Document 6498330
Document 6498330
THE WESfFffiLD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE,5 Eighteen "Another byproduct of investigation THE WESTFIELD LEADER of wasteful procurement: A manufacEn»«irea at the Pott Office Rl Westfleld, N. J , * • Second Clasi Matter. Publish** Thursdays at W«,tll(H New Jsrter,. by Tin WeetffcJd leader Printing and Publishing Company. An Independent Newspaper. Offlclal Paper Tor the Town of Westileld and Bnroufth of Mountainside. Subscript loft rates l-.&o a year In advance. Established 1190. Office: 50 Elm Street, Westfield, N. 4. Tel. WE. 2-4*07 — WE. 2-MCS Member Quality WeeUUea o{ New J«rser New Jersey Press Association National Editorial Association NATIONAL fOITORIAl THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1952 Happy Birthday! One Vote Is Important How to Be Safe in the Water Stii tor. i>aotr: CsftgiatulKtions are in" order turer produced 2,5.00 gears for ?2.90, selling them at a modest profit. The buyer sold them to another contractor ySr for $12.3{), who, in turn, resold them to ittd." Bf their forced at Town Council A third middleman for $14. When the i»ve *eiert the nraoosal for es Armed Forces finally bought them, the/ —meaning the taxpayer—paid $17.20 Likes Editorial for the same 2,500 gears." Editor, Leader: 1 want to thank you for the leading editorial in the Westfield Leader of May 22. My thanks are given to you as a merchant on the easterly end of Broad street, and as a resident. ESTHER NICHOLLS -' The Town Book Store 256 East Broad Street "Our forefathers fought for the right to vote—but do we care much for that right today?" wrote Hugh Forster, chairman, Civic Committee, Lancaster, Pa. "Apparently we"don't!" Mr. Forster then cited some facts Girl Scouts.Thanked which should make America ashamed of Leader; ' itself. In a recent election, »0 per cent of Editor, The officers of the Needlework Belgium's eligible voters went to the Guild of America wish publicly to polls. Almost as many eligible Italian express their deep appreciation to Girl Scout troops who have voters cast ballots in the election that those worked to help the Navaho Inrebuffed Communism, and 82 per cent dians, who are desperately in need. voted in the last British election. Other Troop 45 has, for the second year, nations have comparable records. But made 12 baby wrappers and 12 sacques; Troop 50 has made only 51 per cent of eligible Americans baby 12 baby wrappers. This beautiful voted in the Presidential election of 1948. work would put many older scamto shame. It's an easy alibi to say that just one stresses . MRS. W. N. PIERCE, vote doesn't matter, so why take the Director of the Junior Needlework Guild trouble to visit the polls. The fact is that one vote can be overwhelmingly important. Mr. Forster described cases where Thtmk West fielders a very small number of votes made hisLeader: tory. As an example, in 1884 James Editor, The Clark-Hyslip Post, Veterans Blaine lost New York State by much less of Foreign Wars of the V, S. A. than one vote per precinct. Had he car- and its' auxiliary desire to express most' sincere and fcrateful ried New York he'would have defeated their thanks to the people of Westfleld Cleveland and become President., for their co-operation in making sale during the past Such exceptional cases to one side, ouv poppy successful. every American freedom rides-solidly on week soA, E. WJSMAN, the right of franchise. The Becret ballot Chairman, Clark-HyBlip Post, VFW is the greatest defense against tyranny MRS. M. E. WISMAfJ, ever devised in the tangled history of ChaiiUdy, Clark-Hyslip mankind. No one who fails to vote can Post Auxiliary call himself a good citizen. He is, instead, a shirker of the worst possible kind. Thank You! ; mCA RutesforWattrSaftty KKS£.J rwMU&frtR", tUPPOKTI t our or vc*y HOUGH CHURNING WATt 10 YOU ARK UNUSUALLY scNVtrtvm Q CLO, AVOID VtrnVCOLP WATS* . OR TOO LOHO SWIMMING. No one looks forward very much to the prospect of moving an entire household from one plnce to another. And the outlook is even more grim when the move entails leaving one town and establishing oneself in tin entirely new community. We see ourselves almost as gtrunuers in a foreign country. Recognizing this problem as one which £xnK/tr,*rfA must confront nearly all newcomers to Westfield, two local women, Mrs. Frank GOING StHto N. Dodd and Mrs. R, S. Hoffman evolved the idea in April, 1944, of forming a club for new residents only. This'week the Newcomers Club of Westfield is celebratOur Shipping Clerk, ing its eighth birthday, and its growth OLD BILL LADING over the years more than proves that its Says...... founders were not wrong in their concept of what would fill the needs of new residents. Through the club, newcomers OLD BILL LADING SAYS:— Every four years, for the past have a chance to air their, problems with 19, the Republican pi'.rty has been others in the same situation. They bea bridesmaid, but never the bride. come