Document 6495564
Document 6495564
12 OUESMELCAEBOOOtSBtVn S u n d n y N»v«>fnb»r 5 / 2 0 0 6 QUESNEL OUtlBOO OBSERVER Sundoy, November 5, 2 0 0 6 B3 THE P h : u " * . . -7 (Its--*It - ^ i , #? h'-' 1 fax 250.992.5229 email Open. Monday to Friday 8am- Kj?''i'/''i,''i'r I f\ ''-'fpih"^'' m JI>npoMthyGi0g> '^s pletismlhannounee'J^ openlnn df Phone Fmetview wndGook'^aiidXt!tjf0yoffl^ of or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, BC (ufEcn I Vim - MasceiCard accepted HOURS; Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday • ^yifippintffi^yTly t--'-Tmiw. TT will 6iitiiiji.~~. BWiaars -I n'lt ..8 .4................ 12 Omreii... .......15 IB CoBiiialiibtUus........ 21 fiigassmaiiVWtiiMliio. J2« Foaen]flirectiny....;..;..;„.........27 iaKnaotlam „ 't&l&IStltS. 30 ..33 ttente I^SifS/Many .'. M .tss nmuols ...;,....................^^...i70 itqfcbiei. ..76 ftnel ToanArttHfon: :85 WWniP1l>(H49 ^ .125 IffiffiCHWrotaS 150-248 ..155 .160 MiaCkiOs tataau^J. laOfiaiWntib ,„„.. .1R 170 .17$ .180 -.165 ..1» i» ftndbn-.- -JOS ..210 GanqaStftt ...215 ,.220 .JOS KRie .33a TMIS .210 BffUnWEHTggjgffl. loUiHinOppflilUHKIw Cu cut.........«.«>.. i......254 .,«...2S8 w......„.;„.„..-,..J2fi2 O a i c a r i ..... .: i...,..„.....;.268 mtKm/M.... .._.;........-....270 PoohySpa,, Booling. ' SoovplovtoQ Tnwi .... TmeUng. yardiGanteD ..27« ..2SZ .218 tRMklKnM...—^.............,.....200 «._._,......„ .>-™;..:.,.„ JM ..300 ..J10 -814 „; „3S8 .360 ..3E2 ;..364 366 .368 ilpuimaoit, SachelDrSulte...„ BasamaQl Suits Calilin/CottsoBs„ CommBfcM.; Xoiidffii....i .404 408 412 416 J ,..;....420 ' ...^^...•••.424428 ForRaMorSala.^ 432 Hans/AadiiortDins .„ €8 Houm : 440 'linscellaa8oiss..;;..„......... ,.4W .448 MobltsHonm — Moilotar Honm .452 > Rooms.............;....;..i;i...;.....:: .458 Room ABoard ~„..46a StJiloni/RaOmnsatActaffl 464 SiHreiiltocomrooiiatioo 468 Stofa0a..;iM..»..............^....v...i.472 ' Snllaa „m romisttetommaiialloa 488 TnnilKiuts>..<.»............i.....,....4S4 . Wanted lb RenL... ,. .488 WanbSBMs „.t...ii.,-..^.,...ii..4Si Acnsga/Uti. .J24 .....JM .3M ..S0 .412 .S12 JS18 ..524 530 ^...638 ....542 raiins/Banclias, ForSaltoiRaoL , .548 -.'KOOSSS •.^.;.......*.«........;.. .554 takashofa.. 560 'M0bIt8S..'4...»..........;....l... 568 Modolar Homes .;...B72 • Op0BHo»»a....-...;....,.......:...;...578;, Ootof Toira ....i.'. .,..584 .390 nvtilsi. msmmmm Boarding.... Fann Eqafproant ,.......'..812 Food 8iSaad...>........................618 Fnilt/r»?dac<i/Matt t624 H o n a t . . . . ...;.....;:....„.....630 Uvastotk... ,~..,.......^....638: reDllSTHYSS04»!l9 E^IpiABVl ..880 • UsnjIns/nmlWf ........;....,..:.870 atatUanr......— ..680 .888 Km BaaWWailaa......... Wami up your home with partylite candles. The ultimate home decorating show experience. Book today call Trina 747-1324 ATTENTION Monday, November 6th, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. in the Upper Board Room G.R. Baker i\/lemorial Hospital All Clubs, Groups and Organizations. Do you have an upcoming event? Use this space to We are looking for new members to be promote and infomi apart of this progressive organization. the Quesnel Refreshments pmvidedk readers. 992-5189 jrta .>....r.~........;..~.....7Z8 I.—............M..........72S RVTl,.......M.-.,.-„....;.7)8 fbMati ....................;,._.,'.....-7S8. ......~„....i.„.w748 ..748 mili'.i'lliMf,} . Ugiimscat tMsis.. 