21 sf Noted author and humorist Rita Mae Brown, honorary co-chair of the Human Rights Campaign Fund, will be next weekend's guest speaker and recipient of the Dallas Dinner Committee's naItional Humanitarian Award at the 1985 Black-Tie Dinner to be held at the FairI mont Hotel on September 21, on the eve HOSTS: JIM BOWIRS & MOIHIR MICHAIL f the Dallas Gay Pride Parade, The b-=:...::..=-=-=-=-~.:..:..;.=-=--=--:.:...:....:..:..;.-------------::-tl exas Freedom Parade. Bartenders with D.J. leny Ab.hlre B_ Bac Ms. Brown has written several books lael Martin Jarvis n?luding Rubyfruit Jungle, Souther~ Menfl Opena IOAM-2AM, Dally Rocky tscomton, A Plain Brown Wrapper, 12PM-2AM, udden Death, Six of One, Songs to a andsome Woman and The Hand That Happy Hour I OAM-8PM Dally radles the Rock. She shares co-chair POOL • VIDIOS • TV ROOM espon~ibilities o~ the Hu~an Rights ampalgn Fund with playwright and ac~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~orHaNeYF~~tein. BIIR BUST • SPICIAL PRICIS .un....,. ==-=-=-----------------------lTUWJTT~SEP;ep:TrEE~MiiiBEEiR~1i33;:-SSEP:EPlT=EEMMeiBEEFRIl1i99l199i8;5 ~ SEPTEMBER 13-SEPTEMBER 191985 PAGE28 Contributors will designate which charity receives their portion of the proceeds. The Campaign Fund receives 50 percent of the net proceeds. PAGE29 LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS NOW LEASING --With Optionto Purchase-- Large Beautiful Swimm9tg Pool Controlled Entry Security Last year's dinner at the Adolphus Hotel raised more than $32,000, with proceeds going to the Campaign Fund; the Foundation for Human Understanding, which funds the Gay Community center and educational projects of the Dallas Gay Alliance; and the National AIDS Lobby Project, which acts as a clearinghouse for local AIDS groups and lobbies Congress. Chairman of the Dallas Dinner Committee is John Thomas, who is on the boardof directors of the Human Rights Campaign Fund. Members of the committee include Ric Aishman, Dick Weaver,William Waybourn, Ann Brown, Mike Grossman, Ray Kuchling, Mike Stewart and Jake Jacobs. Tickets to the black-tie affair are $150. Invitations were mailed in midAugust. For more information, reservations or to be put on the mailing list, plese call (214)559-2166or write Dallas Dinner Committee, P.O. Box 50031, Dallas, TX 75250. '-\II? «~ ~ UNCLE SAM WANTED YOU THEN WE WANT YOU NOW! GAY MEN & WOMEN FOUGHT AND DIED FOR FREEDOM! Ll00rSilllsillliifi\lititl.j September 22, 1985 Dallas Pride IV Parade For more information contact: Veteran's Pride P.O. Box 190926 Dallas, Tx. 75219 214-521-3332 Remote Controlled Garage Entry High Efficiency AC & Heating One Bedroom One Bedroom With Loft Two Bedroom Two Bedroom - ''THE BIG PARTY" IS COMING??? One Bath One Bath Two Bath Two Bath Townhouse CONGRATULATIONS TO HOUSTON'S BRIAR PATCH MEN'S SOFTBALL TEAMWINNERS OF THE 9TH ANNUAL GAY WORLD SERIES From $375.00 a month Office Open Daily 11:00-6:00 PROUD MEMBERS OF: HOME 08: THE SUNDANCE 2507Montrose• Houston,TX 524-0830 ~ ~a'~ ~D~ ~~~ .~; THE TEXAS RENEGADE ~':<>o, I'f. ~ * ~' TWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1 ~ -THE MONTROSE ~ OPEN 7AM MONDAY·SATURDAY 710 PACIFIC. HOUSTON. TEXAS 77006 (713) 528.9427 PAGE 30 CA TTLE COMPANY CLOGGERS INTRODUCTORY OFFER ~ ~ STEVE D. MARTINEZ, M.D. LIMITED TIME ONLY! f STUNGUN DON'T GO TO JAIL FOR PROTECTING YOURSELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES FIGHT INTERNAL MEDICINE INFECTIOUS DISEASES SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES AIDS/KS DIAGNOSIS BACK L..~C3i~L..L..~ "" •-r 1--1 -r 1--1E NOVA XR-5000 STUNGUN THAT WILL BRING DOWN AN ATTACKER \NITH A PHASED ELECTRIC SHOCK OPEN MON.·FRI. 9·5PM MON., WED., FRI. EVENINGS AND SATURDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT 2801 EllA BLVD., SUITE G HOUSTON, IX. 77008 (713) 868·4535 -=- _ _.R"AN E)(P-RES •.. INSTANTLV \NITH THE TOUCH OF A BUTTON! r--------------~--' Please send me __ at the low price of $89.99 each, plus $5.62 tax. Please include $3.50 for postage & handling. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. ~State TEXAS AG~~OUS STUNGUN(S) IN am e :Address lei ty bYle!l~K2 o K ,. Brownsville _ _ _ Zip __ Mail check, money order or cashier's check to: STUNGUN 3906 Cedar Springs #1010 Dallas, Texas 75219 L PAGE 32 (214) 339·5608 J 120 E. Atol St., P.O. Box 2326 South Padre Island. Texas 78597 512/943-3632 TWT SEPTEMBER 13-SEPTEMBER 191~ TUUJiTTssiEiEPPiTreEMMa;BEEfRlili33:--SSEe;p;rTBEM~BBiE~Rl1Q9-;;19~8i;;5------------------------PAGE 33 \\Uij ~~ ~---------~.. Tli~ PIC TU(fc OF DORIAN 6AY No doubt most of us are familiar with Oscar Wilde's classic tale of Dorian Gray. The story deals with the darke side of man's nature, and disproves th adage, it's what's up front that counts In Dorian's case, what you saw was no really what you got. Old Dorian had "special" picture of himself. A paintin that he kept locked away. He had mad a rather nasty bargain with the devil. H would stay young and pretty, while th portrait got old, ugly, and monstrous The portrait, you see, reflected Dor TWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 198~ KALEIDOSCOPE bu David V. Meunier ian's true personality, and it just wasn't pretty. In the end, time ran out for Dorian, and as these things tend to happen, it all caught up with him. Dorian became a burn-out. Too much excess of everything. The picture was restored showing a young, handsome Dorian, and Dorian ... well, he ended up looking like a bad acid trip. Ah, but you ask, is there a lesson here for today's modern gay man? I'm glad you asked, because it was my desire to find out if there was a correlation here. Is there such a thing as the Dorian Gay type? However, not having the expertise myself to delve into such weighty matters, I realized I must seek professional help. Through friends I was able to learn of-C.R.O.T.C.H. (Cruise Research Organization To Change Habits), a special government agency located in a large Texas city. Because of the delicate nature of the organization's work, we won't specify their exact location. Using some of my connections, I was able to place a call and speak at some length with Dr. Bancroft Basket. Dr. Basket is the director of the organization and a world renowned author. If you haven't read his book, View From a Bar, you simply must obtain a copy. It's rapidly becoming the Bible of the cruise crowd. It examines in great detail some of the issues that have plagued gay men since the beginning of time. It is especially appropriate in this age of liberatlon where cruising has become an art form. For example, chapter three explores such vital questions as: Why do vou only see hot men as you are leavIng or entering a bar, but never inside? Why is it when you are with your parents, straight co-workers, or a real woman, someone attractive decides to cruise you? etc. Anyway, Dr. Basket graciOUSlyinvited me out to the institute for a tour and a chance to pursue my question. He def- TUiT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 initely assured me there is a Dorian Gay type. At the last moment I asked my friends Denny and Beau to accompany me. I was a little nervous going alone and thought the exposure to science would do them good. I drove, and Danny played navigator. Beau passed the time winking at cute men at red lights. "This is it!" Denny yelled, pointing to a 24-hour donut shop. "It can't be," muttered Beau, "it looks like a Winchell's." I, however, was not fooled. I really hadn't expected a huge flashing neon sign proclaiming "CROTCH." "Don't worry," I said. "This is a top secret government organization. Naturally they would operate through a front. Besides, I'm starving. Let's go check it out." Sure enough, the minute I mentioned Dr. Basket's name to the counter girl, she dropped a tray of donuts on the floor and led us through the kitchen to an elevator door. "I hope she's not gonna try and sell those donuts," Denny whispered, as the door clanged shut behind us. Somewhere, in the bowels of the earth, we disembarked and were met by a tall, thin, blonde woman, who explained she was Dr. Basket's assistant, Penelope. "The doctor is expecting you," she smiled, "and will be with you momentarily. Would you care for a donut while you wait? We get a great deal on dayold products," Penelope informed us as she passed a tray beneath our noses. Not wanting to be rude, we each took several. In no time we were ushered into Dr. Basket's study. He was a jollylooking, heavyset man with a bushy beard. As he introduced himself, he wiped the lenses of his glasses on his tie. He informed us that in orderto save time he had prepared a film that would get right to the heart of the matter. PRGE 3S Iwant to stop crying. Do you feel you're constantly "on the verge"? Does your life seem emotionally stuck in neutral? You could be experiencing biochemical depression and no amount of good fortune will give you the charge you need to feel good about life or yourself. It is estimated that 25% of all women and 10% of all men will experience biological depression. Research has shown that tidepressant medication. this illness is best Contact the Fabre Clinic for a free evaluation want to help you get on with your life. treated with an- and treatment. We HOUSTON FABRE CLINIC 526-2320 THURSDAY - ALL NIGHT 2S¢ SCHNAPPS 29¢ HOT DOGS 52 BEER D J '5 •• 1308 ST. LOUIS FO:7~~~H FRIDAY & SATURDAY NO COVER 7S¢ WELL & CAN BEER BAR & RESTAURANT _ WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY-FEATURING .• R -j •• COMING: THURS_, OCT_ 3RD, "THE FRED DOTY SHOW" PAGE 36 u: K $2 COVER & BEER BUST TWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 19 "Lights, please," he motioned to Penelope as the screen came down. "What you will see today will at first appear to be your typical bar scene, but, instead of dweling on a handsome hunk's exterior, we will actually go inside and see what conditions are like there. This is all simulated of course," he beamed. "Kinda like Fantastic Voyage?" I inquired. "Precisely", he nodded. While Denny and Beau were fighting over who would play the Raquel Welch part, the film began. We were in a bar that looked suspiciously like the one I was in Saturday night. The camera panned a row of men and zeroed in on one hot number. "Wow!" Beau exclaimed "What a basket!" "Yes?" Dr. Basket said, turning to Beau. "He said fantastic," I smiled, and kicked Beau in the shin. "Well, you won't think so in a moment. Let's take a look inside," Dr. Basket said, as we found ourselves in a long dark tunnel. "Now, we'll start at the top. This is the brain." "It looks like the cheese factory we toured in Vermont last summer," I gasped. "Yes, this man has apparently used acid to excess, and drinks quite heavily, so the brain resembles Swiss cheese. Millions of brain cells have died, and at the rate he's going, Arlington National Cemetery won't be able to hold a candie to him," Dr. Basket chuckled. "Now let's have a look at the lungs." I experienced a sinking sensation. We sat in stunned silence as Dr. Basket POinted out formations not unlike the LaBrea tar pits. "Tsk, tsk, obviously a heavy smoker," Dr. Basket commented, as I tried to push my Benson and Hedges further down into my shirt pocket. "It's probably a combination of marijuana and cigarettes ... ," the doctor was saying when Denny interrupted. "Ugh! What are those other gross TWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 spots?" "Oh, those? ... possibly due to poppers .... " "Poppers!" Beau screamed and threw his bottle of Rapid-Rush across the room where it landed in a cage of white mice, killing three on impact. As Penelope frantically tried mouth-tomouth resuscitation on the surviving mice, we proceeded on to the liver. "Now, that scar tissue shows us this man has had hepatitis, and of course his drinking hasn't helped. Let's tour the colon and the rectum," Dr. Basket announced pleasantly. I will not inflict you with the visual horrors we witnessed next. Sufficient to say, Denny threw up and Beau passed out. When the lights came back on, Dr. Basket began to summarize. "So you see, gentlemen, there is a classic Dorian Gay type. Many gay men appear healthy to the untrained eye, but, in reality, they have abused their bodies to the point that it is only a matter of time before they will have serious and perhaps life-threatening medical problems. The body's immunity system just cannot withstand a constant barrage against it." "But ... but ... but what can we do?" I stammered. "The very things CROTCH stands for. Learn to change your habits. Better nutrition, exercise, moderation in alcohol and other substances, for example." We spent many more hours at C.R.O.T.C.H.learning how to be healthy homosexuals. Believe me, it was a somber trio on the drive home. "That was pretty heavy," Denny said, breaking the silence. "I'll say" was all I could say. "Boy! I could use a good stiff drink," Beau exclaimed from the back seat. "Good idea!" We all shouted, and headed towards our favorite bar. Oh well, old habits die hard, but better your habits should die than you. So take a few minutes now and then to analyze whether you're painting a "special" picture like old Dorian Gray. I can guarantee you ... it won't be pretty.\\W PAGE 37 ONLY 30 \\9jj -----_BOOKS orrah ;j'lllf!Jf ."l,!i!'~T;'il' Rise of 1'···· .' r~ , :( r ! bphobia Did you know that for only $30 you can belong to FITNESS EXCHANGE? JOIN NOW AND PAY NO START UP FEE!!! . .: ~ c,. ,JI: ~"~ ·::·:j:k\ .