How to find the Federal Institue for Risk Assessment (BfR)...


How to find the Federal Institue for Risk Assessment (BfR)...
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How to find the Federal Institue for Risk Assessment (BfR) in Jungfernheide
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin
Tel.: +49-(0)30-18412-0
Fax: +49-(0)30-18412-4741
Travelling to BfR in Jungfernheide by long-distance and regional rail
For travel within the urban area of Berlin you will need to buy a ticket for the tariff "Berlin AB".
This ticket is valid for two hours and can be used to travel by suburban and underground rail (Sand U-Bahn) and bus. Round trips and return journeys are not permitted. You can buy the ticket
from machines at S- and U-Bahn stations. Please do not forget to validate/stamp your ticket
prior to commencing your journey. On busses you can buy the ticket from the driver. These
tickets do not require a validation stamp.
Arrival via Berlin Central Station (Berliner Hauptbahnhof)
Take the S-Bahn (suburban railway) line 5 (direction Spandau) until you reach the stop
At "Westkreuz" change onto S-Bahn line 41 this is a circular railway or Ringbahn.
Travel North (Richtung Norden) until you reach the stop "Jungfernheide".
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Take the exit signposted "Tegeler Weg".
The BfR is on the opposite side of the road (Max-Dohrn-Straße 8-10).
The entire journey takes about 30 minutes.
Arrival via Friedrichstraße Station (Bahnhof Friedrichstraße)
Take the underground U-Bahn line 6 (direction Alt-Tegel) until you reach the stop
Change onto the S-Bahn line 42 (circular railway/Ringbahn) travel West (Richtung
Westen) until you reach the stop "Jungfernheide".
Take the exit signposted "Tegeler Weg".
The BfR is on the opposite side of the road (Max-Dohrn-Straße 8-10).
The entire journey takes about 25 minutes.
Arrival via the station "Bahnhof Zoologischer Garten"
Take Bus X9 direction "Flughafen Tegel" (Tegel Airport) until you reach the stop
"Tegeler Weg/S-Bahnhof Jungfernheide".
Walk for approximately 150 m in the direction of Tegeler Weg ca. 150 m.
The BfR is on the opposite side of the road (Max-Dohrn-Straße 8-10).
The entire journey takes about 20 minutes.
Arrival via long-distance railway station Ostbahnhof (Fernbahnhof Ostbahnhof)
From Ostbahnhof take the suburban railway S-Bahn line 5 (direction "Spandau")
until you reach the stop "Friedrichstraße". Get off and change here.
Take the underground U-Bahn line 6 (direction Alt-Tegel) until you reach the stop
Change here onto S-Bahn line 42, circular railway westbound (Ringbahn Richtung
Westen) until you reach the stop "Jungfernheide".
Take the exit signposted "Tegeler Weg".
The BfR is on the opposite side of the road (Max-Dohrn-Straße 8-10).
The entire journey takes about 35 minutes.
Travelling to BfR in Jungfernheide by air
Arrival at Berlin-Tegel Airport
From Tegel airport take the bus X9 (direction Zoologischer Garten). The bus departs
from in front of the main entrance to the airport.
Stay on the bus until you reach the suburban and underground station "S+U-Bahnhof
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The BfR is on the opposite side of the road (Max-Dohrn-Straße 8-10).
The entire journey takes about 15 minutes.
Arrival at Berlin-Schönefeld Airport
From Schönefeld Airport take Bus X7 (direction "U-Bahnhof Rudow"). The bus stop is
on the square at the front of the airport building.
Stay on the bus until you reach the terminus "U-Bahnhof Rudow" then change onto the
underground U-Bahn line 7 (direction "Rathaus Spandau").
Stay on the underground U-Bahn line 7 until you reach the suburban and underground
station "S+U Bahnhof Jungfernheide".
Take the exit signposted "Max-Dohrn-Straße".
Walk to the left (direction Tegeler Weg).
After approximately 200 m you will have reached the BfR, which is on the opposite side
of the street (Max-Dohrn-Straße 8-10).
The entire journey takes about 1 hour.
Detailed travel information can be accessed on, by telephone on
030-19 44 9 or from the information pillars at every underground and suburban railway
Travelling to BfR in Jungfernheide by car
From the City Centre (Innenstadt/Mitte)
Drive along "Straße des 17. Juni" until you reach "Großen Stern".
Take the 4th exit from the roundabout and continue along "Straße des 17 Juni" until
you reach "Ernst-Reuter-Platz".
Take the 2nd exit from the roundabout onto "Otto-Suhr-Allee".
Continue along Otto-Suhr-Allee until you reach the "Luisenplatz" junction and then
turn right.
Drive across the Schlossbrücke and bear left (direction Tegeler Weg).
After approximately 950 m turn right into "Max-Dohrn-Straße".
You will find the BfR after about 200 m on the left hand side (Max-Dohrn-Straße 8-10).
From the West/Hamburg
Drive on the A111 follow signs for Berlin-Reinickendorf/Flughafen Tegel/Berlin-Zentrum
After approximately 22 km leave the motorway to the right at the "Heckerdamm" exit.
Take the 2nd exit from the roundabout and follow signs for "Tegeler Weg".
After approximately 500 m turn left into Max-Dohrn-Straße.
You will find the BfR after about 200 m on the left hand side (Max-Dohrn-Straße 8-10).
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From the South (A10 - Berliner Ring)
Exit to the right at "Ludwigsfelde-Ost" onto the A10 following signs for Magdeburg/Potsdam/Leipzig.
At the motorway exit "Autobahndreieck Nuthetal" turn right onto the A115 following
signs for Berlin-Zentrum/Potsdam/Berlin-Zehlendorf/Flughafen Berlin-Tegel.
Bear right after about 27 km and follow signs for "Autobahndreieck Funkturm".
After about 1.5 km bear right and follow signs for A100/Stadtring Berlin.
After a further 3.5 km bear right following signs for "A111/Autobahndreieck Charlottenburg".
Exit to the right after approximately 300 m at the exit "Jakob-Kaiser-Platz".
After 250 m turn right into "Tegeler Weg".
After 350 m turn left into "Max-Dohrn-Straße".
You will find the BfR after about 200 m on the left hand side (Max-Dohrn-Straße 8-10).