Document 6492683
Document 6492683
PAGE 14 THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1982 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT and Dudley Loveland; Fran Murphy and Rick Petrozziello scored a win over Ray Mullady and Laurie Salerno; Dr. Fritz Bradley and Larry Pisani took Warren Devine and Dolph DeMatBy Ray Hoagland and Edward Katz won over teo and Sam Maxwell and In second-round action of Erwin Josephs and LouGeorge Martino defeated Joe Cleary and Victor the Two-Men Champion- Diamond. ship of the Colonia Country Archie Leonards and Kurylak Club over the past weekend Santo Monaco defeated In the second flight Rich the following teams reached John Zaccaro and Jim Farrell and Ted F ogel the semi-finals, to be held Livecchi and Bill McEntee defeated C'y Walters and over this weekend. and Frank Muraco took Dr. Bill Mele; Milt Burpstein In the championship Andy Coronato and Maurv and Marty O'Connor beat Jerry Talbert and ''ieorge round the team of LouVegia. Petrozziello and Joe Cozzo In the first flight Joe Fernicola; Frank Com defeated Jack Corcoran and Ryan and Slim Patricia won marata and Gecee Fitz Fran Murphy; John Pinto over Dr. Tom Verrastro patrick defeated George Petrozziello, Cozzo in lead at Colonia TICKET SERVICE CONCERTS, BROADWAY, SPORTS 5 3 E. CHERRY STREET All Occasions 1 Touch of God (WOOD ' N ' THIH€$) Your Christian Book And Gift Store 1513 Mala St. •alnray, tU. 07M5 CALL FOR CURRENT 4 Foil line of Christian Books & Gifts LIST OF SHOWS! 574-9060 are open 6 Dars A WHKI Ckui 272-1800 FLAWS §*. »»•*,»"• * • • • • » • • • Slipcovers, Draperies Bedspreads & Shades | &<* APPLIANCE C t a M * T Od mrtthltr • Fhm Ubrle. • Lmnatpitca •Toajter5*VKuums •IronsHanppFans •Coffee Makers, •Authorizad- FREE ESTIMATE SIDING nriACiMtm WINDOWS (DOOM 3M-331I Railway Fashion Fabrics MTBUMMCMAfMS MR. COFFff COm • HOOVER HOOVER I MR. I 443 LAKE AVE.J f COLONIA 1421MAINST., RAHWAY • IFbriii.'Jnc.—•- ^ iKuuxn CHIRMJ. Woven Woods $5.M *n. tn.HforM Call '324-1033 > 739 JaqiKi Ave., Rahwar Th»r« will b* no d*liv«ry on th»i» plants, you /nay call u». and w» will hav» th«mrodyfor you. 351-4966 9234932 2%" peh. Extra growl com. $.M MMh $ l t . NtoM $1M 4*i. $17.MforI N WESTHILL WALL COVERINGS 271 Central Avi LAWNMOWER BWOKE? WE CAN FIX IT...FASTI NEW SHAWM MOWRS M STMC Rtptln On AM m*m CLARK POWER EQUIPMENT HOURS: 10-5 BIGGEST SA1E EVER! VEL In June: AIR-LAND-SEA-RAIL •••••••••••••••••I 10% OFF EVERYTHING IN STORE SPECIAL SALE DURING THE DEDICATION WEEK JUNE 22-26 INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP TRAVEL DOMESfK t MTEHUTMNAL tOMWTf*1ZO TKXIT S a V K l 382-3590 7/ . 191 WtstfteM A*«. CLARK (Oppoilt* Dunkln' Donuts) In July: 10% OFF EVERYTHING IN STORE SPECIAL SALE CHRISTMAS IN JULY SALEJULY 15-30. SAVE O N : DIETAIDSVITAMINSMINERALS AND MUCH MORE P&fi VHJUUMS 1567 MAM ST. MHWAY 311-4716 •<*»*• •*•*« PAIN AND STIFFNESS in one or more joints upon arising could be one of the early warning signs of arthritis. Find out more about arthritis and other warning signs to look for by sending for your free copy of "Arthritis — The, Basic Facts." F0KM0W " I I S Rout* 73 Berlin. New Jeruy 08009 MAC'S MAINTENANCE C O . INC. FURKACE RffUCEMEMTS * HOI WATB HEATERS * Oft S U t W W A R S * SHeTNETll WOH *REP«SttVi fiAiCOWrVSKM aOCK fflEIMOSTAT Llnd«n * 4**4202 Oak Ridge tells tallies in tourney ' lontrlair ALFRED BRESSAW The Oak Ridge Golf Course Women Odd - Even Holes Half-Handicap Tournament Results follow: MONDAY, CLASS "A" Gross, Gerd Ackerman, 32. Net, Audrey Said, 32. CLASS"B" Gross, Tillie Stone, 30. CLASSU C" Gross, Jean Jones, 33. Net, Lil Brettbarth, 33. In Knickers on July 24 Norman Smith, Jack Gibbs and Walter Emery won with an 89. In kickers on July 25 Andy