12Birthday • Birthdaif CHUCK SEVEREm 70 Personals Notf. 6th Sexy brunette seeking generous gents. Quality & discretion assured. 991-6256 85 Travel/Tours/ Vacation Moffat heavy duty washer three years old excellent condition $175. Asko built-in dishwasher stainless steel interior, quiet,clean, almond $200. 10 Bar TV. antenna $25. 992-5865 DISPLAY, WORD AND RETAIL DISPLAY A D DEADLINE: - 188 Carson Avenue, Quesnel T u e s d a y , 992-2121 FLOOD, FIRE, SMOKE DAMAGE I DAVCO WEIGHT SCAl-RR I DOUGLAS LAKE E(3UIPMENT QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER I To j o i n t h e Website call T r i n a at N o v . 7 ,75 Huilclin^ MjUerluls FLOORING DISTRIBUTOR NEEDS $$$ FLOW BUY DIRECT 8&I2ml Laminate lirom$.49sq/ft 6" Pine.......... $.99sq/ft 3 1/4" Oak, Mq)Ie or Exotics prefin....... .............$1.99sq/ft Bamboo pre-fin solid or eiigineered from... $2.99sq/ft 5" handscaped Oak. Maple, Alder pre-fin.. ......$3.99sq/ft 3 1/4" & 5" Japanese Cheny or Black Walnut pre-fin from ..........;..$3.99sq/ft TONS MORE! 1-800-631-3342 qUKSNCL - CARIBOO Directory, OBSERVER 9 9 2 - 2 1 2 1 . 30 In .Memoriam m In Loving Memoiy of Hugh Christie January 14,1930 - November 4, 2005 Hey! Don't Cry! Hey] Don't cry! I may have passed oh but I'm muu trucking with the angels above. Jana was predeceased by her brother, Anthony Kolar in 1976. She is survived by her loving l|usband of 36 years, Richard; one son, Peter (Melisa) of Vernon; one grandson, Jakob; one granddaughter, Sophia; one brother, Joseph (Jana) Kolar of Washington, USA; two nephews and one niece. Jana was a late member of the St. James' Church Catholic Women's League. :•• ; .'^^ Prayers were recited on Friday, November 3 at 7:00 p.m. and Funeral Mass was held on Saturday, November 4 at 10:00 a.m. at St. James' Catholic Church with Father Martin Peyton, Celebrant. Interment followed in Pleasant Valley Cemetery. A reception followed interment in St. James' Parish Hall. In lieu Of flowers, donation's in Jana's memory may be made to either Vernon and District Hospice House, 3506 - 27th Avenue, Vernon, BC V l T 1S4 or to BC's Children's Hospital Foundation, 4480 Oak Street, Room B321, Vancouver, B C V 6 H 3V4. Arrangements have been entrusted to PLEASANT VALLEY FUNERAL H O M E 542-4333. Condolences may be emailed to »I may be the wind that flows through the trees Loveseat $25, Entertainment centre $30, wooden cabinet, coffee table $18. Bookcase $20 Phone: 992-6273 TURF LOGIC FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY 100% Pesticide Free Lawn Care, High-Tech, Low Investment, Protected Territory, Outdoor Lifestyle. Get ready now for 2007. Call Toil-Free 1-866-239-4056 ; 220 Miscellaneous FLOORING DISTRIBUTOR NEEDS $$$ FLOW BUY DIRECT 8 & 12ml Laminate from$.49sq/ft 6" Pine........;... .V......$.99sq/ft 3 1/4" Oak, Maple or Exotics prefiri......,.v................$1.99sq/ft ; Bamboo pre-fin solid or engineered from...;.....$2.99sq/ft 5" handscaped Oak, Maple, Alder pre-fin..:.......;....$3.99sq/ft 3 1/4" & 5" Japanese Cherry or Black Walnut pre-fin from ...,.:........