eCommerce Direct-to-Customer Operations Manual


eCommerce Direct-to-Customer Operations Manual
eCommerce Direct-to-Customer
Operations Manual
June 2014
1. Getting Started on ....................................................................................3
2. Managing Orders ...................................................................................................................18
3. Shipping ..................................................................................................................................19
4. Updating Inventory................................................................................................................20
5. Customer Service ...................................................................................................................26
6. Returns ....................................................................................................................................27
7. Receiving Payment .................................................................................................................35
8. Contact List ............................................................................................................................36
9. Set-up Steps………………………………………………………………………….………37
Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
This e-Commerce Direct-to-Customer Operations Manual (“DTC Manual”) supplements the
David’s Bridal Vendor Compliance Manual (“Vendor Compliance Manual”) and is applicable to
those Vendors providing products direct to customers (“DTC Vendors”). With respect to DTC
Vendors, in the event of a conflict between the terms of this DTC Manual and the Vendor
Compliance Manual, the terms of this DTC Manual shall control.
1. Getting Started on
We are so excited to be able to carry your products on We look forward to
working with you. For non-merchandising questions and/or issues, your primary is Krisztina Mack
(Director, Web Operations,, 610-943-5000). Please do not hesitate to contact.
Vendor Acknowledgement and Related Documents
David’s Bridal must have on file your signed Direct to Customer Agreement, Vendor's
Acknowledgement, and Agreement on Confidentiality before we can begin to add your
product to
Additional Forms
In order to add you as a vendor on, we require that you provide
information about your company. The Getting Started Form needs to be completed in FULL
and returned to David’s Bridal with your signed Direct to Customer Agreement and Vendor's
Acknowledgement. Should any of the information on this form change, it is your
responsibility to provide an updated form attn.: Kris Mack , copying via email or fax. Please use your company name in the subject line and
note, Vendor Contact Information Change.
Confirm Assortment and Costs
a) List of Styles – Provide a spreadsheet listing the SKU’s you plan to offer on to your merchant contact at David’s Bridal. For each SKU, please
include web style number, style name, color choices, and sizes. If applicable, also
provide any personalization requirements.
b) Review the assortment and confirm the costs with your merchant contacts.
c) Assemble the web assets (as described below).
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
Assemble Web Assets
Images requires at least 3 images for each of your styles.
Search return / Coordinating item
Product return page photo
Product detail page photo
Image Size
77 x 107 pixels
204 x 284 pixels
330 x 460 pixels
You will upload these images into VendorCMS as you set up your products.
Alternate Images
If you have alternate images, please place on the vendor ftp in the product DETAIL size.
Alternate images can be added to the product description as a link to showcase different
elements of that product should you chose to do so. If you have questions regarding alternate
images, please contact the Web Operations team.
SKU Level Images
Detail sized images can be attached on the SKU level to help you better showcase your
different color selections within a style. Please note that images must be attached to ALL
SKUs within a product for this function to work properly. If you do not have imagery for all
colors available within a style, please see alternate image description above as an alternate
method of showcasing different color options for a product.
Each style you load will require a title and description.
 Title: The short description can be no longer than 20 characters. Titles may be entered in
upper and lower case letters. You may not use special characters in this field. Special
characters include the following: !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, |, \, “, etc. HTML is prohibited.
 Description: Please restrict the long description to approximately 150 - 200 words or less.
This copy length provides the best visual balance on our page. Descriptions must include
a summary of product elements such as size dimensions, special attributes and pertinent
selling points. Description is the silent salesperson. Make the product sell itself. Remove
all HTML coding.
Set up Shipping Account uses UPS to ship all orders and pays all shipping costs.
If you do not currently have a UPS account please contact UPS @ 1-800-PICK UPS or go
on-line at to create an account.
In order to charge all shipments to David’s Bridal, use UPS account
#4XF593. For more detail, go to the Shipping section (pg 20) of this Manual.
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
Getting Ready to Upload Products’s Web Operations Team will contact you about getting set up with the
VendorCMS product upload tool, an FTP server to exchange files, and a way for you set up
the available inventory for the your products on our website until we can provide the
automated FTP file upload for inventory management. In addition, you will receive training
on how to upload products to and how to access orders placed for your
products at using our order management partner VendorNet.
