How to Design R&D Contracts in Practice hure oc Br


How to Design R&D Contracts in Practice hure oc Br
European Seminar
25th - 26th April 2013, Berlin
With Experts from:
• European Commission, DG Research & Innovation
How to Design R&D Contracts in Practice
• University of Exeter, United Kingdom
• Leiden University, the Netherlands
• Rothamsted Research, United Kingdom
How to Design R&D Contracts in Practice
Secure the success of your R&D project through a safe and sound
contract design!
R&D projects and cooperation whether with or without European or
national funding need a safe and sound legal contract design. In most
cases, the legal framework decides about the success of a project and
lays the foundation for a smooth pursuit of research activities.
The exchange of knowledge is another central factor for success. Most
R&D projects are so complex that external know-how is needed to
complete the research. Technology transfer broadens the horizon of a
project. However, the contracts for those cooperation and R&D activities
need to be safe and require clear strategies. Proper contract design can
avoid financial risk or loss of intellectual property, protect research results,
preserve their economic value and avoid unnecessary disputes.
“Informative and useful for better understanding
EU R&D projects”
Anton Ussi, Business Development Manager, Technology Transfer Office,
VU University Medical Centre, the Netherlands
Who is this seminar for?
Directors, Heads of Departments
or Units, Managers, Lawyers and
other members of staff involved
and working in scientific research,
with R&D projects and dealing
with cooperation and intellectual
property, from departments such as:
• Business Development
• R&D Departments/IP Departments
• Technology Transfer Departments
• Programme and Project
Management Departments
• Research Services
• Legal Services
• Patents and Licensing Departments
• Finance & Business Development
• International Projects Management
• Universities
• Research and technology institutes,
centres and clusters
• National and regional ministries
and agencies responsible for
Research & Development
• Intellectual Property and Patent
Agencies, Business Development
• Industry and private companies,
Spin-off companies
• Associations and Foundations.
This seminar may also be interesting
for lawyers and consultants
specialising in intellectual property,
license agreements and R&D
What will you learn at this seminar?
• How to handle R&D contract aspects such as ancillary agreements,
access rights, confidentiality, ownership or licensing.
• How can a sample agreement help you with your R&D project?
• How to structure licensing and technology transfer deals.
• How can you negotiate contracts in a way that later disputes can be
• What is the impact of EU funding through the European Commission
on R&D consortium agreements?
• What is the industry‘s point of view when having R&D cooperation?
• How to deal with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)?
Your benefits
• Secure your research by means
of a safe and sound contract for your activity
• Avoid compromising your entire
• Learn how to negotiate contracts
and which issues you have to pay
particular attention to
• Gain insights into how to avoid and
solve disputes
• How does competition law influence the success of R&D projects?
• What are the current developments and future trends at EU level?
• Receive an insight on the draft Horizon 2020 Rules for Participation
• Understand how to make the
most of licensing contracts and
technology transfer
• Profit from practical workshop
“Useful insights, tips & tricks”
Stephan Adriaenssens, Chief Financial Officer, Management Department,
Traficon International N.V., Belgium
How to Design R&D Contracts in Practice
Registration and Handout of Seminar Material 9.00-9.05
Opening Remarks from the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law 9.05-9.30
Welcome Note from the Chair and Round of
Christine Hazell, Academic Contracts Manager,
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
Current Developments and Future Trends at EU
•Innovation Union actions related to technology and knowledge transfer
•Current review of the technology transfer block exemption regulation
•IPR provisions in the Framework Programme and Horizon 2020
•Knowledge markets
•The European Research Area Committee (ERAC) working group on
knowledge transfer
Patrick McCutcheon, Policy Officer, Financial Engineering,
DG Research & Innovation, European Commission
Discussion Round
Coffee Break and Networking Opportunity
Research and Development Contracts (Part 1)
•What is an R&D-contract and when should you use one?
•The essential terms of a research contract
•Issues involving liability
Christine Hazell, Academic Contracts Manager,
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
Discussion Round
Research and Development Contracts (Part 2)
•Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and commercialisation
•Academic freedom and publication rights
•The project annex
•Key issues for research contracts with international partners
Christine Hazell, Academic Contracts Manager,
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
Discussion Round Reporting and Discussion Round
Lunch Break and Networking Opportunity
Academic Contracts Manager,
Legal and Insurances
Services, University of Exeter,
United Kingdom
Christine Hazell LLB (Hons) created
and leads the Academic Contracts
Team at the University of Exeter, UK.
