Document 6492704
Document 6492704
B2 QUESNa CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday. September 10, 2006 QUESNa CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, September 10, 2006 B3 THE Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! QiniElE! CZIBBEl Q3HIIBS • H B O QEISS! BBEICa SHQBgHjBBSg CO HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIRED AD Phone 992-2121 or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, BC m fylasterCard VISA accepted HOURS: Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday ..358 ..360 Snowplowing. .;...382 Tfavel 384 " DrntUsg _^;,...366 Yard A Cardan 368 RENTA14WM9? Apartmants 404 BadalOfSaitB , ; 488 Basement Salta .,..........i....-..i....412 AHHOUHCtWtWTSHB ' Annatnetimott 3 /tanhnrtailst 6 taiaa u,.......;. „,9 6t(tlidayt:«».4,».«;v..->.t' .•,»..*12 CJiareh.. ; .IS ConiiQEMuits— 19 Congralalattaiis .21 .Engagenwx/WetfdiBg 2« Bm«tOljBetonr..-...........;......27 la Maintiriain . ^ . . . i . ^ . . . . . . ' . . ; . ; . : .30 ObHsadet 33 •Itaaka 36 HftHft/Beaoty Pxitilin „ Sl«8»«>^ TMnlToni/tfataBaa \^ , JWMffEOIWHW W»Btrt ;CaUn«/CottaBe»:;....,............,..w.416 Coiranaretal....; Coadoa „ ,420 424 ..55 60 ' ForReatorSala. Kalls/Aadltorloms 432 438 -.70 Mtscallaneoas:.;....,.;..;.........;...444' MoUlaHonos 448 Hoda(ar Homaa .......452 Roonia.....,^......;*^...................456 Room&Boaid ..460 Sen]on/Retirem8nlAKom........;.;464 Sbarad Accommodation ;.....,.;..,..468 re 80 85 125 fcUHsw — I55i llpplltac«t...........................,..1B0 AitaAOaQs 185 ABCtkms, 170 BoIliUnB Hat>rials...:.i..;.....:,..;..175 c Codipatan .-.180; poiolgnfflants .-...185:., \ .Irifaafma .U........;....«..•;.. ^...lW)''' Hfwwod m ' Frafl||hn-a«nnF......^.i....-........::200 FninltsiB .;.,...;:.........;.;;..........205. Gange $alt>.»;....i»............:...210 6antan Eqviproenl.:......; .....215 t/lta»llaa«0Bt.....:,......:............220 Mntt—, 225' . Spmllng CoMla...........,...;.......;yOTO Ibrta :»5 tmit a Swp ..,...;........,.....,....240 ewplOYMEHTZSP-W Batlnm OppartunlUaa ...............254 ! Carfien 258. Oaytare .;...............262; Edoealloo ...286 • Help Wantad.......... .............270 Prafastlonal .........,;....i..;....:.i..274 8Un«dTradaa 278 Tbtorino 282 ' Voloniaan 288 WiltWtntad.................;.-.......2B0 ••• 5EnVlCR30MW itelMWUng 'J^VpSMWaa AaMMtIn BeffiSimtarvleaa Catmli* Canwotiy.,.,...,., CWMQara h CtMidng leuon 302 ....304 308 . 308 310 : ».,.„„.,.,312 ,' 314 318 ......;.8ia .320 .322 J24 1.326..; 328 Kai^nnaii ..^...v....«..»...'.....'......S30 v. Ham* |inpm«mMI......;.........i..3S2 . Kama Sappoit............'.,.........;..3S4 HwaStttlag 336 jQnwrtfuontt**.**f*,>.*.>t^8 - Janltailal ; 340 Uwisfaphig/Cardanlng 342 MaeblmAyeldlna 344 MltKanaaaon Senrttaa 346 Matte Lanoiu .....348 Painting .„.....'.......... 350 PavJng.....^.;....•*..*.**•" 352 : pbatdgrapfay .<^. ,...354 PInmblng... .7... ,358 1 S»«8»..; 3 AnnouiiceinenLsi 18 Coniinu Events THE QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Permanent caniers are required - for the following: : (Red Bluff, Sales Rd West& Roan) (Belcarra, Gook, Jay & Renyard) (Agate & Marble) (Hilbom) (Barlow, Callanan, Grey & Vaughan) Anyone interested in these routes please call Jaicey at 992-2121. BC High Tech Forestiy Tours discover adventure in the bush! The tour is a great way to entertain your visitors, a unique family reunion event or club outing, or an awesome team-biiilding day for staff. Call 992-1221, or visit 3 Announcements VOLUNTEER LEADERS NEEDED. Interested In developing group facilitation skills to share strategies for healthier living? The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) is recruiting volunteers to lead courses for people living with chronic health conditions. Free training/ongoing support provided. The free Volunteer Leader Training Workshop will be held in QUESNEL at the GR Baker Memorial Hospital (upper Board Room). THURSDAY. SEPT. 28 - SUNDAY, OCT. 1,2006from 9:30 am to 4 pm each day. Program is implemented by the University of Victoria, Centre on Aging with resources from Northem Health. See For more info and to reoister contact the Coordinator, Terry Caver on the toll-free line at 1-866-902-3767 or email tcayer@dccnet. com Registration is Limited so call now! Adopt a Shelter Cat! The BC SPCA cares for . thousands «f orphai^ and : abandoned cats each year. If you can give a homeless cat a second chance at happiness, please ycurlocal 8.>!e.te^'today.' BCSPCA ATTENTION All Cliibs, Groups and Oiyanisaations. Do you have an upcoming event? Use this space to promote and infonri the Quesnel readers. STARTS M O N . TtenlslActomnodatloo....;....„...,48a .TnndiQtnM.. ..484 ..488 Wantad to Rant.. Watttoas«a, .'. 492 / : RSU.EmTE5OT:5« AcraagtAi)tt, , 606 Caliliai/Cottagea S12 CombaTtiaiBosloatt.>.......;:.,.;...S18 .Commercial Propert)f.'.........,.......S24 Condoa : 630 Daplax/Foorplea ......;.v...-.....,;....S36 Faims/Rantbat .i.........,....:.......542 For Sale or Rent........... .......548 Honaaa..........,.../...................554 UliaaJiofe 680 Uo8llet.....;......:...;;....:.;..:....,.568 Modolar Homes 572 OpenHoase..;......;... ......;....678 Ont ot Town.... 584 RValtes......................,..:....,„590 TownlKurses;;.......;,;;.... ....596 . PET8/F/tnW 600-649 Boarding ..;........„........,..........8B8 FarmEqulpmanI ......612 FeedftSeed.......^...:........',.,.L:..ei8 Ffsll/Pmdiita/Meal 624 Hones 630 Uvestoek 630 Pel*. ..........;..642 Trallen. ...648 • IHDUSTBY 650-699 Eqnlpmant ;....;,.........680 lottglng/TImlier.......,;......e70 , Machinery 680 Mining ......690 BECftEAT10NAl7l>q-749 Boati/Martna ...........................715 Hoasaboatt.. 720 Ha<9rcyclat».,...; 725 730 BVa... |a«a(***«*t*«*l 735 Rentals .740 Snowmobllea...;: ,.745 Ttfade/Sanp AUTqMQTIVE7S0-7B9 . Canopies . . i . . . 760 Cara ...762 Classics....... i..768 Parts..;. ...774 8UV1a«4Jl4^ .........780 TruplB.;........,..,...... 786 Vans/Busas . . . i ...,.,..792 MQIC l E3ZO i]l EBSJU)9J{J9 Legal NoiIces........;........;.........8lS Tenders 830 iSSSBOSIS! EIIIDIEIIE3 BSOSiS]' E!@SG3!!S[S] U S M M S BISl^B E3[!SI3B BISBCa BISEIQ S5E3(!!I B S E ! GSSISQ 9 Births Vivian and her parents Matthew and Christina Wood are pleased to announce the arrival of "Uttie" sister Valerie Amanda 30 In Memoriam In loving memory of Allen Lorenz Nov. 18,1956- Sept. 11,2004 You'll never know how much we miss you, . but God knows best. He took away ybur pain and now you are at rest. For those of you who have a brother, • cherish him each day, . Cause you never know the heartache, 1 until he is taken away. Brian, Michael, Leanne & . Kathleen 65 Lost & Found FOUND: SET OF KEYS FOR GMC, HOUSE KEYS AND FUEL KEY. IDENTIFY ® THE QUESNELCARIBOO OBSERVER. Found on Grosz Rd In Southhills. Set of keys for Ford. Other keys on ring. Come to Carlboo Observer to Identify. 