Giacobbe, Harry Zane, Henry Scolnick and Ben Mirto won. PUBUC NOTICE PUBLJC NOTICE CORPORATION NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that the following Ordinance was duly adopted and approved on Anal readkig at a special meeting of the Municipal Council, City of Rahway, New Jersey, Monday evening, July 26,1982. ORDINANCE A-17-82 AN ORDINANCE TO FURTHER AMEND AN ORDINANCE "ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE DELINEATING AND REGULATING USE AND BUILDING IN FLOODWAYS AND FLOOD HAZARD AREAS WTHIN THE CITY OF RAHWAY IN THE COUNTY OF UNION AND STATE OF NEW JERSEY* ADOPTED July 10th, 1972. and as AMENDED ON September 13th, 1976, July 10th. 1978. and March 12th. 1979. Frands R. Seikowsky City Clerk CITY OF RAHWAY A...7/29/82 Fee:$16.80 PUBLIC NOTICE RALPH FROEHUCH Sheriff Fee:$30.80 PUBLIC NOTICE SEALED BIDS will be recthwd from bidders classified under N. J.S A 27:,7-35.1 et seq., bi the Hearing Room, Room 140-Mah Building, Traniportatlon Building, 1035 Parkway Avenue, Trenton, New Jeney until 10:00 a.m. August 19, 1982 and opened and read for PUBUC NOTICE PanUppanyTroy Hlb, NJ 201-263-5100 325 Unook Avenue Haddonfic!d.NJ 609429-6428 Newark, NJ , 201-648-3551 1147 Amboy Avenue Edbon,NJ 201499-5090 Block 792 Lots 58*59 ' NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BUREAU OF CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 3t..7/29,8/5,8/12/82 Fe«$141.12 TREE SERVICE From Carpentry •<•- W a l l p a p e ' Ceramic Tile Slate & Quarry Installation FREE EST • Full! Inured Location Whebn Place Between Randofch & E Htzdwood Aves. Approx. Size 7Zx9tJ 2t..7/22,7/2982 ioias aura i savica OVa 25 IK. at. * HUIM6 CHIMNEY CLEANING Ml-7424 JALOUSIE S Tai Chi Kuog fuChin-na & Weapons |> Private & Classes Night Classes O Women's AWNING WINDOWS L& M WINDOW PRODUCTS Free 9 Exercise & Sell Defense Aerobics 9 9 9 7-S1AR PRAYIMC MAMTIS KUNG FU 9 MonWomen 8 Children 9 9 9 53 Main St. 6 3 6 - 4 8 9 5 Woodbridge 9 Lsiimate 574-3352 Rahway (anytime) R&R Services |«ff isnunst HEAT Air Conditioning Heating Refrigeration \HIUf IHSUSlOl \l4 Hg SlMClt BOILERS & HEATING SYSTEMS INSTALLED AT REAL SAVINGS! Carrier Gas Furnace 100.000 BTU Iron $ 7 0 0 . bisUlled $ 1 5 . 0 0 S.rvlc. Coll with thli ad. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS SHEET METAL FABRICATION HUMIDIFYING ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANERS 5417973 225-3064 YORK AMTONIELLO S ^ HEATHK t AIR C0NMTMNM6fct}$L RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 2 0 1 / A 1 INDUSTRIAL 750-27175 Sales •Semce»lnjWliiion i l l Hakei 4 Models I I 535 AMBOY A V ^ t WOODBRIDGE TREE SERVICE Initoll • 94% EHlcUnt Hyrfropyli* BolUr (The Most Efficient Boiler Mode) •LOT CLEARING S LAWN CARE FUUT imuno GAS CONVERSIONS HOT AIR, HOT WATER t STEAM FKE ESTIMATES RON COROERO 634-9038 Be?* Heat ^ OFFICE & SSSS •CLEAN OUTS •REPAIRS •LEAF GUARDS INSTALLED ' IMPROVEMENTS Si REPAIRS WINDOWS G&9 FREE ESTIMATES Expert Initollatloti Service > Mo|or Repair Of All Vinyl Lined SWImmlng Pooti "In ground lintrt •Above ground pools "352-34» 2IMM0 Additions •Oomirs •fitc toon •toMtats \ BECAUSE WE'VE EARNED ANAME THAT YOU CANTRUST!! •fttplictBMl Windom •Ptlioi -Oeckj C A L L Raotanobl* M C M Fr*« l i t . Fully Ini. 499-9505 New Low, Low Rates (Save Up To 30%) Lowest Bank Terms Available Now! Schedule Work At DISCOUNT Prices Now! Pay Nothing Until The Fall Of 1982 Free Home Improvement Consulting Season Sale On All Work Now! Most Jobs Completed In 1 Week , Open Sat. & Sun. For Your Convenience Member National Remodelers Assn. Most Highly Recommended In Central N.J. Free Insulation and Energy Surveys Insulated Vinyl.Siding Sale On Now! - — Lowest Rates On Dormers & Add-A-Levels Now! Warehouse Our Own Materials Best Price on Replacement Windows in the State! 