$3.99sq/ft TONS MORE! 1-800-631-3342 225 Music around you, always iri your heart. I am the warmth you feel in your heart when you remember me so fondly. Ull we meet again on the pillowy roads above. Remember 'Don't Cry" I am with you always and around you in everything you do. Love and miss you...your wife Jeanine. sons, Stephen Crfamity and Richard and family To place an obituary tribute / ^ o O X ^ l O i r b l l please call 992-2121. wpoj^JKVIl^K Opportunities GOOD Memory? Mystery Shoppers needed iri Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Lang ley, Bumay and Surrey. Apply online at TEST DRIVE Unique opportunity to own and operate a 200e Pete -with zero down. Must havo 1 year JIat decl^ highway experience; willing/ able to run CANADA/USA & possess good rofersncos. Owner/Operators & Company drivers welcome. Up to > $3000 signing bonus. WEST RIM EXPRESS UNES LTD. Steve or Andro (800) 663-0099 Med size deep freeze • working $30. Floor polisher 3 brushes $10. Folding ironing board cover with iron $10. Large snow board $40. Skates $5. 992-7810 or 992-5030. •Or a squirrel squawking OBITUARY TRIBUTES M i OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Build Your Home-Based Business On This Amazing New Health Product That Has Doctors Excited and Delighted. Start Your Future Today'. Call 250-202-2956 For Your Information Package. ' i •Or just the soft melody of a bird chirping • Or maybe just sitting on a star above looking down upon you. P- Piano - Very good condition $2,500 obo. Oak entertainment unit, doors etc.. $900 Oak buffet $250, Oak sofa table $150 Royal Albert China r old country roses, service for 8. $800 747-3001: Homelite generator. 4400 watt, used approx 8 hrs. $700 747-2561 •Tin eagle soaring high in the sky I may be any or alt of those things, but most definitely fain here all 254 Business 205 Furniture We regret to announce the death in Hospice House of Jana Rose Plank on October 27,2006 at the age of 64 years. it's about attitude! Si> Hey! Don't Cry! I am here! m I •71 snowflake floating softly to the ground Our office wiU be CLOSED Friday, November 10,2006 p A tour of local merchants that you can visit on the web It's not about age, Lost Halloween night Carson Sub a set of GMC Keys with remote on Canucks key strap. 991-2218 Adventure North Tburs Inc. present Edmonton Christmas Delight Tour, Butterdome Craft Fair, West Edmonton Mall and more. Call Debbie 992-5169 BCRegi!f23929 I 33 Obituaries Lost Oct 15/06, Set of keys, with several key chains & blue clip with lifeline written on it 255-0788 160 Appliances .782 ,.788 .774 ;.780 ...788 782 .818 BSSCSB EliSSBQ 5QE3B click and •The ray of light that shines through the window Due to the Remembrance Day holiday, we have early deadlines for all advertising. 5:00 www.quesneIobserver.coin SgJHS S[I!IC3B SSESEIBSISIEI e QSESGII B E S S Q B B B ; Bi3B I20BS3 Lost: 1 female Boxer, black collar with silver spikes, from Blackwater Rd area. Call 249-5686 • Antique sideboard - all hardwood, beautiful condition, inside drawer, "Knechtel Quality Furniture since 1864,3rhxl8"dx5'. $1000 9928646 :' • /. mmmmm Can.. dsnics mmSS^ HI Lost: Sable Pekingese, lost on Halloween night Ear tattooed. Neutered male. Missing two bottom teeth. 747-0967 155 Antiques CLASsiFffiD 718 CO Lost: Around Oct. 25th. either downtown area or Extra Foods. Mans goldringwith diamonds. Reward offered. 992-7089 ,.