478 • z < .si S]B]B1(35E!Q3 &5EIS1EI EDHEl ^ ' ' &» BE3!!S CL!D WOOD Valerie was born on Saturday, August 26*, 2006, at 10:40 p.m. and weighed in at nine pounds, one ounce. Heartfelt thanks are extended to Dr. Graig, Dr. Raffard, Julie Gonzalez, RN BSN, the maternity ward nursing staff at Gariboo Memorial Hospital in "Williams Lake (especially Terri, Vivien, Brooke & Pam) and Kathy Wrath, RN BScN, for their parts in providing outstanding prenatal, delivery and post-delivery care of Christi and Valerie. 24 KiiuaiiementAVeddin t I I I I I I and A tour of local menrfiants that you can visit on the ivww.coirtractingbc.coni FLOOD, FIRE, SMOKE DAMAGE DAVCO WEIGHT SCALES wwWidougiaslakeequipmenicom DOUGLAS LAKE EQUIPMENT QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER To join the Website Directory, call Trina at 992-2121. wm OFF teg. ''''' "liptember 16^ 9:<D& ' K--b Tl'^'^uipnient along witiij] Marlene Comhs of and Paul & Donna Stevens of Vancouver would Uke toannou^^the engagement t 'r children rlene Combs to MiehaelJEdward Stevens, Wedding to take place inthe spring of2007jln^^uesneL^ 33 Obituaries SOFT LOFT QUILT BATT, OLFA CUTTING FIBRE FILL, BEAN BAG MATS, CUTTERS FILL & MICRO BEADS & BLADES Alllnstorestock 'Members BAA/ 9W70p^ IGLOO FLEECE PRINTS €(y/150cmReg.$21,98mm ^ -Members I 'Members CREATIONS DRAPERY COLLECTIONS HARDWAm BROOKLYN BROADCLOTH &mM5 4Syi15cmReg.$3.49m ^^0 S^gT/Q^ PANa THAOam mt^QfXf OBITUARY TRIBUTES Caral McCfYvgor are tfirlUecf to son Sexy brunette seeking generous gents. Quality & discretion assured. 991-6256 S51Vavel/ lours/ Vacation SKIfi(STAY at SUN PEAKS RESORTI Vacatioti rentals of new Condos & Chalets, 1-4 bedrooms, pull kitcheris, f/p, hot tubs, slope-side locations. 1800-811-4588 v. ' 155 Aiiti(|ues For all your Decor and gift ideas or just something for your self. Come and see us at: www.coun: trycreekdecorcom. We have something for everyone. FOR MORE INFORMAnON PLEASE C A L L u s A T VALLEY AUCTION LTD. 250-546-9420 903 Hwy. 97A to J e n n i f e r Daugfiter o f L a u r e n John and McRac Andrea. McRae ofAgABsiZfB.C. t0 take place in2007 To place an obituary tribute / V - " « - ^ — C ^ ^ please call 992-2121. wBoE^KVtI<K Obituary tributes are $45/single spot. $75/double spot and $l64/trlple spot and includes archiving on our Internet site. 175 Building iVlalerials Flooring Distributor Now Selling Direct! 8 & 12 ml Laminate, 200 choices from.. $.49sq/ft T unfin or pre fin Fir.,...$.99sq/lt 3 1/4" Exot c pre fin and Oak pre fin, manycholces.$1.99sq/ft Oak, Maple, Ash englneered,.....j $2.99sqm TONS MOREI 1-800-631-3342 200 l''ree (live Away Free give away, 3 bdrm. older trailer in good condition, to first person to take away 991 -0092 205 Kurnlture 220 iVIi.scellaneous For sale matching chesterfield & chair, good condition. $130 992-5292 Flooring Distributor Now Selling Directl Multi family garage sale @ 301 Sept. Moving Salel Everything must gol Tools, fumiture, garden tools, etc. 1357 Mountain Ash Rd. Sept 9th & 10th; 10am •Spm . • \ J^' ' Garage Salel 356 Tatchell Rd. Southills. 9am-4pm Sept. 9th & 10th; Moving Sale: 3852 Dale Lake Road. Friday Sept, 15th, Saturday 16th: 9am - 4pm. Sunday Sept. 17th 9am to 3pm. Fumiture, bikes, skates, antiques, household, toys, more. Multi farnilies Joining In different days, through oiit the weekend. Free Kittens, Striped, tabby, Large Multi family garage sale, orange & calico. Utter trained 249-5179 house hold items, toys, ladies clothes-size 18. Boys shirts Lg., Rug pieces. Urge macranne. Sept. 16th - 9am-3pm, 480 Fiege Rd., Southhills. 747-3157 Need Cash Fast? Boaow using your vehicle and keep driving It, or get a loan until payday No hassles, no credit checks, fast service. Cash Factory Loans - Money In MinutesI Located at 1219 Cariboo Hwy N. next to Crystal glass or call 992-7070 ^ I Owners & Auctioneers: Don & Peter Rattan I• Dennis Rd., 9am-3pm 9/06 Yellow Lab, found on Johnson Rd. Please contact the S.P.G.A. 992-7722 70 I'er.sonal.s , SffdfZON KTBL Independently owned and operated by the Roffan Family since 1963. Found Dog: Young adult male All stock including new fall arrivals All pkg. stockvolued to$12SBea.\ '^Members 170 Auctions 210 (laraye Sales Lost: power head and filter for a Craftsman shop vacuum on September 4, between the city dump and downtown. Call 747-1599 SEWING NOTIONS OBSERVER 24 lilnt^ajiement/Weddins Set of keys at 10 Mile Lake. Aug. 26th. If ^ound please call 747-0928 FASHION POLYESTERS, SUITINGS ^DENIRAS / $mart $pefl(ler$ $hop flr$t In ouir Cla$$if|ed Page$l Call 992*^2121 8 & 12 ml Laminate, 200 choices from .,...$.49sq/ft 7" unfin or pre fin Fir ..,.$.99sq/ft 3 1/4" Exotic pre fin and Oak pre fin, many cholces.$1.g9sq/ft Oak, Maple, Ash engineered $2.99sq/ft TONS MOREI 1-800-631-3342 VANCOUVER TICKET SERVICE Located in the Hampton Inn Hotel. Concerts, Sports. Elton John, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Mariah Carey, Killers, Paul Simon, Goo Goo Dolls, Bonnie Raitt, Roger Hodgson, Se^ ahawks, Canucks, Hotel accom available 1-800-920-0887. Electric 3 - wheel scooter, hardly used. Excellent condition. $1,800 obo. 747-3190 Sony DVD/CDA^Ideo CO player $15. Teiac stereo cassette deck $10. RCA CD,radio, 2 tape combo 2 speakers. $10,991-0178 Brother 576 Personal Plain-Paper fax machine with bullt-ln telephone and copier. 5 months old. Needs cartridge (approx $30) $65 992-7310 Large windows In frame $30, Large dresser $40.992-7810 For sale: Wall unit large $75. Coffee tables $15 each. Set of luggage 5 pieces $75. 747-3100 M QUESNa CAUBOO OKEKVEK QUESNEL OUUBOO OBSERVER Sunday, September 10, 2006 T THE Ph: 992-2121 Classifieds See your ads on-line! www.bcclassifiedxoin www.quesnelobserverxom 36 Thanks 254 • Opportunities Advertise your Business Opportunity Nationally to approximately 9 million households in North America's best suburbs by placr ing your classified ad in over 800 suburban newspapers just like this one. Call the Suburban Classified Advertising Network at 888-486-2466 Sign Business. Must sell. 2 vinyl cutters, computer, and programs, stock, good wilL Bucket truck. Ltd. Co.. and more Phone: 250-992-6848 Specialty Ski & Oiitdoor retail business, Established over thirty years. This i s a Share Sale. All inventories and fixed assets included. Quesnel Ski & Sports Ltd. Quesnel. B . C . Quesnel area part time. Profitable Weston's Franchise. Bread Business for sale. $45,000 Call Mike (250) 398-0221 or (250) 392-5691 Ph:992«2121 See your ads on-line! www.bccIassifie< 266 Education The Billy Barker Casino will be holding a free instructional course to train new Card Gaiiie Dealers, witti the intention of hiring the participants that successfully complete the course, subject to job availability. This course is limited to 8 people who demonstrate a professional image and are willing to devote their time and energy through the entire course. The commencement of the course will depend on when the capacity of participants is reached. •. Bring a resum6 to the Casino marked "Dealer Course" and you will be contacted. Darcey Horn Human Resources Director 262iDavcare T E N MILE m i K S P t S 4699 Ten Mile Lake Rd 5992-3623 Busy Beez Daycare in North Quesnel, has 2 full time spaces September Ist/p6.0ne spaces for 3-5 years, and one space for 6 years and o v e r , after school care, pick up from all elementary school buses. 