862-0903 * CONSTBUCTION paving & masonry Driveways, Parting lots Resurfacing & Patching ALL T Y K S OF CONCRETE W O R K Brick Steps. Walls & Repairs 283-1370 636-40681 POOLS a INSTALLATIONS 985-1882 BEST * MASONS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Steps-PatiosSidewalks-Concrete & Asphalt Driveways Railroad Ties & Retaining Walls Additions & Dormers free eit. tally i u . • 862-6429 * WET BASEMENT 6x6 B-DRY SYSTEM •EXPERT BATHROOM REMODELING t REPAIR WORK •COMPLETE KITCHEN REMODELING 49; 89' Will HE ITAUAN ROW TIB 541-5091 634-2186 324-1205 FREE ESTIMATE 862-5939 If That's Not Enough-Stop In Or Give Us A Call-We've Got Plenty Morel FREE ESTIMATES • Add-A-Levels • Windows • Insulation • Energy Savers • Shell Dormers • Roofing Aluminum Siding Vinyl Siding Steel Siding GEORGE TKOSKY 533 Kiocimillr An.. Ptrk i n t o , 324-1205 634-3900 CENTRAL AIR COKDITIONING ?J H OFFICE 8 SHOWROOM 738-4549 H builders FREE ESTIMATE SALES'SERVICE'INSTALLATION CAS CONVERSIONS HOT AIR FURNACES HOT WATER & STEAM BOILERS HUMIDIFIERS & AIR CLEANERS Slolr lie. 56810 HK ESTM I ATE 5 4 1 - 7 9 6 6 Valfemt Window Air CemMHe»er» Serviced SHEET METAL FABRICATION VENTILATION HAKES V J H E DIFFERENCE AIR CONDfllONMG KHBBiTION HUIWG CONTRACTORS BLOWN ON W/CLITTEt Also Sheet Rock, Blocks & Plaster 541-6715 439-3836 Call A f t e r 6 p.m. POWER ATTIC SIDING WINDOWS ROOFING DORMERS ADDITIONS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CO TOPS TEXTURE CEILINGS FREE EST. WORK GUAR Fireplaces Gutters Additions CALL NOW WHOLESALE BATHROOM BOUTIQUE FORDS HEATING a COOLING FREE ESTIMATES 5497645 TAGLIA CONSTRUCTION METBO Bob SrHf la ROMII* P«ffc 925-5468 \% YMH\ PK< « l « e n irt nf tat 'reai«m*ndati(xts WILLIAM SMELTZER Ovtf 32 Yr%. Eip«r. Scoionod FIREWOOD CALIT. B«r*r>cii CUSTOM INTERIOR EXTERIOR SPECIALIZING IN RESIDENTIAL TOPS tFAIlO DECKS ALUMINUM-VINYL-WOOD HOME REPLACEMENT SEAMLESS 388-3797 Do You Have A Problem? WE HAVE THE ANSWER PAINTING R&R RELIABLE • Oil ( Cat • Cap* A Scrccni Installed Kitchens Bathrooms Complete Remodeling SIDING FREE TERMITE ESTIMATES C L E A N - O U T S Roaches Ants Fleas Mice ANY APARTMENT OR ONE FAMILY HOUSE MMEii ^ N O W Sl-rvi. • Wood Stovas 283-2124 ROOFING Rugs Steam cleaned by truck mounted unit. Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning H H MJMCtlON • Flr»ploc»i 574-0687 ASPHALT & FIBERGLASS SHINGLES • HOT ASPHALT BUILT-UP ROOFING • SLATE REPAIRS • TEAROFFS TERMITE & PEST CONTROL COMPANY 636-1233 CMMMTS •SPECIAL* SUMMER SALE PRICES (cor. Main St.) JOIN OUR FAMILY OF SATISFIED CUSTOM!IB IN Y O U * NEIGHBORHOOD HKI>SZEA IMNEY WEEPS SEAMLESS ALUMINUM GUTTERS COMPLETE SHOWROOM 24 ELM AVE. RAHWAY K £ d 541-6006 licensed • Fullr bis. &P ADDITIONS* •0RMERS (h Writing) 382-0256 •Stopi •Flreplocet •Walki 'Patio •Driveways *Porchet 'Brick front* •Chimney* FUEL F.ST. 382-1362 foltMl ••lit 120 Gertrude St., Clark l SIDING •Vinyl •Windows 4997555 T ALUMINUM SUNN* •Hot laoflng •Outten-1 ec. Install. •Storm Doon t Ivptocement Window STEEL Accurate Rug Gleaning, Inc. Call For Demonstration T •Aluminum HOME IMPROVEMENTS CO. • Free Estimates • Fully Insured ALL TYPES MASONRY WORK SCHOOL % ROOFING | DAVID GINFRIDA DOM TIMPONE 3 8 2 - 1 9 8 8 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS ? CUSTOM SIDINC; LICENSED & FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES rl • GAS & O i l HEATING INSTALLATIONS • WATER HEATERS • COMPLETE BATHROOMS • SMAU REPAIRS MIDDLESEX MASONS Aluminum or Vinyl Storm Windows & Doors SAL MORTILLARO •Reroofs •Tearoffs PLUMBING & HEATING 24 Lcffartl Si. Cart*r«t •Central A/C •Window Unlfs •Refrigerators •Ice Machines •Gas Heat •Oil Hoot -Hot Water Heateis SERVICE S REPAIR ON ALL SYSTEMS 