Document 6495730


Document 6495730
How To Succeed
E• W. Wolfe
One of the most successful ways of doing Harvest Ingathering work is from house to house. Here
we come in contact with the people in their own
environment; meet people where we can search for
souls. Going to the door we ring the bell, and if not
invited inside we make a canvass outside. The
paper should be fully read and as much of the printed
canvass learned as possible. Then adapt it to
your needs by making a canvass of your own
as you work it out before the people. Keep two
things in mind as you work, namely, souls and
money. Try to leave the ones solicited so that
'you may return again another time. Repeated contacts bring more than single ones. Interest them in our world work, also in the welfare
work of the church. Then appeal for the offering
asking for more than you expect to get. You can
always come down easier than you can go up.
Although your offerings may be small, keep going.
Dimes and nickles make dollars. Remember too,
you are out for souls. Souls are there in the houses
though they don't give. They need Christ. If
Satan has bound them in sin, take Jesus to them.
Keep going out even if the money comes slowly.
It is all right to go where you can get large offerings
but that will not excuse you from missing those in
their homes.
Jesus is saying, "Go work today in my vineyard."
None can take our place in this work. Many will
not come to hear a preacher, we must go to them
with the truth of the Bible. Carry a note book
and some extra reading. Give tracts or other literature to those who do not donate. Take the names
of those interested and follow up with other reading
matter and Bible studies. If you cannot do the
continued visiting once a week give the names to
your pastor or some one who will continue to visit
these interested souls.
We should set a goal for atleast fifteen hours and
five interested people's names for our ingathering
this year besides the financial goal. A ribbon bookmark is to be given all Minute Members, I under-
stand, who devote fifteen hours to actual soliciting
and secure five names and addresses of[inquirers.
Visit every home in your town, city, or county.
Do not miss a home: that may be the place that will
give, or where there is need for your message. Pray
before you go. You can not take Jesus to men unless you have Him with you. Seek His presence,
and thus we shall look forward to a soul-winning
campaign this year.
When the writer was invited to write a few paragraphs on this subject he inquired of a good brother
how he thought the territory to be worked should
be prepared. His answer was, "The best way
I know to prepare the territory to be worked is on
your knees." But since we are bidden to "work"
as well as pray we will offer a few suggestions.
The interest in preparing this territory should
be kept up •from one Harvest Ingathering time to
another. We should seek to form a definite acquaintance with as many places of business as
possible so that when we call upon them they will
know who we are and the approach will be entirely
compatable and pleasant. A congenial acquaintance
will contribute, perhaps more than anything else,
the certainty of a contribution.
Another thing very essential in the preparation
of the territory is to see to it that it is understandingly mapped out so that a thorough work can be
done. A good acquaintance with the territory including a fore-knowledge of those to be contacted
will guard against much of the "hit and miss"
Allen Walker.
method of soliciting.
Never in the history of the colored work have
there been the calls for trained workers as there are
at the present time. We actually have more places
Address: Decatur, Ga., General Delivery
President, J. K. Jones; See'y-Treas. & Auditor, C. G. Ortner
Departmental Secretaries
Field Missionary..
Sducational.ct Y. P. M V
Home Missionary
Religious Liberty
B. F. Kirk
.E. G. Strickland
J. K. Jones
Wills and Legacies
Make wills and legacies to the Southern Union Conference Association
of Seventh-day Adventists.
to fill than we have qualified workers to fill them.
In the broadening of our church and educational'
activities, new fields of opportunity and service
have opened to our people. A new emphasis on the
necessity of giving our youth a Christian education
is now being given throughout the land.
To meet the needs of the present situation, Oakwood Junior College is offering the following courses
of study: Liberal Arts, Ministerial, TeacherTraining, Bible Workers, College Preparatory.
Forty-third Year
For forty-two years Oakwood Junior College has
been sending forth her students into the vineyard of
service. Last year students were in attendance from
26 different states. Oakwood's forty-third year
promises to be a large one. Already applications
for admission are coming in.
Rates for the coming year remain the same as
last year. Those desiring to work part of their way
through -school should send in their application
blank accompanied by the $25 deposit so that
their cases might receive early consideration. Since
work for students is somewhat limited, consideration
will be given each student only when his application
and deposit reach the Business Office. Jobs will be
allocated to students according to the dates their
applications and deposits are received.