992-5883 270 Help Wanted Needed in the Cleanvater area, Hooktender with hde experience as welL Fax info to 250-8040739. ISO Computers For A L L your C O M P U T E R & ELECTRIC N E E D S Come in &talk.i..our staff would bo pleased to help 1055 Hwy. 97 992-2875 220 Misccllancou.s Antique washstand with mirror $300. Staffordshire pitcher and basin $150 Washer.dryer.fndge, and stove $100 each. 3 sets glass shower doors $50 each. Pottery kick wheel with motor $350,992-0265 • Friendly and professionol service with over 40 years experience , Vocofionol Assessments ' Career Re-direction with ,' Stondordized Testing ' (Interest, Pefsonality '&;Apjriude Testing); One on One Job Seorcn T5,:nniques Career & Employment Consui'mg Piano T e a c l ^ good with chHdren, will teach at your home. For more info-Danielle 2 4 9 ^ 1 1 8 ALL SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE 153 Reid St. 992-7691 230 Sporting Goods ^ S P P ^ ^ Employment Services CanadS : T^a Govenbnem of Cinidi las cantrtbirted to ft^ m L-ex large adjustable hockey helmet with face mask. A s new $85. Ex-large shoulder pads, elbow, shin guards & hockey pants, socks. G o o d condition. $95 for all 992-5030 J a i f i e s & Sons The Right Products The Right People •TTIE RIGHT CHOICE" 254 Business Opportunities Well Established Industrial Supply, Located in Quesnel B.C. Land, Buildings, Inventory and Equipment. Many Protected Unes. Apply to Box J c/o Quesnel Canboo Observer, 188 Carson Ave.. Quesnel, BC V 2 J 2A8. NET UP to $2800 per month Safe. S e c u r e - n o selling. Proven cash flow. Tum-key setup. Minimum Investmerrt $16,800. Free Info 1 -800-321-6126. Established Panago Franchise Resale Opportunity now available in Smithers, BC. Join a Proven Market l e a d e r with C a nada's Premiere Take Out & Home Delivery Pizza Franchise. Call 250-847-5392A3ebbie. Dental Employment agency, established 1997, Vancduver Island. Be your own boss. Market leader, established client/employee base. Low overtiead. Home based portable 1-250-753-1008. TEST DRIVE Valid Manufacturing Ltd. is seeking energetic, detail-oriented applicants for the position of Buyer/Purchaser to worit in our team oriented-progressive e n vironmenL Competitive salary, benefits and our company pension plan complernent a positive work environment where your ideais and contributions count. To be, considered, you must bis computer literate, well organized and able to multi-task. Entry and mid-level candidates will be considered, with preference for those with previous experience. Please send resumes to: Valid Manufacturing Ltd.. 5320B-48th Ave. S.E., Salmon Arm, B C V I E 1X2. Fax:(250)832-7746. Unique opponunity to ovun and operate a 2004 Pata with zero dowti You must tiave a minirnum ONB YEAR flat deck highway experience aole and willing to run CANADA / U S A and possess good references • Steve Of Andre (800)6630099 25<S Careers CALLTHE OBSERVER to book your Ba Blanket Classified Do you want a H e a l t h Care Career? 270 Help Wanted UTILrrV FORESTRY INSPECTIONS - Davey Resource Group, Div. of Davey Tree. Kamloops/Southem interior. B C region. Working with and assisting Forester inspecting vegetation on utility ROW. Extensive travel in southern interior B C . Experience in forestry or related field valuable. Excellent driving record a must. FullTime, Excellent compensation, fuli benefits pkg. -•: Send resume to: Ian Scott, iscott@daveycom <mailto:> ! rCertlfied Mechanlctieeded:im*"^ mediately in Sicamous. Salary negotiable. Unifomi supplied and medical benefits available. Please fax to: 250-836-2352. ? AMATA TRANSITION HOUSE The Amata Transition House, a Feminist Collective utilizing the concensus , decision-making process, is seeking a CASUAL SUPPORT WORKER to do relief work. This is a Hospital Employees Union Position. QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE The successful applicant should have: • 1-2 yeans experience working Iri a Transition House, or equivalent experience. ^ • Ability to work independently, with little supen/ision, under the direction of the Poard of Directors. • Social Service Foundation Certificate or Transition House Modules 1-5 Certificate or equivalent • Good communication, counseling and crisis intervention skills; knowledge and understanding of the dynamics. Interventions and treatment involved in violence against women; and experience wori<ing in a team environment and residential setting. Please phone 992-7321 to pick up an application package. Completed packages, Including enclosures, resume and cover letter should be dropped off at Amata by 5:00 pm on the closing date of September 24,2006 (Saturday). We offer Certificate training programs; M E D I C A L TRANSCRIPTIONIST (Work from home,flexibletfoiirs) P H A R M A C Y TECHNICIAN RESIDENT C A R E AIDE 1-877-840-0888 Sunday, September 10, 2006 85 vvww.quesnelobservencom 270 Help Wanted GENERAL MANAGER - COMMUNITY GAMING CENTRE. We are currently recmiting for a General Manager a t a senior management level for the new Community Gaming Centre being constmcted in Duncan, B C . Duties: The successful applicant will be responsible for the overall management of all gaming departments, including Bingo, Slot and Cage staff operations, Including jackpot payments, validation and redemption of gaming vouchers, and completion of required reports to comply with the Criminal Code of Canada Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act/Regulations, and the B C Lottery Corporation (BCLC). policies and procedures. You will monitor staffing levels to ensure they are maintained to provide prompt, courteous customer service to assure guests have an enjoyable gaming experience. You will ensure the safety and security of employees and guests. Qualifibations: Must be able to obtain a Gaming Licence from the Gaming Policy Enforcement Branch (GPEB) of the provincial Government and be able to pass a background check. Must possess knowledge of basic accounting procedures and principles so as to prepare and/or review, as required, all accounting surnmary and audit reports as required by managerifient. B C L C arid G P E B . Professional attitude and appearance with strong interpersonal skills - a proven team leader Reply in confidence by September 15. 