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tired of your microwave meals?
Pretoria North REKORD biz.rekordnorth.co.za SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 • www.rekordnorth.co.za • 087-750-6887 • 012-842-0300 TIRED OF YOUR MICROWAVE MEALS? FIND A RESTAURANT OR COOKING CLASSES! biz.rekordnorth.co.za 9379 www.rekordnorth.co.za biz.rekordnorth.co.za Capital Media launches new advertising portals For the past 30 years Rekord has delivered local news in print to your doorstep weekly and more recently daily online. Now, while continuing to deliver 309 400 newspapers weekly door-to-door across the capital city, exciting new advertising platforms are to be added to our online offering for the benefit of advertisers and readers. Research shows that around the country residents place a premium on hyper-local content because it affects them specifically and catering for that need has always uniquely been Rekord’s niche and focus. Our websites already generate an average of over one million news page views per month. In addition, the new advertising platforms will enable searching online for goods and services available locally - be it homes, cars or specials from retailers just down the road. Capital Media business manager, Chris Mcinga, says: “We have embarked on a major digital venture to create unique local search options across a wide variety of platforms from cars to dating for each of the communities we serve. The first platforms to be launched are Homes, Biz (business listings) and Specials (catalogues) but more will be rolled out in the next 12 months.” The Homes platform is tailor-made to fit local consumers’ regional property needs whether it be renting, selling or buying. In addition, the platform will provide essential tools to calculate affordability and monthly repayments. The mobile-friendly Biz platform will be a boon for both business owners and seekers allowing the former to target their specific target markets and the latter to search only for relevant businesses where they live. The Specials platform will showcase digitised catalogues - similar to the hugely popular inserts in local newspapers enabling readers for the first time to hunt online locally for the specials in their areas before hitting the malls to do their weekly shopping. “By adding digital platforms like Homes, Biz and Specials to our sites we plan to make local search an effortless and enjoyable experience community by community,” says Mcinga. “We are confident adding these portals will usher in a new Digital Age in communities we serve.” Go to your local community website now to find whatever you may be looking for: biz.rekordnorth.co.za 9376 REKORD SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 • www.rekordnorth.co.za • 087-750-6887 • 012-842-0300 Hawks nab man after murder of a police officer 4 Robbers hit mobile Vodacom store 5 In diens van die gemeenskap sedert 1993 19 Tuks hpc starts 2020 Olympic preparations 20 • Verskeie tipes gehoorapparate www.hearinginstitute.co.za Gemeenskapsdag: Woensdag 28 September • Gratis siftingsgehoortoetse - slegs volwassenes (skakel vir ‘n afspraak) • Pakkie batterye teen kosprys • Gratis mini-diens van gehoorapparate Onderhoof se dood skok ‘‘ Hy was ’n omgee-mens – ons het baie na aan mekaar geleef. Vars hoop op die herstel van Akasiaonderhoof Johan du Toit moes hierdie week plotseling plek maak vir hartseer. Sy dood Dinsdagoggend het sy gesin en gemeenskap geruk. “Ek weet nie hoekom dit so skielik moes gebeur nie,” sê sy vrou Retha, ’n onderwyseres by Hoërskool Akasia. Sy sê sy was by haar man toe hy stil van haar af “weggeneem is”. Hy is omstreeks 05:30 in die hospitaal dood. Johan (58) is vir twee maande in Eugene Marais-hospitaal onder verdowing gehou nadat hy nege keer deur inbrekers in sy Akasia-huis geskiet is. Hy het vroeër die maand uit sy verdowing ontwaak. “Ons was almal so positief oor sy vordering en dat hy ten volle weer sou herstel,” het Retha Woensdagoggend vertel – haar stem rou. Sy sê sy toestand het onverwags vin- FIND HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION OR A DAY CARE Sinoville 012 567 0157 Pretoria-Noord 012 565 4619 Johan en Retha du Toit. Foto’s: Verskaf Corlia Kruger KIDS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES? Gebou • Gehoortoetse Johan du Toit. Titans surprise cricket world with Boucher biz.rekordnorth.co.za Instituut vir GEHOOR 7839 Pretoria North nig versleg. “Hy is sag en rustig weg.” Retha sê Johan het baie na aan haar en hul kinders, De Villiers en Danita, geleef. “Ons het saam vakansies gehou. Die kinders se vriende was ons vriende.” Boodskappe van medelye en gebede het Dinsdag op sosiale media ingestroom na die nuus van Johan se dood. Leerlinge, oudskoliere en onderwysers by Hoërskool Akasia het ook hul herinneringe aan Johan gedeel. “Hy was ons sporthoof – altyd baie betrokke op die sportgrond,” het Akasia skoolhoof Koos Venter aan Rekord gesê. “Hy het landloop, rugby en atletiek hier by ons afgerig.” Hy was baie gewild onder leerlinge en kollegas by die skool. Johan is op 11 Junie nege keer deur inbrekers in sy huis geskiet. “Agt skote is deur sy lyf en een koeël is in die hospitaal verwyder,” het sy vrou vroeër vertel. Haar man het vroeg op ’n Saterdagoggend ’n onbekende aantal inbrekers in hul huis betrap. Retha en haar seun, De Villiers, was op die boonste vloer. “My man het vir ons geskree: ‘Moenie afkom nie! Bly weg! Hulle is baie!’” Sy sê Johan het bly skree vir hulle om weg te bly terwyl die skote in die huis geklap het. Sy onthou hoe ’n verdagte bo-oor haar man gestaan en skiet het, terwyl Johan op die grond gelê het. De Villiers het met ’n wasgoedmandjie op die inbreker afgestorm om sy pa te probeer help. Die verdagtes het gevlug en Johan is na die Eugene Marais-hospitaal gehaas. Polisie kon teen Woensdag nie meer inligting gee oor die vordering van die saak nie. ’n Klag van moord word ook nou ondersoek. ’n Gedenkdiens vir Johan word Dinsdag om 11:00 by die NG-gemeente Wonderpark gehou. 9373 • General & Cosmetic dentistry • Implantology • Latest Digital dentistry • Oral Hygienist • Same Day CEREC Crowns • Makeovers Medical Aid-friendly practice Dr Pierre du Plessis • Dr Christiaan Victor Oral Hygienist 7124 Shop 112, Fin Forum Centre, cnr Dr van der Merwe & Sefako Makgatho (Zambezi) Drive, Montana (Next to Kolonnade) 7177p1 012 548 7839 www.dentistmontana.co.za admin@dentistmontana.co.za 4 PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za Arrest over cop’s death Gopolang Chawane The Hawks have nabbed a man possibly linked to the killing of an officer in the north of Pretoria. Investigating officer Warrant Officer Van Staden said a man Hendrick ‘Mongezi’ Dubase was arrested shortly after the shooting of Constable Thulani Mdluli (32). He said the man in his 20s handed himself over to the Soshanguve police station on the Tuesday a month ago. “Dubase was arrested and remained in police custody.” Van Staden said police after taking finger prints found that Dubase had several crimes linked to him. “We found dockets of theft, hijacking and housebreaking that were linked to his fingerprints.” Dubase appeared in the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court later that week. He remained in police custody. He will be back in court soon. “We have reason to believe he was in the Audi that aided in Constable Mdluli’s death.” Van Staden said three men were believed to have been in the vehicle on the Saturday of Mdluli’s death. Mdluli was killed in Bushveld Road near Walters garage in Block B, Mabopane – while trying to stop a car suspected of involvement in a commission of a crime. Police spokesperson Captain Ndivuwo Mulamu said the police had received information of occupants in the car behaving suspiciously. One of the culprits was armed with an R5 rifle and started shooting at the two officers as they approached their car. She said Mdluli was shot in the head and died on the scene. Partner Constable Moloisane survived and was transported to hospital for trauma counselling. The two officers were stationed at the Mabopane police station. Constable Mdluli murdered in car chase. Photos: Supplied Officer Mdluli was laid to rest. Moordenaars van kleinhoewe-vrou op vrye voet T-Bone Corlia Kruger LUNCH SPECIAL (includes) Brandy & Coke! FREE DBL R69 8971 Big screen rugby! Live Music: Friday 2 Sept - Verwentz Saturday 3 Sept - Marius Dippenaar 390 Braam Pretorius Str, Magalieskruin Kantoor Magalieskruin / Die Kantoor 012 543 9751 www.diekantoor.co.za Pretoria North 32 Orpen Ave, Lydiana, Pretoria Phone: 012-842-0300 Die moordenaars van ’n vrou op ’n klein hoewe noordoos van Pretoria is steeds op vrye voet. “Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem nie,” sê Riekie Steenberg se man Jurie. Riekie is op 29 Junie op hul Kameelfontein-hoewe doodgeskiet. ’n Groep aanvallers, wat op soek was na geld in hul kluis, het Jurie in die proses gewond. Hy is in die linkerskouer getref en die koeël is by sy linkerarmholte uit. Riekie is ook in die skouer getref, maar is kort na die aanval dood. Jurie onthou die gebeure wat soos ’n rillerrolprent in sy kop afspeel. Sy vuurwapen en ander besittings soos selfone, ’n tablet-rekenaar, skootrekenaar en kaartmasjien is gebuit voor die aanvallers uiteindelik gevlug het. “Ek verstaan nie. Nie ons of die honde het hulle gehoor nie. Hulle kon die huis leegdra sonder dat ons daarvan weet. Hoekom was dit nodig om ons aan te val?” Jurie sê hy vermoed die rowers het eers op die boonste verdieping probeer inkom. “Hulle het die veiligheidsdeur bo oopge- Foto: Facebook Riekie en Jurie Steenberg. breek, maar daar is nog ’n sterker staaldeur by die trappe wat hulle gehinder het.” Jurie het aan Rekord destyds gewys waar die deur van die onderste verdieping oopgebreek is. Riekie is kort na die aanval op die toneel dood. Jurie het self na Montana-hospitaal ge- Send us your news tips or subscribe to our breaking news Whatsapp group 083 625 4114 INJECTABLE TREATMENTS Fillers & threads available for collagen stimulation. 5 SAGE AVENUE, WONDERBOOM TEL: 012 543 3355 | FAX: 086 565 0246 CLINIC@YOUTHBEAUTY.NET | WWW.YOUTHBEAUTYCLINIC.CO.ZA Heel lammers A 2/3 Heel of ½ PORKER MET KOP ½ of heel A-KLAS BEES ½ of heel C-KLAS BEES R86.90 p/kg R40.90 p/kg R48.90 p/kg R45.90 p/kg R46.90 p/kg 8137 @RekordNewspaper 3 kg of meer Maalvleis 3 kg of meer Boerewors 3 kg of meer Rump steak 3 kg of meer T-Bone steak 3 kg of meer Tender steak 3 kg of meer Vark (boud/blad) 3 kg of meer Chuck 3 kg of meer Bees (kook) 3 kg of meer Vark (kook) 3 kg of meer Vark rugtjops 3 kg of meer Lam rugtjops 3 kg of meer Lam kookvleis 3kg of meer Lam tjops gemeng BLOU BULL STEAKS R52.90 p/kg R54.90 p/kg R95.90 p/kg R65.90 p/kg R62.90 p/kg R45.90 p/kg R59.90 p/kg R52.90 p/kg R39.90 p/kg R65.90 p/kg R108.90 p/kg R89.90 p/kg R105.90 p/kg R49.90 p/kg BAIE, baie meer om van te kies! Improve your 082 549 0298 012 372 1881 appearance R48.90 p/kg BEES voor-¼ A-KLAS R49.90 p/kg BEES agter-¼ A-KLAS R45.90 p/kg BEES agter-¼ C-KLAS R40.90 p/kg BEES voor-¼ C-KLAS Tonge / Soutvleis / Gammon Groot specials Saterdae en Sondae! The distribution of this newspaper is independently audited to the professional standards administered by the Audit Bureau of Circulations and has been issued with a Verified Free Distribution Certificate. t’s & c’s apply 012 372 1880 082 352 1319 Heel of ½ PORKER SONDER KOP Rekord is owned and published by Capital Media and subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we do not live up to the Code please contact the Press Ombudsman at 011-484-3618/2, fax: 011-484-3619 or email ombudsman@presscouncil.org.za. Follow us on Twitter for regular local news updates: Get in shape for summer with our NEW SLIMMING PACKAGES 10 kg Hoender leg 1/4 10 kg of meer Bees kookvleis 10 kg of meer Boerewors 10 kg of meer Chuck 10 kg of meer Lam kookvleis 10 kg of meer Lam tjops gemeng 10 kg of meer Maalvleis 10 kg of meer Rump steak 10 kg of meer Shin/sopvleis 10 kg of meer T-bone steak 10 kg of meer Tender steak 10 kg of meer Vark (boud/blad) 10 kg of meer Vark rug tjops TEXAN PORK STEAK FOR YOUR NEW DENTURES, COME TO Dr Oosthuizen & Partners @ DENTURE CARE Koop teen 2015 pryse!!! R330.00 p/box R49.90p/kg R50.90 p/kg R55.90 p/kg R85.90 p/kg R99.90 p/kg R48.90 p/kg R89.90 p/kg R42.90 p/kg R60.90 p/kg R58.90 p/kg R42.90 p/kg R62.90 p/kg R49.90 p/kg • We accept medical fund members • We provide & fit personalised dentures Winkel No 1, Mahem Sentrum Van der Hoffstr, Kirkney Maandae - Vrydae: 07:00 - 19:00 Saterdae: 06:00 - 17:00 Sondae: 08:00 - 14:00 Contact: “Want alles wat uit God gebore is, oorwin die wêreld.” - 1 Johannes 5:4 012 803 9900 / 072 230 4652 Murrayfield Corner, Unit 7, c/o Rossouw & Rubida St (@TOTAL Garage), Murrayfield Normale verpakking gratis Vacuum verpakking R3.50 per sak Alle kredietkaarte, Pretorium Trust en Koopkrag welkom. Verpakking gratis! Ons lewer ook af! *My kinders, bewaar julleself van die afgode. Amen. - 1 Johannes 5:21 30 years 9240 Total weekly distribution: 39 850 Relaxes muscles to soften your frown lines. 