574-0220 INTERIOR A EXTERIOR FIREWOOD A & A TREE SERVICE - FREE ESTIMATES - TERICHAMEIER PAINTING CO 636-4976 Generol Mason Contractor, PLASTERING •REPAHT WC*K 'BRICKWORK SOCIALIZING IN STONi • BLOCK WORK •CONCRETE WOflK J "Let a Hoofer Do It Bight" BETTER HOMES UNSPLIT-UNCUT 636-0278 READ A T O M CLASSIFIEDS REGULARLY! GUTTERS MANUFACTUtfR.INSrAUEl ALL WOKK rUUY GUAIANTECD runr iNSUHD-rtfi EJTIMATIS (PlusTox) lie. '17 Roofing r 50 Per Iruckload Wdg« SEAMLESS • I PIECE INSTALLATION •HEAVY .032 GAUGE • 5 BEAUTIFUL COLORS • HIDDEN HANGER'S OR SPIKEStFERRULES "No Job Too Big or Too Small' ELECTRICAL SERVICE Call 381-5173 FOR REAL VALUE. . . PAINTING BEN BOLLACI AND SON •INDUSTRIAL •COMMERCIAL •RESIDENTIAL vobtrl frjnif Prn Op«n Dolty 9to6. Sot. 9 to 2 Slot* U m w d * Fully Iniurvd ORAZI LIC. #3649 40 WOODBRIDGE AVE. Siding & Home Improvements Specialists IF YOU HAVE AN 634-3736 WOODBRIDGE. N.J. Fred Britfon Bus. No. 636-1765 Coll anyilme Seamless Gutters & Repairs FrveEit. Fully Im. 634-3197 I M M U». FBOB'S LUGGAGE REPAIR OUR 26th YEAR h««li fnitotlvd W« Repair: •FIREPLACES •ADOntONS 80 Lowell St. Cart 5418259 541-5958 FREE ESTIMATES 540 H.rth A««. E. WtiriUld, N.J. 07090 232-19759-5 p.m. HOME IMPROVEMENT! INFLATION FIGHTER •Siding *SIOM Fronts •MBMIUT •Aherntioiu «B»ofiBg *Cntttn SIMANDL BUILDERS Inclvdci: El«<trtcal wiring, watar-prooiing, Kra*nlng, th»rmo>tol. Fir* Safoty Switch. Permanently lubricated Motor. 1 yr. wanwtty. AH Aluminum. No PlMric WHOLE HOME FAN $795. 'INSTALLED Fee: S88.48 225-0331 ROOFING AFFORDABLE QUALITY WITH QUICK SBVICE tfieee/ If of a $,o&^- CHIMNEY-FIREWALL HEARTH - WOOD & COAL STOVE INSTALLATIONS Inckidx: Electrical wiring. 2 speed twitch, timer, waterproofing. I vr. warranty, JO" celling mounted Ian, '/, H.P. motor. A. CHARLES BATTBTA CITY AUCTIONEER O FULLY INSURED O 4 0 YR. WRITTEN WARRANTY $i»pi •Patloi •Coroowt N»w Hamvi •Addiilon M O o « i FIREPLACES WOOD STOVES COAL-OIL S GAS CHIMNEYS WIRE BRUSH CLEANING POWER VACUUM (STALLED Min. Offer $5,000. I O FREE ESTIMATE O FINANCING I AVAILABLE CUSTOM BUILT FIREPLACES CAHTEHET^ SUPERIOR BURNER 4 Mi oDORMERS o ADDITIONS MASON GENERAL CONTRACTOR 636-9132 •.-I ©REPLACEMENT WINDOWS A V P A&A PUBUC SALE FRIDAY, JULY 30. 1982 In accordance with R.S. 40:60-26, and Resolution No. AR-129-82 passed by the Municipal Council of the City of Rahway, N.J., at a Bridge Painting Contract No. 82-3. Cleaning and Palntkig offive(5) regular meeting held on July 12,1982, the City of Rahway. N.J.. will ofbridges on Routes 3 and 24 in the city of Summit; Township of a-forsale at Pubic Auction to be held on Friday, July 30.1982 at 3:00 Millbum; Boroughs of East Rutherford and Rutherford; Town of '.M. prevailing time at City Hall. City Hall Ptaza, Rahway. N.J., the Secaucus; Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Union Counties. D P . 528 following described premises: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE: The Department, In accordance with Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964 1. Sale shall be made to the highest bidder subject to confirmation by 78 Stat. 252,42, U.S.C., 49 CFR., Parts 21 and 23 Issued pursuant to the Municipal Council which reserves the right to accept or reject all such Act, and Section 504 of the RehaUitation Act of 1973 wiO afiord btii. mkwrtty business enterprises full opportunitytosubmit bids In response 2.10% or the sales price ahall be paid In cash or certified check by the to this invitation and wffl not discriminate against any bidder on the highest bidder at the rime of sale. grounds of race, color, sex, national origin, or handicap ki the contract 3. Cost of sale. Including public advertisement, cost of preparation of award. the d o t h g documents and balance of