The general expense for the year to the college
student (not including fees or books) is $234. This
is quite low when compared with our other denominational schools.
Work Plans
There are several plans under which a student
may enter. By use of Plan I a student works out
$50 of his year's expenses. His monthly cash expense, after the $60 cash payment is made at the
opening of school, amounts to approximately $19
per month for the remaining seven months. (The
$60 cash payment at the opening of school takes
care of the first and last month's expenses.)
Plan la permits a student to work out $75 of his
expenses. After the initial $60 payment, his monthly
cash payments for the remaining seven months
would be about $15.28 per month.
By use of Plan II a student works out $100 of
his expense. After the initial $60 payment, his
monthly cash payments for the remaining seven
months would amount to $12 per month.
Under Plan III and Plan IV students can only
take from one-fourth to one half school work.
Some exceptionally brilliant students may take
three-fourth's school work under Plan III wherein
a student works out $134 of his expenses. After his
initial payment, his monthly payments would
amount to $7 or $8 per month.
Only a very limited number of students can be
received into the school under Plans III and IV.
And they, too, must have the initial $60 cash payment and necessary cash for books. Students who
are skilled workers or who have trades are given
special consideration.
We recognize that parents and guardians in'
sending their children off to school send them to
study. So we advise to enter your children under
Plan I, la, or II.
The Oakwood School Board is willing to do all
it is humanly possible to help our youth obtain a
Christian education. And we believe that these
plans make it possible for our youth to obtain this
type of education that not only fits for usefulness
on earth but for an entrance into the earth made
For a School Catalogue address, President J. L.
Moran, Oakwood Junior College, Huntsville, Ala.
Owen A. Troy, Business Manager.
Address: 1703 Twenty-fourth Ave., Meridian, Miss.
President, It. I. Keate; Sedy-Treas. of Conferente, Clyde 0. Franz
Elder Keate spent the week-end of August 8 at
Florence, Alabama, organizing a new colored church
at that place. This church has been raised up as the
result of Elder Thomas Fountain's efforts of last
summer and this year. A full report of this organization will appear in the next week's Tidings.
This past week-end Brother Ashlock held a
colporteur rally in the Meridian No. 2 church. He
will spend August 15 and 16 with the Greenville
No. 2 church holding a colporteur rally, and will
follow the same program with the Jackson No. 2
-church August 22 and 23. As the result of the
Meridian meeting five members of the church
decided to enter the colporteur work. They will be
part time colporteurs. It is hoped that as the result
Published weekly by Southern Junior College
for the
of Seventh-day Adventists
Collegedale, Tenn., U. S. A.
Fifty cents a year.
D. C. Ludington
Entered as second class matter, July 26, 1929, at the post office at
Collegedale, Tennessee, under the act of March 3, 1879.
Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postagevided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. Authorised on July 26, 1929.
of these meetings, and others which will be held
during the coming weeks, that a large number of our
church members will enter the colporteur ranks.
Brother Graves spent several days helping the
Pensacola church in Harvest Ingathering. From
there he goes to the north part of the Conference
where he will assist several other churches in getting
a good Harvest Ingathering start.
Recently Brother Baldwin visited the Argo church
in response to an appeal for a school. There has not
been a school in Argo for some years. This request
is for a home school. A similar request has come horn
the believers at Hattiesburg, where several children
will not have the opportunity of attending a church
school. Brother Baldwin also states that three new
schools will open this fall; namely, Montgomery,
Dothan, and Meridian.
The date set for the opening of our church schools
in the Southern Union is September 8. We are
asking the church pastors and elders to take special
note of this and begin planning with the school
boards to have everything in readiness for the
opening-date. Special attention should be given to
the matter of text books, and where it is seen that
new books will be needed they should be ordered
at an early date. Text book lists for the elementary
grades are being sent out to the church leaders, and
these can be referred to in ascertaining the needs
in the respective schools. Frequently a great deal
of difficulty is experienced in getting these books, so
to prevent a serious delay in the school program this
should receive special attention.
J. C. Baldwin.
Address: P. O. Box 577, Charlotte, North Carolina
President, J. L. Shuler; Sey-Treas. of Conference, F. R. Boggs.