8982 For daily news updates: Website: www.rekordeast.co.za www.rekordmoot.co.za www.rekordcenturion.co.za www.rekordnorth.co.za Facebook: Rekord Twitter: @RekordNewspaper Business Manager: Christopher Mcinga / chrism@rekord.co.za Group Editor: Sunette Visser / editor@rekord.co.za Advertising Manager: Sabine Goodwin / sabine@rekord.co.za Sales Manager: Adri Bouwer / adrib@rekord.co.za Distribution: Albert Malapile / albertm@rekord.co.za haas om hulp vir sy wonde te kry. Weens sy skouerwond kon hy Riekie nie optel nie. “Ek het probeer om net altyd vir haar die beste te gee,” vertel ’n emosionele Steenberg. “Ek het soveel drome en planne gehad vir ons. Ek en Riekie sou ons eie huis opbou in St. Francisbaai waar ons kon wegkom van hierdie plek.” “Ek het so lank geneem om Suna se dood te verwerk. Ek weet nie hoe ek dit gaan maak sonder Riekie nie.” Suna is 2010 ook gedurende ’n rooftog geskiet en wreed aangerand. Na byna ses maande in ’n koma, is sy oorlede. Riekie is Julie vanjaar uit die NG kerk Derdepoort begrawe. Jurie het ná Suna se moord in 2010 die hoewe vir R4,8 miljoen in die mark gesit en sukkel steeds om dit te verkoop. Die hoewe is nou in die mark vir R2 miljoen. experience 9313 PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za Robbers hit Vodacom Corlia Kruger “The key fell and [when] I picked it up he threatened to shoot me if I tried to alert security.” Leshabane said the men emptied the safe and took laptops, cellphones and other electronic goods. “They ordered us to sit on the floor. They later brought in two customers and a child and left them with us.” Leshabane said the robbers noticed the CCTV monitors in-store. “They took out the whole box and left so they could not be identified in the footage,” she explained. “Luckily, one of the customers with us in the room had a cellphone that we used to call for help after they [robbers] had left.” Leshabane said police responded quickly. Sinoville police spokesperson Warrant Officer Johan van Dyk said: “No arrests have yet been made. “We suspect there might have been more robbers involved. The getaway vehicle or vehicles are unknown.” We ask the public to be alert and report suspicious-looking people and vehicles.” Police are still searching for the armed men who robbed a mobile phone store in Montana on Saturday morning. On Monday, Wingtip Crossing’s Vodacom store manager Lyncoleen Leshabane shared her experience of being held up at gunpoint by unknown suspects. She said three men pretending to be customers entered the store around 10:20 on Saturday. “It was just me and another consultant inside. While the consultant was helping one of the three ‘clients’, one stood at the counter.” Leshabane said she had suspected nothing of the seemingly ordinary customers until that moment. “He lifted his shirt to show me a concealed firearm.” Leshabane and the consultant were taken into a back room and she said she was forced to open the safe. “The man was holding the key so I could not press the panic button,” she said. For m photos ore , our we visit www.r bsite e north.c kordo.za. It’s a dogs life Dog lovers spent the night with the dogs at the weekend in Wollies Animal Shelter, Hestea Park, north of Pretoria. More than 180 people slept in kennels, during the third annual Wollies Sleep challenge to raise money in support of about 500 dogs and 280 cats at the shelter Photo: Ron Sibiya A shop at Wingtip Crossing was robbed at the weekend. 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CASHBUILD GUARANTEES LOWEST PRICES ON CEMENT! CHECK YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR PRICE. 254.95 PRICES VALID UNTIL SUNDAY 18 SEPTEMBER 2016 For any queries, please visit www.cashbuild.co.za or contact us at 0860 100 582 (Sharecall Number) www.cashbuild.co.za • SHARECALL 0860 100 582 SKU: 880 LASHER GARDEN FORK CLIVIA VERONA SABS TIMBER 2348 WK10 • Cashbuild@Ogilvy 3 990 per 1000 Minimum order quantities apply to direct bricks and blocks. Enquire in-store for details. Cement and bricks may vary from store to store. Selected products may not be available in all stores CHAMPION ROOF PAINT GARDEN HOSE + Fittings 20m x 12mm Various Colours SKU: 906142 159.95 (Excl. Green) 5 Litres SKU: Various 184.95 LASHER STEEL RAKE SKU: Various 16 Tooth Heavy Duty 20 Litres 554.95 E & O E. All prices include 14% VAT SKU: 885 164.95 233 STORES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA & EXPANDING 1C 5 6 PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za Gesin gehelp na brand Kayla van Petegem Hulp stroom in vir ’n gesin van KameeldriftOos nadat hul huis afgebrand het. Vele skenkings is reeds ontvang in reaksie op ’n Facebook-inskrywing – onder meer ’n yskas, ’n sitkamerstel, twee enkelbeddens en ’n dubbelbed. Lede van die gesin het net-net aan die dood ontkom toe hul huis sowat twee weke gelede aan die brand geslaan het. Karien van der Westhuizen en haar 16-maande-oue dogtertjie, Kiara, het brandwonde opgedoen toe ’n brand hulle huis in Kameeldrift-Oos verwoes het. Die brand het in die kombuis ontstaan. Van der Westhuizen vertel dat sy en haar verloofde, Ricardo Human, en hulle drie kinders, Kiara, Ramos en Romano, geslaap het toe die brand uitgebreek het. “Ek het die aand vir Kiara aan die slaap gemaak en self vroeg in die bed gaan klim. Ricardo het vir ons kinders Bybel gelees en ook kom inkruip,” vertel Van der Westhuizen. “Ek weet nie hoe laat dit was nie, maar Ricardo het deur die nag wakker geword omdat hy gedink het ’n kraan drup. Toe hy in die kombuis kom, was die hele kombuis klaar aan die brand.” Human het die twee seuns gegryp en na buite gehardloop. Hulle is sonder besering deur die vlamme. Van der Westhuizen het toe vir Kiara gaan haal. Die vlamme het reeds te ver versprei en hulle het albei brandwonde aan hul gesigte en hande opgedoen toe hulle deur die vlamme gevlug het. Van der Westhuizen sê toe hulle buite kom, het hulle gesien hoe die hele dak inmekaarsak. Volgens Van der Westhuizen het ’n brandweerman gesê as hulle ’n minuut later gevlug het, was hulle almal dood. Van der Westhuizen en Kiara is by ’n hospital vir brandwonde behandel en Kiara moet elke tweede dag teruggaan vir aandag aan haar wonde. Die gesin woon intussen by Human se ma in Doringpoort, terwyl hulle op soek is na ’n nuwe blyplek. “Dit gaan finansieel baie swaar omdat ons nie versekering of ’n mediese fonds het nie,” sê Van der Westhuzen. Kiara van der Westhuizen. Foto’s: Verskaf Police hunt for robbers after attack on doctor Corlia Kruger Police were still hunting for armed robbers on Wednesday who attacked a doctor and security guard in Pretoria North about two weeks ago. Manager at Medicross, PC Bardenhorst said: “A group of assailants forced the security guard on duty into the guardhouse around 19:00, at gunpoint and locked him up after taking his cellphone. “They then accosted a visiting specialist in the parking lot and a scuffle ensued, during which the specialist sustained a minor laceration. Staff inside the facility heard the commotion and called for help.” The police and security guards swiftly responded but the robbers managed to escape. “They fled with the security guard’s possessions and the specialist’s briefcase and car key,” said Badenhorst. “The specialist was treated at the faci- Die van der Westhuizen-gesin se huis in puin. City Wi-Fi now has 2m users Tshegofatso Ngobeni Medicross centre in Burger Street. lity and has already returned to work. Staff and contractors affected have been offered trauma counselling.” Police spokesperson Captain Kay Makhubela previously told Rekord the robbers, using a cream white Toyota Cressida, had allegedly followed the doctor – who Photo: Google Maps has asked not to be identified – from a bank where he had made a cash withdrawal. “We would like to commend the police and the security company for their prompt response to the incident. We understand that the police investigation is continuing,” Bardenhorst concluded. Follow us on Twitter for regular local news updates: @RekordNewspaper Two million people are now using Tshwane Free Wi-Fi, the biggest free public Wi-Fi network in Africa. Tshwane metro spokesperson Lindela Mashigo said the initiative, which started in 2013, now had 921 free hotspots. “The 2 million unique users have enjoyed more than 106 million sessions, using more than 2 289TB data.” “There are more than 90 000 users accessing the service daily, with up to 10 000 concurrent users,” said Mashigo. Tshwane’s Wi-Fi initiative has broken the digital divide, making it possible for rich and poor to access the internet in Tshwane. At the beginning of this year, the service improved as users were provided with 500MB of data per day. “Although only about 7% users reached this cap, this unparalleled service means residents who would otherwise be paying high mobile rates, are able to access the internet free of charge, benefitting from the many resources and opportunities by being online,” said Mashigo. Tshwane mayor Solly Msimanga said he was happy about this achievement and wanted to see the service expand. HELP BUSINESSES GROW Marketing Consultant position Work for a dynamic media company based in Pretoria. If you are a hardworking, self motivated individual, this position is for you. Join Capital Media and work with the following brands: Rekord newspapers and online, Get It magazine. Requirements: • Proven track record delivering on targets and objectives • Own reliable vehicle and driver’s licence • 2-3 years’ relevant experience • Computer literate • Must reside in the greater Pretoria area We offer: • Basic salary • Excellent commission structure • Travel allowance 8053 an equal opportunity employer 9348 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Send CVs to bianca@rekord.co.za www.rekordnorth.co.za PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 Seun steeds in koma na byna drie maande Corlia Kruger aanval aangesterk het. “Hy is na ’n hartaanval openeem,” vertel sy. ’n Tienerseun in die noorde van Pretoria “Nadat ons gehoor het van Richard het is steeds in ’n koma nadat hy byna drie my man homself uit die hospitaal ontslaan maande gelede van ’n bewegende bakkie om by sy seun te wees.” afgeval het. Neels, Richard se pa, het Woensdag met Richard van der Nest (15) van die Rekord gepraat: “Behalwe die pyne in my Bultfontein-omgewing het in Junie ernstige bors gaan dit kopbeserings beter.” opgedoen Sy aandag is tydens die egter net gerig ongeluk. op Richard se “Hy beweeg welstand. nou baie,” Na ’n eerste vertel sy ma groot breinopeLee-Ann. rasie het “Dokters sê Richard nog dit is ’n goeie prosedures teken dat hy ondergaan. binnekort kan “Hulle moes wakker word.” ’n ‘shunt’ Sy toestand inplant om die was sedert Junie vog op sy brein kritiek maar te dreineer en stabiel. aan sy arm “Omdat hy opereer om ’n self in ’n koma pen in te sit,” gegaan het, het Lee-Ann kan dokters nie vroeër vertel. bepaal wanneer Neels sê ’n hy sal wakker gedeelte van word nie,” sê Richard se skeLee-Ann. del is verwyder Richard is na erge swelling vroeg in Junie op die brein. gehospitaliseer “Die deel nadat hy op die van sy skedel is Bultfonteinpad van die bakkie Richard van der Nest. Foto: Verskaf in sy lyf geplant om die vog afgeval het. te behou. Die Hy het die brein het erg skade gekry... die omvang van dag saam met vriende gery toe die ongeluk op die hoek van Bultfontein- en Lusthofweg sy beserings sal wel eers duidelik wees as hy wakker word,” sê hy. gebeur het. “Dit is 84-dae wat hy nou al in die hospiLee-Ann het tydens die ongluk haar man taal lê,” het Neels Woensdagoggend vertel. in die hospitaal besoek waar hy na ’n hart- For more photos of this event, visit ou website www. r re kordnorth.co. za. Has Gospel Skouspel come to end? Loyiso Bala attended the Gospel Skouspel concert at the NG Church Moreleta Park on Saturday, amid questions about whether Tygerberg FM will continue hosting the annual concert, which has proved to be a great success. Photo: Ron Sibiya 7 8 PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za Faith Nevil Norden Trust God to protect As a minister many people ask me concerning God’s protection, for example, can we believe that God will protect us according to Scripture? Psalm 91:11 in the Amplified Bible says: “For He will give His angels especial charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways of obedience and service.” According to the Bible every believer has guardian angels. From the plural mention of angels in Psalm 91 we can conclude that every believer has at least two angels whose assignment it is to protect them in all their ways of service and obedience. Unfortunately at times we tend to ignore the warning of the Holy Spirit. We read about this in Matthew 2 regarding the wise men who came from the east because they had seen a star that declared the birth of Jesus. Matthew 2:12 says: “Then being divinely warned in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed for their own country another way.” We can be warned in dreams of imminent danger. We can also be warned by angels, like when the angel of the Lord ‘‘ We know that you must have armed guards, because we planned to rob and kill you, but we were scared of the 26 armed guards. warned Joseph in a dream that King Herod wanted to kill the baby Jesus. (Matthew 2:13) One Missionary in Africa tells an incredible story. This missionary has a ministry in a rural area, and because there are no roads to the mission station, he has to commute on bicycle to get certain supplies and medicines for the small field hospital at the mission station. The trip normally takes two days on bicycle, so he has to sleep in the field for one night as he travels out and one night as he returns. One day, as he walked into the small town, a man approached him and asked him if he had armed guards that protect him. He was amazed at the question and assured the man that he had no armed guards. The man said: “We know that you must have armed guards, because we planned to rob and kill you, but we were scared of the 26 armed guards.” The missionary was puzzled about this report. When he went to visit his local church, they told him that they were praying for him very earnestly on a certain date. There were 26 people in the prayer group – the same number of armed guards the robbers saw. You can trust God for your protection. I challenge you to put your trust and faith in Him and in His protection. PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za 9 Eeufees uitstekend Young boffins in maths Corlia Kruger Nie minder nie as 118 leerlinge van Laerskool Voortrekker Eeufees het onlangs Gauteng-Noord-kleure in ringbal verwerf. Hulle het hierdie prestasie behaal by ’n ringbaltoernooi in die Julievakansie. Vier leelinge is vir die SA ringbalspan. gekies – Katelyn Grobler, Henro Henderson, Tebogo Segabutla en Gabby Nunes. Die skool is ook trots op sy leerlinge wat aan die Eskom-wetenskapexpo deelgeneem het. Hul projekte is in verskillende kategorieë voorgelê. Martin Classen en