purchase price shall be paid by Bidders are requkvd to comply wtth the raqukvments of Public Laws purchaser at th» dosing within forty five (45) days of confirmation of 1975, c }27. sale by the Municipal Council. If price Is not paid within said time. Drawkigs, specifications and bid documents may bt kisptctad or obdeport may be fcrfeted unless the time of closing Is extended by the tainedfara fee of $7.50 for ful size drawings, at the Bureau of Contract Mayor, or Director of Law. Administration, 1035 Parkway Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey, 08625. 4. Sab Is subject to zoning and other municipal ordinances, unconduring business hours. Names and addresses of prospect** bidders far n « d assessments, restrictions of record and easements, If any, and this project may be acquired by telephonhg A m Code 609-964-6812 fact! shown by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. during business hours. 5 . h no event thai the City of Rahway, NJ., be liablefarsearch fees, Drawings and supplementary specifications may also be Inspected turwey costs or broker's commissions. If title Is unmarketable, the City (but not obtained) by contracting organizations at our various D a t a f l ^ i T ? ' ' \T£ m a ya t ** °P t t o n dmr up the Ua« at its expense or ca 0 Field Offices at the faflo^hg locations. 2 !" 1 '*""T_°V Wundhg the deposit on the purchase price. _2 ^ ! ? ?tai* * * * ** n 0 lo»man the price hereinafter stated 1259 Route 46 Intersections Rls. I&9..2land22 and are described as folows: TOfiANO HEATING "01 COHDITIONINC "Find us in (he Yellow Pages" Offico o* S25 Amboy AVP Woodbridgo Anthony Rocco, Jr. Board Secretary lt...7/29,8/53/12,8A9/82 Fee:$104.16 lt.,.7/29/82 Florence Minifie consurr";r textiles clothing specialist at ' nllege. a n d Carolyn ELECTRICAL •"ONTRACTO" By virtue of the above-stated writ of Bids are to stamped on the out execution to me directed I shall ex- side of envelope: poseforsale by public vendue, in Bid for 1970 Ford Van ROOM 207, In the Court House, in Bidfor1971 Ford Wagon the City of Elizabeth, N.J., on WEDNESDAY, the 25th day of Separate bids must be made for August A.D., 1982 at two o'clock In each vehicle. The vehicles will be the afternoon of said day. available for Inspection on Tuesday, The property to be sold Is located August 3 , 1982 between the hours In the City of Rahway, In the Coun- of 9.-00 A.M. and 12:00 noon at the ty of Union, and State of New Rahway Junior High School, Kline Jersey. Premises are commonly Place, Rahway New Jersey. known as 1449 Main Street, Bid proposal forms may be Rahway, New Jersey. Lot No. 40 In secured at the office of the Block No. 96,on the Tax Mop. Secretary of the Board, Rahway Dimensions of Lot 201 x 10O1. The Junior High School, Kline Place, nearest cross strait Is Lewis Street. Rahway, New Jersey. There Is due approximately Bids must be accompanied wtth a $52,686.05 with interest from certified check In the amount of ten February 18,1982 and costs. There percent (10%) of the bid. is a full legal description on file In The Board of Education reserves Union County Sheriffs Office. the right to reject any and all bids, The Sheriff reserves the right to ad- waive any informalities and award journ this sale. contract which In their judgement may be in the best interest of the RICHARD W. KOCHANSKI. Board of Education. ATTY. By order of the Board of EducaCX-269-02 (DJ & RNR) tion, City of Rahway In the County of Union, New Jersey. r Woodbridge Siding, Roofing &> Builders URBAN* HEATING & AIR COND. i II lyfii r>l H o o ' i n g & Air <* S y s t e m l r - « ' o l l ^ 8 ^ « -' * H • CtN T *Al t ' • MOT AIB CAS H*> » • HEA T PUM" CT|AM • O i l *<">'<(' • HOT WATER THURSDAY, JULY 29,1982 PAGE 15 SERVICE DIRECTORY Mot Icsu' d e a n r list for t h e spring, IoS? semester " N'-ntclan Slate (.'