How to fundraise for Connect


How to fundraise for Connect
How to
How you can raise funds to help support people living with aphasia.
For more information about aphasia or Connect visit
Need an aphasia friendly version?
Contact 020 7367 0865 or
A to Z of fundraising ideas
Anyone can fundraise!
Want to support Connect but not sure where to start?
Be inspired by our A-Z list of ideas…
There is no limit to what you can do, so let Connect take you through our top tips and ideas.
Remember we will always be on hand to support you. Good Luck!
Anniversary Donations
Bad Taste Clothes Day
Barn Dance
Bike Ride
Birthday Donations
Black Tie Dinner
Blind Date
Book Sale
Bowling Marathon
Cake Sales
Car Boot Sales
Card Sale
Carol Singing
CD Sale
Cheese and Wine Evening
Coffee Morning
Cycle to Work
Dinner Dance
Dinner at Mine
Dress Up / Dress Down Day
Fifty Favours for Friends
Foreign Currency Collection
Fun Run
Games Evening
Garden Party
Give as you Earn
Golf Day
Guess the Baby Picture
Guess How Many...
Halloween Party
Head Shaving
Hold your Tongue
Ink Cartridge Recycling
Jumble Sale
Karaoke Night
Latin Dancing
Leaving a Legacy
Line Dancing
Make-up Sale
Marathon Running
Murder Mystery Evening
Easter Egg Hunt
Nearly-new Sale
Ebay Selling
Eurovision Song Contest Party
Fancy Dress
Fantasy Football
Fashion Show
Pamper Day
Pancake Tossing
Parachute Jump
Payroll Giving
Plant Sale
Quiz Night
Race Night
Red Shoes Day
Rock & Roll Evening
Rowing Machine Challenge
Salsa Dancing
Slimming Challenge
Sponsored Walk
Swear Box
Table Tennis
Theme Evening
Treasure Hunt
At home
An event run in or from your own home can be a fun way to raise funds. Here are a few examples:
Don’t need any more gifts? Ask for donations to Connect instead! Help people with aphasia by
hosting your own birthday party in aid of Connect. See if you can raise 10 times your age! A special
anniversary coming up? Give Connect your support – the best present we could ask for!
Cash in the attic?
De-clutter the loft and cupboards. Collect the kids toys from your teenager’s bedroom… and sell
them in aid of Connect. Why not hold a garage sale or perhaps sell them online through eBay.
Turn your unwanted items into services for people with aphasia by donating proceeds to Connect.
Or organise a Connect coffee morning – have a plant sale or bake some cakes to sell.
Lose lbs Raise £s
Set yourself a weight-loss target and get friends to sponsor you. Your friends support you,
you support Connect and achieve your goal! Or give up one of your vices for a few months.
One Connect supporter raised over £1,000 giving up alcohol, pizza, chocolate, crisps and
cake for two months…Cheers!
Unwanted Gift Sale
Valentine’s Ball
Walk to Work
Wedding Donations
Wine Tasting
Xmas Card Sales
Yoga Marathon
Yo-Yo Challenge
Zumba Party
At work
Fundraising at work can help to create a positive
atmosphere and to foster team spirit.
Charity of the year
Many companies, small or large, have a favourite
charity which staff support throughout the year.
Please remember Connect when it’s nomination
time and enjoy working with our team on fun and
exciting challenges to help people with aphasia.
If you can’t raise money for us all year you could
hold a one-off event – maybe a quiz or salsa night
– get closer to your colleagues and connect with us.
Games and competitions
Simple games, competitions and raffles can make great fundraising ideas at work.
Ask colleagues to bring in photographs of them when they were babies. Display them
in the office and take donations from people to guess who’s who. A small prize to the
winner and the donations to Connect.
If you can’t find a prize for a work competition, ask your boss to donate a day’s extra holiday!
The winner is…
Other ways to raise funds
Treks and challenges
Whether it’s a local 5km run, mountainous trek or skydive, every penny you raise will
make a real difference to people living with aphasia.
Payroll giving
Hold an office sweepstake during a major sporting event or tournament. The Grand
National, FA Cup, Wimbledon or even the Eurovision Song Contest are great events to
keep the office gripped! Charge donations to enter and the winner gets a prize!
When you set up a payroll giving donation, the amount you pledge is taken from your
salary before tax is deducted. So if you pledge £10, as a basic rate taxpayer, you will
only actually pay £8 (this is as little as £5 if you pay higher-rate tax). As a result your
donation costs you less, but gives Connect more.