•. Gomorrah & The Rise of Homophobia, by Arthur Frederick Ide; non-fiction; 113 pp.; notes, index; The Liberal Press, P.O. Box 160361, Las Colinas, Texas 75016-9998; softcover, $5.95 (plus $1.00 postage & handling). Reviewed by David Fields At FITNESS EXCHANGE we offer: • A program tailored to your individual needs with counseling and supervision. • NAUTILUS-double lines of the finest onvsrcat development equipment available. • HEARTMATE-state of the art computerized bikes that test your fitness level. • SUNTANA-the UVA. tanning beds that safely tan you in just 25 minutes. • AEROBICS-high energy classes with outstanding instructors' • A dazzling crsorav of Free Weight. OLYMPIC. and UNIVERSAL equipment. • A CLEAN. comfortable facility that includes saunas. whirlpool. and great music' Let US show you how our program can work for you and why our reputation been built on some of the finest bodies in Texas. has HURRY, OFFER FOR A LIMITED TIME!!! HOUSTON 2900 Richmond PHONE 524-9932 ~ffirrnesG \@)XCJHrRlfI'Se NAUTILUS FOR MEN AND WOMEN DALLAS 26150aklawn [MEN ONLY) PHONE 526-122 Arthur Frederick Ide has written oyer 200 books concerning woman's role in politics, culture, religion and philosophy. A large part of his other works have been on the cultural history and references to homosexuality up through modern times. This latest book, Gomorrah & the Rise of Homophobia, charts the sources of ignorance, hate and intolerance that give rise to the virulent bigotry and anti-intellectualism of today. H is other book, about Sodom and Gomorrah, focused on the origin of religion's distortion of the original Biblical scriptures written in Greek. This book focuses on the attitudes of the day as they changed during the rise of ChrlstiTWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 anity and the fall of the Roman Empire .. The main sources of intolerance were from the embattled Jewish tribes and the early Christian religionists, but curiously, not from Jesus Christ or his direct disciples. Very clearly the Jews had to reproduce and enlarge their group or be conquered. Moreover, they had to set themselves apart and distinguish themselves from other multi-theistic or pagan religions. All the other religions were more populous and took no notice of sex between men. As Rome began to decline, and people began to look for scapegoats, the early Christian religion took the lead in persecuting persons who had homosexual affairs out of lust. Though homosexual marriages and weddings were still held, based on love and not lust, even this did not deter the hatemongers. Through this section of the book, Ide carefully draws parallels to modern day fundamentalism represented by Jerry Falwell. The economic conditions of Rome at the time were not too dissimilar to our present-day situaPRGE 39 tlon. The seeds of homophobia are thriving today as they thrived then. Those seeds were formed by the extreme zenophobla (fear of foreigners) and misogyny (discounting and denigration of women). New ideas brought by strangers were not tolerated; anything that smacked of a woman's form or position was immediately condemned. Two men together automatically meant "pagan" and/or one of the "men" had to be a woman. Those same Ignorant attitudes have lasted down through the centuries, propelled and preserved by the Bible. That Jesus Christ said nothing against the sex between men is ignored. Institutionalized religion and its keepers, "Christ"-Ians, have been shown to defy Christ's teachings and His tolerance and all-embracing love. Ide's book is not technical. There is little or no Greek stanzas to slow the pace of the book. If people are to preserve the freedoms the Christians plan to eradicate, people must learn the lessons of history and act. This is what Ide's book inspires the reader to do, with his calm, reasoned prose. Gomorrah & the Rise of Homophobia contains copious notes, references and an index, completely documenting Ide's work. His is a scholarly work, yet one which touches our emotions and our concerns. '\II" VIDEO CLUB SAVINGS LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP-ONLY 549.95 INCLUDES 14 FREE3-DAY VIEWINGS PLUS DISCOUNTED RENTAL RATES MOVIES RATED G TO XXX LUCKY LICENSE JACKPOT •••. .ll_I.t_f 1-- --- - - - - - - I ENCLOSED IS $1.00 FOR license Plate :, . NAME IIADDRESS I~ITY ---S-TA-T-E----Z-I-P BUMPER STICKER, 2205 -pJP lQOZ ., .~,. 1~ $~pr $~ I My I WEIGHT IN CASH TO: $,,4, _~_..o.-__ I . ONE TWT DUMPER STICKER MAil $,,- ~ --'--crrJJ"&MAl WIN DOUBLE YOUR HISWEEK'S 1158-6551 UCE,ISSEJ~LA1E-I...:---- 1Jvf MONTROSE. I ----_:1 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77006 If this is your license plate number, and you have a TWT bumper sticker on your vehicle, Contact your nearest TWT office before 12 p.m. Monday September 16 to claim your cash. PAGE 40 TWTSEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 191985 I Tu;jJTTSisEiFp~TEe;M;iiBEiERRl:13;.:-~SESEPPTnEMiiii8iEiERA1I19~1i99:a:855-----------------------== PAGE41 \1W I VINYL FLASH by Mardi Coleman There have been lots of exceptionally good new import releases in the past two weeks. "Midnight Radio" by Taffy on Ibiza Records, Italy (122 bpm). Although the label titles the song "Midnight Radio," the cover reads 'I Love My Radio." Very hot! The keyboard arrangements are outstanding-complex classic Italian synth sound. The special effects are exciting and imaginative. The rhythm programming has a smooth, consistent energy. The B-side is an instrumental dub-mix "Rough" version. The additional guitar tracks give this mix a more "rock" feeling. "Stop This Rumor," backed with "The Alphabet" by Spelt Like This, on EMI Records, U.K. "Stop This Rumor" (148 bpm) is exciting Hi-NRG Dance with a British new-rock flavor. Many of the rhythm phrases sound like "Premonition" by Bonnie Pointer. The B-side, "The Alphabet" (126bpm), sounds rhythmically like several of the Frankie Goes to Hollywood releases. The haunting melody reminds me of the classic "Living on the Ceiling" by Blancmange (which was just re-released in remix form as the B-side of their latest single, "What's Your Problem," which, by the way, is very good! "Alphabet" also features a voice Simulator effect similar to Kraftwerke's ComputerWorld LP. The lyrics are also very clever. The overall energy effect is --------------------------"""TiTWWTTSSE:Epp:TrEEMMeBE~R~135_-~SiEE:pPTnE~MMBEiERR119~191 TWTSEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 191985 like "Pleasure Dome" meets "Pocket Calculator." "The Great Divide" by Portion Control on Rhythmic Records, U.K. (124 bpm).lncredible piece. The rhythm programming is very similar, although faster, to "Ave Maria" by West India Co. This is my current number one import. The vocal arrangements are very European rock-similar to, but smoother than, the Dead or Alive style. This cut has the potential to be a monster dance hit. "Jolene" by Strawberry Switchblade, on KorovalWEA Records, U.K. (127 bpm). Too hot! This is a Euro-dance remake of the Dolly Parton country classic. The production is fabulousthe mix is clean and sophisticated, and the energy is consistent and flowing. The arrangements are elegant-very tasteful use of synth-strings and vocal dub effects. Undoubtedly the best release from this group yet. "007" by The Bondettes, On Sound Shop Records, Germany(141 bpm). This cut sounds like a take-off on the classic Lime cut "Your Love," but has a rhythm very similarto "High Sex Drive" by Dolmann. This is Hi-NRG dance music all the way. The rhythm programming is very exciting-guaranteed to please even the most discriminating dance floor. With the right promotion and availability, this cut could be a huge hit. And finally, one of the hottest dance albums of the year, The Greatest Hits by lime, on Unidisk Records, Canada, features seven of Lime's greatest hits, all completely remixed. Fantastic! All the intro and break rhythms have been reworked to allow for easier mixing and overlays. Every cut on the album is a classic-if you've ever wanted but couldn't find some of these rare andlor out-of-print treasures, then this is the album for you. A "must have" for any serious dance music collector. '\IJI? PAGE43 \\!!ij I.A ·CAGE rBr2 W. MOCKINGBIRD DALLAS (2r4} 630-707r DALLAS' NEWEST AND FINEST XXX-RATED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT COMPLEX OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK 2 ALL-MALE THEATRES 1 ALL FEMALE THEATRE (LADIES ONLY PLEASE) 14-CHANNEL VIDEO ARCADE AN EVER-EXPANDING SELECTION OF BOOKS, MAGAZINES, POPPERS VIDEO TAPE SALES AND RENTALS --------IHEATRE by BillieDuncan ••• TWTTHEATRE would like to urge everyone in Houston to attend One, at Channing Hall, 5210 Fannin, on September 19,200r21, at 8 p.m. Call (713)522-2204. One by Jeff Hagedorn is a one-act play about a PWA, and is the first play to be presented in Houston that deals with the AIDS crisis. But, the play is not really about AIDS; it is about one human being. Kent Johnson plays the PWA, and Debbie Boiley will present a preshow concert. Get together all your friends and go see this show. You will be sorry if you miss it. All over Texas, playwrights should be finishing their final drafts of plays they wish to enter in the Sixth Annual Jane Chambers Memorial International Gay Playwriting Contest. To qualify, a play may be either full length or one-act, have a major gay character or theme and not have been previously produced in the New York metropolitan area. Plays must be submitted in the English language, typed, with a cast breakdown on a separate page and bound in a folder with the author's name, address and telephone number on the title page. All entries must be accompanied by aself-addressed stamped envelope for return of script (for acknowledgment of receipt of script, include a selfaddressed stamped postcard as well). Musicals must be accompanied by a cassette tape of the score. Scripts submitted to the contest in previous years are not eligible unless extensively revised. Deadline for the receipt of entries is October 1, 1985. Winning plays will receive a staged reading in Meridian Theatre's Playwrights and Directors Series in spring, 1986 in New York City. Winners will be announced by February 1, 1986. Playwrights should send their entries to Meridian Theatre Playwrights and Directors Group, c/o Shandol Theatre, 137West 22nd St., New York, NY 10011. For more information or a copy of the contest rules, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the same address. Thriller lovers in Houston might want to take in an evening at Theatre Suburbia to see Veronica's Room. It opens tonight, September 13 at 8:30 p.m. and runs on Friday and Saturday nights through October 12. Call (713)682-3525 for reservations. And don't forget to call and get your tickets for One. That number again is (713)522-2204. '\IJI? From left: Rich Olson, John Biondi, Lynette Arceneaux, and Susan Fox in Veronica's Room at Theatre Suburbia. KISS O~ TW~SPID~~ WOMAN Reviewed by Harry Deutsch Queen of Hearts This is one of those rare films you'll take with you after you leave the theater. Kiss of the Spider Woman is composed of a variety of stirring, deeply moving moments. There is some of the touching tenderness we found in Bent; it has the power to make us feel uncomfortable, like a Dog Day Afternoon; and there are the brutal harshness and human frustrations of a Midnight Express. In short, this is a powerhouse of emotions and controversies brought across and made real by an exceptional cast of players. Or, if I were to describe this effort by Brazilian director Hector Babenco in one word only, I'd opt for brilliant. William Hurt is Molina, a fairly flamboyant homosexual who occupies a Suite in the slammer of some South American country for impairing the morals of a minor. He shares his crudeIYdecorated surroundings with Valentin Arregui (Raul Julia) whose crimes are of the political kind. The two cellmates _________________________ -:;T;;-;W:;;T:-;s;;E:;;PT~E;:M;;;B;<;ER;;-;;13L-~S'"EPPiTr.:E;:;M~BE"iiR;-:1109:-;11 rUJT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 could not be further apart in their previous lifestyles and convictions. Most of the two-hour action takes place just within that one-room confinement. Boring, you think? Think again. Frequent clashes are inevitable, raw emotions and naked sensitivities are bound to explode until human kindness is the only healing there is. This is a thrilling movie chess game. Largely responsible is Manuel Puig, an acclaimed Latin American author who wrote the original Spider novel, which contains dialogue only. Notable directors such as Fassbinder had sought his OK to film some of his works, and after this melodramatic tourde force, we get the picture as to why all this interest. Molina is something of a B-movie buff. To pass the time and ease the hardships he starts describing his favorite atrocious flick, scene by scene and in luscious detail. The fact that it's an obvious wartime Nazi propaganda piece doesn't faze Molina in the least; he's more concerned with the way his heroine dresses and, above all, the blond good looks of the Hitlerian hero. When PAGE 47 Valentin points out how political and sexual deviants were treated in the clutch of the Reich, Molina replies, "I don't explain my movies; it ruins the emotion." At the risk of ruining your emotion, be forewarned that MOlinaexplains himself as the stereotypical woman in a man's body. He shrugs off the minor detail that there's something between his legs. "It's just an accident. If I had the courage I'd cut it off." He's looking for a real man, yet is convinced that a real man would never get involved with someone like him. So he plays the "woman" role with varying degrees of confidence. Meanwhile, the decidedly more macho Valentin starts preaching to his prison partner not to let anyone ever degrade him. He learns from Molina that the power of imagination can overcome tribulation. The Spider chess game involves many more intricacies, including a queen sacrifice and the king's conditional rescue, but going into detail here would only destroy much of the drama. Mr. Hurt in his role won the best actor prize at Cannes this year; he deserves to be a prominent Oscar contender as well. His portrayal is flawless, moving and always honest to his character. Mr. Julia is excellent as a man of unfaltering political beliefs whose world is a world apart to that of his cell mate. Brazilian actress Sonia Braga has three parts to act out. She is particularly convincing and rightfully overacts, though lacking the proper accent, as the French B-chanteuse who is melodramatically drawn by the Fuehrer's philosophies. The film fantasies that are interwoven have a mysterious look and perfectly illustrate the oasis quality of the inmates' mindgames. Mr. Babenco, in his first attempt to go after the American market directly, found a theme of genuine love and integrity. The verdict: I absolutely loved it (9out of 10). '-\liT ~ , SHOWBIZ_ ~ by Jack Varsi , FarmAid-(/ to r) Lou Reed, Jonl Mitchell, Rickie Lee Jones. MERRY MELODIES-Can you imagine Joni Mitchell, Rickie Lee Jones and Lou Reed singing for American farmers? I mean, has Lou Reed ever even seen a silo? Well maybe it isn't that strange, because in addition to the somewhat urbane likes of Joni, Rickie and good 01' Lou we'll get to see a few dozen other music greats during the upcoming "FarmAid" concert to be held at the University of Illinois on September 22. Organized by (who else?) Willie Nelson, the 12-hourfundraiserfor American farmers will be televised live by cable's Nashville Network and should generate much of the same kind of excitement that surrounded this summer's "Live Aid" extravaganza. Among the numerous expected guests: Loret· ta Lynn, Charlie Pride, Lacy J. Dalton, Alabama, the Charlie Daniels Band, Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, Neil Young, Kenny Rogers, the Beach Boys, and everyone else's grandmother .... Still another staggering line-up was assembled for an anti-apartheid record called "Sun City," which is intended as a protest against those artists who have performed at the South African resort. This project was masterminded by Little Steven (a Springsteen crony) and features contributions from such artists as Pat Benatar, Jackson Browne, Jimmy Cliff, Nona Hendryx, George Clinton, Bonnie Raitt, Darlene Love, David RuffinL Eddie Kendricks, Bono (of U2), Joey Ramone (of the Ramones), and, you guessed it, Lou Reed.... Fans of Stephen Son· dheim musicals have bitched for years over the fact that there has never been a complete recording of the score for Follies, Sondheim's rather underrated 1971 musical. Those fans can now rejoice, or riot, or do whatever they want to do to celebrate RCA Red Seal's recently recorded "concert performance" of the Show, which, incidentally, took place September 6 and 7 in New York at Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall. Now, our friend Lou Reed will definitely not be a part of the deluxe $19.95recording, but you will get to hear the New York Philharmonic Orchestra backing such voices as Carol Burnett, Mandy Patinkin, Elaine Stritch, Betty Comden, Adolph Green, George Hearn, Lee Remick, Liz Calloway and Arthur Rubin.... Lee Remick??? .. On their new Live at the Apollo Album, Hall & Oates revive their original version of "Everytime You Go Away" -a song that recently hit No. 1 for Paul Young. Former Temptations David Ruffin and Eddie Kendricks (who know a thing or two about the legendary Apollo) also turn up on the album .... Diana Ross gets some help from Michael Jackson and Bee Gees on her new album Eaten Alive.... Stevie Wonder's new In Square Circle set is his first studio album in almost five years .... Kenny Rogers worked with ex-BeatJes producer George Martin on his new album The Heart of the Matter .... Jane Wiedlln becomes the first ex-Go·Go to release a solo album-it's called Jane Wiedlin ... With her new single, "Running Up That Hill," Britain's Kate Bush may finally break big on this side of the Atlantic .... Out of San Francisco comes (20 years after psychedelia) another new musical movement. It's called "World Beat" and among its purveyors are such bands as the looters, Big City, and Zulu Spear. (Maybe Lou Reed and Lee Remick could do a duet with Zulu Spear backing them.)