Getting Setup with the Cisco VPN Client
Before you will be able to access the VendorCMS product upload tool, you will need to login
to David’s Bridal using a Cisco VPN Client. If not do not already have a Cisco VPN Client
installed on your computer, we will provide you with the Cisco VPN Client installation files
and a .pcf file that you will need. If you already have the Cisco VPN Client installed, then all
you need is a .pcf file to login to David’s Bridal.
Are you currently using the Cisco VPN Client?
a. If YES, we will provide a .pcf file which you can import using your Cisco VPN Client so
you can login to David’s Bridal.
b. If NO, is your PC 32-bit or 64-bit? If you do not know, you can get this information from
your IT department. (We need this information so we can provide you with the correct
Cisco VPN Client installation files.)
After we have this information, we will copy the Cisco VPN Client installation files and
instruction to your David’s Bridal FTP server. The installation instructions will detail how to
install the Cisco VPN Client, import your .pcf file, and login to David’s Bridal.
Updating Your Hosts File
Before you will be able to access the VendorCMS product upload tool, you will need to
update your “hosts” file to be able to find VendorCMS. You can update your "hosts" file as
1. Find Your Hosts File. You can find your "hosts" file at
2. Make a Copy of Your Hosts File. Before updating your “hosts” it is a good idea to
make a copy before making any changes. You can make a copy by 1) clicking-right
on "hosts" file, 2) selecting "Copy", 3) clicking-right away from "hosts" file, and 4)
selecting "Paste". This should create a copy of your "hosts" file named "Copy of
3. Open Your Hosts File Using Notepad. Double click on your "hosts" file to open. An
"Open With" dialog window will open. Find and select "Notepad" to open your
"hosts" file using Notepad.
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
4. Update Your Hosts File. Copy and paste the following two lines to the bottom of your
"hosts" file.
# David's Bridal VendorCMS
# David's Bridal VendorCMS
5. Save Your Hosts File.
6. Exit Notepad.
Accessing the VendorCMS Product Upload Tool
1. Login to David’s Bridal Using your Cisco VPN Client.
2. Open Internet Explorer. (Note that you must use Internet Explorer. VendorCMS may not
work as expected using other internet browsers such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.)
3. Go to the following URL: http://webfarm/eCMS_Vendor/login.asp.
4. If you have successfully connected to VendorCMS, you should see the following login
5. Login to VendorCMS using the username and password provided to you by the David’s
Bridal Web Operation’s team. After logging in, you will be taken to the VendorCMS main
workspace page.
If you have any issues with accessing this log in screen, please contact David’s Bridal Web
Operation’s team via email at for assistance.
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
Using VendorCMS
Main Workspace
From the Main Workspace page you can:
Add a new product.
Edit an existing product that you were previously working on.
Request import for products that are ready to be uploaded to David’s Bridal. (Note that after
you request import, you will not be able to make additional updates to the product. If
additional changes are needed, you may contact the David’s Bridal Web Operation’s team
via email at to move a product back to the Product Workspace.)
View the list of products for which import was requested.
View the list of products which have been uploaded to David’s Bridal to make ready for the
To get started adding products, click on “Add New Product”, which takes you to the Properties page.
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
Properties Page
The Properties page allows you to enter basic product information. Each field listed below
must be completed. Most entry fields have online help by clicking the
a. Web Style Number – The style is our means of identification for a product. Style
numbers must be unique and contain not special characters such as: !, @, #, $, %, ^,
&, *, |, \, “, etc. HTML is also prohibited.
b. Tax Category – Use the drop down to select the sales tax category that matches your
product the closest.
c. Quantity Restriction – If there is a minimum quantity required for purchase, or if
your product is sold in multiples please select from drop down.
d. Lead Time – Amount of time you need to manufacture this product. This should be
in business day format. We recommend having uniformity across products to ensure
that items ship together within an order. The Lead Time will automatically populate
based on the negotiated time frame with the Merchant Team. If the lead time varies
from product to product, it can be updated on this screen.
e. Process Time – is ALWAYS 1 – 2 days without exception. This is the amount of
time allotted to pull orders for your styles from VendorNet and begin your fulfillment
f. Min. Qty for Personalization – If the product you are entering is personalizable,
enter the minimum quantity required in order for personalization to be processed.
