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November 2013
“Every American ought to have
the right to be treated; as s/he
would like to be treated, as one
would wish to be treated, as one
would wish his/her children to be
John F. Kennedy
• GMO vote –pg 5
• Mechanic to
Millionaire –pg 6
• Telomeres –pg 6
• Wi-Fi & Children
–pgs 7, 8, 24
• Fukushima World
Cognitive Decline
–pg 9 & 13
Brain Tumors• ThetaHealing
–pg 22
DNA Damage
–pgs 31 & 32
Calcium Eflux
Early Alzheimer’s
Breast Cancer
Sovereignty … True Liberty for All
Page 2 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
and Thom Hartmann have
called “world-changing,” go to
Look for our Dec. 2013 20th Anniversary Issue - Dec. 6th
The Connection Magazine is for educational purposes only. We do not necessarily recommend the specific remedies, exercises, treatments or activities,
etc. summarized. Please consult with your personal health care provider to
find out what is appropriate for you.
Feature Index
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has reviewed over 400 non-violent family movies since 2011.
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Looking to connect with LikeMinded Spiritual Adventurers?
The Circle of Light is the place
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Lifelong Friends sharing the
exciting Journey of Awakening
& Transformation. On the
Third Friday evening of each
month, we meet at (but are
not affiliated with) the Unitarian Church Sanctuary, 490
Aguajito Rd, Carmel. For
Event Schedule and Info:
net or (831) 484-1923.
The boxes have arrived, and
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List your Events, Classes,
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Shared Heart Foundation
Barry and Joyce Vissell, a
psychiatrist and nurse/therapist couple for 46 years and
longtime Santa Cruz residents,
are the authors of 6 books and
the founders of The Shared
Heart Foundation, dedicated to
changing the world one heart at
a time. Even a few counseling
sessions with either or both of
them can change your life as
Arts & Entertainment ................................26-27
Astrology ......................................................... 30
Awareness ..................................................20-24
The Billboard ..................................................... 3
Thriving Business ............................................ 4
Compassion Flower Resouce Guide ............ 31
Dining Delights ............................................... 27
Essential Living Guide ............. 20,22,23,24,28
Fitness & Sports .............................. Will Return
Green Business Directory ............................... 6
Health Notes...............................................10-13
Healthy Appearance ....................................... 29
Healthy Planet ................................................6-9
Lively Letters .................................. Will Return
Martial Arts...................................................... 25
Movies ............................................................. 26
Music .............................................................. 26
Parenting, Kids & Education ......................... 18
Pet / Animal Health ......................................... 14
Radiation Protection ........................................ 7
Rave Reviews .................................................. 24
Sovereignty Theme ....................................14-19
Travel & Fun .................................... Will Return
Wonderful Women .......................... Will Return
Yoga ................................................................. 10
Entire Contents © The Connection Magazine
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Free Online Calendar Listings
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an individual or couple.
FEBRUARY 2-9, 2014
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M a r y M c L a u gh lin's C ór A in g lí
Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop
Facilitated by Karuna Chapman, Certified Teacher in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s School
of Remembering.
It is the Heart that contains the original instructions of Life, and when the Heart
is again in control of a person’s life, Life responds with joy and power. When the
Human Light Body (Merkaba) is directly activated from the Sacred Space of the
Heart, your life becomes interconnected with all Life everywhere and moves into
Higher Consciousness naturally.
When we create from the brain, an instrument of duality, we get what we want and
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activate your Human Light Body.
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Center in Santa Cruz • Cost - $333.
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Advance tickets available at :: Tickets also available
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Page 3 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
The Real Secret to Building a Thriving Holistic Business
by Kimberly Errigo, Master Coach
& Founder of The Healer’s Workshop
If you are a healer, you have walked
the path of personal transformation.
You were called through your own
physical, emotional, and spiritual healing into a huge shift in consciousness
that revealed your deepest essence and
healing gifts. After that, a mundane life
was no longer a possibility.
Along the way, it may have
become clear that you wanted to
bring vitality, health, and wholeness
into other people’s lives. So, you put
in hundreds of hours perfecting your
modality. You found an office space,
set your intentions, and started looking
for your first clients.
But, if you’re like many holistic
practitioners, this is where you started
to feel less flow and more struggle.
Learn how to strengthen your dog’s immune
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My name is Barbara Ahern, Creator of
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I have combined three proven therapies:
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It is the integration of these three therapies
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times it may feel like a struggle, the
truth is that with the proper guidance
and support, you can absolutely succeed in business. Your business can
support you emotionally, intellectually, and financially to be the best
• Guidance needs to be practical in
order to produce success.
• Building a business is a spiritual
Like any other spiritual practice, business will challenge you to
Thriving Business
person you can be. You can enjoy reliable, abundant income while making a
Kimberly Errigo
real difference in many people’s lives.
You came face to face with the need You can live the life that you imagine
for marketing, technology, and better for yourself.
accounting. You might have had some
I’m sure that sounds juicy as
idea of how to build a business, but well as scary. It’s what you want, but
you weren’t preyou aren’t sure
pared for what you If it weren’t for the strong how to get there.
discovered: fears, sense of purpose that came A business coach
doubts, and blind
healer myfrom your inner journey, and
spots that were
self, I’ve spent
you might have quit.
your own tailorfi f t e e n y e a r s
made roadblocks.
examining what
If it weren’t for the strong sense of works for holistic professionals and
purpose that came from your inner what does not. Here’s what I found:
journey, you might have quit.
• No one builds a successful business
Let me celebrate your courage
in making that bold leap into starting • People who reach out for role modyour own business. You are amazing
els, support, and guidance along
for that alone! And, although somethe way fare better overall.
transform the inner blockages, expectations, and beliefs that keep you
from manifesting your destiny. Your
capacity to succeed grows as you
clarify and leverage your gifts and
build confidence about who you are
and what you offer. Trying to do this
alone makes you more likely to burn
out and vulnerable to losing your passion for this work.
Challenges can be discouraging. But, if you are persistent, compassionate, and strategic, you will move
through your struggle and into joy.
Healers do the work of Spirit,
facilitating the healing of heart, mind,
body, and soul. Remember: the first
patient on the table is yourself. In a
radical act of self-love, give yourself
the real tools you need for success!
Kimberly Errigo is the Lead Coach
and Founder of The Healer’s Workshop, where you’ll find all the information, resources, and guidance you
need to build a successful holistic
Join for free at www.healersworkshop.
Call: (916) 804-0077 or e-mail:
Page 4 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
Washington State GMO Vote
Some Thoughts About the Battle to Dump GMOs
Gaining Ground
he votes are still being counted in Washington State. And although our opponents
are still ahead, the YES on 522 campaign
to label GMOs gained a little ground yesterday.
But, the ground we gained in Washington,
in the form of votes, is nothing compared with
the ground—in the form of soil and farms and
fields—we plan to take back from Monsanto in
the months and years ahead.
This battle, win or lose in Washington
State, has just begun.
Our opponents filled the Washington State
airwaves these past few months with the same
lies they used last year, to defeat GMO labeling
in California. They even broke campaign finance
laws in order to shield the big-name junk food
corporations who didn’t want us to know they
were funding those lies again.
But of all the lies and illegal maneuver-
What really happened to GMO
labeling in Washington
Monsanto and the junk food industry
teamed up to shatter Washington state records.
They dumped more than $22 million into fighting
Take off the kid gloves and go for
the throat
We also have to realize that the GMO
labeling opposition will never play by the rules.
They routinely engage in dirty tricks and even
criminal behavior in order to achieve their goals
at any cost. I am not suggesting that we stoop to
their level and start breaking the law to achieve
victory, but we do have to take a far more aggressive stance that directly accuses the opposition
of mass deception, mass poisoning and causing
a potential ecological disaster.
ings, the worst one, the most dangerous lie, perpetrated by Monsanto and the junk food industry
was this: GMOs are safe.
In their haste to claim victory yesterday,
the Grocery Manufacturers Association released
a statement, which included this egregious lie:
“Genetically modified food ingredients
(GMOs) are safe, good for the environment,
reduce the cost of food and help feed a growing
global population of seven billion.”
As long as the food companies are under
Monsanto’s spell, as long as there are uninformed
people who buy into the propaganda, we have our
work cut out for us.
Labeling GMOs is only the beginning.
Watch out, Monsanto. We have plans. And those
plans include taking back our seeds, our food, our
farms, our rights. Our health. We will keep gaining ground. Until we reclaim it for the people.
against GMO labeling. Exactly $550 of the “no”
campaign’s dollars came from inside Washington
State. This was a classic example of out-of-state
corporate interests pouring massive money into
maintaining control of our food systems.
Ocean Robbins,
See, the problem with the campaigns for
GMO labeling so far is that they are too polite.
They are run by nice people who play by nice
rules. Those are great people to have as friends
and neighbors, but they are not the kind of scrapping, no-holds-barred warriors that are needed to
defeat such a slithering, slippery enemy.
The opposition to GMO labeling is a cabal
of mafia-style criminal rogues who continue to
achieve their dark victories by breaking all the
rules and playing dirty. To beat them at that
game, you have to take off the kid gloves and go
for their throats.
Mike Adams,
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Page 5 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
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Page 6 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
How well are you protecting your child?
Would you allow your child
to be sprayed with DDT?
Then don’t spray your child
with wireless radiation.
The Environmental Protection
Agency in 1972 banned DDT,
a pesticide the EPA considered
potentially harmful to the
environment and human health.
The World Health Organization in
2011 listed wireless radiation from
cell phones and Wi-Fi as a possible
carcinogen, alongside DDT, lead,
and car gas exhaust.
Unlike the DDT powder in the photo above, your eyes can’t see wireless radiation. That’s because it’s invisible. Common
sources of wireless radiation exposure include Wi-Fi, cell phones, smart meters, baby monitors, cordless phones, wireless
tablets, and computers. These are found in homes, offices, stores, libraries, cafes, and schools. Wireless radiation is
particularly toxic for babies and children, who absorb more than adults due to their small and growing brains, bones and
Children and adults who experience health problems due to wireless radiation report symptoms that include headaches,
insomnia, heart palpitations, anxiety, ear ringing, concentration and memory loss, and even disability. Studies show evidence
for effects on DNA, genetics, childhood behavior, fertility, the blood-brain barrier, and the immune and nervous systems.
Other studies find increased risk of cancer, and links to autism and addiction.
WARNING: The World Health Organization’s International Agency on the Research of Cancer
has classified EMF/RF radiation from wireless devices as a Class 2B Possible Carcinogen,
due to studies showing an increased risk of developing brain cancer – or glioma,
a type of malignant brain tumor – from cell phone use.
Like Big Tobacco, giant corporate interests don’t want you to know how harmful wireless is to your health, life, and loved ones.
Reduce the risk of developing cancer or getting harmed from wireless devices. Keep wireless and Wi-Fi devices away from you
and your child’s brain and body, and away from pacemakers and electrical medical implants. Support wired communications
tools, networks, and practices in your living, work, and learning spaces to protect yourselves, your family, friends, and
Learn how to live and network safely.
Page 7 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
Wi-Fi Harms Children
by Nina Beety
Election Results:
Free Online Calendar Listings -
On Nov. 5, Pacific Grove residents voted
and rejected Measure G, a 27.8 million dollar
bond measure by Pacific Grove Unified School
District for the sole purpose of putting technology in schools. This plan has a number of
problems, but the biggest is that this technology
is wireless— iPads, other wireless devices, and
wireless internet,
When the L.A. Unified School District
proposed a similar technology plan, the American
Academy of Environmental Medicine warned
there were not enough doctors in Los Angeles
County to handle the medical problems that
would result.
Wireless Radiation is Microwave Radiation, a form of pulsed radio frequency radiation
(RF). Internationally, medical professionals
and scientists, even governments, are warning
about wireless technology. Thousands of studies show wide-ranging health impacts. But, the
PGUSD superintendent and school board have
consistently taken no action on the science and
the health risks. PGUSD has already installed
some wireless networks and wireless tech in the
schools without informed consent by students,
staff, or the public. This creates a huge liability
risk for everyone, including district taxpayers, as
the health damage becomes more apparent.
Cancer is now the leading cause of death
in children, surpassing accidents. One in 50 children have autism now, compared to one in 25,000
40 years ago. One in five children have a mental
disorder, according to the CDC. ADHD and
Alzheimer’s rates are soaring. Between 1975 and
2010, neurological deaths in the U.S. doubled,
and neurological diseases like Parkinson’s and
Alzheimer’s are occurring at younger ages.
Here are some specifics you should
know (and should have known before voting on
Measure G:
• The Apple iPad manual states that iPads can
cause seizures, blackouts, loss of awareness,
headaches, convulsions, muscle twitching,
and involuntary movement.
• The manual also states that iPads exceed FCC
exposure limits unless held “correctly”.
But…FCC exposure limits are only for
a brief, one-time exposure that does not cause
heating in a large man. These limits do not address non-thermal, biological effects. In 2012,
Santa Cruz County Health Officer Poki Namkung
told Santa Cruz County, “There are no current,
relevant public safety standards for pulsed RF
involving chronic exposure of the public, nor
of sensitive populations.” Children are a sensitive population. “There is no scientific data to
determine if there is a safe RF exposure level
regarding its non-thermal effects:”
• Children sit with the transmitter radiating on
or near their bodies from the computer, laptop,
or wireless device, in addition to the radiation
from wireless routers in the room.
• School routers are much stronger than home
routers. Parents often oppose cell towers at or
near schools, and rightly so. What they don’t
know is that radiation levels in classrooms
with wireless computers and routers can equal
the radiation from cell towers only 100 meters
• In 1996, Om Gandhi, University of Utah,
warned about the particular vulnerability of
children. Children absorb far more radiation
into their brains, eyes, and bone marrow than
adults. Infants in the womb have even less
protection against this radiation. Children’s
immune and neurological systems don’t
fully form until their late teens or early 20’s.
Children are at much greater risk for brain
cancer from wireless devices.
Continues on Page 24
Page 8 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
The Demand for a Global
Take-Over at Fukushima has
Hit Critical Mass
- Body - Sp
But, Tepco is a private utility
fuel rods, sat in its pool 100 feet in
with limited resources. The Japanese
the air.
Spent fuel rods are the most government has an obvious stake in
lethal items our species has ever cre- downplaying Fukushima’s dangers.
ated. A human standing within a few These were the two entities that approved and built these reacfeet of one would die in a
matter of minutes. With
While the IAEA
more than 11,000
is imperfect, its reit
scattered around
sources are more
the Daichi site,
substantial and
radiation levels
its stake at Fucould rise high
kushima someenough to force
what less direct.
the evacuation of
ad hoc global
all workers and
of scienimmobilize much
tists and engineers
vital electronic
would be intellectuequipment.
ideal, but would
Spent fuel rods
for direct
must be kept cool at all
times. If exposed to air, their zircoUltimately the petitions call for
nium alloy cladding will ignite, the
of the two.
rods will burn and huge quantities of
It’s also hoped the petitions will
radiation will be emitted. Should the
arouse the global media. The moving
rods touch each other, or should they
of the fuel rods from Unit Four must be
crumble into a big enough pile, an extelevised. We need to see what’s happlosion is possible. By some estimates,
pening as it happens. Only this kind of
there’s enough radioactivity embodied
coverage can allow global experts to
in the rods to create a fallout cloud
analyze and advise as needed.
15,000 times greater than the one from
Let’s all hope that this operathe Hiroshima bombing.
tion proves successful, that the site be
The rods perched in the Unit
neutralized and the massive leaks of
4 pool are in an extremely dangerous
radioactive water and gasses be someposition. The building is tipping and
how stopped.
sinking into the sodden ground. The
As former Ambassador Mitfuel pool itself may have deteriorated.
suhei Murata has put it: full-scale
The rods are embrittled and prone to
releases from Fukushima “would
crumbling. Just 50 meters from the
destroy the world environment and our
base is a common spent fuel pool concivilization. This is not rocket science,
taining some 6,000 fuel rods that could
nor does it connect to the pugilistic
be seriously compromised should it
debate over nuclear power plants. This
lose coolant. Overall, there are some
is an issue of human survival.”
11,000 spent rods scattered around the
This work is licensed under a
Fukushima Daichi site.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Dangerous as the process might
Alike 3.0 License
be, the rods in the Unit Four fuel pool
Harvey Wasserman’s Solartopia Green
must come down in an orderly fashion.
Power & Wellness Show is at www.
Another earthquake could easily cause, and
the building to crumble and collapse.
he edits Harvey
Should those rods crash to the ground
Wasserman’s History of the US and
and be left uncooled, the consequences Solartopia! Our Green-Powered Earth
would be catastrophic.
are at
Tepco has said it will begin try- along with Passions of the PotSmoking
ing to remove the rods from that pool Patriots by “Thomas Paine.” He and
in November. The petitions circulating Bob Fitrakis have co-authored four
through and www. books on election protection, , as well as at rootsaction. ing How the GOP Stole America’s
org and, ask that the United 2004 Election, at
Nations take over. They ask the world Printed with permission.
scientific and engineering communi- Editor’s Note: Read our info on page
ties to step in. The Rootsaction peti- 13 about some things you can do
tion also asks that $8.3 billion slated to protect your physical well-being.
in loan guarantees for a new US nuke And, do your Affirmative Prayers or
be shifted instead to dealing with the Meditations to bring in the Divine,
Fukushima site.
invite in the Benevolent ETs and all
It’s a call with mixed blessings. Light Beings to surround us each and
The UN’s International Atomic Energy all, our Earth, Japan, the Fukushima
Agency is notoriously pro-nuclear, Plant and all nuclear power plants.
charged with promoting atomic power Bring in the ‘golden light’ and ask
as well as regulating it. Critics have for Divine Intervention. Thank you!
found the IAEA to be secretive and So Be It, So It Is, Anchor Lock and
on Protecti
a ti
by Harvey Wasserman
More than 48,000 global citizens have
now signed a petition at asking the United Nations and
the world community to take charge of
the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant.
Another 35,000 have signed at www. An independent advisory group of scientists and engineers
is also in formation. The signatures are
pouring in from all over the world. By
November, they will be delivered to
the United Nations.
The corporate media has
blacked out meaningful coverage of
the most critical threat to global health
and safety in decades.
The much-hyped “nuclear renaissance” has turned into a global
rout. In the face of massive grassroots
opposition and the falling price of
renewable energy and natural gas,
operating reactors are shutting and
proposed new ones are being cancelled.
This lessens the radioactive
burden on the planet. But, it makes
the aging reactor fleet ever more
dangerous. A crumbling industry with
diminished resources and a disappearing workforce cannot safely caretake
the decrepit, deteriorating 400-odd
commercial reactors still licensed to
operate worldwide.
All of which pales before
the crisis at Fukushima. Since the
3/11/2011 earthquake and tsunami,
the six-reactor Daichi site has plunged
into lethal chaos.
For decades, the atomic industry claimed vehemently that a commercial reactor could not explode.
When Chernobyl blew, it blamed
“inferior” Soviet technology.