Letlotlo Madingoane het bronsmedaljes verwerf. Thea Seshebela en Chaleigh Storm het elk silwer gekry en die skool is veral trots op katogoriewenner Blessing Mogane wat die beste hernubare energieprojek gehad het. The teachers of the Abacus Maths franeight-year-old sister Christi won top chise Noord van die Berg are very proud achiever awards, along with Piet Janse of their pupils who performed exceptionvan Rensburg (9). ally well in the Abacus Maths ChampionNicolaas Janse van Rensburg (7) won a ships recently. gold and Juane CoetThis franchise zee (10) a pupil from The Abacus Maths Laerskool Stephanus won five bronze, six silver and two gold Roos won a silver. programme offers a medals. Coetzee will also be unique approach to They were also competing in Singaawarded three pore soon. maths teaching. champion troThe Abacus Maths phies and two top programme offers a achiever awards for children who finished unique approach to maths teaching in the first in their categories. education system. Winners in this event included Lilliana Children are taught to use the JapaGorfulho (5) pupil at The Playschool in nese abacus by understanding that each Montana Park and Kahlan Peusschers bead and each rod represents a numerical from Laerskool Die Poort. Both won value. champion trophies. Children as young as four can be Six-year-old Ruan de Kock and his taught to use this technique. ‘‘ Blessing Mogane. Foto: Verskaf Lilliana Gorgulho. Expo medaljewenners: Letlotlo Madingoane, Martin Classen, Chaleigh Storm en Thea Seshebela. Foto: Verskaf R SALES EXECUTIVE WANTED Have you been diagnosed with TYPE I DIABETES? GET IT Magazine is looking for a salesperson who has the ability to identify opportunities and capitalise on them. GET IT is part of a group of local community newspapers based in Pretoria. This lifestyle magazine is published monthly and is distributed free of charge in Centurionn and the East of Pretoria. Previous sales in a similar environment would be advantageous. We offer: • Basic salary, provident fund, travel allowance & a generous commission. Applicants should have: • Matric, a reliable car and driver’s licence and their own cell phone. Applicants should be: • Computer literate, good planners with organisational al skills, able to manage theirr own time, able to take ownership of this monthly lifestyle magazine. - Cold calling and generating new business are an integral part of this position. - If you have not heard from us by 16 September 2016 please consider your application as unsuccessful. • Are you currently using injectable insulin or an insulin pump? • Are you older than 18? You could qualify for participation on a diabetic clinical research study. You will be supervised closely by a dedicated team of medical staff for a period of approximately 9.5 months with regular visits. You will contribute to the development of medicine that can be used to improve the quality of lives for patients with Type I Diabetes For more information: Phone: 012 844 0492 / 0144 (between 07h30 and 15h30) SMS your name and number to: 078 036 9669 Email us at info@vxpharma.com This study has been approved by MCC and Pharma Ethics PRETORIA If you are interested, ested please email your CV with a cover letter motivating why you should be considered for the position to bianca@rekord.co.za. 9 9347 Like our Facebook page (Rekord), see what’s happening in your area and comment on issues you feel strongly about! R Kahlan Peusschers. 9430 9407 PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za Verraad en jaloesie Die nuwe Afrikaanse rolprent dis koue kos, skat handel oor verraad, jaloesie, wraak en die belangrikheid van familie. Hierdie temas is universeel en almal kan op die een of ander manier daarby aansluiting vind. Die rolprent is gegrond op ’n roman van Marita van der Vyver en beloof om die gehoor te bekoor. Dit is van 26 Augustus af by Nu Metro Woodlands en Menlyn Park te sien, met Engelse onderskrifte. Kosskrywer, Clara Brand (Anna-Mart van der Merwe) besluit ná haar man, Bernard (Deon Lotz) se ontrouheid met een van haar beste vriendinne (Angelique Gerber) op ’n nuwe begin in Kaapstad. Saam met haar twee kinders en hulle Mopshond, Tjoklit, begin sy ’n reis van genesing en wraak. Met sewe studente – almal mans – wat opdaag vir Clara se nuwe kookklas, is haar beste vriendin, Minette (Elzabé Zietsman) daarvan oortuig dat die heelal vir haar ’n boodskap stuur – dit is tyd vir ’n herlewing van haar liefdeslewe. Clara durf dus – ná twee dekades van getroude lewe – weer die wêreld van vlerksleep aan. Clara deurleef die verskillende fases van haar herstelproses – woede, aanvaarding, hernieude bande met haar vorige man, die stryd om haar kinders gewoon groot te maak en die moontlikheid van ’n splinternuwe romanse – met (pogings tot) waardigheid, ’n sin vir humor en natuurlik heerlike kos. Clara se storie is een wat van vooraf begin, humor, hartseer en avontuur. Wraak is ’n dis wat op sy beste smaak as dit koud geëet word en as daar een ding is wat Clara beslis weet, is dat dit ’n resep is vir enige geleentheid – of ramp. Een Rekord-leser staan die kans om ’n dubbelkaartjie asook ’n geskenkpakkie te wen. Vier addisionele lesers staan die kans om elk ’n geskenkpakkie te wen. Die geskenkpakkie bevat ’n voorskoot, slaailepels, ’n eksemplaar van die nuwe fliek-uitgawe van Marita van der Vyver se boek en ’n bottel Wellingtonwyn. Besoek Rekord se webstuiste om in te skryf. sk Pretoria se eie skoonheid, Angelique Gerber, vertolk die A rol van die blonde seksbom ro Anaïs. A Anaïs (30), oftewel die ander vrou, probeer munt slaan uit haar blonde haarverlengings en kredietkaarte en haar vorige vriendin se vorige man. WEN LOSE WEIGHT GHT LOOK GREAT EAT AND FEEL HEALTY Ask about ut our 3 DAY TRIAL RIAL HERBALIFE NUTRITION FOR THE 24-HOUR ATHLETE >REFUEL, REPAIR, REBUILD AND RECOVER> The future of beautiful skin is here Refresh your skin with Herbalife Skincare For more information and orders SMS or Whatsapp Helen on 074 402 1499 or email: hnkogatse@gmail.com 9361 10 Good reads for the month The Printmaker - Bronwyn Law-Viljoen When a reclusive printmaker dies, his friend inherits the thousands of etchings and drawings he had stored in his house over the years. Overwhelmed by the task of sorting and exhibiting this work, she seeks the advice of a curator. What compulsion drove the printmaker to create art for four decades, and why did he so seldom show his prints? When the curator discovers a single, sealed box addressed to a man in Zimbabwe, she feels compelled to go in search of him and present him with the package, hoping to find an answer to the enigma of the printmakers solitary life. Law-Viljoen’s subtle and sophisticated novel reflects on one man’s obsessive need to make meaning through images and to find, in art, the traces of love and friendship. The Printmaker is available for R250 at Penguin Random House. Fear of Dying - Erica Jong Vanessa Wonderman is smart, sexy – and sixty. After a lifetime of crazy families, New York high society and playing a soap opera arch villain bitch, she’s not ready to give up yet. But life’s not so carefree anymore. Her parents are dying, her husband is in hospital and her wild daughter is pregnant. So when she signs up to a casual encounters site, she’s thinking of leaving her life behind – at least for a little bit. However, the most painful parts of your past always have a way of surprising you. Will she learn in time how to live, how to love, how to be fearless? Fear of Dying is available for R250 at Penguin Random House. The Safest Place You Know - Mark Winkler After his father’s violent death on a hot November day in the drought-stricken Free State, a young man leaves the derelict family farm with no plan. He has no way of knowing that his life will soon be changed for ever by two strangers: a mute little girl who bears a striking resemblance to his late niece, and a troubled lawyer who detests the Cape wine estate she had inherited from a father she despised. The Safest Place You Know is available for R250 at Penguin Random House. www.rekordnorth.co.za PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 11 12 PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za What’s on • Feba Radio South Africa. Together with Heinz Winckler, Feba Radio South Africa is celebrating 20 years of making followers of Christ through media at Kerksondermure, Centurion, 9 Sep. Do not miss out on a spectacular evening. Tickets R70 at Computicket. • Art classes in Brummeria, tuition by qualified artist and art teacher. Anet 083-7188253 or 012-804-1162. Markets and Charity • Banting Food Market, Pta Botanical Gardens, 3 Sep. Sugar free, wheat free, organic and free range food. Live music with Len Muller. Jono Proudfoot (co-writer of The Real Meal Revolution) will answer all your banting questions. Free entrance 09:0013:00. Karin 079-527-4902. • Miernes Kersmark, 1-3 Des, NG Eldoraigne Familiekerk. Deel van geld gaan aan Danville-kinderuitreik. Beatie 012-654-4785 / 082-855-6628. • New handcraft market. R100/p weekend. Busy Pick n Pay centre. SMS 076-939-7300. • Bootsale, buy and sell old and new at Mootvallei Church, Parktown, every 2nd Sat. Next 10 Sep. Monica 072-797-9507. • Bootsale Moot-gestremdes, Ou rolbalbaan Capital Park, ingang Myburghstr, tussen 6e/7e Laan. 3 Sept, 08:00-14:00. Mandjiedans 16:0023:00. Essie 084-760-7589. • Fête. 3 Sep. St Marks Presbyterian Church, 71 Codonia/Haarhoff East St, Waverley. Books, crafts, jumble, white elephant, cakes, food stalls, jumping castles and more, 09:00- 14:00. Taryn 082-422-7214. • NHK-kuierfees, 12e Laan, Gezina, 1 Okt. Bespreek stalletjie of bootsale (geen kos). Epos: marianjordaan@telkomsa.net • De Meerpaal Nederlandse Bejaardesentrumbasaar, Equestria, 3 Sept. Uitstallers, wit olifant, heerlike Hollandse produkte. Almal welkom. Ali 072-101-4132. • KKK in K (Kuier Kermis om die Kremetart in Kameeldrif), 3 Sept, NG Familiekerk Kameeldrif, 08:00. www.kameeldrif.org • NGK Pta-Oosterlig bied Oosterfees, 17 Sept, 09:00-14:00, h/v Judith/Lea, Waterkloof Glen, stalletjies, besonderse aanbiedinge. Ben 012993-5437. • Lions Pretoria Jakaranda Christmas Market from 29 Nov-3 Dec. Interested crafters are invited to send e-mail with product details to Lionscraftmarket@gmail.com Counselling and Religion • Nasionale Testament-week. Laat u testament gratis opstel, 12-16 Sept. JP van der Merwe Inc. 012-403-0009 / info@jpvdmlaw. ca.za vir afspraak. • NHN-byeenkoms, MBA Conference Centre, Midrand, 11 Sep, 09:30. Kobie Temmingh Swart oor: Musiek as terapie. Babs 082-675-0068. • Time to Talk conference, 9-11 Sep, Basiliah restaurant, Moreleta Church. Guest speaker: Kathleen de la Hunt. Testimonies: Felicia Lategan, Rob Steward, Frans Cronjé. Register Janine 083-822-0363. • Die NHN en Renaissance Gemeenskap. Seminaar: Vier perspektiewe op ons toekoms, 8 en 9 Okt. Sprekers: Dr. Frans Cronjé, Pieter Geldenhuys, dr. André Bartlett en dr. Abel Pienaar. Koste R275. Bespreek corliareitmann@telkomsa.net • Social singles. Byeenkomste vir enkellopendes 40+, Donderdagaande by The Place, Menlyn Retail Park. Jacoba 076-527-5720/ Elize 072-607-8949/www.socialsingles.co.za Leisure and Clubs • Trustees of ArcelorMittal SA Pension Fund. Annual information session for pensioners, 10:30, Union Caterers, 2 Nov. Reply before 2 Sep 012-683-3651. • Lentedans 2 Sept. Dans elke Vrydagaand by Toutrekpark, 14e Laan Gezina. Hannetjie 082-634-8760. • Lollos Wonderliggiefees, NGK Wonderpark, Bergln, Amandasig, 10 Sep, 09:00. R60p/p. Babakompetisie-inskrywing ingesluit. Wegneemetes, veilige parkering, buitelugvertoning, kunsmark. Mercia 083-655-3448. • Mnr. en Mej. Wonderliggiefees, NGK Wonderpark, Bergln, Amandasig, 10 Sep, 19:00. Mercia 083-655-3448. • Wonderliggiefees, NGK Wonderpark, Bergln, Amandasig, 2-11 Sep. Robbie Wessels/Juanita du Plessis tree op. Mercia 083-655-3448. • Kom kuier saam, ontmoet nuwe mense. Lekker musiek, interessante praatjies en awesome getuienisse. Gospel@pub Sondae 18:00 vir 18:30, Rafters Pub&Grill. Garstfontein/ Blesbok, Mooikloof. Gratis toegang. 082880-8484 / www.noisemakers.co.za • St Andrews Scouts, 5km walk, 3 Sep, doggie (leashed) friendly, 08:00-10:00, 570 Andries Strydom St, Constantia Park. Entrance dog food/blanket for Wet Nose. Food/craft market till 13:00. Phillip 076-052-4876. • Book sale every day at Mega Books, Cliffendale Drive, Faerie Glen. All books on tables R5ea. We buy books. 012-991-3975. • Raponsie, uit die kloue van die buurvrou, kinderkomedie, Pierneefteater, 17 Sept, 10:00. Bespreek 012-329-0709. • Friday Business Breakfast Club, 2 Sep, 08:00. Opportunity for business people to network and build business relationships. The Brazen Head restaurant, Moreleta Park. Johann 083-432-9052. • Touch of Glass bied Die Pille en Brillemusiekfees, 5 en 6 Sept, Monument Funksiesentrum, 10:00-15:00, R70p/p. Slegs persone bo 50 jaar en bejaardes. 