2006 to: Competition #06DDBS-1. c/o Hill & Partners. 372 Coronation Street. Duncan. B C . V9L 2T3. or by email to: . RESIDENT Gardener/Caretaker required for country property near Victoria, sfuccessful applicants should tpe non-smoking, good with pets and have d e a n drivers license. Accommodation is in building separate from main residence. This is an Ideal opportunity for a dedicated, knowledgeable and trustworthy person. References required. M replies will be answered. Box #348 bcclassifieds. 818 Broughton Street. Victoria, B C V 8 W 1E4. RADIATOR REPAIRMEN needed for full time year round employment in new State ofthe art shop in Kelowna, B C . Competitive wages. For more info call 250-860-6818 or email Designs & Decor offers personalized Decorating & Staging services to suit every taste and budget. Whether you are building, renovating, or moving call Cristy to get the most from your home! Residential & Commercial CRISTY BRUCE I.O.D.P..A.S.P. Email: Ph; 983-5421 QUESNEL YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCiAnON EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Quesnel Youth Soccer Association is seeking a qualified individual with exceptional leadership, communication, and organizational skills to fill the newly created position of Executive Director Witfi the recent construction of a new indoor sport field complex in Quesnel, managed under a license of occupation with the City of Quesnel, the activities of the organization have increased significantly with soccer becoming a year round activity for youth in Quesnel. The Association is seeking an experienced individual to direct the activities of the Association and to manage, operate, and market this new community facility. The Executive Director will be resppnsible for the day-to-day operations of the Association, shall propose policy direction to the Board and shall work closely with the Board of Directors to achieve the goals and objectives of the Association. The Executive Director shall be responsible for the creation of strategic and financial plans; organizational development and supervision of Association staff and contractors. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: A college or university degree, diploma, or a combination of experience, training, and education equivalent to a degree or diploma. Excellent knowledge of computer applications (including Microsoft Office). Previous experience in a management or supervisory role, preferably with a non profit organization, Is an asset. Previous experience fundraising and marketing for a non-profit organization Is an asset. Previous experience developing strategic and financial plans, preferably with a non profit organization, is an asset. Ability to convey Ideas and Information effectively in both written and oral communications. Previous experience or knowledge of soccer programs Is an asset. If you satisfy the above requirements, please submit a cover letter, stating salary expectations, and a resume by October 13, 2006 to Quesnel Youth Soccer Association, P.O. Box 4564, Quesnel, BG, V2J 3J8 or by email to qysaOquesnelbc. com. This position Is available to both male and female applicants. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. OUESNEL LAWN BOWUNG (West Fraser Tinnber Park) "The Sport for AIL, ( The Sport for Ufe" - very sociable - family oriented - comnnunity based sport - easy to learn - affordable • group activities is available. New Players Welcome Come alone or bring a frienji CALL Helene 747-1872 Gladys 991-0040 Dorothy 747-1323 Sponsoredby:,ca 371 Reld St. 992-8084 B6 QUESNa CASffOOOKOrva Sunday, September 10,2006 QUESNa CARIBOO OBSERVER Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! Siffiaii & Ncssia InDs evoyooo to OM nuHirsRBr BARBBtft sraiNc Heavy Duty Mechanic. Campbell River logging company has a fulltime opening for joumeyman HD Mechanic. Must have experience on coastal equipment Year rourid Union opierat o n . Fax resume to: 250-2879259. Rapidly growing Building and Hardware Supply Store located in the sunny North Okanagan requires an experienced full-time retail paint salesperson. Must be physically fit. wages based on experience. Please mail resume to Central Hardware Ltd., P C Box 159. Eriderby, B C VOE 1VO or fax to 250-838-6090. 992-9135 (ll[W PafWng in tmit &rearof / Bufldlnti - Back of the PackP 1 270 Help Wanted HAVEYOUR /nv H E A V Y EQUIPMENT Training. Excavator, Grader, Dozer. Loader Oil field tickets, industry recognized. Full-size equipment,. Class 1. Job placement. N o comparison, w w w . i h e s c h o o l . com • • • 1-866-399-3853, 250-766-3853. JUMP START your truck with exceptionaJ revenue, great benefits and a $3000. Signing Bonus! A s far as we know, we pay Class 1 - longhaul flatdeck operators the highest rates in the business mnning C a nada & 48 US states! Call Steve or Andre 1-800-663-0099. Rapidly Growing Building a n d Hardware Supply Store located in the sunny North Okanagan requires a n experienced counterpersbn. Knowledge of plumbing/electrical and lumber a definite asset Please mail resume to Central Hardware Ltd.. P O Box 159. Enderby, B C VOE 1 VO or fax to 250-838-6090. Scotch Creek (Shuswap Lake) Super Valu & E s s o accepting resumes for part-time/full-time positions. Bakery Assistant, Baker, Deli Clerk. Cashiers. G a s station attendant Please fax resume (250)955-2132. MOTORCYCLE Sullivan Motor Ih^ducts Ltd. SERVICED TDDAYj Brian Currv PHONE DISCONNECTED? LOWEST HOOK U P RATES. NO REFUSALS. EVERYONE APPROVED. CALL TODAY TOLL F R E E 1-877-852-1122 PROTEL RECONNECT R o b i n s Donuts: requires front counter person. Cashier experience. Customer friendly. Drop off resume in moming © 6 2 6 Front Street. Janitor required for pemianent part time. Short eariy moming shifts 3-4 days per week plus week end reliet Suitable for a college student Experience prefen-ed. but will train. Fax resume to 747-0689 L o o k i n g f o r permanent - part time Certified Dental Assistant. pleas;e fonvard resume to Box D c/o The Quesnel Cariboo O b server. 188 Carson Ave.. Quesnel B.C. V 2 J 2A8. CDA, part-time 2 - 3 days a week. Family practice. Drop resume © 1 2 1 N. 1st ave.. Williams Lake or fax to 250-3988633 Dog Groomer wanted must have certificate and own equipment. Apply in person with resume © 2741 Gook R d . .