familiar with the community and A few months ago, the chances looked very bright that at last she at the same time are realty & part of it. would enjoy a honeymoon in the They are not on the outside looking in. rebuilt White. Hou«s. But aftev From the original 31 memberst the the recent doings down In Texas, Editor, Leader: MAKE "YES" YOUR ANSWER folks are beginning to ask if this club now has grown to a membership of We wish to take thia opportunIf you listen to radio or watch ity to thank you for the fine pub- television, you have probably often yaar's convention is going to be a 325. Each year that passes finds addi- The Low Down From Hickory Grove repeat performance of the 1912 which you have given our ortional innovations. Members are now To the younger citizens of this land I \ licity questions on " Q u i z fiasco. This is just one man's opinganization in your paper during answered 1 Shows" which have stumped the ion, but I believe if the GOP gets promoting events in which husbands can give this advice and warning. If these the past year.. We believe that participants. Makes you all jammed up in Chicago, and join. The social service committee is co- younger dames and guys, do nothing your kind co-operation in publish- actual after days of fighting, a dark horse our monthly news has been a fee.1 goo^, doesn't it? operating, with other local clubs which about it, they may wake up some morn- ing So this week, here's a quit for is finally nominated and the party definite 'aid to u s in our osteoare seeking assistance from the new ing finding their mothers and fathers pathic Work. you. We hope when you finish it is split, the Democrats will draft the answers will make you feel Truman, arid he will win. With kind regards. residents of the town. Without such an have had their nest eggs swept away, good, too. Can you make it 100 Union County Women'3 organization to aid them, many newcom- and thus, have become a problem and Osteopathic Auxiliary '"'" per cent "Yes?" REMEMBER 1912 ers would never enter into the life of burden for their children. TflARCELLA SANDQUIST I. Have you thrown oat old rub- That an elephant never forgets, Publicity Chairman. the community and the community, likebish such as papers, broken furniU just as old as it can be; ' The thrifty folks who are soon to reture and junk from your attic, But'the one^whb rtiever remembers wise, would lose the many and varied tire and who are hoping to take it easier,: basement, garage* ami yard within Is that pacyilevm, GOP. [friend* Editorials services newcomers can arid do offer. We are the ones now to be ground up by a the last six months? Editor, Leader: congratulate the Newcomers Club on its too big Govt. that is taking a bigger bite 2 Do you keep ashes in covered Wte only started to work iH Our Permit me to again cortRtiMulate ,. eighth anniversary and sincerely hope out of business via bigger taxes, leaving you and your staff on the edi- metal barrels? office this morning. The'first three 3. Are ,youv SvallB, floors and days were spent in conferences that all new residents of the town take thusly less and less for the shareholder torials in your paper. The fol- ceilings protected front overheated around the water-cooler listening • editoriala entitled "The Advantage of their opportunity to join it. who has saved and invested his earnings.. lowing to those bumper-by-bumper deCost of Freedom," "We Weep^- stove pipes or furnaces? 4. Do you keep matches in metal scriptions of the road show, "The Congressman," "In the Big Taxes are now at a point where every Dear containers, away _,ftorn children Rains Came." League," in the May 20 issue, were dollar in taxes piled on the back of busi- indeed •• interesting and to the point. and heat? • ' You know the familiar line's, A farting Ward 5. Do you refuse to smoke in "Cars were blocked for ten m(les! ness means that this same dollar will Please keep up the good work. bed? "For five hours we never moved!" ALFRED J. PLA.TZ "When you've been part of an organ- come out of the shareow/ier's dividend. 6. Are all your electrical cords and they all ended lip with that isation for 34 years and have watched it From no other place can it come. There safe and unfrayed? ' ; tag-line, "Never .again fn^'nfet" 7. Are your electrical fuses of They are BO right. Never again, grow into an integral part of the com-, will be no estate left to pass on from proper size? (usually n o f over until iiext Sunday. ' munity, it's not easy to end the relation- father to son. 15 ampere). » ship without a feeling of remorse or a .The younger folks of the land who NO VACATION PROM 8. Is there a control on your There seems to be no limit; to ACCIDENTS electric iron to prevent overheat- the absurdity of some of these pmngr or two of regret. It's a little easier, how figure that their mother and father, the approach of the suming? . ' . . • • modernistic houses. I,saw a pic, being thrifty, must be sitting pretty, have mer vacation period, parents though, if you know you'll be missed. 