Document 6495897


Document 6495897
* * * * News-Press • Saturday, April 15, 1995 - 3E
Of Sale
Of Sale
Of Sale
Of Sale
ment of Alma W. 'Reiser by sold by the undersigned at pubdeed dated Airs us t 31, 1979. and lic outcry on the first Tuesday
recorded September 1J), 1979 in in AAov 1995 before the courtDeed Book 113-L. Page 281. rec- house door in Chatham County,
ords of Chatham County, Go.
Go., between the legal hours of
The above described prop- sale to the highest and best biderty is also known os 200 der for cash, the following deCantyre St.. Port Wentworth, scribed property, described in
Go. 31407.
the Security Deed, to wit: •
The indebtedness secured All those certain lots, tracts or
by said Deed to Secure Debt parcel of land situate lying ond
having been declared due and being in Rouers Ward in the
payable because of default in Ci|y of Savannah. Chatham
the payment of the indebtedness County, Go., and being known
secured thereby, this sole will as Lots 32, 33. 34. 35. 36, 60, 61.
be mode for the purpose of Pay- 62, 63, and 64, upon a mop or
ing the some and oil expenses of plan Of Washington Park Subdisole, including attorney's fees vision, prepared by £. J. Thom(notice of Intention to collect at- as, C.E.. doted October 1909, of
torney's'fees having been giv- record In the office .of the clerk
Atlanta <»Go. 30342
of the Superior Court of said
The property will be sold as County In Historical Map Book
Notice of Sale Under Power •
the property of Eddie Davis 4, Page 190 (formerly recorded
By virtue of the power of
to the following: all pri- in Deed Book 10-B, Page 64, in
sole contained in a Deed to Se- subject
restrictive covenants, ease- the aforesaid clerk's office) and
cure Debt by EDDIE DAVIS to or
ments, rights of way or encum- as will be more particularly
Tronsouth Mortgage Corporaof record; all valid zon- Shown upon the official map or
tion, doted March 24, 1994, and brances
ing ordinances; matters which plan of sold City. Express referfiled-for record March 24, 1994, would
be disclosed by an accu- ence is hereby mode to the
in Deed Book 166-B. Page 363,
survey of the property or aforesaid mop for better deterChatham County, pa. records, rate
of the proper- mining the metes, bounds and
there will be sold at a public ty; all inspection
outstanding taxes, as- dimensions, of the property
outcry for cash to the highest sessments,
bills, herein conveyed.
bidder before the Courthouse
expenses that are Subject, however, to all valid
door of Chatham County/ Go., charges,.and
a lien against the property .restrictions, .easements and
between the legal hour of sale
>aid Deed to Secure Debt hav- on'the first Tuesday in May, whether due and payable or not ' rights of way of record.
Together with the improve-,
ng been given to secure a note 1995, by Tronsouth Mortgage vet due and payable. '
To > the be si of the under- •-merits and appurtenances therei if even dote in the original prin- Corporation as attorney In fact
:ipol amount of (34.820.50 with for Eddie Davis, the following signed's knowledge and belief, unto belonging or in anywise appossession of the sublect prop- pertaining and all of the right,
nterest from date at the rate as property to-wit:
erty is held by Eddie Davis.
jpeclfi.ed therein,
All that tract or parcel of Tronsouth Mortgage Corpora- title, interest, or equity of redemption of Grantor, his heirs,
i The debt secOred by said land shown on Exhibit "A" attion as attorney In fact for Ed- executors, administrators, and
peed 4o Secure Debt has been tached hereto ond made a port die
ind is hereby declared due be- hereof. :
assigns, in and to sold property,:
Shuping & Morse
:ause of; among other possible All that certain lot, tract or par- bvS.
all of the right, title, InterAndrew Shuping, Jr. " . and
events of default, failure to pay cel of land situate, lying ond beest, ond equity of Grantee in
he indebtedness as and .when ing in the City of Port Wentand to said property.