Make wills and legaclee to the Carolina Conference Association of
Seventh-day Adventists, Inc.
"They helped every one his neighbor; and every
one said to his brother, 'Be of good courage.'
(Isa. 41: 6) This is the good spirit that ought to
prevail in every church in the Carolina Conference
and in all our relationships with each other.
We greatly appreciate the splendid way that
many of our faithful people in the churches have
volunteered the use of their cars for Harvest Ingathering trips from year to year. We are glad for
the missionary spirit that prompts them to use their
cars to take our solicitors in the Harvest Ingathering
work to raise money to win souls in the needy fields
abroad. Many are glad for the privilege of thus
using their cars for the Lord, and are always willing
to help in every way they can.
We recognize that there may be some in •the
churches who have cars, but would not be able to
furnish the gas and oil that would be required for
some of the long, extended trips into outlying towns
and cities. Therefore, the conference is asking that
in each church, in the church service after Sabbath
school on August 22 and September 26, an offering be
taken for the local Harvest Ingathering auto expense.
This money is to be retained in the local church
treasury and upon order from the Church Board is
to be used to help defray the expense of gas and oil
for the long Harvest Ingathering trips into outlying
territory in the case of those members who may not
be in a position to furnish the gas and oil as a donation to the Lord's cause. We hope there will be a
generous response on the part of our people in these
two offerings.
I. L. Shuler.
In North America there are fifty-one Book and
Bible Houses operating in the various conferences,
and among these Carolina stands next to the top in
the General Conference "Efficiency Score" as
published in the annual report of the Publishing
Department for 1935.
Also, with a single exception, Carolina heads the
list in the highest percentage of gross increase to net
sales in North America.
Our gross profit for the year is not highest in
North America by far, but-at least is highest among
the nine conferences served by the Southern Publishing Association.
The Lord richly blessed our humble efforts in the
year 1935, and mention should be made of the
earnest and energetic efforts put forth constantly
by our enthusiastic field secretary, Brother Atherly,
and his loyal colporteurs, one and all, without whom
this fine result could not have been achieved. Brother
Boggs, looking after the receiving and filling of
orders, has had a large share in the accomplishing
of this fine record. Thank the Lord Carolina was
able to do it.
W. S. Mead.
On Sunday night, August 9, thirty-nine persons
came forward in Brother Winders' tent at Thomasville to sign cards to indicate that they had definitely
decided to keep the Sabbath. We hope soon to
baptize a nice large class there.
Twelve were recent'y baptized as a ...result of
Brother Bland's tent meeting in Columbia, and
another nice class will be baptized soon.
Elder Shuler preached at the High Point church
on Sabbath morning, August 8, and at Brother
Winders' tent in the afternoon of the same day.
Brother Taylor opened a tent effort in Greenville on August 9. He is to be assisted in this effort
by W. Travis Smith as musical director and tent
master, and Mrs. M. Lucas as Bible worker.
Elder Shuler spent Sabbath, August 15, with the
Spartanburg church,
Elder Osterman opened a tent effort in Charleston
for the colored people on Sunday night, August 16.
Elder Shuler will preach at the Winston-Salem
church at 11 o'clock on Sabbath morning, August 22,
and will speak at Brother Winders' tent at 4 o'clock
on the same day.
We were glad to have Elder J. K. Jones, our new
Union president, with us in our recent workers'
meeting at Charlotte, and we were glad to have with
us Eider Wm. Butler from the General Conference
and Elder R. G. Strickland from the Union Conference.
Address: Box 372, Orlando, Florida
President, L. E. Lenheim Sec'y-Treas. of Conference, R. G. Bowen.
Make wills and legacies to the Florida Conference Association of
Seventh-day Adventists.
sending in your order to the conference office prior
to the opening service of the meeting. The prices
will be $1.25 for the first night for a room (two
people) and 75 cents per night for succeeding
nights. Cots may be secured at a reasonable price.
Arrangements can be made for the accommodation
of single parties. Meals will be served in the Academy
dining room.
We are hoping for a large attendance at all of
these meetings and we extend a welcome to all of
our dear believers.
The Tampa and Jacksonville meetings will be
held according to t he above schedule and due
announcement concerning the details of these
meetings will be sent out to the churches nearest
these places.
Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at all
of these meetings and plan to be present for your
share of the blessing.
Lewis E. Lenheim.
The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering this quarter is
to go to the Inter-American Division. This large
mission field is the nearest to our own borders of any
of the foreign mission fields. I trust that the cause
of foreign missions will rest heavily upon our hearts
and that our people will respond with a liberal
Thirteenth Sabbath Offering in order that our near-by
neighbor might receive the needed help for her
heavy mission program.
Many of our people are somewhat behind in their
40 cent-a-week quota which has been set by the
Sabbath School Department. We shall have opportunity this coming thirteenth Sabbath to make up
any deficit and bring in an overflow for foreign
Let us earnestly pray for the spirit of sacrifice
that possessed the early pioneers of this message and
heartily respond on the thirteenth Sabbath with an
abundant offering for our nearest mission field
neighbor,! the,' Inter-American Division.
Lewis E. Lenheim.
Orlando (white & colored)
August 21-23
Tampa (white & colored)
August 28-30
Jacksonville (white & colored) Sept.
There Will Be Bargains On Books
The first service of the Orlando regional meeting
will start Friday night at 7:45 in the tabernacle on
the Forest Lake Academy grounds. All near-by
churches are cordially invited to attend the regional
meeting. The services will continue throughout
Sabbath and Sunday. A full program is planned
from the very beginning and many important things
of interest will be presented to our people by interesting speakers and missionaries direct from the
foreign fields.
Rooms will be available in the dormitories, but
it is very important that you reserve them by
The State Health Department is asking all teachers
and pupils to be in the state at least two weeks
before the opening day of school this fall. All
of the church schools in Florida plan to open on
Tuesday morning, September 8, which is the day
following Labor Day. It is advisable, whenever
possible, to have registration several days before
the opening date in order that the necessary text
books and supplies may be on hand for the beginning
of school thus avoiding delay and loss of time.
Every Seventh-day Adventist boy and girl in
our conference should be enrolled in a church school
this fall if they are to have a fair chance of building
a character that will merit eternal life. Teachers,
parents, and church officers should do some earnest
recruiting for our own Christian schools during
the next few weeks.
In Volume 6, page 127, we have some definite
counsel for today: "We are under solemn, sacred
covenant to God to bring up our children for Him
and not for the world; to teach them not to put
their hands into the hand of the world, but to love
and fear God, and to keep His commandments."
In speaking of our church schools, the servant of.
God further counsels us in Volume 6, page 217;
"Let all share the expense. Let the church see
that those who ought to receive its benefits are
attending the school. Poor families should be assisted. We cannot call ourselves true missionaries
if we neglect those at our very doors, who are at
the most critical age, and who need our aid to
secure knowledge and experience that will fit them
for the service of God."
We are earnestly praying that the results of this
year in our schools will mean the salvation of many
youthful souls. Too many parents have taken a
chance on just one more year in the public school
with the result that the boy or girl is lost to this
message and eternal life. Where you send your
boy this fall may decide where he will spend eternity.
Kenneth A. Wright,
Superintendent of Education.
Elder F. C. Webster reports a baptism of seven
people in the St. Petersburg church. We are always
glad to see new believers baptized into the third
angel's message.
The Review and Herald can be secured for the
small sum of $2 per year. This is a special offer and
those of our people who are not now receiving the
Review and Herald are earnestly requested to send
their orders in at once.
Address: P. 0. Box 4929, Atlanta, Georgia.
President, B. E. Lysinger; See' y-Treos. of Conference, H. E. Schneider.
Make wills and legacies to the Georgia-Cumberland Conference
Association of Seventh-day Adventists.