9. Have all your .electrical apof one that had an open lireAnd so, on behalf "of the townspeople another think coming. Taint so—but It would do well to ponder some, very pliances been checked recently to ture place in the center of the living w'ao cannot all speak together, we'd like would be like falling Off a log—as easy significant facts supplied by the insure their dafe'operation? loom that looked like it had come Jersey Safety Council. Ac10. Have you an "iititierwrlters'- straight out of the Village Blackto tell Miss Mary Virginia Gale that as that—to correct the situation. Voters New cidents cause more deaths and disaptii-oved" fire extinguisher in your smith. In fact all that was. needwhen she ends her long service at the can don their thinking-caps—they can abling Injuries to children from1 hdute? ed were a few horseshoes beltlg! II. Was it checked less1 Mian 12 toasted, a bellows (the large ecoriWestfield Public Library in September, stay home from an evening or two of fun one to 14 years of age than arty disease or other cause. months ago? omy size), and in one cofrier, Old —arid cpgitate. It is not too late;—also her leave-taking will not be unnoticed. Dr. George M. Wheatley, chairIS. Are there plenty of ash Dobbin. Far from it. Her pleasantness and help- it is not too early. man of the accident prevention trays in the House for you arid .. — o — . committee of the American Acad- youi' smoking guests? fulness have grown as familiar to library lh such a house I Would prefer emy of Pediatrics, after a study Id. Are chimneys in good repair users as the books on the shelves. Her to spend all my tittle with Mr. of reports on injuries and deaths and cleaned at least yearly? fondness for people, together with her Federal Waste-Stopping supplied by the 3000 specialists In 14. Do screens fully cover all LongfelloMt, "Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree." children's diseases who make up great love of books, is not something one of fireplaces? Alfred Steinberg, a widely known the membership of the Academy, openings 15, Has your chimney a spark could easily overlook. And take these sling chairs. free-lance writer for magazines, in a makes the following observations:' brrcsted to protect your roof f Here, take mine. You know what Her friendliness and interest have recent article gives some interesting facts "Accidents cause molt deaths to 10. Do you really know what to they A Hunk of canvas, supgreatly aided the library in its progres- about the Federal waste - stopping children than the next seven lead- db If fire broke out in your house? portedare? by three gem clips, giant ing causes, which include pneu17. D« you know where the near- size. Well, sive growth over the years. When Miss achievements'of Lindsay Warren, comp- monia, sir, I never sit irt one cancer, leukemia, tubercu- est tire alarm box to your home is of these without fearing the canGale joined the staff in 1918, the library troller general in charge of the General losis, heart and kidney diseases, located? vas will rip, aiid down will come owned 10,000 books and that year the Accounting Office in Washington, D. C. and contagious diseases such as 18. Do you know How to turn in Lading, gem clips and all. poliomyelitis. Accidents nlso cause a fire alarm? circulation amounted to 34,178 while the Says Mr. Steinberg, in part: untold suffering through disfigure19. Do you kno^v that if your population of Wesiftetd numbered about Gosh, the prices of summer "Ever since Mr. Warren became comp- ment and mutilation." About 60 answer is "No" to more than two 9,063. Now the library boasts a stock of troller general in 1940 he has been losing per cent of the Qasos reported were of these questions your home has camps this year! They seetn to work albtig the theory, the rougher to poisoning. Burns were the dangerous fire hutanla? 43,100- volumes and a membership of friends in official Waeshingfon. For he due next important cause, represent20. 'Are you going to try to make the layout, the tougher the out12,365. The town's population today is is head of the only government agency ing 30 per cent of the cases. Flam- all the "No" answers "Yes" no as lay. As oiie woman said, "Ac21,335. Both the reading public and Mias that puts an eye on the way the taxpay- mable clothing was the contribu- to protect yourself and your loved cording to the cartip counselor, Junior roust take along a dtMMti of tory factor in half of these burn ones? Gale can indeed be proud of the library's ers' money is used. . . . He has the last cases. everything, including |10u bills." Strangulation or suffocation record. FREDERIC WiALTERS word on what exactly Congress means involving harnesses or' sleeping were injuries and deaths Again, may we extend her towns- in its appropriation acts. Not even the garments ranked high on the list. There due to falls from top-heavy and people's best wishes