... And for the desperate there's the Village People'S new single "Sex on the Phone." It has already hit in Florida. Where else? RAMBLING ROSE-Christmas is TlUT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 coming up in just a few months, you know, and I'm sure that there must be at least one hateful person on your holiday gift list. Don't worry about shopping-October's schedule for videocassette releases provides us with an opportunity we'd be fools to pass up. Give all the jerks you know a tape called The Dr. Ruth Video: Terrific Sex. It'll sell for $39.98, and, believe it or don't, the thing features a "simulated therapy session," whatever-the-hell that is. On the other hand, you might hold out for Breakdancin' With Mother Theresa. (Just kidding.) ... This is pretty frightening too: Frankie Valli is a guest star on one of the new Miami Vice episodes. . ... Remember Evelyn Keyes, who played Scarlett's bitchy sister in 1939's Gone With the Wind? Well, word has it that Evelyn (aka Suellen) is writing a screenplay based on her 1971novel I Am a Billboard. I didn't even know she'd written a novel. What's more, Tab Hunter is producing the movie .... Col. leen Dewhurst and Richard Farns. worth are in a 4-hour Canadian miniseries based on Anne of Green Gables-which might not mean shit to you, but that happens to be my favorite brat book .... Fever Pitch, the new Ryan O'Neal film directed by Richard Brooks, features music by Quincy Jones and Thomas Dolby .... Remember George Chakiris, who won an Oscar for his supporting role in the 1961film West Side Stoiy? He's set for a few appearances on Dallas this season .... A made-for-TVmovie you can look forward to sometime next season: Stone Pillow, starring Lucille Ball in a realistic portrayal of a bag lady living on the streets of Manhattan .... And still another reason to like Grace Jones: After contributing some vocals to a recording by still another Duran Duran spin-off group, she reportedly donated her fees to the AIDS Medical Foundation. ~ PAGE 51 \WU 1I()/IJ$fltlAt$ should be judged as Individuals (i-r)Jimmy (video), John (lights), and Gaylan (sound) of The Delman in Dallas wIth Claudia Barry. Three of the Guava Bomblets Pioneer gay rights activist Barbara Gittings at the lirst homosexual rights demonstration, Philadelphia, July 4, 1965. From Before Stonewall: The Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community. MEN, ETC. - Mimoso Studio, well known for its Provocative Photography in many local and national publications, is sponsoring a musical and comedy revue. The show entitled, Men, Etc., will take place at the infamous Tex's Ranch, 4117 Maple Ave., Dallas, Texas beginning at 10 p.m. on Wednesday, September 18, 1985. Men, Etc. is a benefit for the Oak Lawn Counseling Center and the AIDS Action Project. A $3 admission and all tips received by the performers will be donated. Highlighting the show are three memo bers of the popular comedy group, The Guava Bomblets. Diana Galloway, John Bode and Allen Simmons, billing themselves as "Slut, Sister and Glrlfriend," will perform comedy skits as well as sing and dance. Unfortunately, the other four members of the group are unable to attend due to a previous engagement at a Tit Bar somewhere on Harry Hines Blvd. Other performers include The Men of Mimoso, some of which have appeared on the pages of the best known gay magazines, as well as having won many titles in body competitions. The show will also include three screens projecting images related not only to the action on stage, but also about the many activities that have taken place in the gay community in the last several years. Men, Etc. promises to be a very tastpaced, entertaining show with a few surprises up its sleeve. FRED & ETHYL AUDITIONS - One of the Sons & Daughters of Fred & Ethyl is moving out of the house, so they need a replacement. So, if a man or woman out there can sing and dance and perform comedy skits, your future brothers and sisters want you. Auditions will be held at Oz in Austin from 3·5 p.m. on Sunday, September 15. A script will be provided. STONEWALL-Before Stonewall, the TUJT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 PRGE 54 award·winning documentary on the history of the gay rights movement, will be presented at the Dallas Public Library Auditorium as part of Pride III week events. This moving, witty, and provocative cinema event will be presented by the Dallas Gay Alliance. Terry Tebedo, director of public relations of the DGA, indicated that "especially in light of 21.06,we need to take this opportunity to take a good look at where we have been in the gay rights movement and rededicate ourselves to where we ought to be. This film gives us that perspective, often with a good dose of humor!" This film presentation will be at 1515 Young at Ervay on September 17,8 p.m. $5 donation requested. Tickets are available at Crossroads Market. SHOW CIRCUIT - Walnut St. Pub in Abilene presents the Fred Doty Show on Friday, September 13. Ken Wimber. Iy will be there in concert September 28. Marcia Dadds performs at Rascals in Houston through September 21 in the TUJT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 I BACKSTAGE by Aob C10rk cabaret. Donna Corley and Charlene Wright showcase on Monday, September 16. The Round·UpSaloon in Dallas brings Dena Kaye to their stage at 10 p.m., September 19 for a show which will benefit the AIDS Project of the Oak Lawn Counseling Center. Watch for Dena at The Ranch in Houston, September 29. Euphoric Heat performs at Ed· dington's in Houston, September 13and 14.J.P. Miles & Co. comes to their stage September 20 and 21. MONTROSE BAND - The theme for the annual fall concert by The Mon. trose Symphonic Band is "Come To The Cabaret." The event, September 28 (Saturday night) at 8 p.m. will be held in the main ballroom of The Allen Park Inn, 2121 Allen Parkway. Tickets will be $5 and there will be a cash bar. For more intormation call the MSBand office (713)527. 9454 or the Allen Park Inn at 521·9321. The Montrose Symphonic Band is a non-protlt community band under the umbrella of I/H, Inc. and a member of LGBA and The Cultural Arts Council of Houston. Last year the group performed at the Hollywood Bowl, and this year they performed at Miller Outdoor Theatre. MONTROSE ART - "Members current Works" will be open Monday night, September 16, 7:30 p.m. at the Briar Patch, with an opportunity to come meet the artists and enjoy both entertainment and special B.P. treats. Help the artists salute the World Champs and enjoy all the new fresh works. MAA is an open organization for artists and patrons wishing to share their artistic experience. For more information, call (713)524·0409.The art show continues to October 13. PRGE 55 ROCKY HORROR - Way Off Broadway Productions will present late night cabaret performances of the Rocky Horror Show. The cult movie that has mesmerized thousands of movie goers is recreated live on stage in this zany combination of oft-the-wall humor and rock 'n' roll music. The production will open Friday, September 13, 1985 at Spellbinder Comedy Club, 10001 Westheimer in the Carillion Center in Houston. It will be presented each Friday and Saturday night at 12:30a.m. for an unlimited run. The show is directed by Kerry Durdin and features Rod Jones as Frank 'n' Furter, Wade Martin as Rocky, Lynn Humphries as Janet, Jack Presley as Brad, Bill O'Roarke as Riff Raft, YolandaJollvet as Magenta, Cindy Salathe as Columbia, and Jane Keep as the narrator. Reservations are recommended. For more information call Spellbinders Comedy Club, (713)266-2525. 'WJ~------------- TUESDAYS STAR SEARCH CASH PAIZES PLUS TAOPHY 832-4026 304 ORLEANS SUNDAY SHOW MONICA & VICTOAIA WEST MAAISSA & MIAANDA MAXWELL I PAGE56 r! TWTSEPTEM8EA 13- SEPTEM8EA 1919851 TlUiTTss:EiEPPiTrEEMMB<8EEfAi:1i33:--SSEe;p;rTEiEM~8EBEAA1199lc19n8i55------------------------- PAGE57 WI) SPECIAL REPORT --l by Billie Duncan "AIDS is one of two or three things I think are major issues," said Ted Swindley, artistic director of Stages in Houston. "I think it's part of theatre's job to address these issues." Some of the best theatre in history has been issue-oriented, and the current AIDS crisis has brought about not only good theatre, but an active response from members of the entertainment community at large-an effort to step in and help raise dollars as well as consciousness to battle a politically unpopular disease. So far in Texas, it has mostly been the gay community theatres that have tried to put an emphasis on the crisis by committing much of their energy into fundraising for various AIDS organizations. Diversity Theater in Houston, Theatre Gemini in Dallas and, certainly, the Safe Sex Players in Austin have all participated in using their theatrical talents to get people to open their pocketbooks. But, as Human Rights Fund Co-chair Vivian Shapiro recently said, "The amount of work done by the lesbian and gay community has been overwhelming, but only the federal government has the resources to combat this devastating disease." And the federal government has been sluggish, to say the least, in manning the troops for a war against AIDS and PAGE 58 ARC. Playwright William M. Hoffman, whose play about a PWA (Person With AIDS) is currently on Broadway, said in an article in The New York Times that "during the polio epidemic, as during the Tylenol and Legionnaire's Disease scares, the media and the government committed themselves wholeheartedly to the side of the victims. In the early eighties, with few exceptions, the main concern of people outside of the gay community was reassuring themselves that it was only happening to 'them,' and not 'us.' I felt isolated from society in a way I had never felt before." While Hoffman's As Is is playing on Broadway, Larry Kramer's The Normal Heart is showing at the Public Theatre. Kramer was a founder of the Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) in New York, but he was unhappy with that organization's low-key strategies in dealing with the city government, so he left. Still, according to an insert in the Normal Heart program written by Rodger McFarlane, executive directorof GMHC, the organization and Kramer do not dlsagree on the facts surrounding the crisis. Said McFarlane, "What has gone on in Washington, at the National Institutes of Health, and the Department of Health and Human Services, and at the Centers for Disease Control throughout this epidemic is a subject worthy of the investi· TWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 gative talents of Woodward and Bernstein. Like Love Canal or Three Mile Island or Superfund, the economic priorities of AIDS have been pitted directly against the Interests of public health. The sloth of federal bureaucracy and the ruthlessness of political agenda have combined for particularly sinister effect." So, what has happened in the past in response to major issues is happening now: Activists are turning to theatre to express their views, while theatrical people are becoming activists. The AIDS Medical Foundation (AMF) has a national council that includes Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Woody AlIen, Michael Bennett, Leonard Bernstein, Tommy Tune, Alan King, Marilyn Horne and Arthur Miller. And performers are giving not only their names and their time to the cause; they are giving their talents. "Comic Relief" raised over $300,000 for AMF this past May 19,at the Shubert Theatre. Produced by Lorne Michaels and cochaired by Bemard B. Jacobs, Gerald Schoenfeld and Joseph Papp, the show featured Mike Nichols and Elaine May, Joan Rivers, Steve Martin, Gregory Hines, Randy Newman, Phil Donahue, Penny Marshall, Neil Simon, Penn & Teller, The Weather Girls and the Sacred Heart Gospel Choir. In July, the Fire Island Pines Benefit Committee, co-chaired by Ron English and John Whyte, raised $200,000 for AMF with the help of Peter Allen, Ellen Foley, Dorothy Loudon, Gotham and Anne Meara. Said Allen, "Everybody has to do something. The public must be galvanized so that more dollars are put immediately into research and care to stop this terrible loss of human potential. Everybody is at risk unless more money is raised." But, as great as those figures are, they are only a drop in a very large bucket-a bucket that should be filled by our government. In response to the urgent need for federal funding for research and patient care, the AIDS Campaign Trust (ACT) was formed as an arm of the Human Rights Campaign Fund committed to helping elect members of the House and Senate who will actively work to obtain full funding of the AIDS-related needs of the nation. Marty and Marylea Richards, producers of La Cage Aux Folies, hosted the kickoff of ACT last month. The benefit committee included Edward Albee, Craig Claiborne, Betty Comden, Jerry Herman, George Plimpton, Lanford Wilson and AMF director Dr. Mathilde Krim. ACT will hold fundraising dinners this fall in New York, Boston, Washington, San Francisco and Dallas. For information, write: ACT, clo Human Rights Campaign Fund, P.O. Box 1396,Washington, DC 20013; or, call (202)546-2025. '-IJIT PAGE 59 LANCE INTERVIEW BLASE DISTEFANO PHOTOGRAPHS CARL DA VIS Barbie and Ken (and Ken),paper dolls, comics, Tom Selleck and the color pink-these are the passions of Lance Rayburn. Lance arrived for the interview and photo session wearing what you see on TWT'scover this week. But I doubt the printing has done him (or his rainbow of colors) justice-his socks are chartreuse; his sneakers are bright pink, which match the band-aid on his left arm and the button above Tom Selleck's head; and his glasses are tinted-what else-pink. He "painted" the flowers and Tom Selleck on his shirt with magic markers. I began the interview by asking him when this magic began. LANCE - I drew a picture of my mother when I was 2 years old, and I put "I advertise in the Barbie newsletter-WANTED: Ken Underwear. I mean, vou teeth and fingers on it, and she kept it. TWT - When you were 2?! know, they made that underwear the first couple of years they made those LANCE - Well, I might have been Ken dolls. And then when Ken came out real musclely, they stopped. They 2%. don't even make socks anymore." RAVBURN His fascination with comics appeared somewhat later. His grandfather was a railroad stationmaster, who greeted Elvis Presley, Humphrey Bogart and others when they came into Ft. Worth. His grandfather's secretary was Lance's mother. And they were