This will default to 1.
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
g. Product is Personalizable checkbox. Please check if the product can be
personalized. If it cannot, leave the box unchecked.
h. Display Title – This is the product title. It can be no longer than 50 characters. Titles
must be entered in upper and lower case letters. You may not use special characters in
this field. Special characters include the following: !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, |, \, “, etc.
HTML is also prohibited.
i. Product Description should be restricted to approximately 150 words or less. This
copy length provides the best visual balance on our page. Descriptions must include a
summary of product elements such as size dimensions, special attributes and pertinent
selling points. Description is the silent salesperson. Make the product sell itself. We
ask that you strip all html out of your long descriptions - the HTML tags will
complicate the process to upload the text.
Best Practices for Product Descriptions
a) The display title (short description) should be short and descriptive.
b) The short description cannot contain special characters.
c) The long description should include no more than two sentences romancing the
product. Subsequent information should contain product details such as: dimensions;
whether to product is sold in sets (set of two) or packs (pack of 24); personalization
summary; whether assembly is required; material used; whether product is subject to
California’s Prop 65; and any other pertinent product information.
d) Limit long description to approximately 150 – 200 words.
e) Strip all html out of your long descriptions - the HTML tags will complicate the
process to upload the text.
When you have completed adding the required information on the Properties Screen, click “Save and
Continue” to move to the next step – entering the SKUs for your style.
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
SKUs Page
The SKUs page allows you to add and update the SKU information for a style.
Before entering the colors, sizes, and other SKUs data, you must select a
1. Color Selection: If the SKUs have colors. If no colors select no colors
2. Size Range: If the product SKUs have sizes, select the appropriate size range from the
drop down menu. . If no sizes select no Sizes
3. Other Type: If the SKU has something other than colors and sizes, e.g., Charms,
Shapes, Sports, etc. select the appropriate type from the drop down menu. . If no Other
Type select no Other type
NOTE:. If the size range or other type is not in the drop down, please contact to ask about having size range and/or Other Type added.
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If your Color Selection is All Colors, then the individual Color menus will have the colors
available in our system. For example,
To further help with data entry, we have added some enhancements for cost. On the right of
the screen, you have the ability to add a default cost
a) If all SKUs share the same cost, enter it into the Default Cost field.
b) When clicking the
, the next SKU line will automatically default to the cost
provided above.
c) ALL fields are mandatory in the SKU screen
d) SKU – The SKU applies to the line items within a style- SKUs need to be unique
within all of your products. If a product has only one SKU, the master style
number and the SKU may match. If a master style has multiple line items
(colors/designs) that exist, each variation of the master style requires a unique
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e) SKU – Limited to 20 characters, this is the item that will appear on your order to
fulfill. Please note: the SKU cannot have any leading, embedded or trailing spaces.
f) Color –If you have selected “All Colors” from the dropdown above, select the SKUs’
color from the available options presented in the dropdown. If you do not see the
SKUs color option, please email to have the color added to
g) Size – Size of this item, if applicable. Note, size is only required for items that have
varying size dimensions between SKUs. (Example, Small, Medium and Large). If
there is size uniformity across the SKUs, please input size information in the product
description. For example - Frames measure 8 ½ x 11 inches. If the product does not
have sizes, please select “no sizes” in the Size range selection.
h) Other – If you have selected a specific “other” type, please select from the drop
down menu.
i) Weight – Please enter the weight of the product in its internal packaging before it is
packed to ship.
j) Country of Origin – COO is where your product originates. If there are multiple
countries that you could potentially source the product from, leave the space blank
and note in the comments section. If the country of origin for your product is not
included in the drop down list, please leave it blank and note in the comments section.
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k) Plus sign
: To add the SKU information to the list, click the plus sign. This will
generate a new line to add your next SKU. If you don’t want to add another SKU
leave the new line blank.
l) After pressing plus; click on the
if you want to delete any SKU from your list.
m) Click Save changes
n) Click Save and Continue to move on to the next screen
o) We have provided the option to download the information onto an excel sheet. This
option is available to you until you request import for your product upon completion.