«48 VWt/Batas .m QUESNEL ADDICTION SERU(CES ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THE QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Pennanent carriers are required for' the following: (Britton, Coach & Grosz Rd) (Larch Ave) (Caravelle, McLean, Ortega, Schemenaur) (Red Bluff, Sales Rd West & Roan) (Belcanra, Gook, Jay & Renyard) ; (Agate & Maible) (HUbom) (Barlow, Caitanan, Grey & Vaughan) Anyone interested in these routes please call Jaicey at 9922121. ••• Foumd Ddgi Small inale collie mix, tan and black, found on QuesnelHydraulic Rd/ Please contact the SPCA 992-7722 .M2 rati. Uraltan. tnaa.. ..3S4 ' You are invited to 65 L().sl & Koimcl .....:'...SG8 mrnvsmmm .J22 ' to book an appointment offor jnformation, her receptionist will be taking ptione colls starting i November 6,2006. ' Dr.Crai0 looks torward to seeing both new and existing potlfents in her new locotion. ^ 3 Announcements Commarclal Ssslaan CommareJal Preparty. CoiUlos „ . Doplax/Feorplex ^«ffT«nM SUBMTrtdn, „ 5B(3QD BBS BIQQ CO IH'S aSSCIES S B S E3BIISE] B S ] B SSDiSlIISSES J*" 3 Annouiicenients HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD S e ey o u r a d s o n - l i n e ! w w w . b c c l a s s i f i e d . c o m r 250.992.2121 •,i^viiO^-i);>r'. 992-2121 Want a piano? Take mine! Carved legs and decor. Open to offers. Phone: 747-1936 For all the hews... Obituary tributes are $ 4 5 / s i n g l e spot. $75/double spot and $104/triple spot and Includes archlving^n our Internet site. «ww.que$nelotiserver.coni EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Established Turn Key Business with 1.6 acres. Agents Welcome. 992-5644 60 Health and Beauty aw Fetch a Dog from the Shelter! Tho BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned, abused and abandoned dogs each year. If you can givo a homeless dog a second chance at happiness^ please visit your local shelter today. BCSPCA Treatment & Prevention Headaches • B a c k a c h e s Call Today! Dr. M i c h a e l Duperron CHIROPRACTOR 350 StLsurent Ave • 092-5110 OPEN Mon & Dues 9:{M)'-5:00 Tliurs & Fri 9:00-5:00 « M QUESlffl. CARIBOO OBSOtVER Sunday. November 5, 2006 QUESNU OUUBOO OBSERVER Sunday, November 5, 2006 THE Classifieds wiiiiill Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! Mi AlSqYOU 0 A N n ^ • Qiiiesiiirf ^OCttsmAvoBie POTENTIAL FOR UNLIMITED GROWTH B r e a s t C a i M c e r Ciromip M E A T PIES TcyouxngilH Owners **Mni]k ladies m rroMonvEs SUPPUES •STringOutmfl Aiitomotive& Ught Track PARTS & ACCESSORIES for Domestic & Import • RV ACCESSORIES — ii ThaokYou mm SALES •RENTALS SERVICE |KY-HI\ E-Mail: sky-hi@shawCable.cofn 1344 Cariboo Hwy. 97 North Ph: 991-5150-Fx: 991-5152 "Aluminum Fabrication & Repairs' smmmmi Our heartfelt tkob to Pat^ &S£Sfy B a d GQfipgfiieadsfor thdf love ood support, during her dtoeaa. . Tor TOUT cane and oompaaaloa «bam to Pat by Dr/Icl^oux. I>. Crepes Bfld the nuraicigs^ To KBTMfiomPalliative Care aid her fliaDy hypers. The outpouring of aqjport thioi|g|i ^fta of food, pfaooe calkflowers^(Sidk vords and preyero-TOfl beyc^ Tb the leg^xi kfiefi euxiliBiy for the bvely tuficheoQ they served ToClaytoa'a nioerel Some for their c»flf)aflfi2q^ and support and to Caooa Trev WhitJqg for hia kiodoeas aid support diriqg Pat^ SU17 h the hospM "25 years experieme BC. Certified" 2 0 0 6 Want To $10 M I L L I O N Available for Land Development Private investment group is interested in acquiring land for developmeiit i n B C and Alt)eita. C a n also use high net worth to act as co-signers/guarantors for suitable projects. Joint Ventures preferred. W i l l i n g to negotiate terms with laiid owners/farmers. Serious inquiridf only. Please phone: 1866-402-6464. ( return. Great