always bringing comics home, one of which was Boots and Her Buddies, which had a paper doll. "Later," he said, "I fell in, love with Brenda Starr, but Mary Perkins is my favorite, and Juliet Jones .... At one time when I was in college, I was taking in nine newspapers on weekdays; then on Sundays, I would really go wild. I would cut out the comics and file them. But I have '79 to present still uncut laying flat in a stack about up to my navel, wherever that is." At some point, Lance discarded a lot of his comics, but he kept all his fashion comics, including Katy Keene. LANCE - Did you read Katy Keene? TWT- No. LANCE - How old are you? TWT- 38. LANCE - Oh, so you could have. Auta Lee Bob Mackie This 28-year-old artist began drawing This colorful man has a bizarre but paper dolls about four years ago. The very natural sense of humor. He can talk first paper do" he did (other than Barnon-stop at great length without pause bie) was Lynn Christopher (a female imbut he is very easy to like. ' personator from Ft. Worth). Then he "My father died seven months before drew one of his employers, then another I was born," he said, "so if you were employer, then Ruta Lee, and his latest pregnant with your dead husband's son, is Bob Mackie. wouldn't you spoil him? Isn't it terrible, Bob Mackie was in Ft. Worth last but you know, that's kinda what hapweek, and Lance presented him with his penedto me. And I never played sports." personalized paper dolls. Mackie was TWT - I didn't either. very impresssed. LANCE - I never took P.E. Lance is presently working on paper TWT - I had to. dolls of Tom Selleck and Nina Hagen, LANCE - I'm sorry. I didn't even go and this talented artist has begun a Mr. to the restroom in high school. Texas do" calendar. TWT - I understand-I avoided it Lance works from the photographs of like the plague. the person and can use the person's LANCE - Yeah. Isn't it terrible? own clothes or create a "designer" What we had to go through ... and what wardrobe. we still have to go through. Lance is quite sincere about his preTWT - Does being gay effect your occupation with paper dolls, Barbie, etc. work in any way? He discussed at great length the differLANCE - Yes. People started telling ent types of Barbies (Japan has a new me,"You're selling your work, you're not Barbie with shorter hair, a bigger head, selling yourself. You don't have to tell wider eyes and smaller breasts); Bar- people you're gay." ... I become ofbie's outfits (four new gowns have been fended when people expect me to be designed by Oscar de la Renta);the Bar- straight. bie Do" Convention held in Michigan TWT - You mentioned your grand(250 people attended, of which Lance father earlier. What was your relationsays, "It was so much fun meeting all ship like with your grandmother? the queens."); the Barbie newsletter, R~ LANCE - She died a while back. I flections (which he edits); and Barbie as was kinda special to her. While my a collector's item: mother and grandfather were at work at LANCE - When you get acollector's the railroad, and my sister was at school Barbie doll, what do you do? You don't it was just me and my grandmother. It take it out of the box-that lowers the Worked out real well-I don't mean to value, probably half. It's terrible. I mean, say her death worked out real well, but I buy three and four kinds of one do" and I hadn't been to see her in like a month them leave 'em in the box. . . . ?r so. And I finally got around to visitTWT - And that's so that. . . Ing her-she was real happy. She died LANCE - So that years later you can that night; I was the last one to see her. sell them NRFB. My mother was the last one to talk to TWT - What? her, and my sister found her. She was LANCE - NRFB: never remove from 84orso. I don't know if she ever thought box .... They don't even take the dolls about my being gay or not. out of the boxes; they're still in there TWT - I sometimes think that a lot with the plastic. The only thing is over of grandparents love us too much for the years their ears-those earringS that to make any difference. aren't stainless steel-it turns the ears LANCE - Yeah, 'cause they did stop green and it's just spreading, so it's like aSking, "Don't you have a girlfriend?" you have to take that out and thread • _ Clearasil through. As our conversation continued about Millie the Model L PAGE62 I TWTSEPTEMBEA 13- SEPTEMBER '9 ,gef TiiiT::sSEE:ppnTE~MMBiEERRl133.-:S;SEEip;rTEiEMi;\Ba;EiFRi1,i99:j,998a;5S------------------ , Soon to be major pO's (paper dolls) -Tom Selleck (I) and Nina Hagen. :-::-__ PAGE63 • comics, he mentioned The Girls in Apt. 3G. I asked, "What's that?" LANCE - That's in the newspaper. You don't know The Girls in Apt. 3G? TWT - No, I don't read newspapers. LANCE - That's all I do. I don't watch news, 'cause I don't like seeing those things happen. With newspapers, I can read some of it and turn the page. TWT - TV news is too negative; I don't watch it either. LANCE - Oh, good. It scares me. I would just dwell on it, you know? TWT - Well, news dwells on all the negative things in life, and I don't need that in my life. LANCE - But in newspapers, you can get wonderful underwear ads and things. TWT - [laughter] LANCE - I mean, I have a collectio of underwear ads. Jim Palmer's anoths one of my favorites. [Lance then pn ceeded to show me his baseball cardsl Look, my first expensive bubble gu Tom Selleck card: Jim-Palmer-he's-real-cute-you know-l-paid-$17-for-it-a-couple-of-week At this point, my 45-minute tape endago. ed, It was a very interesting conversaTWT - You paid $17 for that?! tlon, and I can truthfully say I learned LANCE - Yes. But see [he showe a lot about Lance, comics in general, me a stack of Jim Palmer cards], l'v Millie the Model and Katy Keene in parbeen collecting Jim Palmer. Haven't ticular, and Barbie and Ken (and Ken). done well? By the way, I forgot to mention that TWT - All of these are Jim Palme thereis also a Japanese Ken doll which, LANCE - Yes. Lance says, "looks like Yentt because TWT - My God! he wears these little glasses .... " LANCE - And I only paid one or t Interested in finding out more about dollars for most of them. Some of the Lance's paper dolls? You can write to I got I had to send off for. I had to b Lance Rayburn at Route 13, Box 450, three boxes. . .. #16,Ft. Worth, Texas 76119. ~. _ rBa-::rb;;,;j'eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ I. --~~~-~--~------------------------nTWu,T~s~EP~TE~M~BEffiA~13~-~SE~PTETEMMBE~RAW19~1 ~-~-PT-EM-B-EA-1-3--S-EP-T-EM-B-EA-19-1-98-5------------------P-A~-6-S PAGE64 iiiififififiiiiiiiiiIiiiii~i~i~i~i~!~_. IWl p R E S E N T THE MISS AMERICA PAGEANT ON THE BIG SCREEN TV s 'I ·······.················:·1······1·········:·:·· ]1. .•••,[ WITH A 11111111.' •• T •• I I I BAR** I 3851 Cedar Springs : Dallas 526-7846 I \\&V , HOT TEA next Thursday, September 19. Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Rivers, Burt Reynolds, Cyndi Lauper and Rod Stewart are among the famous from Tinsletown in support of the $250 and $500 per plate dinner which was moved from Century Plaza to the Bonaventure Hotel to accommodate a sold out crowd. SAN ANTONIO - Gay Fiesta '85 is getting closer and time is running out for reserving your booth at La Villita Assembly Hall. Gay Fiesta '85 is Sunday afternoon, September 29. Contact Irene (512)824-5113 for details .... also set to open this month is the new Silver Dollar Saloon. That's Johnny "Granny" T, the , . 'm RESSED UP A D NO WHERE T GO? • FlER ~ISS CA~P AME~I~A. SATURDAY AT THE TOWER TH ATRE 'ATULATION ON YOUR 17TH YEAR. TH~ GALLEO~ Copa's deejay (see CRUISE CAMERA photo), helping out with construction. IncidentialIy, owner Lynn Ganey had to rescue the ducks missing from the Copa fountain. It seems that the duck-nappers, reportedly from Snuffy's, returned them with ransom. Hmmmmm .... wonder what will turn up missing next at Snuffy's? NAME DROPPER - Dateline San Antonio: Tom is back at 2015 from his trip to Big D as are Lollie and Pam at the Noo Zoo. Look for Miss Kitty and the Crew to start their Sunday football brunch with Sam this fall. And happy birthday to James "NKO" Hipp and lola. l:ia line ;;:\ THE MEN . THE MOOD . THE MUSIC . INCREDIBLE! ENERGYPROGRAMMED NIGHTLY BY BRIAN BROUSSARD JIM YOKUM AND WELCOMING JIMMY SPALDING TO OUR FAMILY ALICE DOES DALLAS -Gayline's Tom Paulson (I) and Round-Up manager Tom Davis (r) posed during their beer bust and cookout which netted $321 for that worthy cause. Next fund raiser at the Round-Up is this Sunday's Big Event, the annual outdoor carnival on the parking lot hosted by the Dallas Tavern Guild. , .. Then next Sunday, September 22 is the Texas Freedom Parade which will feature over 50 floats, at least 4 gay marching bands, Grand Marshals Rita Mae Brown and Howie Daire and literally thousands of spectators, followed by a huge Celebration in Lee Park. This is the Big One .... Another Pride III '85 event will be the second annual Dallas Dog Pageant on Saturday, September 21, sponsored by the Crossroads Market and Union Jack. The show, billed as a nonpolitical extravaganza, was a big success last year and promises to be a lot of fun again this time around. For details on entering your dog, contact Richard Longstaff at (214)528-9600 .... Across the street, the Old Plantation celebrated its first anniversary with a giant bash last Thursday night. Congratulations to Frank and Denis (pictured below) .... ~'f'DQSV ~9~ ,~~~" ~/_~ ~' FOR A MAN'S MAN ..~ M.fN1NG ~'~ ~ '~ ~ COMPANY 805 PACIFIC· HOUSTON· 521-4205 ... photographer Robert Araya and his Mimoso Studio present Men, Etc., a benefit for the Oak Lawn Counseling Center's Aids Project on September 18 at Tex's Ranch .... In a Big D version of a Texas-sized "Switch Night," several changes were noted at Dallas cocktail lounges this week: Harriet Shaw is back in the "swing" of things at Steve's, which used to be Moondreams. Rumor has it that Miss Dale Howard has bought the Last Stop, which used to be the Wild Crowd, from Joe Elliot and plans to turn in into the new Crews Inn. Are you still with me? If you listen to the HOT TEA that's on the streets, you already know that there's a big new disco being built on the corner of McKinney and Lemmon. But did you know that it is going to be called Baby's? And what does all of this have to do with the Club Delman? MCCD's Great Annual Yard Sale is this Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the church. ... HOT TEA sends congratulations to Dallas' own Dena Kaye, who just won the local and statewide finals of the Wrangler Country Showdown, which is sponsored by the Dodge division of the Chrysler Motor Corporation. Dena will represent Texas in the national finals which will be held at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville on November 13.... Doorman Jeff (see photo below) invites you to TMC's Sunday beer busts, which are truly a Texas tradition. - TEXAS TELETYpf - The LGRA West Texas tour and show which recently traveled to Abilene and San Angelo raised $1,500 for lesbian and gay rights in Texas, Kelley Jennings reported. The last stop on the LGRA tour was at the Miss Lillie's Nitespot in Odessa last Thursday, September 12.... meanwhile, in Bryan/College Station, on the shores of Texas A&M University two grand openings took place. The new Crossing grand opened on August 29 and the place was Vegas Journal columnist Forrest Duke wrote, "Rather large Roxie Starr (It's not easy being a woman, especially if you're a man!) carries the comedy load .... some amazing re-creations of Dionne Warwick by Champagne who looks like her twin." Champagne told HOT TEA that Dionne Warwick "flipped over my illusion of her. Yes, I finally got to meet Dionne. She was fabulous," said Champagne. FORT WORTH TEA - Buddy Jones said that C&W Dance Lessons on Mondays are bringing out the best in boots he's seen in a while. 651 Arlington has never had so much muscle during the weeknight beer busts since the UTA students have come back for fall. The Lumber Company's show last Saturday night with Lynn, Whitney, Tasha, and Kandi (see photo) was "Kohl"osol and "Delight"ful. ... D.J.'s packed as the CRUISE CAMERA photo above shows have never shows. Several busloads of Austinites been better with chartered their way over the festivities, such talent as Miss manager Richard Tijerina reported .... Texas top 10 \ I i And as if that weren't enough excitement finalist, Denise . f~ / for Bryan/College Station, Under ConAnderson, along \ struction also held its grand opening last with Raina Lea, Saturday. In the photo below are the staffl Tiger Lil, Velvet and Essence. On Thursday at OJ's, Darlene & Josie offer 29¢ Hot Dogs, 25¢ Schnapps and $2 beer bust. ... The Other Place has male dancers and 10¢ drinks on Thursdays along with rn-rn-rn good food in the Annex Grill, reported Big Mama .... Partners' newest acquisition is the infamous Barbie Doll every Monday night in the show. Last Friday night at the Partners' Club, The Fred 00ty Show packed the club, said sweet and sexy manager Pam.... Fred Doty will return to Fort Worth on October 3 at and management (l-r) Clark Petty, Buzz D.J.'s. Don't miss it. .. Jim Bowers and McManus, Chris Chambers and John Ort Mother Michael have set this Sunday as during the wet & festive opening party. the date for GYMS to open at 711 Riki Rousseaux of Dallas was the surpris Barden, behind the 7th St. Theatre just entertainer. off University and Camp Bowie. Stop by -LAS VEGAS TEA - FlamBOYant Follies, and let Tad & Merrill serve your favorite beverage. Also don't forget Jarvis behind continues to sparkle on stage at the Mint's MerriMint Theatre to rave revues, the bar. GYMS deejay is master music especially of the Texas entertainers. Las mixer, Mr. Terry Abshire. PAGE 74 TWT SEPTEMBEA 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 19~ TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985 NOTICE: VlSA® MASTERCARD® 'HOLDERS paying 18-22% interest! ., STOP We. can reduce interest rates to as low as13%. We are National Credit Network and represent financial institutions that offer reduced interest rates to quality creditors like YOm We can save you hundreds of dollars in unneccessary finance charges with the same privileges you now enjoy! Lower Interest Rates=lower Payments=Smart For Free info package call our Houston Marketing Service at 461·1996 Monday-Friday9-5 or write to: NATIONAL CREDIT NETWORK 16l7Fannin Suite 1515 Houston, TX77002 PAGE 75 PHOTO OF THE WEEK - From Ebony magazine, circa 1980, a real photo of the real Ms. Naomi Sims, former model and author of beauty books. "I cannot emphasize too strongly the need for sufficient sleep in tandem with exercise and proper diet," Ms. Sims told Ebony. Meanwhile, Miss (not Ms.) Naomi Sims, the currently reigning Miss Gay America, gives up her crown later this month in Indiana in the annual national pageant. AUSTlNteaCIOUS - Claudja Barry (c) was the super star entertainer at Hall's over Labor Day weekend, appearing after the Last Splash with deejay David (I) and doorman Barn-Barn (r) on Hall's wraparound balcony .... Joe and the Boathouse oarsmen are revamping the club in basic black and white for the 4th annual Black & White Ball coming this fall ... also coming this month is the Crossing's 5th anniversary week, September 23-29 ... the end-of-summer finals to the wet jockey shorts contest at Dirty Sally's is this Monday night, rurr SEPTEM8EA 13 - SEPTEMBEA 19 1985 September 16 ... the CRUISE CAMERA caught (l-r) Bill Green, Duane Berlage and Paul Parkin under the Backstreet palm tree at the recent Rio Carnival theme party. Next at Backstreet is Turnabout Night this Wednesday starring Lari's Pointless Sisters, et al. ... FIRE OF THE WEEK - Or should it be scandal of the week? The candid camera photo above of Paul Lewis was literally stolen by HOT TEA out of his apartment in Dallas while he and Denis Weir were in Houston for last week's grand opening of Heaven. Girl, their rent-a-car literally burned to the ground while en route up Westheimer, in front of the Chicken Coop. But Coop regulars Jerry Bird and Jim Chappell claim they didn't see any fire. Incidentally, "Is it true that the Coop now rents out showers?" asked Bunch Brittain who was also seen last week at the Coop! '\IJI? PAGE 77 TONIGHTI FAIDAY THE 13th BAR DRINKS DRAFT BEER UNTIL MIDNIGHT EMCEE - 8RANDI WEST CASH PRIZES SUPER SUNDAY SHOW ¢ WEDNESDAYS 25 IAR T. DRINKS AND DRAFT lEER DONNA DAY, TASHA KOHL AND BRANDI WEST ALL NITE LONG WITH HUNTER AND THE HEADLINERS FREE BEER TILL llPM ••• SOQ DAAFT $1.00 SCHNAPPS DANCE TIL DAWN DANCE TILL DAWN WITH D.J. JOHNNY STAAAING NAOMI SIMS SATURDAYS 1' • :.y.'J ...