076-846-1380. • Clivia sales: Sale of selected clivias at Cycad World of Innovations, 552 Rooihartbees Ave, Willem Cruywagen/Rooihartbees Ave, Akasia, 10 Sep, 08:00-16:00. Tino 082-375-0575 / Christo 082-497-5879. • Eersterust Heritage Day fun walk, 24 Sep. Sanca Thusong invites young and old to join, 07:30-14:00, 505 Charles Leyds, Eersterust. Pre-register for walk Sanca offices from 19 Sep. Elosine 012-806-7535. • Waverley-mark, Moulton/Evestr 3 Sept, 08:30-13:30. • Africanavereniging bied ’n aanbieding oor die Boesmans/San, 21 Sept, 19:00 L/s Anton van Wouw. Susan 082-827-5596. • Moot-gestremdes, Woens 10:00-14:00. Kliniek elke 2e week, Woens 09:00-14:00. Bootsale elke 1e Sat, 08:00-14:00. Capital Park-gemeenskapsaal, Myburghstr (tussen 6e / 7e Laan). Essie 084-760-7589. Puik rolprent nou op DVD beskikbaar 9428 Art and Music Sedert dié rolprent vroeër vanjaar vrygestel is, het dit gunstige terugvoer ontvang en aanhangers sal bly wees om te hoor dat Modder en Bloed nou ook op DVD beskikbaar is. Modder en Bloed is ’n verhaal van trots, hoop, uithouvermoë, die krag van die menslike gees en is ’n uitstekende toevoeging tot SuidAfrika se groeiende fliek-biblioteek. Die rolprent is geïnspireer deur ware gebeure en speel af gedurende die Anglo-Boereoorlog in 1901 toe ’n groep Boere-krygsgevangenes deur die Britte na konsentrasiekampe op St. Helena verban is. Vyf gelukkige Rekord lesers kan elk ’n Modder en Bloed-DVD wen. Die kompetisie sluit op 8 September. Besoek Rekord se webtuiste om in te skryf. Gebruik die sleutelwoord is “Bloed” wanneer inskrywing voltooi word. PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za 13 Living without a car Walkability – or the ability to get around without a car – is the current big thing in residential real estate. Property values could even increase in areas that offer residents shops, restaurants, schools, parks and public transport within comfortable walking distance of their homes. Berry Everitt, CEO of the Chas Everitt International property group, says: “A recent study of almost 90 000 homes in the US, for example, showed that walkability could increase value by as much as US$3 000.” Everitt says in SA one only has to look at the effect the Gautrain has had on property values in the areas closest to the stations. These areas have all also sprouted new shops, offices and recreational facilities in the past six years and are in high demand because they now offer residents a significant degree of walkability. In Pretoria’s trendy suburb of Hatfield the price of flats close to the Gautrain has risen by an average of 33% since 2010, compared to an average rise of around 12% in the neighbouring suburb of Arcadia. “And at the other end of the line in Johannesburg, flats close to the Gautrain at Park Station and surrounding office, retail, and recreational amenities in Braamfontein have achieved an average price growth of 59% since 2010, compared to prices in the neighbouring suburbs that have risen by an average of less than 30%. “Many modern home buyers want the car in the garage most of the time.” BLUE KNIGHT ESTATES BEUKES PROPERTIES TERSIA 082 606 0447 ANNLIN R890 000 - Oulike simpleks met swembad, boomryk en lieflike tuine in kompleks. 2 slk, 1 vol badk, sitk, eetk, kombuis, 1 toeslluit m/h, 1 afdak, heerlike stoep met ingeboude braai, eie privaat tuintjie. WONDERBOOM R1 575 000 ohb - Loopafstand van hoër- en laerskool, bokant Braam Pretoriusstr, groot erf, ruim huis, 4 slk, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, tvk, groot studeerk, groot kombuis, wask, huishulpfasiliteite, dbl m/h, dbl afdak, stoork. Boorgat, 2 aparte ingange indien u ‘n karavaan het. Swembad. R3 000 000 - Hoog geleë, lieflike gesinshuis wat alles bied. 5 slk, 3 badk, 3 leefareas, studeerk, ruim kombuis, toegeboude stoep, huishulpk, wask, swembad, baie parkering wat motorhuise en afdakke insluit. Die moeite werd om te kom kyk! MONTANA R895 000 - Neat duplex in a complex with a playpark and swimming pool. 3 bedr, 2½ bathr, open plan lounge/dining and kitchen (with granite tops), 1 lock-up garage, 1 carport, own garden. Easy access to the N1 and N4. PRETORIA-NOORD R399 000 - Langs Spar, loopafstand van laerskool en hoërskool, op busroete, hysbak in kompleks - 1½ slk, 1 badk, ruim leefarea, kombuis, onderdak parkering. ANNLIN - TUINWOONSTEL TE HUUR R5 000 p/m. Pragtige ten volle gemeubileerde 1 slk, 1 badk, oopplan kombuis/sit-/eetk. Privaat tuintjie, 1 toesluit m/h, prepaid krag, water ingesluit. Ideaal vir Onderstepoort of Medunsa student. Luuks vir enige enkel persoon en baie veilig. 9190 Groot verskeidenheid eiendomme te koop skakel gerus. Ook dringend opsoek na eiendomme om te verhuur. homes.rekordnorth.co.za We have pre-approved clients. Talk to the experts. Call us today! HUISWYS EIENDOMME BK 012 329 9210 www.blueknightestates.co.za Career opportunities: Join our dynamic team Call us today We can help - 082 784 6078 TO LET Property type Suburb Chantelle 2 x townhouse Chantelle 3 x townhouse Chantelle Garden flat PTA North Granny flat PTA North House Theresa Park Garden flat Waverley Flat Kameeldrift-Wes Granny flat Queenswood Simplex Riviera Flat Waverly Granny flat Capital Park House Eloffsdal Granny flat Villieria Flat Capital Park House + g/flat Rental R6 750 R7 500 R8 500 R3 800 R4 600 R9 400 R3 400 R4 900 R5 800 R3 600 R4 500 R4 500 R4 800 R3 600 R9 500 Bedr 2 bedr 3 bedr 3 bedr 1 bedr 2 bedr 3 bedr bachelor 2 bedr 2 bedr bachelor 2 bedr 2 bedr 2 bedr 1½ bedr 5 bedr Bathr 2 bathr 3 bathr 3 bathr 1 bathr 1 bathr 1½ bathr 1 bathr 1½ bathr 1 bathr 1 bathr 1 bathr 1 bathr 1 bathr 1 bathr 2 bathr Parking 1 garage 1 garages 2 garages 1 u/c port 2 u/c ports 2 garages 1 u/c port 1 u/c port 2 u/c ports 1 u/c port 1 garage 1 u/c port 1 garage parking 5 garages Andries 072 971 6758 / Geni 072 971 6759 FOR SALE Suburb Heatherview PTA North PTA North PTA North PTA North PTA North Clarina Property type Price R1 345 000 R436 000 R616 000 R1 368 000 R760 000 R474 000 R527 000 Townhouse Flat Stack simplex House + g/flat Duet Duplex Simplex Bedr 3 bedr 2 bedr 2 bedr 4 bedr 3 bedr 2 bedr 2 bedr Bathr 2½ bathr 1 bathr 2 bathr 1 bathr 2 bathr 1½ bathr 2 bathr Parking 2 garages 1 garage 1 garage 2 garages 1 garage parking 1 u/c port Leonie 082 861 5291 / Andries 072 971 6758 Johan 079 984 2850 Geni 072 971 6759 8640 OLD ORCHARDS R495 000 2 bedr, 1 bathr, 1 garage, small garden. R920 000 3 bedr, 2 bathr, study, double garage, neat garden. R1 500 000 5 bedr, 3 bathr, 5 living areas, 2 pools. CHANTELLE R760 000 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages, lovely kitchen. R900 000 3 bedr, 1 bathr, 3 garages, pool. KAREN PARK R595 000 Spacious 2 bedr, 2 bathr unit in complex. R1 190 000 4 bedr, 3 bathr, 3 l/areas, Jacuzzi, pool, lapa. R1 300 000 5 bedr, 2 bathr, 4 living areas, double garage. HESTEA PARK R750 000 3 bedr, 2 bathr, double garage. R895 000 4 bedr, 3 bathr, 3 l/areas, lapa, pool, 2 garages. PRETORIA NORTH R460 000 Ground floor. 2 bedr, 1 bathr, carport. R795 000 3 bedr, 2 bathr. Very spacious. Big yard. R1 190 000 Dbl storey. Modern 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 4 l/areas. R895 000 3 bedr, 2 bathr, double carport. R1 250 000 4 bedr, 2 bathr, lapa, pool, 2 garages. Thinus 082 784 6078 Kontak Gerhard Mulder by 082 961 8792 MONTANA PARK - R1 550 000 3 slk huis met 3 leefareas, 2 badk, studeerk, kombuis met aparte opwas/wask, spens, stoep met braai, swembad, 2 m/h, dubbel afdak, woonwa afdak, buite toilet, wendys. MONTANA PARK - R1 480 000 Sprankel ruim 3 slk duet met sitk, eetk en tvk, studeerk, 2 badk, baie ruim kombuis met groot was en opwaskamer. MAGALIESKRUIN - R2.5 mil. Prag 4 slk huis bo in berg met 4 leefareas, studeerk, mooi kombuis, groot opwas/wask, 2 balkonne, 3 badk, groot m/h, swembad, 2 lapas, prag uitsig. MONTANA - R1 290 000 Hannes: 082 806 6584 / Ronel: 082 696 7891 E-pos: huiswys-bk@mweb.co.za Owner, don’t lose your house on auction. 7875 SINOVILLE: R690 000 - STAPELWOONSTEL. 3 Ruim slk, prag kombuis, badk, sitk, eetk, balkon, 2 motorhuise, swembad in kompleks met pragtuin en braai. Loopafstand na skole en inkopie sentrums. ANNLIN: R1 290 000 - MEENTHUIS: HOEKEENHEID, SIERSTEEN, ±146M2. 3 slk, 2 badk, 2 ruim leefareas, 2 motorhuise, 2 motorafdakke. Baie besonders! ANNLIN: R785 000 - DUPLEKS: VEILIGHEIDSKOMPLEKS. 2 slk, 1 vol badk, 2 leefareas, kersiehoutkombuiskaste, toesluit motorhuis, afdak, noordelike stoep met ingeboude braai en tuin. MAGALIESKRUIN: R1 150 000 - VOLTITEL MEENTHUIS. 2 ruim slk met boogvensters, plus 2 badk, studeerk. Ruim lapa op voorstoep, 2 motorhuise met stoorkamer. Hierdie voltitel meenthuis beslaan ±142m2 plus tuin. Hekfooi R470 pm. ANNLIN: R1 150 000 - VOLTITEL MEENTHUIS. ± 138M2. 3 slk, 2 badk, 2 leefareas, oopplan kombuis, 2 motorhuise, 2 afdakke, oulike stoep, afdak aan noordekant, groot lapa met jacuzzi, hekfooi slegs R300 pm. 9350 www.zaniproperties.co.za annemaries.realestate@gmail.com Annemarie 082 443 9889 MONTANA - R2.6 mil. Prag 3 slk meenthuis by Montana hoërskool, ruim sit- en eetk, mooi kombuis, 2 badk, kuierstoep met dubbel m/ huis. MONTANA PARK - VANAF R1 141 000 WOW wat ‘n mooi uitsig, baie groot erf met 4 slk huis, 2 ruim leefareas, 3 badk, studeerk, balkonne, ekstra groot dubbel m/h, afdak, lapa, buitek met geriewe, sprankel mooi tuin. Vanaf R1 141 000 - PRAG 18 voltitel erwe in 4 sekuriteitskomplekse, hooggeleë, slegs R25 000 dep nou. Reeds 6 erwe verkoop. Prag 3 slk dubbelverdieping huis in voltitel kompleks, 3 leefareas, 3 badk, mooi kombuis met groot spens, kuierstoep met braai, 2 m/h met 2 m/afdakke en vele meer. MAGALIESKRUIN - R1 580 000 BENODIG DRINGEND EIENDOM IN DIE ANNLIN, WONDERBOOM, SINOVILLE, MAGALIESKRUIN, MONTANA, MONTANAPARK EN DOORNPOORT GEBIEDE. Doornpoort - R595 000 - Unbelievable price - urgent sale! This neat, fully tiled 2 bedr, 1 bathr townhouse is the ideal beginners property. Neat, small kitchen open plan to lounge area, which leads to the private garden with own lapa. Wendy for storage. 1 carport and extra open parking area. Be quick to avoid disappointment! Montana Park - R1 150 000 - Bargain price!! A very neat move-in-and-stay 3 bedr townhouse, well located with 2 bathr, lounge, dining room, kitchen with large pantry, patio with built-in braai and canvas enclosures overlooking private garden. Double garage. Unit completely tiled. Montana Park - R2 600 000 - Luxury living house. A stunning Tuscan-style full title house of 320m² offering 3 large bedr, 2 bathr, 4 living areas, absolutely beautiful kitchen, 3 tiled and motorised garages, full staff room with bathr that can easily be utilised as an office or outside 4th bedr. Lovely low maintenance garden. Montana - R1 540 000 - Totally upgraded property! Luxury duet above Besembiesie Street - 3 bedr, 2 bathr, stunning kitchen, lounge, diningr, lapa overlooking pool and garden. Double garage and carport for caravan. Montana - R1 620 000 - Green Acres full title estate. Single storey family home in this very popular security estate. You will find 3 spacious bedr, 2 bathr, very large lounge, diningr, enclosed braai room, staff room with bathr, double garage. What more can you ask for! 8446 8881 Office Park, 488 Airport Road, Doornpoort, Suite 1 Deo 082 448 4209 Tel: 012 547 5596/7 deosproperties@vodamail.co.za www.deoswanepoelproperties.co.za www.deoswanepoelpretoria.co.za Never standing still always on the move for you!! Most properties sold 2015/2016 Awarded by the institute of Estate Agents of South Africa. Principal without assistant. 8984 14 HOMES PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 R Like our Facebook page (Rekord), see what’s happening and comment on issues you feel strongly about! TE HUUR/TO LET HESTEAPARK R7 800 pm – 3 slk huis met 2 badk en 2 m/huise en tuin. Baie stil area. ANNLIN-WES R6 000 pm – BATELEUR COMPLEX - 2 bedr, 2 bathr, o/plan kitchen, living area, parking. KARENPARK R6 700 pm – 3 bedr house, 2 bathr, 2 garages, small garden. Near Wonderpark Shopping Centre. R3 000 pm – WONDERPARK ESTATE - Bachelor flat on 2nd floor with carport. FLORAUNA R8 500 pm – Pragtige 3 slk, 2 badk, 2 l/areas, afdak vir 2 voertuie, tuindienste ingesluit. Geen kinders of diere. Gedeelde perseel/swembad en lapa. Bathroom renovations on a budget Getting a fresh new look to an outdated bathroom can modernise and add value to a home without costing too much. Adrian Goslett, regional director and CEO of RE/MAX of Southern Africa, says renovations and contemporary remodelling of bathrooms are known to boost the marketability of a home. Additionally, bathrooms and kitchens are the two areas of a home where the cost of the renovation can be largely recouped DORANDIA R1 190 000 Moderne 3 slk, 2 badk huis met groot erf. P24-103985012 FLORAUNA R2 200 000 Ruim 4 slk, 3 badk, studeerk, 3 leefareas, swembad en onthaalarea. P24-103560169. PRETORIA-NOORD KANTOOR Tel: 012 546 1902 (08:30 - 16:30) R1 490 000 Burgererf met 4 slk huis en ruim woonstel. Boorgat met swembad. P24-104186198 9439 E-POS: vianto@lantic.net Lelanie 084 034 3119 DEEL VAN MLS GROEP TOMMIE 073 274 0330 7844 www.rekordnorth.co.za on the sale of the property. “According to statistics, on average sellers can expect to get between 65% and 75% of the renovation cost back when renovating a full bathroom and approximately 65% of the cost when adding a new bathroom,” says Goslett. Over the past few years bathroom renovations have become popular with many homeowners opting to renovate their bathrooms before any other room in the home. “This can be attributed to the fact that bathrooms and kitchens are major focal points that buyers look at before putting in an offer to purchase a property. Bathrooms are generally smaller than other rooms in the home, so the cost of renovation can be managed more effectively,” says Goslett. While it is a good idea to use a professional contractor with the necessary qualifications for larger complex projects, home- 9363 MULDER EIENDOMME / ESTATES www.delvine.co.za Tel: 012 543 2294 / 082 961 8792 TE HUUR Delvine 082 892 1978 MONTANAPARK MAGALIESKRUIN R7 500 - Pragtige 2 slk meenthuis met 2 badk, 2 m/h. Eie privaat swembad. 1 Oktober. MONTANAPARK R6 000 - Meenthuis. 3 slk, 1 badk, 2 afdakke. 24 uur sekuriteit. Leeg of 1 Oktober. DOORNPOORT R7 200 - Meenthuis. 3 slk, 2 badk, 1 m/h. Eie tuin. Onm. of 1 Oktober. R7 500 - Meenthuis. 3 slk, 2 badk, 2 m/huise, eie tuin. R8 000 - Huis op erf. 3 slk, 2 badk, 1 m/h, 3 toesluit afdakke, groot lapa + jacuzzi. R9 900 - Huis op groot erf. 4 slk, 2 badk, 2 m/huise. SINOVILLE R2 800 - Tuinwoonstel. 1 slk, sit-/eetk, badk, 1 afdak. 1 Oktober. KAMEELDRIFT-OOS - HOEWE R7 500 - Huis op plot. Ruim 3 slk, 2 badk, 2 m/h. R1 050 000 - Duet. Ruim 3 slk, 2 badk, 2 m/h. Mooi tuin. MONTANA R1 150 000 - Toskaanse huis in voltitel kompleks, 24-uur sekuriteit. 3 slk, 2 badk, 2 m/h. Patio vir onthaal. SINOVILLE R660 000 - Ruim woonstel. Digby inkopiesentrum. 3 slk, 1 badk, 1 m/h. Swembad in kompleks. R765 000 - Meenthuis. 2 slk, 1 vol badk, oopplan sitk/kombuis, patio, 1 m/h. R1 230 000 - Huis op erf. 4 slk, 2 badk, 2 afdakke + volledige woonstel met 1 slk, sitk/ eetk, kombuis, badk. WONDERBOOM R1 695 000 - Netjiese gesinswoning. 