How to Perform Prayer (Salat)


How to Perform Prayer (Salat)
Jam ia Masjid Al Mu st af a
Charity No: 281189 England
The Excellence of Knowledge
Est. 1975
How to Perform Prayer (Salat)
Redhill Islamic Centre 30 Earlswood Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6HW, Tel Ph: 01737-760 251, 056014 91966
How to Perform Prayer (Salat)
I. The Adhan (call to prayer)and Iqama (call to start the prayer)
II. The Iqama
III. The Performance of Prayer
1. The Early Morning prayer (Salatu-l-Fajr)
Act.1 Act.2 Act.3 Act.4 Act.5 Act.6 Act.7 Act.8 Act.9
I. The Adhan (call to prayer)and Iqama (call to start the prayer)
The Adhan is the announcement that the time of a particular prayer has begun. This is
done with specific wording, and for the purpose of calling the people to pray in
congregation. It is a distinctive feature of Islamic society and its religious practice. It is
obligatory for the Muslim society to establish it.
The wording of the Adhan
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
“Allah is the Most Great.” (repeated 4 times)
Ash-hadu an la ilaha ella-Allah, Ash-hadu an la ilaha ella-Allah,
“I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah.” (twice)
Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasul-ullah, Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasul-ullah,
“I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” (twice)
Haiya „alas-Salah, Haiya „alas-Salah,
“Hurry towards prayer.” (twice)
Haiya „alal-Falah, Haiya „alal-Falah,
“Hurry toward success.” (twice)
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
“Allah is the Most Great.” (twice)
La ilaha illa-Allah “Their is not deity except Allah.” (once)
Note: In the call to prayer for Fajr (the Dawn prayer) the mu‟adhdhin (caller)
adds after Haiya „alal-Falah: As-Salatu Khairun minan naum, As-Salatu Khairun
minan naum, “Prayer is better than sleep.” (twice)
II. The Iqama
The iqama is like the adhaan but it is announced immediately before the start of obligatory
prayer, in order to assemble the people in the mosque in orderly rows.
The wording of the Iqama
Redhill Islamic Centre 30 Earlswood Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6HW, Tel Ph: 01737-760 251, 056014 91966
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
“Allah is the Most Great.” (twice)
Ash-hadu an la ilaha ella-Allah
“I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah.” (twice)
Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasul-ullah
“I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” (twice)
Haiya „alas-Salat
“Hurry towards prayer.” (twice)
Haiya „alal-Falah
“Hurry toward success.” (twice)
Qad Qamatis-Salat, Qad Qamatis-Salat,
“The time of prayer has come.” (twice)
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
“Allah is the Most Great” (twice)
La illah illa-Allah
“There is no god but Allah.” (once)
It is praiseworthy for one who while hears the adhaan to repeat each phrase
after the mu‟ahdhin, except when he says “Hurry to prayer” and “Hurry to
success,” one should say:
La hawla , wa la Quwwata illa billah “There is no power nor ability except by
After the adhaan, one should ask Allah to bless the Prophet (pbuh) in a low
voice, then he should make the following du‟a (supplication):
Allahuma rabba hadhi-hid da'wah tit-tam-matiwas-sala til qa‟imati aati
Muhammada nal waseelata wal fadeelata wad‟daraja tarrafi‟ah wab‟ath-hu
maqamam an mahmudunil-ladhi wa'ad tahu. War zuqna sha‟fa‟atahu yaum‟ul
qiyamah. Innaka tukhli ful mi‟aad.
“O Allah, the Lord of this perfect invitation and established prayer, grant
Muhammad intercession (to You) and honor and raise him to the position of
praise on the Day of Judgement, which You promised him.“
The Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Whoever supplicates with this du‟a hearing the adhaan will be eligible for my
intercession on the Day of Judgement “ (Bukhari)
The adhaan is an act of worship, and worship should be performed in accordance with the
teachings of the Prophet (pbuh) without addition or omission.
Obligatory prayers and sunnah prayers
Besides the obligatory or prescribed five daily prayer (prayers) Muslims are strongly
advised to perform the non-obligatory sunnah prayers for which they are rewarded; these
sunnah prayers accompany the fard, or obligatory prayers, as stated below.
Redhill Islamic Centre 30 Earlswood Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6HW, Tel Ph: 01737-760 251, 056014 91966
Table of number of Raka’at of each Prayer
[This is in accordance to the Fiqh of Imam Abu Hanifah & his disciples]
Before (Obligatory) after
III. The Performance of Prayer
After the worshipper has done the ablution and after the adhaan and iqama are said, the
prayer is conducted according to the sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) who said to
“Pray as you have seen me praying. “ (Bukhari),
Since then, Muslims of all times and places have been performing prayer in the same way
of the Prophet (pbuh) as illustrated below:
1. The Early Morning prayer (Salatu-l-Fajr)
In this prayer two units (raka‟at) are offered first as supererogatory (sunna). These are
followed by two other units which are obligatory (fard). Both supererogatory and obligatory
prayers are offered in the same manner except that, when declaring the intention, one has
to distinguish between the two kinds. Following is the description of the fard (obligatory) or
sunna (voluntary) prayer.
Act 1. One stands in reverence and humility, facing the Qiblah, raising his hands up to the
ears, and silently intending for Sunat Salati-l-Fajr or Fard Salati-l-Fajr (as the case may be),
and says, “Allahu Akbar”.
This means (to one‟s self): “I intend to offer the supererogatory (or obligatory as the case
may be) prayer of the morning; Allah is the Greatest of All.” Then he lowers his arms and
places the right hand over the left one right below the naval.