<••"<•?<• in " n - 757-6655 38^5790 vorkcVu'f co'""'" Rre not the ""*wer to e v e ' yt h i n g f o r w e v e r y o n e . ?"d <-"rouraged he»e$o Rcdde" participan' "> - d u c a t e themselves "n the ^" -ions on dean c list inves'ment opii'ins. a n d sWec' 'he 'in? (f1 ' h?<".( ruits A rcidrn! of'vny. r" 1 "i n l *;-•••-••- i -»i T h e r e s a A R e d d e n o f )]{)* your e>als Oliver S i . , "-'as ''artie'I t o the A 1 " Blinds Jane! Decorators 1316 No. Brood St. Hillside, N.J. •' IF YOU LIVE LONG ENOUGH Verticals PLANTS FOR SALE IV bfllbii Unwi plmh. tfproitoHel, f Mgi 1 iitr old. $.M M d i |».MfcrI N if: t % Window Shades 388-6110 in & out of warranty MOO Off ANY SALE OK SatVKf WITH THIS AD Healey, the Union County extension home economist, shared their secrets in the "Fashionable Ideas: Wardrobe Planning and Recycling" workshop. They emThe Challenge of Space Heaters," to "unders phasized t h e newest Change, '82," a two-day tand the hazards of space fashions include "a surpris educational and social event heatcs, <»nd inspect tir-m in ing mix of dramatic pat sponsored by Rutgers order t r t ("»per3tp t^pni <uifp terns, textured fabrics, rich University Co-operative Ex r«lors and slender shapes." tension Service wa? attend He cautioned families Carolyn Healey said, "It's e<1 by 12 Union County with small children to residents. Over 125 rrsons "avoid pny possible danger important to coordinate from throughout New by only using the water or colors, know your style and Jersey participated in theoil-filled convection tpara> way of living and choose classics" when planning a series of consumer heater." wardrobe. workshops, held on July 14 Maria Roh'p of The Herh The annual program was and I * on the P-"ig)"^ Col Garden in Bargaintown sponsored by the Home lege c a m r l l r ' " N » W conducted a "Spicy Tips Economics Dept. of Cook "•unswiok Growing Herns" workshop College in co-operation with She discussed the herbs us Fhe workshops cvered ed fnr flavoring, fragrance, the New Jersey Extension Home Economics Council. home heating safety when for preserving a"'1 '••• For further information using space heaters herb "•edicinal purposes on the Union <" ounI y £ x gardening, financ-il plann Paula Shinners. the riirec tension Home Economics ing and wardrobe plnt<"iMH tor of financial service with Program, please telepllon; <">d recycling Financial Bluepnnts. Inc. 'n Caroly> Y H<*aley, I ' " Or Joserh Ppp^ssa, the Florham Pqrk. spo t e on : housing and energr 'Cents' Ible Plans: I R A s Union ''ounlv Ext'" ' racialist ?' Cook College and Pensions." She stressed Hp'lenged p'MiciprnK i' Indivi'lua1 Rel:rerr"*nl Ac "Summertime in New remove the hot air frotn Jersey puts an extra burden around the engine block, on a car's cooling system," and helps cool the radiator An intensive one-day be held again at Brookdale fingerspelling. state Matthew J. Derham, - If this fails, pull off the seminar to provide informa Community College in Lin Traditionally, delivery of the president of the New road to a safe place, raise tion for health-care profes croft, on Thursday, Aug. services to handicapped Jersey Automobile Club of the hood and wait for the sionals who treat deaf or 12, according to the same people, including the deaf the American Automobile engine to cool. hearing-impaired patients schedule. - If steam isrising,you and hearing impaired, have Assn. will be conducted at Union "With temperatures soon probably have a radiator Participants, including been haphazard and comCollege, on Wednesday, physicians, nurses, pounded by needless bar expected to be in the high leak or a broken hose, and Aug. 11, from 8:30 a.m. to therapists, health techni- riers resulting from lack of 90's, the association has are in serious trouble. 