But, Fukushima’s designs are
from General Electric (some two
dozen similar reactors are licensed
in the US). At least four explosions
have rocked the site. One might have
involved nuclear fission. Three cores
have melted into the ground. Massive
quantities of water have been poured
where the owner, Tokyo Electric
(Tepco), and the Japanese government
think they might be, but nobody knows
for sure.
As the Free Press has reported,
steam emissions indicate one or more
may still be hot. Contaminated water
is leaking from hastily-constructed
tanks. Room for more is running out.
The inevitable next earthquake could
rupture them all and send untold
quantities of poisons pouring into the
ocean (and, now, ‘that’ earthquake has
happened on Sept. 19, 2013).
The worst immediate threat at
Fukushima lies in the spent fuel pool
at Unit Four. That reactor had been
shut for routine maintenance when
the earthquake and tsunami hit. The
400-ton core, with more than 1300
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We use trained and Licensed Contractors, when required. Using a
simple Three-Step Process, we first assess radiation levels in your environment with highly sensitive equipment and document the results.
Secondly we work with you to find the best plan to fit your needs and
implementation of the latest shielding technologies. Lastly, we return
to evaluate and document results of our work.
We will be happy to provide you sources about the hazards of EMF/
RF radiation. We urge you to check out these You Tube videos:
The Truth About Smart Meters
The Dark Side of ‘Smart’ Meters
Public Health Physician Warns of Smart Meter Dangers
Smart Meters 100x Radiation Exposure of a Cell Phone
Please call (831) 234-0716 or (831) 247-6017.
Email us at to
schedule an assessment of your environment.
Page 9 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
by Sylvia Skefich, D.C.
t’s a joy to see people out walking their
dogs. But what I notice is that people sometimes “drag” their dogs
along by their leash (and not just for a moment).
I once actually slowed down my car and pulled
up to a pleasant looking middle aged woman
who was dragging along her little dog. From my
perspective as an observer (but also as a chiropractor), that little dog just could not keep up. To
me it was obvious that walking was painful, and
even more so because there was a collar pulling at
her neck. The woman actually received me really
well. But she had no idea that her dog couldn’t
keep up or that her dog was in pain. This woman
did not appear to me to be a “doh-doh,” and yet
she just was not aware.
I continue to see that scenario all the time,
and I just feel my blood rising as though I am
witnessing abuse. Having had the experience
with the woman and her dog years ago softens
me a little in those moments, because I realize
that people are probably just not aware.
I once saw a cute TV show that had vignettes
on how “angels” come to make “miracles.” They
were little true stories, reenacted. One was about
a dog that was languishing in the back bedroom
of a house. The owner could not figure out why
the dog had lost all love for life and wouldn’t
eat, or walk, or play. The vets could find nothing. Strangely, one day a little dog runs into the
A S K A NNI CA . . .
Dr. Sanchez!
Dr. Sanchez has been in practice over
13 years. She specializes in
Naturopathic Endocrinology (thyroid,
diabetes & hormones), Autoimmunity,
Cardiovascular Disease & Cancer.
1. Basic Gentle
Range of Movement:
Exercises in a chair for
your Neck, Shoulder &
Ankles, that explore their
natural ease and range of
movement with awareness.
2. Knees to Chest:
Lift one knee at a time while sitting in chair
keeping one foot well grounded as you lift the
other. Lift as you Inhale, lower the leg on the
exhale; repeat 3x on each side. Relax, both feet
on the floor for 3 full breaths.
3. Basic Relaxation Pose: Reclining on
a comfortable surface, scan your body, for any
areas of tension. Allow your arms to relax by your
sides with palms up. Close your eyes, if you feel
comfortable with that. Watch your breath moving
into your body and then watch it moving out of
your body. Stay here for 12 breaths.
4. Half Locust Pose: Start by lying on
your belly, feet parallel, chin on the floor. Arms
beside your body. Keeping your legs straight,
inhale and raise one leg a few inches off the
floor. Holding steady, breathe normally. Slowly
lower leg and allow it to relax, repeat with other
leg. Repeat 3x.
5. Cobra Pose: Lying on your belly, feet
parallel, palms flat on the floor beside your head,
elbows close to body. Keep neck long, chin down,
on inhale lift upper chest slightly off the floor.
(Do not strain or push hands into floor this can
elevate BP). Exhale, lower back down, touching
chin before forehead, turn head to one side and
rest. Repeat 2-3x.
6. Basic Relaxation Pose: See # 3
7. Legs up the Wall: Lie on your back
near a wall, with knees bent, then slowly turn
so that your buttocks are facing the wall and you
are in a position to slide both of your legs up the
wall. The distance you are positioned from the
wall will vary according to the flexibility of your
hamstrings. Do not fret if you are a good distance away from the wall or your knees will not
straighten the first time you try this. Remain up for
Page 10 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November — December 5, 2013
Page 29
by Annica Rose
have just recently undergone major surgery
for a heart condition and wonder if attending
a yoga class would be helpful for me? What
precautions do you recommend? I did yoga in
my twenties, but have been too preoccupied with
other endeavors to keep it up.
I believe that yoga would be very beneficial
for you to help with your rehabilitation, as soon
as you have consulted with your cardiologist
and been given the green light to proceed with
gentle exercise.
The Yoga classes I would recommend
would be gentle or restorative to begin with,
for several months, to ensure that you maintain
awareness and a calm unhurried routine.
Yoga works for individuals living with
serious cardiac conditions for the following
1. Yoga provides an opportunity to explore our
Mind Body Connection.
2. We set aside time to nurture ourselves, creating insulation from the strain and pressure
of everyday life.
3. Blood circulation and lymph are increased.
4. All organs in our body are flooded with
5. The stretching the skeletal system benefits
the joints and glands.
6. The nervous system experiences less agitation and becomes more relaxed.
7. Waste products are eliminated more efficiently.
8. The pleasant experience elevates the
A few of the postures that have been shown
to support positive effects for many conditions
related to cardiac functioning are listed below.
open front door of the house, finds the languishing dog, and tugs at his collar in an attempt to
play. Then, little dog runs out. Later that day, the
languishing dog revives, and soon is acting like
nothing had ever been wrong. The show mused
on the “angel” role that little dog had played.
To my mind, that little dog played the role of
“chiropractor”! Neck misalignments not only can
hurt, but worse, some affect the brainstem. The
very top vertebra of the neck (C1) is so important
to feelings of wellbeing, that I call it the “doom
bone,” because of how full of “doom” it can make
a person feel when misaligned. I think that little
dog aligned C1 with a little tug on the collar in
just the right way!
My point is that if you are having to pull
your dog along, inquire into “why” your dog
won’t go faster, or just slow down. You can
harm her spine by pulling on it. Most dogs would
please their owner if only they could. Consider
that the walk is for the dog’s benefit, and try not
to stress him while doing something that should
be fun. And while I’m on my soapbox, please
don’t tie their poop bags close to their head. If I
can smell the poop through a biobag, you know
a dog can, and dogs are also sensitive to humiliation, so make it nice for them! Oh, and thirdly,
I am opposed to quick leash “snaps” for training
purposes. This IS an untrained chiropractic adjustment (speed with force applied to the spine)
and can hurt your dog.
Sylvia Skefich is a Doctor of Chiropractic
and works at 920 41st Ave., Suite G in Santa Cruz,
95062, (831) 475-1995,
She performs cranio-sacral technique (in-office)
and energy work (remotely) on animals.
Non-Invasive, Systemic
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
‘There is no more neutrality in the world. You either have
to be part of the solution, or you’re going to be part of the
Eldridge Cleaver, 1935-1998
by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A.
fter over a year of working with
a dental product named PerioProtect, I am thrilled to report
that it works as well, if not better, than
I could have possibly anticipated in the
months leading up to its introduction
into my dental practice. As a matter of
fact, I am going to go out on a limb and
tell you that I believe that Perio-Protect may represent the best dental oral
hygiene therapeutic and maintenance
device to hit the world since toothbrushes. Seriously. Really seriously. I
have never seen a more effective treatment for preventing dental decay and
gum disease, plus delivering unbelievable therapeutic results for long-term
periodontal disease sufferers.
What is it, this Perio-Protect?
Perio Protect is a relatively new oral
hygiene product/system introduced
within the last 6-8 years that has not
received the recognition nor effectiveness it could/will given large population usage. With time and testimonial
columns such as this one, I hope to see
widespread use. It is that good...when
used by the user, which is generally
well accepted, but not by all, I must add.
Nonetheless, there is little or no learning curve to master, as one routinely
encounters in utilizing new technology or old—electric toothbrushes and
floss, for example. Most people, even
children can squirt a few cc’s of a clear
nontoxic gel into a rubbery reservoir
shaped like a bent California would
you not think? Doing it twice a day
should be easily added to one’s daily
regimen...Hmm. Might be the ideal
system, I thought, long ago before actually incorporating it within my practice
about a year ago now.
So what is it, really? Essentially,
the system consists of two custom made
and fitted clear silicone devices called
trays that cover all of your teeth and
tissue 2-4 mm below the crown of each
tooth in each dental arch. You fill the
trays with a flavored or non-flavored
1.7% hydrogen peroxide gel twice a
day for routine oral health maintenance,
generally morning and night, 15 minutes or so, though I have slept in them
overnight from time to time with no
deleterious effects, maybe even gained
some unforeseen benefit, but surely
no harm.
The devices resemble the boil
and bite mouth guards I used to wear
each season I played football, except
that each one has a special internal
flange that prevents the hydrogen peroxide gel from oozing out of the device.
That is the key to the effectiveness of
the system, a pressurized flange that
prevents seepage of the gel, enabling
long-term contact with gum tissues.
The system has been on the market
now for several years and has really
not had the impact it promises, primarily, I think, due to the ignorance of the
dental profession to recognize its value
and begin seriously advocating its use.
From the standpoint of physico-chemical principles and physiology, I saw/see
this as an amazing adjunct to helping
people get well.
I believed so much in its potential that everyone in my family got one
immediately, as did each of my staff
members. Why? It works. It could only
work. And...I needed to know right
away if it was as effective and as good
as I could have imagined. Working in
the Human Performance Laboratory at
UC Davis in the 70s and being a dentist
now for over 31 years has taught me
that I can only believe my own eyes
and those of a few trusted souls when it
comes to claims made by entrepreneurs
and the dental supply industry in the
dental profession. We have been fooled
before...but this is the real deal.
Do I sound excited? After that
intro, let me review some information
and add a few more remarks to consider. The benefits this system offers, in
no particular order of significance, are
what make Perio-Protect so valuable:
• Daily maintenance use is only twice
a day, recommended at rising and
just before going to bed, 10-15
minutes of application. Extended
use is safe though not therapeutically necessary.
• It is easy to perform. There is no
difficult eye-hand motor skill to
acquire in a mirror. Pretty much
everyone over the age of two can
squirt a gelatinous liquid into these
dental trays, and then place them in
their mouths, spitting out any excess
that seeps out of the tray. Easily
• Therapeutic use for those in greater
need increases the frequency to
3-4 times a day, generally with a
few drops of low dose doxycycline
1-2 of those times during the day.
The dosage of doxycycline, named
Vibramycin Syrup, is at 50 mg. per
teaspoon or 5 mg. of syrup.
• Routine bleeding of gums stops
or is radically reduced, and gums
tighten, pinkening with healthier
textures and reduced swelling after
just a few days use.
• This oral hygiene system adjunct
kills the bacteria that cause gum
disease. Moreover, the system in
conjunction with the Vibramycin
Syrup actually builds bone, tightening loose teeth. The need for
pocket reduction gum surgery now
becomes less likely. This is thrilling to the periodontal specialty in
dentistry as attention can be focused
elsewhere in helping patients overcome issues related to gum disease,
implant usage, for example.
• Perio-Protect softens hardened
plaque and tartar making it easier
to remove for the dental hygienist
and patient at future maintenance
• There are side effects, however.
Perio-Protect causes teeth to whiten,
freshens the breath, and teeth tend
look shiny and bright with all the
plaque gone. Oh...and people actually smile and are happy with it once
they have mastered whatever gets in
the way of using it routinely. What
gets in the way? Habit development,
belief, trust and little else.
• We have seen very ill people report
a better sense of well being after
usage, particularly with our patients
who have had compromised gum
So, here we have a simple
system that whitens teeth, freshens
breath, softens tartar for easier removal,
reduces pocket depths from as much as
9 mm back to normal, eliminates bleeding gums, and is easy to use. Its value
in maintaining one’s teeth and health
is priceless, yet affordable. After the
initial cost and the trays are acquired,
daily maintenance cost is estimated to
be 20-40 cents, depending on need and
daily oral hygiene habit.
Why do I call it non-invasive
systemic hydrogen peroxide therapy?
Because that, indeed, is what it is, and
that may be why the FDA may have
refused to approve the application by
high school biology teacher turned
dentist Duane Keller for nine years of
submission. Quite frankly, I don’t think
I could have persisted through such
disappointment, but Duane did, bless
his soul, and we are all the better off for
it. As a matter of fact, the only reason
it finally was approved came down to
it being grandfathered in as a device
essentially the same as the already FDA
approved fluoride tray. So...I guess you
could think of the system as a glorified
custom fitted silicone fluoride type tray
that enables its user to apply hydrogen
peroxide gel....or any other medicament
recommended by your dentist...and
maybe other healthcare provider.
How did he come to create
this therapeutic mechanism? Duane’s
mother advised him that her two previous gum surgeries had failed miserably
so how could anyone expect that a third
one would work? (There is a huge lesson to be learned there. Thank you, Mrs.
Keller.) She insisted that her son Duane
look for other possibilities. So, armed
with an educational background geared
to discovery in biology and teaching,
Duane went to did the FDA in
putting up nine years of roadblocks.
There are still obstacles to overcome, however. The FDA has limited
production of these devices to licensing only 5 dental laboratories in the
country to produce the silicone trays.
Once the word is out, I doubt that the
five could keep up with production, and
no one else will be able to make what
is not terribly difficult for the average
dental lab once the lab has invested the
$250-300K in the equipment necessary
for fabrication. Production is not an
obstacle yet, though. It could be later
as popularity increases. We occasionally have issues with the lab because
of the volume of patients receiving
the service, though we have also seen
improvements lately as we have endeavored to establish a positive working
relationship with a few laboratory techs
at the California facility.
Dentists cannot prescribe the
device until completing a four-hour
class on the Perio-Protect system. The
efforts by the dental team to take the
dental impressions are not much different than those routinely taken in the
average dental practice except that they
have to be super accurate and pristine.
Dentistry isn’t much different than any
other industry: GIGO....garbage in,
garbage out. Quality, accurate impressions with detail 4 millimeters beyond
the termination of the exposed clinical
crown of each tooth is requisite for a
good fitting set of trays, as they are
termed in the dental profession.
Cost? About the fee for today’s
high quality crowns, more or less. The
value far exceeds the fee, however, and
the trays are reported to last for years-seven and counting for early users.
The trays have multiple uses, limited
only by our collective creativity. They
will help retain teeth from moving,
provided they are worn twice daily, as
recommended for simple maintenance.
Of interest from the creator and his associate, neither have been ill in three
years and have been dental cavity free,
also. Meaning? Regular maintenance
use keeps the bacterial biofilm buildup
minimized in the mouth enabling
health, by reducing stress on the immune system.
Want further information? Read
Ed McCabe’s book Flood your Body
with Oxygen and William Campbell
Douglass II, MD’s tome Hydrogen Peroxide, Medical Miracle. New horizons
are yet to be discovered as we see more
patients engage in this revolutionary
new therapy directed in the mouth.
Check it out. More importantly, ask
your dentist to incorporate Perio Protect
in their dental practice. They will love
you for it as it is the oral health maintenance adjunct we have been searching
for—it helps our treatment last longer,
something we all want—doctor, patient,
Dr. David Biles is accepting new patients interested in a comprehensive
dental approach to health, created
in tandem with the patient. Dr. Biles
brings a unique awareness to health
from a lifetime of study in many disciplines. Schedule a visit to see if an ideal
approach to dentistry is what your body
needs to heal. 831-423-0121. www.
Page 11 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
by Jennifer Walters
re you one of the 50-70 million
Americans hoping to find a way
to turn down the volume of your
thoughts, relax, let go and allow a deep
rest to fall upon you at night? Consider
the expression “falling asleep.” That
should be a big hint—you’re not going
to bed and prancing to sleep. When
you crawl under your sheets at night,
fluff your pillow and snuggle into your
bed, the ideal scenario is to fall. In that
moment you are making a choice, you
are choosing whether or not to fall,
and chances are it is a completely
unconscious choice. According to the
National Sleep Foundation, 30% of us
have a hard time sleeping well. This
lack of quality sleep contributes to every area of our lives; obesity rises by
27%, productivity suffers, car crashes
increase, and according to the US
Surgeon General, insomnia costs the
US Government more than $15 billion
dollars a year in health care costs.
There are crucial elements occurring in this process of choosing to fall
asleep—you are choosing to not being
in control, choosing to let go, choos-
ing to trust.
If you have
a big project
the following
day and you
maintain the
belief that it’s
completely up
to you in your
night-time moments if you reach failure or success,
then you will be up all night. There will
be no silence in your room, your head
will be busy talking out all the things
you need to do or remember. Perhaps
you are tossing and turning with the
mental noise of the past. Again, there
is a lack of trust that things are as they
should be—you are choosing to not
surrender to sleep.
Now let’s talk about this unconscious choice whether or not to let go
and trust as you lay your head down
at night. Your natural state of being is
to easily fall asleep, so why would you
choose to stay awake? Why would you
choose to not trust? Ah! That is the
real question to ask. Studies claim
that the causes for insomnia are as
varied as the individuals who suffer
from the condition. That is another way
of saying that the problem and cure
for not sleeping well is unique to you.
If you are having problems sleeping,
chances are that something must have
happened along your individual path to
cause you to conclude that it’s not safe
to completely let go. This is commonly
referred to as trauma and conditioning.
Accessing your original conditioning is
a very efficient way to help you bring
awareness to your choices, as well as
better understand the consequences
of those choices. In all likelihood when
you increase this awareness, you will
begin to make different choices. As
a hypnotherapist I have successfully
helped people to explore their inner
workings to find the root cause of
their sleeping issues. Using the tool
of altered state efficiently assisted in
bringing awareness and healing to
whatever originally shifted their path
out of trusting, helping them to finally
get some good, deep rest.
The risks of not finding your way
back to sleeping well are very high.
Very expensive. It’s time you explore
what it’s really about.
Jennifer Walters is a certified
hypnotherapist practicing at the Santa
Cruz Wellness Center. Learn more at or call (808)
by Taale Laafi Rosellini, M.F.A.
n your bone marrow reside 150
million adult stem cells. Adult stem
cells constitute your body’s natural
system of renewal, which you have
from the time you were born.
“Everybody has stem cells.
Everybody uses stem cells.
Everybody uses stem cells every day. Stem cells work… and they
work every time.”