Personalization Page
a) On this screen, simply enter a description of the personalization options you are
offering for this style. Include:
 Personalization type: text, date, etc.
 Label name: what the web site should display (Bride’s name, Wedding Date, etc.)
 Maximum characters per line
 Font choices
 Limitations on characters available (e.g. accents, punctuation, etc.)
 Monogram formats
 We can only offer personalization for SKUs, not product options.
b) Clicking the
line section.
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icon saves your options, and prvoides an additional personalziation
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
c) Clicking the
allows you to delete the option if so desired.
Please complete one section for each line of personalization.
Image Page
Search return / Coordinating item
Product return page photo
Product detail page photo
Image Size
77 x 107 pixels
204 x 284 pixels
330 x 460 pixels
a) To add imagery to the image fields, browse to your images if they are saved on your
computer. Please ensure your image is sized in accordance with the specifications
above, is saved as an RGB in a JPG format. Please note, images will not upload if
they are saved as CYMK. All images must be RBG (web-ready) images saved as
b) If you are providing additional link images (font choice as a sample image, for
example) add the link name, and click “Browse to navigation to the image on your
c) Press the “Upload” button at the bottom of the screen when you have populated each
size photo for each Product and Item. (if applicable)
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Validation – On the summary page, your entries will be checked and validated. If you are
missing information, it will be noted as “Missing” (see below).
a. Use the links to the left to navigate back to the sections where modifications are
b. When all items are shown as “OK” a “Request Import” button will appear. Press
that button if you have completed the style and are ready for David’s Bridal to
import it into our system. If any items are not present, or if you are not ready to
import, please return to one of the previous screens to complete the missing
item/review your work.
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
Comment Screen – Use this screen to send and receive messages with David's Bridal’s merchant
team. Note that the email field will automatically default to an email address. This field is read only.
The comment field should include whether the product is ready for import, if there are questions,
concerns, or missing information. The page will record the thread of conversation specific to this
product for future reference for the Merchant team.
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
David’s Bridal Finalizes Products
After you have entered all of your styles into VendorCMS, the David’s Bridal Merchant
Team will categorize the merchandise to fit within our site navigation. The David’s Bridal
Merchant Team will also finalize the retail price and it will be added to the product in the
Training and Testing
Our standard operating procedure is to load the products to our testing site for a full end to
end product test. Orders will be placed on the testing site and pushed to VendorNet where
you will access the orders, confirm receipt, download the order file, and run through your
fulfillment operation through to uploading the ship confirmation file back to VendorNet.
Upon your confirmation of a successful test, through to fulfillment and mock-shipment, the
products will be scheduled for launch on the web site.
It is the responsibility of David’s Bridal’s web operations team to create and place the test
orders on our QA system.
We will not launch new product until we have confirmation from the Vendor/VendorNet that
any custom programming is validated and that test orders are able to be fulfilled.
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
2. Managing Orders has implemented an automated system to manage the flow of information to
and from our suppliers who fulfill direct-to-customer orders from This system
takes advantage of technology and allows you as a supplier to receive orders from electronically, from which the appropriate paperwork is printed locally. The
system can also generate custom; EDI (850 and 856) or XML files to be read into your Order
Management/Distribution system.
Furthermore, you as a supplier will be able to confirm or cancel orders, as well as enter shipping
information via a web site. The system can also accept custom, EDI (850 and 856) and XML file
formats to update the web page from your own shipping or distribution systems. The order
confirmation / cancellation and shipment data are then sent back to David’s Bridal electronically
for updating our systems. This process will allow our customers to receive their orders faster
and streamline routine order fulfillment communications between us. Ultimately, these
communications can reduce average order turnaround times and increase the accuracy and
efficiency of your order fulfillment process.
Our IT partner, VendorNet, manages our Business-to-Business eCommerce portal. VendorNet
will manage the data communications and reporting and web farm hosting, but will not
manipulate or change any data. A VendorNet representative will be calling to introduce the new
system, set-up a dedicated training session, and discuss any specific requirements you may have.