•.,••.• ' MONDAY 1.50 BAA DAINKS SOC DAAFT MALE STAIP NIGHT TUESDAY 1.50 BAA DAINKS SOC DAAFT TALENT NIGHT EVEAY THUASDAY HUNTER AND THE HEADLINERS NOW ACCEPTING VISA. MASTEACAAD. & AMEAICAN EXPAESS COMING: SEPT. 27 - MISS GAY FIESTA METAOPLEX PAGEANT OCT. l8-MISS GAY SAN ANTONIO AT LAAGE PAGEANT A PLAY SAFE BAA wu ·--~·-I-- I ==~~'-~~=-=--=.--:---- I I Git Out Your Hats and Boots! COUNTRY/WESTERN NIGHT EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT The Brazos River Band 9:30 pm till 1:30 am 75~ BEER 75~ SCHNAPPS Sept. 15, 9:00 pm SUNDAY NITE SHOW FOR MISS TGRA CANDIDATE MAGNOLIA SPIRITS $2.00 DONATION PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT MONTROSE COUNSELING CENTER Don't Miss the Group's Production of "ONE" A Benefit for KS Aids Channing Hall First Unitarian Church, Sept. 19-21, 8:00 pm Call 522-2204 for reservations @ KINDREDS Splrlt 4902 Richmond/Houston, TX 77027/(713) 623-6135 SUMMER FINALS HOUSTON - The final games for the summer season In the new Baby Jane Mixed Bowling League were played out on August 29 resulting In a championship victory for Golden Girls. Final top three: 1-Golden Girls (41-27), 2-But Va Are Blanche (39V2-28V2) and 3-Hit the Gas (39-29).Golden Girls also won high team scratch series (2,552). Kings & Queens won high team handicap series (2,490),But Va Are Blanche won high team scratch game (840) and O'Deahs won high team handicap game (885). Individual season champs-High scratch series: Mark Hall (637)and Alyce Brown (566), high series handicap: Kenny Tennison (699) and Kathy Winkler (710),high game scratch: Dennis Urusky (227)and Lynne Shelley (208), high game handicap: David Johnson (262)and Lynne Cooper (256) and most improved bowlers: KennyTennison (28 pin increase to 129) and Martha Richie (22 pin increase to 158). WOMEN'S SOFTBALL HOUSTON - In an end-of-summer update on women's softball action, It was reported to TWT SPORTS that Marion and Lynn's Rebels returned victorious in consolation rounds at the first annual Gay Women's Softball World Series sponsored by the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance. The Series One tourney was won by the San Diego Spoilers who were undefeated for the entire women's world series. They beat Boston in the finals. Houston's Rebels lost their first two games against San Diego and Dallas' Big Lou Liquors. But, Houston came back strong to win four straight games and capture the consolation title, winning against Chicago, Birmingham, San Francisco and Dallas. POOL SCOREBOARD HOUSTON - Bacchus I lost a lopsided match to the Ranch Hands but stayed in first place this week In the MSA Summer Billiards League. The Ranch Hands pinned an 11-4 loss on Bacchus I, their worst defeat of the season. The Barn outlasted The 611 by an 8-7score to remain in second, but face the Ranch Hands this week in a match at The Ranch. Lipstick beat Kindred Spirits II to make their first appearance in the top three, taking the third place position. TUJT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985 __ SPORTS All team captains were asked to attend the final monthly league meeting to be held at Hooters on September 15, 2 p.m., league secretary Dennis Lord told TWT SPORTS. "This is a very important meeting as It will be the last meeting of the summer season," said Lord. MSA BOWLERS HOUSTON - The Montrose Sports Association's monthly Candlelight Bowling Tournament will be held this Saturday, September 14. Action starts at 9 p.m. at Stadium Lanes, MSA's Steven Stepleton told TWT SPORTS. "All money will be returned to bowlers as prizes," he stated. Meanwhile, MSA's Thursday night summer league is headed into its final weeks, ending on September 26. Going Into the finals, the top three teams are: 1-Dynasty, 2-First Mates and 3-Jerry's Briar Patch Kids. MSA's 28-week-long fail/winter Monday night season began September 9. Over 60 teams in four divisions are competing. METROPLEX PINS DALLAS/Ft. Worth - The 1985-86 fall/winter season of the Oak Lawn Bowling Association got under way last Monday night at Bronco Bowl. After the first night out on the lanes, there are lots of ties in the three divisions. Division A: 1- Top Men (4'()),2-Five Easy Pieces (4'()) and 3-A-Pac-O-Lips-Now (4'()). Division B: 1-5 EZ Pickups (4'()), 2-0h the Vapors (4'()), 3- T 'n A Team (4-0) and 4-the Sundancers. Division C: 1-Bizzy Ditches (4-0), 2-0.V.C. (4'()), 3-Lucky Strikers (3-1) and 4-Fish and Sticks (3-1). There are still a few choice openings for individual bowlers to complete four more teams in the new season, secretary Jim Beck advised TWT SPORTS, Contact (214)528-2968to join up or come to Bronco Bowl at 8:30 p.m. this Monday. Practice starts at 8:40 p.m. followed by an earlier time for the start of bowling this season-8:45 p.m. In Fort Worth, the Longhorn Bowling League begins its 1985-86fall/winter season this Monday night at Cowtown AMC Lanes at 9 p.m. New bowlers were encouraged to join the league by contacting Joan Hunter (817)624-2151. "'" PRGE 81 ~ 1-- 1(1:;2 "'~~~~ _.<: •• Of "V ~ STARSCOPE by Milton von Stern - >-u.' ••..v li:r i'«"..1). Jacqueline Bisset 9113144 " Ann Bancroft 9117131 4 ~3j5~li: Q1.I.I.1.I.I ","'~ 11I:3... ~. '!l c .... .....<:--. •••.••• ~ N ~ •. <B~Z~~ '< Z-4;3Q15 OV\!)-'- I &2 >>-~~~ YEAROFOX - It's interesting to note that in Chinathis isthe year of the Ox-bright, patient and inspiring to others who can be happy by themselves, yet make an outstanding parent. Those born in the year of the Ox (1949, 1961, 1973 and 1985) will be best to marry someone born in the year of the Snake (1953,1965 and 1977) or in the year of the Coek (1945,1957, and 1969). If an Ox marries someone born in the year of the Sheep (1943,1955,1967 or 1979), trouble in the relationship is indicated by the Chinese Zodiac-consisting of a 12-year cycle with each year named after one of a dozen animals. AUTUMNEQUINOX- Autumn officially begins at 9:07 p.m. Texastime on Sunday, September 22. It is at this point in the calendar that the nights begin to become longer than the days. NEWMOON - This month's New Moon occurs in Virgo this Saturday, September 14at 2:19 p.m. Since New Moons are traditionally the best time of the month to begin new projects for a fruitful outcome, read your STARSCOPE messageto learn of your successprofile under the steady illumination and vibration of the New Moon in Virgo. <~~!rlQ. a'::::Iz~ Z..1w\D::t !)O~Z~ .o~9a/J VIRGO:(Aug. 23 - Sep. 22)ThisSaturday'S New Moon occurs in your own sign. Therefore, this isthe most important New Moon of the year for Virgos. The New Moon will relate to new beginnings regarding personal projects, your health, Your appearance and your personality. TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985 Any personal endeavors begun after this Saturday will produce warm results. LIBRA:(Sep. 23 - Oct. 23) This Saturday'S New Moon occurs in your twelfth house of inner self, meaning this is a period for quiet planning, for thinking, for game planning, and for making preparations prior to your overt breakout which will PAGE 83 NOW OPEN IN OAK LAWN TO SERVE OUR AREA'S NEEDS PAGE 84 occur next month, after the Sun has entered Libra on September 22. Usethis quieter period ahead for making personal plans. SCORPIO:(Oct. 24 - Nov. 21) This Saturday's New Moon occurs in your eleventh house, meaning the coming two-week cycle is ideal for starting any projects involving social affairs, friendships and group activities. Your fondest hopes and wishes can be realized by making plans after Saturday. It's a time to advance yourself socially. SAGITTARIUS:(Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) This Saturday's New Moon occurs in your tenth house of career. This means you are in an ideal two-week cycle for startingany new career projects. Job promotions are favored. Favorsfrom superiors can be expected. Now is your best time of the year for beginning any new employment aimsand successfully attaining such job goals. CAPRICORN: (Dec.22 -Jan. 19)ThisSaturday's New Moon occurs in your ninth house of travel, education, learning and legal matters. Such areas of your life are favored for the coming two-week cycle. Therefore, enrolling in school, taking a trip, and dealing with an attorney are all spotlighted. Concentrate on these areas, because they are most favored at this time. AQUARIUS:(Jan.20 - Feb. 18)This Saturday's New Moon occurs in your eighth house which rules sex, other people's money, taxes and estate matters. Any goalsregarding these items can be pushed to a successful conclusion under the good fortune of the Virgo New Moon. Mutual matters between two people are the focus of this lunar event. PISCES: (Feb. 18 - Mar. 20) ThisSaturday's NewMoon occurs in your seventh house of marriage and partnerships. Any new partnerships formed under this week's New Moon are certain to flourish. Marriage is favored. Now is a splendid time to wed or to deepen and renew old ties between those already married. Partnership goals are blessed. Thus, start new mutual projects now for later success. ARIES:(Mar. 21 - Apr. 19)ThisSaturday's NewMoon occurs in your sixth house of health and employment. Seeing a doctor or a dentist for a proper diagnosis Ttu;. SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985 \\W and successfultreatment is now favored. Dealing with coworkers and mundane employment matters is also blessed. Any projects of such nature are certain to be successfulif started under the light of the New Moon. TAURUS:(Apr. 20 - May 20) This Saturday's New Moon occurs in your fifth house of love affairs. Therefore, the coming two-week cycle is ideal for meeting new love mates and for dating. You should have no trouble attracting admirers under the spell of the New Moon. Your popularity is high and your charisma is magnetic which draws others into your web. Takeadvantage of this key social cycle for advancing your own romantic interests. GEMINI:(May21 - Jun. 21)ThisSaturday's New Moon occurs in your fourth house of the home. All matters dealing with the domestic scene are now favored for the coming two-week cycle. This is a good time to buy and sell real estate. It's also a good time for decorating the house and entertaining on home territory. Your house is favored by the New Moon. It's your best time of the year for your domestic goals. CANCER:(Jun.22 - Jul. 22)ThisSaturday's New Moon occurs in your third house of communication and short trips. Thecoming two-week cycle is your best time of the year for taking a short sojourn, for writing letters, for signing important papers, for making travel plans, for telephoning, and for correct interpretation of messages.The New Moon also helps you communicate your ideas convincingly to others, to get your point across! LEO:(July 23-August 22) This Saturday's New Moon occurs in your second house of money. The coming two-week cycle is your best time of the year for starting any monetary projects such assaving,investing, earning, budgeting, and making wise purchases you'll be happy with. It is a better time to deal with your own money rather than with mutual money matters, which involve someone else. COMING NEXTWEEK:The Sun and Mercury both leave Virgo and enter Libra on the first day of fall, September 22.The September 14 New Moon in Virgo opens the door to a new beginning for fall. PAGE 8S ~ ...•LAST SPLASH \\OW SNAPSHOTS AT HIPPIE HOLLOW ON LAKE TRAVIS LABOR DAY - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 PHOTOS BY SCOTT TAYLOR Houston. ATIENTION BUSINESSMENIWOMEN Enjoy the benefits of an Administrative Asst. for a fraction of the cost. Typlnq-Bookkeeplnq-Flllnq-Etc. Call (713)48&0783for details. Houston. House/apt. cleaning. Honest, reliable. Eddie (713)622-6602. Houston. City licensed MASTER masseur. Appointment only. (713)528-3010. Dallas. Accounting and Tax Service CPA (214)339-5672Mike Dallas. Sterling Sliver Ltd. Quallfy,-resldentlal and commercial cleaning. In addition to complete cleaning I also do windows, silver polishing, over cleaning and mini-blinds. Ken Franklin, (214) 357-2577. Houston. Val Jensen Certified Public Accountant Freelance tax & accounting service (713)871-1068 Houston. ii VJ Realty Professional Property Management 20 years experience with rental real estate - state licensed (713)871-1068aks for Michael or Val. Houston. ******************** FOR AUTO REPAIR/CARE James (713)520-5606 Ted's Auto/Car Care Center 1311 Fairview ******************** Dallas. If one of your friends recommends A~~Suwiu as the best Limo Service in Town. It just goes to show you have very good taste in friends. "IT'S A MATTER OF GOOD TASTE!" (214)698-5555 Houston. Electrical repairs/maintenance. Problems? Let me provide the answers. Quality materials. Courteous workman. 24 hours. Licensed. Reasonable cost. Page service. (713)669-6977. Dallas. AREA MOVERS Large truck/low rates (214)328-0818 Houston. Home & office repair. Carpentry, sheetrock, painting, tormlca, tile, furniture. Quality, Integrity, references. Call Dave (713)520-8197. Dallas. GENERAL CARPENTRY-Specializing In jobs too small for a contractor. ''The day of the handyman Is not over:' Kevin (214)351-1271. Houston. C.H. CONSTRUCTION Remodeling, Repairs, Room Additions Bathrooms, Kitchens, Decks, Garage & Attic Conversions, Doors, Windows, Tile, Formica, Sheetrock, Concrete Work Experienced - References No job too small (713)529-3869 PERSONALS Dallas. GET IN STEP WITH ALL THE REST! Beginners' C&W Dance Lessons every Tues. & Wed., 9:30pm, Round-Up Dance Hall, 3912-14 Cedar Springs (214)522-9611. Dallas. The Mlmoso Variety Show, a benefit for the Oak Lawn Counseling Center and The AIDS Project, Is coming to the Ranch on September 18th-for information call (214)559-2209. Houston. There Is a young gay man, 18-23,who may be having a difficult time getting started and who needs a healthy male. I offer a home, affection, and help for your growth. No smoking, drugs or alcohol. Let's discuss. (713)521-023910am - 1Opm. Texas.Cheer up...you can always make a new friend at J.R.s. Dallas. WANT TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME? First Time Buyers: We specialize in helping you buy your first home. We cover all areas of Dallas and are licensed realtors. Let us help you!!! Call Evans-Harris Realtors. Daryl Denny (214)526-6216 CALL NOW Austin/San Antonio. Any other Aggies in this general area Interested In attending A&M football games? I'm GWM, 42, 6'5;' 190, masculine. Rt. 5, Box 152, Gonzales, TX 78629. Houston. Jes Santililan-it's been a long time. I'd like to see you again. Please call. -Frank Martinez (713)688-7585. Dallas. Sister Cries Out For Help! Nick (Gerald Brown) murdered Dallas 4-4-85. Collect (713)537-9116.We won't ask your name. Information BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Dallas. Exciting new Village Mini-Mali, on Cedar Springs between Reagan and Throckmorton; mini spaces for food and boutique use available ranging from 100 to 300 sq. ft.; contact PAT LOSEY, REALTORS, (214)526-1810. Houston. Artists/Artisans Wanted. Major gallery looking for artists/artisans for possible representation. For appt. call Val (713)529-4648,Tues.