— — — • . — ; v /—• • Part/Full time Sales Associates. Must b e 18 yrs o r older. No experience necessary. Apply in person © The Source in the M a ple Pari< Mall. Central interior Mapping Co. Ltd. is looking for field assistants and/or Forestry technicians. The field assistant is a n entry level position for which training is provided. These are full time positions. Please fax resume with cover letter to 992-6891 or mail to 535 N. Fraser Dr.. Quesnel B.C. V2J 1Z2. GM Experienced Driver Wanted The Quesnel Cariboo Observer is currently looking for a contract driver tG^d(eliver catalogues; for one of our customers. Please apply in person to our circulation department Please send resumes to: Attn: Service Manager •Verticle Blinds • Horizontal Blinds •Wood Blinds • and many more Sullivan Motor Products P.O. Box 478, Houston, B.C. VOJ 1Z0 Fax: 250 845 2524 •Ph. 250 845 2244 Toll Free 1 800 665 3151 -fl for a free estimate call: U60 DRAPERY & BUNDS Bus:991-7985 Cell: 983-9047 or 983-9595 OBSERVER SULLIVAIM 188 Carson Ave. Ques Motor Products Ltd. Ke^WMtH TbCaocr SUCCESS Helping you with all your employment needs WORK •hi "Your Connection to Emplopent" • Job Board updated daily covering all of western Canada • Computers for resumes and Internet • Phone, Faxing and Photocopying • Resource Library • Community Information and Referral Officer •Workshops and Presentations • Client Assistance Officer • Telephone and l\/Iessage Board #101-242 Held St. (beside Savalas) For more information 991-5111 1 pmrmi CONNECTIONS CQtC?} Canada Ths Government ol Canada has ^^tributed^ndlno to Ifilshjitiatlve. COUPlfS Mon. - Fri. 9 am-4:30 pm H2S Alive in WtUiams Lake September 14th. or 1-877-220-4073 for info and registration. • • 1 • ~ t«< I « r « • T Westcan is Canada's leader in bulk transportation. We're pioud 61 our 40 year history Ixiilt on safely, a commitment to on-linie delivery and excellent customer service. If 8 our dedication to upholding this tradition that keeps Westcan drivingforexcellence, PROFESSIONALTRUCK DRIVERS We require prolessk>nal drivers in Kamloops to haul dry built arw liquid products. .•; THE POSmON OFFERS: $55,0(X«5,00(Vyr with the opportunity to eam more Comprehensive benefit package Including dental, medk^,fileInsurance, salety and year end bonus, scholarship fund and profit shar. Ing- THEPOSmONREOUIBES: • Minimum ofl year-7 Of 8 axle experience • 3 year acckJenl free driving record • Pr»«mployinent medka) and substance testir^ requited. • Please submit your resume to: • •, ..RuwClese 965 McUaster Way Kamloops, BCV2C6K2 Fax:(»0)37«-7107 f^imSi ZSSIBydnoi&eBd. HunteriloJugll^ Blinds o i l iF-ieId T r d i h i i i g Please apply with cunent abstract and quote Competition tOUK^SOIBP. , Second and Third Year /Apprentices. 17 270 Help Wanted is accepting resumes for eunvBeiiaUs Sunday, September 10, 2006 NENQAYNI WELLNESS CENTRE www.westcanbulktrans) •Committed to the Principles of Employment Equiy D o g G r o o m e r wanted: most be reliable, good with pets, part or full time position aveiilable. Please send resume to t)ox U c/o Quesnel Cariboo Observer, 1 8 8 C a i ^ n A v e , Quesnel, B.C. V2J2A8 Experienced, energetic, positive, honest staff needed by busy variety store. Apply in person with resume and handwritten covering letter, including retail merchandising/and cash handling experience, to Sharon at Dollar Dollar. 424 Reid Street. Required immedltitely for woric in Quesnel. Qualified carpenter, experienced in framing and construction of steel roof. Salary based on experience. Call Bob 250-962-9218 Waitress wanted: prefer 18 or older. Apply with resume in person to the Dragon Gate Restaurant 2349 Hydraulic R d . CDA, 1 full-time and part time 2 3 days a week. Family practice. Drop resume © 1 2 1 N. 1st Ave. ' Williams Lake or fax to 250-3988633 Join AVON today. Receivefreeproducts, plus a chance to win a 42" Plasma TV. If you start your AVON business between Sept. 1st- Sept. 30th (Limited time offer) Northstar Lumber, a Division of West Fraser Mills Ltd., is cun-ently accepting applications for entry level positions. Preference will be given to individuals with current Level 3 First Aid and Planer Grading certification. Resumes should be submitted to: Human Resources PO Box 4400 Quesnel, B.C. V2J3J4 • with training and experience. Ideally, the successful candidate will be of aboriginal Have you ever thought of starting your own business? If you're unemployed, you may be able to access the Self Employment Benefits Program. Benefits of this Program Include: • Assistance from a Certified and Pedloated Business Counsellor with assessing your business idea, . developing your business plan and helping you get your business off the ground. descent, with at least two years of related experience • Ongoing support while your business continues to run. and a Class 4 driver's licence (required to cohiplete • Access to relevant resource materials. probationary period). Nenqayhi is an equal opportunity • VVeekly financial assistance to help you cover living costs while your business gets up and running. employer providing a non smoking environment. Reliable transportation is required. Deadline for submissions is September 15, 2006. To be considered, please send your resume along with a covering letter and three references to Nenqayni If you already know you want to work for yourself or Just want to look further Into self employment as a career option, please call Marc St, Laurent (APEC Certified Business Counsellor) at 991-5132 to take the next step. Wellness Centre, Athi: Jim Chomey, PO Box 2529, Williams Lake, BC, V 2 G 4P2 or by fax: 250-989-0307 or email: jchomey(^ Oetaliing - cail for appointment 747-0051 Apply with resume: 263 Bariow Aye,, Quesnel, BC No phone calls, please!! 1.800.321.1433 274 Piore.s.sional SAW REPAIR Class 1 Driver Required Immediately Must have Super bee or Tridem flat deck experience. B C and Alberta. Dedicated Tractors. Home weekends. Benefit package. Competitive wages. $500.00 Sign on Bonus. Full time woric. Fax resume and abstract to 250-374-1677. 278 Skilled Trades complete Bandsan & Round San sales & Service & Sharpening EVERYTHING'' • Carpentry Saws & Tools -• Household Saws & Tools > Cari}ide Service • Knife Grinding • Mill Supplies • Lubricants 2680 Campbell Cres. (industrial Park - end of road) 992-9119 ; igSiSiiirininiiM BETTS ELECTRIC LTD. Penticton h a s the following job openings: Foreman (FSR-B) Rossland and Salmon A n n , Serviceman (FSR-B) Penticton, Journeyman-Commercial Project Westbank. Fax resume to: 250492-3343 or email: info@betts. b c c a .. The "Tftfl Sharpest Deals Ibvuni' O R T M inrni II .'