4 slk, 2 badk, 2 m/h, patio. DOORNPOORT R540 000 - Stapelsimpleks - Boonste eenheid. 2 slk, 1 badk, sit-/eetk, balkon, afdak. R980 000 - Duet op erf. 3 slk, 2 badk, 2 m/h. R980 000 - Huis op erf. 3 slk, 2 badk, 1 m/h, groot onthaalarea + lapa + swembad. R1 060 000 - Huis op erf. 3 slk, 2 badk, 2 m/h. Beslis die moeite werd. BABSIE 082 828 8496 TO LET - MAGALIESKRUIN - R7 000 - Neat, spacious townhouse in upmarket security complex. 2 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan lounge and diningr, kitchen, spacious covered patio, beautiful garden, 1 garage, 1 open parking. ANNLIN - R795 000 - Beautiful simplex townhouse in popular security complex, 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 l/a, garden, double garage. ANNLIN - R1 290 000 - Lieflike gesinswoning, 3 slk, 2 badk, 2 leefareas, kombuis, groot stoep, volledige woonstel, 2 aparte ingange met onderdakparkerings, loopafstand van Wonderboom laerskool en winkelsentrum. MONTANA – R630 000 – Lovely unit on ground floor with own garden, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open plan living area, carport. MONTANA - R995 000 - Beautiful simplex townhouse close to schools and shopping centres, 3 bedr, 2 bathr, double garage, patio with braai, garden. NO PETS. SINOVILLE - R2 350 000 - Above Zambesi Rd. 4 spacious bedr, 2 modern bathr, 3 living areas, fireplace, spacious and modern kitchen with scullery, dance studio/office, double garage, big yard, lots of parking, separate bachelor flat, pool, big lapa and entertainment area, walking distance from schools, shopping centres and other amenities (ideal for “work from home” business). WONDERBOOM - R1 630 000 - Pragtige en baie ruim gesinswoning, 3 groot slk, 3 badk, 4 leefareas, groot kombuis, patio, swembad, waskamer, huishulpk met geriewe, m/huis, dubbel afdak, boorgat met besproeiing, loopafstand van Overkruin hoërskool. ANNLIN - R1 260 000 - Spacious family home above Zambesi Rd, 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 living areas, kitchen, patio, pool, double garage, double carport, big yard, (needs TLC). MOUNTAIN VIEW - R1 050 000 - Beautiful, modern and spacious family home, 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 spacious l/a, modern kitchen, spacious covered patio, lapa, beautiful garden, garage, carport. MAGALIESKRUIN - R1 170 000 - Beautiful and modern simplex town- DOORNPOORT (HUURHUIS) R9 500pm. Nuut geteëlde 3 slk huis, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, tvk, 2 badk, dubbel motorhuis, lapa, groot erf. Beskikbaar 1 Okt. MAGALIESKRUIN R1 260 000 Pragtige voltitel meenthuis naby winkels. 2 slk, 2 badk, oopplan sitk en mooi kombuis. Groot stoep met louvre-dak en mooi tuin. 1 motorhuis met parkering. DOORNPOORT R980 000 3 slk, 2 badk huis met 2 leefvertrekke en kombuis. 2 motorhuise, patio en groot tuin. @RekordNewspaper Skakel ons: Rorick: 082 873 7506 Hannie: 082 468 8142 DANELLE 082 708 3859 MONTANAPARK ERF R1.2 miljoen 1 127m² erf, hooggeleë met mooi uitsig, 3 kante ommuur. PLOTTE MONTANA R3.3 miljoen 1ha pypsteelplot, Zambesirylaan, onbeboud, by Kolonnade. Rooigrond. R3.8 miljoen 2ha rooigrondhoewe ideaal vir ontwikkeling. R4.5 miljoen 2ha met goedgekeurde regte vir 34 voltitel erwe. WONDERBOOM HOEWES R3.7 miljoen Wes van lughawe, 2ha, ideaal vir ligte nywerheid. R4.5 miljoen ohb. 2ha hoekhoewe, ommuur met 3-meterhoë klinkersteenmure, 3-fase krag, boorgat, rioolaansluiting, goedgekeurde regte vir ligte nywerheid. R3.2 miljoen - WINSKOOP!! 10.5ha teen Apiesrivier met boorgat, eiendom is suid van N4, ideaal vir toekomstige ontwikkeling. MONTANA MONTANA PARK R990 000 Baie ruim 2 slk meenthuis, 2 ruim l/areas, moderne kombuis, 2 badk, 2 m/h. Uiters gewilde kompleks. R1 280 000 3 slk meenthuis, 2 ruim l/areas, moderne kombuis, 2 badk, 2 m/h. Bokant Zambezi. Naby Kolonnade winkelsentrum. ANNLIN MONTANA MAGALIESKRUIN R770 000 2 slk meenthuis met vol badk, 2 gerieflike l/areas, mooi kombuis, enkel m/h met afdak, kolossale daktuin met ingeboude braai. R1 280 000 Prag 3 slk meenthuis, groot l/areas, 2 badk, oulike o/plan kombuis met granietblaaie, 2 m/h. Baie goeie belegging. R1 890 000 Ligging! Moderne 4 slk familiewoning. Gerieflike ruim l/areas, ingeboude braai, 2 badk, groot kombuis. Ideale ruimte vir ‘n woonstel. SKAKEL GERHARD 082 961 8792 BENODIG DRINGEND U EIENDOM OM TE BEMARK! SKAKEL GERHARD 082 961 8792 house in upmarket area, very close to Kolonnade shopping mall, 3 spacious bedr, 2 bathr, diningroom, lounge, beautiful kitchen, patio with braai, lovely garden, low maintenance and low levy!! MAGALIESKRUIN - R1 260 000 - Beautiful free standing townhouse in upmarket full title security complex, 2 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan lounge and diningr, lovely kitchen, spacious covered patio, beautiful garden, very low maintenance, lock-up garage, 1 open parking. PTA-NORTH - R450 000 - Beautiful and very spacious 2 bedr apartment on 2nd floor in well maintained apartment building, very spacious kitchen, diningr, lounge, balcony, bathr, u/c parking, very close to main shopping centres, schools and amenities. MONTANA - R730 000 - Beautiful and modern townhouse very close to main shopping centres, hospital and schools, 2 spacious bedrooms, full bathroom, open plan modern kitchen and living areas, small braai area, lock-up garage. GREEN ACRES - R1 650 000 - Beautiful and spacious family home in popular estate, 3 bedr, 2 bathr, dining room, lounge, patio with braai, lovely garden, double garage. SINOVILLE - R1 360 000 - Beautiful and very spacious family home close to shopping centres and schools, 4 bedr, 2 bathr, diningr, lounge, familyroom, spacious kitchen, lapa, pool, double garage, big stand, great value for money. NINAPARK - R1 380 000 - Beautiful modern family home in upmarket area, 3 bedr, bathr, diningr, lounge, double garage, 2 bedr flatlet, pool and much more! ANNLIN - R780 000 - Beautiful family home. 3 bedr, 1 bathr, lounge, kitchen, dbl garage, spacious garden, outside room with facilities, lapa. (Great value for money). ORCHARDS - R1 280 000 - Beautiful, ultra modern and spacious family home in upmarket area, 3 bedr, 2 full bathr, very spacious open plan 4 living areas, built-in bar and braai, beautiful kitchen with scullery, outside braai, lovely pool, beautiful garden, double garage. MAGALIESKRUIN - R1 620 000 - Lovely and very spacious family home close to schools, shopping centres, and other amenities, 4 bedr, 2 bathr, 3 l/a, 2 store rooms, double garage, 4 x parking, big yard, lovely pool, great potential for a granny flat. NEW DEVELOPMENT IN MONTANA PARK, ALL COSTS INCLUDED FROM R785 000!! 8035 8447 7228 Follow us on Twitter for regular local news updates: 9013 TE KOOP Delvine 082 892 1978 ONS GEE GRATIS WAARDASIE OP U EIENDOM owners will be able to complete simple updates themselves. Goslett says, depending on the project, a simple renovation can be as effective as a complete remodel. Sometimes all that a bathroom needs are modern fixtures, a tile and grout scrub and a fresh coat of paint to transform it into a completely new space. “Sanitary warehouses and hardware stores are always getting new inventory, making it is easy for homeowners to find fixtures on sale that will suit their particular taste. Consider changing to a double sink instead of a single one, recessed lighting, or new floor and wall tiles.” Goslett says homeowners considering doing the renovations themselves can find a wealth of information on bathroom doit-yourself projects from the local library, bookstores and of course online. There are countless books and reputable websites to guide homeowners through the process, whether the primary focus is design, functionality or cost. Homeowners can check whether their local hardware store has do-it-yourself workshops or seminars, which will provide guidance and practical examples. Goslett says DIY projects are a great way to add value to a home – provided the work is completed properly. If installed or completed incorrectly, the project could end up costing twice as much if not done by a professional. “Homeowners planning extensive renovation or adding another bathroom should get proper plans drawn up.” T: 012 567 1113 E: maxima@rentalsdotcom.co.za View www.rentalsdotcom.co.za rentals dot com® Please visit our website: www.inpa.co.za WANT TO BUY OR SELL? CALL ME FOR ASSISTANCE!! PRETORIA NORTH - R450 000 Flat. Above Brits Road. 2 bedr, 1 bathr, patio. ORCHARDS - R490 000 Simplex. 2 bedr, 1 bathr, 1 garage, garden + braai. PRETORIA NORTH - R385 000 1 bedr, 1½ bathr, lounge, kitchen, carport. WOLMER - R650 000 2 bedr, 1 bathr, 2 l/areas, carport. ORCHARDS - R690 000 2 bedr, 1 full bathr, l/area, double garage, big yard. PRETORIA NORTH - R795 000 Neat and modern! 3 bedr, 2 bathr, carport. PRETORIA NORTH - R1 490 000 4 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 l/areas, 2 garages + flat. Big lovely garden. Erf 2 552m2. (Above Suider Str). THERESA PARK - R1 300 000 Very modern! Wooden floors. 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 3 l/ areas, 2 garages. 7876 SANRI 072 122 9834 RENTAL SOLUTIONS VERHURINGS KAMEELFONTEIN R10 900 pm: Ruim 4 slk huis, 2 badk, gastetoilet, oopplan leefarea, 2 motorhuise, stoork, wask, werkerskamer met badk. Tuindienste 1 x per week ingesluit. Elektriese omheining. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. ANNLIN R11 000 pm: 4 slk huis, 2 badk, groot sitk- en eetk, 1 motorhuis met afdakke asook werkersk. Okkupasie 1 Aug. DOORNPOORT R8 950 pm: 4 slk huis, 2 badk met motorafdak. Krag per meter, water ingesluit. R5 900 pm: Baie netjiese 2 slk eenheid in kompleks met 1 tsl-motorhuis en ‘n afdak. Water ingesl krag per meter. Beskikbaar 1 September 2016. INA DANEEL 083 344 2545 Ina Daneel ina.daneel@rentalsdotcom.co.za (Verhurings) 083 344 2545 8949 rentals dot com® RENTAL SOLUTIONS in association with PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za 15 CLASSIFIED ADS Tel: 012 842 0300 - Fax2email: 086 540 9916 - www.rekordnorth.co.za - classified@rekord.co.za 0100 0105 0109 0118 0123 0127 0136 0137 0154 0155 0163 0172 0181 0204 0212 0216 0220 0224 0236 0244 0248 0252 0258 0260 0264 0266 0268 0272 0280 0284 0288 0292 0294 0296 0299 0300 0314 0318 0324 0336 0342 0348 0360 0366 0372 0378 0400 0407 0421 0428 0435 0442 SERVICES Blinds / Curtains Building & Materials Cleaning DStv / Aerials / Satellites Electricians Home Improvements / DIY Roofing Gardening / Rubble Removals Tree Felling Plumbers Pools Repairs Beauty & Health Catering Child Care Computer Repairs / Installations Driving Schools Entertainment For Hire Furniture Restoration Home Industry / Dressmaking Limousines Miscellaneous Services Personal Services Legal Advice Pest Control Pet Services / Accommodation Professional & Business Photography Removals & Storage Security Transport Tuition / Education Upholstery FOR SALE Buyers Carpets / Furniture / Appliances Clothing Collections / Antiques Jewellery Miscellaneous Office Furniture & Equipment Pets & Livestock Plant & Machinery Sports & Leisure PROPERTY TO LET Accommodation to Share / Rooms to Let Factories / Industrial / Workshops Flats Farms & Plots Garden Flats / Cottages 0449 0463 0470 0477 0480 0484 0491 0500 0509 0518 0527 0536 0545 0563 0572 0580 0581 0590 0599 0600 0610 0620 0630 0650 0700 0724 0748 0760 0772 0784 0786 0790 0800 0805 0810 0815 0820 0825 0828 0830 0835 0840 0845 0850 0855 0860 0865 0870 0875 0890 0891 0893 0895 0897 0899 0900 0950 Houses Offices / Shops / Business Premises Retirement Villages Storage / Parking Facilities Timeshare to Let Townhouses / Simplexes / Clusters / Duplexes Looking to Rent PROPERTY FOR SALE Business Premises / Offices / Shops Factories / Industrial / Workshops Farms & Plots Flats Houses Retirement Villages Stands Timeshare for Sale Timeshare Townhouses / Simplexes / Clusters / Duplexes Looking to Buy BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Business Opportunities Businesses for Sale Financial Loans / Investments VEHICLES Caravans / Boats / Camping Motorcycles Motor Services Spares & Accessories Vehicles for Sale Vehicle Storage Vehicles Wanted VACANCIES Business Computer Employment Wanted General Hairdressing & Beauty Legal Management Medical Part Time / Temps Personnel Agencies Professional Sales & Marketing Security Senior Citizens Technical Trade EMPLOYMENT Services for Domestics General Employment Wanted Domestic Employment Wanted Gardener Employment Wanted Domestic Employment Available LEGALS Legal Notices TERMS & CONDITIONS CONDITIONS FOR ACCEPTANCE OF ADVERTISING: Rekord reserves the right to withhold or cancel any advertisement order accepted. 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We believe that our capable representatives can help with good advice in presenting your advertisement with original and fresh ideas. ALTOKLEEN (1979) 0000 NOTICES 0073 PERSONAL CHIEF ABDUL KARIM Specilist in: • Lost lover same day • Bad luck / tokoloshe • Manhood problems •Promotion/salrary increase • Financial problems/ magic wallet •Divorce matters. •Sell your property quickly •Pass interviews • Get a baby/twins. 012-754-4539 060-720-1647 AM016193 KONTANT! GOUD! Diamante, Krugerrande, VIR Ou munte, Silwer, Koper, Medaljes, Skilderye, ens..! Ek kom uit na u! Gratis waardasies! Beste pryse! (Tot R430p/g.) AM016443 0061 0073 0079 0085 NOTICES Deaths Found Holiday Accommodation Lost Personal Thanks Lifts Vir meer inligting, of besoek... 082 758 7304 0100 SERVICES Carpets, Furniture, Windows Leather, Spring Cleaning. Pta / Centurion / Midrand. Alta 082-395-6449 / 072-349-8787 AB013941 AFRIC SAND Sand, Klip, Stene, Bo grond, Speelsand, Brick force, DPC, Lintels, Sement, ens 082-339-6135 / 082441-0335 africsand@telkomsa.net TI008571 BOUPLANNE BUILDING PLANS PEET 082-496-4251 MATWASSERS Stoom-skoonmaak matte, sitkamerstelle, matrasse. 26 jr in besigheid. Allen 082-754-7734 PICK ME CARPET CLEANERS 4 Rooms @ R500. Colin: 083-281-8460 AM016449 PTA-NOORD MATSKOONMAKERS Eienaartoesig Andries 084-800-9444 VP016299 0118 CLEANING A & R CLEANING SERVICES Steamcleaning of Carpets 3 rooms R450. Lounge suites, ect. Cleaning of houses. Zannie 079-184- 1705 AM016445 Combo-Carpet-Cleaner Industrial machines. 