Triple High Net System: How To Assemble Our Design Parts Required (N)

Transcription Triple High Net System: How To Assemble Our Design Parts Required (N) Triple High Net System:
How To Assemble Our Design
Parts Required
Two Garelick telescoping aluminum poles.
Two wooden tapers.
Four eye-bolts (3/16 inch diameter 2 1/2 inch long).
Four spring snap links (5/16 inch).
Eight barƟte sealing nuts (#10-24).
Two 75’ nylon guy ropes.
Four tent stakes.
Twenty Six (26) figure-8 carabineers.
Two hand rope winder.
Four nylon clamp Ɵes.
Two rope cleats.
Two 75’ of nylon pulley string.
Two aluminum 36” ground pole stakes (made from 6
foot by 1/2 inch 6061 alumnimum hex rod).
One canvas cloth/tarp (opƟonal).
One 215cm carrying bag.
Gorilla tape.
Reusable pull Ɵes.
Preparing Tapers
1. To assemble taper (B), drill 2 holes with 5/32
drill bit 1.75” and 2.5” from the base.
2. AƩach eye bolt (C) through each hole with
barƟte sealing nut (E). The eye of each bolt
should appear on each side of the taper as
pictured on right. AƩach one spring snap link
(D) through boƩom eye bolt. This will be used
for the pulley nylon string. See picture on
Preparing Poles
3. At the base (boƩom) of each Garelick telescope pole (A), there is a small hole to allow
air to flow into the inner cavity when the poles
are extended or collapsed. Enlarge this hole
with a box cuƩer or exacto knife into a PLUS
shape. This enlarged hole will allow the poles
to slip on to the 1/2 inch diameter ground
pole stakes (M).
Preparing Pole Stakes
4. Have your 6 foot 6061 Aluminum hex rod (M)
cut in half on a 45 degree angle at the metal
supply shop you are purchasing them from,
or use a miter saw to cut the rod. It is recommended that you use a miter saw blade made
specifically for cuƫng aluminum. Cuƫng at
a 45 degree angle will create two “stakes”
each with a pointed Ɵp for inserƟng into the
5. Use gorilla tape or similar weather proof tape
to wrap up the top of the pole stake. This creates a gripping “handle” to enable easier driving of the stake into the ground with mallet,
and also protects the insides of the telescoping pole from being scratched by the edges
of the pole stake. Wrap stakes in tarp and Ɵe
with reusable pull Ɵes to secure.
AƩaching Figure 8 Carabineers
6. Take one end of the 75’ nylon pulley string (L).
Tie a simple knot to one end. To aƩach the
string to the carabineer, we will need to make
a simple loop knot at 22” intervals. To begin
make a loop in the string a few inches from
the end.
7. Pull the loop around and over.
8. CreaƟng a small loop that you can aƩach to
the carabineer.
9. The size of the loop should be just a liƩle
larger than the diameter of the carabineer. It
make take a liƩle pracƟce to get the right size.
You can undo the loop easily if the loop is not
aƩached to any carabineer.
10. Open the larger loop of the figure-8 carabineer (H) and slip the loop in.
11. Move the loop to the indentaƟon for the
hinge near the base of the carabineer.
12. Measure 22” from the loop on the string.
Create another loop (steps 6 thru 11). It takes
a liƩle pracƟce to create a loop and have 22”
from loop to loop as one has to add about
an inch of string to create a loop (so the first
measure should be about 23”).
13. This will create 2 carabineers aƩached to the
nylon pulley string (as pictured). Use a tape
measurer to recheck the 22” gap.
14. For all other carabineers, it is easier to just
to match the gap already created with new
string instead of measuring with tape measurer. Align the remainder string following the
length of the previous gap and then create a
loop at that point. Measure the gap periodically to ensure that the distance between
each loop is 22”.
15. Pictured is 3 carabineers aƩached, repeat this
process unƟl each pulley rope has 13 carabineers with twelve 22” gaps. You can aƩach a
reusable pull Ɵe to gather all the nylon string
gaps so they do not tangle.
16. AƩach and wind the other end of nylon string
to the hand winder/reel (I).
17. Take spring snap link (D) and put between
hand reel and carabineers, this will become a
pulley when aƩached to the wooden taper on
top of the pole.
To carabineers
To hand reel
AƩaching Rope Cleats to Poles
18. Measure 18” from base of pole, wrap one
layer of Gorilla tape (or other weather proof
19. Take rope cleat (K) and 2 nylon clamps Ɵes
(J) and aƩach to pole. Use fingers to Ɵghten
clamp, then use pliers to Ɵghten unƟl rope
clear does not move with slight tug. Do not
overƟghten and damage pole.
20. Wind the remaining rope unƟl you can aƩach
the hand winder on the cleat.
Preparing Guy Ropes
21. The guy rope is to anchor the top of the pole
(2nd eyebolt on taper), to tent stakes on the
ground so that the pole is stable verƟcally.
Take the 75’ guy rope (F), find the middle
point of the rope and create a loop knot (just
like for carabineers) and aƩach one spring
snap link (D). Repeat for the other guy rope.
22. Put all assembled and tent stakes into bag (O).
Your assembly is complete. You should have
a net system similar to one pictured in the
beginning of this guide.