Document 6494788


Document 6494788
Friends of the
London Public Library
Gmrnunity Support For Your Libmry
Decembet, 2010
The 2010 Book Sale - Don Menard, Sandra
Whitehall, Karin Palmel; Ann Henderson
The Western Fair Special Events Building
was again the place to be October 22-24 as
thousands of London book lovers attended the
2010 annual Friends of the London Public Library
Book Sale. We are happy to tell you that this year's
sale grossed over $42,000. The proceeds will help
support the wonderful and varied library programs
that Londoners enjoy each and every day (more
details at a later date). And, several social agencies
will benefit from materials unsold during the sale.
As you can imagine, it's not a simple matter
19coordinate an
And, of course, the
planning committee works year round to organize
the event logistics such as booking the building and
icucks. And let's not forget the warehouse team that
;ollect, sort and box the materials for transportation
to the sale. Oh, and what about the marketing
people, who produce, print and distribute posters
and promote the event in local news. And then
the& are the hundreds of volunteers who come to
the sale itself to setup, stock, cashier and finally
tear down the tables late Sunday afternoon. WOW!
A special thanks to the teachers and students
from the London InternationalAcademy for their
continued support and to LPL staff for their support
and effort in preparation for and during the sale.
Where would we be without our volunteers?
That's easy. We would not have a book sale. That's
how important you all are! Thank you! Thank you so
much to each and every person for giving of your
time and talents once again to make the Friends
Book Sale a resounding success!
We hope you will all join us again next year.
How to contact Friend$
Email -
Leave a message at 519-661-2448.
Regular mail - Friends of LPL, 251 Dundas St,
London, ON,N6A 6H9.
More details on our website:
M e tAconda
RobertaAlie & children
Barry and Joan Attridge
Judy Balasch & family
James Balasch
Lisa, Jacob & Hayden Bikly
Gerald Chambers
Alana Cousins
David Cox
Jennifer Cromwell & daughter
John Danton
Shawna Ducker
Daniel 8 lwona Efczynski
Mary Elliot
Dave Etherington
Sharon 8 Steven Fenwick
Ann Ftchett
. m e t e rGeigenmiller
dandy Gilmore
Rachel Hall
Beverly Harley
Doug Harris
Weizhen He
Adina Helmer
December, 2010
Jim Hull
Geoff Hume
Heather Huston
Seong Hwan Park
Fred Israel
Paul Jubewille
Romayne Kaufman
Harold and Katherine Keeling
Holly Kenny
Ken & Lucy Kieffer
Matthew Kiefkr
Julia Kilpatrick
Kim 8 Esther MacLaren-Maddox
Clare Kong
Katie Koper
Karen Leam
Ruizhe Li
Jackie Looper
Sandy Lotush
Deb & Scott Lowry
Zhuang Lu You
Shannon Maheu
Ray Maloney
Marion Marchant
Wilda Mardlin
Justin Mann
Damian Mauszal
Shirley McCallan
Liz McClure
Micheline McDougal
Bob McGowan
Shirley 8 Mary McLean
Erin McMurray
Dawn Morgan
Henry Morgan
Shelia Morgan
Michelle Mylemans
Ola Nowosad
Suzanne ONeill
Philip Palmer
Helen Pathy
June Payne
June & Gord Petznick
Ellen 8 Tim Phillips
Queen Piercy
Doreen Reed
Gail &Anna Kat Remish
Dons Robinson
Volunteers (continued)
Bill Sanders
Dave Saunders
Kate Schiller-Deorksen
Jean Scott
F i c t o r i a Seymour
Andrew Sharp
Gail Sneddon
Kay Somerville
LUZ&Alex Souto
Lorraine Speiran
Fay St Louis
Tracy & Chelsea Stirling
David Tait
Keith 8 Terry Temple
Bamy Thompson
Caitlin Traviss
Gail Turpin
Kyla Urquhart
Mary Beth Vanderaar-Reid, 8 daughter
Krista VanderHoeven
Rita Vanstigt
Will Verschuren
A n d a Wakefield
nn Wearring
eettina Weber
Nancy & Bob Wightman
Cao Xueping
Zhang yi Jing
Seong Yong Park
Andrea a g a r
yi Xuan Zhe
Janet Bargh
Inez 8 Sig Boehme
Len Carey
Beth Crowder
Nom & Caroline Davis
Lois & Jillian Denomme
Liz, Jim 8 Dave Etherington
Leslie Graham
Mike Gregory
Bev & Michele Harris
Ted Henderson
Lily Hopcrofl
Maureen Hyatt
Jean 8 Bill Knowles
Bob Kymlicka
Mitch Lenko
Jackie 8 Jenne Looper
Dot Low
Helen MacKenzie
Peggy Maker
Susan Merskey
Margaret Mitchell
Viola Poletes Montgomery
M a , Arthur 8 Lara
Hilary Neary
Cliff 8 Mary Oliver
h a Pakkert-Migneron
Helen Pathy
Lois Patterson
Ann Rasmussen
Anne Salmon
June Smith
Carmen Sprovieri
Connie Sullivan
David Tate
Peggy Tetarenko
Susan Trail1
Gail Turpin
Audrey 8 Auke Van Holst
Linda Wakefield
Pamela Wesson
Nancy Whightman
Ann White
Stella Woodhouse
Dec 24 -Jan 2
Meet the Candidates - Hilary Neary
On Sept 21, Friends hosted an all-candidates meeting at the Central Library. The candidates met with