-Fri., 10-5. U.S.A. $45,000 Guaranteed three weeks. For information, send stamped, self-addressed envelope to P.O. Box 40572, Kansas City, Mo. 64141. Houston. Zarbia Inc. Primitive art By appointment Spencer Cornelison (713)523-3998 Houston. Unique retail operation on the Westheimer Curve, owner transferred - Sale or Lease/Purchase. (713)524·5730. TRAVEL Houston. TRAVEL CONSULTANTS-complete travel arrangements. All services are FREE. Open Monday thru Friday. 9am-5:3Opm,2029 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas 77098.(713)529-8464.Gay International Bar Guides Now Available. Texas. Puerto Vallarta Luxury apartments in private home. Day or week. Moille. 011-52-322-2-07-49. Phillip Travis MelMltchell ANNOUNCEMENTS Houston. Houston. Air Conditioning Heating, Refrigeration Electrical (713)526-4617 GAY WRITERS OF HOUSTON . Writer's/poets interested in joining a gay writer's club, query with SASE to: Writer's Club, 5500 Antoine #119, Houston, rx. 77091. AAVANTI LAWN CARE Commercial & Residential Year Round Service (713)957-4429 Dallas/Fort Worth Metrop/ex. Forming FULL GOSPELNVORD Church for Gays. Send your name/address/phone - questionnaire will follow. Response CONFIDENTIAL! Write: NEW COVENANT/P.O. Bx 102721Dls75207 then give this to someone! Houston. PAGE 94 Houston. The Montrose Country Cloggers will start beginners clogging lessons on Monday, September 16, 1985. Classes will be $25 and meet for 10 consecutive Mondays at 7:00 pm in the basement of MCCR church. At the end of the 10 weeks, auditions will be conducted for anyone completing the lessons and wishing to become and exhibition member of the Montrose Country Cloggers. For further information call Rusty Stubbs (713)456-8861or Rick Flory (713)523-7018or contact any member of the Montrose Country Cloggers. Dallas. Dallas Gay Nudist Assn. now forming - for information and application send Self Addressed Stamped Envelope and phone number to: DGNA, P.O. Box 10485, Dallas, TX 75207-0485. Houston. WANTED: Young white male as companion for occasional weekend trips to my ranch in Wimberley. (Texas Hill Country) (713)685-4414. Ty/er.GNV/M new this area. Desire meet other gays fun friendship companionship possibly roommate. Lonnie (214)825-7253P.O. Box 7925,Tyler, TX 75711. Dallas/Texas. The year was 1981.You were a senior at Texas A&M University. You drove a gold Citroen sports car. You graduated and left for Dallas. I lost your phone number. Sam, please call Scott at (713)527-9111.Let's talk. discreet. Cash reward for information leading to conviction of killer. TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985 TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985 PAGE 95 t\!W _CALENDAR FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 13 Women Together: Pot Luck, 7:30p Agape MCC: Prayer Ser. 7:30p O.P.: T.C.G.A. 5th Anniv., 8p Baytown Lambda: Mtg., 7:30p Lambda AA: Mtg., 8p SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14 (HO) A.I.D.S. Support Group: Mtg. 11a-12:15p, (HO) CCF: Services, 6:30p (HO) Ho. North Prof: Mtg, 7:30p SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 15 (AB) EMCC: Services, 11a & 7p (AB) Pub: ALGA: Mtg, 2p (AM) MCC: Services, 11a & 7p (AR) Mld·Citles MCC: Services, 11a & 7p (AU) MCC: Services, 11:30a (AU) Oasis: Serv., 11a (CG) MCC: Services, 5p (DA) FUC: Mtg., 7:30p (DA) Grace Fellowship: Serv., 10:30a (DA) Holy Trinity: Service, 11a (DA) KNON: Lambda Weekly, noon (DA) MCCD: Services, 10:30a & 12:30p, 7:15pm (DA) UCC: Services, 11a (FW) Agape MCC: Services, 11a & 7p (GA) MCCG: Services, 11a (HO) CCF: Services, 10:45a (HO) Bering Mem. Ch.: Servo 10:5Oa (HO) Choices: Mtg, 1P (HO) Church of the Rock: Servo 10:30a (HO) Follvball Fest: 2500 Mason, 2:30p (HO) MCCR: Services, 10:45a & 7:15p (HO) Mont. Ch. of Christ: Services, 12:30p (HO) Parents FLAG: Mtg, 2p (HO) Pentacostal Ch.: Servo 11am (LU) Dignity: Mtg, 6:30p (LU) MCC: Servo 11a, 7p (Temple/Killeen) HMCC: Serv., 7:30p MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 16 (AU) Lambda: Men's Meeting, 8p (HO) Bering UMC: Mont. Singers, 6p (FW) Dignity: Mtg, 7p (HO) Gay Fathers of Hou.: mtg, 8p (HO) Integrity: Exec. Mtg, 7:30p TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 17 (AU) Lambda: Men's Group Mtg., 8p (DA) Grace Fellowship/Oak Cllf: Mtg., 7:30p (DA) MCC: Oak Lawn Band Rehear: 7p (GA) K.S. AIDS: Mtg, 7:30p (HO) Dignity Cntr: Mont. Sym. Band, 7:30p (SA) MCCSA: Services, 7:30p WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 18 (AR) Mid·Cities MCC: Service, 7:30p (AU) Lambda: mtg., 7:30p (AU) MCCA: Services, 7:30p (DA) Ch. 9: Gay Focus, 9p (DA) Lesbian Rts. Task Force: Mtg, 8p (DA) MCCD: Services, 7:15p (HO) Bering Church: Overeaters Anon, 8p (HO) CCF: Services, 7:15p (HO) MCCR: Services, 7:15p (HO) UT Science: Herpes Support Group, 7:30p (lU) MCC: Servo 7p THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 19 (AU) Lambda: Women's Mtg., 7:30p (DA) Gay & Lesbian Young Adults: Mtg., 7:00p (DA) Grace FellowshlplN. Dal.: Mtg., 7:30p (DA) Midway Hills Ch.: Turtle Creek Chorale, 7:30p (HO) Dignity Cntr: (Theatre Workshop), 7p 'l.W, (DA) (FW) (FW) (HO) (LU) 9150 S. MAIN HOUSTON (7131666-3464 -( "'~"...• .~-(~\ t\{)~ ~\(; SUNDAY BEER BUST ~ ~ ~ Starts 4pm . (;~~ ~ \{;~~ ",\~(J~.:t: ..•~ ~..•..• "'"'- ..,.~ f~-(~ !~~{,{)~•• "\t\t-\ ~ ~~()~ ~I" 6/\ ~ ~~. f-V'-' This Sunda 6 y September 15th B prn-tOpm enefiting GHC & KS/AIDS Coming Sunday, September 29 DENA KA YE SHOW ~==-----------------------~TnwjJTrs:SEEFPiTT~EMMB<BEEfR~1i33~-:-SSiEEfP;:rTEEtMWBBiEiARIi199119:98Bs5 PAGE96 IlWT SEPTEMBER 13- SEPTEMBER 19 1985 EVERY FRIDAY RON SIOUX'S TALENT SEARCH OUR NEW 6-WEEK FALL SERIES lO:30PM SATURDAYS, !0:30PM STARRING REGULARS RON SIOUX, MISS ALABAMA, ROBBIE ROBERTS, TRACY, CRYSTAL RAE, SANDY TAYLOR PAGE97 t\t!ij THE GUIDE I~ TEXAS ORGANIZATIONS B.O.A.T. 720 Brazos St. 11602178701 (Austin) (512)472-3333 Lesbian/Gay Oem. of Texas (Dallas).P.O. 64493.(214)8214838 L.G.R.A. (Gay Lobby) Box 822, Austin, TX 78767 NGAYA (Nat'l Gay Alliance for Young Adults)P.O. 190426 ........................... Dallas/75219-0426 Rural Coalition. Waller-Zanghi. Box 611 . Blum, Tx. 76627 Texarkana Co-Op ... 3407 Garland Ave.lTexarkana 75502 (501)772-1660 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc ..... P.O. 66973#1194, Houston ............. ........ . ... (713)526-5001 Texas Lesbian/Gay Student Organ. Coalition . P.O. 275, UT Union Bldg., Austin/78712 (512)441-3678 Texas Republican Alternative Comm . P.O. 1077, Austln/78767 (512)453-5028 ABILENE CHURCHES (Area Code: 915) Exodus MCC ..... 1925 Conlns/P.O. 2473 ..... 673-4134 ABILENE CLUBS (Area Code: 915) Walnut St. PUb 4th & Walnut. .. . .. 677-2522 AMARILLO CHURCHES (Area Code: 806) MCC 2123 S. Polk St 383-0084 AMARILLO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 806) AA (24-hours) 373-6025 Crisis Intervention 376-4251 Positive Image P.O. Box 2342/79105-2342 ARLINGTON BUSINESSES (Area Code: 817) Gaspipe III 1407 N. Collins (metro) 461-7711 ARLINGTON CHURCHES (Area Code: 817) Mid-Cities MCC 401 Lillard (metro) 265-5454 ARLINGTON CLUBS (Area Code: 817) 6511Arlington 1851 W. Division 275-9138 ARLINGTON ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES(Area Code: 817) Gay/Les. Assoc. of UTAP.O. 120231176012(metro)265-4639 Lambda AA 401 Lillard.. . 661-8260 Tarrant County Gay Alliance 926-8242 UTA Comm. Servo Cntr. (psychiatric help) 273-2165 AUSTIN ADULT BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 512) Highway 71 News (Del Valle) 247-4043 Mr. Video-UT 1910 Guadalupe. .. . .473-0407 Ms. Video 718 Red River 478-0243 Oasis Bookstore 9601 N. 1-35 835-7208 River City Downtown 505 E. 6th 472-1452 River City Newsstand .. 8004 Research Blvd 459-8274 River City University 613 W. 29th 477-0457 AUSTIN BATHS (Area Code: 512) Club Austin 308 W. 16th 476-7966 AUSTIN BUSINESSES/SERVICES (Area Code 512) Designer Hair Club (Hair Restoration & Replacement) ....... 9010 N. 1-35 #105 834-1231 Encore Jewelers 2442 Highland Mall 451-0520 High Style Clothiers 525 E. 6 480-8305 Meyer Electric, 500 So. Congress #142 476-1755 Mike Copenhaver Real Estate 441-0491 Taylor, Scott (photography) 926-0253 TWT Magazine . 926-0253 AUSTIN CHURCHES (Area Code: 512) Affirmation (Mormon) 835-2235 Dignity/Catholic Gays P.0.2666/78768 472-3462 Integrity/Episcopalians P.O. 180272178718 451-1802 Lesbian & Gay Unitarians 454-2441 MCCA 1100 Springdale Rd 443-3332 Oasis Ministry 1700 E. 12th St 441-9191/834-8357 AUSTIN CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Austin's Alternative 5500 So. Congress 440-0777 Back Street 611 E. 7th 477-3391 Boathouse 407 Colorado 474-9667 Crossing 611 Red River... . 476-3611 Dirty Sally's 2828 Rio Grande 478-8782 Hall's 404 Colorado 473-2501 Oz 705 Red River 478-6806 Snuffy'S Saloon 113 San Jacinto coming soon Uncle Charlie's 1301 Lavaca 474-6481 West End Pub 1112 W. 6 477-3424 Zardi's 408 6th St. 476-7845 AUSTIN COUNSELING (Area Code: 512) Brighter Day Counseling Ctr. 451-1763 ,III PAGE 98 TWT SEPTEM8ER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985 I TUJT SEPTEM8ER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985 Menefee, Waterloo Mike, Ph.D.2525 Wallingwood Dr. #401476-5419 Co. Center ... 6901 N. Lamar #109 ... 452-5966 AUSTIN DOCTORS (Area Code:512) Richardson, Phillip C., MD #7 Medical Arts Sq. 472-0223 Smith, Thomas H., MD .. #7 Medical Arts Sq ... 472-0223 AUSTIN ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (Area Code:512) Adventuring Outdoors Club 467-8203 Affirmation Gay & Lesbian Mormons 835-2235 AI-Anon-Lambda 5518 Burnet Rd 441-8591 Alcoholics Anon.-Lambda .. 5518 Burnet Rd 451-3071 American Gay Atheists P.O. 6644/78713 Austin AIDS Project ... 6901 N. Lamar #111 452-9550 Austin Alliance .... 7115 Burnet Rd. #120 458-8050 Austin Pride Week Task Force P.O. 2619/78768 Austennis . .8926 N. Lamar #1003/78753 Austin Gay Nudists. . . P.O. 49636/78765 Austin Lambda .... 7115 Burnett Rd. #120 .... 458-8050 Austin Les/Gay Pride Week Task Force P.O. 13303/78711 Austin VD Screening & Clinic ... 15 Waller 469-2070 Classic Chassis Car Club......... . 451-2329 Dignity of Austin P.O. 2666/78768 472-3462 Family & Friends of Les. & Gays 328-3830 Gayline P.O. 8559/78712 477-6699 Gay Fathers P.O. 5455/78763 458-6544 Gay/Les. Law Students Assoc. UT1727 E. 26thI787051450-1003 Gay Nurses Alliance 2206 Newfield/78703 Gay and Lesbian Students Association P.O. 275, ........... UT Union Bldg 472-9193 Hotline-MH/MR (24 hrs.) .472-HELP Integrity/Episcopalians P.O. 180272178718 451-1802 Lesbian/Gay Political Caucus . P.O. 822/78767 .474-2717 Lesbian/Gay Speakers Group .. 7115 Burnett Rd. #120 .. ..................................... 458-8050 Republican Alt. Comm.P.O. Box 1077/78767-1077453-5028 River City FrontRunners 345-7284 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc P.O. Box 9536 #334/78766 Womenspace 2330 Guadalupe. .. . .472-3053 AUSTIN RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 512) West End Pub 1112 W. 6th 477-3424 Zardi's 408 East 6th St. . 476-7845 AUSTIN THEATRES (Area Code: 512) Laff Stop. 8120 Research Blvd. (Anderson Sq.) .467-2333 Safe Sex Players 1202 Garden St. 474-0164 Zachary Scott Theatre .. P.O. Box 244/78767 .. 476-0594 Varsity Theatre 2042 Guadalupe 474-4351 BAYTOWN ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code 713) Baytown Lambda Group 427-1378 BEAUMONT CHURCHES (Area Code: 409) Golden Triangle Church of Christian Faith766-38451866-7189 BEAUMONT CLUBS (Area Code: 409) Copa 304 Orleans 832-4206 Park at 653 653 Park St. 832-3653 Shadows 444 Orleans ..... 832-3639 (opening soon) BEAUMONT ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 409) Lambda Group AA 721-4234 BROWNSVILLE CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Valentino's Old Hghwy 77 542-9777 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION CLUBS (Area Code: 409) Under Construction Wellborn Rd 693-4045 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 409) AA Lambda Group (College Sta.) 666-7189 Gay Student Services P.O. 8109/77884 775-1797 Caritas MCC 401 E. 31st(Bryan) 775-7219 CORPUS CHRISTI BUSINESS (Area Code: 512) TWT Magazine ..... Houston Office ..... (713)527-9111 CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH (Area Code: 512) MCC .. . 1705 10th St. 854-4069 CORPUS CHRISTI CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Hidden Door 1003 Morgan Ave 882-0183 Leopard Club 1214 Leopard St. 884-0007 Other Door 1911 So. Staples 882-0042 CORPUS CHRISTI ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 512) Alpha Plasma Center ..... 3105 Ayers St. 883-2640 Corpus Christi Gutter League . 993-5079 PAGE 99 PARTNERS 1612 PARK PLACE FORT WORTH. TEXAS (817)927-9546 ~~ SU~ ~ <:> ~ ~ uBARBIE'S BLOOPERS" MONDAY TEXAS HOTTEST MALE DANCERS NIGHTS AT 10PM NO COVER 1 OPM SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14 r !!-i~ (lIJI3 $1. COVER BENEFITS T.G.R.A. AND THE COURT COMING SEPTEMBER 30TH BENEFIT SHOW WITH FRED DOTY AND DENA KAYE TELEPHONE FOR NIGHTLY DRINK SPECIALS ~ lIESO~ THE MONTROSE COUNTRY CLOGGERS 1720 N MAIN. SAN ANTONIO. 225.7570 , .; , - ~..... ~ ..!II -, .....".. ~ ...r •.. ~ =1~0¢~'Q ~A'f:r:10¢· ~ BEER-' ~,;; ,.., ,~ / ~ ..... , , -c" -. - ~- .- , - c '0, NOON·2AM .- . /,. ~ .,t , 0_ POOL OPENS .- ~~;..."'"... -, ~ " ~_ ._~. '--1' .•- ••..•• ~- .., " ~~ '!. Ie: iIIil' ~ ~, I." l~ ~ .. "'" ,,~ ... (~. , l.~' AI\.IJ l'r.. 1\1' ..•. .~ I .•• I"" I..• ~ ~ ~. II' I\~I' i' ~ 141 ~ ,... ••., ••.,~ ~••• I ~'" . ~" ,C~~ ••••~i'- .'{il . .': AT 11AM """"- ~ ~' PAGE100 •••• EVERY:SUNDAY' corpus Christi Sports Committee .... 882·5209/883·7087 Gay Alcoholics Anon .. ,' .3125 Horne Rd 991·4506 Helpline , .. , . . . 882·8255 Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays. .(Vel)937-2311 Seth Studio. . ,......... . . P,O. 30664/78404 DALLAS ADULT THEATRE (Area Code: 214) La Cage 1812 W. Mockinbird , .. 630·7071 DALLAS ATIORNEYS (Area Code: 214) Day, Kim K... , 1309 Main #1112.. ., .742·2281 Koss, Gregory. ' 4503 Lemmon. ,559·4760 Kowalski, John, 3131 Turtle Creek #222 .... 526·9699 Nelson, M, William .. ,4514 Cole Ave., #652 ., .828·8052 Stewart & Solomon .. 3500 Oak Lawn #400 521·3804 Tyner & Holt .. , ..... 601 Pacific #300 .. , ,.748-5353 Williamson, Thomas E4810 Cedar Springs #5205521·4675 DALLAS BATHS (Area Code: 214) Mldtowne Spa 2509 Pacific. .821·8989 DALLAS BUSINESSES/SERVICES (Area Code: 214) A Discreet Limousine Service ..... (24 hr.). .333·2659 Abler Movers. , 1·800·222·1537x2746;(metro) 265·4463 Accounting/Tax Tom Nast ., 941·4384 B & W Liquor 4015 Lemmon Ave 526·5820 Century Box Office (Videos) .. 