15 yr exp. Owner supervision. Deodorising VINCE 0832300308 AM016448 DAK - AANDAG •Alle tipe waterdigting •Painting of corrugated / IBR and tile roofing •Interior / Exterior painting. • Fascia`s / Barge and Gutters • 8/10 Year Guarantee FREE QUOTATIONS 062- 241-3598 AB014013 DAK DOKTER AM016453 Alle tipe waterdigting en herstelwerk. Tot en Krake in mure en sak met 10 jaar waarborg op alle werk. van fondasies. HERSTEL Gerhard 083-728-2601 012 753 5794 / 073 056 8383 0154 GARDENING / RUBBLE REMOVALS AFLEWERINGS & TUINDIENSTE KLEIN & GROOT TUINE & VRAGTE BOOMSLOPINGS 079 507 7304 ONS VERBETER ENIGE KWOTASIE & MEUBLE VERVOER!! VP016148 AM016446 KASTE TI008603 TI008610 Kombuis en LAPAS ingebou. Gratis Nuwes, herstel en kwotasie. diens GERHARD Jan 084- 503- 1467 ADVERTISE IN 083-728-2601 TI008618 VP016147 T: 012 842 0300 F: 086 540 9916 AFLEWERINGS EN ALGEMENE VERVOER!!! FLINKE EN VEILIGE DIENS VIR BOUROMMEL, TUINAFVAL, MEUBELS, BOOMSLOPING EN TUINDIENSTE!! ASBLIKKE, ERF EN GARAGE SKOONMAAK !!!FREE FILLING!!! Alle vragte van af R190 Kia/Hyundai - R220 R300 - 3 Ton R310 - 4 ton R500 - 6 ton R790 - 8 ton R850 - 10 ton R920 - 12 Ton TI008553 KORTING OP PENSIONARISE EN KOMPLEXE!!!! SKOONMAAKDIENS A1 Matte, meubels, "scotchguard". Ons werk self! Skakel: Leana 084-547-5990 379-9299 n/u VP015916 0123 DSTV / AERIALS / SATELLITES Problems. All Inst + Reps. All Hrs Trevor 079-296- 9309 AM016450 D.S.T.V REPAIRS... INSTALLATIONS.... UPGRADES KIDS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES? Compost beskikbaar Fast & the Furious Transport. Speedy transport you can rely on. ONS HET ID`s 071- 613- 3551 079- 525- 9682 FIND HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION OR A DAY CARE Ons kliente is KONING en ons wil die BESTE diens lewer!! Tony Cel 078-114-1861 AB013993 TI008601 0127 ELECTRICIANS 1ST TEK ELECTRICAL Power Failures, Stoves, Plugs, Lights, Geysers, Gate VP016220 Motors, Pool & Borehole Pumps, Generators, VILLAGE PAVE COC`s etc. 24 HOURS BK 012-543-9612 / 012-324-4632 / 073-388-4908 083-314-9798 www.villagepave.co.z a Bestuur sedert 1982 SKOU - AANBOD, 2 jaar waarborg, Stene gelê teen R30/m2. Gekleurde stene R45 /m2 GROOT VERSKEIDENHEID kleistene. Alle "sandstone produkte" Stene vanaf R80/m2 HANDYMAN Persoonlike toesig Flash Steam Cleaners Bou, verf, plumbing. 082-490-1195 Hang deure. Elekt 012-542-2275 AB013658 sert. Nico 083-446-4266 Thys 074- 947-3191 MARINA ABANDON DSTV 0109 BUILDING & MATERIALS 0136 HOME IMPROVEMENTS / DIY biz.rekordnorth.co.za AM016508 KOMBUISE / KASTE Reeds 28 jaar die mooiste kombuise, kaste, kantore, shopfitting. Ook graniet, AB013947 houtvloere. Hendro. 083 255 0409 1 ELECTRICIAN WORX NO CALL-OUT FEE!! Power Failures, Geysers, Stowe, Nuwe Installasies, Plugs, Foutopsporing, Herstelwerk, Gatemotors Jacques 081-372-7893 AM016451 APPLIANCE HERSTELWERK By u huis. Gerrit 082-824-2070 AB013917 ELCONEC GATE & GARAGE AUTOMATION. ELECTRICAL, FENCING INSTALLATIONS & REPAIRS CALL ALBERT: 082-572-7842 AB013944 HSH ELEKTRIES Nuwe elektriese installasies, herstelwerk, foutopsporing & elektriese sertifikate. Hercules 082-871-0368 / 072-382-3441 VP016225 ADVERTISE IN T: 012 842 0300 F: 086 540 9916 I.C.R MAINTENANCE Industrial / Commercial / Residential • Water / damp proofing • Roofing TI008622 • Painting • Ceiling repairs Ons spesialiseer in die • Insulation Up to 10 Years Guaranteed omskepping van 083 325 4154 / 1382 motorhuise na www.icrmaintenance.co.za woonstelle. Ons vervang en doen nuwe installasies van pvc plafonne. Ons doen ook algemene bou en breekwerk. Jan (082-456-0091 Sedert 1995) TI008609 ALLE DIENSTE Tuindienste, Boomslopings Trekke Huise en Kantore Tuin afval en Bou Rommel Gratis Kwotasies Gratis kwotasie 5 jaar waarborg. Bouwerk, Painting, Paving www.pavingsquare.co.za Ryno 072-782-7644 AB013983 0137 ROOFING ALT- RENOVATORS Aanbouings,dak herstel,verf ,waterdigting,fasias, geute,p lafonne,afdakke. Rudolf 073 031 2799 Gratis kwotasies TI008658 AFVAL- Bou-/Tuin ROMMEL vanaf 2 Ton - R280pv 4 Ton - R450pv 5 Ton - R550pv Kruiwa kostes is ekstra TREKKE vanaf 2 Ton - R750pv 4 Ton - R1050pv 5 Ton - R1350pv AL DIE WERKERS HET IDs. Jaco 083-351-6342 082-817- 2824 magrietm71 @gmail.com AM016454 AM016567 THE PAVING SQUARE TI005562 TI005526 TI008088 INDEX 0000 0031 0037 0049 Skakel Sharold 079-293- 8886 AM016455 ADVERTISE IN T: 012 842 0300 F: 086 540 9916 ALL HANDY TRUCK REMOVALS NEED IT MOVED / removed ?? BIG and small?? • FURNITURE • OFFICE AND HOUSE • LOCAL AREA PICK UP & DELIVERIES GARDEN services & GREENWASTE pick up • TREEFELLING AND PRUNING • RUBBISH & JUNK • FREE QUOTES Email: handytruck34 @yahoo.com FULLY LICENCED & REGISTERED WE DO IT ALL UNDER SUPERVISION JAN 082 797 9419 BRENDA 079 510 5942 071 684 0368 TI008605 16 PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 0155 TREE FELLING ALLE VERVOER!!! • HUISEIENAARS • BOUKONTRAK TEURS + SKOLE • KOMPLEKSE AD-HOC 24 HRS AANDAG !! BOERSEUN 083-300-2892 Loodgietersprobleme. Geysers, riole, gebarste pype. 086-188-6644 AM016460 Versekering alle Bome ALTERATIONS & / Palm / doringboom BATHROOM spesialis. Toesig RENOVATIONS Andre ROMMEL!!! TUINAFVAL!!! BOOMSLOPINGS!!! TUINDIENSTE!!! HUYNDAI VANAF R180 PER VRAG AB013954 AANDAG 911 BOME AFSNY SNOEI UITGROU Hannes 082-575-8674 AB013955 AANDAG ALLE BOOMSLOPING 10% MINDER GEWAARBORG CAREL 082-443-0088 • 3 Ton R280 • 4 TON - R290 • 5 TON - R390 • 6 TON - R420 • 8 - 12 TON TIPPERS R750 R890 AB013448 TREKKEMEUBELS NL BOOMSLOPINGS Sny van groot en klein bome. Snoei van hoë Coco palms R250. -100% verseker. - Skakel Jaco 072- 129- 5047. 24/7 HUYNDAI R400 • 4 TON R650 • 6 TON R700 • 8 - 12 TON OOK BESKIKBAAR VP016222 0163 PLUMBERS Blocked drains + toilets. Valves, geysers & burst pipes. SPEEDY PLUMBING 24/7 HEIN 074-1659138 AM016462 GJ VAN LIS PLUMBER Personalised service / Persoonlike diens. Gustaaf 072-222-7233 35+ yrs` exp. 012-547-0901 1ST TEK LOODGIETERS • Winter special!!! 24 UUR. Verstopte riole, geysers, toilette. 072 603 5870 082 381 0264 Whatsapp ook 012 527 0090 012-546-9188 082-662-4103 PLUMB CALL PLUMBERS 24/7 For all your plumbing problems PTA NORTH 012 5460 721 062 8551 488 PTA NOORD ADVERTISE PLUMBING IN • Block drains From R295 • Leaks + Toilets + Taps. • Geysers. No Call Out Fees 079-342-9817 082-053-1445 T: 012 842 0300 F: 086 540 9916 AB013930 AM016470 SINOVILLE LOODGIETERS 1ST ATOMIC LOODGIETERS WAAROM MEER BETAAL? waarommeerbetaal @gmail.com •24/7 Rioole •Geysers • Waterlekke • Toilete krane • No Call out Fee. 079-342-9817 / 082-053-1445 TI008602 BOFFINS PLUMBERS AB013987 BETTER DEAL TRANSPORT Blocked drains - R390. Burst geysers & pipes & all plumbing work. Christo 076-185-2690 AM016463 VP016309 0172 POOLS SUNDAY MARKET? ADVERTISE! T: 012 842 0300 0238 KIDS ENTERTAINMENT AM016472 SPAAR WATER Onder water swembad herstel. Asook algemene herstel. Kontak Lourens 073-190-8581 AM016403 VP016261 AM016531 24/SEVEN REPAIRS SEA SPIRIT POOLS Since 2006. All new pools, free quotations. Repairs to marbelite and fibreglass pools, heat pumps, sun panels and salt water chlorinators. All work guaranteed! Wim 082-887-3520 AM016474 0181 REPAIRS Fridges, stoves, m/wave, Drier, d/washer, w/machine, geyser, drain, aircons, electrical faults, plumbing. pensioner discount. Regassing from R350.00 nbe> GUARANTEED ELIAS ABILITY 081-744-3101 VP016262 0182 APPLIANCE REPAIRS A&A APPLIANCE REPAIR A&G APPLIANCE ALLE Herstelwerk BY U HUIS Ys-/Vrieskas, stowe, oonde was/skottelg masj, t/droër. GERRIT 082-824-2070 AB013918 A&L ELEKTRIESE DIENS ALLE MAKE DIENS & HERSTELWERK 082-927-0782 Hansie by u HUIS. • Ys-/Vrieskaste, tuimeldroërs, stowe, oonde, skottelgoedwas, wasmasjiene. TI008654 ALL GARAGE DOORS/ GATES Automation, electric fence + CCTV. Repairs, maintenance, new installations. SPECIALS!!!!!!!!! JAN 082-711-3080 AM016477 Lek jou swembad? Barracuda werk nie? Alwyn 072 -068 -6200. Alle herstelwerk. Re-marbelite, pomp & filter. Gratis kwotasies ON SPOT REPAIRS Fridges, Geysers, Washing Machines, Microwaves, Stoves, Dishwasher, Airconditioner, Electrical Faults. Regassing from R350.00 Guaranteed & Pensioners, Discount. Works on weekend Contact: Wilson on 083-864-3383 012-753-3665 ALL GARAGE DOORS/GATES Automation, All Maintenance, new Installations, palisades. 072 -870-5722 @ home, Fridges, w/machine, ovens, tumbledryers, speed/q, w /pool,Defy, LG. Samsung etc 082-555-0031 VP016263 ABSOLUTE APPLIANCES Fridges,washers,geysers, stoves, Cold Rooms & air-cons. No Call out if quote accepted. + women & pensioners discount, Re-gassing @ R350.00. call Dylan 078 -692-3491 VP016215 AL`S FRIDGES & AIRCONS Repairs @your premises. Re-gas from R450 Allen 082-754-7734 AM016447 APPLIANCE CLINIC Herstel wasmasjiene, yskaste, tuimeldroers. Spesialiseer in Speed Queen, Whirlpool en Defy. Daan Bekker 082-958-2114/012-565-5968 AB014024 DIENS & HERSTELWERK 4 Way Appliances. Alle w/masjiene, t/droërs, Ys / vriesk, skottelgwas ens. Werk self - By u huis, Persoonlike diens. - 24/7 Lukas 063-532- 1273 0220 COMPUTER REPAIRS / INSTALLATIONS ROAD ACCIDENT FUND CLAIMS PADONGELUKFONDSEISE COMPUMASTER On-site Repair & IT Support Pensioner discounts. 081 309 4243 - Anton AM016482 0236 ENTERTAINMENT KLEIN PIKKEWYN Springkastele, mini-giant. Groot verskeidenheid. Annetjie 012-542-1549 / 082-965-5646 PHONE: ADELE 083 233 9454 VP016265 0238 KIDS ENTERTAINMENT Hannelize 082-920-2781 012 566 3313 www.jumping funkykidz.co.za AM016478 R120pm. Deodette 083-337- 0793 KIA vanaf R190 0268 PEST CONTROL TI008621 Has your telephone stopped ringing? TI008604 TIME TO ADVERTISE! HOENDERMIS TE KOOP By u huis, vir u gerief 082-744-5715 VP016333 0318 CARPETS / FURNITURE / APPLIANCES AANKOOP / BUYERS Meubels/Furniture. Yskaste /Freezers. 082-565-7892 / 012- 753-7454 VP016274 AANKOOP ALLES VIR KONTANT Pre-Construction / Soil huishoudelike treatment / Termites / toestelle. Johann 084-362-1662 General pest control AM016486 PRES LES 082-552-6846 012-329-9899 083-227-8163 Duvet, curtains, house hold items cash 5% discount or 10% dep 6/18 months to pay. 012- 331-3626 AM016485 VP015983 T: 012 842 0321 0288 REMOVALS & STORAGE ARE YOU MOVING?? 0260 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Gauteng`s favourite Local Movers. 4 Ton Truck, driver & 2 Loaders R1800. 8 Ton truck, driver 4 loaders R3200. Closed trucks. Mon-Sun www.justtrucking.co.za Call 076-418-6244 SEPTEMBER SPECIAL VP016281 MAMA’S VALET STOORKAMERS Te huur te Onderstepoort. 3x6m. R570 per maand. 082-446-8683 / 082-824-2070 R350 AB013919 0294 TRANSPORT We also do chassis, engine, headlights, polish, chip repairs and many more. BRAAI DAY 24 SEPT SURPRISE DRAWS! 0400 PROPERTY TO LET 0407 ACCOMMODATION TO SHARE / ROOMS TO LET ANNLIN Kamer te huur vir enkel lopende dame met badkamer en kombuis. Water en ligte ingesluit. R2000pm + deposito. Skakel: 012-567-2720 083-376-1676 VP016308 ABERT VERVOER Kort en lang afstand. Oop en toe voertuie beskikbaar vanaf R900 per vrag. Skalel Abert op 062 520 1043 VIR `N GRATIS KWOTASIE Call: 083 769 0755 Open Mon - Fri 07:00 - 17:00 Montana Carwash, cnr Sefako Makgatho & Dr Swanepoel St, Montana TI008633 ABT VERVOER Meubelvervoer met toe- & oop trokke vanaf R950 per vrag. Vir gratis kwotasie Kontak gerus vir Tinus 084-588- 9053 tinus661103@gmail.com 0200 SERVICES 0266 LEGAL ADVICE AB013960 BEL KASSIE VIR MOSTERT PROKUREURS 076-856-3025 AM016484 R25 per sak. Afgelewer (min 10) sakke. 012-808- 5093 /4 TI008578 ALL AREAS PEST CONTROL Meubels, yskaste, alle 0252 HOME INDUSTRY / DRESSMAKING AM016405 4 Ton R290 5 Ton R390 Maxi loads ook beskikbaar. EXTRA LESSONS @ HOME, all grades / subjects. tutor@axxess.co.za / 082-341-4759 / 0800864-486 0300 FOR SALE TI008625 AM016479 HERSTEL WASMASJIENE STOWE AEROBIESE KLASSE TUIMELDROËRS Maan, Dins, Dond. YSKASTE 17:45-18:45. NG Kerk 060-500-5964 saal. Magalieskruin. VP016273 0296 TUITION / EDUCATION ___________ Medical Negligence Claims Mistreated by hospital / doctor with serious consequences? MONICA 072 262 3391 FUNKY KIDZ SPRING KASTELE AM016476 0204 BEAUTY & HEALTH Involved in vehicle accident? Sustained serious injuries? Death of breadwinner? To claim RAF: TRUCK RENTALS 8ton truck rentals, with driver. Sand & Stone. 6m3 & 10m3 . Shaun 083 646 7082 MUSIEK KLASSE AM016517 31 079 - 497 4180 071 -682 - 5201 Meubels, Tuindienste gratis kwotasie Ons is die goedkoopste in Pretoria Vir persoonlike diens. Onderhouds en konstruksiewerk. Sedert 1981. Tjaart: 083-376-1676 012-567-2720 EENSTOP SWEMBAD HERSTEL FLINK DIENS IN ROMMEL + TUINVULLIS JUST POOL & THATCH (PTY) LTD New pools, Fibreglass & Marbelite. All repairs & renovations. Pumps, motors, filters, etc. Koi Ponds. New Jacuzzi`s and repairs. 072-660-6318 071-253- 8535 AB013958 TI008613 • 15 WENSPANNE www.rekordnorth.co.za Meubelvervoer. Bokse te koop 012-524-3111 082-454- 8159 086-111-1129 AB013963 MASTERING/REMASTERING • RECORDING AND PRODUCTION AM015450 VOICE-OVER AND FINAL MIX • AUDIO RESTORATION DIGITAL EDITING • ARRANGEMENT • COMPING KOMPOS!! COMPOST!! NOISE REDUCTION • TIME EDITING • PITCH EDITING JUST NATURE ORGANICS • EQUIPMENT ADVICE • STAGE AND EVENTS AT ONDERSTEPOORT PRETORIA NORTH COLLECT OR DELIVERED AUDIO/MUSIC TRAINING • AUDIO RECORDING AB014017 BAGS / SAKKE & Mini & Maxi loads Kraalmis / Lawn Dressing Potting soil / Cycad mix / Other 012 520 5003 071 315 3519/20 RAILWAY SLEEPERS From R50. TRAINING TECHNIQUES NG Kerk Wonderpark, Berglaan, Amandasig Leroux Missie Saterdag 10 September: 09:00 Kaartjies: R60 p/p R80 week van fees Babakompetisie inskrywing ingesluit. 083 720 4371 +27 12 771 8544 • +27 12 755 1040 *Wegneemetes, veilige parkering, buitelugvertoning en kunsmark* TI008617 815 Waterbok Street, Hestea Park, Pretoria North VP015664 012-664-5808/ 7103 (w) 076-142-1249 Kontak ons: 060 961 8792 / 082 056 5787 / 012 549 1340 AM016505 missie@nsmexcel.com PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za DOORNPOORT BACHELORS R4000pm 083-293-9189 083-310-0478 VP016120 PRETORIA NOORD WARNING!! Readers are warned about a possible illegal scam involving the rental of properties in the Tshwane area. You are urged to assure yourself of the legitimacy of deals involving property rentals and of bank accounts before making deposit payments. 