How to edit States and State Groups Version 1.2 2008-09-23


How to edit States and State Groups Version 1.2 2008-09-23
How to edit States and State Groups
Version 1.2
Application Note AN-IDG-1-005
Huber, Carsten
Public Document
This application note describes how to edit and use states and state groups of a
CANdelaStudio document.
Table of Contents
Overview ..........................................................................................................................................................1
Session State Group .....................................................................................................................................1
Security State Group .....................................................................................................................................2
Graphical Representation of States ..............................................................................................................2
Editing State Transitions ...............................................................................................................................3
Defining Default State Transitions.................................................................................................................3
Automatic Setting of State Transitions.............................................................................................................4
Additional Resources .......................................................................................................................................4
Contacts ...........................................................................................................................................................4
1.0 Overview
This application note describes how to edit and use states and state groups of a CANdela document. Setting states
and state transitions properly is essential if you want to create automatic tests with CANoe Option DiVa.
Executing a service generally causes a state change in the ECU. Some services may only be executed if the ECU
is in a particular state. For this, CANdelaStudio offers the opportunity to define and edit global states and state
transitions on the services of a diagnostic instance. States can further be combined into state groups to describe
the state machine defined by services, states and state transitions.
CANdelaStudio supports two state groups with special semantics: “Session” and “Security”. States which follow no
specific semantic can be set to semantics “None”.
1.1 Session State Group
The “session” state group contains all states belonging to session control (service $10 StartDiagnosticSession).
States in this state group are used to manage the execution of services in a certain session (e.g. Programming
Session, Default Session etc.)
If your CANdela document does not contain a “session” state group, proceed as following:
1. Go to chapter “States/State Groups”
2. Click on the magic line of the upper table
3. Rename the new state group to e.g. “Session”
4. Set “Semantics” to “session”
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How to edit States and State Groups
Figure 1: Entry mask “State Groups”
1.2 Security State Group
The “security” state group contains all states belonging to security access control (service $27 SecurityAccess).
States in this state group are used e.g. to set the ECU in a locked mode (no service can be executed) or to handle
access to security critical services like IO-Control.
If your CANdela document does not contain a “security” state group, proceed as described above but rename the
state group to “Security” and set “Semantics” to “security”.
1.3 Graphical Representation of States
CANdelaStudio offers a graphical overview of all states and state transitions of the services in a CANdela
document. It is located in the “Dependencies” chapter of the CANdela document. The view window takes up the
main part of the entry mask. There are three lists under the view window, which you can use to select one of three
views, the variant and the state group that are to be displayed in the view window.
The entry mask offers three views:
“State diagram” plots the graph of the currently selected state group and variant in the graphic window.
“Editing” replaces the current view with a tabular view, in which you can edit the state transitions.
“Overview” replaces the current view with a tabular view that provides an overview of all states.
You must have installed the external program “GraphViz” in order to view the graphics. For
information about this program see
Application Note AN-IDG-1-005
How to edit States and State Groups
Figure 2: Graphical view of the state dependencies
1.4 Editing State Transitions
You can edit state transitions of existing services in the entry mask of chapter “Dependencies”. To do so, click on
. The graphical state diagram will be replaced by a tabular view with columns “Service”, “Protocol Service”,
“Prefix”, as well as additional columns for each state defined in the selected State group.
The names of the columns to the right of column “Prefix” represent the current ECU state before service execution.
In these columns, you can define the state the ECU will reach after execution of the respective service is
completed. The contents of these columns have the following meaning:
• “(no)”: the service must not be executed.
• "(yes)": the service may be executed, but triggers no state transition.
• Name: the service may be executed and triggers a state transition to the specified state.
If you want to modify multiple state transitions at once, highlight the respective lines with the bar in the desired
column, and then press <F2>. Select the state from the appearing list and press <Return>.
1.5 Defining Default State Transitions
You can also define default state transitions for new services. You can do this in chapter “Defaults” of the “States”
chapter of a CANdelaStudio document. The entry mask of this chapter provides the same tabular view as the
“Dependencies” chapter if “Editing” is selected under View. See chapter 1.4 for a description of the tabular view.
Application Note AN-IDG-1-005
How to edit States and State Groups
2.0 Automatic Setting of State Transitions
CANdelaStudio offers automatic setting of state transitions via its Session and Security Level Wizards. Both
Wizards use states defined in state groups “session” and “security”, if present (see description above).
Note: To achieve correct results, you should add a state “Locked” to state group “Security”. This state is used by
Session Wizard and Security Level Wizard to set the state transition which resets the ECU to a locked state.
You can find further information on these Wizards in the online help of CANdelaStudio.
3.0 Additional Resources
AN-ION-1-1050 Introduction to Vehicle Network Software Development
AN-AND-1-121 Introduction to Detroit’s CAN-based Physical Layers
4.0 Contacts
Vector Informatik GmbH
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Application Note AN-IDG-1-005