• J J i i P L I I n r i j i T f tT-- NOATHIRN INTERIOR WINDOWS Free Estimates Vinyl & Wood Framed Windows MadetoOrder WE DO WINDSHIELDS PARTNERSHIP FREE: Pickup & Delivery / Wash & Vac We will do ALL the papenvorki is now accepting resumes for: Fall Uft, Cold Storage labour positions. ^^SrS^Sbi?**' Location: Quesnel, BC Glass £XP/?£SS The successful candidates will be: -Dependable -Physically fit ; - Willing to vyori< long hours, weekends, and evenings if required Take It Personally Successful applicants can expect up to ten weeks of full time employment between October and December Please submit resumes to: Personal Pizza & Soft Drink Pen $ M QUESNEL 263 Barlow Ave. a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. youth, families and communities in a safe and secure night supervision of youth clients. Wages commensurate AUTOMATIC CAR WASH Apply with resume: 263 Bariow Ave.. Quesnel. BC No phone calls, pleasel! WestPine MDF providing holistic healing to First Nation and Inuit that involves a full range of custodial duties and over • Spot-Free Rinse • The closing dat0 for applications November 10,2006. A residential alcohol and drug treatn)(ent centre nights in our Youth Program. This is a full tiine position Part time 10-20 hours/week and full time 25-40 hours/week. . Chicsnel South SEVEN BAYS BRIGHT & CLEAN Food Safe preferred. Will tram. Starting at $8.00/hour depending on experience. Benefits available. The SllvaGro Partnership 275 Lear Road • Quesnel, BC V2J 3J5 • Fax: (250)992-6106 Employment Opportunity Custodian custodian with excellent communication skills to work Panago needs a team member for deliveries and in-store duties. Will need own reliable vehicle and valid driver's license. A great attitude and customer sen/ice skills translate into great tips. $8.00/hour plus gas allowance. Benefits available. Jiostisstar Liiinber A division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. ZIZ Juniper Rd. Panago Pizza is looking for fulltime and part-time cooks. Must be able to mrk in a challenging, fast-paced environment. Got wheels? Are you versatile and like talking to people? CALL MARION 747-1746 environment. We are currently seeking an experienced Panago Pizza Panago Pizza Premier Pina, Priile anil Perks 1^1Tho Oovemmeni of Canada hat conlrlbutod funding lo Ihia Inlllallvo. Clerical Position WestPine MDF a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd, located In Quesnel, BC, Is accepting resumes from qualified Individuals for a temporary position, perhaps woridng Into full time. Qualifications: • Grade 12 • Knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Wool • Switchboard experience an asset ••ft* PROBLEM GAMBLING SERVICES We offer F R E E confidential counselling for problem gamblers and their families. aesuines win be acceptea until September 15,2006 and should be fon/ardetl to: mWalMff c/oWestPlnoMDF 300 Carradice Road Quesnel, BC VZJ SZ7 or fax to: AttonttoK Jim Waldrlff • Fax No: (250) 991-711S 310-0001 .Funded by Ministry , ot Public Saroty& Solicitor Qoneral #223-543 Front Street GR Baker Hospital (250)992-8021 or (250) 255-0083 (cell) . GR HAI<l:F{ M H M O K I A L IlOSPI PAL 99'2-8021 m thank all applicantsfyrtheir Interest however, only those selected for an InteMew will be contacted. QUESNU CARIBOO OBSERVER QUESNa CARIBOO OBSERVER BS The Local Experts^"^ m 278 Skilled Ti-adcj IflBfCClC mm '25 years expenence B.C. Certified" Certified Electrician " Ceramic T i l ^ ^ H a ^ l ^ ^ * C j j ^ | ; L i n o Roof^Cov^ring & R a i l i n g s ^ ' ' 111 North F r a s e r D r • ': FULL BENEFITS, t o p w a g e s for top p e r f o r m e r s ! Vancouver Island's largest roofing c o n t r a c tor n e e d s L a b o r e r s , A p p r e n t i c e s , J o u r n e y m e n . S h e e t Metal W o r k e r s ; a n d Flat R o o f e r s i m m e diately in Victoria, B C . C o n t a c t Parker. J o h n s t o n L t d . 2 5 0 - 3 8 2 9181. Free Estimates' ,' Sunday, September 10, 2 0 0 6 B9 Sunday, September 10, 2 0 0 6 992-1129 Committed t o t h e higtiest / stewardship ' largest a n d community integrated forest standards o f safety, environmental service. C a n f o r is o n e of C a n a d a ' s products companies with operations /HcCAttif 747-1144 Cell 992-0031 290 Work Wanted Full Service b o o k k e e p i n g . A / P , Payroll, remitt. prep, S e t u p a n d maintain all small business records. 992-2624 992-8082 992-2676 Cell 983-3249 A/R, etc. / your 250- 747-0219 Ceil 992-0146 747-7479 Cell991-9474 throughout B Ca n d Alberta. W e a r e s e e k i n g a highly m o t i v a t e d t r a d e s p e r s o n to join t h e t e a m at o u r I s l e P i e r r e facility, w t i i c h c o n s i s t s o f a s a w m i l l a n d p l a n e r m i l l and is located 40km west of Prince G e o r g e . trnTerkctfaUMT Wags & W h i s k e r s pet c a r e . L o v ing c a r e for y o u r b e s t friend. P e t sitting, walking & m o r e . P l e a s e call 7 4 7 - 2 5 7 7 In a d d i t i o n t o s a w m i l l e x p e r i e n c e , y o u h a v e : • a s t r o n g b a c k g r o u n d #7149 - L A R G E COUNTRY H O M E - very well in built With 2x6 walls & large rooms. 18.24 PLCs • a thorough knowledge of the lumber manufacturing p r o c e s s • g o o d i n t e r p e r s o n a l a n d a n a l y t i c a l s k i l l s " t h e ability t o Ter&tmal Cairndtatutm^ on interiors exterior decorating. Phone Carnii at Ronaforappointment. i We offer a competitive houriy rate a n d benefits applicants f o r their interest s e l e c t e d for a n interview in C a n f o r ; however, only will b e c o n t a c t e d . P l e a s e f o r w a r d The How To People Canadian Forest Products Ltd. CAISFl^R Isle Pierre 111 CENTRAL VAC SYSTEMS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL WIRING Bags •Hoses w ww Canisters • Uprighls • Commercial Luna Women's Wellness Clinic EDSON m 4 bdrm house in Uplands. 521 Pierce Cres. Sundeck, shed, fridge, stove incl., fenced yard. Available Immed. References required. $750.00/mo. You wilt monitor ind control field and plant operations, as well as monitor and OjDerate plant equipment in a safe and efficient manner. Preparing equipment for maintenance, maintaining processing reliability and optimizing production volumes will be among your key responsibilities. You will be expected to provide relief for other.operators as required. STOP SMOKING COUNSELLING By appointment Pre-booked child minding available Individual councelling availatjle by appointment 4 driveway & a shallow well. Approx. 6 miles from town. Asking $38,000. Call Archie 992-8818. MOOO - EXCLUSIVE USTING ^ on 200 acres with approx. 