3824 Oak Lawn .. 521·9122 Community Bookstore 3930 Cedar Springs Continental Ins. Servo 698-5582 Cover Your Panes (mini blinds, etc.) . .351-3398 Crestmont Apts 3328 Cedarplaza ,521-2851 Crossroads Market 3930 Cedar Springs 521-8919 Doty, Fred (CW, Entertainment) 840-8501 Eagle Leathers.. . .. ,4025 Maple Ave. . 528-4620 ... 4117 Maple Ave. .... . .. 528-4620 .. 2515 N. Fitzhugh.. " .... 824-9158 . 3136·B Routh..... . .. 871-7658 , 125 N. Marlboro. . . 941·7500 EuroTan 4012 Cedar Springs 522·5810 Evans-Harris Realtors (Daryl Denny) ,...... .526·6216 Foto Plus 3218 Oak Lawn...... .526-6202 G.T. Videos , P.O, 740277175374·0277 Gammage Insurance SW (Mike Richards) . .352·8003 Gaspipe #1 4435 Maple " .. 526·5982 Gaspipe #2 9191 Forest Lane #5 699·3955 Hair Revue 2525 Wycliff . ,522-6481 Herbal Life (Jude). , , . . . . . . . . . .. ' 481·4052 High Voltage 4008 Cedar Springs 522-5800 J&M Cleaning Service. . . . . . . . . . . . 783-6749 Jim Richardson & Assoc. (real estate) .. 3615 N, Hall .. ............ at Lee Park ,, 521-3000 Judith Anderson (financial planning)2900 Turtle Creek #230 .............. , .. . 521-6736 Len Salomon (oil paintings) . . .. . 522-5736 Lobo Bookshop ... 4008 "COOCedar Springs .. 522-1132 Lone Star Donut Shop .. 2630 N. Fitzhugh .724-1790 Mark's Mirror & Glass, , ... 4313A Gilbert .. , .. 521-1319 Memorabilias 3908 Cedar Springs .. 522-6601 Memorabillas Boutique ..... 3109 Regan .. , .. 521-8217 Mimoso (Photography) Studios 521-6284/559-2209 Mockingbird Paint & Body .6650 Harry Hines .358-4155 Newton, Sandra G. (C.P.A.)3636 Lemmon Ave" #220526-5292 Oak Lawn Records 3810 Congress #121 , .. 521-0350 Off the Street 3921 Cedar Springs 521-9051 R.J. Productions. . 824-3533 Sera Florist 2640 Fitzhugh . . .826-3503 Southwest Equipment Leasing (Auto) 461-5500 Stungun 3906 Cedar Springs #1010/75219 Tapelenders 3910 Cedar Springs 528-6344 That Special Blend 3833 Cedar Springs. ..522-3726 TWT Magazine. . . . .3900 Lemmon Ave. #220/75219 ..................... 521-0622/521-0638 Union Jack ... , , .. 3918 Cedar Springs., .. 528-9604 DALLAS CHURCHES (Area Code: 214) Abundant Life Church of Truth. P,O, 683/75221 .826-7671 Affirmation (Methodist) ."., .. " 948-1546 Affirmation (Mormon) ... , ,. ,. ...., 871-2824 Bethany Presbyterian Church. . . . . . . . . . 528-4084 Church of Christ (support group)...... . .691-1179 First Unitarian Church of Dallas .. 4015 Normandy Grace Fellowship in Christ Jesus P.O.29729/75229243-2924 Holy Trinity Community Church 4402 Roseland 827-5088 MCC-Dallas 2701 Reagan.. ., 526-6221 Oak Lawn Christian Center 3920 Cedar Springs528-4233 Oak Lawn Church of Religious Science349-8370/744-5554 DALLAS CLUBS (Area Code: 214) Boxxoffice 3414 Kings Rd 521-3474 TWT SEPTEMBEA 13 - SEPTEMBEA 19 1985 I IWT SEPTEMBEA 13 _ SEPTEMBEA 19 1985 Buddies Club Deville 3415 Mahann Club Delman 3319 Ralei h a 526·8720 The Crib 6844 Twin Hil~ 521-0202 Dentyne's Pati03911 Cedar Springs (v.i,······· .691·2907 Doggie in the Window .. 3905 Cedar ~ a~e Mall)526-6090 Eighth Day ..... 2509 N. Fitzh h Pings .. 528·1600 Etc. 3851 Cedar Spring~g ·,· 827·3765 526-7846 4001 .. . 4001 Cedar Springs. . . 522-4001 Hideaway 4144 Buena Vista. . 559.2966 Hidden Door . . . . .. 5025 Bowser 526.9211 Hlg,h Country 3121 lnwood : 351.2278 J.J. s 1909 N. Henderson , 824.1691 Jugs 2812 N, Henderson.. . 823.0746 JR's 3923 Cedar Springs.. ' 528.1004 Last Stop. . 2515 N. Fitzhugh ..... , 826.0916 No Name Bar 2513 N. Fitzhugh .. , . , .. 826.3200 North Forty Saloon 6316 Denton Dr. .. , .. 350-6327 Old Plantation 3911 Cedar Springs ,949.2398 Patrick's , 2629 Oak Lawn 522·5481 Hound-Up Saloon 3912-14 Cedar Springs .. 522·9611 Steve's 3913 Cedar Springs...... .528·4098 Sundance . .4025 Maple ,, 526·9345 Texas Territory . . Tex's Ranch 4117 Maple ,., 526-9302 Throckmorton Mine Co 3014 Throckmorton .. 521·4205 Unicorn 4125 Lemmon 521·4886 DALLAS COUNSELING (Area Code: 214) Corley, Andre C.S.W. . . . . . . . . . . .. . 357·2371 Daire, Harold, LP.C 521·1278 Julian, Debra, M.S 644·8757 Morris, Vicki L, R.N., M.SW. , 631-5217 Park Cities Counseling. ,5327 N. Central at Airline #318 ................................ 526-3374 Oak Lawn Counseling Ctr .. , .. 5811 Nash 351-1502 Whole Woman Center ... P.O. 140504/75214 324·8751 DALLAS DOCTORS/DENTISTS (Area Code: 214) Community Medical Clinic. 3906 Lemmon #210.528·3030 DeBrucque, Dr. D.D.S 3608 Howell 522·2000 Page, John, D.D.S 3404 Greenville, 826-1415 Saginaw, Michael, D.P.M, (foot sp.)3505 Turtle Creek #510 · .745·1020 and 5034 Royal Lane #250 . ,369·5619 DALLAS FITNESS CENTER (Area Code: 214) Club Body Centre. . .. 2616 Swiss., .. , .. ,821·1990 Fitness Exchange .... 2615 Oak Lawn #101 .. , .526-1220 DALLAS ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (Area Code: 214) Affirmation/Methodist ... 528·4913 Affirmation/Mormon. . . . . . . . ' .. 871-2824 AIDS Hotline......... . 351-4335 Alcoholics Annonymous (Dallas Lambda AA) 487-7667 ...... .(Live & Let Live) , 871·9447 Alcohol Treatment Center .... 3949 Maple 559·4350 Branding Iron Club. P.O, 190471/75219.288·9478/528·3646 BWMT (BlacklWhite Men Together) 521·3146/ ...... ....... . 559·4339/352·3206 CHRYSALIS (Home Car & Hospice). . , . , ... 526-9863 Cliff Dwellers Social Club. .321 N. Zang , . , .943-0069 Community Arts Found. .3331 Knight #D .... 521-2037 Community Bookstore .. 3930 Cedar Springs .. 521·8919 Community Productions .... 3331 Knight·D 521·2037 Concerned Amer./Preserv/Human Rights 233·3100 Contact-Dallas Telephone Counseling 361-6624 Dallas AIDS Project. .. P,O. 191374 , 351-1502 Dallas Alternative Businessmen's Assoc.522·8477/522-0098 Dallas Emergency .744-4444 Dallas Gay Alliance P.O. 190712/75219. ..528·4233 Dallas Gay Archives 3930 Cedar Springs Dallas Gay Black Coalition .. ' . P.O. 190712 528-4233 Dallas Gay & Lesbian Engineers & Scientists . .. · P.O. 17298 Ft. Worth/76102 881-1291 Dallas Girth & Mirth . , .. P.O. 28857/75228·0857 Dallas Motorcycle Club ... P,O, 190525/75219 826-4528 Dallas On Tap P.O. 190973/75219 960-1927 Deaf Action Center "...... .., 521·0407 Dignity/Dallas Inc .... P.O. 190133/75219·0133 942-9321 Drug Treatment Clinic .... 401 Exposition 826-8030 Emergency (Christian Scientists) ... P.O. 2878/75221 Evangelicals Concerned (D/FW Chapter) ,, . · ... Box 532332 Grand Prairie/75053 642·3185 Friends & Relatives of Gays , 644-8757 Gay Academic Union of N. TX. P.O. 2402/75221 821·5833 Gay Cable Network ... 3203 Hudnall #1135 528·7485 Gay Hispanic Coalition of Dallas . , .. P.O. 190902/75219. . .324-5220 PAGE101 Gay & Lesbian Jews of the Metroplex.827-9161/942·1599 Gay/Lesbian Young Adults 3920 Cedar Springs 528-4233 Gayllne (Comm. Res. Cntr.) . P.O. 190835/75219.368-6283 Gay Mensa . . . 522·3887 Gay Overeaters Anonymous 948-3640 Gay Parents 271·2193 Gay Unitarians 528-3990 Greater Dallas Info & Referral Service 747·3711 Herpes Help Hotline ..... MIW/F-7·11p 742·9886 Imperial Court of Dallasl0650 Steppington/75230373-6771 Integrity (D/FW) 521-6018 Interdemonimatlonal-Study Group (GLCF of Sherman/Denio son) ... 2424 Hwy. 75N Lot 27, Sherman, Tx. 75090 L.A.M.B.D.A. XBowllng) 331-64481522·4678 Lambda AA (gayllesblan At-Anon) 487·7767 Lambda Narcotics Anon 699·9306 Lawyer Referral 745·1227 Lesbian/Gay Democrats of Texas . P.O. 64493 .821·4838 Live & Let Live Group (AA) 871·9447 Lutherans ConcernedP.O. 881, Bedford/76021 (817)595·1176 Metroplex Republican P.O. 191033175219 521·9638 N.O.W. Lesbian Rights 3108 Routh St 742-6918 Oak Lawn Block Assoc P.O. 190408175219 Oak Lawn Bowling Association Jim 528-2963 Oak Lawn Country Cloggers 526-6488 Oak Lawn Symphonic Band. .960·1927 Oak Lawn Tennis Assoc ..... 6036 Birchbrook #128175206 ................................... 526-5717 Parents Anonymous 264-1108 Police Harassment Reporting 528-4233 Presbyterians for Lesbian/Gay Concems 823-2317 Pride III 3920 Cedar Springs. .... . .528-4233 Razzle·Dazzle Dallas, Inc 3527 Oaklawn #300175219 SMU·Gay/Lesblan Student Org P.O. 1636175275 STD Clinic 1936 Amelia Ct. 920-7950 Stonewall Group (Narcotics Anon.) 699-8306 Suicide & Crisis Center 828-1000 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc. (Dallas) . . c/o DGA . .3920 Cedar Springs/75219 .522·9455 Texas Sidekicks (cloggers) 264-0400 THRF P.O. 190712175219 (Texas Human Rights Foundation) Turtle Creek Chorale .... P.O. 190806175219 .... 521·1053 United Sovereign Council of Texas .. 830 Oslo .. 398-2967 Violence Against Gays NGTF Hotline 1-1300-221·7044 Women Together P.O. 190712175219 528-4233 DALLAS RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 214) Bronx 3635 Cedar Springs 521·5821 Crackers 2621 McKinney 827·1660 Doggie in the Window .. 3905 Cedar Springs (Village Mall) Hunky's 4000 Cedar Springs..... . .522·1212 Lone Star Donuts.. .2630 N. Fitzhugh 824-1790 Pappy's 3651 Cedar Springs 521·9474 Peppi no's Too 3326 Fitzhugh 521-4560 Wok Restaurant 4006 Cedar Springs 528-0000 DALLAS THEATRES (Area Code: 214) Granada 3524 Greenville Ave. . .823·9610 Inwood Theatre 5458 Lovers Lane 352-6040 Star Garden .12205 Coit Rd. (Podrita Center) .991·STAR DENTON ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 817) GLAD (Gay/Lesbian Assoc. of Denton) .... P.O. Box 951 ............................... .387·8216 Gay/Lesbian Student Support Group . .... P.O. 10072 NT Stat.l76203.(J()72 565-9773 EL PASO CLUBS (Area Code: 915) Old Plantation 219 S. Ochoa 533-6055 San Antonio Mining Co 800 E. San Antonio .. 546-9903 EL PASO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 915) Alpha Plasma Center 720 Texas Ave 532-5322 Dlgnity/EI Paso P.O. Box 26523 Gala EI Paso P.O. 5659/79955 544-7475 Gay Switchboard P.O. 5659 584-3822 FORT WORTH BUSINESSES (Area Code: 817) A Discreet Limousine Service .. (24 hrs.) .. (214)333·3659 Abler Movers . . . . . . (metro) 265-4463 Century Box Office (Videos) .. 2850 W. Beray .. 924-7813 Off Hours 5332 Birchman 737-7777 TWT Magazine...... .(214) 521-0622 Yours Truly .... 3408-A Camp Bowie .... 334-0122 FORT WORTH CHURCHES (Area Code: 817) Agape MCC 4615 S.E. Loop 820 535-5002 FORT WORTH CLUBS (Area Code: 817) 651 Club 651 S. Jennings 332'()745 PRGE 102 TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985 D.J.'s. . . 1308 St. Louis. . . . . . . . .927·7321 Partners 1612 Park PI. 927·9546 The Lumber Company 700 S. Jennings 332'()192 The Other Place 200 N. Vacek 335.1901 Vickery Station 224 E. Vickery 654-1108 FORT WORTH ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (Area Code: 817) Cowtown Leathermen P.O. 3494 457-1884 Crisis/Suicide Intervention (24 hours help) 336-3355 Dallas Gay Lesbian Engineers & Scientists . ........ P.O. 172981Ft. Worth .834-6693 Dignity/Ft. Worth 4503 Bridgest 283·8588 Ft. Worth Counseling Cntr.lAIDS659 So. Jennlngs294'()594 Ft. Worth Gay Pride Assoc. P.O. 3235176113 294-2447/877-4419 Gay Hotline 926·3521 Imperial Court·Golden Lion 870-1364 Lambda AA 332·3533 Longhorn Bowling Assoc Doug/Joan 731·9474 Longhorn Imperial Council 625-6739 Lutherans Concerned P.O. 881, Bedford 76109. .595-1176 Tarrant Co. Gay Alliance 336-6242 T.G.R.A (Gerald Ford) 429-1465 V.D. Clinic 1800 University 870-7223 W.A.D.s 7405 Gaston Ave 737-6084 GALVESTON ADULT VIDEO BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 409) All Star News 2509 Broadway 474-5883 GALVESTON BUSINESSES (Area Code: 409) The House Company (real estate) 2615 Broadway .......... Mike Rosenblum 763-0451 TWT Magazine (713)527·9111 GALVESTON CLUBS (Area Code: 409) Kon-Tlkl 2011 Market 763·9031 Mary's II 2502 QV, St. . 763·9435 Robert's LaFitte 25th & Q St. 765·9092 SPS Club 2214 Mechanic 763·9334 Tramps 627 Winnie 763-1247 GALVESTON ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 409) K.S.lA.I.D.S. Foundation of Galveston 765-7626 Metropolitan Community Church 1B24 Broadway 765-7626 Lambda AA 763-1401 HOUSTON ACCOMODATIONS (Area Code: 713) Houston Guest House ..... 104 Avondale ..... 523-2218 HOUSTON ADULTNIDEO BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 713) All Star News 1407 Richmond 524-2120 All Star News 10863 Katy Frwy 464·7131 All Star News 6318 Gulf Frwy 645-3432 All Star News 4009 Hollister.... .939-0112 Asylum 1201 Richmond . Ballpark 1830 W. Alabama .. Big City News & Video 10105 Gulf Frwy. .947-8999 Federal Video Store 1640 Federal Rd. . .453-7234 Gessner News 1917 Gessner... .461·5509 Kirby NewsNideo 3115 Kirby Dr 524-4214 Mangum Rd. News 36237 Mangum Rd 956·2991 Stadium Bookstore 4629 W. 34th 683·1888 Studz News 1132 W. Alabama . HOUSTON ADULT THEATRES (Area Code: 713) French Quarter 3201 Louisiana 527'()782 HOUSTON ATIORNEYS (Area Code: 713) Green, Bill (24 hours) 288-1004 Norman, Kyle 4803 Montrose #11 524-4345 O'Kane Patricia 3212 Smith#102 526·7911 HOUSTON BATHS (Area Code: 713) Midtowne Spa 3100 Fannin 522-2379 Pigasus 1314 Rosalie at Caroline 524-PIGS HOUSTON BUSINESSES/SERVICES (Area Code: 713) Academy 2030 Westheimer 526'()929 Advance Travel 10700 NW Fwy. ..682·2002 All American Bail Bond Co. . .. 24 Hr. . .. 633-0630 Appearances OeansJsportswear) 1340 Westheimer 521-9450 Basic Brothers Clothing 1220 Westheimer ... 522-1626 Bolton StudiOS, Inc 6601 Kirby. . .. 668-1788 Brun Apartments 2007 Brun Downbeat Records 2111 Richmond 523·8348 Eagle Leathers 1022 Westheimer 522·0651 1544 Westheimer 524·7383 EuroTan 3701 Montrose 529-5100 Francisco's Hair 901 Richmond 523·0438 Greenway Place Apts 3333 Cummins 623·2034 Hair Plus by Don 2017 Westheimer 526·HAIR Hamburger Photography .... 1817 State St. .. 669-0669 TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985 He.& She Productions .... 2205 Montrose 523.5293 KWlk·Kopy 3317 Montrose 522.1896 Leather by Boots 711 Fairview 526-BOOT Leather Locker 2503 Stanford 524-7355 Mad Elegance 3939P Montrose Blvd 521'()704 Missouri Street Collectibles .. 1006 Missouri .. 526-3663 Montrose Tree & Lawn Co 668-6128 Montrose Venture Wholesale .2205 Montrose .527·0666 Movemasters 1925 Westheimer 630-6555 Pluccus (flowers) 2401 Taft 520·5501 RMS Automotive 1759 Westheimer 529-5855 Record Rack 3109 S. Shepherd 524·3602 Renae Ingram Photography (TWT) 933·5438 Ron's Hair & Skin Care ... 1310 Hawthorne 521-3000 Ron's Hairlines (hair replacement) ........ 10700 Richmond #267 974-6699 Rosewood Estates .6130 SW Fwy @ West park . 780-7010 Roxbury's Antiques, 528-6017 Ruhlman Design. . 2205 Montrose 527-969B R.W. Key & Lock Co 1612 Westheimer 526-2657 24-hour emergency 522-1615 St. Regis Apts 2121 Mid Lane 626-5016 Specs Unlimited. .. . .. 4709 Richmond. .. . .961-9705 TLC . . . . .. 1002 Missouri St. 524-5227 TNT Shirts. . 2400 Taft 522-0966 TexEscort (modelsJescorts/masseurs) 524-9511 Travel Consultants. ... . 529-8464 TWT Magazine 2205 Montrose 527-9111 TWT Graphics (Art, Design, Typesetting) 527-9111 Union Jack. .. . .. 1212 Westhelmer 528-9600 We Deliver Videos.. ..1420 Westhelmer 522-4485 Wilde & Stein Books.. .1103 California 529-7014 HOUSTON CHURCHES (Area Code: 713) Affirmation-Mormon .... 1713 Westhelmer #6040/77089 ................................... 568-1413 Aytz Chayim ..... 1840 Westheimer/77006 728-5181 Bering Memorial UMC 1440 Harold 526-1017 Chapel of the Woodlands. 7500 Plnemont#503 .460-1712 Church of Christ . 777-9266 Church of Christian Faith .. 1840 Westheimer .. 529-8005 Church of the Resurrection (SE Houston) ..... 489-0167 Church of the Rock 664-9201 or 784-8356 Community Gospel Church .. 3207 Montrose .. 521'()511 First Unitarian Church .... 5210 Fannin St. 526-1571 MCCR 1919 Decatur... . 