Questions pertaining to VendorNet set-up process should be directed to our VendorNet partner:
Jennifer Herdina
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
3. Shipping
a) Using UPS requires all third party vendors to use UPS to ship our orders. You will
use the shipper number so all charges will be charged to David’s Bridal;
you will not have to pay any shipping costs. The combination of,
VendorNet and UPS creates a seamless fulfillment process. Shipping and related documents
are generated through VendorNet. It creates consistency for us and therefore for you as our
vendor partner. David’s Bridal has negotiated very favorable rates with UPS; those rates
allow us to keep our shipping costs competitive and thus attractive to customers.
David’s Bridal periodically audits our UPS account to ensure your compliance with our
shipping process.
Drop ship Policies and UPS Guidelines:
Please read the following information concerning drop ship requirements and procedures:
1. Please acknowledge orders within the VendorNet system within 48 business hours.
2. Please use’s UPS third party shipper number, 4XF593, for all DB
customer delivery needs including reshipments, unless otherwise explicitly noted by
David’s Bridal.
3. If you do not currently have a UPS account number please contact UPS at 1-800-PICK
UPS or go on-line at to create an account. If you need any further help you
may contact Harry Elliott @ 610-943-6478 or
4. Weight: packages can measure up to 150 lbs (70 kg)
5. Dimensions: packages can measure up to 165 inches (419 cm) in length and girth (2x
Width + 2x Height) combined
6. Length: packages can be up to 108 inches (270 cm) in length
Please notify Harry Elliott, in the David’s Bridal logistics department, at 610-943-6478 if any
products you intend to sell will not meet the shipping guidelines (4), (5), and (6) above.
How to Reship a Package or Reprint a Label:
If you sent a package and it was returned to you undelivered because of a bad address,
1. Utilize either your own UPS shipping system or just go on-line @ to
create a new label
2. Make sure to use the “bill third party” option (using shipper # 4XF593)
3. Discard the original label and place the new label on the package
If you printed a label but realized it contained an error, you will need to call UPS and void
the label you printed in order to avoid charges. After the label has been voided, go to step (1)
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
Updating Inventory
There are two methods for updating inventory: an automated daily inventory file using the AVIL
(automated vendor Inventory Load) process and a manual online user interface. The AVIL process is
the preferred method for David’s Bridal Drop Ship Vendors. The manual tool should only be used
prior to being certified on AVIL, or if there is an issue with a specific individual SKU available for
sale on the David’s Bridal web Site.
AVIL does require minimal programming on your part and there is a certification process to assure
that the inventory from your file is loaded accurately on the site. This will be a separate process to
create the file and certify once you are up and running with David’s Bridal. The certification process
can take up to 4 weeks.
To begin the AVIL process, please provide your outgoing IP address to after
your initial products have launched on The certification process requires live,
purchasable SKUs to certify inventory assignment.
David’s Bridal does not accept back orders. Vendors are required to keep an accurate inventory
position on their products through either the AVIL (automated Vendor Inventory Load) or the
Inventory UI tool.
In case a SKU/Style is out of stock, please advise and your merchant contact with the style /SKU number and the
anticipated replenishment date.
Our internal process is to deactivate the style/SKU and reactivate based on the anticipated
replenishment date.
If there has been an error in calculating available inventory for the products featured on, and the SKU cannot be fulfilled because it is out of stock – use VendorNet Order
Comments to notify David’s Bridal Customer service so the customer can be contacted , the order
cancelled and the style removed from the site until the replenishment availability date.
Out of Stock
Using the AVIL process or the Inventory UI tool, Vendors manage their inventory position on the
David’s Bridal Web Site. If a product is completely out of stock (all skus associated with a particular
style) below are the steps and the roles and responsibilities for Web Ops, Merchant team and
Customer Service.
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1) Vendor confirms that all inventory for the product is zeroed out in the Inventory UI tool.
2) Using VendorNet, Vendor is to comment on the order to David’s Bridal Customer service that a
product is out of stock – and either provides the replenishment date or notification that the style is
3) David’s Bridal Customer Service forwards the information to Web Ops and Merchant team.