1 mile of Quesnel Riverfrontage. «7236 - SOUTHI SOtnW - Cozy 2 bdrni. home with In the Likely area of B.C. and used to be a many upgrades! Kitchen; bath, flooring, windoyre and more, all on 19.80 acres. Fenced, ponds, ranch many years ago. Asking $200,000. bam, shop, cdnrals & outbuildings. $179,000. Call Call Archie today 992-8818. Eleanor today for your chance to V'ew! 983-3249. #7278-RENOVATIONS - and ready to move in. 4 #7262 - COMFORTABLE - 3 bdrni. rancher on bdrni. home, huge family rec/mi, new laminate in excellent .8. acre property near Bouchie Lake mst & liv/rm. New NG furnace & HW tank^ Vinyl school. Lote of updates. Great open floor plan. windows, doors, siding, bay window, front deck Single 15x23 gge. floor. Garden & greenhouse. & railings, back patio. Includes workshop & RV pari<ing in back. $149,900. Call Arlene for more 100 amp service. Pleasure to show. Only $109,900. CaliGlnnie to view! 991-9474. nto 991-6318. #7248 r PRIME QUESNEL BUSINESS m i 6 - GET AWAY mOM THE RAT RACEI - Make a # 6 7 6 3 - S E L L E R S M O T I V A T E D H W E L L K N O W N LOCATION - Ready for a variety of business good llving.yvithout the hassels of the Cltyl Store, cafe, as the V A U G H A N H O U S E ' was a fine dining older home, 3 bdmis: and a 2 bdrm. suite In ventures. 5500 s/f building with 700 s/f laiindromit, rental cabins. Numerous outbldgs., fuel restaurant, owners retired, beautifully restored ifuVbasement. 1440 s/f. Asking $159,000. mezzanine or office. Call Eleanor today to sales, showers & more! Satellte system. Great visibility 4600 s/f plus outdoor patio, 2 storey + basement, & access for tourists & locals alike. Near all recreation- quality character bldg., circa 1920's. Best location in ci^, across from Casino. Reduced again Call Archie today for your chance to view. view! 992-2676 983-3249. $200,000; al pursults.-Hiiriting,^shififl,^steddingto4iainea4e»i. $259.90qrCairG1nmet)unnWebl)^50-99t^4747 992-8818. REDUCED BY $ 1 M , 0 0 0 . NOW $450,000. Call Ariene #6889 - LOVaV CHARACTER HOME - in popuGunderson for Irif^. Vendor will look at trades! «6744 - NEW SUBDIVISION - View of golf lar subdivision close to downtown, parte, school. Updates Ihd/bak kitcheii cabinets, laminate floor- «6975 - INVESTMENT/HOLDING PROPERTY - or course. Mobilesmust be '95 or newer, not Call With residential, lots and strata-lots. Ail utilities ready to hook, Into, ing, some Windows, patio drs, roofing. Two sets of possibly a starter honie! Cozy 2 bedroom home in nicely landscaped, paved roads, close to commercial listings. stairs lead to the upper floor to 3 bdmis, 1/2 bath town. Newer roofing, fenced backyard. S/F incl. in school and shopping. Starting at $30,500. Call on main, NG fp!. In liv/nn. $114,900. Call Eleanor. sale price of $59,000. Call Arlene Gunderson. Ginnie Dunn Webb for more Info! 992-8818 area, walkto town, close to riverwalk. Solid TSUI Stan JlttftAtn. jAtoda 992-1501 Cell 983-9522 StopSmoking ProgramforWomen Don't bum on, poor air-quality days. Your woodsmokewili add significantly to the problem, particularly on d^ysof atmospheric inversions and still winds. Petro-Canada offers a very attractive total compensation and benefit package. Salaiy administration will be dependent on the skill level and experience of tho successful candidate. If your qualifications fit this opportunity, please send your resume, quoting the appropriate job number by September 15,2006, to: S0pt21 Nov f6^ ThursdaysilOAMto NOON at the North Cariboo Ajboriganal Famiiy Program Society .1.: Petro-Canada Employment Coordinator Fax:(403)296-6677 Apply online at: iSurO Call 992-9160 NniiiH.-. s n i o N C for more Info -SM'-Kto' mil , Jlegister 992-8472 • 690 McLean Street Thursday 12-4 pm Email: Please quote Job title and number In subject line The Quesnel Women's Resource Centre PEntaouwDA * We thank all Bppllconta for their Interest In Pefro-CanBda; however, only those considered for an Interview will bo contacted.Your application to this posting Is deemed to t>e consent to tho collectkJo. use and necessary cBaclosuB of personal Intbmurtloo for the p u r p ^ Potn><ktfiada respects the privacy of all applicants and tho confldentlallty of personal Infonpatlon end we will retain this Information for a period of 1 year. t / A messagefromthe BRITISH COLUMBIA LUNOASSOGIAnON #7261 - GREAT FAMILY HOME - Extra targe family rooms w/rec rooms. Spacious w/room for everyone. Gr^at sundeck off dining room to fenced baclQ'ard. Close to schools, parks & shopping. Updated flooring. Fully finished bsmt. w/OSBE. F/S Incl. Call Lome to view this home © 9 9 2 - 0 1 4 6 . #7263 - LOOK ALL THE WAY TO THE CARIBOO MmiNTAlNS - Totally refitted mobile in 2001, panellinp, elec, plumbing, siding, flooring, 10x10 deck overlooking valley, several outbuildings. Vendor may carry portion. $74,900. Call Lome today 992-0146. #7239 - 2 H0MES - and a converted barn with suite, ali on 6.47 acres...|ust minutes from town. Has great income potential. 2 titles. Call Lome today for your chance to view. 992-0146. $185,900. Stu 747-3619 992-8818 255-0473 #7281 - NORTH Q U E S N a - Energy evaluation by G o v ' t Energuide Program rates efficiency same as typical new house. Oak kitchen., New carpet living room 8( master bedroom. New NG fumace. Pellet stove In,main floor rec/nn. 2 bedroom, 1300 s/f home in North Quesnel. $99,900. Call Ginnie 991-9474. • wma - VALUE PLUSI Make sure you take a look at this comfortable family home In Uplands! Price Incl. F/S, W&D/ Bl tJw & window coverings, deck, nev/ WW In mst. bdrm, new lino In bath, 2 baths, 4 bdrms. total. Lge. rec/rm in full daylight bsmt. Private quiet back yard, oreenhouse. Lots of house here, REOUCED $97,500. Call Stan to view, , #7283 -1857 CYPRESS RD. • Ronovations Galore! Bright, clean, now paint & lots ol flooring. Groat location, close to schools. 