—Alan Somersall, PhD, MD,
author, The Amazing Power of Stem
Cell Nutrition: How to Enhance Your
Natural Repair System Today, Amazon Best Seller 2013
When tissue in a particular area of
your body is subjected to stress, injury
or degeneration, specific compounds
are secreted naturally, signaling your
bone marrow to release stem cells
into the blood stream. When you take
2 capsules of SE2 (StemEnhance 2),
three to four million adult stem cells
are released from the bone marrow
into your blood stream. But the bone
marrow does not become depleted of
stem cells.
“Basically, when normal cells
divide, the double helix of the DNA
unravels and a copy of each strand is
synthesized. The two daughter cells
each get one original and one copy
of each strand. However, when stem
cells divide the daughters are different,
such that one gets to keep the two
original strands of DNA and stay in the
bone marrow, while the other daughter
gets two identical copies and exits the
bone marrow. In this unique process,
the number of stem cells in the bone
marrow remains more or less constant,
even though there is steady release of
the ‘daughter’ Adult Stem Cells from
the bone marrow.” —Dr. Somersall, in
Stem Cell Nutrition.
The released ‘daughter’ stem cells
then circulate through the blood stream
and “are attracted to the affected tissues in need by similar compounds that
these tissues secrete.”
These same stem cells migrate in
a chemotactic response taking them to
the tissues in need.
Any stem cell can then proliferate
and differentiate into a thousand or
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more specific
cells, thereby
replacing the
stressed, injured or degenerated
Adult stem cells can become cells
of any tissue, any organ in your body.
Your adult stem cells go to your largest
organ, the skin, and become epithelial
cells. They go to muscle tissue and become muscle cells, to the pancreas and
become pancreatic cells, to the liver
and become liver cells, to the lungs and
become pulmonary cells, to the heart
and become cardiac cells, and yes, to
the brain and become brain cells!
“Supporting the release of stem
cells from the bone marrow and increasing the number of circulating stem cells
is probably the single most important
thing you can do to improve your health.”
—Christian Drapeau, MSc, Neurophysiologist, Cofounder, Stemtech
Stem Cell Nutrition is front and
center, here and now. Stemtech, the
Stem Cell Nutrition Company™—one
of the fastest growing companies in the
U.S. and in the world—offers a line of
nutraceutical products that support your
adult stem cells:
SE2™ StemEnhance—supports
the release of adult stem cells from the
bone marrow into the blood—three
stem cell enhancers and cordyceps,
synergistically working together.
StemFlo®—supports optimal
circulation of adult stem cells—a powerful triple–action circulatory enhancer,
antioxidant and detoxifier.
ST–5™ with MigraStem—supports the migration of adult stem cells
from the blood into tissue—provides the
balanced daily nutrition you need for
optimal health with gluten-free protein,
vitamins, minerals, fiber and Maca.
DermaStem™Renewal Serum—
supports the proliferation of skin stem
cells to revitalize and renew the skin.
Taale Laafi Rosellini is a Stemtech Independent Business Partner, an
award-winning documentary filmmaker,
and Founder/Director of African Family
Film Foundation—www.africanfamily.
org—a grass-roots all-volunteer educational and relief nonprofit. Call
Taale: (831) 531-2199.
Page 12 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November — December 5, 2013
by Da Vid Raphael, MD
any of us are deeply
concerned, and rightly
so, from the disastrous
effects of radiation leaks from
the Fukushima Reactor No. 4 in
Japan. While this may play out to
be a “catastrophic” event, there
are many actions one can take
to mitigate (render null & void)
this potential personal and planetary disaster.
From my perspective, the nuclear disaster that
had occurred and is still pending in Japan is an
extraordinary teaching opportunity to become
more spiritually awake and apply KNOWLEDGE
to mitigate the potential deleterious effects of excessive “toxic” radiation. Please educate yourself
about this pending Avoidable Ecological/Health
Unbeknownst to most of Humanity, we have
friends in High Places… Yes, we have Planetary
Guardians who are committed to the evolution
of our consciousness while protecting ourselves
from ourselves so to speak… Raise Your Light
Quotient Now!
So, here we are ANOTHER POSSIBLE
DOOMSDAY SCENERIO OF OUR OWN MAKING… And, yet, the vast majority of us never
agreed to the use of nuclear weapons and the
implementation of Nuclear Power as a major
source of Energy! As many of us know, there
are many other ways of generating clean energy
which in the near future will be brought forward
and thus serve to eradicate our current fossil fuel
nuclear coal energy industries. Industries which
in truth have and continue to threaten the health
and well being of all life here on Gaia… Planet
In Summary
From my perspective, the
Nuclear Disaster that occurred
and is still pending in Japan, is an
extraordinary teaching opportunity
to become more spiritually awake
and apply KNOWLEDGE to mitigate
the potential deleterious effects of
excessive “toxic” radiation…
Bless the Ce137 for the opportunity for gaining greater self knowledge, and
make it a top priority in raising ones own light
quotient… Know that while substances such
as CE137 are toxic in a 3D world they have no
negative effects whatsoever in a 5th Dimensional
World… The 5th Dimensional World, which is an
Ascended State is the vibrational level to which
the Earth herself and humanity is now moving
KNOW THYSELF: Come to fully know and
realize that we are powerful multidimensional
Beings who have the innate ability to transform
/transmute any and all agents which threaten our
essential well-being!
In Summary
This pending, potentially life threatening
disaster can compel us to either go into panic
mode, render us powerless and/or take a stand for
ourselves in the light of Love, Wisdom & Power,
and take right action through the application of
Take A Deep Breath and Give Thanks To
CE137 For The Opportunity To Achieve Rapid
Spiritual Growth!!
Da Vid Raphael, MD, Director: The San
Francisco Medical Research Foundation, Founder
of The Light Party, (415) 381-4061.
Go to this website for details on what radiation actually is and what to do on a physical
Natural Radiation Protection
nfortunately, for all of us on this planet,
radiation is all around us. It’s not the natural
radiation that we’re worried about in this
case, it’s the nuclear type radiation and EMF’s
(Electro-Magnetic Frequencies like cell phones,
cell towers and Smart Meters) that wreak havoc
on our internal organs, cells and DNA. Fortunately,
there are some natural things you can do to not get
ill or radiation poisoning (which can be highly lethal
and rupture your internal cells and organs). Zeolite
is a top natural supplement against radiation exposure and toxicity. There is a video explaining how
this powerful natural remedy for radiation works so
well against nuclear radiation and heavy metals.
Go to the website:
Natural Supplements & Herbs for Radiation
Listed in order of potency & importance:
• Natural Zeolite (The best natural supplement
against radiation and heavy metal poisoning
and exposure) Take as directed.
• Pine Pollen (natural substance from pine
trees that detoxifies radiation, particularly
• SOD (Super-Oxide Dismutase—high level
anti-oxidant with life extension properties)
• Laminaria Kelp (natural source of iodine that
is safe unlike Potassium Iodine (and naturally
detoxifies Radiation)
• Medicinal Mushrooms (take as indicated 3
times per day—very powerful immune system
boosters that protect against radiation, particularly Reishi Mushroom)
• Beta d-Glucan (one 500mg capsule per
day— protects from radiation exposure)
• Burdock Root extract (organic preferred, use
as indicated on label—up to 3 times a day— removes radioactive isotopes from the body)
• Bladderwrack (one of the best sources of
iodine which is really potent against radiation)
• Tulsi (Holy Basil—use aerial parts of herb,
tincture or extract, helps the body eliminate
radiation poisoning)
• Cilantro Leaf (Coriander—use fresh organic
on foods or as a supplement as indicated—
natural heavy metal detox) cesium 137 and
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OPENLY TO THE WHOLE WORLD. —Dr. Vladimir Chernousenko, Scientific Director of the Chernobyl “clean-up”
plutonium are heavy metals.
• Ginseng (get red ginseng if you can, take
as indicated on label 3 times per day—helps
detoxify radiation)
• Milk Thistle (as indicated on label; 3 times per
day—helps the liver detoxify radiation)
• Marine Algae (Chlorophyll—increases resistance to radiation poisoning and toxicity)
• Bentonite Clay (edible clay—1 tablespoon
in juice or water per day for a radiation detox
Also, take some Ionic Minerals and a good,
food-based multi-vitamin to keep your body
strong and give the radioactive isotopes no place
to call home in your body. Take some nice hot
baths with natural unprocessed dead sea salt (the
highest natural mineral content), baking soda and
dried ginger (about 1/2 cup each for prevention,
or 1 cup each for detoxifying treatment in as hot
water as you can stand).
It is also important to make sure the food that
you eat and the water that you drink is safe and
is helping you instead of hurting you (organic and
non-GMO). Visit the websites below for more information on radiation protection and treatment.
Go to the websites below to find out more info
on all of the above.
Also, go to Connection Magazine Archives
and look at many magazines from April 2011 and
on (pages 22 & 23), just after the Fukushima
tragedy to read all of the info that was published
about radiation protection. There are many recommendations.
TINY URL (for the same longer website
(888) 338-4108.
Go to the following website to get more info
on the following subjects:
Water Purification Systems
Foods That Fight Radiation
Treatment for Radiation Exposure
Page 13 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November — December 5, 2013
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GMOs cannot be considered
safe until there are valid, nonpropriatary, long-term studies
of their effects on humans and
the environment!
Sovereignty… True
The Myth of Enlightened Leadership
and The Challenge of True Freedom
by Kimberly & Foster Gamble,
co-creators of THRIVE
We recently returned from a
meeting with Governor Jose Calzada of Queretaro, Mexico, where we
were invited to address 1500 youth
leaders from throughout his country.
Mexico has more young people now
than ever before in its history—over
40% of the overall population—and,
they are making some bold and
intelligent moves to empower the
youth. The Governor, a front-runner
for the Presidency of Mexico, along
with his cabinet of young people,
consider the information in our film
the_movie), and the accompanying
whole-systems Solutions Strategies
(, to be a critical part
of awakening the next generation and
wanted them to join the more than 20
million people (in 27 languages) who
have seen THRIVE since its release in
November 2011.
Our meeting with Governor
Calzada was a great and somewhat
surreal experience: There we were
in a formal meeting with high-level
government officials talking naturally
about UFO’s and the transport technologies they use to travel through the
cosmos—and, how that informs new
energy technologies on our planet.
Topics like these, which are controversial here in America, are normalized in
Mexico, as they are in a host of other
countries where imperialist wars of aggression to maintain control over fossil
fuels is not the over-riding agenda.
We were reflecting on how what
is controversial in one arena is taken
for granted in another. Interestingly,
the one topic that seems to inspire the
most controversy is Liberty (www. —more
than ET’s, or the conspiracy for global
domination. One of the first times we
publically encountered the issue of
Liberty was during the LBAM spray
issue here in Santa Cruz County.
After learning about the proposed spray program, we joined with
others to introduce the 12-sector solutions model (www.thrivemovement.
com/solutions-solutions_strategy) to
help coordinate our efforts to stop
the spray. The 2007 spray program
was a billion dollar earmark by thenPresident Bush to spray ten chemicals,
some of them known carcinogens and
endocrine disrupters. The program
proposed spraying 7 million people
from throughout northern California
for nine months every year for up to10
years—all supposedly to eradicate a
tiny moth that was doing no damage.
The coalition ended up successfully use of funds.
defeating the program, after just 6
We do not believe you can
months of coordinated effort. But, at achieve freedom through coercion.
one point in the process, one contin- Some say, “Tough luck, it’s part of
gent of the activists working to stop what we agree to by being citizens.”
the spray suggested that we organize But, we never made that agreement.
to put the issue on the ballot so people Rather, we have found the only thing
could vote on it.
This is where things
heated up. We were not
willing to support a vote on
the issue. It felt to us like
voting on whether or not the
government should be able
to rape people. Not only was
there a very real chance that
the vote would be rigged—if
they had a billion dollars for
the campaign, they could
certainly invest some of that
into propaganda to convince
people that it was a safe and
necessary program, or simply to rig the votes.
But, apart from that,
Kimberly & Foster Gamble, co-creators of THRIVE
we were prompted to ask: What about everyone agrees with is that they
inalienable rights? What about the don’t want to be violated against their
right we have not to be violated with will. This may be the one agreement
toxins against our will? What about the that can actually move us beyond
right to clean air and water? It was a the political polarity gridlock to a
striking confrontation with the limits truly thriving society. The principle
of “majority rule” because whether or of non-violation holds the key to real
not the majority could be convinced freedom, security and prosperity for
that the spray was safe, we believed all. Rule by the “majority” perpetuates
that the right to not be violated was a never-ending flip-flop between one
non-negotiable, and that this was a priority and another, while missing the
chance to lay claim to that.
central issues of honest money, peace
and innate human rights.
We have been led to believe that
Liberty—not to be confused
with the Libertarian political party—is coercive associations and authoritarian
a trans-political, principle-based phi- governments are the best we can do,
losophy that holds the non-initiation but in reality, when people are prosof force as the core navigating tenet. perous enough to be able to, we care
In this system, polluters would be per- for ourselves and each other far more
sonally prosecuted instead of allowing effectively than any government ever
corporations to buy their way out of has. The Economic Freedom of the
accountability with “cap and trade.” It World Report (www.freetheworld.
is a system of self-organizing that tran- com/) shows each year that the more
scends politics with the core inalien- economic and social freedom people
able right to not be violated—for every have, the more secure, healthy and
living thing. It includes rules, but no prosperous they are.
rulers. And, we believe it constitutes A DEEPER LOOK AT
one of the most important conversa- GOVERNMENT
tions on the planet today.
Governments have actually
While people all along the been responsible for more death and
political spectrum acknowledge the destruction of their own citizens than
raging disparity of wealth and lack of any other entity. Every government in
justice, they each seem to believe that the history of the world has grown at
all would be well if only their party the expense of the population it was
were in charge. We call this “the myth supposedly set up to serve. And, evof enlightened leadership.” It is fun- ery government taxes people’s wages
damentally flawed logically because and/or purchases to fund its growth.
when one party “wins”, all is “not As Stefan Molyneux points out, “It
well” for the 49% whose wishes are took little more than a century for the
not accounted for. Taxation, which is US—founded on the idea of limited
the funding base of every government, government—to break the bonds of
relies on coercively requiring people the constitution, institute the income
to fund programs and policies whether tax, take control of the money supply
they agree with them or not. So, there and the educational system and begin
is a built in dis-ease at its core because its catastrophic expansion.”
all people will never agree on the best
Nonetheless, vast numbers of
Page 14 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
Liberty for All
Happy Thanksgiving! Now, and always, it is a time for thanks. With so
much going on in our world (locally, regionally & globally) or as we sometimes say, “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride”, we can choose to find the good; the light.
And, we can consciously create it!
We are thankful that we live in a community (world) that has so many
amazing people with such caring, expertise and desire to make changes
via ‘plans of action’.
Our Theme this issue is ‘Sovereignty. . . True Liberty for All’.
Thank you to the following people who are so dedicated to bringing
about positive change for us all; for our planet—Kimberly & Foster Gamble
who brought us THRIVE—a model for independence; freedom (defining
ways to bring about sovereignty). Millions of people throughout the entire
world are aligned with the THRIVE Movement. If you have not seen this
movie, please do.
Bruce Tanner presents information about ‘Voluntaryism’—living and
making choices of one’s own, without coercion.
Langdon Roberts & his partner Daz Haela have brought Bay Bucks
to our community as an alternative, positive way to buy things based on
‘trade dollars’—a monetary system that is real.
‘Food Sovereignty’ helps us to feed ourselves with quality, healthbuilding real food (bye-bye Monsanto & friends). Thank you to Theodora
Kerry for her research regarding local ‘food sovereignty groups’.
Claire Joy & Rico Baker remind us that “We the People” are meant
to be the original and final power, rather than any self-appointed elite or
government (via Constitution Protection Zones).
We thank each of these people for their contributions to our Theme
and our community; our world.
Connection Magazine asks you, the Readership to send us
your feedback & ideas that you are implementing for bringing about
our Sovereignty; for making positive changes in our world. Keep your
email brief, please. Send to:
With Gratitude, Pattie & Thom
people are dependent on the government for their very subsistence, and the
rigged economic system ensures that it
is so. It would be devastating to simply
eliminate taxes and the services they
provide until people are empowered
with the money and power they are
currently forced to forfeit. But, this
doesn’t mean we need new taxes, it
means we need to redirect tax money
currently over-funding the military
and fraudulent interest to the Federal
Reserve into programs that truly support those people and eco-systems
who have been most damaged by the
The notion of actually transcending involuntary government is
so new for most that many questions
arise, as they did for us. What about the
roads, security and schools etc.? Here
are links that address the most common myths and misunderstandings:
Common Arguments
against full liberty:
Top Myths about the Liberty Perspective:
Eliminating new taxes often
sounds callous because it has not
been offered with a compassionate
strategy for transition. With THRIVE,
we designed a process of 3 over-lapping stages (www.thrivemovement.
com/solutions-solutions_strategy) to
ensure that the needs of people are
tended to along the way to a truly voluntary society. It is based on the best
of both “the left” and “the right,” and
finally transcends the limits of each as
it moves to truly open forms of selforganization based on the principles
of freedom and integrity.
So many people who are great
at pointing out the problems associated
with the “other party’s” position are at
a loss for viable, just solutions. On the
left, socialist scenarios-as-solutions
are having a hey-day, and on the right,
fascist imperialist strategies are at the
fore. But, beyond both there is a new
model of human organization that can
revolutionize world society to release
people’s untapped and suppressed
potentials. It requires a worldview as
radically new as the notion of a round
world was to the “flat-worlders”. And,
it requires a thoughtful, compassionate, strategic transition process to
Stage One carries the Progressive ethic of compassionate
action and entails bringing as much
integrity as possible to current systems
and helping those most in need. Some
examples of actions to take in this
Stage are campaign finance reform,
the repeal of corporate personhood,
the end of the Federal Reserve’s ability
to make up money out of nothing and
charge taxpayers interest on it, and
the introduction of the precautionary
principle, where corporations and
governments are required to prove the
safety of something rather than that
onus being the responsibility of those
impacted by their policies—GMO’s
being a good example.
Stage Two is more like traditional Conservatism—shrinking government to the protection of individual
rights and commons such as water,
air and fisheries. It involves a return
to sound currencies and, with the increased wealth returned to the people
from Stage One, it supports a true unsubsidized free market of voluntary
exchange. Both these tracks include
an end to wars of aggression—foreign
and domestic.
In Stage Three, the wealth
and well-being that people have as a
result of Stages One and Two enable
people to care for themselves and each
other through voluntary associations
that operate with non-violation as the
core principle. This stage represents
a means, an end, and an insight.
Complete Liberty, or Voluntaryism
( as it is
sometimes called, represents a society
of free association. It does not argue
for the specific form that voluntary
arrangements will take; only that force
be abandoned so that individuals in
society may flourish. In this model
of Liberty, the means determine the
end—people cannot be coerced into
The Nolan Diagram, shown
here, illustrates the shared strategies
that both Liberals and Conservatives
rely on, i.e. coercion-based funding
of programs, be they war or welfare.
