Document 6498438


Document 6498438
Welcome to Costly Follow-Up Mistakes, and
How to Avoid Them
Learn how not to fall into the trap of losing business through lack of follow up.
Thanks for coming, and please ask lots of questions.
Panel Members
Tara Alemany
Tara Alemany is the owner of Aleweb Social Marketing, which helps small to mid-sized business owners to develop and implement social
marketing strategies. Oftentimes, Aleweb is partnering with these businesses at the point where they recognize that traditional marketing
techniques are not as effective as they need to be, and they're looking for other solutions.
Aleweb works with businesses to understand the various tools and techniques at their disposal for maintaining their number one asset, a happy
sustomer. This includes using social media, as well as other altematives, like SendOutCards. The primary goal of this activity is to grow
-'""businesses through customer retention. Statistics show that 68% of a business's existing customers will leave due to "perceived indifference."
As businesses seek to connect with their customers and build lasting relationships, sales flourish from repeat purchases and word-of-mouth
In addition to providing consulting services, Tara is also a speaker, a martial artist, a short-term missionary, and a single mom to 2 kids (one of
each), ages 13 and 10. You can contact Tara at the telephone number above, or via email at:
Susan Merlo
Susan Merlo is the owner of Next Level iMedia, a marketing company that specializes in Internet Media, Web Video Marketing, and Follow-up
Marketing. Next Level iMedia is committed to getting their clients connected, captured, and closed! Prior to starting Next Level iMedia, Susan
created CKH Solutions, a web design firm, and Cristofer's Clean and Healthy, a successful e-commerce business, which she has since closed.
Additionally, Susan has studied the Network Marketing industry for a number of years. She has extensive knowledge, experience, and insight
regarding many companies in the industry, including Market America, Send Out Cards, Isagenix and several others. With her first-hand
knowledge, she enjoys counseling new entrepreneurs in this industry on the choice of companies they get involved with, the do's and don'ts of
the industry, and specifically, what will and will not lead them to Network Marketing success.
You can contact Susan at the telephone number above, or via email at:
Rick Schwartz
.".tter starting his first business in 1972, selling used musical instruments, Rick held a variety of sales and marketing positions with AT&T
throughout the communications revolution of the 80s and 90s. Before leaving the corporate world in 2003, he served as Director of Sales and
Marketing for music publishing giant, The Music Sales Group as well as Sales VP for WeComply, a world leader in e-Iearning.
Through his consultancy, Sales Addiction, Rick pays it forward by sharing his 35+ years of sales and marketing expertise with small businesses
- helping them improve sales results on two fronts.
The first piece is to create solid, simple processes insuring that sales opportunities don't fall into a crack. The second is teaching organic selling
skills. The core of organic selling is to sell your services by embracing your passion and belief that what you offer will truly benefit your clients.
Canned, corny, pushy sales "techniques" are taboo. You can sell your stuff without selling your soul.
Residing in Bethel, CT with his wife, Shereen, and their dogs, Sasha and Smoochie,
Rick is also an active semi-professional
You can contact Rick at the telephone number above, or via email at:
Some Golden Rules of Follow-Up
ALWAYS always always set up a follow up meeting or at least a plan before you leave a meeting with a
prospect or customer.
Approach people from a "How can I serve this person or this person's business" mindset; not a "How can I
get this person's business" mindset. Stay mindful that you are there to solve a problem for the client or
prospect. Identify their problem and why YOU are their solution.
Always bring value, and make THEM feel valuable as well.
Remember, people do business with people - not
Question: When do you stop following up and asking for the business? Answer: When they literally say
"STOP CALLING" or they Slam the Door in Your Face! Remember Pareto's Law (80/20 rule) as it applies to
sales. If you position yourself as a trusted advisor, a valuable source of information, or even a friend, this
should never happen. If it does, they're simply NOT your ideal client.
Don't get hung up on the "No's".
Not everyone is going to like you, and many will NOT be your Ideal Client.
When you have an audience with a prospect or client, gently/subtly
remind them of how you can benefit
them. Remember, people don't like to be sold, but they love to buy.
Some Reasons to Follow Up with Customers and Prospects
To say Thank You (for their time, for a referral, for their purchase, for their attention, for a tidbit
information they may have shared with you, or for whatever you can think of that is logical)
To invite them to a seminar or a webinar they may be interested
To tell them about an article or press release they may interested
in - be mindful of content value
To tell them about a new service you are offering that may benefit them
To ask about a new service they are offering that may benefit you or someone you know - call to learn more,
but be sincere and don't waste their time
To give them a business referral
(good one!)
To offer your help or expertise with no strings attached
To enquire about their business growth (be sincere/logical)
To participate
in a survey you're conducting.
Some Effective
Let them know you value their opinion!
Ways to Follow Up with Customers and Prospects
Get involved in non-business activities that may also interest some of your clients.
share with others, the more you have a reason to speak with them.
Know what's going on currently with your prospects and clients.
they're doing, and respond accordingly.
The more you have to
Use Google Alerts to keep on top of what
Know as much as you can about your client or prospect. If you want to be valuable to them, then know what
IS valuable to them. The better connected you are to what's valuable to them, the better response you will
If sales budget allows, give them a useful gift, fridge magnet, pen, note pads, etc. with THEIR business info
on it, not yours.
Give them an occasional call to ask how everything is going; no pitch.
Send a card or postcard, handwritten
if possible, just to say hi and to show interest.
Send an occasional mass e-mail, typically with a story or press release or invitation
to webinar - something of
Send an occasional mass e-mail giving good content about what you do. Give your best information for free.
Don't worry about giving away too much information.
Keep a mindset that "they can either do it
themselves, or they can ask you to do it." If they want to do it themselves, then they're not your ideal
client anyway, and that's fine.
Use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System - always.
maintain a simple, effective, well-planned follow-up strategy.
Don't rely on your brain.
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