Vendor Inventory Update Process – Manual Inventory UI
The process for Vendor to update their inventory quantities has been developed into an
online user interface to manage and maintain inventory on a SKU by SKU basis You will
enter new on hand quantities into a “New Quantity” field in a user interface for any existing
product/sku and will in turn be updated with the new available on
hand inventory in as little as twenty minutes. Keep in mind that the user interface that you
are using to enter these updates will not update the “Quantity” column until the following
morning as this data is pulled from a static view pulled from the site at midnight the night
before, but the website will reflect your updates.
i) Click on the following link to reach the inventory tool, you should save this link as a
Using the David’s Bridal Vendor Inventory Adjustment Tool
1. Log in to the Inventory UI with your current credentials
2. Search Options
a. Show Active SKUs – Click on this button to display all active SKUs
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b. Show All SKUs – Click on this button to display all active and inactive SKUs
c. Search By Style – Enter the style and click on the Search button to find a specific
active style. To include inactive styles, select the checkbox and then click on the
Search button.
d. Search By SKU – Enter the SKU and click on the Search button to find a specific
active SKU. To include inactive SKUs, select the checkbox and then click on the
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Search button. The SKU length is limited to existing database constraints and is not
3. The search results will display, and the data in the Quantity field is based on a real-time
inventory pull.
*Note: Quantity is actual inventory on hand = Available + In-cart Inventory calculation
The search results are sorted based on the following:
1. Active: Show all active styles/ SKUs first, followed by all inactive items
2. Web Style#: Styles is used as the secondary sort
3. Vendor Part # (SKU): SKU is used as the tertiary sort
4. Use the Download button to open the data as a Microsoft Excel file that can be sorted
on all fields.
For example, if the search results had a total of 500 items, with 400 active items and 100 inactive
items, the 400 active items will display first. Within those 400 active items, they will be sorted next
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by style, and then by SKU. For the remaining 100 inactive items that follow, they will be sorted next
by style, and then by SKU.
4. To update inventory, enters the actual on hand number in the “New Quantity” field
and click on the “Save” button. You can update one or many items.
5. After saving your changes, the date/ time of the update will display along with the
previous search results, with the lines of the SKUs that were updated highlighted:
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*Note: An existing quantity may have a negative value, but the vendor cannot input the
“New Quantity” as a negative number.
6. You can continue to update items that are displayed with the above process, or search for
other items, or use the Download button to open the data as a Microsoft Excel file.
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
Customer Service
In an effort to effectively manage customer questions and concerns, we ask that you identify a list of
frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) and appropriate responses that pertain specifically to your
products and/or fulfillment.
Customers contact our Customer Service Center through email ( We
respond to customers as thoroughly as possible based on the information you give us in the FAQ’s
for your products. However, if the question is regarding order status or is not otherwise answered by
your FAQ’s, we will contact the person you list on Vendor Information Form Part 2 as your
customer service representative.
Using the VendorNet portal, David’s Bridal eCom Contact center will enter comments regarding
specific orders – be they customer requests, issues with delivery, or just clarification points.
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
Return Criteria
David’s Bridal accepts returns only if they meet certain criteria, mainly that the merchandise
must be in saleable condition. Please see our return policy on page 32. This is how the
policy appears on our website. David’s Bridal occasionally rejects returned merchandise if it
does not meet the return criteria, and we send that merchandise back to the customer without
a credit.
Customer Requests a Return Authorization
Customers email David’s Bridal at to request a Return
Merchandise Authorization (RMA) if they want to return an item. They are instructed to
pack the item, including the packing slip and a copy of the RMA email they received, and
write the RMA number on the outside of the box, and then ship it to the vendor’s address as
indicated on the RMA email they received.
What to Do When You Receive a Return
If there is an RMA number
Go to Internet Explorer and open
Enter your user id and password.
Scroll to the appropriate RMA number. (see screen shot below)
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Click Process.
Scroll to the top of the screen. (see screen shot below)
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If quantity received differs from the quantity listed in RMA, select from “Received Qty” dropdown
to match received quantity.
Update RMA Reason if return reason supplied by customer appears to be incorrect.
Select “Back to Stock Yes”, if product is in a sellable condition. Select “Back to Stock No” if the
product is being returned to customer or product was damaged in shipping, etc, but not due to
customer misuse.