Liberty is the strategy that allows us
to lift off the spectrum of coercion and
two-party gridlock.
What on Earth will it take? This
is the question we ask in THRIVE. The
point of the movie was to provide the
minimum sufficient information, we
felt was needed to inform truly leveraged solutions. Thrive’s Solutions Hub
( currently hosts over 900 groups
from more than 90 countries—all
organized around principle-based
solutions to a range of 100+ different
issues. These solutions require deep
and thoughtful reflection and bold,
unprecedented action. We invite you
to join the conversation, and to begin
with some questions:
1) If there were a way to have accessible and good roads, education and healthcare, help for the
poor, a respected system of justice etc.—without anyone being
violated against their will—as in
involuntary income tax—would
you want that?
2) When, if ever, is it OK for someone
to coerce or violate someone else
except in authentic self-defense?
3) Do you think that an authoritarian
power using coercion is necessary
in order for humans to be compassionate?
4) Can violence ever be a sustainable
basis for a peaceful society?
For more information, we invite you to
visit the Liberty section of our website
Opento possibility
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Page 15 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
Sovereignty… T
“The thought of how much the human race would
have advanced without government simply staggers
the imagination.” Doug Casey, 1979
by Bruce Tanner
oluntaryism is a name for a new model
of human organization that can revolutionize world society to release people’s
untapped and suppressed potentials.
Introduction from “Voluntaryism is the doctrine that relations among
people should be by mutual consent, or not at
all. It represents a means, an end, and an insight.
Voluntaryism does not argue for the specific form
that voluntary arrangements will take; only that
force be abandoned so that individuals in society
may flourish. As it is the means which determine
the end, the goal of an all voluntary society must
be sought voluntarily. People cannot be coerced
into freedom. Hence, the use of the free market,
education, persuasion, and non-violent resistance
as the primary ways to change people’s ideas
about the State. The Voluntaryist insight, that
all tyranny and government are grounded upon
popular acceptance, explains why voluntary
means are sufficient to attain that end.”
• The converse of Voluntaryism is often
called Statism, or the idea there can exist a collective authority that supersedes the authority of
This Statist ideology pervades our culture
and our world. This situation is often accepted by
us as simply being “the way it is.” If we look at
this carefully and clearly however, we’ll see that
“the State” can only ever be a conceptual fiction
under which individual humans act using this
imagined collective authority. This has developed
and has been perpetuated over thousands of years
by rulers and their minions, who were under the
erroneous and delusional impression that it created advantages for them that made their lives
easier and more prestigious.
• It seems reasonable to speculate that
over these many generations of living under
governments, there have been intelligent yet
psychopathic members of the power elite who
have recognized the utility of more social control – of enhancing the hypnotic power of the
imaginary institutions they command through
psychological manipulation of the populations,
the bureaucratic minions and enforcers, and even
of those believing themselves the nobility or
legitimate leaders.
Because most of us have accepted that this
collective power is The Way It Is, we are conditioned to shy away from the consideration that it
is never legitimate for us to give this imaginary
State invasive privileges that we can’t exercise
as individuals.
• If people are to be responsible for providing their own abundance, then it is arguably
in our own best interest that those around us are
as strong and capable as possible, so society can
flourish as a whole. Harming others’ abilities
to perceive life with clarity and think critically
about what they see would therefor only be hurting ourselves. Another corollary to this is the idea
that when we attack others, we also feel attacked
ourselves at a subconscious level. What goes
around, comes around. We then live in a world of
fear. This fear is increased if we face irrational,
authoritarian, defensive and psychopathic behav-
Remember The Future
iors by “Leaders,” “Representatives,” or officers
invested with a belief in their power over us.
What we now experience as the “educational system” is a highly sophisticated product of
many generations of psychological enhancement
that operates directly counter to what common
sense will tell us will build a strong society.
• To truly come into my own power, I
must first accept others coming into theirs without any conditions or personal preferences.
In our current model, we are hypnotically
addicted to the idea that we must attain preeminence over others.
• If I want to promote this unspoken
necessity for power, a set of hidden strategies
tends to be constantly generated and updated in
my mindspace.
• I tend to see people not as the unknowable mysteries they are, but only as resources
for getting advantages prioritized in my hidden
strategies. If I don’t see them as having value
for gaining preeminence, they have no interest
or value for me.
• Crucially, to advance in rank in society,
one needs to serve the interests of people above
oneself in the pecking order. This begs the question of just what is being served when one rises
to the top of an institution.
• In order to open the flow of energies
(goods and services) from others – and from
Source – I need to open my inner source, for
energies to flow outward, producing value that
is under demand by my fellow beings.
Because of the repressive strategies used
by people operating “under color” of authority
– Typically as “governments” or governmentprivileged institutions, i.e. corporations – we
are now impeded from offering many kinds of
essential goods or services that can potentially
solve critical issues we now face.
• Governments generally claim monopoly power to represent the interests of people,
often called “citizens,” within the conceptual area
– i.e. “State” – over which they claim to have “jurisdiction” – or control. Marc Stevens teaches that
“the State” claims legitimacy as a “body politic”
which has jurisdiction over citizens: “persons”
who make a pledge of allegiance in return for
the State’s duty of protection. However, within
the U.S. no court has ever ruled that government
has incurred any liability for failure to protect its
• One area in which people such as
Marc Stevens are producing value for others
is in teaching them to protect themselves from
invasion and usurpation of their time and energies
by people trying to use others to gain illegitimate
advantages for themselves. Ultimately, these
kinds of services can develop into voluntarily
accessed alternatives for many of the functions
of “governments.”
This is highly inconvenient to the purveyors of the worldwide system of control by
violence. The system is now coming under
the unprecedented threat of the awakening of
populations the elite ruling consensus depend
Continues on Page 19
Page 16 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
True Liberty for All
The Local Route to Financial Health
by Langdon Roberts
f you’re like most American’s ness owner to provide goods and loans or other types of investments,
you’ve probably realized by now services with real value and is not so growth is generally difficult. Even
that the international central bank- attached to an interest payment. The when a small business is able to get a
ing system, which is represented in basic system of exchange is called bank loan, the result is still that money
this country by the Federal Reserve mutual credit clearing. It is the basis leaves the local community in the form
and all of its member banks, is not for most business-to-business trade of interest paid to bankers. Local credit
your friend. You may have even done exchanges.
unions are a good alternative, but they
the math and realized that the way our
In Santa Cruz County, busi- are often not able to meet the need for
money is created, essentially material- nesses can join the Bay Bucks trade local capital as many businesses canizing out of thin air at the whim of the
not meet the requirements for loans or
bankers, with nearly every dollar in
afford the interest payments. Furtherexistence tied to an interest payment
more, even a loan from a credit union
to the banks, produces an unstable
creates inflation, as new money is still
system, with ever-increasing debt
created with interest attached.
owed to the central bank by citizens
An alternative solution is direct
and governments alike. The ultimate
investment in local businesses by loresult is that the ultra-rich, who can
cal individuals or groups. However,
either create the money directly or
Langdon Roberts and Daz Haela
systems to efficiently facilitate such
borrow at very low interest rates (or exchange, which has members investment do not exist in most comsometimes no interest at all!) continue throughout the greater San Francisco munities. Investment clubs (fewer
to get richer at the expense of the poor Bay Area. Members can purchase than 100 members) and investment
and middle class, who must pay much what they need by using trade credits. groups (more than 100 members) are
higher interest rates if they want access Access to trade credits is based upon structures that allow investors to pool
to capital. Even the American dream of the business’s capacity to produce resources and distribute risk. These
buying a home, results in an increase useful goods and services. In order organizations can be focused either
in the disparity between the ultra-rich to gain more trade credits, a busi- on investments that simply maxiand the rest of us, as the amount paid, ness simply agrees to accept Bay mize profits, or specifically on local
including interest to the banks, is Bucks (trade credits) from the other investing, environmental investing,
generally over double the cash value of members as payment for the goods or any goal upon which the members
the house. In order for the borrowers to and services that they choose to offer agree. If properly managed, investhave sufficient funds to pay the interest on the exchange. Joining Bay Bucks ment clubs and groups can provide
on loans (home, auto, etc.), the cost of is an efficient way for locally owned a vehicle for the healthy growth of a
everything must continually increase. businesses to increase their available local economy.
If you stop to think about what this capital without going into debt to a To connect with other Santa Cruz
really means, you will realize that bank or paying interest. More informa- County residents who are interested
inflation, which is ultimately the result tion about the exchange is available at in sustainable local economics, or
of compound interest, is actually a tax
to learn more about trade exchanges
paid directly to the banks!
Another way to make a dif- and local investment, contact New
Most Americans have resigned ference is to buy locally and invest Earth Exchange at (831) 476-7529 or
themselves to this sad state of affairs. locally. Organizations such as Think go to . New
Feelings of apathy and helplessness Local First have done an excellent Earth Exchange will be hosting an
pervade our culture. Most everyone job of getting the word out about informational and social gathering on
complains about the unfairness of it all, the importance of buying locally. Tuesday, November 19th at 6:30pm at
but few realize that there are actually However, it is still very difficult for 4630 Soquel Dr., Suite 10, in Soquel.
a few things that they can do to make local businesses to compete with Langdon Roberts is the Santa Cruz
a difference. I don’t mean supporting mega-corporations, which are often county representative of the Bay
a return to the gold standard or any able to offer substantially lower prices Bucks trade exchange, co-founder of
type of monetary system based upon on many items due to the tremendous New Earth Exchange, and the direca single commodity. These systems are financial power they wield. It is often tor of the Santa Cruz Neurofeedback
highly inefficient and do not allow for difficult for small businesses to secure Center.
the flexibility needed
in today’s fast-paced
economy. However,
there is at least one
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Page 17 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
Sovereignty… True Liberty for All
Food Sovereignty Groups
in Santa Cruz
Compiled by Theodora Kerry
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Green Grange/Santa Cruz
Live Oak Grange Hall no.503 is
a hub of advocacy and activism on
behalf of family-sized farms, organic
agriculture, sustainability, and local
resilience. Their website is filled
with info and links to local & national groups working on these issues.
Santa Cruz Reskilling Expo
teaches sustainable daily-living skills
that were known 50-75 years ago,
including the production of food, water, energy, and other essential goods.
Santa Cruz Fruit Tree Project
is a volunteer group that organizes
free community fruit gleaning and
processing events including making
jam, cider, wine, and curing olives.
In the winter, they teach about tree
propagation and maintenance to
encourage the planting of more fruit
trees in our community. http://www.
Santa Cruz Beekeepers Guild
is a group of local beekeepers, both
hobbyists and professionals who meet
monthly to share their experiences as
beekeepers and to learn from guest
Love Apple Farm is a working
farm specializing in over 100 varieties of heirloom tomatoes. They offer
several gardening and cooking classes
each year, covering such topics as
cheese-making, chicken-keeping, and,
of course, vegetable growing.
Center for Agroecology &
Sustainable Food Systems is a
research, education, and public service program at UCSC, dedicated to
increasing ecological sustainability
and social justice in the food and agriculture system. They offer low-cost
gardening workshops, apprenticeships,
and more intensive training programs.
Cabrillo College Extension
Classes will be offering a Green Home
& Garden Series of one-day classes
beginning in April. Cabrillo College’s
Horticulture Program also offers a
full range of classes for both career
students and home gardeners.
Urban Garden Share matches
homeowners (with garden space) to
gardeners (with experience) as a solution for cultivating both food production and community.
Life Lab is a national leader
in farm- and garden-based education.
They promote experiential learning for
all ages through children’s camps, field
trips, youth and internship programs,
and teacher workshops. http://www.
FOOD WHAT?! is a youth
empowerment program using food,
through sustainable agriculture and
health, as the vehicle for bringing
about personal growth and transformation. We partner with teenage youth to
grow, cook, eat and distribute healthy
sustainably raised food. http://www.
Ag Against Hunger’s mission
is to alleviate hunger by creating a connection between the agricultural community and food assistance programs.
Members collect the surplus harvest
from local growers and distribute it to
food banks and non-profits that then
give it at no cost to those in need.
Homeless Garden Project
provides job training and transitional
employment to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The
programs offer trainees an opportunity to rebuild and develop basic life
skills and a sense of worth as human
Non-GMO Santa Cruz educates and activates against GMO’s
in our food and on our farms, and
promotes the labeling of GMO foods
in our stores.
UCSC Demeter Seed Library
requires contact to access free seeds.
Santa Cruz Grows Seed Library promotes biodiversity by enabling the free exchange of seeds by
home gardeners. People are encouraged to “borrow” seeds, and then
“return” seeds harvested from the
original seed after it’s grown. The
Seed Library is self-serve and can be
found at the Museum of Art & History (705 Front St., Downtown Santa
Cruz) and the Live Oak Library (2380
Portola Dr.).
vegetable, flower, & herbs
rare fruit trees
Micro ~ Cell Tech
No pecia
Take the guesswork out of supplementation
A microscopic live blood evaluation
that is Scientific, Personal and Informative.
Keffi Bell • 831-600-8626 • • 140-A Dubois Street, Santa Cruz
Page 18 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
Sovereignty… True Liberty for All
Constitution Protection Zones
by Rico Baker & Claire Joy
• Since time immemorial there
have been elites who believe they
have a greater right to govern than
the common people. However, in the
founding of our country, a rare and
precious experiment in government
was undertaken, a government “of
the people, by the people and for the
people.” Our government is a “Republic” because the people, meaning the
“public,” are the source of its power,
rather than a monarch or an emperor.
Our U.S. Constitution along with its
Bill of Rights makes it very clear that
“We the People” are meant to be the
original and final power, rather than
any self-appointed elite.
• Today in the U.S. a powerful
and secret elite group is actively working to dissolve away the fundamental
rights guaranteed to the people by
our Constitution. They say our Constitution is out of date or irrelevant,
or they simply want to destroy our
fundamental rights as free Americans
citizens. The misnamed “Patriot”
act, the NDAA (National Defense
Authorization Act), and the NSA’s
proven illegal surveillance and spying
on private citizens are only the tip of
the unconstitutional iceberg.
Taking Action:
• One definition of a patriot is
a person who will protect the U.S.
Constitution from all enemies, both
foreign and domestic. We the People
are suggesting that we start at the
grassroots by gathering with our families, friends, and trusted associates to
dedicate ourselves to protecting the
U.S. Constitution and thereby our individual liberties, beginning at the local
and county levels, then districts, and
eventually at the state level to establish
not come to the aid of our country
now cannot be counted on and if they
are holding any office, they must be
voted out. This defining constitutional
issue is drawing the proverbial “line
in the sand!”
• If there is any question in your
mind about our duty, please reread
the 10th Amendment, which reserves
all powers not specifically granted to
the federal government (and there are
really only a few) to the states (and
their subdivisions) or the people. (See
the US Supreme Court decision, Prinz
and Mack vs. U.S., which strongly
reaffirms that the Constitution is the
supreme law of the land, and that
there is a purposeful balance of power
between the federal and state govern-
ments, whose duty it is to keep the
other in balance.)
• No matter what our political,
religious, or any other affiliation, the
U.S. Constitution is the foundation
for everyone’s rights and when it is
being threatened, as it is now, it is
very important, indeed our duty, to
protect it. Hence we are proposing
that individuals call upon their city
and county representatives to create
local “Constitution Protection Zones”
that include provisions that emphasize
education about the Constitution, so
that officials (elected or not) who take
an oath to protect it know the profound
meaning and ramifications of this oath,
and will take action to do so!
The time to act is NOW!
Please see our Facebook site
Thank you, We the People
(U.S.= US)
Claire Joy and Rico Baker are contact
persons for this project. If you are
inspired to help in any way or have any
questions, please call (831) 818-2196
or email
Rico, a graduate of UCSC, is an author and publisher. Claire, a graduate
of Mt. Holyoke College, is an educator
and networker. They live in Watsonville, CA.
What is Voluntaryism?
Body, Mind,
Heart & Soul
) Transformational Healing
) Customized Mentoring Programs
) Educational Resources & Intensive Study
) Reiki & Vibrational Healing Instruction
Enchanting Events
*Soul Deep Love ~ The Gathering
Monthly Event ~ Third Fridays 7:30 to 9:00 pm
819 1/2 Pacific Ave., SC ~ next to Zachary’s
(upcoming ~ Nov. 15 & Dec. 20)
*Cultivating Spiritual Depth
December 8, 12:00 to 6:00, Aptos, $90
Practicing lovingly and locally since 1996
Michele DeMoulin
Reverend, Reiki Master Teacher
Founder, Fiamma D’Amore™
Institute & Ministries
(831) 457-7788
Free Online Calendar Listings -
Continued from Page 16
on to provide the skills and energy to
maintain their hegemony.
It seems that now, in the
early 21st Century, the control agenda
has become so developed and pervasive that it is threatened by the arising
of any human capabilities not under
direct control of the elites. In particular, new ideas in the areas of energy,
health, agriculture, social organization and human development directly
menace the interlocking institutions of
• As new technologies emerge
to empower the “peasant classes” to
transcend their dependence on entrenched systems, Statist cabals will
be driven to choose between escalating
their use of violence, or acquiescing to
• The idea of political power
is that any means necessary must be
employed to enroll the levels of agreement and compliance in the population
to attain desired political goals. This
amounts to coerced control; war by
other means. Once a political process
has secured the impression of agreement, or “manufactured consensus,”
then State violence is employed in
enforcing “democratic” policy. In this
sense, political methods violate the
basic principles of Voluntaryism.
As to how we can “get there
from here,” the specific pathways are
not yet clear. However, if we commit
ourselves and adhere to the principles
of Voluntaryism, this clarity is certain
to emerge. If we steadfastly refrain
from violation of others’ lives, are
faithful to voluntary agreements we
make, and are always open to feedback, criticism, and correction of
mistakes, methods of development and
social organization we’re not yet aware
of will be found. If we lose our resolution and cut corners, we will return to
the descending course of our increasingly dangerous fall into corruption.
• The transition to an all-voluntary society is the paradigm shift
that most of humankind now intuits is
coming. The idea is radical: going to
the root of the delusions and illusory
goals that have plagued us throughout
history. Yet at the same time, it is very
simple. As we go on, we will feel and
intuit more easily those times when
thoughts arise of acting in violation of
the Sacred Space of others. Avoiding
those mistakes, we will gradually feel
more free, and more unencumbered
with troubled consciences and fears.
As these skills begin to become realized, we’ll be on the verge of entering
a new world.
THRIVE Santa Cruz
Solutions Group Meetup
What is Voluntaryism?
Voluntaryism, with its essential Principle
of Non-Aggression, is a new model of
human organization that can revolutionize
world society, and release people's
untapped and suppressed potentials.
Find out more about Voluntaryism at our Meetup Site
THRIVE Santa Cruz:
Official Thrive Movement Site:
Page 19 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
ThetaHealing: Come Learn Self-Healing!