. . • • ' •
lue and in the manner provided worth, Chatham County, Go., Suite 1 0 0
Said property will be sold as
n.the Note and Deed to'Secure ond being known and designat- Riverdale, Go. 30274-1698
the property of Grantor, Terms
>ebl. The debt remaining inde- ed upon a map or plan of 404-991-0000 • • • '
of sale are cash, Purchaser payaull, this sole will be made for Crossgate Subdivision, recorded State of Georgia ing Stale transfer tax ond all
the purpose of paying the same* in the office of the clerk of the County of Chatham
applicable unpaid taxes and asNotice of Sale
bnd all expenses of this sale', as Superior Court, of Chatham
sessments that are liens against
provided in the Deed to Secure County, Go., in Subdivision MOP
Under and by virtue of«the said property. superior to the
Debt and by law, including at- DD,-Pqge 22, os Lot "F." of a power of sale contained in a cer- Hen of the -Security Deed, ond
torney's fees (not
ice of Intent to resubdivision of Blocks 10 ond tain Deed to Secure Debt (the sublect to all superior conveytolled attorney4.*' fees having 11, Crossgate Subdivision, Chat- "Security Deed'*) from Frank ances, easements/restrictions
peen given).'
ham County, Go., ond said sub- J. HERNANDEZ?, JR (Grant- or other matters of record, if
. To. the best knowledge and division map Is hereby incorpo- orh to Ameribank, N.A. (Grant- any.
The indebtedness remainpeJief of the undersigned, the rated into and bv 'reference ee), dated March 4, 1988, and
party (or parties) in possession made a part of this description. recorded in. Deed Book 137*0, ins in default, the sale will be
pf the sublect property Is (ore): This being the same property as .Folio 491, in the records of the made for the purpose of applyJEmlly M. Gray or tenant or ten- conveyed to; Raymond H. clerk of Superior Court of Chat* ing the proceeds thereof to the
. , Traeger from Nor mo R. Lanier ham County, Go., default hav- .payment of the indebtedness se. . Said property will be sold (formerly . Carpenter) and ing been made in the payment cured by the Security Deed, in.subject to (a) any outstanding WIImot It* R. Wessell, as Exec- of indebtedness' secured by the cluding without'limitation attor,ad valorem taxes (including utors of the Last Will and Testa- Security Deed, there will* be ney's fees as provided thereto,
Chatham County, Go records;
there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the
highest bidder for cosh before
the courthouse door of Chatham
County, Go., within the legal
hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May 1995, to wit. May 2.
1995. the following described
Sovannah. Go., and known as
pll those two certain lots, tracts
or parcels of land situate, lying
bnd being in the City of Savannah, Chatham County, Goknown on the, map and in the
blan of said City as Lots Thirleen (13) and Fourteen (14).
Block .0. Purse Word; said lots
hereby conveyed lying and being contiguous and being located ori the south side of Thirty
four (34th) St., between Cedar
bnd Ash Sts., and as one body of
land having o frontage on ThirJy Fourth (34tM St. of Sixty (60)
feet and a rectangular depth of
Ninety (90) feet to a lone, and
being bounded on the north by
-Thirty Fourth (34th) St.; on the
tost by Lot Fifteen (15). said
dock and word; on the south by
Aid lane and on the west by Lot
-Twelve (12). said block and
taxes which are a lien, but not
yet due and payable), (b) any
matters which might be disclosed by on accurate survey
ond inspection o' 'he property,
and (c) all matters of record superior to the Security Deed first
set out above, including, but not
limited to, assessments, liens,
encumbrances, zoning ordinances, easements, restrictions,
covenants, etc.
ITT Financial Services os attorney in fact for Emily M. Gray
Craig R. Goodman
Goodman, Hudnoll.
Cohn& Abrams, P.C.
780 Johnson Ferry Rd., N.E.,
Suite 200
Of Sale
and the remainder, if any, shall
be applied as provided by low.
By Amerlbank, N.A., attorney
in foci for Frank J. Hernandez.
the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham Coun
ty. Go.. Book of Deeds 9-w. Folio 283. Said lot and portion lot
hereby conveyed lying contiguMarvin A. Fentrett, Esq.
ous and having a combined
Hunter, Modeon,
frontage of Forty Five (45) f*«»
Exley & Dunn, P.C.
on the south side of McCarthy
P.O. Box 9848
Ave., between Elliott Ave. and
Savannah. Go. 31412
Stiles Ave.; with a depth
southwardly of One Hundred
(100) feet, and being bounded:
State of Georgia
On the north by McCarthy Ave.;
County of Chatham
the east by Lot No. One HunWhereas, on May 17, 1990,
Mark W. WILLIAMS ana* dred Sixty Seven (167), said
Josette Williams did execute Wprd and Subdivision; on the
and deliver to Terrell Golden, south by Lots No. One Hundred
as Agent, o certain Security Seventy Seven (177) ond the
Deed to the hereinafter de- eastern one half (1/2) of Lot No.
scribed land to secure the pay- One Hundred Seventy Six (176),
ment of a certain Security Deed said Ward and Subdivision; ond
Note of even date therewith for on the west by the western one
$10.809.00. all as shown by the half (1/2) of said Lot No. One
record of said Security Deed in Hundred Sixty Nine (169). said
the office of the clerk of Super!- Word and Subdivision, together
or Court of Chatham County, with improvements thereon
Go. in Deed Record Book U5-U. known os 1215 McCarthy St., Savannah, Go. 31401.