No. 2
"All through our ranks, individual talent has
been sadly neglected. A few persons have been
selected as spiritual burden bearers, and, the talent
of other members has remained undeveloped. Many
have grown weaker since their union with the church,
because they have been practically prohibited from
exercising their talents. The burden of church work
should be distributed among its individual members
so that each one may become an intelligent laborer
for God. There is altogether too much unused force
in our churches. There are a few who devise, plan,
and work; but the great mass of the people do not
lift their hands to do anything for fear of being
repulsed, for fear that others will regard them as
out of place. Many have willing hands and hearts,
but they are discouraged from putting their energies
into the work. They are criticized if they try to do
anything, and finally allow their talents to lie dormant for fear of criticism, when if they were encouraged to use them the work would be advanced,
and workers would be added to the force of missionaries. The wisdom to adapt ourselves to peculiar
situations, the strength to act in time of emergency,
are acquired by putting to use the talents the Lord
has given us, and by gaining an experience through
personal work. A few are selected to hold responsible positions, and the work is divided up among
these brethren. Many more who ought to have an
opportunity to develop into efficient workers for the
Lord, ei.e left in the shadow. Many of those who
stand in places of trust, cherish a spirit of caution,
a fear that some move may be made which is not in
perfect harmony with their own methods of labor.
They require that every plan should reflect their
own personality. They fear to trust another's
methods. And why are they not -to be trusted?
Because they have not been educated; because
their leaders have not drilled them as soldiers should
be drilled. Scores of men should be prepared to
spring into action at a moment's warning, should
an emergency occur which demanded their help.
Instead of this, the people go to church, listen to the
sermon, pay their tithes, make their offerings, and
do very little else. And why? Because the ministers
do not open their plans to the people, soliciting the
benefit of their advice and counsel in planning and
their help in executing the plans that they have had
a part in forming."
H. E. Lysinger.
Those who are planning to attend the Savannah
regional meeting should write Mrs. W. W. Douglass,
2216 Whitaker St., Savannah, Ga., immediately
upon reading this notice and make known what you
will want in the way of sleeping quarters. A number
of rooms are being engaged in case they are needed
and it would like to be known not later than Thursday afternoon, August 20, just how many are coming
and what rooms will be needed.
Upon arrival at Savannah go to the church,
corner 35th and Whitaker streets and some one will
be in the office as you enter the church and assist in
locating you for the time you will be there. Please
do not neglect this.
Allen Walker.
Brother Deyo is in South Georgia at present
helping colporteurs with their deliveries. Please
remember them in your prayers that the Lord will
bless them and give them success.
In another week the church at Gainesville will
be finished. The storm destroyed the old building
and a new bungalow church has been erected.
We are happy with the splendid way in which a
number of our churches are getting under the
Harvest Ingathering. Special mention should be
made of Bristol, Johnson City, Savannah, Wolf
Creek, Postell, Athens, and Greeneville.
Our regional meeting at Knoxville was a real
spiritual feast. We 'ook forward to the meetings in
Macon and Savannah to be of real help to our people.
The Knoxville No. 1 church has recently been
painted inside, and it has made the church very
We are sending out a double postal card to all our
isolated, and may we urge, brethren and sisters,
that you please fill in the necessary information on
this card and return it to the office at once. Please
do not put it aside but do it immediately upon
receipt of the card. This information is very important. Thank you for your cooperation.
"The City of Happiness is located in one's state
of mind."
Address: 2001 Twenty-fourth Ave., N., Nashville, Tennessee.
President, V. G. Anderson; Sec's-Tress. of Conference, C. 0. Frans.
Make wills and legacies to the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference
Association of Seventh-day Adventists, Ins.
During the winter months of last year Brother
Archa Dart, our Sabbath school secretary, conducted
fifteen Sabbath school conventions. The object of
these conventions was to instill in the hearts of our
people greater faithfulness in the study of God's
Word, in giving to missions through the Sabbath
school, and in the attendance at Sabbath school.
I am glad to report here the excellent progress in
the various lines of Sabbath school work during the
past year. July 1, last year our Sabbath school
membership stood at 2,647, while July 1, this year
our membership is 3,131, showing a net gain in our
Sabbath school membership of 484. 359 more
Honor Cards were issued for the first six months of
this year than for the first six months of last year.
90 more ribbons for perfect yearly records were
issued the first six months of this year than for the
same period last year.
Whenever attendance increases, usually the
offerings increase. We are glad to report that we
have received for the first six months of this year
$8,006.26 as Sabbath school offerings, which is
$1,073.69 more than for the same period last year.