Lynda Chaikin
ThetaHealing Master
Instructor & Practitioner
Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing®
Experience the Learned Art of Co-Creating Miracles
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ThetaHealing Game of Life Class ‡ Fri-Sun, October 25-27
ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy ‡ Mon-Fri, November 4-22
(831) 431-0677 or 426-9453
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and Vocational
Enter the world of Shamanism
Patricia White Buffalo
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Shamanic Training & Transformational Program
Coming Feb. at the Quaker Center, Ben Lomond
20 yr’s in Practice
by Laurel Ricci
s beautiful as when YOU, the miracle
of life carried in Mother’s womb,
began to suck your thumb or yawn by
14 weeks old. Yep! We did that! As beautiful as
the day you were born, a shining baby welcomed
into the world. Loving hands and eyes marveled
at your tiny hands and feet and the exquisite
softness of your skin. There you are… Bright
clear eyes, innocent, fresh and abundantly alive!
So what happened? How did you get from there
to here?
The Àrst chapters of your unique story
began with trying to Ànd your small feet in
a BIG world. What were the forces shaping
your story? Shaping your take on who you were
relating to family, circumstances and the world
around you? The key here is how you personally
took it all on, misunderstandings, conforming,
and survival strategies to get what you thought
you wanted and be loved/acknowledged. Imagine
naturally expressing as a young child and you get
reprimanded often. So you begin to build a core
belief that something must be wrong, I can’t be
ME, I need to create a different version of me.
However you do this, it gets reÁected through
your memories, brain circuitry, body language
and verbal expression. Captured in the feeling
tone of an identity forming of who you believe
yourself to be!
As an experienced professional in the
holistic health Àeld for 25 years, using Clinical Hypnotherapy, Transformational Coaching
and the Emotional Freedom Techniques, I help
clients discover how they are their own Master
Storyteller. A Master Storyteller crafting who
they think they are in their lives, and recreating
it every day from a past long gone!
When our experiences are consolidated
in memory, they take with them what is in our
awareness and especially intense emotions.
Every time a memory is triggered, we are editing
it with the details of our present awareness and
experience. If we continue to add negative material, we are building stronger neural networks to
support the evidence of the story. We are creating
a negative experience over and over again! Wait!
There’s good news! Each time we take in the
ings, while the older
negative memory is
firing, we build even
stronger neural networks that uplift and
inform our mind, body,
energy, life and future in new thriving ways!
The Emotional Freedom Techniques and
Matrix Reimprinting are brilliant effective
transformation tools that access our current
experience of stress, challenges, habits and pain.
We can then drop into deeper layers that want to
be revealed and healed, shedding new light on
who we naturally are beneath the layers.
In a recent EFT class, a participant was
remembering a traumatic memory from childhood. I asked how is that memory informing your
being in this moment. What are the thoughts?
What are the feelings? The sensations in your
body? We follow the emerging threads bubbling
up to the surface of consciousness. What is alive
in you and wants to be met now? What is the
voice of the story? There is a unique language
from childhood Àlled with feeling. There is an
inner conÁict of a part that wants relief and
knows forgiveness is the key. Yet there is a part
not wanting to let go of holding onto the pain
of the trauma. “How could they do that to me?
I was only a young child! I will never forgive
them!” As we are tapping on the energy system
soon there is great relief and an opening in the
mind and feelings. We acknowledge that too.
Then Presence/Spirit moves me to say, “The
real forgiveness is you for YOU, how you took
it on and held onto the pain not willing to let
it go.” Every heart in that room woke up. The
heart is the true healer of all misunderstandings
and wounds.
Every time a negative memory is triggered there is new evidence we are giving to
the story. “See? I still have the pain! I’m going
to hold on even tighter!” It’s as if we think if we
forgive that person we’re letting them off the
hook. Ironically the healing is for us! What are we
doing to ourselves? When we forgive ourselves
for how we contracted our being in feeling so
BAD and holding onto the pain, our energy frees
up. We realize it wasn’t our fault. Page 21
250 Hr. Massage Certi¿cation Program
Beneath the Layers and the Story,
good or a positive shift
with heightened feel-
The Santa Cruz RIO THEATRE:
December 7th and 8th
oy and Happiness EVENTS is
thrilled to be bringing the off
Broadway, award-winning Vital
Theatre and Hit Entertainment’s
Angelina Ballerina The Musical
to Santa Cruz for the holidays! Angelina Ballerina is internationally
known and is well on her way to becoming as
famous as Minnie Mouse.
American Writer Katharine Holabird is
the author and creator of Angelina Ballerina, a
mouse who loves to dance. Her popular book
series has expanded into a world of its own. In
addition to a popular PBS televisions series,
there are now roughly a couple hundred actual
Angelina Ballerina Dance Academies in the U.S.,
Canada, UK and Ireland.
One doesn’t have to be a big fan of Angelina
Ballerina to appreciate the underlining message
of this show and that is to follow your heart.
Angelina Ballerina the Musical is all about joy
and happiness and that is why joy and happiness
EVENTS has chosen to bring it to Santa Cruz.
We’re going to have a fun weekend with Angelina Ballerina! We invite you to join us!
About the show
Angelina Ballerina the Musical has had a
highly successful off BROADWAY
run for THREE years, and comes to
a close at the end of this year with a
Àrst, last and limited U.S. tour. For
ONE holiday weekend, the Only
Bay Area and Central Coast stop
will be in Santa Cruz at the RIO
THEATRE. Angelina Ballerina
the Musical runs 50 minutes with a
cast of eight characters and children ages 3-10
absolutely love it!
Performances run 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on
both Saturday and Sunday, December 7th
and 8th.
Tickets are $29.50. For tickets and more information, please visit or call (831) 278-1419.
In Angelina Ballerina the Musical, Angelina
and her friends, Alice, Gracie, AZ, Viki and even
their teacher, Ms. Mimi, are all aÁutter because
a special guest is coming to visit Camembert
Academy! Angelina and her friends will perform
all types of dance, including hip-hop, modern
dance, the Irish jig and of course, ballet and they
are excited to show off their skills to their famous
visitor. Angelina is the most excited, but will she
get the starring moment she hopes for? Based on
the CG-animated series, “Angelina Ballerina The
Next Steps” on PBS KIDS®.
Page 20 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
by Christopher Love
h how I enjoy the crisp cool
air of Fall at this time of the
Sun’s waning. I also appreciate the warmth of a nice oak fire and
a cup of hot tea. I am grateful to live
in a place where my needs are met on
so many levels and I have the luxury to relish
fine things, such as meeting with friends to study
meaningful books and discuss philosophies.
Oh yes, then there are the sweet treats that are
occasionally offered up out of care for the child
within, without regard to the healthful knowledge
of our adult minds.
Perhaps you were there when someone
dropped the concept of sovereignty into the
conversation. I have checked into the sovereignty
movement, and as it has been presented to me,
it seems to be about creating oneself as an individual sovereign state as a way to live “outside
the system.” According to the Oxford American
College Dictionary sovereign means; “having
to do with a nation or state—fully independent
and determining it’s own affairs.” Applying this
as an adjective to describe the way in which an
individual person conducts his or her life is an
interesting concept.
Do you feel it is possible to live outside the
system? If a person were to live on the open range
or deep in the forest, take no part in any offerings
of the society in which he/she is surrounded by
and provides for him or herself everything necessary for survival, would you consider this person
sovereign, even though they are living on land
within a state or nation? What if they have their
own form of currency?
I have met one man who has not used any
form of printed or coined currency for over thirty
years, although he lives within America’s borders. This same man told me money is a concept
created by humans and that people give it power
to exist with their thoughts and without this consensus of agreed thought, money would cease to
hold any value as it only represents power and
is not power itself. If this man holds true to his
values all the way to his passing, would he get
your vote for being truly sovereign even though
he utilized resources during his life that were
provided by taxpaying citizens, such as roads
and public utilities?
Another person I spoke with told me the
sovereignty movement is not about becoming
completely independent, rather it is more like
becoming an individual state that governs itself
and interacts with neighboring states through
activities such as barter and trade. If someone
utilizes any infrastructure that was set up to
support our society with tax dollars, without
contributing to the tax base, would you consider
them sovereign? Also, unless this person owns
their own island, they inhabit the area, which they
call their neighbor state, while simultaneously
maintaining that they are a sovereign state. With
Webster’s definition in mind, states operating
within the United States are not sovereign. So
how can any person living within a state or nation
be sovereign?
Personally, I have considered
myself a rebel and a non-conformist
for most of my life, and that said, I
am not under the illusion that I have,
at anytime, been outside the system.
The funny thing is that the more I
study society and see how our collective choices
affect everyone’s lives, I am increasingly under
the impression that the system is not something
to get away from, rather, through participating, it
is something to utilize as a vehicle to better our
lives as well the lives of generations yet to come.
The governing system we have today is made of
people, many of whom are elected. I have come
to the conclusion that if we want the system to
represent our individual preferences, then we
have to be an active part of it for it to reflect our
sentiments. We have no right to complain about
something that we are not putting any of our time
or energy into.
I personally believe the sovereignty movement is a reaction to a couple of strong feelings:
the feeling of being overly governed and that of
feeling powerless over the governing system.
Many people I speak with these days have lost
faith in our government. There is evidence that
corruption is wide spread and affects every
branch. Many people today feel their voices are
not heard, their elected officials don’t care, and
their input is insignificant in the political arena.
There are many examples of elected officials
running predetermined agenda despite public
opinion as they simultaneously give plenty of
attention to the desires of corporations.
Here in Santa Cruz, for example, I have
witnessed hours of citizen testimony against a
proposed legislation with not one person standing for the proposal and the city council voting
unanimously in favor of the action despite the
apparent opposite opinion of the citizens. It is
easy to get discouraged, feel time spent is wasted
and give up on participating. I have no doubt that
it would be easier to walk away from any form of
central government and do ones own thing. The
problem is there are a lot of humans here, and
everyone doing their own thing may very well
create an amazingly chaotic place to live, as well
as a dangerous one.
I believe disengaging in the system will not
assist us in getting what we want. As a matter
of fact, low citizen participation may very well
be contributing to the rampant corruption by
fostering a system without accountability. The
solution is complex, and I believe it will take a lot
of citizen participation to return political sanity.
There are tools on our side, such as utilizing the
democratic principles of equal representation,
balanced power sharing and inclusive decisionmaking, coupled with the values of no conflict
of interest, transparency and accountability. It is
our choice; choice is what political self-determination is all about. I would love to hear what
you think.
Direct comments and correspondence to:
are! You will absolutely love YOU! Beneath the
layers and the story… There you are!
Laurel teaches a variety of EFT classes
including Create a Powerful Breakthrough with
Stress, Habits, Fears, or Pain and Change Your
Mind, Change Your Brain classes at Healthy Solutions with Terri Oberto, a Nutrition Consultant
and Quantum Biofeedback Specialist. Join Laurel
for ongoing EFT evening classes… Get special
attention for issues!
Contact Laurel for classes and personal
sessions at (408) 859-6465, CoreSolutions4Life.
com. (See AD on page 12.)
“I am whole within myself,
Page 20
there’s nothing inherently wrong with me. It is a
memory and trauma long gone and I’m the one
keeping it alive! I am the one making myself suffer. If I am that powerful, I can make new choices
and create a more positive reality!” Wow!
As a new uplifting energy and insight
surges throughout our being, we wake up to
our true nature. We surrender to a new language
and choices that literally light up our brains differently! Wake up to that Miracle of Life that is
still a happening thing, no matter what age you
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appointment at Way of Life on Saturday, Nov. 23, from 3-5 PM
The 10 minute mini reading is $10. Please call Willa at 831-726-3190 to
make your appointment & provide your birth information for the chart.
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Page 21 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November — December 5, 2013
ThetaHealing Master Instructor and Practitioner
(A.C.H.E. #193205)
BOX 3773 • SANTA CRUZ, CA 95063
ynda: Thank you, Pattie, for the opportunity
to talk with you about
ThetaHealing. I’ve witnessed
many great results in clients who
found me through the Connection
Pattie: What are some of
the benefits from ThetaHealing you’ve seen in your clients’
Lynda: Healings generally show themselves in four different areas: physical, emotional, relationship, and Ànancial. In over 4 years
as a professional ThetaHealer, clients have
had physical results including the reversal of
breast cancer without chemotherapy or radiation,
Lyme disease that tests as gone without the use
of antibiotics that year, kidney stones disappearing, kidney function being restored, colds and Áu
going away abruptly, and chronic muscular and
skeletal problems being eliminated. This is why a
leading chiropractor refers into my practice.
Mental health concerns often respond
strongly to the genetic healings that are possible
with ThetaHealing. Clients with depression
have been able to come off of long-term use of
psychiatric medication with their doctor’s supervision. People with anxiety have experienced the
ability to be deeply calm regardless of external
circumstances. I’ve also witnessed clients who
came to me with diagnosed bipolar disorder or
obsessive-compulsive disorder achieve freedom
from their symptoms.
Several clients who had a history of
disappointing relationships soon found their
soul mate or had the conÀdence to marry their
beloved. People have experienced reconciliation
with parents and siblings, as well.
Some of the most dramatic healings have
been Ànancial. Through the ability of ThetaHealing to identify and remove the blocks that prevent
people from allowing abundance into their lives,
clients’ careers, businesses and Ànances have
taken off in wonderful ways.
I invite people to go to Yelp Santa Cruz
and type in Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing
to read clients’ stories of the results they’ve
Pattie: What ages are appropriate?
Lynda: I’ve worked with twins who were
2 years old at the time, and one of my recent
clients has been a woman who just celebrated her
99th birthday! Teenagers have responded well
to my ThetaHealing, and it’s rewarding to know
that decades of suffering have been prevented
for them.
Pattie: How soon does a
person feel the beneÀts?
Lynda: Most people experience a significant improvement
in their Àrst session. I make sure
to create a foundation for healing
that allows clients to be able to
heal. Often they are able to Ànally
receive the beneÀts of all the care
they’ve had from practitioners of
other healing methods that, at the time, seemed
to not be working.
Pattie: Can a person receive the beneÀts
over a distance?
Lynda: Through ThetaHealing, I have
achieved medically documented results from
phone sessions and have worked with people in
China, Mexico, Canada, as well as all time zones
in the United States.
Pattie: Well, I must say here, I have had
phone sessions with you for ThetaHealings.
This ThetaHealing is truly remarkable. I
highly recommend it for anyone/everyone
that has anything—anything at all—that
they would like to change (like: emotional,
Ànancial, physical, health issues, depression,
etc., etc.) I believe, from what I have learned,
and through my own personal experiences
and beneÀts, that ThetaHealing can help everything in one’s life. It sure has helped me in
a multitude of ways. AND, I look forward to
when I can personally take the ThetaHealing
courses myself!! Thank you Lynda for your
great work and ThetaHealing sessions.
Lynda Chaikin, of Merciful Heavens
ThetaHealing, is a Master ThetaHealer and
Master ThetaHealing Instructor. She offers a
powerful sequence of ThetaHealing CertiÀcation Classes in the Santa Cruz area. Lynda
hosts a professionally supervised ThetaHealing
Practice Group Meetup in Santa Cruz. She has
lived in the Santa Cruz area for over 29 years
and has been a holistic health professional the
entire time. Lynda offers ThetaHealing sessions
in person at her Aptos, CA ofÀce as well as by
phone. Lynda’s contact information:
Look for Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing
on Yelp Santa Cruz
Cell: (831) 431-0677
Home ofÀce: (831) 426-9453
(831) 462-0213
Page 22 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
Awareness: New Dimensions of Relationship
“A Higher Plan for Your Life”
by Joyce and Barry Vissell
e human beings try
very hard to control
our lives by careful
planning and scheduling. And
when things do not work out according to our well-made plans
and schedules, we often feel disappointed, or even punished. And
yet there is a higher plan at work.
I have talked with several
young teachers who plan to get
pregnant and have their babies the
end of June so that they can begin
their school year again in September.
I listen to these carefully made plans,
knowing that a baby has its own
schedule. Perhaps the conception
does not happen for six months, or the baby is three
weeks early at the very busiest time of school. I
smile when I hear such elaborate plans, knowing
that life does not work on such a schedule, and that
part of life on earth is to teach us to be Áexible.
The timing of meeting your future partner
may also cause frustration and anxiety. You may
feel completely ready and are praying and hoping
to meet this special person, and it does not seem
to be happening. Years might even go by, and you
may feel such great sadness in the waiting process.
And yet, perhaps the person destined to be with
you is Ànishing up school or business in another
part of the world and the timing is not yet right
for you to meet. When the time is right, you are
brought together, and the waiting period does not
seem to matter at all.
I had a different kind of plan that seemingly
went all wrong, but in the end, I realized it was
perfect. After Àve years of not being able to breed
puppies, we wanted to have another litter of our
beloved Golden Retrievers. We have owned
goldens for over forty-three years, and it brings
us great joy to have a litter of high quality puppies, give them extra amounts of love and care,
and then see the joy that they bring to their new
owners. We bought an exceptional female Golden
Retriever puppy and named her Rosie. We then
waited the two years for her to be old enough to
get her health clearances and breed. Our friend
George had the perfect male to breed with Rosie,
and he very much wanted one of the puppies.
After he had all of the health clearances done on
his dog, we settled in to wait for her next heat
(breeding time), approximately in the beginning
of March. We were ready and had daily calls with
George to check in.
March came and went and no heat. It was
extremely unusual for a female to go longer than
seven months until her next heat, and now we were
going on eight. April came and went as well as
May. Our vet thought that perhaps we had missed
a false heat and we would now have to wait six
more months.
We returned from a ten day trip in the beginning of June to discover that Rosie had probably
come into her heat over a week before. Within
two days, progesterone tests targeted the perfect
day for breeding, and George’s dog, Willy, visited
and the two dogs bred. Had we come home four
days later, we would have missed the opportunity
all together.
The puppies were born on the anniversary
of George’s mother’s death a year earlier. Rather
than that day being a very sad one, it was indeed
a very happy day for George as he felt he was being given the gift of a new life in his little puppy.
He was convinced his mother had planned it this
way for him.
The puppies stayed with us for seven and
a half weeks and left, right on
perfect puppy schedule, just two
days before we left our home for
three weeks of work in Europe.
Had they not been ready to leave
for their homes, it would have
been almost impossible to Ànd
someone willing to stay in our
home and care for them the way
we were caring for them with constant attention and love. The timing,
as it worked out, was impeccably
perfect, even though for the months
of March, April and May, I felt so
disappointed in the delay.
On our last day in Assisi, Italy,
a few days ago, we were surprised
by another delightful higher plan.
We had decided to go to the Basilica of St. Francis
before beginning our journey to the airport and
back home. This is a very special place where the
body of St. Francis is buried. We had hoped to go
at 7:30, but kept being delayed and didn’t leave
for the church until 7:45. As we approached the
room that held the tomb, I noticed a young priest
approach the altar. I have to admit, my Àrst reaction was disappointment. I had so hoped to spend
these precious minutes with Barry in complete
silence. Then, to my surprise, he held out his arms
and said to us, “Welcome!” He not only spoke
English, but he was also American. All of the
other priests that we had seen at this church were
older, spoke only Italian, and didn’t smile much.