Folio 236; and
Subject to all easements,
Whereas, default has been
mode in the payment of install: taxes and encumbrances of! provided for In said SecuThis 5th day of April, 1995.
rity Deed Note, and Terrell
Golden, as Agent, as the owner Terrell Golden, as Agent attorand holder of said Security ney in fact for Mark W. WilDeed Note, has elected to de- liams and Josette Williams.
clare the entire unpaid indebt- Bonzo C. Reddlck
edness described in and secured P.O. Box 2505
by said Security Deed due and Sovannah, Go. 31402
payable, and the same has not
95-198-221 -3258*51220
been paid.
State of Georgia
Now, Therefore,' pursuant County of Chatham
to and in the exercise of the
.Whereas* Minerva FAIRE,
cower of sale contained in said defaulted in the payment of the
Security Deed, and for the pur* indebtedness secured by Deed
pose of collecting the indebted* to Secure Debt dated April 6,
ness due thereby, there will be 1984, 'to the Mover ond Alder*
sold at public outcry, before the men of the City of Savannah, recourthouse door in Savannah. corded'in Chatham County, Go.
Chatham' County. Co.. on the Records in Book of Deeds. 123-1,
first Tuesday In May. 1995. to- Page 679; and
'Whereas, under the proviwit: May 2. 1995, within the legal hours of sale, 4o the highest sions of said Security Deed said
bidder for cosh, the following indebtedness has immediately
described property, to-wit:
become due ond payable and reAll that certain lot and portion mains in default; and
of lot, tract or parcel of land sit'Whereas, pursuant to the
uate, lying and being in the City powers contained in said Deed
of Savannah,. Chatham County, to Secure Debt, the Mayor and
State of Georgia, gnd known on Aldermen of the City ofiSovonthe official map OR plan-of said nah, as attorney In fact of
City as Lots No. One Hundred Grantor, her heirs* executors,
Sixty Eight (168) and the east- administrators and assigns, will
ern, one half 0/3) of One Hun- sell the property hereinafter dedred Sixty Nine'(169), Gamble scribed before the courthouse
Ward, Springfield Terroce, ac- door of Chatham County, Go.,
cording to. a map or plan of during the legal fours of sate on
Springfield Terrace recorded in the first Tuesday in May, 1995,
• ",-X,^ ..y. VCMHK^gy^x y^f. -fa^K
Of Sale
that being the 2nd of May. 1995.
All that certain lot or parcel of
land iituale. lying and being in
the City of Savannah, County of
Chatham and State of Georgia,
and known on the rnop and in
the plan of said City as the western one-half (1/2) of Lol Twenty
(20), Flannerv Word. Said western one-half (1*3) of said Lot
Number Twenty (20) hereby
conveyed has o northern frontage of Thirty (30) feet on Thirty
Fifth St. between Barnard and
Jefferson 51s.. and a depth of
One Hundred Twelve (112) feet
southwardly to o lane, and being bounded on the north by
Thirty Fifth St.. on the east by
the eastern one-half (1<2) of
said Lot Number Twenty (20),
on the south by said lane, and
on the west by Lot Number
Twenty One (21), said word, th>
improvements on said property
being known as 207 W, 35th St.
Together with oil improvements and hereditaments belonging or in anywise appertaining thereto, terms; cash; sole
to continue from day to day until sold.
To the best knowledge of
the undersigned, the above 'described property is in the PCSsessfon of 1he said Minerva
Poire or tenants claiming,under
This property wilt be sold
subject to all covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions
and reservations of record to
which said Security Deed Ms inferior in terms of priority and to
all unpaid taxes and assessments, if any.