We are glad to report that 18 new branch Sabbath
schools have been organized since January 1 of this
year. Beginning October 1, our Sabbath school
lessons take up the doctrines of our message. This
presents an outstanding opportunity to every
Seventh-day Adventist to present these lessons to
neighbors and friends, after having studied them
daily for one week. We want to urge our Sabbath
school teachers and members, wherever possible,
to organize branch Sabbath schools and Sunday
schools, thus presenting the Sabbath school lessons
on the doctrines of the message, and give our entire
field a knowledge of the truth for this time. We
solicit greater faithfulness than -ever in reaching
the ideals of our Sabbath school.
V. G. Anderson.
A profitable and pleasant series of meetings
was held in Covington under the direction of General,
Union, and Kentucky-Tennessee Conference leaders
over the week-end of July 31 to August 2.
Various departments of church work were taken
up by the heads of the respective departments. The
importance of church schools in the character formation of our youth was forcefully emphasized.
The Sabbath school with its spiritual contact with
young and old was discussed, making all feel happy
that they were a part of this great soul-winning
institution. The Harvest Ingathering in its various
phases formed the basis of a very interesting discussion which brought real encouragement to all
present as another campaign is being launched.
The entire program, arranged by our Conference
President, Elder V. G. Anderson, was filled with
many helpful points which held the interest of our
We were glad to welcome visitors from the Frankfort, Ashland, and, Belcher churches, as well as
friends from Ohio and West Virginia. We shall look
forward to another meeting of this kind in the future
and wish to express our appreciation to those who
planned this gathering.
J. E. All.
Encouraging reports are coming from every
point in the field both concerning tent efforts and the
Ingathering work. Elder A. J. Clark who is conducting an effort in the heart of Lexington, Kentucky, reports that fifteen have already signified
their desire to obey the commandments of God.
Elder W. W. White last week placed his 50 by 70
foot tent in a new location in Nashville and opened
his effort with every seat filled. Within the past
twelve months more than one hundred have been
baptized in the Nashville district as the result of
tent and hall efforts in cooperation with the church
The encouraging feature of the Harvest Ingathering work is that no one is even suggesting
discouragement or "Put it off" or "It can't be done."
On the other hand, in many places there are those
who have already reached their goal as Minute
Members before the work has started.
From Covington Elder All reports, "We have
several who have their $11.11. I solicited one man
today who gave me the funds for one half minute or
$5.60." Sister McCord, the church treasurer there,
gives the names of J. S. Murchison, Mrs. N. Belew,
Mrs. F. Hartloff, and Elder J. E. All as having
reached their first Minute Member goal, while the
church has turned in over $90 to date.
From Memphis white church comes the treasurer's
report showing $216.79 already raised while Elder
J. W. Jones, pastor of the colored church in Memphis,
writes, "You will be interested to know that our
Ingathering is in full swing. We will have a good
report by the first of the month."
Elder Thomas Murphy, pastor of the Lexington
colored church, has had so many calls for the Ingathering magazine that he has hardly been able to
keep them in stock, and, the members there have
already turned in over $60.
Elder Garrett, our Home Missionary Secretary,
reports that in one day four workers with whom he
spent a field day each secured his Minute Member
goal or more.
Recently Brother and Sister Alton A. Bringle
who have had charge of the school and academy at
Covington, Kentucky, were invited by the General
Conference to connect with the work in Africa. We
understand that their field of labor will be in the
Angola district.
Sister Eyelyn Hammond in writing concerning
the magazine work in Louisville mentions this experience, "One man in a life insurance office has been
buying the magazine regularly each month. The
other day he stopped me and said, 'I want to tell
you that I never read another magazine like that
one. It is different; it is practical. It certainly is
a good magazine and I want it every time.' ."
Brother T. I rville Rush recently conducte a
series of meetings at Dyersburg, Tennessee, a er
which Elder Holman baptized two members at
that place.
The Memphis colored church is getting right
behind the work of raising funds for the new. Riverside San tarium. Sister Crawford, the treasurer,
reports $229.90 already raised, and the church is
determined to keep on until the entire goal is reached.
Those who have thought that to withhold from
God is gain, will eventually experience His curse
as the result of their robbery of the Lord.-" Testimonies" Vol. 6, p. 476.
H. F. Kirk.
Union Field Secretary
Report for week Ending July 25
Cecil Petty
J. D. Norris
T. Hilderbrandt
Ethel Hilderbrandt
Ernestine Huston
R. J. Cook
James Stewart
R. R. Coble
B. H. Ewing
Billie Clark
C. J. Ashlock, Field Secretary
Hrs. Ord. Helps Total Del.
