Welcome To Calvary Chapel Of Orlando The Search Is Over!


Welcome To Calvary Chapel Of Orlando The Search Is Over!
Welcome To Calvary Chapel Of Orlando
The Search Is Over!
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have
tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
Pastor Gib announced last Sunday that the search for the new Senior
Pastor is complete. On Sunday, July 27th during the morning service, Pastor
Gib will be here to introduce the new Senior Pastor and his family. Be sure
to attend, and bring your friends, so that we can warmly welcome them.
Watch the announcement online at www.ccorl.com/pastor-search-complete
9:30 A.M. –We welcome you to this time of worship and celebration of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This morning, in Pastor Gib’s absence,
Pastor Tom Harper brings us a message entitled:
Men’s Breakfast
“Signs Of The Time”
The Men’s Breakfast is this Friday morning in the Fellowship Hall. Coffee
is ready from 6:00 A.M. and breakfast will be served at 6:30 A.M., followed
by devotions with Pastor Tom.
Gib Allen –Pastor
July 13th, 2014
2 Timothy 3
6:00 P.M. – Sunday Evening Prayer in the Conference Room.
6:30 P.M. – Sunday Evening Service: This evening, in Pastor Gib’s
absence, Pastor Doug Teel of CC of The Lakes brings us a message entitled:
Women’s Fellowship Night
“How To Become Bitter
In Eight Easy Steps”
In Good Company’s Connections Café presents an Open Mic Night for all
the ladies this Friday July 18th, from 7:00 – 9:00 P.M., in the Fellowship
Hall. Bring your talent, a dessert or snack, and your friends, for a fun night.
Please sign up at the Women’s Ministry table in the Lobby.
Jonah 4
Please be considerate of others once the worship service begins. Silence all cell phones,
tablets etc. upon entering the sanctuary. We also ask that you leave only for emergencies
while the service is in progress. If you must leave, we ask that you do not return to your seat,
but instead be seated in the back. This will help minimize distractions to others during the
teaching of God’s Word.
Thank You.
Prayer Team
The Calvary Prayer Team would like to pray for you. Please write down
your need on one of the prayer request cards located on the information
table and drop it in the box provided. You may also send an email to
Service Times
Sunday – 9:30 A.M. & 6:30 P.M.
MP3’s and CD’s of all messages are available in the
CD/Tape Room at the conclusion of each service.
CCO Student Conference
The CCO Youth Conference will be held at the Church from 6:00 P.M.
Friday August 8th through 6:30 P.M. Saturday August 9th. The theme is
“True Faith: The Just Will Live By Faith”. Registration is now open to all
Junior High through early College age. www.ccorl.com/sc–registration.html
There are also flyers with details on the information table in the Lobby.
This Week at Calvary
Flyers are available on the Information Table in the Lobby
Monday – 6:45 P.M. – Orlando Juvenile Girls Detention Center
Ministry – please pray for this Outreach Ministry.
Wednesday – 7:30 P.M. – Small Group Bible Study – led by Bob Paul –
Conference Room
Wednesday – 7:30 P.M. – Women’s Scripture Memory Group– led by
Linda Milchling – High School Room. (Rm 20)
Thursday – 7:30 P.M. – Journeymen (Men’s Ministry Group) – led by
Matt Houser – Fellowship Hall.
Friday – 6:30 A.M. – Men’s Breakfast – Fellowship Hall.
Friday – 6:00 P.M. – Singles Feeding The Homeless – Meet in the Church
parking lot to carpool to the Coalition for the Homeless, or meet there by
6:30 P.M.
Friday – 7:00 P.M.. – Women’s Fellowship Night – Fellowship Hall.
Saturday – 6.00 P.M. – High School Girls’ Bible Study – led by Danielle
Harper – in the Junior High Room. (Rm. 21)
Saturday – 6.00 P.M. – High School Boys’ Bible Study – led by Justin
Reyes – in the High School Room. (Rm. 20)
Dates To Remember.
July 25 – (Friday) – 7:30 P.M. – Night Of Prayer – Sanctuary.
July 27th– (Sunday) – 9:30 A.M. – Meet Our New Senior Pastor –
August 8-9th– (Friday – Saturday) – CCO Student Conference – at the
Calvary Kids
It is our desire to minister to our children on their own level of
understanding and to make your own environment best for listening to the
teaching of God’s Word. We ask that you place your child in the classes
offered in the Children's Ministry. Please follow the signs to the classrooms
or ask an usher. The Nursing Mother’s Room is next to the main restrooms.
Youth Fellowships
Jr. High Ministry (6th– 8th Grade / Meets 9:30a & 6:30p)
High School Ministry (Meets Sunday 6:30p)
Lost & Found
Lost your Bible? Notebook? Clothing? Umbrella? If so, please check the
Lost and Found table in the Fellowship Hall today! All leftovers will be
donated to charity, so be sure to retrieve your belongings.
Room 21
Room 20
Calvary Connections
Church Address:
Calvary Chapel of Orlando
5015 Goddard Ave. Orlando, FL 32804
Phone 407-523-0800 / Fax 523-0801
Office Hours:
Tuesday – Thursday 9:00 AM. – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM. – 4:00 PM