to Miss Gale and President can overrule hime. . . . badly balanced highchalrt*, to List Safe Beaches wish her every happiness in the world. pointed uprights on children's fur"So far, Warren's largest single recovTRENTON—The state Departniture, to lolly pops with wooden May she spend many leisurely hours en- ery wag $9,972,000 overpttid an aircraft sticks, to car doors that opened ment of Health this Week announcjoying the books she loves and which she manufacturer during World War II. . . . ed New Jersey ocoan beaches froht suddenly, to plastic toys that' broke hrtB taught countless others to appreciate. During his twelve years at the GAO he DID YOU KNOW THAT easily and presented ragged edges, Sea Bright to Beach Haven arc BASEBALL SOOP5 ARE to lead poisoning from paint, to safe for bathing. The department has recovered a tidy $700,000,000 spent COVERED BY OPS CEILINS insecticide (loiooninjf, and to the said Rnritan Bay beaches frotn bars of a child's playpen which Perth Amboy to Reansburg ore by careless or willful officials without PRICES'/ riot safe. caught and held a baby's head, Items Of Cheer Congressional authorization and has disManufacturers are generally We quote some interesting (to op- couraged the illegal spending of billions very eager to co-operate with safety agencies in eliminating from pressed Federnl taxpayers) items from more, Despite this record, Warren is untheir products any features that the "Money Go Round" section of the happily convinced there are billions involve a hasftrd to the health and "Tax Outlook." more he has overlooked. welfare of children. Much progNotary ress Is bolng accomplished in con"Ono thing that really bothers him "Investigators for a U. S. House of sequence of this co-operation. HowRepresentatives sub-committee revealed is hi.4 lack of power to deal with the Public over, to the Individual parent berecently that the Army had on hand a wa.sto the GAO finds within the authorlohgB the responsibility for the exorcise of the enlightened and vlgifew years ago 921,602 front axle housing ized spending programs. 'There itt enough Innt earo which may bo the mcrum gnske'ts for jeeps—although in the peak of it," he growls, 'to make you crossof saving hit) child from sorlou.i yenr of i»Miie between '40 and '40 only eyed and dizzy." All he can do about injury or deiith, 8,840 gaskets were given out. They cal- 'legal waste' in report it to Congress culated that at that rale the supply or to the department head, or try to LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS would last 104.1 years. expose it to pltilosH publicity." ALWAYS BRING RESULTS KYT Just a year ago, at the May membership meeting, the League of Women Voters set upa s <.. local prof raw a study of the town of Westfield. Koughly, the pia£ *»» to begin gathering.mat*iia during the summer of 1951 and to hive the booklet off the p,e 8S bv September, 1»52. At this moment it appear) that the task will be completed according to schedule All the material has been gathered, and some of it is in the nvo. ecu of being edited for final fo n n It i» hoped that the booklet, to be known »s Tkit /» WeatfieM, will be iri press sometime during th.summer. Since this will be the last reuort unitl fall on the progress of the atudy, a recapitulation of some of the thing* that have been leported in the paat eight months is in order, The booklet It estimated to run juat under 100 pages. It will cover such aspect* of the town as government, elections and voting; education; health and recreational facilities; planning; transportation; housing; civil defense and Ore and police protection. The work of gathering the material tiai been done by committees composed of learue members who hive had great 'help . and co-operation from the town authorities, the school administrators, and other interested members of the commember of tUitaH laboratories of tka %J munlty: Development Co, UndenT If there liave been changes in your family... in what you o w n . . . in tax or estate laws, since your Wi Jl was last reviewed, it probably needs .revision.-See your lawyer about bringing it up to date. At the same time^wh^ not ask our Trust Officer to qutlirieUjHie a%antag«s of ndming us as your Executor sfid Tnlstet? QkWESfFlELD TRUST NCW JtlfSttr V—/ ( TNI OtOfIT IANKINO INSTITUTION IN WIW1M GXRVOOD BRANCHES - SCOTCH KAiNS Mtmbtr «f Mtral Dipaiit Iniurinn Carl. Health Hints Mr.MacCeiling says MAKS I V E R f PAYDAY YOUR SAVEOAY! * * v « M l * o f ttv.ry paycheck here at FIRST * M ftiwe ctmeurm whenever you cbn. With ^ ^ •Ha" «M Worthwhile return., your dollars v/ill {raw thort ytftl ImtlfclneL AlM fW ViUr eamplate convenience, we've d by-Moll PtVr, S« you *ee, you ten add to y ctny day, titty (Una, In any weather. H A V I N G $AV«R$ SINCE 19081 HENRY P. TOWNSEND AGENT ALLIED VAN LIJ LOCAL A N D LONG DISTANCE STORAGE WAREHOUSES 241 North Ave. WE. 2-4464 PACKING - CRAtINO -
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