This team is responsible for all research and educational
contracts entered into by the University of Exeter and deal
with on average of 1500 matters a year with a research
income total of £60million. Prior to joining the University
of Exeter Christine Hazell held management roles in a
large UK based internet and communications company
and an international retail group.
Policy Officer, Financial
Engineering, DG Research
& Innovation, European
Patrick McCutcheon is responsible
for policy on knowledge transfer
in research and innovation at the
Directorate General of Research and Innovation of the
European Commission. He has also been responsible
for policy on State aid, procurement of innovation and
R&D tax incentives as well as monitoring business
investments in R&D. Earlier in his career, he represented
the Commission in various international bodies on the
topics of chemical control and environmental protection
and was project manager for information systems
on pharmaceuticals and manager of the regulatory
programme on existing substances.
Interactive Workshop Session
Research and Development Contracts
•What does each party want to achieve in the contract?
•Contract negotiation advice
•Case review in groups
•Open questions & answers
Participants work in groups on a practical example to improve their
negotiation skills.
Christine Hazell, Academic Contracts Manager,
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
Discussion Round
Legal Adviser/IP Executive,
Research and Innovation
Services (LURIS), Leiden
University, the Netherlands
Sandra Beelaard is a legal adviser at
the technology transfer office of Leiden
University and Leiden University
Medical Centre. She provides legal support to academics
in both research and commercialisation matters with a
focus on intellectual property. She is responsible for the
negotiation and drafting of international agreements such
as research collaborations (including FP7, IMI), public
private partnerships and software/technology licenses.
Prior to this, she worked as an IP and Competition
attorney at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, one of the
leading law firms in the Netherlands.
Coffee Break and Networking Opportunity
Joint University/Industry R&D Cooperation in
Europe – The Legal Framework
•Harmonisation efforts in Europe
•Model agreements for industry-university cooperation
•Types of collaborative R&D agreements
•Role of EU State aid rules
Sandra Beelaard, Legal Adviser/IP Executive, Research
and Innovation Services (LURIS), Leiden University,
the Netherlands
Discussion Round
End of Day One
“A great opportunity to receive precise information from experts that understand the
engagement between universities and industry”
Sofia Vairinho, Lawyer and IP & IT Manager, University of Algarve, Portugal
How to Design R&D Contracts in Practice
Welcome Note from the Chair
Ivo de Nooijer, Head of IP Legal Team, Research and
Innovation Services (LURIS), Leiden University, the
R&D Contracts – The Industry Perspective
•Types of collaborative R&D agreements – the industry perspective
•Ownership of rights
Bart Goddyn, Legal Counsel IP/IT, Belgium
Discussion Round
Coffee Break and Networking Opportunity
License Agreements and Technology Transfer
•Licensing/technology transfer basics and background
•Structure of License Agreements
•Agreements with international partners
Ivo de Nooijer, Head of IP Legal Team, Research and
Innovation Services (LURIS), Leiden University, the
Discussion Round Workshop
University and Industry Interaction
– Technology Transfer in Practice
•Building successful partnerships and negotiating license agreements
•Specific issues and common pitfalls
•Discussion of open questions
Participants work on a real-life example and receive practical advice from
our expert.
Ivo de Nooijer, Head of IP Legal Team, Research and
Innovation Services (LURIS), Leiden University, the
Lunch Break and Networking Opportunity
Head of IP Legal Team,
Research and Innovation
Services (LURIS), Leiden
University, the Netherlands
Ivo de Nooijer MSc and LLM is Head
of the IP Legal Team at the Leiden University Technology
Transfer Office. He joined the Technology Transfer Office
over five years ago. His work focuses on contracts in
public private partnerships and technology transfer.
Moreover, he was involved in a number of large national
and international consortia with diverse partners and
funding agencies. Recently he represented all of the
Dutch universities and university hospitals in negotiations
with the industry in a large long term public private
partnership. Prior, Mr de Nooijer worked at Unilever and
as a lawyer at several Dutch law firms. During his time in
private practice he worked in IP law, mostly patents.
Legal Counsel IP/IT, Belgium
Bart Goddyn is a legal counsel,
specialised in Intellectual Property,
Information Technology and Media.