5 p.m. cians and health-institution accurate information about prepared some recommen"If steam is rising, pull off "Patience is bittef. but its The special program will administrators, will learn disabilities and disabled peo- dations for preventive the road to a place of safety fruit is sweet." maintenance that can help and lift the hood," cautions methods of identifying hear- ple, according to Mrs. reduce the chance of your Mr. Derham. "Never try u ing loss, care of hearing- Forestal. impaired patients in the ofWith the Rehabilitation car's engine overheating remove the radiator cap of a fice or hospital and systems Act of 1973 and the Educa- this season." boiling radiator. The sud of effective health-care tion of All Handicapped - Reverse flush the den release of boiling liquid delivery. Interpreters will be Children Act, the federal radiator and engine-block could cause severe burns provided for hearing government has recognized cooling system to clean out Also, never add cold wate< impaired participants the urgency of remedying any sediment that may have to a hot engine. Wait unii collected as a result of cor the engine cools down <nr this situation, she said. The event will be spon pletely before filling •' rosion and scaling. sored jointly by Union Col Locally, Union College, • Check all connecting radiator with water " lege's Division of Continu ing Education, Brookdale the only college in New hoses for cracks. Jersey t o offer a n Community College's Com -Check the car's ther Rutgers lauds munity Services Dept. the interpreters-for-the deaf mostat. curriculum, has a program National Academy of - Tighten worn or loose Miss Dolansky Gallaudet College, and the leading to either a two-year belts for the fan, power New 'prspy A«n for the associate degree or to a one- steering and alternator A city scholar, Patricia I year certificate. In the fall Replace if worn. Deaf. Dolansky of 120LentzCt. of 1980, satellite programs Check the car's air received her masters degrw The faculty will include CUSTOM Eileen Forestal of New Pro were begun at Camden conditioning system. in library science recerr'v SLIPCOVERS, vidence, coordinator of the County College, Salem - Check the following from Rutgers University. Community Collge and Interpreters for the Deaf fluid levels: Radiator DRAPERIES Program at Union College; Brookdate Community Col- coolant, engine oil, powerand lege. Dr. Frank Carden, director steering fluid, brake fluid, sooner or later you'll get RE-UPHOLSTERY of mental health services for transmission fluid and rearosteoarth ritis. the wearCertificates will be the hearing impaired for the end lubrication. and-tear disease of joints. Guaranteed Workmanstate of New Jersey; George awarded for participation in If your car should The U.S. Silver depository The facts on how serious it is ship, 33 years experience, Karras, consultant for the the seminar. The registra- overheat, the association is at West Point, New York formerly of STEINand what can be done about tion fee of $40 will cover all BACH'S. Discounts for New Jersey Assn. of the it are outlined in a free bookrecommends: Senior Citizens. FREE Deaf and Connie H . materials and refreshments let. "So You Have Osteoar- If your're stopped in Shop atHoene Serrlce. PUBUC NOTICE Knight, co-ordinator for at the seminars. Registra- traffic, turn on the heater thritis" tion is requested. professional training proCall fan, put the transmission in For further information neutral and run the engine The Board of Education of the Cl grams at the National FOR MORE WALTER CANTER INFORMATION Academy of Gallaudet Col- on the seminar, please at a fast idle. This