3/2 bdrm. + 2 balhs, sunny kitctien, now vinyl siding, covered deck oft din/rm. Yard Is landscaped w/fruit trees. Great area, close to shopping, quiot residential area. Priced at $164,900. Call Bill today. POUimOHFROM YOUR WOODSTOVE: «7259 - 3 BEDROOM HOME - W/a 2 bdrm. mortgage helper, close to schools & shopping. Newer hot water tank & fumace. Sellers eager & very motivated to move; Incl. 2 fridges & stoves. Call Lome today for your chance to view 992-0146. $95,000. a lagoon, driveway, power with transformer, 250-552-9148 You have an interprovincial 2nd Class Power Engineering certificate and at least 8 to 10 years of relevant experience In a sour gas plant. / Preference will be given to those who have, or are cun-ently working towards a 1st Class Power Engineering certificate. Experience operating DCS control systems (Provox/Provue) Is required. You are a self-starter who Is able to work effectively as part of a team. You will be required to work a 12-hour rotating shift. No appointment necessary In collabdratloa with Health Canada & Northern Health n f #7254 - PRIVATE - 3.42 ac. hobby farm w/quality home. 1373 s/f on main & full fin. bsmt. Situated oh 3.42 acres, beautiful private setting, inside 4 bdrms, 3 baths & 2 ensuites, oak kitchen hdwd. floors, new carpets! Bam w/loft & storage shed. $220,000. Call 991-9474. PLANT OPERATORS, HANLAN ROBB #688A TRAINED NURSES PROVIDE PAP SMEARS, (assistance with) SELF BREAST EXAMS, STD & PREGNANCY TESTING It It ^« 440 lor lent i The Hanlan plant is located 75'l«nfSoidh^^ of Bisoh, Alberta. The facility is designed fo proe^,#ptoxinnatel^jjl2,poo dams/day of gas and consists of sour and s w e j ^ ^ ^ j } r C K » % t g Includes a sulfur plant capable of ppadupbig it^W^sifof sulfur. Equipment operated Includes refrigeratlonT^rinasweatenrng, sulfur recovery unit, power boilers, steam turbine, electric drivers, compressors and pumps. The staffing center for Hanlan Robb Is Edson, an attractive growing community of 8500 with rea£K>nable housing and all amenities that is close to Edmonton and Ja$per.' • Power Noziles $109,000. #7291 - NORTH QUESNEL HOME - great Email: myrin.toews@cantbrcom" 607 Doherty Drive •992-5211 r Learning Center Group Daycare 30 m o - S y r s Preschool: Mon)-,Fri :.9 am - 1 2 pm Out ofSchool Care;.^ 5 yrs • 12 yrs Open 7 a m - l O p m Human Resources Fax: 250.441.3308 vacttom Sales & Service • Bells KIDS KAMPUS ^ _^ 450 Bowron Avo. y j ! ^ 991-5015 Myrin Toews fencing. #7248 - SERVICED 5 ACRE LOTl - This lot tias those your Some Call Lome today 992r0146. p a c k a g e in r ^ s u m d b yS e p t e m b e r 1 8 . 2 0 0 6 to: proudly adian outbuildings. a c c o r d a n c e with t h e U S W collective a g r e e m e n t . W e w i s h to thank all B&B, large 5 bdrm. home w/2 bdrm. inlaw suite, bdrm. home. 2181 s/f of living space on main floor, plus duplex (2 bdrms. each side). Many updates 749s/f upstairs & full finished bsmt. with attached 2 car gge.This house really has so much to offer, too - windows, flooring, paint & more, all on nicely many features to mention, gazebo, cement walks, landscaped .65 acres. Includes 8 appHances. nice view, surrounding gardens, stream, good well. $195,000. Call Eleanor today 992-2676. $369,000. Call Arlene today 991-6318. acres to develop as you like. Equipped with 314 Child Care w o r k i n a s a f e a n d e f f i c i e n t m a n n e r . S h i f t w o r k will b e r e q u i r e d . •7282 - GREAT IHVESTMEMT PROPERTf - or #7266- COUNTRY UVING - o n 38.99 acres w/Iovely 7 -1. w A ' #7189 - ELEGANT - 3 bdrm. 2 storey house. New home warranty. Upstairs has open foyer w/lge. master bedroom. Dbl. gge. Too many extras to mention. You have to see itI I Pick your own colour schemes & finishing ideas. Only $262,000 + GST. Call Stuart todayl 983-9308. #6765 - LAKE FRONTAGE/BOUCHIE lAKE - 2 #7264 - BEAUTIFULLY KEPT HOME - and property built In 1989 updated with hardwood floors. 2 N/G fpl's. Need boat storage? The unattached 22x42 garage is perfect for all the toys with 100 amp service. Not a moment to lose, call George today. $239,900. bdmi. log cabin ncsfled on 3.28 ac. of 400' of lakefronL'Some timber value. Call Stuart Gamer for details., REDUCED to $220,000, #7213 - 3 ^ ACRES - Zoned C-4. High visibility from the highway. Rat \vlth city water and ^ seWen 3 phase power Priced at $155,000. Call Stu at 983-9308. #7235 - RANCHER'S PARADISE - 279 acres 12 km south. Privato, peaceful with beautiful views. Great 1386 s/f log ranch house. Natural spring-fed, gravity fed water supply. Great for cattle and horses. Won't last al this price, $319,000. Call Bill today. #7146 - L O C A T E D I N B O U C H I E L A K E A R E A - out of town yet still connected. N G . hydro & paved road & telephone. Gentle, sloping 5 aero ranchette. Great access & highvvay visibility. Trades aro welcome, truly beautiful! Only $29,000. To view call Bill 983-9522. #7240 - 5780 S/F BUILDING - W/lnstitutlonal zoning. Great lor church or school. Full bsmt. with mens & ladles bathrooms up & down. Upstairs Is basically all open space. Offices & classrooms, Igo. kitchen space. Fjat usable lot w/lots. of parking. Sits on 3.59 acres. $390,000. Call Stan or Lorna 992-8818. ' #7060 - EXCELLENT AREA - Side by side duplex South near schools & shopping. 1-2 bdrm. unit. 1-1 bdrm. unit, both sides 987 s/f, on w/washer & dryer, 2 F&S's. Laminate flooring. .5 ac. lot. Priced to go at $79,500. Call Stuart for your app't^ to view. #6541 - 20.27 ACRES - former Nazko Hwy's yard. Fenced perimeter, asphalt drive, lanes & surfaces. #7026 - 66'x108' building lot in Uplands Yard light. Several • buildings, 1590 s/f sen/Ice zoned for duplex. City water & sewer, paved gge., salt shed, oil & gas shed, drilled well, septic access. Hydro, cable available. $12,000. system, air compressor, pnissure tank.' overhead Call Stan AnnIs for moro Information. heating panels, much more. You'd never build It for $79,900. Call Stuart for rnore information. #7202 - LARGE 4 BDRM. HOUSE - with over #7190 - GFIEAT LOCATIONI - closo to 3000 s/f Of living space, sitting on 144.7 schools & shopping. 3 bdrm. homo w / acres of partially cioared land. Natural laundry on main floor. 1 bdrm. & rec room meadow, year round creek, mountain view. New pelletlumaco, largo sundeck. $219,000. In part basement. A large 66x132 foot loti Priced at $81,500. Call Stan to view. Call Bill td view. #7052 - GREAT HOlDINa PROPERIY - Spacious duplex with third suite in bsmt. Close to Red Bluff scnool & easy walk to shopping. New roof & siding, lots of room In these unitsi Good location, on .58 ac. Partially fenced, $169,900. Call Stuart Gamer for your app't. / """( ^„„„„J,';}rfm.Uu' ,'/M,kln.',«,1.i,. t'" l^l' 1V i V ' V v r • ••"••( #7275 - TERRIFIC HOME - w/inlaw suite, 4 bdrm, 4 bath, completely flnlshed horne with paved driveway, Elementary school just 1 block away. Roof is only 2 years old, this house Is a pleasure to show. Call George today at 255-0473. $159,900. : ,;, Surt. Sept 9 , 1 P M - 3 m 1281Paloy #7280 - BEAUTIFUL - Cape Cod country home on 11,46 acres is fenced & x-fonced for livestock. An abundance of artisian water, outbuildings, kennels, hot tub, open beam ceilings and loft bdrms. up. So much more to view. $274,900. Call George 255-0473. #7273 - GREAT NEIGHBOURHOOD - with culde-sac. Perfect for the flrst time homeowners, or retired couple. Fully flnlshed basement, nicely landscaped with room for the RV. Call George today255-0473. $115,000. GREAT NEIGHBOURHOOD - With cUI- do-sac. Perfect for the first time homeowriers, or retired couple. Fully flnlshed basement, nicely landscaped Vjwith room for the RV. $115,000. y