661-9149 New Freedom Christian Church 829 Yale/77008 663-8377 Presbytery of New Covenant (Pres. Ctr.) 41 Oakdale ......... 526-2585 St. Stephens Epis. Ch 1805 W. Alabama The Little Church .704 Fairview 522-7695 HOUSTON CLUBS (Area Code: Bacchus 523 Lovett . . . Barn 710 Pacific Bayou Landing... . .534 Westheimer. Beaches 2700 Albany Brazos River Bottom 2400 Brazos Briar Patch. . 2294 Holcombe. .. Chicken Coop 535 Westheimer Choices 1-45 N.lHolzworth Exit Club Laradon . . .... Greens. Rd.II·45. Copa. . 2631 Richmond ... Dirty Sally's 220 Avondale Eddington's 6121 Hillcroft E/J's 1213 Richmond Exile 1011 Bell Galleon 2303 Richmond Heaven Pacific @ Grant . . Hole (M iss Alabama) 109 Tuam Hooters. . 2212 Converse.. JR's........ . .. 808 Pacific........ Just Marion & Lynn's 817 Fairview Kindred Spirits 4902 Richmond Mary's 1022 Westheimer Montrose Mining Co 805 Pacific Numbers 300 Westheimer O'Brian's Oyster Bar 608 Westheimer Odds & Ends. . 3012 Milam. . Outlaws, The 1419 Richmond Ranch 9150 S. Main Rascals 2702 Kirby Rendezvous Club 1100 Westheimer Rich's 2401 San Jacinto 713) . .. 523-3396 528-9427 . 526-7519 524-6969 .. . .528-9192 . .665-9678 526-2240 350-0471 . 443-6566 . . .528-2259 529-7525 981-6121 527-9071 .659-0453 522-7616 .521-9123 528-9128 .521-2310 . .521-2519 528-9110 623-6135 528-B851 529-7488 526-6551 524-0105 . 528-6988 528-8903 666-3464 524-6272 .. 523-2422 650-0769 PAGE 103 Ripcord. .. Studio 13. . The 611 ~~~~re.N 521·2792 . 521:0030/521.9041 1318 Westhelmer. 528.9079 Hyde Park at Stanford ·827.1113 .2053 wtrt Rd. . . . . . . . .2923 S. Main 522·0000 HOUSTON COUNSELING (Area Code 713) Fabre Clinic ............ . .. 526·2320 Gonzales, A.; MSW, CSW 527·9302 Hewes, Ted, MSW. (psychotherapy) 665·0496 Hinkle, David, MD; Kingan, Peter, MH; Treese, Gary, MSW (Psy. & Family Therapy Center)3400 Montrose #501 ......... . 522·9816 Montrose Counseling Ctr. (psychotherapy & alcoholism) treatment) 900 Lovett #203 529-0037 Professional Counseling Services 523·7239 Wm. Scott & Assoc 900 Lovett 529·1913 HOUSTON MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS: HOUSTON CHIROPRACTOR (Area Code: 713) Martin, Dr. Jerry .. 3233 Weslayan #191 .. 963·0080, ext. 1 HOUSTON DENTISTS (Area Code: 713) Butler, Ron DDS 427 Westheimer 524·0538 Jones, Marilyn K. DDS .. 4242 SW Frwy., #214 .. 622·3333 Smith, Bruce W., DDS. .1006 Missouri ..... 529-4364 HOUSTON DOCTORS (Area Code: 713) Herpes Clinic 1·800-423-0280 Martinez, Steve M.D 2801 Ella Blvd. #6 .... 868-4535 Montrose Clinic 803 Hawthorne info·528·5531 ............. business 528-5535 Salvato, Patricia D., M.D. Plaza Med. Cntr. #560 526·7600 Strauss, Gerald Z., MD .12 Oaks Tower #1330 .877·8805 HOUSTON OPTOMETRISTS (Area Code: 713) Brickey, Dr. James The Park, Downtown 651·9899 Johnson, Dr. 4709 Richmond 961·9705 HOUSTON FITNESS CENTERS (Area Code: 713) Club Body Centre 2205 Fannin 659·4998 Fitness Exchange. . . .2900 Richmond 524·9932 Jim's Gym 607 Westheimer . . . . . .. 528·5467 HOUSTON ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLlNES (Area Code: 713) A Capella Chorus (Church of Christ Gays) 777·9286 ACLU 1236 W. Gray 524·5925 Affirmation-Morman 1713 Westheimer #6040177098 .... . 526·3762 AID for AIDS P.O. 66952177006 526-6077 AIDS Foundation .. 3317 Montrose, Box 1155 .. 524·AIDS AIDS Hotline. . ... c/o Switchboard. . . . .529-3211 American Gay Atheists ... P.O. 66711/77266 ... 527·9255 Astro Rainbow Alliance for the Deaf TIY (520-0734) Autry House 6265 So. Main Baby Jane Mixed League (Bowling) Lewis 920·1389 Bayou B'lu Singers 2029 Singleton 868-3084 CHE P.O. 3045177253 680·3346 Choices Unlimited (Lesbian Social Group) 529·3211 CLEIS (Lesbian Mothers). . . c/o Dignity 473·3708 Colt 45's .......... . 528·9192 Comm. for Public Health Awareness P.O. 3045/77253 Conroe Area Lambda .. 304 Harris Blvd. .(409)760·1509 Crisis Hotline 228·1505 Dial·A·Gay·Atheist. 527·9255 Diana Foundation ... ..... . .2700 Mason/77006 Dignity (Catholic Gays) P.O. 66821177266... 523·7644 Dignity Center 3217 Fannin... . .. 528·0111 Events Unlimited (Finale Group). . . . . . . . . . . .552·5560 Family Connection (youth shelter) 523-6825 Friends of Lesbians & Gays (FLAG) 464-6663 FrontRunners... . .(runners, joggers).... .681·5679 Gay Archives of Texas 1103 California .... 529·7014 Gay Fathers of Houston P.O. Box 66973 #162 77006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .667·9499/721·3327 Gay Hispanic Caucus 862·1476 Gay Political Caucus (P.O. 66664, Houston 77266) ..... . 521-1000 Gay Rights A.C.L.U.. . P.O. 66844/77006 Gay Switchboard .... P.O. 66591/77266·6591.... 529·3211 Gulf Coast Transvestite Chapter P.O. 90335/77090 c/o J. Thorne. . Bx. 42888 #175/77042 Herpes H.E.L.P. Hotline 996·9414 Houston Area Gay & Lesbian Engineers & Scientists771-6486 Houston Data Professionals 523-6922 Houston Gay Health Advocates. . . 790-9448 Houston Gay Pride Week Committee P.O. 66621/77266 Houston Gay Student Assoc. . 521·2237 Houston Health Dept. .... 1115 N. McGregor 222-4201 PAGE 104 Houston North ProfessionalsP.O.3840Humblel77347821·7126 Houston Outdoor Group. . .. Ken Moore 522-0699 Houston Tennis Club. . . Rich. . 524·2151 Ingersoll Speakers Bureau (Gay Atheist) . P.O. 391/77401 Integrity (Episcopalian) . P.O. 66008177266-6008.524·1489 Interact P.O. 16041/77022 529-7014 Lambda Alanon 521·9772 Lambda Center For Alcoholics .. 1214 Joanne .. 521·9772 Lesbian/Gay Resource ServoU of HP.O. 309/77004749-1253 Lutherans Concerned for Gay People. 521-0863/686-4931 Men Against Deception P.O. Box 541871/77254 285·1304 Montrose Area NOW. . . . P.O. 96714/77213 Montrose Art Alliance 4307 Mt. Vernon #20/77006 Montrose Co. Cloggers . . 456·8861 Montrose Connection (Computer Conn.) .3317 Montrose ............. Suite 1000 526·3737 Montrose Guest Recovery House 401 Avondale 524·8813 Montrose Mailbox (Computer Connection) 527·8566 Montrose Sports Assoc (Director) Nick 777·1823 · Billiards Jack. . . .. ..528·4409 · Monday Nlte Bowling .... Mark 666·7013 . Mixed Bowling Mike Weikert 973·1358 .. Pool League Debbie 973·1358 .. Racquetball Richard. . .. 562·7648 · Recreational Softball Eddie .... 774·5264 · Volleyball Ray .. . .523·9572 .. Women's Bowling Lynne 666·1938 Montrose Softball League 524·3144 Montrose Symphonic Band P.O. 66613177266-6613527·9454 Operation Documentation 521·1000 Outdoors Gays (hiking, camping) 697·9553 Parents and Friends of Lesbians & Gays .............. Houston 464-6663 Paz y Llberaclon ..... P.O. 600063/77260 .862·1476 Pentecostal Family of Montrose 668·0259 Presidents Club (GPC past pres.)P.O. 66844177266523-6024 Project FOOD (KS/AIDS Foundation) 524·2427 Revista Paz y Liberacion P.O. 6000631/77260 Rice Gay/Les. Support Group(c/o Gay Switchboard)529-3111 Shanti (AIDS Peer Counseling) P.O. 3045·77253 Texas Gay Rodeo Association P.O. 66973 #1194 526·5001 Texas Human Rights Foun.. . 626·1200/961·9858 Unitarian Gay Men's Group 528·1571 Women's Encounter Group. P.O. 920952 #262177292-0952 Women's Lobby Alilance ..... 4 Chelsea .... 521-0439 HOUSTON RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 713) Charlie's Restaurant 1102 Westheimer .... 522·3332 Chapultepec 813 Richmond...... .522·2365 Eddington's 6121 Hillcroft 981-6121 House of Pies 3112 Kirby 528·3816 ... 6142 Westheimer 782·1290 O'Brian's Oyster Bar 608 Westlleimer 524·0105 Ralph's Restaurant 515 W. Alabama 526-6900 Rascals 2702 Ki rby 524·6272 Tim's Coffee Shop 1525 Westheimer 529·2289 HOUSTON THEATRES (Area Code: 713) Alley Theatre 615 Texas 228·8421 Laff Stop 1952 W. Gray 524·2333 The Group (Theatre Workshop) .. 3217 Fannin .. 522·2204 Greenway III Hwy. 59 © Buffalo Spdwy .... 626·0402 River Oaks. . W. Gray & Shepherd. . . .524·2175 Tower Theatre 1201 Westheimer 522·2452 KEY WEST, FLORIDA GUEST HOUSES (305) Garden House Guest House. 329 Elizabeth St. .296·5368 Lighthouse Court 902 Whitehead 294·9588 LONGVIEW CHURCHES (Area Code: 214) Faith Community Church .. 1116 S. Mobberly .. 757·7338 LONGVIEW CLUB (Area Code: 214) Rainbow Connection .. 2110 S. Eastman Rd... 757·5593 LUBBOCK CLUB (Area Code: 806) Lubbock Mining Co..... 1806 Clovis Hwy ..... 744·5250 LUBBOCK ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code:806) Dignity/Lubbock P.O. 10752/79417 763·9155 IntegrltylW. Tex. (Episcopalians)Box 10752/79417839·2809 Lubbock Gay Alliance .... P.O. 64746/79464 796·2403 MCC .7516 Ave. H, Suite C/79404 745·3599 Student Services for Les/Gays P.O. 53702179453742·4350 McALLEN CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Bumpers 1617 N.llV, St. 687·9922 Other Face 200 N. 29th 686·9635 P.B.D.'s Disco Ware Rd. © Daffodil 682·8019 MEXICO CITY, MEXICO .lnformation/Publication Macho·Tips .559·2058 TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985 MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA Sea Gull Hotel 100 21st St. 1·800·327-4523 MIDLAND/ODESSA CHURCH (Area Code: 915) Free to Be (AA)2812 S. Industrial Loop (Midland)697-6385 MCC .. 2812 S. Industrial Loop, Midland, P.O. 1152179702 ................................... 687·2027 NACOGDOCHES ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 409) GLAS (Gay/Lesbian Association of Students) . Stephen F. Austin .Unlv., Box 5813 75962560-9606 NEW ORLEANS ACCOMODATIONS (504) New Orleans Guest House .1118 Ursullnes St. .566·1177 NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Nat'l Gay Health Ed. Foundation .. P.O. 784, NYC 10036 ............................... (212)563-6313 Gay & Lesbian Press Association . P.O.'A' Old ChelseaStat., NY., N.YJl00ll (212)9890022 Gay Rights National Lobby P.O. 1892,Washington, DC 20013 · (202)546·1801 Herpes Clinic 1·800·423-0200 Hispanic United Gays Liberado 5619 14th Ave. #1·C ........................ Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219 Human Rights Campaign Fund . · P.O. 1396, WaShington, DC 20013 . (202)546·2025 Lambda Legal Defense 132 W. 43rd NYC 10039 · (212)944·9488 Media Fund for Human Rights . P.O. 'A' Old Chelsea Stat. NY., NY/l00ll (212)9B9-6622 National Assoc. of Business Councils . P.O. 15145, San Francisco, CA 94115(415)885-6363 National Assoc. Gay & Lesbian Democratic Clubs ..... 1742Mass Ave SE, Washington, DC 200)3(202)547-3104 National Gay Alliance for Young Adults (NGAYA)P.O.190426, · Dallas, TX 75219-0426 National Gay Rights Advocates . 540 Castro, San Francisco, CA 94114(415)863·3624 National Gay Task Force 80 5th Ave., NYC 10011 ............................... (212)741·5800 NGTF's Crisisline. (800)221-7044(outside New York State) ODESSA CLUBS (Area Code: 915) Carrousel 201 W. Alabama 367·0930 Nite Spot 8401 Andrews Hwy 366-6799 SAN ANGELO CHURCH (Area Code: 915) MCC 1645 Sunset Dr. 942·8115 SAN ANGELO CLUB (Area Code: 915) Phase III 10 North Taylor 942·9188 SAN ANGELO ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 915) Gay Angelo Students (GAS) .P.O. 60963/76906 .942·8115 SAN ANTONIO BATHS (Area Code: 512) Club San Antonio 1802 N. Main 735·2467 SAN ANTONIO BUSINESSES (Area Code: 512) Boone Tex Productions 7319 Broadway 821·5367 Bullfrog Construction 231·2072 Bexar Florist 602 Montana 271·3643 Gayline Greetings (cards printed) P.O. 160726/78280·2494 · 223-6090 High Society 1902 San Pedro Kevin Wagner Unique Cards/Gifts 1900 San Pedr0733·3555 Leather Works Etc 6726 San Pedro 822·3744 Malcolm Carroll Antiques .... 312 N. Presa 271·3222 On Main 2514 Main 737·2323 Oscar Mendiola Photography 821·5367 Rick Vela (Realtor) .. 5735 Babcock .. 735·4823/696·7200 TWT Magazine P.O. 12885/78212 822·9213 Video World 1802 N. Main .736·9927 Video World 6724 San Pedro 826·9057 SAN ANTONIO CHURCHES (Area Code: 512) Community of St. Francis .... 332 Wilcox 923·2266 Dignity (Cathollc Gays) ... P.O. 12484/78212 349·3632 Integrity P.O. 15006 734·0759 MCCSA 6025 Rlttlman Plaza .. . .. 824·2561 River City living Church311 Melrose PI.822·1121/734·0377 SAN ANTONIO CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Ab's Westernaire 622 Roosevelt 532·0015 Badlands (enter thru Snuffy's) .820 San Pedro. 224·7739 Bonham Exchange 411 Bonham 271·3811 Changez 7074 San Pedro 826·0848 Club, The 1720 N. Main 225·7570 Copa 1430 No. Main 225·7330 Country Corner Saloon 101 Fredericksburg Rd. 782·0259 Crew 309 W. Market 223·0333 Downtown SA 240 Broadway 223-6285 EI Jardin 106 Navarro 223·7177 TWT SEPTEM8ER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985 Galleon 330 San Pedro 225.2353 Gemini Club 504 Pleasanton Rd 923.9918 Noo Zoo 10127 Coach light 341-4778 Snuffy's Saloon 820 San Pedro 224.7739 Strokes 722 San Pedro 227.9069 2015 Place 2015 San Pedro 733.3365 SAN ANTONIO COUNSELING (Area Code: 512) Menefee, Michael, Ph.D.. 7979 Broadway #103 .821·5905 SAN ANTONIO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 512) Alamo Human Rights Comm 656·1487 Alcohol Counseling 227 Guilbeau 226·9241 Alcohol Counseling & Detox MHMR 421 6th St. 225·4227 Alpha Plasma Center 302 S. Flores 224·1749 Church Theatre 1150 S. Alamo 224·4085 Counseling (TobyJohnson, PhD)1616San Pedro#10 732-4000 Crisis Hotline (toa-top) 733·1111 Crisis Hotline (24 hrs) 227·4357 Detoxification Center 622 Dolorosa 225·5481 Drug Abuse MHMR 3721A S. Presa St. 533·9156 Fiesta Run P.O. 169672178280·3272 Forward Foun., Inc. (community education) 224·7663 Gay Switchboard 733·7300 Helpline (Drug Abuse Central) 225-4066 Integrity P.O. 15006/78212 734-0759 Lambda AA 1312 Wyoming 225·5611 Lutherans Concerned P.O. 290008178520696-0307/734-0759 Mustang Club, Inc P.O. 12551/78212 Parents of Gays 736·7847 River City FrontRunnersP.O. 5844/78212822·2019/737·1224 River City Stompers 732·5649 Runaways (Youth Service Project) 299-7660 San Antonio AIDS FoundationP.O. 120113/78212699-0047 San Antonio Gay Alliance ..... P.O. 12063..... 822·2989 San Antonio Chamber of Commerce (referrals) .227·8181 San Antonio Free Clinic .. 1136 W. Woodlawn .. 733·0383 San Antonio Plasma Services112 Auditorium Clr.223·2958 The Bridge (youth shelter) .. 606 Wilson Blvd... 734·9532 SAN ANTONIO PRIVATE CLUB (Area Code: 512) Executive Health Club 723 Ave. B 225·8807 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND ACCOM. (Area Code: 512) Lyle's Deck (guesthouse) ... 120 E. Atol St.... 943·3632 TEXAS GUEST HOUSEIACCOMODATIONS(Area Code 817) EI Rancho VistatELV Travel ... P.O. Box 245, Glen Rose ................................... 897-4982 TEMPLEIKILLEEN CHURCH (Area Code: 512) MCC P.O. 1112 443·3332 TEMPLE CLUB (Area Code: 817) Studio M 414 S. 1st 778·9989 WACO CLUBS (Area Code: 817) Tallulah's North 5th © Jefferson 753·9189 The more minimal the art, the more maximum the explanation. - Hilton Kramer PAGE 105 BIJOU VIDEO SALES Do you know where your friends were last Wednesday? We do! BRINGS YOU HOT VIDEO at COOL PRICES TOUGH COMPETITION POPULAR MECHANICS 'O~"~~ t '" 0'181'1 ~ BLONDS DO IT BEST Coming Wednesday, september 25 $5495 each DYNASTY See the season Premiere In For credit card orders call: 1.800·932.7111 (In Illinois, call 1-800-572-2369) No Cover Before 9 pm Nightly To order by mail, send cashier's check, m.o. or VISA, MasterCard or Amex number, plus expiration date, along with a statement that you are over 21 and whether you need VHS or Beta formats, including shipping charges ($3 for the first tape, $1 for second tape). All video sales are final. Send $1 for catalog to Oept. T. Please state that you are over 21. + HOUSTON'S VIDEO DANCE ClUB FOR THE MEN OF lEXAS BlJOU VIDEO SALES TilE -1349 fllft( fIIOE{) EXPERTS N. Wells, Chgo, IL 60610- -=- PACIFIC at GRANT· HOUSTON • (713)521-9123 ~I!=IE):(f.!f;'IE!iS PAGE 106 •.• TWT SEPTEMBER 13 - SEPTEMBER 19 1985