helps ty of Rahway, County of Union. State of New Jersey Invites sealoH CONTACT ARTHRITIS telephone the Division of lege. bids for fOUNOATrON 118 R o u l c 73 Continuing Education at Berlin. N e w Jersey 0 8 0 0 9 The all-day program, en- Union College at 276-2600, PUBUC NOTICE Sale of the following two (2) tit Jed " H e a l t h Care extension 206or 238. vehicles which have been decW-' Delivery for Deaf Patients," surplus . SHERIFFS SALE will include the following SHORTY'S 1970 Ford Van Ser. No.E CARPENTER topics: Deafness-the Lehigh cites SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW 31AHG74192 Disability versus the HanAUTO BODY , WOODWORKER JERSEY , 1971 Ford Wagon Ser. No. E dicap, Non-Verbal ComAndrew Kiegel ||REMODELING & REPAIRS CHANCERY DIVISION 37AHMO4424 Complete Auto Body & munication, the Deaf PaUNION COUNTY CUSTOM KITCHENS DOCKET NO. F4439-80 tient in the Health Care SetFenrkf Refnishing A Clark resident, An& BATHS Sealed bids will be received in the Business Office, Rahway Junior ting, Deafness, t h e drew T. Kiegel of 1150 DALU-GIACOBBE INVESTTHERMAL WINDOWS MENT CORP., A Corporation of , Pain! Specialist High School, Kline Place, Rahway, & DOORS Psychological Impact, Com- Forest Dr., was named to the State of New Jersey, Plaintiff N. J. until 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, CUSTOM munity Resources for the the dean's list for academic vs. RICHARD GEE, et als., biNttor August 10, 1982 prevailing time. . WOODWORKING Deaf Patient, practicum of achievement during the sprDefendant. Bids will be publicly opened and REASONABLE RATES CIVIL ACTION Case Studies, and classes in ing semester of this year at read aloud at the Business Office WRIT OF EXECUTION beginning 1 0 0 1 A . M . Note thai medical signs a n d Lehigh University . in CHAS F . CRAHT FOR SALE of MORTGAGED this legal notice supercedes any Bethlehem, Pa. MASTEHCRAFTSMAN PREMISES prior legal notice. Roiali SdwfieW 925-1418 County consumers get household tips Don't let engine overheat summer Seminar to reveal how to teach deaf 382-8713 Curtalnt-lintns-Yard Good* Fidorf Authorized Strvke 1411 Ros«Jk St., Ihden RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT DIAL-ASERVICE RAHWAY BOOK & GIFT SHOP 381-1770 •Hardcovers •Paperbacks •Bibles •Children's Books •Costume Jewelry •Precious Moments Figurines / •Gifts For / Petronella a n d Roger Venice and Mike Gonnella and George Schwenzer won over Alex Petronella and Joe Marolla. In the third flight Sam Deluca and George D'Aloia won over Phil Fleishaker and Arnie Brown; Tony Rala and Pat Murphy defeated Tony Cantalupo and William Clark; John Werbeck «nd Dr. Emil DeCesare beat Edward Kazor and Frank Greece and Walter FJey and Tom Cross look Tony DeStefano and Cam 'EslknaM r*qulr«d to ayillrm prkc* We Install Furnoce Humldlflera WOOD HEAT ""Lg.27 2 8 3 - 0 0 2 $ / FOBDS HOME WPHOVEMENTS SIDING-ROOFING STORM WINDOWS 8 DOORS LEADERS GUTTERS ALI trpts OF HOME IMPdOVEWfNTS f i l l ISTIMAII CALL FRANK 241-2309 738-8330 Master Craft*m«n SIDING taS TREATED DECKS ADD-A-LEVELS ADDITIONS W/FDN CUSTOM HOMES 2 M.«. IH.S8H.II IraStt * » . ImSO «.tt. SUPERIOR ON-TIME PERFORMANCE 54S-506S GENERAL CONTRACTOR MOM mm&wmm MTWMtlCK SID'S MIHKOOMS-HE WOW AMfitSON WMOOMTS 3S2-3609 Jo* TU«o COLOR MAGIC T.V. SERVICE & AIR COND. CENTER 388-1847 •QUASAR -PANASONIC •SONV 'SANYO •RCA 'SYIVANIA MON 9 11 SATURDAY 541-7966 ymm ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CO. 1.0^1 in •ZZZXtV. AHtf>*fPM •Dean •Wiadowi •Xwniags •Garage Boon •Carpentry •Pruii Wind«m E Doon •100% Bank Fiwncag It Qulified Buyers | (Rl 578 Rootavch Avenue, Cart«r*t, N.J. |Op«n Owllr * »P i U l . 9 to > !*•>• l k * n t W Qnd Fully Lwm
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