This position of the hands is in accordance with the Hanafi madhab.
Redhill Islamic Centre 30 Earlswood Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6HW, Tel Ph: 01737-760 251, 056014 91966
Act 2. He then says in a low voice the following:
“Subhana kalla humma wa bi hamdika, wa tabarakas-muka, wa ta‟ala Jadduka, wa La Ilaha
Ghayruk. A‟udhu billahi minash-shaytanir-rajeem. Bis-millahir-rahmanir-raheem. “
This means: “Glory be to you, O Allah, and Yours is the praise, and blessed is Your name,
and exalted is Your majesty, and there is no God besides You. I seek the refuge of Allah
from the condemned devil. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Merciful. “
Act 3. After this, the Fatiha (the opening chapter of the Qur‟an) is recited while standing in
the same position. It runs as follows in transliteration:
Bismillahir-rah Mani-Rahim,
Alhamdu Lillahi-rabbil-alamin,
Ar-rahmanir-rahim, Maliki Yawmaid-din, Iyyaka na‟bodu
Wa Iyyka nasta‟in, Ihdinas-Siratal-mustaqim Siratal-lathin An‟amta alayhim
Ghayril-maghdubi Alayhim Waladaal-lin. Amin.
The translation of the Fatiha chapter is as follows:
In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, the Merciful. All Praise is due to Allah, the
Lord of all worlds, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Thee only do we worship, and
from Thee only do we seek help. Guide us to the right path, the path of those to
whom Thou hast been Gracious, not of those who are condemned, nor of those
who are misguided.” Amen.
Then any portion of the Qur‟an which the devotee may have learned by heart is recited,
whether it is a short chapter, or a few verses.
Act 4. Then he says: “Allahu Akbar. “ (Allah is the Greatest) and lowers his head and torso
down at a right angle, places the palms of his hands on the knees and says in a low voice:
“Subhana Rabbiya-l-Azeem”
(“Glory to my Lord the Great, “repeated three times.) This is called ruku‟. After
that the standing position is resumed with these words:
“Sami‟ a-l-ahu Liman Hamidah; Rabbana laka-l-Hamd”
(Allah hears those who praise him; Our Lord, praise be to you). When saying
this, the hands remain on the sides.
The Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Perform ruku‟ until you come to rest in ruku‟, then rise up until you are standing [fully]
upright. Then perform sajdah until you come to rest in sajdah” (Bukhari)
Redhill Islamic Centre 30 Earlswood Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6HW, Tel Ph: 01737-760 251, 056014 91966
Act 5. The worshipper then says: “Allah Akbar”, prostrating himself with the toes of both
feet, both knees, both hands and the forehead touching the ground. The Prophet (pbuh)
said: “When you perform sajdah, place your hands down, and raise your elbows up.”
(Muslim) This is the position of sujud and is accompanied by these words:
“Subhana Rabbiya-l-A’la”
(Glory to my Lord the Most High, repeated three times.)
Act 6. With the utterance of Allah Akbar comes the julus, a short rest in a sitting posture.
The outer side of the left foot and the toes of the right one (which are in an erect position)
touch the ground and the two hands are placed on the knees.
After this a second prostration (sujud) is repeated in the same way, with the same
utterances as the first one. This completes one unit (raka‟at) of the prayer.
Act 7. After the first unit the worshipper rises, saying “Allahu Akbar”, to assume a standing
position for the second unit and recites the opening chapter (the Fatiha) followed by a
Qur‟anic passage as in the first unit.
Act 8. When he has finished the second bowing and the two prostrations in the same way
as the first, he takes a sitting position as in julus and recites the tashahhud with its two
parts. (A+B)
Transliteration of Tashahhud
A. At-tahyiyatu lilllahi, wassala-watu wattayyibatu, Assalamu alaika ayyuhan-nabiyyu wa
rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Assalamu alayna wa ala ibadillahis-salihin. Ash-hadu an lailaha-illallahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluhu,
B. Allahumma sali ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammad kama sallay‟ta ala Ibrahim, wa
alaa aali Ibrabihim, innaka Hamidum-Majid, wa barik ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad
kama barakta alaa Ibrahim wa ala aali Ibrahim innak Hamid-Majid.
Meaning of Tashahud (The Declaration of Testimony of Faith)
(Recited while sitting after the end of the second raka‟at of prayer.)
1. (All) oral, physical and monetary worship is for Allah, the Almighty. Peace be unto
you, O Prophet [saw] and the mercy of Allah and His blessing. The mercy and the
blessings of Allah be unto us, and unto the righteous slave servants of Allah. I bear
witness that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah, and I bear witness that
Muhammad is the servant and messenger of Allah.
2. Oh Allah! Shower blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad as
you showered blessings upon Abraham and the family of Abraham. And grant
favours to Muhammad and to the family of Muhammad as you granted favours to
Abraham and to the family of Abraham in this world. You are the Praiseworthy and
Redhill Islamic Centre 30 Earlswood Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6HW, Tel Ph: 01737-760 251, 056014 91966
Act 9. Finally, he turns his face to the right, saying these words:
“Assalamu „Alakum wa rahma‟tullah”(Peace be on you and the mercy of Allah.)
Then he turns his face to the left, uttering the same greetings.
This is how any prayer of two units (raka‟at) whether obligatory or supererogatory, is
performed. When knowing how to perform this prayer in the right way, all other prayers will
be very easy Insha‟Allah. It should be pointed out that every move or every word in the
Islamic prayer has a great spiritual significance and is symbolic of a very deep meaning
Redhill Islamic Centre 30 Earlswood Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6HW, Tel Ph: 01737-760 251, 056014 91966