OT,LH 51 17 7.25 79.50
OT,W 47 37 11.75 169.75
OT,W 45 32 23.75 160.75 1.25
PG,W 31 6 5.50 28.75
BML,M 31
6.75 11.75 11.75
HR,W 25 14 3.50 63.75
BML 25
3.00 3.00 3,00
20 20 63.25 113.25
HR,W 20 26 7.75 105.25
12 3 2.25 13.75
307 155 134.75 749.50 17.30
FLORIDA, Nathan Russell, Field Secretary
Book Hrs. Ord. Helps Total D4l.
Miscel. 47
68.50 10.85
L. D. Buck
25 7 4.00 26.00
M. H. Gaines (2)
Mag. 21
2.10 2.10 2.10
Anna K. Litvin (3)
BMP 10
9.25 9.25 6.50
Mrs. E. Brewer (2)
Nathan Russell
8 2 2.00 12.50 6.00
R. L. Underwood
16.75 16.75
L. S. Follette
Chandler Cook
40.00 40.00
9 85.85 175.10 222.70
GA.-CUMBERLAND, A. E. Deyo, Field Secretary
Hrs. Ord. Helps Total Del.
• HR,W 86 84 8.00 320.00
J. H. Lester
HR,M 85 21 J2.50 88.75 1.80
Leila Cornelius
OT,W 77 C.
Leslie Pitton
Miss T. Gaines
Paul Boynton
Lucy Fenner
E. F. Fenner
had Levering
Bowman Deal
Philip H. Morgan
C. Richards
Everette Barrett
Mrs. A. C. Brantley
W. M. Kellogg
G. B. Thompson
Mrs. D. Wilson
Mrs. J. Pelot
M. H. Bartholomew
Margaret Seilaz
Irene Abston
HR,M 74 22
80.50 3.00
OT,W 68 24-'25.75 145.50
BR,W 47 15
7.25 69.00 4.00
BR.W 47 15
5.25 77.25
OT,W 45 15
5.75 75.25
OT,W 43 29
1.25 105.00
-HR,W 32 19 5.50 73.00
HR,M 32 -21
4.25- 79.00
OT,W 30
28 -15 14.75 14.75 8.25
CK,W . 14 2 4.00 6.00
BR,W 12
2.00 2.50
CK,W 10 3
8.00 3.00
12.45 12.45
13.55 13.55
11.40 11.40
730 329 102.75 1452.35 58.45
KENTUCKY-TENN., Arva Nickless, Field Secretary
Book Hrs. Ord. Helps Total Del.
Fred Meister
BR,CK 40 36 33.50 154.75 2.50
H. A. Noble
BR,CK 43 28 29.00 125.25 10.50
A Worker
40 12 6.50 39.50 32.25
W. 0. Berry
23 2
1.00 10.00 57.00
Mrs. W. 0. Berry HR,OD 15 2
9.00 45.50
L. B. Huffaker
1.50 5.25 43.00
Mrs. L. B. Huffaker RJ.W
22 6 9.50 32.00 3.25
Frank H. Philips
9 6.35 31.10
E. L. Griffin
Evelyn Hammond LH,W 23
16.75 16.75
R. E. Wilson
HR,M 25
2.05 2.05
Union Grand Totals
313 96 87.35 425.65 230.65
1461 589 410.70 2802.60 529.10
RATES-Fifty words or less, first insertion, $1.00; each additional in
sertion, if run consecutively, 50 cents.
Precaution is used in accepting advertisements for publication, but
the publishers can not assume any responsibility for either the advertiser
or the thing advertised.
Copy with remittance must be sent to the Southern Union Conference, Decatur, Ga., General Delivery. Cash must accompany all
Watch Repairing by Mail. Save Money. Mail me
your watch by Insured Parcel Post. State whether
good order" or some special repairs.
Will give you quick and guaranteed service, and
prepay return charges.
R. L. Williams,
P.O. Box 166, Rossville, Ga.
COOK-to assist in small rural sanitarium. Pleasant
working conditions and an excellent opportunity
for the right persons. Must be steady, dependable
Seventh-day Adventists. Reply immediately stating
age, experience, capabilities, and the salary expected.