The Mayor and Aldermen of the
City of Savannah as attorney in
fact for Minerva Falre
c/o City Attorney
P.O..Box 8501
Savannah. Go. 31412
State of Georgia ^
County of Chatham
Notice of Sole Under Power
Because of a default In the
payment of the indebtedness secured by Deed to Secure Debt
executed by.Eueene THORNES1
and Teresa Polite THORNES to
Mortgage One, Inc. doted June
29, 1993, In Deed Book 161-B,
Page 319, in the office of the
clerk of Superior Court of Chatham. County. Go., said Security
Deed securing o note, in'the
Of Sale
original principal amount of
$27.000.00. the holder thereof
pursuant to said Deed and Note
thereby secured has declared
the entire amount of «jid indebtedness due and payable and
pursuant to the power of sale
contained in said Deed to Secure Debt, will in the first Tuesday. May 2. I99S. during the legal hours of sole, before the
courthouse door in said County,
sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property
described in said Deed to Secure Debt, tq-wit:
Legal Description: All those"
certain lots, tracts or parcel* of
(and situate, lying and being in
Chatham County. Stale of Georgia, being known and designated os Lot 15 and the northern
12 of Lot, 17, Block F, South
Ward, Southover Subdivision,
as shown in plot of soid.Sutjdivision doted September 22, 1981
and recorded in Chatham Coun- T
ty records in Deed Book 7-A,
Folio 349,. said lots lying and
contiguous .with -a combine
frontage of Sixty (60) feet on
Rabun St. with o rectangular
depth of One Hundred (110) feet
facing the remaining Lot 17 and
19. For metes, bounds and distance said plat is hereby incorporated into and expressly
made a port of this instrument,
said plat- is .shown as exhibit
"A" and is attached hereto.
Said property will be sold as
the property of Nancy Johnson,
the property, to the best information, knowledge and belief of
the undersigned, being presently in the possession of Nancy
Johnson, and the proceeds of
said sale will be applied to the
payment of said indebtedness
and all the expenses of said
sole, including attorney's fee's,
all as provided in said Dee~d to
Secure Debt, and the'balance, if
any, wiir be distributed os provided bv low.
Matthew w: Wallace as attorney in fact for Eugene Thames
and Teresa Pelote Thames
Matthew W. Wallace
Attorney and Counselor at Law
P.O. Box15938
Savannah, GA. 31416
State of Georgia • •
County of Chatham
Notice of Sole-Under Power
Because of o default in the.
payment of the indebtedness se-
Of Sale
cured Dv Deed to Secure Debt
executed b> Henry ROBERSON
and Elitabeth Roberson to
Spartan Mortgage. Inc . dated
August 22. 1994, m Deed Book
367,' Page 209, m the office of the
clerk of Superior Court of Effmghom County. Go , said Security Deed securing o note in the
original principal amount of
S20.00000. the holder thereof
pursuant to said Deed and Note
thereby secured hos declared
the entire amount of sow indebtedness due and payable ond
pursuant to the power of sale
contained in said Deed to Secure Debt, will in the first Tuesday, May 2, 1995, during the legal hours of sale, before the
court rv>use door in said County,
sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property
described in said Deed to Secure Debt, to-wit:
Legal Description: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the
12th G.M. District. Effingham
County, Ga.. containing One
and Six Tenths acre, more or
less, ond being bounded on the
northeast by' lands! of D.G.
Burns; on the southeast by
lands of B.F. Eoson; on the
southwest .by State Highway
#21 and on the northwest by
lands of D.G. Burns.
Express reference is hereby
m o d e - t o - a plat of said land
made bv Poul Weitmon, C.S..
EHInghom County, Go., recorded in Book I, Pose 260 of the
Surveyor's Records of said
County ond State.Said property will be sold as
the property of Nancy Johnson,
the property, to the best information, knowledge ond belief of
the undersigned, being presently in, the possession of Nancy
Johnson, and the proceeds of
said sole will be applied to the
payment of said indebtedness
and oil the expenses of said
sale,-including attorney's fee's,
all as provided In .sold Deed to
Secure Debt, an,d the balance, if
any, will be distributed as provided by law.
Matthew V/. Wallace as attorney In fact for Henry Roberson
and Elizabeth Roberson
Matthew W. Wallace
Attorney and Counselor at Law
P.CK Box 15938
Savannah, GA. 31416 •
1 -900-646-1 500
$1.997per miriutf. You must be 18 -years old to use
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Nice-Looking LaBy, 39
Honest BF, 19
Opportunity knocks
. St. Simmons Blonde
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ISO SWM who is cute and In South Georgia. ISO a Looking for a nice, well
College student, enjoys SBF ISO SBM, 31-40, for
shopping, ISO
secure a lover, of nature and special relationship with a, built, Puerto Rican man, dancing and dining. ISO friendship and possible
-ehurcn,. 'dining out, SWPM, mid 40s-50s>
• music to share love with; . gentleman with generous 30-40, who is an officer in humorous SBM, 19-24. relationship. Sincere, seriromance; Seeks SBM, 35#89339
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55, for relationship.