location. H i g h traffic count, opportunity for growth! F o r more information call C a r l at 1888-320-3336 isHieonlif wealtb ffuttmatten 351 Reid Street Ptiona 991-0298 rax 991-792Z email) R I D E Esso Joe & Anna Marie Baur Got wheels? Malina & Bob Hamilton Quesnel Ag Part & Supplies Dan & Dawn Moorhead Are you versatile and Ray Hamilton BC Shoe Repair Motherlode Car & Dog Wash Carol. Stephen & Jack Wheeler Liquidation World Cinnamon City Paul Demais & Grandson Save-On-Foods North Cariboo Growers Co-op Cariboo Pulp & Paper Fraser River GM Bob Graham 7 Spurs Cattle Co. Dale & Anne Ragner Regency Chrysler TrImLlne Performanco Ltd. Make-Traxx Minute Muffler Pinnacle Pellet Wee Chippee Sunrise Rotary Club Fox Dairy Farm Total Pet Otto & Elizabeth Ladlges Don & Barb MacDonald McDonald's Clark McCall Alamo Diner HMC Rodeo Creek Quesnel River Pulp Nicole Moorhead „ Willis Harper 1 » Afi*f ' Mapa staff would be pleased to help The Right Products The Right People "THE RIGHT CHOICE' James & Sims 992-2875 Heavy D u t y Mechanics required by expanding company for Ghemainus area on Vancouver Island, B C . Please send resume Attention M i k e Cousins by fax (250)246-5440 o r email Do vou want a H e a l t h Care C a r e e r ? -C«ILtodajji fftr ifOttr frte ffif(i k i t - - ' We offer Certificate training programs: M E D I C A L TRANSCRIPTIONIST (Work from home, flexible hours) PHARMACY TECHNICIAN RESIDENT C A R E A I D E .' . like talking lo people? iPanago needs a team member for deliveries and Iti-store duties. Will need own reliable vehicle and valid driver's license. A great attitude and customer service skills translate into great tips. $9.G0/hour plus gas allowance. Benefits available. Part time 10-20 hours/week and full time 25-40 hours/week. Apply with resume: 263 BariowAve., Quesnel, BC No phone calls, pleasell TEEB6B MUSC I 270 Help Wanted I 258 Careers QUESNEL Autism Behavioural Intervention SERVICES Applying the latest research to unlock the potential of those on the autism sp>ectrum. Ffnanoal Aid and fob Referral Assistance m Adrian D. Leather R E Q U I R E D PH. (250)249-SS61 I M M E D I A T E L Y Piano & Violin Teachers B i l l y B a r k e r Hotel requires part time desk clerk, weekends and evenings. B r i n g resume to Debbie, Front m. Phone: 992-5512 Desk. Experience Necessary. 1-877-840-0888 Professional Painting and Hanydman Service 35' Bucket Trucl< r WCB and Liability Insured - Insurance Claims Residential, Commercial and Ught Industrial Intenorand Exterior* Locally Owned and Operated Free Estimates www.TlionipsonCC.LM Canadian Tire FriHce George Brand Ambassadors fwployiMcwt I We ore hiring energetic, outgoing ! individuals to work as Prod jct : You will porticipate in a variety of i to interact with brands through sampling j and demonstrations. These are part-time : positions. : . - . 266 Education Ph: 992-7245 or 255-7245 Yvette and Greg Luff We Offer / i if Serving Quesnel, Batkerville, Wells AHsiko Up t o^ 2 6 per h o u ( 4 0 hour work week If you would like to be part of a &reat Team Please submit reiuwe to: 900SPoma»ioPlvd. Prince &eorge,9C Fax (250) 964-4926 E-mail: admiii«eantire?60.eom or drop off at store. Quesnel Campus Located In beautiful British Columbia, CNC has been an institution of first choice for students of BC's Central Interior since 1969. Dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in