His advisory and transactional work
cuts across all fields of technology,
pharmaceutical and health care for national and
international companies. Bart Goddyn practiced inhouse for about four years as Cargill’s Intellectual
Property Lawyer EMEA. Prior to that, he spent six years
as an attorney-at-law in IP/IT departments of respected
international law practices based in Brussels. He is an
official arbitrator in .eu domain name disputes brought
before the Czech Arbitration Court in Prague and he
lectures on Media and Intellectual Property law at the
Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussels.
R&D Contracts and EU Competition Law
•Introduction to EU Competition Law
•Intellectual Property and Competition Law
•Block exemption – Technology Transfer
•Attention Points for R&D agreement work
Bart Goddyn, Legal Counsel IP/IT, Belgium
Discussion Round
Coffee Break and Networking Opportunity
EU Funding through the European Commission
and its Impact on R&D Consortium Agreements
•Introduction to the European FP7/Horizon 2020 Agreements
•Agreement Types
- Grant Agreement
- Consortium Agreements
•Agreement Issues
- Intellectual Property/Access Rights
- Confidentiality
- Dissemination/Publications
- Liability
- Sub-contracting
- Personal data
•Outlook: Horizon 2020
Head of Contracts and
Intellec­tual Property,
Rothamsted Research,
United Kingdom
Since 2007 Richard Nugent has
managed the Contracts and Intellectual
Research, dealing with numerous types of agreements
encountered at research institutions from Material
Transfer Agreements and Confidentiality Agreements to
right through to complex Licence Agreements and also
including many Consortium Agreements particularly
those relating to EU funded projects. Prior to that, he
worked within the Legal Departments of Canon UK,
Orange Personal Communications and SAS Software
with a focus on corporate business products. In addition
to his full-time work for Rothamsted Research he also
provides Contracts and Intellectual Property advisory
services through his company Totalinfo Ltd.
Richard Nugent, Head of Contracts and Intellectual
Property, Rothamsted Research, United Kingdom
Discussion Round 16.30
End of Seminar and Handout of Certificates
“Very good training for people who manage cooperation activities. I will recommend
the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law to my colleagues”
Francisco Carranza, Manager European Funding & Strategic Collaborations, External Affairs, Nissan
European Office, Belgium
How to Design R&D Contracts in Practice
Date of Event
Fax: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 250
25 - 26 April 2013
Booking Number
For online booking please visit
Phone: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 230
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Event Language
The event language will be English.
European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law
Hausvogteiplatz 13, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Event Price
Phone: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 230
1.289,- Euro, excl. German VAT (19%)
+49 (0)30 80 20 80 250
The above price covers the following:
• Admission to the seminar
• Hand-out documents
Your contact persons for the programme:
• Seminar certificate, if fully attended
Regina Lüning, M. Sc. econ.
• Soft drinks and coffee/tea on both event days
Head of Marketing and Sales
• Lunch on both event days
Phone: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 246
Fax: Booking Modalities
+49 (0)30 80 20 80 259
It is recommended to book soon as seats are limited. For
organisational matters, we kindly ask you to complete the booking
Carolin Schmidt
form in capital letters.
Conference Manager
Phone: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 212
Fax: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 259
(Programme is subject to alterations)
Event Location
NH Berlin Friedrichstraße
Friedrichstrasse 96
10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 1805 0037 83
Fax: +49 1805 0037 84
Please contact the hotel directly and refer to the “European Academy
for Taxes, Economics & Law” in order to benefit from a limited room
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course you can always look for an alternative hotel accommodation.
Please note, you can register as many delegates as you
wish (except, the seminar is fully booked). You only need
to copy this formular for as many persons you wish.
European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law
Phone.: +49 (0)30 802080-230
Brauner Klingenberg GmbH
Fax: Hausvogteiplatz 13
10117 Berlin / Germany
BOOKING NUMBER: S-566 (PR) +49 (0)30 802080-250
25 th – 26 th APRIL 2013, BERLIN
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• 30 days or more prior to commencement of the course: service charge of 80,00 € net, subject to current German VAT, payable immediately, course fee will be reimbursed,
• two (2) weeks to 30 days prior to commencement of the course: 50% of course fee net, subject to current German VAT, payable immediately,
• non-attendance or cancellation less than two (2) weeks prior to commencement of the course: 100% of course fee net, subject to current Germany VAT, payable
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