SOP DSC 8000 ‐ PERKIN ELMER  How to use the DSC 8000 ? 


SOP DSC 8000 ‐ PERKIN ELMER  How to use the DSC 8000 ? 
SOP DSC 8000 ‐ PERKIN ELMER How to use the DSC 8000 ? ‐ Switch on computer and Log in under your user name. ‐ Login on this link: to switch on the instrument. ‐ Switch on the intracooler. Before starting the analysis the intracooler has to be switched on at least for 1h30! ‐ Open Software Pyris Manager ‐ Double click on DSC 8000 at the top left of the screen. ‐ Open the method Editor. (the window is usually already opened). ‐ Create a method: 
Sample info: o
Initial State: o
Sample ID Operator ID Save Data As  Browse (save the sample under data and your file ending with _###) Enter Sample Weight. Set initial Values: If you use the autosampler set 30°C. The autosampler cannot be used at a lower temperature (you have to load it manually). Program: enter values and program o Minimum chamber temperature during loading: 30°C. o Maximum temperature with aluminum pans: 600°C. o Add/Modify step, put the initial/final temperature. Heating rate between 5 and 50 will give accurate results. View program: summary of the method ‐ Open File  Save Method As… (Folder: C:/Program Files/PerkinElmer/Pyris/methods/yourusername.). ‐ Select the calibration: According to the rate chosen you have to select the adequate calibration. When the Method editor is open the Calibration menu is available. 
Instrument Calibration Press OK Choose the calibration according to: o Rate o
Material pan Cooling system If the calibration needed doesn’t exist, please contact Cindy Känel. Never modify a calibration yourself. ‐Control Panel: Autosampler Control: This option is usable if you have only one sample to analyze. If you have more samples just go directly on the explanation of the Pyris Player. 
Autosampler Control: o Set temperature: 30°C o Load Sample from location o Load reference from location. A12 o Load sample lid. L1 o Load reference lid. L3 You can open/close the cover via the autosampler control or you can use the DSC COVER open/close on the instrument. Don’t leave the cover open more than 1 minute to avoid ice on the sample holder. When everything is in place, you can press the button Start/Stop. (When the vertical red line is on the left: off; on the right: on) ‐ Open the Player Editor: 1. Prepare Sample: 1.1: Load Reference A12. Load Lid From L3. 2. Sample Group: 2.1: Sample List. Add Sample 2.1.1: Sample ID 2.1.2: Operator ID 2.1.3: File Name. Browse… 2.1.4: Weight: Use Lid1 Return to Tray or Return to Waste 2.1.5: Location Clic on the 1st sample and Copy than Past on the 2nd sample  Edit the weight and the location for your sample. 2.2 Data Analysis List: 2.2.1: Clic on it, Add a Step, Choose Display Curve. Use Current Run 2.2.2: Add a step, Calculation options, select Peak Area. ‐ Save the player ‐ Press Start. Data Analysis: 
Press on the data analysis icon and start the analysis Switch off the instrument: At the end of your measurement, switch off the Intracooler. Raise the sample temperature to 200°C and let the software on. Wait until room temperature to turn off the software. At least 3h.