education, CNC offers a wide range of university credit, technical, vocational, and general interest programs. University Transfer The College is seeking Instructors for its Associate of Arts Degree program. We require instructors In the following subject areas: ± cnnflDifln TIRE W project done: • Finishing basements • Bams • Sawmills NENQAYNI WELLNESS CENTRE Employment Opportunities PROBLEM GAMBLING SERVICES W e offer • counselling forgamblors & those affected by gambling, 2) Custodian: full time, graveyard shift Qualifications: A minimum of a Master's degree In the subject/discipline Is essential. Preference will be given to candidates with teaching experience, particularly at the postsecondary level. / / Qualifications: Master's degree in Business, minimum N e n q a y n i i s a residential a l c o h o l and drug treatment centre p r o v i d i n g holistic healing t o First N a t i o n s and Inuit y o u t h and f a m i l i e s i n a safe and secure environment. 1) Q u a l i f i e d applicants f o r the C o i m s e l o r 1 (coach) p o s i t i o n s h o u l d have a s o l i d grounding i n a n d experience w i t h addictiotis treatment, a n d the a b i l i t y to deliver w o r k s h o p s . T h e position is part time w i t h a 12 hour day shift o n Satiu^day and Sunday. T h i s position is open to female candidates only. of 5 years* managerial experience; teaching/training experience 2) T h e custodian position requires excellent prefered. c o n u n i m i c a t i o n s k i l l s and the commitment to w o r k These positions will be dependent upon steady nights (10:3()pm to 9:00am) i n our Y o u t h minimum enrolments In the courses. P r o g r a m . T h i s position i n v o l v e s a f u l l range o f Watch for next week's ad for courses starting In January2007. Please submit resumes to the address bplow by November custodial duties and over night supervision o f y o u t h clients. Preferably, the successful candidates w i l l b e o f aboriginal descent, and haye a C l a s s 4 d r i v e r ' s licence o r b e w i l l i n g to get o n e w i t h i n the probationary p e r i o d . R e l i a b l e transportation to and fix)m N e n q a y n i is required. N e n q a y n i is a n equal opportunity employer. You'll find It all In the Quesnel Cariboo Observer. News, weather, sports, classifieds.. Call today for your subscription. 99i2-2121. • Bathrooms • Kitchens • Gamges Call Ricl< for more info: 2S5-34S6 1) Counsellor 1 (coacli) position: regular, part time (24 hrs) Commerce 222; Management and Orgafnizational Betiavlour Geography 103; Canada: Some Geographical Perspectives Psychology 204; Social Psychology Sociology 206; Social Problems • Management 160; International Business • English 195; Effective Communications I Sip /&reat benefit package / 17 l^ay Service Centre / Modern diagnostic Equipment / On-line interactive training and upgrades . I Send your resume via email to: • tareers@in$torefotos.corh • • • • email: TECHNICIANS I marketing initiatives, allowing consumers » Opporf owity UCENSEP AUTOMOTIVE i Representatives for InStore Focus Inc. Business Courses Wal-Mart Moffat Ranch in & talk...,our J a n i t o r equipment for sale: Auto scrubbers, propane burnishers, swing machines. Phone: 250-4290787 Panago Pizza ll^fieVoEirfaealtli W a n t e d C o m p a n y Dnvers and Owner Operators Flat Deck and Heavy Haul. Canada and U.S. Beneht and above