Have a collection box at reception or a swear box in the office. Your employer might
match some of your donations too.
Direct debit
In the community
If you belong to a club or society which organises charity events then please think of
people with aphasia and nominate Connect. Sports clubs and community groups
(like Rotary and Lions Clubs) often hold events like dinner dances or barbecues to
raise money for charity. Golf club captains often nominate a charity for their
year in office, so if you know someone who plays golf, spread the word about our
worthy cause.
Could your school or university raise funds for Connect?
Cake stalls, sponsored silences at school are great ways that younger people can be
involved in helping to support Connect. And we would always be glad to receive
contributions from a university’s rag week.
Regular gifts mean we can give help to people with aphasia and their relatives in the
long-term, with the security of your continued support.
Legacy giving
Your legacy will make a real difference to a person in need of help. And for Connect
to be remembered alongside a person's family and friends is very special - whatever
the size of the gift.
Advertising and promotion
Try to get as much publicity as you can for your event. Talk to local press and radio,
make posters to display at your school, college, club, workplace and in your community
(for example supermarkets, church halls and doctors).
Tell everyone you meet about your event!
Facebook, Twitter and friendsreunited are excellent tools for spreading the word.
Make your messages moving, funny or personal to maximise the chances of support.
If people understand your link to Connect they are more likely to help.
If you advertise on posters then you will need to use Connect’s charity registration
number (1081740). You may also want to use our logo on the materials that you create.
This will make your materials look professional and maintain Connect’s brand.
Connect has banners and other display materials for you to use at your event – including
buckets to help you to collect that much needed cash!
For help with any of this please call our Fundraising Team on 020 7367 0865 or email
Gift Aid
Gift Aid means that for every £1 your sponsors raise Connect receives another 25p from
the Inland Revenue. If you are using a sponsorship form please ensure that your supporters
tick to indicate their eligibility for Gift Aid and remember to give their full name, house
number and postcode. If you are using an online fundraising site to collect your donations
then Gift Aid can be declared directly through the site.
It costs you absolutely nothing to Gift Aid your sponsorship pledge.
Top tips for organising an event
Here are a few tips to help you make your event a roaring success!
How to gain sponsorship
Whether you are dieting for Connect, throwing yourself from a plane, cycling coast-to-coast
or trekking in Papua New Guinea, you will be asking your family, friends and colleagues to
sponsor your efforts.
Fundraising online
Gaining funds online enables people all over the world to join your efforts – just email them
the details of your page. At Connect we use JustGiving (
Your JustGiving page tells people why you are raising money for Connect. You can also link
them directly to your Facebook page. Contact us for help if you need it.
Keep it simple. A small and successful event is better than a grand
but unrealistic plan.
Pick something you will enjoy. You will have extra incentive and more fun!
Plan thoroughly. Imagine the event itself and plan by thinking backwards.
Focus on all the things that you want to happen and how you
can make that a reality. Involve your friends and family if you can and don’t
try to do everything yourself.
Asking for donations
For events, raffles and auctions you could approach businesses and/or individuals for prizes.
We can provide you with a template letter requesting the donation of a gift. This letter will
also include verification details in case any of the recipients wish to contact Connect directly.
Fundraising online means you don’t have to handle the money yourself - it comes directly
to Connect. And you don’t have to chase people for the money they have pledged! Once
you have set up your page all you need to do is tell people about it!
Sponsorship forms
If you prefer more traditional fundraising methods, use our sponsorship form.
Downloadable sponsor forms are available on our website Alternatively
contact the Fundraising Team on 020 7367 0865 or and we will
email or post them to you.
Useful questions for planning your event
When is the best date and time for your event? You need to ensure that you
maximise the amount you can raise. (Think about other things that may be
happening like bank holidays, religious festivals, other local events...)
Do you have enough time to organise everything? Don’t rush your event;
be realistic.
Can you get a venue for free? Can a company or individual donate the cost?
Are the facilities and equipment at the venue appropriate?
Will the weather affect your event? Can you make contingency plans?
Who will come to your event? How many people are you hoping will attend?
How and when will you advertise your event to reach the right people?
Can you organise the event by yourself? Do you need helpers before/during/after
the event? Ask friends, family, colleagues.
Always try to keep your costs to the minimum and use donations and gifts in kind
where possible. Cost – does the money you raise enable you to cover the cost of the
event AND raise the much needed funds for Connect? How will you collect the money
from your event?
Are there any issues with insurance or licences to consider?
Finally - thank you! And good luck with
your fundraising
Contact us
For more information contact the Fundraising Team on 020 7367 0865 or email