This one was still in his twenties, the age of St.
Francis when he started his ministry. He truly had
the spirit of St. Francis and even looked like how
we imagined him to look, smile, and even laugh.
He spoke to us and the Àve other English-speaking
people about how St. Francis found God in nature,
which is what is so dear to our hearts as well. We
felt so blessed by being in his presence and felt as
if it truly was a gift to us of welcoming and love
from St. Francis. Had we gone to the church Àfteen
minutes earlier as planned, we would have come
and gone and not had this blessing.
We try to plan our lives so carefully, and
yet we need to always know that there is a greater
plan at work. When you are disappointed when
your life does not go according to your plan, just
wait and see what wonderful things are planned
for you.
Here are a few opportunities to bring more
love and growth into your life, at the following
longer events led by Barry and Joyce Vissell:
Feb 2-9, 2014—Hawaii “Couples in Paradise”
Retreat; Jul 20-25, 2014—Breitenbush Hot
Springs Summer Retreat for individuals, couples, and families; and Oct 14-20, 2014—Living
from the Heart in Assisi, Italy.
Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist and
psychiatrist couple since 1964, are counselors
near Santa Cruz, CA, who are widely regarded
as among the world’s top experts on conscious
relationship and personal growth. They are the
authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love,
Risk to Be Healed, The Heart’s Wisdom, Meant
to Be, and A Mother’s Final Gift.
Call Toll-Free 1 (800) 766-0629, locally
(831) 684-2299, or write to the Shared Heart
Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001,
for free newsletter from Barry and Joyce, further
information on counseling sessions by phone
or in person, their books, recordings or their
schedule of talks and workshops. Visit their web
site at for their free monthly eheartletter, their updated schedule, and inspiring
past articles on many topics about relationship
and living from the heart.
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Let Go…
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is right now. Body, mind, and spirit
come into balance with attuning
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Experience a range of powerful
healing modalities. Singly, or blended,
transform an hour into an oasis of
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Polarity Energy Balancing, Cranial
Sacral, Breema, Bodywalking, and
Therapeutic Massage, offered by
Shari Rose, CMT
( 831) 427-5566
“Happiness lives in a free heart”
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Counseling for Individuals & Couples
• The SandPlay Experience
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Helen A. Harris, MA, LMFT (#MFC25548) • Healthy Relationships
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• Crisis • Trauma • Life Transitions
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• Depression • Grief • Anxiety
Licenced Marriage Family Therapist #MFC34393
Page 23 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
We’ve Moved!
New Address:
701 Front Street
Santa Cruz
Spiritual & Ritual Supplies
Books • Herbs • Tools
Brews • Services
Classes & More
Sun - Mon 11-6 • Tue - Sat 11-7
(831) 423-1949 •
TRE™ Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises
with Maria Alfaro
A revolutionary new somatic modality
in trauma healing and stress reduction.
Private and public classes in Santa Cruz, Silicon Valley and the Bay Area • • (831) 462-1846
Body & Soul Yoga Studio
& Salon for the Healing Arts
Classes to renew you…
• Iyengar Yoga • Nia
• Chinese & Indonesian Martial Arts
738 Chestnut St. • Santa Cruz • CA 95060
831-459-8613 •
proud to have Laurel Ricci and Terri
Oberto teaching right in my own
back yard.”
Nancy Brighton, Santa Cruz
Pulse Productions
We are so happy that
Connection Magazine now
features so many of the
music venues that Pulse
Productions puts on. We have
been following and going
to the Music at Kuumbwa &
the Catalyst for years now
as we see what’s happening
via the “A & E” column in this
magazine. We have now
gone to 4 of their features.
Our fave was Taj Mahal.
Enjoyed reading the article
on the Taj on the Connection’s
website. You all rock!
Jimmie & Carolina, Capitola
Network Chiropractic
Wellness Center with
Dr. Bjorn
Since I have started
treatment with Dr. Bjorn, I
have not had any anxiety
attacks. My sleep is more
solid. It took a few weeks of
treatment before it dawned on
me that I had not taken any
sleeping pills! Thank you Dr.
Sherry M., Santa Cruz
w/Lynda Chaikin
My doctor referred me
to Lynda Chaikin and her
ThetaHealing for severe post
traumatic stress symptoms
related to life long unresolved
traumas that had started
affecting my physical health.
Since my early 20’s, I had
tried numerous types of
therapy but found that they
all made things worse by
triggering buried memories
that I then couldn’t turn off. By
the time I arrived at Lynda’s
office, I had been suffering
for 12 years. I actually thought
that my accumulated traumas
were beyond help, but I was
wrong. After the first session
of ThetaHealing, I began to
feel some relief. Lynda was
extremely patient and caring
as we cleared the many levels of
traumas that I had carried for so long.
I am so very grateful that words alone
cannot express my gratitude.
At my doctor’s office a year
Becky, Santa Cruz
Who knew that a cleanse-anddetox health seminar about coffee
enemas and garlic suppositories could
be so much fun? Dynamic Danny
Vierra aka “Dr. Poop” and his spirited,
raw foods chef-wife Charmaine of
Bella Vita Lifestyle Center in Lodi
challenged our thinking, shifted our
paradigm about “Globesity” and
played on our heartstrings with a
message of comeback from adversity
and pain, both psychic and physical.
You name it and the Vierras have lived
it: abandonment, co-dependency,
toxic relationships, divorce, family
dysfunction, blended families, spousal
abuse, loss, sickness, Stage 4 breast
cancer, cell phone head tumor trauma,
depression, stress and parasites. This
enLIGHTened team preached natural
hygiene and the gospel of body-souland-spirit wellness September 14th
and 15th at the “Lifestyle for Excellent
Health” two-day series held at the
Santa Cruz Seventh-Day Adventist
Church after a showing of their movie,
BellaVita (A Beautiful Life), at the Rio
Theater on Friday the 13th. Missed out
on this one? They’re coming baaack!
In the meantime, check them out at
Ellen Cecil, Marina
“A healing bang for your buck!!!”
These 2 women have all holistic
healing modalities down!! After living
in Aptos and Marin County for over
30 years and always seeking the
newest health discoveries, I am so
This is THE BEST restaurant
anywhere!! The most delicious &
healthy food! Super staff, too.
Marc Hamson, Soquel
LOVE this place. Yummy and
healthful food. Quick and easy to
pick up. We take it into the movies.
Sammy & Nanci Browning,
Santa Cruz
Fun store with so many options
for gifts. Lots of metaphysical and
spiritual options, too. And, they offer
Intuitive Readings with discount
coupons in this magazine in the
Astrology section. Thanks for doing
Maxie Snowson, Moss
My favorite store of all time. The
absolutely most colorful store with all
of its fab lamps of all styles and colors
and so much more. I know where I
am doing my holiday shopping.
Kathleena S., Davenport
J & S Surplus
Thanks to the Rave Review from
the last issue and the Halloweenie
Ad, my kids and I went there to buy
things for our costumes. We all got
what we wanted for great prices,
too. My husband, my twin boys,
my teenage girl and I got some
awesome things to have a blast with
on Halloween. They are the place to
shop for survival gear, too.
The Azlin Family, Monterey
This store has everything: gift
options galore, candles, jewelry,
clothing, and I am so happy to
see the schedule of the speakers
that they present in this magazine.
Thank you, Way of Life.
Lee F., Moss Landing
Wi-Fi Harms Children
Continued from Page 8
• And, children are becoming sick in these envi- all wireless and wireless devices in schools for Euroronments: nausea and vomiting, racing heart &
arrhythmia, flu-like symptoms, nosebleeds, headaches, fainting, dizziness, insomnia, depression,
agitation, difficulty concentrating and remembering. A website by children to alert other children
to the health dangers is www.radiationeducation.
But, it’s worse than that. There is hidden,
ongoing damage that may take 5, 10, 20, 30 years
to manifest. Study after study shows sperm damage.
Girls and women carry from conception all eggs
they will ever make (maturing from follicles). Military
microwave expert Barrie Trower is calling Wi-Fi the
new thalidomide. Years of exposure to microwave
radiation, it is being warned now, will not only cause
birth defects and permanent genetic damage but
infertility as well.
Research also shows DNA damage and
micronuclei formation, calcium ion efflux leading to
leaky cell membranes, cataracts, breaches in the
critical blood-brain barrier leading to MS, stroke,
auto-immune, Alzheimer’s, and dementia, cancers
and tumors, thyroid cell death (which impacts obesity), changes in the blood and to hormones like
melatonin, impacts to the brain, including to memory
& concentration, and to brain waves, and causing
actual brain damage, heart rhythm disturbances,
cellular stress, including the formation of heat shock
proteins, etc. Nitrosative/oxidative stress caused
by this exposure begins a cascade of degenerative
processes in the body.
Frank Clegg, former President of Microsoft
Canada, started Canadians for Safe Technology, and
warns about Wi-Fi, as does Didier Bellens, head of
the Belgian telecom company Belgacom. In 2004,
the Swiss telecom Swisscom said, “The influence
of electrosmog on the human body is a known problem,” and in 2010, it started offering free wired fiber
optic internet to schools in Switzerland if they had
hardwired computers.
So, why is the U.S. industry pushing this on
schools & children?
In 2003, over 2000 German healthcare professionals signed the Freiburg Appeal, and the Russian
Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee has repeatedly
warned that we are risking major health problems,
including neurological problems, with our children in
the near and far term. In 2005, the Salzburg Austria
Health Department advised no Wi-Fi or DECT phones
in schools. The German government advised, “Prefer
wired connections over wireless” in 2007. A committee of the Council of Europe recommended banning
pean Union members, while in 2008, France pulled
Wi-Fi out of libraries including the French National
Library and the Sorbonne Library.
Spain stopped their digital classroom program
early this year stating that children performed better
in classrooms without computers.
Other countries, including China, Russia,
Hungary, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, and India, have
much stricter exposure limits than the U.S. And, the
World Health Organization (WHO) declared this a possible carcinogen in 2011. In 2012, the Austrian Medical
Association issued guidelines for treating electromagnetic radiation-related diseases and proposed RF
limits ten-million times stricter than FCC limits.
In the U.S., the official position is, “there is
no harm”. The U.S. is pressuring other countries
to “harmonize” with our exposure limits. The FCC
openly works with the telecom industry, and this year,
President Obama nominated Thomas Wheeler, former
head of the telecom and internet industry, to chair
the FCC. If this confirmation takes place, it will be a
disaster for Americans.
In the absence of responsible leadership, it is
up to parents to protect their children, and for children
to take action themselves. In Pacific Grove, vote “No”
on Measure G. Wireless technology must be replaced
by wired technology, and students’ exposure to electromagnetic fields, also a health risk, limited during
the school day.
If school districts do not act, parents and students must decide whether they will risk their health
and future to remain in the school system. If that
means withdrawing from public and private schools
that have this technology, then perhaps a new era of
independent community schools and increased home
schooling will result.
This community must become better informed
about the hazards of wireless technology. There is too
much at stake to continue with business as usual.
Here are a few of the many websites with information from the medical and scientific community: includes letter by the
AAEM (Spanish) (Spanish)
Page 24 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
Making the Martial Arts Whole
Again: A Half and Half Seminar
by Ted Mancuso
t’s true: martial artists lose all the
time, at least when it comes to
battling social trends. One year
the Ninja is the favorite Halloween
costume and the trees are full of wannabes like dark fruit pretending to be
invisible. Then kick-boxing or mixed
martial arts pops up and everything is
about kick ass. Then Qigong goes from
obscurity to ubiquity in the space of a
week, and spas suddenly fill up with
people sculpting the air.
The rare event is martial arts
represented as something OTHER
than a kind of one-dimensional activity. Like Yoga, the martial arts have
become a “must do”—but not a “delve
Partly this is just a problem
in education. Most people recognize
the choreographed traditional martial
sequences diversely called forms or
sets or kata. Westerners particularly
have trouble with the fixation that if
you are moving but not scoring or
hitting someone you must be dancing.
They just cannot wrap their minds
around the practical nature of forms,
any more than they can see that real
fighting techniques, with just a bit of
stylization, are actually the building
blocks of most forms.
Ted Mancuso
The Academy of Martial and
Internal Arts is sponsoring an evening
exploring this fascinating intersection
between formal and practical. Led
by two experts, this “Half and Half”
seminar will present a classical Kung
Fu form, from the Praying Mantis
school, then proceed to analyze that
form for its practical movements applicable by any martial artist, despite
his or her rank.
Ted Mancuso, the Director
of the Academy, teams up with self
defense expert John Ottenberg. John’s
expertise and decades of fighting experience have allowed him to develop
a system of natural movement applied
to life-threatening situations. Though
intuitive and comfortable, the actions
of his style are not the dumbed-down
self-defense sometimes taught, nor
the competitive, rule-based sparring
of tournament competition.
Oddly enough, the most practical movements closely match the actions found in traditional forms. This
sheds new light on both activities and
takes a big step in bringing the martial
and the artistry back together. Come
and participate. You don’t have to be a
high rank; even a minimal exposure to
the martial arts will allow you to enjoy
this unusual mixture of tradition and
reality. Even if you have never studied
this style, the method will help you to
reach a higher level of interpretation
for the forms of your own style. Come
and see the art in the fight and the fight
in the art.
For more info on the seminar (2
opportunities: December 10 or January
7), or on our school and its programs,
visit, or call
(831) 475-1429.
Ted Mancuso has over 45 years
experience teaching and practicing
traditional Chinese Martial Arts. John
Ottenberg studied under one of the top
self-defense instructors in the world,
and brings 30 years of experience in
martial arts including Lima Lama,
military and kung fu training.
The Martial Arts
MINORSAN Self Defense & Fitness
Serving the community’s martial arts, self-defense & fitness needs since 1985.
Build your confidence & empower yourself with programs that work.
Dio P. Santiago & Clara E. Minor @ 831.458.0900, 1320 Mission Street, Suite 1, SC 95060
The Academy of Martial and Internal Arts:
Santa Cruz’s First and Oldest Kung Fu School • Adults only, 18 and older
After 40 years, we can say: “Not all schools are the same.”
Traditional Instruction, Authentic Methods, Certified Instructors
Bagua - Tai Chi - Qigong - Shaolin Kung Fu - First Response Self-Defense
(831) 475-1429 • 1570 Soquel Dr., S C •
Santa Cruz Bujinkan Dojo
Instructor: Mark Roemke Bujinkan Ninjutsu, Aikido, Iaido, Yoga. All ages
Two weeks free instruction tryout. Private instruction available.
(831) 465-8236 or for training times & info.
For Black Belt Instruction Course:
Aikido of Santa Cruz
Instructors: Linda Holiday & Glen Kimoto
Ages: 6-Adult
The art of peace, a non-competitive Japanese martial art.
Classes 7 days a week - Visitors Welcome - Special Beginners’ Classes bi-monthly
(831) 423-8326 • • 306 Mission St., Santa Cruz 95060
Rod Sanford’s Traditional Martial Arts
Instructors (by order of seniority): Rod Sanford, Lou Jemison, Dan
Wakefield, Sean Sanford, Jennifer Farley, Diego Simkin.
Shorinji-Ryu Karate-Do, Okinawan Weaponry, T’ai Chi Chuan & Aikijujutsu
(831) 475-9676 •
4626 Soquel Drive, Soquel CA 95073
Green Forest Temple
Instructor: Scott Ripke
Ages 12 and older
Tai Chi, Long Fist, Praying Mantis, Weapons
(831) 688-6934 •
5901 Freedom Blvd., Aptos
Contact Connection Magazine at (831) 459-0522 or to get your school
listed in the Martial Arts Directory for only $25 a month or
$250 yearly..
Page 25▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
Hello Folks,
e publish this magazine to support our community and enjoy
featuring leading theater, performances, and events. It is very important
that you, our readers, tell all of the Arts &
Entertainment Venues, businesses and
events, that you read about them in The
Connection Magazine. We appreciate your
much needed support in return. Thank you very
much! Pattie & Thom
by Janet Leonard
fter having such a spectacular
October, I’d like to say that I am
thankful for so much: a wonderful
family, fantastic friends, living in this
beautiful area and seeing whales in
Monterey Bay. Also thanks to the restaurants that participated in Santa Cruz
Restaurant Week, I’m thankful for delicious food at reasonable prices. And of
course, I’m thankful for the absolutely
entertaining live music from great local
and touring musical artists. What are
you thankful for? It really does make
you feel good to acknowledge what
you appreciate.
The second in the series of The
Santa Cruz County Symphony is
“Fantasy and Fate” with Daniel Stewart conducting Ravel’s “Ma mère l’oye”
(Mother Goose Suite), an enchanting
musical collection of French fairy tales
premiered in Paris in 1912, Shostakovich’s harrowing and deeply moving and
incredibly challenging Cello Concerto
no. 1 in Eb major, played by the young
virtuoso, guest cellist, Austin Huntington, and ending with what many
regard as one of mankind’s greatest
achievements, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony in C minor, the most well-known
SANTA CRUZ • 831-423-1336
Friday, November 8 • AGES 21+
Macy Gray plus Jillette Johnson
$25 Adv./ $30 Drs./ $100 VIP • 8 p.m./ 9 p.m.
Friday, November 8 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
IBA MAHR plus Luv Fyah
also Blazin Reggae DJ Crew
$8/ $10 • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.
Saturday, November 9 • AGES 16+
plus Common Kings
$27 Adv./ $32 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 9 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
$15 Adv./ $20 Drs. • Drs. 9 p.m./ Show 9:30 p.m.
Sunday, November 10 • AGES 18+
$22 Advance • Drs. 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 10 • In the Atrium • AGES 16+
RITTZ plus Snow Tha Product
also Jarren
Benton $25/ $30 • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 12 • In the Atrium • AGES 16+
plus The World Takes also Singhs
$13 Adv./ $17 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.
Wednesday, November 13 • AGES 21+
The Return of Dollar Night: Sublime Tribute
40oz. Wheeland
to Free
$1 Adv../ $1 Drs. • Drs. 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 13 • In the Atrium • AGES 16+
$15 Adv./ $18 Drs./ $65 M&G • Drs. 8:30/ Show 9 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 14 • In the Atrium • ALL AGES
Mon. • Nov.11 • 7:30pm • $15
Sun. • Nov.17 • 2pm • $22adv/$25dr
EVANS & others
Sun. • Nov.17 • 7pm • $15
Wed. • Nov.20 • 7:30pm • $15
Sun. • Nov.24 • 7pm • $10adv/$12dr
BABY GRAMPS (20’s & 30’s Rags/
(Vintage Jazz/Folk/Blues)
Sun. • Dec. 1 • 2pm • $7/Under 3yr.
Cruz S.P.C.A & Be Natural
Music Scholarship Program.
Fri. • Dec. 6 • 8pm • $20adv/$25dr
PETER ROWAN • Grammy Winning
plus MDC
$15 Adv./ $17 Drs. • 8 p.m./ 8:30 p.m.