Friends of the Library, members of the public, Library staff and representatives from community organizations
which partner with the Library. In this relaxed atmosphere, it was possible to discuss issues relating to the
Library, as well as neighbourhood and city-wide concerns. Candidates were given a tour of the Library,
giving them an opportunity to see the diverse operations of a large library system and to learn more about
+he interconnectedness of Central to the branch library network. As part of the Friends’ campaign to inform
andidates about the London Public Library, they had all been sent an information package containing a
fact sheet about LPL, as well as more specific information specific to the branches in their wards, and/or
contiguous to their wards.
The goal of Friends here was to increase awareness of the importance of libraries to Londoners in the
minds of the City’s new Council. The new Council will be appointing trustees to the Library Board soon; at least
two of these will be members of City Council.
December, 2010
Annual General Meeting - Carmen Spmvieri
The annual meeting was held Sept 30, 2010 at the Central Library with approximately 40 in attendance.
The President highlightedthe events of the past year, thanking the many volunteers for their support and
enthusiastic commitment to the numerous projects undertaken during the year.
Among the many projects were the popular Book Sale held for 3 days in Oct, 2009 at the Western Fair,
;he Library Store reaching its fifth year of operation, the successful Book For Every Child@campaignwith more
than 6000 London children receiving new books, the Speaking with Friends event featuring authors Mary
Rubio and Elizabeth Waterson, and the many receptions hosted by Friends .
During the year, over $130,000 was presented to the London Public Library Board for enhanced services,
such as early literacy stations for children and the London Room digitization project. Once again, Friends took
part in the annual City Council budget deliberations where we spoke in support of the Library's budget request.
The following officers were elected to the executive for 2010 - 2011: President Carmen Sprovieri,
Vice-president - Deb Lowry, Secretary - Peter Geigen-Miller, Treasurer - Yuriy Tyschuk, Past Co-Presidents Suzanne ONeill, Connie Sullivan.
Also at the meeting, Friends received the Gabriele Schreiber "Friends of the Year" Award (see below).
London Friends Win Canadian Award
- Carmen Spmvieri
Speaking With Friends - Carmen spmvieri
As part of the Speaking With Friends series,
noted Canadian mystery author, Peter Robinson
(below), was welcomed on Sept 30 following the
AGM. The audience was treated to a fine reading
from his latest book, "Bad Boy". He graciously
answered numerous questions from the floor,
which contributed to a most enjoyable evening.
Following the reading, Friends hosted a reception
at which Mr. Robinson was available for autographs
and Oxford Books provided books for purchase.
Proceeds from the event went to children and youth
literacy programs at the Library.
At the annual meeting, Dorothy Macnaughton
(middle above), President of the Friends of
Canadian Libraries, presented Friends with the
Gabriele Schreiber (Random House of Canada)
"Friends of the Year" Award for outstanding support
to its library and superior volunteer involvement.
The plaque denoting the award will be placed
wtside the third floor Boardroom. In addition,
Lahring Tribe (left) from Random House, presented
Friends with $1000 to purchase materials for the
In presenting the award, Dorthy said "Friends
of Canadian Libraries is so pleased to have
awarded the Gabriele Schreiber Friend of the Year
Award to the Friends ofthe London Public Library.
You have a wonderful, enthusiastic, hard working
group of individuals who certainly deserve this
December, 2010
Friends Honour Friends -Don Menad
At the Annual General Meeting, the Friends of the London Public Library recognized three of its volunteer
members for their long time services as Friends of the Year. Jim Lambe (left) has been a key player in
assisting with the organization of the Sale for 14 years. Jim has developed a very effective warehouse
drganlzation to house the sorted materials prior to the sale. He has also taken on the task of getting those
iatenals to the sale. In recent years, he has been joined in the warehouse by his wife, Madonna (second from
left), now one of our key book sorters.