0442 GARDEN FLATS / COTTAGES ANNLIN Slegs vir EEN persoon. VOL GEMEUBILEERD. Kluis, tuin + braai, o/d, w/ l, 1x pw diens. 1 Okt. R3400pm. 072-799-1977 AM016537 DORANDIA PTA-NORTH Furnish room + own full equip, kitch+ bathr. incl. w+l + TV +DSTV dish only, own gat to carport + garden single person R3010pm + Dep R3010, Avail 1 Sep CATHY 082 575 8869 012 543 0054 KARENPARK R3 400 - Bachelor flat. Lounge/bedr, o/p kitchen, 1 bathr, 1 carport. No pets. In complex. Near Wonderpark Mall. Avail: imm. PRETORIA NORTH R4 950 - Flat. 2 bedr, 1 bathr, kitchen, carport. No pets. 1st floor flat in complex. Near Northpark Mall. Avail: imm. THERESAPARK R11 000 - House. 3 bedr, 2 bathr, diningr, lounge, familyr, 2 garages, 3 carports, wendy, pool, neat garden, alarm, fence, prepaid. Avail: Imm. PRETORIA NORTH R5 500 - Flat. 2 bedr, lounge/dining, 1 bathr with shower extra, kitchen, 1 caport, private flat with usage of swimming pool, very modern and spacious. No pets, no fencing - open yard but private. Avail: Imm. KARENPARK - R6 000 - Flat. 3 bedr, 1½ bathr, lounge/diningr, kitchen, balcony, 1 carport. No pets Flat on 1st floor in complex - prepaid. At Wonderpark Mall. Avail: Imm. HESTEAPARK - R7 700 Flat. 3 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge/dining, kitchen, 1 carport. No pets - 1st floor unit in complex. Avail: Imm. KARENPARK - R6 600 Duplex. 3 bedr, 2 bathr (en-suite), lounge/dining, kitchen, 1 garage, fencing + own yard. Prepaid. complex by the Wonderpark Mall. Avail: 1 Oct 2016. THERESAPARK - R9 350 - House. 3 bedr, 2 bathr - en-suite, lounge, kitchen, separate scullery and laundry, pantry, 2 garages. pool, lapa with braai and TVr, fence + security. Avail: Imm. AM016488 0470 RETIREMENT VILLAGES NELI-ROSE 012-546-6051 Bed beskikbaar Deelkamer 072-509-1072 TI008647 012-800- 1108 084- 587- 3631 AB013904 MAGALIES KRUIN Eenman T/Woonstel enkellopende werkende persoon. Geen Diere of Kinders. R2500pm W & L ingslt. Dep rbs>R1500. Beskik 1/10/2016. Tilla 084 800 9962 VP016322 PTA NOORD 082-676-3531 AM016551 TO LET IN THERESA PARK 1 Bedroom units for rent R3300 per month 2 Bedroom units for rent R4300 per month Do not miss out and call now for a viewing. Kallie 084 508 6557 kallie@ csirentals.co.za Section Retirement Villages TO LET RETIRE NOW IN MONTANA AREA TO LET @ BOUGAINVILLEA OR TWEE RIVIERE RETIREMENT VILLAGE 50 years and older welcome 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments available R5400 ` R6300 3 Bedroom Freestanding houses from R8000 •24 Hour security •Dining Hall with daily meals •Hair salon •24 Hour Frail care •Garden services •Prepaid electricity •Water included in rent. Andre 082 494 9568 andre@ csirentals.co.za Kallie 084 508 6557 kallie@ csirentals.co.za TI008646 ADVERTISE IN T: 012 842 0300 F: 086 540 9916 ACCOMMO DATION TO LET KAREN PARK Ons benodig verskeie kantoorpersoneel vir plasings binne 48 uur. 2 & 3 Bed Cluster Houses. Prepaid Electricity. Rental from R5350.00 Ouderdom 18 - 35. Call: 083-564-5396 VP016278 Ons verskaf opleiding. 0500 PROPERTY FOR SALE Skakel, sms, whatsapp 072 235 8046 of stuur ‘n epos na placings123@ gmail.com 0563 RETIREMENT VILLAGES BERGHANG AFTREE OORD 2 slk, 1 garage. R660 000. Suzette 082-742-4169 AM016539 0600 BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 0650 LOANS / INVESTMENTS BRIDGING CASH While waiting for PENSION/PACKAGE payout lumpsum only 012-323-4641 072-831-1028 AB013969 0700 VEHICLES KARAVAAN BENODIG In enige toestand, met of sonder papiere, tussen R10 000 - R35 000 kontant David 079-611-7708 0891 SERVICES FOR DOMESTIC SOPHIE 072-777-8282 Seek full time job Mon-Fri. Sleep in/out. Ref avail. Cleaning, ironing, washing. Loyal, hardworking. AM016561 DEVINE SOPHIE Seeking PC Job, Tuesday and Thursday, slp out, ref avail. Washing, ironing and cleaning 072-438-7805 VP016310 0855 SALES / MARKETING Ons diens rekord bestaan al 3 dekades met 9 verskillende besighede en takke oor 4 lande Ons brei uit en benodig • Takbestuurders • Junior bestuurders • Jong mense om opgelei te word as bestuurders • Verkoops en bemarkings bestuurders Ons Bied • R13000- R18000 basies • Maatskappy voordele • Bevorderingsmoontlikhede. AM016497 OORDBESTUUDER VIR ZAMBEZI AFTREE-OORD VP016230 0820 GENERAL 082 670 5957 AANSTELLING VAN BESTUURDERS Suksesvolle maatskappy opsoek na Kandidate om opgelei te word vir bestuurders vir nuwe takke in Pta en omliggende area. Basies R18000+ mpy voordele. T: 012 842 0300 F: 086 540 9916 Word benodig om diensverskaffers, kontrakteurs, personeel en ADVERTISE instandhouding te bestuur. Naskoolse IN opleiding in tegniese aspekte, bestuur van finansies of T: 012 842 0300 maatskaplike werk is F: 086 540 9916 verkieslik. Kennis van Wet op Deeltitels, Wet op Ouer Persone en 0790 is VEHICLES WANTED arbeidswetgewing gewens. Rekenaargelet AANDAG: Kontant in terdheid, goeie menseverhoudings, jou sak vir jou empatie met ouer bakkie of motor - in enige toestand. Ons mense, goeie skriftelike en kom na u. Bel ons heel laaste. Sms/bel/ mondelinge ons by 076-939-7300 kommunikasie, VP016279 vooruitbeplanning en spanwerk is `n AANKOOP vereiste. VAN VOERTUIE Vir posbeskrywing, inligting of stuur TOT EN MET van: R40 000 CV, kontak: Dries 082-953-9293 TI008627 Alta Botha s.alta.botha 0800 @gmail.com voor 30 September VACANCIES 2016. Professionele en sensuele spa in PTA-Oos benodig dames. Opleiding word verskaf. PRECIOUS Seeking Pc Job, Monday and Wednesday, slp out, ref avial. Washing, ironing and cleaning 062- 306-9986 VP016304 AM016498 TI008624 HOë INKOMSTE POTENSIAAL – ONMIDDELIK 0890 EMPLOYMENT Stuur CV na hr@tgnsa.co.za Epos CV na admin@ mgmttraining.co.za (LET WEL: Geen Kansvatters!!) 0784 VEHICLES FOR SALE 0830 MANAGEMENT ADVERTISE IN Have you reached your target market? ADVERTISE! AM016430 Tuin w/stel, enkelpersoon R3 000pm W &L ingesl. R1 000 dep. Geen kinders/diere. Beskik onmid. The man who stops ADVERTISING, to save MONEY, is the man who stops THE CLOCK to save TIME!! 2 Bedroom apartments from only R5200 per month 3 Bedroom apartments from only R6500 per month •24 Hour security •Play and braai area •Pre-paid Electricity •Close to Amenities •Water included in rent. Kallie 084 508 6557 kallie@ csirentals.co.za Andre 082 494 9568 andre@ csirentals.co.za ONMIDDELLIKE KANTOOR PLASINGS!! T: 012 842 0321 DOMESTICS SYLVIA Seeking PC Job, Monday to Friday, slp out, ref avail. Washing, ironing and cleaning 073-736-0491 VP016318 We offer honest domestics. Trained / standard option with a trial period. Housekeeping/cook & bake training avail. 0900 LEGALS AB013970 AM016568 MONTANA R5 500 - Meenthuis. 2 slk, 1 badk, tuin, afdak. Beskikbaar: 1 Okt. DOORNPOORT R3 000 - Tuinwoonstel. 1 slk, afdak. Beskikbaar: 1 Okt. SINOVILLE R6 000 - Dupleks. 2 slk, badk, 1 m/huis, tuin. Beskikbaar: 1 Okt. 0484 TOWNHOUSES /SIMPLEXES /CLUSTERS/DUPLEXES TI008352 Pragtige skoon en veilige 1 slk R2 350pm. 1 slk R2600. Onmid beskik. e> Groot sorg met keuring. Van die skoonste (publieke areas daagliks ontsmet) en veiligste (25 jr geen insidente). Geen kinders of katte en honde. Reg tot toegang voorbehou. Kontak Ria 083-653- 2004 MARINDA 076 287 9578 012 543 0054 SECTION PROPERTY TO LET TO LET IN MONTANA AREA @ 21 ZAMBEZI OR TWEE RIVIERE LIFESTYLE ESTATE 012 404 5006 / 060 870 5270 DOMESTIC SOLUTIONS Placing of domestic workers. We do housekeeping, Cook & Bake training. 012-567-1445 082-823-5045 Pro Domestic AB013971 ATTENTION!! Vacancies available for qualified letting agents in the Pretoria North area. Experience will be an advantage. Send CV to: media@aidapta.co.za or fax to: 012 348 9279 MAIDS by SUZETTE Goeie bekostigbare bediendes, nannys en tuinwerkers. Ons doen alle admin namens u. Suzette 082-750-0691 AM016504 “The more AM016519 0449 HOUSES INFORMATIVE your advertising, the more PERSUASIVE 0950 LEGAL NOTICES DEMOLITION NOTICE Notice of demolition: The owner of the property situated on portion 17 of the farm Wonderboom 302JR, (City of Tshwane), plans to demolish the existing structures. Any interested or affected party who wishes to comment on this are invited to do so in writing to Mr Lulama Jezi, 1090 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083 or E-mail: lulamaj@ tshwane.gov.za or Tel: (012) 358 6269. The closing date for comments is 3 October 2016. AB014028 it will be.” CALL US NOW! HUIDIGE OMSTANDIGHEDE, WERK OF INKOMSTE ONBEVREDIGEND? T: 012 842 0321 F: 086 540 9916 Ons sal jou help om ‘n professionele loopbaan as eiendomsagent te ontwikkel en jou toerus om ‘n bogemiddelde kommissiegebaseerde inkomste te verdien. Vereistes: 1. 10 jaar naskoolse ervaring 2. Eie motor en selfoon 3. Selfgedissiplineerd en selfgemotiveerd AM016493 0428 FLATS 17 Stuur jou CV na annette@aidasa.co.za (Applikante wat CV-keuring slaag sal gekontak word.) EIENDOMSAGENTE Benodig. Montana omgewing. Epos CV na: bentleys910 @gmail.com AM016560 McCARTHY VW SALES POSITIONS AVAILABLE 2 yrs experience in vehicle sales. Matric Drivers license Negotiation skills Presentable Team player Target driven Mail copy of CV to: NadineT@ mcmotor.co.za SonjaS@ mcmotor.co.za AM016563 5 REPS R12 500 BASIES + WINSDELING+ MPY VOORDELE Ons is opsoek na Afrikaanssprekende verteenwoordigers vir die Gauteng area. Epos jou CV aan ons HR om aansoek te doen. info.bdc.pta @gmail.com AM016546 0893 GENERAL EMPLOYMENT WANTED Greaneth 078-968-5243 seeks office work. Administration, Matric certificate. Certificate in Bookkeeping. AB014019 YVONNE 079-297-2088 Seek job as Payroll Administrator, VIP. CV and References available. Hardworking AM016557 0895 DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT WANTED Christina 071-424-0851 seeks piece job. Tuesday & Thursday. Slp out. Ref avail. Cleaning, ironing, washing. AB014021 Emely 076-069-4302 seeks full /piece job. Monday to Friday. Slp out. Ref avail. Cleaning, ironing, washing, childcare. AB014004 EMMAH Seeking PC Job, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Sat, slp out, ref avail. Wash, ironing and clean 072-851-0471 VP016312 Gugu 076-777-8254 seeks full-time work. Monday to Friday. Slp out / in. Ref avail. Cleaning, ironing. washing. AB013984 Joyce 072-779-8517 seeks full-time / piece job. Monday to Friday. Slp out. Ref avail. Cleaning, ironing, washing. AB014045 LINDIWE Seeking PC Job, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, slp out. Ref avail. Washing, ironing and cleaning 073-696-2364 VP016237 Margaret 072-248-5262- seeks full-time work. Monday to Friday. Slp in. Cleaning, ironing, washing. AB014011 MARIA 071-643-9886 Seek piece job for Wednesday. Sleep out. Cleaning, ironing, washing. Hardworking. Loyal. AM016566 Martha 072-283-4666 seeks piece / full-time. Monday to Friday. Slp out. Ref avail. Cleaning, ironing, washing, childcare, cooking AB014006 Have you reached your target market? ADVERTISE! T: 012 842 0321 18 PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za Cancer challenge set to break charity record Koos Venter The 2016 Sanlam Cancer Challenge, South Africa’s biggest charity golf drive for the Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa), is already well on track to shatter its previous moneyraising record. The nationwide competition for club golfers is now into its regional final’s for the victorious men’s and women’s club champions around the country. The winners of the regional finals will then qualify for the national finals to be played on both the Gary Player Country Club and Lost City Golf Club at Sun City from 9 to 12 October. But the tournament has already raised R3 323 259.12 this year thanks to a favourable response from South Africa’s amateur golfers. Last year the Sanlam Cancer Challenge raised R3.4 million, which was the highest since the tournament started in 1993. “We set ourselves the target of R3.5 million this year and we’re delighted to see that we’re well on our way to achieving this, thanks to the generous support of South Africa’s golfers and golf clubs,” said Sanlam sponsorship manager, Gary van Loggerenberg. The standout contributions this year included the R350 000 raised by the Magersfontein Memorial Golf Estate and the 120 golfers who took part in their club competition. The men’s and women’s sections at Fancourt raised R175 000 at their official Sanlam Cancer Challenge golf day, while Steenberg Golf Estate’s women’s section raised R19 000 of their own. Even the smallest golf clubs in the country contributed significantly, such as Koffiefontein Golf Club in the Free State which managed to raise R6 200 among the 32 golfers who took part in their golf day. Interested golfers can visit www.sanlamcancerchallenge.co.za for more information about the challenge. Winners of the regional finals in the Sanlam Cancer Challenge qualify for the national finals to be played on both the Gary Player Country Club and Lost City Golf Club. Photo: Supplied Ramcat Fishing war is back TuksCricket on its way to finals Koos Venter It is that time of the year again when disabled anglers are invited to join in the fun of the Ramcat Fishing competition. Gerrit Smal and fellow-organisers will present this unique fishing competition again on 10 September this year at the Irene Country Lodge in Centurion. This competition gains popularity every year and is the one day of the year when disabled anglers can socialise while they compete to reel in the biggest catch. The competition is especially for people in wheelchairs and other disabilities. However, friends and family are welcome to join in the fun, although they will not be allowed to take part in the competition. Every participant is also entitled to bring a supporter who may help with baiting and other technical assistance. The participants will be treated to delicious breakfast and lunch from the lodge, while a cash bar will be available for everybody. No loud music will be allowed. “Everyone must