average rates. C a l l 1-800-877-9565 or fax resume 1866-514-3439. R e t i r e 266 Ii^ducation SAVE M O N E Y O N GAS A N D D I E S E L . Increase gas mileage up A d v a n c e d Class O n e Driver Trainto 19%, Emissions to 30%. E x c e l ing Programs. Taylor Pro Training lent Business Opportunity^ Check , L t d . , 250-860-7624 or T o l l Free online 1-877-860-7627. A s k About our o r email Heavy Equipment Operators Train- ing classes. > U n d e r c o v e r W e a r L i n g e r i e and Romance H o m e Parties looking for f u n , motivated sales agents and managers for busy Christmas 270 Help Wanted season. Free trips! C a l l Jasmin at (778)808-2712 Designer/Draftsman. requlFed for Twin Anchors Marine - a luxury houseboat builder located i n Specialty S k i & O u t d o o r retail Sicamous, B C . Must have eng. business. Established over thirty diploma, one year exp., and fluent years. This is a Share Sale. A U i n in A u t o C a d 2005. Resumes to: l i n ventories and fixed assets included. F a x : 250Quesnel S k i & Sports L t d . Quesnel, 836-3038. B.C. R E W A R D - Seeking Accredited Xray Technologist Offering a permanent part-time position in a thriving, multi-service health clinic, i n the Okanagan. M o r e info contact 250-547-9741 or see www.bcanut. employmcnt.html A L E X A N D R I A P O K E R The fint'sl in vitamins, s upplemenls, remedies k natural foods! For A L L your C O M P U T E R & ELECTRIC NEEDS 1055 Hwy. 97 We send thanks to all those who generously donated and helped to make our asking 2 x A v e i ^ G r ^ Revenue recent garage sale such a success. f o r m o r e information We especially thank those who were call 250-392-7647 downsizing or moving and thought of us. Also to the manager and staff of Quesnel area part time. Profitable Idiots m a k i n g tons o f money lookMaple Park Mall for their patience and help. ing for idiots w h o want to make Weston's Franchise, Bread B u s i A big hug to all who bought and to all thetons o f money. Serious idiots en- ness f o r sale. $45,000 C a l l M i k e quire only please. " L i f e ' s more special people that helped by giving funny with a pocket full o f money" (250) 398-0221 o r (250) 392-5691 1-800-215-7904. us their valuable time. F o r S a l e : Thriving Business, H i g h Auto Ports Phis Ph: (250) 992-7259 449 Legion Drive 270 Help Wanted Come Well established community oriented publishing business producing the #1 Telephone Directory serving the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region for 10 successful years. 99 9 180 Computers 254 Business Opportunities 36 Thanks 1 B5 D e a d l i n e f o r submissions i s N o v e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 0 6 . Please send y o u r resume, a c o v e r i n g letter a n d three references to N e n q a y n i Wellness Centre, P O B o x 2 5 2 9 , W i l l i a m s L a k e , B C V 2 G 4 P 2 o r b y fax: 2 5 0 - 9 8 9 - 0 3 0 7 o r e m a i l to j c h o m e y @ n e n q a y n i . c o m • presentations #223-543 Front Street GR Baker Hospital (250)992-8021 or (250) 255-0083 (cell) • a l l sen/ices are free of charge • confidential sen/ices FundtdbyMlnbtry otPuMcGitstyt . .SoiWhfGPBfil GR B A K l : R M l - . M O R I A l . I l O S P I TAL 9 9 2 - 8 0 2 1 --. -Vi WINDOWS Free Estimates Vinyl & Wood Framed Windows Made to Order ' WE DO WINDS! FREE: PIcltup & Delivery / Wash & m We will do ALL the papenvorki '•Iff