Attractive SBF
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164308 20, 5'5", seeking military
SE^JS wj^^W) wsrssr^r^ ?r*r>7&?•>«> VT?"i$vv vti™*«>§*i*'s«}w*
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SWPM, 30-55, who can
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ISO tall, witty, intelligent meet S/DM, 23-30, who
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YOU/iLSO GET A FREE VOICE MAILBOX. You will be given a 5-digit mailbox number and passcode, You must setup your mailbox and
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Police/military O.K.
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122141 Christian gentleman,, 60phone number which allows you to:
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Looking And Looking
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Not Over The Hill!
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SWF, 19, N/S
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Listen to the advertiser's greeting and then press u to leave a message, press [ij to repeat the greeting or press the star key, ^j,
blue eyes, non-drinker,
to exit.
ISO SWM, 19-28. Tired of
Christian Lady
Looking for non-drinking bars. ISO serious relationCALL
Listen to the system instructions carefully. Press m to browse mailboxes; you will be
BM. 50-55.
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GBM, 19
5',6", ISO GBM who is in Looking for companionLISTEN to the advertiser's greeting and then press QJ to leave a message, UJ to repeat the greeting, press uj to skip ahead to the next
the military.
#81213 ship or friendship. N/S,
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SWF, 30
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, please call 1-800-618-0742. Uve operators are available: Monday-Friday. 8 am -11 pm ET. Saturday, 11 am - 7 pm ET and Sunday
5'4", 115 Ibs., who enjoys shopping, movies, din11 am -7pm ET.
sports. Seeking SWPM, ners, talking on phone.
40-50 only, who is serious
Attractive SF, 21
about relationships.
ISO attractive SM. 21-26.
Lonesome Dove
6 lines 4 weeks
!SO-ln Search Of
Quiet And Independent
45-55. to start a relationC-Chnstian
#41865 WW/WF. 46. blonde hair.
Mail to: People Meeting People
5'5", V15 Ibs , seeks N/S
c c.«,^i«
NA-Nattve American . |rx
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~ Looking (or Women
SWF, 30
P.O. Box 780388
- *es
Seeks SM. 50-55, for gentleman, over 40, who
Wichita, KS 67278-0388
relationship. enjoys movies, dining out,
Or fax to: 1-800-597-9225
Enjoys long walks on beach, good conversation^
Or call: 1-800-618-0742
beach and quiet nights
_. . . .
SWF, 19, 5*3", Blonde
SWF, Brunette
wants to go out and have
. .
Enjoys music, dining out,
walks on beach. Looking
. L_
_ . L . . . . . . . rfj
SBF, 40ish
for SWM. 30-37. for dating
and possible relationship
#81874 loads ol fun No commit_
Home (
Single And Full-figured
Daytime (
DWF, 57
Brunswick SWF, 48,
Mailbox Number
IMPORTANT - Check One:
ISO DWM Do you love
brown hair, blue eyes,
57", varied interests. ISO sports, outdoors, beach
I m a first time advertiser
S/DWM, 50-60. for fnend- walks, grilling, travel Call
I m renewing a previous ad
ship. then?!
^#82031 me for a partner #64346
SWF, 40
(Prepay for all ads with more than 6 lines.)
ISO male who likes coun*i'
SBF. 23. enjoys shopping,
ChecK/Mooe^f Order
dancing, cooking. N/S. try music and lives close
Exp Date
social drinker. Seeks to the Hmesville and Fort
Stuart area
S/DBM. 25-40, with chilf
dren or not
Classy, Slender, Young '
Ads containing sexually eiplicil/imphcil/analomicai language will nol be accepted The Savannah News-Press reserves ihe right to edit or reject any advertisement Ads may t>e submitted
WW/WF. 5'6". enjoys
No Couch Potatoes
tor publication only by persons 18 years ol age or older No ads will be published seeking persons under 18 The Savannah News-Press assumes no liability lor the content of or reply to
I am a fit GWM who is beach, dancing and all
any personal ad The customer placing the ad assumes complete liability and holds The Savannah News-Press harmless lor all costs, eipenses, (including attorneys lees) liabilities and
honest, sports fan. secure sports ISO intelligent,
congenial, fun-loving WM
with self and tired of
damages resulting Irom or caused by the publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reply lo any such advertisement By us^ng People Meeting People Ihe customer placing
lor a serious relationship
games, ISO same. 23-30
the ad agrees not to leave his/her phone number, last name or address m rus/her greeting message
How to place a People Meeting People ad
^afaamtnl) ^Neius-Prcss
J)WPF, N/S,-5f4"
120 Ibs., ISO WPM, N/S,
34-45, easygoing,'in Jeff
Davis, Toombs or sur*
rounding counties.^4766
Dynamic DWF, 31
'Are you honest, romantic,
humorous and loving?
