How to nominate for a placement unit Components


How to nominate for a placement unit Components
How to nominate for a placement unit
Title of Clinical Placement Unit
NUR 125: Fundamental Nursing Practice
40 hours clinical teaching block
120 hours clinical placement in a subacute or aged care setting
NUR115, NUR120,
NUR244: Nursing Practice 2
40 hours clinical teaching block
160 hours clinical placement in an acute
NUR125, NUR231,
NUR243 (or
equivalent units)
NUR343:Clinical Nursing Practice 1
40 hours clinical teaching block
240 hours clinical placement in an acute
NUR241 and
NUR244 (or
equivalent units)
NUR344: Clinical Nursing Practice 2
160 hours clinical placement (80 hours
in Mental Health and 80 hours in
Community Health)
NUR244 and CTB
for NUR343
NUR349: Nursing in Primary, Secondary
and Tertiary Settings
160 hours clinical placement in any of
the above settings
NUR244 and CTB
for NUR343
Study plans for the Bachelor of Nursing can be found
Nominating for placements:
1. Using your study plan, identify which unit you will be enrolling in and for which semester. You
only nominate for relevant semester and for the unit you will be enrolling in, not for every
placement unit of the degree.
2. If you haven’t already done so, activate your CDU Student IT account and email address.
3. Click on this link and click on the tab
‘Enrolment Conditions and Clinical Placements’. Read through the important information on
this site, click on the links and read through those pages.
December 2012
4. If you are ready to nominate, click on the red ‘Online Placement Nomination’ button:
This button is only active during the nomination periods. Log in when it asks you to using your
CDU login details.
5. Read through the information on the first screen and tick the box when you have read and
understood the message:
Click ‘Continue’
6. The next screen asks you to choose the unit, year and semester you are nominating for. From
the drop down menus, choose the relevant information.
If you can’t choose the right semester, you are attempting to nominate during the wrong
nomination period. Please email if you have missed the
nomination period for your unit.
Click ‘next’ to proceed.
December 2012
7. The next screen asks you to nominate for a CTB.
Students are required to choose three (3) preferences for a Clinical Training Block.
If 'Any' is your only choice, this means that all CTBs are full or if nominating during a peak
period, you may only see this option due to the number of students nominating
at the same time. Please submit your nomination using the ANY option and (if eligible) you
will be assigned to a place in a CTB as soon as one becomes available.
Please do not email the Placement Office your nominations or to advise that you could
only choose 'Any'.
Comments - If you have a special request or need relating to a CTB please leave a comment
in this box. Please note that while all requests will be considered this is not a guarantee that
we can accommodate your request
Read through the terms and conditions and click the box to agree to them. Click ‘next’ to
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8. You are now ready to nominate for where you would like to do your placement.
If you are unsure where you will go, please see the below table. Please note that the lists for
NUR125, NUR344 and NUR349 may include other locations, this is not the full list.
What type of setting should I choose?
• Hospital (medical/surgical)
• Sub-acute
• Rehabilitation
• High care aged care
• Hospice
• Hospital
• Hospital
Mental Health
• Hospital MH unit/ward
• Aged care – psychogeriatric team
• Community Mental Health teams
• Crisis Assessment Team (CAT)
Community Health
• Community Health Centres
• Medical centre/doctors clinic
• Community palliative care
• Hospital in the home
• District nursing service
• Remote location (including Care Flight and RFD)
• You can choose from the above lists
The placement nomination screen will ask you to choose your home state and the preferred facility
you would like to go to for placement. You must choose a first and second preference.
Please remember - Students are not permitted to negotiate or arrange their own clinical placement/s.
This includes cold calling hospitals/other universities to see if they take CDU students or have
available placements
CDU will attempt to meet student requests for a clinical placement at a preferred facility. However,
CDU reserves the right to place students in a placement facility other than that nominated by the
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Read through the terms and conditions and click the box to agree to them. Click ‘next’ to proceed.
December 2012
9. You have now successfully nominated!
If you are a third year student and wish to complete both NUR344 and NUR349, you will need
to nominate for each unit separately.
You will be sent an email to your student email account to advise you of what you have
10. Don’t forget that after you receive your confirmation of your assigned CTB you are required to
enrol in the unit. You can do this here:
11. If you have had any problems nominating, please email and
include your full name, student ID, home state and the unit code that you are trying to
nominate for.
December 2012