Select “Credit Customer Yes”, if product was put back to stock or if instructed to credit the customer
despite returned product condition.
Click Close RMA Window.
Go to the next RMA.
If there is no RMA Number:
Enter as much information as you have in the appropriate selection criteria.
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Click Go.
If there is more than one order that meets the criteria you have entered, there will be a choice of
orders to select at the bottom of the screen. To see the order detail information, click the Process
If there isn’t an RMA for the customer, please email and give them the
Customer Name and Style, Color, Size of the item returned. They will email you back shortly with a
RMA number and then you can process the return.
It is the expectation that RMA’s will be processed within a reasonable amount of time (1 -2 business
days) after the merchandise is received or DBI Customer Service authorizes the RMA as a “no
return to stock”.
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Below is the David’s Bridal Customer Return policy for all items purchased on the site. All eCom vendors are required to follow and adhere to the policies below.
There is also a callout for return circumstances and processes for non-returnable merchandise such
as personalized items.
Online Return Merchandise Policy (from
We accept online merchandise returns via mail only; online merchandise cannot be returned to our
stores. Items purchased in David's Bridal stores may not be returned or exchanged.
Returned merchandise must be in new condition. If you are returning a product listed below, please
check to make sure your return meets the conditions described.
Dresses and Accessories: Must be in original condition - unworn, unwashed, unaltered,
undamaged, clean and free of lint and hair - and must have the tags intact and attached.
If the product is defective, please provide a detailed explanation in the return package (see
additional notes below).
Books: Must be in their original condition.
Items that cannot be returned:
Personalized and dyed items are final sale, no returns, no exchanges.
Outlet items are final sale, no returns, no exchanges. See our Outlet FAQ.
Perishables, earrings (including jewelry sets containing earrings), swimsuits, and personal
care items are final sale with no returns, no exchanges.
Process for Returning Merchandise
Step 1:
Obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) Number within 14 days of the date we
shipped your order. Please note: returns will not be accepted without an RMA Number. RMA
Numbers expire 14 days after the date they are created; the return will not be accepted if it is
received after that time.
To create an RMA Number, click Order Status in top right corner of the website. Enter your
order number and the email address used when placing the order. Your order number can be
found on your confirmation email, shipment email, and packing slip; if you created an
account, you can also Login to view your orders. Select the item(s) you wish to return and
click the "Request RMA" option. Follow the on-screen instructions to Submit RMA Request.
Step 2:
Once the RMA is created, you will receive an automated RMA confirmation email. Your
confirmation will include the RMA Number, as well as address where you should ship your
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return. Please include a brief note describing the reason you are returning the merchandise
and write the RMA# on the outside of the shipping package.
Important Note: For your protection, please send your return via a shipping service that can
be tracked, such as Registered USPS, FedEx, or UPS. Please be sure to keep your receipt, as
well as the tracking information associated with item(s) returned. We cannot guarantee
refunds for returns sent via a non- traceable method.
Step 3:
Once received at our facility, your return will be processed within 3 to 5 business days.
Credits are processed upon confirmation and inspection of the return. You will receive an
automated e-mail notification confirming your return has been processed. Please allow up to
two billing cycles for the return credit to appear on your credit card statement.
Please note, credits are processed for the original cost paid for the merchandise and tax.
Shipping and handling fees will not be refunded.
If you return an item in unacceptable condition we will not be able to process a refund and
will therefore ship the merchandise back to you.
Merchandise Exchanges
If you would like to exchange an item, please obtain an RMA Number for the original item
you ordered and return it following the instructions above. The same terms and conditions
apply as noted in the Return Policy above. We do not offer exchanges via mail, so please
place a new order for an alternate item at your earliest convenience.
Defective, Damaged or Mis-shipped Items
For defective, damaged, or mis-shipped (item shipped was not item ordered) items, the issue
must be reported within 14 days of receiving shipment. To report such items, contact our
online customer service team immediately via the e-mail address listed on your packing slip,
or select the 'Contact Us' hyperlink located at the bottom of your shipment notification email.
Depending upon stock availability, David's Bridal will attempt to replace defective,
damaged, or mis-shipped items. If a replacement cannot be issued, you will receive a refund
for the purchase price plus shipping and handling fees for the item(s).