Friday, November 15 • AGES 16+
plus Joey Fatts & Aston Matthews
also 100s and DJ Aspect
$17 Adv./ $22 Drs./ $75 M&G • 8 p.m./ 9 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 15 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
$12 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 16 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
plus Crap
$5 Drs. only • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 17 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
plus Brother J X Clan also Phoenix Orion
and Chachillie $10 Adv./ $15 Drs. • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 18 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
$10 Adv./ $14 Drs. • Drs. 7:30 p.m./ Show 8 p.m.
Nov 19 Ryan Cabrera Atrium (Ages 16+)
Nov 20 Relient K/ Motion City Soundtrack (Ages 16+)
Nov 20 Phutureprimitive Atrium (Ages 18+)
Nov 21 Reverend Horton Heat (Ages 21+)
Nov 21 Veil Of Maya Atrium (Ages 16+)
Nov 22 Barrington Levy (Ages 16+)
Nov 23 Asking Alexandria (Ages 16+)
Nov 23 Cylinder/ Audio Waltz Atrium (Ages 21+)
Nov 24 The Green (Ages 16+)
Nov 26 Church Of Misery Atrium (Ages 16+)
Nov 27 Terravita/ Robotic Pirate Monkey Atrium (Ages 18+)
Nov 29 Coolio Da ‘Unda’ Dogg Atrium (Ages 16+)
Nov 30 Roach Gigz/ Husalah (Ages 16+)
Dec 1 Chris Isaak (Ages 21+)
Dec 2 Andrea Gibson Atrium (Ages 16+)
Dec 3 Problem Atrium (Ages 16+)
Dec 4 Waxahatchee Atrium (Ages 16+)
Dec 5 Metalachi Atrium (Ages 16+)
Dec 6 The Mother Hips/ Keller Williams (Ages 21+)
Dec 6 R.A. The Rugged Man Atrium (Ages 16+)
Dec 7 The Holdup (Ages 16+)
Dec 7 Dishwalla Atrium (Ages 21+)
Dec 10 Groundation (Ages 16+)
Dec 12 The Growlers Atrium (Ages 16+)
Dec 13 RJD2 (Ages 18+)
Dec 14 Too Short (Ages 16+)
Dec 15 The Silent Comedy Atrium (Ages 21+)
Dec 18 Suicidal Tendencies (Ages 16+)
Dec 20 Good Riddance (Ages 16+)
Dec 27 & 28 Rebelution (Ages 16+)
Dec 30 & 31 The Devil Makes Three (Ages 21+)
Jan 4 E-40 (Ages 16+)
Jan 11 Tribal Seeds (Ages 16+)
Jan 17 Tainted Love (Ages 21+)
Jan 24 Infected Mushroom (Ages 18+)
Feb 1 Y & T (Ages 21)
Feb 28 Dr. Dog (Ages 16+)
Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating.
Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-435-9849 & online
Celebrating Creativity
Since 1975
Saturday, November 9
9 pm
CLUB KUUMBWA: $5 @ door
Monday, Nov. 11 U 7 pm | No Comps
Thursday, November 14
7 pm
Friday, Nov. 15 U 7 & 9 pm | No Comps
with Aaron Goldberg, Joe
Sanders & Gregory Hutchinson
9pm: 1/2 Price Night for Students
by Karin Leonard & Daniel Robin
ach month, we select our favorite
or otherwise important films to be
featured on this page. We rate
them, subjectively, on a scale from 1
(worthless) to 5 (awesome) in terms of
their entertainment and message. We
leave the plot details and storytelling
to the filmmakers and instead attempt
to characterize, highlight strengths and
flaws, and hint at purpose. Reach us at Enjoy!
Captain Philips
With Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi, Barkhad
Abdirahman, Faysal Ahmed
Entertainment: 4 Message: 3 Note:
graphic violence and gore, frightening/intense
ramatic depiction of a real-world
piracy problem off the coast of Somalia, this award-winning thriller brings
it up close and personal, seen through
the eyes of a capable commercial cargo
ship captain (yet another amazing performance), played by Tom Hanks. Based on
a true story, the good captain does all he
can to prevent loss of lives, and takes full
responsibility for everyone’s safety. Good
masterpiece ever composed. Shows are Sat.
Nov. 16th, 8pm at Santa
Cruz Civic Auditorium
and Sun. Nov. 17th, 2pm
at the Mello Center in
Watsonville. Buy your
tickets at:
Some music scene highlights:
The Catalyst: Thu. Nov. 21st,
Reverend Horton Heat, if you like
stand-up bass and hard driving music
then go to this show. This was one of
my favorite concerts last year! Sat.
Nov. 23rd, Cylinder, hard rock for a
complex soul and uncaged spirit, doing
a fund-raising show for at risk youth.
Sun. Dec. 1st, Chris Isaak, crooner,
rocker, and sometimes actor, will no
doubt deliver a great show.
Coasters: Fri. Nov. 29th, HammerDown, old-school metal music from
a band that lives up to its name.
Concerts in Retro:
Here is my review of some recent
shows. Remember this is only my
At The Catalyst: Tesla rocked the
house like it was a huge stadium show.
They have way more hits than I remembered. I went with five other people who
did not know much Tesla music but they
all were delightfully amazed and loved
the show. Singer Jeff Keith comes off
Steven Tyler-esque and I mean that in
a very positive way. A truly great band
with all five musicians conveying they
still have fun after almost 32 years on
the road.
Technically masterful Steve Vai
told stories with his guitar. You have to
be a talented band to be only instrumental and so entertaining. At one point, Vai
donned a robot like robe and helmet
with red lasers coming from his fingertips, putting on an amazing light show
on his body while shredding. I would go
see this genius again any time.
Thank you to The Billy Martini
Show for making my birthday month
special on Oct. 6th at the Wharf House
and again on Oct. 25th at Crow’s Nest
where I was honored by being asked to
be WOOD for their original song “Sign
On The Hill Says (HollyWOOD)” while
being my caped Halloween vampire
self. The BMS always serves it up in
grand style. Big congratulations to Billy
and Sugar on their October wedding
At Crow’s Nest: Third Stone
From The Sun performed for a Halloween costume party with “Jimi Hendrix”,
Kevin, in Lederhosen and bassist
Blaine as “a Mother of Invention” and
of course Jason Webb as Jimi doing
his performance art part. Best Hendrix
cover band ever!
Are you a local band that would
like your CD reviewed in this publication? Send your CD to Music Connection, c/o Janet Leonard, PO Box 1151,
Aptos CA 95001. Call (831) 325-4605
or email to
tell me about gigs for live reviews. Put
“Music Connection” and your band’s
name in the subject line.
luck. The “thrill” is one
of helpless anxiety. The
acting is almost too good
– so realistic and frightful
you’ll get lost in it. You
may not even notice the
US Navy taking control
of this seemingly uncontrollable crime
scene. Bordering on hyper-realism, the
four Somali-American first-time actors
playing the pirates are so destitute, and
the crimes they perpetrate and ensuing
conflicts so intense, you will probably find
this story disturbing to watch, especially if
you can relate to the captain’s plight. Not
for the faint of heart (2 hrs 13 min).
With Sandra Bullock, George Clooney
Entertainment: 4.5 Message: 4
nnovative, gorgeous and meditative,
punctuated with several gripping action
scenes, this visceral experience of being
in outer space is a grand achievement in
movie making. Probably the closest most
of us will ever get to actually exploring the
endless star-filled universe, this awareness may be central to what makes this
breathtaking journey so mesmerizing.
Floating in space, with glorious images
of the Earth as a backdrop, the players
always just a razor’s edge away from
annihilation, we are reminded of the preciousness of life and the tender balance
of Earth’s biosphere; for many of us, this
rare perspective provides a touchstone
for our spiritual quest. Sandra Bullock’s
peak performance as medical engineer
Dr. Ryan Stone, and her camaraderie
with charismatic Clooney’s astronaut,
Matt Kowalski, amplify the emotional
impact of this well-crafted masterpiece.
Bullock’s quest to return to earth becomes
the metaphoric lens through which we
peer. See it on a large screen and in 3D,
if possible (1 hr 31 min).
Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa
With Johnny Knoxville, Jackson Nicoll
Entertainment: 3
Message: -2
his rude & crude, absurdist theatre
of outrageous pranks has become
a remarkably popular brand of humor
(capturing the reactions of unwitting “volunteers” like some sort of demented candid camera). At times hilarious, Johnny
Knoxville makes a convincing dirty old
man, juxtaposed a fearless young actor
(Nicoll) as his 8-year-old grandson, Billy.
Most of the laughs are so cheap and dark,
with taste having absolutely nothing to
do with it, and the production values so
low-budget, leaving a painful combination
of slapstick and gross-out humor as the
two main ingredients. Somehow, it works,
as a mindless, 90-minute, morality-free
zone. The edgy shock value alone will
have you laughing or leaving in a hurry
(1 hr 32 min).
Last Vegas
With Kevin Kline, Michael Douglas, Morgan Freeman, Robert De Niro
Entertainment: 2 Message: 2.5
reat cast, mediocre movie. Besides
the star power (largely wasted on
this), and Mary Steenburgen as Diana,
providing a grounding centerpiece, there
is not much here. Aside from some good
laughs, this is mostly a rather sad “coming-of-age tale.” While it has its moments,
even somewhat of a message, the tone
is overall too breezy, stilted and full of
lame, stereotyped jokes about ageing.
Definitely not memorable. But then again,
this rather superficial slapstick take on
growing older is set in Las Vegas, with
lots of young, girlie eye-candy, so what
would we expect? (1 hr 44 min).
Monday, Nov. 18 U 7:30 pm | No Comps
Tuesday, November 19
7 pm
Thurs. November 21 U 7 pm | No Comps
12/2 Louis Hayes & the Cannonball
Adderley Legacy Band
12/5 Joey DeFrancesco & the Vibe
12/9 Pedrito Martinez Group
12/16 Charlie Hunter/Scott Amendola
Unless noted advance tickets at kuumbwajazz.
org and Logos Books & Records and. Dinner
served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented
concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages.
320-2 Cedar St [ Santa Cruz
Page 26 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November — December 5, 2013
by Geoff and Robyn Randolph
Start the Holiday Season Eating Right
or many of us, Thanksgiving is the start of
the annual holiday eating marathon when
our diets spin out of control, leaving us 5 or
10 pounds heavier by January 2. It does not have
to be that way. Imagine how it would be to start
the new year slimmer and healthier than you were
before the holidays began. This year, instead of
following the typical holiday binge pattern which
leaves us with a food hangover in January, start
a new holiday habit by incorporating more PURE
foods this Thanksgiving!
Phytochemicals are plant chemicals that
have protective or disease preventive properties.
Plants produce these chemicals to protect themselves and recent research demonstrates that they
can also protect humans against diseases. Most
phytochemicals contain antioxidants that protect
our cells helping to reduce the risks of developing
certain types of cancer. Some Thanksgiving foods
that are phytochemical rich are: brussels sprouts,
broccoli and carrots.
Unprocessed: Food that has been processed in a factory usually has the vital nutrition
and fiber stripped away, leaving empty calories in
its place. Typical processed foods that wind up
on the Thanksgiving table include rolls, stuffing
and pies made with white flour, unhealthy and
hydrogenated fats and refined sugars.
Raw: By including more raw food in our
Thanksgiving feast, we will need to chew our food
and this alone will help us to eat more slowly and
feel full before becoming overstuffed. Robyn’s
Cranberry, Cashew Broccoli salad is a perfect
raw side dish.
Enzyme Rich: Enzymes are substances
found in raw or live foods. They are the chemical
work force of the body and without them the
chemical reactions keeping us alive cannot take
place. Having plenty of enzymes will help us digest that Thanksgiving dinner and avoid the tired
feelings afterwards. Don’t try to eat the turkey raw,
just eat plenty of living raw foods with it, such as
the cranberry cashew broccoli salad!
Think and eat P.U.R.E. and here are a few other
easy tips to go along with this:
Eliminate Acellular Carbohydrates: Researchers have shown that its not necessarily
carbohydrates that cause problems, but carbohydrates in the acellular form. This especially
means grains that have been ground into flour
and refined sugars. If you can eliminate or at least
strictly restrict these two categories of “food like
substances” then you are on your way to holiday
dietary happiness.
Indulge, but Restrict: I would never tell
anyone not to have a piece of pumpkin pie with
whipped cream. Especially not myself! But, here
is a holiday dessert survival tip: If you eat slowly
and consciously, and savor the intense sweetness
of that holiday pie, then a tiny (or wee as they
call it here in Scotland) piece can give you all the
pleasure and satisfaction that you formerly derived
from a huge slice or two. Substitute coconut palm
sugar for white refined sugar in your recipes as it
has a much lower glycemic index.
Workout Not Pig-Out: Get the turkey in the
oven, and before the company comes put on your
workout clothes and just do your favorite exercise.
Working out before the big meal will help you to
focus on feeling healthy in your body, making you
less likely to overeat. It’s a simple solution, but
try it. It really does work.
Balance Feasting
with Fasting: Our bodies Robyn and Geoff Randolph
are designed to experience metabolic cycles. This
was important for survival back in hunter-gatherer
days. The problem is that today, we have plenty
of feasting but never any famine. The fastest way
to balance out the holiday feasting excesses that
may occur is with a healthy program of intermittent
fasting that incorporates low calorie nutrient dense
foods. You can learn more about this in our book
Pure 5:2 Transformation in 21 Days.
Broccoli & Cranberry Salad
This salad is a must for holiday dining. The
exciting thing about this recipe is that kids actually gobble it up. I have had several kids tell me
they prefer this raw broccoli salad over cooked
broccoli! Now that says something!
1 large bunch of broccoli, broken up into bitesize
3/4 cup dried cranberries, sweetened in apple
1/2– 1 cup Vegenaise mayo or homemade
3/4 cup cashews
red onion, diced (optional)
Place all ingredients in a festive salad
Note: Some health food stores sell dried
cranberries that have already been sweetened
with apple juice. If you can’t find this, then you
might try doing it yourself instead of getting dried
cranberries that
have been sweetened with sugar.
Serves 4-6
Raw Pecan Pie
A Refreshing
and tropical way
to celebrate pecans! I love how
easy and carefree
this pie is!
2 sliced bananas1 papaya, sliced in thin long
strips 1 ripe mango, sliced thin and long
1. Arrange sliced papaya and mango strips
along the bottom of a glass pie pan.
2. Slice bananas into circles and place on the
wall of the pie pan to form the outer crust.
3. Fill in any gaps on the bottom of the “crust”
with any leftover sliced bananas.
12 pitted dates, soaked overnight
3/4 cup date-soak water
1 cup pecans, soaked overnight and drained
1 + 1/2 tsps. vanilla
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
4. Mix all ingredients into a thick paste in the
food processor. Spoon over sliced-fruit crust.
Glazed Nut Topping
1 cup pecans
3 T. honey
5. Put above ingredients into container with
tight lid and shake until pecans are coated.
6. Arrange glazed pecans as shown in
photo: place pecans around the edges and make
circular patterns, filling the top of the pie. Keep
placing circles inside of circles until you end up
with one or two pecans in the very center of the
pie. Serves 4-6
Robyn and Geoff Randolph can be
contacted through their website Also see Facebook and
YouTube Pure Highland Living.
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Page 27 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November — December 5, 2013
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by Susan SpringÀeld
s the mind more than the brain? As science
learns more and more about the brain, two
camps are emerging. One camp believes that
the mind is the chemistry and circuitry of the
brain. Nothing more. The other camp believes
that the mind is more than the brain. The mind
can direct the brain and literally change the brain.
Some scientists even believe that the mind is a
Àeld that exists outside of the brain. I love this
quote from David Brooks in The Social Animal:
“Minds are intensely permeable. Loops exist between brains. The same thought and feeling can
arise in different minds, with invisible networks
Àlling the space between them.”
I spent a lot of my life thinking that I was
at the mercy of whatever thoughts popped into
my head and whatever feelings they produced. I
did not realize that I had the power to choose. It
was like watching TV without the remote control.
The remote was there someplace, lost under the
pillows of the sofa, but I couldn’t Ànd it. I sat
and watched whatever was on.
At that time, I believed that how I felt was
the result of what happened in my life. Reactions
to certain events were predictable and inevitable.
After all, I couldn’t help how I felt. I could, however, express my feelings so that they didn’t get
frozen or blocked. That was my only hope.
It was a revelation to me that the events of
my life were less important than the meaning
I made of them. I found that I could shift my
experience pretty easily by
changing the way I thought
about what happened. Even
the words I used to describe
a situation changed the feelings I had. This was a turning
point in my life because I had
claimed my power to choose my experience. But
who was the chooser? What part of me could
stand outside my immediate experience and make
choices about how I would think about it? What
part of me made decisions about which thoughts
were useful to think? I had the same brain. I was
discovering how to use my mind.
Many great teachers have talked about the
power of the mind. Ernest Holmes called his
spiritual philosophy the Science of Mind. It is
a philosophy that teaches intention and Ànesse
in our individual thinking as well as connection
with a universal intelligence. He taught that
consciousness is the spiritual substance behind
I am glad to be alive at a time when science
is learning more about the brain. I am thrilled
by the words of Dr. Daniel Siegel, “we are
learning how the mind uses the brain to make
the mind.” Consciousness itself remains one
of life’s great mysteries because it can not be
studied objectively. This frontier, to me, is the
most thrilling of all. It holds the possibility of
our essential unity and connection. For that, I
keep an open mind.
Susan SpringÀeld is a practitioner at the
Center for Spiritual Living Santa Cruz. The
Center is located at 1818 Felt Street and can be
reached at: ( 831) 462-9383. There is a Sunday
celebration service at 10:30 AM with an earlier
meditation that begins at 10:00 AM.
The Divine Science of the New Beatitudes
by Robert E. Beese
Blessedness through the New Beatitudes
n November 20, David Christopher
Lewis presents innovative teachings by
the Fourth Crystal Ray Elohim on the
New Beatitudes for the coming Golden Crystal
Age. The topic of this free one-hour discussion,
sponsored by Meru University, is: “Blessedness
through the New Beatitudes.” The Elohim of
the Fourth Crystal Ray, Persiel (masculine) and
DelÀna (feminine), will inspire these messages to
accelerate the divine light within each of us. They
will explain how these New Beatitudes bring
us blessings that we can apply to the wounds
of the world. Class participants will have an
opportunity to ask questions of these ascended
beings and to share for up to 40 minutes during
this 60-minute webinar and teleclass. You can
participate in this month’s free webinar by computer or phone. Sign up at www.meruuniversity.
org or call (312) 253-7600.
Two of my favorite beatitudes are “Blessed
are the pure in heart: for they will see God” (Matthew 5:8) and “Blessed are the peacemakers for
they will be called children of God” (Matthew
5:9). Similar to the ideas of all the major religions
and enlightened philosophies, the Beatitudes
echo the higher ideals set forth by Jesus and Buddha. They focus on a spirit of love and humility
which asserts the virtues of mercy, spirituality,
and compassion.
