Weekly Update – 15 For week ending Friday 23 January
Weekly Update – 15 For week ending Friday 23 January
Weekly Update – 15 For week ending Friday 23rd January Physical Activity..................................................................................................2 How to get the latest information on physical activity research and events .................................................................................................................. 2 How can integrated health promotion prevent falls?................................. 3 Nutrition and Healthy Eating..............................................................................4 Healthy Weight Week – 25th to 31st January .................................................. 4 Food Security for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Policy ...... 4 Mental Health......................................................................................................5 Sisters Day Out Orbost and Bairnsdale ........................................................... 5 Other Happenings ..............................................................................................6 Participation in learning for health: a fundamental social concept or meaningless buzzword?.................................................................................... 6 ‘How to facilitate interprofessional learning (IPL) in your practice’........... 7 Final PCP report released - 'Partnerships for effective integrated health promotion'........................................................................................................... 7 Physical Activity How to get the latest information on physical activity research and events Active Inform is a physical activity research newsletter produced by Kinect Australia, aimed at improving access to the evidence base for physical activity promotion. It provides a snapshot of the latest physical activity research news, key documents and models, and other tools to assist practitioners in their efforts promoting physical activity. Active Media is a monthly electronic newsletter produced by Kinect Australia, which contains the latest news, research and events on physical activity. Subscribe online to the Active Inform and Active Media newsletters. For more information, please contact: Sarah-Jane Blunt, 8320 0105 Web: http://www.goforyourlife.vic.gov.au/hav/articles.nsf/pracleveltwo/al_new sletter_subscription?Open Email: physicalactivity.info@kinectaustralia.org.au How can integrated health promotion prevent falls? The Barwon Primary Care Forum (PCP) and participating agencies have developed a broad range of strategies under the safe, active and independent living (SAIL) banner. SAIL is a community-based falls prevention program encompassing four important elements of falls prevention using language which resonates a more positive approach to the target population. The four elements of the slogan are: Safe- promoting a sense of physical safety and creating safe, supportive environments both at home and in public spaces. Active- promoting the importance of being physically active each day either through structured or incidental activity. Independent- promoting the value of being independent, either through staying in one’s home as long as one is able, or just being able to undertake tasks without the need for assistance. Living- promoting a sense of vitality and enjoying ones life. For more information, please contact: Sue Psalios, 9096 8478 Web: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/pcps/hp/making_difference.htm Email: Sue.Psalios@dhs.vic.gov.au Nutrition and Healthy Eating Healthy Weight Week – 25th to 31st January Australia's Healthy Weight Week is a time for all Australians to eat better, feel better and move more NOW! Why eat better, feel better and move more NOW? • Being a healthy weight helps you live life to the full • Eating better food and being active helps you feel healthy and happy • If your weight is healthy it is important to keep it healthy • If you are overweight losing a few kilograms will make a big difference An Accredited Practising Dietitian is your diet coach - they can tailor an eating plan to your individual lifestyle and support and motivate you to make changes for life. Call, toll free, 1800 812 942 or visit 'Find an APD' at www.daa.asn.au to contact your local APD. Food Security for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Policy A joint policy of DAA and the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA). The purpose of the policy document is to provide succinct data about the current situation in relation to food security for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia, and outline the action the DAA and the PHAA will undertake to address the issues identified. View here Mental Health Sisters Day Out Orbost and Bairnsdale Information sessions about family violence, sexual assault, intervention orders, family law, VOCAT, free private legal service, local service providers. Orbost – Monday 16th February, 9.30am – 4pm, St James Anglican Church, 32 Browning St, Orbost Bairnsdale - Wednesday, 18 February, 9.30 am – 4 pm, Bairnsdale Sporting and Convention Centre, 117 Great Alpine Road, Bairnsdale For more information or to register, please contact Simone Elias, Solicitor, Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention & Legal Service Victoria Ph: 5155 4777 | Mobile: 0433 211 875 | Email: selias@fvpls.org Other Happenings Participation in learning for health: a fundamental social concept or meaningless buzzword? The Australian Health Promoting Schools Association (AHPSA) is pleased to offer all AHPSA members and guests, the opportunity to attend an interactive workshop by Professor Bjarne Bruun Jensen. Following Bjarne’s enlightening presentation at the Australian Health Promoting Schools Conference in Adelaide in 2008, this workshop will further explores what a critical perspective on participatory approaches to education might mean for education and the environment, health and sustainability. This workshop is relevant to professionals working in these fields, and interested students. Issues discussed will include: • Participation in terms of the sense, health, and well being of self, place, and community. • Debate about participatory approaches in these areas, through a focus on the following key questions: − What counts as participation in education? − What are the preconditions to participatory forms of education? − What processes might such participatory education involve or require? − Are the outcomes or consequences that it might lead to always worthwhile? Date: Friday 20th February Time: 2.30pm – 4.30pm (light refreshments provided)) Cost: AHPSA Member: $20.00, Non-Member: $45.00 Venue: Christ Lecture Theatre, Australian Catholic University, 115 Victoria Pde, Fitzroy Places are limited, so early registration is essential and required for admission to the workshop. To register for this workshop, please email libby.sheehan@deakin.edu.au by the 9th February. For information about the workshop or AHPSA, please contact Natalie Russell natalie.russell@cancervic.org.au. ‘How to facilitate interprofessional learning (IPL) in your practice’. Do you work with a range of health professional disciplines in your practice? Then this inaugural, interactive and exciting workshop is designed to help you to integrate IPL as part of your practice. The presenters: Dawn Foreman, Consultant on Leadership & Strategic Development & Helena Low, Consultant in Interprofessional Education. Dawn & Helena are Interprofessional Experts and members of CAIPE (UK), with direct experience implementing Interprofessional Learning at the coalface. Friday 20th February, 2009, 9am-5pm Cost: $25.00 (Includes lunch) Training Room, Central West Gippsland Division of General Practice 3 Ollerton Avenue, Moe, 3825. Places are limited so make your booking early. Registrations no later than COB Friday 13th February, 2009, to: cathy.beamish@med.monash.edu.au or sue.townsend@lchs.org.au Final PCP report released - 'Partnerships for effective integrated health promotion' What has the evaluation found? Quantitative and qualitative evaluation data provides clear evidence of the success of the partnership approach to improved IHP. A significant increase in the overall quality and effectiveness of IHP from before the introduction of the PCP strategy to the current time was evident. Key findings are that the PCP approach to IHP has clearly: • demonstrated an improvement in integrated planning, • demonstrated an increase in organisational capacity for health promotion, • demonstrated economic and other benefits to member agencies, • contributed to healthier communities. For more information, please contact: Sue Psalios, 9096 8478 Web: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/pcps/downloads/analysis.pdf Email: Sue.Psalios@dhs.vic.gov.au
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