About Joining
- Friends? -Anne
The mandate of the Friends of the London
Public Library is to advocate on behalf of the
library and to raise funds which enhance library
programs and collections. Funds are raised through
memberships, donations, the book sale in October
and the Book Store outside the entrance to the
Central Library. The funds raised are used for
purchasing items such as public-use workstations,
supporting library literacy programs, the Book
For Every Child" program and the digitization of
historical documents in the London Room.
In effect, Friends support Library programs
not covered by the City operating grant. We would
welcome you as a member of Friends and greatly
appreciate your support of these efforts. Our
membership fees are low and the work they allow
us to do is most worthwhile. Please support us
by completing a membership application form and
becoming a member of the Friends of the London
Winners of the draw from membership
renewals returned by Oct 31 are Linda McClure,
Lorraine Lyons and Bob and Elizabeth Kymlicka.
Congratulations to the winners; their book prizes
will be delivered during November.
December, 2010
A Book For Every Child@- Gail Turpin
The grey days of November have arrived.
Thesearegooddaystocurlupand readabook.
They're also good days to make a trip to your local
bookstore and buy a book or two for the holiday A
Book For Every Child@campaign.
The 2010 campaign began Sat, Nov 6 and
ends Sat, Dec 18. Participating bookstores include
Coles Bookstores, Oxford Book Shop, Scholar's
Choice stores, The Toy Shoppe of London, UWO
Bookstores and The Upper Room Bookstore. They
offer 20% off the price of books purchased for A
Book For Every Child". These books remain at the
stores until collected by members of The Friends
of The London Public Library and taken to the
Children's Library. Librarians then sort the books
into age groups and distribute them to requesting
London agencies. Financial donations are
welcome and may be made at any library branch.
Books are distributed throughout the year so
donations are always welcome and new books can
be dropped off at any library branch. If you buy
a book or make a donation to A Book For Every
Child", you'll be sure to brighten up a child's day.
A ! !
Your Executive
Carmen Sprovieri
Co-Past Presidents
Connie Sullivan
Suzanne 0 'Neil1
Deb Lowry
Peter Geigen-Miller
Yuriy Tyshchuk
Anne Rasmusssen
Book Sale Coordinator
Don Menard
Book Sale Volunteer
Sandra Whitehall
Karin Palmer
Warehouse Coordinator
-Jim Lambe
Library Store CoManagers
Jackie Looper
Mary Blasl
A Book For Every Child"
Gail Turpin
Newsletter Editor
Len Carey
Speaking With Friends
Carmen Sprovieri
Karen Payne
Library Board Liaison
Gina Barber
LPL Director
Margaret Mitchell
December, 2010
New Executive Members -Len Carey
Deb Iowrv Vice-PresiQent
Deb is a long time Londoner. She graduated
with a B.A. in Psychology from UWO and recently
retired from the Canada Revenue Agency as the
Assistant Director of Finance &Administration.
Deb became a Friend of the LPL because she
has long been a strong proponent of continuous
learning. She believes that a vibrant library is an
essential and foundational element of a healthy and
properous community. Deb loves to read and she
and her husband, Scott Curoe, are both Library Store
Yudv Tvs~.t&uaYuriy has lived in London since 1997. He graduated
from Catholic Central High School and subsequently
from the UWO bey Business School. He is currently
a tax consultant with KPMG. Yuriy enjoys cycling,
reading and spending time with his wife-to-be, Yuliya.
He believes strongly in community libraries and sees
his role as the Friends Treasurer as a way of giving
back to the community.
k Store Co-Manaaer
Mary graduated from Goderich High School before
joining 3M in London where she worked in Human
Resources and Accounting, from which she recently
retired. Mary has one daughter, three grandchildren
and one great-grandchild, all in London. She is an avid
walker, gardener, curler, and golfer and, in her spare
moments, enjoys spending time with a good book. She
believes that the Library is vital to all Londoners and felt
that becomimg more involved in the Library Store was an
opportunity to combine her interest in books and to meet
and help people.
Anne arew UD in London. attended Medwav
School andgraduated from the Nursing program at
Victoria Hospital. She was married in Australia (husband
Henning) where she received her B.A. in Anthropology and
Politics. She and her husband have travelled extensively.
They lived in England and Denmark, before returning
to London where she worked at UWO. Anne has two
children and three grandchildren. She enjoys gardening
and reading; she has always been an active user of the
library and wanted to give back a bit of the joy she has