Floral Gardens Sanitarium, Route 1, Hendersonville, N. C.
Dependable granite cutter (at present employed)
desires business connection with firm owned and
operated by Seventh-day Adventist. Age 48, experienced in both building and monumental trade,
A-.1 surface machine operator. Can finish or
sharpen. Have worked men, had sales experience,
and set work. Joseph H. Hunt. P. 0. Box 577,
Charlotte, N. C.
11.',..3rime.-1 1 •
/4 : 11 1, ,, lig l
---0 111011
"A School of Standards"
H. J. KLOOSTER. - President
Address for express or freight. OOLTEWAlit TENN.
Brother R. C. Hampton, who is assisting Brother
Esquilla in a series of meetings at the Standifer
Gap church, reports that five definitely took their
stand for the truth last week and attended the
Sabbath services.
The interest continues to grow at the tent meetings
near Catoosa Springs. More than two hundred
attended the service on Monday night when President Klooster lectured on tobacco. He not only
presented the Bible viewpoint but also gave a laboratory demonstration on the poisonous effects of
this harmful weed. A large number manifested
their intention of stopping the use of tobacco in
any form. Pray that God will help these dear souls
in their decisions to obey Him.
Another successful summer school closed Monday
night. All of the teachers have gone to their various
schools, some of which have already begun. We
wish each one a successful year with much of God's
blessing in this most important work.
James and Ira Crabtree enjoyed a short visit
on Monday with relatives, Mrs. Grace Rutledge
and Mrs. Celia Hensley of Marietta, Illinois. They
stopped here a short time on their way to Mobile..
Mrs. John Barksdale of Chattanooga was a
visitor at the College last Wednesday. She brought
a student with her, Miss Mary Morris, who will
remain in school. Other students who arrived this
week are, Marian Allen of Mobile, Harold Meister
of Jacksonville, and John Palmer of Columbus,
On August 1, Miss Grace Butler left S. J. C. to
accept a teaching position in Los Angeles. Miss
Blanche Black succeeds her as registrar of the
Among the recent visitors at the College were,
Professor C. A. Russell, Professor and Mrs. J. R.
Perkins, Professor W. P. Bradley, Brother R. E.
Crawford, and Brother and Sister E. R. Swain.
Mrs. C. Dillard and Eugene were pleased to have
Miss Palmer and Miss Louise Dillard, both from
Jacksonville, as their guests for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. George Guthrie from Sebring,
Florida, and Mrs. L. D. Van Voorhis of Graysville
spent a few hours at the College last Tuesday visiting
Mrs. R. W. Woods and Mary Katherine returned
to Collegedale last week after spending the summer
with relatives in Indiana.
This is vacation time at Collegedale Several
teachers and students are enjoying a short rest
before the beginning of school on September 8.
Are you interested in attending Southern Junior
College? Send for a catalogue at once and plan
definitely to attend the "School of Standards"
this coming year.
Blake-Rogers--At eight o'clock on the evening
of July 15, in the beautiful "Knol o' Oaks" Garden,
near Asheville, N. C., with the shades of dusk
casting a deep blue over the fading distant mountain
peaks, an impressive wedding was performed by
the writer for William Peavy Blake and Ethel
Luria Rogers, before a large gathering of friends
and relatives.
Lovely strains of music floated out over the
artistically decorated garden as "The Sweetest
Story Ever Told" was sung by Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Jarrett, at whose home the beautiful garden is
located. The wedding march was played by Miss
Esther Clark of Pisgah.
Refreshments were served after the ceremony,
and the bridal couple left for a trip into the Smoky
Mountains. They plan to make their home in
Asheville, where they will be connected, with the
Pisgah Sanitarium and School.
R. E. Griffin.
Reynolds-Parish—At 8:30 p. m. on August 9,
amid a beautiful nature settin, Miss Mabel Parish
became the bride of William Rey
nolds. The writer
performed the ceremony in the presence of a large
company of friends. Mr. Reynolds is one of our best
colpoiteurs, and is preparing to become a minister.
His bride is one of our most efficient registered nurses
in North Carolina, and one of our most devoted
young people.
J. L. Shuler.
"Any sacrifice that we make sinks into insignificance when compared with that which Christ made
in our behalf."