These verses embody the same ideals that
we value today of love and peace, mercy and
compassion. What happened to these 2000
year-old ideals? Today, in 2013, we still face a
world of war, poverty, and economic and political
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crises. At the same time, spiritual
discoveries are bridging science
and consciousness, and a new
Divine Science is emerging. For
example, the new physics on David Christopher Lewis
Earth is now merging with the
higher meta-physics of Self-mastery to assist us
on our path to Self-realization. A doorway to the
inÀnite opens to the sound of the OM.
Meru University also sponsors “The Archeiai Speak on Raising the Mother Light,”
on Sunday mornings. Join the Goddesses of
the Archangelic realm and learn how to raise
the kundalini Àres in the ascending Áow of the
divine feminine.
You can access this and past classes of
Divine Science series as on-demand, free webinars at Engage your
spiritual senses with topics like: “The Harmonics
of Sun Yoga”, “Tapping your Inner Genius,” and
“Mastering Inner Stillness.”
Advanced Studies of the Human Aura
In addition to hosting these class discussions, David recently published his latest book,
Advanced Studies of the Human Aura. He takes
awareness of the aura to an exciting new level and
reveals that the aura can be a powerful resonator
for both personal and global transformation. A
local MeetUp discussion group about Divine Science and David’s book is meeting on November
16th in Scotts Valley. Call (831) 454-8015 for
location and details.
Robert E. Beese, M.S., has a profound
respect for Nature, his source of inspiration.
He runs a successful remodeling business, BZ
Builders, in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Page 28▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November – December 5, 2013
by Adora Deva
eauty comes in all sizes, shapes, colors
and forms. When I see a person lit up,
that’s when I see beauty shining through
them from within. When someone is being
authentic, their light Shines upon the world
to see them as they truly are. Beauty is when
someone is willing to follow their passion and
share them openly with others.
Beauty arises when someone shares who
they are with you, and you choose to remain
present to who you and they are without the
mind’s opinions sharing a moment of timeless,
deep connection. It’s this light in your heart that
connects with the light in their heart, and you
feel the beauty and share the expansive awareness of what our Being is.
We all have gifts to share, and being willing to shine our light is so powerful for us, as
it is the gift we give to others by being true to
our real nature.
When we’re being authentic, we draw
the people to ourselves that will really see us,
believe in us, appreciate and love us as we are,
and who will be present to our love and acceptance as well.
Have you ever been so caught up in what
others might think about you that you didn’t
share what you felt, thought, or had to offer
because someone might laugh at you? Well I
have many times. It has limited my self-expression far too often.
Have you ever wanted to change your
life or your career but were afraid to make a
I have always loved this
quote by Anais Nin:
“And the day came when the risk to remain
tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it
took to blossom.”
You know the situations can stay the way
they are, but when we see them with new eyes
or hear with new ears, our world changes in big
ways. When you feel small or stuck, what does
it take for you to risk Shining?
Be willing to be the change you want to
see. Be what you love; love what you do. Take
a stand for yourself! We can choose to focus
on our dreams, our vision, not on the potholes
in the road.
Did you know that each thought we have
has a different chemical reaction in our bodies
and that our beliefs alter our genetic code?
“Change your thoughts... change your beliefs...
change your life.”
It takes a certain courage to be our true
selves. In my life, I’m committed to help others
see their unique beauty and divinity within, and
to love themselves as they are. I’m committed
to help people follow their heart, their dreams
and their passions. To me, this is beauty worth
Adora Deva—Clinical Hypnotherapist,
specializing in Stress Relief, Sleep Therapy and
Longevity. Her heart centered practice combine
Light Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Raindrop
Technique, Hawaiian Temple Bodywork , Crystal Reiki, Nutrition based on your DNA and
Clinical Hypnotherapy, www. lifespirithealing.
com, (831) 566-9678,
6 breaths. To
Page 10
come down, bend knees, slide
feet down the wall turn to one
side take 2 breaths, and come
to sitting. You will be able to
extend your time in this pose
8. Basic Relaxation Pose:
5 to 10 minutes There are many
more wonderful poses or asanas
which will help with your recovery and inspire you to continuing a yoga practice,
I hope you will consider revisiting the amazing
world of consciousness that yoga offer to us. In
addition I recommend the kind of yoga Nischala
Devi who has taught and written on Heart Disease and Yoga after working with cardiologist
Dr. Dean Ornish, suggests. Karma Yoga, in my
opinion, nothing is better for
recovery, than
helping others.
Giving service,
benefits the
giver as much
or more than
the recipient.
Rose E-RYT
500, Certified
Yoga Therapist. Annica
Rose, a yoga
for over 42
years, is now
a yoga thera-
Life Spirit Healing
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*Buy one for you and get 1/2 off for a friend!
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Each session is customized to your
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People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the
sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed
only if there is a light from within. —Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
pist and founding director of the
Adaptive Yoga Project here in
Santa Cruz. Send your questions about your yoga practice to
Annica and a team of talented instructors and assistants,
guide individuals with limited
mobility and beginners to achieve
greater freedom and connection
to their bodies through yoga. She
teaches at the Pacific Cultural
Center and sees clients for private consultations
in Santa Cruz. Her training is based on more
than 42 years of classical Yoga study, metaphysics, and ten years in a western medical career.
For more information, see http://www.
Page 29 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November — December 5, 2013
The Music of the Spheres:
Astrological Insights by Susan Heinz
s the fall settles toward winter,
we feel the dramatic shift that
Scorpio brings. We plunge into its
watery depths and orientate ourselves
to deepening darkness. This is the
time to settle ourselves into a slower,
reflective rhythm, as we experience
dropping down into our inner spaces.
Dropping into deeper states of feeling may catch us off guard. We may
suddenly feel overwhelmed, “blue”, or
anxious. It can feel like entering a void
without a navigating point. A gathering
of planets, along with a Solar Eclipse
in Scorpio on the 3rd, alert us to the
intensity of this time. (not visible to us
on the west coast) Solar eclipses take
place when the new Moon is in perfect
alignment with Earth and Sun. Covering
the Sun’s radiant body, the power of the
Moon overtakes the Sun. Our impulses,
and unconscious responses, become
stronger. Emotional landscapes are
revealed. An area of life we may of
ignored, is lit up and available for
Confronting our fears or uncertainties with courage is now called for, courage to be with not knowing, courage
to make new beginnings, and to take
action on our convictions. With Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, we are best
served to contemplate our lives. Scorpio
brings us into the heart of our deep feelings for each other, as well as profound
life and death issues that take us right
to the core of this precious life.
We can imagine that this month is
held in the arms of Pluto in Capricorn
and Uranus in Aries, as the breakdown
to breakthrough continues. This is the
4th exact alignment of this powerful pair.
We are in the tremendous waves and
labor pains of birthing new possibilities
for the evolution of consciousness, both
personally and collectively. Some feel
the power to awaken to greater awareness, catapulting them into new ways of
being. Some take up the call of action
and join with the innovators and visionaries that offer their gifts to humanity.
Others feel threatened, despairing, and
contract into us versus them polarity,
resisting transformation.
We are encouraged to stay aligned
with the truth, to see beyond illusions,
and fears. Saturn in Scorpio rips away
the veils that those in power cast and
shows us what has been secret and covert, exposing what is going on behind
the scenes. It confronts us with our own
denial. Watch for continued exposures
of hidden agendas and environmental
Mercury goes direct on November
10th, releasing us into forward movement. The full Moon in sensual Taurus,
takes place on Sunday, the 17th. The
Sun enters fiery Sagittarius on Thursday the 21st, moving into expansion
Astrological Perspectives on 2014 with Susan Heinz
“The Turning Point Year”
Join Astrologer Susan Heinz
for an Overview of 2014
Saturday, December 7th at 7pm
What to expect in 2014, personally, and
for the USA. How do we best move with
this intense energy, understand its calling
and support a new birth of collective
consciousness to take place?
Followed by a workshop with Rainya
Dann, “Envisioning 2014”
At the Center for Transformative Visions
$15 , sliding scale
Susan Heinz is a professional Astrologer and
teacher in Santa Cruz for 30 years, bringing
together traditional & esoteric astrology, Tarot
and Qabalah.
For more info and appointments:
(831) 479-3751 or go to
819 1⁄2 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz
Center for Transformative Visions
and positive optimism of Sagittarius.
Sagittarius is the sign of gratitude, and
idealistic hope, which gathers us into
Aries (Mar 20-Apr 19): November
is filled with deep feelings, for you,
Aries. There are touching and quite
intimate moments this month. You are
very much in a role of service, and your
life is busy. You see what is working
and what isn’t working in relationships.
Insights come and light up old patterns
of relating. Be patient and flexible, as
things ease up after the 10th.
Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): This
month, relationships are highlighted.
The Solar Eclipse shines a light on
what you desire in relationship, and
also where you hold back. Holding
back can be a positive force when it
leads to greater understanding and
clarity, but it can be restrictive to open
hearted interactions and the flow of life.
Someone from the past ignites your
flame after the 4th.
Gemini (May 21-Jun 20): This
month calls for adjustments and review.
You may suddenly feel caught off guard
with strong emotions. Let them shine a
light on deeper needs you may have
ignored. Allow yourself to feel your vulnerability and reconnect with a greater
trust. Continue to cultivate the qualities
in your life that you most appreciate.
Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 21): This
month is a complex time for you. You
might ask yourself, “How am I limiting myself from more fulfillment, joy
and pleasure in my life?” The watery
nature of this time may thrust you into
unexpected depths of feeling, moods
and anxiety. Take a day for yourself
in contemplation. Much clearing and
settling can be achieved, allowing your
heart to open and receive the love
around you.
Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 22): Don’t be
unexpectedly taken by surprise with the
intensity that you find yourself feeling. A
call from within beckons you to attend
to family, home, and your own inner
life. Take some time to sort and clarify
what is taking place. Your patience and
discernment serves both yourself and
those around you. Reconnect with what
nourishes your soul.
Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): You may
have many concerns on your mind
and feel an underlying anxiety that you
want to analyze and control. But as you
allow yourself to drop into and through
these watery depths of feeling, you
find a steadiness. Now is an important
dreamtime for you and can be a very
creative time for you. So take some
time for yourself. Issues with a sibling
return. Be sure that you have good
Intuitive Insights
excerpt from Melanie’s new book: This Fool’s
Journey through Tarot’s 22 Major Arcana
t is logical to view our
walk on planet Earth
from birth to death
as linear because we
are living an obvious
Whether we believe in reincarnation or
not, the personality we
wear now is all there is
in this incarnation. No
matter how many billion human beings and
quadrillion other species
inhabit this orb, we are
each a unique life-form
with specific DNA.
Apparently separate, we share similar
challenges, have kindred responses, emotions, thoughts and ways
of acting out. We act
according to our con-
science, and our choices are based on
our degree of awareness.
As we circle the karmic wheel,
we begin and end many times in one
lifetime, accumulating stories and
attitudes throughout, acting many
parts. The stages of human development—infancy, childhood, youth, adult,
middle-age, senior and old-age—each
have their wisdom to impart.
Maps of consciousness serve as
ambassadors of wisdom; and there are
numerous representations that chart a
course to enlightenment. We acquire
the treasure Tarot offers by embodying
the principles inherent in its 22 Major
Arcana archetypes.
The passage from Fool (innocence) to Universe (enlightenment),
like the evident stages of life, appears
linear—however, any one of the archetypes could occur at any age. We are
continuously integrating information,
digesting what we receive, and project-
Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): This month
issues around family take the forefront.
Changes have been and are afoot, your
family, or home is and has been going
through changes. Your feelings are
deeply stirred. Take your time to settle
into yourself and from there to reorient yourself. You may have continued
concerns about finances and spending.
Now’s the time to review the situation.
Take action after the 9th.
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): Take
a deep breath and exhale. This month
is about finding your inner stillness
and grounding. Be careful not to judge
yourself harshly. You can allow your
intuition to guide the changes that are
now taking place in your life. Situations
unfold more smoothly after the 9th. You
are moving toward more enjoyment and
confidence even as you attend to your
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 20):
Retreat, let yourself move into the
deep unity you sense. Choose a week
(or a day) to keep your schedule to a
minimum and find a quiet sanctuary.
Imagine a new relationship, partnership,
or a new collaboration in your life. You
are setting the stage for next month and
particularly next summer when many
situations open up for you.
Capricorn (Dec 21- Jan 19): This
month, your connection with groups and
friends is highlighted. You feel waves of
emotion as you navigate new territory.
Double-check any electrical or technical situations, as the trickster energy is
afoot until Mercury goes direct after the
9th. Creativity and love are enhanced
from the 5th and especially toward the
end of the month.
Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 17): Right
now, you are aspiring toward a worthy
goal. What you gain in your aspirations
during this time becomes gifts you can
share with others through your professional standing. Another dimension
of your intelligence and creativity is
cultivated. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio tests your emotional balance and
intimacy with others. New beginnings
are taking place.
Pisces (Feb 18-Mar 19): This
month, you receive help in transforming
an aspect of your work or community
collaboration. Your vision and creative
conceptualizing is activated. Certain
beliefs are seen as restrictive while
others are enlarged upon. Publishing
and teaching are highlighted. More
confidence is gained, and you experience a transformation taking place
within group dynamics.
Susan Heinz is a professional
astrologer in Santa Cruz for 31 years,
bringing together traditional & esoteric
astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. For info
on her Friday monthly astrology groups,
her Qabalah, astrology and or, painting
classes and for personal consultations,
call (831) 479-3751, or go to www.
ing our perceptions.
Consider that one’s journey is a
collection of stories the objective self
can observe and interpret to make
meaning out of life. Mastering life requires the integration of both objective
(yang) and subjective (yin) energies,
thus unifying mental and spiritual aspects of personality.
We write our scripts, direct our
plays, and reap what we sow. Eventually, we surrender to a higher power,
something beyond mortality.
I invite you to assess the scenes
you have acted out relative to Tarot’s
22 Major Arcana. What archetype(s)
did that part of your life invoke? What
lessons were present and wisdom
We are free to make this life what
we want; how we respond to daily challenges and circumstance is our choice.
The Law of Attraction can attract love
or war, and what we think and feel creates our world.
Blessings, Melanie
Melanie Gendron is available
for intuitive tarot readings, offering as
well a variety of art and tarot products
and services, (831) 335-9064, email, visit www.
Page 30 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November — December 5, 2013
World’s only outdoor organic
competition showcases the
best Northern California
marijuana and related crafts,
products and technologies
December 14 — 15
he one-of-a-kind Medical Marijuana Emerald Cup has announced the line-up of experts
and officials for the two-day indoor/
outdoor festival on December 14 – 15
at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds.
Having outgrown its original digs due
to increased popularity, the 10th annual
Emerald Cup will showcase Northern
California’s distinct medicinal cannabis community with seminars, panel
discussions, live entertainment and, of
course, the presentation of the coveted
2013 Emerald Cup to the winning
cannabis entry.
The Emerald Cup was founded
by Tim Blake in 2003 to promote
Northern California as the premier
destination for medicinal marijuana
while advancing the concept of sustainable, outdoor farming. The event
is named for the area in Mendocino
and Humboldt known as The Emerald
Triangle, widely regarded for producing the world’s finest cannabis.
“Northern California is a region
with one of the oldest and most established medicinal marijuana growing
communities,” said Tim Blake. “We
have endeavored to keep our methods
and our product pure and free from
toxins. As a group, we have amassed
an enormous amount of experience
and expertise, which we enjoy sharing
with fellow farmers each year at the
Emerald Cup.”
Since its inception in 2003, the
Emerald Cup has grown in popularity.
The 2012 Emerald Cup was attended
by thousands of visitors, including
growers, activists, scientists, attorneys and patients who gather to
celebrate the year’s bounty and enjoy
educational panels, live music, local
arts and crafts and games. This year,
the Emerald Cup will be held for
the first time at the Sonoma County
Fairgrounds to accommodate larger
crowds and provide a better visitor
More than two dozen
panelists will be on hand
leading seminars and discussions about the state
of medical cannabis, from
growing practices to state
and federal policies to
increasing legalization.
Key speakers include:
Jeff Lowenfels
Award-winning author and garden columnist Jeff Lowenfels is the
author of Teaming with
Microbes: The Organic
Gardener’s Guide to the
Soil Food Web. It’s considered one of the most
important garden books
of the last quarter century
and has helped convert
tens of thousands of gardeners to
organics instead of pesticides. For
the past 37 years, Jeff has written
the weekly garden columnist for
the Anchorage Daily News—one
of America’s longest running columnists. He is the founder of Plant
a Row for the Hungry, a national
program that encourages gardeners to
plant one row in their garden to help
feed the hungry.
DJ SHORT: Considered one of
the best cannabis breeders, DJ Short
began growing in the 1970’s, working
with a small range of seeds to produce
unique, high quality strains. He was
the 2000 Emerald Cup Winner, and
continues to raise the bar for all cannabis breeders with his original mix
of new and old world genetics.
mover and co-author of Prop 215,
California’s Compassionate Use Act
of 1996, helped launch the current
medical marijuana movement with
56 percent voter approval. After
service in Vietnam, Dennis landed in
San Francisco as an openly gay “hippie.” He was an entrepreneur that
opened a supermarket and restaurant
in San Francisco and was a friend of
Harvey Milk’s. He and Milk worked
together to legalize marijuana use in
San Francisco.
When the AIDS epidemic hit,
Peron along with several other dedicated volunteers understood that
marijuana helped offset the symptoms
of AIDS. They opened the first medical cannabis club in the heart of San
Francisco. Although illegal, the SF
Cannabis Buyers Club serviced tens
of thousands of people in need of
medical marijuana prior to the passage
of Prop. 215. Peron is being awarded
the Emerald Cup’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
THE REV: Cultivation Editor at
Skunk Magazine, The Rev is widely
regarded to be one of the foremost authorities on growing organic cannabis.
The Rev’s book True Living Organics is a popular and intuitive “how
to” guide for organically cultivating
marijuana both indoors and out. His
company, Kingdom Organic Seeds,
distributes seeds cultivated with his
TLO method that are considered the
best in the industry.
The complete line-up of panelists
& speakers can be found at www.
Earlybird tickets are $40/day and
$70/weekend; tickets at the door are
$50/day and $90/weekend. For more
information about the 2013 Emerald
Cub, visit http://theemeraldcup.
com/, follow us on Facebook at or YouTube at http://www.
CONTACT: Cynthia Bowman,;
(415) 290-3595.
1. Alaska, 1998; 2. Arizona, 2010; 3. California, 1996
4. Colorado, 2000; 5 Connecticut, 2012; 6. DC, 2010
7. Delaware, 2011; 8. Hawaii, 2000; 9. Illinois, 2013
10. Maine, 1999; 11. Massachusetts, 2012
12. Michigan, 2008, 13. Montana, 2004
14. Nevada, 2000; 15. New Hampshire, 2013
16. New Jersey, 2010; 17. New Mexico, 2007
18. Oregon, 1998; 19. Rhode Island, 2006
20. Vermont, 2004; 21. Washington, 1998
But Would Not Legalize Its Use
1. Maryland 2. Minnesota 3. Oklahoma 4. Texas
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Page 31 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ November — December 5, 2013