For all other items, shipping and handling fees will not be refunded. (Note: Refunds for the
return shipping fee are calculated using the lowest cost shipping method. Items returned via
expedited shipping methods will only be refunded an amount equal to the lowest cost
shipping method).
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Operations Manual for eCommerce Vendors
Personalized Items Return Policy
Personalized items not returnable
Incorrectly personalized products can, at the customer’s request, be either:
1) Replaced at vendor's cost (this is ALWAYS the first option offered)
2) Refunded if the customer does not want a replacement
Incorrectly personalized products are defined as the following:
 Personalization does not match what was requested on the order
 Personalization is done poorly – or does not match the image on the site (does
not meet customer expectations)
 Personalized product is damaged in some way – this is when we ask for the
sample back to determine if there was a shipping issue (packaging) product
flaw, or should be a UPS claim.
David’s Bridal will also allow Customer Service gestures in specific cases for refunds on
Personalized product:
 Fiancée passed
 Wedding called off
 Product issue escalated to a CSI
 Confirmed error occurred on DB's side, aka incorrect product description,
quantity amount, display picture, etc.
Customer Service gestures are paid for my David’s Bridal and this is the following procedure:
 Vendor processes RMA
 Comments in VendorNet on original order that Kris Mack (
is sent an invoice for the cost of the product. Comment includes invoice
 PO is generated for vendor to receive payment
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Receiving Payment
Payment Process and Schedule:
David’s Bridal does not require or accept invoices for shipped orders. Instead, David’s Bridal will
automatically pay you based on items you shipped in the period.
When your orders ship, VendorNet automatically passes this information to David’s Bridal in a
document called a Ship Notice. The Ship Notice has the information David’s Bridal needs to
identify the order and which items shipped. Since many aspects of the order are determined
contractually (e.g., item cost and price), the information on the Ship Notice can be used to start the
payment process without a physical invoice. Orders are eligible for payment 15 days after the Ship
Notice has been received by David’s Bridal.
Your remittance will detail the order numbers being paid. This will allow you to reconcile the
payments with the orders and the shipments.
If you have any questions about the process, please contact:
George Fontanez
All vendors should use email address to contact AP for questions on outstanding
Contact list
If you have any questions about the guidelines and processes stated above please contact the
appropriate David’s Bridal representative for more information.
General Questions:
Web Ops (
VendorNet issues:
Jennifer Herdina
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561.265.3939 x112
Customer Service:
General questions can be sent to:
Escalated CS issues can be directed to:
Patricia Harris
Payment issues:
George Fontanez
Shipping/Packing/UPS questions:
Harry Elliott
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Vendor Set-up Steps with Anticipated Time Frames
Step 1
 Contract, Set-up sheet, and eCom compliance agreement provided, signed, from merchant
 Vendor on request, provides system info for VendorCMS installation
Step 2
Weeks 1 to 2
 Web Ops adds vendor with RETURN address to:
o Stage Accelerator
o QA Accelerator
o Provide eCom support, VendorNet with vendor information to add in vendor number
(generated by eCMS prod) also to add in WCS table the transaction fee and handling fee as
negotiated by the merchant
 Web Ops provides Finance with a copy of the vendor set-up sheet to put in to NAV with
BUSINESS address
 Vendor installs and tests VPN connection once files received from web Ops
o Vendor provides test products to create test order files with VendorNet
Step 3
Weeks 3 - 4
o Web Ops creates test files for Vendor in QA system for end-to-end testing
o VendorNet/Vendor begins/completes necessary programming to receive order files from
VendorNet and return the ship confirm file.
o Vendor trained on VendorNet
Step 4
Week 5
o Merchant/Vendor completes assortment. Provides cost sheets to Finance
Step 5
Week 5
o Set-up vendor with access to the following:
o Vendor eCMS (VPN/Log in information)
o Image FTP information
o Inventory UI access
Step 7
Week 6
o After VendorNet training, Vendor trained on
o VendorCMS
o Inventory UI Tool (interim)
o RMA Tool
o Vendor creates approved products in VendorCMS
o Product launch
Step 8
o Begin AVIL set-up and certification
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