bring their own rod and tackle. We provide the bait but they will be allowed to bring their own muti to charm the carp,” Smal told Rekord. “There is an entrance fee, but each angler will go home with a special gift,” he concluded. The competitions starts at 06:30 and will continue until after lunch at 14:00. For more information or to enter, phone Smal on 082-337-9064. Assupol TuksCricket is two weeks away weeks putting in a lot of hard work into from competing on the global stage with their preparation to be the best team at hopes of becoming the best university the tournament and to give themselves cricket team in the world again. a chance to become the best university The Red Bull cricket team in the Campus Cricket world again. World Finals will “As a squad The key for us will be be hosted in Sri we are even better Lanka from 5 to prepared for the to understand the condi11 September. world finals than tions in Sri Lanka, which is Red Bull we were for VarsiCampus Cricket, ty Cricket earlier different to our conditions. which started in this year. I believe 2013, is a World we have a very Cup for univerwell-balanced sity teams from eight different countries squad that will be able to dominate this namely South Africa, England, Austrayear’s Red Bull Campus Cricket World lia, UAE, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh Finals. and Sri Lanka. “All the players in the preliminary In 2014, TuksCricket participated in squad have gone the extra mile with the competition for the first time on betheir preparation and training during the half of South Africa when it was hosted pre-season and I believe they will reap in England. the rewards for this,” said coach Van They became world champions after Wyk. beating West Indies in the final. Van Wyk, who has played test cricket Then they successfully defended their for New Zealand in Sri Lanka, believes title in 2015, when they beat England in the team has done sufficient preparation the final when the tournament took place for the conditions. in Dehradun, India. “The key for us will be to understand This year, Assupol TuksCricket will the conditions in Sri Lanka, which is be representing South Africa for the different to our conditions at home and third year running after winning the for the players to understand their roles annual in these conditions,” he said. Varsity Cricket competition in PotchefThe group draw and opening function stroom in January to qualify for the will be hosted on Sunday 4 September competition. and the group stages will be played from In the capable hands of Assupol Tuks- 5 to 7 September in Colombo. Cricket head coach, Kruger van Wyk, The semi-finals and final will take and assistant coach, Chris van Noordplace in Galle on Saturday 10 September wyk, the squad has spent the last six and Sunday 11 September respectively. ‘‘ Participants in last year’s disabled fishing competition Irene boasts one of their catches. Chief organiser Gerrit Smal (back) with two participants at last year’s Ramcat disabled fishing competition in Irene. The TuksCricket team will be led once again by Murray Coetzee at The Red Bull Campus Cricket World Finals. Photo: Supplied PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za 19 • SPAR Women’s Challenge is here •SPORTS 0OMJOF Koos Venter The time has arrived for the Pretoria leg of the 2016 SPAR Women’s Challenge which takes place at SuperSport Park Stadium in Centurion on 3 September. Entries for both the 5km and 10km race are still available at SuperSport Park every day until Friday, 2 September from 10:00 to 18:00 – entries are limited, so get there quickly. In the week ahead, SuperSport Park will be a hive of activity in preparation for the arrival of the 25 000 participants and for vendors, volunteers, staff, entertainment, print and broadcast media and thousands of spectators. All of the SPAR Grand Prix series top runners will be there to duke it out for first place and the opportunity to move up the ranks in the Grand Prix leader board. With the stakes higher than ever this year the Grand Prix’s 10th anniversary is celebrated. Rutendo Nyahora, last year’s Pretoria race winner, will be defending her title against the rest of the top runners. Every person who crosses the finish line will receive a medal as a souvenir of their achievement in finishing the race – courtesy of SPAR and the race sponsors. All the women taking part could also look forward to receiving one of the legendary SPAR goodie bags. This year’s bags will definitely be a treat, having been packed with more goodies than ever. Following the race there will also be great live entertainment on the day including the likes of George Longane and Brendan Peyper along with loads of shopping opportunities. The popular lucky draw will see entrants Photo: Faf du Plessis SuperSport Park test cricket in Centurion Follow the progress of the Proteas against the Black Caps from New Zealand on our website. Photo: PHL Hockey A new era is on the cards for SA hockey South Africa’s first ever Premier Hockey League (PHL) is starting this week in Randburg. All runners who cross the finish line in the SPAR Women’s Challenge will receive a medal as a souvenir of their achievement. Photo: Reg Caldecott walking away with amazing prizes. So remember to put your lucky draw ticket into the box when you arrive at the stadium. Families, corporate groups and friends are encouraged to come and enjoy the day. Bring a picnic basket and make the most of this great event. Race organisers are advising people to arrive early on the day in order to avoid traffic and to find a parking space. Make sure you familiarise yourself with the rules regarding braai’s and own food and drink. These can be found on the www.sparladiespta.co.za website. Keep up to date with the latest race news and information, like and follow the SPAR Women’s Challenge Pretoria Facebook page. Titans surprise cricket world with Boucher Photo: Ruan Combrinck Springbok wing Ruan Combrinck ruled out Springbok wing Ruan Combrinck was ruled out of action for up to six week after he fractured his leg. ! He was in the South African changing room for 14 years, representing the Proteas in 147 Tests and 295 One-Day Internationals (ODIs). Now Mark Boucher has been appointed as coach of the Multiply Titans, winner of all three domestic titles the past two seasons. He will replace the successful Rob Walter, who recently left the Titans to join the Otago Volts as head coach. To read the full story visit www.rekordnorth.co.za ‘‘ We are privileged to gain the experience and the astute leadership and knowledge of one of the legends of South Africa as our senior coach. Boucher’s Test career was terminated by default rather than by design as he was hit in the eye by a bail in a warm-up game on the tour to England in 2012. As a wicketkeeper he finished with a world-class record of 532 catches and 23 stumpings and established a career as one of the finest glove-men in the recent history of the game. Boucher was orthodox as a batsman, and could hold his own against any fast-bowling attack, striking 5 515 test runs at an average of 30.30. He was a free-flowing batsman who could play shots all around the park, and he didn’t mind the hostile chin music. In fact, he would regularly hook or pull dismissively for four. In ODIs, Boucher was superb down the lower order, striking 4 686 runs at an average of 28.57, with one century and 26 half-centuries. Boucher finished with 998 international dismissals as a wicketkeeper. As a young player at Selborne College, he represented South Africa in junior squash. Boucher lost the lens, the iris and the pupil of his left eye in that freak accident that terminated his cricketing career in 2012. “I am stoked by the opportunity to get Mark Boucher has big shoes to fill as new coach of the Titans. 9016 back into domestic cricket. Upon my retirement, I realised I would not be able to play the game any longer, but to be involved in the capacity as coach of a domestic power house like the Multiply Titans is thrilling,” said Boucher. “I would like to fully utilise the opportunity to develop the skills of the Titans squad even more. Rob has left behind an enormous legacy, and it will be big boots to fill. “But my challenge is to leave my own footprint and to make a seamless transition in association with a mature and enormously determined group of stars,” he added. “We are privileged to gain the experience and the astute leadership and knowledge of one of the legends of South Africa as our senior coach,” said Jacques Faul, chief executive of the Multiply Titans. “We believe it is the perfect fit. We naturally play an explosive brand of cricket. Boucher never shirked his responsibilities in the eye of the storm. “He believed that the best form of defence was to attack. And he did so on countless occasions when the circumstances demanded defiance,” said Faul. Your Safety. Our Passion. 012 567 1653/1 www.wcarservice.co.za Parts & Labour included info@wcarservice.co.za www.wcarservice.co.za FORD RANGER SPECIAL 2011 onwards FORD RANGER 2.2D / 3.2D (T6) OIL SERVICE k wor We any on e of k ma hicle ve R1 099 FROM MAJOR SERVICE FROM R1 899 9095 c/o Braam Pretorius & Kaneelbas BEHIND WONGAR PETROL STATION 20 PRETORIA NORTH REKORD FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 www.rekordnorth.co.za REKORD I N S I D E SPAR Women’s Challenge is SPORT Tuks hpc now prepares for 2020 The 2016 Olympic Games is something of the past and the coaches are already planning for the 2020 Games in Tokyo. “Nowadays in sport there is no time to rest on one’s laurels. A look at some of the winning margins in Rio shows how important it is to study the results and continue to work on ways to improve, said Wayne Coldman, a conditioning coach at the high performance centre (hpc). “For example, Luvo Manyonga missed out on winning the gold medal in the long jump by one centimetre. If Akani Simbine ran 0.03 seconds faster he would have won the bronze medal in the 100 metres, and 0.05s faster would have meant a silver medal. ”We are not talking about massive margins, which proves that the secret to success is to be as accurate as possible throughout the four-year Olympic cycle. We can always look back at what we did to prepare the athletes for Rio, but the problem is we will never know whether we could have done something better, because we will never know what would have happened if we had tried something different,” Coldman explained. Simbine and Manyonga are two of the athletes Coldman helped to prepare for the Games. Referring to what might change from now until Tokyo, Coldman said that Manyonga was still relatively new in the hpc training environment. “We have only been working with him for about six months. It was actually quite challenging to work with Luvo because he only started to train again at the end of last year. So we kept things fairly simple. We basically just tried to keep him injury-free so that Neil Cornelius, his coach, could work on his long jump technique. “We know what works for Luvo at the moment, but we are always looking for ways to adapt. Obviously we will have to see if what we have done so far will still work for him next year. To be honest, I expect that we will keep the core of the programme that worked well but be as experimental and creative as we can with the other 20-30% of the programme. “The main thing about Akani is his willingness. He has a real desire to learn and that is why he has improved so much over the last two years. Akani does not just come in and do the work, he also learns about what he is doing, why it is making him better. He always wants to know if there is stuff that can make him better. Olympic silver medallist, Luvo Manyonga is back in the gym after his success in Rio. With him is Wayne Coldman, a conditioning coach at the high performance centre. Photo: Reg Caldecott SHOWER SUITE Only R3 895 SALE BATH SUITE Only R1 995 Die stoeilegende, Calie Reitz, is die afgelope naweek oorlede. Foto: Reitz Stoeiklub Groot stoeigees groet Elements Close Couple Toilet t4FBU .FDIBOJTN *ODMVEFE Courier Basin & Pedestal t8IJUF Roma Bath tNN t8IJUF TAP SET Piro Wall Hung Unit & Basin t#MBDL8PPE (SBJO Only #BTJO .JYFS R695 4IPXFS"SN3PTF Savio -BNJOBUF'MPPSJOH #BUI 4IPXFS.JYFS New York Grey rey re ey y t'MPPS5JMF tYNN N BB 4338 POLOKWANE OBSERVER 20x5 Sept’16 Een van Pretoria se grootste geeste in die stoeigemeenskap, Oom Calie Reitz, is die afgelope naweek oorlede. Hy was 88 jaar oud. Carel Godfried Reitz is op 29 Desember 1927 in Pretoria gebore. Hy het sy stoeiloopbaan in 1936 by die Capital Parkstoeiklub begin, wat later verander is na die Reitzstoeiklub. Calie en sy ewe bekende broer, wyle oom Kosie Reitz, het saam met hul pa, Johnnie, die bekende onderneming JC Reitz en Seuns bedryf. Johnnie Reitz was ’n bekende stoei-administrateur en stigter van die Reitzstoeiklub. Na Johnnie se dood het die twee broers die onderneming saam bedryf en ook die stoeiklub bestuur. As stoeier is Oom Calie tussen 1945 en 1953 jaarliks as Suid-Afrika se middelgewig-kampioen gekroon. In 1948 verteenwoordig hy Suid-Afrika by die Olimpiese Spele, waar hy net-net die bronsmedalje misloop toe hy vierde eindig. Dit is die beste wat ’n Suid-Afrikaanse stoeier ooit by die Spele gevaar het. In 1952, verdien Oom Calie ’n bronsmedalje by die destydse Empire Games in Auckland, Nieu-Seeland, later die Statebondspele. By die Olimpiese Spele van 1952 eindig hy sewende in die middelgewig-afdeling. As skeidsregter blink Oom Calie ook vir jare uit in die kleure van Noord-Transvaal en SA. Hy was tot met sy dood ’n lid van die SA Stoeivereniging, terwyl hy ook die beskermheer van NoordGauteng-stoei was. Astina Close Couple Toilet t4FBU .FDIBOJTN *ODMVEFE Cement Ceme Ce C eme White Solar t' tt'MPPS5JMF t'MPPS5JMF tYNN ttYNN R109m2 BB 4600 Pta Recrds Capital Media 20x5col SEPT’16 R79m2 R129m2 R129m2 R1 8FCTUPSFXXXCBUISPPNDP[B &0&t5FSNT$POEJUJPOT"QQMZ 8726 Koos Venter Pivot Shower Door t*ODMVEFT 4JEF1BOFM t.BUUF4JMWFS 'JOJTI