You might be the one".
Enjoys.- scuba, travel,
Harieys, quiet times.
Looking for
Big Guy
DWM, 41, 6'r, dreen
eyes, country boy. seeks
tall, N/S, special lady, 2539, for relationship. v
SBM, 30, Seeks SBR
: 25-38, -for the -movies,
romantic evenings, having
a^goc-d time. Friendship,
possible relationship.
#67989 •_
Hopeless Romantic
'GWPM,.40s," 5'10",. 180 ' 6'2", 195 Ibs., ISO SHF,
Ibs., easygoing, N/S, 28-37, for friendship and
seeks same for travel, possible long-term relasports and friendship.
SWPM, 25,6'S"
Intelligent, attractive, hard'
working, ISO slender SF,
20-30, for dating, possible
SWPM, 29
ISO slim SWF, 19-29, for 40-45, N/S, full-figured is
relationship. Likes all fine, attractive, for friendmusic and out doors. Live ship, possible relationin South Carolina. #24736 ship
SBM, Seeking
honest, SBF, age and looks unimhumorous, 30 something, portant, who is sensitive,
romantic, volunteer fire- caring. I enjoy sports,
. #62123 -cooking for that special
Lives In Alaska
Looking For A SBF
SCM, 37, 5'11". enjoys
outdoors, family, honesty, I'm 42, 5'10n, 180 Ibs.,
seeks S/DWCF, 23-30 ISO an honest lady, 30plus, active, petite, no 36, must be churchgoihg,
drags, no drinking.#84600 more. I'm a one-woman
- .
DWM, 55
DWM, 69, 57"
Enjoys hpme life, outdoors and gardening,
160 Ibs., working gentleseeks N/S, non-drinking man, seeking female
SWF, 40-50, churchgoer companion who enjoys
#61884 movies, travel, dining in or
Life With Seniors
WW/WM, 67i financially
Attractive DWPF, 35
secure. Seeking S/DWF, 5'6", 145 Ibs., seeks first
62-72, who enjoys meet- time relationship
ing people, dining out, attractive WPF, 30-40
SBF, 5'5", Aggressive
Good-looking SWM, 29
Strong-minded. ISO honPhysically fit, loves beach,
est, humorous, attractive
outdoors, volleyball, workSBF, 25-30, 5'4" or shortouts. ISO SWF who likes
er, for relationship #62082 receiving flowers. #48875
DWPM, 40
SWM, 22, 6TM60LDS.
Likes to work out. dancSlender, muscular build,
ing, novies, water sports
enjoys working out. N/S,
Seeks fun-loving SWF, brownish-blond hair. ISO
32-40, non-dnnker
SWF, 20-25. who may be
SBM, 27
SWM. 45
5'4", black hair brown New
eyes, light-skinned Seeks Travels frequently. Car
any nationality Must be
and motorcycle enthusiSF with honest heart
ast ISO SWF. same mter_#21450 ests_
SM Looking
SWM, 39
For fun and friendship
6 T . 190 Ibs. foreigner,
knows English Enjoys
simple things in lite, workDWPM, 5'10"
er ISO SWF tor marnage
175 Ibs . looking for a
lady. 40-60. who needs
Toned SWM, 23
Idve and plenty of tender
care No head games
57". 130 Ibs . green eyes
ISO SWM, 21-30, for fun
Let's Party
SM Seeking SF
SWM. 30. 6'. 260 Ihs .
great personality, open18-22. who is tun to be
minded, likes to have a with Just seeking to have
good time ISO SWF 18 a good time
'_ #64114
Someone To teach
WW/W Gentleman
Inexperienced BF seeks
Late 60s. ISO senior lady,
BF to teach and for
over 55. neat, with good adventurous escapades,
figure, for friendship or
friendship and fun. too'
maybe more